Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz

Then She Was Gone - Lisa Jewellová

A missing girl. A buried secret. From the ten-million-copy bestselling author comes a brand new look for this compulsively twisty psychological thriller that will keep you hooked to the very last page.‘A tense, clever page-turner that everyone will be talking about.’ Adele Parks‘Dark and claustrophobic but also heartfelt and moving ... packs a huge emotional punch that will leave you winded. I loved it.’ C. L. Taylor‘Both utterly gripping and startlingly original. Prepare to be hooked.’ Sun_____________Ellie was her mother''s golden girl.She had her whole life ahead of her.And then, in the blink of an eye, Ellie was gone.Ten years on, Laurel has never given up hope of finding Ellie. And then she meets a charming and charismatic stranger who sweeps her off her feet.But what really takes her breath away is when she meets his nine-year-old daughter.Because his daughter is the image of Ellie.Now all those unanswered questions that have haunted Laurel come flooding back.What really happened to Ellie? And who still has secrets to hide?_____________OVER 180,000 5* RATINGS - this is why readers love this book:''Breathtaking. Compulsive. Suspenseful. Poetic.''''One of the top 5 thrillers I’ve ever read.''''I wanted the book never to end.''''Suspense filled… edge of my seat… I could not put this down!!''''This was my first Lisa Jewell book, and it will definitely not be my last.''''Dark, winding and haunting, I couldn''t put this one down.''Lisa Jewell, Sunday Times bestseller, July 2024

Podívejte se také DMX: And Then There Was X (2x LP) - LP (4734098)

cena 295.0 Kč

Noc, keď zmizla - Lisa Jewellová

Nezvestná dcéra, opustená honosná vila a hlboké rodinné tajomstvá, to všetko sa skrýva v noci, keď zmizla...Na očarujúcom anglickom predmestí je príjemný letný večer a Tallulah so Zachom sa po prvý raz od narodenia svojho synčeka vyberú von. Majú len devätnásť a večierok vo veľkom vidieckom sídle novej spolužiačky z vysokej školy sa zdá byť skvelým spôsobom, ako vypnúť, ale keď príde ráno, mladí rodičia sa nevrátia domov. Tallulahina mama Kim sa zo všetkých síl snaží zistiť, čo sa v tú noc vlastne stalo. Podarí sa jej skontaktovať s dcérinými priateľkami, na otázky však odpovedajú vyhýbavo. Ani Zachova mama sa nijako zvlášť neznepokojuje, je presvedčená, že dvojica ušla, aby sa vyhla rodičovským povinnostiam. Lenže Kim vie, že Tallulah je svojmu synovi oddaná, navyše práve deň predtým našla vo vrecku Zachovho kabáta zásnubný prsteň. Je presvedčená, že ani jeden z nich by nikdy dobrovoľne neodišiel. Pátranie polície však vôbec nepostupuje. Mladá dvojica jednoducho zmizla.O rok sa do susedstva nasťahuje Sophie, autorka obľúbených detektívok. Na londýnskom predmestí sa cíti stratená, no odhodlane stojí po boku svojho partnera, ktorý tu získal miesto riaditeľa internátnej školy. Keď však neďaleko ich nového domu natrafí na záhadný nápis na plote „Kopte tu“, zbystrí pozornosť. Žeby ten nápis súvisel so zmiznutím mladej dvojice? A čo vlastne je zahrabané na tom mieste?V tomto spletitom a sugestívnom románe každý prispeje svojou troškou k pátraniu, ktoré si musí poradiť s temnými záhadami opustenej vily, hlbokými traumami či starostlivo ukrývanými vášňami pochovanými tak dôkladne, že ich môže odhaliť iba ten, kto v sebe tiež dusí mrazivé tajomstvo...Lisa Jewellová opäť dokázala, že vie detailne pracovať s postavami, prostredím a udalosťami a skladá z nich mozaiku strhujúceho trileru o márnych láskach, túžbach a temných miestach v duši každého z nás.

Podívejte se také SHEEN SHE-3050PG-7A (SHE-3050PG-7A)

cena 598.0 Kč

The Family Upstairs - Lisa Jewellová

Prepare to be hooked . . .A compulsive thriller from Lisa Jewell. * #1 UK SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER ** OVER A MILLION COPIES SOLD ** HOLLY WILLOUGHBY'S SUMMER READING HIGHLIGHT *'I read it all in one sitting.' Colleen Hoover'I loved The Family Upstairs!' Sarah Jessica Parker'Really good, gripping. I couldn't bear for it to finish...' Olivia Colman'A twisty and engrossing story of betrayal and redemption.' Ian Rankin'Rich, dark and intricately twisted' Ruth Ware_______________In a large house in London's fashionable Chelsea, a baby is awake in her cot.Well-fed and cared for, she is happily waiting for someone to pick her up. In the kitchen lie three decomposing corpses. Close to them is a hastily scrawled note.They've been dead for several days. Who has been looking after the baby?And where did they go?Two entangled families. A house with the darkest of secrets._______________More love for The Family Upstairs . . .'My eyes were glued to this book!' Hayley Morris'You don't read a Lisa Jewell book, you fall into it.' Erin Kelly'I swear I didn't breathe the whole time I was reading it.' Clare Mackintosh'Creepy, intricate and utterly immersive.' Guarian'I had a thrilling for-God's-sake-tell-me-what-happened sensation in my stomach for the entire read' Ruth Jones'Absolutely brilliant.' Sarah Pinborough'Glitters like a blade and cuts even deeper.' AJ Finn'I was hooked from the first page.' Alice Feeney'Utterly compelling. Deliciously dark and twisty .' Jane Corry'It's absolutely bloody brilliant.' Tammy Cohen'I genuinely struggled to put this one down.' The Unmumsy Mum

Podívejte se také SHEEN SHE-4505SG-7A (SHE-4505SG-7A)

cena 268.0 Kč

Breaking the Dark - Lisa Jewellová

* The instant Sunday Times bestseller! *Breaking the Dark, the first book in the brand-new Marvel Crime series, introduces fans to a grittier, street-level side of the Marvel Universe, and will continue with original novels featuring fan-favorite characters like Luke Cage, written by S.A. Cosby, and Daredevil, written by Alex Segura.________''Never has a novelist captured me so consistently every single year for so long’ Gillian McAllister''Absolutely perfect'' Booklist''A fun, entertaining read that really packs a punch!'' Shari Lapena''So cleverly plotted and as ever beautifully written'' Harriet Tyce''An exciting, riveting, adrenaline-pumping story'' Liz Nugent‘Immersive, page-turning, addictive, fresh and fun.'' Andrea Mara''Exhilarating, twisty and original. Agatha Christie meets Black Mirror!’ Claire Douglas‘I was hooked from the start and couldn''t turn the pages fast enough.’ Alice Feeney‘Absolutely compulsive, complex and gripping.’ Nadine Matheson________Meet Jessica Jones: a private investigator and retired super hero based out of Hell''s Kitchen, Manhattan, who goes from job to job as a hard living, rough talking, loner. And then a wealthy Upper East Side woman pays her a visit. Amber Randall is concerned about her twin sixteen-year-olds, Lark and Fox, who have acted and looked very different since they returned from spending the summer with their British father in the UK. She tells Jessica that her children have unnaturally perfect skin for teenagers and have lost all the tics and habits that made them who they were. They are not Lark and Fox, she tells Jessica. Something has happened to them.To find out more, Jessica travels to Essex to talk to their father and once there meets Belle who is living a curiously isolated existence in a run-down farmhouse with her guardian Debra. Jessica knows that Lark and Fox had spent the summer with Belle—but can this unworldly teenager really be responsible for Lark and Fox''s new personas?Jessica soon discovers that, behind Belle and Debra, evil geniuses are playing a dangerous game with technology in order to make the world a "better place", not caring who gets hurt, maimed or even killed in the process. Can Jessica stop them from wreaking destruction on a whole generation of young people?Nothing is certain in Lisa Jewell''s gripping and most imaginative novel yet.________Reader'' s love Breaking the Dark . . .***** ''I quickly became absorbed into the story and couldn''t put it down.''*****''Wow... The book can be read by someone super into Marvel and also someone who has no prior super hero knowledge.''***** ''This book was fun and exciting. I recommend it!''***** ''A fun, exciting and supercharged read that even readers who are not lovers off Marvel will be able to pick up and enjoy.''***** ''I love Lisa Jewell and I was a bit apprehensive of this as it wasn''t her usual style but she didn''t let me down. What a book. I loved it!''________''Seamlessly integrates superhero lore with the gritty realism of a crime thriller.'' Daily Mirror‘A gripping read’ Heat Magazine‘Clever concept, characters and and compelling prose will keep you hooked.’ Woman & Home‘Tricksy, endlessly interesting and pure entertainment, don’t miss this one.'' Gillian McAllister‘Fresh, lively, insightful—and the action scenes hit like a chop.'' AJ Finn''The perfect blend of psychological thriller and supernatural chiller.'' Mark Edwards‘Classic Lisa Jewell with an amazing twist!’ Jenny Colgan''Reveals the depth and complexity of one of the most fascinating and indomitable characters in the Marvel canon.'' S. A. Cosby''Fast-paced, addictive and SO. MUCH. FUN.'' Tamar CohenSunday Times bestseller, July 2024

Objev podobné jako Breaking the Dark - Lisa Jewellová

cena 591.0 Kč

Breaking the Dark - Lisa Jewellová

Meet Jessica Jones: a private investigator and retired super hero based out of Hell's Kitchen, Manhattan, who goes from job to job as a hard living, rough talking, loner.And then a wealthy Upper East Side woman pays her a visit. Amber Randall is concerned about her twin sixteen-year-olds, Lark and Fox, who have acted and looked very different since they returned from spending the summer with their British father in the UK. She tells Jessica that her children have unnaturally perfect skin for teenagers and have lost all the tics and habits that made them who they were.They are not Lark and Fox, she tells Jessica. Something has happened to them.To find out more, Jessica travels to Essex to talk to their father and once there meets Belle who is living a curiously isolated existence in a run-down farmhouse with her guardian Debra. Jessica knows that Lark and Fox had spent the summer with Belle-but can this unworldly teenager really be responsible for Lark and Fox's new personas?Jessica soon discovers that, behind Belle and Debra, evil geniuses are playing a dangerous game with technology in order to make the world a "better place", not caring who gets hurt, maimed or even killed in the process.Can Jessica stop them from wreaking destruction on a whole generation of young people?Nothing is certain in Lisa Jewell's gripping and most imaginative novel yet.

Objev podobné jako Breaking the Dark - Lisa Jewellová

cena 357.0 Kč

The Family Remains - Lisa Jewellová

LONDON. Early morning, June 2019: on the foreshore of the river Thames, a bag of bones is discovered. Human bones.DCI Samuel Owusu is called to the scene and quickly sends the bag for forensic examination. The bones are those of a young woman, killed by a blow to the head many years ago.Also inside the bag is a trail of clues, in particular the seeds of a rare tree which lead DCI Owusu back to a mansion in Chelsea where, nearly thirty years previously, three people lay dead in a kitchen, and a baby waited upstairs for someone to pick her up.The clues point forward too to a brother and sister in Chicago searching for the only person who can make sense of their pasts.Four deaths. An unsolved mystery. A family whose secrets can't stay buried for ever ...

Objev podobné jako The Family Remains - Lisa Jewellová

cena 268.0 Kč

Rodina v podkroví - Lisa Jewellová

Niektoré rodinné tajomstvá by nikdy nemali vyjsť na svetlo sveta. Nečakané dedičstvo prinúti mladú ženu pátrať po záhade jej pôvodu a to, čo zistí, môže mať pre ňu fatálne dôsledky. Libby Jonesová vyrastala ako adoptované dieťa a vo svojich fantáziách si predstavovala, že jej biologický otec bol grafický dizajnér a mama módna PR pracovníčka, mali športové auto a dvoch rozkošných psíkov. Potom zahynuli pri autonehode. Jedného dňa, krátko po svojich dvadsiatich piatich narodeninách, dostane Libby list, ktorý jej oznamuje, že zdedila obrovský dom v lukratívnej londýnskej štvrti. Zdá sa, že jej život sa konečne obracia k lepšiemu. No ruka v ruke s rozprávkovým majetkom prichádza aj nechcené dedičstvo v podobe temnej minulosti - v dome sa pred štvrťstoročím odohral nevyriešený zločin spojený s čudnými ľuďmi, možno sektármi. Našli sa tri mŕtve telá a živé desaťmesačné dieťa. Celý ten čas čaká niekto v úzadí na svoju príležitosť, na chvíľu, keď adoptované "bábätko" dosiahne plnoletosť a začne si uplatňovať nárok na dom. Triler Rodina v podkroví možno pre jeho originálnu zápletku, dve časové línie rozprávania, drastický a bezvýchodiskový pohľad na domáce násilie na deťoch, neobjasnené úmrtia a rozuzlenie celého príbehu označiť za majstrovské dielo svojho žánru. V knižnej produkcii v oblasti psychologického trileru je doslova výnimočné.

Objev podobné jako Rodina v podkroví - Lisa Jewellová

cena 428.0 Kč

Never jej ani slovo - Lisa Jewellová

Úspešná novinárka a autorka podcastov Alix Summerová oslavuje svoje štyridsiate piate narodeniny v miestnom pube, kde sa jej prihovorí nenápadná Josie Fairová, ktorá tam tiež oslavuje. Sú narodeninové dvojčatá.Josie presvedčí novinárku, aby sa vo svojom ďalšom projekte venovala práve jej životnému príbehu: svojho manžela stretla, keď mala trinásť a on štyridsať. Len čo začnú nahrávať podcast a natáčať dokument pre Netflix, Alix si rýchlo uvedomí, že jej nová známa skrýva desivé tajomstvá, a skôr než sa nazdá, Josie sa jej votrie nielen do života, ale aj do domu. Alix sa začne obávať, že sa svojej novej spolubývajúcej už nikdy nezbaví, no tá z ničoho nič zmizne. Až vtedy novinárka zistí, akú skazu po sebe Josie zanechala, a jej nový projekt sa z priateľského rozhovoru dvoch žien zmení na vyšetrovanie vraždy.Lisa Jewellová týmto trilerom opäť potvrdila, že je majsterkou svojho remesla. Znovu prináša strhujúci príbeh o sile manipulácie a klamstiev, ktorý vás načisto opantá a jeho rozuzlenie prekvapí.

Objev podobné jako Never jej ani slovo - Lisa Jewellová

cena 535.0 Kč

Rodina z domu tieňov - Lisa Jewellová

Lisa Jewellová po úspešnom románe Rodina v podkroví prináša ďalší strhujúci román o tom, kam až sme schopní zájsť, aby sme ochránili našich milovaných: román o komplikovaných manželstvách, rozbitých rodinách a smrtiacich tajomstvách. Vrchný inšpektor Samuel Owusu rieši prípad nájdených kostí troch ľudí, ktorých pred tridsiatimi rokmi našli mŕtvych v starom sídle v Chelsea. Rachel Rimmerová zistí, že jej manžela Michaela zavraždili v pivnici jeho domu vo Francúzsku a miestna polícia ju žiada, aby sa dostavila na vypočúvanie. Lucy Lambová sa po tridsiatich rokoch vracia do Anglicka, zatiaľ čo jej brat pátra po chlapcovi z ich spoločnej minulosti. Všetci nástojčivo hľadajú odpovede na otázky súvisiace s navzájom prepletenými záhadami. A pomaly zisťujú, že ich spája viac, ako si vôbec vedia predstaviť.

Objev podobné jako Rodina z domu tieňov - Lisa Jewellová

cena 748.0 Kč

When She Was Good (0751573493)

Kniha - 496 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná An explosive new thriller from world-renowned multi-million-copy bestselling author Michael Robotham, this is an pulse-racing novel featuring the brilliant criminal psychologist Cyrus Haven, a man who will stop at nothing to get to the truth.

Objev podobné jako When She Was Good (0751573493)

cena 252.0 Kč

Who She Was - Tony Parsons

The mysterious stranger seems perfect. But nobody knows who she is and what she has been compelled to do to survive. The gripping new bestseller from Tony Parsons.'Vividly drawn and utterly engrossing' Tom Hindle'Gripping and beautifully written, with atmosphere you could cut with a knife' Alex Michaelides'A cracking story ... keeps you hooked to the last page.' Heidi Perks'...an intriguing Du Maurier-ish Cornwall mystery... a story of twists and turns' Peterborough Telegraph'Quite possibly his most assured outing yet.' Barry Forshaw, Crime Time'It's a brilliant book' Piers Morgan___________A bonfire burns on a Cornish beach in the middle of the night.Nearby, a young woman waits for morning, and for the estate agent to arrive with the keys to her new life in the peaceful fishing village.She carries with her no trace of the past she has left behind.Quickly she becomes an object of fascination among the locals; one in particular finds that he just can't stay away.But can anyone really have start afresh?What happened to this woman's old life?And what price did she pay to escape it?___________Readers can't get enough of Who She Was . . .***** 'I read this book within 24 hrs of receiving. That's how good it is.'***** 'What a perfect book to discuss at a book club.'***** 'This is an absolutely beautiful book. Atmospheric doesn't even begin to describe the writing.'***** 'Wonderful characterization and a captivating novel.'***** 'Wow, what a great book! I loved everything about it. I haven't read Tony Parson's books for a while, and I now feel like I've missed out on some great reads.'

Objev podobné jako Who She Was - Tony Parsons

cena 268.0 Kč

Rodina z podkroví - Lisa Jewellová - e-kniha

eBook: Pozor, koho si pustíte domů… Londýn, módní čtvrť Chelsea. Honosný dům na nábřeží a v něm kolébka s nakrmeným a spokojeným miminkem, které čeká, až ho někdo pochová. O patro níž, v kuchyni, leží tři rozkládající se mrtvá těla. Kdo se doteď o dítě staral? A kam zmizel?

Objev podobné jako Rodina z podkroví - Lisa Jewellová - e-kniha

cena 339.0 Kč

None of This is True - Lisa Jewellová

Celebrating her 45th birthday at her local pub, podcaster Alix Summers crosses paths with an unassuming woman called Josie Fair. Josie is also celebrating her 45th birthday. They are, in fact birthday twins.A few days later, Alix and Josie bump into each other again, this time outside Alix's children's school. Josie has been listening to Alix's podcasts and thinks she might be an interesting subject for Alix's series. She is, she tells Alix, on the cusp of great changes in her life.Alix agrees to a trial interview. Josie's life appears to be strange and complicated, and although Alix finds her unsettling, she can't quite resist the temptation to keep digging. Slowly Alix starts to realise that Josie has been hiding some very dark secrets, and before she knows it Josie has inveigled her way into Alix's life - and into her home.Soon she begins to wonder who is Josie Fair? And what has she done?

Objev podobné jako None of This is True - Lisa Jewellová

cena 268.0 Kč

None of This is True - Lisa Jewellová

A few days later, they bump into each other again, this time outside Alix's children's school.Josie says she thinks she would be an interesting subject for Alix's podcast. She is, she tells Alix, on the cusp of great changes in her life.Alix agrees to a trial interview and indeed, Josie's life appears to be strange and complicated. Aix finds her unsettling but can't quite resist the temptation to keep digging.Slowly Alix starts to realise that Josie has been hiding some very dark secrets, and before she knows it Josie has cajoled her way into Alix's life - and into her home.

Objev podobné jako None of This is True - Lisa Jewellová

cena 399.0 Kč

Etat Libre D´Orange She Was An Anomaly - EDP 100 ml

She Was An Anomaly od francouzské značky Etat Libre d'Orange je pižmová parfémovaná voda pro muže i ženy. Éterická, těžko uchopitelná, nestálá a nepolapitelná - taková je podstata charakteru nositele této vůně. Svěží tóny zelené mandarinky se snoubí s lahodnou vanilkovou orchidejí, sladkou švestkou a éterickým kadidlem v srdci vůně. Základ tvoří oslnivá směs santalového dřeva, hřejivého jantaru a pižma. Vůně byla uvedena na trh v roce 2019 a její tvůrkyní je Daniela Roche Andrier.

Objev podobné jako Etat Libre D´Orange She Was An Anomaly - EDP 100 ml

cena 2617.0 Kč

Etat Libre D´Orange She Was An Anomaly - EDP 50 ml

She Was An Anomaly od francouzské značky Etat Libre d'Orange je pižmová parfémovaná voda pro muže i ženy. Éterická, těžko uchopitelná, nestálá a nepolapitelná - taková je podstata charakteru nositele této vůně. Svěží tóny zelené mandarinky se snoubí s lahodnou vanilkovou orchidejí, sladkou švestkou a éterickým kadidlem v srdci vůně. Základ tvoří oslnivá směs santalového dřeva, hřejivého jantaru a pižma. Vůně byla uvedena na trh v roce 2019 a její tvůrkyní je Daniela Roche Andrier.

Objev podobné jako Etat Libre D´Orange She Was An Anomaly - EDP 50 ml

cena 1499.0 Kč

Etat Libre d’Orange She Was An Anomaly parfémovaná voda unisex 100 ml

Etat Libre d’Orange She Was An Anomaly, 100 ml, Parfémované vody unisex, Objevte vůni, která nezapadá do žádných škatulek, a přitom mistrně zdůrazní osobnost svého nositele. Unisex parfémovaná voda Etat Libre d’Orange She Was An Anomaly je ta pravá vůně, která umožní vyniknout vaší originalitě. pro osobnosti s nekonvenčním stylem unisex vůně

Objev podobné jako Etat Libre d’Orange She Was An Anomaly parfémovaná voda unisex 100 ml

cena 2627.0 Kč

Etat Libre d’Orange She Was An Anomaly parfémovaná voda unisex 50 ml

Etat Libre d’Orange She Was An Anomaly, 50 ml, Parfémované vody unisex, Objevte vůni, která nezapadá do žádných škatulek, a přitom mistrně zdůrazní osobnost svého nositele. Unisex parfémovaná voda Etat Libre d’Orange She Was An Anomaly je ta pravá vůně, která umožní vyniknout vaší originalitě. pro osobnosti s nekonvenčním stylem unisex vůně

Objev podobné jako Etat Libre d’Orange She Was An Anomaly parfémovaná voda unisex 50 ml

cena 1946.0 Kč

Etat Libre d’Orange She Was An Anomaly parfémovaná voda unisex 30 ml

Etat Libre d’Orange She Was An Anomaly, 30 ml, Parfémované vody unisex, Objevte vůni, která nezapadá do žádných škatulek, a přitom mistrně zdůrazní osobnost svého nositele. Unisex parfémovaná voda Etat Libre d’Orange She Was An Anomaly je ta pravá vůně, která umožní vyniknout vaší originalitě. pro osobnosti s nekonvenčním stylem unisex vůně

Objev podobné jako Etat Libre d’Orange She Was An Anomaly parfémovaná voda unisex 30 ml

cena 1122.0 Kč

DMX: And Then There Was X (2x LP) - LP (4734098)

LP vinyl - And Then There Was X je třetí studiové album amerického rappera DMX. Album bylo vydáno 21. prosince 1999. And Then There Was X je třetí studiové album amerického rappera DMX. Album bylo vydáno 21. prosince 1999. Rok vydání : 1999 (3.album) Rok reedice : 2021 Seznam stop LP 1 The Kennel (Skit) / One More Road To Cross / The Professional / Fame" / Alot To Learn (Skit) / Here We Go Again / Party Up / Make A Move / What These B*****s Want LP 2 What's My Name? / More 2 A Song / Don't You Ever / The Shakedown (Skit) / D-X-L (Hard White) / Comin' For Ya / Prayer III / Angel / Good Girls, Bad Guys

Objev podobné jako DMX: And Then There Was X (2x LP) - LP (4734098)

cena 839.0 Kč

And Then? And Then? What Else? - Lemony Snicket, Daniel Handler

The tender memoir of a writing life from the bestselling author of A Series of Unfortunate Events.

Objev podobné jako And Then? And Then? What Else? - Lemony Snicket, Daniel Handler

cena 502.0 Kč

Now Then - Rick Broadbent

''An enlightening, enjoyable and frequently very funny journey into what makes Yorkshire stand out from the crowd ... a fascinating insight into our wonderful region and the people that make it what it is.'' The Yorkshire PostWritten from the perspective of an exiled Yorkshireman this bestselling, award-winning author returns to his native county to discover and reveal its soul.We all know the tropes - Geoffrey Boycott incarnate, ferret-leggers and folk singers gambolling about Ilkley Moor without appropriate headgear - but why is Yorkshire God''s Own County? Exiled Yorkshireman Rick Broadbent sets out to find out whether Yorkshireness is something that can be summed up and whether it even matters in a shrinking world. Along the way he meets rock stars, ramblers and rhubarb growers as he searches for answers and a decent cup of tea. Now Then is a biographical mosaic of a place that has been victimised and stereotyped since the days of William the Conqueror. Incorporating social history, memoir and author interviews, Now Then is not a hagiography. Broadbent visits the scenes of industrial neglect and forgotten tragedy, as well as examining the truth about well-known Yorkshire figures and institutions. Featuring Kes, the Sheffield Outrages and the most controversial poem ever written, as well as a heroic dog, a lost albatross and a stuffed crocodile, Now Then is an affectionate but unsparing look at a county, its inhabitants and their flinty vowels. This is a funny, wise and searching account of a place that claims to have given the world its first football club and England its last witch-burning. It does include cobbles, trumpets and stiff-necked, wilful obstinacy, but it is also about ordinary Yorkshire and its extraordinary lives.

Objev podobné jako Now Then - Rick Broadbent

cena 325.0 Kč

And Then What? - Ashton Catherine

So much of modern-day diplomacy still takes place behind closed doors, away from cameras and prying eyes. So what does this vital role really look like in today’s world –and what does it take to do it well? From 2009 to 2014, Cathy Ashton was the EU’s first High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security, effectively Europe's foreign policy supremo responsible for coordinating the EU's response to international crises. Arriving in Brussels as a relative novice to international diplomacy, she faced the challenge of representing the views and values of 28 nations during one of the most turbulent times in living memory. Decades-old certainties were swept away in days. Hope rose and fell, often in a matter of hours. From the frozen conflict of Ukraine to the Serbia-Kosovo deal, there were challenges, failures and moments of success. She encountered dictators and war criminals, and witnessed the aftermath of natural disasters, military action, and political instability. Working with US politicians and counterparts including John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, and Bill Burns, she negotiated historic settlements, such as the Iran nuclear deal. An ‘honest broker’, she navigated the needs of opposing politicians to chart a path towards collaboration and stability. Now Ashton takes us behind the scenes to show us what worked and what didn’t, and how it felt to be in ‘the room where it happened’. From Serbia to Somalia, Libya to Haiti, she offers essential insight into how modern diplomacy works, examining the tools needed to find our way through the many challenges we face today.

Objev podobné jako And Then What? - Ashton Catherine

cena 312.0 Kč

SHEEN SHE-4505SG-7A (SHE-4505SG-7A)

Dámské hodinky , strojek quartz, průměr ciferníku 31 mm, vodotěsnost 50 m (5 ATM), sklíčko safírové SHEEN SHE-4505SG-7A jsou nadčasové dámské hodinky, které budou na vašem zápěstí lichotivým prvkem. Nabídnou velikosti 31 mm. Léty prověřená Quartz technologie je synonymem jak vysoké přesnosti, tak opravdu dlouhé výdrže baterie. Materiálem zvoleným k výrobě řemínku je nerezová ocel, náramku dodává zajímavý vzhled, nikoli však na úkor funkčnosti a komfortu. Značkové hodinky SHEEN vydrží sprchu nebo mytí rukou, při potápění ale mohou být poškozeny. Stupeň krytí hodinek má hodnotu 50 m (5 ATM). Zásadní znaky dámských hodinek SHEEN SHE-4505SG-7A Strojek s Quartz technologií a baterie s dlouhou výdrží Zásadní funkcí hodinek SHEEN SHE-4505SG-7A je zobrazení aktuálního data Pro řemínek byl zvolen materiál: nerezová ocel Ciferník je stylově dozdoben krystaly Swarovski Vodotěsnost hodinek SHEEN: 50 m (5 ATM) Barva ciferníku: zlatá Barva řemínku: stříbrná Dámské hodinky...

Objev podobné jako SHEEN SHE-4505SG-7A (SHE-4505SG-7A)

cena 5190.0 Kč

SHEEN SHE-3050PG-7A (SHE-3050PG-7A)

Dámské hodinky , strojek quartz, průměr ciferníku 32 mm, vodotěsnost 50 m (5 ATM), sklíčko minerální SHEEN SHE-3050PG-7A jsou nadčasové dámské hodinky, se kterými zaručeně zaujmete své okolí. Najdete na nich široký 32 mm. Léty prověřená Quartz technologie bude vždy zárukou vysoké spolehlivosti a dlouhé výdrže baterie. Materiál řemínku tvoří nerezová ocel, to designerům umožnilo dosáhnout příjemného vzhledu, aniž by utrpěl komfort při nošení. Hodinky značky SHEEN můžete nechat na ruce ve sprše nebo při mytí rukou, přímé potápění a plavání je ale může poškodit. Stupeň krytí hodinek je 50 m (5 ATM). Klíčové výhody dámských hodinek SHEEN SHE-3050PG-7A Technologie Quartz a dlouhá výdrž baterie Řemínek tvoří nerezová ocel Stylový ciferník zdobí krystaly Swarovski Vodotěsnost hodinek SHEEN: 50 m (5 ATM) Barva ciferníku: růžovo zlatá Barva řemínku: růžovo zlatá Dámské hodinky mají strojek quartz

Objev podobné jako SHEEN SHE-3050PG-7A (SHE-3050PG-7A)

cena 4190.0 Kč

SHEEN SHE-3034GL-7A (SHE-3034GL-7A)

Dámské hodinky , strojek quartz, vodotěsnost 50 m (5 ATM), sklíčko minerální SHEEN SHE-3034GL-7A jsou špičkové dámské hodinky, které určitě zaujmou moderním a kvalitním zpracováním. Spolehlivá Quartz technologie je zárukou výjimečné přesnosti a samozřejmě i solidní výdrže. Řemínek tvoří kůže a dodává jim šmrnc, přičemž samozřejmostí je naprostý komfort při nošení. Značkové hodinky SHEEN přečkají přímý kontakt se stříkající vodou ve sprše nebo při mytí rukou, k plavání nebo potápění se ale nehodí. Jejich stupeň krytí nese označení 50 m (5 ATM). Klíčové výhody dámských hodinek SHEEN SHE-3034GL-7A Dlouhá výdrž baterie a Quartz technologie Samozřejmou funkcí hodinek SHEEN SHE-3034GL-7A je zobrazení aktuálního data Pro řemínek byl zvolen materiál: kůže Ciferník je dozdoben krystaly Swarovski Stupeň vodotěsnosti hodinek SHEEN: 50 m (5 ATM) Ciferník nese barvu: stříbrná Řemínek má barvu: bílá Dámské hodinky jsou řízeny strojkem typu quartz Náramkové hodinky SHEEN...

Objev podobné jako SHEEN SHE-3034GL-7A (SHE-3034GL-7A)

cena 3890.0 Kč

Gone Girl (0753827662)

Kniha - autor Gillian Flynn, 496 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - autor Gillian Flynn, 496 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Just how well can you ever know the person you love? This is the question that Nick Dunne must ask himself on the morning of his 5th wedding anniversary, when his wife Amy suddenly disappears. The police immediately suspect Nick. Amy's friends reveal that she was afraid of him, and kept secrets from him. He swears it isn't true. But as the police dig deeper, just what really has happened to Nick's beautiful wife?

Objev podobné jako Gone Girl (0753827662)

cena 253.0 Kč

Gone - Michael Grant

Welcome to the FAYZ! The first book in the bestselling cult YA thriller series GONE that Stephen King calls a ‘driving, torrential narrative’.In the blink of an eye all the adults disappear in a small town in southern California and no one knows why.Cut off from the outside world, those that are left are trapped, and there’s no help on the way. Sam Temple and his friends must do all they can to survive. Chaos rules the streets. Gangs begin to form. Sides are chosen – strong or weak. Cruel or humane.And then there are those who begin to develop powers …The GONE series is Lord of the Flies for the 21st century. In turns breathtaking, harrowing, and utterly terrifying. Its complex characters and moral dilemmas will delight fans of The Hunger Games, Divergent and The Maze Runner. This is dystopian fiction at its best.Have you got all 6 titles in the New York Times bestselling saga?:GoneHungerLiesPlagueFearLight‘I am now free to leave the FAYZ, but my time there was well spent’ Stephen King

Objev podobné jako Gone - Michael Grant

cena 266.0 Kč

And Then There Were None (9780007136834)

Kniha - autor Agatha Christie, 400 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Considered the best mystery novel ever written by many readers, And Then There Were None is the story of 10 strangers, each lured to Indian Island by a mysterious host. Once his guests have arrived, the host accuses each person of murder. Unable to leave the island, the guests begin to share their darkest secrets - until they begin to die.

Objev podobné jako And Then There Were None (9780007136834)

cena 199.0 Kč

More Happy then Not - Adam Silvera

Happiness shouldn't be this hard... When it first gets announced, the Leteo Institute's memory-alteration procedure seems too good to be true to Aaron Soto; miracle cure-alls don't tend to pop up in the Bronx projects. Aaron can't forget how he's grown up poor, how his friends all seem to shrug him off, and how his father committed suicide in their one-bedroom apartment. He has the support of his patient girlfriend, if not necessarily his distant brother and overworked mother, but it's not enough. Then Thomas shows up. He doesn't mind Aaron's obsession over the Scorpius Hawthorne books and has a sweet movie setup on his roof. There are nicknames. Aaron's not only able to be himself, but happiness feels easy with Thomas. The love Aaron discovers may cost him what's left of his life. But since Aaron can't suddenly stop being gay, Leteo may be the only way out.

Objev podobné jako More Happy then Not - Adam Silvera

cena 259.0 Kč

Then Things Went Dark - Bea Fitzgerald

Six people land on a desert island ready to make their reality show debut.The contestants are hungry to prove themselves. The stakes are high and losing is not an option.But three weeks and eighteen episodes later, five of the six contestants sit in a Portuguese police station, and none of them are winners.Because twelve million people were watching when Rhys Sutton died on camera, and someone must pay for the crime.The best friend, the rival, the girlfriend, the lover, and the sworn enemy are left standing. And of course, no-one is talking. But how do you keep secrets when the world has been watching?Especially when, just a day before his murder, Rhys was the most hated man on television.

Objev podobné jako Then Things Went Dark - Bea Fitzgerald

cena 402.0 Kč

Then Things Went Dark - Bea Fitzgerald

SIX PEOPLE LAND ON A DESERT ISLAND READY TO MAKE THEIR REALITY SHOW DEBUTFor fans of Lucy Foley''s The Hunting Party and Taylor Jenkins Reid''s Daisy Jones and the Six‘A delicious, murderous thriller that feels like you''re watching a live episode of reality TV unfold in your living room. Fast-paced and addicting , I was gripped from the first page until the jaw-dropping conclusion’ Lucinda Berry, bestselling author of If You Tell a Lie----NO MURDER HAS EVER HAD MORE WITNESSES . . . The contestants are hungry to prove themselves. The stakes are high and losing is not an option.But three weeks and eighteen episodes later, five of the six contestants sit in a Portuguese police station, and none of them are winners. Because twelve million people were watching when Rhys Sutton died on camera, and someone must pay for the crime. The best friend, the rival, the girlfriend, the lover, and the sworn enemy are left standing. And of course, no-one is talking. But how do you keep secrets when the world has been watching? Especially when, just a day before his murder, Rhys was the most hated man on television. ---- ‘Nothing is as it seems in this smartly plotted whodunnit, a complex game of scandals and scheming, alliances and betrayals that pops off the page’ Kimberly Belle, internationally bestselling author of The Paris Widow‘Fitzgerald plays a scathing, thrilling game of worst-case scenario, poking fun and critiquing dystopian reality TV tropes while also forcing the reader to take a look at themselves and ask, ‘Why am I still watching?’ Iman Hariri-Kia, author of A Hundred Other Girls and The Most Famous Girl in the World‘A page-turner that’s as addictive as the reality shows it satirizes. With her pitch-perfect commentary on fame, social media, and reality TV, Bea has written a novel that''s as thoughtful as it is entertaining'' Rebecca McKanna, author of Don’t Forget the Girl

Objev podobné jako Then Things Went Dark - Bea Fitzgerald

cena 502.0 Kč

Dámské hodinky SHEEN SHE-3024GL-5A (SHE-3024GL-5A)

Dámské hodinky , strojek mechanický, průměr ciferníku 37 mm, vodotěsnost 50 m (5 ATM), sklíčko minerální Dámské hodinky SHEEN SHE-3024GL-5A jsou vkusné dámské hodinky, které vás nikdy nenechají na holičkách. Tvoří je průměru 37 mm. Materiál řemínku tvoří kůže, což vede k líbivému designu při zachování naprostého pohodlí při nošení. Náramkové hodinky SHEEN zvládnou kontakt se stříkají vodou při sprchování nebo mytí rukou, přímé potápění a plavání je ale může poškodit. Stupeň krytí je pak stanoven na úroveň 50 m (5 ATM). Hlavní přednosti dámských hodinek Dámské hodinky SHEEN SHE-3024GL-5A Samozřejmostí u hodinek Dámské hodinky SHEEN SHE-3024GL-5A je ukazatel aktuálního data Pro řemínek byl zvolen materiál: kůže Ciferník je stylově dozdoben krystaly Swarovski Vodotěsnost hodinek SHEEN: 50 m (5 ATM) Barva ciferníku: černá Řemínek má barvu: hnědá Dámské hodinky jsou řízeny strojkem typu mechanický Náramkové hodinky Dámské hodinky SHEEN SHE-3024GL-5A vám nabídnou i...

Objev podobné jako Dámské hodinky SHEEN SHE-3024GL-5A (SHE-3024GL-5A)

cena 4390.0 Kč

Dámské hodinky SHEEN SHE-4512BR-9A (SHE-4512BR-9A)

Dámské hodinky , strojek quartz, vodotěsnost 50 m (5 ATM), sklíčko safírové Dámské hodinky SHEEN SHE-4512BR-9A jsou prezicní dámské hodinky, na které je vždy spoleh. Strojek s technologií Quartz je zárukou letité výdrže na jedinou baterii, zároveň zajistí přesnost. Materiálem zvoleným k výrobě řemínku je nerezová ocel, díky tomu je náramek pravou ozdobou, aniž by se snížilo pohodlí při nošení. Hodinky značky SHEEN dovolují sprchování nebo mytí rukou, jejich potápění ale není doporučeno. Stupeň krytí hodinek je 50 m (5 ATM). Vybrané přednosti dámských hodinek Dámské hodinky SHEEN SHE-4512BR-9A Strojek s Quartz technologií běží na baterii s dlouhou výdrží Samozřejmostí u hodinek Dámské hodinky SHEEN SHE-4512BR-9A je ukazatel aktuálního data Řemínek tvoří nerezová ocel Ciferník je dozdoben krystaly Swarovski Kategorie vodotěsnosti hodinek SHEEN: 50 m (5 ATM) Barva ciferníku: růžovo zlatá Řemínek má barvu: růžovo zlatá Dámské hodinky nabídnou strojek quartz...

Objev podobné jako Dámské hodinky SHEEN SHE-4512BR-9A (SHE-4512BR-9A)

cena 5290.0 Kč

Here and Gone (9781911215592)

Kniha - anglicky A heart-stopping new thriller from a major talent - Audra has finally left her abusive husband, taking the family car and her two children. Looking for a safe place to stay for the night she spots something in her rear-view mirror. A sheriff's cruiser is following her and the lights are flickering. Blue and red. Audra's escape is about to turn into a nightmare beyond her imagining...

Objev podobné jako Here and Gone (9781911215592)

cena 356.0 Kč

Days Gone - PS4 (PS719796718)

Hra na konzoli - PS4 / PS4 Pro, PS5 (s mechanikou), krabicová verze, české titulky, žánr: akční, Hraješ za bývalého motorkáře Deacona St. Johna: tuláka, psance, lovce lidí a tak trochu ještě člověka. Ve světě zničeném celosvětovou epidemií se St. John rozhodne opustit „bezpečí“ táborů, které vytvořili přeživší, a raději vyráží na cesty. 71% Vítej v pustině, která kdysi bývala tvým domovem. Civilizace se kvůli viru před dvěma lety zhroutila a svět brázdí davy nemrtvých. Hraješ za bývalého motorkáře Deacona St. Johna. Tulák, psanec, lovec lidí a tak trochu ještě podivín. Dějové zasazení Ve...

Objev podobné jako Days Gone - PS4 (PS719796718)

cena 499.0 Kč

Gone Girl - Gillian Flynnová

THE ADDICTIVE No.1 BESTSELLER THAT EVERYONE IS TALKING ABOUT Who are you? What have we done to each other? These are the questions Nick Dunne finds himself asking on the morning of his fifth wedding anniversary, when his wife Amy suddenly disappears. The police suspect Nick. Amy's friends reveal that she was afraid of him, that she kept secrets from him. He swears it isn't true. A police examination of his computer shows strange searches. He says they weren't made by him. And then there are the persistent calls on his mobile phone. So what really did happen to Nick's beautiful wife?

Objev podobné jako Gone Girl - Gillian Flynnová

cena 286.0 Kč

Good as Gone (0008203172)

Kniha - autor Amy Gentryová, 274 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Debut novel which will appeal to fans of "Girl On The Train" and "Gone Girl". When their kidnapped daughter returns, her family can't quite believe it - but is she the girl they've been longing to have home?

Objev podobné jako Good as Gone (0008203172)

cena 287.0 Kč

Fleetwood Mac: Then Play On - LP (8122796551)

LP vinyl - Then Play On je třetí studiové album britské bluesrockové kapely Fleetwood Mac vydané 19. září 1969. Then Play On je třetí studiové album britské bluesrockové kapely Fleetwood Mac vydané 19. září 1969. Rok vydání : 1969 (3.album Rok reedice : 2015 Seznam stop LP A1. Coming Your Way / A2. Closing My Eyes / A3. Fighting For Madge / A4. When You Say / A5. Show Biz Blues / A6. Underway / A7. One Sunny Day / B1. Although The Sun Is Shining / B2. Rattlesnake Shake / B3. Without You / B4. Searching For Madge / B5. My Dream / B6. Like Crying / B7. Before The Beginning

Objev podobné jako Fleetwood Mac: Then Play On - LP (8122796551)

cena 669.0 Kč

And Then There Were None - Agatha Christie

Ten strangers are invited to a beautiful house on Soldier Island. Then one of them is murdered. They learn that they cannot leave the island, and nobody is as innocent as they seem. They are all in danger because a killer is playing a game with them. But who is it? Dossier:Agatha ChristieMysterious DevonTop crime and detective novels

Objev podobné jako And Then There Were None - Agatha Christie

cena 219.0 Kč

And Then There Were None - Agatha Christie

Agatha Christie’s masterpiece, and the best-selling murder mystery book of all time, celebrates its 80th birthday with this gorgeous hardback Special Edition.‘We’re not going to leave the island. None of us will ever leave. It’s the end, you see – the end of everything…’1939. Europe teeters on the brink of war. Ten strangers are invited to Soldier Island, an isolated rock near the Devon coast. Cut off from the mainland, with their generous hosts Mr and Mrs U.N. Owen mysteriously absent, they are each accused of a terrible crime. When one of the party dies suddenly they realise they may be harbouring a murderer among their number.The 10 strangers include a reckless playboy, a troubled Harley Street doctor, a formidable judge, an uncouth detective, an unscrupulous mercenary, a God-fearing spinster, two restless servants, a highly decorated general and an anxious secretary. One by one they are picked off. Who will survive? And who is the killer? Copies of an ominous nursery rhyme hang in each room, the murders mimicking the awful fates of its ‘Ten Little Soldier Boys’.

Objev podobné jako And Then There Were None - Agatha Christie

cena 357.0 Kč

And then There Were None - Agatha Christie

The book that topped the international online poll held in Agatha Christie's 125th birthday year to discover which of her 80 crime books was the world's favourite. 1939. Europe teeters on the brink of war. Ten strangers are invited to Soldier Island, an isolated rock near the Devon coast. Cut off from the mainland, with their generous hosts Mr and Mrs U.N. Owen mysteriously absent, they are each accused of a terrible crime. When one of the party dies suddenly they realise they may be harbouring a murderer among their number. The 10 strangers include a reckless playboy, a troubled Harley Street doctor, a formidable judge, an uncouth detective, an unscrupulous mercenary, a God-fearing spinster, two restless servants, a highly decorated general and an anxious secretary. One by one they are picked off. Who will survive? And who is the killer? Copies of an ominous nursery rhyme hang in each room, the murders mimicking the awful fates of its ‘Ten Little Soldier Boys'.

Objev podobné jako And then There Were None - Agatha Christie

cena 250.0 Kč

And Then There Were None - Agatha Christie

Agatha Christie's world-famous mystery thriller, reissued with a striking new cover designed to appeal to the latest generation of Agatha Christie fans and book lovers.

Objev podobné jako And Then There Were None - Agatha Christie

cena 176.0 Kč

Gone with the Wind (1847498604)

Kniha - autor Margaret Mitchell, 992 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The pampered daughter of a wealthy Georgian plantation owner of Irish descent, sixteen-year-old Scarlett O'Hara soon realizes that young men can't resist her charms, despite her forthright manners and her refusal to embrace her mother's ladylike ways. Her romantic intrigues lead her to an early marriage, but when the war between the Union and the Southern States breaks out and she is left a young widow, Scarlett's life is turned upside down, and she finds herself embroiled, together with the world surrounding her, in a long struggle for survival. Both a coming-of-age tale and a historical epic, Gone with the Wind is regarded as one of the great American novels, and is perhaps one of the most popular stories in the Western canon. Famously inspiring the iconic 1939 Oscar-winning film starring Vivien Leigh and Clark Gable, it is Margaret Mitchell's only published novel, and a...

Objev podobné jako Gone with the Wind (1847498604)

cena 239.0 Kč

Political Correctness Gone Mad? (1786076047)

Kniha - autor Jordan B. Peterson; Stephen Fry; Michael Eric Dyson, 128 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Is political correctness an enemy of free speech, sparking needless conflict? Or is it a weapon in the fight for equality, restoring dignity to the downtrodden? How should we talk about the things that matter most in an era of rapid social change? Four thinkers take on one of the most heated debates in the culture wars of the twenty-first century.

Objev podobné jako Political Correctness Gone Mad? (1786076047)

cena 269.0 Kč

Gone Girl: A Novel (0385347774)

Kniha - autor Gillian Flynn, 576 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná On a warm summer morning in North Carthage, Missouri, it is Nick and Amy Dunne's fifth wedding anniversary. Presents are being wrapped and reservations are being made when Nick's clever and beautiful wife disappears. Husband-of-the-Year Nick isn't doing himself any favors with cringe-worthy daydreams about the slope and shape of his wife's head, but passages from Amy's diary reveal the alpha-girl perfectionist could have put anyone dangerously on edge. Under mounting pressure from the police and the media-as well as Amy's fiercely doting parents-the town golden boy parades an endless series of lies, deceits, and inappropriate behavior. Nick is oddly evasive, and he's definitely bitter-but is he really a killer?

Objev podobné jako Gone Girl: A Novel (0385347774)

cena 239.0 Kč

Quiksilver Gone Words Triko Šedá

Gone Words Triko - Quiksilver - Šedá.

Objev podobné jako Quiksilver Gone Words Triko Šedá

cena 459.0 Kč

World Gone By - Dennis Lehane

The brilliantly dark and atmospheric new masterpiece from one of the most critically-acclaimed and respected crime authors of his generation

Objev podobné jako World Gone By - Dennis Lehane

cena 299.0 Kč

Days Gone - PC DIGITAL (1618306)

Hra na PC - elektronická licence, klíč pro Steam, žánr: akční, Vítejte v pustině, která kdysi bývala vaším domovem. Civilizace se kvůli viru před dvěma lety zhroutila a svět brázdí davy nemrtvých. Ve hře Days Gone PC si zahrajete za bývalého motorkáře Deacona St. Johna, což je tulák, psanec, lovec lidí a tak trochu ještě podivín. Dějové zasazení Days Gone PC Ve světě zničeném celosvětovou epidemií se St. John rozhodne opustit „bezpečí“ táborů, které vytvořili přeživší, a raději vyráží na cesty....

Objev podobné jako Days Gone - PC DIGITAL (1618306)

cena 533.0 Kč

Long Time Gone - Charlie Donlea

Thirty years ago, Baby Charlotte vanished. Today, she''s still in danger. When Dr Sloan Hastings submits her DNA to an online genealogy site as part of a research assignment for a fellowship in forensic pathology, her life is thrown into turmoil. Sloan's DNA profile suggests her true identity is that of Charlotte Margolis, aka 'Baby Charlotte', whose case captured the nation when she mysteriously disappeared along with her parents in 1995. Despite an exhaustive search, the family was never seen again and no suspects were named in the case. Sloan's discovery leads her to the site of her disappearance and to the Margolis family. Though initially welcoming, the family is also mysterious and tight-lipped. Not everyone seems happy about Sloan’s return, or the questions she’s asking. The answers she seeks are buried in a graveyard of Margolis family secrets that some will do anything to keep hidden… A tense and unputdownable crime thriller. Perfect for fans of Stacy Willingham, Mary Kubica and Karin Slaughter.

Objev podobné jako Long Time Gone - Charlie Donlea

cena 295.0 Kč

GONE - A.C. Efverman - e-kniha

eBook: Three teenage boys disappear from an exclusive suburb in Sydney.The kidnappers contact the boys\' families - but two of the boys\' dead bodies are found floating in the harbour before any ransom sums have been paid.DS Morgan Callaghan has taken time off work for personal reasons, but now he\'s called in to lead the investigations of the kidnappings and the murders - and once again, Morgan must face cruelty and violent deaths...During the course of the investigations, it becomes known that inner organs have gone missing from bodies at the city morgue - have the boys been killed so their organs can be sold on the black market for organ transplants?This story will take you on a journey through Sydney - where you will encounter incredibly wealthy people, complicated relationships, illegal drugs, and violent murders.You will also get to follow the police investigations closely - all the way to the disturbing end..

Objev podobné jako GONE - A.C. Efverman - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

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