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Set Sail 1 - The Ugly Duckling - Elizabeth Gray, Virginia Evans

Set Sail je dvoudílný kurz pro děti, které ještě neumí číst a psát. Set Sail 1 vede děti k prvním prereading a prelistening cvičením.

Podívejte se také evans 13 heavyweight coated

cena 18.0 Kč

FRIGG Fairytale Size 1:0-6 months dudlík The Ugly Duckling/Ole Lukoie 2 ks

FRIGG Fairytale Size 1:0-6 months, 2 ks, Dudlíky a šidítka pro děti, Vsaďte na léty osvědčený způsob, jak ukonejšit své miminko. Dudlík FRIGG Fairytale Size 1:0-6 months poskytne vašemu děťátku pocit bezpečí během pouhého okamžiku. Rychle se tak stane důležitou a užitečnou součástí každého vašeho dne s miminkem. Vlastnosti: symetrický tvar umožňuje volné dýchání nosem a polykání slin nenarušuje sací reflex přizpůsobí se tvaru patra dítěte Složení: kaučuk Jak používat: Vždy používejte dudlík, který svou velikostí odpovídá aktuálnímu věku dítěte.

Podívejte se také Kiss: Off the Soundboard:Live In Virginia Beach (3x LP) - LP (4502855)

cena 161.0 Kč

FRIGG Fairytale Size 1:0-6 months dudlík The Ugly Duckling/The Emperor´s New Clothes 2 ks

FRIGG Fairytale Size 1:0-6 months, 2 ks, Dudlíky a šidítka pro děti, Vsaďte na léty osvědčený způsob, jak ukonejšit své miminko. Dudlík FRIGG Fairytale Size 1:0-6 months poskytne vašemu děťátku pocit bezpečí během pouhého okamžiku. Rychle se tak stane důležitou a užitečnou součástí každého vašeho dne s miminkem. Vlastnosti: symetrický tvar umožňuje volné dýchání nosem a polykání slin nenarušuje sací reflex přizpůsobí se tvaru patra dítěte Složení: kaučuk Jak používat: Vždy používejte dudlík, který svou velikostí odpovídá aktuálnímu věku dítěte.

Podívejte se také Kiss: Off the Soundboard:Live In Virginia Beach (2x CD) - CD (4502865)

cena 275.0 Kč

FRIGG Fairytale Size 2:6-18 months dudlík The Ugly Duckling/Ole Lukoie 2 ks

FRIGG Fairytale Size 2:6-18 months, 2 ks, Dudlíky a šidítka pro děti, Vsaďte na léty osvědčený způsob, jak ukonejšit své miminko. Dudlík FRIGG Fairytale Size 2:6-18 months poskytne vašemu děťátku pocit bezpečí během pouhého okamžiku. Rychle se tak stane důležitou a užitečnou součástí každého vašeho dne s miminkem. Vlastnosti: symetrický tvar umožňuje volné dýchání nosem a polykání slin nenarušuje sací reflex přizpůsobí se tvaru patra dítěte Složení: kaučuk Jak používat: Vždy používejte dudlík, který svou velikostí odpovídá aktuálnímu věku dítěte.

Objev podobné jako FRIGG Fairytale Size 2:6-18 months dudlík The Ugly Duckling/Ole Lukoie 2 ks

cena 275.0 Kč

FRIGG Fairytale Size 2:6-18 months dudlík The Ugly Duckling/The Emperor´s New Clothes 2 ks

FRIGG Fairytale Size 2:6-18 months, 2 ks, Dudlíky a šidítka pro děti, Vsaďte na léty osvědčený způsob, jak ukonejšit své miminko. Dudlík FRIGG Fairytale Size 2:6-18 months poskytne vašemu děťátku pocit bezpečí během pouhého okamžiku. Rychle se tak stane důležitou a užitečnou součástí každého vašeho dne s miminkem. Vlastnosti: symetrický tvar umožňuje volné dýchání nosem a polykání slin nenarušuje sací reflex přizpůsobí se tvaru patra dítěte Složení: kaučuk Jak používat: Vždy používejte dudlík, který svou velikostí odpovídá aktuálnímu věku dítěte.

Objev podobné jako FRIGG Fairytale Size 2:6-18 months dudlík The Ugly Duckling/The Emperor´s New Clothes 2 ks

cena 275.0 Kč

Savage Gear Nástraha 3D Suicide Duck Ugly Duckling

Velice věrná imitace kachny s inovativními prvky! 3D naskenované detaily zajišťují opravdovou věrohodnost, díky které dokáže zmást i ty nejzkušenější predátory a zajistí vám brutální útoky! Velice věrná imitace kachny s inovativními prvky! 3D naskenované detaily zajišťují opravdovou věrohodnost, díky které dokáže zmást i ty nejzkušenější predátory a zajistí vám brutální útoky! Pevné ABS tělo a poloměkké odolné nohy. Rotující nohy dávají nástraze neuvěřitelně živou cákavou akci, která zanechává za sebou stopu bublinek, která láká dravce z dálky. Pro lov na volné vodě: 2 kryté opeřené trojháčky, jeden na hrudi a jeden na hřbetu, připojení k tělu zajišťuje dobrou chytlavost háčku. Pro lov v travnaté vodě: odstraňte trojháček na břiše, nástraha je konstruována tak, aby dopadala na dno na břicho, na chycení ryby je připraven trojháček na hřbetu. 2 styly pohybu: při navázání za zobák se pohybuje přikrčeně, jako když se káčátko snaží skrýt a uniknout zároveň, při navázání za hruď se pohybuje výše, jako když panikaří. Nástraha může být vedena rychle i pomalu, s dlouhými i krátkými pulzy, napodobení káčátka bude vždy dokonalé. Skvělá nástraha pro štiky, okouny a velké sumce! Když uvidíte lovit dravce na hladině, napočítejte 10 útoků, navažte sebevražednou kachnu a bojujte!

Objev podobné jako Savage Gear Nástraha 3D Suicide Duck Ugly Duckling

cena 351.0 Kč

Savage Gear Nástraha 3D Suicide Duck Ugly Duckling - 10,5cm 28g

Velice věrná imitace kachny s inovativními prvky! 3D naskenované detaily zajišťují opravdovou věrohodnost, díky které dokáže zmást i ty nejzkušenější predátory a zajistí vám brutální útoky! Velice věrná imitace kachny s inovativními prvky! 3D naskenované detaily zajišťují opravdovou věrohodnost, díky které dokáže zmást i ty nejzkušenější predátory a zajistí vám brutální útoky! Pevné ABS tělo a poloměkké odolné nohy. Rotující nohy dávají nástraze neuvěřitelně živou cákavou akci, která zanechává za sebou stopu bublinek, která láká dravce z dálky. Pro lov na volné vodě: 2 kryté opeřené trojháčky, jeden na hrudi a jeden na hřbetu, připojení k tělu zajišťuje dobrou chytlavost háčku. Pro lov v travnaté vodě: odstraňte trojháček na břiše, nástraha je konstruována tak, aby dopadala na dno na břicho, na chycení ryby je připraven trojháček na hřbetu. 2 styly pohybu: při navázání za zobák se pohybuje přikrčeně, jako když se káčátko snaží skrýt a uniknout zároveň, při navázání za hruď se pohybuje výše, jako když panikaří. Nástraha může být vedena rychle i pomalu, s dlouhými i krátkými pulzy, napodobení káčátka bude vždy dokonalé. Skvělá nástraha pro štiky, okouny a velké sumce! Když uvidíte lovit dravce na hladině, napočítejte 10 útoků, navažte sebevražednou kachnu a bojujte!

Objev podobné jako Savage Gear Nástraha 3D Suicide Duck Ugly Duckling - 10,5cm 28g

cena 351.0 Kč

Savage gear 3d sebevražedná kachna ugly duckling - 15 cm 70 g

Pevné ABS tělo a poloměkké odolné nohy. Rotující nohy dávají nástraze neuvěřitelně živou stříkající akci, která zanechává za sebou bublinovou stopu, která láká dravce z dálky. Pro lov na volné vodě: 2 kryté opeřené trojháčky, jeden na hrudi a jeden na hřbetu, připojení k tělu zajišťuje dobrou chytlavost háčku. Pro lov v travnaté vodě: odstraňte trojháček na břiše, nástraha je konstruována tak, aby dopadala na dno na břicho, na chycení ryby je připraven trojháček na hřbetu. 2 styly pohybu: při navázání za zobák se pohybuje přikrčeně, jako když se káčátko snaží skrýt a uniknout zároveň, při navázání za hruď se pohybuje výše, jako když cítí paniku. Nástraha může být vedena rychle i pomalu, s dlouhými i krátkými pulsy, napodobení káčátka bude vždy dokonalé. Skvělá nástraha pro štiky, okouny a velké sumce! Když uvidíte lovit dravce na hladině, napočítejte 10 útoků, navažte sebevražednou kachnu a bojujte! Skvělá hladinová akce Žbluňkající a stříkající nohy Vyvážené břicho Dobře pasující klipy na háček Opeřené háčky Věrné 3D detaily 2 styly pohybu (nízký a vysoký útěk)

Objev podobné jako Savage gear 3d sebevražedná kachna ugly duckling - 15 cm 70 g

cena 343.0 Kč

Savage gear 3d sebevražedná kachna ugly duckling - 10,5 cm 28 g

Pevné ABS tělo a poloměkké odolné nohy. Rotující nohy dávají nástraze neuvěřitelně živou stříkající akci, která zanechává za sebou bublinovou stopu, která láká dravce z dálky. Pro lov na volné vodě: 2 kryté opeřené trojháčky, jeden na hrudi a jeden na hřbetu, připojení k tělu zajišťuje dobrou chytlavost háčku. Pro lov v travnaté vodě: odstraňte trojháček na břiše, nástraha je konstruována tak, aby dopadala na dno na břicho, na chycení ryby je připraven trojháček na hřbetu. 2 styly pohybu: při navázání za zobák se pohybuje přikrčeně, jako když se káčátko snaží skrýt a uniknout zároveň, při navázání za hruď se pohybuje výše, jako když cítí paniku. Nástraha může být vedena rychle i pomalu, s dlouhými i krátkými pulsy, napodobení káčátka bude vždy dokonalé. Skvělá nástraha pro štiky, okouny a velké sumce! Když uvidíte lovit dravce na hladině, napočítejte 10 útoků, navažte sebevražednou kachnu a bojujte! Skvělá hladinová akce Žbluňkající a stříkající nohy Vyvážené břicho Dobře pasující klipy na háček Opeřené háčky Věrné 3D detaily 2 styly pohybu (nízký a vysoký útěk)

Objev podobné jako Savage gear 3d sebevražedná kachna ugly duckling - 10,5 cm 28 g

cena 306.0 Kč

Prime Time 1 - student´s book - Jenny Dooley, Virginia Evans

Prime Time is a series of five courses for young adult or adult learners of English at Elementary to UpperIntermediate level. The series combines active English learning with a variety of lively topics presented in themed modules. Key Features an integrated approach to the development of all four language skills stimulating, realistic dialogues featuring people in everyday situations vocabulary presentation and practice variety of reading and listening tasks clear presentation and practice of grammar structures activities encouraging critical thinking and response as well as web research Writing sections containing models and development of writing skills realistic pairwork and groupwork activities Pronunciation and Intonation sections Study tips to help students become autonomous learners Culture Corner Crosscurricular Sections Language Review Revision Sections at the end of each module Grammar Reference Section Interactive Whiteboard Software (IWB)

Objev podobné jako Prime Time 1 - student´s book - Jenny Dooley, Virginia Evans

cena 489.0 Kč

Graded Readers 4 The Portrait Dorian Gray - Reader + Activity + Audio CD - Elizabeth Gray

Klasické povídky představují přitažlivý způsob výuky angličtiny. Výukový komplet knihy, pracovního sešitu a audio CD nabízí širokou škálu využití ve vyučování. Vhodné i pro samostudium. Kniha pro učitele obsahuje odpovědi ke cvičením v pracovním sešitu, dva závěrečné testy s klíčem a výukový plán.

Objev podobné jako Graded Readers 4 The Portrait Dorian Gray - Reader + Activity + Audio CD - Elizabeth Gray

cena 299.0 Kč

Prime Time 2 - student´s book - Jenny Dooley, Virginia Evans

Prime Time is a series of five courses for young adult or adult learners of English at Elementary to UpperIntermediate level. The series combines active English learning with a variety of lively topics presented in themed modules. Key Features an integrated approach to the development of all four language skills stimulating, realistic dialogues featuring people in everyday situations vocabulary presentation and practice variety of reading and listening tasks clear presentation and practice of grammar structures activities encouraging critical thinking and response as well as web research Writing sections containing models and development of writing skills realistic pairwork and groupwork activities Pronunciation and Intonation sections Study tips to help students become autonomous learners Culture Corner Crosscurricular Sections Language Review Revision Sections at the end of each module Grammar Reference Section Interactive Whiteboard Software (IWB)

Objev podobné jako Prime Time 2 - student´s book - Jenny Dooley, Virginia Evans

cena 427.0 Kč

Prime Time 3 - student´s book - Jenny Dooley, Virginia Evans

Prime Time is a series of five courses for young adult or adult learners of English at Elementary to UpperIntermediate level. The series combines active English learning with a variety of lively topics presented in themed modules. Key Features an integrated approach to the development of all four language skills stimulating, realistic dialogues featuring people in everyday situations vocabulary presentation and practice variety of reading and listening tasks clear presentation and practice of grammar structures activities encouraging critical thinking and response as well as web research Writing sections containing models and development of writing skills realistic pairwork and groupwork activities Pronunciation and Intonation sections Study tips to help students become autonomous learners Culture Corner Crosscurricular Sections Language Review Revision Sections at the end of each module Grammar Reference Section Interactive Whiteboard Software (IWB)

Objev podobné jako Prime Time 3 - student´s book - Jenny Dooley, Virginia Evans

cena 427.0 Kč

Enterprise 4 Intermediate - Grammar Student´s Book - Jenny Dooley, Virginia Evans

Grammar Students Book obsahuje jednoduše prezentovanou teorii, umožňuje studentům si procvičovat gramatiku z učebnice.

Objev podobné jako Enterprise 4 Intermediate - Grammar Student´s Book - Jenny Dooley, Virginia Evans

cena 332.0 Kč

The Common Reader: Volume 1 - Virginia Woolfová

Discover Virginia Woolf's informative and erudite critical essays on some of the key novelists and dramatists of the canon - from the ancient Greeks to Jane Austen and beyond.Virginia Woolf read, and wrote, as an outsider, denied the educational privileges of her male contemporaries. She was perhaps better able, then, to address a 'common reader' in this wide-ranging collection of essays. With all the imagination and gaiety that are the stamp of her genius, she turns from medieval England to tsarist Russia, and subjects Elizabethan playwrights, Victorian novelists and modern essayists to her wise, acute and entertaining scrutiny.Essays on Jane Austen, George Eliot, Nancy Mitford, Joseph Conrad, Michel de Montaigne, Daniel Defoe and many others.

Objev podobné jako The Common Reader: Volume 1 - Virginia Woolfová

cena 268.0 Kč

Sebevědomý lord Gray - Virginia Heathová - e-kniha

eBook: Lady Thea se vydá se svou přítelkyní do parku, ale netuší, jaké překvapení je tam čeká. Narazí totiž na muže, jenž se koupe v potoce, jak ho pánbůh stvořil. Všichni se snaží na trapnou scénku zapomenout, protože z dotyčného se vyklube jejich nový soused – lord Graham Chadwick. Zavítal do Suffolku s přesně stanoveným úkolem od Královské elitní jednotky, ale získání bohaté They jako nevěsty to není. Jak se lord Gray vyrovná se splněním své povinnosti ke králi a vlasti, když se mu jeho sousedka tolik líbí?

Objev podobné jako Sebevědomý lord Gray - Virginia Heathová - e-kniha

cena 109.0 Kč

Click On 2 - Student´s Book without CD - Neil O' Sullivan, Virginia Evans

Určeno pro úplné začátečníky až středně pokročilé. Rozvoj všech 4 jazykových dovedností. Každá lekce je zaměřená na 1 téma a obsahuje dialogy z každodenního života, slovní zásobu, gramatické úlohy, procvičování poslechu, hry, písničky, množství zajímavých textů atd. Na každý díl se doporučuje 65 až 70 vyučovacích hodin. Doplňkem učebnice je elektronický anglickočeský slovník, který Vám bude zaslán emailem.

Objev podobné jako Click On 2 - Student´s Book without CD - Neil O' Sullivan, Virginia Evans

cena 380.0 Kč

The Ugly Five - Julia Donaldsonová

From the bestselling author and illustrator duo of TheGruffalo!Who's that singing on the savannah?It's the top-five ugly animalsin Africa!The wildebeest, warthog, vulture, hyena and marabou stork swaggerproudly across the savannah, rejoicing in their ugliness - anddelighting their babies, who think they're perfect just the waythey are.Inspired by the real-life Ugly Five safari animals, Julia Donaldsonand Axel Scheffler's gorgeous picture book is a jubilant celebrationof animals who are often rather unloved.The funny, heart-warming rhyme is a joy to read aloud, while bold,comical illustrations bring the savannah spectacularly to life.

Objev podobné jako The Ugly Five - Julia Donaldsonová

cena 236.0 Kč

PER | Level 1: Karen and the Artist - Elizabeth Laird

Original / British EnglishKarens job takes her to many places. She loves art, and in Rome she sees some beautiful pictures. But the artist cant sell them and he has no money. Karen likes the young man. Can she sell his pictures for him?

Objev podobné jako PER | Level 1: Karen and the Artist - Elizabeth Laird

cena 200.0 Kč

The Years - Virginia Woolfová

It is 1880: after visiting his mistress in the London suburbs, Colonel Pargiter returns home to his children and his dying wife. In a series of snapshots we meet all the Pargiter siblings: twenty-year-old Eleanor, whose concern is to help the poor; her younger sisters Milly, Delia and Rose; her brothers Morris, Martin and Edward, who is at Oxford and in love with his cousin Kitty. As the years unfold, the various threads of relation, history and personal experience are woven into the tapestries of the characters' lives, forming a larger canvas that covers not only the story of a family, but that of two entire generations.The most ambitious of Woolf 's novels, and the last one to be published during her lifetime, The Years is a work suff used with a haunting, melancholy sense of time and history, and a stylistic tour de force.

Objev podobné jako The Years - Virginia Woolfová

cena 232.0 Kč

The Waves - Virginia Woolfová

''Clear, bright, burnished ... the moods that it expresses are a true kind of poetry'' The New York TimesTracing the lives of a group of friends, The Waves follows their development from childhood to middle age. While social events, individual achievements and disappointments form its narrative, the novel is most remarkable for the rich poetic language that expresses the inner life of its characters: their aspirations, their triumphs and regrets, their awareness of unity and isolation, and their questioning of the meaning of life itself. Perhaps more than any of Woolf''s novels, The Waves conveys the endless complexities of human experience.Edited with an Introduction and Notes by Kate Flint

Objev podobné jako The Waves - Virginia Woolfová

cena 236.0 Kč

Diary of a Wimpy Kid 5: The Ugly Truth - Jeff Kinney

The fifth book in Jeff Kinney's phenomenally successful Wimpy Kid series - now in paperback.Catch the hapless Greg Heffley as he navigates his way through family and school life with his best friend, Rowley, by his side in a brand new Wimpy Kid adventure!

Objev podobné jako Diary of a Wimpy Kid 5: The Ugly Truth - Jeff Kinney

cena 160.0 Kč

Diary of a Wimpy Kid book 5: The Ugly Truth (9780141340821)

Kniha - autor Jeff Kinney, 240 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá The fifth book in Jeff Kinney's phenomenally successful Wimpy Kid series - now in paperback. Catch the hapless Greg Heffley as he navigates his way through family and school life with his best friend, Rowley, by his side in a brand new Wimpy Kid adventure! Greg suddenly finds himself dealing with the pressures of boy-girl parties, increased responsibilities, and even the awkward changes that come with getting older—all without his best friend, Rowley, at his side. Can Greg make it through on his own? Or will he have to face the "ugly truth"?

Objev podobné jako Diary of a Wimpy Kid book 5: The Ugly Truth (9780141340821)

cena 174.0 Kč

To the Lighthouse - Virginia Woolfová

To the Lighthouse, considered by many to be Virginia Woolf's finest novel, is a remarkably original work, showing the thoughts and actions of the members of a family and their guests on two separate occasions, ten years apart. The setting is Mr and Mrs Ramsay's house on a Scottish island, where they traditionally take their summer holidays, overlooking a bay with a lighthouse. An experimental work that pushes the limits of what we know about the world and ourselves, Virginia Woolf's To the Lighthouse is one of the most beautifully crafted of all novels written in the English language.This Macmillan Collector's Library edition features an afterword by Sam Gilpin.Designed to appeal to the booklover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautiful gift editions of much loved classic titles. Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and treasure.

Objev podobné jako To the Lighthouse - Virginia Woolfová

cena 329.0 Kč

To the Lighthouse - Virginia Woolfová

When Mrs Ramsay tells her guests at her summer house on the Isle of Skye that they will be able to visit the nearby lighthouse the following day, little does she know that this trip will only be completed ten years later by her husband, and that a gulf of war, grief and loss will have opened in the meantime. As each character tries to readjust their memories and emotions with the shifts of time and reality, this long-delayed excursion will also prove to be a journey of self-discovery and fulfilment for them. Rich in symbolism, daring in style, elegiac in tone and encapsulating Virginia Woolf's ideas on life, art and human relationships, To the Lighthouse is a landmark of twentieth-century literature and one of the high points of early Modernism.

Objev podobné jako To the Lighthouse - Virginia Woolfová

cena 207.0 Kč

To The Lighthouse - Virginia Woolfová

Every summer, the Ramsay family visit their holiday home in Scotland. It is where the children find themselves, and where the intricacies of adult relationships are uncovered. However, just a decade later, the family shatters as they fall under the shadow of war, grief and bitterness.

Objev podobné jako To The Lighthouse - Virginia Woolfová

cena 266.0 Kč

To the Lighthouse - Virginia Woolfová

Every summer, the Ramsays visit their summer home on the beautiful Isle of Skye, surrounded by the excitement and chatter of family and friends, mirroring Virginia Woolf’s own joyful holidays of her youth. But as time passes, and in its wake the First World War, the transience of life becomes ever more apparent through the vignette of the thoughts and observations of the novel’s disparate cast. A landmark of high modernism and the most autobiographical of Virginia Woolf’s novels, To the Lighthouse explores themes of loss, class structure and the question of perception, in a hauntingly beautiful memorial to the lost but not forgotten. Chosen by TIME magazine as one of the 100 best English-language novels from 1923 to the present.

Objev podobné jako To the Lighthouse - Virginia Woolfová

cena 79.0 Kč

The Voyage Out - Virginia Woolfová

WITH INTRODUCTIONS BY FRANCES SPALDING AND ERICA WAGNERA party of English people board the Euphrosyne bound for South America. Among them is Rachel Vinrace, young, innocent and wholly ignorant of the world of politics and society. She is a free spirit, half-caught, momentarily and passionately, by Terence Hewet, an aspiring writer. But their engagement is to end abruptly, not in marriage but in tragedy. Published in 1915, The Voyage Out was Virginia Woolf's first novel.

Objev podobné jako The Voyage Out - Virginia Woolfová

cena 312.0 Kč

Fender Ugly Christmas Beanie 2024 1 Size

Kulich Kulich Fender Ugly Christmas Beanie 2024 "Welcome to the Jingle" vtipně parafrázuje známou skladbu od Guns N' Roses a zároveň se připojuje k tradici “ošklivých” svetrů značky Fender, které pod vánočním stromečkem rockeři a rockerky, starší i mladší, přijmou s úsměvem na rtech. Kulich je zhotoven z umělých vláken (akryl) a zdobí jej pletené vzory s vánoční tematikou v netradiční pojetí.

Objev podobné jako Fender Ugly Christmas Beanie 2024 1 Size

cena 889.0 Kč

Farma - Otiskni prstíky Stephanie Evans, ilustrace Alena Razumova - Elizabeth Golding, Alena Razumova

Tato kreativní kniha obsahuje spoustu nápadů a návodů na vytvoření zábavných obrázků pomocí barevných otisků prstíků. Na každé stránce s tematikou farmy a hospodářskými zvířaty se můžeš umělecky vyjádřit a obrázky zaplnit i podle své vlastní fantazie. Hotové otisky můžeš dokončit pomocí fixu a přidat jim drobné, nápadité detaily - vytvářej kuřátka, saláty, králíky či balíky sena. Různé prsty dělají různé otisky, tak na nic nečekej a pusť se do tvoření!

Objev podobné jako Farma - Otiskni prstíky Stephanie Evans, ilustrace Alena Razumova - Elizabeth Golding, Alena Razumova

cena 268.0 Kč

Elizabeth Laird Set x 3 shrink-wrapped - Elizabeth Laird

Elizabeth Laird's unforgettable stories of the conflict and crises refugees face on a daily basis. No Man's Land is the moving story of a young girl trying to help her family amid the crisis of civil war in Beirut; Kiss the Dust examines the persecution and hardships faced by refugees as they try to find their way to a safe place; and A Little Piece of Ground is an enlightening and important story that shows how the events reported in the news are closer than you could imagine. With crossover appeal and timely messages, these novels will appeal to children who like to keep up with current affairs and readers of Michael Morpurgo. Kiss the Dust Orange's in No Man's Land A Little Piece of Ground

Objev podobné jako Elizabeth Laird Set x 3 shrink-wrapped - Elizabeth Laird

cena 447.0 Kč

The Common Reader: First Series - Virginia Woolfová

HarperCollins is proud to present its incredible range of best-loved, essential classics. ‘A good essay must have this permanent quality about it; it must draw its curtain round us, but it must be a curtain that shuts us in not out' In the first volume of her critical essays, Virginia Woolf discusses the greatest authors of the literary canon - Jane Austen, George Eliot and Geoffrey Chaucer among others - with the everyday, ‘common reader' in mind. With wit and insight, Woolf also revisits classic novels and examines scholarly subjects, from the Greek language to the Modern Essay, to the Brontë's Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights. First published in 1925, The Common Reader is a stunning work from one of the most perceptive minds of the twentieth century, a collection which continues to nurture the joys of literature and reading to this day. Review ‘groundbreaking … a true classic that has pointed the way not just for science-fiction writers, but for how we as a civilisation might think of ourselves' Guardian ‘[Wells' work is] astonishingly rich in human and historical interest … he foresaw the invention of, among other things, television, tanks, aerial warfare and the atom bomb' David Lodge ‘I personally consider the greatest of English living writers [to be] H. G. Wells' Upton Sinclair About the Author Virginia Woolf was an English novelist, essayist, short story writer, publisher, critic and member of the Bloomsbury group, as well as being regarded as both a hugely significant modernist and feminist figure. Her most famous works include Mrs Dalloway, To the Lighthouse and A Room of One's Own.

Objev podobné jako The Common Reader: First Series - Virginia Woolfová

cena 89.0 Kč

To the Lighthouse - Virginia Woolfová - e-kniha

eBook: One family. One island. For ten years, the Ramsay family never miss a visit to the Isle of Skye. And tensions, trembles, and twists are never far away when a family comes together on holiday. But we’ll soon learn that things are never one-sided. You’ve got to deep dive into everyone’s perspective to truly unravel the riddle that is family love and life… We’ve got the motherly Mrs Ramsay, the mighty Mr Ramsay, and their eight mad and merry children. What could possibly go wrong? Virginia Woolf’s introspective ‘To the Lighthouse’ is the perfect read for fans of the novel's BBC radio 4 15-minute dramatisation by Linda Marshall Griffiths. Virginia Woolf (1882-1941) was a hugely influential English writer and modernist of the 20th-century literature scene. A pioneer in the narrative device of streams of consciousness, Woolf’s breathtaking collection spans ‘The Waves’, ‘Mrs Dalloway’, ‘Orlando’ and the non-fiction title ‘A Room of One’s Own’. Ranging from the raw and real themes of war, shellshock, and witchcraft to the role and rise of social class in British society, Woolf’s literary output is a subject of intense interest for literature lovers and scholars alike.

Objev podobné jako To the Lighthouse - Virginia Woolfová - e-kniha

cena 275.0 Kč

The Historian - Elizabeth Kostova

* The International Sensation * In the tradition of THE SECRET HISTORY and THE ALIENIST - a captivating and suspenseful novel that delves into the true history of Count Dracula ...

Objev podobné jako The Historian - Elizabeth Kostova

cena 357.0 Kč

The Waves (Vintage Classics Woolf Series) - Virginia Woolfová

The Waves is an astonishingly beautiful and poetic novel. It begins with six children playing in a garden by the sea and follows their lives as they grow up and experience friendship, love and grief at the death of their beloved friend Percival. Regarded by many as her greatest work, The Waves is also seen as Virginia Woolf's response to the loss of her brother Thoby, who died when he was twenty-six.

Objev podobné jako The Waves (Vintage Classics Woolf Series) - Virginia Woolfová

cena 214.0 Kč

The Dog of the North - McKenzie Elizabeth

LONGLISTED FOR THE WOMEN’S PRIZE FOR FICTION 2023The darkly comic new novel from the bestselling author of The Portable Veblen''Incredibly funny and very moving’ BELLA MACKIE''A blissful novel that I want to give to everyone I love’ NINA STIBBE‘Even funnier, even more romantic than McKenzie’s wonderful last’ KAREN JOY FOWLERPenny Rush has problems. Her marriage is over, she’s quit her job, her parents have been missing in the Australian outback for five years and now she’s back home in Santa Barbara, dealing with mounting family crises and living out of a borrowed van named The Dog of the North.The Dog is replete with gingham curtains, wood panelling, a piñata, clunky brakes and difficult steering. It’s also Penny’s getaway car from the curveballs life’s throwing at her. With an uncertain future ahead of her, could the road she’s on lead her back to herself?

Objev podobné jako The Dog of the North - McKenzie Elizabeth

cena 295.0 Kč

Život Vernona Subutexe 1 - Virginie Despentes

Alex Bleach je mrtvý. Tragédie je to nejen pro pařížskou rockovou scénu, jež ztratila svou největší hvězdu, ale i pro majitele obchodu s gramodeskami Vernona Subutexe, kterého slavný přítel držel nad vodou. Jediným Vernonovým vlastnictvím zůstává poslední videonahrávka zesnulé rockové ikony. A právě kvůli ní je mu teď na stopě bláznivá směska zoufalců – producenti, novináři, internetoví trollové, ale i pornohvězdy. Dokážou ho najít, než se nadobro ztratí v ulicích Paříže?

Objev podobné jako Život Vernona Subutexe 1 - Virginie Despentes

cena 357.0 Kč

The Stargazers - Harriet Evans

Then: Fane Hall Sarah has spent a lifetime trying to bury memories of her childhood: the constant fear, the horror of her school days, and Fane, the vast, crumbling house that was the sole obsession of her mother, Iris, a woman as beautiful as she was cruel. 1969: Hampstead Rescuing herself from the shadow of Fane, talented Sarah forges a career as a cellist and marries the love of her life, Daniel.But when they move into a near-derelict house in Hampstead and try to get on with becoming a family, Sarah finds the past will not let her go. Can she break free of the hold of Fane and her mother, and keep the promise she made as a child one magical starry night?

Objev podobné jako The Stargazers - Harriet Evans

cena 330.0 Kč

Dámský set s čepicí a šálou VIRGINIA tmavě fialový

Dámský set s čepicí a šálou VIRGINIA tmavě fialový

Objev podobné jako Dámský set s čepicí a šálou VIRGINIA tmavě fialový

cena 485.9 Kč

The Adventures of Elizabeth in Rügen - Elizabeth von Arnim - e-kniha

eBook: In 1901, the author – the real Elizabeth – went on a trip to the Baltic island of Rügen with her maid, a chauffeur, a friend, and a carriage piled high with their luggage. From this, she weaves a captivating tale of her encounters in this semi-autobiographical novel. A snobbish bishop’s wife and her handsome son, a dressmaker, and a long-lost cousin Charlotte form the basis of this story, as Charlotte tries to evade the pursuit of her husband. Elizabeth von Arnim\'s humorous novel ‘The Adventures of Elizabeth in Rügen’ will be enjoyed by fans of Thomas Hardy’s ‘Far From the Madding Crowd’. Elizabeth von Arnim was an English novelist – a cousin of the New Zealand-born writer Katherine Mansfield – born as Mary Annette Beauchamp in Australia in 1866. She married a German aristocrat and her earliest written works are set in Germany. Von Arnim launched her career as a writer with her satirical and semi-autobiographical work ‘Elizabeth and Her German Garden’, published anonymously in 1898. Although she was known by the name May in her early life, when she began writing, her success as ‘Elizabeth’ meant that her writings were ascribed to the name Elizabeth von Arnim.

Objev podobné jako The Adventures of Elizabeth in Rügen - Elizabeth von Arnim - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

The Absolute Book - Knox Elizabeth

Taryn Cornick barely remembers the family library. Since her sister was murdered, she's forgotten so much. Now it's all coming back. The fire. The thief. The scroll box. People are asking questions about the library. Questions that might relate to her sister's murder. And something called The Absolute Book. A book in which secrets are written - and which everyone believes only she can find. They insist Taryn be the hunter. But she knows the truth. She is the hunted . . . The Absolute Book is a tale of sisters, ancient blood, a forgotten library, murder, revenge and a book that might just have the answer to everything.

Objev podobné jako The Absolute Book - Knox Elizabeth

cena 268.0 Kč

Spin the Dawn - Elizabeth Lim

Project Runway meets Mulan in this sweeping fantasy about a young girl who poses as a boy to compete for the role of imperial tailor and embarks on an impossible journey to sew three magic dresses, from the sun, the moon, and the stars. On the fringes of the Great Spice Road, Maia Tamarin dreams of becoming the greatest tailor in the land - but as a girl, the best she can hope for is to marry well. Then a royal messenger summons her ailing father to court, and Maia seizes her chance. Disguised as a man, she travels to the Summer Palace in her father's place to compete for the emperor's favour, and the coveted position of imperial tailor. If Maia's ruse is discovered, her life will be forfeit. But if she wins, she will achieve her greatest dream. Yet nothing could have prepared her for the challenge ahead: to sew three magic gowns for the emperor's bride-to-be. One from the laughter of the sun, one from the tears of the moon, and one from the blood of stars. Accompanied by the mysterious court enchanter, whose piercing eyes seem to see straight through her disguise, Maia's journey will take her to the far reaches of the kingdom, seeking the sun, the moon, and the stars, and finding more than she ever could have imagined.

Objev podobné jako Spin the Dawn - Elizabeth Lim

cena 241.0 Kč

The Burial Plot - Elizabeth Macneal

From Elizabeth Macneal, the Sunday Times bestselling author of The Doll Factory, The Burial Plot is a spellbinding Gothic thriller about murder and manipulation. London, 1839.With the cemeteries full and money to be made in death, tricksters Crawford and Bonnie survive on wicked schemes and ill-gotten coin. But one blistering evening, their fortunes flip. A man lies in a pool of blood at Bonnie’s feet and now she needs to disappear.Crawford secures her a position as lady’s maid in a grand house on the Thames. As Bonnie comes to understand the family – the eccentric Mr Moncrieff, obsessively drawing mausoleums for his dead wife, and their peculiar daughter Cissie, scribbling imaginary love letters to herself – she begins to question what secrets are lying behind the house’s paper-thin walls and whether her own presence here was planned from the beginning. Because Crawford is watching, and perhaps he is plotting his greatest trick yet . . .

Objev podobné jako The Burial Plot - Elizabeth Macneal

cena 561.0 Kč

The King's Jewel - Elizabeth Chadwicková

Wales, 1093. Meet Nesta, a woman trying to survive in a man's world - a world where the men who would protect her are dead and banished. The warm, comfortable family life of young Nesta, daughter of Prince Rhys of Deheubarth is destroyed when her father is killed and she is taken hostage. Her honor is further tarnished when she is taken as an unwilling concubine by King William's ruthless younger brother Henry, who later ascends the throne under suspicious circumstances. Gerald FitzWalter, an ambitious young knight is rewarded for his unwavering loyalty to his new King with Nesta's hand in marriage. He is delighted, having always admired her from afar, but Nesta's only comfort is her return to her beloved Wales where cannot help but be tempted by the handsome, charismatic and dangerous son of the Welsh prince, Owain. When he offers her the chance to join him in his plan to overthrow Norman rule she must choose between her duty and her desire . . .

Objev podobné jako The King's Jewel - Elizabeth Chadwicková

cena 295.0 Kč

The Royal Rebel - Elizabeth Chadwicková

1338: England has declared war on France, and Jeanette of Kent, cousin to King Edward III, says goodbye to her family and travels overseas with the royal court for the first time. Once in Antwerp, she is captivated by talented household knight, Thomas Holland, just as he in turn is powerfully drawn to her. Although both know their romance is forbidden, their love for each other grows stronger than the danger they face, and they marry in secret. But before they can make their tryst known, Thomas has to leave for war, and in his absence, Jeanette is forced into a second marriage and locked away from the world. Then Thomas returns, and the real fight begins. As hostile family members battle to keep Jeanette and Thomas apart, the defiant lovers vow to be reunited - whatever the cost...From the award-winning and bestselling author, Elizabeth Chadwick, comes an epic love story set against the tumultuous backdrop of high chivalry, deadly warfare, devastating plague, and savage rivalry in the twelfth century - the first of two parts telling the remarkable story of a woman who rose from royal rebel to formidable influence.

Objev podobné jako The Royal Rebel - Elizabeth Chadwicková

cena 650.0 Kč

Unravel the Dusk - Elizabeth Lim

Three magical gowns. Two kingdoms on the brink of war. One chance to save them all. Maia Tamarin proved her skill as a tailor when she wove the dresses of the sun, the moon, and the stars, but it will take more than a beautiful gown to hide the darkness rising up within her, in the stunning sequel to Spin the Dawn. Maia Tamarin's journey to sew the dresses of the sun, the moon and the stars has taken a grievous toll. She returns to a kingdom on the brink of war, while Edan, the boy she loves, is gone - perhaps forever. No sooner does she set foot in the Autumn Palace than she is forced to don the dress of the sun and assume the place of the emperor's bride-to-be. But the emperor's rivals learn of her deception, and there is hell to pay - yet the war raging around Maia is nothing compared to the battle within. Ever since she was touched by the demon Bandur, she has been changing: losing control of her magic, her body and her mind. It's only a matter of time before Maia loses herself completely, but until then she will stop at nothing to find Edan, protect her family, and bring lasting peace to her home. The stakes are higher than ever in this breathtaking sequel to Spin the Dawn.

Objev podobné jako Unravel the Dusk - Elizabeth Lim

cena 268.0 Kč

The Poison Bed - Elizabeth Fremantleová

A king, his lover and his lover's wife. One is a killer. In the autumn of 1615 scandal rocks the Jacobean court when a celebrated couple are imprisoned on suspicion of murder. She is young, captivating and from a notorious family. He is one of the richest and most powerful men in the kingdom. Some believe she is innocent; others think her wicked or insane. He claims no knowledge of the murder. The king suspects them both, though it is his secret at stake. Who is telling the truth? Who has the most to lose? And who is willing to commit murder?

Objev podobné jako The Poison Bed - Elizabeth Fremantleová

cena 321.0 Kč

Evans EC2S Clear Fusion set

Sada blan na tomy Dvouvrstvé blány s implantovanám prstencem na spodní vrstvě. Prstenec kontroluje vibrace blány na jejím okraji , tlumí vyšší harmonické tóny, přidává basy a umožňuje širší rozsah ladění.

Objev podobné jako Evans EC2S Clear Fusion set

cena 1730.0 Kč

Evans EC2S Frosted Rock set

Sada blan na tomy Dvouvrstvé blány s implantovanám prstencem na spodní vrstvě. Prstenec kontroluje vibrace blány na jejím okraji , tlumí vyšší harmonické tóny, přidává basy a umožňuje širší rozsah ladění. Písek dodává bláně hřejivost.

Objev podobné jako Evans EC2S Frosted Rock set

cena 1950.0 Kč

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