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Portrait of a Judge. Book I; Development of a Model of selection, evaluation and promotion of judges: principles, selected comparative aspects and mod

eBook: Publikace shrnuje nejvýznamnější výstupy z mezinárodního projektu organizovaného Litevskou univerzitou a realizovaného v rámci grantu ,,Norských fondů“, který je sice zjednodušeně označen jako ,,Portrét soudce“, ale s podtitulem „vícerozměrný model kompetencí, který má být měřen během postupu výběru, hodnocení a povyšování soudců". Je tak zřejmé, že je zaměřen na osobu a funkci ,,soudce“, přičemž zde na základě evropské srovnávací studie dochází autoři ke specifikování vhodných kompetencí, které mají být zjišťovány a měřeny v průběhu výběru soudců na první pozici, jejich hodnocení a povyšování, a to jak na vyšší soudy, tak při ustavování do manažerských postů soudů. Ve formě barevné grafické tabulky v druhé části knihy pak autoři přehledně uvádí soubor kompetencí, které se používají v procesu jmenování, hodnocení a povyšování soudců, jakož i kritéria a metody, jak měřit tyto kompetence. Tento model byl konstruován jako flexibilní, přičemž barvy semaforu označují, jaké požadavky, kritéria a metody jsou považovány za ,,dobré mít“ (zelené), až k těm, které, pokud jde o naše odborníky, by součástí postupů výběru, hodnocení a povyšování soudců být neměly (červené). Realizace projektu ,,Portrét soudce“ také v širším kontextu vychází z četných záruk a aspektů nezávislosti soudnictví, zejména ve vztahu k výkonné moci, ale zohledňuje také postupný vliv judikatury na rozhodování soudů členských států Rady Evropy. Nezávislost soudnictví je jednou ze základních evropských hodnot, které vládnou právním státům a jejich ústavním systémům. Proto je tomuto problému věnována neustálá pozornost ve vědecké a pedagogické činnosti vysokých škol a výzkumných ústavů a samozřejmě i špičkových soudních institucí. I z tohoto důvodu je velmi cenná účast zástupců Nejvyššího soudu Litevské republiky, Vrchního soudu v Praze a Nejvyššího soudu Albánie, jakož i zástupců Nejvyšších rad soudnictví Litvy a Albánie.

Podívejte se také A Court of Frost and Starlight (1408890321)

cena 435.0 Kč

Portrait of a Judge - Jana Odehnalová, Karel Klíma

Publikace shrnuje nejvýznamnější výstupy z mezinárodního projektu organizovaného Litevskou univerzitou a realizovaného v rámci grantu ,,Norských fondů“, který je sice zjednodušeně označen jako ,,Portrét soudce“, ale s podtitulem „vícerozměrný model kompetencí, který má být měřen během postupu výběru, hodnocení a povyšování soudců". Je tak zřejmé, že je zaměřen na osobu a funkci ,,soudce“, přičemž zde na základě evropské srovnávací studie dochází autoři ke specifikování vhodných kompetencí, které mají být zjišťovány a měřeny v průběhu výběru soudců na první pozici, jejich hodnocení a povyšování, a to jak na vyšší soudy, tak při ustavování do manažerských postů soudů. Ve formě barevné grafické tabulky v druhé části knihy pak autoři přehledně uvádí soubor kompetencí, které se používají v procesu jmenování, hodnocení a povyšování soudců, jakož i kritéria a metody, jak měřit tyto kompetence. Tento model byl konstruován jako flexibilní, přičemž barvy semaforu označují, jaké požadavky, kritéria a metody jsou považovány za ,,dobré mít“ (zelené), až k těm, které, pokud jde o naše odborníky, by součástí postupů výběru, hodnocení a povyšování soudců být neměly (červené). Realizace projektu ,,Portrét soudce“ také v širším kontextu vychází z četných záruk a aspektů nezávislosti soudnictví, zejména ve vztahu k výkonné moci, ale zohledňuje také postupný vliv judikatury na rozhodování soudů členských států Rady Evropy. Nezávislost soudnictví je jednou ze základních evropských hodnot, které vládnou právním státům a jejich ústavním systémům. Proto je tomuto problému věnována neustálá pozornost ve vědecké a pedagogické činnosti vysokých škol a výzkumných ústavů a samozřejmě i špičkových soudních institucí. I z tohoto důvodu je velmi cenná účast zástupců Nejvyššího soudu Litevské republiky, Vrchního soudu v Praze a Nejvyššího soudu Albánie, jakož i zástupců Nejvyšších rad soudnictví Litvy a Albánie. The publication summarizes the most important outputs from an international project organized by the University of Lithuania and implemented within the framework of the ,,Norway Grants” grant, which is simply described as ,,Portrait of a Judge”, but with the subtitle ,,A multidimensional model of competencies to be measured during the process of selection, evaluation and promotion of judges”. It is thus clear that it is focused on the person and function of the ,,judge”, and here, on the basis of a European comparative study, the authors specify appropriate competencies to be identified and measured during the selection, evaluation and promotion of judges in the first position, both to higher courts and when appointing to managerial positions of courts. In the form of a coloured graphical table in the second part of the book, the authors clearly present the set of competences that are used in the process of appointing, evaluating and promoting judges, as well as the criteria and methods for measuring these competences. This model has been designed to be flexible, with traffic light colours indicating which requirements, criteria and methods are considered 'good to have' (green), up to those which, as far as our experts are concerned, should not be part of the process of selecting, evaluating and promoting judges (red). The implementation of the ,,Portrait of a Judge” project also builds on numerous guarantees and aspects of judicial independence, in particular in relation to the executive, in a broader context, but also takes into account the gradual influence of case law on the decision-making of the courts of the member states of the Council of Europe. The independence of the judiciary is one of the fundamental European values that govern the rule of law and their constitutional systems. Therefore, constant attention is paid to this issue in the scientific and pedagogical activities of universities and research institutes and, of course, top judicial institutions. For this reason, the participation of representatives of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Lithuania, the High Court in Prague and the Supreme Court of Albania, as well as representatives of the Supreme Judicial Councils of Lithuania and Albania, is very valuable.

Podívejte se také Stories of Mystery and Suspense

cena 435.0 Kč

The Story of China: A portrait of a civilisation and its people (1471175987)

Kniha - autor Michael Wood, 624 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná China's story is extraordinarily rich and dramatic. Now Michael Wood, one of the UK's pre-eminent historians, brings it all together in a major new one-volume history of China that is essential reading for anyone who wants to understand its burgeoning role in our world today. China is the oldest living civilisation on earth, but its history is still surprisingly little known in the wider world. Michael Wood's sparkling narrative, which mingles the grand sweep with local and personal stories, woven together with the author's own travel journals, is an enthralling account of China's 4000-year-old tradition, taking in life stationed on the Great Wall or inside the Forbidden City. The story is enriched with the latest archaeological and documentary discoveries; correspondence and court cases going back to the Qin and Han dynasties; family letters from soldiers in the real-life Terracotta...

Podívejte se také A Comparison of 20th Century Theories of Style (in the Context of Czech and British Scholarly Discou (978-80-210-5944-3)

cena 329.0 Kč

Principles of Quality Costs : Principles, Implementation and Use

This edition includes information on the quality costs systems involved with the education, service, banking and software development industries. Additional information on team-based problem-solving, customer satisfaction, and the costs involved with the defense industry are also offered.

Objev podobné jako Principles of Quality Costs : Principles, Implementation and Use

cena 1629.0 Kč

Principles of Good Administration and Guarantees of their Application in Practice in Ukraine and the Czech Republic - Kateřina Frumarová

The publication focuses on a critical analysis of the state of public administration in both countries, as well as on the individual principles of good administration, their legal anchoring, and their practical application. At the same time, attention is also paid to selected guarantees of the realization of good public administration in practice, in particular judicial control and the powers of the ombudsman.*****The main objective is to contribute to a wider awareness of the principles of good public administration, their consistent application in practice and mutual inspiration and improvement of the situation in public administration in both democratic countries.***********************Publikace se zaměřuje jak na kritickou analýzu stavu veřejné správy v obou zemích, tak i na jednotlivé principy dobré správy, na jejich právní zakotvení, ale i na jejich praktické uplatňování. Současně je pozornost věnována i vybraným zárukám realizace dobré veřejné správy v praxi, zejména soudní kontrole a působnosti ombudsmana.*****Hlavním cílem je přispět k širšímu povědomí o principech dobré veřejné správy, jejich důslednému uplatňování v praxi a vzájemné inspiraci a zlepšování situace ve veřejné správě v obou demokratických zemích.

Objev podobné jako Principles of Good Administration and Guarantees of their Application in Practice in Ukraine and the Czech Republic - Kateřina Frumarová

cena 286.0 Kč

Lexical and Semantic Aspects of Proverbs - František Čermák - e-kniha

eBook: Pole výzkumu paremiologie je mezioborové, prolíná se s folklórem, jazykem, literaturou, historií a dalšími vzájemně provázanými disciplínami. Kniha předkládá systematickou analýzu přísloví opřenou o korpusové nálezy a srovnává jejich lexikální, sémantické a pragmatické aspekty napříč různými jazyky. Přítomný soubor studií Františka Čermáka, tvůrce českého frazeologického slovníku, shrnuje výsledky jeho celoživotního bádání a předkládá je mezinárodní odborné veřejnosti

Objev podobné jako Lexical and Semantic Aspects of Proverbs - František Čermák - e-kniha

cena 230.0 Kč

Sun of Blood and Ruin (Sun of Blood and Ruin, Book 1) - Mariely Lares

Mexican history and Mesoamerican mythology meet in this thrilling historical fantasy with magic, intrigue, treachery, romance, and adventure. The empire of Moctezuma II has long fallen, a city raised on the bones of Tenochtitlan. None dare whisper the names of their gods- or speak of the magic that once graced the land, of the witches who hunted as jaguars, the warriors who soared as eagles. Until a new name emerges- a curse on the lips of the Spanish, a hero in the hearts of the people. A masked vigilante, a sorceress with a blade. Pantera But that is not her only name. To all who know her, Leonora de las Casas Tlazohtzin is a glittering jewel of court, promised to the heir of the Spanish throne. The respectable Lady Leonora faints at the sight of blood and would sooner be caught dead than wield a sword…even against a dauntless thief with a cutting smile. No one suspects that Leonora and Pantera are one and the same. Leonora has fooled them all, and, with magic of her ancestors running through her veins, she is nearly invincible- until an ancient prophecy of destruction threatens, and she is forced to decide: surrender the mask or her life. But the legendary Pantera is destined for more than an early grave, and once she discovers the truth of her origins, not even death will stop her. Mariely Lares' book 'Sun of Blood and Ruin' was a Sunday Times bestseller w/c 25-09-2023.

Objev podobné jako Sun of Blood and Ruin (Sun of Blood and Ruin, Book 1) - Mariely Lares

cena 384.0 Kč

Coaching for Performance: The Principles and Practices of Coaching and Leadership (1473658128)

Kniha - anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná An updated 25th anniversary edition of this leading coaching book, which has sold more than one million copies to date.

Objev podobné jako Coaching for Performance: The Principles and Practices of Coaching and Leadership (1473658128)

cena 506.0 Kč

A Clash of Kings: Book 2 of a Song of Ice and Fire - George R.R. Martin

HBO's hit series A GAME OF THRONES is based on George R R Martin's internationally bestselling series A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE, the greatest fantasy epic of the modern age. A CLASH OF KINGS is the second volume in the series. Throughout Westeros, the cold winds are rising. From the ancient citadel of Dragonstone to the forbidding lands of Winterfell, chaos reigns as pretenders to the Iron Throne of the Seven Kingdoms stake their claims through tempest, turmoil and war. As a prophecy of doom cuts across the sky - a comet the colour of blood and flame - five factions struggle for control of a divided land. Brother plots against brother and the dead rise to walk in the night. Against a backdrop of incest, fratricide, alchemy and murder, the price of glory is measured in blood.

Objev podobné jako A Clash of Kings: Book 2 of a Song of Ice and Fire - George R.R. Martin

cena 303.0 Kč

The Fall of the House of Usher and Other Selected Stories - Edgar Allan Poe

Spine-tingling, mind-altering and deliciously atmospheric, journey into the dark side of America with nine of its most uncanny classics. Edgar Allan Poe was a writer of uncommon talent; in The Murders in the Rue Morgue he created the genre of detective fiction while his genius for finding the strangeness lurking within us all has been an influence on everyone from Freud to Hollywood. This complete collection of all his short stories and novellas contains well-known tales 'The Pit and the Pendulum' and 'The Tell-Tale Heart' alongside hidden gems that both unsettle and enthrall the reader.

Objev podobné jako The Fall of the House of Usher and Other Selected Stories - Edgar Allan Poe

cena 268.0 Kč

The Book of Why: The New Science of Cause and Effect (0141982411)

Kniha - autor Judea Pearl; Dana Mackenzie, 432 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Correlation is not causation." This mantra, chanted by scientists for more than a century, has led to a virtual prohibition on causal talk. Today, that taboo is dead. The causal revolution, instigated by Judea Pearl and his colleagues, has cut through a century of confusion and established causality -- the study of cause and effect -- on a firm scientific basis. His work explains how we can know easy things, like whether it was rain or a sprinkler that made a sidewalk wet; and how to answer hard questions, like whether a drug cured an illness. Pearl's work enables us to know not just whether one thing causes another: it lets us explore the world that is and the worlds that could have been. It shows us the essence of human thought and key to artificial intelligence. Anyone who wants to understand either needs The Book of Why.

Objev podobné jako The Book of Why: The New Science of Cause and Effect (0141982411)

cena 309.0 Kč

Portrait of a Thief

This was how things began: Boston on the cusp of fall, the Sackler Museum robbed of 23 pieces of priceless Chinese art. Even in this back room, dust catching the slant of golden, late-afternoon light, Will could hear the sirens. They sounded like a promise.Will Chen, a Chinese American art history student at Harvard, has spent most of his life learning about the West - its art, its culture, all that it has taken and called its own. He believes art belongs with its creators, so when a Chinese corporation offers him a (highly illegal) chance to reclaim five priceless sculptures, it's surprisingly easy to say yes.Will's crew, fellow students chosen out of his boundless optimism for their skills and loyalty, aren't exactly experienced criminals. Irene is a public policy major at Duke who can talk her way out of anything; Daniel is pre-med with steady hands and dreams of being a surgeon. Lily is an engineering student who races cars in her spare time; and Will is relying on Alex, an MIT dropout turned software engineer, to hack her way in and out of each museum they must rob.Each student has their own complicated relationship with China and the identities they've cultivated as Chinese Americans, but one thing soon becomes certain: they won't say no.Because if they succeed? They earn an unfathomable ten million each, and a chance to make history. If they fail, they lose everything . . . and the West wins again.

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cena 449.0 Kč

The Book of Laughter and Forgetting - Milan Kundera

'This book is a novel in the form of variations. The various parts follow each other like the various stages of a voyage leading into the interior of a theme, the interior of a thought, the interior of a single, unique situation the understanding of which recedes from my sight into the distance. It is a book about laughter and about forgetting, about forgetting and about Prague, about Prague and about the angels.'The Book of Laughter and Forgetting is the most secret of Kundera's novels. This new translation is the first to be fully authorized by Milan Kundera.

Objev podobné jako The Book of Laughter and Forgetting - Milan Kundera

cena 312.0 Kč

The Book of Form and Emptiness - Ruth Ozeki

WINNER OF THE WOMEN''S PRIZE FOR FICTION 2022When a book and a reader are meant for each other, both of them know it . . .After the tragic death of his father, fourteen-year-old Benny Oh begins to hear voices. The voices belong to the things in his house and sound variously pleasant, angry or sad. Then his mother develops a hoarding problem, and the voices grow more clamorous. So Benny seeks refuge in the silence of a large public library. There he meets a mesmerising street artist with a smug pet ferret; a homeless philosopher-poet; and his very own Book, who narrates Benny''s life and teaches him to listen to the things that truly matter. Blending unforgettable characters with jazz, climate change and our attachment to material possessions, this is classic Ruth Ozeki - bold, humane and heartbreaking.

Objev podobné jako The Book of Form and Emptiness - Ruth Ozeki

cena 268.0 Kč

Marvin and the Book of Magic - Jenny Pearson

Marvellous Marvin braves the stage to showcase the magic that can be found in true friendship in this hilarious and heartfelt tale from bestselling author Jenny Pearson.After being humiliated by a badly behaved squirrel on national television, Marvin has vowed NEVER to perform magic in public again. But when he acquires a mysterious book that promises to show those with the gift of magic how to use it properly, his best friend Asha persuades him to make a comeback in the school talent show.Watch Marvellous Marvin take to the stage to demonstrate the magic that can be found in true friendship!

Objev podobné jako Marvin and the Book of Magic - Jenny Pearson

cena 236.0 Kč

Syntactic and FSP Aspects of the Existential Construction in Norwegian - Pavel Dubec - e-kniha

eBook: Monografie Syntactic and FSP Aspects of the Existential Construction in Norwegian demonstruje aplikaci Firbasovy teorie aktuálního členění na norských psaných textech a zkoumá norskou existenciální konstrukci („presenteringskonstruksjonen“) z hlediska syntaxe, statické sémantiky, dynamické sémantiky a aktuálního členění větného.

Objev podobné jako Syntactic and FSP Aspects of the Existential Construction in Norwegian - Pavel Dubec - e-kniha

cena 180.0 Kč

The Portrait of a Lady - Henry James

Designed to appeal to the booklover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautiful gift editions of much loved classic titles. Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and treasure.Widely accepted as Henry James' great masterpiece, The Portrait of a Lady is a poignant and intense exploration of freedom and identity. This beautiful Macmillan Collector's Library edition features an introduction by Costa Award-winning author Colm Toibin.Intelligent, beautiful and vivacious, Isabel Archer fascinates and intimidates the elite society of Albany, New York. Fiercely protective of her independence, she travels to England with her aunt to escape a persistent suitor but, upon inheriting a considerable fortune, falls into the sway of the devious Mrs Merle who whisks her off to Italy. There she is seduced by the narcissistic Gilbert Osmond, an art collector who will stop at nothing to possess her, and whose connection to Mrs Merle is shrouded in mystery.

Objev podobné jako The Portrait of a Lady - Henry James

cena 399.0 Kč

The Source of Self-Regard: Selected Essays, Speeches, and Meditations (0525562796)

Kniha - autor Toni Morrison, 368 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná These pages give us her searing prayer for the dead of 9/11, her Nobel lecture on the power of language, her searching meditation on Martin Luther King Jr., her heart-wrenching eulogy for James Baldwin. She looks deeply into the fault lines of culture and freedom: the foreigner, female empowerment, the press, money, “black matter(s),” human rights, the artist in society, the Afro-American presence in American literature. And she turns her incisive critical eye to her own work (The Bluest Eye, Sula, Tar Baby, Jazz, Beloved, Paradise) and that of others. An essential collection from an essential writer, The Source of Self-Regard shines with the literary elegance, intellectual prowess, spiritual depth, and moral compass that have made Toni Morrison our most cherished and enduring voice.

Objev podobné jako The Source of Self-Regard: Selected Essays, Speeches, and Meditations (0525562796)

cena 309.0 Kč

The Book of Fire: The moving, captivating and unmissable new novel from the author of THE BEEKEEPER OF ALEPPO - Christy Lefteri

'Stunning... will long remain in the reader's mind' - Kristin HannahThis morning, I met the man who started the fire. He did something terrible, but then, so have I.I left him. I left him and now he may be dead. Once upon a time there was a beautiful village that held a million stories of love and loss and peace and war, and it was swallowed up by a fire that blazed up to the sky.The fire ran all the way down to the sea where it met with its reflection. A family from two nations, England and Greece, live a simple life in a tiny Greek village: Irini, Tasso and their daughter, lovely, sweet Chara, whose name means joy. Their life goes up in flames in a single day when one man starts a fire out of greed and indifference.Many are killed, homes are destroyed, and the region's natural beauty wiped out. In the wake of the fire, Chara bears deep scars across her back and arms. Tasso is frozen in trauma, devastated that he wasn't there when his family most needed him.And Irini is crippled by guilt at her part in the fate of the man who started the fire. But this family has survived, and slowly green shoots of hope and renewal will grow from the smouldering ruins of devastation. Once again, Christy Lefteri has crafted a novel which is intimate and epic, sweeping and delicate.The Book of Fire explores not only the damage wrought by human folly, and the costs of survival in our changing world, but also - and ultimately - our powers of redemption and renewal.

Objev podobné jako The Book of Fire: The moving, captivating and unmissable new novel from the author of THE BEEKEEPER OF ALEPPO - Christy Lefteri

cena 268.0 Kč

Bluey: Bluey and Bingo’s Book of Singy Things - Bluey

Bluey and Bingo love to sing! They even make up fun songs for their games. Join them and sing along to The Wheels on the Bus, Ten Green Bottles and Poor Little Bug on the Wall, and other Bluey and Bingo tunes. Follow the tabs in this musical board book and start singing!More Bluey fun:Bluey: Love From BlueyBluey: PerfectBluey: What Games Should We Play?Bluey is an Emmy award-winning Australian children's television programme following the adventures of a loveable six-year-old Blue Heeler Puppy, Bluey and her family. It’s currently showing on Disney+, BBC iPlayer and CBeebies in the UK. Bluey enjoys exploring the world and using her imagination to turn everyday life into an amazing adventure. Join Bluey in this fun collection of story, activity and novelty books that celebrate play.

Objev podobné jako Bluey: Bluey and Bingo’s Book of Singy Things - Bluey

cena 236.0 Kč

Winnie & Nelson: Portrait of a Marriage - Jonny Steinberg

From one of South Africa’s foremost nonfiction writers, a deeply researched, shattering new account of Nelson Mandela’s relationship with Winnie Madikizela-Mandela. Drawing on never-before-seen material, Steinberg reveals the fractures and stubborn bonds at the heart of a volatile and groundbreaking union, a very modern political marriage that played out on the world stage. One of the most celebrated political leaders of the twentieth century, Nelson Mandela has been written about by many biographers and historians.But in one crucial area, his life remains largely untold: his marriage to Winnie. During his years in prison, Nelson grew ever more in love with an idealised version of his wife, courting her in his letters as if they were young lovers frozen in time. But Winnie, every bit his political equal, found herself increasingly estranged from her jailed husband ’ s politics.Behind his back, she was trying to orchestrate an armed seizure of power, a path he feared would lead to an endless civil war. Jonny Steinberg tells the tale of this unique marriage – its longings, its obsessions, its deceits – turning the course of South African history into a page-turning political biography. Winnie & Nelson is a modern epic in which trauma doesn’t just affect the couple at its centre, but an entire nation.It is also a Shakespearean drama in which bonds of love and commitment mingle with timeless questions of revolution, such as whether to seek retribution or a negotiated peace. Told with power and tender emotional insight, Steinberg reveals how far these forever entwined leaders would go for one another, and also, where they drew the line. For in the end both knew theirs was not simply a marriage, but a contest to decide how apartheid should be fought.

Objev podobné jako Winnie & Nelson: Portrait of a Marriage - Jonny Steinberg

cena 357.0 Kč

World of Warcraft: Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects - Christie Golden

When Azeroth was young, the noble titans appointed the five great dragonflights to safeguard the budding world. Each of the flights' leaders was imbued with a portion of the titans' vast cosmic powers. Together, these majestic Dragon Aspects committed themselves to thwarting any force that threatened the safety of Azeroth.More than 10,000 years ago, a betrayal by the maddened black Dragon Aspect, Deathwing, shattered the strength and unity of the dragonflights. His most recent assault on Azeroth-the Cataclysm-has left the world in turmoil. At the Maelstrom, the center of Azeroth's instability, former Horde warchief Thrall and other accomplished shaman struggle to keep the world from tearing apart in the wake of Deathwing's attack. Yet a battle also rages within Thrall regarding his new life in the shamanic Earthen Ring, hampering his normally unparalleled abilities.Of even greater concern is a bleak and terrifying possible future glimpsed by the mysterious green Dragon Aspect, Ysera: the Hour of Twilight. Before this apocalyptic vision comes to pass, Thrall must purge his own doubts in order to discover his purpose in the world and aid Azeroth's dragonflights as they face the Twilight of the Aspects.

Objev podobné jako World of Warcraft: Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects - Christie Golden

cena 259.0 Kč

Cultures of Inclusive Education and Democratic Citizenship: Comparative Perspectives - Martin Strouhal, Magdalena Kohout-Diaz - e-kniha

eBook: Inclusive education has aroused heated debate among teachers, parents, politicians, and the general public, yet for many involved and affected the basic concepts and real goals of inclusion are unclear or misunderstood. Presenting research by scholars from the Czech Republic, France, Norway, Poland, Canada, and Switzerland on education, democratic citizenship, and the inclusive philosophies and politics of various countries, Cultures of Inclusive Education and Democratic Citizenship examines and clarifies the cultural, professional, and political issues surrounding the implementation of inclusive education. The first section of the book examines the epistemology of the inclusive process. The second section compares the logic of inclusion from an international perspective. The final section explores concrete problems encountered in the different states represented.

Objev podobné jako Cultures of Inclusive Education and Democratic Citizenship: Comparative Perspectives - Martin Strouhal, Magdalena Kohout-Diaz - e-kniha

cena 220.0 Kč

The Portrait of a Lady - Henry James - e-kniha

eBook: Can an Independent Woman Escape Her Destiny? After the death of her father, Isabel Archer, a young American lady with many hopes and dreams decides to visit her aunt in England. Isabel wants to be independent and rejects the marriage proposals of two wealthy men. Her cousin wants to help her so he convinces his father on his deathbed to leave much of the estate to Isabel. Can the Lady finally fulfill her dreams?

Objev podobné jako The Portrait of a Lady - Henry James - e-kniha

cena 333.0 Kč

World of Flowers: A Colouring Book and Floral Adventure (075355318X)

Kniha - autor Johanna Basford, 80 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Show your colours. Join 'colourist queen' Johanna Basford on a floral adventure around the world and beyond, into the realms of fantasy and imagination. This sensational new colouring book is filled with countless new blooms and blossoms ready for you to discover and bring to life in colour. An abundance of fascinating florals awaits, including ... Dainty ballerina-esque Fuchsias, Bleeding Heart Orchids, Swirls of Osteospermums, Oriental Poppies, Fabulous Persian Poppies, Mexican Passion Fruit Flowers, Vibrant pinwheels of Phlox Peppermint Twist, Helleborus, Roses and Ranunculus, Bumblee-bee Primroses, Giant Pink Lotus Blossoms from the lily ponds of India, Curtains of exotic Jade Vine, Snowdonia Hawkweed, Rafflesia Arnoldii from the rainforests of Indonesia, Rothschild's Slipper Orchid from Northern Borneo, Mexican Chocolate Cosmos - which apparently smell as good as they look!, The...

Objev podobné jako World of Flowers: A Colouring Book and Floral Adventure (075355318X)

cena 371.0 Kč

The Supernatural Book of Monsters, Spirits, Demons, and Ghouls (0061367036)

Kniha - autor Alex Irvine, 240 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - autor Alex Irvine, 240 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The indispensable guide to every monster, demon, and paranormal phenomenon from the hit CW Network show, "Supernatural." 75 illustrations.

Objev podobné jako The Supernatural Book of Monsters, Spirits, Demons, and Ghouls (0061367036)

cena 387.0 Kč

Malice: Book One of the Faithful and the Fallen (0330545752)

Kniha - autor John Gwynne, 628 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Book 1 of "The Faithful & The Fallen" - a traditional commercial fantasy with wide crossover appeal. A must for all fans of George R.R. Martin, Robert Jordan and Terry Brooks.

Objev podobné jako Malice: Book One of the Faithful and the Fallen (0330545752)

cena 306.0 Kč

Development of Test Baterries for Diagnostics of Motor Laterality Manifestation - Martin Musálek - e-kniha

eBook: Cílem této knihy je podat informace k lepšímu pochopení fenoménu laterality i jeho diagnostiky. Veškeré informace jsou předkládány s ohledem na validizaci nových diagnostických metod určujících motorické projevy laterality u adolescentů a dospělých ve věku od 18 do 60 let a dětí od 8 do 10 let. Kromě toho je v této monografii také navržen nový možný přístup k určení laterality horní končetiny pomocí vztahu mezi mozečkovou dominancí a výkonností ruky.

Objev podobné jako Development of Test Baterries for Diagnostics of Motor Laterality Manifestation - Martin Musálek - e-kniha

cena 160.0 Kč

Persepolis I and II: The Story of a Childhood and The Story of a Return (009952399X)

Kniha - autor Marjane Satrapi, 344 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Wise, often funny, sometimes heartbreaking, "Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood" tells the story of Marjane Satrapi's life in Tehran from the ages of six to fourteen, years that saw the overthrow of the Shah's regime, the triumph of the Islamic Revolution and the devastating effects of war with Iraq. The intelligent and outspoken child of radical Marxists, and the great-grandaughter of Iran's last emperor, Satrapi bears witness to a childhood uniquely entwined with the history of her country. Persepolis paints an unforgettable portrait of daily life in Iran and of the bewildering contradictions between home life and public life. Amidst the tragedy, Marjane's child's eye view adds immediacy and humour, and her story of a childhood at once outrageous and ordinary, beset by the unthinkable and yet buffered by an extraordinary and loving family, is immensely moving. It is also very...

Objev podobné jako Persepolis I and II: The Story of a Childhood and The Story of a Return (009952399X)

cena 299.0 Kč

The Happiness Advantage: The Seven Principles of Positive Psychology That Fuel Success and Performan (0753539470)

Kniha - autor Shawn Achor, 256 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - autor Shawn Achor, 256 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Subtitled, "The Seven Principles Of Positive Psychology That Fuel Success & Performance At Work". Achor explains how to be happier and more successful.

Objev podobné jako The Happiness Advantage: The Seven Principles of Positive Psychology That Fuel Success and Performan (0753539470)

cena 299.0 Kč

San Francisco. Portrait of a City - Reuel Golden, Richie Unterberger

Since the mid-1800s, San Francisco has attracted artists, free spirits, dreamers and entrepreneurs. With nearly 500 pages of stunning images sourced from dozens of archives and collections, this volume depicts the city from its earliest history to the present day. An epic pictorial history of the City by the Bay Starting with an early picture of a gang of badass gold prospectors who put this beautiful Northern California city on the map, this ambitious and immersive photographic history of San Francisco takes a winding tour through the city from the mid–nineteenth century to the present day. Enjoy eye-catching views of the city’s most enduring landmarks and symbols: the Golden Gate Bridge, Chinatown, the picturesque trams that wind up and down the famously steep hills, the popular waterfront, its beautiful bay, and its spectacular cityscapes and vistas. San Francisco’s counterculture movements that shaped our collective consciousness are also featured prominently: the beats of North Beach, the hippies of Haight-Ashbury, the gay communities of Castro, and the Black Panthers of neighboring Oakland. Some of the city’s most famous residents also make appearances: Robin Williams, The Grateful Dead, Angela Davis, Janis Joplin, Sylvester, and Allen Ginsberg, among others. This book features hundreds of newly found images from dozens of archives including museums, universities, libraries, galleries, private collections, and historical societies, from 19th-century daguerreotypes to mid-century Kodachromes to 21st-century digital pictures. Master photographers include, among others: Stephen Shore, Imogen Cunningham, Fred Lyon, Steve Schapiro, Minor White, Dorothea Lange, Albert Watson, Robert Frank, Garry Winogrand, William Claxton, Fred Herzog, Ansel Adams, Jim Marshall, and many local shooters. Also includes introductory essays and captions by Bay Area–based author Richie Unterberger and a “Best of San Francisco” books, music, and movies section and biographies of the photographers. Tony Bennett famously sang, “I left my heart in San Francisco,” and this meticulously researched and conceived portrait will equally inspire and make you fall in love with the spirit of the City by the Bay. The editor Reuel Golden is the former editor of the British Journal of Photography and the Photography editor at TASCHEN. His TASCHEN titles include: Mick Rock: The Rise of David Bowie, both London and New York Portrait of a City books, The Rolling Stones, Her Majesty, Football in the 1970s, the National Geographic editions, the David Bailey SUMO and Andy Warhol. Polaroids.

Objev podobné jako San Francisco. Portrait of a City - Reuel Golden, Richie Unterberger

cena 1423.0 Kč

Songs of Innocence and of Experience - William Blake

A beautifully and faithfully reissued edition of a rare and wonderful book, its seeming simplicity belying its visionary wisdom. Widely recognised as a masterpiece of English literature, Songs of Innocence and Experience also occupies a key position in the history of Western art. This unique, newly reissued edition of the work allows William Blake to communicate with his readers as he intended, reproducing his own illumination and lettering from the finest existing example of the original work. In this way, readers can experience the mystery and beauty of Blake''s poems as he first created them, discovering for themselves the intricate web of symbol and meaning that connects word and image. Each poem is accompanied by a literal transcription, and the volume is introduced by the renowned historian and critic, Richard Holmes. This beautiful edition of The Songs of Innocence and Experience will be essential for those familiar with Blake''s work, but also offers an ideal way into his world for those encountering him for the first time.

Objev podobné jako Songs of Innocence and of Experience - William Blake

cena 295.0 Kč

Harry Potter: The Monster Book of Monsters: It Roams and Chomps!

Kniha - anglicky The textbook of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry's Care of Magical Creatures class comes to life in this one-of-a-kind collectable featuring the sound and movement of the famous Monster Book of Monsters. Kit includes: 3-1/2" Monster Book of Monsters replica featuring audio of the book in chomping action and movement. Both special features are sound-activated, prompted by a simple sound such as hand-clapping. 48-page book on magical creatures, featuring descriptions, quotes, and full-colour illustrations and photos from the films throughout. Requires two AAA batteries (not included).

Objev podobné jako Harry Potter: The Monster Book of Monsters: It Roams and Chomps!

cena 280.0 Kč

Usborne Book of the Body and How it Works - Alex Frith

Follow the owl professor as he takes two children on a tour of a body. But not just any human body - a gigantic factory building built to explain how real bodies work, from cell 'building blocks' to conveyor belts that carry life-giving energy packets and transport defenders to repel germ attacks! This beautifully illustrated book will open children's eyes to the wonder and weirdness of what's going on inside them.

Objev podobné jako Usborne Book of the Body and How it Works - Alex Frith

cena 357.0 Kč

The Book of Feeling Blue: Understand and Manage Depression - Gwendoline Smith

Discover how best to manage mental health issues - specifically depression - in bestselling pscyhologist Gwendoline Smith's evidence-based, practical guide. THE BOOK OF FEELING BLUE offers hope to those experiencing depression, explaining the nature of the condition and the many different forms it can take at different life stages, and offering straightforward advice about how to manage it. Written in a chatty, reassuring tone with supplementary illustrations included throughout to demonstrate key points, chapters cover all aspects of the condition, including how to support a family member or friend who may be suffering from it, providing a therapist's evidence-based, practical toolkit for dealing with this widespread and debilitating mental-health problem.'Provides a language to articulate things that can feel hard to express' - Pandora Sykes, Sunday Times on The Book of Overthinking

Objev podobné jako The Book of Feeling Blue: Understand and Manage Depression - Gwendoline Smith

cena 294.0 Kč

A Day in the Life of a Poo, a Gnu and You (Winner of the Blue Peter Book Award 2021) - Mike Barfield

WINNER OF THE BLUE PETER BOOK AWARD 2021___________If you've ever wanted to know what a panda does all day long, how your heart manages to shift all that blood around your body or what makes a rainbow shine, you've come to the right book. A Day in the Life of a Poo, a Gnu and You features the answers to all of these questions and many more, all told in a super-fun comic book format in three awesome sections: Human Body, Animal Kingdom and Earth and Science. A Day in the Life... is packed with facts, laughs and amazing illustrations you can dive into all day long. Meet your grumpy liver that has to do practically EVERYTHING; your trusty hands that are very, well, handy; the spiky porcupines ready to charge; lonely Mars rovers abandoned on the Red Planet; raging tornadoes ready to rip through the pages of the book and bubbly volcanoes ready to blow. All entries are told in the fun, friendly and informative style of Mike Barfield, and are brought to life by the colour-explosion of Jess Bradley's awesome illustrations.

Objev podobné jako A Day in the Life of a Poo, a Gnu and You (Winner of the Blue Peter Book Award 2021) - Mike Barfield

cena 325.0 Kč

Los Angeles. Portrait of a City - David L. Ulin, Kevin Starr

Los Angeles, this is your life. This book tells how LA came to be what it is today. From the first known photograph taken in Los Angeles to its most recent sprawling vistas, this photographic tribute to the City of Angels is first of its kind to survey in depth the full range of the city's photographic history. Exploring the cultural, political, industrial, and sociological history via the work of myriad photographers, the book examines the city's critical developments ranging from the real estate booms of the 1880s to the uncontrolled urban sprawl of the late 20th century. With over 600 images, the city is shown emerging from a desert wasteland to a horticultural Eden courtesy of imported water. Poignant events that captured the attention of the world, notably two Olympics, the assassination of Bobby Kennedy, and the Rodney King riots, reveal a city of many dimensions. The entertainment capital of the world, Hollywood, and its celebrities are showcased along with notable Los Angeles personalities, architects, artists, and events. Many of the pop cultural movements which started in Los Angeles, such as surfing, health food fads, and hot rods, are included, as are the cities notorious crimes and criminals. Focusing on one of the most photographed and familiar cities of the world, this book unveils a new dimension of its visual history with hundreds of freshly discovered images including those of Julius Shulman, Henri Cartier-Bresson, William Claxton, Weegee, and many more. Culled from major historical archives, museums, private collectors, and universities, the images are bolstered by insightful texts by renowned California historian Kevin Starr and Los Angeles literature expert David Ulin.

Objev podobné jako Los Angeles. Portrait of a City - David L. Ulin, Kevin Starr

cena 1477.0 Kč

Burlesque and the Art of the Teese / Fetish and the Art of Teese (0060591676)

Kniha - autor Dita von Teese, 256 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá - autor Dita von Teese, 256 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá The "Queen of the New Burlesque" reinvents the world of pin-ups, stripteases, and sexual role play in this beautifully designed double-sided look at modernAmerican burlesque and fetish. Color photos.

Objev podobné jako Burlesque and the Art of the Teese / Fetish and the Art of Teese (0060591676)

cena 953.0 Kč

Principles of Seismology - Udias Agustin

The second edition of Principles of Seismology has been extensively revised and updated to present a modern approach to observation seismology and the theory behind digital seismograms. It includes: a new chapter on Earthquakes, Earth's structure and dynamics; a considerably revised chapter on instrumentation, with new material on processing of modern digital seismograms and a list of website hosting data and seismological software; and 100 end-of-chapter problems. The fundamental physical concepts on which seismic theory is based are explained in full detail with step-by-step development of the mathematical derivations, demonstrating the relationship between motions recorded in digital seismograms and the mechanics of deformable bodies. With chapter introductions and summaries, numerous examples, newly drafted illustrations and new color figures, and an updated bibliography and reference list, this intermediate-level textbook is designed to help students develop the skills to tackle real research problems.

Objev podobné jako Principles of Seismology - Udias Agustin

cena 1276.0 Kč

The Portrait of a Lady: Annotated Edition (Alma Classics Evergreens) - Henry James

Having travelled from her native New York to London to meet her relatives, Isabel Archer, a young, independently minded young woman, rejects the marriage proposals of two suitors in her determination to stay in control of her destiny. When she suddenly comes into a large legacy, Isabel believes that this windfall will finally ensure the freedom that she yearns for and embarks on an exhilarating journey through France and Italy, only to find her endeavours thwarted by the sinister plotting of some of her acquaintances. Considered by many to be Henry James’s finest novel, The Portrait of a Lady is a subtle examination of Victorian society and power relations, providing a groundbreaking psychological study of its protagonist. This volume is based on the authoritative New York Edition, and includes the author’s seminal preface. Henry James Henry James (1843–1916) was a Britain-based American author, whose realist novels exploring the consciousness of his characters paved the way for the Modernist fiction of the 1920s.

Objev podobné jako The Portrait of a Lady: Annotated Edition (Alma Classics Evergreens) - Henry James

cena 219.0 Kč

Emily Windsnap and the Ship of Lost Souls (Book 6) - Liz Kesslerová

The eagerly awaited new Emily Windsnap adventure from million-copy-selling author, Liz Kessler. Emily spies a mysterious ship and visits the lost city of Atlantis. Welcome back to the world of Emily Windsnap! A school trip to a beautiful island plunges Emily and her friends into a new adventure. What is the secret of the mysterious ship that sometimes appears on the horizon, and does the answer lie in the lost city of Atlantis? Emily's adventures have been captivating fans for more than ten years, and this is the eagerly awaited sixth book in the bestselling series.

Objev podobné jako Emily Windsnap and the Ship of Lost Souls (Book 6) - Liz Kesslerová

cena 223.0 Kč

Magnus Chase and the Ship of the Dead (Book 3) - Rick Riordan

Winner of the Goodreads Choice Award 2017 for Best Middle Grade & Children's!Loki the trickster god is free from his chains. Now he's readying Naglfar, the Ship of the Dead, armed with a host of giants and zombies, to sail against the Norse gods and begin the final battle of Ragnarok.It's up to Magnus Chase and his friends to stop Loki's plans. Along the way, they will face angry sea gods, hostile giants, and an evil fire-breathing dragon. But Magnus's biggest challenge will be facing his own inner demons . . .

Objev podobné jako Magnus Chase and the Ship of the Dead (Book 3) - Rick Riordan

cena 232.0 Kč

Ember Shadows and the Fates of Mount Never : Book 1 - King Rebecca

In a land trapped by fate, only courage can re-write the future. In the magical village of Everspring, everyone receives a fate card before their twelfth birthday, sent down from the mysterious Mount Never. It tells them their purpose, their profession and how old they'll be when they die.Nearly 12-year-old Ember Shadows has always believed she is destined for great things. But when her fate card arrives, it's blank. What does that mean? Then, worse still, her sister's card decrees she will die before her next birthday.No way is Ember's going to let that happen. Determined to challenge what - or who - is responsible for these cards, Ember sets off up the mountain, a place no one is allowed to go. She encounters forbidden realms full of magic, trickery and curious creatures.In a thrilling race through a magical landscape, Ember Shadows must uncover the secret behind the fate cards in order to save her sister ... But will Ember likes what she finds at the top of the mountain? With hints of Alice in Wonderland, shades of The Phantom Tollbooth and echoes of Pixar's Inside Out, this a thrilling, warm-hearted race through magical realms, a classic magical adventure, beautifully illustrated throughout.

Objev podobné jako Ember Shadows and the Fates of Mount Never : Book 1 - King Rebecca

cena 214.0 Kč

Of Fear and Strangers: A History of Xenophobia - George Makari

An illuminating work revealing the long history of xenophobia and what it means for today's divided world Over the last few years, it has been impossible to ignore the steady resurgence of xenophobia. The European migrant crisis and immigration from Central America to the United States have placed Western advocates of globalisation on the defensive, and a 'New Xenophobia' seems to have emerged out of nowhere. In this fascinating study, George Makari traces the history of xenophobia from its origins to the present day. Often perceived as an ancient word for a timeless problem, 'xenophobia' was in fact only coined a century ago, tied to heated and formative Western debates over nationalism, globalisation, race and immigration. From Richard Wright to Sigmund Freud, Jean-Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir, writers and thinkers have long grappled with this most dangerous of phobias. Drawing on their work, Makari demonstrates how we can better understand the problem that is so crucial to our troubled times.

Objev podobné jako Of Fear and Strangers: A History of Xenophobia - George Makari

cena 707.0 Kč

The Small and Mighty Book of Myths and Legends: Pocket-sized books, massive facts! - Orange Hippo!

The Small and Mighty range is the ultimate pocket-sized collectible series for young readers who can't get enough of their favourite subject.This Small and Mighty Book is a treasure trove bursting with facts about myths and legends from around the world. Inside readers will discover some of the earliest stories ever told, from gods and supernatural forces to a three-headed guard dog and coloured clouds forming the world. With a wealth of fun and fascinating mythical facts that were passed down by word of mouth as early peoples tried to make sense of the world around them, this is a book no legend lover can afford to be without!Bumba created the Universe in the Congo creation myth because he was lonely and unwell. He vomited up the Sun, Moon, stars and nine animals from which all the creatures of the world were created.In ancient Egypt, people were often buried with their possessions. Important people were often buried with models of servants called Ushabtis to serve them in the afterlife.

Objev podobné jako The Small and Mighty Book of Myths and Legends: Pocket-sized books, massive facts! - Orange Hippo!

cena 178.0 Kč

Football's Principles of Play - Peter Prickett

Designed for coaches and football fans interested in the theory of football, this handbook is a must-read for anyone looking to understand the foundations that football is built on.

Objev podobné jako Football's Principles of Play - Peter Prickett

cena 384.0 Kč

Critical Theory of Communication: New Readings of Lukács, Adorno, Marcuse, Honneth and Habermas in the Age of the Internet (1) (Critical Digital and S

This book contributes to the foundations of a critical theory of communication as shaped by the forces of digital capitalism. One of the world's leading theorists of digital media Professor Christian Fuchs explores how the thought of some of the Frankfurt School’s key thinkers can be deployed for critically understanding media in the age of the Internet. Five essays that form the heart of this book review aspects of the works of Georg Lukács, Theodor W. Adorno, Herbert Marcuse, Axel Honneth and Jürgen Habermas and apply them as elements of a critical theory of communication's foundations. The approach taken starts from Georg Lukács Ontology of Social Being, draws on the work of the Frankfurt School thinkers, and sets them into dialogue with the Cultural Materialism of Raymond Williams. Critical Theory of Communication offers a vital set of new insights on how communication operates in the age of information, digital media and social media, arguing that we need to transcend the communication theory of Habermas by establishing a dialectical and cultural-materialist critical theory of communication.

Objev podobné jako Critical Theory of Communication: New Readings of Lukács, Adorno, Marcuse, Honneth and Habermas in the Age of the Internet (1) (Critical Digital and S

cena 657.0 Kč

The Story of the Duchess of Cicogne and of Monsieur de Boulingrin - Anatole France - e-kniha

eBook: In ‘The Story of the Duchess of Cicogne and of Monsieur de Boulingrin’ (1920), Anatole France presents a fantastic reimagining of the classic fairy-tale ‘Sleeping Beauty’. However, rather than concerning himself with Sleeping Beauty herself, France focuses on the turmoil of her parents as they wait for their daughter to wake. France’s short story, ‘The Story of the Duchess of Cicogne and of Monsieur de Boulingrin’, offers a nuanced take on the classic tale and presents a sophisticated account that will enthral all. A must-read for anyone familiar with ‘Sleeping Beauty’ or a fan of any of Anatole France’s works, this imaginative reinterpretation is a fresh take on an already incredible story.

Objev podobné jako The Story of the Duchess of Cicogne and of Monsieur de Boulingrin - Anatole France - e-kniha

cena 124.0 Kč

An Illustrated History of Notable Shadowhunters and Denizens of Downworld (9781471161193)

Kniha - autor Cassandra Clare, 208 stran, anglicky, Pevná bez přebalu matná - autor Cassandra Clare, 208 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu matná A very special anthology that's a must for all fans of the Shadowhunter novels! Featuring characters from Cassandra Clare's international best-selling novels from the Shadowhunters world including The Mortal Instruments, The Infernal Devices and The Dark Artifices, this anthology showcases beautifully illustrated portraits from Cassandra Jean - creator of The Shadowhunter Tarot - alongside never-before-known details from Cassandra Clare about all your favourite characters.

Objev podobné jako An Illustrated History of Notable Shadowhunters and Denizens of Downworld (9781471161193)

cena 379.0 Kč

The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order (1451628978)

Kniha - autor Samuel P. Huntington, 368 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The classic study of post-Cold War international relations, now even more relevant in the post-September 11 world. A benchmark for informed speculation on those always fascinating questions: Just where are we in history? What hidden hand is controlling our destiny? . . . A searching reflection on our global state.

Objev podobné jako The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order (1451628978)

cena 439.0 Kč

Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience - William Blake - e-kniha

eBook: Songs of Innocence and of Experience is a collection of poems by William Blake. It appeared in two phases. A few first copies were printed and illuminated by William Blake himself in 1789; five years later he bound these poems with a set of new poems in a volume titled Songs of Innocence and of Experience Shewing the Two Contrary States of the Human Soul. William Blake was also a painter before the songs of innocence and experience and made paintings such as Oberon, Titania, and Puck dancing with fairies.

Objev podobné jako Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience - William Blake - e-kniha

cena 138.0 Kč

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