Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
Altaic Languages (978-80-210-9321-8)
Kniha - autor Václav Blažek; Michal Schwarz; Ondřej Srba, 358 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá History of research, survey, classification and a sketch of comparative grammar. Monografie představuje příručku shrnující aktuální stav altajské diachronní lingvistiky. Soustřeďuje se na vývoj poznání turkické, mongolské, tunguzské, korejské a japonské větve, nejprve v perspektivě deskriptivní, posléze komparativní. Zvláštní pozornost je věnována historii dílčích i obecných klasifikačních modelů, vedle přehledu etymologických výkladů základních etnonym (Turek, Mongol, Tungus) a choronym (Korea, Japonsko) a historii ustanovení hláskových zákonů uvnitř jednotlivých větví i mezi nimi. Pro ilustraci společného původu je představen jmenný a zájmenný pádový systém. Detailně je pak zmapována historie etymologických analýz všech systémů číslovek v altajských jazycích. Publikace je určena pro lingvisty, historiky, antropology i archeology, zabývající se...
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Old Germanic Languages - Václav Blažek
Staré germánské jazyky. Historický a gramatický přehled*****Monografie sestává ze dvou hlavních a dvou doplňkových částí. První část přináší nejstarší lingvistické, epigrafické a archeologické informace o raných uživatelích germánských jazyků. Druhá část shrnuje historie jednotlivých jazyků od jejich kmenové minulosti zaznamenané antickými autory a zachycené v raných epigrafických památkách přes jejich literární tradice až po současnost. Přílohy zprostředkovávají hlavní modely genealogické klasifikace germánštiny mezi ostatními indoevropskými větvemi i vlastních germánských jazyků; srovnávací fonetiku a morfologii starých germánských jazyků; několik delších textů antických a středověkých autorů; přehled starogermánských písem; lexikostatistickou klasifikaci starogermánských jazyků a fríských dialektů. Bibliografie je rozdělena do dvou sekcí: (1) primární prameny; (2) (převážně) diachronní studie.
Podívejte se také In Quest of History On Czech Statehood and Identity (9788024642888)
Old Germanic Languages - Václav Blažek - e-kniha
eBook: Monografie sestává ze dvou hlavních a dvou doplňkových částí. První část přináší nejstarší lingvistické, epigrafické a archeologické informace o raných uživatelích germánských jazyků. Druhá část shrnuje historie jednotlivých jazyků od jejich kmenové minulosti zaznamenané antickými autory a zachycené v raných epigrafických památkách přes jejich literární tradice až po současnost. Přílohy zprostředkovávají hlavní modely genealogické klasifikace germánštiny mezi ostatními indoevropskými větvemi i vlastních germánských jazyků; srovnávací fonetiku a morfologii starých germánských jazyků; několik delších textů antických a středověkých autorů; přehled starogermánských písem; lexikostatistickou klasifikaci starogermánských jazyků a fríských dialektů. Bibliografie je rozdělena do dvou sekcí: (1) primární prameny; (2) (převážně) diachronní studie.
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Of Fear and Strangers: A History of Xenophobia - George Makari
An illuminating work revealing the long history of xenophobia and what it means for today's divided world Over the last few years, it has been impossible to ignore the steady resurgence of xenophobia. The European migrant crisis and immigration from Central America to the United States have placed Western advocates of globalisation on the defensive, and a 'New Xenophobia' seems to have emerged out of nowhere. In this fascinating study, George Makari traces the history of xenophobia from its origins to the present day. Often perceived as an ancient word for a timeless problem, 'xenophobia' was in fact only coined a century ago, tied to heated and formative Western debates over nationalism, globalisation, race and immigration. From Richard Wright to Sigmund Freud, Jean-Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir, writers and thinkers have long grappled with this most dangerous of phobias. Drawing on their work, Makari demonstrates how we can better understand the problem that is so crucial to our troubled times.
Objev podobné jako Of Fear and Strangers: A History of Xenophobia - George Makari
An Illustrated History of Notable Shadowhunters and Denizens of Downworld (9781471161193)
Kniha - autor Cassandra Clare, 208 stran, anglicky, Pevná bez přebalu matná - autor Cassandra Clare, 208 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu matná A very special anthology that's a must for all fans of the Shadowhunter novels! Featuring characters from Cassandra Clare's international best-selling novels from the Shadowhunters world including The Mortal Instruments, The Infernal Devices and The Dark Artifices, this anthology showcases beautifully illustrated portraits from Cassandra Jean - creator of The Shadowhunter Tarot - alongside never-before-known details from Cassandra Clare about all your favourite characters.
Objev podobné jako An Illustrated History of Notable Shadowhunters and Denizens of Downworld (9781471161193)
Portrait of a Judge. Book I; Development of a Model of selection, evaluation and promotion of judges: principles, selected comparative aspects and mod
eBook: Publikace shrnuje nejvýznamnější výstupy z mezinárodního projektu organizovaného Litevskou univerzitou a realizovaného v rámci grantu ,,Norských fondů“, který je sice zjednodušeně označen jako ,,Portrét soudce“, ale s podtitulem „vícerozměrný model kompetencí, který má být měřen během postupu výběru, hodnocení a povyšování soudců". Je tak zřejmé, že je zaměřen na osobu a funkci ,,soudce“, přičemž zde na základě evropské srovnávací studie dochází autoři ke specifikování vhodných kompetencí, které mají být zjišťovány a měřeny v průběhu výběru soudců na první pozici, jejich hodnocení a povyšování, a to jak na vyšší soudy, tak při ustavování do manažerských postů soudů. Ve formě barevné grafické tabulky v druhé části knihy pak autoři přehledně uvádí soubor kompetencí, které se používají v procesu jmenování, hodnocení a povyšování soudců, jakož i kritéria a metody, jak měřit tyto kompetence. Tento model byl konstruován jako flexibilní, přičemž barvy semaforu označují, jaké požadavky, kritéria a metody jsou považovány za ,,dobré mít“ (zelené), až k těm, které, pokud jde o naše odborníky, by součástí postupů výběru, hodnocení a povyšování soudců být neměly (červené). Realizace projektu ,,Portrét soudce“ také v širším kontextu vychází z četných záruk a aspektů nezávislosti soudnictví, zejména ve vztahu k výkonné moci, ale zohledňuje také postupný vliv judikatury na rozhodování soudů členských států Rady Evropy. Nezávislost soudnictví je jednou ze základních evropských hodnot, které vládnou právním státům a jejich ústavním systémům. Proto je tomuto problému věnována neustálá pozornost ve vědecké a pedagogické činnosti vysokých škol a výzkumných ústavů a samozřejmě i špičkových soudních institucí. I z tohoto důvodu je velmi cenná účast zástupců Nejvyššího soudu Litevské republiky, Vrchního soudu v Praze a Nejvyššího soudu Albánie, jakož i zástupců Nejvyšších rad soudnictví Litvy a Albánie.
Objev podobné jako Portrait of a Judge. Book I; Development of a Model of selection, evaluation and promotion of judges: principles, selected comparative aspects and mod
An Illustrated History of Notable Shadowhunters and Denizens of Downworld - Cassandra Clare
A very special anthology that's a must for all fans of the Shadowhunter novels! Featuring characters from Cassandra Clare's international best-selling novels from the Shadowhunters world including The Mortal Instruments, The Infernal Devices and The Dark Artifices, this anthology showcases beautifully illustrated portraits from Cassandra Jean – creator of The Shadowhunter Tarot – alongside never-before-known details from Cassandra Clare about all your favourite characters.
Objev podobné jako An Illustrated History of Notable Shadowhunters and Denizens of Downworld - Cassandra Clare
A History of Magic, Witchcraft and the Occult
Discover the beguiling history of witchcraft, magic, and superstition through the centuries in this stunningly illustrated title. A History of Magic, Witchcraft and the Occult charts the extraordinary narrative of one of the most interesting and often controversial subjects in the world, covering everything from ancient animal worship and shamanism, through alchemy and divination to modern Wicca and the resurgence of the occult in 21st-century literature, cinema, and television.Providing readers with a comprehensive account of everything from Japanese folklore and Indian witchcraft to the differences between black and white magic, and dispelling myths such as those surrounding the voodoo doll and Ouija, the book explores the common human fascination with spells, superstition, and the supernatural.This riveting read on witchcraft includes: Engaging text and lavish illustrations with over 500 full-colour images that bring the subject to life.Special features on aspects of magic, such as oracle bones of ancient China, the Knights Templar, and magic at the movies, and "plants and potions", such as mandrake and belladonna examine topics in great detail.Quick-fact panels explore magic origins, key figures, key deities, uses in spells, structures of religions, and more.The perfect introduction to magic and the occult, it explores forms of divination from astrology and palmistry to the Tarot and runestones and offers key insights into the ways in which magic has interacted with religion.The most comprehensive illustrated history of witchcraft available, A History of Magic, Witchcraft and the Occult will enthral and fascinate anyone interested in spiritualism and the occult.
Objev podobné jako A History of Magic, Witchcraft and the Occult
History of the Czechoslovak, and the Czech and Slovak orthopaedics - Oldřich Čech
Anglické vydání uceleného přehledu historie naší i slovenské ortopedie za posledních téměř sto let. Obdivuhodný almanach, editorsky připravený prof. MUDr. Oldřichem Čechem, je nejen úctyhodnou procházkou dějinami oboru, ale představuje i významné osobnosti , společnosti i důležitá vědecká setkání. Publikace vychází jako mimořádné číslo periodika Acta Chirurgiae orthopaedicae et Traumatologiae čechoslovaca.
Objev podobné jako History of the Czechoslovak, and the Czech and Slovak orthopaedics - Oldřich Čech
Europe and the Roma: A History of Fascination and Fear - Klaus-Michael Bogdal
The first full, comprehensive account of the cultural representation of the Roma in European historyThis remarkable book describes a dark side of European history: the rejection of the Roma from their initial arrival in the late Middle Ages to the present day. To Europeans, the Roma appeared to be in complete contradiction with their own culture, because of their mysterious origins, unknown language and way of life. As representatives of an oral culture, for centuries the Roma have left virtually no written records of their own. Their history has been conveyed to us almost exclusively through the distorted images that European cultures project.Persecuted and shunned, the Roma nonetheless spread out across the continent and became an important, indeed indispensable element in the European imagination. It is impossible to conceive of the culture of Spain, southern France and much of Central Europe without this pervasive Romani influence.Europe and the Roma brilliantly describes the 'fascination and fear' which have marked Europeans' response to the Romani presence. Countless composers, artists and writers have responded to Romani culture and to fantasies thereof. Their projections onto a group whose illiteracy and marginalization gave it so little direct voice of its own have always been a very uneasy mixture of the inspired, the patronizing and the frighteningly ignorant. The book also shows the link between cultural violence, social discrimination and racist policies that paved the way for the genocide of the Roma.
Objev podobné jako Europe and the Roma: A History of Fascination and Fear - Klaus-Michael Bogdal
Lands of Belonging: A History of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Britain - Donna Amey Bhatt, Vikesh Amey Bhatt
Publishing for the 75th anniversary of the Partition of India in August 2022, this book is a unique exploration of the rich and complicated history of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Britain.
Objev podobné jako Lands of Belonging: A History of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Britain - Donna Amey Bhatt, Vikesh Amey Bhatt
Delizia: The Epic History of Italians and Their Food - Dickie John
The new edition of the much-loved classic, with a fresh chapter that brings the surprising and moreish tale of the Italian way of eating right up to the present.Delizia! takes the reader on a revelatory historical journey through the flavours of the cities that shaped the Italian love for good eating. From the bustle of Medieval Milan, to the bombast of Fascist Rome; from the pleasure gardens of Renaissance Ferrara, to the putrid alleyways of nineteenth-century Naples. In rich slices of Italian life, Delizia! shows how violence and intrigue, as well as taste and creativity, went to make the world's favourite cuisine. With its mix of vivid story-telling, ground-breaking research and shrewd analysis, John Dickie's Delizia! is as appetising as the dishes it describes.
Objev podobné jako Delizia: The Epic History of Italians and Their Food - Dickie John
Rise and Kill First: The Secret History of Israel's Targeted Assassinations (1473694744)
Kniha - autor Ronen Bergman, 756 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná From the very beginning of its statehood in 1948, the instinct to take every measure to defend the Jewish people has been hardwired into Israel's DNA. This is the riveting inside account of the targeted assassinations that have been used countless times, on enemies large and small, sometimes in response to attacks against the Israeli people and sometimes pre-emptively. Rise and Kill First counts their successes, failures and the moral and political price exacted on those who carried out the missions which have shaped the Israeli nation, the Middle East and the entire world.
Objev podobné jako Rise and Kill First: The Secret History of Israel's Targeted Assassinations (1473694744)
Prague in Black and Gold: The History of a City - Peter Demetz
From the Velvet Revolution to the disturbing world of Franz Kafka, from the devestation of the Thirty Years War to the musical elegance of Mozart and Dvorak, Prague is steeped in a wealth of history and culture. PRAGUE IN BLACK AND GOLD is a first class history of this unique city, allowing us to unravel layer upon layer of startlingly symbolic sites and buidings to reveal the real Prague. "PRAGUE IN BLACK AND GOLD is an exceptional work - and exceptionally reliable ... I am sure that thiswill be an important and exciting guide for all who wish to learn more about the famous people and important events in the history of the Czech lands and their capital" Ivan Klima, The Times
Objev podobné jako Prague in Black and Gold: The History of a City - Peter Demetz
Washington Bullets: A History of the CIA, Coups, and Assassinations - Prashad Vijay
Essays on acts of US imperialism, from the 1953 Iran coup to the 2019 ouster of Evo MoralesWashington Bullets is written in the best traditions of Marxist journalism and history-writing. It is a book of fluent and readable stories, full of detail about US imperialism, but never letting the minutiae obscure the larger political point. It is a book that could easily have been a song of despair―a lament of lost causes; it is, after all, a roll call of butchers and assassins; of plots against people’s movements and governments; of the assassinations of socialists, Marxists, communists all over the Third World by the country where liberty is a statue.Despite all this, Washington Bullets is a book about possibilities, about hope, about genuine heroes. One such is Thomas Sankara of Burkina Faso―also assassinated―who said: ‘You cannot carry out fundamental change without a certain amount of madness. In this case, it comes from nonconformity, the courage to turn your back on the old formulas, the courage to invent the future. It took the madmen of yesterday for us to be able to act with extreme clarity today. I want to be one of those madmen. We must dare to invent the future.’
Objev podobné jako Washington Bullets: A History of the CIA, Coups, and Assassinations - Prashad Vijay
Rise and Kill First: The Secret History of Israel's Targeted Assassinations - Ronen Bergman
From the very beginning of its statehood in 1948, the instinct to take every measure to defend the Jewish people has been hardwired into Israel's DNA. This is the riveting inside account of the targeted assassinations that have been used countless times, on enemies large and small, sometimes in response to attacks against the Israeli people and sometimes pre-emptively. Rise and Kill First counts their successes, failures and the moral and political price exacted on those who carried out the missions which have shaped the Israeli nation, the Middle East and the entire world.
Objev podobné jako Rise and Kill First: The Secret History of Israel's Targeted Assassinations - Ronen Bergman
World Order: Reflections on the Character of Nations and the Course of History (0141979003)
Kniha - autor Henry Kissinger, 420 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The summation of Henry Kissinger's thinking about history, strategy and statecraft, WORLD ORDER examines the great tectonic plates of history to explain the attitudes that states and empires - and in particular his four great 'world orders', the European, Islamic, Chinese and American - have taken to the rest of the world from the formation of Europe to our own times. Henry Kissinger draws upon a lifetime's historical study and unmatched experience as a world statesman.
Objev podobné jako World Order: Reflections on the Character of Nations and the Course of History (0141979003)
Control: The Dark History and Troubling Present of Eugenics
A short, highly directed guide to an area of science that is little understood but increasingly part of public discourse by the Sunday Times bestselling author of HOW TO ARGUE WITH A RACIST * FROM THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLING AUTHOR OF HOW TO ARGUE WITH A RACIST *Throughout history, people have sought to improve society by reducing suffering, eliminating disease or enhancing desirable qualities in their children. But this wish goes hand in hand with the desire to impose control over who can marry, who can procreate and who is permitted to live. In the Victorian era, in the shadow of Darwin's ideas about evolution, a new full-blooded attempt to impose control over our unruly biology began to grow in the clubs, salons and offices of the powerful. It was enshrined in a political movement that bastardised science, and for sixty years enjoyed bipartisan and huge popular support. Eugenics was vigorously embraced in dozens of countries. It was also a cornerstone of Nazi ideology, and forged a path that led directly to the gates of Auschwitz. But the underlying ideas are not merely historical. The legacy of eugenics persists in our language and literature, from the words 'moron' and 'imbecile' to the themes of some of our greatest works of culture. Today, with new gene editing techniques, very real conversations are happening - including in the heart of British government - about tinkering with the DNA of our unborn children, to make them smarter, fitter, stronger. CONTROL tells the story of attempts by the powerful throughout history to dictate reproduction and regulate the interface of breeding and society. It is an urgently needed examination that unpicks one of the defining and most destructive ideas of the twentieth century. To know this history is to inoculate ourselves against its being repeated.
Objev podobné jako Control: The Dark History and Troubling Present of Eugenics
Languages of Truth - Salman Rushdie
From 'Best of the Booker' winner Salman Rushdie, an incisive and inspiring collection of non-fiction essays, criticism and speeches that takes readers on a thrilling journey through the evolution of language and culture.'One of the greatest writers of our age' Neil GaimanAcross a wide variety of subjects, Rushdie delves into the nature of storytelling as a deeply human need and what emerges is a love letter to literature itself. Throughout, he shares his personal encounters, on the page and in person, with storytellers from Shakespeare to Toni Morrison and revels in the creative lines that can join art and life. Rushdie considers, too, the nature of truth and looks afresh at migration, multiculturalism and censorship.
Objev podobné jako Languages of Truth - Salman Rushdie
Cultures of Inclusive Education and Democratic Citizenship: Comparative Perspectives - Martin Strouhal, Magdalena Kohout-Diaz - e-kniha
eBook: Inclusive education has aroused heated debate among teachers, parents, politicians, and the general public, yet for many involved and affected the basic concepts and real goals of inclusion are unclear or misunderstood. Presenting research by scholars from the Czech Republic, France, Norway, Poland, Canada, and Switzerland on education, democratic citizenship, and the inclusive philosophies and politics of various countries, Cultures of Inclusive Education and Democratic Citizenship examines and clarifies the cultural, professional, and political issues surrounding the implementation of inclusive education. The first section of the book examines the epistemology of the inclusive process. The second section compares the logic of inclusion from an international perspective. The final section explores concrete problems encountered in the different states represented.
Objev podobné jako Cultures of Inclusive Education and Democratic Citizenship: Comparative Perspectives - Martin Strouhal, Magdalena Kohout-Diaz - e-kniha
The House by the Lake: The Story of a Home and a Hundred Years of History - Thomas Harding
A beautiful picture-book adaptation of Thomas Harding's Costa-shortlisted biography for adults, exquisitely illustrated by Britta Teckentrup.On the outskirts of Berlin, a wooden cottage stands on the shore of a lake. Over the course of a century, this little house played host to a loving Jewish family, a renowned Nazi composer, wartime refugees and a Stasi informant; in that time, a world war came and went, and the Berlin Wall was built a stone's throw from the cottage's back door.Thomas Harding first shared this remarkable story in his Costa-shortlisted biography The House by the Lake - now he has rendered it into a deeply moving picture-book for young readers. With words that read like a haunting fairy-tale, and magnificent artwork by Britta Teckentrup, this is the astonishing true story of the house by the lake.
Objev podobné jako The House by the Lake: The Story of a Home and a Hundred Years of History - Thomas Harding
Tracks on the Ocean: A History of Trailblazing, Maps and Maritime Travel - Caputo Sara
From their first appearance on Renaissance maps, linear tracks representing maritime voyages have shaped the way we see the world. But why do we depict journeys as lines, and what is their deeper meaning? Ferdinand Magellan's route to the Pacific embodied the promise of adventure and colonisation, while the scientific charts of the Royal Navy inspired others to plan conquests, navigate treacherous waters and establish settlements across the oceans.In Tracks on the Ocean, prize-winning historian Sara Caputo charts a hidden history of the modern world through the tracks left on maps and the sea. Taking us from ancient Greek itineraries to twenty-first-century digital mapping, via the voyages of Drake and Cook, the decks of Napoleonic warships and the boiler rooms of ocean liners, Caputo reveals how marks on maps have changed the course of modernity.
Objev podobné jako Tracks on the Ocean: A History of Trailblazing, Maps and Maritime Travel - Caputo Sara
Lotharingia : A Personal History of France, Germany and the Countries In-Between - Simon Winder
In AD 843, the three surviving grandsons of the great Emperor Charlemagne met at Verdun. After years of bitter squabbles over who would inherit the family land, they finally decided to divide the territory and go their separate ways. In a moment of staggering significance, one grandson inherited what became France, another Germany and the third Lotharingia: the chunk that initially divided the other two. The dynamic between these three great zones has dictated much of our subsequent fate.In this beguiling, hilarious and compelling book we retrace how both from west and from east any number of ambitious characters have tried and failed to grapple with these Lotharingians, who ultimately became Dutch, German, Belgian, French, Luxembourgers and Swiss. Over many centuries, not only has Lotharingia brought forth many of Europe's greatest artists, inventors and thinkers, but it has also reduced many a would-be conqueror to helpless tears of rage and frustration. Joining Germania and Danubia in Simon Winder's endlessly fascinating retelling of European history, Lotharingia is a personal, wonderful and gripping story.
Objev podobné jako Lotharingia : A Personal History of France, Germany and the Countries In-Between - Simon Winder
History of Violence (1784706078)
Kniha - autor Edouard Louis, 198 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná ** Shortlisted for the 2020 International Dublin Literary Award ** The radical, urgent new novel from the author of The End of Eddy - a personal and powerful story of violence. I met Reda on Christmas Eve 2012, at around four in the morning. He approached me in the street, and finally I invited him up to my apartment. He told me the story of his childhood and how his father had come to France, having fled Algeria. We spent the rest of the night together, talking, laughing. At around 6 o'clock, he pulled out a gun and said he was going to kill me. He insulted me, strangled and raped me. The next day, the medical and legal proceedings began. History of Violence retraces the story of that night, and looks at immigration, class, racism, desire and the effects of trauma in an attempt to understand a history of violence, its origins, its reasons and its causes. 'It stays with you'...
Objev podobné jako History of Violence (1784706078)
A History of Photography
Muzeum George Eastman House se sídlem v Rochesteru ve státě New York , je jednou z nejvýznamnějších světových institucí věnujících se výzkumu, vystavování a uchovávání fotografického umění. Bylo otevřeno v roce 1949 v domě George Eastmana, zakladatele Eastman Kodak Company, jako první muzeum v USA zaměřené na fotografii a film. Objevná publikace nabízí pohled zevnitř do hloubky a šířky jeho fotografických sbírek a sleduje bohaté dějiny fotografie od dávných počátků po moderní digitální obrazové technologie.
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The Gates of Europe : A History of Ukraine - Serhii Plokhy
'An indispensable guide to the tragic history of a great European nation' (David Blair Sunday Telegraph)Located at the western edge of the Eurasian steppe, Ukraine has long been the meeting place of empires - Roman to Ottoman, Habsburg to Russian - and they all left their imprint on the landscape, the language and the people living within these shifting borders. In this authoritative book, Harvard Professor Serhii Plokhy traces the history of Ukraine from the arrival of the Vikings in the tenth century to the current Russian invasion of eastern Ukraine and annexation of Crimea. Fascinating and multilayered, The Gates of Europe is the essential guide to understanding not just Ukraine's past but also its future.
Objev podobné jako The Gates of Europe : A History of Ukraine - Serhii Plokhy
The End of the History and the Last Man (0743284550)
Kniha - autor Francis Fukuyama, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - autor Francis Fukuyama, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Fukuyama's profound inquiry leads the reader to the question of whether humanity will eventually reach a stable state in which it is at last completely satisfied, or whether there is something about the condition of humans that will always lead them to smash this ultimate equilibrium and plunge the world back into chaos.
Objev podobné jako The End of the History and the Last Man (0743284550)
In Quest of History On Czech Statehood and Identity (9788024642888)
Elektronická kniha - autor Karel Hvížďala a Jiří Pribáň, 290 stran, česky Dialog Karla Hvížďaly, novináře-zvědavce z Prahy, s Jiřím Přibáněm, právním filosofem z britského Cardiffu, nad uzlovými body naší historie, ku příležitosti 100. výročí republiky, v širokém teritoriálním i časovém kontextu od 9. do 21. století. Toto rozpětí umožnilo nahlédnout do minulosti a ptát se, proč a jak jsme v různých dobách vnímali a chápali naše dějiny a co to znamená pro naši přítomnost i budoucnost. S tímto hledáním je spojena i snaha zbavit se redukce dějin na projekční plátno našich frustrací. Autoři zvolili formu dialogu, ve kterém se snaží vrátit do veřejného prostoru otázky, které se většinou řeší jen na akademické půdě nebo kterým se vyhýbáme.
Objev podobné jako In Quest of History On Czech Statehood and Identity (9788024642888)
Guns, Germs and Steel: A Short History of Everbody for the Last 13000 Years (0099302780)
Kniha - autor Jared Diamond, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - autor Jared Diamond, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná A study of how Europe and the Near East became the cradles of modern society, eventually giving rise to capitalism and science, the dominant forces in today's world - and why, until more recent times, Africa, Australasia and the Americas lagged behind in both technological sophistication and political and military power. 32 illus.
Objev podobné jako Guns, Germs and Steel: A Short History of Everbody for the Last 13000 Years (0099302780)
That Sweet Enemy : Britain and France: The History of a Love-Hate Relationship - Robert Tombs
That Sweet Enemy brings both British wit (Robert Tombs is a British historian) and French panache (Isabelle Tombs is a French historian) to bear on three centuries of the history of Britain and France. From Waterloo to Chirac's slandering of British cooking, the authors chart this cross-channel entanglement and the unparalleled breadth of cultural, economic, and political influence it has wrought on both sides, illuminating the complex and sometimes contradictory aspects of this relationship--rivalry, enmity, and misapprehension mixed with envy, admiration, and genuine affection--and the myriad ways it has shaped the modern world. Written with wit and elegance, and illustrated with delightful images and cartoons from both sides of the Channel, That Sweet Enemy is a unique and immensely enjoyable history, destined to become a classic.
Objev podobné jako That Sweet Enemy : Britain and France: The History of a Love-Hate Relationship - Robert Tombs
A History of Judaism (0141038217)
Kniha - autor Martin Goodman, 656 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná A panoramic history of Judaism from its origins to the present. Judaism is by some distance the oldest of the three Abrahamic religions. Despite the extraordinarily diverse forms it has taken, the Jewish people have believed themselves bound to God by the same covenant for more than three thousand years. This book explains how Judaism came to be and how it has developed from one age to the next, as well as the ways in which its varieties have related to each other.
Objev podobné jako A History of Judaism (0141038217)
A Short History of Drunkenness
Almost every culture on earth has drink, and where there's drink there's drunkenness. But in every age and in every place drunkenness is a little bit different. Tracing humankind's love affair with booze from our primate ancestors through to Prohibition, it answers every possible question:What did people drink? How much? Who did the drinking? Of the many possible reasons, why?On the way, learn about the Neolithic Shamans, who drank to communicate with the spirit world (no pun intended), marvel at how Greeks got giddy and Romans got rat-arsed, and find out how bars in the Wild West were never like the movies.This is a history of the world at its inebriated best.'This book is a laugh riot. I mean the way the author has presented it is hilarious and to the point' Goodreads Reviewer
Objev podobné jako A Short History of Drunkenness
Brief History of Khubilai Khan
His grandfather was the bloodthirsty Mongol leader Genghis Khan, his mother a Christian princess. Groomed from childhood for a position of authority, Khubilai snatched the position of Great Khan, becoming the overlord of a Mongol federation that stretched from the Balkans to the Korean coastline. His armies conquered the Asian kingdom of Dali and brought down the last defenders of imperial China. Khubilai Khan presided over a glorious Asian renaissance, attracting emissaries from all across the continent, and opening his civil service to 'men with coloured eyes' - administrators from the far west. His life and times encompassed the legends of Prester John, the pinnacle of the samurai (and, indeed, the Mongols), and the travels of Marco Polo.
Objev podobné jako Brief History of Khubilai Khan
The History of Bees (147116277X)
Kniha - autor Maja Lunde, 338 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná In the spirit of Station Eleven and Never Let Me Go, this dazzling and ambitious literary debut follows three generations of beekeepers from the past, present, and future, weaving a spellbinding story of their relationship to the bees - and to their children and one another - against the backdrop of an urgent, global crisis. England, 1851. William is a biologist and seed merchant, who sets out to build a new type of beehive-one that will give both him and his children honour and fame. United States, 2007. George is a beekeeper and fights an uphill battle against modern farming, but hopes that his son can be their salvation. China, 2098. Tao hand paints pollen onto the fruit trees now that the bees have long since disappeared. When Tao's young son is taken away by the authorities after a tragic accident-and is kept in the dark about his whereabouts and condition-she sets out on a...
Objev podobné jako The History of Bees (147116277X)
Empire of Pain: The Secret History of the Sackler Dynasty (1529063078)
Kniha - autor Patrick Radden Keefe, 528 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The story of the Sackler Dynasty, Purdue Pharma, and their involvement in the opioid crisis that has created millions of addicts, even as it generated billions of dollars in profit.
Objev podobné jako Empire of Pain: The Secret History of the Sackler Dynasty (1529063078)
The Routledge International Handbook of Research on Writing - Rosalind Horowitz
With a wide range of contributors from all over the world and from a range of disciplinary backgrounds, this handbook offers a truly global perspective on developments in research on writing. The new edition draws greater attention to writing and human development within a range of cultures, from childhood through adulthood. Attention to multimodalities, and writing/learning to write in digital spaces.
Objev podobné jako The Routledge International Handbook of Research on Writing - Rosalind Horowitz
Archaeology, History, and Formation of Identity in Ancient Israel - Filip Čapek
Tato kniha se pokouší o kritickou interpretaci dějin Izraele. Nejde o interpretaci harmonizující, která by přijímala jako fakt obraz předkládaný texty, ani o výklad podporující biblické zprávy archeologickými a epigrafickými daty. Místo toho nabízí čtenáři celou škálu možností, jak rozumět biblickým vyprávěním na historické a teologické úrovni. Opírá se o nejnovější objevy z izraelských vykopávek a předkládá nové hypotézy a rekonstrukce založené na interdisciplinárním dialogu mezi biblistikou, archeologií a historií.
Objev podobné jako Archaeology, History, and Formation of Identity in Ancient Israel - Filip Čapek
Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind / Patterns of Life - Yuval Noah Harari
Planet Earth is 4.5 billion years old. In just a fraction of that time, one species among countless others has conquered it. Us. We are the most advanced and most destructive animals ever to have lived. What makes us brilliant? What makes us deadly? What makes us Sapiens? In this bold and provocative book, Yuval Noah Harari explores who we are, how we got here and where we’re going. Sapiens is a thrilling account of humankind’s extraordinary history – from the Stone Age to the Silicon Age – and our journey from insignificant apes to rulers of the world.
Objev podobné jako Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind / Patterns of Life - Yuval Noah Harari
History of EC Comics - Grant Geissman
In 1947, Bill Gaines inherited EC Comics, a new venture founded by his legendary father M. C. Gaines, who was responsible for midwifing the birth of the comic book as we know it during his tenure at All-American Comics, bringing the likes of Wonder Woman and Green Lantern to the world. Over the next eight years, Bill Gaines and a "who's who" of the era including Al Feldstein, Harvey Kurtzman, and Wally Wood would reinvent the very notion of the comic book with titles like Tales from the Crypt, Crime SuspenStories, Weird Science, and MAD.EC delighted in publishing gory, morbid horror and crime comics that had snap, ironic endings-but they also pioneered the first true-to-life war comics, the first "real" science-fiction stories, and a series of tales about such then-taboo subjects as racism, bigotry, vigilantism, drug addiction, police corruption, and anti-Semitism. Too good to last, they were eventually caught up by various 1950s guardians of morality, who were convinced that EC's often over-the-top content was causing juvenile delinquency. A year or so after a full inquiry investigating horror and crime comics, the incredible EC Comics were no more.TASCHEN presents the full, fascinating story of this fabled company, written and expertly curated by EC-authority Grant Geissman. Even the most die-hard EC Fan-Addicts will find something new within these pages, with the Gaines family archives providing more than 100 rarities that have never seen print. Many of the cover images are reproduced from Gaines File Copies, which are widely regarded as the best surviving copies of the EC Comics.Gathering more than 1,000 illustrations that include the rarest and most notorious covers, interior pages and panels, photos, vintage original artwork, and some of the most celebrated stories ever to be printed in four colors for a dime, this is the ultimate EC Comics compendium and a must-have for any comics enthusiast or pop culture historian.
Objev podobné jako History of EC Comics - Grant Geissman
The History of Espionage - Ernest Volkman
The History of Espionage recounts the fascinating story of spies and spying from the cloak-and-dagger machinations of the Ancient Greeks and Romans to the high-tech surveillance operations of the post-9/11, post-truth world. It is a tale of clandestine agents, military scouts, captured documents, dead-letter drops, intercepted mail, decoded telegrams, secret codes and ciphers, bugging devices, desperate plots and honey traps. Featuring case studies on the most fascinating spies and plots through history and illustrated with rare photographs throughout, The History of Espionage decodes the sinister world of surveillance like never before.
Objev podobné jako The History of Espionage - Ernest Volkman
Brief History of Time - Stephen Hawking
Was there a beginning of time? Could time run backwards? Is the universe infinite or does it have boundaries? These are just some of the questions considered in an internationally acclaimed masterpiece by one of the world's greatest thinkers. It begins by reviewing the great theories of the cosmos from Newton to Einstein, before delving into the secrets which still lie at the heart of space and time, from the Big Bang to black holes, via spiral galaxies and strong theory. To this day A Brief History of Time remains a staple of the scientific canon, and its succinct and clear language continues to introduce millions to the universe and its wonders. This new edition includes updates from Stephen Hawking with his latest thoughts about the No Boundary Proposal and offers new information about dark energy, the information paradox, eternal inflation, the microwave background radiation observations, and the discovery of gravitational waves. It is published to accompany the launch of a new app, Stephen Hawking's Pocket Universe.
Objev podobné jako Brief History of Time - Stephen Hawking
A Short History of Drunkenness (0241359244)
Kniha - autor Mark Forsyth, 256 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná A comic history of humankind's love affair with booze, from the Sunday Times No. 1 bestselling author of The Etymologicon 'Haha! . . . Highly suitable for Xmas!' - Margaret Atwood Almost every culture on earth has drink, and where there's drink there's drunkenness. But in every age and in every place drunkenness is a little bit different. It can be religious, it can be sexual, it can be the duty of kings or the relief of peasants. It can be an offering to the ancestors, or a way of marking the end of a day's work. It can send you to sleep, or send you into battle. A Short History of Drunkenness traces humankind's love affair with booze from our primate ancestors through to Prohibition, answering every possible question along the way: What did people drink? How much? Who did the drinking? Of the many possible reasons, why? On the way, learn about the Neolithic Shamans, who drank to...
Objev podobné jako A Short History of Drunkenness (0241359244)
A History of Reading - Alberto Manguel
This study of the history of reading goes from the earliest examples of the clay tablets and cuneiform of ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt via the invention of printing in the 15th century to the birth of a mass reading public and today's digital revolution. It argues that it is the demands and expectations of the reader, acting alongside the creative will of the writer, that is the evolutionary motor of literary forms and genres. From man's first use of the written word simply as a form of reference, to the emergence of the first holy or devotional texts, and onto the development of fictions, both poetic and novelistic, this work aims to both challenge and enlighten.
Objev podobné jako A History of Reading - Alberto Manguel
The History of England - Jane Austenová
Billed a history 'from the reign of Henry IV to Charles I by a partial, prejudiced and ignorant historian', The History of England pokes fun at the overly verbose and grand histories of Austen's day. Written when she was just fifteen, this is a comic tour de force that shows Austen's wit developing into the satirical prowess she is remembered for.
Objev podobné jako The History of England - Jane Austenová
The History of Ideas - David Runciman
''A splendid book: economical, invigorating and surprising'' The Times''He has that gift, both as a podcaster and as a writer, to illuminate abstruse and abstract ideas with human charm'' ObserverIn this bold new follow-up to Confronting Leviathan, David Runciman unmasks modern politics and reveals the great men and women of ideas behind it.What can Samuel Butler''s ideas teach us about the oddity of how we choose to organise our societies? How did Frederick Douglass not only expose the horrors of slavery, but champion a new approach to abolishing it? Why should we tolerate snobbery, betrayal and hypocrisy, as Judith Shklar suggested? And what does Friedrich Nietzsche predict for our future?From Rousseau to Rawls, fascism to feminism and pleasure to anarchy, this is a mind-bending tour through the history of ideas which will forever change your view of politics today.
Objev podobné jako The History of Ideas - David Runciman
Energy and Civilization: A History - Václav Smil
Energy is the only universal currency; it is necessary for getting anything done. The conversion of energy on Earth ranges from terra-forming forces of plate tectonics to cumulative erosive effects of raindrops. Life on Earth depends on the photosynthetic conversion of solar energy into plant biomass. Humans have come to rely on many more energy flows―ranging from fossil fuels to photovoltaic generation of electricity―for their civilized existence. In this monumental history, Vaclav Smil provides a comprehensive account of how energy has shaped society, from pre-agricultural foraging societies through today's fossil fuel–driven civilization. Humans are the only species that can systematically harness energies outside their bodies, using the power of their intellect and an enormous variety of artifacts―from the simplest tools to internal combustion engines and nuclear reactors. The epochal transition to fossil fuels affected everything: agriculture, industry, transportation, weapons, communication, economics, urbanization, quality of life, politics, and the environment. Smil describes humanity's energy eras in panoramic and interdisciplinary fashion, offering readers a magisterial overview. This book is an extensively updated and expanded version of Smil's Energy in World History (1994). Smil has incorporated an enormous amount of new material, reflecting the dramatic developments in energy studies over the last two decades and his own research over that time.
Objev podobné jako Energy and Civilization: A History - Václav Smil
A Kid´s Guide to Anime & Manga: Exploring the History of Japanese Animation and Comics - Samuel Sattin
Explore the incredible world of anime and manga with this comprehensive, accessible handbook for kids. Celebrate your okatu spirit with this inclusive, illustrated guide to anime and manga. Whether you're watching anime on Netflix and Crunchyroll or bringing home stacks of manga from the library, A Kid's Guide to Anime & Manga is THE guide to help you navigate this exciting, growing world.Written by fans, writers and reviewers Samuel Sattin and Patrick Macias, A Kid's Guide to Anime & Manga includes chapters on: The history and importance of anime and manga How anime and manga are made Recommendations of popular series and films to enjoy Pro-tips on how to create your own anime and manga and how to get involved in cosplay communitiesComplete with a history of anime and manga, inspiring interviews, pro tips on what to watch and read and ideas for kickstarting your own creativity, A Kid's Guide to Anime & Manga will tell you everything you need to know - and more!
Objev podobné jako A Kid´s Guide to Anime & Manga: Exploring the History of Japanese Animation and Comics - Samuel Sattin
The History of Middle-Earth 03: Lays of Beleriand - J. R. R. Tolkien
The third volume that contains the early myths and legends which led to the writing of Tolkien's epic tale of war, The Silmarillion. This, the third volume of The History of Middle-earth, gives us a priviledged insight into the creation of the mythology of Middle-earth, through the alliterative verse tales of two of the most crucial stories in Tolkien's world -- those of Turien and Luthien. The first of the poems is the unpublished Lay of The Children of Hurin, narrating on a grand scale the tragedy of Turin Turambar. The second is the moving Lay of Leithian, the chief source of the tale of Beren and Luthien in The Silmarillion, telling of the Quest of the Silmaril and the encounter with Morgoth in his subterranean fortress. Accompanying the poems are commentaries on the evolution of the history of the Elder Days. Also included is the notable criticism of The Lay of The Leithian by CS Lewis, who read the poem in 1929.
Objev podobné jako The History of Middle-Earth 03: Lays of Beleriand - J. R. R. Tolkien
The Dawn of Everything : A New History of Humanity - David Graeber, David Wengrow
THE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER AND SUNDAY TIMES, OBSERVER AND BBC HISTORY BOOK OF THE YEARFINALIST FOR THE ORWELL PRIZE FOR POLITICAL WRITING 2022''Pacey and potentially revolutionary'' Sunday Times ''Iconoclastic and irreverent ... an exhilarating read'' The Guardian For generations, our remote ancestors have been cast as primitive and childlike - either free and equal, or thuggish and warlike. Civilization, we are told, could be achieved only by sacrificing those original freedoms or, alternatively, by taming our baser instincts. David Graeber and David Wengrow show how such theories first emerged in the eighteenth century as a reaction to indigenous critiques of European society, and why they are wrong. In doing so, they overturn our view of human history, including the origins of farming, property, cities, democracy, slavery and civilization itself. Drawing on path-breaking research in archaeology and anthropology, the authors show how history becomes a far more interesting place once we begin to see what''s really there. If humans did not spend 95 per cent of their evolutionary past in tiny bands of hunter-gatherers, what were they doing all that time? If agriculture, and cities, did not mean a plunge into hierarchy and domination, then what kinds of social and economic organization did they lead to? The answers are often unexpected, and suggest that the course of history may be less set in stone, and more full of playful possibilities than we tend to assume. The Dawn of Everything fundamentally transforms our understanding of the human past and offers a path toward imagining new forms of freedom, new ways of organizing society. This is a monumental book of formidable intellectual range, animated by curiosity, moral vision and faith in the power of direct action.''This is not a book. This is an intellectual feast'' Nassim Nicholas Taleb''The most profound and exciting book I''ve read in thirty years'' Robin D. G. Kelley
Objev podobné jako The Dawn of Everything : A New History of Humanity - David Graeber, David Wengrow
Empire of Pain : The Secret History of the Sackler Dynasty - Patrick Radden Keefe
The shocking story of three generations of the Sackler family and their roles in the stories of Valium, OxyContin and the opioid crisis. The inspiration behind the Netflix series Painkiller, starring Uzo Aduba and Matthew Broderick.Winner of the Baillie Gifford Prize for Non-FictionThe Sunday Times BestsellerA BBC Radio 4 'Book of the Week'Shortlisted for the Financial Times/McKinsey Business Book of the Year AwardOne of Barack Obama’s Favorite Books of the YearShortlisted for the Crime Writers' Association Gold Dagger for Non-Fiction'I gobbled up Empire of Pain . . . a masterclass in compelling narrative nonfiction.' – Elizabeth Day, The Guardian '30 Best Summer Reads'The Sackler name adorns the walls of many storied institutions like Harvard and the Metropolitan Museum of Art. They are one of the richest families in the world, known for their lavish donations in the arts and the sciences. The source of the family fortune was vague, however, until it emerged that the Sacklers were responsible for making and marketing Oxycontin. A blockbuster painkiller that was a catalyst for the opioid crisis – an international epidemic of drug addiction which has killed nearly half a million people.In this masterpiece of narrative reporting and writing, award-winning journalist and author of Say Nothing (soon to be streaming on Disney+), Patrick Radden Keefe, exhaustively documents the jaw-dropping reality. Empire of Pain is the story of a dynasty, and twenty-first-century greed.'There are so many "they did what?" moments in this book, when your jaw practically hits the page' – Sunday Times‘You feel almost guilty for enjoying it so much’ – The Times
Objev podobné jako Empire of Pain : The Secret History of the Sackler Dynasty - Patrick Radden Keefe
Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind (0099590085)
Kniha - autor Yuval Noah Harari, 498 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná 100,000 years ago, at least six human species inhabited the earth. Today there is just one. Us. Homo sapiens. How did our species succeed in the battle for dominance? And what will our world be like in the millennia to come? Bold, wide-ranging and provocative, SAPIENS challenges everything we thought we knew about being human: our thoughts, our actions, our power ... and our future.
Objev podobné jako Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind (0099590085)
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