Gladiator: the roman fighter's (unofficial) manual - philip matyszak

Produkt Gladiator: the roman fighter's (unofficial) manual - philip matyszak sme našli 50+x, pokiaľ to nie je to čo hľadáte, skúste frázu Gladiator: the roman fighter's (unofficial) manual - philip matyszak upraviť a produkt hľadať znova.

Gladiator: The Roman Fighter's (Unofficial) Manual - Philip Matyszak


You want to be a gladiator? This book has everything you need to know before you step out to fight for your life in front of a roaring crowd! Find out how to get thousands to idolize you as the strongest, meanest fighter in the Roman empire. Win fame and fortune in one of Rome’s most glamorous locations, in the presence of the emperor himself. Wouldn’t you kill for a job like that? This handy guide tells you everything you need to know before you make that fateful step. Experience at first hand the spectacular, brutal life and savage death of the most iconic figure of ancient Rome. Learn how to take the first faltering steps over the threshold of gladiator school, and through training to become a ‘man of the sword’. Learn why you should become a gladiator, how to join the profession, who will try to kill you (and what with), which arena of the empire is right for you, when and how often you will fight and what happens before, during and after the bout. Combining the latest research with modern reconstructions, the author of the bestselling Legionary and Ancient Rome on Five Denarii a Day helps you experience at first hand the spectacular, brutal life and savage death of The Gladiator. 'Offers tongue-in-cheek advice on how to cut it in the amphitheatre … brings home the horror of the spectacles' Current Archaeology Contents List Becoming a Gladiator • How Did We Get Here? • Arenas of the Empire • Ludus Life • The Making of a Gladiator • Gladiators Outside the Arena • Preliminaries to a Bout • Death at the Colosseum • Death and Other Alternatives to Retirement • Map of the Roman Empire • Glossary • Further Reading • Sources of Quotations • Sources of Illustrations • Index (

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The Greek and Roman Myths. A Guide to the Classical Stories - Philip Matyszak


A guide to the Greek and Roman Myths. It features a blend of stories, facts and quotations from ancient authors, and places ancient myths in a modern context, discussing the afterlives of the myths and the relevance of their messages. It includes factfile (

Podobné produkty ako The Greek and Roman Myths. A Guide to the Classical Stories - Philip Matyszak , Wowme gladiator grey (gladiator grey)

Ancient Magic: A Practitioner’s Guide to the Supernatural in Greece and Rome - Philip Matyszak


Bestselling author Philip Matyszak explores how the Greeks and Romans used magic, who performed it – and why Magic was everywhere in the ancient world. The supernatural abounded, turning flowers into fruit and caterpillars into butterflies. Magic packed a cloud of water vapour with energy enough to destroy a house with one well-aimed thunderbolt. It was everyday magic, but it was still magical. Philip Matyszak takes readers into that world. He shows us how to make a love potion or cast a curse, how to talk to the dead and how to identify and protect oneself from evil spirits. He takes us to a world where gods, like humans, were creatures of space and time; where people could not just talk to spirits and deities, but could even themselves become divine; and where divine beings could fall from – or be promoted to – full godhood. Ancient Magic offers us a new way of understanding the role of magic, looking at its history in all of its classical forms. Drawing on a wide array of sources, from Greek dramas to curse tablets, lavishly illustrated throughout, and packed with information, surprises, lore and learning, this book offers an engaging and accessible way into the supernatural for all. (

Podobné produkty ako Ancient Magic: A Practitioner’s Guide to the Supernatural in Greece and Rome - Philip Matyszak

Zapomenuté národy starověkého světa - Philip Matyszak


Kniha pojednává o dávných národech, jež, ačkoli jsou převážně zapomenuty, nás ovlivňují i dnes. Nebo jde o národy, o kterých si pamatujeme jediný fakt, zatímco vše ostatní se vytratilo. Co víme o Baktrech kromě toho, že měli dvouhrbé velbloudy? Nebo o Samaritánech mimo to, že jeden z nich byl milosrdný? Zmizelých národů existuje mnoho, kniha se proto zaměřuje na jednu část starověkého světa. Vykresluje obrázek multikulturní masy lidí, která obývala starověký Střední východ, Středomoří a části Evropy. Smyslem knihy, která poznatky o vybraných tajemných národech shromažďuje na jednom místě, je připomenout si, že civilizace je kolektivním projektem lidstva. Náš moderní svět neutvářely jen „velké“ civilizace. Každému národu je věnována samostatná kapitola. Obsahuje stručnou charakteristiku a schematickou mapku území, na kterém žili nebo které patřilo do jejich sféry vlivu. Dále následuje popis rozkvětu i úpadku této civilizace, věnuje se jejich vládcům i hodnotám, na nichž byly založeny. Kniha mapuje také způsob obživy obyvatel, pokroky ve stavebnictví, v obchodu, interakce s okolními národy i vojenské výboje. Text doplňují ilustrace nebo fotografie, pokud se tato svědectví zachovala. Jde například o stavby, pozůstatky dávných měst, sošky, šperky nebo i texty, které se dochovaly tisíce let. Konec kapitoly nabízí různé zajímavosti, jak se ten či onen národ propojen se současností, například v Bibli, bájích a pověstech, jazyce, kultuře, architektuře, právním systému, válečnictví, ale i třeba v kynologii... Psi kmenů Dalmatů cvičené na ochranu a hlídání stád jsou pravděpodobně vzdálenými předky plemene, které dnes odvozuje svůj název od tohoto kmene – dalmatini. Na stránkách publikace se také dočtete, že špatná nebo dobrá pověst některých národů není často založena na racionálních základech a všechno je malinko složitější. Pokud ale rozpletete klubíčko historie, porozumíte lépe nejen minulosti, ale i současnosti. S mnohými jmény i událostmi popisovanými v knize se navíc běžně setkáváme v učebnicích, literatuře i běžné mluvě. V knize se například dozvíte odpovědi na otázky: Kdo byli Filištínové? Proč se novomanželky přenášejí přes práh domu? Proč Židé nemluvili se Samaritány? Kdo byl král Midas a komu se podařilo rozvázat slavný gordický uzel? Jak se nazývalo deset ztracených kmenů Izraele? Byli Vandalové opravdu vandaly? Ovládali Médové magii? Co znamená Pyrrhovo vítězství? A jak toto rčení vlastně vzniklo? (

Podobné produkty ako Zapomenuté národy starověkého světa - Philip Matyszak

24 hodín v starovekom Ríme - Philip Matyszak

24 hodín v starovekom Ríme - Philip Matyszak

Spoznajte skutočný Rím prostredníctvom 24 hodín v životejeho obyvateľov.V tejto pútavej a zároveň náučnej knihe nám historika autor bestsellerov Philip Matyszak predstaví ľudí, ktorítam žili a pracovali. Každú dennú a nočnú hodinu spoznámenovú postavu – cisára, slúžku, gladiátora, astrológa, posla,výrobcu vodných hodín, kňažku, otroka, senátora či strážnikaa mnohých ďalších, a dozvieme sa fascinujúce podrobnostiz ich každodenného života.V príbehoch občanov antického Ríma pred našimi očamiožíva svet tohto legendami opradeného dôležitého mestasvetovej histórie. (

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24 hodín v starovekých Aténach - Philip Matyszak

24 hodín v starovekých Aténach - Philip Matyszak

Strávte 24 hodín so starovekými Aténčanmi. Vnímajte ichpohľadom mesto, keď balansuje na pokraji osudnej vojny,ktorá ukončí zlatý vek Atén. Zatiaľ však pretrváva krehký mier.Celý antický svet sa krčí strachom pred politickou a vojenskoumocou tohto mestského štátu, posúvajúceho hranice spoločenských,literárnych a filozofických inovácií v ére s vysokým počtomgéniov. Počas dvadsiatich štyroch hodín sa zoznámimes dvadsiatimi štyrmi Aténčanmi z celej spoločenskej škály– napríklad s otrokyňou, vládnym úradníkom, maliaromváz, námorným veliteľom, ženou v domácnosti a hoplitom.Strávime hodinu v ich spoločnosti a pri pohľade na ich životzistíme, ako vyzerali skutočné staroveké Atény. (

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Rok života v starovekom Grécku - Philip Matyszak


Strávte rok v spoločnosti starovekých Grékov počas historicky významného a triumfálneho olympijského roka a zažite drámu a vzrušenie, ktoré zachvátilo mestské štáty, keď odložili svoje politické spory, aby sa pripravili na víťazstvo v Olympii.Je rok 248 pred n. l. – rok 133. olympijských hier. Do Olympie mieri pestrá plejáda charakterov, ktoré sa chcú zúčastniť na hrách, sledovať udalosti alebo na tých obrovských davoch niečo zarobiť. Helenistický svet je na svojom vrchole a grécke osady sa rozprestierajú na Blízkom východe, v Egypte aj v Španielsku. Rím uviazol vo vojne s Kartágom a medzi Egyptom a Sýriou sa schyľuje k veľ kej vojne. Obyčajní ľudia sú však stále zaneprázdnení úrodou, každodennou prácou i domácimi záležitosťami – a v niektorých prípadoch aj získaním olympijského vavrínového venca. Kniha nás prevedie týmto pozoruhodným rokom a odhalí nám komplikované a živé charaktery fascinujúceho obdobia starovekých dejín. (

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24 hodín v starovekých Aténach - Matyszak Philip

24 hodín v starovekých Aténach - Matyszak Philip

Strávte 24 hodín so starovekými Aténčanmi. Vnímajte ich pohľadom mesto, keď balansuje na pokraji osudnej vojny, ktorá ukončí zlatý vek Atén. Zatiaľ však pretrváva krehký mier. Celý antický svet sa krčí strachom pred politickou a vojenskou mocou tohto mestského štátu, posúvajúceho hranice spoločenských, literárnych a filozofických inovácií v ére s vysokým počtom géniov. Počas dvadsiatich štyroch hodín sa zoznámime s dvadsiatimi štyrmi Aténčanmi z celej spoločenskej škály – napríklad s otrokyňou, vládnym úradníkom, maliarom váz, námorným veliteľom, ženou v domácnosti a hoplitom. Strávime hodinu v ich spoločnosti a pri pohľade na ich život zistíme, ako vyzerali skutočné staroveké Atény. (

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24 hodín v starovekom Ríme - Matyszak Philip

24 hodín v starovekom Ríme - Matyszak Philip

Spoznajte skutočný Rím prostredníctvom 24 hodín v živote jeho obyvateľov. V tejto pútavej a zároveň náučnej knihe nám historik a autor bestsellerov Philip Matyszak predstaví ľudí, ktorí tam žili a pracovali. Každú dennú a nočnú hodinu spoznáme novú postavu – cisára, slúžku, gladiátora, astrológa, posla, výrobcu vodných hodín, kňažku, otroka, senátora či strážnika a mnohých ďalších, a dozvieme sa fascinujúce podrobnosti z ich každodenného života. V príbehoch občanov antického Ríma pred našimi očami ožíva svet tohto legendami opradeného dôležitého mesta svetovej histórie. (

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Ancient Magic in Greece and Rome: A Hands-on Guide - Philip Matyszak


Bestselling author Philip Matyszak explores how the Greeks and Romans used magic, who performed it – and why. Magic was everywhere in the ancient world. The supernatural abounded, turning flowers into fruit and caterpillars into butterflies. Magic packed a cloud of water vapour with energy enough to destroy a house with one well-aimed thunderbolt. It was everyday magic, but it was still magical. Philip Matyszak takes readers into that world. He shows us how to make a love potion or cast a curse, how to talk to the dead and how to identify and protect oneself from evil spirits. He takes us to a world where gods, like humans, were creatures of space and time; where people could not just talk to spirits and deities, but could even themselves become divine; and where divine beings could fall from – or be promoted to – full godhood. Ancient Magic offers us a new way of understanding the role of magic, looking at its history in all of its classical forms. Drawing on a wide array of sources, from Greek dramas to curse tablets, lavishly illustrated throughout, and packed with information, surprises, lore and learning, this book offers an engaging and accessible way into the supernatural for all. (

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The Unofficial Guide to the Ancient Egyptian Afterlife


"Hello my newly dead friends. Gather round. My name is Bastet and I'm going to be your tour guide to the afterlife. Please make sure your bandages don't trail as we walk along."Bastet is a mummified cat who is here to take you on a journey through the mystical death rituals of Ancient Egypt. Starting with some routine disembowelment and mummification, she explains about the role of the coffins, the separation of your soul, the importance of amulets and the various types of Egyptian tombs. Together, you will cross the river Styx and face the gods in one final judgement - the weighing of the heart. Bastet will make sure you have everything you need in the afterlife, because, it turns out, you can take it with you after all!This is a light-hearted, but nonetheless informative insight into the fascinating beliefs and traditions of Ancient Egypt. Bright, textural illustrations by Laura Winstone bring a freshness of tone to a subject matter that might be ancient, but never grows old. (

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The Ultimate Guide to Billie Eilish. 100% Unofficial


The perfect teen's guide to Billie Eilish, one of music's coolest success stories.Billie Eilish is a talented performer, fashion icon, animal-lover, environmentalist and many other things besides. At the age of just 17, her debut album topped the Billboard 200 and UK charts. Find out everything there is to know about the coolest artist around!Packed with fascinating facts about Billie's life so far and her meteoric rise to fame, in this book you'll meet her family, learn what makes her tick, figure out how to decode her songs, discover how to get her style and even learn how to dance like her! And test your super-fan status with fun quizzes.Illustrated throughout with epic photos of Billie in action, this is a must-have for fans of the international, award-winning superstar. (

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The Unofficial Big Lebowski Cocktail Book - André Darlington


Raise a glass to the 25th anniversary of The Big Lebowski with this highly giftable unofficial cocktail book featuring 50 cocktails, brews, and other spirits inspired by the beloved movie’s characters and scenes. The Big Lebowski—the hilariously quirky comedy-thriller about bowling, avant-garde art, nihilistic Austrians, White Russians, and a guy named…the Dude—is a cult classic. Now, with The Unofficial Big Lebowski Cocktail Book, you can relive the movie one drink at a time!Award-winning beverage writer and best-selling author André Darlington shows you how to create these and more iconic cocktails at home:  The Dude (White Russian) Porn Star Martini The Nihilist Bowling with Jesus Maude’s Manhattan In addition to 50 signature drinks, this beautifully designed unofficial cocktail book includes food and song pairings that align with the major characters that have become life lessons and spouted advice within popular culture.Fully illustrated, this unofficial ode to The Big Lebowski is sure to have you reliving the movie and offering up these words of wisdom to your friends. (

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The Alfie and Zoella A-Z - The Unofficial Ultimate Guide to the Vlogging Super-Couple

The Alfie and Zoella A-Z - The Unofficial Ultimate Guide to the Vlogging Super-Couple

FREE EXCLUSIVE POSTER! THE ALFIE AND ZOELLA A-Z is the ultimate guide to one of the hottest and most popular new celebrity couples. As part of the vlogging super elite, Alfie Deyes and Zoe Sugg (aka 'Zalfie'), have risen to the top of online fame and shar (

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Minecraft Builder - Around the World: Independent and Unofficial - Mortimer Children's Books


Travel the world in Minecraft! This easy-to-follow guide is filled with detailed instructions on how to make your own versions of the world's greatest landmarks. It includes straightforward instructions on how to build 13 different structures from around the world, including the Statue of Liberty, the Easter Island Heads, Sydney Opera House, Burj Khalifa, the Eiffel Tower, and many more. Builds range in difficulty, so there's something for every reader to try.Plus, every section is filled with cool info about the world's greatest wonders, meaning this is the perfect title for young learners. It's a fantastic way to combine geography, history and creativity into an amazing, fulfilling Minecraft experience. (

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The Collectors - Philip Pullman


'D'you - er - have you seen her before?' 'Yes. I know who she is.''But, Grinstead, this painting is seventy years old - probably nearer eighty! You're not being serious - I mean . . . What do you mean?'On a dark winter's night in 1970, Horley and Grinstead huddle for warmth in the Senior Common Room of a college in Oxford. Conversation turns to the two impressive works of art that Horley has recently added to his collection.What the two men don't know is that these pieces are connected in mysterious and improbable ways; and they are about to be caught in the cross-fire of a story which has travelled time and worlds. (

Podobné produkty ako The Collectors - Philip Pullman , Venum gladiator 4.0 - černo/bílé (sptmepl098nad)

The Amber Spyglass - Philip Pullman

The Amber Spyglass - Philip Pullman

Will and Lyra, whose fates are bound together by powers beyond their own worlds, have been violently separated. But they must find each other, for ahead of them lies the greatest war that has ever been - and a journey to a dark place from which no one has ever returned... (

Podobné produkty ako The Amber Spyglass - Philip Pullman , Wowme pro řadu gladiator (sw22-cable)

The Prague Orgy - Philip Roth

The Prague Orgy - Philip Roth

In quest of the unpublished manuscript of a martyred Yiddish writer, the American novelist Nathan Zuckerman travels to Soviet-occupied Prague in the mid-1970s. There, in a nation straightjacketed by totalitarian Communism, he discovers a literary predicament, marked by institutionalised oppression, that is rather different from his own. He also discovers, among the oppressed writers with whom he quickly becomes embroiled in a series of bizarre and poignant adventures, an appealingly perverse kind of heroism. The Prague Orgy, consisting of entries from Zuckerman's notebooks recording his sojourn among these outcast artists, completes the trilogy and epilogue Zuckerman Bound. It provides a startling ending to Roth's intricately designed magnum opus on the unforeseen consequences of art. In 1997 Philip Roth won the Pulitzer Prize for American Pastoral. In 1998 he received the National Medal of Arts at the White House, and in 2002 the highest award of the American Academy of Arts and Letters, the Gold Medal in Fiction, previously awarded to John Dos Passos, William Faulkner and Saul Bellow, among others. He has twice won the National Book Award and the National Book Critics Circle Award. He has won the PEN/Faulkner Award three times. In 2005 The Plot Against America received the Society of American Historians' Prize for ‘the outstanding historical novel on an American theme for 2003-2004'. Recently Roth received PEN's two most prestigious prizes: in 2006 the PEN/Nabokov Award ‘for a body of work . . . of enduring originality and consummate craftsmanship' and in 2007 the PEN/Saul Bellow Award for Achievement in American Fiction, given to a writer whose ‘scale of achievement over a sustained career . . . places him or her in the highest rank of American literature'. In 2011 Roth won the International Man Booker Prize. Roth is the only living American writer to have his work published in a comprehensive, definitive edition by the Library of America. (

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The Secret Commonwealth - Philip Pullman

The Secret Commonwealth - Philip Pullman

It is twenty years since the events of La Belle Sauvage: The Book of Dust Volume One unfolded and saw the baby Lyra Belacqua begin her life-changing journey. It is almost ten years since readers left Lyra and the love of her young life, Will Parry, on a park bench in Oxford's Botanic Gardens at the end of the ground-breaking, bestselling His Dark Materials sequence. Now, in The Secret Commonwealth, we meet Lyra Silvertongue. And she is no longer a child . . . The second volume of Philip Pullman's The Book of Dust sees Lyra, now twenty years old, and her daemon Pantalaimon, forced to navigate their relationship in a way they could never have imagined, and drawn into the complex and dangerous factions of a world that they had no idea existed. Pulled along on his own journey too is Malcolm; once a boy with a boat and a mission to save a baby from the flood, now a man with a strong sense of duty and a desire to do what is right. Theirs is a world at once familiar and extraordinary, and they must travel far beyond the edges of Oxford, across Europe and into Asia, in search for what is lost - a city haunted by daemons, a secret at the heart of a desert, and the mystery of the elusive Dust. The Secret Commonwealth is truly a book for our times; a powerful adventure and a thought-provoking look at what it is to understand yourself, to grow up and make sense of the world around you. This is storytelling at its very best from one of our greatest writers. (

Podobné produkty ako The Secret Commonwealth - Philip Pullman , Roman pavela rostlinné insekticidy

The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick Volume 2 - Philip K. Dick


The definitive editions of Philip K. Dick's short stories, containing some of the most defining works in the Science Fiction genre. This stunning new edition of Philip K Dick's work includes the influential 'Adjustment Team' and 'The Father Thing', as well as a litany of mind-expanding other works.Work your way through some of the most influential stories from the 20th century, which have had a massive impact on popular culture. 'I am bowled over. I am so impressed by the variety in stories, and how interesting the individual story ideas are' Goodreads reviewer, 'Philip K.Dick is a master of messing with your head in a story' Goodreads reviewer, 'Enter the Mind of a Genius . . .This collection of short stories by Philip K. Dick are great, thought provoking, funny, and some really frightening' Goodreads reviewer, 'This blew my mind, and then some. The ideas and concepts alone need five stars.What an amazing man' Goodreads reviewer, (

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The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick Volume 3 - Philip K. Dick


The definitive editions of Philip K. Dick's short stories, containing some of the most defining works in the Science Fiction genre. This stunning new edition of Philip K Dick's work includes the influential 'Minority Report' and 'Sales Pitch', as well as a litany of mind-expanding other works.Work your way through some of the most influential stories from the 20th century, which have had a massive impact on popular culture. 'First time I have read Philip K. Dick and I thoroughly enjoyed his stories and the suspense that he puts into them' Goodreads reviewer, 'Most of the stories had something to say about society.It was interesting to see how 50 years later so many of the fears and criticism was still relevant. Highly recommended' Goodreads reviewer, 'Dick's stories are often surprising and spin a captivating yarn, but they are also teeming with fascinating ideas which ensure their ability to age well and keep modern readers interested' Goodreads reviewer, 'Each tale is filled with twists and turns, and it's a total pageturner' Goodreads reviewer, (

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The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick Volume 4 - Philip K. Dick


The definitive editions of Philip K. Dick's short stories, containing some of the most defining works in the Science Fiction genre. This stunning new edition of Philip K Dick's work includes the influential 'We Can Remember It For You Wholesale' and 'The Electric Ant', as well as a litany of mind-expanding other works.Work your way through some of the most influential stories from the 20th century, which have had a massive impact on popular culture. 'A great collection, showcasing Dick's evolution' Goodreads reviewer, 'my reason for giving the book a five-star rating has to do with my emotional state I felt when I closed the last page. I feel that I delved into a more extensive realm of PKD's mind by reading this collection' Goodreads reviewer, 'An amazing collection of downright bizarre fiction.So many excellent stories that it would be hard to pick a favorite' Goodreads reviewer, (

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The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick Volume 4 (Defekt) - Philip K. Dick


The definitive editions of Philip K. Dick's short stories, containing some of the most defining works in the Science Fiction genre. This stunning new edition of Philip K Dick's work includes the influential 'We Can Remember It For You Wholesale' and 'The Electric Ant', as well as a litany of mind-expanding other works.Work your way through some of the most influential stories from the 20th century, which have had a massive impact on popular culture. 'A great collection, showcasing Dick's evolution' Goodreads reviewer, 'my reason for giving the book a five-star rating has to do with my emotional state I felt when I closed the last page. I feel that I delved into a more extensive realm of PKD's mind by reading this collection' Goodreads reviewer, 'An amazing collection of downright bizarre fiction.So many excellent stories that it would be hard to pick a favorite' Goodreads reviewer, (

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The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick Volume 4 (Defekt) - Philip K. Dick


The definitive editions of Philip K. Dick's short stories, containing some of the most defining works in the Science Fiction genre. This stunning new edition of Philip K Dick's work includes the influential 'We Can Remember It For You Wholesale' and 'The Electric Ant', as well as a litany of mind-expanding other works.Work your way through some of the most influential stories from the 20th century, which have had a massive impact on popular culture. 'A great collection, showcasing Dick's evolution' Goodreads reviewer, 'my reason for giving the book a five-star rating has to do with my emotional state I felt when I closed the last page. I feel that I delved into a more extensive realm of PKD's mind by reading this collection' Goodreads reviewer, 'An amazing collection of downright bizarre fiction.So many excellent stories that it would be hard to pick a favorite' Goodreads reviewer, (

Podobné produkty ako The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick Volume 4 (Defekt) - Philip K. Dick , Ahome plecháček se jménem roman (23219)

The Divine Invasion - Philip K. Dick


Exiled for 2,000 years God must retake the Earth from the clutches of his nemesis using a man caught between life and death as His vessel.God is in exile. The only man who can help is clinically dead. Herb Asher, an audio engineer by trade, is in suspended animation following a car accident that appears to have taken his life. As he floats in cryonic suspension he awaits his new spleen and dreams back through the last six years of his life which reveal much of his bizarre journey and the battle with Belial, the force of evil that will stop at nothing to achieve its goal. (

Podobné produkty ako The Divine Invasion - Philip K. Dick , Roman j. israel, esq. - dvd (d007912)

The Book of Minds - Philip Ball


Understanding the human mind and how it relates to the world that we experience has challenged philosophers for centuries. How then do we even begin to think about 'minds' that are not human?Science now has plenty to say about the properties of mind. In recent decades, the mind - both human and otherwise - has been explored by scientists in fields ranging from zoology to astrobiology, computer science to neuroscience. Taking a uniquely broad view of minds and where they might be found - including in plants, aliens, and God - Philip Ball pulls these multidisciplinary pieces together to explore what sorts of minds we might expect to find in the universe. In so doing, he offers for the first time a unified way of thinking about what minds are and what they can do, arguing that in order to understand our own minds and imagine those of others, we need to move on from considering the human mind as a standard against which all others should be measured, and to think about the 'space of possible minds'.By identifying and mapping out properties of mind without prioritizing the human, Ball sheds new light on a host of fascinating questions. What moral rights should we afford animals, and can we understand their thoughts? Should we worry that AI is going to take over society? If there are intelligent aliens out there, how could we communicate with them? Should we? Understanding the space of possible minds also reveals ways of making advances in understanding some of the most challenging questions in contemporary science: What is thought? What is consciousness? And what (if anything) is free will?The more we learn about the minds of other creatures, from octopuses to chimpanzees, and to imagine the potential minds of computers and alien intelligences, the greater the perspective we have on if and how our own is different. Ball's thrillingly ambitious The Book of Minds about the nature and existence of minds is more mind-expanding than we could imagine. In this fascinating panorama of other minds, we come to better know our own. (

Podobné produkty ako The Book of Minds - Philip Ball , Dragoun roman: piano - cd (ft0128-2)

The Secret Commonwealth (Defekt) - Philip Pullman

The Secret Commonwealth (Defekt) - Philip Pullman

It is twenty years since the events of La Belle Sauvage: The Book of Dust Volume One unfolded and saw the baby Lyra Belacqua begin her life-changing journey. It is almost ten years since readers left Lyra and the love of her young life, Will Parry, on a park bench in Oxford's Botanic Gardens at the end of the ground-breaking, bestselling His Dark Materials sequence. Now, in The Secret Commonwealth, we meet Lyra Silvertongue. And she is no longer a child . . . The second volume of Philip Pullman's The Book of Dust sees Lyra, now twenty years old, and her daemon Pantalaimon, forced to navigate their relationship in a way they could never have imagined, and drawn into the complex and dangerous factions of a world that they had no idea existed. Pulled along on his own journey too is Malcolm; once a boy with a boat and a mission to save a baby from the flood, now a man with a strong sense of duty and a desire to do what is right. Theirs is a world at once familiar and extraordinary, and they must travel far beyond the edges of Oxford, across Europe and into Asia, in search for what is lost - a city haunted by daemons, a secret at the heart of a desert, and the mystery of the elusive Dust. The Secret Commonwealth is truly a book for our times; a powerful adventure and a thought-provoking look at what it is to understand yourself, to grow up and make sense of the world around you. This is storytelling at its very best from one of our greatest writers. (

Podobné produkty ako The Secret Commonwealth (Defekt) - Philip Pullman , Derwent super point manual helical sharpener stolní (2302001)

BVLGARI Goldea The Roman Night EdP

BVLGARI Goldea The Roman Night EdP

Parfémovaná voda - dámská, chypre vůně Měli byste zájem opatřit si parfémovanou vodu,, se kterou zaujmete při každé příležitosti? BVLGARI Goldea The Roman Night EdP je originální vůně dokonalá pro ženy. V této parfémované vodě je hlavní vůní příměs chypre, která má dřevité a jehličnaté tóny. Parfémovaná voda je obohacena o vedlejší vůni květin, a proto voní jako konvalinky, pomerančové květy či jasmín. Tato parfémovaná voda vynikne především během zimních dnů i večerů. BVLGARI Goldea The Roman Night EdP je originálně z Itálie. Klíčové vlastnosti parfémované vody BVLGARI Goldea The Roman Night EdP Parfémovaná voda určená pro ženy Hlavním aroma je chypre vůně Vedlejší vůně BVLGARI Goldea The Roman Night EdP: květinová Zemí původu je Itálie Další informace o výrobci BVLGARI Bvlgari je italská značka, která vznikla v Římě roku 1884 a stojí za ní klenotník Sotirios Voulgaris. Kdysi byly jejím hlavním zaměřením hodinky, šperky a jiné doplňky. První parfém Bvlgari... (

Podobné produkty ako BVLGARI Goldea The Roman Night EdP , Castrol transmax manual transaxle 75w-90, 1l (cst75901)

Gladiator (Movie) - Music From The Motion Picture (2 LP)

Gladiator (Movie) - Music From The Motion Picture (2 LP)

Subžánr: Soundtrack;Contemporary;Folk Typ: LP deska;Album;Nové vydání;Gatefold Sleeve Datum vydání: 2017-06-02 Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Rok vydání: 2017.0 Hmotnost: 180 g Barva podle výrobce: Black Složení setu: 2 ks Dekáda interpreta: 2000 - 2009 Balení obsahuje: LP Země původu: Evropská unie Žánr: Classical Barva: Černá Interpret / Téma: Gladiator (Movie) Varianta: Music From The Motion Picture (2 LP) Vydavatelství: Decca (

Podobné produkty ako Gladiator (Movie) - Music From The Motion Picture (2 LP) , Castrol transmax manual v 75w-80 1l (4008177083105)

BVLGARI Goldea The Roman Night Absolute EdP

BVLGARI Goldea The Roman Night Absolute EdP

Parfémovaná voda - dámská, chypre vůně Rádi byste měli parfémovanou vodu, jejíž vůně zaručeně zaujme vaše okolí? BVLGARI Goldea The Roman Night Absolute EdP nabízí osobitou vůni vhodnou pro ženy. V této parfémované vodě je hlavní vůní příměs chypre, která se vyznačuje pro své dřevité a jehličnaté tóny. Pro parfémovanou vodu je klíčovou složkou také vedlejší vůně květin, tudíž je další její předností aroma konvalinek, jasmínu, pomerančových květů aj. Tato parfémovaná voda se hodí spíše na zimní období a večer. BVLGARI Goldea The Roman Night Absolute EdP je originálně z Itálie. Důležité vlastnosti parfémované vody BVLGARI Goldea The Roman Night Absolute EdP Parfémovaná voda vytvořená pro ženy Hlavním aroma je chypre vůně Vedlejší vůně BVLGARI Goldea The Roman Night Absolute EdP: květinová Původ v Itálii Další informace o značce BVLGARI Bvlgari je italská značka, kterou založil klenotník Sotirios Voulgarisa už v roce 1884 v Římě. Původně se zaměřovala na... (

Podobné produkty ako BVLGARI Goldea The Roman Night Absolute EdP , Gladiator: best of 1991-2021 (3x cd) - cd (3531481)

SWITCH Ultra Street Fighter 2 The Final Challenger

SWITCH Ultra Street Fighter 2 The Final Challenger

Prožijte znovu dny staré slávy kdykoliv, kdekoliv a s kýmkoliv! Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers vrací hráče zpět tam, kde vše začalo. Díky novým ovládacím možnostem, herním módům, online hraní a Lite ovládání pro nováčky, bude možné prožít se Street Fighter zcela nový zážitek. Zatímco je Nintendo Switch v dokovací stanici, snadno odepněte oba Joy-Con ovladače z konzole a rovnou si s přáteli můžete zabojovat přímo z pohodlí obývacího pokoje, nebo odložit vaše rozdíly a spojit své síly proti umělé inteligenci. Konzoli Nintendo Switch si můžete vzít kamkoliv a máte tak možnost vyzkoušet si svoji sílu v kavárnách, na nádražích a dalších místech. Jednoduše postavte konzoli na podstavec a podejte soupeři Joy-Con ovladač. K základním 17 postavám, které se vrací, aby srovnaly své síly v druhém World Warrior turnaji, přibudou silní bojovnicí Violent Kent a Evil Ryu. Violent Ken je bojovník, kterému byla vymazána paměť samotným M.Bison a Evil Ryu je Ryu v jiné formě, který podlehl temnotě. Obě nové postavy jsou perfektní pro ty, kteří mají rádi velmi agresivní styl hraní. Poté, co si hráči vyberou svého oblíbeného bojovníka, mohou se těšit na řadu módů: V Arcade módu musí jeden hráč porazit 12 bojovníků, aby se stal světovým šampionem. Připravte se na intenzivní co-op bitvy, kdy dva hráči mohou sestavit vlastní tým a v Buddy Battle bojovat proti dalším dvěma hráčům za pomoci nových útoků, kombinací a útočení z obou stran. Hrajte lokální multiplayer proti přátelům, nebo proti umělé inteligenci ve Versus módu. Zapněte online a bojujte proti nejlepším hráčům, ať už v běžných nebo hodnocených zápasech. Zopakujte si staré dovednosti nebo se naučte nové v tréninkovém módu před samotným zápasem. Ve zcela novém módu s názvem Way of the Hado mohou hráči zkusit unikátní pohled z první osoby, aby zjistili, jaké to je být v roli Ryu. Při použití pohybových prvků mohou hráči odrážet soupeře pomocí kultovního Shoryuken, Tatsumaki Senpukyaku a Ryovou kombinací s ohnivou koulí, Shinku Hadoken. Nováčci série Street Fighter, kteří se chtějí dostat na level zkušených hráčů, mohou zvolit mezi Lite a Pro ovládáním. Lite ovládání umožňuje hráčům provádět speciální pohyby nebo super kombinace, buď dotykem obrazovky konzole, nebo samotného tlačítka. Zatímco tradiční Pro verze nabízí všechny klasická tlačítka zakořeněná ve svalové paměti hráčů. Hra samozřejmě podporuje i Nintendo Switch Pro Controller. Bez ohledu na zkušenosti, všichni hráči mohou bojovat se stylem. Použitím Colour Editor k úpravě barevných vzorů jejich oblíbených postav, a tak jim dát jejich ideální vzhled. Vstupte do nastavení vzhledu a zvolte si mezi novými prvky s vysokým rozlišením pro moderní vzhled nebo naopak klasickou grafikou jako v Street Fighter II. Hráči mohou oživit své oblíbené lokální zápasy s jejich nejlepšími kombinacemi a pochlubit se tak všem kolemjdoucím s možností přehrání. Dejte si přestávku od soubojů a navštivte galerii, která zahrnuje více než 1400 detailních ilustrací z celé série Street Fighter, které jsou převzaty ze Street Fighter Artwork: Supremacy book. (

Podobné produkty ako SWITCH Ultra Street Fighter 2 The Final Challenger

The Amber Spyglass (His Dark Materials 3) - Philip Pullman


We’re going to the land of the dead and we’re going to come back.” Will and Lyra, whose fates are bound together by powers beyond their own worlds, have been violently separated. But they must find each other, for ahead of them lies the greatest war that has ever been – and a journey to a dark place from which no one has ever returned. How will Lyra and Will survive the terrible sacrifices and challenges placed before them? And as conflict explodes between the worlds and Heaven, what is the knowledge they must seek to bring their long quest to a close? The soul-shaking finale to Philip Pullman’s masterful His Dark Materials trilogy. (

Podobné produkty ako The Amber Spyglass (His Dark Materials 3) - Philip Pullman

Parfémovaná voda Bvlgari - Goldea The Roman Night , 50ml

Parfémovaná voda Bvlgari - Goldea The Roman Night , 50ml

Orientálně laděný pižmově-květinový dámský parfém Bvlgari Goldea The Roman Night otevírá bergamot, černý pepř a moruše. Jeho srdce rozechvívá jasmín, který kvete pouze v noci, černá pivoňka, růže a tuberóza. Základ vytváří aroma mechu, pačuli, vetiveru a černého pižma. Kompozici namíchal vyhlášený parfémář Alberto Morillas, jenž vycházel z vůní linoucích se z nočních římských zahrad. Jeho dílo osloví silnou sebejistou ženu a udělá z ní Královnu noci. Parfémovaná voda Bvlgari Goldea The Roman Night následuje populární vůně Goldea a Rose Goldea. Oproti nim je tajemnější, hřejivější a tudíž nejlépe vynikne při podzimních a zimních večerních společenských příležitostech. Určitě si ji ale přibalte i na dlouhé romantické večery vaší letní dovolené. Třeba vás Goldea The Roman Night inspiruje právě k návštěvě Itálie či přímo úžasného Říma, který se stal její inspirací. (

Podobné produkty ako Parfémovaná voda Bvlgari - Goldea The Roman Night , 50ml

Parfémovaná voda Bvlgari - Goldea The Roman Night , 30ml

Parfémovaná voda Bvlgari - Goldea The Roman Night , 30ml

Hlava: moruše,bergamot,pepřSrdce: růže,pivoňka,tuberóza,kladivník nočníZáklad: větvičník slívový,pačuli,pižmo,vetiver (

Podobné produkty ako Parfémovaná voda Bvlgari - Goldea The Roman Night , 30ml

The Portrait Photographer´s Manual - Cian Oba-Smith


A comprehensive introduction to the styles and techniques of portrait photography. Through simple projects on subjects such as 'Making Self-Portraits' and 'Capturing Personal Moments' as well as captivating profiles of twenty internationally acclaimed photographers, Cian Oba-Smith and Max Ferguson give you a visual tour of the medium. Perfect for the aspiring portrait photographer, this manual includes: * Projects with which to experiment and develop your technique * Inspirational profiles of leading photographers from around the world * A complete overview of the most exciting, continually evolving form of photography (

Podobné produkty ako The Portrait Photographer´s Manual - Cian Oba-Smith

I Was a Rat! Or, The Scarlet Slippers - Philip Pullman


Featuring wonderful new illustrations from Peter Bailey, this intriguing and exciting tale of chance and misfortune by multi award-winning Philip Pullman, is perfect for readers young and old.I was a Rat! Roger insists, and insists . . . In fact, when Bob the cobbler and his washerwoman wife, Joan, find the young boy abandoned on their doorstep, these are the only words he says. And he does have ratty behaviour, it's true.Staying with Bob and Joan, however, Roger learns quickly to behave more like a human child. They try to find his parents, but the orphanage, police and hospital all have nothing on their records about a lost boy in the city. What is the truth? As more and more people find out about Roger the mysterious rat-boy he faces more and more danger. But sometimes help comes from the most unexpected of places . . . (

Podobné produkty ako I Was a Rat! Or, The Scarlet Slippers - Philip Pullman

Dámská parfémová voda Goldea The Roman Night Absolute, 50ml

Dámská parfémová voda Goldea The Roman Night Absolute, 50ml

Hlavakvět pomerančovníku,švestkaSrdcejasmín sambac,madagaskarská vanilkaZákladmech,pačuli,černé pižmo (

Podobné produkty ako Dámská parfémová voda Goldea The Roman Night Absolute, 50ml

Dámská parfémová voda Goldea The Roman Night Absolute, 75ml

Dámská parfémová voda Goldea The Roman Night Absolute, 75ml

Parfémovaná voda pro ženy Bvlgari Goldea The Roman Night Absolute našla svou inspiraci ve vášnivé noci ve Věčném městě – Říme. A stejně jako je noc v tomto městě výjimečná, výjimečná je i chyprově-květinová vonná kompozice. Vůně, ukrytá v atraktivním flakonku v černé barvě, byla na trh uvedena v roce 2018 a je stvořená zejména na večerní nošení. Svrchní noty patří spojení švestky a květu pomerančovníku. Srdci dominují akordy čerstvě rozkrojeného lusku vanilky spolu s jasmínem. A základ? Patří triu černého pižma, mechu a pačuli. Staňte se královnou noci s dámskou parfémovanou vodou Bvlgari Goldea The Roman Night Absolute. (

Podobné produkty ako Dámská parfémová voda Goldea The Roman Night Absolute, 75ml

BVLGARI Goldea The Roman Night EdP 50 ml (0783320479168)

BVLGARI Goldea The Roman Night EdP 50 ml (0783320479168)

Parfémovaná voda - dámská, chypre vůně, objem 50 ml Přáli byste si mít parfémovanou vodu, na kterou se vás budou všichni vyptávat? BVLGARI Goldea The Roman Night EdP 50 ml poskytuje osobitou vůni pro ženy. V této parfémované vodě je hlavní složkou příměs chypre, která má dřevité a jehličnaté tóny. Tato parfémovaná voda přijde vhod především při speciálních událostech a během zimního období. BVLGARI Goldea The Roman Night EdP 50 ml pochází z Itálie. Nejdůležitější vlastnosti parfémované vody BVLGARI Goldea The Roman Night EdP 50 ml Parfémovaná voda s osobitou vůni pro ženy Hlavním aroma je chypre vůně Zemí původu je Itálie Balení má objem 50 ml Informace o značce BVLGARI Bvlgari je italská značka, která vznikla díky klenotníkovi Sotirovi Voulgarisovi v roce 1884 v Římě. Jejím originálním zaměřením byly hodinky, šperky a jiné doplňky. První parfém Bvlgari vznikl v roce 1992 a od té doby se stal oblíbeným pro muže i ženy po celém světě. Produkty jsou populární... (

Podobné produkty ako BVLGARI Goldea The Roman Night EdP 50 ml (0783320479168)

The Vedute of Prague - Roman Koucký


„Book „The Vedute of Prague“ describes the development of Prague cityscape in the period of last 5 centuries and emphasizes future possible scenarios how the city composition could be continuously developed in the 21st century,“ comments the content of the book Roman Koucký, the co-author of the book and the chief of the Metropolitan plan office, that prepares new urban plan of Prague, called Metropolitan plan.The overall visual composition of the city forms a significant part of its identity and the collective mental “city image”. The layered and diverse composition of the city “from medieval times up to now” is, as emphasized in the book’s first chapter, the reason for Prague’s inscription in the prestigious UNESCO Register of World Cultural Heritage. The second chapter describes how it is not only possible but indeed necessary to read the contemporary city/metropolis, and what to emphasis in supplementing its composition. The third chapter is a brief history of the formulation of Prague’s historic urban landscape, particularly in the turbulent 20th century, and an outline of a possible solution for its further development based on the Metropolitan Plan. It describes how it is possible to supplement the historically layered city with a contemporary cultural layer precisely as assumed in the wording of the UNESCO inscription from 1992. The attempt of the book is to place today’s views of the city into a historical context. For this reason, in the first excursus, the book provides a selection of historic Prague vedute from the collection of the City of Prague Museum. In the second excursus, the book presents selection from the archival collections of IPR Praha with views of the design of the city from the 20th century.The main part of the book represents in the 3rd excursus series of new Prague vedute: the panoramic photographs taken from 2014 to 2017 as the artistic vision of Ester Havlová, capturing of a crucial historical moment in the search for a vision of the future of Prague. The final, fourth excursus is a description of the entirely new depiction of the proposed future composition of the city, the ‘digital veduta’ using orthogonal imaging, used aswell in the Metropolitan plan of Prague proposal. The present book is published to mark the 25th anniversary of the inscription of the historic centre of Prague to the UNESCO Register of World Cultural and Natural Heritage. The book also commemorates the 5th anniversary of the founding of the Office of the Metropolitan Plan. For the text and illustrations, the materials used are results of research by the Office of the Metropolitan Plan, published in full in the volume Metropolitní plán, koncept odůvodnění 2014, supplemented by an extensive new research including methodological principles of defining the height composition of the city. (

Podobné produkty ako The Vedute of Prague - Roman Koucký

Homefront: The Revolution - Freedom Fighter Bundle - Xbox Digital (G3Q-01299)

Homefront: The Revolution - Freedom Fighter Bundle - Xbox Digital (G3Q-01299)

Hra na konzoli - Xbox One S / Xbox One X, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, elektronická licence, klíč pro Xbox Live, žánr: střílečky, Homefront: The Revolution Xbox patří ke střílečkám z pohledu první osoby. V otevřeném světě povedete hnutí odporu v partyzánské válce. Zažehněte revoluci Svět Homefront: The Revolution Xbox je otevřený a dynamicky se rozvíjí a reaguje na vaše činy. Amerika je na kolenou. Již 4 roky čelí vojenské okupaci. FiladelfieV Homefront: The Revolution Xbox byla Filadelfie... (

Podobné produkty ako Homefront: The Revolution - Freedom Fighter Bundle - Xbox Digital (G3Q-01299)

Bvlgari Goldea The Roman Night 30 ml parfémovaná voda pro ženy

Bvlgari Goldea The Roman Night 30 ml parfémovaná voda pro ženy

Bvlgari Goldea The Roman Night Parfémovaná voda pro ženy 30 ml (

Podobné produkty ako Bvlgari Goldea The Roman Night 30 ml parfémovaná voda pro ženy

Coins of the Roman republic - Jiří Militký, Marek Fikrle, Lenka Vacinová


Publikace mapuje soubor 2 299 mincí z období římské republiky uložených ve sbírce Národního muzea. Na úvodní studie navazuje rozsáhlý obrazový katalog, jehož závěrečná část je věnována mincím z pokladu nalezeného v bulharském městě Guljanci. (

Podobné produkty ako Coins of the Roman republic - Jiří Militký, Marek Fikrle, Lenka Vacinová

BVLGARI Goldea The Roman Night Absolute Sensuelle EdP 30 ml (783320408885)

BVLGARI Goldea The Roman Night Absolute Sensuelle EdP 30 ml (783320408885)

Parfémovaná voda - dámská, chypre vůně, objem 30 ml Sháníte parfémovanou vodu, se kterou zaručeně uděláte dobrý dojem? BVLGARI Goldea The Roman Night Absolute Sensuelle EdP 30 ml nabízí osobitou vůni vhodnou pro ženy. Srdcem této parfémované vody je příměs chypre, se kterou jsou spojeny především dřevité a jehličnaté tóny. Pro parfémovanou vodu je klíčovou složkou také vedlejší vůně květin, takže je s ní spojeno aroma konvalinek, jasmínu, pomerančových květů a dalších. Tato parfémovaná voda se hodí spíše na zimní období a večer. BVLGARI Goldea The Roman Night Absolute Sensuelle EdP 30 ml pochází z Itálie. Rozhodující parametry parfémované vody BVLGARI Goldea The Roman Night Absolute Sensuelle EdP 30 ml Parfémovaná voda s vůni perfektní pro ženy Hlavním aroma je chypre vůně Vedlejší vůně BVLGARI Goldea The Roman Night Absolute Sensuelle EdP 30 ml: květinová Parfémovaná voda vznikla v Itálii Balení s objemem 30 ml Informace o výrobci BVLGARI Bvlgari je italská... (

Podobné produkty ako BVLGARI Goldea The Roman Night Absolute Sensuelle EdP 30 ml (783320408885)

Bvlgari Goldea The Roman Night 50 ml parfémovaná voda pro ženy

Bvlgari Goldea The Roman Night 50 ml parfémovaná voda pro ženy

Bvlgari Goldea The Roman Night Parfémovaná voda pro ženy 50 ml (

Podobné produkty ako Bvlgari Goldea The Roman Night 50 ml parfémovaná voda pro ženy

The Holy Roman Empire - Wilson Peter H.

The Holy Roman Empire - Wilson Peter H.

THE SUNDAY TIMES AND ECONOMIST BOOKS OF THE YEAR 2016 'A definitive study of the amorphous state that lasted a thousand years ...The Holy Roman Empire deserves to be hailed as a magnum opus' Tom Holland, Daily Telegraph 'Engrossing ...staggering ...a book that is relevant to our own times' The Times 'Masterly ...If, like most people, you know little more about the Holy Roman Empire other than Voltaire's bon mot - "neither holy, nor Roman, nor an empire" - then this is the book for you' Daniel Johnson, Sunday Times 'A history that helps us understand Europe's problems today ...interesting and provocative, makes the complex understandable' Christopher Kissane, Guardian A great, sprawling, ancient and unique entity, the Holy Roman Empire, from its founding by Charlemagne to its destruction by Napoleon a millennium later, formed the heart of Europe. It was a great engine for inventions and ideas, it was the origin of many modern European states, from Germany to the Czech Republic, its relations with Italy, France and Poland dictated the course of countless wars - indeed European history as a whole makes no sense without it. In this strikingly ambitious book, Peter H.Wilson explains how the Empire worked. It is not a chronological history, but an attempt to convey to readers why it was so important and how it changed over its existence. The result is a tour de force - a book that raises countless questions about the nature of political and military power, about diplomacy and the nature of European civilization and about the legacy of the Empire, which has continued to haunt its offspring, from Imperial and Nazi Germany to the European Union. (

Podobné produkty ako The Holy Roman Empire - Wilson Peter H.

How Life Works: A User’s Guide to the New Biology - Philip Ball


A cutting-edge new vision of biology that proposes to revise our concept of what life is – from Science Book Prize winner and former Nature editor Philip Ball.Biology is undergoing a quiet but profound transformation. Several aspects of the standard picture of how life works have been exposed as incomplete, misleading, or wrong.In How Life Works, Philip Ball explores the new biology, revealing life to be a far richer, more ingenious affair than we had guessed. With this knowledge come new possibilities. Today we can redesign and reconfigure living systems, tissues, and organisms. We can reprogram cells, for instance, to carry out new tasks and grow into structures not seen in the natural world. Some researchers believe that ultimately we will be able to regenerate limbs and organs, and perhaps even create new life forms that evolution has never imagined.Incorporating the latest research and insights, How Life Works is a sweeping journey into this new frontier of the nature of life, a realm that will reshape our understanding of life as we know it. (

Podobné produkty ako How Life Works: A User’s Guide to the New Biology - Philip Ball

The Sandman Volume 6 : Fables and Reflections - Neil Gaiman, Philip Craig Russell


The critically acclaimed The Sandman: Fables and Reflections continues the fantastical epic of Morpheus, the King of Dreams, as he observes and interacts with an odd assortment of historical and fictional characters throughout time. Featuring tales of kings, explorers, spies, and werewolves, this book of myth and imagination delves into the dark dreams of Augustus Caesar, Marco Polo, Cain and Abel, Norton I, and Orpheus to illustrate the effects that these subconscious musings have had on the course of history and mankind. Collects The Sandman #29-31, #38-40, #50 and Sandman: Special #1. (

Podobné produkty ako The Sandman Volume 6 : Fables and Reflections - Neil Gaiman, Philip Craig Russell

His Dark Materials: The Amber Spyglass (Tv tie-in edition) - Philip Pullman


Thethird volume in Philip Pullman's groundbreaking HIS DARK MATERIALStrilogy, now a thrilling, critically acclaimed BBC/HBO televisionseries starring Ruth Wilson, Dafne Keen and James McAvoy."We're going to the land of the dead andwe're going to come back."Will and Lyra, whosefates are bound together by powers beyond their own worlds, havebeen violently separated.But they must find each other,for ahead of them lies the greatest war that has ever been -and a journey to a dark place from which no one has ever returned...The first series was the most-watched new British show in fiveyears - and peaked at 7.2 million viewers. It received a 5-starreview from Lucy Mangan in The Guardian: "a riveting realisationof Philip Pullman's magic".HIS DARK MATERIALS is one of the most popular and successful children'sseries of all time. (

Podobné produkty ako His Dark Materials: The Amber Spyglass (Tv tie-in edition) - Philip Pullman

WowME Gladiator grey (Gladiator grey)

WowME Gladiator grey (Gladiator grey)

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