Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
Prague in Legends - Anna Novotná
NEJPROSLULEJŠÍ PRAŽSKÉ PAMĚTIHODNOSTI OPŘEDENÉ LEGENDAMIPůvaby Prahy tkví hluboko v její historii a nezaměnitelné atmosféře. Když jednou vstoupíte do jejích tajemných zákoutí, už se nedokážete z tohoto magického objetí vymanit. Zamilujete se. Vnímáte Prahu všemi smysly. Mezi tóny kostelních zvonů a zvonků možná zaslechnete z věže Pražského hradu i skřipky rytíře Dalibora. Na Karlově mostě se náhodou dotknete kamene, který skrývá čarovný Bruncvíkův meč, a na Staroměstské mostecké věži zahlédnete portrét odvážné lazebnice Zuzany. V kostele u Pražského Jezulátka pocítíte závan křídel sedmi strážných andělů a na Židovském Městě se stín obrovského muže z hlíny mihne kdesi za Staronovou synagogou. Socha knížete Václava na Václavském náměstí, ohnivý kostlivec nebo šílený holič v Karlově ulici ...ti všichni a mnohé další legendární postavy skládají poezii staré Prahy. THE MOST FAMED PRAGUE SIGHTS SWATHED IN LEGENDPrague‘s charm lies deeply buried in its history and its one-of-a-kind atmosphere. Once you set foot in its dark recesses, you never manage to free yourself from its magical embrace. You fall in love. All your senses come alive. Among the tones of Prague‘s bells and chimes you may catch the distant fiddling of the knight Dalibor from his tower in Prague Castle. On Charles Bridge you may happen to stumble across the right stone and discover Bruncvík‘s magical sword. And you are certain to catch a glimpse of the portrait of the brave barber girl Zuzana in the Old Town Bridge Tower. In the church with the Infant Jesus of Prague you will feel the flurry of wings of the seven guardian angels and in the Jewish Town the shadow of the giant man made of clay will pass over you somewhere behind the Old-New Synagogue. The statue of Prince Wenceslas on Wenceslas Square, the fiery skeleton and mad barber on Karlova Street... these and other legendary figures make up the poetry of historic Prague.
Podívejte se také Old Prague Legends (978-80-865-2387-3)
Prague in Legends (Defekt) - Anna Novotná
NEJPROSLULEJŠÍ PRAŽSKÉ PAMĚTIHODNOSTI OPŘEDENÉ LEGENDAMIPůvaby Prahy tkví hluboko v její historii a nezaměnitelné atmosféře. Když jednou vstoupíte do jejích tajemných zákoutí, už se nedokážete z tohoto magického objetí vymanit. Zamilujete se. Vnímáte Prahu všemi smysly. Mezi tóny kostelních zvonů a zvonků možná zaslechnete z věže Pražského hradu i skřipky rytíře Dalibora. Na Karlově mostě se náhodou dotknete kamene, který skrývá čarovný Bruncvíkův meč, a na Staroměstské mostecké věži zahlédnete portrét odvážné lazebnice Zuzany. V kostele u Pražského Jezulátka pocítíte závan křídel sedmi strážných andělů a na Židovském Městě se stín obrovského muže z hlíny mihne kdesi za Staronovou synagogou. Socha knížete Václava na Václavském náměstí, ohnivý kostlivec nebo šílený holič v Karlově ulici ...ti všichni a mnohé další legendární postavy skládají poezii staré Prahy. THE MOST FAMED PRAGUE SIGHTS SWATHED IN LEGENDPrague‘s charm lies deeply buried in its history and its one-of-a-kind atmosphere. Once you set foot in its dark recesses, you never manage to free yourself from its magical embrace. You fall in love. All your senses come alive. Among the tones of Prague‘s bells and chimes you may catch the distant fiddling of the knight Dalibor from his tower in Prague Castle. On Charles Bridge you may happen to stumble across the right stone and discover Bruncvík‘s magical sword. And you are certain to catch a glimpse of the portrait of the brave barber girl Zuzana in the Old Town Bridge Tower. In the church with the Infant Jesus of Prague you will feel the flurry of wings of the seven guardian angels and in the Jewish Town the shadow of the giant man made of clay will pass over you somewhere behind the Old-New Synagogue. The statue of Prince Wenceslas on Wenceslas Square, the fiery skeleton and mad barber on Karlova Street... these and other legendary figures make up the poetry of historic Prague.
Podívejte se také Old Prague Legends (978-80-86523-87-3)
Prague in Legends (978-80-7252-618-5)
Kniha - anglicky THE MOST FAMED PRAGUE SIGHTS SWATHED IN LEGEND Prague‘s charm lies deeply buried in its history and its one-of-a-kind atmosphere. Once you set foot in its dark recesses, you never manage to free yourself from its magical embrace. You fall in love. All your senses come alive. Among the tones of Prague‘s bells and chimes you may catch the distant fiddling of the knight Dalibor from his tower in Prague Castle. On Charles Bridge you may happen to stumble across the right stone and discover Bruncvík‘s magical sword. And you are certain to catch a glimpse of the portrait of the brave barber girl Zuzana in the Old Town Bridge Tower. In the church with the Infant Jesus of Prague you will feel the flurry of wings of the seven guardian angels and in the Jewish Town the shadow of the giant man made of clay will pass over you somewhere behind the Old-New Synagogue. The statue of Prince Wenceslas on Wenceslas Square, the fiery skeleton and mad barber on...
Podívejte se také American Trumpet in Prague - CD (VA0014-2)
Podívejte se také
- Homelessness Among Older Adults in Prague (9788024645261)
- Euroradio Jazz Orchestra: In Prague - CD (CR0775-2)
- American Barber in Prague (978-80-277-1234-2)
- Prague in the Heart (978-80-7252-605-5)
- Handel Ida: Ida Haendel in Prague - CD (SU3782-2)
- Kocsis Zoltán: Great Artists in Prague - CD (CR0509-2)
- Zimmer Hans: Live In Prague (2017) (2x CD) - CD (0416702)
- Anna Česká ()
- anna fodorova
- anna mad
- Anna Falcká ()
- Au revoir, Prague
- Janková Martina, Willi Barbara Maria: Prague-Vienna / Journey In Songs - CD (SU4231-2)
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- Anna - DVD (N03230)
- kalendar magic prague 2018
- Maazel Lorin: Romeo a Julie - Great Artists Live in Prague (2x CD) - CD (CR0599-2)
- BeanBag Designový sedací vak 189×140 Prague s popruhy (BB189×140-prague)
- Spiderman Legends Hammerhead (ASSRT5010993938025b)
Old Prague Legends - Magdalena Wagnerová
Anglická mutace knihy. Soubor třiceti pověstí a legend, které se vztahují k nejznámějším místům hlavního města Prahy. Tato místa lze dodnes navštívit, a tak se kniha může stát současně i jakýmsi zábavným, atypickým průvodcem, který lze vzít s sebou třeba na procházku.
Objev podobné jako Old Prague Legends - Magdalena Wagnerová
77 Prague Legends - Alena Ježková
Místopisné legendy z Pražského hradu, Vyšehradu, Starého Města, Nového Města , Malé Strany, které mohou být i skvělou inspirací k procházkám po Praze - černobílé ilustrace, doplněno kreslenými mapami.
Objev podobné jako 77 Prague Legends - Alena Ježková
Prague á trabers ses Légendes - Anna Novotná
NEJPROSLULEJŠÍ PRAŽSKÉ PAMĚTIHODNOSTI OPŘEDENÉ LEGENDAMIPůvaby Prahy tkví hluboko v její historii a nezaměnitelné atmosféře. Když jednou vstoupíte do jejích tajemných zákoutí, už se nedokážete z tohoto magického objetí vymanit. Zamilujete se. Vnímáte Prahu všemi smysly. Mezi tóny kostelních zvonů a zvonků možná zaslechnete z věže Pražského hradu i skřipky rytíře Dalibora. Na Karlově mostě se náhodou dotknete kamene, který skrývá čarovný Bruncvíkův meč, a na Staroměstské mostecké věži zahlédnete portrét odvážné lazebnice Zuzany. V kostele u Pražského Jezulátka pocítíte závan křídel sedmi strážných andělů a na Židovském Městě se stín obrovského muže z hlíny mihne kdesi za Staronovou synagogou. Socha knížete Václava na Václavském náměstí, ohnivý kostlivec nebo šílený holič v Karlově ulici ...ti všichni a mnohé další legendární postavy skládají poezii staré Prahy. LES MONUMENTS LES PLUS CONNUS DE PRAGUE SONT ENTOURÉS DE LEGENDESLe charme de Prague est profondément ancré dans son histoire et son ambiance inimitable. Apres avoir eu l’occasion de découvrir ses recoins mystérieux, vous ne pourrez plus vous soustraire a son étreinte magique. Vous tomberez amoureux. Vous la percevrez a travers tous vos sens. Parmi les tintements des cloches et clochettes pragoises, vous distinguerez peut-etre le son du violon que le chevalier Dalibor fait retentir de la tour du Château de Prague. Sur le pont Charles, il pourrait vous arriver de marcher sur la pierre qui ouvre le chemin vers le glaive enchanté de Bruncvík et, sur la Tour qui relie le pont Charles a la Vieille Ville, vous apercevrez surement le portrait de la vaillante chambriere Zuzana. Dans l’église qui abrite l’enfant Jésus de Prague, vous sentirez le mouvement des ailes des sept anges protecteurs, et au cour de la Ville Juive, l’ombre d’un immense personnage en argile disparaîtra subrepticement quelque part derriere la synagogue Vieille Nouvelle. La statue du prince Venceslas sur la place Václavské náměstí, le squelette en feu ou encore le barbier fou dans la rue Karlova... tous ces personnages, ainsi que nombreuses autres figures légendaires, composent l’univers poétique du vieux Prague.
Objev podobné jako Prague á trabers ses Légendes - Anna Novotná
Old Prague Legends - Magdalena Wagnerová - e-kniha
eBook: The book contains a collection of twenty-nine tales or legends associated with several well-known sites of old Prague. These buildings, landmarks, and whole areas are woven through with stories that bear the weight of many long centuries of Bohemian history. Moreover, they are bound together by one common thread – all the sites can be visited today. They can be touched with the five-fingered hand of the senses, and thus impressed indelibly upon the memory. Thus, this book is a guide that not only narrates, but also illuminates – and hopefully entertains. It can be taken on Sunday walks, day trips and thematic explorations of places that still remember the people of Prague who walked through the pages of its history.
Objev podobné jako Old Prague Legends - Magdalena Wagnerová - e-kniha
Old Prague Legends (978-80-86523-87-3)
Kniha - anglicky Anglická mutace knihy. Soubor třiceti pověstí a legend, které se vztahují k nejznámějším místům hlavního města Prahy. Tato místa lze dodnes navštívit, a tak se kniha může stát současně i jakýmsi zábavným, atypickým průvodcem, který lze vzít s sebou třeba na procházku.
Objev podobné jako Old Prague Legends (978-80-86523-87-3)
Old Prague Cookbook - Anna Novotná, Miroslav Huptych, Viktor Faktor
Millet cake, cotton soup, kaldoun, kreplach or Prague kružalky cakes?Delicacies from Lippert and a recipe according to Šroubek?What’s the story with typical Czech cuisine? Did you know that the dishes we now consider typical and traditionally Czech come from various parts of Europe? That pork with dumplings and sauerkraut was created by one particular restaurateur? That fried veal escalope is originally from Northern Italy and came to us via the Viennese court? And what about Hungarian goulash and “Spanish birdie”? Would you like to know what the famous Czech actor Hugo Haas or writers Franz Kafka and Jaroslav Hašek liked to eat? …then you’ve made the right choice. Visit the world of other interesting facts about Old Czech cuisine with this original book full of original Old Czech recipes collected for you by the famed Prague-born globetrotter, lover of good food, good habits and life in general, and illustrated with unique collages by a similarly exceptional Czech artist and poet.
Objev podobné jako Old Prague Cookbook - Anna Novotná, Miroslav Huptych, Viktor Faktor
Prague in the Heart - Renáta Fučíková
Prague in the Heart is a collection of one hundred and eighty-nine true stories of events that have taken place in Prague over the past two hundred years. They show that the recent past has been no less dramatic and convoluted than in medieval times. Franz Kafka, Jaroslav Seifert, Bohumil Hrabal, Jaroslav Hašek, Jan Patočka, Jiří Dienstbier and Václav Havel were all residents of Prague. Occupying armies marched through Prague. There was a battle for Czechoslovak Radio in the Vinohrady quarter of Prague. Czech patriots were executed in Kobylisy, Prague. Dissidents were detained at Ruzyně in Prague. A Reich Protector was assassinated in Prague. And neighborhoods like Smíchov, Karlín and Libeň, once industrial areas, recorded the history of the Industrial Age - a time when poverty was intertwined with achievement, progress, and hope for a better future. Prague in the Heart is not an exhaustive historical study, but a remarkable literary statement from a renowned author who loves her city. Anglická verze titulu Praha v srdci.
Objev podobné jako Prague in the Heart - Renáta Fučíková
Prague in the Heart (978-80-7252-605-5)
Kniha – autor Renáta Fučíková, 195 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá - česky Prague in the Heart is a collection of one hundred and eighty-nine true stories of events that have taken place in Prague over the past two hundred years. They show that the recent past has been no less dramatic and convoluted than in medieval times. Franz Kafka, Jaroslav Seifert, Bohumil Hrabal, Jaroslav Hašek, Jan Patočka, Jiří Dienstbier and Václav Havel were all residents of Prague. Occupying armies marched through Prague. There was a battle for Czechoslovak Radio in the Vinohrady quarter of Prague. Czech patriots were executed in Kobylisy, Prague. Dissidents were detained at Ruzyně in Prague. A Reich-Protector was assassinated in Prague. And neighborhoods like Smíchov, Karlín and Libeň, once industrial areas, recorded the history of the Industrial Age – a time when poverty was intertwined with achievement, progress, and hope for a better future.
Objev podobné jako Prague in the Heart (978-80-7252-605-5)
The Archbishop´s palace in Prague in photographs and paintings - František Pohl, František Skopec
Výpravná fotografická publikace, která mapuje stavebně - historický vývoj Arcibiskupského paláce, jeho umělecké památky a interiéry. Kniha prezentuje řadu historických fotografií černobílých i barevných, které byly převedeny do digitální kvality, a více než 1500 nových fotografií. Historické podklady byly čerpány z archivních zdrojů Arcibiskupství pražského, Archivu hl.m. Prahy, Kanceláře prezidenta republiky, Metropolitní kapituly U sv. Víta v Praze, z Muzea hl.m. Prahy, Národní galerie, Národního památkového ústavu Praha, Správy Pražského hradu a Strahovského kláštera.
Objev podobné jako The Archbishop´s palace in Prague in photographs and paintings - František Pohl, František Skopec
Malujeme Prahu akvarelem: Painting Prague in Watercolor (978-80-271-3332-1)
Kniha - autor Maria Ginzburg, 96 stran, česky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá Kniha je určena všem, kteří malují, nebo se chtějí naučit základům akvarelové malby, a také pro všechny zájemce o umění a milovníky Prahy. Kniha obsahuje základní teorii a praktické tipy s cvičeními a snadno proveditelné, podrobné pokyny, jak malovat toto krásné město.
Objev podobné jako Malujeme Prahu akvarelem: Painting Prague in Watercolor (978-80-271-3332-1)
Prague in Black and Gold: The History of a City - Peter Demetz
From the Velvet Revolution to the disturbing world of Franz Kafka, from the devestation of the Thirty Years War to the musical elegance of Mozart and Dvorak, Prague is steeped in a wealth of history and culture. PRAGUE IN BLACK AND GOLD is a first class history of this unique city, allowing us to unravel layer upon layer of startlingly symbolic sites and buidings to reveal the real Prague. "PRAGUE IN BLACK AND GOLD is an exceptional work - and exceptionally reliable ... I am sure that thiswill be an important and exciting guide for all who wish to learn more about the famous people and important events in the history of the Czech lands and their capital" Ivan Klima, The Times
Objev podobné jako Prague in Black and Gold: The History of a City - Peter Demetz
Only in Prague - Duncan J.D. Smith
Nový typ průvodce přivede návštěvníky Prahy na půvabná tajemná zákoutí, turisticky méně známá místa a představuje neobvyklé stavby a objekty, které by neměly uniknout pozornosti zvídavých turistů. Více než 80 objektů je podrobně popsáno a doplněno barevnými fotografiemi a mapkou s vyznačením polohy objektů. K dispozici je také verze v němčině.
Objev podobné jako Only in Prague - Duncan J.D. Smith
American Barber in Prague - Kraig Casebier
Born into a family of barbers, Kraig knew from a young age he too would become a barber. What he didn't know was the many paths his life would take. Adventures and mishaps. Health problems, impulsive decisions and a love of travel. All of this eventually formed a remarkable, adventurous story that took him from the American South to the very heart of Europe. In this book, Kraig reveals secrets and details from his past, and lets the reader embark on a remarkable journey with him through Mexico, the Bahamas, Paris, Italy, Turkey and Ukraine all the way to Prague - however, the story doesn't end here...
Objev podobné jako American Barber in Prague - Kraig Casebier
American Trumpet in Prague - CD (VA0014-2)
Hudební CD - Skladby věhlasných autorů jako jsou A. Vivaldi, J. S. Bach, J. Stanley, C. Saint-Saëns, G. Tartini, L. Clarke, Z. Fibich-Scotti, J. Levi. Skladby věhlasných autorů jako jsou A. Vivaldi, J. S. Bach, J. Stanley, C. Saint-Saëns, G. Tartini, L. Clarke, Z. Fibich-Scotti, J. Levi. Obsah: Concerto in Do maggiore 2 trombe Allegro Largo Allegro Arioso from Cantata No.156 Concerto in Re maggiore Allegro moderato My Spirit Be Joyful. From the Easter Cantata No.146 Trumpet Tune. From the Ten Voluntaries for the Organ Op.6 My Heart at Thy Sweet Voice Sound from the Hudson My Moonlight Madonna The Débutanté (Caprice Brillante) Grand Russian Fantasia (Thema and Variations) Carnival of Venice (With Variations)
Objev podobné jako American Trumpet in Prague - CD (VA0014-2)
Homelessness Among Older Adults in Prague (9788024645261)
Elektronická kniha - autor Jakub Marek, Marie Vágnerová a Ladislav Csémy, 310 stran, anglicky Following their engaging study Homelessness among Young People in Prague, the authors of this book turn their attention to an older population facing the same issue, a very different situation since these older adults grew up under a communist regime where an obligation to work was enshrined in law and living on the street could result in a prison sentence. Based on three years of research, this book provides a slew of data-based statistical insights, analyzing the efficacy of relief provided by both the state and nonprofit organizations, detailing how the clients of such organizations rate their services, to what extent they accept assistance, and whether they believe it has helped them. More importantly, it features extensive interviews with real people, making it the first Czech book on this issue to present homelessness from the perspective of those who live with...
Objev podobné jako Homelessness Among Older Adults in Prague (9788024645261)
Lost and Found in Prague - Kelly Jones
The author of"The Woman Who Heard Color "transports readers to a dreary Good Friday in Prague in an "intriguing thriller"* as the mysterious death of a nun sets off a tangled chain of events that inexorably draws three strangers together and forever changes their lives Just after the fall of the Berlin Wall, aspiring journalist Dana Pierson joined the hordes of young people traveling to Eastern Europe to be a part of history. There, she and her best friend were swept up in the excitement of the Velvet Revolution. Twenty years later, Dana returns to the city of her youthful rebellion to reconnect with her old confidant, who never left the city. But the visit that was reserved for healing intimacies and giddy reminiscences is marred by a strange death in one of Prague s most famous Catholic churches and an even more peculiar mystery surrounding it In a city where the past is never far from the present, Dana must work with a conflicted Italian priest and a world-weary Czech investigator to unlock dark secrets hidden in Prague s twisted streets. But the key to solving the puzzle may lie in memories of Dana s long-ago visit, even as she is forced to face the reality of a more recent loss *"Publisher Weekly
Objev podobné jako Lost and Found in Prague - Kelly Jones
A Little Place in Prague - Julie Caplinová
***Preorder the gorgeous new Winter romance from Julie Caplin, coming October 2024!***It''s been years since Anna has seen Leo Knight. And of all the apartments in all the cities in all the world, he just happens to walk in to her cosy new attic home – as her new housemate.As the two walk the cobbled streets of Prague, taking in the sights and sounds from Wenceslas Square, frosted with snow, to the soft glow of candlelit Charles Bridge, the enchantment of the City of a Hundred Spires soon starts to work its magic on them…Praise for Julie Caplin:‘One unputdownable story’ Sunday Times Bestseller Katie Fforde‘An irresistible slice of escapism’ Sunday Times Bestseller Phillipa Ashley‘A gorgeous book, in which each little detail and plot point adds sparkle to the story’ Erin Green‘Julie Caplin always sweeps me away to whatever location her stories are set in…a feast for all the senses with a romance that sparkles like the finest champagne!’ Sarah Bennett‘Made me want to pack my entire life into a suitcase and start all over again in a gorgeous setting’ Kim Nash
Objev podobné jako A Little Place in Prague - Julie Caplinová
Našrot - Live in Prague 1991 (Vinyl LP)
Vinyl LP album Našrot - Live in Prague 1991 (2022). V rámci série živáků právě u PHR Records vychází koncertní nahrávka havlíčkobrodských NAŠROT. V rámci série živáků právě u PHR Records vychází koncertní nahrávka havlíčkobrodských NAŠROT. Album Live in Prague je vinylovou verzí kazety vydané původně v roce 1991 na Fuck records, vlastním labelu kapely. NAŠROT vznikl v roce 1988 na troskách několika místních androškých kapel. Kapela, která sama tvrdí, že stylově vycházela z Dead Kennedys a The Who, svým pojetím hardcore brzo získala popularitu i mimo hranice svého kraje. Rychlé a krátké skladby doplněné texty s hospodskou tématikou, což bylo domovským tématem členů kapely, daly název i novému stylu - pubcore. Po vydání LP na Monitoru byl na počátku devadesátých let Našrot na vrcholu a v této době odehrál jeden ze svých nejznámějších koncertů v pražském Rock Café. Kapela pod vlivem alkoholu podala strhující výkon, bez ohledu na občasné zapomínání textů ze strany Hraboše. Koncert navštívili i členové The Exploited, kteří byli z výkonu kapely nadšeni, a legendární je historika, kterak Wattie lanařil bubeníka Našrot. Tohle je autentická atmosféra raných devadesátek. Nahrávka na vinylu vychází v kompletní podobě včetně skladby Nemám už naději, která byla v kazetové verzi vynechána. Nedílnou součástí vinylového vydání je kromě textové přílohy i reprint dobového kapelního fanzinu. 1. Underground už není co bejval 01:32 2. Policejní stát 01:48 3. Produkty ideologie 00:16 4. Modlitba pro pana Vepře 01:21 5. Pochod falešnejch rebelů 01:34 6. "It's Fucking World" 02:20 7. Blues růžovýho pokoje 02:16 8. Malá je naděje 02:26 9. Spravedlnost 01:44 10. Anarchy in the C.S. 02:02 11. Plastická trhavina 00:58 12. Hodnej kluk 02:05 13. Nemám už naději 01:00 14. Hnijící královna 03:09 15. Sexy story 02:17
Objev podobné jako Našrot - Live in Prague 1991 (Vinyl LP)
Euroradio Jazz Orchestra: In Prague - CD (CR0775-2)
Hudební CD - Euroradio Jazz Orchestra je unikátní mezinárodní hudební těleso s dlouhou tradicí, do jejíž novodobé historie promluvil klíčovým způsobem Český rozhlas. Euroradio Jazz Orchestra je unikátní mezinárodní hudební těleso s dlouhou tradicí, do jejíž novodobé historie promluvil klíčovým způsobem Český rozhlas. Od roku 2014 se o těleso stará vždy jeden z evropských rozhlasů a svoji péči si rádia jednou ročně vymění. Jako historicky první v řadě převzal v roce 2014 zodpovědnost za fungováním orchestru Český rozhlas ve spolupráci s organizátory festivalu JazzFest Brno. Orchestr, založený na koordinační podpoře mediálních společností sdružených v EBU, se přejmenoval na Euroradio Jazz Orchestra a v této podobě se s ním máme možnost setkat historicky poprvé právě na albu In Prague. Kapela vystoupila pod vedením Jana Jiruchy ml. a provedla skladby Jiruchovy, Štěpánky Balcarové a jednu kompozici rumunského autora. Jako další český člen orchestru se vedle...
Objev podobné jako Euroradio Jazz Orchestra: In Prague - CD (CR0775-2)
Hans Zimmer - Live In Prague (Coloured) (4 LP)
Dekáda interpreta: 1980 - 1989;2000 - 2009;1970 - 1979;1990 - 1999;2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019 Interpret / Téma: Hans Zimmer Vydavatelství: Eagle Rock Entertainment Typ: LP deska;Album;Barevná Datum vydání: 2020-05-29 Subžánr: Score;Stage & Screen;Soundtrack Rok vydání: 2020.0 Varianta: Live In Prague (Coloured) (4 LP) Barva: Fialová Složení setu: 4 ks Země původu: Evropská unie;Německo Balení obsahuje: LP Barva podle výrobce: Purple Žánr: Classical Hmotnost: 180 g Země interpreta: Německo Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM
Objev podobné jako Hans Zimmer - Live In Prague (Coloured) (4 LP)
Kocsis Zoltán: Great Artists in Prague - CD (CR0509-2)
Hudební CD - Pražské jaro a Zoltán Kocsis na tomto CD Franz Schubert - Sonata B dur Franz Liszt - Uherská rapsodie č. 5 e moll, Ave Maria Béla Bartók - Devět malých klavírních skladeb Seznam stop Sonáta B dur Molto moderato / Andante sostenuto / Scherzo. Allegro vivace con delicatezza / Allegro ma non troppo / Uherská rapsodie č. 5 e moll S 244/5 Héroide élégiaque / Ave Maria S 182 Římské zvonyDevět malých klavírních skladeb, 2.sešit Sz 82 Menuetto. Moderato / Air. Allegro / Marcia delle bestie. Comodo / Tamburína. Allegro molto
Objev podobné jako Kocsis Zoltán: Great Artists in Prague - CD (CR0509-2)
Handel Ida: Ida Haendel in Prague - CD (SU3782-2)
Hudební CD - Britská houslistka polského původu Ida Haendelová (*1928), jejíž umění znají nejslavnější koncertní sály světa a jež se může pyšnit spoluprací snad se všemi dirigentskými legendami, zanechala díky nahrávací technice nesmazatelné stopy i v Praze. Britská houslistka polského původu Ida Haendelová (*1928), jejíž umění znají nejslavnější koncertní sály světa a jež se může pyšnit spoluprací snad se všemi dirigentskými legendami, zanechala díky nahrávací technice nesmazatelné stopy i v Praze. Z výkonů fenomenální virtuosky uložených ve firemním archivu jsme vybrali nahrávky autorů, jimž byly housle nástrojem nad jiné blízkým: Glazunova, Wieniawského a Tartiniho. Jsou to nahrávky pořízené většinou již v éře stereofonních záznamů, a tak posluchač může vychutnat sílu houslistčina geniálního talentu i naléhavost její umělecké výpovědi bez nejmenších rušivých vjemů. Ida Haendel - legendární houslistka na koncertech v Praze! Seznam stop Koncert pro housle a...
Objev podobné jako Handel Ida: Ida Haendel in Prague - CD (SU3782-2)
American Barber in Prague (978-80-277-1234-2)
Kniha - autor kraig Casebier, 288 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá Craig has a long family history of Barbering dating back to 1914. He apprenticed in his father's and grandfather’s Kentucky barbershops from an early age then completed his training at one of the worlds top academies. He then went on to work with his brother in their own shop in Atlanta, Georgia. Kraig's travels eventually landed him in Prague where he decided to plan new roots and open his own barbershop to continue the passion he's held for over forty years. Kraig is regularly featured in European magazines and on TV in both Czech Republic and Germany, including a TV documentary about his life in Prague, and has been recognized as one of Europe’s top barbers by Barbers Quarterly magazine.
Objev podobné jako American Barber in Prague (978-80-277-1234-2)
Casadesuse Robert: Great Artists in Prague - CD (CR0595-2)
Hudební CD - Live nahrávka z Pražského jara 1962 a 1958. Edice Great Artists in Prague. Live nahrávka z Pražského jara 1962 a 1958. Edice Great Artists in Prague. Obsah: Claude Debussy (1862-1918) - 24 preludií (výběr) César Franck (1822-1890) - Preludium, chorál a fuga Nahrávka jednoho z nejvýznamnějších francouzských klavíristů 20. století Roberta Casadesuse (1899-1972). Seznam stop Preludia pro klavír - I. kniha (výběr) Delfské tanečnice. Lent et grave / Vrcholky na Anacapri. Tres modéré / Dívka s vlasy jako len (Plavovláska). Tres calme et doucement expresiff / Co vyprávěl západní vítr. Animé et tumulteux / Potopená katedrála. Profondément calme / Kejklíři. ModéréPreludia pro klavír - II. kniha (výběr) Vinná brána. Mouv de Habanera / Rusalka. Scherzando / Generál Lavine - výstředník. Dans le style et le Mouvement d'un Cake-Walk / Audienční terasa ve svitu luny. Lent / Střídavé tercie. Modérement animé / Ohňostroj. Modérement animé / MaskyRytiny...
Objev podobné jako Casadesuse Robert: Great Artists in Prague - CD (CR0595-2)
Prague - 1:10 000 in your pocket city centre
Podrobný a přitom krásně čitelný plán historického centra Prahy. Veškeré památky, zajímavosti a turisticky významné informace v něm mají přednost před ostatním obsahem – a to nejen v mapě, ale i v doprovodných informacích. Zadní strana představuje slovem i fotografiemi 30 nejdůležitějších pražských pamětihodností, samostatná část je věnována historické Královské cestě – jedné z nejzajímavějších prohlídkových tras Prahy. Vše doplňují praktické informace o dopravě, včetně lodní, významných muzeích, galeriích a dalších kulturních zařízeních. Vychází také anglicky a rusky. podrobný plán centra Prahy v měřítku 1 : 10 000 30 pražských nej Královská cesta informační centra doprava muzea, galerie, divadla plánek metra rejstřík
Objev podobné jako Prague - 1:10 000 in your pocket city centre
Mission: Apostolic Nuncio in Prague - Marek Šmíd - e-kniha
eBook: Kniha Marka Šmída se zabývá československo-vatikánskými vztahy za první republiky. Na základě pramenů z vatikánských archivů přibližuje postoje a názory významných apoštolských nunciů působících na našem území, ale neponechává stranou ani československé vnímání Vatikánu a poměr Čechů ke Svatému stolci. Materiály z německých a rakouských archivů umožnily zasadit výklad do širšího kontextu a nabídnout potřebný pohled zvenčí. Anglické vydání.
Objev podobné jako Mission: Apostolic Nuncio in Prague - Marek Šmíd - e-kniha
Prague : Belonging in the Modern City (Defekt) - Chad Bryant
A poignant reflection on alienation and belonging, told through the lives of five remarkable people who struggled against nationalism and intolerance in one of Europe’s most stunning cities.What does it mean to belong somewhere? For many of Prague’s inhabitants, belonging has been linked to the nation, embodied in the capital city. Grandiose medieval buildings and monuments to national heroes boast of a glorious, shared history. Past governments, democratic and Communist, layered the city with architecture that melded politics and nationhood. Not all inhabitants, however, felt included in these efforts to nurture national belonging. Socialists, dissidents, Jews, Germans, and Vietnamese―all have been subject to hatred and political persecution in the city they called home.Chad Bryant tells the stories of five marginalized individuals who, over the last two centuries, forged their own notions of belonging in one of Europe’s great cities. An aspiring guidebook writer, a German-speaking newspaperman, a Bolshevik carpenter, an actress of mixed heritage who came of age during the Communist terror, and a Czech-speaking Vietnamese blogger: none of them is famous, but their lives are revealing. They speak to tensions between exclusionary nationalism and on-the-ground diversity. In their struggles against alienation and dislocation, they forged alternative communities in cafes, workplaces, and online. While strolling park paths, joining political marches, or writing about their lives, these outsiders came to embody a city that, on its surface, was built for others.A powerful and creative meditation on place and nation, the individual and community, Prague envisions how cohesion and difference might coexist as it acknowledges a need common to all.
Objev podobné jako Prague : Belonging in the Modern City (Defekt) - Chad Bryant
Sawallisch Wolfgang: Sawallisch in Prague (5x CD) - CD (SU4140-2)
Hudební CD - Wolfgang Sawallisch (26.8.1923-22.2.2013): ve třiceti debutoval u Berlínských filharmoniků, o čtyři roky později v Bayreuthu. Wolfgang Sawallisch (26.8.1923-22.2.2013): ve třiceti debutoval u Berlínských filharmoniků, o čtyři roky později v Bayreuthu. Deset let vedl Orchestre de la Suisse Romande, poté dvě desetiletí (1971-92) mnichovskou operu. V době mnichovského angažmá Sawallisch patřil k častým a nejoblíbenějším hostům České filharmonie. Tato kompilace představuje reprezentativní výběr živých snímků vzešlých z této spolupráce. Na Sawallischových pražských programech se - možná překvapivě - opakovaně objevoval Mozart či Beethoven, ale hojně také stěžejní díla české hudby (Smetana, Janáček, Martinů, Kalabis, Eben ad.; Sawallisch pro Supraphon natočil mj. dosud nepřekonané nahrávky Dvořákova Requiem a Stabat mater). Jeho vztah k české hudbě snad nejlépe vystihuje citát z dobové koncertní kritiky: „Vnímá a interpretuje české autory, jako by sám...
Objev podobné jako Sawallisch Wolfgang: Sawallisch in Prague (5x CD) - CD (SU4140-2)
Prague - A Jewel in the Heart of Europe - Ivan Henn
Praha - Klenot v srdci Evropy je historickou exkurzí o vzniku a průběhu výstavby našeho hlavního města od jeho počátků až po současnost, to vše doplněno nespočtem krásných fotografií a několika doplňujících podrobných ilustrací nejdůležitějších památek včetně ilustrované mapy historického centra Prahy.
Objev podobné jako Prague - A Jewel in the Heart of Europe - Ivan Henn
Castle and Cathedral in Modern Prague: Longing for the Sacred in a Skeptical Age - Bruce R. Berglund
Prague in the early twentieth century was the city of cubists, surrealists, and the Good Soldier vejk. This book takes a new approach to interwar Prague by identifying religion as an integral part of the city s cultural history. As Prague emerged as a modern city and the Czech nation gained independence, Catholics, Protestants, and those who imagined a non-sectarian religion debated questions of faith and morality. Contrary to the conventional view of modern Czech elites as atheistic, Berglund shows how they were deeply concerned with the place of religion in modern life.Based upon a wide array of sources, the monograph explores the linkages between politics, theology, and architecture in the building of new symbols and a civil religion for the first Czechoslovak republic (1918-1938). Berglund views the contest of the sacred and secular in Prague within the broader context of religious change in twentieth-century Europe. His book lays a foundation for understanding both Czech culture of the interwar period as well as the nation s and Europe s religious history in the modern age. The author takes an approach that is both interdisciplinary and biographical by focusing on important figures in the politics and culture of interwar Prague, including Tomá Masaryk, the philosopher who became Czechoslovakia s first president; his daughter Alice, founding director of the Czechoslovak Red Cross; and Joze Plecnik, the Slovenian architect who directed the renovations of Prague Castle and designed one of the city s most renowned churches. This study of the beliefs and doubts held by these and other figures shows the transition from a (mostly) Catholic tradition to a new religious conception that was modern, humanistic, and detached from any institution much like the religious beliefs held by many Europeans today.
Objev podobné jako Castle and Cathedral in Modern Prague: Longing for the Sacred in a Skeptical Age - Bruce R. Berglund
The Mercurial Emperor : The Magic Circle of Rudolf II in Renaissance Prague
First published under the title "The Theatre of the World", this work is a portrait of the crucible of magic, science and religion at the court of the doomed dreamer Rudolf II in Renaissance Prague. It is filled with angels and devils, high art and low cunning, talismans and stars.
Objev podobné jako The Mercurial Emperor : The Magic Circle of Rudolf II in Renaissance Prague
Janková Martina, Willi Barbara Maria: Prague-Vienna / Journey In Songs - CD (SU4231-2)
Hudební CD - Václav Jan Tomášek (1774-1850) - An den Mond, op. 56. Leopold Koželuh (1747-1818) - Spira pur, Sento amor. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) - Das Veilchen, Abendempfindung, Als Luise. Jan Josef Rösler (1771-1813) - Arietta Il niente, Herbstlied, An die Entfernte, La Verita. Václav Jan Tomášek (1774-1850) - An den Mond, op. 56. Leopold Koželuh (1747-1818) - Spira pur, Sento amor. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) - Das Veilchen, Abendempfindung, Als Luise. Jan Josef Rösler (1771-1813) - Arietta Il niente, Herbstlied, An die Entfernte, La Verita. Joseph Haydn (1731-1809) - O tuneful voice, The spirit's song. Jan Václav Voříšek (1791-1825) - An Sie, Liebe, Die Abschiedsträne. Jan Václav Kalivoda (1801-1866) - Frühlings Wanderschaft Martina Janková - soprán, Barbara Maria Willi - kladívkový klavír (Franz Joseph Baumeister, 1797) Cestu mezi Vídní a Prahou, kterou roku 1787 absolvoval 31letý Mozart, aby byl u premiéry svého Dona Giovanniho,...
Objev podobné jako Janková Martina, Willi Barbara Maria: Prague-Vienna / Journey In Songs - CD (SU4231-2)
Last Days in Old Europe : Trieste ´79, Vienna ´85, Prague ´89 - Richard Bassett
The final decade of the Cold War, through the eyes of a laconic and elegant observer In 1979 Richard Bassett set out on a series of adventures and encounters in central Europe which allowed him to savour the last embers of the cosmopolitan old Hapsburg lands and gave him a ringside seat at the fall of another ancien regime, that of communist rule. From Trieste to Prague and Vienna to Warsaw, fading aristocrats, charming gangsters, fractious diplomats and glamorous informants provided him with an unexpected counterpoint to the austerities of life along the Iron Curtain, first as a professional musician and then as a foreign correspondent. The book shows us familiar events and places from unusual vantage points: dilapidated mansions and boarding-houses, train carriages and cafes, where the game of espionage between east and west is often set. There are unexpected encounters with Shirley Temple, Fitzroy Maclean, Lech Walesa and the last Empress of Austria. Bassett finds himself at the funeral of King Nicola of Montenegro in Cetinje, plays bridge with the last man alive to have been decorated by the Austrian Emperor Franz-Josef and watches the KGB representative in Prague bestowing the last rites on the Soviet empire in Europe. Music and painting, architecture and landscape, food and wine, friendship and history run through the book. The author is lucky, observant and leans romantically towards the values of an older age. He brilliantly conjures the time, the people he meets, and Mitteleuropa in one of the pivotal decades of its history.
Objev podobné jako Last Days in Old Europe : Trieste ´79, Vienna ´85, Prague ´89 - Richard Bassett
Life and Love in Nazi Prague : Letters from an Occupied City - Marie Bader
Prague, 1940-1942. The Nazi-occupied city is locked in a reign of terror under Reinhard Heydrich. The Jewish community experience increasing levels of persecution, as rumours start to swirl of deportation and an unknown, but widely feared, fate. Amidst the chaos and devastation, Marie Bader, a widow age 56, has found love again with a widower, her cousin Ernst Löwy. Ernst has fled to Greece and the two correspond in a series of deeply heartfelt letters which provide a unique perspective on this period of heightening tension and anguish for the Jewish community. The letters paint a vivid, moving and often dramatic picture of Jewish life in occupied Prague, the way Nazi persecution affected Marie, her increasingly strained family relationships, as well as the effect on the wider Jewish community whilst Heydrich, one of the key architects and executioners of the Holocaust and Reich Protector in Bohemia and Moravia, established the Theresienstadt ghetto and began to organize the deportation of Jews. Through this deeply personal and moving account, the realities of Jewish life in Heydrich's Prague are dramatically revealed.
Objev podobné jako Life and Love in Nazi Prague : Letters from an Occupied City - Marie Bader
Book Of Prague (A City in Short Fiction) Anthology - Ivana Myšková, Jan Zikmund
An ex-con on compassionate release revisits his old haunts, only to feel dispossessed by how much the city has changed... The son of political dissidents in Soviet-era Prague is condemned to a life of menial jobs, like working at a local abattoir, unable to imagine his prospects ever improving... A young shop assistant in a tourist-friendly antique shop imagines what Prague would now look like if Czechoslovakia had stood up to the Nazis... The stories collected in this anthology show Prague to be a city of myriad layers and multiple histories. Famous for its untouched, Gothic and Baroque architecture and its trapped-in-aspic charm, it is also a place that has lived through numerous traumas over the last century and learned to conceal its scars, perhaps a little too well. Just as its landmarks should be preserved, so should these hidden histories, and sometimes the best place to preserve them is in stories. Autors: Bohumil Hrabal , Michal Ajvaz, Irena Dousková , Simona Bohatá , Jan Zábrana , Petr Borkovec , Marek Šindelka, Patrik Banga , Veronika Bendová a Marie Stryjová Translated by Alžběta Belánová, Geoffrey Chew, Melvyn Clarke, Graeme Dibble, Paul Kaye, Andrew Oakland, Justin Quinn, Julia and Peter Sherwood, Paul Wilson and Alex Zucker. Supported by the Czech Literary Centre and the Moravian Library.
Objev podobné jako Book Of Prague (A City in Short Fiction) Anthology - Ivana Myšková, Jan Zikmund
Last Days in Old Europe : Trieste ´79, Vienna ´85, Prague ´89 - Richard Bassett
Selected as a Book of the Year in the TLS and SpectatorIn 1979 Richard Bassett set out on a series of adventures and encounters in central Europe which allowed him to savour the last embers of the cosmopolitan old Hapsburg lands and gave him a ringside seat at the fall of another ancien regime, that of communist rule. From Trieste to Prague and Vienna to Warsaw, fading aristocrats, charming gangsters, fractious diplomats and glamorous informants provided him with an unexpected counterpoint to the austerities of life along the Iron Curtain, first as a professional musician and then as a foreign correspondent.The book shows us familiar events and places from unusual vantage points: dilapidated mansions and boarding-houses, train carriages and cafes, where the game of espionage between east and west is often set. There are unexpected encounters with Shirley Temple, Fitzroy Maclean, Lech Walesa and the last Empress of Austria. Bassett finds himself at the funeral of King Nicola of Montenegro in Cetinje, plays bridge with the last man alive to have been decorated by the Austrian Emperor Franz-Josef and watches the KGB representative in Prague bestowing the last rites on the Soviet empire in Europe.Music and painting, architecture and landscape, food and wine, friendship and history run through the book. The author is lucky, observant and leans romantically towards the values of an older age. He brilliantly conjures the time, the people he meets, and Mitteleuropa in one of the pivotal decades of its history.
Objev podobné jako Last Days in Old Europe : Trieste ´79, Vienna ´85, Prague ´89 - Richard Bassett
The Irish Franciscans in Prague 1629–1786 - Hedvika Kuchařová, Jan Pařez - e-kniha
eBook: At the end of the sixteenth century, Queen Elizabeth I forced the Irish Franciscans into exile. Of the four continental provinces to which the Irish Franciscans fled, the Prague Franciscan College of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary was the largest in its time. This monograph documents this intense point of contact between two small European lands, Ireland and Bohemia. The Irish exiles changed the course of Bohemian history in significant ways, both positive — the Irish students and teachers of medicine who contributed to Bohemia’s culture and sciences— and negative — the Irish officers who participated in the murder of Albrecht of Valdštejn and their successors who served in the Imperial forces. Dealing with a hitherto largely neglected theme, Parez and Kucharová attempt to place the Franciscan College within Bohemian history and to document the activities of its members. This wealth of historical material from the Czech archives, presented in English for the first time, will be of great aid for international researchers, particularly those interested in Bohemia or the Irish diaspora.
Objev podobné jako The Irish Franciscans in Prague 1629–1786 - Hedvika Kuchařová, Jan Pařez - e-kniha
Homelessness among Young People in Prague - Marie Vágnerová, Jakub Marek, Ladislav Csémy - e-kniha
eBook: Undoubtedly, homelessness is an interesting phenomenon of today. It represents a clear social failure which can be viewed as a syndrome of a complex social failure. Everyone knows the homeless and sees them on everyday basis, but only few people know about them more than that they look neglected, drink alcohol and always sleep in various places. The reality is, however, in many respects different, primarily as concerns young people for whom the life in the street may be merely a temporary stage in their lives. The book entitled Homelessness as an Alternative Existence of Young People provides information about those who lost their background or even never had it. It is about life in the street and about what preceded it, about their attitudes to the various problems which they face, often unsuccessfully. Young homeless people are different and the stories and causes of their social downswing are also different. The description of life in the street where one loses his privacy, the possibility to satisfy his basic needs and often even self-respect shows what must be endured in order to survive. The second part of the publication is devoted to the opposite process: a return from the street to the society, and the difficulties that must be overcome in order to accomplish it. Often it is not merely about coping with one’s past stigma but also other consequences of non-standard life, such as drug addiction, criminal records or accumulated debt. The text is based on interviews with homeless people and represents and authentic picture of this social group in Prague.
Objev podobné jako Homelessness among Young People in Prague - Marie Vágnerová, Jakub Marek, Ladislav Csémy - e-kniha
Prague Chamber Orchestra: Symphony No.94 in G major, No.103 - CD (VA0103-2)
Hudební CD - Prague Chamber Orchestra hraje Haydna. Prague Chamber Orchestra hraje Haydna. Seznam stop Symphony No.94 in G major „Surprise” 1. Adagio cantabile. Vivace assai / 2. Andante / 3. Menuetto. Allegro molto / 4. Finale. Allegro di moltoSymphony No.103 in E flat major „Drum Roll” 1. Adagio. Allegro con spirito / 2. Andante / 3. Menuetto / 4. Allegro con spirito
Objev podobné jako Prague Chamber Orchestra: Symphony No.94 in G major, No.103 - CD (VA0103-2)
Last Days in Old Europe : Trieste ´79, Vienna ´85, Prague ´89 (Defekt) - Richard Bassett
The final decade of the Cold War, through the eyes of a laconic and elegant observer In 1979 Richard Bassett set out on a series of adventures and encounters in central Europe which allowed him to savour the last embers of the cosmopolitan old Hapsburg lands and gave him a ringside seat at the fall of another ancien regime, that of communist rule. From Trieste to Prague and Vienna to Warsaw, fading aristocrats, charming gangsters, fractious diplomats and glamorous informants provided him with an unexpected counterpoint to the austerities of life along the Iron Curtain, first as a professional musician and then as a foreign correspondent. The book shows us familiar events and places from unusual vantage points: dilapidated mansions and boarding-houses, train carriages and cafes, where the game of espionage between east and west is often set. There are unexpected encounters with Shirley Temple, Fitzroy Maclean, Lech Walesa and the last Empress of Austria. Bassett finds himself at the funeral of King Nicola of Montenegro in Cetinje, plays bridge with the last man alive to have been decorated by the Austrian Emperor Franz-Josef and watches the KGB representative in Prague bestowing the last rites on the Soviet empire in Europe. Music and painting, architecture and landscape, food and wine, friendship and history run through the book. The author is lucky, observant and leans romantically towards the values of an older age. He brilliantly conjures the time, the people he meets, and Mitteleuropa in one of the pivotal decades of its history.
Objev podobné jako Last Days in Old Europe : Trieste ´79, Vienna ´85, Prague ´89 (Defekt) - Richard Bassett
Homelessness Among Older Adults in Prague - Marie Vágnerová, Jakub Marek, Ladislav Csémy - e-kniha
eBook: Following their engaging study Homelessness among Young People in Prague, the authors of this book turn their attention to an older population facing the same issue, a very different situation since these older adults grew up under a communist regime where an obligation to work was enshrined in law and living on the street could result in a prison sentence. Based on three years of research, this book provides a slew of data-based statistical insights, analyzing the efficacy of relief provided by both the state and nonprofit organizations, detailing how the clients of such organizations rate their services, to what extent they accept assistance, and whether they believe it has helped them. More importantly, it features extensive interviews with real people, making it the first Czech book on this issue to present homelessness from the perspective of those who live with it every day.
Objev podobné jako Homelessness Among Older Adults in Prague - Marie Vágnerová, Jakub Marek, Ladislav Csémy - e-kniha
Paddington in Peru: The Story of the Movie - Anna Wilsonová
New for 2024, the unmissable, official novelisation of the third Paddington movie! In his third big screen outing from Studiocanal, the creators of Wonka and the Harry Potter movies, Paddington and the Browns leave Windsor Gardens to embark on an epic adventure to visit Aunt Lucy at The Home for Retired Bears. There, they find a mystery that sends them on a hilarious and thrilling journey along the Amazon, through the jungle and up to the mountain peaks of Peru. This wonderful retelling of the cinematic film has been penned by Anna Wilson, based on the story by Paul King, Mark Burton and Simon Farnaby, and the screenplay written by Mark Burton, Jon Foster and James Lamont.
Objev podobné jako Paddington in Peru: The Story of the Movie - Anna Wilsonová
Maazel Lorin: Romeo a Julie - Great Artists Live in Prague (2x CD) - CD (CR0599-2)
Hudební CD - Dramatická symfonie podle Shakespearovy tragédie pro sóla, sbor a orchestr na slova Émila Deschampse, op. 17. Dramatická symfonie podle Shakespearovy tragédie pro sóla, sbor a orchestr na slova Émila Deschampse, op. 17 (1839) Beno Blachut - tenor Věra Krilová - mezzosoprán Ladislav Mráz - bas Český pěvecký sbor & Josef Veselka Česká filharmonie & Lorin Maazel Živý snímek z koncertu konaného dne 19. května 1960 ve Smetanově síni pražského Obecního domu (vokální party zpívány česky) Seznam stop Romeo a Julie Op. 17 Introdukce / Prolog / Píseň / Scherzetto / Romeo sám - Smutek - Vzdálene ohlasy koncertu - Velká slavnost / Milostná scéna / Královna Mab, víla snůRomeo a Julie Op. 17 Pohřeb Juliin / Romeo v hrobce Kapuletů / Finále / Árie / Přísaha
Objev podobné jako Maazel Lorin: Romeo a Julie - Great Artists Live in Prague (2x CD) - CD (CR0599-2)
Prague Cuisine - A Selection of Culinary Experiences in the City of Spires - Dominic James Holcombe
Prague Cuisine is a culinary journey of discovery. From urban chic to fine dining, Dominic James shares his culinary experiences and discoveries, revealing a diverse selection of restaurants, cafés, bistros and confectioners in and around a city rich in history and tradition. With its beautiful collection of photographs and descriptive legends, this treasure trove of culinary destinations will create for gourmets and urban foodies alike a desire to explore and sample the atmosphere of these gastronomical experiences.Featuring introductions from award winning chefs, Prague Cuisine showcases the capital’s finest offerings, the history of places and people and illustrates how the gastronomy scene has developed and evolved over the past few years.
Objev podobné jako Prague Cuisine - A Selection of Culinary Experiences in the City of Spires - Dominic James Holcombe
Prague Sketched - Urban Sketchers Prague
Prostřednictvím více než 175 kreseb vytvořených přímo na místě nabízí tato unikátní kniha možnost prohlédnout si Prahu očima amatérských i profesionálních umělců, kteří ve městě žijí. With more than 175 dynamic sketches created right on the spot, this unique book offers an opportunity to view Prague through the eyes of amateur and professional artists who call it home.
Objev podobné jako Prague Sketched - Urban Sketchers Prague
Dopamine Nation: Finding Balance in the Age of Indulgence - Anna Lembke
We are a wired generation. In these fast-paced times we are constantly bombarded by high-reward, high-dopamine stimuli. From texting to social media, food to drugs, gambling to shopping, we have become addicted to fleeting and distracting pleasures that are making us sick.In Dopamine Nation, psychiatrist and bestselling author Dr Anna Lembke reveals why our relentless pursuit of pleasure leads to pain and what we can do about it. Bringing together cutting-edge neuroscience with the gripping real life experiences from her clinical practice, Lembke explores how contentment and connectedness are essential tools in keeping dopamine in check. This is an essential book for anyone wanting to find a balance for a happier life.
Objev podobné jako Dopamine Nation: Finding Balance in the Age of Indulgence - Anna Lembke
The Bells of Old Tokyo: Travels in Japanese Time - Anna Sherman
'Sherman’s is a special book. Every sentence, every thought she has, every question she asks, every detail she notices, offers something. The Bells of Old Tokyo is a gift . . . It is a masterpiece.' - SpectatorFor over 300 years, Japan closed itself to outsiders, developing a remarkable and unique culture. During its period of isolation, the inhabitants of the city of Edo, later known as Tokyo, relied on its public bells to tell the time. In her remarkable book, Anna Sherman tells of her search for the bells of Edo, exploring the city of Tokyo and its inhabitants and the individual and particular relationship of Japanese culture - and the Japanese language - to time, tradition, memory, impermanence and history.Through Sherman’s journeys around the city and her friendship with the owner of a small, exquisite cafe, who elevates the making and drinking of coffee to an art-form, The Bells of Old Tokyo presents a series of hauntingly memorable voices in the labyrinth that is the metropolis of the Japanese capital: An aristocrat plays in the sea of ashes left by the Allied firebombing of 1945. A scientist builds the most accurate clock in the world, a clock that will not lose a second in five billion years. A sculptor eats his father’s ashes while the head of the house of Tokugawa reflects on the destruction of his grandfather’s city (‘A lost thing is lost. To chase it leads to darkness’).The result is a book that not only engages with the striking otherness of Japanese culture like no other, but that also marks the arrival of a dazzling new writer as she presents an absorbing and alluring meditation on life through an exploration of a great city and its people.
Objev podobné jako The Bells of Old Tokyo: Travels in Japanese Time - Anna Sherman
Funko POP! Legends Tennis Legends - John McEnroe (889698477338)
Figurka - soška, postavička, sběratelská, výška 9 cm, materiál vinyl, nepohyblivá Funko POP! jsou čím dál populárnější malé vinylové figurky s ikonickým roztomilým vzhledem, který je charakterizován velkou hlavou a malým tělem postavičky. Poprvé byly představeny v roce 2010, kombinují tradiční výrobu sošek s moderními prvky a barvami a jsou uznávané i jako sběratelské předměty. Každý si v dnes už tisících figurek najde tu svoji, vyráběny jsou v mnoha různých tématech, jako jsou filmy, televizní seriály, hry, komiksy a další pop-kulturní ikony. I tato figurka, Funko POP! Legends Tennis Legends - John McEnroe, o výšce 9 cm se stane skvělým kouskem do vaší sbírky, či veselou hračkou pro vaše dítko. Hlavní přednosti figurky Funko POP! Legends Tennis Legends - John McEnroe Figurka Funko potěší každého sběratele Materiálem je vinyl Funko POP! Legends Tennis Legends - John McEnroe představuje dekorativní sošku Balení obsahuje jednu figurku Figurka Funko měří 9 cm
Objev podobné jako Funko POP! Legends Tennis Legends - John McEnroe (889698477338)
Podívejte se také
- avengers legends 15cm figurka
- GRID Legends - Xbox (5030940124929)
- GRID Legends - PS5 (5030943124919)
- Pane Bůh, tady Anna ()
- Prague cuisine: A Selection of Culinary Experiences in the City of Spires (978-80-906245-1-1)
- Rayman Legends - Xbox One (3307215774687)
- Avengers Legends U.S. Agent (5010993790814)
- Marvel Legends Iron Man (5010993848911)
- BRÜXXI Anna, síťovina, zelená (SP1001025)
- BRÜXXI Anna, síťovina, černá (SP1001024)
- BRÜXXI Anna, síťovina, modrá (SP1001027)
- Various: Prague Rhapsody - CD (CQ0055-2)
- Various: Prague Festival - CD (CQ0054-2)
- Prague (978-80-7391-914-6)
- Prague Radio Chorus: František Škroup - Columbus - Highlights from the Opera (Prague Opera Collectio (310153-2)
- Prague Radio Symphony Orchestra: Antonín Dvořák - Armida (Prague Opera Collection) (3x CD) - CD (310246-2)
- Rabbids: Party of Legends - PS4 (3307216237389)
- GRID Legends - Xbox Digital (G3Q-01307)
- 3 Legged Thing Legends Jay (311028)
- Minecraft Legends - Xbox Digital (G7Q-00139)
- Fortnite: Anime Legends Bundle - PS5 (5060760889517)
- 3 Legged Thing Legends Mike (311027)