For the past ten years, London-based Scala Arts & Heritage Publishers Ltd. has been publishing a series titled Director's Choice presenting the world's major museums and galleries through the eyes of their respective directors. One of the 2019 additions to this edition is a selection by Roman Musil, Director of the Gallery of West Bohemia in Pilsen, which introduces - in Czech and English versions - thirty-seven landmark works from the institution's extensive art collections. The book comprises works of art from the mid-fourteenth century to the end of the twentieth century. The Gallery of West Bohemia has thus joined an exclusive club of world institutions such as the Albertina in Vienna, the National Gallery in London, the Alte and Neue Pinakothek in Munich, the Frick Collection in New York, or the Staatliche Museen in Berlin. In the same year as the publication of the Gallery of West Bohemia in Pilsen, similar books were published for the Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia, and the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Spain. The museums and galleries represented are spread over 22 countries on 3 continents. Until recently, the Gallery of West Bohemia had been one of the only two Czech institution and the first Czech gallery to be included in this prestigious edition, when the first was the Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague (2017). (
Podobné produkty ako Director‘s choice The Gallery of West Bohemia in Pilsen , Reading bohemia. readership in the czech republic at the beginning of the 21th century (978-80-747-0091-0)The collection of the fin de siécle art from the collections of the Gallery of West Bohemia in Pilsen is one of the best in the context of Czech public collections. It includes all the important styles and trends that appeared on the art scene of the time, i.e. naturalism, symbolism, impressionism and art nouveau. Czech art at this time was in the process of integration into international structures and many artists from the Czech lands studied, exhibited or worked in the key cultural capitals of Europe, such as Vienna, Munich and Paris. Two personalities who achieved worldwide fame are represented in the Pilsen collection: one of the most important representatives of art nouveau, Alfons Mucha, and the later co-founder of abstract painting, František Kupka. In addition to these artists, the Pilsen collection also contains works by other important artists who shaped the art scene of the time - among them Antonín Slavíček, Jan Preisler, Jaroslav Špillar, Luděk Marold and Václav Brožík, to name but a few. This book, which is the third outcome of a long-term joint project of the Gallery of West Bohemia in Pilsen and the prestigious London publishing house Scala Arts & Heritage, presents fifty works selected by the Gallery Director Roman Musil with annotations by leading Czech and foreign experts on fine art at the turn of the 20th century. Authors: Aleš Filip, Šárka Leubnerová, Roman Musil, Alena Pomajzlová, Marie Rakušanová, Ivana Skálová, Markéta Theinhardtová (
Podobné produkty ako 50 masterpieces of Czech Fin de Siecle Art from the Collections of the Gallery of West Bohemia in Pilsen , The new choice primary dictionary (9781910965306)Czech Cubism is one of the most important contributions of modern Czech art to world culture. These works, created approximately between 1910 and 1935, embrace painting, drawing, graphic art, collage, sculpture, architecture and applied art, and the movement's leading lights - including painters Emil Filla and Bohumil Kubišta, sculptor Otto Gutfreund and architect Pavel Janák - were among the most exciting practitioners of Cubism anywhere in the world. The Gallery of West Bohemia is home to one of the most important collections of the best Czech Cubist art, painstakingly assembled since the early 1960s. This book, expertly compiled by Gallery Director Roman Musil and his team, introduces some of the finest works of Czech Cubism to an international audience. (
Podobné produkty ako 50 Masterpieces od Czech Cubism from the Collections of The Gallery of West Bohemia in Pilsen - Roman Musil, Marie Rakušanová, Alena Pomajzlová, Ivana , Trivium: in the court of the dragon - cd (7567864122)In this extraordinary novel, Stingo, an inexperienced twenty-two year old Southerner, takes us back to the summer of 1947 and a boarding house in a leafy Brooklyn suburb. There he meets Nathan, a fiery Jewish intellectual; and Sophie, a beautiful and fragile Polish Catholic. Stingo is drawn into the heart of their passionate and destructive relationship as witness, confidant and supplicant. Ultimately, he arrives at the dark core of Sophie's past: her memories of pre-war Poland, the concentration camp and - the essence of her terrible secret - her choice. (
Podobné produkty ako Sophie´s Choice - William Styron , The choice (978-80-907044-4-2)Kniha Galerie aneb Arturovo dobrodružství vychází v koedici s Národní galerií. Vznikla tzv. pop-up technikou – pomocí pohyblivých ilustrací, které posouvají příběh do další roviny, takže ožívá a stane se pro děti hrou a zábavou. (
Podobné produkty ako The Gallery of Arthur´s Adventures - Konárková Marcela , The age of american unreason in a culture of lies (0525436529)In this extraordinary novel, Stingo, an inexperienced twenty-two year old Southerner, takes us back to the summer of 1947 and a boarding house in a leafy Brooklyn suburb. There he meets Nathan, a fiery Jewish intellectual; and Sophie, a beautiful and fragile Polish Catholic. Stingo is drawn into the heart of their passionate and destructive relationship as witness, confidant and supplicant. Ultimately, he arrives at the dark core of Sophie's past: her memories of pre-war Poland, the concentration camp and - the essence of her terrible secret - her choice. (
Podobné produkty ako Sophie´s Choice (Defekt) - William Styron , The stranger in the woods: the extraordinary story of the last true hermit (1524711098)Hlavaananas,bergamot,jablko,černý rybízSrdcejasmín,růžeZákladambra,dubový lišejník,vanilka (
Podobné produkty ako Toaletní voda Milton Lloyd - Perfumer´s Choice 83 ml , Anaal nathrakh: in the constellation of the black widow - lp (0893663)Whiskas Chef's Choice je kompletní a vyvážená kapsička se šťávou pro dospělé kočky od 1 roku věku. balení obsahuje kapsičky: 2 x s hovězím masem, drůbežím masem a zeleninou, 2 x s lososem a mrkví, 3 x s kuřecím a krůtím masem, 3 x s kuřecím masem a treskou vyrobeno z vysoce kvalitních bílkovin a bez umělých barviv a konzervačních látek pro čistou a lahodnou chuť každé jídlo se připravuje vařením, aby se zachovaly lahodné přírodní šťávy, poté se vaří a odpočívá, aby vznikly šťavnaté kousky, které si vaše kočka zamiluje obsahuje všechny živiny, vitamíny a minerály, aby byl váš mazlíček šťastný a zdravý vyvinuto ve spolupráci s odborníky na výživu a veterináři ve WALTHAM Pet Nutrition Center (
Podobné produkty ako WHISKAS kapsa CHEF´S CHOICE ve šťávě 12x85g - 1 balení , Trivium: in the court of the dragon (2x lp) - lp (7567863977)In The War on the West, international bestselling author Douglas Murray asks: if the history of humankind is a history of slavery, conquest, prejudice, genocide and exploitation, why are only Western nations taking the blame for it? It's become, he explains, perfectly acceptable to celebrate the contributions of non-Western cultures, but discussing their flaws and crimes is called hate speech. What's more it has become acceptable to discuss the flaws and crimes of Western culture, but celebrating their contributions is also called hate speech. Some of this is a much-needed reckoning; however, some of it is part of a larger international attack on reason, democracy, science, progress, and the citizens of the West by dishonest scholars, hatemongers, hostile nations and human rights abusers hoping to distract from their ongoing villainy. In The War on the West, Douglas Murray shows how many well-meaning people have been lured into protests and polarisation by such lies and hypocrisy. A blistering and important polemic, Murray's latest book carefully and methodically shows how far political discourse has strayed in Europe and America from its stated goals: justice and equality. Propelled by an incisive deconstruction of inconsistent arguments and activism, towards a clarion call for the defence of enlightenment values, The War on the West is one of the most important books for a generation, cementing Murray as one of the world's foremost political writers. (
Podobné produkty ako The War on the West : How to Prevail in the Age of Unreason - Douglas Murray , Napalm death: throes of joy in the jaws of defeatis - cd (0194397638820)In The War on the West, international bestselling author Douglas Murray asks: if the history of humankind is a history of slavery, conquest, prejudice, genocide and exploitation, why are only Western nations taking the blame for it? It's become, he explains, perfectly acceptable to celebrate the contributions of non-Western cultures, but discussing their flaws and crimes is called hate speech. What's more it has become acceptable to discuss the flaws and crimes of Western culture, but celebrating their contributions is also called hate speech. Some of this is a much-needed reckoning; however, some of it is part of a larger international attack on reason, democracy, science, progress, and the citizens of the West by dishonest scholars, hatemongers, hostile nations and human rights abusers hoping to distract from their ongoing villainy. In The War on the West, Douglas Murray shows how many well-meaning people have been lured into protests and polarisation by such lies and hypocrisy. A blistering and important polemic, Murray's latest book carefully and methodically shows how far political discourse has strayed in Europe and America from its stated goals: justice and equality. Propelled by an incisive deconstruction of inconsistent arguments and activism, towards a clarion call for the defence of enlightenment values, The War on the West is one of the most important books for a generation, cementing Murray as one of the world's foremost political writers. (
Podobné produkty ako The War on the West : How to Prevail in the Age of Unreason (Defekt) - Douglas Murray , Mendes sérgio: in the key of joy - lp (7213502)Milton Lloyd Perfumer´s Choice Victor Toaletní voda pro muže 83 ml (
Podobné produkty ako Milton Lloyd Perfumer´s Choice Victor 83 ml toaletní voda pro muže , Mendes sérgio: in the key of joy - cd (7213500)Milton Lloyd Perfumer´s Choice Victor Parfémovaná voda pro muže 50 ml (
Podobné produkty ako Milton Lloyd Perfumer´s Choice Victor 50 ml parfémovaná voda pro muže , Revel in flesh: hour of the avenger - cd (4046661653328)2. doplněné vydání fotografické publikace Duchové historie. Západní Čechy 1939-1945 s předmluvou George Pattona Waterse a s několika novými fotografiemi. Kniha je věnována veteránům, hrdinům americké armády a dalších jednotek, kteří osvobodili Plzeň a Západní Čechy v květnu 1945. Ve světě velmi oblíbený princip zobrazování historických událostí - prolínání historických snímků se současnou podobou stejných míst. Kniha obsahuje šest desítek montáží s uvedením původní fotografie, mapou, kde byly fotografie pořízeny, a stručným dvoujazyčným popisem události. (
Podobné produkty ako Duchové historie - Západní Čechy 1939 - 1945 / Ghosts of History West Bohemia 1939 - 1945 - Pavel Kolouch , The sense of an ending. film tie-in (1784705632)eBook: During the Roman Period, the region of the basin of the Výrovka Stream, a left-bank tributary of the Elbe River on the border of the districts of Kolín and Nymburk, contains an extraordinary concentration of funerary sites of particular European importance and which belong to the representative part of the National Museum collection (Dobřichov-Pičhora, Dobřichov-Třebická). The determined settlements thus far are an unexploited source of knowledge about the development of these key regions in Bohemia during the Roman Period. In recent years, the assemblage from the Vrbová Lhota site stands out among the other settlement sites from the 3rd century AD. The collection of the finds is characterised by a large number of metal finds, among which Roman imports stand out: parts of bronze vessels, bells, brooches, fittings and a bronze anthropomorphic statue. Also known from the site are numerous indicators of non-ferrous metalworking activities – these are often interpreted as some of the evidence of the presence of elites, who were suppliers of raw materials (often of Roman origin), but also customers of the finale products. Additional evidence of the presence of local elites is a rich collection of bronze, silver and gold coins dated to the 2nd century up to the second half of the 3rd century AD. The aim of this study is to evaluate an unpublished set of finds along with new ones coming from surface surveys (2020–2021 seasons) and based on the results of the archaeometric study of selected metal finds. With the aid of archaeometry, we attempt to analyse the metallurgical activities at the site and their relationship with other sites in the Central European part of the Barbaricum. Oblast povodí říčky Výrovky, levobřežního přítoku Labe na hranici okresů Kolín a Nymburk v době římské představuje mimořádnou koncentraci evropsky významných funerálních lokalit, které patří k reprezentativní součásti sbírky Národního muzea (Dobřichov-Pičhora, Dobřichov-Třebická). Dosud známé sídlištní lokality představují dosud nevyužitý pramen k poznání vývoje tohoto klíčového regionu ve středních Čechách doby římské. Mezi jinými lokalitami ze 3. století n. l. vyniká poslední roky obohacovaný soubor z lokality Vrbová Lhota. Nálezový soubor se vyznačuje množstvím kovových nálezů, mezi nimiž vynikají římské importy: části bronzových nádob, zvonky, spony, kování a bronzová antropomorfní plastika. Z lokality jsou také známy četné doklady zpracování neželezných kovů – ty jsou často interpretovány jako jeden z dokladů přítomnosti elit, které byly dodavateli surovin (často římského původu), ale také odběrateli finálních výrobků. Dalším dokladem přítomnosti místních elit je bohatá sbírka bronzových, stříbrných a zlatých mincí, datovaná do 2. až 2. poloviny 3. století našeho letopočtu. Cílem této studie je zhodnocení dosud nepublikovaného souboru nálezů získaného povrchovou prospekcí za pomoci detektorů kovu a interpretace metalografických analýz, které na něm byly provedeny. Analýza kovoliteckých aktivit na lokalitě pomáhá situovat toto sídliště v kontextu podobných lokalit středoevropského barbarika. Kniha je v angličtině, s českým resumé. (
Podobné produkty ako The Vrbová Lhota Settlement – a Case Study of Germanic Elites in the 3rd Century AD in Central Bohemia - e-kniha , Pecková dagmar, král darek: the magical gallery - cd (su6569-2)eBook:,Kniha vychází ze tří statistických výzkumů čtenářů a čtení, které v letech 2007, 2010 a 2013 zorganizovaly Ústav pro českou literaturu Akademie věd české republiky a Národní knihovna. Nejdříve jsou představeny základní údaje o České republice (demografie, kultura, vzdělání, ekonomika atd.), následují údaje z jednotlivých výzkumů. Ty se týkají čtení, digitálního čtení, toho, jak navštěvujeme veřejné knihovny, kolik knih si v průměru za rok kupujeme a jaký je náš vztah k jednotlivým médiím. Tuto kvantitativní část doplňují údaje části kvalitativní – volné výroky respondentů na téma čtení a knižního trhu. Publikaci uzavírá několik srovnání české čtenářské populace se situací v jiných zemích. – Vychází ve spolupráci s Ústavem pro českou literaturu Akademie věd české republiky. (
Podobné produkty ako Reading Bohemia. Readership in the Czech Republic at the beginning of the 21th century - Jiří Trávníček - e-kniha , Diabaté toumami, toure ali farka: in the heart of the moon - cd (wcd072)Kniha - autor Haruki Murakami, 186 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - autor Haruki Murakami, 186 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná New edition. (
Podobné produkty ako South of the Border, West of the Sun (0099448572) , Rosefield the west village wbug - w70 (8719324227797)Elektronická kniha - autor Prof. PhDr. Jiří Trávníček M. A., 96 stran Kniha vychází ze tří statistických výzkumů čtenářů a čtení, které v letech 2007, 2010 a 2013 zorganizovaly Ústav pro českou literaturu Akademie věd české republiky a Národní knihovna. Nejdříve jsou představeny základní údaje o České republice (demografie, kultura, vzdělání, ekonomika atd.), následují údaje z jednotlivých výzkumů. Ty se týkají čtení, digitálního čtení, toho, jak navštěvujeme veřejné knihovny, kolik knih si v průměru za rok kupujeme a jaký je náš vztah k jednotlivým médiím. Tuto kvantitativní část doplňují údaje části kvalitativní – volné výroky respondentů na téma čtení a knižního trhu. Publikaci uzavírá několik srovnání české čtenářské populace se situací v jiných zemích. – Vychází ve spolupráci s Ústavem pro českou literaturu Akademie věd české republiky. Detaily knihy: Autor: Prof. PhDr. Jiří Trávníček M. A. Rok vydání: 2015 ISBN: 978-80-747-0091-0 Počet stran: 96 (
Podobné produkty ako Reading Bohemia. Readership in the Czech Republic at the beginning of the 21th century (978-80-747-0091-0) , Rosefield the west village wwcg-w86 (8720039335851)Growing up in the suburbs in post-war Japan, Hajime and Shimamoto had been childhood sweethearts. The two eventually lost touch but now, in their thirties, they meet up again. Hajime, now a father and husband, finds himself catapulted into the past, risking all that he has in the present. (
Podobné produkty ako South of the Border, West of the Sun - Haruki Murakami , Iron maiden: nights of the dead, legacy of the beast - live in mexico city (3x lp) - lp (9029520470)'He began to wonder if he himself didn't suffer from the ingrained, morbid apathy he liked to draw in others' Tod Hackett is a brilliant young artist - and a man in danger of losing his heart. Brought to an LA studio as a set-designer, he is soon caught up in a fantasy world where the cult of celebrity rules. But when he becomes besotted by the beautiful Faye, an aspiring actress and occasional call-girl, his dream rapidly becomes a nightmare. (
Podobné produkty ako The Day of the Locust - Nathanael West , Choir of the church of the three saints in kharkov, kurilo s.: liturgy - chorus;russian sacred music (4600383130033)Kniha - autor Frank Herbert, 624 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá "A new edition of the classic sci-fi fantasy novel, which spawned many sequels and won the first Nebula Award and the Hugo Award on its firts publication in 1965. 'I know nothing comparable to it except ""The Lord Of The Rings""' Arthur C. Clarke" (
Podobné produkty ako Dune: Now a major new film from the director of Blade Runner 2049 (0575081503) , Comet is coming: trust in the lifeforce of the deep mystery (2019) - lp (7734537)A native of Pilsen Gottfried Lindauer was an artist with a remarkable life story whose work was left unacknowledged for a long period of time. While in the Czech Republic his work is known by only a small number of specialists, in New Zealand, where he moved from Pilsen in 1874, his paintings of the indigenous Maori people are considered a part of the national cultural heritage and Lindauer is one of the most popular painters of the colonial era there. (
Podobné produkty ako Gottfried Lindauer 1839-1926. Pilsen Painter of the New Zealand Maori - Aleš Filip, Roman Musil , Comet is coming: trust in the lifeforce of the deep mystery (2019) - cd (7737755)A MAN WITH SOMETHING TO CHANGE. Graham Weber, the new director of the CIA, is tasked with revolutionising an agency in crisis. Never intimidated by a challenge, Weber intends to do just that. A HACKER WITH SOMETHING TO EXPOSE. Weber's task greatens when a young computer genius approaches the CIA with proof their systems have been compromised. There is a breach. There is a mole. A WOMAN WITH SOMETHING TO PROVE. The agent who takes this walk-in is K. J. Sandoval - a frustrated yet ambitious base chief desperate to prove her worth to the agency and its new director. Weber must move quickly. And he must choose his allies carefully, if he is to succeed in identifying an enemy that is inside the gates, and out to destroy him. (
Podobné produkty ako The Director - David Ignatius , The hound of the baskervillesKniha - autor Gregory Maguire, 560 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - autor Gregory Maguire, 560 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná This "New York Times" bestseller--the basis of the Tony Award)-winning musical "Wicked"--introduces Elphaba, a smart, prickly, and misunderstood creature who will grow up to become the infamous Wicked Witch of the West in Oz. Now, her side of the story is told. (
Podobné produkty ako Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West (0061350966) , The turn of the screwNakládání s odpady je téma, o kterém lidé příliš nepřemýšlí. Většinou jen hodí odpadky do koše a nezajímá je, co se s nimi děje dál. Jenže moderní společnost by bez efektivního systému nakládání s odpadem nebyla schopna fungovat. Vzpomeňte si na situaci ve městech, když systém svozu odpadu nefunguje, jak by měl. Stávka zaměstnanců nebo jiné narušení systému učiní život ve městech nesnesitelným. Všude je cítit pach odpadu a množí se mouchy, krysy a další škůdci. Právě proto je důležité, aby se sociologové tímto skrytým, avšak velmi důležitým aspektem moderního života zabývali a pomohli nám porozumět ekologickým důsledkům „vyhazovací společnosti“. (
Podobné produkty ako Litter on the Shores of Bohemia: Environmental Justice, European Enlargement, and Illegal Waste Dumping in the Czech Republic - Vail Benjamin , R.e.m.: in time 1988-2003: the best of r.e.m. - cd (7200205)Kniha - autor Barry Schwartz, 284 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná A new, revised paperback edition of the business guide with author interviews, insights, features, suggested readings and a new preface from the author. First published in 2004, it argues that consumers want less choice, not more. (
Podobné produkty ako The Paradox of Choice: Why More Is Less (0062449923) , Griff: one foot in front of the other - mixtape - cd (9029675259)In an age when foods come highly processed, and ever more people suffer from food allergies and intolerances, interest in local and organic foods and healthful eating is skyrocketing. This is where Living off the Land in West Ireland comes in. The Connemara region of Ireland is one of the country s most picturesque areas. Oscar Wilde once called it a savage beauty. With its rugged hills, post-card-pretty heaths and moors, and rocky western coastline, the region boasts a variety of striking vistas. Here it is still possible to live in harmony with nature, tapping the natural resources and native produce that the land offers up. Living off the Land in West Ireland takes you to Screebe House, an historic manor in western Ireland famous for its hospitality, comfort, and exquisite cuisine. The book shows how you can use local products to create outstanding dishes with a modicum of cooking skill, along with classics like a full Irish breakfast and afternoon scones. Recipes and special sections teach you how to prepare and cook fish, shellfish, and lamb chops and introduce you to Irish cheese. Breathtaking landscape photography from the region rounds out the book perfectly and sweeps you away on the trip of a lifetime to the western coast of Ireland. (
Podobné produkty ako Living off the Land - in West Ireland , Griff: one foot in front of the other - mixtape - lp (9029675261)The Ampal Creative Best In West – klasická strapback kšiltovka s plstěnou nášivkou na předním panelu od ryze americké značky. (
Podobné produkty ako The Ampal Creative Best In West Navy , Portugal. the man: in the mountain in the cloud - lp (7567864186)The Return of Agnes Przemyslide was written by Josef Tomáš between 1996 and 1999, in Melbourne, Australia, under the influence of one of his visits to Prague, where-as he himself has implied-the sight of the city evoked in him its still-living historical continuity with all the horrors and beauties of its past. The canonization of Agnes Przemyslide, also called Agnes of Bohemia, which had occurred a few years earlier (on 12 November 1989), may have served as an additional impulse towards the book's creation. The dual storyline of The Return of Agnes Przemyslide-if it is possible, in this poetic allegory, to talk about a storyline-concerns a man, and a woman who has come from abroad at the man‘s invitation. Together they walk through Prague. They are human beings of the present, but it is as if they were at the same time the Czech king Wenceslaus I and his sister Agnes, meeting each other again after many centuries. As is well known, the relationship between Agnes and Wenceslaus was very warm and Agnes was often a mentor to her brother. The man and the woman are visiting, in Prague, those places that are somehow associated with Agnes, and the woman is constantly trying to find any evidence that she, in the distant past, was indeed Agnes. She is also seeking an answer to the question of why she has returned. Was it really because she had to come back to what she loved more than anything else? (
Podobné produkty ako The Return of Agnes of Bohemia - Josef Tomáš, Petr Probst , 13 hours. film tie-in: the inside account of what really happened in benghazi (1455538396)Hudební CD - James Marshall Hendrix, narozen jako Johnny Allen Hendrix, byl americký kytarista, zpěvák a skladatel. James Marshall Hendrix, narozen jako Johnny Allen Hendrix, byl americký kytarista, zpěvák a skladatel. Je považován za jednoho z nejvýznamnějších a nejvlivnějších kytaristů v historii rockové hudby. Obsah: The Queen Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band Little Wing Fire I Don't Live Today Spanish Castle Magic Red House Blue Suede Shoes Voodoo Child (Slight Return) (
Podobné produkty ako Hendrix Jimi: Hendrix In The West - CD (0886979342729) , Rosefield the west village soft pink rosegold (8719324227827)eBook: March Manson spends his days hunting buffalo, travelling, and learning about the wild west. He sets on on a journey with his best friend Bob Bounce to explore the rocky mountains. When he encounters a Native American tribe and the wild man of the west, he soon realises that not everything is as he expected. Ballantyne's humor, plot twists, and lively prose make this adventure novel perfect for fans of Rudyard Kipling's 'The Jungle Book'. (
Podobné produkty ako The Wild Man of the West - R. M. Ballantyne - e-kniha , Various: west side story - the album - cd (4260494433517)A complex and ambitious novel which centres on the life of the Elizabethan magus, John Dee, in England, Poland and Prague, as it intertwines past and present, dreams and visions, myth and reality in a world of the occult, culminating in the transmutation of physical reality into a higher spiritual existence. John Dee, through his 20th century descendant, is led by the Green Angel to the 'Other Side of the Mirror'. From the erotically alluring Assja Shotokalungin (in all her incarnations), the pliant Jane, the mischievous Queen Elizabeth 1 to the earless charlatan Kelley, the truly grotesque Bartlett Greene and the sinister Emperor Rudolph1, John Dee heads a cast which lingers in the mind long after the book has been put down. (
Podobné produkty ako The Angel of the West Window (Dedalus) (Dedalus European Classics) - Gustav MeyrinkKniha - 704 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná (
Podobné produkty ako The Weirdest People in the World: How the West Became Psychologically Peculiar and Particularly Pros (0141976217)Hra na PC - elektronická licence, klíč pro Steam, žánr: akční, Najdete zde čtyři hratelné postavy, kde má každá své silné a slabé stránky. Čeká na vás spousta úkolů, které vás odmění zábavnou hratelností a frenetickým tempem. Spolupráce s ostatními hráči Unikátní synergický systém vybízí ke kooperaci a týmové práci, kterou můžete prohloubit v několika různých módech a úrovních. Střílečka z divokého západuVe hře Lead and Gold se ocitnete na divokém západě, kde budete čelit adrenalinovým přestřelkám.... (
Podobné produkty ako Lead and Gold: Gangs of the Wild West (PC) DIGITAL (407451)An untried acolyte desperate to speak with the orisha she worships accidentally reignites a cosmic war. The fate of her gods - and of her world - now lies in her inexperienced hands. Perfect for fans of N. K. Jemisin, Suyi Davies Okungbowa, Daughters of Nri, and Godkiller. Ashake is an acolyte in the temple of Ifa, yearning for the day she is made a priest and sent out into the world to serve the orisha.But of all the acolytes, she is the only one the orisha refuse to speak to. For years she has watched from the sidelines as peer after peer passes her by and ascends to full priesthood. Desperate, Ashake attempts to summon and trap an orisha-any orisha.Instead, she experiences a vision so terrible it draws the attention of a powerful enemy sect and thrusts Ashake into the center of a centuries-old war that will shatter the very foundations of her world. (
Podobné produkty ako Guardians of the Gods - In the Shadow of the Fall - Ogundrian TobiA radical new account of how the idea of the West has shaped our history, told through the stories of fourteen fascinating lives.We tend to imagine Western Civilisation as a golden thread stretching from classical antiquity to the countries of the modern Western world. But what if this is wrong?Told through the lives of fourteen fascinating historical figures - including a formidable Roman matriarch, an unconventional Islamic scholar, an enslaved African American poetess and a British prime minister with Homeric aspirations – archaeologist and historian Naoíse Mac Sweeney charts how the idea of the West was invented, how it has been used to justify imperialism and racism, and why it is no longer ideologically fit for purpose today. The result is a bold and empowering new story of the people and ideas who made us who we are today. (
Podobné produkty ako The West: A New History of an Old Idea - Naoise Mac SweeneyA brand-new translation of a philosophical classic of the ancient world, The Teaching of Ptahhatp, written in Egypt 4,000 years ago. The Teaching of Ptahhatp, composed two millennia before the birth of Plato, is the oldest surviving statement of philosophy in the ancient world and the earliest witness to the power of the written word. It ought to begin the list of the world's philosophy classics, yet it has been largely forgotten since it was rediscovered in the nineteenth century.Egyptologist Bill Manley's new translation corrects this oversight, rendering into approachable modern English for the first time Ptahhatp's profound yet practical account of 'the meaning of life', written many centuries before the supposed dawn of western philosophy. Manley introduces Ptahhatp, who served as Vizier to the Old Kingdom pharaoh Izezi (c. 2410-2375 BC), and the world of dynamic ideas and new technologies - writing among them - within which he worked, illuminating the nuances of his language and philosophy.In addition, Manley's new translation of Why Things Happen, the oldest surviving account of creation from anywhere in the world, reveals how Ptahhatp's account of the human condition is founded in distinctive ancient Egyptian beliefs about the nature of truth and reality. Taken together, Manley's new translations and expert commentary provide a new perspective on the Pyramid Age and overturn traditional prejudices about the origins of writing and philosophy. The 'oldest book in the world' is a testament to a common thread that connects humanity across time; Ptahhatp grapples with the pitfalls of greed, ambition, celebrity, success, confrontation, friendship, sex and even the office environment, and his teachings remain remarkably relevant in the modern day. (
Podobné produkty ako The Oldest Book in the World: Philosophy in the Age of the Pyramids - Bill ManleyFigurka - soška, postavička, sběratelská, výška 23 cm, materiál plast, nepohyblivá Klíčové přednosti figurky The Crow Movie Gallery - figurka Figurka Diamond Select přinese radost sběratelům Figurka ze série The Crow se bude vyjímat ve sbírce díky svému kvalitnímu zpracování Materiálem je plast The Crow Movie Gallery - figurka představuje dekorativní sošku V balení naleznete jednu figurku Figurka Diamond Select měří 23 cm (
Podobné produkty ako The Crow Movie Gallery - figurka (699788842089)Kniha - autor Gary Larson, 192 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - autor Gary Larson, 192 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The curious cosmology of "The Far Side" has taken the otherwise normal world by storm. Now insatiable fans of "The Far Side" have a new collectible: The Far Side Gallery 3, featuring all the cartoons from the bestselling collections Night of the Crash-Test Dummies, The Far Side Observer, and Hound of The Far Side. (
Podobné produkty ako The Far Side Gallery 3 (0836218310)Kniha - autor Dee Brown, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Subtitled, "An Indian History Of The American West". The heart-breaking and bestselling classic history, first published in 1970. (
Podobné produkty ako Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee: Indian History of the American West (0099526409)This book presents the latest central European research concerning History and its influenceon central Euroean societies in the 20th century. (
Podobné produkty ako The Weight of History in Central European Societies of the 20th CenturyTwenty-five sincere stories written by a young student who encounters a rare Teacher on his life journey. In the shade of the olive tree, which always provides them a pleasant and refreshing shade during the intense heat, the wise Teacher teaches him the demanding but beautiful art of life, the balance of living, harmony, peace, and love of God, but also the uniqueness of every creation and, at the same time, the irreversible vanity. (
Podobné produkty ako In the Shade of the Tree - Aminah DobiasA bestseller that can change your life ‘’I dream of a world in flames: nuclear bombs falling on cities, consuming them like cancer; surviving in underground shelters, where we slowly turn into animals. These dreams are so lifelike. I’m afraid that one day I’m going to want to wake up, only to find it’s too late.’’ Tomáš is a young man in the prime of life. Though he appears to lack nothing, he is becoming increasingly depressed. At work things are going from bad to worse, and he gives up his vain efforts to revive his relationship with Eliška, his wife. As if that weren’t enough he is haunted by post-apocalyptical dreams of despair. His depressive state does not lift until he gets to know the eccentric therapist Kohl, who shows him how to be a better, happier person, but that is just the start of Tomáš’s story, which ends in a thrilling finale. The Choice is the literary debut of young Czech author Jakub Trpiš, bringing together elements from spiritual literature, science fiction, crime stories, psychological thrillers and romances. The plot offers a strong message that can change the lives of individuals and indeed society as a whole. (
Podobné produkty ako The Choice - Trpiš JakubA bestseller that can change your life. ‘'I dream of a world in flames: nuclear bombs falling on cities, consuming them like cancer; surviving in underground shelters, where we slowly turn into animals. These dreams are so lifelike. I'm afraid that one day I'm going to want to wake up, only to find it's too late.'' Tomáš is a young man in the prime of life. Though he appears to lack nothing, he is becoming increasingly depressed. At work things are going from bad to worse, and he gives up his vain efforts to revive his relationship with Eliška, his wife. As if that weren't enough he is haunted by post-apocalyptical dreams of despair. His depressive state does not lift until he gets to know the eccentric therapist Kohl, who shows him how to be a better, happier person, but that is just the start of Tomáš's story, which ends in a thrilling finale. The Choice is the literary debut of young Czech author Jakub Trpiš, bringing together elements from spiritual literature, science fiction, crime stories, psychological thrillers and romances. The plot offers a strong message that can change the lives of individuals and indeed society as a whole. (
Podobné produkty ako The Choice - Jakub TrpišFrom Sunday Times bestselling author, Nora Roberts, the final thrilling instalment in the epic Dragon Heart trilogy.It's time for the final reckoning.... With Odran's defeat at the Battle of the Dark Portal, his quest to rule over Talamh and Breen has stalled - for now. But the terrible battle and heart-breaking losses have taken their toll. It's a time as painful as any Breen has ever known as she helps to treat the wounded, bring the dead home from blood-and ash-soaked battlegrounds and support her friends and family in their grief.With the enemy cast out and the portal sealed it is a time to recover but there is little time to rest. Soon the enemy's witches begin to appear to Breen in her sleep, practicing black magick, sacrificing the innocent, and plotting brutal destruction. It is time for Breen to seek out those in desperate need of rescue and confront the darkness with every weapon she has.An epic battle is coming. A battle Breen cannot afford to lose.... (
Podobné produkty ako The Choice - Nora RobertsováKniha - autor Holly Whitaker, 384 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná New York Times best seller The founder of the first female-focused recovery program offers a groundbreaking look at alcohol and a radical new path to sobriety. "You don’t know how much you need this book, or maybe you do. Either way, it will save your life." (Melissa Hartwig Urban, Whole30 co-founder and CEO) We live in a world obsessed with drinking. We drink at baby showers and work events, brunch and book club, graduations and funerals. Yet no one ever questions alcohol’s ubiquity - in fact, the only thing ever questioned is why someone doesn’t drink. It is a qualifier for belonging and if you don’t imbibe, you are considered an anomaly. As a society, we are obsessed with health and wellness, yet we uphold alcohol as some kind of magic elixir, though it is anything but. When Holly Whitaker decided to seek help after one too many benders, she embarked on a journey that led not... (
Podobné produkty ako Quit Like a Woman: The Radical Choice to Not Drink in a Culture Obsessed with Alcohol (1984825070)For more than a millennium, Polynesians have occupied the remotest islands in the Pacific Ocean, a vast triangle stretching from Hawaii to New Zealand to Easter Island. Until the arrival of European explorers they were the only people to have ever lived there. Both the most closely related and the most widely dispersed people in the world before the era of mass migration, Polynesians can trace their roots to a group of epic voyagers who ventured out into the unknown in one of the greatest adventures in human history.How did the earliest Polynesians find and colonise these far-flung islands? How did a people without writing or metal tools conquer the largest ocean in the world? This conundrum, which came to be known as the Problem of Polynesian Origins, emerged in the eighteenth century as one of the great geographical mysteries of mankind.For Christina Thompson, this mystery is personal: her Maori husband and their sons descend directly from these ancient navigators. In Sea People, Thompson explores the fascinating story of these ancestors, as well as those of the many sailors, linguists, archaeologists, folklorists, biologists and geographers who have puzzled over this history for three hundred years. A masterful mix of history, geography, anthropology, and the science of navigation, Sea People is a vivid tour of one of the most captivating regions in the world. (
Podobné produkty ako Sea People : In Search of the Ancient Navigators of the Pacific - Thompson ChristinaeBook: Tématem publikace je Plzeň - Evropské hlavní město kultury 2015 na pozadí česko-německých (bavorských) vztahů, tímto spisem je navazováno na projekt Katedry cizích jazyků na jaře 2015 (studentská exkurze, její příprava, průběh, evaluace, prezentace výsledků, přednáška na mezinárodní konferenci na podzim 2015), je zde podrobně popsán celý projekt, jeho výstup, přičemž se vychází z odborné literatury i konkrétních akcí. Prostřednictvím této práce se do popředí dostává otázka, do jaké míry je pro českou germanistiku významný pojem "kontaktní zóna." Jsou zde zdůrazněny kontakty s východním Bavorskem, jehož každodennost a kulturní dědictví obsahově reprezentuje česko-německé vztahy. Autoři aktualizovali kategorii prostoru ze sociologických hledisek. Vztahem k evropské integraci, pozadím volby Evropských hlavních měst kultury, historií a právním rámcem se zabývá předmluva Prof. Ingrid Hudabiunigg. V dalších částech jsou představeny: Město Plzeň v minulosti a současnosti včetně reflexí v odborné literatuře a tisku. Německé stopy v Evropském hlavním městě kultury 2015. Dlouhodobá tradice přeshraniční spolupráce Bavorska a Česka resp. Západočeského regionu. Příspěvek Bavorska k programu Evropského hlavního města kultury 2015. Atmosféry ve městě jako zážitek pro návštěvníky. Odborná exkurze studentů Univerzity Pardubice a Ústí nad Labem. Práce je psána čtivým jazykem, je doplněna řadou vhodných citátů. Celkový obraz prezentované problematiky dokresluje řada praktických zkušeností se studenty, institucemi a tiskem. (
Podobné produkty ako Pilsen 2015. Europas Kulturhauptstadt in tschechisch-deutscher Nachbarschaft - Lenka Matušková, Winfried Baumann - e-knihaKniha - 384 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná (
Podobné produkty ako In the Lives of Puppets (1529088038)In a village far away, deep in a valley, all the animals and birds disappeared some years ago. Only the rebellious young teacher and an old man talk about animals to the children, who have never seen such (mythical) creatures. Otherwise there's a strange silence round the whole subject. One wretched, little boy has dreams of animals, begins to whoop like an owl, is regarded as an outcast, and eventually disappears. A stubborn, brave girl called Maya and her friend Matti, are drawn to explore in the woods round the village. They know there are dangers beyond and that at night, Nehi the Mountain Demon comes down to the village. In a far-off cave, they come upon the vanished boy, content and self-sufficient. Eventually they find themselves in a beautiful garden paradise full of every kind of animal, bird and fish - the home of Nehi the Mountain Demon. The Demon is a pied piper figure who stole the animals from the village. He, too, was once a boy there, but he was different, mocked and reviled, treated as an outsider and outcast. This is his terrible revenge, one which has punished him too, by removing him from society and friendship, and every few years he draws another child or two to join him in his fortress Eden, where he has trained the sheep to lie down with the wolves, and where predators are few. He lets the two children return to the village, telling them that one day, when people are less cruel and his desire for vengeance has crumbled, perhaps the animals might come back... (
Podobné produkty ako Suddenly In the Depths of the Forest - Amos OzDiscover the comic that inspired the Netflix Original zombie series Kingdom!Years of war and famine and have plunged Joseon into chaos. The young Prince Yi Moon, having lost all his bodyguards to an assassination attempt, has no choice but to turn to the mountain bandit Jae-ha for help. But as the unlikely pair race to find safety in a world gone mad, it becomes horrifyingly clear that humans aren't the only thing they must fear!In a bonus story, a secluded island becomes a private battlefield as the notorious Japanese criminal Juu and the infamous Korean felon Han face off against each other. But they aren't the only ones on the island... (
Podobné produkty ako The Kingdom of the Gods (Defekt) - In-wan Youn