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21 Lessons for the 21st Century - Yuval Noah Harari

Sapiens showed us where we came from. Homo Deus looked to the future. 21 Lessons for the 21st Century explores the present. How can we protect ourselves from nuclear war, ecological cataclysms and technological disruptions? What can we do about the epidemic of fake news or the threat of terrorism? What should we teach our children? Yuval Noah Harari takes us on a thrilling journey through today's most urgent issues. The golden thread running through his exhilarating new book is the challenge of maintaining our collective and individual focus in the face of constant and disorienting change. Are we still capable of understanding the world we have created?

Podívejte se také Yungblud: 21st Century Liability - LP (6754821)

cena 330.0 Kč

21 Lessons for the 21st Century (1784708283)

Kniha - 432 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná

Podívejte se také Yungblud: 21st Century Liability (2018) - CD (6754820)

cena 279.0 Kč

21 lekcií pre 21. storočie - Yuval Noah Harari

Ako sa môžeme ochrániť pred jadrovou vojnou, ekologickými katastrofami a technologickými narušeniami?Čo môžeme urobiť s epidémiou falošných správ alebo s hrozbou terorizmu?Čo by sme mali učiť svoje deti?Yuval Noah Harari nás opäť pozýva na napínavú cestu tými najnaliehavejšími otázkami súčasnej doby. Zlatou niťou, ktorá sa vinie jeho novou vzrušujúcou knihou, je výzva, aby sme venovali kolektívnu aj individuálnu pozornosť neustálej a dezorientujúcej zmene. Sme ešte schopní rozumieť svetu, ktorý sme si sami vytvorili?21 lekcií pre 21. storočie skúma, čo znamená byť človekom v ére zmätku.

Podívejte se také Doughnut Economics: Seven Ways to Think Like a 21st Century Economist (1847941389)

cena 658.0 Kč

Sapiens - Yuval Noah Harari

„Pred 100 000 rokmi obývalo Zem najmenej šesť ľudských druhov. Dnes je tu už len jeden. My. Homo sapiens.“ V knihe Sapiens: Stručná história ľudstva jej autor, nazývaný aj vizionársky historik, Dr. Yuval Noah Harari opisuje históriu človeka ako biologického druhu od prvých ľudí až po súčasnosť, ktorú výrazne ovplyvnili tri revolúcie - kognitívna, poľnohospodárska a vedecká revolúcia. Ako zvíťazil náš druh v boji o dominanciu? Prečo sa naši kočovní predkovia usadili a začali zakladať mestá a ríše? Ako sme dospeli k viere v bohov, národy a ľudské práva? A aký bude náš svet v ďalších tisícročiach? Vychádzajúc z poznatkov z histórie, biológie, antropológie, paleontológie a ekonómie Dr. Harari skúma, ako jednotlivé historické prúdy formovali ľudské spoločnosti - ich nažívanie v rámci spoločnosti, ale aj s prírodou, zvieratami a rastlinami - a dokonca aj ľudskú osobnosť. Sme vďaka tomu šťastnejší? Môžeme niekedy vôbec oslobodiť naše správanie od dedičstva našich predkov? A čo môžeme alebo by sme mali urobiť, aby sme ovplyvnili priebeh nasledujúcich storočí? Autor tak čitateľa núti zamyslieť sa aj nad blízkou či vzdialenejšou budúcnosťou, ktorú ovplyvňuje správanie človeka, vedecký pokrok a jeho snaha pozmeniť zákony prírody len pre svoje blaho. Kniha je vzrušujúcim zhrnutím našej neuveriteľnej histórie - od bezvýznamných opíc až k pánom sveta. Jej obsah je odvážny, obsiahly aj provokatívny. Spochybňuje všetko, čo sme o ľudstve zdanlivo vedeli: našu vieru, činy, moc... aj našu budúcnosť, a pritom sa zamýšľa a ozrejmuje najdôležitejšie otázky histórie a moderného sveta. Nestáva sa často, aby kniha dala čitateľom možnosť prehodnotiť prakticky všetko konanie človeka ako druhu. A presne to sa podarilo Hararimu v jeho zhrňujúcom, ale zrozumiteľnom pohľade na dejiny ľudstva. Harariho kniha Sapiens: Stručná história ľudstva sa stala medzinárodným bestsellerom a doteraz vyšla v tridsiatich piatich krajinách. Jej obsah je zaujímavý a často aj zábavný, je napísaná živým, prístupným jazykom a vlastný text dopĺňajú fotografie, mapy, schémy a ilustrácie.

Objev podobné jako Sapiens - Yuval Noah Harari

cena 669.0 Kč

Sapiens - Yuval Noah Harari

The first volume of the graphic adaptation of Yuval Noah Harari's global phenomenon and smash Sunday Times #1 bestseller, with gorgeous full-colour illustrations and a beautiful package - the perfect gift for the curious beings in your life.One hundred thousand years ago, at least six different species of humans inhabited Earth. Yet today there is only one-homo sapiens. What happened to the others? And what may happen to us?In this first volume of the full-colour illustrated adaptation of his groundbreaking book, renowned historian Yuval Harari tells the story of humankind's creation and evolution, exploring the ways in which biology and history have defined us and enhanced our understanding of what it means to be "human". From examining the role evolving humans have played in the global ecosystem to charting the rise of empires, Sapiens challenges us to reconsider accepted beliefs, connect past developments with contemporary concerns, and view specific events within the context of larger ideas.Featuring 256 pages of full-colour illustrations and easy-to-understand text covering the first part of the full-length original edition, this adaptation of the mind-expanding book furthers the ongoing conversation as it introduces Harari's ideas to a wider new readership.

Objev podobné jako Sapiens - Yuval Noah Harari

cena 536.0 Kč

Homo Deus - Yuval Noah Harari

From the author of the number 1 global bestseller Sapiens **The Top Ten Sunday Times Bestseller** Sapiens showed us where we came from. Homo Deus shows us where we're going. War is obsolete. You are more likely to commit suicide than be killed in conflict. Famine is disappearing. You are at more risk of obesity than starvation. Death is just a technical problem. Equality is out - but immortality is in. What does our future hold? Yuval Noah Harari, author of the bestselling phenomenon Sapiens envisions a not-too-distant world in which we face a new set of challenges. Homo Deus explores the projects, dreams and nightmares that will shape the twenty-first century - from overcoming death to creating artificial life. It asks the fundamental questions: Where do we go from here? And how will we protect this fragile world from our own destructive powers? 'Homo Deus will shock you. It will entertain you. Above all, it will make you think in ways you had not thought before' Daniel Kahneman, author of Thinking Fast, and Slow Dr Yuval Noah Harari has a PhD in History from the University of Oxford and now lectures at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, specialising in World History. Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind has become an international phenomenon attracting a legion of fans from Bill Gates and Barack Obama to Chris Evans and Jarvis Cocker, and is published in nearly 40 languages worldwide. It was a Sunday Times Number One bestseller and was in the Top Ten for over six months in paperback. His follow-up to Sapiens, Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow was also a Top Ten Bestseller and was described by the Guardian as ‘even more readable, even more important, than his excellent Sapiens'.

Objev podobné jako Homo Deus - Yuval Noah Harari

cena 330.0 Kč

Sapiens - Yuval Noah Harari - audiokniha

Audiokniha: Sapiens je vzrušujúcim zhrnutím našej neuveriteľnej histórie − od bezvýznamných opíc až k pánom sveta. Jej obsah je odvážny, obsiahly aj provokatívny. Spochybňuje všetko, čo sme o ľudstve zdanlivo vedeli: našu vieru, činy, moc... aj našu budúcnosť, a pritom sa zamýšľa a ozrejmuje najdôležitejšie otázky histórie a moderného sveta. Nestáva sa často, aby audiokniha dala poslucháčom možnosť prehodnotiť prakticky všetko konanie človeka ako druhu. Môžeme niekedy vôbec oslobodiť naše správanie od dedičstva našich predkov? A čo môžeme alebo by sme mali urobiť, aby sme ovplyvnili priebeh nasledujúcich storočí? Autor poslucháča núti zamyslieť sa aj nad blízkou či vzdialenejšou budúcnosťou, ktorú ovplyvňuje správanie človeka, vedecký pokrok a jeho snaha pozmeniť zákony prírody len pre svoje blaho.

Objev podobné jako Sapiens - Yuval Noah Harari - audiokniha

cena 461.0 Kč

Homo deus - Yuval Noah Harari

Vo svojom kritikmi uznávanom medzinárodnom bestselleri, Sapiens, Yuval Noah Harari vysvetlil, ako sa ľudstvu podarilo ovládnuť planétu. V knihe Homo Deus skúma budúcnosť ľudstva a ponúka víziu zajtrajška, ktorá sa zdá byť nezrozumiteľná, ale časom sa stane neodvratná: ľudstvo stratí nielen svoju dominanciu, ale aj samotný zmysel.Za posledné storočie sa ľudstvu podarilo nemožné: premeniť nekontrolovateľné sily prírody - hladomor, epidémie a vojny - na zvládnuteľné výzvy. Dnes zomiera viac ľudí na prejedanie ako na hladomor, viac ľudí zomiera na starobu ako na infekčné choroby a samovraždu spácha viac ľudí, ako stihnú zabiť vojaci, teroristi a zločinci dohromady. Sme jediným druhom v dlhej histórii Zeme, ktorému sa samotnému podarilo zmeniť celú planétu, a už sme prestali očakávať, že by naše osudy mohla formovať nejaká vyššia sila.Čo nahradí hladomor, epidémie a vojny na prvých miestach ľudského snaženia? Aký osud si pripravíme a aké ciele budeme sledovať? Homo Deus skúma projekty, sny a nočné mory, ktoré budú formovať dvadsiate prvé storočie, od prekonania smrti po vytvorenie umelého života. Lenže pri dosahovaní týchto cieľov môže nakoniec väčšina ľudských bytostí stratiť svoj zmysel. Čo budeme robiť potom? A ako ochránime tento krehký svet pred svojimi vlastnými ničivými silami? Nemôžeme zastaviť chod histórie, ale môžeme ovplyvniť jej smerovanie.Predvídanie budúcnosti obvykle predpokladá, že zajtrajšok bude v podstate veľmi podobný dnešku - že budeme mať úžasné nové technológie, ale stále nás budú usmerňovať staré dobré humanistické hodnoty ako sloboda a rovnosť. Homo Deus tieto predpoklady rúca a naznačuje širokú škálu alternatívnych možností, s provokatívnymi argumentmi na každej strane. Napríklad:" Hlavné produkty ekonomiky dvadsiateho prvého storočia nebudú textílie, autá ani zbrane, ale telá, mozgy a mysle." Priemyselná revolúcia vytvorila pracujúcu triedu, ďalšia veľká revolúcia vytvorí zbytočnú triedu." Spôsob, akým my ľudia zaobchádzame so zvieratami, nastavuje zrkadlo, ako budú vylepšení superľudia zaobchádzať s nami." Demokracia a voľný trh sa zrútia, keď nás Google a Facebook budú poznať lepšie ako my sami, a autorita sa presunie z jednotlivých ľudí na zosieťované algoritmy." Ľudia nebudú proti strojom bojovať - splynú s nimi. Smerujeme skôr k manželstvu ako vojne.Takto vyzerá nový svet a priepasť medzi tými, ktorí naskočia na palubu, a tými, ktorí sa neprispôsobia, bude väčšia ako priepasť medzi priemyselnými impériami a agrárnymi kmeňmi, dokonca väčšia aj ako medzi Homo sapiens a neandertálcami. Toto je ďalšia fáza evolúcie. Toto je Homo deus.

Objev podobné jako Homo deus - Yuval Noah Harari

cena 589.0 Kč

Sapiens: A Graphic History / The Pillars of Civilisation (Volume 2) - Yuval Noah Harari

The second volume of an epic, beautifully illustrated graphic history of humankind, based on Yuval Noah Harari's internationally bestselling phenomenon When nomadic Homo sapiens settled to live in one place, they started working harder and harder. But why didn't they get a better life in return? In The Pillars of Civilisation, Yuval Noah Harari and his companions including Prof. Saraswati and Dr. Fiction travel the length and breadth of human history to investigate how the Agricultural Revolution changed society forever. Discover how wheat took over the world, how war, famine, disease and inequality became a part of the human condition, and why we might only have ourselves to blame. The origins of modern farming are told through Elizabethan tragedy, the changing fortunes of domesticated plants and animals are tracked in the columns of the Daily Business News, and the history of inequality is revealed in a superhero detective story. A radical, witty and colourful retelling of the story of humankind, adapted from Yuval Noah Harari's Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind, Volume 2 can be read as a standalone or as a follow-up to Volume 1, The Birth of Humankind.

Objev podobné jako Sapiens: A Graphic History / The Pillars of Civilisation (Volume 2) - Yuval Noah Harari

cena 491.0 Kč

Sapiens A Graphic History, Volume 3: The Masters of History - Yuval Noah Harari

Sometimes history seems like a laundry list of malevolent monarchs, pompous presidents and dastardly dictators. But are they really the ones in the driving seat? Sapiens: A Graphic History Volume 3 – The Masters of History takes us on a hilarious ride through the past to discover the forces that change our world, bring us together, and – just as often – tear us apart. Grab a front-row seat to the greatest show on earth and explore the rise of money, religion and empire.Join our fabulous host Heroda Tush, as she wonders: which historical superhero will display the power to make civilisations rise and fall? Will Mr Random prove that luck and circumstance prevail? Will Lady Empire convince us of the irrefutable shaping force of conquerors? Or will Clashwoman beat them all to greatness by reminding us of the endless confrontations that seem to forever plague our species? This third instalment in the Sapiens: A Graphic History series is an engaging, insightful, and colourful retelling of the story of humankind. The perfect gift for curious minds of all ages!

Objev podobné jako Sapiens A Graphic History, Volume 3: The Masters of History - Yuval Noah Harari

cena 650.0 Kč

Unstoppable Us, Volume 1: How Humans Took Over the World - Yuval Noah Harari

*From the author of the multi-million bestselling Sapiens comes an incredible new story of the human race, for younger readers.*We humans aren't strong like lions, we don't swim as well as dolphins, and we definitely don't have wings! So how did we end up ruling the world?The answer to that is one of the strangest tales you'll ever hear. And it's a true story . .. Have you ever wondered how we got here? From hunting mammoths, to flying to the moon?It is because we are unstoppable. But what made us so? Well, we have the most amazing superpower: the ability to tell stories.Fairy tales have led us from imagining ghosts and spirits to being able to create money (yes, really!). And this has made us very powerful . .. but very deadly. Nothing stands in our way, and we always want more.So get ready for the most amazing story there ever was - the incredible true tale of the Unstoppables. Find out how fire shrank our stomachs, how our ancestors spoke to animals, what football can tell us about being human, how we used our superpower for good and bad . .. and how YOU have the superpower to change the world. With full-colour illustrations showing the relentless rise and rise of the human race, this is history like you've never experienced it before.

Objev podobné jako Unstoppable Us, Volume 1: How Humans Took Over the World - Yuval Noah Harari

cena 536.0 Kč

Unstoppable Us Volume 2 - Yuval Noah Harari

From world-renowned historian and philosopher Yuval Noah Harari, the bestselling author of Sapiens, comes the second volume in the bestselling Unstoppable Us series that traces human development from the Agricultural Revolution to Prehistoric Egypt. Humans may have taken over the world, but what happened next? How did our hunter-gatherer ancestors become village farmers? Why were kingdoms and laws established? How did we go from being the rulers of Earth to the rulers of each other? And why isn't the world fair? The answer to all of that is one of the strangest tales you'll ever hear. And it's a true story! From cultivating land and sharing resources to building pyramids and paying taxes, prepare to discover how humans established civilization, endured the consequences for it, and created history-changing inventions along the way. In Unstoppable Us, Volume 1: How Humans Took Over the World, acclaimed author Yuval Noah Harari explored the early history of humankind. In Volume 2, he is back with another expertly crafted story of how human society evolved and flourished. His dynamic writing is accompanied by maps, a timeline, and full-color illustrations, making the incredible story of our past fun, engaging, and impossible to put down

Objev podobné jako Unstoppable Us Volume 2 - Yuval Noah Harari

cena 402.0 Kč

Unstoppable Us, Volume 1 - Yuval Noah Harari

We humans aren't strong like lions, we don't swim as well as dolphins, and we definitely don't have wings! So how did we end up ruling the world? The answer to that is one of the strangest tales you'll ever hear. And it's a true story . . .Have you ever wondered how we got here? From hunting mammoths, to flying to the moon? It is because we are unstoppable. But what made us so? Well, we have the most amazing superpower: the ability to tell stories. Fairy tales have led us from imagining ghosts and spirits to being able to create money (yes, really!). And this has made us very powerful . . . but very deadly. Nothing stands in our way, and we always want more. So get ready for the most amazing story there ever was - the incredible true tale of the Unstoppables. Find out how fire shrank our stomachs, how our ancestors spoke to animals, what football can tell us about being human, how we used our superpower for good and bad . . . and how YOU have the superpower to change the world. With full-colour illustrations showing the relentless rise and rise of the human race, this is history like you've never experienced it before.

Objev podobné jako Unstoppable Us, Volume 1 - Yuval Noah Harari

cena 357.0 Kč

Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind - Yuval Noah Harari

Planet Earth is 4.5 billion years old. In just a fraction of that time, one species among countless others has conquered it. Us.We are the most advanced and most destructive animals ever to have lived. What makes us brilliant? What makes us deadly? What makes us Sapiens?In this bold and provocative book, Yuval Noah Harari explores who we are, how we got here and where we’re going.Sapiens is a thrilling account of humankind’s extraordinary history – from the Stone Age to the Silicon Age – and our journey from insignificant apes to rulers of the world‘It tackles the biggest questions of history and of the modern world, and it is written in unforgettably vivid language. You will love it!’ Jared Diamond, author of Guns, Germs and SteelYuval’s follow up to Sapiens, Homo Deus, is available now. Dr Yuval Noah Harari has a PhD in History from the University of Oxford and now lectures at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, specialising in World History. Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind, published in 2014, has become an international phenomenon and is published in nearly 40 languages worldwide. It was in the Sunday Times bestseller list for over six months in paperback, and was a New York Times top ten bestseller.

Objev podobné jako Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind - Yuval Noah Harari

cena 330.0 Kč

Nexus: A Brief History of Information Networks from the Stone Age to AI - Yuval Noah Harari

The story of how information networks have made, and unmade, our world from the #1 Sunday Times bestselling author of SapiensStories brought us together. Books spread our ideas – and our mythologies. The internet promised infinite knowledge.The algorithm learned our secrets – and then turned us against each other. What will AI do? NEXUS is the thrilling account of how we arrived at this moment, and the urgent choices we must now make to survive – and to thrive.

Objev podobné jako Nexus: A Brief History of Information Networks from the Stone Age to AI - Yuval Noah Harari

cena 827.0 Kč

Nexus: A Brief History of Information Networks from the Stone Age to AI - Yuval Noah Harari

The story of how information networks have made, and unmade, our world from the #1 Sunday Times bestselling author of Sapiens.For the last 100,000 years, humans have accumulated enormous power. But despite all our discoveries, inventions and conquests, we now find ourselves in an existential crisis. The world is on the verge of ecological collapse.Misinformation abounds. And we are rushing headlong into the age of AI - a new information network that threatens to annihilate us. If we are so wise, why are we so self-destructive?NEXUS considers how the flow of information has shaped us, and our world.Taking us from the Stone Age through the Bible, early modern witch-hunts, Stalinism, Nazism and the resurgence of populism today, Yuval Noah Harari asks us to consider the complex relationship between information and truth, bureaucracy and mythology, wisdom and power. He explores how different societies and political systems have wielded information to achieve their goals, for good and ill. And he addresses the urgent choices we face as non-human intelligence threatens our very existence.Information is not the raw material of truth; neither is it a mere weapon.NEXUS explores the hopeful middle ground between these extremes, and of rediscovering our shared humanity.

Objev podobné jako Nexus: A Brief History of Information Networks from the Stone Age to AI - Yuval Noah Harari

cena 499.0 Kč

Sapiens - Ilustrovaná história - Yuval Noah Harari, David Vandermeulen, Daniel Casanave

Prvý diel nádherne ilustrovaného príbehu histórie ľudstva, podľa skvelej a úspešnej knihy Yuvala Noaha Harariho, ktorá sa stala medzinárodným bestsellerom. Toto je príbeh o tom, ako sa z bezvýznamnej opice stal vládca planéty Zem, ktorý dokázal štiepiť atóm, lietať na Mesiac a manipulovať s genetickým kódom života. S Yuvalom Noahom Hararim ako sprievodcom, a postavami ako je praveký Bill, doktorka Fiktívna a detektívka Lopezová, sa vydáte na výlet po najzaujímavejších zákutiach histórie. Evolúcia ľudstva je prerozprávaná ako televízna reality šou; prvé stretnutie Sapiens a neandertálcov preskúmame prostredníctvom majstrovských diel moderného umenia; a vyhynutie mamutov a šabľozubých tigrov je prerozprávané ako filmová detektívka. Sapiens: Ilustrovaná história je revolučná – a okrem toho prudko zábavná – interpretácia príbehu ľudstva, plná vtipu, humoru, ale aj poučenia. Yuval Noah Harari, historik, filozof a autor bestsellerov, je považovaný za jedného z najvplyvnejších svetových intelektuálov. Doktorát z histórie získal na Oxfordskej univerzite a v súčasnosti prednáša históriu na Hebrejskej univerzite v Jeruzaleme. Kniha Sapiens: Stručná história ľudstva bola preložená do šesťdesiatich jazykov a stala sa medzinárodným bestsellerom – predalo sa z nej šestnásť miliónov výtlačkov. Harari je tiež autorom bestsellerov Homo Deus a 21 lekcií pre 21. storočie. Pri tejto adaptácii úspešnej knihy Sapiens: Stručná história ľudstva úzko spolupracoval s renomovanými komiksovými výtvarníkmi Danielom Casanavom a Davidom Vandermeulenom.

Objev podobné jako Sapiens - Ilustrovaná história - Yuval Noah Harari, David Vandermeulen, Daniel Casanave

cena 838.0 Kč

Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind / Patterns of Life - Yuval Noah Harari

Planet Earth is 4.5 billion years old. In just a fraction of that time, one species among countless others has conquered it. Us. We are the most advanced and most destructive animals ever to have lived. What makes us brilliant? What makes us deadly? What makes us Sapiens? In this bold and provocative book, Yuval Noah Harari explores who we are, how we got here and where we’re going. Sapiens is a thrilling account of humankind’s extraordinary history – from the Stone Age to the Silicon Age – and our journey from insignificant apes to rulers of the world.

Objev podobné jako Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind / Patterns of Life - Yuval Noah Harari

cena 357.0 Kč

Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind (10 Year Anniversary Edition) - Yuval Noah Harari

A beautiful new hardback anniversary edition of the multi-million copy sensationINCLUDES A NEW AFTERWORD FROM YUVAL NOAH HARARIWhat makes us brilliant? What makes us deadly? What makes us Sapiens?One of the world''s preeminent historians and thinkers, Yuval Noah Harari challenges everything we know about being human. Earth is 4.5 billion years old. In just a fraction of that time, one species among countless others has conquered it: us.In this bold and provocative book, Yuval Noah Harari explores who we are, how we got here and where we''re going.PRAISE FOR SAPIENS:''Interesting and provocative... It gives you a sense of how briefly we''ve been on this Earth'' Barack Obama''Jaw-dropping from the first word to the last... It may be the best book I''ve ever read'' Chris Evans''Startling... It changes the way you look at the world'' Simon Mayo''I would recommend Sapiens to anyone who''s interested in the history and future of our species'' Bill Gates

Objev podobné jako Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind (10 Year Anniversary Edition) - Yuval Noah Harari

cena 679.0 Kč

Ethnology for the 21st Century - Miroslav Válka, Karel Altman, Marta Botiková, Jana Ambrózová - e-kniha

eBook: Předkládaná monografie je koncipovaná jako kolektivní dílo univerzitních pedagogů, doktorandů a odborníků z akademických pracovišť k problematice dalšího směřování výuky oboru Etnologie na univerzitách. Záměrem autorů je pojmenovat témata, která by měla ve výuce Etnologie přežít generační i společenské změny na prahu milénia. Jejich představy, záměry i nejistoty jsou ve vizi těchto témat soustředěné.

Objev podobné jako Ethnology for the 21st Century - Miroslav Válka, Karel Altman, Marta Botiková, Jana Ambrózová - e-kniha

cena 255.0 Kč

Think and Grow Rich: The Landmark Bestseller Now Revised and Updated for the 21st Century (1585424331)

Kniha - autor Napoleon Hill, 320 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The bestselling success book of all time is updated and revised with contemporary ideas and examples.

Objev podobné jako Think and Grow Rich: The Landmark Bestseller Now Revised and Updated for the 21st Century (1585424331)

cena 269.0 Kč

Metadata: Rethinking Photography in the 21st Century

Accompanies major exhibition at The Ringling Museum of Art from March 6 - August 28, 2022 Explores the work of artists Mohsen Azar, Viktoria Binschtok, Mladen Bizumic, Joy Buolamwini, Ali Feser and Jason Lazarus, Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, Lilly Lulay, Trevor Paglen, and Penelope Umbrico What’s behind a picture? The term “metadata” is used to describe the information that travels with a digital image file but is unseen within the image itself. In our networked digital environment, metadata is accessed by both human users and artificial intelligences. Software algorithms orchestrate what images we see and exchange while collecting the valuable data generated by our interactions. In our moment, dominated by image-based social media and surveillance, we are becoming increasingly aware that understanding the information that circulates unseen around photographic images is just as important as seeing what they represent. This fascinating, fully-illustrated publication explores new paradigms for understanding the ecology of the photographic image through the work of an international selection of contemporary artists and visual activists. This includes not just the tags or descriptors attached to image files, but the power relationships, biases, and economic interests that are not always visible in the image itself.

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cena 707.0 Kč

Raising Boys in the 21st Century - Steve Biddulph

A word of mouth bestseller which has become one of the best loved and most successful books in the parenting field. With around 20% new material, Steve Biddulph’s Raising Boys includes some startling new research on what helps – and what harms – boys.In this expanded and updated edition, Steve Biddulph shares and gives practical and honest advice to parents so they can recognise the different stages of boyhood and learn how to raise happy, confident and kind young men.Boys need to be parented in a different way from girls with their own very special psychological and physical make-up. Home, society and education have failed boys badly – and these failures lead to unhappy men who cannot fully become happy, responsible, emotionally-confident adults.While it is essential that boys spend more time learning about manhood from their fathers, Biddulph updates his classic to include helpful information for mothers and single mothers with baby boys.This extended edition explores some important topics:.• How ADHD may be caused by stress in the first year of life.• Whether boys should start school later than girls.• How important it is to let boys cry, and how crying helps avoid violence, suicide, and risky behaviour.• Two completely new stages of boyhood we didn’t know about: the FULL ON FOURS and the EMOTIONAL EIGHTS• Help for single mothers raising sons.• How to choose a sport that does more good than harm.• What we can do about boys and binge drinking.• What science can tell us about teenage boys and driving – and how we can keep our sons safe.Raising Boys offers parents real-life situations, thought-provoking insights, humour and help.

Objev podobné jako Raising Boys in the 21st Century - Steve Biddulph

cena 443.0 Kč

MS The Little Black Songbook: 21st Century Hits

Zpěvník LITTLE BLACK SONGBOOK: 21ST CENTURY HITS Zpěvníky z edice Little Black Book obsahují texty a akordy k desítkám populárních skladeb. Tato verze těchto zpěvníků kapesní velikosti představuje ty největší hity 21. století. Seznam skladeb: 1973 [Blunt, James] A-Punk [Vampire Weekend] Are You Gonna Be My Girl [Jet] Beautiful Day [U2] Best Of You [Foo Fighters] Bleeding Love [Lewis, Leona] Broken Strings [Morrison, James] [Furtado, Nelly] Can’t Get You Out Of My Head [Minogue, Kylie] Chasing Cars [Snow Patrol] Chasing Pavements [Adele] Complicated [Lavigne, Avril] Crazy [Barkley, Gnarls] Dakota [Stereophonics] Danger! High Voltage [Electric Six] Death [White Lies] Dog Days Are Over [Florence + The Machine] Dry Your Eyes [Streets, The] Feel [Williams, Robbie] Feel Good Inc. [Gorillaz] Feeling Good [Muse] Golden Skans [Klaxons] Golden Touch [Razorlight] Gotta Get Thru This [Bedingfield, Daniel] Grace Kelly [Mika] Great DJ [Ting Tings, The] Here With Me [Dido] Hey Ya! [OutKast] Hoppípolla [Sigur Rós] I Believe In A Thing Called Love [Darkness, The] I Don’t Feel Like Dancin’ [Scissor Sisters] I Just Don’t Know What To Do With Myself [White Stripes, The] I Kissed A Girl [Perry, Katy] I Predict A Riot [Kaiser Chiefs] In The End [Linkin Park] It’s My Life [Bon Jovi] Jenny Don’t Be Hasty [Nutini, Paolo] La Ritournelle [Tellier, Sébastien] Leave Right Now [Young, Will] Like I Love You [Timberlake, Justin] Little Lion Man [Mumford & Sons] Little Sister [Queens Of The Stone Age] Lose Yourself [Eminem] Maps [Yeah Yeah Yeahs] Mr. Brightside [Killers, The] Na?ve [Kooks, The] Paper Planes [M.I.A.] Patience [Take That] Poker Face [Lady Gaga] Roscoe [Midlake] Sex On Fire [Kings Of Leon] Smile [Allen, Lily] Somewhere Only We Know [Keane] Standing In The Way Of Control [Gossip] Suddenly I See [Tunstall, KT] Sweet Disposition [Temper Trap, The] Take Me Out [Ferdinand, Franz] The Importance Of Being Idle [Oasis] The One I Love [Gray, David] The Seed (2.0) [Roots, The] [ChesnuTT, Cody] This Love [Maroon 5] Time To Pretend [MGMT] Toxic [Spears, Britney] Trouble [LaMontagne, Ray] Umbrella [Rihanna] [Jay-Z] Viva La Vida [Coldplay] Warwick Avenue [Duffy] White Winter Hymnal [Fleet Foxes] Your Love Alone Is Not Enough [Manic Street Preachers]

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cena 480.0 Kč

Who Are We - And Should It Matter in the 21st Century? - Gary Younge

The way we think and live, who we vote for and who we fear, has become ever more dictated by our personal identity. In his ground-breaking book, Gary Younge argues that we have recoiled into refuges of race or class, religion or national identity to survive in a state seemingly indifferent to our lives. Ranging from his Stevenage childhood to present day America, from the borders of Europe to division in South Africa, Younge explores the issues that bind the powerful elite and the poor immigrant, the fundamentalist and the conservative.In this powerful dissection of modern society Gary Younge challenges us not to succumb to what divides us, but through solidarity to search for a common - and higher - ground.

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cena 268.0 Kč

Dancing Lessons For The Advanced - Bohumil Hrabal

Rake, drunkard, aesthete, gossip, raconteur extraordinaire: the narrator of Bohumil Hrabal's rambling, rambunctious masterpiece Dancing Lessons for the Advanced in Age is all these and more. Speaking to a group of sunbathing women who remind him of lovers past, this elderly roué tells the story of his life--or at least unburdens himself of a lifetime's worth of stories. Thus we learn of amatory conquests (and humiliations), of scandals both private and public, of military adventures and domestic feuds, of what things were like "in the days of the monarchy" and how they've changed since. As the book tumbles restlessly forward, and the comic tone takes on darker shadings, we realize we are listening to a man talking as much out of desperation as from exuberance.Hrabal, one of the great Czech writers of the twentieth century, as well as an inveterate haunter of Prague's pubs and football stadiums, developed a unique method which he termed "palavering," whereby characters gab and soliloquize with abandon. Part drunken boast, part soul-rending confession, part metaphysical poem on the nature of love and time, this astonishing novel (which unfolds in a single monumental sentence) shows why he has earned the admiration of such writers as Milan Kundera, John Banville, and Louise Erdrich.

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cena 399.0 Kč

Various Artists - The Greatest Christmas Songs Of The 21st Century (White and Red Coloured) (2 LP)

Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Typ: Nové vydání;LP deska;Limitovaná edice;Kompilace;Barevná Žánr: Vánoce;Pop Složení setu: 2 ks Balení obsahuje: LP Subžánr: Vánoce Země původu: Německo Varianta: The Greatest Christmas Songs Of The 21st Century (White and Red Coloured) (2 LP) Vydavatelství: Music On Vinyl Barva podle výrobce: White and Red Datum vydání: 2023-11-17 Barva: Červená;Bílá Rok vydání: 2023.0 Interpret / Téma: Various Artists

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cena 1129.0 Kč

Dancing Lessons for the Advanced in Age - Bohumil Hrabal

This ebullient, gallivanting novel encapsulates the world vision of the Czech Republic's best-loved author in one tumbling, breathtaking sentence. Saints and sinners, emperors and embezzlers, barmaids and balalaikas all play their part in the bawdy reminiscences of Hrabal's cobbler as he charms an audience of young beauties.

Objev podobné jako Dancing Lessons for the Advanced in Age - Bohumil Hrabal

cena 232.0 Kč

Cannibals with Forks: The Triple Bottom Line of 21st Century Business - Elkington John

Cannibals with Forks passionately demonstrates how all businesses can and must help society achieve the three inter--linked goals of economic prosperity,environmental protection and social equity, issues which are already at the top of the corporate agenda.

Objev podobné jako Cannibals with Forks: The Triple Bottom Line of 21st Century Business - Elkington John

cena 402.0 Kč

A Highly Specific, Defiantly Incomplete History of the Earlz 21st Century - Chuck Klosterman

New York Times-bestselling author and cultural critic Chuck Klosterman sorts through the past decade and how we got to now. Chuck Klosterman has created an incomparable body of work in books, magazines, newspapers, and on the Web. His writing spans the realms of culture and sports, while also addressing interpersonal issues, social quandaries, and ethical boundaries. Klosterman has written nine previous books, helped found and establish Grantland, served as the New York Times Magazine Ethicist, worked on film and television productions, and contributed profiles and essays to outlets such as GQ, Esquire, Billboard, The A.V. Club, and The Guardian. Chuck Klosterman's tenth book (aka Chuck Klosterman X) collects his most intriguing of those pieces, accompanied by fresh introductions and new footnotes throughout. Klosterman presents many of the articles in their original form, featuring previously unpublished passages and digressions. Subjects include Breaking Bad, Lou Reed, zombies, KISS, Jimmy Page, Stephen Malkmus, steroids, Mountain Dew, Chinese Democracy, The Beatles, Jonathan Franzen, Taylor Swift, Tim Tebow, Kobe Bryant, Usain Bolt, Eddie Van Halen, Charlie Brown, the Cleveland Browns, and many more cultural figures and pop phenomena. This is a tour of the past decade from one of the sharpest and most prolific observers of our unusual times.

Objev podobné jako A Highly Specific, Defiantly Incomplete History of the Earlz 21st Century - Chuck Klosterman

cena 447.0 Kč

Yungblud - 21st Century Liability (LP)

Varianta: 21st Century Liability (LP) Subžánr: Pop Punk;Ska;Alternative Rock Vydavatelství: Geffen Records Datum vydání: 2018-06-14 Rok vydání: 2018.0 Interpret / Téma: Yungblud Dekáda interpreta: 2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019 Balení obsahuje: LP Složení setu: 1 ks Typ: Album;LP deska Barva: Černá Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Barva podle výrobce: Black Země původu: Německo Země interpreta: Spojené království Žánr: Rock

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cena 938.0 Kč

Yungblud: 21st Century Liability - LP (6754821)

LP vinyl - Yungblud, rodným jménem Dominic Richard Harrison (* 5.srpna 1997 Doncaster), je britský zpěvák a textař. Yungblud, rodným jménem Dominic Richard Harrison (* 5.srpna 1997 Doncaster), je britský zpěvák a textař. Jeho první uveřejněná píseň nese název "I Love You, Will You Marry Me?". Ve dvou letech se začal učit hrát na kytaru a v deseti začal psát vlastní písničky. V šestnácti se přestěhoval z rodného Doncasteru do Londýna, aby mohl začít budovat svou kariéru. Obsah: "Eulogy" "Die for the Hype" "Doctor Doctor" "Medication" "Machine Gun (F**k the NRA)" "Psychotic Kids" "Anarchist" "Kill Somebody" "California" "21st Century Liability"

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cena 839.0 Kč

Raye - My 21st Century Blues (LP)

Barva: Černá Rok vydání: 2023.0 Vydavatelství: Not On Label Subžánr: Pop;R&B Varianta: My 21st Century Blues (LP) Interpret / Téma: Raye Typ: LP deska;Album Žánr: Dance Datum vydání: 2023-02-03 Barva podle výrobce: Black Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Složení setu: 1 ks Balení obsahuje: LP

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cena 1020.0 Kč

MS Really Easy Piano: 21st Century Hits

Noty pro klavír REALLY EASY PIANO: 21ST CENTURY HITS Knihy ze série Really Easy Piano jsou určené pro začínající klavíristy, kteří si chtějí zahrát populární skladby. Kromě notových záznamů zde naleznete i doporučení jak hrát. Tento díl obsahuje největší hity 21. století. Seznam skladeb: Beautiful [Aguilera, Christina] Born To Try [Goodrem, Delta] California [Phantom Planet] Can't Get You Out Of My Head [Minogue, Kylie] Crazy [Gnarls Barkley] Don't Know Why [Jones, Norah] Don't Stop Movin' [S Club 7] Eternity [Williams, Robbie] Evergreen [Young, Will] If You're Not The One [Bedingfield, Daniel] Mad World [Andrews, Michael] [Jules, Gary] Oops!...I Did It Again [Spears, Britney] Put Your Records On [Rae, Corinne Bailey] Round Round [Sugababes] Sing [Travis] Somebody Told Me [Killers, The] Somewhere Only We Know [Keane] Star Girl [McFly] The Closest Thing To Crazy [Melua, Katie] This Year's Love [Gray, David] Vertigo [U2] Wires [Athlete] Yellow [Coldplay] You're Beautiful [Blunt, James]

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cena 370.0 Kč

On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century (0804190119)

Kniha - autor Timothy Snyder, 126 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná

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cena 245.0 Kč

Born to Party, Forced to Work: 21st Century Hospitality

The internationally acclaimed event producer shows his ideas and inspiration for ultimate and intimate celebrations What defines a truly great party? Most of all: generosity of spirit. In his first book, Bronson van Wyck, the man Vogue called 'The Wizard of Oz of New York party planning,' distills the essential pillars of the art of celebration into one volume, with examples drawn from his many successes - and, admittedly, a few entertaining failures. Lusciously illustrated with images from van Wyck's most spectacular events, this is the perfect primer on throwing parties that are as much fun to give as they are to attend. Bronson van Wyck began his career as a protocol aide to Ambassador Pamela Harriman in Paris, where he was responsible for nightly diplomatic receptions at the American Embassy. In 1999, he founded Van Wyck & Van Wyck, an event firm that produces celebrations ranging from weddings and dinner parties to international destination experiences and not-for-profit galas. He is a founding member and trustee of the Friends of the High Line.

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cena 1871.0 Kč

On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century (Graphic Edition) - Timothy Snyder

A captivating graphic edition of Timothy Snyder's bestselling book of lessons for surviving and resisting the arc toward authoritarianism. Timothy Snyder's On Tyranny is one of the essential books of recent years, using the darkest moments in twentieth-century history to teach twenty lessons on resisting modern-day authoritarianism. These include a warning to be aware of how symbols used today could affect tomorrow, an urgent reminder to research everything for yourself and to the fullest extent, and an encouragement to use personalised and individualised speech rather than clichéd phrases when arguing a point In this graphic edition, Nora Krug draws from her highly inventive style in Heimat - at once a graphic memoir, collage-style scrapbook, historical narrative and trove of memories - to breathe new life, colour and power into Snyder's modern classic, turning a quick-read pocket guide of lessons into a visually striking rumination and call for action. 'On Tyranny is a must read, a clear-eyed guidebook' Ken Burns History does not repeat, but it does instruct. In a time of great uncertainty and instability, this edition of On Tyranny emphasises the importance of being active, conscious, and deliberate participants in resistance.

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cena 499.0 Kč

Doughnut Economics: Seven Ways to Think Like a 21st Century Economist (1847941389)

Kniha - autor Kate Raworth, 288 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Influential economist Kate Raworth offers a greener, fairer, safer way to think about the global economy. Instead of criticising the past, this book takes the long view forwards, identifying seven insights to help the twenty-first-century economist bring humanity into the global sweet spot that combines human prosperity with ecological sustainability.

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cena 508.0 Kč

Doughnut Economics : Seven Ways to Think Like a 21st-Century Economist - Raworth Kate

Economics is broken, and the planet is paying the price.Unforeseen financial crises. Extreme wealth inequality. Relentless pressure on the environment. Can we go on like this? Is there an alternative?In Doughnut Economics, Oxford academic Kate Raworth lays out the seven deadly mistakes of economics and offers a radical re-envisioning of the system that has brought us to the point of ruin. Moving beyond the myths of 'rational economic man' and unlimited growth, Doughnut Economics zeroes in on the sweet spot: a system that meets all our needs without exhausting the planet.The demands of the 21st century require a new shape of economics. This might just be it.

Objev podobné jako Doughnut Economics : Seven Ways to Think Like a 21st-Century Economist - Raworth Kate

cena 268.0 Kč

The 50 Things : Lessons for When You Feel Lost, Love Dad - Peter Dunne

Humane, wise and funny letters to Peter's children; a blueprint for liberal, thoughtful living in the modern world.

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cena 447.0 Kč

How to Raise Successful People: Simple Lessons for Radical Results (0358298717)

Kniha - 336 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - autor Esther Wojcicki, 336 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná There are no Nobel Prizes for parenting or education, but if there were, Esther Wojcicki would be the bookies’ favourite. Known as the Godmother of Silicon Valley – or simply Woj – Esther’s three daughters have all gone on to huge success in their professional fields and, more importantly, their personal lives. What’s her secret? As we face an epidemic of parental and childhood anxiety, Woj has the advice every parent wants to hear: climb out of that helicopter and relax. Her tried and tested TRICK system will help you: Let your child discover their own passions Move on from past parenting mistakes Build rock-solid foundations for a lifelong relationship Be brave enough to give your child freedom Work with your children, not against them Set healthy relationships with technology

Objev podobné jako How to Raise Successful People: Simple Lessons for Radical Results (0358298717)

cena 566.0 Kč

The Wild - Yuval Zommer

Once upon a time, somewhere not far away, was the Wild. The Wild was huge and giving, and everything from insects, to birds, to humans made their home in it. At first, people lived lightly and took what they needed, but when they started to take more, the Wild suffered. For the Wild to be healthy, someone must be brave enough to raise their voice . . . Yuval Zommer''s lyrical modern fable has a hopeful and powerful message about how our environment needs us just as much as we need it.

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cena 236.0 Kč

The World According to Cunk - Philomena Cunk

Romans! Madrigals! The Dark Ages! Revolutions! Trumpets! The Oranges of The First World War! All of this (except trumpets) and more, is covered in this definitive, easy-clean history of all world history so far, written by the 21st Century''s leading historian, philosopher and thinkerer Philomena Cunk.Focussing on the inventions, art and brainboxes that made the modern world the unbearable place it is today, The World According To Cunk is the history book to end all history books: more unputdownable than Andrew Marr''s History Of The World, less unpickupable than Yuval Noah Harari''s Sapiens, and noticeably less in ancient greek than Herodotus'' Histories.Philomena Cunk says: "About the world, written on the world, and available at all the world''s remaining bookshops, The World According To Cunk is the definitive history of the world. There will never need be another history book. Unless something major happens. Even then they''ll probably just put something up on TikTok about it. A word of warning: please don''t buy it if you''re expecting anything about trumpets in it. You will only be disappointed."

Objev podobné jako The World According to Cunk - Philomena Cunk

cena 502.0 Kč

The Big Book of the Blue - Yuval Zommer

Why do octopuses have eight arms? Why do crabs run sideways? Are jellyfish made of jelly? Yuval Zommer's beautiful new book provides the answers to these and many more fishy questions. His wonderfully quirky illustrations show off all kinds of slippery, shimmery and surprising sea creatures, including sea turtles, whales, sharks, rays and seahorses. Chatty, funny and full of amazing facts, it will be devoured by children eager to find out about the most exciting creatures from the deep blue.

Objev podobné jako The Big Book of the Blue - Yuval Zommer

cena 443.0 Kč

Making Gay History : The Half-Century Fight for Lesbian and Gay Equal Rights - Marcus Eric

From the Boy Scouts and the U.S. military to marriage and adoption, the gay civil rights movement has exploded on the national stage. Eric Marcus takes us back in time to the earliest days of that struggle in a newly revised and thoroughly updated edition of Making History, originally published in 1992. Using the heartfelt stories of more than sixty people, he carries us through the compelling five-decade battle that has changed the fabric of American society.The rich tapestry that emerges from Making Gay History includes the inspiring voices of teenagers and grandparents, journalists and housewives, from the little-known Dr. Evelyn Hooker and Morty Manford to former vice president Al Gore, Ellen DeGeneres, and Abigail Van Buren. Together, these many stories bear witness to a time of astonishing change, as gay and lesbian people have struggled against prejudice and fought for equal rights under the law."Rich and often moving . . . at times shocking, but often enlightening and inspiring: oral history at its most potent and rewarding."--Kirkus Reviews

Objev podobné jako Making Gay History : The Half-Century Fight for Lesbian and Gay Equal Rights - Marcus Eric

cena 411.0 Kč

The Killing Lessons - Saul Black

The most frightening serial killer thriller since THE SILENCE OF THE LAMBS

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cena 259.0 Kč

The Penguin Lessons - Tom Michell

Set against Argentina's turbulent years following the collapse of the corrupt Peronist regime, this is the story of Juan Salvador the penguin, rescued by Tom from an oil slick in Uruguay just days before a new term.

Objev podobné jako The Penguin Lessons - Tom Michell

cena 325.0 Kč

21 lekcí pro 21. století (978-80-733-5612-5)

Elektronická kniha - Yuval Noah Harari obrací k přítomnosti a nabízí nám pomocnou ruku, abychom se vyznali v dnešním často popleteném světě. - autor Yuval Noah Harari, 392 stran, česky - autor Yuval Noah Harari, 392 stran, česky Budoucnost nepočká, připravme se na ni... Globální bestseller od autora knih Sapiens a Homo DeusVYTVOŘILI JSME MÝTY, abychom sjednotili náš druh.ZKROTILI JSME PŘÍRODU, abychom získali moc.MĚNÍME ŽIVOT, abychom uskutečnili svoje nejbláznivější sny.ALE ROZUMÍME JEŠTĚ SVÝM VLASTNÍM PROBLÉMŮM? Anebo naše vynálezy odsoudí lidstvo k bezvýznamnosti?Kniha hledá odpovědi na zásadní otázku: CO ZNAMENÁ BÝT ČLOVĚKEM V DNEŠNÍ CHAOTICKÉ DOBĚ?Kniha Sapiens nám ukázala, odkud jsme přišli. Homo deus hleděl do budoucnosti. Publikace 21 lekcí pro 21. století se zabývá současností a dobou, která bude bezprostředně následovat. V jednadvaceti kapitolách věnovaných jednotlivým závažným problémům zkoumá Harari, co znamená být člověkem ve věku šířícího se...

Objev podobné jako 21 lekcí pro 21. století (978-80-733-5612-5)

cena 369.0 Kč

Lessons From the Edge - Aldo Kane

''The thinking man''s action hero'' - The Times MagazineTrained Royal Marines Sniper, world record breaker and extreme TV adventurer, Aldo Kane is known for his ability to navigate and lead through challenging and pressured environments, whether it be abseiling into an erupting volcano in the Democratic Republic of Congo, rowing the Atlantic, getting locked in a bunker for 10 days with zero daylight, leading Steve Backshall into the jungle or being held at gunpoint...In his debut book, Lessons From The Edge, Aldo will inspire readers with his jaw-dropping stories and show them how to survive and thrive through sheer strength of mind and sharp decision-making. It will reveal how this tough military man was able to cope with suddenly feeling worthless, how he overcame doors literally slamming in his face, how he came to realise that you can''t wait for things to happen and instead how he rediscovered his identity and harnessed his emotions to his advantage to find determination, purpose, and a renewed sense of belonging. And how, to use his own words, he became the captain of his own ship.Aldo is a firm believer that with the right head game, however hard it feels, you can get through anything life throws at you. Lessons From The Edge will inspire readers to find the spirit to do the things in life they''ve previously been too scared to tackle, build the courage to know that failure isn''t the end, and the knowledge that the impossible can be made possible.

Objev podobné jako Lessons From the Edge - Aldo Kane

cena 384.0 Kč

Military Mindset: Lessons from the Battlefield - Ant Middleton

*Pre-order now: The explosive new book from the multiple Sunday Times bestselling author sharing unique insights gained from a life spent in the battlefield*''Few men are born brave; many become so through care and force of discipline.'' Vegetius, De Re Militari, written in the 4th century AD. __________The warzone is the most unforgiving environment on the planet. A single mistake or split-second moment of indecision can mean the difference between success and failure, life and death. For Ant Middleton, first as a commando in the Royal Marines with 40 Commando and later as an elite operator with the SBS, the combat zone was a training ground like no other. Each mission provided valuable insights and teachings. In Military Mindset, Ant shares 52 lessons he learned during his military career that have helped him overcome challenges not only during combat, but also throughout his life. With the help of some historical battles, this book provides a framework for you to build an elite mindset and succeed your life and career. Throughout the book, you will learn:- How to set achievable goals - Why you need to push through the pain barrier - Strategies to eliminate self doubt - The importance of keeping things simple - Embracing a positive mindset - Focussing on the things you can control - And much more Written in a clear and direct way, this book provides simple and digestable wisdom to help you level up your life and discover your true potential. __________

Objev podobné jako Military Mindset: Lessons from the Battlefield - Ant Middleton

cena 650.0 Kč

21 lekcií pre 21. storočie (978-80-89873-12-8)

Kniha - autor Yuval Noah Harari, 344 stran, slovensky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá Kniha Sapiens skúmala minulosť. Kniha Homo Deus skúmala budúcnosť. Kniha 21 lekcií pre 21. storočie skúma súčasnosť. Ako sa môžeme ochrániť pred jadrovou vojnou, ekologickými katastrofami a technologickými narušeniami? Čo môžeme urobiť s epidémiou falošných správ alebo s hrozbou terorizmu? Čo by sme mali učiť svoje deti? Yuval Noah Harari nás opäť pozýva na napínavú cestu tými najnaliehavejšími otázkami súčasnej doby. Zlatou niťou, ktorá sa vinie jeho novou vzrušujúcou knihou, je výzva, aby sme venovali kolektívnu aj individuálnu pozornosť neustálej a dezorientujúcej zmene. Sme ešte schopní rozumieť svetu, ktorý sme si sami vytvorili? 21 lekcií pre 21. storočie skúma, čo znamená byť človekom v ére zmätku.

Objev podobné jako 21 lekcií pre 21. storočie (978-80-89873-12-8)

cena 449.0 Kč

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