Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz

Quentin Tarantino: The Complete Unofficial Guide - Jolin Dan

A complete guide to cult movie director Quentin Tarantino.

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cena 443.0 Kč

The Coen Brothers: The Complete Unofficial Guide - Jolin Dan

Gangster movie, Western, film noir, rom com, screwball, musical, even the Biblical epic... There are few genres left untouched and untwisted by sibling visionaries Joel and Ethan Coen. Since 1984''s Blood Simple, the inscrutable brothers have effortlessly forged their own cinematic path, avoiding prevailing trends while crafting bold, stylish and witty movies that feel fresh and distinctive despite being deeply rooted in their creators'' filmic passion and knowledge.This is a definitive guide to that path, bringing the reader through Joel and Ethan''s 20 features (not counting the mezzanine) and exploring thethemes, the tropes, the gags, the familiar faces - while also taking in all the Coen curios that litter this quirkily winding byway.From Texas to Minnesota, from Homer to Shakespeare, from Bluegrass to Busby Berkeley, from wrestling to bowling, from lost hats to severed toes, this book covers everything that one might reasonably consider (to use a word that would likely make Joel and Ethan wince) ''Coenesque''... And then some.

Podívejte se také The Council: Complete Season - Xbox Digital (G3Q-00456)

cena 443.0 Kč

The Unofficial Guide to the Ancient Egyptian Afterlife

"Hello my newly dead friends. Gather round. My name is Bastet and I'm going to be your tour guide to the afterlife. Please make sure your bandages don't trail as we walk along."Bastet is a mummified cat who is here to take you on a journey through the mystical death rituals of Ancient Egypt. Starting with some routine disembowelment and mummification, she explains about the role of the coffins, the separation of your soul, the importance of amulets and the various types of Egyptian tombs. Together, you will cross the river Styx and face the gods in one final judgement - the weighing of the heart. Bastet will make sure you have everything you need in the afterlife, because, it turns out, you can take it with you after all!This is a light-hearted, but nonetheless informative insight into the fascinating beliefs and traditions of Ancient Egypt. Bright, textural illustrations by Laura Winstone bring a freshness of tone to a subject matter that might be ancient, but never grows old.

Podívejte se také Logic: Bobby Tarantino III - LP (3890947)

cena 429.0 Kč

Filmové spekulace - Quentin Tarantino

Quentin Tarantino je nejen jedním z nejslavnějších současných filmových tvůrců, ale také jedním z největších filmových expertů. Dlouhá léta v rozhovorech mluvil o tom, že se jednou vrhne na psaní knih o filmech. Nyní nastal ten správný čas a výsledkem je vše, v co jeho vášniví fanoušci – a všichni milovníci filmů – mohli doufat. Tato kniha, uspořádaná podle klíčových filmů ze sedmdesátých let, z nichž všechny viděl poprvé jako mladý divák, je stejně intelektuálně přísná a pronikavá jako svižná a zábavná. Je to zároveň filmová kritika, filmová teorie, reportážní počin i úžasná osobní historie, a to vše je napsáno jedinečným „tarantinovským“ stylem.

Objev podobné jako Filmové spekulace - Quentin Tarantino

cena 447.0 Kč

Cinema Speculation - Quentin Tarantino

In addition to being among the most celebrated of contemporary filmmakers, Quentin Tarantino is possibly the most joyously infectious movie lover alive. For years he has touted in interviews his eventual turn to writing books about films. Now, with CINEMA SPECULATION, the time has come, and the results are everything his passionate fans - and all movie lovers - could have hoped for. Organized around key American films from the 1970s, all of which he first saw as a young moviegoer at the time, this book is as intellectually rigorous and insightful as it is rollicking and entertaining. At once film criticism, film theory, a feat of reporting, and wonderful personal history, it is all written in the singular voice recognizable immediately as QT's and with the rare perspective about cinema possible only from one of the greatest practitioners of the artform ever.

Objev podobné jako Cinema Speculation - Quentin Tarantino

cena 491.0 Kč

Quentin Tarantino - Michele Botton

Málokdo se může chlubit, že má na kontě tolik úspěšných filmů jako Quentin Tarantino. Nahlédněte do mysli jednoho z nejvýznamnějších filmařů moderní kinematografie, do jeho vzpomínek na dětství a dospívání a poznejte významné milníky jeho kariéry. V této neautorizované komiksové biografii vám autor Michele Botton představí život a dílo Quentina Tarantina, jehož jméno je pro mnohé zárukou dobrého filmu. Tarantino stojí jako scenárista a režisér například za snímky: Jackie Brown, Kill Bill, Kill Bill 2, Hanebný pancharti, Nespoutaný Django, Osm hrozných, Tenkrát v Hollywoodu a další. Kniha je rozdělená do čtyř kapitol a mapuje Tarantinův život od dětství, kdy chodil s mámou na filmy dětem nepřístupné, přes práci ve videopůjčovně, kde sjížděl jeden film za druhým a ty největší pecky doporučoval ostatním – kteří je ne vždy byli schopni pochopit – až po první film natočený podle jeho scénáře. Komiksový Tarantino se podělí o svůj názor na násilí a vysvětlí, jak vnímá jeho význam ve filmech, prozradí, kdo ho v životě inspiroval a probere s přáteli, proč by (ne)dovolil, aby někdo v jeho filmech nakopal zadek Bruci Leemu. Nechte se vtáhnout poutavou biografií, poznejte, kdo Tarantina ovlivnil a jak se vyvíjel jeho specifický styl, díky němuž je známý po celém světě! Recenzi na knihu najdete zde .

Objev podobné jako Quentin Tarantino - Michele Botton

cena 329.0 Kč

Cinema Speculation - Quentin Tarantino

Jedinečný koktejl osobních memoárů, kulturní kritiky a historie Hollywoodu od jediného Quentina Tarantina.

Objev podobné jako Cinema Speculation - Quentin Tarantino

cena 321.0 Kč

Vtedy v Hollywoode - Quentin Tarantino

Dej tohto odvážneho, vtipného a znepokojivého románu o živote filmárskej obce okolo roku 1969 sa odohráva v slnečných exteriéroch filmových štúdií a v tmavých baroch Hollywoodu. Vtedy v Hollywoode je príbeh o skrachovanom hercovi Rickovi Daltonovi. Kedysi mal vlastný televízny seriál zvaný Lovec odmien. No to už je minulosť a teraz mu ponúkajú len úlohy záporákov, čo dostanú na frak od každého mladého nováčika, z ktorého chcú štúdiá v nadchádzajúcej sezóne spraviť hviezdu. Keď Ricka osloví filmový agent s ponukou hrať v talianskych westernoch, tohto permanentne neistého herca to iba znova rozhodí.Ďalej je tu Rickov kaskadér Cliff Booth – vojnový hrdina, ktorý zabil v druhej svetovej vojne viac Japoncov než ktorýkoľvek iný Američan a nikdy nerátal s tým, že sa vráti domov. Rickova kariéra možno stagnuje, no Cliffova prakticky neexistuje. Cliffa už aj tak upodozrievajú v súvislosti so zvláštnym úmrtím jeho manželky, no on si navyše začne na pľaci s nesprávnym týpkom, čo ho degraduje na pozíciu Rickovho asistenta.V susedstve Rickovho luxusného domu v Benedict Canyon sa predsa len niekomu plnia hollywoodske sny – a to Sharon Tateovej. Nielenže je Sharon pani Polanská, manželka jedinej skutočnej rockovej hviezdy medzi filmármi, no jej vlastná hviezda v tomto neúprosnom meste takisto rýchlo stúpa.Len pár kilometrov odtiaľ, v púšti pri meste Chatsworth, žije iný typ rojka. Bývalý väzeň Charles Manson očaril skupinu hipisáckych indivíduí a teraz s nimi žije na spustnutom starom filmovom ranči. Jeho mladí nasledovníci však netušia, ako veľmi sa sám Charlie usiluje uspieť v zábavnom priemysle. Po pozornosti Columbia Records and Tapes baží zúfalejšie než po revolúcii, o ktorej káže.Tieto a mnohé ďalšie nezabudnuteľné postavy, napríklad zázračná detská herecká hviezda plná očakávaní či prepitý, voľakedy špičkový herec, čo prišiel o všetko, obývajú nedávny, no dnes už neexistujúci svet, ktorý sa k nám brilantne vracia na stránkach tejto knihy. Ocitneme sa v roku 1969 s jeho hudbou, autami, filmami a televíznymi programami. A máme tu Hollywood, ten rozprávkový a aj ten skutočný, v podaní majstra -rozprávača, ktorý ho pozná ako vlastnú dlaň.

Objev podobné jako Vtedy v Hollywoode - Quentin Tarantino

cena 748.0 Kč

Tenkrát v Hollywoodu - Quentin Tarantino

Dlouho očekávaná románová prvotina Quentina Tarantina| Proslulý americký režisér v ní vychází ze svého stejnojmenného oscarového filmu a s ohromujícím elánem rozvíjí jeho témata. Stejně jako na plátně sledujeme také zde herce Ricka Daltona, který s rostoucím zoufalstvím vnímá úpadek své kariéry, a jeho dubléra, šoféra a přítele Cliffa Bootha. Oba se musejí vyrovnat s vlastním stárnutím a proměnou filmové kultury, v níž už jen obtížně hledají své místo. Rickovi toto vědomí hořkne o to víc, že jeho nejbližšími sousedy na Cielo Drive jsou Roman Polanski a Sharon Tateová, hollywoodský hvězdný pár na vrcholu slávy. A okolo krouží Charles Manson se svou „rodinou“ oblouzených hippies, kteří chtějí nastartovat společenskou revoluci prostřednictvím masakru. O osudech těchto lidí a o filmovém a televizním Hollywoodu zlaté éry konce šedesátých let se však dozvídáme daleko více, než bylo možné zachytit ve filmu. Autor využil šanci vylíčit předchozí životy svých protagonistů do větších podrobností včetně několika šokujících odhalení, fikce se proplétá s realitou a dobrodružství Ricka a Cliffa se prolínají s temnějšími historkami ze skutečných dějin Hollywoodu. V několika pasážích Tarantino mění úhel pohledu a poskytuje též mnohem významnější prostor postavám, které ve filmu zůstávaly trochu stranou, především Sharon Tateové a mladičké Trudi Fraserové. Román Tenkrát v Hollywoodu jasně dokazuje, že jako je Tarantino vynikající režisér, je stejně tak i skvělý spisovatel. Na stránky knihy se mu podařilo přenést tarantinovský černý humor, smysl pro groteskní situace, překvapivé zvraty a sklon provokovat. Z příběhu čiší jeho nostalgický vztah ke starému Hollywoodu, láska k filmařině a nakažlivá radost z vyprávění. Román se hned po vydání objevil na žebříčcích bestsellerů – čtenářům, kteří film neznají, nabízí plnohodnotný literární zážitek z Hollywoodu v divokých šedesátých letech, a filmovým fanouškům zase spoustu doplňujících informací, nečekaných odhalení a odchylek od scénáře.

Objev podobné jako Tenkrát v Hollywoodu - Quentin Tarantino

cena 319.0 Kč

Tenkrát v Hollywoodu - Quentin Tarantino - audiokniha

Audiokniha: Hollywood 1969. Kéž byste tam byli taky! Dlouho očekávaná románová prvotina kultovního režiséra – detailnější, sexy, a krvavější lite-rární variace na stejnojmenný oscarový velkofilm. Proslulý americký režisér vychází ze svého posledního filmu a ve stejnojmenné knize s ohro-mujícím elánem rozvíjí jeho témata. Stejně jako na plátně i zde sledujeme herce Ricka Daltona, který s rostoucím zoufalstvím vnímá úpadek své kariéry, a jeho dubléra, šoféra a přítele Cliffa Bootha. Oba se musejí vyrovnat s vlastním stárnutím a proměnou filmové kultury, v níž už jen obtížně hledají své místo. Tarantino je alchymista, který dokázal proměnit filmový brak ve zlato. Do románu se mu podařilo přenést tarantinovský černý humor, smysl pro groteskní situace, provokaci, a překvapivé zvraty. Kniha se hned po vydání stala bestsellerem. Nabízí plnohodnotný literární zážitek z filmové popkultury v divokých šedesátých letech a spoustu historek ze skutečných dějin Hollywoodu.

Objev podobné jako Tenkrát v Hollywoodu - Quentin Tarantino - audiokniha

cena 488.0 Kč

Filmové spekulace - Quentin Tarantino - e-kniha

eBook: Quentin Tarantino je nejen jedním z nejslavnějších současných filmových tvůrců, ale také jedním z největších filmových expertů. Dlouhá léta v rozhovorech mluvil o tom, že se jednou vrhne na psaní knih o filmech. Nyní nastal ten správný čas a výsledkem je vše, v co jeho vášniví fanoušci – a všichni milovníci filmů – mohli doufat. Tato kniha, uspořádaná podle klíčových filmů ze sedmdesátých let, z nichž všechny viděl poprvé jako mladý divák, je stejně intelektuálně přísná a pronikavá jako svižná a zábavná. Je to zároveň filmová kritika, filmová teorie, reportážní počin i úžasná osobní historie, a to vše je napsáno jedinečným „tarantinovským“ stylem.

Objev podobné jako Filmové spekulace - Quentin Tarantino - e-kniha

cena 399.0 Kč

Tenkrát v Hollywoodu - Quentin Tarantino - e-kniha

eBook: Tenkrát v Hollywoodu je dlouho očekávaná románová prvotina Quentina Tarantina, alchymisty, jenž dokázal proměnit filmový brak ve zlato. Proslulý americký režisér v ní vychází ze svého stejnojmenného oscarového filmu a s ohromujícím elánem rozvíjí jeho témata. Stejně jako na plátně sledujeme také zde herce Ricka Daltona, který s rostoucím zoufalstvím vnímá úpadek své kariéry, a jeho dubléra, šoféra a přítele Cliffa Bootha. Oba se musejí vyrovnat s vlastním stárnutím a proměnou filmové kultury, v níž už jen obtížně hledají své místo. Rickovi toto vědomí hořkne o to víc, že jeho nejbližšími sousedy na Cielo Drive jsou Roman Polanski a Sharon Tateová, hollywoodský hvězdný pár na vrcholu slávy. A okolo krouží Charles Manson se svou Rodinou oblouzených hippies, kteří chtějí nastartovat společenskou revoluci prostřednictvím masakru. O osudech těchto lidí a o filmovém a televizním Hollywoodu zlaté éry konce šedesátých let se však dozvídáme daleko více, než bylo možné zachytit ve filmu. Autor využil šanci vylíčit předchozí životy svých protagonistů do větších podrobností včetně několika šokujících odhalení, fikce se proplétá s realitou a dobrodružství Ricka a Cliffa se prolínají s temnějšími historkami ze skutečných dějin Hollywoodu. V několika pasážích Tarantino mění úhel pohledu a poskytuje též mnohem významnější prostor postavám, které ve filmu zůstávaly trochu stranou, především Sharon Tateové a mladičké Trudi Frazerové. Román Tenkrát v Hollywoodu jasně dokazuje, že jako je Tarantino vynikající režisér, je stejně tak i skvělý spisovatel. Na stránky knihy se mu podařilo přenést tarantinovský černý humor, smysl pro groteskní situace, překvapivé zvraty a sklon provokovat. Z příběhu čiší jeho nostalgický vztah ke starému Hollywoodu, láska k filmařině a nakažlivá radost z vyprávění. Quentin Tarantino (1963) je jedním z nejproslulejších filmařů své generace především díky mimořádné představivosti a schopnosti vyprávět mnohovrstevnaté příběhy. Jako režisér debutoval v roce 1992 filmem Gauneři a poté se jako spoluautor scénáře ujal režie snímku Pulp Fiction: Historky z podsvětí (1994), v němž si také zahrál a který v jeho filmografii patří dodnes k nejoblíbenějším. Akční černá komedie mu přinesla prvního Oscara za nejlepší scénář. Následovaly vysoce ceněné filmy Jackie Brown (1997), Kill Bill (2003), Kill Bill 2 (2004) a Grindhouse: Auto zabiják (2007). Posléze Tarantino uvedl výpravné akční drama z druhé světové války Hanebný pancharti (2009), nominované na Zlatou palmu, jižanské drama Nespoutaný Django (2012), za něž získal svého druhého Oscara za nejlepší scénář, a western Osm hrozných (2015). Tarantinův poslední film Tenkrát v Hollywoodu (2019) byl nominován na pět Zlatých glóbů, deset cen BAFTA a získal deset nominací na Oscara, z nichž dvě proměnil. Jeho stejnojmenný románový debut, v němž kultovní režisér rozvíjí příběhy filmových postav, se hned po vydání objevil na žebříčcích bestsellerů. Čtenářům, kteří film neznají, nabízí plnohodnotný literární zážitek z Hollywoodu divokých šedesátých let, a filmovým fanouškům zase spoustu doplňujících informací, nečekaných odhalení a odchylek od scénáře.

Objev podobné jako Tenkrát v Hollywoodu - Quentin Tarantino - e-kniha

cena 297.0 Kč

The Ultimate Guide to Billie Eilish. 100% Unofficial

The perfect teen's guide to Billie Eilish, one of music's coolest success stories.Billie Eilish is a talented performer, fashion icon, animal-lover, environmentalist and many other things besides. At the age of just 17, her debut album topped the Billboard 200 and UK charts. Find out everything there is to know about the coolest artist around!Packed with fascinating facts about Billie's life so far and her meteoric rise to fame, in this book you'll meet her family, learn what makes her tick, figure out how to decode her songs, discover how to get her style and even learn how to dance like her! And test your super-fan status with fun quizzes.Illustrated throughout with epic photos of Billie in action, this is a must-have for fans of the international, award-winning superstar.

Objev podobné jako The Ultimate Guide to Billie Eilish. 100% Unofficial

cena 268.0 Kč

Quentin Tarantino - Once Upon a Time In Hollywood OST (Orange Coloured) (2 LP)

Typ: LP deska;Kompilace;Barevná;Album Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Dekáda interpreta: 2010 - 2019 Subžánr: Movie;Film Music;Soundtrack;Folk Rock;Classic Rock Žánr: Rock;Movie;Soundtrack;Pop Varianta: Once Upon a Time In Hollywood OST (Orange Coloured Vinyl) (2 LP) Země původu: Evropská unie Barva: Oranžová Složení setu: 2 ks Rok vydání: 2019.0 Vydavatelství: Columbia Interpret / Téma: Quentin Tarantino Barva podle výrobce: Orange Datum vydání: 2019-12-20 Rok nahrávky: 2019.0 Balení obsahuje: LP Hmotnost: 180 g

Objev podobné jako Quentin Tarantino - Once Upon a Time In Hollywood OST (Orange Coloured) (2 LP)

cena 1184.0 Kč

The Complete Guide to Memory - Richard Restak

Memory gets worse with age - right? A fact of life. But what if we told you that wasn't necessarily true? That memory decline isn't inevitable. In The Complete Guide to Memory, renowned neurologist and bestselling author Dr Richard Restak distils the wisdom of an entire career into a one-stop guide to the science of memory.Drawing on cutting-edge neuroscience, case studies, famous anecdotes and more, he offers tips and tricks for anyone who wants to strengthen their memory, protect themselves from diseases like Alzheimer's and think smarter. Learn how to boost your memory through techniques like:-Mind mapping and making lists-Reading more novels than non-fiction-'Chunking' several pieces of information together to make them easier to remember-Choosing manual methods over technological solutions like phones and GPSPacked full of information for anyone curious about the power of their memory, this is the only guide you need to train your memory and make it stronger.

Objev podobné jako The Complete Guide to Memory - Richard Restak

cena 349.0 Kč

The Alfie and Zoella A-Z - The Unofficial Ultimate Guide to the Vlogging Super-Couple - Berry Jo

FREE EXCLUSIVE POSTER! THE ALFIE AND ZOELLA A-Z is the ultimate guide to one of the hottest and most popular new celebrity couples. As part of the vlogging super elite, Alfie Deyes and Zoe Sugg (aka 'Zalfie'), have risen to the top of online fame and shar

Objev podobné jako The Alfie and Zoella A-Z - The Unofficial Ultimate Guide to the Vlogging Super-Couple - Berry Jo

cena 357.0 Kč

The Complete Guide to Making Lampshades - Jane Warren

This practical handbook teaches you all the methods needed to make your own lampshades in a wide range of styles — from the simple drum hard lampshade to the more complex hand-sewn traditional gathered and pleated designs. As well as clear demonstrations, it gives information on frames and fittings, how to work with different fabrics and papers, and showcases how using your own designs offers a truly bespoke approach. Here you will learn everything you need to make wonderful lampshades to feature in your home, or to offer professionally.

Objev podobné jako The Complete Guide to Making Lampshades - Jane Warren

cena 591.0 Kč

The Complete Guide to Middle-earth: The Definitive Guide to the World of J.R.R. Tolkien - Foster Robert

A peerless A–Z guide to the names, places and events in the world of J.R.R. Tolkien, fully illustrated in colour throughout by acclaimed Tolkien artist, Ted Nasmith. J.R.R. Tolkien’s works of epic adventure and fantasy, The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings and The Silmarillion have delighted many millions of fans since they were first published, and are now more popular than ever before. The Complete Guide to Middle-earth has been compiled to enhance the reader’s enjoyment of Tolkien’s books by bringing together in an A-Z sequence all the key facts and information about names, places, languages and events from The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings and The Silmarillion. Accompanied with numerous genealogical tables and a unique Chronology of the First Age, it will provide an indispensable aid to every reader’s discovery of Tolkien’s world. The first, and definitive, encyclopedia, The Complete Guide to Middle-earth is now reissued to complement the illustrated hardbacks of The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, The Silmarillion and Unfinished Tales, and is lavishly illustrated with more than 50 full-colour paintings by acclaimed Tolkien artist, Ted Nasmith, with many appearing exclusively in this edition.

Objev podobné jako The Complete Guide to Middle-earth: The Definitive Guide to the World of J.R.R. Tolkien - Foster Robert

cena 1099.0 Kč

The Complete Beginner’s Guide to Drawing Manga - Sonia Leong

Award-winning manga artist Sonia Leong, with the help of other acclaimed manga creators and educators, gives you all the tips, tricks and tools you will need to get your ideas onto the page. - Discover how to get started, build your confidence, and boost your skills, beginning from first principles. - Learn how to draw faces, bodies, hands, feet, and create unique characters with their own styles.- Get the most out of your drawing materials, from traditional pens and pencils to digital software, and discover how best to use them to work up your own manga stories and comics. - Benefit from advice on pacing, layout, composition and lettering.

Objev podobné jako The Complete Beginner’s Guide to Drawing Manga - Sonia Leong

cena 491.0 Kč

Gardeners’ World: Gardening: The Complete Beginner’s Guide - Gardeners' World Magazine

From the experts at Gardeners' World comes the essential guide for budding gardeners, explaining how to garden in ten easy steps. Do you have an outside space that you’re not sure what to do with? Or want to feel the benefits of getting out into nature, but don't know where to start?Gardening: The Ultimate Beginner's Guide is your key to unlocking the world of gardening, created especially for beginners. The team of experts at Gardeners’ World have identified ten easy steps to help you get stuck into gardening, giving you:Hands-on guidance on selecting the right plants for your space, and the right time to plant themStep-by-step methods guiding you through every gardening jobThe skills to create the perfect growing conditions for your plants to thriveThe confidence to tackle any garden problem, with easy troubleshooting solutionsThe tools to create an oasis for butterflies, bees, and wildlifeConfidence in taking care of your garden in every seasonExpert advice on watering, weeding, and environmentally-friendly pest controlsNo matter your experience level, Gardening: The Ultimate Beginner's Guide is the best way to kick-start your gardening journey!

Objev podobné jako Gardeners’ World: Gardening: The Complete Beginner’s Guide - Gardeners' World Magazine

cena 768.0 Kč

Music and How it Works: The Complete Guide for Kids

Take a visual journey through the world of music and learn the science behind it, too.Budding music fans will love discovering musical geniuses of every era, from Mozart and classical music to Bowie and pop, as well as finding out how music is created and what links it all together.The book looks at music throughout history, beginning with the first known melody from the Fertile Crescent and covering modern music phenomena, from K Pop to hip-hop. Instruments and genres from across the world are featured, with "playlists" of key pieces encouraging kids to look up pieces to hear for themselves. STEAM spreads delve into the psychology and math behind music, from how it affects our mood to how it can improve our minds.Covering India's Ragas, Indonesia's Gamelan, Japan's city pop, and more, this book will help children discover a love of music.

Objev podobné jako Music and How it Works: The Complete Guide for Kids

cena 357.0 Kč

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Omnibus: The Complete Trilogy in Five Parts (9781529051438)

Kniha - autor Douglas Adams, 832 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná A phenomenon across all formats, this 42nd anniversary paperback omnibus contains the complete Hitchhiker's Guide trilogy in five parts, charting the whole of Arthur Dent's odyssey through space and time. Share and enjoy. Collected together in this omnibus are the five titles that comprise Douglas Adams' wildly popular and wholly remarkable comedy science fiction 'trilogy', introductions to each book, expanded material from the Douglas Adams archives plus a bonus short story, Young Zaphod Plays It Safe, and a special undeleted scene . . .

Objev podobné jako The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Omnibus: The Complete Trilogy in Five Parts (9781529051438)

cena 404.0 Kč

MS The Complete Vocal Workout: A Step-By-Step Guide To Tough Vocals

Škola zpěvu THE COMPLETE VOCAL WORK-OUT Tato kniha je určena všem zpěvákům, kteří se chtějí zaměřit na lepší trénink hlasivek a rozcvičení se před zpěvem, které by mělo být základem pro každého vokalistu. Nabízí řadu cvičení, která využijete ve studiu i při živém vystupování. Na přiložených CD navíc naleznete potřebné demonstrace.

Objev podobné jako MS The Complete Vocal Workout: A Step-By-Step Guide To Tough Vocals

cena 664.0 Kč

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild the Complete Official Guide : -Expanded Edition (Defekt) - Piggyback

The Expanded Edition Guide to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is a 512-page hardcover guidebook covering everything in the main game as well as the two Expansion Pass DLC packs "The Master Trials" and "The Champions' Ballad".INCLUDES: Expansion Pass concept art gallery; dedicated chapters covering both Expansion Passes; Reference and Analysis chapter; Maps chapter; all-new hardcover and an extensive 4-page Index.GUIDE DETAILSMaps Chapter: a dedicated 36-page atlas of Hyrule showing the exact location of all Korok seeds and treasure chests.Reference & Analysis Chapter: contains a farming manual showing how to acquire all items of prime interest efficiently; the best weapons and armor upgrades; the most effective recipes; the most lucrative gemstone mining spots; amiibo; merchants and much more.Expansion Pass Chapters: 34 pages dedicated to "The Master Trials" and "The Champions' Ballad".100% AUTHORITATIVE: all side quests, all shrines of Trials and all information about collectible items fully mapped out; also includes optional challenges, mini-games, unlockables, Easter eggs, and more.At-a-glance Walkthroughs: annotated maps and screenshots show the optimal way through every quest and dungeon.Large map poster: two-sided and fully-annotated - covering the immense game area.Concept art: direct from the development team and beautifully laid out across two sections: 16 pages of concept art from "The Master Trials" and "The Champions' Ballad" as well as a 16-page art tour of the main game.Puzzle Master: every single puzzle and riddle unraveled with refined, visual solutions.Expert Combat Strategy: practical, reproducible tactics to crush all enemies and bosses.Comprehensive references: exhaustive appraisals of all items and monsters - including key parameters that are hidden in the game.Premium hardcover: with guide pages printed on superior-quality art paper.EASE OF USE: Instant searches, print navigation systems, extensive 4-page index and detailed map poster give you immediate access to the information you need.

Objev podobné jako The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild the Complete Official Guide : -Expanded Edition (Defekt) - Piggyback

cena 399.0 Kč

Complete Calisthenics : The Ultimate Guide to Bodyweight Exercise Second Edition - Kalym Ashley

The ultimate guide to bodyweight exercises for anyone interested in taking their workouts to the next level without the use of weights, machines, or expensive gym memberships.

Objev podobné jako Complete Calisthenics : The Ultimate Guide to Bodyweight Exercise Second Edition - Kalym Ashley

cena 591.0 Kč

The Book of Astrology: A Complete Guide to Understanding Horoscopes - Marion Williamson

Astrology is more than just the 12 signs of the zodiac - it's a layered, multi-faceted tool for understanding ourselves and others. In this fascinating guide, you can discover what your sun sign says about you, who you are most compatible with romantically, and how you can progress in life with insights from the heavens above. More advanced ideas regarding aspects such as Mercury Retrograde, Moon Signs and other astrological terms are explained fully and permit the reader to begin their journey into this lifelong passion.• Descriptions of all 12 signs• Controversies about whether there is a 13th sign addressed• Moon signs and their significancePart of the beautiful Mystic Archives series, this ornate hardback is a wonderful companion for anyone wanting to align their life with the magic of the stars.

Objev podobné jako The Book of Astrology: A Complete Guide to Understanding Horoscopes - Marion Williamson

cena 536.0 Kč

The Unofficial Ghibli Cookbook - Thibaud Villanova

Create 40 delicious dishes from your favourite Studio Ghibli films!40 recipes inspired by the masterpieces of Studio Ghibli: My Neighbour Totoro, Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, The Moving Castle... Dive into the dreamlike worlds of these animated films and enjoy the recipes created by Thibaud Villanova, a specialist in the cuisine of the imagination.

Objev podobné jako The Unofficial Ghibli Cookbook - Thibaud Villanova

cena 738.0 Kč

The Unofficial Sims Cookbook - Taylor O'Halloran

Learn how to make all the meals you've seen your Sims devour with The Unofficial Sims Cookbook.Sure, you've honed your Sims' cooking skills, but how are your skills IRL? Now, you can perfect the baked Alaska and lobster thermidor you've been watching your Sims make with The Unofficial Sims Cookbook.Learn the steps behind the classic simulated recipes:-Chili Con Carne-Silly Gummy Bear Pancakes-Grandma's Comfort Soup-Minty Mocha Cupcakes-And more!Your hunger will be satisfied, and you may even start your career path towards becoming a famous chef! Dive straight in with the delicious recipes in The Unofficial Sims Cookbook.

Objev podobné jako The Unofficial Sims Cookbook - Taylor O'Halloran

cena 443.0 Kč

The Unofficial Lord of the Rings Cookbook - Tom Grimm

Prepare and enjoy over 60 recipes from The Unofficial Lord of the Rings Cookbook, inspired by J.R.R Tolkien's epic trilogy.The Unofficial Lord of the Rings Cookbook includes over 60 recipes for Breakfast, Second Breakfast, Elevenses, Luncheon, Afternoon Tea, Dinner, Supper, and Drinks. Fans will enjoy this cookbook's multitude of easy-to-follow recipes and stunning photography, transporting them into the world of Tolkien's fantasy adventure.With The Unofficial Lord of the Rings Cookbook, fans will be able to pick from a wide variety of food and drinks derived from The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings trilogy. Follow your favorite characters through a culinary excursion through the novels' fictional world.?50+ RECIPES: More than 60 Lord of the Rings-inspired recipes, including Elvish Bread, Root Vegetable Stew, and Old Winyard's Mulled WineSTUNNING IMAGES: Beautiful, full-color photos of the finished dishes help ensure successBRING MIDDLE-EARTH INTO YOUR KITCHEN: Travel through the epic world of J.R.R Tolkien's acclaimed works through a wide variety of dishes and drinksPERFECT GIFT FOR LORD OF THE RINGS FANS: The Unofficial Lord of the Rings Cookbook is a fantastic gift for The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings enthusiasts in your lifeFOR ALL SKILL LEVELS: Easy-to-follow recipes make this the perfect cookbook for beginner and experienced chefs alike

Objev podobné jako The Unofficial Lord of the Rings Cookbook - Tom Grimm

cena 805.0 Kč

Complete Guide to Dressmaking - Jules Fallon

All the dressmaking techniques you need, explained simply for easy, professional-looking results.

Objev podobné jako Complete Guide to Dressmaking - Jules Fallon

cena 502.0 Kč

Black and Decker The Complete Guide to Finishing Basements and Garages Updated 3rd Edition - Chris Peterson, Editors of Cool Springs Press

Finish your basement or deck out your garage with up-to-date advice and photo-illustrated step-by-step instructions from a trusted brand. In BLACK+DECKER The Complete Guide to Finishing Basements and Garages 3rd Edition, you’ll find a deep dive into various projects that will help you make the most of your home. This new edition includes: A new gallery of basement designs Sample floor plans for basements How to create your own full-service home workspace Newly integrated section and projects for the garage Heal cracks in your foundation wall, pest-proof your basement, install a mini-split system, and so much more. With this BLACK+DECKER title, you’ll find information on: Basement designs and floor plans: Want to finish your basement, but don’t know where to start? Find guidance and all-new galleries of inspiration for finishes. Installation: New in this edition, you can learn how to install a prefab straight-run staircase and use epoxy or lay rubber floor tiling to finish cement floors. You’ll also find updated sections on everything from creating office spaces to media rooms. The “ground-level basement”: More interested in creating a workshop in your garage? Well, now you can! With this specialty section and newly integrated projects and tips, you can learn the best ways to get the garage you’ve always wanted. Whether you’re already underway creating a new addition to your house or looking for a guide to get your creative juices flowing, this book is a great fit.

Objev podobné jako Black and Decker The Complete Guide to Finishing Basements and Garages Updated 3rd Edition - Chris Peterson, Editors of Cool Springs Press

cena 561.0 Kč

Gladiator: The Roman Fighter's (Unofficial) Manual - Philip Matyszak

You want to be a gladiator? This book has everything you need to know before you step out to fight for your life in front of a roaring crowd! Find out how to get thousands to idolize you as the strongest, meanest fighter in the Roman empire. Win fame and fortune in one of Rome’s most glamorous locations, in the presence of the emperor himself. Wouldn’t you kill for a job like that? This handy guide tells you everything you need to know before you make that fateful step. Experience at first hand the spectacular, brutal life and savage death of the most iconic figure of ancient Rome. Learn how to take the first faltering steps over the threshold of gladiator school, and through training to become a ‘man of the sword’. Learn why you should become a gladiator, how to join the profession, who will try to kill you (and what with), which arena of the empire is right for you, when and how often you will fight and what happens before, during and after the bout. Combining the latest research with modern reconstructions, the author of the bestselling Legionary and Ancient Rome on Five Denarii a Day helps you experience at first hand the spectacular, brutal life and savage death of The Gladiator. 'Offers tongue-in-cheek advice on how to cut it in the amphitheatre … brings home the horror of the spectacles' Current Archaeology Contents List Becoming a Gladiator • How Did We Get Here? • Arenas of the Empire • Ludus Life • The Making of a Gladiator • Gladiators Outside the Arena • Preliminaries to a Bout • Death at the Colosseum • Death and Other Alternatives to Retirement • Map of the Roman Empire • Glossary • Further Reading • Sources of Quotations • Sources of Illustrations • Index

Objev podobné jako Gladiator: The Roman Fighter's (Unofficial) Manual - Philip Matyszak

cena 402.0 Kč

The Unofficial Big Lebowski Cocktail Book - André Darlington

Raise a glass to the 25th anniversary of The Big Lebowski with this highly giftable unofficial cocktail book featuring 50 cocktails, brews, and other spirits inspired by the beloved movie’s characters and scenes. The Big Lebowski—the hilariously quirky comedy-thriller about bowling, avant-garde art, nihilistic Austrians, White Russians, and a guy named…the Dude—is a cult classic. Now, with The Unofficial Big Lebowski Cocktail Book, you can relive the movie one drink at a time!Award-winning beverage writer and best-selling author André Darlington shows you how to create these and more iconic cocktails at home:  The Dude (White Russian) Porn Star Martini The Nihilist Bowling with Jesus Maude’s Manhattan In addition to 50 signature drinks, this beautifully designed unofficial cocktail book includes food and song pairings that align with the major characters that have become life lessons and spouted advice within popular culture.Fully illustrated, this unofficial ode to The Big Lebowski is sure to have you reliving the movie and offering up these words of wisdom to your friends.

Objev podobné jako The Unofficial Big Lebowski Cocktail Book - André Darlington

cena 469.0 Kč

Drawn to the Garden - Caroline Quentin

Find solace in your outdoor space in this delightful horticultural journey with actress Caroline Quentin, as she draws on her life-long passion for gardening.Through the pages of this gift book, Caroline shows how much joy she gets from spending time in her garden, whether it be grappling with the best way to grow plants and vegetables, or raising seeds in her potting shed. Though she now has a large following on her Instagram account, @CQGardens, her attitude to gardening is the same as it has always been – expertise helps but is not essential. Gardening should be fun and enjoyable, filled with the simple pleasures of planning, planting, harvesting and cooking. It is also a meditative and restorative pastime, and a great way to lift your spirits.Written in a warm and engaging way that reflects her personality, Caroline tells stories of growing chillies from seed in her greenhouse, berating the thieving blackbirds in her fruit cage, and swimming in her pond singing to dragon flies and flag irises. Over the years, she has come to realise that gardening, just like life, is a series of happy accidents, unplanned successes, and baffling and frustrating failures.Illustrated by Caroline herself, this gorgeous book mixes personal stories of her life and experiences in the garden, with practical tips, recipes for food and drink, and even the occasional favourite poem. As she likes to misquote Dorothy Parker: ‘Take to horticulture, it’s cheaper than a shrink’.

Objev podobné jako Drawn to the Garden - Caroline Quentin

cena 591.0 Kč

Collins Bird Guide - Lars Svensson, Killian Mullarney, Dan Zetterström

The ultimate reference book for bird enthusiasts – now in its third edition.With expanded text and additional colour illustrations, the third edition of the hugely successful Collins Bird Guide is a must for every birdwatcher.The new edition has an extra 32 pages allowing several groups more space and completely or partly new plates with more detailed text: grouse, loons, several groups of raptors, terns, owls, swifts, woodpeckers, swallows, redstarts and some other relatives to the flycatchers (formerlyoften called ‘small thrushes’), tits and a few finches and buntings are some of these. More than 50 plates are either new or have been repainted, completely or partly. Apart from this, a few new vignettes have been added. The section with vagrants has been expanded to accommodate more images and longer texts for several species. The entire text and all maps have of course also been revised.The book provides all the information needed to identify any species at any time of the year, covering size, habitat, range, identification and voice. Accompanying every species entry is a distribution map and illustrations showing the species in all the major plumages (male, female, immature, in flight, at rest, feeding: whatever is important).In addition, each group of birds includes an introduction which covers the major problems involved in identifying or observing them: how to organise a sea watching trip, how to separate birds of prey in flight, which duck hybrids can be confused with which main species. These and many other common birdwatching questions are answered.The combination of definitive text, up-to-date distribution maps and superb illustrations, all in a single volume, makes this book the ultimate field guide, essential on every bookshelf and birdwatching trip.

Objev podobné jako Collins Bird Guide - Lars Svensson, Killian Mullarney, Dan Zetterström

cena 591.0 Kč

Minecraft Builder - Around the World: Independent and Unofficial - Mortimer Children's Books

Travel the world in Minecraft! This easy-to-follow guide is filled with detailed instructions on how to make your own versions of the world's greatest landmarks. It includes straightforward instructions on how to build 13 different structures from around the world, including the Statue of Liberty, the Easter Island Heads, Sydney Opera House, Burj Khalifa, the Eiffel Tower, and many more. Builds range in difficulty, so there's something for every reader to try.Plus, every section is filled with cool info about the world's greatest wonders, meaning this is the perfect title for young learners. It's a fantastic way to combine geography, history and creativity into an amazing, fulfilling Minecraft experience.

Objev podobné jako Minecraft Builder - Around the World: Independent and Unofficial - Mortimer Children's Books

cena 268.0 Kč

Three Little Monkeys and the Grand Hotel - Quentin Blake

A remarkable collaboration – that brings together giants of the picture book world – to create a funny, anarchic and utterly delightful picture book. A classic of the future.Hilda Snibbs is going on holiday to the Grand Hotel – and, of course, she is taking her three little monkeys, Tim and Sam and Lulu. But what starts out as a relaxing break soon begins to unravel in this fun-filled and mischievous tale!Quentin Blake’s delightfully funny story is brought to life by Emma Chichester Clark’s beautiful mixed-media illustration in this incredible follow-up to the magical Three Little Monkeys at Christmas.

Objev podobné jako Three Little Monkeys and the Grand Hotel - Quentin Blake

cena 236.0 Kč

100% Unofficial MrBeast - Ben Wilson, Farshore, 100% Unofficial

Discover all there is to know about MrBeast and become his biggest fan! 100% Unofficial MrBeast is packed with his record-breaking challenges, the coolest collaborations, and his greatest giveaways. Whether you’re already a MrBeast subscriber or are excited to learn more, this hardback handbook is perfect for fans of YouTube’s biggest star!Check out his first YouTube video (at the age of 13!), learn all the flavours of Feastables, explore how he helps the world with Team Trees and Team Seas, delve into his favourite video games, discover how he became the most-subscribed YouTube channel in the world, and read all about The Beast Gang in this essential guide!

Objev podobné jako 100% Unofficial MrBeast - Ben Wilson, Farshore, 100% Unofficial

cena 295.0 Kč

The Rough Guide to the Lake District: Travel Guide with eBook - Rough Guides

This Lake District guidebook is perfect for independent travellers planning a longer trip. It features all of the must-see sights and a wide range of off-the-beaten-track places. It also provides detailed practical information on preparing for a trip and what to do on the ground. And this Lake District travel guidebook is printed on paper from responsible sources, and verified to meet the FSC''s strict environmental and social standards. This Lake District guidebook covers: Windermere, Grasmere and the central fells, Coniston Water, Hawkshead and the south, Keswick, Derwent Water and the north, the western fells and valleys, Ullswater, out of the National Park.Inside this Lake District travel book, you''ll find: - A wide range of sights - Rough Guides experts have hand-picked places for travellers with different needs and desires: off-the-beaten-track adventures, family activities or chilled-out breaks- Itinerary examples - created for different time frames or types of trip- Practical information - how to get to the Lake District, all about public transport, food and drink, shopping, travelling with children, sports and outdoor activities, tips for travellers with disabilities and more- Author picks and things not to miss in the Lake District - Scafell Pike, Derwent Water, Eskdale, Ennerdale Water, hiking, bird watching, wildlife, boating, kayaking, biking, museums, history, wild swimming - Insider recommendations - tips on how to beat the crowds, save time and money, and find the best local spots- When to go to the Lake District - high season, low season, climate information and festivals - Where to go - a clear introduction to the Lake District with key places and a handy overview - Extensive coverage of regions, places and experiences - regional highlights, sights and places for different types of travellers, with experiences matching different needs- Places to eat, drink and stay - hand-picked restaurants, cafes, bars and hotels- Practical info at each site - hours of operation, websites, transit tips, charges- Colour-coded mapping - with keys and legends listing sites categorised as highlights, eating, accommodation, shopping, drinking and nightlife - Background information for connoisseurs - history, culture, art, architecture, film, books, religion, diversity- Free download of the eBook - available after purchase of the printed guidebook to the Lake District - Fully updated post-COVID-19The guide provides a comprehensive and rich selection of places to see and things to do in the Lake District, as well as great planning tools. It''s the perfect companion, both ahead of your trip and on the ground.

Objev podobné jako The Rough Guide to the Lake District: Travel Guide with eBook - Rough Guides

cena 473.0 Kč

The Complete Maus (0141014083)

Kniha - autor Art Spiegelman, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Combined for the first time here are Maus I: A Survivor's Tale and Maus II - the complete story of Vladek Spiegelman and his wife, living and surviving in Hitler's Europe. By addressing the horror of the Holocaust through cartoons, the author captures the everyday reality of fear and is able to explore the guilt, relief and extraordinary sensation of survival - and how the children of survivors are in their own way affected by the trials of their parents. A contemporary classic of immeasurable significance.

Objev podobné jako The Complete Maus (0141014083)

cena 452.0 Kč

The Complete Fiction (1435122968)

Kniha - autor Howard Phillips Lovecraft, 1112 stran, anglicky, jiný materiál potahu

Objev podobné jako The Complete Fiction (1435122968)

cena 882.0 Kč

The Complete Sherlock Holmes

A master of deductive reasoning who can solve the most difficult crimes by spotting obscure clues overlooked by others, dilettante sleuth Sherlock Holmes was the hero of 60 stories written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle between 1887 and 1927. With the help of his loyal friend, Doctor Watson, Holmes brought countless crooks, thieves, swindlers, and murderers to justice. He even rose from the dead after Doyle tried to dispatch him in his twenty-fourth adventure, and readers protested. Some Sherlock Holmes stories rank among the most famous in detective fiction, among them "A Study in Scarlet," "A Scandal in Bohemia," "The Speckled Band," and "The Hound of the Baskervilles." Here, in one volume, are all four full-length novels and 56 short stories about the colorful adventures of Sherlock Holmes—every word Sir Arthur Conan Doyle ever wrote about Baker Street's most famous resident. Also included is an introduction by lifetime Sherlockians Barbara and Christopher Roden. The Complete Sherlock Holmes is one of Barnes & Noble's Collectible Editions classics. Each volume features authoritative texts by the world's greatest authors in an exquisitely designed bonded-leather binding, with distinctive gilt edging and a ribbon bookmark. Decorative, durable, and collectible, these books offer hours of pleasure to readers young and old and are an indispensable cornerstone for every home library.

Objev podobné jako The Complete Sherlock Holmes

cena 1065.0 Kč

The Complete Peter Pan

The boy who wouldn't grow up, Peter Pan has the power of flight and lives on a magical island. But he is fascinated by Mary Darling's bedtime stories for her children and makes covert night-time visits to their Bloomsbury home. One evening he loses his shadow, and after Mary's daughter Wendy helps him reattach it, he invites her to fly away with him on an extraordinary adventure. In addition to the famous 1911 novel Peter and Wendy, which tells the familiar adventures of Peter Pan in Neverland and introduces the unforgettable characters of Tinkerbell and Captain Hook, this volume contains the celebrated stage version on which Peter and Wendy is based, as well as Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens, in which Peter Pan is a seven-day-old infant who consorts with birds and fairies and travels down the Serpentine in a thrush's nest.ABOUT THE SERIES: Alma Junior Classics series of illustrated classics includes some of the greatest books ever written for younger readers and new translations of unjustly neglected international works. Our aim is to give our list an international feel and offer young readers to opportunity to connect with other cultures and literatures this applies not only to the titles we chose but also to the illustrators we commission so that we can bring a bit of novelty into the canon of British children's literature. All children's classics contain extra material for young readers, including a profile of the author, a section on the book, a list of characters, a glossary and a test-yourself quiz.

Objev podobné jako The Complete Peter Pan

cena 241.0 Kč

The Girls' Guide to Growing Up: the best-selling puberty guide for girls - Anita Naik

Bestseller in ''Books on Self-esteem and Self-reliance for Young Adults'' Amazon category in the UK, May 2024"... this book is a MUST if you have a growing girl." - online customer review"Some things are super scary especially for a 9-year-old but reading this together, I felt, let her know that she could talk to me about anything." - online customer review"It has everything a girl needs to understand their body and mood changes as they experience this new stage of their lives." - online customer review"A very gentle and friendly guide to growing up." - online customer review"The illustrations are all child-appropriate and the level of detail is set just right." - online customer review"Opens the door for conversations about the changes they are and will be going through." - online customer reviewA sensitively written, friendly guide to growing up, specifically aimed at younger girls.A friendly, reassuring and positive guide for girls as they approach puberty, explaining the changes that will happen to their bodies as they grow up and how these changes might make them feel. Covering everything from periods and breast development to body hair and personal hygiene, puberty and parenting expert Anita Naik addresses any worries that girls may have relating to what is ''normal''. She reassures readers and boosts their confidence, encouraging them to feel positive about the changes they will experience as they go through puberty.The Girls'' Guide to Growing Up also includes advice on topics such as body image, self-esteem and how puberty affects boys, and has an age-appropriate section on sex and reproduction.Contents include:- What is puberty?- Your puberty timeline- Breasts and bras- Same age, different stage- Skin changes- Sweats, smells and personal hygiene- Hair in new places- Changes down below- What are periods?- The practical side of periods- Managing periods- Sex explained- Making babies- New feelings- Managing your moods- Healthy eating- The power of exercise- Self-esteem and body image- Privacy and your body- Puberty for boys- Boys have worries, too

Objev podobné jako The Girls' Guide to Growing Up: the best-selling puberty guide for girls - Anita Naik

cena 236.0 Kč

The Boys' Guide to Growing Up: the best-selling puberty guide for boys - Phil Wilkinson

Bestseller in ''Children''s sex education'' Amazon category in the UK, May 2024"My son said nothing scared him after reading this book and he felt much more comfortable about it all." - online customer review"Do you ever wonder how to start the conversation about the birds and the bees with your child? Well, this book helps you in so many ways! Highly recommend if you''re planning on having that talk soon." - online customer review"Great book, factual, easy to understand and supports parental talks!" - online customer review"It''s a perfect no-nonsense book! Brilliant!" - online customer review"It has all the answers for inquisitive minds." - online customer review"My son is autistic and finds change very hard. This book has helped him to understand the changes that will happen in himself that he can''t control. Bright pictures with accurate details for the body parts. Great book!" - online customer reviewA sensitively written, friendly guide to growing up, specifically aimed at younger boys.A friendly and reassuring guide for boys as they approach puberty, explaining the changes that will happen to their bodies as they grow up and how these changes might make them feel. Covering everything from body hair and vocal changes to mood swings and self-esteem, puberty and parenting expert Phil Wilkinson addresses any worries that boys might have relating to what is ''normal''. He reassures readers and boosts their confidence, encouraging them to feel positive about the changes they will experience as they go through puberty.The Boys'' Guide to Growing Up also includes advice on topics such exercise, healthy eating, shaving, talking about feelings and how puberty affects girls, and has an age-appropriate section on sex and reproduction.Contents include:- What is puberty?- Your puberty timeline- How do hormones work?- The height and weight race- A deeper voice- Spotty skin- Hair, hair, everywhere- The art of shaving- Sweat, smells and personal hygiene- Changes down below- New feelings- Sex explained- Making babies- Keeping your confidence up- Mood swings- Managing your feelings- Healthy eating- The power of exercise- Privacy and your body- Puberty for girls- Girls have worries, too

Objev podobné jako The Boys' Guide to Growing Up: the best-selling puberty guide for boys - Phil Wilkinson

cena 266.0 Kč

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (0345391802)

Kniha - autor Douglas Adams, 224 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Originally published: New York: Harmony Books, 1980.

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cena 224.0 Kč

The Complete Maus - Art Spiegelman

The Complete Maus by Art Spiegelman - the Pulitzer prize-winning Holocaust survivor story 'The most affecting and successful narrative ever done about the Holocaust' Wall Street Journal 'The first masterpiece in comic book history' The New Yorker The Pulitzer Prize-winning Maus tells the story of Vladek Spiegelman, a Jewish survivor of Hitler's Europe, and his son, a cartoonist coming to terms with his father's story. Maus approaches the unspeakable through the diminutive. Its form, the cartoon (the Nazis are cats, the Jews mice), shocks us out of any lingering sense of familiarity and succeeds in 'drawing us closer to the bleak heart of the Holocaust' (The New York Times). Maus is a haunting tale within a tale. Vladek's harrowing story of survival is woven into the author's account of his tortured relationship with his aging father. Against the backdrop of guilt brought by survival, they stage a normal life of small arguments and unhappy visits. This astonishing retelling of our century's grisliest news is a story of survival, not only of Vladek but of the children who survive even the survivors. Maus studies the bloody pawprints of history and tracks its meaning for all of us. This combined, definitive edition includes Maus I: A Survivor's Tale and Maus II. Art Spiegelman is a contributing editor and artist for the New Yorker. His drawings and prints have been exhibited in museums and galleries around the world. He won the Pulitzer Prize for Maus, and a Guggenheim fellowship. It was also nominated for the National Book Critics Award. His other books include: Breakdowns: From Maus to Now, an Anthology of Strips; The Wild Party; Open Me, I'm A Dog; Jack Cole and Plastic Man: Forms Stretched to Their Limits; In the Shadow of No Towers; Breakdowns: Portrait of the Artist as a Young %@ Be a Nose; Jack and the Box and MetaMaus. He lives in New York.

Objev podobné jako The Complete Maus - Art Spiegelman

cena 473.0 Kč

The Complete Robuchon - Joel Robuchon

Robuchon is the most influential French chef of the post-nouvelle cuisine era. His food was seen as instrumental in leading French cuisine away from the excesses - and excessive reductionism - of nouvelle cuisine. This book offers us his recipes, secrets and tips: from the perfect omelette to vegetable soup, leg of lamb to marinated mussels.

Objev podobné jako The Complete Robuchon - Joel Robuchon

cena 738.0 Kč

The Complete Alice - Lewis Carroll

The definitive full-colour edition celebrating 160 years of Lewis Carroll's best-loved books, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-glass and What Alice Found There

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cena 1181.0 Kč

The Complete Poems - Emily Brontëová

The poems of Emily Jane Bronte are passionate and powerful works that convey the vitality of the human spirit and of the natural world. Only twenty-one of her poems were published during her lifetime - this volume contains those and all others attributed to her. Many poems describe the mythic country of Gondal and its citizens that she imagined with Anne, and remain the only surviving record of their joint creation. Other visionary works, including 'Remembrance' and 'No coward soul is mine', boldly confront mortality and anticipate life after death. And poems such as 'Redbreast early in the morning' and 'The blue bell is the sweetest flower' evoke the wild beauties of nature she observed on the Yorkshire moors, while also examining the state of her psyche.

Objev podobné jako The Complete Poems - Emily Brontëová

cena 357.0 Kč

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