Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
Breaking the Dark - Lisa Jewellová
* The instant Sunday Times bestseller! *Breaking the Dark, the first book in the brand-new Marvel Crime series, introduces fans to a grittier, street-level side of the Marvel Universe, and will continue with original novels featuring fan-favorite characters like Luke Cage, written by S.A. Cosby, and Daredevil, written by Alex Segura.________''Never has a novelist captured me so consistently every single year for so long’ Gillian McAllister''Absolutely perfect'' Booklist''A fun, entertaining read that really packs a punch!'' Shari Lapena''So cleverly plotted and as ever beautifully written'' Harriet Tyce''An exciting, riveting, adrenaline-pumping story'' Liz Nugent‘Immersive, page-turning, addictive, fresh and fun.'' Andrea Mara''Exhilarating, twisty and original. Agatha Christie meets Black Mirror!’ Claire Douglas‘I was hooked from the start and couldn''t turn the pages fast enough.’ Alice Feeney‘Absolutely compulsive, complex and gripping.’ Nadine Matheson________Meet Jessica Jones: a private investigator and retired super hero based out of Hell''s Kitchen, Manhattan, who goes from job to job as a hard living, rough talking, loner. And then a wealthy Upper East Side woman pays her a visit. Amber Randall is concerned about her twin sixteen-year-olds, Lark and Fox, who have acted and looked very different since they returned from spending the summer with their British father in the UK. She tells Jessica that her children have unnaturally perfect skin for teenagers and have lost all the tics and habits that made them who they were. They are not Lark and Fox, she tells Jessica. Something has happened to them.To find out more, Jessica travels to Essex to talk to their father and once there meets Belle who is living a curiously isolated existence in a run-down farmhouse with her guardian Debra. Jessica knows that Lark and Fox had spent the summer with Belle—but can this unworldly teenager really be responsible for Lark and Fox''s new personas?Jessica soon discovers that, behind Belle and Debra, evil geniuses are playing a dangerous game with technology in order to make the world a "better place", not caring who gets hurt, maimed or even killed in the process. Can Jessica stop them from wreaking destruction on a whole generation of young people?Nothing is certain in Lisa Jewell''s gripping and most imaginative novel yet.________Reader'' s love Breaking the Dark . . .***** ''I quickly became absorbed into the story and couldn''t put it down.''*****''Wow... The book can be read by someone super into Marvel and also someone who has no prior super hero knowledge.''***** ''This book was fun and exciting. I recommend it!''***** ''A fun, exciting and supercharged read that even readers who are not lovers off Marvel will be able to pick up and enjoy.''***** ''I love Lisa Jewell and I was a bit apprehensive of this as it wasn''t her usual style but she didn''t let me down. What a book. I loved it!''________''Seamlessly integrates superhero lore with the gritty realism of a crime thriller.'' Daily Mirror‘A gripping read’ Heat Magazine‘Clever concept, characters and and compelling prose will keep you hooked.’ Woman & Home‘Tricksy, endlessly interesting and pure entertainment, don’t miss this one.'' Gillian McAllister‘Fresh, lively, insightful—and the action scenes hit like a chop.'' AJ Finn''The perfect blend of psychological thriller and supernatural chiller.'' Mark Edwards‘Classic Lisa Jewell with an amazing twist!’ Jenny Colgan''Reveals the depth and complexity of one of the most fascinating and indomitable characters in the Marvel canon.'' S. A. Cosby''Fast-paced, addictive and SO. MUCH. FUN.'' Tamar CohenSunday Times bestseller, July 2024
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Breaking the Dark - Lisa Jewellová
Meet Jessica Jones: a private investigator and retired super hero based out of Hell's Kitchen, Manhattan, who goes from job to job as a hard living, rough talking, loner.And then a wealthy Upper East Side woman pays her a visit. Amber Randall is concerned about her twin sixteen-year-olds, Lark and Fox, who have acted and looked very different since they returned from spending the summer with their British father in the UK. She tells Jessica that her children have unnaturally perfect skin for teenagers and have lost all the tics and habits that made them who they were.They are not Lark and Fox, she tells Jessica. Something has happened to them.To find out more, Jessica travels to Essex to talk to their father and once there meets Belle who is living a curiously isolated existence in a run-down farmhouse with her guardian Debra. Jessica knows that Lark and Fox had spent the summer with Belle-but can this unworldly teenager really be responsible for Lark and Fox's new personas?Jessica soon discovers that, behind Belle and Debra, evil geniuses are playing a dangerous game with technology in order to make the world a "better place", not caring who gets hurt, maimed or even killed in the process.Can Jessica stop them from wreaking destruction on a whole generation of young people?Nothing is certain in Lisa Jewell's gripping and most imaginative novel yet.
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The Family Upstairs - Lisa Jewellová
Prepare to be hooked . . .A compulsive thriller from Lisa Jewell. * #1 UK SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER ** OVER A MILLION COPIES SOLD ** HOLLY WILLOUGHBY'S SUMMER READING HIGHLIGHT *'I read it all in one sitting.' Colleen Hoover'I loved The Family Upstairs!' Sarah Jessica Parker'Really good, gripping. I couldn't bear for it to finish...' Olivia Colman'A twisty and engrossing story of betrayal and redemption.' Ian Rankin'Rich, dark and intricately twisted' Ruth Ware_______________In a large house in London's fashionable Chelsea, a baby is awake in her cot.Well-fed and cared for, she is happily waiting for someone to pick her up. In the kitchen lie three decomposing corpses. Close to them is a hastily scrawled note.They've been dead for several days. Who has been looking after the baby?And where did they go?Two entangled families. A house with the darkest of secrets._______________More love for The Family Upstairs . . .'My eyes were glued to this book!' Hayley Morris'You don't read a Lisa Jewell book, you fall into it.' Erin Kelly'I swear I didn't breathe the whole time I was reading it.' Clare Mackintosh'Creepy, intricate and utterly immersive.' Guarian'I had a thrilling for-God's-sake-tell-me-what-happened sensation in my stomach for the entire read' Ruth Jones'Absolutely brilliant.' Sarah Pinborough'Glitters like a blade and cuts even deeper.' AJ Finn'I was hooked from the first page.' Alice Feeney'Utterly compelling. Deliciously dark and twisty .' Jane Corry'It's absolutely bloody brilliant.' Tammy Cohen'I genuinely struggled to put this one down.' The Unmumsy Mum
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The Family Remains - Lisa Jewellová
LONDON. Early morning, June 2019: on the foreshore of the river Thames, a bag of bones is discovered. Human bones.DCI Samuel Owusu is called to the scene and quickly sends the bag for forensic examination. The bones are those of a young woman, killed by a blow to the head many years ago.Also inside the bag is a trail of clues, in particular the seeds of a rare tree which lead DCI Owusu back to a mansion in Chelsea where, nearly thirty years previously, three people lay dead in a kitchen, and a baby waited upstairs for someone to pick her up.The clues point forward too to a brother and sister in Chicago searching for the only person who can make sense of their pasts.Four deaths. An unsolved mystery. A family whose secrets can't stay buried for ever ...
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Noc, keď zmizla - Lisa Jewellová
Nezvestná dcéra, opustená honosná vila a hlboké rodinné tajomstvá, to všetko sa skrýva v noci, keď zmizla...Na očarujúcom anglickom predmestí je príjemný letný večer a Tallulah so Zachom sa po prvý raz od narodenia svojho synčeka vyberú von. Majú len devätnásť a večierok vo veľkom vidieckom sídle novej spolužiačky z vysokej školy sa zdá byť skvelým spôsobom, ako vypnúť, ale keď príde ráno, mladí rodičia sa nevrátia domov. Tallulahina mama Kim sa zo všetkých síl snaží zistiť, čo sa v tú noc vlastne stalo. Podarí sa jej skontaktovať s dcérinými priateľkami, na otázky však odpovedajú vyhýbavo. Ani Zachova mama sa nijako zvlášť neznepokojuje, je presvedčená, že dvojica ušla, aby sa vyhla rodičovským povinnostiam. Lenže Kim vie, že Tallulah je svojmu synovi oddaná, navyše práve deň predtým našla vo vrecku Zachovho kabáta zásnubný prsteň. Je presvedčená, že ani jeden z nich by nikdy dobrovoľne neodišiel. Pátranie polície však vôbec nepostupuje. Mladá dvojica jednoducho zmizla.O rok sa do susedstva nasťahuje Sophie, autorka obľúbených detektívok. Na londýnskom predmestí sa cíti stratená, no odhodlane stojí po boku svojho partnera, ktorý tu získal miesto riaditeľa internátnej školy. Keď však neďaleko ich nového domu natrafí na záhadný nápis na plote „Kopte tu“, zbystrí pozornosť. Žeby ten nápis súvisel so zmiznutím mladej dvojice? A čo vlastne je zahrabané na tom mieste?V tomto spletitom a sugestívnom románe každý prispeje svojou troškou k pátraniu, ktoré si musí poradiť s temnými záhadami opustenej vily, hlbokými traumami či starostlivo ukrývanými vášňami pochovanými tak dôkladne, že ich môže odhaliť iba ten, kto v sebe tiež dusí mrazivé tajomstvo...Lisa Jewellová opäť dokázala, že vie detailne pracovať s postavami, prostredím a udalosťami a skladá z nich mozaiku strhujúceho trileru o márnych láskach, túžbach a temných miestach v duši každého z nás.
Objev podobné jako Noc, keď zmizla - Lisa Jewellová
Rodina v podkroví - Lisa Jewellová
Niektoré rodinné tajomstvá by nikdy nemali vyjsť na svetlo sveta. Nečakané dedičstvo prinúti mladú ženu pátrať po záhade jej pôvodu a to, čo zistí, môže mať pre ňu fatálne dôsledky. Libby Jonesová vyrastala ako adoptované dieťa a vo svojich fantáziách si predstavovala, že jej biologický otec bol grafický dizajnér a mama módna PR pracovníčka, mali športové auto a dvoch rozkošných psíkov. Potom zahynuli pri autonehode. Jedného dňa, krátko po svojich dvadsiatich piatich narodeninách, dostane Libby list, ktorý jej oznamuje, že zdedila obrovský dom v lukratívnej londýnskej štvrti. Zdá sa, že jej život sa konečne obracia k lepšiemu. No ruka v ruke s rozprávkovým majetkom prichádza aj nechcené dedičstvo v podobe temnej minulosti - v dome sa pred štvrťstoročím odohral nevyriešený zločin spojený s čudnými ľuďmi, možno sektármi. Našli sa tri mŕtve telá a živé desaťmesačné dieťa. Celý ten čas čaká niekto v úzadí na svoju príležitosť, na chvíľu, keď adoptované "bábätko" dosiahne plnoletosť a začne si uplatňovať nárok na dom. Triler Rodina v podkroví možno pre jeho originálnu zápletku, dve časové línie rozprávania, drastický a bezvýchodiskový pohľad na domáce násilie na deťoch, neobjasnené úmrtia a rozuzlenie celého príbehu označiť za majstrovské dielo svojho žánru. V knižnej produkcii v oblasti psychologického trileru je doslova výnimočné.
Objev podobné jako Rodina v podkroví - Lisa Jewellová
Never jej ani slovo - Lisa Jewellová
Úspešná novinárka a autorka podcastov Alix Summerová oslavuje svoje štyridsiate piate narodeniny v miestnom pube, kde sa jej prihovorí nenápadná Josie Fairová, ktorá tam tiež oslavuje. Sú narodeninové dvojčatá.Josie presvedčí novinárku, aby sa vo svojom ďalšom projekte venovala práve jej životnému príbehu: svojho manžela stretla, keď mala trinásť a on štyridsať. Len čo začnú nahrávať podcast a natáčať dokument pre Netflix, Alix si rýchlo uvedomí, že jej nová známa skrýva desivé tajomstvá, a skôr než sa nazdá, Josie sa jej votrie nielen do života, ale aj do domu. Alix sa začne obávať, že sa svojej novej spolubývajúcej už nikdy nezbaví, no tá z ničoho nič zmizne. Až vtedy novinárka zistí, akú skazu po sebe Josie zanechala, a jej nový projekt sa z priateľského rozhovoru dvoch žien zmení na vyšetrovanie vraždy.Lisa Jewellová týmto trilerom opäť potvrdila, že je majsterkou svojho remesla. Znovu prináša strhujúci príbeh o sile manipulácie a klamstiev, ktorý vás načisto opantá a jeho rozuzlenie prekvapí.
Objev podobné jako Never jej ani slovo - Lisa Jewellová
Then She Was Gone - Lisa Jewellová
A missing girl. A buried secret. From the ten-million-copy bestselling author comes a brand new look for this compulsively twisty psychological thriller that will keep you hooked to the very last page.‘A tense, clever page-turner that everyone will be talking about.’ Adele Parks‘Dark and claustrophobic but also heartfelt and moving ... packs a huge emotional punch that will leave you winded. I loved it.’ C. L. Taylor‘Both utterly gripping and startlingly original. Prepare to be hooked.’ Sun_____________Ellie was her mother''s golden girl.She had her whole life ahead of her.And then, in the blink of an eye, Ellie was gone.Ten years on, Laurel has never given up hope of finding Ellie. And then she meets a charming and charismatic stranger who sweeps her off her feet.But what really takes her breath away is when she meets his nine-year-old daughter.Because his daughter is the image of Ellie.Now all those unanswered questions that have haunted Laurel come flooding back.What really happened to Ellie? And who still has secrets to hide?_____________OVER 180,000 5* RATINGS - this is why readers love this book:''Breathtaking. Compulsive. Suspenseful. Poetic.''''One of the top 5 thrillers I’ve ever read.''''I wanted the book never to end.''''Suspense filled… edge of my seat… I could not put this down!!''''This was my first Lisa Jewell book, and it will definitely not be my last.''''Dark, winding and haunting, I couldn''t put this one down.''Lisa Jewell, Sunday Times bestseller, July 2024
Objev podobné jako Then She Was Gone - Lisa Jewellová
Rodina z domu tieňov - Lisa Jewellová
Lisa Jewellová po úspešnom románe Rodina v podkroví prináša ďalší strhujúci román o tom, kam až sme schopní zájsť, aby sme ochránili našich milovaných: román o komplikovaných manželstvách, rozbitých rodinách a smrtiacich tajomstvách. Vrchný inšpektor Samuel Owusu rieši prípad nájdených kostí troch ľudí, ktorých pred tridsiatimi rokmi našli mŕtvych v starom sídle v Chelsea. Rachel Rimmerová zistí, že jej manžela Michaela zavraždili v pivnici jeho domu vo Francúzsku a miestna polícia ju žiada, aby sa dostavila na vypočúvanie. Lucy Lambová sa po tridsiatich rokoch vracia do Anglicka, zatiaľ čo jej brat pátra po chlapcovi z ich spoločnej minulosti. Všetci nástojčivo hľadajú odpovede na otázky súvisiace s navzájom prepletenými záhadami. A pomaly zisťujú, že ich spája viac, ako si vôbec vedia predstaviť.
Objev podobné jako Rodina z domu tieňov - Lisa Jewellová
Rodina z podkroví - Lisa Jewellová - e-kniha
eBook: Pozor, koho si pustíte domů… Londýn, módní čtvrť Chelsea. Honosný dům na nábřeží a v něm kolébka s nakrmeným a spokojeným miminkem, které čeká, až ho někdo pochová. O patro níž, v kuchyni, leží tři rozkládající se mrtvá těla. Kdo se doteď o dítě staral? A kam zmizel?
Objev podobné jako Rodina z podkroví - Lisa Jewellová - e-kniha
None of This is True - Lisa Jewellová
Celebrating her 45th birthday at her local pub, podcaster Alix Summers crosses paths with an unassuming woman called Josie Fair. Josie is also celebrating her 45th birthday. They are, in fact birthday twins.A few days later, Alix and Josie bump into each other again, this time outside Alix's children's school. Josie has been listening to Alix's podcasts and thinks she might be an interesting subject for Alix's series. She is, she tells Alix, on the cusp of great changes in her life.Alix agrees to a trial interview. Josie's life appears to be strange and complicated, and although Alix finds her unsettling, she can't quite resist the temptation to keep digging. Slowly Alix starts to realise that Josie has been hiding some very dark secrets, and before she knows it Josie has inveigled her way into Alix's life - and into her home.Soon she begins to wonder who is Josie Fair? And what has she done?
Objev podobné jako None of This is True - Lisa Jewellová
None of This is True - Lisa Jewellová
A few days later, they bump into each other again, this time outside Alix's children's school.Josie says she thinks she would be an interesting subject for Alix's podcast. She is, she tells Alix, on the cusp of great changes in her life.Alix agrees to a trial interview and indeed, Josie's life appears to be strange and complicated. Aix finds her unsettling but can't quite resist the temptation to keep digging.Slowly Alix starts to realise that Josie has been hiding some very dark secrets, and before she knows it Josie has cajoled her way into Alix's life - and into her home.
Objev podobné jako None of This is True - Lisa Jewellová
Turn the Ship Around!: A True Story of Building Leaders by Breaking the Rules (0241250943)
Kniha - autor L. David Marquet, 272 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná No matter your business or position, this book shows you how to apply the author's approach to create a workplace where everyone takes responsibility for their actions, people are healthier and happier - and everyone is a leader.
Objev podobné jako Turn the Ship Around!: A True Story of Building Leaders by Breaking the Rules (0241250943)
Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One - Joe Dispenza
Discover how to reprogram your biology and thinking, and break the habit of being yourself so you can truly change your mind and life.Bestselling author, international speaker, chiropractor, and renowned researcher of epigenetics, quantum physics, & neuroscience, Dr. Joe Dispenza shares that you are not doomed by your genes and hardwired to be a certain way for the rest of your life.New science is emerging that empowers all human beings to create the reality they choose.In Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself, Dr. Joe Dispenza combines the fields of quantum physics, neuroscience, brain chemistry, biology, and genetics to show you what is truly possible and how to recondition the body and create better health.Not only will you be given the necessary knowledge to change your energy and any aspect of yourself, but you will be taught the step-by-step tools to apply what you learn in order to make measurable changes in any area of your life.Chapters Include:Foreword by Daniel G. Amen, M.D.Introduction: The Greatest Habit You Can Ever Breakis the Habit of Being YourselfPART I: The Science of YouThe Quantum YouOvercoming Your EnvironmentOvercoming Your BodyOvercoming TimeSurvival vs. CreationPART II: Your Brain and MeditationThree Brains: Thinking to Doing to BeingThe GapMeditation, Demystifying the Mystical, and Waves of Your FuturePART III: Stepping Toward Your New DestinyThe Meditative Process: Introduction and PreparationOpen the Door to Your Creative StateStep 1: InductionPrune Away the Habit of Being Yourself(Week Two)Step 2: RecognizingStep 3: Admitting and DeclaringStep 4: SurrenderingDismantle the Memory of the Old You(Week Three)Step 5: Observing and RemindingStep 6: RedirectingCreate a New Mind for Your New Future (Week Four)Step 7: Creating and RehearsingDemonstrating and Being Transparent: Living YourNew RealityDr. Joe demystifies consciousness and ancient understandings to bridge the gap between science and spirituality. Through his powerful healing workshops and lectures, thousands of people in 24 different countries have used these principles to change from the inside out. Once you break the habit of being yourself and truly change your mind, your life will never be the same!"In this book, I want to share some of what I learned along the way and show you, by exploring how mind and matter are interrelated, how you can apply theseprinciples not only to your body, but to any aspect of your life." - Dr. Joe Dispenza"Anyone who reads this book and applies the steps will benefit from their efforts. Its cutting-edge content is explained in a simple language that is accessible to anyone, and provides a user-friendly guide for sustained change from the inside out."- Rollin McCraty, Ph.D., Director of Research, HeartMath Research Center
Objev podobné jako Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One - Joe Dispenza
The Sourdough School: The ground-breaking guide to making gut-friendly bread (0857833669)
Kniha - 208 stran, anglicky, Pevná bez přebalu lesklá - autor Vanessa Kimbell, 208 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá Celebrating the timeless craft of artisan baking, Kimbell imparts all of her essential knowledge on how to make the perfect sourdough loaf and covers basic breadmaking techniques together with step-by-step photography.
Objev podobné jako The Sourdough School: The ground-breaking guide to making gut-friendly bread (0857833669)
The Mongol Storm: Making and Breaking Empires in the Medieval Near East - Nicholas Morton
How the Mongol invasions of the Near East reshaped the balance of world power in the Middle Ages.For centuries, the Crusades have been central to the story of the medieval Near East, but these religious wars are only part of the region's complex history. As The Mongol Storm reveals, during the same era the Near East was utterly remade by another series of wars: the Mongol invasions. In a single generation, the Mongols conquered vast swaths of the Near East and upended the region's geopolitics. Amid the chaos of the Mongol onslaught, long-standing powers such as the Byzantines, the Seljuk Turks, and the crusaders struggled to survive, while new players such as the Ottomans arose to fight back. The Mongol conquests forever transformed the region, while forging closer ties among societies spread across Eurasia.This is the definitive history of the Mongol assault on the Near East and its enduring global consequences.
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The Doctor - Lisa Stone
`I was gripped immediately' Katerina Diamond, Sunday Times bestsellerHow much do you know about the couple next door?When Emily and Ben move in next door to Dr Burman and his wife Alisha, they are keen to get to know their new neighbours. Outgoing and sociable, Emily tries to befriend the doctor's wife, but Alisha is strangely subdued, barely leaving the house, and terrified of answering the phone.When Emily goes missing a few weeks later, Ben is plunged into a panic. His wife has left him a note, but can she really have abandoned him for another man? Or has Emily's curiosity about the couple next door led her straight into danger?A gripping, sinister thriller with a twist you won't see coming from the international bestseller Lisa Stone.
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The Hardware Hacking Handbook: Breaking Embedded Security with Hardware Attacks (1593278748)
Kniha - autor Jasper van Woudenberg; Colin O'Flynn, 300 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Available at a lower price from other sellers that may not offer free Prime shipping. The Hardware Hacking Handbook takes you deep inside embedded devices to show how different kinds of attacks work, then guides you through each hack on real hardware. Embedded devices are chip-size microcomputers small enough to be included in the structure of the object they control, and they’re everywhere—in phones, cars, credit cards, laptops, medical equipment, even critical infrastructure. This means understanding their security is critical. The Hardware Hacking Handbook takes you deep inside different types of embedded systems, revealing the designs, components, security limits, and reverse-engineering challenges you need to know for executing effective hardware attacks. Written with wit and infused with hands-on lab experiments, this handbook puts you in the role of an...
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The Goldfish Boy - Lisa Thompson
A story about finding friendship when you're lonely - and hope when all you feel is fear. Twelve-year-old Matthew is trapped in his bedroom by crippling OCD, spending most of his time staring out of his window as the inhabitants of Chestnut Close go about their business. Until the day he is the last person to see his next door neighbour's toddler, Teddy, before he goes missing. Matthew must turn detective and unravel the mystery of Teddy'sdisappearance - with the help of a brilliant cast of supporting characters. Page-turning, heartbreaking, but ultimately life-affirming, this story is perfect for fans of Can You See Me, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time and Wonder.It is a book that will make you laugh and cry.
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The Glorious Heresies - Lisa McInerney
WINNER OF THE BAILEYS' WOMEN'S PRIZE FOR FICTION 2016WINNER OF THE DESMOND ELLIOT PRIZE 2016LONGLISTED FOR THE DYLAN THOMAS PRIZE 2016LONGLISTED FOR THE THEAKSTONS OLD PECULIAR CRIME NOVEL OF THE YEAR'The Glorious Heresies heralds the arrival of a glorious, foul-mouthed, fizzing new talent' SUNDAY TIMES'Totally and unmistakably the real deal' KEVIN BARRY'A real stunner; a wild ride of a read' DONAL RYAN'A gripping and often riotously funny tale' COLIN BARRETT'A punchy, edgy, sexy, fizzing feast of a debut novel' JOSEPH O'CONNOR'He was definitely dead, whoever he was. He wore a once-black jumper and a pair of shiny tracksuit bottoms. The back of his head was cracked and his hair matted, but it had been foxy before that. A tall man, a skinny rake, another string of piss, now departed. She hadn't gotten a look at his face before she flaked him with the Holy Stone and she couldn't bring herself to turn him over.'One messy murder affects the lives of five misfits who exist on the fringes of Ireland's post-crash society. Ryan is a fifteen-year-old drug dealer desperate not to turn out like his alcoholic father Tony, whose obsession with his unhinged next-door neighbour threatens to ruin him and his family. Georgie is a prostitute whose willingness to feign a religious conversion has dangerous repercussions, while Maureen, the accidental murderer, has returned to Cork after forty years in exile to discover that Jimmy, the son she was forced to give up years before, has grown into the most fearsome gangster in the city. In seeking atonement for the murder and a multitude of other perceived sins, Maureen threatens to destroy everything her son has worked so hard for, while her actions risk bringing the intertwined lives of the Irish underworld into the spotlight . . . Biting, moving and darkly funny, The Glorious Heresies explores salvation, shame and the legacy of Ireland's twentieth-century attitudes to sex and family.
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The Mystery of the Forever Weekend - Lisa Thompson
The brand new, read-in-one-sitting, packed-with-twists mystery frombestselling Lisa Thompson: a spin on classic movie Groundhog Day.
Objev podobné jako The Mystery of the Forever Weekend - Lisa Thompson
The Menopause Brain - Dr. Lisa Mosconi
''Thank you, Dr Mosconi'' Davina McCall''I had never really fathomed how hormonal changes impact the brain until I read The Menopause Brain'' Gwyneth Paltrow''The Menopause Brain will quickly become your new best friend'' Halle BerryTHE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLERMenopause and perimenopause are still baffling to most doctors, leaving patients exasperated as they grapple with symptoms ranging from hot flashes to insomnia to brain fog. As a leading neuroscientist and women''s brain health specialist, Dr Mosconi unravels these mysteries by revealing how menopause doesn''t just impact the ovaries - it''s a hormonal show in which the brain takes centre stage.The decline of the hormone estrogen during menopause influences everything from body temperature to mood to memory, potentially paving the way for cognitive decline later in life. To conquer these challenges successfully, Dr. Mosconi brings us the latest approaches - explaining the role of cutting-edge hormone replacement therapies like ''designer estrogens,'' hormonal contraception and key lifestyle changes encompassing diet, exercise and self-care.Best of all, Dr Mosconi dispels the myth that menopause signifies an end, demonstrating that it''s actually a transition. Contrary to popular belief, if we know how to take care of ourselves during menopause, we can emerge with a renewed, enhanced brain - ushering in a meaningful and vibrant new chapter of life.
Objev podobné jako The Menopause Brain - Dr. Lisa Mosconi
The Island of Sea Women - Lisa See
A new novel from Lisa See, the New York Times bestselling author of The Tea Girl of Hummingbird Lane, about female friendship and family secrets on a small Korean island.Mi-ja and Young-sook, two girls living on the Korean island of Jeju, are best friends that come from very different backgrounds. When they are old enough, they begin working in the sea with their village's all-female diving collective, led by Young-sook's mother. As the girls take up their positions as baby divers, they know they are beginning a life of excitement and responsibility but also danger.Despite their love for each other, Mi-ja and Young-sook's differences are impossible to ignore. The Island of Sea Women is an epic set over many decades, beginning during a period of Japanese colonialism in the 1930s and 1940s, followed by World War II, the Korean War and its aftermath, through the era of cell phones and wetsuits for the women divers. Throughout this time, the residents of Jeju find themselves caught between warring empires. Mi-ja is the daughter of a Japanese collaborator, and she will forever be marked by this association. Young-sook was born into a long line of haenyeo and will inherit her mother's position leading the divers in their village. Little do the two friends know that after surviving hundreds of dives and developing the closest of bonds, forces outside their control will push their friendship to the breaking point.This beautiful, thoughtful novel illuminates a world turned upside down, one where the women are in charge, engaging in dangerous physical work, and the men take care of the children. A classic Lisa See story-one of women's friendships and the larger forces that shape them-The Island of Sea Women introduces readers to the fierce and unforgettable female divers of Jeju Island and the dramatic history that shaped their lives. 'For centuries, women on Korea's Jeju island have been free-diving into the sea, a practice explored through this fictionalized story of two friends who struggle to stay close amid war, family rivalries, and a shifting cultural landscape. It's riveting, historical, and heartbreaking all at once' Marie Claire
Objev podobné jako The Island of Sea Women - Lisa See
How Emotions Are Made : The Secret Life of the Brain - Lisa Feldman Barrett
'How Emotions Are Made did what all great books do. It took a subject I thought I understood and turned my understanding upside down' Malcolm GladwellWhen you feel anxious, angry, happy, or surprised, what's really going on inside of you?Many scientists believe that emotions come from a specific part of the brain, triggered by the world around us. The thrill of seeing an old friend, the fear of losing someone we love - each of these sensations seems to arise automatically and uncontrollably from within us, finding expression on our faces and in our behaviour, carrying us away with the experience.This understanding of emotion has been around since Plato. But what if it is wrong? In How Emotions Are Made, pioneering psychologist and neuroscientist Lisa Feldman Barrett draws on the latest scientific evidence to reveal that our common-sense ideas about emotions are dramatically, even dangerously, out of date - and that we have been paying the price. Emotions aren't universally pre-programmed in our brains and bodies; rather they are psychological experiences that each of us constructs based on our unique personal history, physiology and environment.This new view of emotions has serious implications: when judges issue lesser sentences for crimes of passion, when police officers fire at threatening suspects, or when doctors choose between one diagnosis and another, they're all, in some way, relying on the ancient assumption that emotions are hardwired into our brains and bodies. Revising that conception of emotion isn't just good science, Barrett shows; it's vital to our well-being and the health of society itself.
Objev podobné jako How Emotions Are Made : The Secret Life of the Brain - Lisa Feldman Barrett
PER | Easystart: Marcel and the Mona Lisa - Stephen Rabley
Original / British English Marcel is a French mouse, and a detective. One evening, at the Louvre museum, he sees a man steal a famous painting -- the Mona Lisa. Marcel follows the thief to Venice and risks his life to get the painting back again.
Objev podobné jako PER | Easystart: Marcel and the Mona Lisa - Stephen Rabley
Breaking Twitter - Ben Mezrich
New York Times bestselling author Ben Mezrich pulls back the curtain on the most volatile, complex, and bizarre corporate takeover in history: Elon Musk's acquisition and subsequent occupation of Twitter. In October 2022, Elon Musk marched through Twitter's front doors carrying a kitchen sink, tweeting a message to his millions of followers: ‘let that sink in'. His takeover came with the promise of fundamental changes, but nothing could prepare the company for the chaos to come - brutal, sometimes arbitrary mass firings, an exodus of advertisers and ‘blue-tick' celebrities, and a vicious Shakespearean battle for control. With unique access to Twitter employees and Musk's confidants, this is the astonishing story from all sides, revealing a wealth of new details. Follow the darkly comic, self-inflicted, and sometimes frightening events that led Elon into an emotional downward spiral. The whole world was watching. Breaking Twitter provides ringside seats to one of the most dramatic and compelling business stories of our time. Elon Musk didn't break Twitter. Twitter broke Elon Musk. About the Author Ben Mezrich is the New York Times bestselling author of The Accidental Billionaires (adapted by Aaron Sorkin into the David Fincher film The Social Network), Bringing Down the House (adapted into the #1 box office hit film 21), The Antisocial Network, and many other bestselling books. His books have sold over six million copies worldwide, and he is one of the world's leading business narrative writers. Breaking Twitter is his thirteenth non-fiction book
Objev podobné jako Breaking Twitter - Ben Mezrich
Breaking dawn - Stephenie Meyerová
The fourth book in the New York Times bestselling vampire romance series that has developed a cult following among teens
Objev podobné jako Breaking dawn - Stephenie Meyerová
Breaking Benjamin - Aurora (LP)
Datum vydání: 2020-01-24 Barva podle výrobce: Black Dekáda interpreta: 2000 - 2009;2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019 Rok vydání: 2020.0 Vydavatelství: Hollywood Records Varianta: Aurora (Vinyl LP) Interpret / Téma: Breaking Benjamin Typ: LP deska;Album;Otevírací obal Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Země interpreta: USA Země původu: Evropská unie Složení setu: 1 ks Hmotnost: 180 g Balení obsahuje: LP Barva: Černá Subžánr: Rock Žánr: Rock
Objev podobné jako Breaking Benjamin - Aurora (LP)
Breaking Twitter - Ben Mezrich
‘An excitable, high-octane account’ – IndependentIn October 2022, Elon Musk marched through Twitter’s front doors after buying the digital giant for $44 billion. His takeover came with the promise of fundamental change, but nothing could prepare the company for the chaos to come – brutal mass firings, an exodus of advertisers and ‘blue-tick’ celebrities and a vicious battle for control.With unique access to Twitter insiders and Musk’s confidants, this is the astonishing story from all sides. Why did Elon overhaul Twitter’s blue-tick system, and how did it lead to the near-collapse of the company’s revenue? Will Twitter – now X – survive? How has the constant negative press coverage affected Elon?With a wealth of hidden details, Breaking Twitter gives ringside seats to one of the most dramatic and compelling business stories of our time.‘Mezrich’s books are the sort of engrossing reads you pick up in the airport then find the blockbuster film on the plane’ – Evening Standard
Objev podobné jako Breaking Twitter - Ben Mezrich
Seven and a Half Lessons About the Brain - Lisa Feldman Barrett
'Highly accessible, content-rich and eminently readable . . . Fascinating and informative . . . popular science at its best.' - The ObserverHave you ever wondered why you have a brain? Let renowned neuroscientist Lisa Feldman Barrett, bestselling author of How Emotions Are Made, demystify that big grey blob between your ears . . .In seven short chapters (plus a brief history of how brains evolved), this slim, entertaining, and accessible book reveals mind-expanding lessons from the front lines of neuroscience research. You’ll learn where brains came from, how they’re structured (and why it matters), and how yours works in tandem with other brains to create everything you experience. Along the way, you’ll also learn to dismiss popular myths such as the idea of a 'lizard brain' and the alleged battle between thoughts and emotions, or even between nature and nurture, to determine your behaviour.Sure to intrigue casual readers and scientific veterans alike, Seven and a Half Lessons About the Brain is full of surprises, humour, and important implications for human nature - a gift of a book about our most complex and crucial organ.'Subtly radical . . . It presents a revelatory model of consciousness that will be completely new to most readers' - The Guardian
Objev podobné jako Seven and a Half Lessons About the Brain - Lisa Feldman Barrett
Desigual Breaking News Šaty Bílá
Breaking News Šaty - Desigual - Bílá.
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Vans Breaking Space Mikina Hnědá
Breaking Space Mikina - Vans - Hnědá.
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Elton John - Breaking Hearts (LP)
Barva: Černá Země interpreta: Spojené království Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Dekáda interpreta: 1960 - 1969;2010 - 2019;1990 - 1999;1980 - 1989;2000 - 2009;1970 - 1979;2020 - 2029 Typ: LP deska;Remastered;Album;Nové vydání Žánr: Rock;Pop Barva podle výrobce: Black Složení setu: 1 ks Balení obsahuje: LP Země původu: Německo Varianta: Breaking Hearts (LP) Vydavatelství: Rocket Entertainment Subžánr: Pop Rock Interpret / Téma: Elton John Datum vydání: 2022-09-02 Rok vydání: 2022.0
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Freddie Hubbard - Breaking Point (LP)
Barva: Černá Typ: Stereo;Album;LP deska;Nové vydání;Otevírací obal Dekáda interpreta: 1970 - 1979;1990 - 1999;1950 - 1959;1980 - 1989;1960 - 1969;2000 - 2009 Země interpreta: USA Složení setu: 1 ks Hmotnost: 180 g Barva podle výrobce: Black Země původu: Německo Žánr: Jazz Subžánr: Modal;Post Bop;Hard Bop Balení obsahuje: LP Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Interpret / Téma: Freddie Hubbard Varianta: Breaking Point (LP) Datum vydání: 2022-06-03 Rok vydání: 2022.0 Vydavatelství: Blue Note
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Janis Ian - Breaking Silence (LP)
Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Dekáda interpreta: 2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019;1960 - 1969;1990 - 1999;2000 - 2009;1980 - 1989;1970 - 1979 Typ: Audiofilní kvalita;LP deska;Album Země původu: USA Subžánr: Vocal;Akustický Složení setu: 1 ks Žánr: Folk Rok nahrávky: 1992.0 Rok vydání: 2017.0 Interpret / Téma: Janis Ian Datum vydání: 2017-03-03 Vydavatelství: Analogue Productions Varianta: Breaking Silence (Vinyl LP) Země interpreta: USA Barva: Černá Balení obsahuje: LP Hmotnost: 200 g
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Breaking Through Depression - Philip Gold
We are often told that depression is 'all in the mind'. So why are so many of its symptoms felt in our bodies? Why can depression have such a profound impact on physical as well as mental health - from coronary disease to stroke? Philip Gold, a world-renowned expert on this devastating illness, shows how depression is a stress response gone awry, affecting the whole body, not just the brain. Drawing on both neuroscience and endocrinology, Breaking Through Depression reveals the latest research on how depression influences every aspect of our health, from the chemical messengers that control appetite to the brain's structure and functionality.Packed with startling insights, this book transforms our understanding of different forms of depression, including related conditions such as bipolar and seasonal affective disorders, and its huge impact on global health. Timely, urgent and important, Breaking Through Depression articulates the workings of this misunderstood illness in compelling and often surprising detail, introducing the newest innovations in treatment - from low energy lasers to genetic solutions and rapidly acting antidepressants which restore damaged brain cells - that offer hope for healing.
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Vans Breaking Space Mikina Hnědá
Breaking Space Mikina - Vans - Hnědá.
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Vans Breaking Space Mikina Hnědá
Breaking Space Mikina - Vans - Hnědá.
Objev podobné jako Vans Breaking Space Mikina Hnědá
Vans Breaking Space Mikina Hnědá
Breaking Space Mikina - Vans - Hnědá.
Objev podobné jako Vans Breaking Space Mikina Hnědá
Sounds in the Dark ()
Audiokniha MP3 - autor Howard Phillips Lovecraft a Bram Stoker, čte Roy McCrerey, Sam Kellett a Alex Went The third step into the Darkness is called Sounds in the DarkIt begins with a short story written in 1921 by American master horror writer Howard Phillips Lovecraft called The Music of Erich Zann. The author himself considered the story to be one of his masterpieces, and it is often deservedly included in various horror-story collections. The second short story was written by Bram Stoker. Indeed, THAT Stoker who wrote the epistolary novel Dracula – the very first novel that dealt with a vampire legend. The Judge’s House (written in 1914) completes the collection, and its strongest point is building the atmosphere of fear, which is underlined by excellent voices and music.
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The Dark Lady - Akala
A natural storyteller with a vision of his own. THE DARK LADY, Akala''s debut novel for teens, will enthuse and entertain teenagers and young adults, showing that reading is a true super-power. A PICKPOCKET WITH AN EXCEPTIONAL GIFTA PRISONER OF EXTRAORDINARY VALUE AN ORPHAN HAUNTED BY DREAMS OF THE MYSTERIOUS DARK LADYHenry is an orphan, an outsider, a thief. He is also a fifteen-year-old invested with magical powers ...This brilliant, at times brutal, first novel from the amazing imagination that is Akala, will glue you to your seat as you are hurled into a time when London stank and boys like Henry were forced to find their own route through the tangled streets and out the other side.
Objev podobné jako The Dark Lady - Akala
The Dark - Lemony Snicket
A universal and empowering story about conquering your fears, from Lemony Snicket and Jon Klassen.Laszlo is afraid of the dark. The dark lives in the same house as Laszlo but mostly it spends its time in the basement. It doesn''t visit Laszlo in his room. Until one night it does . . . Join Lazlo on his journey to meet the dark, and find out why it will never bother him again.With emotional insight and poetic economy, two world-renowned talents of children''s literature bring to light a powerful story about overcoming fears.The originality of The Dark is breathtaking - The TimesA reassuring story for any children who may be afraid of the dark - Sunday ExpressIf ever there was a perfect creative pairing of words and pictures, surely this is it - Daily MailThoughtful, perceptive and very reassuring - Parents In Touch
Objev podobné jako The Dark - Lemony Snicket
EastWest The DARK SIDE
software, 40 GB specíálních nástrojů, včetně bicích, perkusí, basů, kytar, kláves atp., knihovna je přehledně rozdělena do tématických částí, elektronická licence
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PER | Easystart: Marcel and the Mona Lisa Bk/MP3 Pack - Stephen Rabley
Original / British English Marcel is a French mouse, and a detective. One evening, at the Louvre museum, he sees a man steal a famous painting -- the Mona Lisa. Marcel follows the thief to Venice and risks his life to get the painting back again.
Objev podobné jako PER | Easystart: Marcel and the Mona Lisa Bk/MP3 Pack - Stephen Rabley
Hubbard Freddie: Breaking Point - LP (3551982)
LP vinyl - Breaking Point! je album trumpetisty Freddieho Hubbarda, nahrané 7. května 1964 a vydané u labelu Blue Note. Breaking Point! je album trumpetisty Freddieho Hubbarda, nahrané 7. května 1964 a vydané u labelu Blue Note. Rok vydání : 1964 Rok reedice : 2022 Seznam stop CD Breaking Point / Far Away / Blue Frenzy / D Minor Mint / Mirrors / Blue Frenzy (Alternate Take) / Mirrors (Alternate Take)
Objev podobné jako Hubbard Freddie: Breaking Point - LP (3551982)
John Elton: Breaking Hearts - LP (4596160)
LP vinyl - Remasterované LP britského umělce Remasterované LP britského umělce. 18 Studiové album vydané v roce 1984. Reedice na LP 2022 Seznam stop LP Restless / Slow Down Georgie (She's Poison) / Who Wears These Shoes? / Breaking Hearts (Ain't What It Used to Be) / Li'l 'Frigerator / Passengers / In Neon / Burning Buildings / Did He Shoot Her? / Sad Songs (Say So Much)
Objev podobné jako John Elton: Breaking Hearts - LP (4596160)
Raven - All Hell's Breaking Loose (LP)
Země původu: Německo Rok vydání: 2023.0 Interpret / Téma: Raven Datum vydání: 2023-06-30 Barva podle výrobce: Black Vydavatelství: Silver Lining Music Žánr: Heavy Metal Varianta: All Hell's Breaking Loose (LP) Subžánr: Heavy Metal;Speed Metal Země interpreta: Spojené království Dekáda interpreta: 2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019;1970 - 1979;1980 - 1989;2000 - 2009;1990 - 1999 Barva: Černá Složení setu: 1 ks Typ: LP deska Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Balení obsahuje: LP
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Love from the Dark Side ()
Audiokniha MP3 - autor Bram Stoker a Mary Elizabeth Pennová, čte Courtney Claar, Roy McCrerey, Sam Kellett a Alex Went The ninth step into the Darkness is called Love from the Dark Side, and it brings us to the climax of the series – the Darkness itselfIt features The Tenant of the Cedars by Mary Elizabeth Penn – a story about the vengeance of the dead. Little is known of the author other than the fact that she was published in magazines in the late Victorian era. Her stories were long forgotten until being rediscovered in 1999 – over 100 years since the last of them was published in 1897. On the other hand, Bram Stoker (author of the famed novel, Dracula) is a legend in the horror world. This collection features Stoker’s short story, A Dream of Red Hands. The theme is crime and punishment, seasoned with a hint of redemption. Once again – excellent voices, stunning music, and great graphical design result in an exquisite mixture of emotions.
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The Dark Tower 7 (1444723502)
Kniha - autor Stephen King, 686 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - autor Stephen King, 686 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná New editions of all 7 books in King's fantasy series, which follows Roland of Gilead, the Last Gunslinger. The 8th book is due out in April.
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The Dark Knight - Joker (602883134324)
Figurka - soška, postavička, sběratelská, motiv Batman, výška 15 cm, materiál plast, nepohyblivá, vhodná od 8 let Hlavní přednosti figurky The Dark Knight - Joker Figurka Mini Co. nadchne každého sběratele Je určena pro děti od 8 let Figurka ze série Batman se bude vyjímat ve sbírce díky svému kvalitnímu zpracování Materiálem je plast The Dark Knight - Joker představuje dekorativní sošku V balení naleznete jednu figurku Figurka Mini Co. měří 15 cm
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The Dark Between Stars (1472259351)
Kniha - 240 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá Atticus has captured the hearts and minds of nearly 700k followers (including stars like Karlie Kloss, Emma Roberts, and Alicia Keys). In his second collection of poetry, The Dark Between Stars, he turns his attention to the dualities of our lived experiences = the inescapable connections between our highest highs and lowest lows. He captures the infectious energy of starting a relationship, the tumultuous realities of commitment, and the agonizing nostalgia of being alone again. While grappling with the question of how to live with purpose and find meaning in the journey, these poems offer both honest explorations of loneliness and our search for connection, as well as light-hearted, humorous observations. As Atticus writes poignantly about dancing, Paris, jazz clubs, sunsets, sharing a bottle of wine on the river, rainy days, creating, and destroying, he illustrates that we need moments of both beauty and...
Objev podobné jako The Dark Between Stars (1472259351)
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