Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz

You Could Be So Pretty - Holly Bourneová

"If you loved the Barbie movie, you'll adore this." THE SUN"Razor-sharp and compelling, it is essential reading for every teenage girl." THE OBSERVER"Holly Bourne is truly a one-in-a-million author." DAILY MIRROR"A searing exploration of beauty and its meaning for women and girls. Don't miss it." STYLIST"Ideal for fans of Louise O'Neill and Laura Bates." THE GUARDIANLIMITED EDITION FIRST PRINTING FEATURING EXCLUSIVE CUT-OUT DOUBLE COVER available while stocks lastBEAUTY COMES AT A PRICE. AND GIRLS MUST PAY.In Belle and Joni's world there are two options for girls:One, follow the rules of the Doctrine like Belle: apply your Mask, work hard to be crowned at the Ceremony, be a Pretty. Or two, fight the rules like Joni: leave your face bare, work hard to escape to the Education, be an Objectionable. But maybe there is a third option...Change the rules. Reclaim your power. If you can...What would you choose?Uglies meets The Handmaid's Tale for the new YA generation in this mind-blowing novel from bestselling queen of YA Holly Bourne. Content warning - this novel deals with issues that some readers may find upsetting, including references to pornography and sexual assault.

Podívejte se také Kid Kapichi: Here's What You Could Have Won - CD (4598783)

cena 266.0 Kč

Why Be Happy When You Could Be Normal? - Jeanette Wintersonová

The shocking, heart-breaking - and often very funny - true story behind Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit.In 1985 Jeanette Winterson''s first novel, Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit, was published. It was Jeanette''s version of the story of a terraced house in Accrington, an adopted child, and the thwarted giantess Mrs Winterson. It was a cover story, a painful past written over and repainted. It was a story of survival.This book is that story''s the silent twin. It is full of hurt and humour and a fierce love of life. It is about the pursuit of happiness, about lessons in love, the search for a mother and a journey into madness and out again. It is generous, honest and true.‘Unforgettable… It’s the best book I have ever read about the cost of growing up’ Daisy Goodwin, Sunday Times**ONE OF THE GUARDIAN''S 100 BEST BOOKS OF THE 21st CENTURY**

Podívejte se také CURAPROX Be You Daydreamer, 60 ml (7612412429534)

cena 295.0 Kč

Franz Ferdinand - You Could Have It So Much Better (LP)

Subžánr: New Wave;Indie Rock Varianta: You Could Have It So Much Better (LP) Interpret / Téma: Franz Ferdinand Rok vydání: 2014.0 Žánr: Indie;Rock Vydavatelství: Domino Records Typ: Nové vydání;LP deska;Album Země interpreta: Skotsko Dekáda interpreta: 2000 - 2009;2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019 Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Barva: Černá Barva podle výrobce: Black Země původu: Německo Balení obsahuje: LP Hmotnost: 180 g Složení setu: 1 ks

Podívejte se také CURAPROX Be You Explorer, 60 ml (7612412429510)

cena 755.0 Kč

Ročenka - Holly Bourneová

Jak najít svůj hlas? Jak se zamilovat? Jak říkat pravdu? Středoškolačka Paige Vickersová, která pracuje pro školní noviny, je na vylhané příběhy zvyklá. Patří mezi ně třeba řeči o tom, jak je nejpopulárnější spolužačka Grace úžasná. Jenže to je lež. Jak Laura přebírá kluky jiným holkám. To je taky lež. A jak je její vlastní rodina dokonalá. I to je ale… lež. Teď populární Grace a její kamarádky vybírají do chystané ročenky ty "nejlepší středoškolské příběhy". Jenže tyhle příběhy nejsou jen vylhané, jsou toxické! Page už má lží plné zuby. S pomocí Elijaha, jediného kluka, který ji kdy chápal, je odhodlaná povědět všem pravdu. A asi tím dostane pár lidí na kolena.

Objev podobné jako Ročenka - Holly Bourneová

cena 312.0 Kč

Girl Friends - Holly Bourneová

"Men see women in two separate categories. There are the women they sleep with, and the women they fall in love with. And they will treat you differently based on that."From the day they first meet as teenagers, Fern and Jessica are best friends. Despite their differences, they are there for each other through everything. That is until Jessica crosses a line that Fern can't forgive. Now they haven't seen each other for more than ten years when Jessica unexpectedly arrives back in Fern's life.A lot has changed for them both - but can things really be that different between them now they are older? Or will their shared history ultimately be doomed to repeat itself again?Set between the present day and past, GIRL FRIENDS is a smart funny novel: both a joyful celebration of female friendship and a razor-sharp look at the damage we can all cause to those we claim to love the most.

Objev podobné jako Girl Friends - Holly Bourneová

cena 411.0 Kč

Girl Friends - Holly Bourneová

From the day they first meet as teenagers Fern and Jessica are best friends. Despite their differences, they are there for each other throughout everything, navigating the difficulties of growing up and fitting in. That is, until Jessica crosses a line that Fern can't forgive.But now, more than ten years later, Jessica has unexpectedly reappeared in Fern's life.A lot has changed for them both - but can their relationship be different now they are older? Is it possible for either of them to rewrite the role that they have been cast in? Or will their shared history ultimately be doomed to repeat itself?Set between the present day and the past, GIRL FRIENDS is a blisteringly funny and devastating novel: both a joyful celebration of female friendship and a razor-sharp look at the damage we can all cause to those we claim to love the most.

Objev podobné jako Girl Friends - Holly Bourneová

cena 241.0 Kč

Už jsem normální?!? - Holly Bourneová

Román o skutečném holčičím přátelství a velké odvaze vypráví o středoškolačce Evie. Právě nastoupila na novou školu, kde ji nikdo nezná jako "tu holku, co se zcvokla". Už nebere skoro žádné prášky, umí si poradit se svými úzkostmi a je na krok od toho, aby byla normální. Jenže co to je, být normální? Má skvělé kamarádky, chodí do kina a na koncerty. Ještě ji zbývá najít si kluka. Jenže vztahy s kluky jsou ošemetná věc, z těch by se zbláznila i normálně holka. Chytrý a vtipný bestseller, který by neměl chybět v žádné holčičí knihovně.

Objev podobné jako Už jsem normální?!? - Holly Bourneová

cena 312.0 Kč

Je tohle láska? - Holly Bourneová

Amber, Evie a Lottie jsou tři holky, které čelí všem problémům pomocí přátelství, feminismu a sýrových křupek. Už jsem normální?!? byl Eviin příběh. Tenhle dojemný a zábavný román vypráví o Amber a o tom, jak těžká, plná bolesti, ale i radosti může být láska. Její matka nikdy nebyla příliš ukázkový rodič, ani předtím než se odstěhovala do Ameriky, znovu se vdala a podle všeho prodělala hotovou transplantaci osobnosti. Ale Amber doufá, že společné léto by to mohlo změnit. A pak je tu Král plesu Kyle, kluk, po kterém touží všechny holky. Opravdu by mohl mít o Amber zájem? Evie a Lottie si to myslí. A pokud ano, je tohle láska? Poutavý román pro chytré holky, které znají cenu skutečného přátelství.

Objev podobné jako Je tohle láska? - Holly Bourneová

cena 330.0 Kč

Už jsem normální?!? (Defekt) - Holly Bourneová

Román o skutečném holčičím přátelství a velké odvaze vypráví o středošškolačce Evie. Právě nastoupila na novou školu, kde ji nikdo nezná jako „tu holku, co se zcvokla“. Už nebere skoro žádné prášky, umí si poradit se svými úzkostmi a je na krok od toho, aby byla normální. Jenže co to je, být normální? Má skvělé kamarádky, chodí do kina a na koncerty. Ještě ji zbývá najít si kluka. Jenže vztahy s kluky jsou ošemetná věc, z těch by se zbláznila i normálně holka. Chytrý a vtipný bestseller, který by neměl chybět v žádné holčičí knihovně.

Objev podobné jako Už jsem normální?!? (Defekt) - Holly Bourneová

cena 139.0 Kč

Jsme všichni sněhové vločky? - Holly Bourneová

Olive cítí, že je toho na ni moc. Popravdě, nejspíš se každou chvíli psychicky zhroutí. Nejradši by to neřešila, jenže zároveň cítí, že potřebuje pomoc. Proto přijme pozvání na trochu divný letní tábor, kde by se měla dát psychicky do pořádku. Jenže jen co si na táboře Reset zvykne, začne jí to vrtat hlavou. Možná že "opravit" nepotřebuje ona a její kamarádi, ale celý náš podělaný svět? A tak vymyslí plán. Průlomová, brutálně upřímná kniha o duševním zdraví, přátelství a o tom, jak z tohohle šíleného světa udělat laskavější místo, od britské bestselleristky Holly Bourne.

Objev podobné jako Jsme všichni sněhové vločky? - Holly Bourneová

cena 312.0 Kč

Am I Normal Yet? - Holly Bourneová

All Evie wants is to be normal. And now that she's almost off her meds and at a new college where no one knows her as the-girl-who-went-nuts, there's only one thing left to tick off her list...But relationships can mess with anyone's head - something Evie's new friends Amber and Lottie know only too well. The trouble is, if Evie won't tell them her secrets, how can they stop her making a huge mistake?

Objev podobné jako Am I Normal Yet? - Holly Bourneová

cena 241.0 Kč

Mohla bys být krásná - Holly Bourneová

Ve světě Joni a Belle mají dívky na výběr ze dvou možností. První možnost: následuj pravidla Doktríny jako Belle, nos Masku, tvrdě dři, aby tě korunovali vítězkou Ceremoniálu, buď Krásná. Druhá možnost: vzepři se pravidlům jako Joni, nech svou tvář přirozenou, tvrdě dři, abys mohla nastoupit na Edukaci, buď Nepřístojná. Ale možná existuje ještě třetí možnost… změň pravidla. Vezmi si zpět svou moc. Pokud to dokážeš. Co si vybereš?

Objev podobné jako Mohla bys být krásná - Holly Bourneová

cena 357.0 Kč

Místa, kde jsem plakala - Holly Bourneová

Amelie se do Reese zamilovala až po uši. A myslela si, že on ji taky miluje. Ale teď jí začíná docházet, že opravdová láska by takhle bolet neměla. A tak jde po stopách jejich příběhu, navštěvuje všechna místa, kde kvůli němu plakala. Protože když přijde na kloub tomu, co bylo v jejich vztahu špatně, možná konečně zjistí, jak se z něj vzpamatovat? Další z pronikavých románů britské populární spisovatelky Holly Bourne, která nejen rozumí lidské duši, ale zdá se, že ji umí svými příběhy i léčit.

Objev podobné jako Místa, kde jsem plakala - Holly Bourneová

cena 312.0 Kč

Být holkou je dřina (box) - Holly Bourneová

Romány o skutečném holčičím přátelství a velké odvaze. Knihy pro všechny chytré holky, které nedělají to, co je snadné, ale to, co je správné. Jak být normální? Jak najít tu pravou lásku? Jak změnitsvět? Nejen na to hledají odpovědi tři kamarádky ze středoškolského Klubu odložených dívek Evie,Amber a Lottie. Dojemné, zábavné, poutavé romány britské autorky Holly Bourne by neměly chybětv žádné holčičí knihovně.

Objev podobné jako Být holkou je dřina (box) - Holly Bourneová

cena 805.0 Kč

Jsem holka. Co s tím? - Holly Bourneová

Středoškolačka Lottie má plán. Odmaturuje se samými jedničkami, dostane se na Cambridge, stane se předsedkyní vlády, změní svět! Jenže když ji cestou do školy na ulici obtěžují dva dělníci, uvědomí si, že svět je potřeba začít měnit hned. A tak přijde s novým plánem: založí si vlog, pomocí kterého začne bojovat s všudypřítomným sexismem. Pomáhají jí nejen nejlepší kamarádky Evie a Amber, jejichž příběhy vyprávějí první dva díly série, ale taky nadějný filmař Will. Ten jí sice zpočátku úplně do oka nepadne, ale čím víc času spolu tráví, tím víc oba zjišťují, že protiklady se přitahují. Třetí díl série pro holky, které chtějí změnit svět.

Objev podobné jako Jsem holka. Co s tím? - Holly Bourneová

cena 312.0 Kč

The Places I´ve Cried in Public - Holly Bourneová

It looked like love. It felt like love. But this isn't a love story. Amelie fell hard for Reese. And she thought he loved her too. But she's starting to realise that real love isn't supposed to hurt like this. So now she's retracing their story, revisiting all the places he made her cry. Because if she works out what went wrong, perhaps she can finally learn how to get over him.

Objev podobné jako The Places I´ve Cried in Public - Holly Bourneová

cena 223.0 Kč

To se může stát jen ve filmu - Holly Bourneová

Hvězda young adult literatury Holly Bourne v této navýsost zábavné a dojemné knize řeší, co je to opravdová láska. Audrey má "lásky" plné zuby. Od chvíle, kdy se zhroutil vztah jejích rodičů, je její matka jako tělo bez duše. Audrey si najde brigádu v kině, aby nemusela sedět doma, a potká tam začínajícího filmaře Harryho. Nikdo nečeká, že se do sebe tak rychle a tak bezhlavě zamilují. Nebude to ale snadné, protože skutečná láska není jako ta ve filmech... Jejich love story neobsahuje scénu s líbáním ve sněhové vánici nebo zběsilý úprk chodbami letiště. Zato je v ní spousta zmatku a bolesti, ale také naděje a úžasu. A platí v ní úplný zákaz laciných klišé!

Objev podobné jako To se může stát jen ve filmu - Holly Bourneová

cena 312.0 Kč

The Places I´ve Cried in Public (Defekt) - Holly Bourneová

It looked like love. It felt like love. But this isn't a love story. Amelie fell hard for Reese. And she thought he loved her too. But she's starting to realise that real love isn't supposed to hurt like this. So now she's retracing their story, revisiting all the places he made her cry. Because if she works out what went wrong, perhaps she can finally learn how to get over him.

Objev podobné jako The Places I´ve Cried in Public (Defekt) - Holly Bourneová

cena 99.0 Kč

This Could be Everything - Eva Rice

The perfect, feel-good, comforting read to cosy up with as the nights draw in. Escape to 1990, Notting Hill, first love, and hope. ‘Exquisite. Enchanting. Quite possibly perfect. The next One Day/Me Before You’ VERONICA HENRY'Every time I have read one of Eva Rice’s books it has felt like a modern classic. Tender, and acutely observed, the characters of This Could Be Everything have stayed with me. Reading it every night felt like wrapping myself a comfort blanket' JOJO MOYES ‘The most gorgeous feel-good story about love and grief and how the smallest things can start a journey of healing.’ GEORGINA MOORE, author of The Garnett Girls'I finished it in a breathless emotional gulp. Truly wonderful, incredibly moving...funny, witty, wise and superbly written...The age beautifully evoked' STEPHEN FRY'You will rejoice as February gradually finds happiness again, consoled by two little canaries, the treadmill of the Top 40, the rare beauties of Nineties London and finally true love. Eva’s latest story HAS everything' JILLY COOPER It’s 1990. The Happy Mondays are in the charts, a 15-year-old called Kate Moss is on the cover of the Face magazine, and Julia Roberts wears thigh-boots for the poster for a new movie called Pretty Woman. February Kingdom is nineteen years old when she is knocked sideways by family tragedy. Then one evening in May she finds an escaped canary in her kitchen and it sparks a glimmer of hope in her. With the help of the bird called Yellow, Feb starts to feel her way out of her own private darkness, just as her aunt embarks on a passionate and all-consuming affair with a married American drama teacher. THIS COULD BE EVERYTHING is a coming-of-age story with its roots under the pavements of a pre-Richard Curtis-era Notting Hill that has all but vanished. It’s about what happens when you start looking after something more important than you, and the hope a yellow bird can bring… Praise for This Could Be Everything: 'A beautiful, atmospheric, brilliantly observed thing of joy. Eva Rice is a fantastic observer and relayer of the human experience. Absolutely wonderful' Mel Giedroyc 'A beautiful balm of a book full of hope and possibility, This Could Be Everything will break your heart and piece it back together again with wit, warmth and magic. The way Rice weaves together fiction and reality is delicious, with details on every page that will have pop fans, Londoners and 90s nostalgics squealing with delight. Nobody captures the exhilaration of first love and teen fandom quite like her' Lauren Bravo ‘A reason to be cheerful - THIS COULD BE EVERYTHING is the book I've been waiting my whole life for, a perfect 90s period piece about sisters, it's glam, gorgeous, a little bit melancholic and a lot charming’ Daisy Buchanan ‘This moving, hopeful and brilliantly told story inhabits the West London of my youth. I loved it’ Betty Boo ‘A gorgeous story about first love and hope’ Red ‘A moving novel about sisterhood, grief and first love’ Good Housekeeping 'The story of loss, love - and ultimately hope - is beautifully told. You won't be able to put it down' Heat

Objev podobné jako This Could be Everything - Eva Rice

cena 295.0 Kč

English Teacher - This Could Be Texas (LP)

Typ: Album;LP deska Složení setu: 1 ks Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Žánr: Rock;Indie Balení obsahuje: LP Barva podle výrobce: Black Datum vydání: 2024-04-12 Barva: Černá Interpret / Téma: English Teacher Subžánr: Alternative Rock;Indie Rock Vydavatelství: Island Records Varianta: This Could Be Texas (LP) Rok vydání: 2024.0

Objev podobné jako English Teacher - This Could Be Texas (LP)

cena 869.0 Kč

All This Could Be Different - Mathews Sarah Thankam

All This Could be Different introduces us to Sneha. A recent college graduate freshly arrived in Milwaukee, she occupies her days with rote, stressful work as a young consultant for a battery production corporation. She is, as her boss reminds her, a "contractor, no benefits."Her nights are spent ordering furniture off the internet, trying out the newfangled invention of dating apps, and avoiding confrontation with the terrifying property manager who lives below her. But the rewards are bountiful: the vertigo of young life in a new and expanding city, a budding friendship with the charismatic and freewheeling Tig, a quiet obsession with Marina, a ballet dancer who she runs into again and again, and the ability to send money by wire transfer to her parents two oceans away in India. Piece by piece she gathers and nurtures the fragments of a good life. But then the walls start to creep in...

Objev podobné jako All This Could Be Different - Mathews Sarah Thankam

cena 402.0 Kč

All This Could Be Different - Mathews Sarah Thankam

'Sarah Thankam Mathews' prose is undeniable . . .she captures the sneaky, unsaying parts of longing' Raven Leilani, author of Luster'Some books are merely luminous . . .this one is iridescent' Susan Choi, author of Trust ExerciseGraduating into a recession, Sneha tries on adulthood like an ill-fitting suit. Moving to a new city, she embraces all that it has to offer: friends that feel like family, gay bars, house parties and new romances. But when painful secrets rear their heads, corporate jobs go off the rails and evictions loom, Sneha and her community find themselves looking for a new way to live.All This Could Be Different is a novel about being young in the twenty-first century. About work, precarity, distant parents, found family, activism, queer love, sex and hope. About knowing that all this could be different.

Objev podobné jako All This Could Be Different - Mathews Sarah Thankam

cena 268.0 Kč

So You Want To Be A Game Master - Justin Alexander

Become the Ultimate Game MasterThanks to tabletop roleplay, millions of fans are creating unforgettable collaborative stories. No matter what roleplaying game you want to play, this book is the key to unlocking endless adventure!Award-winning game designer Justin Alexander has created an incredible compendium of advice and maps, perfect for any aspiring Game Master. This book is packed with the strategies you need to create amazing dungeons, battles, roleplay encounters, and more. Full of practical, hands-on advice and sample maps, just reading the first chapter of this book will have you ready to run a game in less than an hour. From there, Justin teaches you all the skills and techniques you need to explore dungeons, solve mysteries, steal priceless artifacts, unravel strange conspiracies, and venture forth on epic journeys!No matter what game you’re playing, this book is the key to unlocking the limitless realms of your imagination.

Objev podobné jako So You Want To Be A Game Master - Justin Alexander

cena 561.0 Kč

If You Could See the Sun - Ann Liang

In this genre-bending, speculative YA debut, a Chinese American girl monetizes her strange new invisibility powers by discovering and selling her wealthy classmates' most scandalous secrets.Alice Sun has always felt invisible at her elite Beijing international boarding school, where she's the only scholarship student among China's most rich and influential teens. But then she starts uncontrollably turning invisible--actually invisible.When her parents drop the news that they can no longer afford her tuition, even with the scholarship, Alice hatches a plan to monetize her strange new power--she'll discover the scandalous secrets her classmates want to know, for a price.But as the tasks escalate from petty scandals to actual crimes, Alice must decide if it's worth losing her conscience--or even her life.

Objev podobné jako If You Could See the Sun - Ann Liang

cena 357.0 Kč

If You Could See the Sun (Defekt) - Ann Liang

In this genre-bending, speculative YA debut, a Chinese American girl monetizes her strange new invisibility powers by discovering and selling her wealthy classmates' most scandalous secrets.Alice Sun has always felt invisible at her elite Beijing international boarding school, where she's the only scholarship student among China's most rich and influential teens. But then she starts uncontrollably turning invisible--actually invisible.When her parents drop the news that they can no longer afford her tuition, even with the scholarship, Alice hatches a plan to monetize her strange new power--she'll discover the scandalous secrets her classmates want to know, for a price.But as the tasks escalate from petty scandals to actual crimes, Alice must decide if it's worth losing her conscience--or even her life.

Objev podobné jako If You Could See the Sun (Defekt) - Ann Liang

cena 179.0 Kč



Objev podobné jako Roxy COULD IT BE MAG J PLFL S

cena 2459.0 Kč

Afra Kane - Could We Be Whole (LP)

Barva podle výrobce: Black Balení obsahuje: LP Interpret / Téma: Afra Kane Typ: Album;LP deska Rok vydání: 2024.0 Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Vydavatelství: WEA Music Of Canada, Ltd. Datum vydání: 2024-03-01 Varianta: Could We Be Whole (LP) Barva: Černá Složení setu: 1 ks Žánr: Jazz Subžánr: Jazz Země původu: Německo

Objev podobné jako Afra Kane - Could We Be Whole (LP)

cena 738.0 Kč



Objev podobné jako Roxy COULD IT BE MAG J PLFL M

cena 2459.0 Kč

Faker Chet: It Could Be Nice / Down To Earth (12'' Maxi Single) (Red, Green, Blue Splatter Vinyl) - (4050538882919)

LP vinyl - Speciální singl vychází v limitovaném nákladu 750 ks. Chet Faker, vlastním jménem Nicholas James Murphy, je australský elektronický hudebník a producent. První album „Built On Glass” pod jménem Speciální singl vychází v limitovaném nákladu 750 ks. Chet Faker, vlastním jménem Nicholas James Murphy, je australský elektronický hudebník a producent. První album „Built On Glass” pod jménem Chet Faker vydal v roce 2014 a poté celý projekt uložil ke spánku, aby se k němu vrátil v roce 2022. Seznam stop LP (12'' Maxi Single - Red, Green, Blue Splatter Vinyl) A1 It Could Be Nice / B1 Down To Earth

Objev podobné jako Faker Chet: It Could Be Nice / Down To Earth (12'' Maxi Single) (Red, Green, Blue Splatter Vinyl) - (4050538882919)

cena 609.0 Kč

Chet Baker - Chet Baker Sings: It Could Happen To You (LP)

Rok vydání: 2021.0 Vydavatelství: Craft Recordings Datum vydání: 2021-03-05 Rok nahrávky: 1958.0 Subžánr: Bop;Cool Jazz;Jazz Interpret / Téma: Chet Baker Varianta: Chet Baker Sings: It Could Happen To You (Vinyl LP) Barva: Černá Typ: Stereo;Nové vydání;Album;LP deska Hmotnost: 180 g Dekáda interpreta: 1970 - 1979;1980 - 1989;1960 - 1969;1950 - 1959;1940 - 1949 Barva podle výrobce: Black Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Balení obsahuje: LP Země interpreta: USA Žánr: Jazz Země původu: Evropská unie Složení setu: 1 ks

Objev podobné jako Chet Baker - Chet Baker Sings: It Could Happen To You (LP)

cena 859.0 Kč

Could You Survive Midsomer? – A Winter's Murder - Simon Brew, All3Media International Ltd

Following the best-selling Can You Survive Midsomer?, this is the second official interactive Midsomer Murders novel, with a winter twist. Can you survive the Midsomer winter festivities? It's been a year of tension and troubles in the beautiful county of Midsomer. On the first evening of Winter at the Windy Dog pub, Landlady Betty Grainger, as always, is set to mark the start of the Causton village festivities. But when the lights switch on to kick off the celebrations, things do not go to plan. At least not for Trevor Kennedy, whose death certificate marks him as the first person in the area to die when a Christmas light exploded in their face. The further problem is: he might not be the last. Who could have done it? Well, that's where you come in. Step into the shoes of Midsomer CID's newest recruit, choose your own path and decide which way the story goes. Will you solve the crime? Will you bring the perpetrator to justice? And perhaps most importantly of all, could you avoid an untimely, and possibly bizarre, death? Your task is to make the right choices, solve the case and - most tricky of all - avoid becoming a Causton crime statistic yourself...Good luck! An official Midsomer Murders Interactive novel set in ITV's most celebrated and murderous county.

Objev podobné jako Could You Survive Midsomer? – A Winter's Murder - Simon Brew, All3Media International Ltd

cena 502.0 Kč

Women Don't Owe You Pretty (1914240340)

Kniha - autor Florence Given, 96 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The Beauty Myth' for the Instagram generation.

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cena 239.0 Kč

You Are A Champion: How To Be the Best You Can Be - Marcus Rashford

It's hard to know what is possible until you start. You have to be able to dream big and be prepared to work towards your dreams. Good things take time. I've achieved a lot, but it didn't come in one go - big things rarely happen overnight, and good things rarely happen as if by magic . . . Marcus Rashford is famous worldwide for his skills both on-and-off the pitch - but before he was a Manchester United and England footballer, and long before he started his inspiring campaign to end child food poverty, he was just an average kid from Wythenshawe, South Manchester. Now, Marcus Rashford MBE wants to show YOU how to achieve your dreams, in this positive and inspiring guide-for-life. No matter who you are and no matter where you come from, every single person in the world has the potential to be a champion. In You Are a Champion, the nation's favourite footballer gives you the tools you need to reach your full potential, showing you how to be the very BEST version of yourself you can be. Written with journalist Carl Anka, this empowering guide is packed full of stories from Marcus's own life, brilliant advice and top-tips from performance psychologist Katie Warriner. Perfect for readers who need to hear that they already are champions - they just might not know it yet. It shows kids how to: - Be comfortable with who you are - you can't be a champion until you're happy being you! - Dream big - Practise like a champion - good things take hard work and time - Get out of your comfort zone and learn from your mistakes - Navigate adversity in a positive way - Find your team - Use your voice and stand up for others - Never stop learning

Objev podobné jako You Are A Champion: How To Be the Best You Can Be - Marcus Rashford

cena 268.0 Kč

Institut Karité Paris Jasmin So Pretty hydratační krém na ruce s bambuckým máslem tube only 30 ml

Institut Karité Paris Jasmin So Pretty, 30 ml, Krémy na ruce pro ženy, Pěstěné ruce jsou vaší vizitkou. O jejich dokonale hebkou a hydratovanou pokožku se postará krém Institut Karité Paris Jasmin So Pretty. Zajistí rukám dlouhotrvající výživu, ale i zjemnění a ochranu před vysušením, takže zůstanou krásné po celý den. Vlastnosti: rychle se vstřebává hydratuje a vyživuje pokožku nezanechává mastný film příjemně voní Jak používat: Nanášejte krém na ruce dle potřeby a masírujte, dokud se krém nevstřebá.

Objev podobné jako Institut Karité Paris Jasmin So Pretty hydratační krém na ruce s bambuckým máslem tube only 30 ml

cena 95.0 Kč

So Happy For You - Celia Laskey

Robin and Ellie have been best friends since childhood. They've been through everything together, from Robin coming out to the death of Ellie's dad. But when Ellie asks Robin to be her maid of honour, Robin is reluctant.It's not that Robin isn't happy for Ellie, she just hates everything about weddings and marriage - plus the guy Ellie's engaged to. There's also the matter of the crazy (not to mention dangerous) wedding rituals that couples are resorting to in the hope of securing a lifetime of happiness.Despite her misgivings, Robin finally says yes. But as the wedding day approaches, she gets the feeling that everyone in the bridal party is out to get her. And it seems Ellie is willing to do anything for the perfect day. After all, marriage is about sacrifice...

Objev podobné jako So Happy For You - Celia Laskey

cena 330.0 Kč

So Shall You Reap - Donna Leonová

DIVE INTO THE LATEST INSTALMENT IN DONNA LEON'S COMMISSARIO BRUNETTI SERIES'Donna Leon provides another delectable slice of the thoughtful policeman's life at work and at home... So Shall You Reap is as witty and wise as anything Leon has written. To read her is to restore the soul.' Mark Sanderson, The Times'Like all of Leon's novels, it ultimately feels like a glorious invigorating holiday.' Daily Express---On a cold November evening, Guido Brunetti and Paola are up late when a call from his colleague Ispettore Vianello arrives, alerting the Commissario that a hand has been seen in one of Venice's canals.The body is soon found, and Brunetti is assigned to investigate the murder of an undocumented Sri Lankan immigrant. Because no official record of the man's presence in Venice exists, Brunetti is forced to use the city's far richer sources of information: gossip and the memories of people who knew the victim. Curiously, he had been living in a garden house on the grounds of a palazzo owned by a university professor, in which Brunetti discovers books revealing the victim's interest in Buddhism, the revolutionary Tamil Tigers, and the last crop of Italian political terrorists, active in the 1980s.As the investigation expands, Brunetti, Vianello, Commissario Griffoni, and Signorina Elettra each assemble pieces of a puzzle-random information about real estate and land use, books, university friendships-that appear to have little in common. Until Brunetti stumbles over something that transports him back to his own student days, causing him to reflect on lost ideals and the errors of youth, on Italian politics and history, and on the accidents that sometimes lead to revelation.

Objev podobné jako So Shall You Reap - Donna Leonová

cena 295.0 Kč

So Happy For You - Celia Laskey

Bridesmaids meets Black Mirror in the most twisted and entertaining thriller you'll read this year. 'A firecracker of a book' Micah Nemerever 'Glorious' Red 'Wildly creative and wickedly funny' Laurie Elizabeth Flynn Robin and Ellie have been best friends since childhood. They've been through everything, from Robin coming out to the death of Ellie's dad.But when Ellie asks Robin to be her maid of honour, Robin is reluctant. It's not that Robin isn't happy for Ellie, she just hates everything about weddings - plus the guy Ellie's engaged to. There's also the crazy (not to mention dangerous) wedding rituals that couples are resorting to in the hope of securing a lifetime of happiness.Despite her misgivings, Robin finally says yes. But as the wedding day approaches, she realises Ellie is willing to do anything for the perfect day. After all, marriage is about sacrifice...Readers are saying 'I do' to So Happy For You! 'I was utterly ADDICTED to this book! Honestly one of the craziest and most unique books I've read in a long time, like straight out of a Black Mirror episode!' 'A wild ride of party buses, queer identity politics and attempted murder that actually says a lot about the intense, sensual and sometimes BS-crazy world of female friendship' 'Had me completely gripped from the start . . .I could never predict what was going to happen next' Well written with a dark and compelling plot and well developed characters all wrapped up in a chilly envelope . . .I couldn't put it down'

Objev podobné jako So Happy For You - Celia Laskey

cena 259.0 Kč

Women Don't Owe You Pretty - Florence Given

Bringing you the record-breaking, bestselling Women Don't Owe You Pretty as a black and white modern classic. 'THE BEAUTY MYTH' FOR THE INSTAGRAM GENERATION Women Don't Owe You Pretty is the ultimate book for anyone who wants to challenge the out-dated narratives supplied to us by the patriarchy. Through Florence's story you will learn how to protect your energy, discover that you are the love of your own life, and realise that today is a wonderful day to dump them. Florence Given is here to remind you that you owe men nothing, least of all pretty. WARNING: CONTAINS EXPLICIT CONTENT (AND A LOAD OF UNCOMFORTABLE TRUTHS). THE FEMINIST BOOK EVERYONE IS TALKING ABOUT. 'An incredible mouthpiece for modern intersectional feminism.' - Glamour 'A fearless book.' - Cosmopolitan 'A hugely influential young woman.' - Woman's Hour 'Rallying, radical and pitched perfectly for her generation.' - Evening Standard

Objev podobné jako Women Don't Owe You Pretty - Florence Given

cena 223.0 Kč

The Pretty Reckless - Who You Selling For (CD)

Žánr: Rock;Hard Rock Rok vydání: 2024.0 Subžánr: Hard Rock;Rock Vydavatelství: Concord Interpret / Téma: The Pretty Reckless Datum vydání: 2024-08-23 Varianta: Who You Selling For (CD) Typ: Album;CD Složení setu: 1 ks Balení obsahuje: CD

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cena 609.0 Kč

DKNY Be Tempted Eau So Blush - EDP 100 ml

Be Tempted Eau So Blush je květinově-ovocná parfémová voda pro ženy uvedená na trh v roce 2016. Hlava obsahuje svěží citrusy v podobě růžového grepu a červeného pomeranče, dále pak červený rybíz a magnolii. V srdci ucítíte kombinaci jasmínu, pivoňky a cedrového dřeva. Na závěr se rozvoní pižmo a meruňka společně s dřevitými tóny.

Objev podobné jako DKNY Be Tempted Eau So Blush - EDP 100 ml

cena 999.0 Kč

I´m So (not) Over You - Kosoko Jackson

A chance to rewrite their ending is worth the risk in this swoony romantic comedy from Kosoko Jackson.It's been months since aspiring journalist Kian Andrews has heard from his ex-boyfriend, Hudson Rivers, but an urgent text has them meeting at a café. Maybe Hudson wants to profusely apologize for the breakup. Or confess his undying love. . . But no, Hudson has a favor to ask--he wants Kian to pretend to be his boyfriend while his parents are in town, and Kian reluctantly agrees.The dinner doesn't go exactly as planned, and suddenly Kian is Hudson's plus one to Georgia's wedding of the season. Hudson comes from a wealthy family where reputation is everything, and he really can't afford another mistake. If Kian goes, he'll help Hudson preserve appearances and get the opportunity to rub shoulders with some of the biggest names in media. This could be the big career break Kian needs.But their fake relationship is starting to feel like it might be more than a means to an end, and it's time for both men to fact-check their feelings.

Objev podobné jako I´m So (not) Over You - Kosoko Jackson

cena 357.0 Kč

So Tell Me What You Want - Nicki Chapman

1987. Armed with a Filofax, a brick of a mobile phone and steely determination, 20-year-old Nicki Chapman is walking through the seedy streets of Soho towards her first job in the music biz.But how did Nicki go from being a looked-over assistant running promo packages over to BBC Radio 1 to a judge on Pop Idol with 15 million viewers tuning in for the nail-biting moment Will Young triumphed over Gareth Gates?Everyone knows there were the kingmakers in the heady days of 90s British pop music, but this is a queen''s side of the story; a down-to-earth, no-nonsense team player who fought to make it in an industry that was very much a man''s world.Empowering, entertaining and sprinkled with stardust, Nicki''s inspirational behind-the-scenes story takes in the rocketing highs and heart-breaking lows of promoting, managing and touring with the Spice Girls, Amy Winehouse, David Bowie, Take That, Billie Piper, Phil Collins and S Club 7, all whilst confronting chauvinism and smashing through the career glass ceiling.

Objev podobné jako So Tell Me What You Want - Nicki Chapman

cena 650.0 Kč

Bourneova totožnost ()

Audiokniha MP3 - Jeho paměť je nepopsaný list. Pokud chce zjistit, co je zač, musí udělat nemožné. - autor Robert Ludlum, čte Jan Zadražil a Pavel Soukup Jeho paměť je nepopsaný list. Pokud chce zjistit, co je zač, musí udělat nemožné.Vstal z mrtvých v létě 1975 u středomořského ostrůvku, kde ho postřeleného a se ztracenou pamětí vylovila rybářská bárka. Když ho místní zkrachovalý doktor dává dohromady, ukáže se, že má pod kůží zašité číslo švýcarského konta. Návštěva curyšské banky hrdinovi s amnézií napoví, že se patrně živil jako zabiják Bourne, Jason Bourne, na jehož trauma by byl krátký i James Bond.Čím to, že umí tolik jazyků a chladnokrevně čelí všem nástrahám, ale nevzpomene si na detaily z předešlého života, kvůli kterým má na krku hordy ozbrojených goril? Co je firma Treadstone 71., jak souvisí s válkou ve Vietnamu nebo s mezinárodně hledaným teroristou Carlosem? S Kanaďankou Marií, jež byla při útěku z Curychu nejdřív jeho rukojmím, běží Jason o...

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cena 389.0 Kč

Dare to Be You - Matthew Syed

Discover the power of diverse thinking in this exciting new book from the bestselling, award-winning author of You Are Awesome, Matthew Syed.

Objev podobné jako Dare to Be You - Matthew Syed

cena 295.0 Kč

So Good They Can´t Ignore You - Cal Newport

Cal Newport's clearly-written manifesto flies in the face of conventional wisdom by suggesting that it should be a person's talent and skill - and not necessarily their passion - that determines their career path. Newport, who graduated from Dartmouth College (Phi Beta Kappa) and earned a PhD. from MIT, contends that trying to find what drives us, instead of focusing on areas in which we naturally excel, is ultimately harmful and frustrating to job seekers. The title is a direct quote from comedian Steve Martin who, when once asked why he was successful in his career, immediately replied: "Be so good they can't ignore you" and that's the main basis for Newport's book. Skill and ability trump passion. Inspired by former Apple CEO Steve Jobs' famous Stanford University commencement speech in which Jobs urges idealistic grads to chase their dreams, Newport takes issue with that advice, claiming that not only is thsi advice Pollyannish, but that Jobs himself never followed his own advice. From there, Newport presents compelling scientific and contemporary case study evidence that the key to one's career success is to find out what you do well, where you have built up your 'career capital,' and then to put all of your efforts into that direction.

Objev podobné jako So Good They Can´t Ignore You - Cal Newport

cena 502.0 Kč

Delvon Lamarr Organ Trio - I Told You So (LP)

Barva podle výrobce: Black Žánr: Soul;Jazz Datum vydání: 2021-01-29 Varianta: I Told You So (LP) Subžánr: Soul;Soul-Jazz;Jazz Interpret / Téma: Delvon Lamarr Organ Trio Rok vydání: 2024.0 Vydavatelství: Colemine Typ: Album;LP deska Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Balení obsahuje: LP Barva: Černá Složení setu: 1 ks

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cena 700.0 Kč

CURAPROX Be You Daydreamer, 60 ml (7612412429534)

Zubní pasta - bělící, chrání před zubním kazem, chrání sklovinu, univerzální, objem 60 ml Sháníte kvalitní zubní pastu, která vám pomůže proti zubním kazům? Zvolte zubní pastu CURAPROX. Zubní pasta pomáhá udržovat zuby přirozeně bílé, zdravé a odolné vůči zubním kazům. Obsahuje přírodní výtažky s antibakteriálními a regeneračními účinky. Navíc vás překvapí příchutí ostružiny a lékořice, která vám dodá dobrou náladu. Značka CURAPROX vám zaručuje švýcarskou kvalitu. Klíčové vlastnosti zubní pasty CURAPROX Be You - Daydreamer, 60 mlZubní pasta CURAPROX BE YOU s příchutí ostružiny a lékořiceZpevňuje sklovinu, bělí zubySložena z přírodních výtažků - echinacea, xilitol, pomerančovník hořkýZubní pasta je vhodná pro děti od 6 letAbrazivita zubní pasty CURAPROX - RDA 50 Krásné bílé a zdravé zuby díky zubní pastě CURAPROX BE YOUBělicí zubní pasta CURAPROX BE YOU má speciální mentolové perličky, které uvolňují svou svěžest postupně....

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cena 209.0 Kč

I'll Always Be With You - Monica Murphy

Pre-order the new novel in the highly addictive Lancaster Prep series . . .Weston Fontaine is the hottest senior at Lancaster Prep.He could have any girl on campus, except for one.Me.I'm a Lancaster, meaning I'm basically untouchable-or so I thought. My family own the school which I have to endure before I can return to what I love most: ballet.West doesn't make my time here easy. He's arrogant. Crude. Insufferable. Yet he's the only boy I've ever let touch me...You see, West and I? We share a secret. In Paris, I revealed parts of myself to him I've never shown anyone else. And he did the same.So what happens when you helplessly fall for the one person you know is bad for you?

Objev podobné jako I'll Always Be With You - Monica Murphy

cena 268.0 Kč

You´d Be Home Now - Kathleen Glasgow

From the New York Times bestselling author of Girl in Pieces and How to Make Friends with the Dark comes a breathtaking contemporary YA about addiction, family and finding your voice Emmy is the good one. Not strong-willed like her beautiful older sister Maddie and not difficult like her brother Joey. She takes up as little space as possible. When Joey returns from rehab, her parents ask her to act as his guardian. She's also expected to keep on top of her grades and hold everything together after the tragic events of that summer. The only person who makes her feel seen is her secret lover Gage, but no one can find out about that. How long can Emmy keep up her careful balancing act before it comes crashing down?

Objev podobné jako You´d Be Home Now - Kathleen Glasgow

cena 268.0 Kč

CURAPROX Be You Explorer, 60 ml (7612412429510)

Zubní pasta - bělící, chrání před zubním kazem, chrání sklovinu, univerzální, objem 60 ml Sháníte kvalitní zubní pastu, která vám pomůže proti zubním kazům? Zvolte zubní pastu CURAPROX. Zubní pasta pomáhá udržovat zuby přirozeně bílé, zdravé a odolné vůči zubním kazům. Obsahuje přírodní výtažky s antibakteriálními a regeneračními účinky. Navíc vás překvapí příchutí jablka a aloe vera, která vám dodá dobrou náladu. Značka CURAPROX vám zaručuje švýcarskou kvalitu. Klíčové vlastnosti zubní pasty CURAPROX Be You - Explorer, 60 mlZubní pasta CURAPROX BE YOU s příchutí jablka a aloe veraZpevňuje sklovinu, bělí zubySložena z přírodních výtažků - echinacea, xilitol, pomerančovník hořkýZubní pasta je vhodná pro děti od 6 letAbrazivita zubní pasty CURAPROX - RDA 50 Krásné bílé a zdravé zuby díky zubní pastě CURAPROX BE YOUBělicí zubní pasta CURAPROX BE YOU má speciální mentolové perličky, které uvolňují svou svěžest postupně....

Objev podobné jako CURAPROX Be You Explorer, 60 ml (7612412429510)

cena 219.0 Kč

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