Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
Click On 2 - Student´s Book without CD - Neil O' Sullivan, Virginia Evans
Určeno pro úplné začátečníky až středně pokročilé. Rozvoj všech 4 jazykových dovedností. Každá lekce je zaměřená na 1 téma a obsahuje dialogy z každodenního života, slovní zásobu, gramatické úlohy, procvičování poslechu, hry, písničky, množství zajímavých textů atd. Na každý díl se doporučuje 65 až 70 vyučovacích hodin. Doplňkem učebnice je elektronický anglickočeský slovník, který Vám bude zaslán emailem.
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Prime Time 1 - student´s book - Jenny Dooley, Virginia Evans
Prime Time is a series of five courses for young adult or adult learners of English at Elementary to UpperIntermediate level. The series combines active English learning with a variety of lively topics presented in themed modules. Key Features an integrated approach to the development of all four language skills stimulating, realistic dialogues featuring people in everyday situations vocabulary presentation and practice variety of reading and listening tasks clear presentation and practice of grammar structures activities encouraging critical thinking and response as well as web research Writing sections containing models and development of writing skills realistic pairwork and groupwork activities Pronunciation and Intonation sections Study tips to help students become autonomous learners Culture Corner Crosscurricular Sections Language Review Revision Sections at the end of each module Grammar Reference Section Interactive Whiteboard Software (IWB)
Podívejte se také FOSSIL VIRGINIA ES3284 (4051432944406)
International Express Interactive Ed Intermediate Workbook + Student´s Workbook CD Pack - Mike Macfarlane
International Express combines general English with business situations, giving students the social and functional English they need to work, travel, and socialize.
Podívejte se také Insight Pre-intermediate Student´s Book (9780194011075)
Podívejte se také
- Business Basic New Edition Workbook (978-0-945734-1-2)
- Business objectives international edition workbook (978-0-945782-7-1)
- Horizons 4 Workbook Czech Edition (978-0-943889-1-7)
- Project 2 Student´s Book: Fourth Edition (9780194764568)
- New Horizons 1 Workbook: International Edition (978-0-941342-8-6)
- Virginia Woolfová (978-80-257-1010-4)
- Fun for Movers Student´s Book: Fourth edition (9781316631959)
- Project 2: Student´s book (01-943652-3-9)
- Project 3: Student´s book (01-943653-2-8)
- Young Neil: Neil Young Archives Vol. II (10x CD) - CD (9362492621)
- Evans Bill: You Must Believe In Spring - CD (7243691)
- BLACKBURN Click Front + Click Rear Black (Set) (768686055119)
- Speak English 1: About student life (978-80-7346-278-9)
- Comandante - C40 MK4 Nitro Blade - Virginia Walnut (4260113437490)
- To je on! O té, co si říkala Toyen ()
- smashbox on cream s goji
- Oxford English for Careers: Technology 2 Student´s Book (9780194569538)
- bubble babe gumova kachnicka student
- Prodipe Guitars STUDENT + EQ (27483)
- High Season Student´s Book: English for the HOtel and Tourist Industry (978-0-945130-8-1)
Prime Time 2 - student´s book - Jenny Dooley, Virginia Evans
Prime Time is a series of five courses for young adult or adult learners of English at Elementary to UpperIntermediate level. The series combines active English learning with a variety of lively topics presented in themed modules. Key Features an integrated approach to the development of all four language skills stimulating, realistic dialogues featuring people in everyday situations vocabulary presentation and practice variety of reading and listening tasks clear presentation and practice of grammar structures activities encouraging critical thinking and response as well as web research Writing sections containing models and development of writing skills realistic pairwork and groupwork activities Pronunciation and Intonation sections Study tips to help students become autonomous learners Culture Corner Crosscurricular Sections Language Review Revision Sections at the end of each module Grammar Reference Section Interactive Whiteboard Software (IWB)
Objev podobné jako Prime Time 2 - student´s book - Jenny Dooley, Virginia Evans
Prime Time 3 - student´s book - Jenny Dooley, Virginia Evans
Prime Time is a series of five courses for young adult or adult learners of English at Elementary to UpperIntermediate level. The series combines active English learning with a variety of lively topics presented in themed modules. Key Features an integrated approach to the development of all four language skills stimulating, realistic dialogues featuring people in everyday situations vocabulary presentation and practice variety of reading and listening tasks clear presentation and practice of grammar structures activities encouraging critical thinking and response as well as web research Writing sections containing models and development of writing skills realistic pairwork and groupwork activities Pronunciation and Intonation sections Study tips to help students become autonomous learners Culture Corner Crosscurricular Sections Language Review Revision Sections at the end of each module Grammar Reference Section Interactive Whiteboard Software (IWB)
Objev podobné jako Prime Time 3 - student´s book - Jenny Dooley, Virginia Evans
Enterprise 4 Intermediate - Grammar Student´s Book - Jenny Dooley, Virginia Evans
Grammar Students Book obsahuje jednoduše prezentovanou teorii, umožňuje studentům si procvičovat gramatiku z učebnice.
Objev podobné jako Enterprise 4 Intermediate - Grammar Student´s Book - Jenny Dooley, Virginia Evans
Listening&Speaking Skills For Revised CPE 2 - Student´s Book - S. Scott, Virginia Evans
Každá učebnice obsahuje 5 poslechových a 5 konverzačních testů ke zkoušce revised CPE.
Objev podobné jako Listening&Speaking Skills For Revised CPE 2 - Student´s Book - S. Scott, Virginia Evans
Příručka whisky - Základní průvodce po světě whisky - Daniel O´Sullivan
Vášeň je emoce, kterou nejčastěji projevují pijáci whisky, když mluví o svém oblíbeném alkoholu. Ať už jde o míchanou skotskou whisky, kentucký bourbon, irskou single pot still whiskey nebo tennessee sipping whiskey. V knize najdete historický přehled a nejrůznější pověsti vážící se k nápoji. Získáte představu o správných způsobech servírování – jak whisky dekantovat, jaké sklenice zvolit a jak ji vlastně vůbec pít. V závěru jsou recepty na lahodné koktejly, které zpestří každý večírek, piknik nebo oslavu. Pokud chcete ocenit a pochopit whisky a jedinečnou kulturu, která se kolem ní vytvořila, tato kniha bude vaším oblíbeným průvodcem.
Objev podobné jako Příručka whisky - Základní průvodce po světě whisky - Daniel O´Sullivan
Příručka whisky - Základní průvodce po světě whisky (Defekt) - Daniel O´Sullivan
Vášeň je emoce, kterou nejčastěji projevují pijáci whisky, když mluví o svém oblíbeném alkoholu. Ať už jde o míchanou skotskou whisky, kentucký bourbon, irskou single pot still whiskey nebo tennessee sipping whiskey. V knize najdete historický přehled a nejrůznější pověsti vážící se k nápoji. Získáte představu o správných způsobech servírování – jak whisky dekantovat, jaké sklenice zvolit a jak ji vlastně vůbec pít. V závěru jsou recepty na lahodné koktejly, které zpestří každý večírek, piknik nebo oslavu. Pokud chcete ocenit a pochopit whisky a jedinečnou kulturu, která se kolem ní vytvořila, tato kniha bude vaším oblíbeným průvodcem.
Objev podobné jako Příručka whisky - Základní průvodce po světě whisky (Defekt) - Daniel O´Sullivan
Set Sail 1 - The Ugly Duckling - Elizabeth Gray, Virginia Evans
Set Sail je dvoudílný kurz pro děti, které ještě neumí číst a psát. Set Sail 1 vede děti k prvním prereading a prelistening cvičením.
Objev podobné jako Set Sail 1 - The Ugly Duckling - Elizabeth Gray, Virginia Evans
Edexcel International GCSE (9-1) Chemistry Student Lab Book: Exam practice and further application - David Johnston, Neil Dixon
Provide full coverage of the required practicals and build students'' working scientifically skills with questions that enable them to apply their knowledge to new contexts. - Extend knowledge and build working scientifically skills with ''Further Application'' sections that provide additional questions to allow students to practice applying their knowledge. - Help guide students through the practical, the analysis of results, and generating a reasoned conclusion with scaffolded questions. - Get exam ready with exam-style questions, guidance on how practicals are assessed, a list of useful equations, and a checklist to monitor progress. - Cover all the required practicals with methods provided, complete with safety notes and guidance on equipment.
Objev podobné jako Edexcel International GCSE (9-1) Chemistry Student Lab Book: Exam practice and further application - David Johnston, Neil Dixon
Life Vision Intermediate Workbook CZ with Online Practice - Lynne White, Neil Wood
Nový materiál s podporou pro české studenty připravující se k maturitní zkoušce. Úrovně Elementary až Advanced nabízíme pro český trh v "maturitní" úpravě, tzn. včetně slovníčku, zkouškových aktivit a spousty další podpory v češtině.Life Vision má doložku MŠMT (MSMT-28673/2021-8). Doložka je platná do roku 2028. Your Life: Umožňuje studentům stát se zodpovědnými a úspěšnými občany současného globálního světa. Your Motivation: Rozšiřuje obzory a motivuje skrze reálná témata zajímavá pro teenagery. Your Success: Připravuje studenty na celoživotní úspěch a plnění cílů dnešního dynamického, rychle se vyvíjejícího světa. Global Skills – samostatné sekce a navíc i aktivity napříč celým obsahem vybavují studenty vitálními dovednostmi moderní doby (úspěšná týmová práce, řešení problémů, kulturní povědomí, kreativní myšlení, zachování zdraví, online bezpečnost aj.) Mediation aktivity – poskytují studentům výbavu pro úspěšné sdílení a komunikování informací v angličtině (např. dovednosti interpretace, shrnutí a zaznamenávání) Think and Share aktivity – povzbuzují studenty k analytickému myšlení, zdůvodňování svých odpovědí a zpochybňování jiných názorů zajímavé fotografie a YouTube style vlogy na počátku každé lekce uvádí studenty zábavnou formou blízkou jejich věku do tématu a představují slovní zásobu a gramatiku dané lekce 360° interaktivní obrázky – přenáší studenty do reálného prostředí, ve kterém si mohou rozvinout digitální gramotnost a aplikovat naučený jazyk při skupinové práci na projektech gramatické animace – atraktivní a jasné představení gramatických jevů, ke kterým se může student vracet dokumentární videa – přináší do hodin angličtiny reálný svět Maturita Skills Trainer – důkladná systematická příprava na maturitu Maturita Skills Test – jeden kompletní maturitní test se zadáním v českém jazyce Functions Bank, Writing Bank, Wordlist s českou podporou Culture sekce v pracovním sešitě prezentují českou kulturu v anglickém jazyce Pracovní sešit, přístup k Online Practice.
Objev podobné jako Life Vision Intermediate Workbook CZ with Online Practice - Lynne White, Neil Wood
Project 1 Student´s Book - Tom Hutchinson
An innovative, five-level beginner's course for young learners from the age of 10. Key features Project brings English to life through motivating topics within a structured learning environment. It provides a clearly-structured, supportive framework of grammar with the flexibility to allow students to make their own discoveries. Language is presented in stimulating, realistic contexts. A high profile is given to skills development from the start of the course. Cross-curricular project work encourages students to communicate in English about their own lives and experiences. The strong cultural element helps students to establish a connection between language and life. Students are encouraged to learn about life in Britain and other English-speaking countries, as well as to explore differences and draw comparisons with their own cultures.
Objev podobné jako Project 1 Student´s Book - Tom Hutchinson
English Plus 1 Student´s Book (2nd) - Ben Wetz
The Student's Book contains a Starter unit to revise basic vocabulary and grammar. Eight teaching units; each unit has two vocabulary sections, two or more grammar presentations, and two listening and reading sections. There is practice of the four skills throughout. Each unit has a whole page devoted to speaking skills and a whole page devoted to writing skills. Eight Review and eight Puzzles and Gamessections which provide revision of all the language studied up to that point in the book. Twenty-eight pages of English Plus Options which include: Eight Extra listening and speaking pages to give further practice in these skills. Six Curriculum extra pages which are linked to topics taught in other subject areas in secondary school. Six Culture pages with topics that invite cultural comparisons. Four Projectand four Song pages which provide a further opportunity for consolidation
Objev podobné jako English Plus 1 Student´s Book (2nd) - Ben Wetz
Eyes Open Level 1 Student´s Book - Ben Goldstein
Captivating Discovery Education(TM) video and stimulating global topics spark curiosity and engage teenage learners. Developed in partnership with Discovery Education(TM), Eyes Open features captivating Discovery Education(TM) video and stimulating global topics to motivate students and spark their curiosity. Four videos in every unit make learning relevant and create opportunities for deeper understanding. Guided, step-by-step activities and personalised learning tasks lead to greater speaking and writing fluency. Progress monitoring tools and flexible teaching support, including graded tests and extra practice activities, ensure that every learner can achieve success. Student's eBooks and a version of the Student's Book with access to the online learning management platform and online Workbook are also available.
Objev podobné jako Eyes Open Level 1 Student´s Book - Ben Goldstein
English Plus 1 Student´s Book - Ben Wetz, Diana Pye
A supportive course that helps students of all abilities build confidence through graded practice. The flexible package makes it ideal for mixed-ability classes, and varying teaching loads. English Plus develops students’ communication skills through a structured and methodical approach, helping students to achieve their individual learning outcomes in every lesson. One lesson-per-page structure means teachers can pick up and teach the course ‘I can’ statements, learning objectives, and presentation-practice-production methodology ensures all students achieve a productive outcome, regardless of their ability Step-by-step writing lessons and step-by-step speaking practice to build students’ confidence Options provides four optional extra lessons of CLIL, Culture, Vocabulary, or listening and speaking practice for each unit, linked to topics and language in the main units Graded grammar and vocabulary photocopiables in the Teacher’s Book offer the opportunity to supplement or extend lessons Finished? Activities ensure fast finishers are kept busy throughout the lesson.
Objev podobné jako English Plus 1 Student´s Book - Ben Wetz, Diana Pye
Inside Reading 1 Student´s Book (2nd) - Cheryl Boyd Zimmerman
Inside Reading Second Edition is a five-level academic reading series that develops students' reading skills and teaches key academic vocabulary from the Academic Word List. With a new Introductory level, Inside Reading Second Edition prepares students to understand academic texts, while acquiring key academic vocabulary from the Academic Word List. Each unit in Inside Reading features two high-interest reading texts from an academic content area, reading skills relevant to the academic lesson, and targeted words from the Academic Word List. Key features:Explicit reading skills, such as inference, working with graphs and tables, annotating and highlighting, and recognizing context clues, provide the foundation for effective, critical readingHigh-interest texts from academic content areas, such as psychology, engineering, the arts, technology, and business, motivate studentsSystematic acquisition of the entire Academic Word List through targeted receptive and productive activities creates independent word learnersExamples from the Oxford English Corpus teach real-life EnglishNEW! Introductory levelNEW! Digital Resources for Teachers? iTools digital resources build language proficiency through authentic videos, audio, and whole-class vocabulary activities
Objev podobné jako Inside Reading 1 Student´s Book (2nd) - Cheryl Boyd Zimmerman
Motivate! 1 Student´s Book Pack - Emma Heyderman, Fiona Mauchline
Čtyřdílná učebnice angličtiny Motivate! je zpracována tak, aby svým obsahem zaujala studenty angličtiny ve věku od 11 do 16 let. Velmi důležitým aspektem učebnice Motivate! je skutečnost, že bere v potaz různé úrovně znalostí studentů, kteří vstupují na 2. stupeň základních škol nebo na osmiletá gymnázia. Proto je učebnice metodicky zpracována tak, aby vyhovovala výuce ve třídách s různě nadanými studenty (mixed ability classes). Z toho důvodu také učebnice na začátku nabízí rozřazovací test. Jednotlivé lekce mají jasnou a přehlednou strukturu. Nová gramatika a slovní zásoba jsou jasně vysvětleny a důkladně procvičeny. Na konci každé lekce je Progress Check (kontrola znalostí) a Grammar Guide (přehled probrané gramatiky). V každé lekci jsou reálie anglicky mluvících zemí (Culture Section), dále poslech a čtení zaměřené na mezipředmětové vztahy (CLIL). Učebnice také obsahuje CD-ROM pro studenty, na kterém jsou: Digibook - plně interaktivní Student's Book v elektronické podobě - lze psát, kreslit, spojovat, mazat, zvýrazňovat a přehrávat poslechy. Help - názorný návod na práci s Digibook
Objev podobné jako Motivate! 1 Student´s Book Pack - Emma Heyderman, Fiona Mauchline
Cambridge English For Schools 1: Student´s Book - Andrew Littlejohn
Cambridge English for Schools offers an exciting approach to English for students from eleven to sixteen years old. This five-level course for young students has won worldwide praise for its innovative approach that really works. It was the first course to be fully based on CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) principles. Cambridge English for Schools features a communicative, task-based approach where the content and concepts reflect students' own lives and interests. There is a clearly-structured, active approach to grammar with regular revision and evaluation. This course is effective with mixed-ability classes and emphasises learner choice, decision-making and autonomy. Level 1 contains 32 units and 80+ hours of class work.
Objev podobné jako Cambridge English For Schools 1: Student´s Book - Andrew Littlejohn
English Explorer 1 Student´s Book with MultiROM - Helen Stephenson
English Explorer is a motivating new four-level series for students at secondary level, with a strong International focus. It combines a communicative approach to learning English with stunning National Geographic images, video and content. With English Explorer, students: EXPLORE amazing places and fascinating cultures with National Geographic, bringing real people, real places, and real stories into the English language classroom.LEARN how to use English to communicate effectively in the real world, by developing language skills through age-appropriate print and multimedia resources.
Objev podobné jako English Explorer 1 Student´s Book with MultiROM - Helen Stephenson
Own it! 1 Student´s Book with Practice Extra - Claire Thacker
We live in a rapidly changing world. With Own It!, teens develop the confidence and competencies they need to forge their own path in this ever-evolving global landscape. From developing critical and creative thinking skills and social/emotional aptitudes to working effectively in a group, Own it! helps create confident, future-ready learners who are able to meet the challenges ahead. The Student's Book includes full access to all digital tools for students, including mobile-friendly Practice Extra and the digital collaboration space.
Objev podobné jako Own it! 1 Student´s Book with Practice Extra - Claire Thacker
Oxford English for Careers Technology 1 Student´s Book - Eric H. Glendinning
English level: Pre-Intermediate A new, up-to-date course where students learn what they need to know for a career in technology. Oxford English for Careers is a series which prepares pre-work students for starting their career. Everything in each Student's Book is vocation-specific, which means students get the language, information, and skills they need to help them get a job in their chosen career. Key featuresFocuses on the functional language needed to succeed in the job. Grammar, vocabulary, and skills are all contextualized in real work situations.An aspirational approach includes It's my job profiles of real professionals, and specialist facts, figures, and quotations on every page.Writing bank or Reading bank gives practice in working with specialist texts.Contemporary, easy-to-navigate design with an In this unit learning menu and an end-of-unit Checklist with CEF Can-do tick boxes.Revision and extension with Projects and Webquests, a student's website with consolidation exercises from the unit, and a handy Key words list at the end of every unit with the essential vocabulary.Teacher's Resource Book provides a specialist background to the area for every unit, plus easy-to-understand tips, additional activities for mixed ability classes, and Grammar tests and Communication worksheets.
Objev podobné jako Oxford English for Careers Technology 1 Student´s Book - Eric H. Glendinning
Project Explore 1 Student´s book (CZEch Edition) - Paul Shipton, Sarah Phillips
Explore Series je ucelená 9dílná série pro základní vzdělávání. Prepare students to use English in the real world with a range of topics, texts and tasks. Meet the needs of every student with material which works in mixed ability classrooms and supports every student. Spark curiosity with projects, culture lessons, photostories and cartoons. Develop life skills with activities that encourage creativity, collaboration and communication. Support and challenge your students appropriately at every stage of their learning journey. Spark students' curiosity Discover 100% new texts, photo stories, cartoons and activities. Delve into a new fictional world in stories by award-winning author Paul Shipton, which offer cumulative revision of the grammar and vocabulary after every two units. A course you can rely on Each lesson is underpinned by the familiar Project methodology. Culture and Learn through English lessons provide optional extra material. Revision pages in every unit help you to monitor students' progress. Further ideas and activities in the Teacher's Guide provide extra support and challenge. Prepare your students for the next step in their learning journey Develop life skills with activities that encourage creativity, collaboration and communication. Strong emphasis on learning to learn prepares students for the world beyond the classroom. Supportive approach to Writing and Speaking helps all students to become capable communicators in English.
Objev podobné jako Project Explore 1 Student´s book (CZEch Edition) - Paul Shipton, Sarah Phillips
Tiger Time 1: Student´s Book + eBook Pack - Carol Read, Mark Ormerod
Tiger Time je učebnice anglického jazyka pro první a druhý stupeň základní školy. Učebnice používá tzv. story-based approach, tedy výuku angličtiny pomocí příběhů. Tyto příběhy jsou přizpůsobeny věku žáků jak slovní zásobou, tak výběrem písniček. Tiger Time je šestidílná učebnice pro děti od 6 do 12 let. Učebnice používá tzv. story-based approach, tedy výuku angličtiny pomocí příběhů. Tyto příběhy jsou přizpůsobeny věku žáků a postupně je seznamují se slovní zásobou a gramatikou. Zároveň se již od prvního dílu se klade důraz na rozvoj všech dovedností – čtení, psaní, porozumění a mluvení. Lekce obsahují řadu písniček, říkadel, her a různých aktivit, které zábavnou formou přispívají k upevnění učiva. Učebnice poskytuje dostatek učiva pro třídy s týdenní dotací 3-5 hodin. Lekce se skládají z humorných příběhů, které využívají každodenní jazyk. Příběhy se odehrávají v různých prostředích s různými postavami, které se mění podle věku žáků a odpovídají jejich zájmům a potřebám v různém věku. Prostřednictvím CLIL, který je zahrnut v každé lekci, se žáci seznamují se širším světem, kulturou a zdravým životním stylem. Každá lekce končí přehledem učiva a aktivitami, které podporují aktivní komunikaci. První a druhý díl doprovází loutka Tygra. Student Book + eBook Pack Obsahuje 10 lekcí. V každé lekci najdou žáci dvoustránkový příběh, aktivity na procvičení slovní zásoby, výslovnosti a mluvení. V prvních dílech každá lekce končí částí Kids' Culture s písničkou, říkankou nebo hrou. Ve vyšších dílech se žáci seznamují také s kulturou ve Velké Británii a jiných anglicky mluvících zemích.
Objev podobné jako Tiger Time 1: Student´s Book + eBook Pack - Carol Read, Mark Ormerod
Project Explore Upgraded edition 1 Student´s book CZ - Paul Shipton, Sarah Phillips
Objevte svět Project Explore skrze vzrušující příběhy a inspirativní projekty. vylepšená učebnicová řada pro výuku od 5. do 9. třídy ZŠ, pro žáky nově s přístupem do elektronické verze učebnice a Online Practice skrze kódy v tištěných materiálech osvědčená metodika učebnic Project Explore v novém, dynamičtějším a ještě přehlednějším, moderním formátu aktualizovaná slovní zásoba, prezentace gramatiky, nově s podporou gramatických animací Explore Your World: inspirativní lekce, které podnítí zvídavost vašich žáků Explore Your Strengths: materiály upravené pro žáky s různými vzdělávacími potřebami Explore Your Future: důraz na globální dovednosti skrze činnosti podporující kreativitu, spolupráci a komunikaci aktualizované Project lessons – nově s podporou v pracovním sešitu umožňující strukturované plánování projektů Project coach videos – videa s tipy pro projektovou práci Reflect videos – součást Project lessons s konkrétním příkladem žáka a jeho hodnocením vlastního projektu Culture 360° lessons s interaktivními obrázky – přenáší žáky do reálného prostředí, ve kterém si mohou rozvinout digitální gramotnost a využít naučený jazyk nová struktura u psaní ve vyšších úrovních nové a bohatší kopírovatelné prac. listy v úrovních Standard a Challenge nové a vylepšené testy v úrovních Standard a Challenge dyslexia-friendly testy tipy na wellbeing a inspirativní citáty
Objev podobné jako Project Explore Upgraded edition 1 Student´s book CZ - Paul Shipton, Sarah Phillips
Academy Stars Second Edition 1 Workbook with Digital Workbook - Sue Clarke
Academy Stars Second Edition builds on the enormous success of the first edition and has even more resources to foster brilliance in the primary English classroom. With the aid of Graphic Grammar animations, Grammar Booster, Extra Stars communicative activities, New Cambridge Young Learner exams activities and enriched readings and listenings, students become exceptional language learners. In addition, activities centered around Education for Sustainable Development & Citizenship and Social & Emotional Learning foster learner autonomy, and help pupils to become responsible citizens. WORKBOOK WITH DIGITAL WORKBOOK: With this blended solution of the print and digital version of the Workbook consolidating the language and concepts introduced in the Pupil’s Book, learners can practise online or in the classroom.
Objev podobné jako Academy Stars Second Edition 1 Workbook with Digital Workbook - Sue Clarke
High Note 1 Student´s Book + Basic Pearson Exam Practice (Global Edition) - Catlin Morris
Nová řada učebnic High Note nabízí intenzivní jazykový kurz určený dnešním dospívajícím studentům. Učebnicemotivuje studenty k hlubokému rozvoji nejen jazykových dovedností, ale také dovedností pro budoucí kariérua vysokoškolská studia (diskuze, prezentace, projekty). Kniha věnuje prostor také literatuře, kulturním a sociálnímtématům. Nechybí ani velké množství autentických článků a video materiálů (4 typy videí: dokumenty, gramatika,komunikace, life skills).
Objev podobné jako High Note 1 Student´s Book + Basic Pearson Exam Practice (Global Edition) - Catlin Morris
Abacus Year 1 Workbook 1 - Ruth Merttens
Abacus is a popular Maths scheme used by thousands of schools all over the world. It fully aligns to the UK National Curriculum. Written by a team of experts, led by Series Editor, Professor Ruth Merttens. For children who are following a UK National Curriculum-based maths scheme the Workbooks provide: easy instructions to explain to children ‘Action'' to make the activity more practical ‘Think'' to provide extra challenge a self-assessment opportunity on every page.
Objev podobné jako Abacus Year 1 Workbook 1 - Ruth Merttens
Život Vernona Subutexe 1 - Virginie Despentes
Alex Bleach je mrtvý. Tragédie je to nejen pro pařížskou rockovou scénu, jež ztratila svou největší hvězdu, ale i pro majitele obchodu s gramodeskami Vernona Subutexe, kterého slavný přítel držel nad vodou. Jediným Vernonovým vlastnictvím zůstává poslední videonahrávka zesnulé rockové ikony. A právě kvůli ní je mu teď na stopě bláznivá směska zoufalců – producenti, novináři, internetoví trollové, ale i pornohvězdy. Dokážou ho najít, než se nadobro ztratí v ulicích Paříže?
Objev podobné jako Život Vernona Subutexe 1 - Virginie Despentes
Hliníková skládací sestava VIRGINIA 1+6
Objev podobné jako Hliníková skládací sestava VIRGINIA 1+6
Wider World 1 Student´s Book & eBook with App, 2nd Edition - Sandy Zervas, Graham Fruen
Wider World Second Edition is a new edition of Pearson’s most popular mid-secondary course. It prepares teenagers for their life ahead by giving them the skills they need to enjoy their social lives, pursue their studies and succeed in their career. The improvements in this new edition are in response to research and feedback we received from teachers and students. Authentic English – humorous situations, interviews with real people, and clips taken from BBC programs, show language used in real-life situations. Global topics – each unit explores the wide diversity of life and culture, exposing students to topics from around the world, including global citizenship or sustainability goals. Future skills – Set for Life is a new development program mapped to Pearson’s Personal and Social Capabilities Framework, which helps learners develop the skills they need. Extra support for mixed ability classes and neurodivergent students – extensive resources and tips that reduce preparation and give them greater flexibility in how to teach students with different learning needs. Exam support – much more exam support for both teachers and students. Diversity and inclusion principles – follows our comittment to equality, diversity and inclusion. It recognises cultural diversity, and supports tolerance and respect. In response to feedback and ongoing research, Wider World Second Edition builds on what teachers and students liked about the first edition and improves it with new content, features and digital solutions. Virtual classroom – the upgraded virtual classroom uses live video, sharable interactive whiteboard, live assignments with real-time teacher view of student performance, chat, and a hand-raising system. Online workbooks enable teachers to provide instant feedback to students. New content – 70% of the content in levels 1 to 4 has been updated, with future skills training, extra support, new teaching ideas for teachers, and an update to the course methodology. New BBC videos – clips from BBC programs remain at the core of the course, with new videos reflecting important themes, such as culture, global citizenship and topics promoting diversity and inclusion. Set for Life program – a completely new integrated program for developing future skills. Mixed ability classes and neurodivergent students – an expanded range of support materials enable teachers to respond to the needs of all students. Extended reading and writing program – extra focus on the gradual development of reading and writing skills, providing greater opportunities to learn, practice and recycle the language and use it in more authentic contexts. New design – a fresh look, while retaining the Wider World identity, including a regular unit structure and clear color-coded sections.
Objev podobné jako Wider World 1 Student´s Book & eBook with App, 2nd Edition - Sandy Zervas, Graham Fruen
Focus 1 Workbook - Rod Fricker
Focus is a rich, varied, carefully levelled course for upper secondary students. Specially designed to motivate older teens, it helps them to track their level and achieve the exam results they need. With its unique blended learning package, Focus is the flexible course that gets results.
Objev podobné jako Focus 1 Workbook - Rod Fricker
My Disney Stars and Friends 1 Student´s Book with eBook and digital resources - Jeanne Perrett
My Disney Stars and Friends is a new pre-primary course for children aged 3-5. The course brings together the magic of Disney and the rigor of Pearson educational content to give learners a fun and motivating start to language-learning. What makes My Disney Stars and Friends special? The perfect combination of delightful Disney characters and stories with real-life values and contexts Development of Future Skills: building self-awareness, social awareness, persistence and growth Built on rigorous pedagogical foundations and support material from an early age, through the Global Scale of English (GSE), which now includes learning objectives for pre-primary learners. The first of its kind Simple, flexible and easy to teach: clear classroom routines supported by carefully structured lessons Comprehensive digital offering for every teaching scenario, including Presentation Tool and eBooks for students The Student’s Book is designed for use in the class, with the teacher. It presents and practices all the new material. It includes stickers, simple press out projects, and an access code to the Student’s Book eBook and Digital Resources for parents or carers. Digital resources include songs, videos and stories.
Objev podobné jako My Disney Stars and Friends 1 Student´s Book with eBook and digital resources - Jeanne Perrett
The Common Reader: Volume 1 - Virginia Woolfová
Discover Virginia Woolf's informative and erudite critical essays on some of the key novelists and dramatists of the canon - from the ancient Greeks to Jane Austen and beyond.Virginia Woolf read, and wrote, as an outsider, denied the educational privileges of her male contemporaries. She was perhaps better able, then, to address a 'common reader' in this wide-ranging collection of essays. With all the imagination and gaiety that are the stamp of her genius, she turns from medieval England to tsarist Russia, and subjects Elizabethan playwrights, Victorian novelists and modern essayists to her wise, acute and entertaining scrutiny.Essays on Jane Austen, George Eliot, Nancy Mitford, Joseph Conrad, Michel de Montaigne, Daniel Defoe and many others.
Objev podobné jako The Common Reader: Volume 1 - Virginia Woolfová
Academy Stars 1: Workbook - Clarke Susan
Activity book to consolidate the contents of the student's book with extra material. Access to the digital version of the book on the Macmillan Education Everywhere 2 platform; duration of 15 months from its activation.
Objev podobné jako Academy Stars 1: Workbook - Clarke Susan
Wider World 1 Workbook - Lynda Edwards
Wider World reflects the way that today’s teens access information and entertainment: from the internet, using personal devices such as tablets, laptops and mobiles. The content and the style in which it is presented is designed to inspire and challenge teenagers. By interacting with the content, rather than just practicing, students acquire the language at a deeper cognitive level. Rather than just another subject on the curriculum, English becomes the tool through which they access a Wider World of knowledge, skills and experience. Workbook Follows the structure of Can-dos of the Student's Book additional grammar, vocabulary and skills practice to reinforce material in the Students’ Book One lesson per unit dedicated to BBC Culture, plus full video scripts Exam Time: the Reading and Writing parts of the relevant PTE general and Cambridge English exams self-assessment Self-Check (key available in the Workbook)
Objev podobné jako Wider World 1 Workbook - Lynda Edwards
Cambridge IGCSE™ French Student Book Third Edition - Chevrier-Clarke Séverine, Paul Shannon, Jayn Witt, Wendy O'Mahony, Virginia March, Kirsty Thathap
This title is endorsed by Cambridge Assessment International Education to support the full syllabus for examination from 2021.Strengthen language skills and cultural awareness with a differentiated approach that offers comprehensive coverage of the revised Cambridge IGCSE™ French (0520/7156) syllabuses for first examination from 2021.- Develop the cultural awareness at the heart of the syllabus with engaging stimulus material and questions from around the world which will encourage a positive attitude towards other cultures- Progress the ability to use the language effectively with activities developing all four key skills, supported by teacher notes and answers in the teacher guide- Stretch and challenge students to achieve their best, whilst supporting all abilities with differentiated content throughout- Ensure the progression required for further study at A-level or equivalent- Help to prepare for the examination with exam-style questions throughoutAudio is available via the Boost eBook, Boost subscription or the Teacher Guide.Also available in the seriesReading and Listening Skills Workbook ISBN: 9781398329416Grammar Workbook ISBN: 9781510447547 Vocabulary Workbook ISBN: 9781510448049Study and Revision Guide ISBN: 9781510448032 Boost eBook ISBN: 9781398329645Boost digital teacher resources ISBN: 9781398329607Teacher Guide with audio ISBN: 9781510447776Teaching and Learning Resources ISBN: 9781510447783
Objev podobné jako Cambridge IGCSE™ French Student Book Third Edition - Chevrier-Clarke Séverine, Paul Shannon, Jayn Witt, Wendy O'Mahony, Virginia March, Kirsty Thathap
Život Vernona Subutexe 1 - Virginie Despentes - e-kniha
eBook: Houellebecq v sukních! Nebo v křiváku? Provokativní román z francouzského undergroundu.
Objev podobné jako Život Vernona Subutexe 1 - Virginie Despentes - e-kniha
Prepare 1/A1 Student´s Book with eBook, 2nd - Joanna Kosta
PREPARE 2nd edition Level 1 combines 'teen-appeal' topics with gradual preparation towards the revised 2020 A2 Key for Schools exam. Students will enjoy interactive, personalised lessons with themes and resources relevant to their interests. The new Life Skills approach inspires learners to expand their horizons and knowledge and includes insights from The Cambridge Life Competencies Framework. Teachers can relax knowing every unit drives students towards exam success and that the course is creating confident English users with the enhanced vocabulary and grammar syllabus. Access the online Student's eBook with interactive audio and video on Cambridge One.
Objev podobné jako Prepare 1/A1 Student´s Book with eBook, 2nd - Joanna Kosta
English World Level 1: Workbook - Mary Bowen
Objev podobné jako English World Level 1: Workbook - Mary Bowen
More! 1 2nd Edition Workbook - Herbert Puchta
MORE! Second edition is a four-level English course from recognised authors for lower secondary students. This new edition is bursting with added features and an even more user-friendly design to capture young teenagers' imagination and help improve their learning. The course encourages reading for pleasure with new adventure photostories and engaging texts. Both CLIL sections, now an integral part of each lesson, and mini-projects inspire teenagers' natural curiosity. In addition to dedicated grammar, vocabulary and skills sections, MORE! also helps improve your students' exam results with new exam skills sections and learning tips in the Workbook. Each level of MORE! offers 80-90 hours of teaching material and a rich choice of digital components for you and your students. Cyber Homework and web resources make homework and language practice enjoyable for students, while the Presentation Plus DVD-ROM, Testbuilder CD-ROM and DVD provide additional support with teaching and monitoring your students' progress.
Objev podobné jako More! 1 2nd Edition Workbook - Herbert Puchta
Abacus Year 2 Workbook 1 - Ruth Merttens
Abacus is a popular Maths scheme used by thousands of schools all over the world. It fully aligns to the UK National Curriculum. Written by a team of experts, led by Series Editor, Professor Ruth Merttens. For children who are following a UK National Curriculum-based maths scheme the Workbooks provide: easy instructions to explain to children ‘Action'' to make the activity more practical ‘Think'' to provide extra challenge a self-assessment opportunity on every page.
Objev podobné jako Abacus Year 2 Workbook 1 - Ruth Merttens
More! 1 2nd Edition Student´s Book with Cyber Homework - Herbert Puchta
MORE! Second edition is a four-level English course from recognised authors for lower secondary students. This new edition is bursting with added features and an even more user-friendly design to capture young teenagers' imagination and help improve their learning. The course encourages reading for pleasure with new adventure photostories and engaging texts. Both CLIL sections, now an integral part of each lesson, and mini-projects inspire teenagers' natural curiosity. In addition to dedicated grammar, vocabulary and skills sections, MORE! also helps improve your students' exam results with new exam skills sections and learning tips in the Workbook. Each level of MORE! offers 80-90 hours of teaching material and a rich choice of digital components for you and your students. Cyber Homework and web resources make homework and language practice enjoyable for students, while the Presentation Plus DVD-ROM, Testbuilder CD-ROM and DVD provide additional support with teaching and monitoring your students' progress.
Objev podobné jako More! 1 2nd Edition Student´s Book with Cyber Homework - Herbert Puchta
Iluzionisti 1 (SK) - Neil Patrick Harris - e-kniha
eBook: Z pera oceneného herca a bestsellerového autora Neila Patricka Harrisa vychádza prvá magická kniha z novej série s množstvom trikov schovaných v rukáve. Keď sa dá malý pouličný kúzelník Carter na útek, ani mu na um nezíde, že si v ospalom mestečku v Novom Anglicku nájde piatich kamarátov, podobne zmýšľajúcich iluzionistov. No ako to už pri každom dobrom triku býva, veci sa zmenia v tom najnečakanejšom okamihu... Nenásytný B. B. Bosso a jeho podvodnícka skupina karnevalových zabávačov prídu ukradnúť všetko, na čo položia svoje lepkavé prsty. Kúzelnícka banda sa za použitia kúziel a tímovej práce vydáva na pomoc mestečku Mineral Wells.
Objev podobné jako Iluzionisti 1 (SK) - Neil Patrick Harris - e-kniha
Cyklista - Tim Sullivan
Další překvapivá detektivka od autora bestselleru Zubař! Při demolici zchátralých garáží odkryje bagr mrtvé tělo zabalené v igelitu. Totožnost zemřelého je zcela neznámá, typické opálení na rukou a nohou a jizvy na předloktích však podivínskému detektivu Crossovi mnohé napoví.Zapříčinila smrt mladého muže nelegální činnost, anebo za to může závist a ambice? George Cross, detektiv s Aspergerovým syndromem, stojí před nejtěžším případem své kariéry!
Objev podobné jako Cyklista - Tim Sullivan
Zubař - Tim Sullivan
George Cross je podivín a není snadné s ním vyjít. Ovšem díky své posedlosti logikou, detaily a systémem je současně i skvělý detektiv. Což mu nepřidává na popularitě u kolegů či nadřízených. Každopádně pokud jde o objasněnost případů, drží u místní policie prim. Když je nalezen zavražděný bezdomovec, Crosse tento případ zaujme. Snad proto, že i on je outsider. A když se objeví spojitosti mezi mrtvým mužem a starým nevyřešeným případem, upoutá ho ještě víc. A brzy vyjdou najevo podezřelá pochybení a trhliny v původním vyšetřování… Zubař je první knihou z nové krimi série, která má snad všechny atributy dobré detektivky: excentrického protagonistu, zajímavou zápletku, spád i špetku humoru.
Objev podobné jako Zubař - Tim Sullivan
Pacientka - Tim Sullivan
George Cross umí být zatraceně necitlivý a nepříjemný. Ale díky své neochvějné logice a vytrvalosti patří k nejúspěšnějším detektivům. Sám je coby autista outsider, a proto ho obzvlášť přitahují případy lidí nevyslyšených a vyděděných.Nyní Cross vyšetřuje smrt mladé ženy. Jelikož chybí jakékoli stopy, kriminální oddělení chce případ uzavřít. Koroner tvrdí, že žena byla drogově závislá. Její matka je však přesvědčená, že to není pravda.Detektiv Cross je odhodlán vzepřít se svým šéfům a případ znovu otevřít, i kdyby ho to mělo stát kariéru. Brzy zabředne do spletité sítě podezřelých – ovšem dokáže pravdu zjistit dřív, než ho jeho nadřízení nadobro uzavřou?
Objev podobné jako Pacientka - Tim Sullivan
New Horizons 1 Workbook (International Edition) - Paul Radley
New Horizons is a four-level upper secondary course that sets achievable goals and builds confidence. New Horizons includes 100% new content and updated exam training to prepare students for the B1 school-leaving exam. A wide range of topics engage teenagers’ interest and provide essential vocabulary. Practical grammar exercises then build students’ confidence in communication. Key futuresBrand-new features, fun activities and 100% rewritten texts and exercisesClear structure and a moderate pace to suit classes with lower weekly contact hours, or mixed-ability classesDual entry points at levels 1 and 2 mean that students can work towards the B1 exam at their own paceUpdated and systematic exam training in levels 3 and 4 prepare students for the different requirements of their school-leaving examsLanguage review at the end of every two units recycles and revises language as the course progresses
Objev podobné jako New Horizons 1 Workbook (International Edition) - Paul Radley
Discovering Music Theory, The ABRSM Grade 1 Workbook
Discovering Music Theory is a suite of workbooks and corresponding answer books that offers all-round preparation for the updated ABRSM Music Theory exams from 2020, including the new online papers. This full-colour workbook will equip students of all ages with the skills, knowledge and understanding required for the ABRSM Grade 1 Music Theory exam. Written to make theory engaging and relevant to developing musicians of all ages, it offers:- straightforward explanations of all new concepts- progressive exercises to build skills and understanding, step by step- challenge questions to extend learning and develop music-writing skills- helpful tips for how to approach specific exercises- ideas for linking theory to music listening, performing and instrumental/singing lessons- clear signposting and progress reviews throughout- a sample practice exam paper showing you what to expect in the new style of exams from 2020As well as fully supporting the ABRSM theory syllabus, Discovering Music Theory provides an excellent resource for anyone wishing to develop their music literacy skills, including GCSE and A-Level candidates, and adult learners.
Objev podobné jako Discovering Music Theory, The ABRSM Grade 1 Workbook
AQA GCSE (9–1) Geography Workbook - Andy Owen
Exam board: AQA Level: GCSESubject: GeographyFirst teaching: September 2016First exams: Summer 2018 Build, practise and improve exam skills throughout your AQA GCSE (9-1) Geography course to boost confidence and grades in the final exams.Suitable for all abilities, this write-in workbook enables students to:- Understand how to approach, plan and structure exam responses, working through activities with step-by-step breakdowns and tips for every question type and every paper - Apply their newly-developed exam skills and existing geographical knowledge to exam-style questions that include mark allocations- Tackle the challenges of high-tariff questions and command words, with guidance and plenty of examples for ''assess'', ''evaluate'' and ''to what extent'' questions- Learn independently at home or in class, using the online answers to check their responses to exam-style questions
Objev podobné jako AQA GCSE (9–1) Geography Workbook - Andy Owen
Own it! 1 Workbook with eBook - Vicki Anderson
Own it! is a four-level lower Secondary course which makes sure that students are confident and future-ready through a combination of global topics, collaborative projects and strategies to develop learner independence. We live in a rapidly changing world. With Own It!, teens develop the confidence and competencies they need to forge their own path in this ever-evolving global landscape. From developing critical and creative thinking skills and social/emotional aptitudes to working effectively in a group, Own it! helps create confident, future-ready learners. The Workbook offers extra practice of the language covered in the main Student's Book unit, and is perfect for homework. It includes extra vocabulary and grammar practice, as well as reading, writing, listening and speaking, plus a special exam-preparation feature.
Objev podobné jako Own it! 1 Workbook with eBook - Vicki Anderson
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