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An Unreliable Man (Defekt) - Jostein Gaarder

From the creative genius of Jostein Gaarder, author of modern classic Sophie's World, comes a novel about loneliness and the power of words Jakop is a lonely man. Divorced from his wife, with no friends apart from his constant companion Pelle, he spends his life attending the funerals of people he doesn't know, obscuring his identity in a web of improbable lies. As his addiction spirals out of control, he is forced to reconcile his love of language and stories with the ever more urgent need for human connection. An Unreliable Man is a moving and thought-provoking novel about loneliness and truth, about seeking a place in the world, and about how storytelling gives our lives meaning. Decades after his global bestseller Sophie's World, Jostein Gaarder has written a poignant and funny book for our times - full of life and hope.

Podívejte se také Polštář 45x30 cm, Pat&Mat, defekt (99853A)

cena 159.0 Kč

Unreliable Man - Jostein Gaarder

From the creative genius of Jostein Gaarder, author of modern classic Sophie's World, comes a novel about loneliness and the power of words Jakop is a lonely man. Divorced from his wife, with no friends apart from his constant companion Pelle, he spends his life attending the funerals of people he doesn't know, obscuring his identity in a web of improbable lies. As his addiction spirals out of control, he is forced to reconcile his love of language and stories with the ever more urgent need for human connection. An Unreliable Man is a moving and thought-provoking novel about loneliness and truth, about seeking a place in the world, and about how storytelling gives our lives meaning. Decades after his global bestseller Sophie's World, Jostein Gaarder has written a poignant and funny book for our times - full of life and hope.

Podívejte se také Tyreweld sprej na opravu defekt 500ml (HT4YA)

cena 241.0 Kč

The World According to Anna (Defekt) - Jostein Gaarder

On the 20th anniversary of SOPHIE'S WORLD, Jostein Gaarder returns with a spell-binding fable about a girl who begins to receive messages from another time... STATION ELEVEN meets THE LITTLE PRINCE.

Podívejte se také Pioneer CA-AN-DAB.001 (CA-AN-DAB.001)

cena 89.0 Kč

Loutkář - Jostein Gaarder

Akademik a lingvista Jakop je natolik osamělý, že navštěvuje pohřby cizích lidí. Na smutečních hostinách se dává do řeči s pozůstalými. Díky své sečtělosti a jazykové pohotovosti si pokaždé vymyslí příběh, který jej k nebožtíkovi váže, a baví jím ostatní hosty. Přestože je znalcem vztahů a jazyků, sám je z pletiva skutečných lidských vztahů vytržen a má jen jednoho přítele, jejž s oblibou cituje. Ovšem ani Pelle není člověk z masa a kostí…

Objev podobné jako Loutkář - Jostein Gaarder

cena 223.0 Kč

Tak akorát - Jostein Gaarder

První den na univerzitě potkává Albert u automatu na kávu dívku Eirin. Po třiceti sedmi letech spokojeného společného života obdrží Albert neblahou zprávu, se kterou se musí vyrovnat. Eirin zrovna není doma, a tak Albert impulzivně odjede na chatu u jezírka, kde se během 24 hodin pokusí sepsat příběh svého života. Je spousta věcí, které musí pochopit. A je jedno důležité rozhodnutí, které během toho jednoho dne musí učinit.

Objev podobné jako Tak akorát - Jostein Gaarder

cena 205.0 Kč

Sophie´s World - Jostein Gaarder

The international bestseller about life, the universe and everything. When 14-year-old Sophie encounters a mysterious mentor who introduces her to philosophy, mysteries deepen in her own life. Why does she keep getting postcards addressed to another girl? Who is the other girl? And who, for that matter, is Sophie herself? To solve the riddle, she uses her new knowledge of philosophy, but the truth is far stranger than she could have imagined. An addictive blend of mystery, philosophy and fantasy, Sophie's World is an international phenomenon which has been translated into 60 languages and sold more than 40 million copies.

Objev podobné jako Sophie´s World - Jostein Gaarder

cena 268.0 Kč

Kouzelný kalendář - Jostein Gaarder - audiokniha

Audiokniha: Další kniha norského autora Josteina Gaardera, známého u nás i po celém světě titulem Sofiin svět. Hlavní hrdina Kouzelného kalendáře – Jáchym – se snaží objasnit záhadu kolem zmizení dívky Elisabet, která se vydává díky kouzelnému adventními kalendáři napříč prostorem i časem ze současnosti do Betléma, kde se právě narodil malý Ježíš.

Objev podobné jako Kouzelný kalendář - Jostein Gaarder - audiokniha

cena 249.0 Kč

Dívka s pomeranči - Jostein Gaarder

Oduševněle napsaný zamilovaný příběh, který osloví čtenáře všech věkových kategorií. V průběhu jednoho večera, během něhož 15letý hrdina Georg čte dopis od svého otce, probíhá před jeho očima celý příběh. Georgův otec zemřel před jedenácti lety, ale jeho dopis byl nalezen teprve nyní. Vedle líčení prostého příběhu lásky pokládá otec synovi nejednoduché otázky, které se dotýkají samotné podstaty lidské existence.

Objev podobné jako Dívka s pomeranči - Jostein Gaarder

cena 223.0 Kč

Sofiin svět - Jostein Gaarder - audiokniha

Audiokniha: Norský učitel Jostein Gaarder spojil ve své knize Sofiin svět zdánlivě neatraktivní témata: dějiny filosofie a příběh dospívání patnáctileté dívky. Román, který byl publikován v roce 1991, ovšem slaví neuvěřitelný úspěch; vzápětí po svém norském vydání vyšel v desítkách zemí a v roce 1995 se stal nejprodávanější knihou na světě. Režie Jiří Knot.

Objev podobné jako Sofiin svět - Jostein Gaarder - audiokniha

cena 299.0 Kč

Sofiin svět - Jostein Gaarder - e-kniha

eBook: Román o dějinách filosofie. Norský učitel kombinací zdánlivě neatraktivních témat, jako jsou dějiny filosofie a příběh dospívání patnáctileté dívky, vytvořil knížku, která slaví mezi čtenáři neuvěřitelný úspěch. V roce 1995 se stala nejprodávanější knihou na světě.

Objev podobné jako Sofiin svět - Jostein Gaarder - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

Tajemství karet - Renáta Fučíková, Jostein Gaarder

Kultovní román Tajemství karet přichází v novém vydání s ilustracemi oceňované výtvarnice Renáty Fučíkové. Populární norský spisovatel Jostein Gaarder vypráví příběh plný fantazie, dobrodružství a napětí, ale – jak je jeho dobrým zvykem – také poučení a úžasu nad světem. Hlavním hrdinou je dvanáctiletý Hans Thomas, který se se svým otcem vydává na road trip napříč Evropou. Brzy poté, co nastoupí do auta a vydají se na cestu, zkříží chlapci cestu kolibří knížka...

Objev podobné jako Tajemství karet - Renáta Fučíková, Jostein Gaarder

cena 312.0 Kč

Teď je to na nás - Jostein Gaarder

Život ve všech svých podobách fascinoval Josteina Gaardera odmala. A protože se na tom ani po několika desetiletích nic nezměnilo, rozhodl se předat svůj údiv dál. Ve sbírce úvah koncipovaných jako dopis vnoučatům přemítá nad životem, smrtí, náboženstvím, časem, láskou, přírodou nebo budoucností. A v záplavě složitých i podnětných otázek hledá odpověď na tu nejdůležitější: Jak můžeme zachovat planetu pro generace, jež přijdou po nás?

Objev podobné jako Teď je to na nás - Jostein Gaarder

cena 312.0 Kč

Sofiin svět - Jostein Gaarder, František jr. Skála

Román o dějinách filosofie. Norský učitel kombinací zdánlivě neatraktivních témat, jako jsou dějiny filosofie a příběh dospívání patnáctileté dívky, vytvořil knížku, která slaví mezi čtenáři neuvěřitelný úspěch. V roce 1995 se stala nejprodávanější knihou na světě.

Objev podobné jako Sofiin svět - Jostein Gaarder, František jr. Skála

cena 312.0 Kč

Dívka s pomeranči - Jostein Gaarder - e-kniha

eBook: Oduševněle napsaný zamilovaný příběh, který osloví čtenáře všech věkových kategorií. V průběhu jednoho večera, během něhož 15letý hrdina Georg čte dopis od svého otce, probíhá před jeho očima celý příběh. Georgův otec zemřel před jedenácti lety, ale jeho dopis byl nalezen teprve nyní. Vedle líčení prostého příběhu lásky, pokládá otec synovi nejednoduché otázky, které se dotýkají samotné podstaty lidské existence.

Objev podobné jako Dívka s pomeranči - Jostein Gaarder - e-kniha

cena 179.0 Kč

Teď je to na nás - Jostein Gaarder - e-kniha

eBook: Život ve všech svých podobách fascinoval Josteina Gaardera odmala. A protože se na tom ani po několika desetiletích nic nezměnilo, rozhodl se předat svůj údiv dál. Ve sbírce úvah koncipovaných jako dopis vnoučatům přemítá nad životem, smrtí, náboženstvím, časem, láskou, přírodou nebo budoucností. A v záplavě složitých i podnětných otázek hledá odpověď na tu nejdůležitější: Jak můžeme zachovat planetu pro generace, jež přijdou po nás? „Svět je takový, jak ho prožíváme.“ Jostein Gaarder (* 1952) je norský spisovatel. Napsal řadu knížek pro děti a mládež, nejznámější je ale díky románu Sofiin svět, v němž ve formě poutavého příběhu pro děti zpracoval dějiny filozofie. Gaarder pochází z učitelské rodiny, vystudoval skandinávské jazyky a teologii na univerzitě v Oslu a v letech 1981–1991 vyučoval filozofii a literaturu na vysoké škole v Bergenu. Po obrovském úspěchu Sofiina světa z roku 1981 (česky poprvé 1995) se mohl začít naplno věnovat psaní. Ve svém prvním románu pro dospělé Loutkář (Dukkeforeren, 2016, česky 2017) o lingvistovi Jakopovi, který těžko hledá cestu k jiným lidem, autor zužitkoval svou vášeň po etymologii. V novele Tak akorát (Akkurat passe, 2018, česky 2019) se zamýšlí na životními prioritami a klade si otázku, jak se vyrovnat s konečností lidské existence. Jeho knihy jsou přeloženy do více než padesáti jazyků.

Objev podobné jako Teď je to na nás - Jostein Gaarder - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

Confessions of an Advertising Man - David Ogilvy

Confessions of an Advertising Man is the distillation of all the successful Ogilvy concepts, tactics and techniques that made this book an international bestseller. Regarded as the father of modern advertising, David Ogilvy created some of the most memorable advertising campaigns that set the standard for others to follow. Anyone aspiring to be a good manager in any kind of business should read this.

Objev podobné jako Confessions of an Advertising Man - David Ogilvy

cena 443.0 Kč

The Extraordinary Life of an Ordinary Man - Paul Newman

In 1986, Paul Newman and his closest friend, screenwriter Stewart Stern, began an extraordinary project. Stuart was to compile an oral history, to have Newman’s family and friends and those who worked closely with him, talk about the actor’s life. And then Newman would work with Stewart and give his side of the story. The only stipulation was that anyone who spoke on the record had to be completely honest. That same stipulation applied to Newman himself. The project lasted five years. The result is an extraordinary memoir, culled from thousands of pages of transcripts. The book is insightful, revealing, surprising. Newman’s voice is powerful, sometimes funny, sometimes painful, always meeting that high standard of searing honesty. The additional voices—from childhood friends and Navy buddies, from family members and film and theater collaborators such as Tom Cruise, George Roy Hill, Martin Ritt, and John Huston—that run throughout add richness and color and context to the story Newman is telling. Newman’s often traumatic childhood is brilliantly detailed. He talks about his teenage insecurities, his early failures with women, his rise to stardom, his early rivals (Marlon Brando and James Dean), his first marriage, his drinking, his philanthropy, the death of his son Scott, his strong desire for his daughters to know and understand the truth about their father. Perhaps the most moving material in the book centers around his relationship with Joanne Woodward—their love for each other, his dependence on her, the way she shaped him intellectually, emotionally and sexually. The Extraordinary Life of an Ordinary Man is revelatory and introspective, personal and analytical, loving and tender in some places, always complex and profound.

Objev podobné jako The Extraordinary Life of an Ordinary Man - Paul Newman

cena 401.0 Kč

The Autograph Man (Defekt) - Zadie Smithová

The Autograph Man is Zadie Smith's whirlwind tour of celebrity and our fame-obsessed times. Following one Alex-Li Tandem - a twenty-something, Chinese-Jewish autograph dealer turned on by sex, drugs and organised religion - it takes in London and New York, love and death, fathers and sons, as Alex tries to discover how a piece of paper can bring him closer to his heart's desire. Exposing our misconceptions about our idols - about ourselves - Zadie Smith delivers a brilliant, unforgettable tale about who we are and what we really want to be.'A glorious concoction written by our most beguiling and original prose-wizard' Independent on Sunday 'A brilliant comedy with a tantalising throb of mystic philosophy underneath' Philip Hensher, Books of the Year, Spectator'A pleasure from the first page to the last' Evening.

Objev podobné jako The Autograph Man (Defekt) - Zadie Smithová

cena 49.0 Kč

The Demolished Man (Defekt) - Alfred Bester

In the year 2301, guns are only museum pieces and benign telepaths sweep the minds of the populace to detect crimes before they happen. In 2301 murder is virtually impossible, but one man is about to change that.

Objev podobné jako The Demolished Man (Defekt) - Alfred Bester

cena 49.0 Kč

The Gray Man (Defekt) - Mark Greaney

'Hard, fast, and unflinching-exactly what a thriller should be.' Lee ChildThe first in the Court Gentry all-action thriller series, from Tom Clancy's co-writer Mark Greaney.To those who lurk in the shadows, he's known as the Gray Man. He is a legend in the covert realm, moving silently from job to job, accomplishing the impossible and then fading away. And he always hits his target.But there are forces more lethal than Gentry in the world. Forces like money. And power. And there are men who hold these as the only currency worth fighting for. In their eyes, Gentry has just outlived his usefulness.But Court Gentry is going to prove that, for him, there's no grey area between killing for a living and killing to stay alive...

Objev podobné jako The Gray Man (Defekt) - Mark Greaney

cena 49.0 Kč

The Railway Man (Defekt) - Lomax Eric

Winner of the NCR Book Award A naive young man, a railway enthusiast and radio buff, was caught up in the fall of the British Empire at Singapore in 1942. He was put to work on the 'Railway of Death' - the Japanese line from Thailand to Burma. Exhaustively and brutally tortured by the Japanese for making a crude radio, Lomax was emotionally ruined by his experiences. Almost 50 years after the war, however, his life was changed by the discovery that his interrogator, the Japanese interpreter, was still alive - their reconciliation is the culmination of this extraordinary story.

Objev podobné jako The Railway Man (Defekt) - Lomax Eric

cena 109.0 Kč

Tuesdays with Morrie: 'An old man, a young man, and life''s greatest lesson' (0385496494)

Kniha - autor Mitch Albom, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Maybe it was a grandparent, or a teacher. Someone older who understood you when you were young and searching, who helped you see the world as a more profound place, and gave you advice to help you make your way through it. For Mitch Albom, that person was Morrie Schwartz, his college professor from nearly twenty years ago.Maybe, like Mitch, you lost track of your mentor as you made your way, and the insights faded, and the world seemed colder. Wouldn't you like to see that person again, ask the bigger questions that still haunt you?Mitch Albom had that second chance. He rediscovered Morrie in the last months of the older man's life. Knowing he was dying, Morrie visited with Mitch in his study every Tuesday, just as they used to back in college.Tuesdays With Morrie is a magical chronicle of their time together, through which Mitch shares Morrie's lasting gift to the world.

Objev podobné jako Tuesdays with Morrie: 'An old man, a young man, and life''s greatest lesson' (0385496494)

cena 219.0 Kč

Tuesdays With Morrie : An old man, a young man, and life´s greatest lesson - Mitch Albom

Someone older, patient and wise, who understood you when you were young and searching, and gave you sound advice to help you make your way through it?For Mitch Albom, that person was Morrie Schwartz, his college professor from nearly twenty years ago.Maybe, like Mitch, you lost track of this mentor as you made your way, and the insights faded. Wouldn't you like to see that person again, ask the bigger questions that still haunt you?Mitch Albom had that second chance. He rediscovered Morrie in the last months of the older man's life. Knowing he was dying of ALS - or motor neurone disease - Mitch visited Morrie in his study every Tuesday, just as they used to back in college. Their rekindled relationship turned into one final 'class': lessons in how to live.TUESDAYS WITH MORRIE is a magical chronicle of their time together, through which Mitch shares Morrie's lasting gift with the world.Praise for Tuesdays with Morrie:'This is a true story that shines and leaves you forever warmed by its afterglow' Amy Tan'A moving tribute to embracing life' Glasgow Herald'An extraordinary contribution to the literature of death' Boston Globe'A beautifully written book of great clarity and wisdom that lovingly captures the simplicity beyond life's complexities' M Scott Peck

Objev podobné jako Tuesdays With Morrie : An old man, a young man, and life´s greatest lesson - Mitch Albom

cena 259.0 Kč

Man in the Iron Mask (an Essay) - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha

eBook: Imprisoned for three decades. His face never seen. Who was \"The Man in the Iron Mask?\" In the novel \"The Vicomte of Bragelonne: Ten Years Later\", Dumas revealed the man to be Louis XIV\'s identical twin. But that’s far from the definitive answer. Here, Dumas dives into the real events that inspired his story, and dissects the other theories of the time. Was the prisoner in fact The Duke of Monmouth, illegitimate son to England’s King Charles II? Or the disgraced French minister Nicolas Fouquet? A recommended read for fans of Dumas’ novel, but also anyone who loves a great unsolved mystery. Alexandre Dumas (1802 - 1870) was a hugely popular 19th Century French writer. Born of mixed French and Haitian heritage, Dumas first rose to prominence in Paris as a playwright, but later gained international fame with his historical fiction. Often co-authored with other writers, these stories wove together swashbuckling adventure, romance, and real events from France’s past. Among the best known are \"The Three Musketeers\", and its sequels \"Twenty Years After\", and \"Le Vicomte de Bragelonne: Ten Years Later\". Set across four decades, this trilogy follows the rise of the dashing D’Artagnan—from hot-headed soldier to trusted captain under Louis XIV. Dumas’ other novels include \"The Count of Monte Cristo\" and \"The Black Tulip\". His works have been adapted into more than 200 movies, including The Man in the Iron Mask starring Leonardo DiCaprio.

Objev podobné jako Man in the Iron Mask (an Essay) - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha

cena 124.0 Kč

Zoe´s Tale : An Old Man´s War Novel - John Scalzi

How do you tell your part in the biggest tale in history? I ask because it's what I have to do. I'm Zoe Boutin Perry: A colonist stranded on a deadly pioneer world. Holy icon to a race of aliens. A player (and a pawn) in a interstellar chess match to save humanity, or to see it fall. Witness to history. Friend. Daughter. Human. Seventeen years old. Everyone on Earth knows the tale I am part of. But you don't know my tale: How I did what I did ― how I did what I had to do ― not just to stay alive but to keep you alive, too. All of you. I'm going to tell it to you now, the only way I know how: not straight but true, the whole thing, to try to make you feel what I felt: the joy and terror and uncertainty, panic and wonder, despair and hope. Everything that happened, bringing us to Earth, and Earth out of its captivity. All through my eyes. It's a story you know. But you don't know it all.

Objev podobné jako Zoe´s Tale : An Old Man´s War Novel - John Scalzi

cena 214.0 Kč

The Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man - James Weldon Johnson - e-kniha

eBook: James Weldon Johnson\'s emotionally gripping novel is a landmark in black literary history and, more than eighty years after its original anonymous publication, a classic of American fiction.The first fictional memoir ever written by a black person, The Autobiography of an Ex-Coloured Man influenced a generation of writers during the Harlem Renaissance and served as eloquent inspiration for Zora Neale Hurston, Ralph Ellison, and Richard Wright. In the 1920s and since, it has also given white readers a startling new perspective on their own culture, revealing to many the double standard of racial identity imposed on black Americans.Narrated by a mulatto man whose light skin allows him to \"pass\" for white, the novel describes a pilgrimage through America\'s color lines at the turn of the century--from a black college in Jacksonville to an elite New York nightclub, from the rural South to the white suburbs of the Northeast.

Objev podobné jako The Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man - James Weldon Johnson - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

Nightcrawling : ´An electrifying debut´ (Defekt) - Leila Mottley

When there is no choice, all you have left to do is walk. Kiara Johnson does not know what it is to live as a normal seventeen-year-old. With her mother in a rehab facility and an older brother who devotes his time and money to a recording studio, she fends for herself - and for nine-year-old Trevor, whose own mother is prone to disappearing for days at a time. As the landlord of their apartment block threatens to raise their rent, Kiara finds herself walking the streets after dark, determined to survive in a world that refuses to protect her. Then one night Kiara is picked up by two police officers, and the gruesome deal she is offered in exchange for her freedom lands her at the centre of a media storm. If she agrees to testify in a grand jury trial, she could help expose the sickening corruption of a police department. But honesty comes at a price - one that could leave her family vulnerable to their retaliation, and endanger everyone she loves. Nightcrawling is an unforgettable novel about young people navigating the darkest corners of an adult world, told with a humanity that is at once agonising and utterly mesmerising.

Objev podobné jako Nightcrawling : ´An electrifying debut´ (Defekt) - Leila Mottley

cena 189.0 Kč

An Argumentation of Historians (Defekt) - Jodi Taylor

The ninth book in the bestselling Chronicles of St Mary's series which follows a group of tea-soaked disaster magnets as they hurtle their way around History. If you love Jasper Fforde or Ben Aaronovitch, you won't be able to resist Jodi Taylor. They say you shouldn't push your luck. Max gives her own luck a massive shove every day - and it's only a matter of time until luck pushes back... January 1536 - the day of Henry VIII's infamous jousting accident. Historians from St Mary's are there in force, recording and documenting. And, arguing - obviously. A chance meeting between Max and the Time Police leads to a plan of action. And, it's one that will have very serious consequences - especially for Max. Her private life is already more than a little rocky. But with Leon recovering and Matthew safe in the future there will never be a better opportunity to bring down Clive Ronan, once and for all. From Tudor England to the burning city of Persepolis - and from a medieval siege to a very nasty case of 19th century incarceration - Max is determined that this time, he will not escape.

Objev podobné jako An Argumentation of Historians (Defekt) - Jodi Taylor

cena 149.0 Kč

Notes on an Execution (Defekt) - Danya Kukafka

Ansel Packer is scheduled to die in twelve hours. He knows what he's done, and now awaits the same chilling fate he forced on those girls, years ago. But Ansel doesn't want to die; he wants to be celebrated, understood. He hoped it wouldn't end like this, not for him.Through a kaleidoscope of women, we learn the story of Ansel's life. We meet his mother, Lavender, a seventeen-year-old girl pushed to desperation. We meet Hazel, twin sister to Ansel's wife, inseparable since birth, forced to watch helplessly as her sister's relationship threatens to devour them all. And finally, Saffy, the homicide detective hot on his trail, who has devoted herself to bringing bad men to justice but struggles to see her own life clearly. As the clock ticks down to Ansel's execution, these three women sift through the choices that culminate in tragedy, exploring the rippling fissures that such destruction inevitably leaves in its wake.Blending breathtaking suspense with astonishing empathy, Notes On An Execution presents a chilling portrait of womanhood as it unravels the familiar narrative of the American serial killer, interrogating the justice system and our cultural obsession with crime stories and asking readers to consider the false promise of looking for meaning in the psyches of violent men.

Objev podobné jako Notes on an Execution (Defekt) - Danya Kukafka

cena 79.0 Kč

One-Punch Man 8: On (Defekt) - ONE

King je hrdina třídy S označovaný za nejsilnějšího muže na Zemi, před kterým se strachy třesou dokonce i příšery. A na něj nyní tajemná organizace posílá zabijáka... Pomůžou Kingovi z nejhoršího Saitama s Genosem?! Šokující Pravda o Kingovi vychází najevo!

Objev podobné jako One-Punch Man 8: On (Defekt) - ONE

cena 109.0 Kč

Who's That Dinosaur? An Animal Guessing Game (Defekt)

A playful, informative introduction to dinosaurs for the youngest readers, by the team behind the bestselling Book of Bones Set up as a guessing game with visual and narrative clues, Who's That Dinosaur? invites readers to examine seven skeletons and guess to whom they belong. The answer is provided in a vibrant, foldout reveal, accompanied by an explanation as to why each dinosaur's body was so special. It's a humorous, informative introduction to fossils and dinosaur anatomy, where, in a surprise twist, young children learn how birds are modern-day dinosaurs. A fun and informative introduction to the ever-popular topic of dinosaurs. Ages 2-4

Objev podobné jako Who's That Dinosaur? An Animal Guessing Game (Defekt)

cena 119.0 Kč

One-Punch Man 11 - Hmyzí velepříšera (Defekt) - ONE

Je tu Prastonožka o stupni nebezpečí „drak“! Postavil se jí Kovovej pálka, ale boj s tak obrovským nepřítelem mu dělá velké potíže. Poté, co ho příšera odpálí, se potkává s „lovcem příšer“ Garóem a začíná nový souboj. A jak se mezitím vede Saitamovi, který se účastní turnaje bojových umění...?

Objev podobné jako One-Punch Man 11 - Hmyzí velepříšera (Defekt) - ONE

cena 109.0 Kč

The Man Who Died Twice (Defekt) - Richard Osman

It's the following Thursday. Elizabeth has received a letter from an old colleague, a man with whom she has a long history. He's made a big mistake, and he needs her help. His story involves stolen diamonds, a violent mobster, and a very real threat to his life. As bodies start piling up, Elizabeth enlists Joyce, Ibrahim and Ron in the hunt for a ruthless murderer. And if they find the diamonds too? Well, wouldn't that be a bonus? But this time they are up against an enemy who wouldn't bat an eyelid at knocking off four septuagenarians. Can the Thursday Murder Club find the killer (and the diamonds) before the killer finds them?

Objev podobné jako The Man Who Died Twice (Defekt) - Richard Osman

cena 109.0 Kč

The Earth Transformed: An Untold History (Defekt) - Peter Frankopan

When we think about history, we rarely pay much attention to the most destructive floods, the worst winters, the most devastating droughts or the ways that ecosystems have changed over time. In The Earth Transformed, Peter Frankopan, one of the world's leading historians, shows that the natural environment is a crucial, if not the defining, factor in global history - and not just of humankind. Volcanic eruptions, solar activities, atmospheric, oceanic and other shifts, as well as anthropogenic behaviour, are fundamental parts of the past and the present. In this magnificent and groundbreaking book, we learn about the origins of our species: about the development of religion and language and their relationships with the environment; about how the desire to centralise agricultural surplus formed the origins of the bureaucratic state; about how growing demands for harvests resulted in the increased shipment of enslaved peoples; about how efforts to understand and manipulate the weather have a long and deep history. All provide lessons of profound importance as we face a precarious future of rapid global warming.Taking us from the Big Bang to the present day and beyond, The Earth Transformed forces us to reckon with humankind's continuing efforts to make sense of the natural world.

Objev podobné jako The Earth Transformed: An Untold History (Defekt) - Peter Frankopan

cena 239.0 Kč

I Love Taylor Swift: An Unofficial Fan Journal (Defekt) - Princess Gabbara

Celebrate your love of Taylor Swift with guided journal prompts, trivia, and more-perfect for Swifties of all ages. Whether you've been a fan since "Our Song" or discovered her recently, I Love Taylor Swift is for you! This book lets you obsess over your favorite songs, appearances, and looks of the amazing, iconic Taylor Swift in your own way with personalized guided journal prompts, trivia, and scrapbook pages. Every page is filled with fun prompts that will help you relive the moment when you discovered Taylor's music, reflect on which songs are the most meaningful to you or the music video you can't stop watching, and imagine what it'd be like to hang out with Taylor yourself.It's the ultimate Swiftie experience.

Objev podobné jako I Love Taylor Swift: An Unofficial Fan Journal (Defekt) - Princess Gabbara

cena 79.0 Kč

Máňa a my druzí (Defekt) - Simona Bohatá

Dospívání není lehké. Nestačí, že vám doma uháčkovali šaty z chemlonu a že vás ve škole nutí nosit pionýrský šátek, ještě o vaši výchovu zápolí velice neortodoxní babička Máňa a mladá maminka Aranka. Zdálo by se, že tím výčet strastí dětství v Praze 60. a 70. let pro malou Simonu končí, jenže pak „mi došlo, že budu nosit brýle už nafurt.“ Vtipně, bez patosu, s citem pro pointu, tak vypráví Simona Bohatá příběh Máni a druhých, příběh svého dětství.

Objev podobné jako Máňa a my druzí (Defekt) - Simona Bohatá

cena 99.0 Kč

Máňa a my druzí (Defekt) - Simona Bohatá

Dospívání není lehké. Nestačí, že vám doma uháčkovali šaty z chemlonu a že vás ve škole nutí nosit pionýrský šátek, ještě o vaši výchovu zápolí velice neortodoxní babička Máňa a mladá maminka Aranka. Zdálo by se, že tím výčet strastí dětství v Praze 60. a 70. let pro malou Simonu končí, jenže pak „mi došlo, že budu nosit brýle už nafurt.“ Vtipně, bez patosu, s citem pro pointu, tak vypráví Simona Bohatá příběh Máni a druhých, příběh svého dětství.

Objev podobné jako Máňa a my druzí (Defekt) - Simona Bohatá

cena 99.0 Kč

How to Meet a Man After Forty and Other Midlife Dilemmas Solved (Defekt)

Should I wax my moustache? Am I too old for a leather jacket? Am I having the right amount of sex? Why do I hate my best friend? Am I turning into my mother? This frank, funny insightful guide to navigating those tricky midlife years, now that looking older than thirty six is an act of negligence on a par with not feeding the fish, answers all these questions and many more."How to Meet a Man After Forty and Other Midlife Dilemmas Solved" is like having a conversation with your sharpest, most trusted, least smug girlfriend about the things that keep us awake at night. It's not just for single girls, it's for everyone who has ever thought, 'Is it just me or is life getting much, much weirder?' Shane Watson is an author, journalist and "Sunday Times" columnist who met and married a man in her forties. She is, in other words, the statistic-defying exception to the rule; a beacon of hope for single women in the thirty-five-plus category who want to find Mr Right and not just Mr Gigantic Compromise.

Objev podobné jako How to Meet a Man After Forty and Other Midlife Dilemmas Solved (Defekt)

cena 129.0 Kč

The Girlboss Workbook : An Interactive Journal for Winning at Life (Defekt) - Sophia Amoruso

Hot on the heels of the Netflix show based on #GIRLBOSS comes Sophia Amoruso's new workbook of tips, doodles and fill-in-the-blanks that will help women become their best Girlboss yet. A graphic and whimsical guide filled with exercises, illustrations and plenty of scribble room, The Girlboss Workbook is designed for both dreamers and doers. It invites you (hell, implores you) to get in there and mess it up. Revisit #GIRLBOSS's career wisdom and use it to draft your ideal cover letter, answer practice interview questions and reflect on, or even draw, your mistakes and accomplishments.#GIRLBOSS started as Sophia Amoruso's story, but The Girlboss Workbook is your story. Use this book as a diary, a mood board, a stress ball and a tool for organizing and launching your wildest dreams.

Objev podobné jako The Girlboss Workbook : An Interactive Journal for Winning at Life (Defekt) - Sophia Amoruso

cena 59.0 Kč

The Pancreas: An Integrated Textbook of Basic Science, Medicine, and Surgery (Defekt) - Hans G. Beger

The PANCREASThe newest edition of the essential guide to pancreatic medicine The fourth edition of The Pancreas: An Integrated Textbook of Basic Science, Medicine, and Surgery integrates the cutting-edge research of recent years to update its presentation of this fast-growing subject. It details every known disorder of the pancreas, grounding them in a thorough understanding of pancreatic function, enhanced with high quality illustration and graphs. It also includes step-by-step guidance for relevant endoscopic techniques and surgical procedures.The Pancreas readers will also find: New comprehensive insights into three pancreatic diseases: autoimmune pancreatitis, cystic neoplasms, and neuroendocrine tumorsAn editorial team with decades of clinical and research experience in the US, Europe, and AsiaOver 500 downloadable illustrations for use in scientific presentations The Pancreas is a foundational reference for clinicians and researchers in gastroenterology and gastrointestinal surgery.

Objev podobné jako The Pancreas: An Integrated Textbook of Basic Science, Medicine, and Surgery (Defekt) - Hans G. Beger

cena 3199.0 Kč

The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed out of the Window and Disappeared (Defekt) - Jonas Jonasson

Sitting quietly in his room in an old people's home, Allan Karlsson is waiting for a party he doesn't want to begin. His one-hundredth birthday party to be precise. The Mayor will be there. The press will be there. But, as it turns out, Allan will not . . . Escaping (in his slippers) through his bedroom window, into the flowerbed, Allan makes his getaway. And so begins his picaresque and unlikely journey involving criminals, several murders, a suitcase full of cash, and incompetent police. As his escapades unfold, Allan's earlier life is revealed. A life in which - remarkably - he played a key role behind the scenes in some of the momentous events of the twentieth century.

Objev podobné jako The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed out of the Window and Disappeared (Defekt) - Jonas Jonasson

cena 139.0 Kč

An Eye for an Eye - Jeffrey Archer

In one of the most luxurious cities on earth, a billion-dollar deal is about to go badly wrong. A lavish night out is about to end in murder. And the British government is about to be plunged into crisis.Thousands of miles away, in the leafy Berkshire countryside, Lord Hartley, the latest in a line of peers going back over two hundred years, lies dying. But his will triggers an inheritance with explosive consequences. Two deaths.Continents apart. Completely unrelated. So why are they at the centre of a master criminal's plot for revenge? And can Scotland Yard’s Chief Superintendent William Warwick uncover the truth before an innocent man's life and legacy are destroyed?

Objev podobné jako An Eye for an Eye - Jeffrey Archer

cena 650.0 Kč

Pioneer CA-AN-DAB.001 (CA-AN-DAB.001)

Anténa na rádio nalepovací anténa pro digitální vysílání určená pro autorádia s DAB+ tunerem - DEH-X6500DAB, DEH-X8500DAB, DEH-X6600DAB Získejte pro autorádio Pioneer s DAB+ tunerem ten nejlepší možný signál a vychutnávejte si rádiové vysílání bez rušení. Tato malá anténa vám po připojení a vhodném umístění nabídne kvalitní příjem rádia, které vás může doprovázet na vašich cestách. Dopřejte si poslech hudby a informací, jenž by se vám mohli hodit.Parametry a specifikace:Určeno pro:Pioneer AVH-X3500DAB/ DEH-X8500DAB/ DEH-X6500DAB/ DEH-X3600DAB/ AVH-X6600DAB

Objev podobné jako Pioneer CA-AN-DAB.001 (CA-AN-DAB.001)

cena 719.0 Kč

The Girl Who Takes an Eye for an Eye

THE GIRL WITH THE DRAGON TATTOO LIVES ON.Lisbeth Salander is an unstoppable force:Sentenced to two months in Flodberga women's prison for saving a young boy's life by any means necessary, Salander refuses to say anything in her own defence. She has more important things on her mind.Mikael Blomkvist makes the long trip to visit every week - and receives a lead to follow for his pains. For him, it looks to be an important expose for Millennium. For her, it could unlock the facts of her childhood.Even from a corrupt prison system run largely by the inmates, Salander will stand up for what she believes in, whatever the cost. And she will seek the truth that is somehow connected with her childhood memory, of a woman with a blazing birthmark on her neck - that looked as if it had been burned by a dragon's fire . . . The tension, power and unstoppable force of The Girl Who Takes an Eye for an Eye are inspired by Stieg Larsson's Millennium trilogy, as Salander and Blomkvist continue the fight for justice that has thrilled millions of readers across the world.Translated from the Swedish by George Goulding

Objev podobné jako The Girl Who Takes an Eye for an Eye

cena 199.0 Kč

Sofiin svět

Audiokniha na CD - autor Jostein Gaarder, čte Václav Knop Norský učitel Jostein Gaarder spojil ve své knize Sofiin svět zdánlivě neatraktivní témata: dějiny filosofie a příběh dospívání patnáctileté dívky. Román, který byl publikován v roce 1991, ovšem slaví neuvěřitelný úspěch; vzápětí po svém norském vydání vyšel v desítkách zemí a v roce 1995 se stal nejprodávanější knihou na světě.

Objev podobné jako Sofiin svět

cena 309.0 Kč

Sofiin svět ()

Audiokniha MP3 - Slavný román o dějinách filosofie - autor Jostein Gaarder, čte Václav Knop Slavný román o dějinách filosofieNorský učitel Jostein Gaarder spojil ve své knize Sofiin svět zdánlivě neatraktivní témata: dějiny filosofie a příběh dospívání patnáctileté dívky. Román, který byl publikován v roce 1991, ovšem slaví neuvěřitelný úspěch; vzápětí po svém norském vydání vyšel v desítkách zemí a v roce 1995 se stal nejprodávanější knihou na světě.

Objev podobné jako Sofiin svět ()

cena 299.0 Kč

CONNECT IT CMI-8000-AN YouMic USB, antracitový (CMI-8000-AN)

Mikrofon - stolní, připojení skrze USB, délka kabelu 2,5 m, kondenzátorový, směrové snímání, frekvence od 50 do 16000 Hz, impedance 2200 Ohm, stojánek v balení, vhodný pro mluvené slovo, zpěv Kompaktní bezdrátová sluchátka s nízkou hmotnost slibují nejvyšší stupeň mobility. Žádné zamotané nebo zdržující kabely. Bezdrátové spojení s vaším telefonem nebo tabletem zařídí Bluetooth, takže se klidně můžete pohybovat po místnosti nebo ulicemi bez obtěžování kabelem. Přepínání skladeb a ovládání hlasitosti zvládnete ovladačem na sluchátkách. Stylový a elegantní mikrofon CONNECT IT CMI-8000-AN v antracitovém provedení představuje ideální volbu pro ty, kteří hledají perfektní zařízení pro záznam hlasu, volání nebo hraní her. Díky svým rozměrům a skládacímu stojanu můžete mikrofon použít ručně nebo jako stolní příslušenství k vašemu počítači. Speciální kardioidní směrová charakteristika eliminuje zvuky mim hlavní trajektorii mikrofonu, takže je zaznamenáván čistě...

Objev podobné jako CONNECT IT CMI-8000-AN YouMic USB, antracitový (CMI-8000-AN)

cena 399.0 Kč

An Education

Jenny has just turned sixteen and is determined to escape her stifling suburban homelife by going to Oxford University. When she meets glamorous older man David, she starts to reassess her life and her ambitions…

Objev podobné jako An Education

cena 315.0 Kč

Tajemství karet (978-80-00-05813-9)

Kniha - autor Jostein Gaarder; Renáta Fučíková, 248 stran, česky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá Kultovní román Tajemství karet přichází v novém vydání s ilustracemi oceňované výtvarnice Renáty Fučíkové. Populární norský spisovatel Jostein Gaarder vypráví příběh plný fantazie, dobrodružství a napětí, ale – jak je jeho dobrým zvykem – také poučení a úžasu nad světem. Hlavním hrdinou je dvanáctiletý Hans Thomas, který se se svým otcem vydává na road trip napříč Evropou. Brzy poté, co nastoupí do auta a vydají se na cestu, zkříží chlapci cestu kolibří knížka...

Objev podobné jako Tajemství karet (978-80-00-05813-9)

cena 269.0 Kč

Teď je to na nás (978-80-766-2410-8)

Elektronická kniha - autor Jostein Gaarder, 192 stran, česky Život ve všech svých podobách fascinoval Josteina Gaardera odmala. A protože se na tom ani po několika desetiletích nic nezměnilo, rozhodl se předat svůj údiv dál. Ve sbírce úvah koncipovaných jako dopis vnoučatům přemítá nad životem, smrtí, náboženstvím, časem, láskou, přírodou nebo budoucností. A v záplavě složitých i podnětných otázek hledá odpověď na tu nejdůležitější: Jak můžeme zachovat planetu pro generace, jež přijdou po nás? „Svět je takový, jak ho prožíváme.“ Jostein Gaarder (* 1952) je norský spisovatel. Napsal řadu knížek pro děti a mládež, nejznámější je ale díky románu Sofiin svět, v němž ve formě poutavého příběhu pro děti zpracoval dějiny filozofie. Gaarder pochází z učitelské rodiny, vystudoval skandinávské jazyky a teologii na univerzitě v Oslu a v letech 1981–1991 vyučoval filozofii a literaturu na vysoké škole v Bergenu. Po obrovském úspěchu Sofiina světa z roku 1981 (česky...

Objev podobné jako Teď je to na nás (978-80-766-2410-8)

cena 249.0 Kč

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