Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
The Secret Commonwealth - Philip Pullman
It is twenty years since the events of La Belle Sauvage: The Book of Dust Volume One unfolded and saw the baby Lyra Belacqua begin her life-changing journey. It is almost ten years since readers left Lyra and the love of her young life, Will Parry, on a park bench in Oxford's Botanic Gardens at the end of the ground-breaking, bestselling His Dark Materials sequence. Now, in The Secret Commonwealth, we meet Lyra Silvertongue. And she is no longer a child . . . The second volume of Philip Pullman's The Book of Dust sees Lyra, now twenty years old, and her daemon Pantalaimon, forced to navigate their relationship in a way they could never have imagined, and drawn into the complex and dangerous factions of a world that they had no idea existed. Pulled along on his own journey too is Malcolm; once a boy with a boat and a mission to save a baby from the flood, now a man with a strong sense of duty and a desire to do what is right. Theirs is a world at once familiar and extraordinary, and they must travel far beyond the edges of Oxford, across Europe and into Asia, in search for what is lost - a city haunted by daemons, a secret at the heart of a desert, and the mystery of the elusive Dust. The Secret Commonwealth is truly a book for our times; a powerful adventure and a thought-provoking look at what it is to understand yourself, to grow up and make sense of the world around you. This is storytelling at its very best from one of our greatest writers.
Podívejte se také The Secret Garden
The Collectors - Philip Pullman
'D'you - er - have you seen her before?' 'Yes. I know who she is.''But, Grinstead, this painting is seventy years old - probably nearer eighty! You're not being serious - I mean . . . What do you mean?'On a dark winter's night in 1970, Horley and Grinstead huddle for warmth in the Senior Common Room of a college in Oxford. Conversation turns to the two impressive works of art that Horley has recently added to his collection.What the two men don't know is that these pieces are connected in mysterious and improbable ways; and they are about to be caught in the cross-fire of a story which has travelled time and worlds.
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The Amber Spyglass - Philip Pullman
We're going to the land of the dead and we're going to come back.” Will and Lyra, whose fates are bound together by powers beyond their own worlds, have been violently separated. But they must find each other, for ahead of them lies the greatest war that has ever been - and a journey to a dark place from which no one has ever returned. How will Lyra and Will survive the terrible sacrifices and challenges placed before them? And as conflict explodes between the worlds and Heaven, what is the knowledge they must seek to bring their long quest to a close? The soul-shaking finale to Philip Pullman's masterful His Dark Materials trilogy.
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The Amber Spyglass - Philip Pullman
Will and Lyra, whose fates are bound together by powers beyond their own worlds, have been violently separated. But they must find each other, for ahead of them lies the greatest war that has ever been - and a journey to a dark place from which no one has ever returned...
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The Subtle Knife - Philip Pullman
Will has just killed a man. He's on the run. His escape will takehim far beyond his own world, to the eerie disquiet of a desertedcity, and to a girl, Lyra. Her fate is strangely linked to hisown, and together they must find the most powerful weapon in allthe worlds...
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The Ruby in the Smoke - Philip Pullman
Soon after Sally Lockhart's father drowns at sea, she receives ananonymous letter. The dire warning it contains makes a man die offear at her feet. Determined to discover the truth about her father'sdeath, sixteen-year-old Sally is plunged into a terrifyingmystery in the dark heart of Victorian London.
Objev podobné jako The Ruby in the Smoke - Philip Pullman
The Shadow in the North - Philip Pullman
The second book in Philip Pullman's classic SALLY LOCKHART quartetin a beautiful new edition. Sally Lockhart is a thoroughly modernwoman in a world of pompous men. Soon she is ensnared in a whirlof high-society danger and deceit, which can lead her in onlyone direction - to the terrifying secret of the Shadow in the North.
Objev podobné jako The Shadow in the North - Philip Pullman
The Firework-Maker's Daughter - Philip Pullman
From the author the His Dark Materials trilogy and La Belle Sauvage. Featuring wonderful new illustrations from Peter Bailey this beautiful fairytale is perfect for readers young and old.Lila doesn''t just want to be a Firework-Maker''s daughter, she wants to be a Firework Maker herself. But although she''s learned a lot she still must get through the most difficult and dangerous part of her apprenticeship - and her father won''t tell her what it is.In search of this final Firework-Making secret, Lila heads off alone on a journey. It is a journey filled with dangers beyond anything she could have imagined, a journey on which she will learn so much more than the one secret she set out to find . . .
Objev podobné jako The Firework-Maker's Daughter - Philip Pullman
His Dark Materials: The Deluxe Edition - Philip Pullman
This beautiful deluxe hardcover omnibus edition includes all three books in Philip Pullman's internationally bestselling, groundbreaking, beloved His Dark Materials trilogy. A must-have collection for all fans. Since Northern Lights was first published in 1995, and acclaimed as a modern masterpiece, this series has won the UK's top awards forchildren's literature."Without this child, we shall all die." Lyra Belacqua and her animal daemon live half-wild and carefree among scholars of Jordan College, Oxford. The destiny that awaits her will take her to the frozen lands of the Arctic, where witch-clans reign and ice-bears fight. Her extraordinary journey will have immeasurable consequences far beyond her own world...Now a major HBO/BBC TV series starring Ruth Wilson, James McAvoy, Dafne Keen and Lin-Manuel Miranda. A stunning deluxe omnibus edition of one of the most popular and successful children's series of all time. The perfect gift for all Philip Pullman fans eagerly awaiting the third instalment of The Book of Dust.
Objev podobné jako His Dark Materials: The Deluxe Edition - Philip Pullman
The Subtle Knife: The Graphic Novel (Defekt) - Philip Pullman, Stéphane Melchior
Enter the remarkable world of His Dark Materials like never before with this stunning, full-colour graphic novel.Lyra has stepped into a brand-new world. Will has just killed a man.Their paths cross in Cittàgazze. In a city haunted by soul-eating Spectres, troops of angels and vengeful witches, they find in each other a welcome ally.Both are hoping to find something in this strange world: Lyra must discover the meaning of Dark Matter, while Will is desperately searching for his missing father.What they find instead is a deadly secret, an object with extraordinary power. Each step of their journey brings them closer to an even bigger threat - and the shattering truth of their own destiny.
Objev podobné jako The Subtle Knife: The Graphic Novel (Defekt) - Philip Pullman, Stéphane Melchior
His Dark Materials: The Amber Spyglass (Tv tie-in edition) - Philip Pullman
Thethird volume in Philip Pullman's groundbreaking HIS DARK MATERIALStrilogy, now a thrilling, critically acclaimed BBC/HBO televisionseries starring Ruth Wilson, Dafne Keen and James McAvoy."We're going to the land of the dead andwe're going to come back."Will and Lyra, whosefates are bound together by powers beyond their own worlds, havebeen violently separated.But they must find each other,for ahead of them lies the greatest war that has ever been -and a journey to a dark place from which no one has ever returned...The first series was the most-watched new British show in fiveyears - and peaked at 7.2 million viewers. It received a 5-starreview from Lucy Mangan in The Guardian: "a riveting realisationof Philip Pullman's magic".HIS DARK MATERIALS is one of the most popular and successful children'sseries of all time.
Objev podobné jako His Dark Materials: The Amber Spyglass (Tv tie-in edition) - Philip Pullman
Jedinečný nůž - Philip Pullman
V tomto pokračování Will, dvanáctiletý chlapec, který nešťastnou náhodou zabil muže, jenž se mu vloupal do domu, prochází tajným oknem do paralelního světa, kde se setkává s dívenkou Lyrou, známou již z prvního dílu. Společně musí svést bitvu proti bytostem, které hodlají zaběhlý pořádek paralelních světů zničit.
Objev podobné jako Jedinečný nůž - Philip Pullman
Count Karlstein - Philip Pullman
The very first children's novel by Philip Pullman, Count Karlstien is a deliciously terrifying, wickedly funny adventure, beautifully illustrated by Peter Bailey.All Souls' Eve is a night when nobody in the village of Karlstein dares to leave their homes. For that is the night that Zamiel, the Demon Huntsman, prowls through the forests in search of his prey . . .This year, however, the Huntsman doesn't need to go searching. He knows exactly where to find his human prey. Ten years ago, he made a deal with the Count of Karlstein - and now the Demon Huntsman has come to collect his prize . . .Count Karlstien has offered up the lives of his two young nieces, Lucy and Charlotte. Lucky for the orphaned sisters, the Count's maid, Hildi, has heard his evil plan and is determined that they will not be this year's prey - not on her watch . . .
Objev podobné jako Count Karlstein - Philip Pullman
Jantarové kukátko - Philip Pullman
Ve třetím dílu fantasy trilogie musí Will nejprve najít Lyru, kterou její matka, krásná paní Coulterová, drží omámenou v odlehlé jeskyni. Jejich společná cesta je pak vede do říše mrtvých, kde se oba setkávají se svými blízkými. Bitva na nebesích vrcholí a Lyra bezděky naplňuje úlohu, k níž byla předurčena. Pak ale ji i Willa čeká nejtěžší rozhodnutí ze všech.
Objev podobné jako Jantarové kukátko - Philip Pullman
Northern Lights - Philip Pullman
Lyra Belacqua and her animal daemon live half-wild and carefreeamong scholars of Jordan College, Oxford. The destiny that awaits her will take her to the frozen lands of the Arctic, where witch-clans reign and ice-bears fight. Her extraordinary journey will have immeasurable consequences far beyond her own world...
Objev podobné jako Northern Lights - Philip Pullman
Stín na severu - Philip Pullman
Historické thrillery nebo také staromódní viktoriánské krváky, tak Pullman na svých webových stránkách označuje čtyřdílnou sérii knih o Sally Lockhartové. Záměrně v nich zpracovává otřepaná klišé melodramatu a činí tak s gustem a umem dobrého vypravěče. Druhý příběh z kvarteta se opět odehrává v temných, špinavých uličkách i ve vyhlášených salonech a kabaretech viktoriánského Londýna. Sally si v hlavním městě otevřela firmu zabývající se finančním poradenstvím. Její práce však zdaleka nepředstavuje nudnou poklidnou rutinu, jak by se snad mohlo zdát. Když na dveře její kanceláře zaklepe stará dáma a žádá Sally o pomoc v jisté finanční záležitosti, dívka neváhá a podivného případu se ujme. Svou roli v něm hraje zaoceánský parník, který se bez zjevné příčiny potopil, a k smrti vyděšený kouzelník, který zmizel uprostřed představení. Sally se oběma záhadám snaží přijít na kloub a při svém pátrání narazí na spleť stop, které směřují k zločinci z nejvyšších společenských kruhů. Hrdinka se tak každým krokem nevědomky zaplétá do smrtelného nebezpečí… Pro čtenáře od 12 let.
Objev podobné jako Stín na severu - Philip Pullman
Kniha Prachu 1 - Philip Pullman
Kniha Prachu, první díl zamýšlené trilogie, nás zavádí do stejného prostředí, v němž se odehrávaly Jeho temné esence (tedy Zlatý kompas a spol.), Pullman ale děj posunul do doby o deset let dříve. Hrdinou je jedenáctiletý Malcolm Polstead, bystrý chlapec s výborným postřehem. Svou nenápadností je přímo předurčen stát se špionem. V hostinci jeho otce se schází celý Oxford. Malcolm a jeho daemon zde nepozorovaně vyslechnou spoustu novinek a klevet. Jenže pak se chlapci do rukou dostane tajná zpráva, v níž se mluví o nebezpečné substanci zvané Prach. Adresátka zprávy Malcolma vyhledá a požádá ho o spolupráci ohledně předávání informací. V hostinci Malcolmových rodičů se totiž začínají objevovat nezvyklí hosté, ať už z nejvyšších společenských a politických kruhů, nebo z podsvětí, a všichni jeví zájem o nemluvně jménem Lyra, kterou mají v péči jeptišky v nedalekém převorství. Turbulentní události a ničivá potopa nakonec způsobí, že se hrdina spolu s vesnickou dívkou Alicí ocitnou ve člunu “La Belle Sauvage”. Na palubě s nimi cestuje šestiměsíční Lyra, kterou čtenáři znají jako hlavní postavu Jeho temných esencí, a obě starší děti mají za úkol dostat ji do bezpečí k jejímu otci, lordu Asrielovi. V knize se opět kromě lorda Asriela setkáme i s Lyřinou matkou, paní Coulterovou, a s Romunem Coramem van Texelem.
Objev podobné jako Kniha Prachu 1 - Philip Pullman
Kniha Prachu 2 - Philip Pullman
Vydejte se s Lyrou za dobrodružstvím až do tajuplné Střední Asie se zastávkou v magické Praze. Trojdílná série Jeho temné esence, tj. Zlatý kompas, Jedinečný nůž a Jantarové kukátko, se stala mezinárodním bestsellerem a předlohou divadelních, seriálových i filmových adaptací. Pullman se do světa, který trojicí knih stvořil, po čase znovu vrátil. Výsledkem je další úžasná trilogie, v níž se opět setkáváme s hrdinkou Lyrou a jejím daemonem Pantalaimonem. V první Knize Prachu s podtitulem La Belle Sauvage (Argo, 2019) byla Lyra teprve miminko, nicméně díky proroctví divoženek už tehdy nadmíru důležité. Druhý díl Knihy Prachu, Tajné společenství, zastihuje dospělou Lyru na studiích v Oxfordu. Její vztah s Pantíkem prochází krizí. Daemon se při jedné osamělé noční procházce stane svědkem vraždy neznámého muže. Do rukou se mu dostane jeho peněženka a s ní i přístup k deníku mrtvého, obsahující výbušné informace. A pak už události naberou turbulentní spád. Mezi Lyrou a Pantíkem dojde k prudké hádce, daemon od Lyry uteče a oba se, každý na vlastní pěst, vydávají na cestu přes celou Evropu až do Asie. Lyra se zastaví také v Praze, kde se seznámí s jistým Václavem Kubíčkem a podivným ohnivým mužem. Cílem Pantalaimonovy i Lyřiny cesty je tajuplné město ukryté v srdci pouště. Shledá se Lyra opět se svým daemonem a odhalí konečně tajemství Prachu? A proč po ní tak sveřepě pátrá mocné Magisterium? "Pullmanův příběh nepřestává probouzet celou řadu otázek... V knize se elegantně mísí aktuální témata, od uprchlické krize v Evropě po problematiku pravdy v postpravdivé době. Pullmanovo vyprávění navíc nepozbývá nic ze své uhrančivosti." (The Times) "Děj se řítí kupředu, plný nebezpečí a překvapení, a přináší výsostnou potěchu z četby. Pullmanova schopnost vystihnout pouhými několika řádky postavu, místo či motiv je téměř zázračná." (New Statesman) "Dlouhá, vyčerpávající, spletitá cesta hrdinů je plná krásy, nebezpečí i filozofických myšlenek." (Metro)
Objev podobné jako Kniha Prachu 2 - Philip Pullman
La Belle Sauvage - Philip Pullman
Malcolm Polstead's Oxford life has been one of routine, ordinary even.He is happiest playing with his daemon, Asta, in their canoe, La Belle Sauvage. But now as the rain builds, the world around Malcolm and Asta it seems is set to become increasingly far from ordinary.Finding himself linked to a baby by the name of Lyra Belacqua, Malcolm is forced to undertake the challenge of his life and to make a dangerous journey that will change him and Lyra for ever . . .
Objev podobné jako La Belle Sauvage - Philip Pullman
Zlatý kompas (brož.) - Philip Pullman
Brožované vydání prvního dílu rozsáhlé románové fantasy trilogie. V paralelním světě podobném tomu našemu žije dvanáctiletá Lyra. Každý člověk tam má svého daemona, který ho provází po celý život a je jakýmsi vnějším zpodobněním jeho povahy, a žijí tu i jiné podivuhodné bytosti, například mluvící medvědí kyrysníci nebo půvabné divoženky létající na borových větvích. Lyra s jejich pomocí putuje daleko na sever, aby zachránila svého kamaráda Rogera a další děti, které unesli obávaní Vrahouni. Na cestě ji provází alethiometr, přístroj podobný zlatému kompasu, který tomu, kdo s ním umí zacházet, odpoví na každou otázku.
Objev podobné jako Zlatý kompas (brož.) - Philip Pullman
I Was a Rat! - Philip Pullman
Featuring wonderful new illustrations from Peter Bailey, this intriguing and exciting tale of chance and misfortune by multi award-winning Philip Pullman, is perfect for readers young and old.I was a Rat! Roger insists, and insists . . . In fact, when Bob the cobbler and his washerwoman wife, Joan, find the young boy abandoned on their doorstep, these are the only words he says. And he does have ratty behaviour, it's true.Staying with Bob and Joan, however, Roger learns quickly to behave more like a human child. They try to find his parents, but the orphanage, police and hospital all have nothing on their records about a lost boy in the city. What is the truth? As more and more people find out about Roger the mysterious rat-boy he faces more and more danger. But sometimes help comes from the most unexpected of places . . .
Objev podobné jako I Was a Rat! - Philip Pullman
Clockwork or All Wound Up - Philip Pullman
Tick, tick, tick, tock. Once you''ve wound some things up nothing can stop them . . .It is a cold winter''s night when Karl enters the White Horse Tavern looking like he''s swallowed a thundercloud. His final task as a clockmaker apprentice is to make a new figure for the great clock of Glockenheim. He has not made the figure - or got any idea of what it could be, and the unveiling is tomorrow.Fritz is also in the tavern; there to read aloud his new spooky story. Like Karl, he hasn''t finished. Well, he knows how the story starts and he knows it''s called Clockwork - so, with the snow swirling down outside, he sets his story going and just has to hope that the ending will come to him as he tells it.Suddenly, Fritz''s story and real life merge in a completely sinister way - and just like clockwork it can''t be stopped . . .
Objev podobné jako Clockwork or All Wound Up - Philip Pullman
Kniha Prachu: Druhý diel - Tajné spoločenstvo - Philip Pullman
Od udalostí odohrávajúcich sa v La Belle Sauvage uplynulo dvadsať rokov. Vtedy sa Lyra Belacqua ocitla na začiatku rušnej cesty svojho života. V Tajnom spoločenstve ju spoznávame ako Lyru Zlatoústu. Už dávno nie je dieťa... Lyrin vzťah s jej démonom Pantalaimonom sa natoľko kom¬plikuje, že sa obaja dostávajú na miesta a do zložitých situácií, o akých by sa im ani nesnívalo. Aj Malcolm, ten chlapec s loďkou, ktorý sa kedysi odhodlal zachrániť maličkú Lyru pred povodňou a prenasledovateľmi, sa vydáva na cestu, teraz už ako zrelý muž so zmyslom pre povinnosť a s túžbou konať správne. Ich nebezpečné a dobrodružné cesty vedú naprieč Európou až do Ázie za strateným mestom démonov, tajomstvami púš¬te a zá¬hadou tajomného prachu. Z anglického originálu The Book of Dust: The Secret of Commonwealth (David Fickling Books, UK 2019) preložila Oľga Kralovičová. Ukážka z textu Vyzeral ako kuna, no v skutočnosti bol démon. Bolo ťažké povedať, v čom je rozdiel, ale každý človek v Lyrinom svete by to ihneď spoznal, tak ako poznal vôňu kávy alebo červenú farbu. Človek bez démona alebo démon sám, bez človeka v do¬hľade, sa považoval za čosi príšerné, tajomné, nemožné. Ni¬jaké obyčajné ľudské bytosti sa nemohli takýmto spôsobom oddeliť, hoci bosorky to údajne dokázali. Schopnosť, ktorú Lyra a Pan mali, bola zvláštna a draho za ňu zaplatili pred ¬ôsmimi rokmi vo svete mŕtvych. Odkedy sa vrátili domov do Oxfordu po tom čudnom dobrodružstve, nikomu o tom nepovedali a dávali si veľký pozor, aby to utajili; ale niekedy, v poslednom čase častejšie, jednoducho museli odísť jeden od druhého.
Objev podobné jako Kniha Prachu: Druhý diel - Tajné spoločenstvo - Philip Pullman
Grimm Tales : For Young and Old - Philip Pullman
A phenomenal bestselling author meets the most magical stories ever told, now in a beautiful clothbound classics edition In this stunningly designed book of classic fairy tales, award-winning author Philip Pullman has chosen his fifty favourite stories from the Brothers Grimm and presents them in a 'clear as water' retelling, in his unique and brilliant voice. These new versions show the adventures at their most lucid and engaging yet. Pullman's Grimm Tales of wicked wives, brave children and villainous kings will have you reading, reading aloud and rereading them for many years to come.
Objev podobné jako Grimm Tales : For Young and Old - Philip Pullman
Grimm Tales: For Young and Old - Philip Pullman
In this beautiful book of classic fairy tales, award-winning author Philip Pullman has chosen his fifty favourite stories from the Brothers Grimm and presents them in a'clear as water' retelling, in his unique and brilliant voice. From the quests and romance of classics such as "Rapunzel", "Snow White" and "Cinderella" to the danger and wit of such lesser-known tales as "The Three Snake Leaves", "Hans-my-Hedgehog" and "Godfather Death", Pullman brings the heart of each timeless tale to the fore, following with a brief but fascinating commentary on the story's background and history. In his introduction, he discusses how these stories have lasted so long, and become part of our collective storytelling imagination. These new versions show the adventures at their most lucid and engaging yet. Pullman's "Grimm Tales" of wicked wives, brave children and villainous kings will have you reading, reading aloud and rereading them for many years to come.
Objev podobné jako Grimm Tales: For Young and Old - Philip Pullman
Darkness Visible: Philip Pullman and His Dark Materials - Nicholas Tucker
What do Philip Pullman and J.K. Rowling have in common that has made both of their stories so successful? What does Pullman listen to while he writes – and who, or what, is Dust? Pullman’s award-winning trilogy His Dark Materials has been appreciated by readers of all ages. It is now set to welcome new fans as it is adapted for television by the BBC in 2018, and the first part of his new trilogy, The Book of Dust, at last sees publication. Nicholas Tucker, a leading authority on children’s literature, writes about the man he knows as a friend. Unpacking and examining Pullman’s life and the sources he drew on for his masterpiece, he explores the world of science, theology, imagination and adventure that Pullman has created. Including a personal interview with Pullman himself, Darkness Visible offers a unique exploration of the author’s work – and its controversies. “Enigmas from His Dark Materials are unraveled… Unmissable for all Pullman readers" Sussex Express Nicholas Tucker is the author of nine books about children, childhood and reading, including The Child and the Book, (Cambridge University Press, 1981 and 1990). He has also written six books for children, broadcasts frequently and reviews in the national press. He lives in Lewes, East Sussex and sometimes finds himself reading aloud the same books to some of his eight grandchildren as he once did to their mothers and father.
Objev podobné jako Darkness Visible: Philip Pullman and His Dark Materials - Nicholas Tucker
A la croisée des mondes 1: Les royaumes du Nord - Philip Pullman
Le premier tome de la célebre et fascinante trilogie, chef-d'oeuvre que le talent de Philip Pullman rend accessible a tous. Pourquoi la jeune Lyra, élevée dans l'atmosphere confinée du prestigieux Jordan College, est-elle l'objet de tant d'attentions ? De quelle mystérieuse mission est-elle investie ? Lorsque son meilleur ami disparaît, victime des ravisseurs d'enfants qui operent dans le pays, elle se lance sur ses traces. Un périlleux voyage vers le Grand Nord, qui lui révélera ses extraordinaires pouvoirs et la conduira a la frontiere d'un autre monde.
Objev podobné jako A la croisée des mondes 1: Les royaumes du Nord - Philip Pullman
The Secret Bookshop1: The Secret Christmas Bookshop - Cressida McLaughlin
Can their Christmas love story last a lifetime? In a village by the sea, where wintry skies bring a dusting of sparkling snow, somebody is opening an unexpected gift… When Sophie receives a surprise package, she’s intrigued to find a beautifully bound book inside. Sophie is desperate to discover the mystery sender, and her hunt draws her to the enigmatic Harry.The subject of much gossip since his return from London, Harry keeps to himself in his crumbling manor house. But they are both about to learn that the best stories can take on a life of their own.
Objev podobné jako The Secret Bookshop1: The Secret Christmas Bookshop - Cressida McLaughlin
The Secret Garden
Audiokniha MP3 Frances Hodgson Burnett, čte Rodilý mluvčí Audiokniha The Secret Garden namluvená rodilým mluvčím. Jazyková úroveň A2 pro mírně pokročilé posluchače. One day, in India, nine-year old Mary wakes up and finds that she is completely alone. Back home in England, she is sent to live with an uncle she has never met. His house is a strange, lonely place where she will gradually discover secret after secret in a new and magical world.
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The Secret (1847370292)
Kniha - autor Rhonda Byrne, 160 stran, anglicky, Pevná bez přebalu lesklá - autor Rhonda Byrne, 160 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá No matter who you are or where you live ... when you realise The Secret you can have anything your heart desires
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The Prague Orgy - Philip Roth
In quest of the unpublished manuscript of a martyred Yiddish writer, the American novelist Nathan Zuckerman travels to Soviet-occupied Prague in the mid-1970s. There, in a nation straightjacketed by totalitarian Communism, he discovers a literary predicament, marked by institutionalised oppression, that is rather different from his own. He also discovers, among the oppressed writers with whom he quickly becomes embroiled in a series of bizarre and poignant adventures, an appealingly perverse kind of heroism. The Prague Orgy, consisting of entries from Zuckerman's notebooks recording his sojourn among these outcast artists, completes the trilogy and epilogue Zuckerman Bound. It provides a startling ending to Roth's intricately designed magnum opus on the unforeseen consequences of art.In 1997 Philip Roth won the Pulitzer Prize for American Pastoral. In 1998 he received the National Medal of Arts at the White House, and in 2002 the highest award of the American Academy of Arts and Letters, the Gold Medal in Fiction, previously awarded to John Dos Passos, William Faulkner and Saul Bellow, among others. He has twice won the National Book Award and the National Book Critics Circle Award. He has won the PEN/Faulkner Award three times. In 2005 The Plot Against America received the Society of American Historians’ Prize for ‘the outstanding historical novel on an American theme for 2003–2004’.Recently Roth received PEN’s two most prestigious prizes: in 2006 the PEN/Nabokov Award ‘for a body of work . . . of enduring originality and consummate craftsmanship’ and in 2007 the PEN/Saul Bellow Award for Achievement in American Fiction, given to a writer whose ‘scale of achievement over a sustained career . . . places him or her in the highest rank of American literature’. In 2011 Roth won the International Man Booker Prize.Roth is the only living American writer to have his work published in a comprehensive, definitive edition by the Library of America.
Objev podobné jako The Prague Orgy - Philip Roth
The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick Volume 3 - Philip K. Dick
The definitive editions of Philip K. Dick's short stories, containing some of the most defining works in the Science Fiction genre. This stunning new edition of Philip K Dick's work includes the influential 'Minority Report' and 'Sales Pitch', as well as a litany of mind-expanding other works.Work your way through some of the most influential stories from the 20th century, which have had a massive impact on popular culture. 'First time I have read Philip K. Dick and I thoroughly enjoyed his stories and the suspense that he puts into them' Goodreads reviewer, 'Most of the stories had something to say about society.It was interesting to see how 50 years later so many of the fears and criticism was still relevant. Highly recommended' Goodreads reviewer, 'Dick's stories are often surprising and spin a captivating yarn, but they are also teeming with fascinating ideas which ensure their ability to age well and keep modern readers interested' Goodreads reviewer, 'Each tale is filled with twists and turns, and it's a total pageturner' Goodreads reviewer,
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The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick Volume 4 - Philip K. Dick
The definitive editions of Philip K. Dick's short stories, containing some of the most defining works in the Science Fiction genre. This stunning new edition of Philip K Dick's work includes the influential 'We Can Remember It For You Wholesale' and 'The Electric Ant', as well as a litany of mind-expanding other works.Work your way through some of the most influential stories from the 20th century, which have had a massive impact on popular culture. 'A great collection, showcasing Dick's evolution' Goodreads reviewer, 'my reason for giving the book a five-star rating has to do with my emotional state I felt when I closed the last page. I feel that I delved into a more extensive realm of PKD's mind by reading this collection' Goodreads reviewer, 'An amazing collection of downright bizarre fiction.So many excellent stories that it would be hard to pick a favorite' Goodreads reviewer,
Objev podobné jako The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick Volume 4 - Philip K. Dick
The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick Volume 1 - Philip K. Dick
The definitive editions of Philip K. Dick's short stories, containing some of the most defining works in the Science Fiction genre. This stunning new edition of Philip K Dick's work includes the influential 'Beyond Lies the Wub' and 'Second Variety', as well as a litany of mind-expanding other works.Work your way through some of the most influential stories from the 20th century, which have had a massive impact on popular culture. 'One of the most original practitioners writing any kind of fiction' Sunday Times'No other writer of his generation had such a powerful intellectual presence' Brian Aldiss'Thought-provoking,original,deeply moving. HIGHEST RECOMMENDATION' Goodreads reviewer, 'Very fun.Classic PKD' Goodreads reviewer, 'Wow. Every single story in this book could be made into a contemporary movie' Goodreads reviewer, 'Absolutely brilliant . .. Strongly recommend to everyone (even those who normally do not like science fiction)' Goodreads reviewer,
Objev podobné jako The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick Volume 1 - Philip K. Dick
The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick Volume 2 - Philip K. Dick
The definitive editions of Philip K. Dick's short stories, containing some of the most defining works in the Science Fiction genre. This stunning new edition of Philip K Dick's work includes the influential 'Adjustment Team' and 'The Father Thing', as well as a litany of mind-expanding other works.Work your way through some of the most influential stories from the 20th century, which have had a massive impact on popular culture. 'I am bowled over. I am so impressed by the variety in stories, and how interesting the individual story ideas are' Goodreads reviewer, 'Philip K.Dick is a master of messing with your head in a story' Goodreads reviewer, 'Enter the Mind of a Genius . . .This collection of short stories by Philip K. Dick are great, thought provoking, funny, and some really frightening' Goodreads reviewer, 'This blew my mind, and then some. The ideas and concepts alone need five stars.What an amazing man' Goodreads reviewer,
Objev podobné jako The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick Volume 2 - Philip K. Dick
Why? The Purpose of the Universe - Philip Goff
Why are we here? What''s the point of existence? On the ''big questions'' of meaning and purpose, Western thought has been dominated by the dichotomy of traditional religion and secular atheism. In this pioneering work, Philip Goff argues that it is time to move on from both God and atheism. Through an exploration of contemporary cosmology and cutting-edge philosophical research on consciousness, Goff argues for cosmic purpose: the idea that the universe is directed towards certain goals, such as the emergence of life.In contrast to religious thinkers, Goff argues that the traditional God is a bad explanation of cosmic purpose. Instead, he explores a range of alternative possibilities for accounting for cosmic purpose, from the speculation that we live in a computer simulation to the hypothesis that the universe itself is a conscious mind. Goff scrutinizes these options with analytical rigour, laying the foundations for a new paradigm of philosophical enquiry into the middle ground between God and atheism. Ultimately, Goff outlines a way of living in hope that cosmic purpose is still unfolding, involving political engagement and a non-literalist interpretation of traditional religion.
Objev podobné jako Why? The Purpose of the Universe - Philip Goff
The Secret - The Power (0857201700)
Kniha - autor Rhonda Byrne, 250 stran, anglicky, Pevná bez přebalu lesklá - autor Rhonda Byrne, 250 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá Continuing the groundbreaking work of the phenomenal worldwide bestseller The Secret, Rhonda Byrne reveals the greatest force in the Universe.
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The Secret History (1400031702)
Kniha - autor Donna Tartt, 576 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER • A contemporary literary classic and "an accomplished psychological thriller ... absolutely chilling" (Village Voice), from the Pulitzer Prize-winning author ofThe Goldfinch. Under the influence of their charismatic classics professor, a group of clever, eccentric misfits at an elite New England college discover a way of thinking and living that is a world away from the humdrum existence of their contemporaries. But when they go beyond the boundaries of normal morality their lives are changed profoundly and forever, and they discover how hard it can be to truly live and how easy it is to kill.
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The Secret Chapter (1529000572)
Kniha - 336 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Objev podobné jako The Secret Chapter (1529000572)
The Secret Garden (0062692577)
Kniha - autor Frances Hodgson Burnett, 272 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá The Secret Garden is a novel by Frances Hodgson Burnett first published in book form in 1911, after serialization in The American Magazine (November 1910 – August 1911). When Mary Lennox, the unloved, contrary and spoiled ten-year-old, is found alone in the deserted house after her parents’ death, she is sent to live with an uncle whom she has never known. In Yorkshire, England, at his secluded Misselthwaite Manor, Martha Sowerby, a warm-hearted chambermaid, introduces Mary to the late Mrs. Craven and her private walled garden, which has been locked for years. As Mary becomes curious to explore this secret garden, will she be able to find the key? Published more than a hundred years ago, The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett is a prominent children’s classic. It is regarded as one of the best works of the twentieth century children’s literature.
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The Secret History (0140167773)
Kniha - autor Donna Tartt, 660 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Reissue for Tartt's superb psychological suspense novel set in an elite New England College. First published ten years ago, this, Donna Tartt's debut novel, has sold over 600,000 copies. "It takes my breath away, it's so accomplished" Ruth Rendell
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The Secret - Rhonda Byrne
The tenth-anniversary edition of the book that changed lives in profound ways, now with a new foreword and afterword.
Objev podobné jako The Secret - Rhonda Byrne
The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick Volume 4 (Defekt) - Philip K. Dick
The definitive editions of Philip K. Dick's short stories, containing some of the most defining works in the Science Fiction genre. This stunning new edition of Philip K Dick's work includes the influential 'We Can Remember It For You Wholesale' and 'The Electric Ant', as well as a litany of mind-expanding other works.Work your way through some of the most influential stories from the 20th century, which have had a massive impact on popular culture. 'A great collection, showcasing Dick's evolution' Goodreads reviewer, 'my reason for giving the book a five-star rating has to do with my emotional state I felt when I closed the last page. I feel that I delved into a more extensive realm of PKD's mind by reading this collection' Goodreads reviewer, 'An amazing collection of downright bizarre fiction.So many excellent stories that it would be hard to pick a favorite' Goodreads reviewer,
Objev podobné jako The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick Volume 4 (Defekt) - Philip K. Dick
The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick Volume 4 (Defekt) - Philip K. Dick
The definitive editions of Philip K. Dick's short stories, containing some of the most defining works in the Science Fiction genre. This stunning new edition of Philip K Dick's work includes the influential 'We Can Remember It For You Wholesale' and 'The Electric Ant', as well as a litany of mind-expanding other works.Work your way through some of the most influential stories from the 20th century, which have had a massive impact on popular culture. 'A great collection, showcasing Dick's evolution' Goodreads reviewer, 'my reason for giving the book a five-star rating has to do with my emotional state I felt when I closed the last page. I feel that I delved into a more extensive realm of PKD's mind by reading this collection' Goodreads reviewer, 'An amazing collection of downright bizarre fiction.So many excellent stories that it would be hard to pick a favorite' Goodreads reviewer,
Objev podobné jako The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick Volume 4 (Defekt) - Philip K. Dick
The Man in the High Castle - Philip K. Dick
A dazzling speculative novel of 'counterfactual history' from one of America's most highly-regarded science fiction authors, Philip K. Dick's The Man in the High Castle includes an introduction by Eric Brown in Penguin Modern Classics. Philip K. Dick's acclaimed cult novel gives us a horrifying glimpse of an alternative world - one where the Allies have lost the Second World War. In this nightmare dystopia the Nazis have taken over New York, the Japanese control California and the African continent is virtually wiped out. In a neutral buffer zone in America that divides the world's new rival superpowers, lives the author of an underground bestseller. His book offers a new vision of reality - an alternative theory of world history in which the Axis powers were defeated - giving hope to the disenchanted. Does 'reality' lie with him, or is his world just one among many others? Philip Kindred Dick (1928-82) was born in Chicago in 1928. His career as a science fiction writer comprised an early burst of short stories followed by a stream of novels, typically character studies incorporating androids, drugs, and hallucinations. His best works are generally agreed to be The Man in the High Castle and Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, the inspiration for the movie Blade Runner. If you enjoyed The Man in the High Castle, you might like Yevgeny Zamyatin's We, also available in Penguin Classics.
Objev podobné jako The Man in the High Castle - Philip K. Dick
The Complete History of Jack the Ripper - Philip Sugden
The murders in London between 1888-91 attributed to Jack the Ripper constitute one of the most mysterious unsolved criminal cases. This story is the result of many years meticulous research. The author reassesses all the evidence and challenges everything we thought we knew about the Victorian serial killer and the vanished East End he terrorized.
Objev podobné jako The Complete History of Jack the Ripper - Philip Sugden
Oliver and the Seawigs - Philip Reeve
A lively, gorgeously illustrated story from Dynamic Duo, Reeve and McIntyre!Along with his new friends, a grumpy old albatross, a short-sighted mermaid, and a friendly island called Cliff, Oliver goes off in search of his missing parents. But before he can put his rescue plan into action there''s the evil Stacey de Lacey and an army of greasy, green sea monkeys to contend with . . .
Objev podobné jako Oliver and the Seawigs - Philip Reeve
The Book of Minds - Philip Ball
Understanding the human mind and how it relates to the world that we experience has challenged philosophers for centuries. How then do we even begin to think about 'minds' that are not human?Science now has plenty to say about the properties of mind. In recent decades, the mind - both human and otherwise - has been explored by scientists in fields ranging from zoology to astrobiology, computer science to neuroscience. Taking a uniquely broad view of minds and where they might be found - including in plants, aliens, and God - Philip Ball pulls these multidisciplinary pieces together to explore what sorts of minds we might expect to find in the universe. In so doing, he offers for the first time a unified way of thinking about what minds are and what they can do, arguing that in order to understand our own minds and imagine those of others, we need to move on from considering the human mind as a standard against which all others should be measured, and to think about the 'space of possible minds'.By identifying and mapping out properties of mind without prioritizing the human, Ball sheds new light on a host of fascinating questions. What moral rights should we afford animals, and can we understand their thoughts? Should we worry that AI is going to take over society? If there are intelligent aliens out there, how could we communicate with them? Should we? Understanding the space of possible minds also reveals ways of making advances in understanding some of the most challenging questions in contemporary science: What is thought? What is consciousness? And what (if anything) is free will?The more we learn about the minds of other creatures, from octopuses to chimpanzees, and to imagine the potential minds of computers and alien intelligences, the greater the perspective we have on if and how our own is different. Ball's thrillingly ambitious The Book of Minds about the nature and existence of minds is more mind-expanding than we could imagine. In this fascinating panorama of other minds, we come to better know our own.
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The Secret Messenger - Mandy Robotham
Venice, 1943The world is at war, and Stella Jilani is leading a double life. By day she works in the lion's den as a typist for the Reich; by night, she risks her life as a messenger for the Italian resistance. Against all odds, Stella must impart Nazi secrets, smuggle essential supplies and produce an underground newspaper on her beloved typewriter.But when German commander General Breugal becomes suspicious, it seems he will stop at nothing to find the mole, and Stella knows her future could be in jeopardy.London, 2017Years later, Luisa Belmont finds a mysterious old typewriter in her attic. Determined to find out who it belonged to, Luisa delves into the past and uncovers a story of fierce love, unimaginable sacrifice and, ultimately, the worst kind of betrayal...Set between German-occupied 1940s Venice and modern-day London, this is a fascinating tale of the bravery of everyday women in the darkest corners of WWII, for readers of The Tattooist of Auschwitz by Heather Morris.
Objev podobné jako The Secret Messenger - Mandy Robotham
The Secret History - Donna Tarttová
Truly deserving of the accolade Modern Classic, Donna Tartt's cult bestseller The Secret History is a remarkable achievement - both compelling and elegant, dramatic and playful.Under the influence of their charismatic classics professor, a group of clever, eccentric misfits at an elite New England college discover a way of thinking and living that is a world away from the humdrum existence of their contemporaries. But when they go beyond the boundaries of normal morality their lives are changed profoundly and for ever.
Objev podobné jako The Secret History - Donna Tarttová
The Secret Shore - Liz Fenwick
The next gloriously uplifting, escapist, historical read from ‘the queen of the contemporary Cornish novel’ (Guardian)As one of the Navy''s most skilled mapmakers, Merry knows that lives depend on her work in the War Office. But when a family crisis draws her back to her beloved Cornwall, she finds herself working alongside Jake, an enigmatic American officer, on secret operations spanning the rugged coasts of Cornwall and Brittany which she knows so well.As rumours and suspicion swirl around her family, Merry is increasingly drawn to Jake, despite the defences she''s built around her heart. It''s a dangerous time to fall in love; the tides of war are rising and there is everything to lose…The award-winning author Liz Fenwick returns with a glorious, sweeping novel full of intrigue and passion.Praise for The Secret Shore:''Arguably Liz Fenwick’s best book to date. Merry is a wonderful narrator… fascinating and complex… It’s beautifully researched and the life and landscape of the secret part of Cornwall around the Helford river gloriously evoked. What a pleasure to read!’ Rachel Hore‘The Secret Shore is such a wonderful, evocative novel, brimful of atmosphere and tension, with an unforgettable heroine… With her meticulous research and brilliant storytelling, Liz Fenwick has once again swept me away. What a treat!’ Jenny Ashcroft‘Feel-good and beautifully written’ Woman''A beautifully researched, romantic read full of mystery and atmosphere, I loved it'' Deborah Carr‘Liz Fenwick weaves intrigue and romance into this profound, luminous novel’ Woman’s Own‘Liz Fenwick has created a stirring tale of intrigue, passion and espionage, set in a corner of Cornwall she knows intimately, against the backdrop of WWII. The compelling and unusual love story at its heart… will sweep you away on dangerous tides’ Jane Johnson‘A gorgeous, sweeping novel, impeccably researched and threaded with mystery and romance’ Amanda Geard''A gripping, action-packed, love-filled odyssey… A must read this summer'' The Star
Objev podobné jako The Secret Shore - Liz Fenwick
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