Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
East West Street - On the Origins of Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity - Philippe Sands
WINNER OF THE BAILLIE GIFFORD PRIZE AND THE JQ-WINGATE LITERARY PRIZE 'A monumental achievement: profoundly personal, told with love, anger and great precision' - John le Carre 'One of the most gripping and powerful books imaginable' - SUNDAY TIMES When he receives an invitation to deliver a lecture in the Ukrainian city of Lviv, international lawyer Philippe Sands begins a journey on the trail of his family's secret history. In doing so, he uncovers an astonishing series of coincidences that lead him halfway across the world, to the origins of international law at the Nuremberg trial. Interweaving the stories of the two Nuremberg prosecutors (Hersch Lauterpacht and Rafael Lemkin) who invented the crimes or genocide and crimes against humanity, the Nazi governor responsible for the murder of thousands in and around Lviv (Hans Frank), and incredible acts of wartime bravery, EAST WEST STREET is an unforgettable blend of memoir and historical detective story, and a powerful meditation on the way memory, crime and guilt leave scars across generations.
Podívejte se také The Kaiser's Holocaust: Germany's Forgotten Genocide and the Colonial Roots of Nazism (057123142X)
Crimes Against Humanity - Geoffrey QC Robertson
In Crimes Against Humanity, Geoffrey Robertson QC explains why we must hold political and military leaders accountable for genocide, torture and mass murder. He shows how human rights standards can be enforced against cruel governments, armies and multi-national corporations. This seminal work contains a critical perspective on events such as the invasion of Iraq, the abuses at Abu Ghraib, the killings in Darfur, the death of Milosevic and the trial of Saddam Hussein. Cautiously optimistic about ending impunity, but unsparingly critical of diplomats, politicians, Bush lawyers and others who evade international rules, this book will provide further guidance to a movement which aims to make justice predominant in world affairs.
Podívejte se také Manic Street Preachers: Gold Against the Soul - LP (0194397336115)
The Big Picture: On the Origins of Life, Meaning, and the Universe Itself (1101984252)
Kniha - autor Sean Carroll, 464 stran, anglicky
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The Big Picture: On the Origins of Life, Meaning, and the Universe Itself (1786071037)
Kniha - autor Sean Carroll, 480 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Breaks down how the universe works at the quantum, cosmic and human levels to reveal how our everyday lives connect to the underlying laws of nature. Now in paperback.
Objev podobné jako The Big Picture: On the Origins of Life, Meaning, and the Universe Itself (1786071037)
The Kaiser's Holocaust: Germany's Forgotten Genocide and the Colonial Roots of Nazism (057123142X)
Kniha - autor Casper Erichsen; David Olusoga, 394 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná On 12 May 1883, the German flag was raised on the coast of South-West Africa, modern Namibia - the beginnings of Germany's African Empire. As colonial forces moved in , their ruthless punitive raids became an open war of extermination. Thousands of the indigenous people were killed or driven out into the desert to die. By 1905, the survivors were interned in concentration camps, and systematically starved and worked to death. Years later, the people and ideas that drove the ethnic cleansing of German South West Africa would influence the formation of the Nazi party. "The Kaiser's Holocaust" uncovers extraordinary links between the two regimes: their ideologies, personnel, even symbols and uniform. The Herero and Nama genocide was deliberately concealed for almost a century. Today, as the graves of the victims are uncovered, its re-emergence challenges the belief that...
Objev podobné jako The Kaiser's Holocaust: Germany's Forgotten Genocide and the Colonial Roots of Nazism (057123142X)
Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity and Poverty (1846684307)
Kniha - autor Daron Acemoglu; James A. Robinson, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The bestselling book which explains why the world is divided into nations with wildly differing levels of prosperity. The authors argue that a nation's failure is not down to climate, geography or culture, but because of institutions, and draw on a range of contemporary and historical examples. Based on 15 years of research, it was shortlisted for the "Financial Times" and Goldman Sachs Business Book of the Year Award 2012.
Objev podobné jako Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity and Poverty (1846684307)
Spies: The epic intelligence war between East and West - Calder Walton
The riveting story of the hundred-year intelligence war between Russia and the West with lessons for our new superpower conflict with China'A masterpiece' CHRISTOPHER ANDREW, author of The Defence of the Realm: The Authorised History of MI5'The book we have all been waiting for' BRENDAN SIMMS, author of Hitler: A Global Biography'Gripping, authoritative... A vivid account of intelligence skulduggery' KirkusEspionage, election meddling, disinformation, assassinations, subversion, and sabotage - all attract headlines today about Putin's dictatorship. But they are far from new.The West has a long-term Russia problem, not a Putin problem. Spies mines hitherto secret archives and exclusive interviews with former agents to tell the history of the war that Russia and the West have been waging for a century. Espionage dark arts were the Kremlin's means to equalise the imbalance of arms between the East and West before, during and after the Cold War.There was nothing 'unprecedented' about Russian meddling in the 2016 US presidential election. It was business as usual, new means for old ends. The Cold War started long before 1945.Western powers gradually fought back after the Second World War, mounting their own shadow war, deploying propaganda, recruiting intelligence networks and pioneering new spy technologies against the Soviet Union. Spies is an inspiring, engrossing story of the best and worst of mankind: bravery and honour, treachery and betrayal. The narrative shifts across continents and decades, from the freezing streets of St.Petersburg in 1917 to the bloody beaches of Normandy; from coups in faraway lands to present-day Moscow, where troll farms weaponise social media against Western democracies. This fresh reading of history makes Spies a unique and essential addition to the story of the unrolling conflict between Russia, China and the West that will dominate the twenty-first century.
Objev podobné jako Spies: The epic intelligence war between East and West - Calder Walton
Krysí stezka - Philippe Sands
Při pátrání po osudech vlastních předků, kteří v ukrajinském Lvově padli za oběť holokaustu, se syn židovských rodičů Philippe Sands seznámil s Horstem Wächterem, synem prominentního nacisty Otta von Wächtera, jenž v letech 1942-1944 zastával ve Lvově funkci okupačního guvernéra. Bylo jisté, že Horstův otec měl podíl na osudu Sandsových příbuzných, kteří za jeho vlády až na jedinou výjimku přišli o život. Avšak v synově srdci stále zaujímá společně s matkou zvláštní místo. Horst je přesvědčen, že otec byl slušný člověk, optimista, který se snažil konat dobro, ale pohltily ho hrůzy způsobené jinými. Ve snaze očistit památku rodičů zpřístupnil Sandsovi rozsáhlý rodinný archiv, jenž spisovateli umožnil do detailů zrekonstruovat všední i dobrodružný život vysokého důstojníka SS, guvernéra okupovaného Krakova a poté Lvova, obžalovaného z masové vraždy více než sta tisíc Židů a Poláků. Společně se Sandsem sledujeme Wächterovo idylické manželství a rodinný život, jeho nacistickou kariéru i útěk před spravedlností přes takzvanou "krysí stezku", kterou se vydali Adolf Eichmann, Josef Mengele a tisíce dalších nacistů do Perónovy Argentiny, aby získali novou identitu. Wächter se tři roky skrýval v rakouských Alpách, než se dostal do Říma, kde mu pomohl vatikánský biskup. Zůstal tam tři měsíce. Jeho únik z Evropy však přeťala záhadná smrt, vyvolávající spekulace o vraždě.
Objev podobné jako Krysí stezka - Philippe Sands
A World Transformed: Slavery in the Americas and the Origins of Global Power - James Walvin
A major study of how slavery and enslaved people shaped the modern worldFor the best part of four centuries, enslaved Africans were the human cogs in a vast machine which transformed the face of the Americas, enhanced the well-being of the Western world, and created cultural habits we are familiar with today. In A World Transformed, celebrated historian James Walvin presents a comprehensive history of slavery and its shaping of the world we know. It is a global story that ranges from the capitalist economy, labour and the environment to social culture and ideas of family, beauty and taste.Arguing that slavery can be fully understood only by stepping back from traditional national histories, A World Transformed collects the most recent scholarship to illustrate just how thoroughly slavery is responsible for the making of the modern world. The enforced transportation and labour of millions of Africans became a massive social and economic force, promoting the rapid development of multiple new and enormous trading systems which had profound global consequences which reverberate down to the present day. The labour and products of enslaved people changed the consumption habits of millions - in India and Asia, Europe and Africa, in colonised and Indigenous American societies. Across time, slavery shaped many of the dominant features of Western taste: items and habits or rare and costly luxuries, some of which might seem, at first glance, utterly removed from the horrific reality of slavery. A World Transformed traces the global impacts of slavery over centuries, far beyond its legal or historical limits, confirming that the world created by slave labour lives on today.
Objev podobné jako A World Transformed: Slavery in the Americas and the Origins of Global Power - James Walvin
Between East and West - Anne Applebaumová
As Europe's borderlands emerged from Soviet rule, the author travelled from the Baltic to the Black Sea, through Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine and the Carpathian mountains. Rich in vivid characters and stories of tragedy and survival, this book illuminates the soul of a place, and the secret history of its people.
Objev podobné jako Between East and West - Anne Applebaumová
Návrat do Lvova - Philippe Sands
Autor bestselleru Krysí stezka, syn židovských rodičů, rekonstruuje osobní a intelektuální genezi dvou mužů, kteří stáli u zrodu myšlenek genocidy a zločinů proti lidskosti, přičemž oba, aniž by o sobě věděli, studovali na téže univerzitě u stejných profesorů ve Lvově, někdejším významném kulturním centru Evropy. Příběh je také vzpomínkou na autorova dědečka Leona Buchholze, který manévroval Evropou tváří v tvář nacistickým zvěrstvům. Kniha byla vyznamenána Cenou Baillieho Gifforda za vynikající dílo literaturu faktu.
Objev podobné jako Návrat do Lvova - Philippe Sands
Návrat do Lvova - Philippe Sands
Autor bestselleru Krysí stezka, syn židovských rodičů, rekonstruuje osobní a intelektuální genezi dvou mužů, kteří stáli u zrodu myšlenek genocidy a zločinů proti lidskosti, přičemž oba, aniž by o sobě věděli, studovali na téže univerzitě u stejných profesorů ve Lvově, někdejším významném kulturním centru Evropy. Příběh je také vzpomínkou na autorova dědečka Leona Buchholze, který manévroval Evropou tváří v tvář nacistickým zvěrstvům. Kniha byla vyznamenána Cenou Baillieho Gifforda za vynikající dílo literaturu faktu.
Objev podobné jako Návrat do Lvova - Philippe Sands
Krysí stezka - Philippe Sands - e-kniha
eBook: Při pátrání po osudech vlastních předků, kteří v ukrajinském Lvově padli za oběť holokaustu, se syn židovských rodičů Philippe Sands seznámil s Horstem Wächterem, synem prominentního nacisty Otta von Wächtera, jenž v letech 1942–1944 zastával ve Lvově funkci okupačního guvernéra. Bylo jisté, že Horstův otec měl podíl na osudu Sandsových příbuzných, kteří za jeho vlády až na jedinou výjimku přišli o život. Avšak v synově srdci stále zaujímá společně s matkou zvláštní místo. Horst je přesvědčen, že otec byl slušný člověk, optimista, který se snažil konat dobro, ale pohltily ho hrůzy způsobené jinými. Ve snaze očistit památku rodičů zpřístupnil Sandsovi rozsáhlý rodinný archiv, jenž spisovateli umožnil do detailů zrekonstruovat všední i dobrodružný život vysokého důstojníka SS, guvernéra okupovaného Krakova a poté Lvova, obžalovaného z masové vraždy více než sta tisíc Židů a Poláků. Společně se Sandsem sledujeme Wächterovo idylické manželství a rodinný život, jeho nacistickou kariéru i útěk před spravedlností přes takzvanou „krysí stezku“, kterou se vydali Adolf Eichmann, Josef Mengele a tisíce dalších nacistů do Perónovy Argentiny, aby získali novou identitu. Wächter se tři roky skrýval v rakouských Alpách, než se dostal do Říma, kde mu pomohl vatikánský biskup. Zůstal tam tři měsíce. Jeho únik z Evropy však přeťala záhadná smrt, vyvolávající spekulace o vraždě.
Objev podobné jako Krysí stezka - Philippe Sands - e-kniha
Wicked : The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West
The stunning novel that casts a spell over every reader and inspired a phenomenally successful musical
Objev podobné jako Wicked : The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West
The Origins of Totalitarianism (0241316758)
Kniha - autor Hannah Arendtová; Hannah Arendt, 650 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá
Objev podobné jako The Origins of Totalitarianism (0241316758)
The Origins of Totalitarianism - Hannah Arendtová
'How could such a book speak so powerfully to our present moment? The short answer is that we, too, live in dark times' Washington PostHannah Arendt's chilling analysis of the conditions that led to the Nazi and Soviet totalitarian regimes is a warning from history about the fragility of freedom, exploring how propaganda, scapegoats, terror and political isolation all aided the slide towards total domination. 'A non-fiction bookend to Nineteen Eighty-Four' The New York Times'The political theorist who wrote about the Nazis and the 'banality of evil' has become a surprise bestseller' Guardian.
Objev podobné jako The Origins of Totalitarianism - Hannah Arendtová
The Origins of You - Vienna Pharaon
From licensed therapist and popular Instagram relationship expert Vienna Pharaon comes a profound guide to understanding and overcoming wounds from your family of origin - the foundation of how we relate to others, ourselves, and the world around us.None of us had a perfect childhood; we are all carrying around behaviors that don''t serve us - and may in fact be hurting us. But it doesn''t have to be that way, says licensed Marriage and Family Therapist Vienna Pharaon. Our past might create our patterns, but we can change those patterns for the better with the right tools.In THE ORIGINS OF YOU, Pharaon has unlocked a healing process to help us understand our family of origin - the family and framework we grew up within - and examine what worked (and didn''t) in that system. Certain dysfunctions (or "wounds") in that family of origin will manifest in our adult life in surprising ways, from work challenges to interpersonal struggles. But when armed with the knowledge about our past, we can rewire our programming to meaningfully improve our relationships and our lives.It doesn''t matter whether you''ve been in therapy for decades, or whether therapy isn''t for you. It doesn''t matter if you have plenty of memories from childhood, or struggle to remember anything at all. All that matters is your willingness to look inside yourself, and your determination to find a new way forward. Complete with guided introspection, personal experiences, client stories, frameworks for having difficult conversations, and worksheets to complement each chapter, THE ORIGINS OF YOU will teach you how your family can both build you up and break you down - and how you can heal yourself for good.
Objev podobné jako The Origins of You - Vienna Pharaon
Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West (0061350966)
Kniha - autor Gregory Maguire, 560 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - autor Gregory Maguire, 560 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná This "New York Times" bestseller--the basis of the Tony Award)-winning musical "Wicked"--introduces Elphaba, a smart, prickly, and misunderstood creature who will grow up to become the infamous Wicked Witch of the West in Oz. Now, her side of the story is told.
Objev podobné jako Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West (0061350966)
Návrat do Lvova - Philippe Sands - e-kniha
eBook: Jakou roli sehráli právníci židovského původu Hersch Lauterpacht a Rafael Lemkin v osudu nacisty Hanse Franka, podílejícího se na vyvraždění milionů Poláků a Židů? Kniha Philippa Sandse rekonstruuje osobní a intelektuální genezi těchto mužů, jejichž odkaz je impozantní: definovali pojem genocidy a pojem zločinů proti lidskosti. To Lauterpacht přišel s myšlenkou začlenit do norimberského statutu „zločiny proti lidskosti“ a označit těmito třemi slovy vraždu čtyř milionů Židů a Poláků na polském území. Aniž by o sobě věděli, Lauterpacht a Lemkin studovali na téže univerzitě u stejných profesorů ve Lvově, někdejším významném kulturním centru Evropy. Autor přibližuje, jak tváří v tvář zvěrstvům hitlerovského Německa vznikal ojedinělý právní koncept, a strhujícím způsobem líčí přípravu a průběh norimberského procesu. Kniha je zároveň poutavou rodinnou kronikou a připomínkou pozoruhodného příběhu Sandsova dědečka Leona Buchholze, který manévroval Evropou ve stínu nacistického vraždění. Autor odhaluje osobní i historická tajemství se zanícením archeologa a nadšením cestovatele, ale především s precizností šokovaného pozorovatele nevyslovitelných a těžko pochopitelných hrůz. Sandsovi se stejně jako v jeho předchozím díle Krysí stezka (PROSTOR 2021) podařilo propojit velké dějiny s konkrétními lidskými osudy a vrátit jména a tváře konkrétním obětem – i jejich katům. Philippe Sands (1960) vyučuje právo na University College London a zároveň je činný jako právní zástupce před mezinárodními soudními dvory. Profesní zájem spojený s osobní historií potomka obětí holokaustu jej přivedly k pátrání, v němž se velká historie proplétá s individuálními osudy. Výsledkem jsou bestsellery Krysí stezka (PROSTOR 2021) a Návrat do Lvova (PROSTOR 2022), jenž byl vyznamenán Cenou Baillieho Gifforda za vynikající dílo literatury faktu. Sands je též spoluautorem dokumentu What Our Fathers Did. A Nazi Legacy (2015), v němž synové nacistických důstojníků odhalují, jak se vyrovnávají s krutými činy svých otců. Pravidelně přispívá do listů The Guardian, Financial Times a The New York Times a působí jako komentátor pro BBC a CNN.
Objev podobné jako Návrat do Lvova - Philippe Sands - e-kniha
Putin's People: How the KGB Took Back Russia and Then Took on the West (0007578814)
Kniha - autor Catherine Belton, 640 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER A Times and Sunday Times Book of the Year 2020 A Daily Telegraph Book of the Year 2020 'The Putin book that we've been waiting for' Oliver Bullough, author of Moneyland 'Books about modern Russia abound ... Belton has surpassed them all. Her much-awaited book is the best and most important on modern Russia' The Times A chilling and revelatory expose of the KGB's renaissance, Putin's rise to power, and how Russian black cash is subverting the world.In Putin's People, former Moscow correspondent and investigative journalist Catherine Belton reveals the untold story of how Vladimir Putin and his entourage of KGB men seized power in Russia and built a new league of oligarchs. Through exclusive interviews with key inside players, Belton tells how Putin's people conducted their relentless seizure of private companies, took over the economy, siphoned billions,...
Objev podobné jako Putin's People: How the KGB Took Back Russia and Then Took on the West (0007578814)
Scattered Minds : The Origins and Healing of Attention Deficit Disorder - Gábor Maté
Scattered Minds explodes the myth of attention deficit disorder as genetically based – and offers real hope and advice for children and adults who live with the condition. Gabor Maté is a revered physician who specializes in neurology, psychiatry and psychology – and himself has ADD. With wisdom gained through years of medical practice and research, Scattered Minds is a must-read for parents – and for anyone interested how experiences in infancy shape the biology and psychology of the human brain.Scattered Minds:- Demonstrates that ADD is not an inherited illness, but a reversible impairment and developmental delay- Explains that in ADD, circuits in the brain whose job is emotional self-regulation and attention control fail to develop in infancy – and why- Shows how ‘distractibility’ is the psychological product of life experience- Allows parents to understand what makes their ADD children tick, and adults with ADD to gain insights into their emotions and behaviours- Expresses optimism about neurological development even in adulthood- Presents a programme of how to promote this development in both children and adults
Objev podobné jako Scattered Minds : The Origins and Healing of Attention Deficit Disorder - Gábor Maté
The Crimes of Grindelwald - Joanne K. Rowlingová
J.K. Rowling's five-film Fantastic Beasts adventure series continues with the original screenplay for Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of GrindelwaldAt the end of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, the powerful Dark wizard Gellert Grindelwald was captured in New York with the help of Newt Scamander. But, making good on his threat, Grindelwald escapes custody and sets about gathering followers, most unsuspecting of his true agenda: to raise pure-blood wizards up to rule over all non-magical beings. In an effort to thwart Grindelwald's plans, Albus Dumbledore enlists Newt, his former Hogwarts student, who agrees to help once again, unaware of the dangers that lie ahead. Lines are drawn as love and loyalty are tested, even among the truest friends and family, in an increasingly divided wizarding world. This second original screenplay from J.K. Rowling, illustrated with stunning line art from MinaLima, expands on earlier events that helped shaped the wizarding world, with some surprising nods to the Harry Potter stories that will delight fans of both the books and films.
Objev podobné jako The Crimes of Grindelwald - Joanne K. Rowlingová
Origins Peace of Mind® On-the-spot Relief relaxační péče proti stresu 15 ml
Origins Peace of Mind® On-the-spot Relief, 15 ml, Pleťové krémy pro ženy, Přípravek Origins Peace of Mind® On-the-spot Relief poskytne vaší pleti tu správnou péči. Vlastnosti: regeneruje a vitalizuje rychle se vstřebává
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Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald - The Original Screenplay (1408711702)
Kniha - 304 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá
Objev podobné jako Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald - The Original Screenplay (1408711702)
The War on the West - Douglas Murray
In The War on the West, international bestselling author Douglas Murray asks: if the history of humankind is one of slavery, conquest, prejudice, genocide and exploitation, why are only Western nations taking the blame for it?It's become perfectly acceptable to celebrate the contributions of non-Western cultures, but discussing their flaws and crimes is called hate speech. What's more it has become acceptable to discuss the flaws and crimes of Western culture, but celebrating their contributions is also called hate speech. Some of this is a much-needed reckoning; however, some is part of a larger international attack on reason, democracy, science, progress and the citizens of the West by dishonest scholars, hatemongers, hostile nations and human-rights abusers hoping to distract from their ongoing villainy.In The War on the West, Douglas Murray shows the ways in which many well-meaning people have been lured into polarisation by lies, and shows how far the world's most crucial political debates have been hijacked across Europe and America. Propelled by an incisive deconstruction of inconsistent arguments and hypocritical activism, The War on the West is an essential and urgent polemic that cements Murray's status as one of the world's foremost political writers.
Objev podobné jako The War on the West - Douglas Murray
A Peace to End All Peace: The Fall of the Ottoman Empire and the Creation of the Modern Middle East (0805088091)
Kniha - autor David Fromkin; Kaya Oakes, 688 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Objev podobné jako A Peace to End All Peace: The Fall of the Ottoman Empire and the Creation of the Modern Middle East (0805088091)
World Order: Reflections on the Character of Nations and the Course of History (0141979003)
Kniha - autor Henry Kissinger, 420 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The summation of Henry Kissinger's thinking about history, strategy and statecraft, WORLD ORDER examines the great tectonic plates of history to explain the attitudes that states and empires - and in particular his four great 'world orders', the European, Islamic, Chinese and American - have taken to the rest of the world from the formation of Europe to our own times. Henry Kissinger draws upon a lifetime's historical study and unmatched experience as a world statesman.
Objev podobné jako World Order: Reflections on the Character of Nations and the Course of History (0141979003)
Manic Street Preachers: Gold Against the Soul - LP (0194397336115)
LP vinyl - Reedice alba Gold Against the Soul od Manic Street Preachers z roku 1993. Reedice alba Gold Against the Soul od Manic Street Preachers z roku 1993. Seznam stop Sleepflower / From Despair To Where / La Tristesse Durera (Scream To A Sigh) / Yourself / Life Becoming A Landslide / Drug Drug Druggy / Roses In The Hospital / Nostalgic Pushead / Symphony Of Tourette / Gold Against The Soul
Objev podobné jako Manic Street Preachers: Gold Against the Soul - LP (0194397336115)
The Book on the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are - Alan Watts
The Book On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are explores an unrecognised but mighty taboo - our tacit conspiracy to ignore who, or what, we really are. Alan Watts, key thinker of Western Zen Buddhism, explains how to reconsider our relationship with the world. We are in urgent need of a sense of our own existence, which is in accord with the physical facts and which overcomes our feeling of alienation from the universe.In The Book On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are, Alan Watts asks what causes the illusion of the self as a separate ego which confronts a universe of physical objects that are alien to it. Rather, a person's identity binds them to the physical universe, creating a relationship with their environment and other people. The separation of the self and the physical world leads to the misuse of technology and the attempt to violently subjugate man's natural environment, leading to its destruction.Watts urges against the idea that we are separate from the world. Nowhere is this idea more apparent than in the concept of cultural taboos. The biggest taboo of all is knowing who we really are behind the mask of our self as presented to the world.Through our focus on ourselves and the world as it affects us, we have developed narrowed perception. Alan Watts tells us how to open our eyes and see ourselves not as coming into the world but from it. In understanding the individual's real place in the universe, Watts presents a critique of Western culture and a healing alternative.
Objev podobné jako The Book on the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are - Alan Watts
Lead and Gold: Gangs of the Wild West (PC) DIGITAL (407451)
Hra na PC - elektronická licence, klíč pro Steam, žánr: akční, Najdete zde čtyři hratelné postavy, kde má každá své silné a slabé stránky. Čeká na vás spousta úkolů, které vás odmění zábavnou hratelností a frenetickým tempem. Spolupráce s ostatními hráči Unikátní synergický systém vybízí ke kooperaci a týmové práci, kterou můžete prohloubit v několika různých módech a úrovních. Střílečka z divokého západuVe hře Lead and Gold se ocitnete na divokém západě, kde budete čelit adrenalinovým přestřelkám....
Objev podobné jako Lead and Gold: Gangs of the Wild West (PC) DIGITAL (407451)
Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald - The Original Screenplay - Joanne K. Rowlingová
The Wizarding World journey continues . . .The powerful Dark wizard Gellert Grindelwald was captured in New York with the help of Newt Scamander. But, making good on his threat, Grindelwald escapes custody and sets about gathering followers, most of whom are unsuspecting of his true agenda: to raise pure-blood wizards up to rule over all non-magical beings.In an effort to thwart Grindelwald's plans, Albus Dumbledore enlists Newt, his former Hogwarts student, who agrees to help once again, unaware of the dangers that lie ahead. Lines are drawn as love and loyalty are tested, even among the truest friends and family, in an increasingly divided wizarding world.Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald is the second screenplay in a five-film series to be written by J.K. Rowling, author of the internationally bestselling Harry Potter books. Set in 1927, a few months after the events of Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them, and moving from New York to London, Paris and even back to Hogwarts, this story of mystery and magic reveals an extraordinary new chapter in the wizarding world. Illustrated with stunning line art from MinaLima with some surprising nods to the Harry Potter stories that will delight fans of both the books and films.
Objev podobné jako Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald - The Original Screenplay - Joanne K. Rowlingová
Butterfield Blues Band: East West - LP (MOVLP2216)
LP vinyl - East-West je druhé album skupiny The Butterfield Blues Band vedené Paulem Butterfieldem vydané v roce 1966. East-West je druhé album skupiny The Butterfield Blues Band vedené Paulem Butterfieldem vydané v roce 1966. Rok vydání : 1966 (2.album) Rok reedice : 2019 Seznam stop LP Walkin' Blues / Get Out Of My Life, Woman / I Got A Mind To Give Up Living / All These Blues / Work Song / Mary, Mary / Two Trains Running / Never Say No / East-West
Objev podobné jako Butterfield Blues Band: East West - LP (MOVLP2216)
Nelson of The East - Kybele (LP)
Dekáda interpreta: 2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019 Balení obsahuje: LP Země interpreta: Itálie Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Složení setu: 1 ks Žánr: Elektronický Typ: Album;LP deska Země původu: Evropská unie Hmotnost: 180 g Varianta: Kybele (Vinyl LP) Barva: Černá Datum vydání: 2020-06-12 Interpret / Téma: Nelson of the East Rok nahrávky: 2020.0 Subžánr: Breakbeat;Leftfield;Downtempo Vydavatelství: Tartelet Records Rok vydání: 2020.0 Barva podle výrobce: Black
Objev podobné jako Nelson of The East - Kybele (LP)
The Riddle of the Sands - Childers Erskine
One of the first great spy novels, The Riddle of the Sands is set during the long, suspicious years leading up to the First World War. In spite of good prospects in the Foreign Office, sardonic civil servant Carruthers is finding it hard to endure the boredom of his life in London. He accepts an invitation from a college friend, Davies, a shyly intrepid yachtsman, and joins him on a sailing holiday in the Baltic, and there, amidst the sunshine and bright blue seas, they discover a German plot to invade England . . . Like much contemporary British spy fiction, The Riddle of the Sands reflects the Anglo-German rivalry of the early twentieth century, and the intricacy of the book's conception and its lucid detail make it a classic of its genre. This Macmillan Collector's Library edition of Erskine Childers' The Riddle of the Sands features maps drawn from Childers' originals and an afterword by writer and journalist Ned Halley. Designed to appeal to the booklover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautiful gift editions of much loved classic titles. Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and treasure.
Objev podobné jako The Riddle of the Sands - Childers Erskine
The Making of the Modern Middle East - Jeremy Bowen
A Sunday Times Paperback of the YearA Spectator and New Statesman Book of the Year‘An illuminating and riveting read.’ - Jonathan DimblebyJeremy Bowen, the International Editor of the BBC, has been covering the Middle East since 1989 and is uniquely placed to explain its complex past and its troubled present. Here, Bowen offers you a gripping and invaluable guide to the modern Middle East, how it came to be and what its future might hold.In The Making of the Modern Middle East – in part based on his acclaimed podcast, ‘Our Man in the Middle East’ – Bowen takes you on a journey across the Middle East and through its history. He meets ordinary men and women on the front line, their leaders, whether brutal or benign. He explores the power games that have so often wreaked devastation on civilian populations as those leaders, whatever their motives, jostle for political, religious and economic control.Clear throughout is Bowen's deep understanding of the political, cultural and religious differences between countries as diverse as Erdogan’s Turkey, Assad’s Syria, Netanyahu’s Israel, and Palestine, whether Hamas-controlled Gaza or the West Bank, and his long experience of covering events in the region.
Objev podobné jako The Making of the Modern Middle East - Jeremy Bowen
The Dawn of Everything : A New History of Humanity - David Graeber, David Wengrow
THE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER AND SUNDAY TIMES, OBSERVER AND BBC HISTORY BOOK OF THE YEARFINALIST FOR THE ORWELL PRIZE FOR POLITICAL WRITING 2022''Pacey and potentially revolutionary'' Sunday Times ''Iconoclastic and irreverent ... an exhilarating read'' The Guardian For generations, our remote ancestors have been cast as primitive and childlike - either free and equal, or thuggish and warlike. Civilization, we are told, could be achieved only by sacrificing those original freedoms or, alternatively, by taming our baser instincts. David Graeber and David Wengrow show how such theories first emerged in the eighteenth century as a reaction to indigenous critiques of European society, and why they are wrong. In doing so, they overturn our view of human history, including the origins of farming, property, cities, democracy, slavery and civilization itself. Drawing on path-breaking research in archaeology and anthropology, the authors show how history becomes a far more interesting place once we begin to see what''s really there. If humans did not spend 95 per cent of their evolutionary past in tiny bands of hunter-gatherers, what were they doing all that time? If agriculture, and cities, did not mean a plunge into hierarchy and domination, then what kinds of social and economic organization did they lead to? The answers are often unexpected, and suggest that the course of history may be less set in stone, and more full of playful possibilities than we tend to assume. The Dawn of Everything fundamentally transforms our understanding of the human past and offers a path toward imagining new forms of freedom, new ways of organizing society. This is a monumental book of formidable intellectual range, animated by curiosity, moral vision and faith in the power of direct action.''This is not a book. This is an intellectual feast'' Nassim Nicholas Taleb''The most profound and exciting book I''ve read in thirty years'' Robin D. G. Kelley
Objev podobné jako The Dawn of Everything : A New History of Humanity - David Graeber, David Wengrow
South of the Border, West of the Sun (0099448572)
Kniha - autor Haruki Murakami, 186 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - autor Haruki Murakami, 186 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná New edition.
Objev podobné jako South of the Border, West of the Sun (0099448572)
The Riddle of the Sands - Childers Erskine - e-kniha
eBook: Do you like Stieg Larsson\'s \'Millennium\', James Bond and dystopian dramas like \'The Man in the High Castle\'? The 1903 spy thriller \'The Riddle of the Sands\' has elements of all three - and then some. Ken Follett, author of \'The Pillars of the Earth\', called \'The Riddle of the Sands\' the \"first modern thriller\". It centres on a suspected plot by the German Empire to invade Britain. The plot proved to be almost prophetic, bearing in mind what was to follow in the First World War and the Second World War in the coming decades. Minor civil servant Carruthers and his friend, Davies are the men investigating the plot while on a yachting holiday in the Baltic Sea. They are drawn into an intricate story that includes secret treasure, a British traitor and a race against time to save Britain from the grip of the Kaiser. In 1979 \'The Riddle of the Sands\' was made into a spy thriller movie, starring Michael York, Jenny Agutter and Simon MacCorkindale. Childers\' technique of including a great deal of detail that could be verified was later used by authors including: John Buchan, who wrote \'The Thirty-Nine Steps\'; \'James Bond\' author Ian Fleming and John Le Carré. Erskine Childers (1870-1922) was an Anglo-Irish writer whose only true literary success came with \'The Riddle of the Sands\'. Instead, he found infamy through his political activism. Having been a prospective Liberal parliamentary candidate, he left the party and took up the cause of Irish Republicanism. He smuggled guns into Ireland on his yacht, but was executed during the Irish Civil War. His son, Erskine Hamilton Childers, became the 4th president of Ireland.
Objev podobné jako The Riddle of the Sands - Childers Erskine - e-kniha
The Sands of Mars - Arthur Charles Clarke
It is the twenty-first century. On Mars a dedicated group of pioneers - among them some of Earth's finest brains - struggle to change the face of the planet . . .Science fiction writer Martin Gibson finally gets a chance to visit the research colony on the Red Planet. It's a dream come true - until he discovers the difficulties and perils of survival on another world . . . and the very real terror it holds.
Objev podobné jako The Sands of Mars - Arthur Charles Clarke
The Conspiracy against the Human Race: A Contrivance of Horror (0143133144)
Kniha - autor Thomas Ligotti, 272 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Objev podobné jako The Conspiracy against the Human Race: A Contrivance of Horror (0143133144)
The Anarchy : The Relentless Rise of the East India Company - William Dalrymple
In August 1765 the East India Company defeated the young Mughal emperor and forced him to establish a new administration in his richest provinces. Run by English merchants who collected taxes using a ruthless private army, this new regime saw the East India Company transform itself from an international trading corporation into something much more unusual: an aggressive colonial power in the guise of a multinational business.William Dalrymple tells the remarkable story of the East India Company as it has never been told before, unfolding a timely cautionary tale of the first global corporate power.
Objev podobné jako The Anarchy : The Relentless Rise of the East India Company - William Dalrymple
Judgement at Tokyo - Gary J. Bass
LONGLISTED FOR THE 2024 CUNDILL HISTORY PRIZE'Magisterial' – Max Hastings, The Sunday Times'Monumental'– Rana Mitter, Times Literary Supplement'Every so often, a new work emerges of such immense scholarship and weight that it really does add a significant difference to our understanding of the Second World War and its consequences. Judgement in Tokyo is one such, a monumental work in both scale and detail, beautifully constructed and written, leaving the reader not only moved but disturbed as well.' – James Holland, The Sunday Telegraph'A work of singular importance . . . balanced, original, human, accessible, and riveting' – Philippe Sands, author of East-West Street'Breathtakingly ambitious and unlikely to be bettered as a portrait of the trials and their place in postwar global history' – History TodayA landmark history of the postwar trials of Japan’s leaders as war criminals, and their impact on the modern history of Asia and the world.In the weeks after Japan finally surrendered to the Allies to end World War II, the victorious powers turned to the question of how to move on from years of carnage and destruction. For the Allied powers, the trials were an opportunity both to render judgment on their vanquished foes and to create a legal framework to prosecute war crimes and prohibit the use of aggressive war. For the Japanese leaders on trial, it was their chance to argue that their war had been waged to liberate Asia from Western imperialism and that the court was no more than victors’ justice.Gary J. Bass' Judgement at Tokyo is a magnificent, riveting story of wartime action, dramatic courtroom battles, and the epic formative years that set the stage for the postwar era in the Asia–Pacific.'A comprehensive, landmark and riveting book' – The Washington Post, 'The 10 Best Books of 2023'
Objev podobné jako Judgement at Tokyo - Gary J. Bass
South of the Border, West of the Sun - Haruki Murakami
Growing up in the suburbs in post-war Japan, Hajime and Shimamoto had been childhood sweethearts. The two eventually lost touch but now, in their thirties, they meet up again. Hajime, now a father and husband, finds himself catapulted into the past, risking all that he has in the present.
Objev podobné jako South of the Border, West of the Sun - Haruki Murakami
Tracks on the Ocean: A History of Trailblazing, Maps and Maritime Travel - Caputo Sara
From their first appearance on Renaissance maps, linear tracks representing maritime voyages have shaped the way we see the world. But why do we depict journeys as lines, and what is their deeper meaning? Ferdinand Magellan's route to the Pacific embodied the promise of adventure and colonisation, while the scientific charts of the Royal Navy inspired others to plan conquests, navigate treacherous waters and establish settlements across the oceans.In Tracks on the Ocean, prize-winning historian Sara Caputo charts a hidden history of the modern world through the tracks left on maps and the sea. Taking us from ancient Greek itineraries to twenty-first-century digital mapping, via the voyages of Drake and Cook, the decks of Napoleonic warships and the boiler rooms of ocean liners, Caputo reveals how marks on maps have changed the course of modernity.
Objev podobné jako Tracks on the Ocean: A History of Trailblazing, Maps and Maritime Travel - Caputo Sara
Rise Against - Siren Song Of The Counter-Culture (LP)
Balení obsahuje: LP;LP Typ: Album;Album;LP deska;LP deska Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM;33 1/3 RPM Složení setu: 1 ks;1 ks Žánr: Punk Rock;Hardcore;Hardcore;Punk Rock Subžánr: Hardcore;Punk Rock;Punk Rock;Hardcore Varianta: Siren Song Of The Counter-Culture (LP);Siren Song Of The Counter-Culture (LP) Interpret / Téma: Rise Against;Rise Against Rok vydání: 2004.0;2004.0 Vydavatelství: Geffen Records;Geffen Records Datum vydání: 2004-09-14;2004-09-14 Barva podle výrobce: Black;Black Barva: Černá;Černá
Objev podobné jako Rise Against - Siren Song Of The Counter-Culture (LP)
Podložka na jógu JOYINME Flow Coated East West černá barva, FLOW Coated
Podložka na jógu z kolekce JOYINME. Model vyroben z protiskluzového materiálu.
Objev podobné jako Podložka na jógu JOYINME Flow Coated East West černá barva, FLOW Coated
Hero at the Fall: Rebel of the Sands 3 (0571325432)
Kniha - 506 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - 506 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Objev podobné jako Hero at the Fall: Rebel of the Sands 3 (0571325432)
Very Bad People: The Inside Story of the Fight Against the World´s Network of Corruption - Patrick Alley
Arms trafficking, offshore accounts and luxury property deals. Super-yachts, private jets and super-car collections. Blood diamonds, suspect oil deals, deforestation and murder. This is the world of Global Witness, the award-winning organisation dedicated to rooting out worldwide corruption. And this is co-founder Patrick Alley's revealing inside track on a breath-taking catalogue of modern super-crimes - and the 'shadow network' that enables them.VERY BAD PEOPLE is about following the money, going undercover in the world's most dangerous places, and bringing down the people behind the crimes. Case by case we see maverick investigators pitched against warlords, grifters and super-villains who bear every resemblance to The Night Manager's Richard Roper. One dictator's son spent $700 million in just four years on his luxury lifestyle.As they unravel crooked deals of labyrinthine complexity, the team encounter well-known corporations whose operations are no less criminal than the Mafia. This network of lawyers, bankers and real estate agents help park dirty money in London, New York, or in offshore accounts, safe from prying eyes.Patrick Alley's book is a brilliant, authoritative and fearless investigation into the darkest workings of our world - and an inspiration to all of us who want to fight back.
Objev podobné jako Very Bad People: The Inside Story of the Fight Against the World´s Network of Corruption - Patrick Alley
Civilization : The West and the Rest - Niall Ferguson
Winner of the Estoril Global Issues Distinguished Book Prize 2013 In 1412, Europe was a miserable backwater ravaged by plague, bad sanitation and incessant war, while the Orient was home to dazzling civilizations. Yet, somehow, the West came to dominate the Rest for most of the next half millennium. In this vital, brilliant book, Niall Ferguson reveals the six 'killer applications' that the Rest lacked: competition, science, property rights, medicine, consumerism and the work ethic. And he asks: do we still have these winning tools? Or is this the end of Western ascendancy? 'Brilliantly written, full of wit and virtuosity, stuffed with memorable lines and gorgeous bits of information. A great read' The Times
Objev podobné jako Civilization : The West and the Rest - Niall Ferguson
River East, River West - Aube Rey Lescure
Shortlisted for the Women's Prize for Fiction 2024 – a dark and glittering literary debut that traces a mixed family’s troubled trajectory through developing China.
Objev podobné jako River East, River West - Aube Rey Lescure
On the Origin of Species
When Darwin set sail at the end of 1831, it was only with a vague notion that all life forms, both present and extinct, were more strongly related than the Christian version of the world's creation purported them to be. During his five-year voyage of research and discovery on board HMS Beagle, and later from his home in Kent, he painstakingly collected a mass of evidence from across the planet - from Paraguay and the Galapagos Islands to Staffordshire and Scotland - building a compelling case for a theory that would change the world we live in - and the way we look at it - for ever.The foundation of evolutionary biology and natural selection - which prompted as huge a revolution in the fields of science and religion as Copernicus's heliocentric model of the universe and Newton's law of gravity, Darwin's On the Origin of Species is perhaps the most important book of scientific observation ever written.
Objev podobné jako On the Origin of Species
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