Last days in old europe : trieste ´79, vienna ´85, prague ´89 - richard bassett

Produkt Last days in old europe : trieste ´79, vienna ´85, prague ´89 - richard bassett sme našli 50+x, pokiaľ to nie je to čo hľadáte, skúste frázu Last days in old europe : trieste ´79, vienna ´85, prague ´89 - richard bassett upraviť a produkt hľadať znova.

Last Days in Old Europe : Trieste ´79, Vienna ´85, Prague ´89 - Richard Bassett

Last Days in Old Europe : Trieste ´79, Vienna ´85, Prague ´89 - Richard Bassett

The final decade of the Cold War, through the eyes of a laconic and elegant observer In 1979 Richard Bassett set out on a series of adventures and encounters in central Europe which allowed him to savour the last embers of the cosmopolitan old Hapsburg lands and gave him a ringside seat at the fall of another ancien regime, that of communist rule. From Trieste to Prague and Vienna to Warsaw, fading aristocrats, charming gangsters, fractious diplomats and glamorous informants provided him with an unexpected counterpoint to the austerities of life along the Iron Curtain, first as a professional musician and then as a foreign correspondent. The book shows us familiar events and places from unusual vantage points: dilapidated mansions and boarding-houses, train carriages and cafes, where the game of espionage between east and west is often set. There are unexpected encounters with Shirley Temple, Fitzroy Maclean, Lech Walesa and the last Empress of Austria. Bassett finds himself at the funeral of King Nicola of Montenegro in Cetinje, plays bridge with the last man alive to have been decorated by the Austrian Emperor Franz-Josef and watches the KGB representative in Prague bestowing the last rites on the Soviet empire in Europe. Music and painting, architecture and landscape, food and wine, friendship and history run through the book. The author is lucky, observant and leans romantically towards the values of an older age. He brilliantly conjures the time, the people he meets, and Mitteleuropa in one of the pivotal decades of its history. (

Podobné produkty ako Last Days in Old Europe : Trieste ´79, Vienna ´85, Prague ´89 - Richard Bassett , Janková martina, willi barbara maria: prague-vienna / journey in songs - cd (su4231-2)

Last Days in Old Europe : Trieste ´79, Vienna ´85, Prague ´89 (Defekt) - Richard Bassett

Last Days in Old Europe : Trieste ´79, Vienna ´85, Prague ´89 (Defekt) - Richard Bassett

Selected as a Book of the Year in the TLS and SpectatorIn 1979 Richard Bassett set out on a series of adventures and encounters in central Europe which allowed him to savour the last embers of the cosmopolitan old Hapsburg lands and gave him a ringside seat at the fall of another ancien regime, that of communist rule. From Trieste to Prague and Vienna to Warsaw, fading aristocrats, charming gangsters, fractious diplomats and glamorous informants provided him with an unexpected counterpoint to the austerities of life along the Iron Curtain, first as a professional musician and then as a foreign correspondent.The book shows us familiar events and places from unusual vantage points: dilapidated mansions and boarding-houses, train carriages and cafes, where the game of espionage between east and west is often set. There are unexpected encounters with Shirley Temple, Fitzroy Maclean, Lech Walesa and the last Empress of Austria. Bassett finds himself at the funeral of King Nicola of Montenegro in Cetinje, plays bridge with the last man alive to have been decorated by the Austrian Emperor Franz-Josef and watches the KGB representative in Prague bestowing the last rites on the Soviet empire in Europe.Music and painting, architecture and landscape, food and wine, friendship and history run through the book. The author is lucky, observant and leans romantically towards the values of an older age. He brilliantly conjures the time, the people he meets, and Mitteleuropa in one of the pivotal decades of its history. (

Podobné produkty ako Last Days in Old Europe : Trieste ´79, Vienna ´85, Prague ´89 (Defekt) - Richard Bassett , Czech in 30 days

Last Days in Old Europe : Trieste ´79, Vienna ´85, Prague ´89 (Defekt) - Richard Bassett


The final decade of the Cold War, through the eyes of a laconic and elegant observer In 1979 Richard Bassett set out on a series of adventures and encounters in central Europe which allowed him to savour the last embers of the cosmopolitan old Hapsburg lands and gave him a ringside seat at the fall of another ancien regime, that of communist rule. From Trieste to Prague and Vienna to Warsaw, fading aristocrats, charming gangsters, fractious diplomats and glamorous informants provided him with an unexpected counterpoint to the austerities of life along the Iron Curtain, first as a professional musician and then as a foreign correspondent. The book shows us familiar events and places from unusual vantage points: dilapidated mansions and boarding-houses, train carriages and cafes, where the game of espionage between east and west is often set. There are unexpected encounters with Shirley Temple, Fitzroy Maclean, Lech Walesa and the last Empress of Austria. Bassett finds himself at the funeral of King Nicola of Montenegro in Cetinje, plays bridge with the last man alive to have been decorated by the Austrian Emperor Franz-Josef and watches the KGB representative in Prague bestowing the last rites on the Soviet empire in Europe. Music and painting, architecture and landscape, food and wine, friendship and history run through the book. The author is lucky, observant and leans romantically towards the values of an older age. He brilliantly conjures the time, the people he meets, and Mitteleuropa in one of the pivotal decades of its history. (

Podobné produkty ako Last Days in Old Europe : Trieste ´79, Vienna ´85, Prague ´89 (Defekt) - Richard Bassett , Trieste centrale ()

Last Days in Old Europe - Richard Bassett

Last Days in Old Europe - Richard Bassett

Selected as a Book of the Year in the TLS and SpectatorIn 1979 Richard Bassett set out on a series of adventures and encounters in central Europe which allowed him to savour the last embers of the cosmopolitan old Hapsburg lands and gave him a ringside seat at the fall of another ancien regime, that of communist rule. From Trieste to Prague and Vienna to Warsaw, fading aristocrats, charming gangsters, fractious diplomats and glamorous informants provided him with an unexpected counterpoint to the austerities of life along the Iron Curtain, first as a professional musician and then as a foreign correspondent.The book shows us familiar events and places from unusual vantage points: dilapidated mansions and boarding-houses, train carriages and cafes, where the game of espionage between east and west is often set. There are unexpected encounters with Shirley Temple, Fitzroy Maclean, Lech Walesa and the last Empress of Austria. Bassett finds himself at the funeral of King Nicola of Montenegro in Cetinje, plays bridge with the last man alive to have been decorated by the Austrian Emperor Franz-Josef and watches the KGB representative in Prague bestowing the last rites on the Soviet empire in Europe.Music and painting, architecture and landscape, food and wine, friendship and history run through the book. The author is lucky, observant and leans romantically towards the values of an older age. He brilliantly conjures the time, the people he meets, and Mitteleuropa in one of the pivotal decades of its history. (

Podobné produkty ako Last Days in Old Europe - Richard Bassett , Dio: last in line - lp (0736924)

Šéf Hitlerovy špionáže - Richard Bassett

Šéf Hitlerovy špionáže - Richard Bassett

Admirála Canarise, šéfa německé vojenské špionážní služby, charakterizoval jeho sovětský protějšek jako "nejnebezpečnějšího zpravodajce na světě". Canaris byl loajální vůči starému Německu - dobyvačný a rasistický režim Adolfa Hitlera jej však odpuzoval. Po neúspěšném atentátu na Vůdce v červnu 1944 byl Canaris zatčen a týden před koncem války popraven. Do jaké míry se podílel na přípravách samotného atentátu, zůstává dosud nejasné, tvrdí se však, že koordinoval několik předchozích pokusů o odstranění Hitlera, a že se dokonce snažil s Brity vyjednat obdobu separátního míru. V napínavém a věrohodném líčení spletitého souboje špionážních sítí Richard Bassett odhaluje, jak se Canarisově cílevědomému úsilí podařilo ovlivnit průběh druhé světové války. (

Podobné produkty ako Šéf Hitlerovy špionáže - Richard Bassett , Old prague legends (978-80-865-2387-3)

Šéf Hitlerovy špionáže - Bassett Richard

Šéf Hitlerovy špionáže - Bassett Richard

Admirála Canarise, šéfa německé vojenské špionážní služby, charakterizoval jeho sovětský protějšek jako "nejnebezpečnějšího zpravodajce na světě". Canaris byl loajální vůči starému Německu - dobyvačný a rasistický režim Adolfa Hitlera jej však odpuzoval. Po neúspěšném atentátu na Vůdce v červnu 1944 byl Canaris zatčen a týden před koncem války popraven. Do jaké míry se podílel na přípravách samotného atentátu, zůstává dosud nejasné, tvrdí se však, že koordinoval několik předchozích pokusů o odstranění Hitlera, a že se dokonce snažil s Brity vyjednat obdobu separátního míru. V napínavém a věrohodném líčení spletitého souboje špionážních sítí Richard Bassett odhaluje, jak se Canarisově cílevědomému úsilí podařilo ovlivnit průběh druhé světové války. (

Podobné produkty ako Šéf Hitlerovy špionáže - Bassett Richard , Old prague legends (978-80-86523-87-3)

Prague A Jewel in the Heart of Europe

Prague A Jewel in the Heart of Europe

Prague A Jewel in the Heart of Europe

Prag - Et klenodie i Europas hjerte handler om opstaen og udbygning af vores hovedstad fra begyndelse til nutiden. Alt efterfulgt af en rakke flotte billeder og flere detaljerede tegninger af de vigtigste sevardigheder, inklusive et illustreret kort over Prags historiske center. (

Podobné produkty ako Prague A Jewel in the Heart of Europe , american trumpet in prague - cd (va0014-2)

Prague A Jewel in the Heart of Europe

Prague A Jewel in the Heart of Europe

Prague A Jewel in the Heart of Europe

Prague A Jewel in the Heart of Europe

Praga - klejnot w sercu Europy to historyczna wycieczka o początkach i przebiegu budowy naszej stolicy od jej założenia do współczesności, całość dopełniają niezliczone piękne zdjęcia i kilka uzupełniających szczegółowych ilustracji najważniejszych zabytków, łącznie z ilustrowaną mapą zabytkowego centrum Pragi. (

Podobné produkty ako Prague A Jewel in the Heart of Europe , Humans of prague (en) (978-80-87260-85-2)

Prague A Jewel in the Heart of Europe

Prague A Jewel in the Heart of Europe

Praga - Zaklad v srcu Evrope je zgodovinska ekskurzija skozi čas nastanka in gradnje naše prestolnice od začetka do sodobnosti; to vse z dodanimi številnimi prelepimi fotografijami in z podrobnimi slikami najbolj pomembnih spomenikov, vključno s slikovnim zemljevidom zgodovinskega centra Prage. (

Podobné produkty ako Prague A Jewel in the Heart of Europe , Zimmer hans: live in prague (2017) - dvd (0413007)

Prague A Jewel in the Heart of Europe

Prague A Jewel in the Heart of Europe

Prága - ékszer Európa szívében: íme egy történelmi kirándulás fővárosunk keletkezésének titkaiba a kezdetektől fogva a mai napig, építészeti történetébe, s mindez kiegészítve számtalan gyönyörű fényképpel, a legfontosabb műemlékek aprólékos illusztrációjával, beleértve Prága illusztrált történelmi térképét is. (

Podobné produkty ako Prague A Jewel in the Heart of Europe , Carlile brandi: in these silent days - lp (7567864317)

Prague A Jewel in the Heart of Europe

Prague A Jewel in the Heart of Europe

Praha – juvelen i hjertet av Europa” er en historisk studietur om hvordan hovedstaden var oppsto og utviklet seg, fra den spede begynnelsen og frem til var tid. Historien kompletteres med et utall vakre bilder og flere utfyllende illustrasjoner av de viktigste minnesmerkene, inklusive et illustrert kart over Prahas historiske sentrum. (

Podobné produkty ako Prague A Jewel in the Heart of Europe , Carlile brandi: in these silent days - cd (7567864316)

Prague A Jewel in the Heart of Europe

Prague A Jewel in the Heart of Europe

Praag - een juweel in het hart van Europa" stelt onze hoofdstad voor, haar ontstaan en ontwikkeling vanaf het begin tot op vandaag. De tekst is aangevuld met veel prachtige foto´s en een paar gedetailleerde illustraties van de belangrijkste bezienswaardigheden incl. een geillustreerde plattegrond van het historische centrum van de stad. (

Podobné produkty ako Prague A Jewel in the Heart of Europe , Euroradio jazz orchestra: in prague - cd (cr0775-2)

Prague A Jewel in the Heart of Europe

Prague A Jewel in the Heart of Europe

Turistički vodič "Prag- dragulj u srcu Europe" je izlet u povijest našeg glavnog grada od njegova osnutka do današnjih dana. Zanimljive povijesne informacije popraćene su brojnim lijepim fotografijama i nekoliko detaljnih ilustracija najvažnijih spomenika grada. Uključena je i ilustrirana mapa povijesnog centra Praga. (

Podobné produkty ako Prague A Jewel in the Heart of Europe , Old prague cookbook: staropražská kuchařka (978-80-7252-746-5)

Prague A Jewel in the Heart of Europe

Prague A Jewel in the Heart of Europe

Reseguiden "Prag - en juvel i hjärtat av Europa" är en utflykt i var huvudstads historia fran dess grundande till idag. Här finns intressant historisk information tillsammans med manga vackra fotografier och flera detaljerade illustrationer av viktiga monument i staden. En illustrerad karta av Prags historiska centrum medföljer. (

Podobné produkty ako Prague A Jewel in the Heart of Europe , Tales of old prague houses (978-80-7428-302-4)

Prague A Jewel in the Heart of Europe

Prague A Jewel in the Heart of Europe

Prag - Ein Juwel im Herzen Europas ist eine historische Exkursion über die Ursprünge und den Verlauf des Baus unserer Hauptstadt von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart, ergänzt durch unzählige wunderschöne Fotos und detaillierte Abbildungen der wichtigsten Denkmäler, darunter eine illustrierte Karte des historischen Zentrums von Prag. (

Podobné produkty ako Prague A Jewel in the Heart of Europe , Stories from old jewish prague (978-80-7428-323-9)

Prague A Jewel in the Heart of Europe

Prague A Jewel in the Heart of Europe

Prague A Jewel in the Heart of Europe

Last Days of Lazarus - PS5 (5060522099390)

Last Days of Lazarus - PS5 (5060522099390)

Hra na konzoli - PS5 (s mechanikou), krabicová verze, žánr: akční, - Hra vypráví příběh o problémovém muži, který se po smrti své matky vrací do svého domova, kde vyrůstal jako dítě. Hra čerpá inspiraci z postsovětské éry s gotickou atmosférou a nadpřirozenými prvky. Země kolem něj se začíná rozpadat, stejně jako realita samotná, a řada nevysvětlitelných událostí ho zavede na cestu, kde odhalí více o znepokojivé minulosti jeho rodiny. Návrat do krajů vašeho dětstvíLast Days of Lazarus PS5 je adventurou, která vás vezme do postsovětské Evropy. Prožijte v ní příběh muže, který se po letech vrací do místa svého dětství, aby strávil čas se svou sestrou. Nic už však není jako dřív. Ponořte se v Last Days of Lazarus PS5 do herního světaSkrze děj se vydáte do vizuálně velmi specificky navržených lokací, jež evokují nejen vzpomínky na éru komunizmu, ale také přináší... (

Podobné produkty ako Last Days of Lazarus - PS5 (5060522099390) , Kocsis zoltán: great artists in prague - cd (cr0509-2)

Prague: A Jewel in the Heart of Europe (anglicky) - Ivan Henn


Praha - Klenot v srdci Evropy je historickou exkurzí o vzniku a průběhu výstavby našeho hlavního města od jeho počátků až po současnost, to vše doplněno nespočtem krásných fotografií a několika doplňujících podrobných ilustrací nejdůležitějších památek včetně ilustrované mapy historického centra Prahy. (

Podobné produkty ako Prague: A Jewel in the Heart of Europe (anglicky) - Ivan Henn , Handel ida: ida haendel in prague - cd (su3782-2)

Janková Martina, Willi Barbara Maria: Prague-Vienna / Journey In Songs - CD (SU4231-2)

Janková Martina, Willi Barbara Maria: Prague-Vienna / Journey In Songs - CD (SU4231-2)

Hudební CD - Václav Jan Tomášek (1774-1850) - An den Mond, op. 56. Leopold Koželuh (1747-1818) - Spira pur, Sento amor. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) - Das Veilchen, Abendempfindung, Als Luise. Jan Josef Rösler (1771-1813) - Arietta Il niente, Herbstlied, An die Entfernte, La Verita. Václav Jan Tomášek (1774-1850) - An den Mond, op. 56. Leopold Koželuh (1747-1818) - Spira pur, Sento amor. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) - Das Veilchen, Abendempfindung, Als Luise. Jan Josef Rösler (1771-1813) - Arietta Il niente, Herbstlied, An die Entfernte, La Verita. Joseph Haydn (1731-1809) - O tuneful voice, The spirit's song. Jan Václav Voříšek (1791-1825) - An Sie, Liebe, Die Abschiedsträne. Jan Václav Kalivoda (1801-1866) - Frühlings Wanderschaft Martina Janková - soprán, Barbara Maria Willi - kladívkový klavír (Franz Joseph Baumeister, 1797) Cestu mezi Vídní a Prahou, kterou roku 1787 absolvoval 31letý Mozart, aby byl u premiéry svého Dona Giovanniho,... (

Podobné produkty ako Janková Martina, Willi Barbara Maria: Prague-Vienna / Journey In Songs - CD (SU4231-2) , American barber in prague (978-80-277-1234-2)

Atlas of Eastern Europe in the Twentieth Century - Crampton Richard


An invaluable guide to a complex subject, this atlas:* gives a general introduction to the physical, ethnic and religious composition of the region* includes summary maps of Eastern Europe in 1900, 1923, and 1945* charts the ebb and flow of the first and second world wars in Eastern Europe* presents detailed information relating to consituent territories, elections, economic developments and land holding patterns for key individual countries in the inter-war years* provides crucial social and economic data, evidencing changes under communist domination* gives maps of the new states of the post-communist years with details of elections and economic indicators for Belarus, Bosnia-Hercegovina, Croatia, The Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, Slovakia and others.* contains an extensive glossary listing the major towns of the area under their linguistic variants (

Podobné produkty ako Atlas of Eastern Europe in the Twentieth Century - Crampton Richard , Carlile brandi: in these silent days (2x cd) - cd (7567863822)

The Old Town Hall in Prague - Pavel Vlček, kolektiv autorů

The Old Town Hall in Prague - Pavel Vlček, kolektiv autorů

V době, kdy končí rozsáhlá rekonstrukce věže Staroměstské radnice v Praze, která si kladla za cíl vrátit tuto historickou budovu do její původní podoby, vychází dvousetstránková publikace pod prostým názvem Staroměstská radnice. Publikace prochází a připomíná zásadní okamžiky dějin radnice počínající v roce 1338. Samostatnou kapitolu dějin radnice, ale také rozsáhlou, bohatě dokumentovanou kapitolu publikace představuje historie staroměstského orloje a jeho výzdoba. Publikace prochází architektonickým vývojem radnice, jeho historickými sály, představuje sochařskou a uměleckou výzdobu a také představuje významné pražské purkmistry, starosty a primátory. Zajímavou kapitolou je také procházka osmi architektonickými soutěžemi na přestavby a dostavbu Staroměstské radnice, které proběhly mezi léty 1901 až 1987. Publikaci bohatě doprovází a dokresluje více jak tři sta historických i současných plánů, obrazů, kreseb a fotografií. Publikace vychází v českém a anglickém jazyce (

Podobné produkty ako The Old Town Hall in Prague - Pavel Vlček, kolektiv autorů , Carlile brandi: in these silent days (2x lp) - lp (7567863821)

The Last Days of John Lennon (Defekt) - James Patterson


The greatest true-crime story in music history.A GLOBAL SUPERSTARIn the summer of 1980, ten years after the break-up of the Beatles, John Lennon signed with a new label, ready to record new music for the first time in years. Everyone was awestruck when Lennon dashed off '(Just Like) Starting Over'. Lennon was back in peak form, with his best songwriting since 'Imagine'.A DANGEROUSLY OBSESSED FANIn the years after Lennon left the Beatles, becoming a solo artist and making a life with Yoko Ono in New York City, Mark David Chapman had become fixated on murdering his former hero. He was convinced that Lennon had squandered his talent and betrayed his fans. In December 1980, Chapman boarded a flight from Hawaii to New York with a handgun stowed in his luggage. He was never going home again.A MURDER THAT STUNNED THE WORLDEnriched by exclusive interviews with Lennon's friends and associates, including Paul McCartney, The Last Days of John Lennon is a true-crime drama about two men who changed history. One whose indelible songs enliven our world to this day, and the other who ended the music with five pulls of a trigger. (

Podobné produkty ako The Last Days of John Lennon (Defekt) - James Patterson , Zimmer hans: live in prague (2017) (2x cd) - cd (0416702)

The Last Days of the Ottoman Empire - Gingeras Ryan


'A tour de force of accessible scholarship' The Guardian'Impressive ... It is a complicated story that still reverberates, and Gingeras narrates it with lucid authority' New StatesmanThe Ottoman Empire had been one of the major facts in European history since the Middle Ages. Stretching from the Adriatic to the Indian Ocean, the Empire was both a great political entity and a religious one, with the Sultan ruling over the Holy Sites and, as Caliph, the successor to Mohammed.Yet the Empire's fateful decision to support Germany and Austria-Hungary in 1914 doomed it to disaster, breaking it up into a series of European colonies and what emerged as an independent Saudi Arabia. Ryan Gingeras's superb new book explains how these epochal events came about and shows how much we still live in the shadow of decisions taken so long ago. Would all of the Empire fall to marauding Allied armies, or could something be saved? In such an ethnically and religiously entangled region, what would be the price paid to create a cohesive and independent new state? The story of the creation of modern Turkey is an extraordinary, bitter epic, brilliantly told here. (

Podobné produkty ako The Last Days of the Ottoman Empire - Gingeras Ryan , Selecter: live in coventry '79 (rsd) - lp (5060516096626)

The Magic Lantern : The Revolution of ´89 Witnessed in Warsaw, Budapest, Berlin and Prague - Timothy Garton Ash


The Magic Lantern is one of those rare books that capture history in the making, written by an author who was witness to some of the most remarkable moments that marked the collapse of Communism in Eastern Europe.Timothy Garton Ash was there in Warsaw, on 4 June, when the communist government was humiliated by Solidarity in the first semi-free elections since the Second World War. He was there in Budapest, twelve days later, when Imre Nagy - thirty-one years after his execution - was finally given his proper funeral. He was there in Berlin, as the Wall opened. And most remarkable of all, he was there in Prague, in the back rooms of the Magic Lantern theatre, with Vaclav Havel and the members of Civic Forum, as they made their 'Velvet Revolution'. (

Podobné produkty ako The Magic Lantern : The Revolution of ´89 Witnessed in Warsaw, Budapest, Berlin and Prague - Timothy Garton Ash , Populist political parties in east-central europe (978-80-210-6105-7)

Old Prague Legends

Old Prague Legends

Anglická mutace knihy. Soubor třiceti pověstí a legend, které se vztahují k nejznámějším místům hlavního města Prahy. Tato místa lze dodnes navštívit, a tak se kniha může stát současně i jakýmsi zábavným, atypickým průvodcem, který lze vzít s sebou třeba na procházku. (

Podobné produkty ako Old Prague Legends , Nutini paolo: last night in the bittersweet (2x lp) - lp (9029622470)

Last Devil To Die (Defekt) - Richard Osman


Shocking news reaches the Thursday Murder Club. An old friend in the antiques business has been killed, and a dangerous package he was protecting has gone missing. As the gang springs into action they encounter art forgers, online fraudsters and drug dealers, as well as heartache close to home. With the body count rising, the package still missing and trouble firmly on their tail, has their luck finally run out? And who will be the last devil to die? (

Podobné produkty ako Last Devil To Die (Defekt) - Richard Osman

Last Devil To Die (Defekt) - Richard Osman


Shocking news reaches the Thursday Murder Club. An old friend in the antiques business has been killed, and a dangerous package he was protecting has gone missing. As the gang springs into action they encounter art forgers, online fraudsters and drug dealers, as well as heartache close to home. With the body count rising, the package still missing and trouble firmly on their tail, has their luck finally run out? And who will be the last devil to die? (

Podobné produkty ako Last Devil To Die (Defekt) - Richard Osman

Last Devil To Die (Defekt) - Richard Osman


Shocking news reaches the Thursday Murder Club. An old friend in the antiques business has been killed, and a dangerous package he was protecting has gone missing. As the gang springs into action they encounter art forgers, online fraudsters and drug dealers, as well as heartache close to home. With the body count rising, the package still missing and trouble firmly on their tail, has their luck finally run out? And who will be the last devil to die? (

Podobné produkty ako Last Devil To Die (Defekt) - Richard Osman

Plague between Prague and Vienna - Karel Černý, Sonia Horn


Vienna's prominent landmark, the Pestsäule (PlagueColumn), commemorates the devastating bubonic plagueepidemic of 1679 that killed thousands of the city's in-habitants. The gigantic, three sided marble pyramidiscovered with baroque clouds is dedicated to the Trinityand the Nine Choirs of Angels. Although pledgedby Emperor Leopold I in the very year of the outbreak ofthe disease, the memorial could not be completed until1694. Its imagery reflects some of the most tragic eventsbut also some of Austria's greatest triumphs, because theinvasion, siege, and repulsion of the Ottoman army in1683 added new meaning to the monument's concept.Vienna's Pestsäule is now recognized as one of the mostinnovative and ambitious sculptural ensembles createdanywhere in Europe in the Post-Bernini era. (

Podobné produkty ako Plague between Prague and Vienna - Karel Černý, Sonia Horn

Old Prague Legends - Magdalena Wagnerová

Old Prague Legends - Magdalena Wagnerová

Anglická mutace knihy. Soubor třiceti pověstí a legend, které se vztahují k nejznámějším místům hlavního města Prahy. Tato místa lze dodnes navštívit, a tak se kniha může stát současně i jakýmsi zábavným, atypickým průvodcem, který lze vzít s sebou třeba na procházku. (

Podobné produkty ako Old Prague Legends - Magdalena Wagnerová

Prague - Perle Au ceuer de L´europe - Ivan Henn

Prague - Perle Au ceuer de L´europe - Ivan Henn

Praha - Klenot v srdci Evropy je historickou exkurzí o vzniku a průběhu výstavby našeho hlavního města od jeho počátků až po současnost, to vše doplněno nespočtem krásných fotografií a několika doplňujících podrobných ilustrací nejdůležitějších památek včetně ilustrované mapy historického centra Prahy. (

Podobné produkty ako Prague - Perle Au ceuer de L´europe - Ivan Henn

Thirty Days in Paris - Veronica Henry


Because Paris is always a good idea...Years ago, Juliet left a little piece of her heart in Paris - and now, separated from her husband and with her children flying the nest, it's time to get it back!So she puts on her best red lipstick, books a cosy attic apartment near Notre-Dame and takes the next train out of London.Arriving at the Gare du Nord, the memories come flooding back: bustling street cafes, cheap wine in candlelit bars and a handsome boy with glittering eyes.But Juliet has also been keeping a secret for over two decades - and she begins to realise it's impossible to move forwards without first looking back.Something tells her that the next thirty days might just change everything... (

Podobné produkty ako Thirty Days in Paris - Veronica Henry

Makeup Revolution X Emily In Paris adventní kalendář 12 Days in Paris

Makeup Revolution X Emily In Paris adventní kalendář 12 Days in Paris

Makeup Revolution X Emily In Paris, 12 ks, Fixace make-upu pro ženy, Pokud jste ještě nestihli začít odpočítávat dny do Vánoc, nezoufejte. Adventní kalendář Makeup Revolution X Emily In Paris v sobě totiž ukrývá 12 beauty překvapení, které vám čas zbývající do Štědrého dne zaručeně zpříjemní. Sada obsahuje: St.Tropez paletka očních stínů 9x0,6 g Champagne krémové oční stíny 1,9 ml Black objemová řasenka 7 ml Haute Couture paletka očních stínů 9x0,6 g houbička na make-up 1 ks rozjasňující fixační sprej 30 ml Chicago Pink Nude matná rtěnka 3 g Paris Berry Red matná rtěnka 3 g rozjasňující podkladová báze 12 ml Chicago Pink Nude konturovací tužka na rty s matným efektem 1 g Paris Berry Red konturovací štětec na rty s matným efektem 1 g umělé řasy 1 ks Vlastnosti: krásně zabaleno kompletní rutina pro perfektní vzhled potěší všechny ženy Jak používat: Každý produkt z kosmetického setu používejte dle jeho návodu. (

Podobné produkty ako Makeup Revolution X Emily In Paris adventní kalendář 12 Days in Paris

Tales of Old Prague Houses - Wagnerová Magdalena

Tales of Old Prague Houses - Wagnerová Magdalena

The air of times long past; the strong walls from bygone centuries; narrow portals; a host of house signs and a wealth of architectural styles: these are the houses of old Prague. Small palaces are full of great secrets, the stories hidden inside their walls having long helped shape the city’s haracter and made it ever more popular. The magic of the Faust House; the Cubist beauty of the House of the Black Madonna; mysterious events connected with Sova’s Mills; tales from the former prison in the Old Vogt’s House; or the children’s stories that once played out in the Storch house: all those and many more can be found within the pages of this book, dedicated to the old buildings that we often pass without a econd thought. The stories, both well-known and nearly forgotten, have a lot to teach out about our nation’s great history; they can both entertain us and guide our steps as we wander through Prague’s ancient, mysterious and beautiful streets. (

Podobné produkty ako Tales of Old Prague Houses - Wagnerová Magdalena

Stories from Old Jewish Prague - Wagnerová Magdalena

Stories from Old Jewish Prague - Wagnerová Magdalena

The long and thorny past of the Prague Jewish diaspora has left us with many monuments and even more stories that have won their unique place among other old Prague legends. When was the foundation stone of the Old New Synagogue laid? Was it really brought from Jerusalem by angels on their snow-white wings? Was the Golem the first artificial man in the world, or was he a man of flesh and bone, like any other mortal man? These and similar stories from the times when the Jewish ghetto began to form in the town, from the times when Josefov was thriving, and also from the times of the mediaeval Jewish pogroms, are contained in the book by M. Wagnerová mapping the history of the old Jewish Prague. (

Podobné produkty ako Stories from Old Jewish Prague - Wagnerová Magdalena

Tales of Old Prague Houses - Magdalena Wagnerová

Tales of Old Prague Houses - Magdalena Wagnerová

The air of times long past; the strong walls from bygone centuries; narrow portals; a host of house signs and a wealth of architectural styles: these are the houses of old Prague. Small palaces are full of great secrets, the stories hidden inside their walls having long helped shape the city's haracter and made it ever more popular. The magic of the Faust House; the Cubist beauty of the House of the Black Madonna; mysterious events connected with Sova's Mills; tales from the former prison in the Old Vogt's House; or the children's stories that once played out in the Storch house: all those and many more can be found within the pages of this book, dedicated to the old buildings that we often pass without a econd thought. The stories, both well-known and nearly forgotten, have a lot to teach out about our nation's great history; they can both entertain us and guide our steps as we wander through Prague's ancient, mysterious and beautiful streets. (

Podobné produkty ako Tales of Old Prague Houses - Magdalena Wagnerová

Stories from Old Jewish Prague - Magdalena Wagnerová

Stories from Old Jewish Prague - Magdalena Wagnerová

The long and thorny past of the Prague Jewish diaspora has left us with many monuments and even more stories that have won their unique place among other old Prague legends. When was the foundation stone of the Old New Synagogue laid? Was it really brought from Jerusalem by angels on their snow-white wings? Was the Golem the first artificial man in the world, or was he a man of flesh and bone, like any other mortal man? These and similar stories from the times when the Jewish ghetto began to form in the town, from the times when Josefov was thriving, and also from the times of the mediaeval Jewish pogroms, are contained in the book by M. Wagnerová mapping the history of the old Jewish Prague. (

Podobné produkty ako Stories from Old Jewish Prague - Magdalena Wagnerová

Old Prague Legends - Magdalena Wagnerová - e-kniha

Old Prague Legends - Magdalena Wagnerová - e-kniha

eBook:,The book contains a collection of twenty-nine tales or legends associated with several well-known sites of old Prague. These buildings, landmarks, and whole areas are woven through with stories that bear the weight of many long centuries of Bohemian history. Moreover, they are bound together by one common thread – all the sites can be visited today. They can be touched with the five-fingered hand of the senses, and thus impressed indelibly upon the memory. Thus, this book is a guide that not only narrates, but also illuminates – and hopefully entertains. It can be taken on Sunday walks, day trips and thematic explorations of places that still remember the people of Prague who walked through the pages of its history. (

Podobné produkty ako Old Prague Legends - Magdalena Wagnerová - e-kniha

The Last Devil To Die: The Thursday Murder Club 4 - Richard Osman


Shocking news reaches the Thursday Murder Club. An old friend in the antiques business has been killed, and a dangerous package he was protecting has gone missing. As the gang springs into action they encounter art forgers, online fraudsters and drug dealers, as well as heartache close to home. With the body count rising, the package still missing and trouble firmly on their tail, has their luck finally run out? And who will be the last devil to die? (

Podobné produkty ako The Last Devil To Die: The Thursday Murder Club 4 - Richard Osman

The Last Devil To Die: The Thursday Murder Club 4 - Richard Osman


THE FOURTH NOVEL IN THE RECORD-BREAKING, MILLION-COPY BESTSELLING THURSDAY MURDER CLUB SERIES BY RICHARD OSMAN ----------‘The rightful king of crime’ i News'Deeply moving... some of his best writing yet' TelegraphShocking news reaches the Thursday Murder Club.An old friend in the antiques business has been killed, and a dangerous package he was protecting has gone missing.As the gang springs into action they encounter art forgers, online fraudsters and drug dealers, as well as heartache close to home.With the body count rising, the package still missing and trouble firmly on their tail, has their luck finally run out? And who will be the last devil to die?----------'As charming and funny as always but SO MOVING' Marian Keyes (

Podobné produkty ako The Last Devil To Die: The Thursday Murder Club 4 - Richard Osman

Revolution Emily in Paris 12 Days in Paris Advent Calendar adventní kalendář 700 g

Revolution Emily in Paris 12 Days in Paris Advent Calendar adventní kalendář 700 g

Odpočítávejte dny do Vánoc stylově po francouzsku s tímto adventním kalendářem 12 Jours de Paris Advent Calendar. Tento must-have kalendář pro všechny fanoušky Netflix série Emily in Paris obsahuje vše od zářivých podkladových bází přes sadu nadýchaných řas až po univerzální odstíny rtěnek. Užijte si nejkrásnější období v roce!Upozornění: Pokud se chcete nechat překvapit tím, co kalendář obsahuje, už dále nečtěte! Uvnitř 12denního kalendáře 12 Jours de Paris Advent Calendar najdete:• St. Tropez 9-pan shadow palette – paletka 9 očních stínů• Mini Shadow Bomb – shade Champagne – mini oční stín v odstínu šampaň• Black volume mascara – černá objemová řasenka• Haute Couture 9-pan shadow palette – paletka 9 očních stínů• Mini powder puff – mini labutěnka na pudr• Mini shimmer fixing spray – mini třpytivý fixační sprej• Soft matte lipstick – Chicago Pink Nude – matná růžová rtěnka• Soft matte lipstick – Paris Berry Red – matná červená rtěnka• Mini glow primer – rozjasňující podkladová báze• Flutter false lashes – umělé řasy• Soft matte lip liner – Chicago Pink Nude – růžová tužka na rty• Soft matte lip liner – Paris Berry Red – červená tužka na rtyCruelty-free and vegan. (

Podobné produkty ako Revolution Emily in Paris 12 Days in Paris Advent Calendar adventní kalendář 700 g

Prague in Legends - 1233

Prague in Legends - 1233

THE MOST FAMED PRAGUE SIGHTS SWATHED IN LEGEND Prague‘s charm lies deeply buried in its history and its one-of-a-kind atmosphere. Once you set foot in its dark recesses, you never manage to free yourself from its magical embrace. You fall in love. All your senses come alive. Among the tones of Prague‘s bells and chimes you may catch the distant fiddling of the knight Dalibor from his tower in Prague Castle. On Charles Bridge you may happen to stumble across the right stone and discover Bruncvík‘s magical sword. And you are certain to catch a glimpse of the portrait of the brave barber girl Zuzana in the Old Town Bridge Tower. In the church with the Infant Jesus of Prague you will feel the flurry of wings of the seven guardian angels and in the Jewish Town the shadow of the giant man made of clay will pass over you somewhere behind the Old-New Synagogue. The statue of Prince Wenceslas on Wenceslas Square, the fiery skeleton and mad barber on Karlova Street... these and other legendary figures make up the poetry of historic Prague. Jan Klimeš, 1980: Sculptor, painter and illustrator. A graduate of the Faculty of Fine Arts at Brno University of Technology and doctoral studies at Masaryk University‘s Faculty of Arts. His work is represented in the permanent Collection of Modern and Contemporary Art at the National Gallery in Prague. He participates in many domestic and foreign exhibitions. In addition to illustrating books that are primarily published abroad, he also devotes his time to theoretical analysis of literary-visual relationships. (

Podobné produkty ako Prague in Legends - 1233

Old Prague Legends (978-80-865-2387-3)

Old Prague Legends (978-80-865-2387-3)

Elektronická kniha - autor Magdalena Wagnerová, 140 stran The book contains a collection of twenty-nine tales or legends associated with several well-known sites of old Prague. These buildings, landmarks, and whole areas are woven through with stories that bear the weight of many long centuries of Bohemian history. Moreover, they are bound together by one common thread – all the sites can be visited today. They can be touched with the five-fingered hand of the senses, and thus impressed indelibly upon the memory. Thus, this book is a guide that not only narrates, but also illuminates – and hopefully entertains. It can be taken on Sunday walks, day trips and thematic explorations of places that still remember the people of Prague who walked through the pages of its history. (

Podobné produkty ako Old Prague Legends (978-80-865-2387-3)

Old Prague Legends (978-80-86523-87-3)

Old Prague Legends (978-80-86523-87-3)

Kniha - anglicky Anglická mutace knihy. Soubor třiceti pověstí a legend, které se vztahují k nejznámějším místům hlavního města Prahy. Tato místa lze dodnes navštívit, a tak se kniha může stát současně i jakýmsi zábavným, atypickým průvodcem, který lze vzít s sebou třeba na procházku. (

Podobné produkty ako Old Prague Legends (978-80-86523-87-3)

A Death in Vienna (0451213181)

A Death in Vienna (0451213181)

Kniha - autor Daniel Silva, 390 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná Sent to Vienna to investigate a bombing, art restorer and sometime spy Gabriel Allons uncovers a portrait of evil stretching across 60 years in this "New York Times" bestseller. "[A] superbly crafted narrative of espionage and foreign intrigue."--"Publishers Weekly." (

Podobné produkty ako A Death in Vienna (0451213181)
Janková Martina, Willi Barbara Maria: Prague-Vienna / Journey In Songs - CD (SU4231-2), Czech in 30 days, Trieste Centrale (), Dio: Last In Line - LP (0736924), Old Prague Legends (978-80-865-2387-3), Old Prague Legends (978-80-86523-87-3), Small Towns in Europe in the 20th and 21st Centuries (9788024636566), American Trumpet in Prague - CD (VA0014-2), Homelessness Among Older Adults in Prague (9788024645261), Uriah Heep: Live In Europe 1979 (2xCD) - CD (5050749233929), Humans of Prague (EN) (978-80-87260-85-2), Zimmer Hans: Live In Prague (2017) - DVD (0413007), Carlile Brandi: In These Silent Days - LP (7567864317), Carlile Brandi: In These Silent Days - CD (7567864316), Euroradio Jazz Orchestra: In Prague - CD (CR0775-2), Old Prague Cookbook: Staropražská kuchařka (978-80-7252-746-5), Tales of Old Prague Houses (978-80-7428-302-4), Stories from Old Jewish Prague (978-80-7428-323-9), Little Richard: One In A Milion - LP (4260494436013), Nutini Paolo: Last Night In The Bittersweet - CD (9029622469), Prague in the Heart (978-80-7252-605-5), Kocsis Zoltán: Great Artists in Prague - CD (CR0509-2), Handel Ida: Ida Haendel in Prague - CD (SU3782-2), American Barber in Prague (978-80-277-1234-2), Carlile Brandi: In These Silent Days (2x CD) - CD (7567863822), Carlile Brandi: In These Silent Days (2x LP) - LP (7567863821), Zimmer Hans: Live In Prague (2017) (2x CD) - CD (0416702), Selecter: Live In Coventry '79 (RSD) - LP (5060516096626), Populist Political Parties in East-Central Europe (978-80-210-6105-7), Nutini Paolo: Last Night In The Bittersweet (2x LP) - LP (9029622470)