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English Plus 3 Student´s Book (978-0-947485-8-2)

Kniha - anglicky A supportive course that helps students of all abilities build confidence through graded practice. The flexible package makes it ideal for mixed-ability classes, and varying teaching loads. English Plus develops students’ communication skills through a structured and methodical approach, helping students to achieve their individual learning outcomes in every lesson. One lesson-per-page structure means teachers can pick up and teach the course ‘I can’ statements, learning objectives, and presentation-practice-production methodology ensures all students achieve a productive outcome, regardless of their ability Step-by-step writing lessons and step-by-step speaking practice to build students’ confidence Options provides four optional extra lessons of CLIL, Culture, Vocabulary, or listening and speaking practice for each unit, linked to topics and language in the main units Graded grammar and vocabulary photocopiables in the Teacher’s Book offer...

Podívejte se také New hotline elementary Students book (978-0-943575-9-3)

cena 410.0 Kč

New hotline elementary Students book (978-0-943575-9-3)

Kniha - autor Tom Hutchinson,, česky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Jazyková úroveň: Starter, Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate Popis: Učebnice, pracovní sešit, audio kazety a učitelská příručka. Hlavní znaky: • Oblíbený čtyřdílný kurz pro mládež vhodný pro střední odborné školy, střední odborná učiliště, ale také nižší třídy gymnázií. • Tématicky plně odráží zájmy, potřeby a vkus mladé generace. • Jedinečný opakovací systém procvičování a upevňování jazyka. • Živá, moderní angličtina prezentovaná ve fotopříbězích nabízí i mnoho příležitostí ke srovnání obou kultur. • Učitelská příručka pomůže učitelům s informacemi, které se týkají reálií v Británii a USA, dále nabízí testy ke každé lekci a spoustu dalších aktivit, které můžete využít ve třídě s rozdílnou úrovní jazyka. • Ke všem dílům anglicko-český slovníček s výslovností (v jedné brožurce). • Zdarma k dispozici plakáty k dílům 1, 2, 3, 4, doplňková četba a testy k dílům 1 a 2. • Doložka MŠMT č. j....

Podívejte se také English Plus Second Edition 3 Student's Book (9780194201575)

cena 327.0 Kč

Project 5 Plus Studenťs Book: mezinárodní verze (978-0-943655-0-5)

Kniha - autor Tom Hutchinson, 88 stran, anglicky Publikace: PROJECT Fourth Edition 5 UČEBNICE - HUTCHINSON, T.. This new edition of Tom Hutchinson's bestselling course combines all the aspects that students and teachers loved from the previous edition with exiting new digital components, extra resources and more teacher support than ever before. Your students will love watching the new animated Mickey,..

Podívejte se také New Horizons 4 Teachers's Book (978-0-941346-8-2)

cena 390.0 Kč

Cambridge English for Engineering Students Book with Audio CDs (2) - Mark Ibbotson

Cambridge English for Engineering develops the communication skills and specialist English language knowledge of engineering professionals, enabling them to communicate more confidently and effectively with colleagues and customers. The ten standalone units cover topics common to all kinds of engineering (including civil, electrical and mechanical) such as procedures and precautions; monitoring and control; and engineering design. Authentic activities, from describing technical problems and suggesting solutions to working with drawings, make the course relevant and motivating. The course requires no specialist knowledge on the part of the teacher and comprehensive teacher's notes are available online. It is also ideal for self-study.

Objev podobné jako Cambridge English for Engineering Students Book with Audio CDs (2) - Mark Ibbotson

cena 569.0 Kč

New Horizons 4 Teachers's Book (978-0-941346-8-2)

Kniha -, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá New Horizons is a four-level upper secondary course that sets achievable goals and builds confidence. New Horizons includes 100% new content and updated exam training to prepare students for the B1 school-leaving exam. A wide range of topics engage teenagers’ interest and provide essential vocabulary. Practical grammar exercises then build students’ confidence in communication. Key futures Brand-new features, fun activities and 100% rewritten texts and exercises Clear structure and a moderate pace to suit classes with lower weekly contact hours, or mixed-ability classes Dual entry points at levels 1 and 2 mean that students can work towards the B1 exam at their own pace Updated and systematic exam training in levels 3 and 4 prepare students for the different requirements of their school-leaving exams Language review at the end of every two units recycles and revises language as the course progresses

Objev podobné jako New Horizons 4 Teachers's Book (978-0-941346-8-2)

cena 839.0 Kč

Cambridge Academic English B1+ Intermediate Students Book - Craig Thaine

A three-level (B1+ to C1) integrated skills course for higher education students at university or on foundation courses.

Objev podobné jako Cambridge Academic English B1+ Intermediate Students Book - Craig Thaine

cena 727.0 Kč

Aviation English Teacher's Book (978-0-300-2758-9)

Kniha – autor John Kennedy, 128 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá - anglicky

Objev podobné jako Aviation English Teacher's Book (978-0-300-2758-9)

cena 1739.0 Kč

English Plus 3 Student´s Book - Ben Wetz, Diana Pye

A supportive course that helps students of all abilities build confidence through graded practice. The flexible package makes it ideal for mixed-ability classes, and varying teaching loads. English Plus develops students’ communication skills through a structured and methodical approach, helping students to achieve their individual learning outcomes in every lesson. One lesson-per-page structure means teachers can pick up and teach the course ‘I can’ statements, learning objectives, and presentation-practice-production methodology ensures all students achieve a productive outcome, regardless of their ability Step-by-step writing lessons and step-by-step speaking practice to build students’ confidence Options provides four optional extra lessons of CLIL, Culture, Vocabulary, or listening and speaking practice for each unit, linked to topics and language in the main units Graded grammar and vocabulary photocopiables in the Teacher’s Book offer the opportunity to supplement or extend lessons Finished? Activities ensure fast finishers are kept busy throughout the lesson.

Objev podobné jako English Plus 3 Student´s Book - Ben Wetz, Diana Pye

cena 433.0 Kč

Cambridge Academic English B2 Upper Intermediate Students Book - Martin Hewings

A three-level (B1+ to C1) integrated skills course for higher education students at university or on foundation courses.

Objev podobné jako Cambridge Academic English B2 Upper Intermediate Students Book - Martin Hewings

cena 727.0 Kč

Happy Street 1 Class Book (978-0-943383-3-2)

Kniha - anglicky A story-based course that introduces young children to English first through listening and speaking, and then provides a gentle introduction to reading and writing. Key features: Happy House is a two-year course that introduces children to English through listening and speaking and then, in the second level, provides a gentle introduction to the written word. Happy House introduces children to English through an appealing storyline which combines both familiar contexts and a fantasy world. Children can relate to the characters Polly, Jack, and their baby sister, while also enjoying the adventures of a family of mice that live under the floorboards

Objev podobné jako Happy Street 1 Class Book (978-0-943383-3-2)

cena 337.0 Kč

Focus 3 Students´ Book - Vaughan Jones

Focus je zcela nová a unikátní učebnice pro studenty středních škol a gymnázií, koncipovaná jako komplexní příprava na jazykové zkoušky - Cambridge English, PTE a jiné.K titulu existuje česká edice Maturita Focus 3 Czech Edition Student's Book.

Objev podobné jako Focus 3 Students´ Book - Vaughan Jones

cena 584.0 Kč

English Plus Second Edition 3 Student's Book (9780194201575)

Kniha - 120 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Brighten up your classroom with English Plus Second Edition! With 80% new content, more video, new grammar animations, puzzles, and games, it's never been so easy to capture your students' attention. You'll find the same clear structure and high level of support for mixed-ability classes. With English Plus, every student can practise at the right level for them, and achieve success. You'll find graded Workbook activities, photocopiable worksheets and tests, plus fast finisher exercises to stretch stronger learners. The extra Options lessons allow you to match the course to your students' interests. Choose from Extra Listening and Speaking, Curriculum Extra, Culture, Project, and new Song pages.

Objev podobné jako English Plus Second Edition 3 Student's Book (9780194201575)

cena 409.0 Kč

English Plus 3 Student´s Book (2nd) - Ben Wetz, Sheila Dignen, Katrina Gormley

Each level consists of 8 theme-based units plus a shorter Starter unit. Centred on the Engage, Study, Activate methodology, each lesson is highly structured, building students' knowledge and confidence before culminating in a final productive exercise to enable students to personalise what they have learnt. A strong communicative strand runs throughout the Student's Book with plenty of speaking exercises and an entire lesson dedicated to speaking and pronunciation skills. Video is integrated into Vocabulary lessons to help students capture the target language and put it into context. Grammar Animations can be used alongside every Grammar lesson to reinforce the rule being taught and make language structures more memorable. On-page features such as Key Phrases and Study Strategy boxes support students while developing their ability to learn independently. Fast Finisher activities throughout every unit and Options pages at the back of the Student's Book provide opportunities to expand on the core material to suit different learner types.

Objev podobné jako English Plus 3 Student´s Book (2nd) - Ben Wetz, Sheila Dignen, Katrina Gormley

cena 421.0 Kč

English Plus 2 Student´s Book - Ben Wetz

A supportive course that helps students of all abilities build confidence through graded practice. The flexible package makes it ideal for mixed-ability classes, and varying teaching loads. English Plus develops students’ communication skills through a structured and methodical approach, helping students to achieve their individual learning outcomes in every lesson. One lesson-per-page structure means teachers can pick up and teach the course ‘I can’ statements, learning objectives, and presentation-practice-production methodology ensures all students achieve a productive outcome, regardless of their ability Step-by-step writing lessons and step-by-step speaking practice to build students’ confidence Options provides four optional extra lessons of CLIL, Culture, Vocabulary, or listening and speaking practice for each unit, linked to topics and language in the main units Graded grammar and vocabulary photocopiables in the Teacher’s Book offer the opportunity to supplement or extend lessons Finished? Activities ensure fast finishers are kept busy throughout the lesson.

Objev podobné jako English Plus 2 Student´s Book - Ben Wetz

cena 433.0 Kč

Project 3 Third Edition Student's Book (978-0-947641-6-2)

Kniha - autor Tom Hutchinson,, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Tried, tested, trusted ... and now even better! Teachers all over the world trust Project. This brand-new edition has been improved and updated in direct response to feedback from teachers. The tried and tested methodology, together with the wide range of material presenting real language in real contexts, will inspire a new generation of English learners from the ages of 9-10 years. Key features New, clear vocabulary sections added to the grammar-based syllabus and integrated skills work. Texts, topics and activities such as cartoons, traditional songs and stories and project work will all appeal to students. English across the curriculum' pages provide students with the language they need to discuss school subjects in English. Culture sections within each unit enable students to explore differences and draw comparisons with their own cultural backgrounds. Brand-new Culture DVD offers a...

Objev podobné jako Project 3 Third Edition Student's Book (978-0-947641-6-2)

cena 415.0 Kč

New Challenges 3 Students´ Book - Michael Harris

Themes are: * related to students' own world (friends, shopping, films, neighbours, holidays, sport) *cross-curricular (science and technology, history) * develop citizenship education (belonging and identity, diversity, awareness of disability) * about other cultures around the world (lifestyles, charity concerts, technology) Organisation: *Get Readypage introduces topics *first lessonpresents grammar through reading texts and practice *second lessondevelops reading, presents vocabulary and practises speaking *third lessondevelops the story with a focus on speaking and listening *Across Cultureslessons with reading, speaking project work *Your Challenge writing tasks and Understanding Grammarspots * the end of every module has a language check and learner development spot *Fact or Fictiontexts extend students' language by deciding whether information is true or false *Time Outmagazine with fun activities like puzzles, games and reading for pleasure. *Picture Dictionary

Objev podobné jako New Challenges 3 Students´ Book - Michael Harris

cena 434.0 Kč

English Plus 2 Student´s Book (2nd) - Diana Pye

The Student's Book contains a Starter unit to revise basic vocabulary and grammar. Eight teaching units; each unit has two vocabulary sections, two or more grammar presentations, and two listening and reading sections. There is practice of the four skills throughout. Each unit has a whole page devoted to speaking skills and a whole page devoted to writing skills. Eight Review and eight Puzzles and Gamessections which provide revision of all the language studied up to that point in the book. Twenty-eight pages of English Plus Options which include: Eight Extra listening and speaking pages to give further practice in these skills. Six Curriculum extra pages which are linked to topics taught in other subject areas in secondary school. Six Culture pages with topics that invite cultural comparisons. Four Projectand four Song pages which provide a further opportunity for consolidation.

Objev podobné jako English Plus 2 Student´s Book (2nd) - Diana Pye

cena 421.0 Kč

Maturita Focus Czech 3 Students´ Book - Sue Kay

Maturita Focus je zcela nová a unikátní učebnice pro studenty středních škol a gymnázií, koncipovaná jako komplexní příprava na jazykové zkoušky - českou státní maturitu, Cambridge English, PTE a jiné.Věková úroveň: 15 - 20 let, studenti středních školÚrovně:

Objev podobné jako Maturita Focus Czech 3 Students´ Book - Sue Kay

cena 584.0 Kč

English in Mind Starter Level Students Book with DVD-ROM - Herbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks

This second edition updates a course which has proven to be a perfect fit for classes the world over.

Objev podobné jako English in Mind Starter Level Students Book with DVD-ROM - Herbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks

cena 569.0 Kč

Wider World 2 Students´ Book + Active Book - Bob Hastings

Wider World is the portal to a fascinating world of English Language knowledge and skills for the 21st century learner. The combination of authentic and engaging videos from the BBC with Pearson's ELT expertise gives teenage learners everything they need to achieve their goals in the wider world.

Objev podobné jako Wider World 2 Students´ Book + Active Book - Bob Hastings

cena 430.0 Kč

More! 2 Students Book - Herbert Puchta

MORE! is a four-level course from a highly respected author team that's bursting with features for lower secondary students. With dedicated reading, culture, grammar, vocabulary, skills and cross-curricular learning sections, plus a wide range of flexible components, you really do get more with MORE! Each level of MORE! contains 80-90 hours of class material. Teachers can draw on a wide range of multimedia components to make lessons and homework varied and enjoyable, such as the free Student's Book CD-ROM, Classware DVD-ROM, Testbuilder CD-ROM, DVDs, Cyber Homework, and MORE! Online which can be accessed via the website. Students put new vocabulary to immediate communicative use through the 'Language Focus' in every unit of the Student's Book and extra exercises from the Teacher's Resource Pack. They can build their writing skills in the 'Writing for your portfolio' section in every unit and using the tips on writing in levels 3 and 4. The Cyber Homework option offers two sets of online exercises per unit which include automatic marking and messaging with students. Teachers can introduce cross-curricular learning (CLIL) in subjects such as Maths, Geography, Music, Science and Technology using the twelve dedicated 'Learn MORE through English' pages in each Student's Book. Classes can learn to 'Read MORE for pleasure' with the extra reading pages in every module of the Student’s Book. There is thorough grammar coverage thanks to a dedicated 'Grammar' section in every unit in the Student's Book and extra exercises in the Teacher's Resource Pack. Students explore the culture of English-speaking countries through the 'Learn MORE about Culture' sections in every module. Students are encouraged to assess their own progress in the 'Check progress' section every two units. Flexible resources enable easy testing: individual unit tests, two and four unit revision tests, entry level tests, final tests, plus The Teacher's Resource Pack 'Testbuilder CD-ROM Extra' for the creation of customised assessments. Each level of MORE! has a Classware interactive whiteboard software CD-ROM, mirroring the content from the Student's Book in an easy-to-use, interactive format.

Objev podobné jako More! 2 Students Book - Herbert Puchta

cena 342.0 Kč

High Season Student´s Book: English for the HOtel and Tourist Industry (978-0-945130-8-1)

Kniha - autor K. Harding; P. Henderson, 176 stran, česky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá A topic-based course for trainees and employees in the hotel and tourist industry. It introduces and practises the language skills necessary for dealing with English-speaking guests and for negotiating with others wthin the industry.

Objev podobné jako High Season Student´s Book: English for the HOtel and Tourist Industry (978-0-945130-8-1)

cena 674.0 Kč

New Challenges 2 Students´ Book - Michael Harris

Themes are: * related to students' own world (friends, shopping, films, neighbours, holidays, sport) *cross-curricular (science and technology, history) * develop citizenship education (belonging and identity, diversity, awareness of disability) * about other cultures around the world (lifestyles, charity concerts, technology) Organisation: *Get Readypage introduces topics *first lessonpresents grammar through reading texts and practice *second lessondevelops reading, presents vocabulary and practises speaking *third lessondevelops the story with a focus on speaking and listening *Across Cultureslessons with reading, speaking project work *Your Challenge writing tasks and Understanding Grammarspots * the end of every module has a language check and learner development spot *Fact or Fictiontexts extend students' language by deciding whether information is true or false *Time Outmagazine with fun activities like puzzles, games and reading for pleasure. Picture Dictionary

Objev podobné jako New Challenges 2 Students´ Book - Michael Harris

cena 434.0 Kč

Maturita Focus Czech 2 Students´ Book - Sue Kay

Maturita Focus je zcela nová a unikátní učebnice pro studenty středních škol a gymnázií, koncipovaná jako komplexní příprava na jazykové zkoušky - českou státní maturitu, Cambridge English, PTE a jiné.

Objev podobné jako Maturita Focus Czech 2 Students´ Book - Sue Kay

cena 584.0 Kč

Maturita Solutions Intermediate Teacher's Book (978-0-945519-2-2)

Kniha - anglicky zcela nový pětidílný kurz určený pro studenty českých středních škol, kteří se připravují na NOVOU MATURITU z anglického jazyka přehledná, jednoduchá stavba lekce: jedna stránka = jedna 45minutová hodina probírá a procvičuje maturitní témata - GET READY FOR MATURITA připravuje na všechny části a na obě úrovně NOVÉ MATURITY v metodické příručce je mnoho kopírovatelných doplňkových materiálů a nápadů pro mixed-ability classes

Objev podobné jako Maturita Solutions Intermediate Teacher's Book (978-0-945519-2-2)

cena 549.0 Kč

New hotline Pre-intermediate Student´s book (978-0-943576-3-0)

Kniha - autor Tom Hutchinson, 120 stran, česky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Oblíbený čtyřdílný kurz pro mládež vhodný pro střední odborné školy, střední odborná učiliště, ale také nižší třídy gymnázií. Tématicky plně odráží zájmy, potřeby a vkus mladé generace. Jedinečný opakovací systém procvičování a upevňování jazyka. Živá, moderní angličtina prezentovaná ve fotopříbězích nabízí i mnoho příležitostí ke srovnání obou kultur. Učitelská příručka pomůže učitelům s informacemi, které se týkají reálií v Británii a USA, dále nabízí testy ke každé lekci a spoustu dalších aktivit, které můžete využít ve třídě s rozdílnou úrovní jazyka.

Objev podobné jako New hotline Pre-intermediate Student´s book (978-0-943576-3-0)

cena 355.0 Kč

New Horizons 1 Teacher's Book (978-0-941347-9-8)

Kniha - 128 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá New Horizons is a four-level upper secondary course that sets achievable goals and builds confidence. New Horizons includes 100% new content and updated exam training to prepare students for the B1 school-leaving exam. A wide range of topics engage teenagers’ interest and provide essential vocabulary. Practical grammar exercises then build students’ confidence in communication. Key futures Brand-new features, fun activities and 100% rewritten texts and exercises Clear structure and a moderate pace to suit classes with lower weekly contact hours, or mixed-ability classes Dual entry points at levels 1 and 2 mean that students can work towards the B1 exam at their own pace Updated and systematic exam training in levels 3 and 4 prepare students for the different requirements of their school-leaving exams Language review at the end of every two units recycles and revises language as the course progresses

Objev podobné jako New Horizons 1 Teacher's Book (978-0-941347-9-8)

cena 838.0 Kč

PET Result Student´s Book (978-0-948171-5-8)

Kniha – 128 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá - anglicky English level: Intermediate / B1 A new level for the Exams Result series with an Online Workbook, and online PET and PET for Schools practice tests. With its fresh design, high-level support for teachers, and multi-media components, PET Result has one clear aim: better exam preparation for students and teachers. Key features Vibrant design with high-impact visuals keeps students motivated. Integrated dictionary skills work encourages independent study. Student's Book covers all the exam tasks several times to give your students plenty of practice. Online Workbook offers students additional practice on the Internet. Exercises have interactive support, such as automatic marking and feedback, online dictionary, grammar reference and more. Ideal for independent self-study. Online PET and PET for Schools practice tests also have interactive support features on...

Objev podobné jako PET Result Student´s Book (978-0-948171-5-8)

cena 658.0 Kč

New Headway - Academic skills 2, students book - Sarah Philpot

Popis edice: A three-level series that teaches students in higher education the skills essential for academic success.

Objev podobné jako New Headway - Academic skills 2, students book - Sarah Philpot

cena 305.0 Kč

New hotline intermediate Student´s book (978-0-943576-7-8)

Kniha - autor Tom Hutchinson,, česky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá

Objev podobné jako New hotline intermediate Student´s book (978-0-943576-7-8)

cena 355.0 Kč

Maturita Solutions Elementary Techer's Book (978-0-945516-2-5)

Kniha - 144 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá zcela nový pětidílný kurz určený pro studenty českých středních škol, kteří se připravují na NOVOU MATURITU z anglického jazyka přehledná, jednoduchá stavba lekce: jedna stránka = jedna 45minutová hodina probírá a procvičuje maturitní témata - GET READY FOR MATURITA připravuje na všechny části a na obě úrovně NOVÉ MATURITY v metodické příručce je mnoho kopírovatelných doplňkových materiálů a nápadů pro mixed-ability classes

Objev podobné jako Maturita Solutions Elementary Techer's Book (978-0-945516-2-5)

cena 549.0 Kč

English Plus 4 Student´s Book - Ben Wetz

A supportive course that helps students of all abilities build confidence through graded practice. The flexible package makes it ideal for mixed-ability classes, and varying teaching loads. English Plus develops students’ communication skills through a structured and methodical approach, helping students to achieve their individual learning outcomes in every lesson. One lesson-per-page structure means teachers can pick up and teach the course ‘I can’ statements, learning objectives, and presentation-practice-production methodology ensures all students achieve a productive outcome, regardless of their ability Step-by-step writing lessons and step-by-step speaking practice to build students’ confidence Options provides four optional extra lessons of CLIL, Culture, Vocabulary, or listening and speaking practice for each unit, linked to topics and language in the main units Graded grammar and vocabulary photocopiables in the Teacher’s Book offer the opportunity to supplement or extend lessons Finished? Activities ensure fast finishers are kept busy throughout the lesson.

Objev podobné jako English Plus 4 Student´s Book - Ben Wetz

cena 433.0 Kč

New hotline intermediate Teacher´s book (978-0-943576-9-2)

Kniha - autor Tom Hutchinson, 264 stran, česky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Oblíbený čtyřdílný kurz pro mládež vhodný pro střední odborné školy, střední odborná učiliště, ale také nižší třídy gymnázií.

Objev podobné jako New hotline intermediate Teacher´s book (978-0-943576-9-2)

cena 749.0 Kč

Project 2 Third Edition Student's Book (978-0-947641-5-5)

Kniha – autor Tom Hutchinson, anglicky - anglicky Tried, tested, trusted ... and now even better! Teachers all over the world trust Project. This brand-new edition has been improved and updated in direct response to feedback from teachers. The tried and tested methodology, together with the wide range of material presenting real language in real contexts, will inspire a new generation of English learners from the ages of 9-10 years. Key features New, clear vocabulary sections added to the grammar-based syllabus and integrated skills work. Texts, topics and activities such as cartoons, traditional songs and stories and project work will all appeal to students. 'English across the curriculum' pages provide students with the language they need to discuss school subjects in English. Culture sections within each unit enable students to explore differences and draw comparisons with their own cultural backgrounds. Brand-new Culture DVD offers a wealth of visual...

Objev podobné jako Project 2 Third Edition Student's Book (978-0-947641-5-5)

cena 415.0 Kč

English Plus 1 Student´s Book (2nd) - Ben Wetz

The Student's Book contains a Starter unit to revise basic vocabulary and grammar. Eight teaching units; each unit has two vocabulary sections, two or more grammar presentations, and two listening and reading sections. There is practice of the four skills throughout. Each unit has a whole page devoted to speaking skills and a whole page devoted to writing skills. Eight Review and eight Puzzles and Gamessections which provide revision of all the language studied up to that point in the book. Twenty-eight pages of English Plus Options which include: Eight Extra listening and speaking pages to give further practice in these skills. Six Curriculum extra pages which are linked to topics taught in other subject areas in secondary school. Six Culture pages with topics that invite cultural comparisons. Four Projectand four Song pages which provide a further opportunity for consolidation

Objev podobné jako English Plus 1 Student´s Book (2nd) - Ben Wetz

cena 421.0 Kč

English Plus 4 Student´s Book (2nd) - Ben Wetz

Brighten up your classroom with English Plus Second Edition! With 80% new content, more video, new grammar animations, puzzles, and games, it's never been so easy to capture your students' attention. You'll find the same clear structure and high level of support for mixed-ability classes. With English Plus, every student can practise at the right level for them, and achieve success. You'll find graded Workbook activities, photocopiable worksheets and tests, plus fast finisher exercises to stretch stronger learners. The extra Options lessons allow you to match the course to your students' interests. Choose from Extra Listening and Speaking, Curriculum Extra, Culture, Project, and new Song pages.

Objev podobné jako English Plus 4 Student´s Book (2nd) - Ben Wetz

cena 421.0 Kč

English Plus 1 Student´s Book - Ben Wetz, Diana Pye

A supportive course that helps students of all abilities build confidence through graded practice. The flexible package makes it ideal for mixed-ability classes, and varying teaching loads. English Plus develops students’ communication skills through a structured and methodical approach, helping students to achieve their individual learning outcomes in every lesson. One lesson-per-page structure means teachers can pick up and teach the course ‘I can’ statements, learning objectives, and presentation-practice-production methodology ensures all students achieve a productive outcome, regardless of their ability Step-by-step writing lessons and step-by-step speaking practice to build students’ confidence Options provides four optional extra lessons of CLIL, Culture, Vocabulary, or listening and speaking practice for each unit, linked to topics and language in the main units Graded grammar and vocabulary photocopiables in the Teacher’s Book offer the opportunity to supplement or extend lessons Finished? Activities ensure fast finishers are kept busy throughout the lesson.

Objev podobné jako English Plus 1 Student´s Book - Ben Wetz, Diana Pye

cena 433.0 Kč

Maturita Solutions Intermediate Student's Book: ROM (978-0-945518-3-0)

Kniha - autor Tim Falla; Paul Davies,, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá zcela nový pětidílný kurz určený pro studenty českých středních škol, kteří se připravují na NOVOU MATURITU z anglického jazyka přehledná, jednoduchá stavba lekce: jedna stránka = jedna 45minutová hodina probírá a procvičuje maturitní témata - GET READY FOR MATURITA připravuje na všechny části a na obě úrovně NOVÉ MATURITY v metodické příručce je mnoho kopírovatelných doplňkových materiálů a nápadů pro mixed-ability classes

Objev podobné jako Maturita Solutions Intermediate Student's Book: ROM (978-0-945518-3-0)

cena 542.0 Kč

Focus 4 Students´ Book - Vaughan Jones

Focus is a rich, varied, carefully levelled course for upper secondary students. Specially designed to motivate older teens, it helps them to track their level and achieve the exam results they need. With its unique blended learning package, Focus is the flexible course that gets results.

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cena 584.0 Kč

Exam Accelerator Students´ Book - Bob Hastings

Verified combination of textbook and workbook in one book with Audio CD

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cena 666.0 Kč

Messages 4 Students Book - Diana Goodey

Messages is a motivating lower-secondary course. Teachers and students are rewarded with immediate results at every 'Step' of each unit. Students can use their English to explore a complete set of online 'Infoquest' websites. Reading skills are developed through continuous stories and regular 'Life and culture' sections. KET- and PET-style exercises help develop exam skills. Exercises where students can work to their level make the course ideal for mixed-ability classes. Fast finishers can complete the 'Try this!' sections and extension exercises in the Workbook. Messages has been correlated against the CEF. The 'Coursework' activities at the end of each module provide students with examples of work to add to it. Regular 'Learning diary', 'How's it going?' and 'Study skills' sections create independent learners who take responsibility for their own progress. Level 1 assumes students have studied English at primary school, but gives full coverage of all basic language areas. Key features 'Use what you know' sections at the end of each step activate the language students have learnt and provide them with immediate results. 'Life and culture' sections and continuous stories provide rich reading resources about the outside world to stimulate students' interest. Coursework activities in each review section on a connected theme at each level (for example, Level 1 My Everyday Life) mean students build up a portfolio of work for each year. A variety of exercises such as the 'Try this!' sections and extension exercises in the Workbook mean students can work to their own level. Teacher's Resource Pack provides photocopiable tests, extra communication and grammar activities and pattern drills. KET and PET-style exercises train students in the skills they need for these exams. Student's Book description Each unit of the Student's Book is divided into 3 manageable steps with clear aims and outcomes. Students can see quick results through regular 'Use what you know' sections at the end of each step.'Life and culture' sections and a continuous story provides rich reading material while stimulating students' imaginations. There is a variety of exercises where students can work to their own level, making the course ideal for mixed ability classes.Coursework activities per module allow students to build up portfolios of work while online 'Infoquests' send students on a journey of discovery in English.

Objev podobné jako Messages 4 Students Book - Diana Goodey

cena 503.0 Kč

More! 4 Students Book - Herbert Puchta

MORE! is a four-level course from a highly respected author team that's bursting with features for lower secondary students. With dedicated reading, culture, grammar, vocabulary, skills and cross-curricular learning sections, plus a wide range of flexible components, you really do get more with MORE! Each level of MORE! contains 80-90 hours of class material. Teachers can draw on a wide range of multimedia components to make lessons and homework varied and enjoyable, such as the free Student's Book CD-ROM, Classware DVD-ROM, Testbuilder CD-ROM, DVDs, Cyber Homework, and MORE! Online which can be accessed via the website. Students put new vocabulary to immediate communicative use through the 'Language Focus' in every unit of the Student's Book and extra exercises from the Teacher's Resource Pack. They can build their writing skills in the 'Writing for your portfolio' section in every unit and using the tips on writing in levels 3 and 4. The Cyber Homework option offers two sets of online exercises per unit which include automatic marking and messaging with students. Teachers can introduce cross-curricular learning (CLIL) in subjects such as Maths, Geography, Music, Science and Technology using the twelve dedicated 'Learn MORE through English' pages in each Student's Book. Classes can learn to 'Read MORE for pleasure' with the extra reading pages in every module of the Student’s Book. There is thorough grammar coverage thanks to a dedicated 'Grammar' section in every unit in the Student's Book and extra exercises in the Teacher's Resource Pack. Students explore the culture of English-speaking countries through the 'Learn MORE about Culture' sections in every module. Students are encouraged to assess their own progress in the 'Check progress' section every two units. Flexible resources enable easy testing: individual unit tests, two and four unit revision tests, entry level tests, final tests, plus The Teacher's Resource Pack 'Testbuilder CD-ROM Extra' for the creation of customised assessments. Each level of MORE! has a Classware interactive whiteboard software CD-ROM, mirroring the content from the Student's Book in an easy-to-use, interactive format.

Objev podobné jako More! 4 Students Book - Herbert Puchta

cena 323.0 Kč

Choices Intermediate Students´ Book - Michael Harris

*12 thematic modules for Pre-Intermediate and 10 thematic modules for Elementary and Upper Intermediate, each divided into sections: - Topic Talk (opening page) - networks that provide guided choice by marrying functional language with lexical items - Grammar Skills - Writing Workshop - Speaking Workshop *Text Builder in units for process writing *Grammar Practice - Grammatical structures compared and contrasted. Students trained in choosing forms that best express given meanings and intentions *Language Review/Self Assessment every second module. Revision exercises where students check their answers and use a feedback guide to choose what they need to practise more *Listening with two levels of difficulty (slow speed and authentic speed) catering for different levels of students. Also gives the option of listening to the more difficult version after students have listened to the easier level *Culture Choice - 6 x lessons at back of Students' Book every two units which include cultural input, literature, songs and projects * At the back of the Students' Book: - Skills Builder - while doing listening, reading, writing and communicative activities, learners are given suport with strategies and language - Culture Choice (optional lessons which present reading texts, poems and songs with projects related to the students' own culture) - Language Choice booklet (further practice of vocabulary and grammar with a reference section for each language point that is presented).

Objev podobné jako Choices Intermediate Students´ Book - Michael Harris

cena 618.0 Kč

Choices Elementary Students´ Book - Michael Harris

12 thematic modules for Pre-Intermediate and 10 thematic modules for Elementary and Upper Intermediate, each divided into sections:- Topic Talk (opening page) - networks that provide guided choice by marrying functional language with lexical items- Grammar Skills- Writing Workshop- Speaking WorkshopText Builder in units for process writing Grammar Practice - Grammatical structures compared and contrasted. Students trained in choosing forms that best express given meanings and intentions Language Review/Self Assessment every second module. Revision exercises where students check their answers and use a feedback guide to choose what they need to practise more Listening with two levels of difficulty (slow speed and authentic speed) catering for different levels of students. Also gives the option of listening to the more difficult version after students have listened to the easier level Culture Choice - 6 x lessons at back of Students' Book every two units which include cultural input, literature, songs and projects At the back of the Students' Book:- Skills Builder - while doing listening, reading, writing and communicative activities, learners are given suport with strategies and language- Culture Choice (optional lessons which present reading texts, poems and songs with projects related to the students' own culture)- Language Choice booklet (further practice of vocabulary and grammar with a reference section for each language point that is presented).

Objev podobné jako Choices Elementary Students´ Book - Michael Harris

cena 618.0 Kč

Focus 1 Students´ Book - Marta Uminska

Focus is a rich, varied, carefully levelled course for upper secondary students. Specially designed to motivate older teens, it helps them to track their level and achieve the exam results they need. With its unique blended learning package, Focus is the flexible course that gets results.

Objev podobné jako Focus 1 Students´ Book - Marta Uminska

cena 584.0 Kč

New Success Intermediate Students´ Book w/ Active Book Pack - Stuart McKinlay

New Success Intermediate Student's Book with ActiveBook CD-ROM - učebnice angličtiny, pro střední školy, příprava k maturitě, PearsonNew Success provides: * a controlled environment for teaching and learning * student and teacher motivation * an interactive approach to learning * memorisation techniques * an equal emphasis on skills and grammar * a strong focus on vocabulary input and practice * expansion of students' general knowledge * cultural awareness * a principled testing and evaluation system plus exam preparation * innovative digital solutions for both teachers and students, keeping up-to-date with new trends in education

Objev podobné jako New Success Intermediate Students´ Book w/ Active Book Pack - Stuart McKinlay

cena 625.0 Kč

New Success Elementary Students´ Book w/ Active Book Pack - Lindsay White

Nová čtyřdílná řada učebnic se cvičeními ve zkouškovém formátu, speciálně napsaná pro středoškoláky s věkově cílenými tématy a s multimediálními komponenty. Doporučujeme k přípravě na maturitu a další jazykové zkoušky. - učebnice s aktivitami ke každému modulu, testy a přehledem gramatiky, slovníkem s výslovností na CD-ROMu

Objev podobné jako New Success Elementary Students´ Book w/ Active Book Pack - Lindsay White

cena 625.0 Kč

New Success Pre-Intermediate Students´ Book w/ Active Book Pack - Stuart McKinlay

*12 thematic units each consisting of 8 pages * Each unit clearly divided into sections (Grammar and Listening, Reading and Vocabulary, Vocabulary, Listening and Speaking, Writing) *Exam Revision every 2 units *End matter - Student Activities for information-gap exercises - Culture Shocks (three lessons based around different aspects of British culture) - Wordlists with a phonetic transcription *ActiveBook - a digital version of the Students' Book with full audio and video and interactive activities

Objev podobné jako New Success Pre-Intermediate Students´ Book w/ Active Book Pack - Stuart McKinlay

cena 625.0 Kč

New Success Upper Intermediate Students´ Book w/ Active Book Pack - Peter Moran

New Success Upper Intermediate Student's Book with ActiveBook CD-ROM - učebnice angličtiny, pro střední školy, příprava k maturitě, PearsonNew Success provides: * a controlled environment for teaching and learning * student and teacher motivation * an interactive approach to learning * memorisation techniques * an equal emphasis on skills and grammar * a strong focus on vocabulary input and practice * expansion of students' general knowledge * cultural awareness * a principled testing and evaluation system plus exam preparation * innovative digital solutions for both teachers and students, keeping up-to-date with new trends in education

Objev podobné jako New Success Upper Intermediate Students´ Book w/ Active Book Pack - Peter Moran

cena 625.0 Kč

New Opportunities Beginner Students´ Book - Michael Harris

New Opportunities Beginner Students Book - učebnice angličtiny, pro střední školy, Pearson, maturitaVíce o titulu na: http://www.venturesbooks.cz/pro-stredni-skoly/new-opportunities* New Everyday English sections motivate students to speak in English. * New culture corners give students a taste of life in Britain * Grammar and skills development give students a solid base for learning * Learner Power sections teach students how to become better learners. * Extra Time! Provides more practice for fast finishers.

Objev podobné jako New Opportunities Beginner Students´ Book - Michael Harris

cena 654.0 Kč

New Opportunities Elementary Students´ Book - Michael Harris

New Reading and Listening Texts motivate students to speak and think in English. * New exam zones in the Powerbook build students' exam skills and confidence. * New comprehensive testing programme provides total evaluation for students * Grammar and skills development give students a solid base for learning. * Training in independent study skills ensures good learning habits. * Cross curricular and cross cultural topics motivate students and engage their interest in the wider world.

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cena 654.0 Kč

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