Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
The Family Remains - Lisa Jewellová
LONDON. Early morning, June 2019: on the foreshore of the river Thames, a bag of bones is discovered. Human bones.DCI Samuel Owusu is called to the scene and quickly sends the bag for forensic examination. The bones are those of a young woman, killed by a blow to the head many years ago.Also inside the bag is a trail of clues, in particular the seeds of a rare tree which lead DCI Owusu back to a mansion in Chelsea where, nearly thirty years previously, three people lay dead in a kitchen, and a baby waited upstairs for someone to pick her up.The clues point forward too to a brother and sister in Chicago searching for the only person who can make sense of their pasts.Four deaths. An unsolved mystery. A family whose secrets can't stay buried for ever ...
Podívejte se také Led Zeppelin: The Song Remains the Same - DVD (W02579)
The Family Upstairs - Lisa Jewellová
Prepare to be hooked . . .A compulsive thriller from Lisa Jewell. * #1 UK SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER ** OVER A MILLION COPIES SOLD ** HOLLY WILLOUGHBY'S SUMMER READING HIGHLIGHT *'I read it all in one sitting.' Colleen Hoover'I loved The Family Upstairs!' Sarah Jessica Parker'Really good, gripping. I couldn't bear for it to finish...' Olivia Colman'A twisty and engrossing story of betrayal and redemption.' Ian Rankin'Rich, dark and intricately twisted' Ruth Ware_______________In a large house in London's fashionable Chelsea, a baby is awake in her cot.Well-fed and cared for, she is happily waiting for someone to pick her up. In the kitchen lie three decomposing corpses. Close to them is a hastily scrawled note.They've been dead for several days. Who has been looking after the baby?And where did they go?Two entangled families. A house with the darkest of secrets._______________More love for The Family Upstairs . . .'My eyes were glued to this book!' Hayley Morris'You don't read a Lisa Jewell book, you fall into it.' Erin Kelly'I swear I didn't breathe the whole time I was reading it.' Clare Mackintosh'Creepy, intricate and utterly immersive.' Guarian'I had a thrilling for-God's-sake-tell-me-what-happened sensation in my stomach for the entire read' Ruth Jones'Absolutely brilliant.' Sarah Pinborough'Glitters like a blade and cuts even deeper.' AJ Finn'I was hooked from the first page.' Alice Feeney'Utterly compelling. Deliciously dark and twisty .' Jane Corry'It's absolutely bloody brilliant.' Tammy Cohen'I genuinely struggled to put this one down.' The Unmumsy Mum
Podívejte se také Sepultura: Beneath The Remains (2x LP) - LP (0349784984)
Breaking the Dark - Lisa Jewellová
* The instant Sunday Times bestseller! *Breaking the Dark, the first book in the brand-new Marvel Crime series, introduces fans to a grittier, street-level side of the Marvel Universe, and will continue with original novels featuring fan-favorite characters like Luke Cage, written by S.A. Cosby, and Daredevil, written by Alex Segura.________''Never has a novelist captured me so consistently every single year for so long’ Gillian McAllister''Absolutely perfect'' Booklist''A fun, entertaining read that really packs a punch!'' Shari Lapena''So cleverly plotted and as ever beautifully written'' Harriet Tyce''An exciting, riveting, adrenaline-pumping story'' Liz Nugent‘Immersive, page-turning, addictive, fresh and fun.'' Andrea Mara''Exhilarating, twisty and original. Agatha Christie meets Black Mirror!’ Claire Douglas‘I was hooked from the start and couldn''t turn the pages fast enough.’ Alice Feeney‘Absolutely compulsive, complex and gripping.’ Nadine Matheson________Meet Jessica Jones: a private investigator and retired super hero based out of Hell''s Kitchen, Manhattan, who goes from job to job as a hard living, rough talking, loner. And then a wealthy Upper East Side woman pays her a visit. Amber Randall is concerned about her twin sixteen-year-olds, Lark and Fox, who have acted and looked very different since they returned from spending the summer with their British father in the UK. She tells Jessica that her children have unnaturally perfect skin for teenagers and have lost all the tics and habits that made them who they were. They are not Lark and Fox, she tells Jessica. Something has happened to them.To find out more, Jessica travels to Essex to talk to their father and once there meets Belle who is living a curiously isolated existence in a run-down farmhouse with her guardian Debra. Jessica knows that Lark and Fox had spent the summer with Belle—but can this unworldly teenager really be responsible for Lark and Fox''s new personas?Jessica soon discovers that, behind Belle and Debra, evil geniuses are playing a dangerous game with technology in order to make the world a "better place", not caring who gets hurt, maimed or even killed in the process. Can Jessica stop them from wreaking destruction on a whole generation of young people?Nothing is certain in Lisa Jewell''s gripping and most imaginative novel yet.________Reader'' s love Breaking the Dark . . .***** ''I quickly became absorbed into the story and couldn''t put it down.''*****''Wow... The book can be read by someone super into Marvel and also someone who has no prior super hero knowledge.''***** ''This book was fun and exciting. I recommend it!''***** ''A fun, exciting and supercharged read that even readers who are not lovers off Marvel will be able to pick up and enjoy.''***** ''I love Lisa Jewell and I was a bit apprehensive of this as it wasn''t her usual style but she didn''t let me down. What a book. I loved it!''________''Seamlessly integrates superhero lore with the gritty realism of a crime thriller.'' Daily Mirror‘A gripping read’ Heat Magazine‘Clever concept, characters and and compelling prose will keep you hooked.’ Woman & Home‘Tricksy, endlessly interesting and pure entertainment, don’t miss this one.'' Gillian McAllister‘Fresh, lively, insightful—and the action scenes hit like a chop.'' AJ Finn''The perfect blend of psychological thriller and supernatural chiller.'' Mark Edwards‘Classic Lisa Jewell with an amazing twist!’ Jenny Colgan''Reveals the depth and complexity of one of the most fascinating and indomitable characters in the Marvel canon.'' S. A. Cosby''Fast-paced, addictive and SO. MUCH. FUN.'' Tamar CohenSunday Times bestseller, July 2024
Podívejte se také Led Zeppelin: The Song Remains The Same (2CD+3DVD+4LP) - DVD (0349785940)
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Breaking the Dark - Lisa Jewellová
Meet Jessica Jones: a private investigator and retired super hero based out of Hell's Kitchen, Manhattan, who goes from job to job as a hard living, rough talking, loner.And then a wealthy Upper East Side woman pays her a visit. Amber Randall is concerned about her twin sixteen-year-olds, Lark and Fox, who have acted and looked very different since they returned from spending the summer with their British father in the UK. She tells Jessica that her children have unnaturally perfect skin for teenagers and have lost all the tics and habits that made them who they were.They are not Lark and Fox, she tells Jessica. Something has happened to them.To find out more, Jessica travels to Essex to talk to their father and once there meets Belle who is living a curiously isolated existence in a run-down farmhouse with her guardian Debra. Jessica knows that Lark and Fox had spent the summer with Belle-but can this unworldly teenager really be responsible for Lark and Fox's new personas?Jessica soon discovers that, behind Belle and Debra, evil geniuses are playing a dangerous game with technology in order to make the world a "better place", not caring who gets hurt, maimed or even killed in the process.Can Jessica stop them from wreaking destruction on a whole generation of young people?Nothing is certain in Lisa Jewell's gripping and most imaginative novel yet.
Objev podobné jako Breaking the Dark - Lisa Jewellová
Noc, keď zmizla - Lisa Jewellová
Nezvestná dcéra, opustená honosná vila a hlboké rodinné tajomstvá, to všetko sa skrýva v noci, keď zmizla...Na očarujúcom anglickom predmestí je príjemný letný večer a Tallulah so Zachom sa po prvý raz od narodenia svojho synčeka vyberú von. Majú len devätnásť a večierok vo veľkom vidieckom sídle novej spolužiačky z vysokej školy sa zdá byť skvelým spôsobom, ako vypnúť, ale keď príde ráno, mladí rodičia sa nevrátia domov. Tallulahina mama Kim sa zo všetkých síl snaží zistiť, čo sa v tú noc vlastne stalo. Podarí sa jej skontaktovať s dcérinými priateľkami, na otázky však odpovedajú vyhýbavo. Ani Zachova mama sa nijako zvlášť neznepokojuje, je presvedčená, že dvojica ušla, aby sa vyhla rodičovským povinnostiam. Lenže Kim vie, že Tallulah je svojmu synovi oddaná, navyše práve deň predtým našla vo vrecku Zachovho kabáta zásnubný prsteň. Je presvedčená, že ani jeden z nich by nikdy dobrovoľne neodišiel. Pátranie polície však vôbec nepostupuje. Mladá dvojica jednoducho zmizla.O rok sa do susedstva nasťahuje Sophie, autorka obľúbených detektívok. Na londýnskom predmestí sa cíti stratená, no odhodlane stojí po boku svojho partnera, ktorý tu získal miesto riaditeľa internátnej školy. Keď však neďaleko ich nového domu natrafí na záhadný nápis na plote „Kopte tu“, zbystrí pozornosť. Žeby ten nápis súvisel so zmiznutím mladej dvojice? A čo vlastne je zahrabané na tom mieste?V tomto spletitom a sugestívnom románe každý prispeje svojou troškou k pátraniu, ktoré si musí poradiť s temnými záhadami opustenej vily, hlbokými traumami či starostlivo ukrývanými vášňami pochovanými tak dôkladne, že ich môže odhaliť iba ten, kto v sebe tiež dusí mrazivé tajomstvo...Lisa Jewellová opäť dokázala, že vie detailne pracovať s postavami, prostredím a udalosťami a skladá z nich mozaiku strhujúceho trileru o márnych láskach, túžbach a temných miestach v duši každého z nás.
Objev podobné jako Noc, keď zmizla - Lisa Jewellová
Rodina v podkroví - Lisa Jewellová
Niektoré rodinné tajomstvá by nikdy nemali vyjsť na svetlo sveta. Nečakané dedičstvo prinúti mladú ženu pátrať po záhade jej pôvodu a to, čo zistí, môže mať pre ňu fatálne dôsledky. Libby Jonesová vyrastala ako adoptované dieťa a vo svojich fantáziách si predstavovala, že jej biologický otec bol grafický dizajnér a mama módna PR pracovníčka, mali športové auto a dvoch rozkošných psíkov. Potom zahynuli pri autonehode. Jedného dňa, krátko po svojich dvadsiatich piatich narodeninách, dostane Libby list, ktorý jej oznamuje, že zdedila obrovský dom v lukratívnej londýnskej štvrti. Zdá sa, že jej život sa konečne obracia k lepšiemu. No ruka v ruke s rozprávkovým majetkom prichádza aj nechcené dedičstvo v podobe temnej minulosti - v dome sa pred štvrťstoročím odohral nevyriešený zločin spojený s čudnými ľuďmi, možno sektármi. Našli sa tri mŕtve telá a živé desaťmesačné dieťa. Celý ten čas čaká niekto v úzadí na svoju príležitosť, na chvíľu, keď adoptované "bábätko" dosiahne plnoletosť a začne si uplatňovať nárok na dom. Triler Rodina v podkroví možno pre jeho originálnu zápletku, dve časové línie rozprávania, drastický a bezvýchodiskový pohľad na domáce násilie na deťoch, neobjasnené úmrtia a rozuzlenie celého príbehu označiť za majstrovské dielo svojho žánru. V knižnej produkcii v oblasti psychologického trileru je doslova výnimočné.
Objev podobné jako Rodina v podkroví - Lisa Jewellová
Never jej ani slovo - Lisa Jewellová
Úspešná novinárka a autorka podcastov Alix Summerová oslavuje svoje štyridsiate piate narodeniny v miestnom pube, kde sa jej prihovorí nenápadná Josie Fairová, ktorá tam tiež oslavuje. Sú narodeninové dvojčatá.Josie presvedčí novinárku, aby sa vo svojom ďalšom projekte venovala práve jej životnému príbehu: svojho manžela stretla, keď mala trinásť a on štyridsať. Len čo začnú nahrávať podcast a natáčať dokument pre Netflix, Alix si rýchlo uvedomí, že jej nová známa skrýva desivé tajomstvá, a skôr než sa nazdá, Josie sa jej votrie nielen do života, ale aj do domu. Alix sa začne obávať, že sa svojej novej spolubývajúcej už nikdy nezbaví, no tá z ničoho nič zmizne. Až vtedy novinárka zistí, akú skazu po sebe Josie zanechala, a jej nový projekt sa z priateľského rozhovoru dvoch žien zmení na vyšetrovanie vraždy.Lisa Jewellová týmto trilerom opäť potvrdila, že je majsterkou svojho remesla. Znovu prináša strhujúci príbeh o sile manipulácie a klamstiev, ktorý vás načisto opantá a jeho rozuzlenie prekvapí.
Objev podobné jako Never jej ani slovo - Lisa Jewellová
Then She Was Gone - Lisa Jewellová
A missing girl. A buried secret. From the ten-million-copy bestselling author comes a brand new look for this compulsively twisty psychological thriller that will keep you hooked to the very last page.‘A tense, clever page-turner that everyone will be talking about.’ Adele Parks‘Dark and claustrophobic but also heartfelt and moving ... packs a huge emotional punch that will leave you winded. I loved it.’ C. L. Taylor‘Both utterly gripping and startlingly original. Prepare to be hooked.’ Sun_____________Ellie was her mother''s golden girl.She had her whole life ahead of her.And then, in the blink of an eye, Ellie was gone.Ten years on, Laurel has never given up hope of finding Ellie. And then she meets a charming and charismatic stranger who sweeps her off her feet.But what really takes her breath away is when she meets his nine-year-old daughter.Because his daughter is the image of Ellie.Now all those unanswered questions that have haunted Laurel come flooding back.What really happened to Ellie? And who still has secrets to hide?_____________OVER 180,000 5* RATINGS - this is why readers love this book:''Breathtaking. Compulsive. Suspenseful. Poetic.''''One of the top 5 thrillers I’ve ever read.''''I wanted the book never to end.''''Suspense filled… edge of my seat… I could not put this down!!''''This was my first Lisa Jewell book, and it will definitely not be my last.''''Dark, winding and haunting, I couldn''t put this one down.''Lisa Jewell, Sunday Times bestseller, July 2024
Objev podobné jako Then She Was Gone - Lisa Jewellová
Rodina z domu tieňov - Lisa Jewellová
Lisa Jewellová po úspešnom románe Rodina v podkroví prináša ďalší strhujúci román o tom, kam až sme schopní zájsť, aby sme ochránili našich milovaných: román o komplikovaných manželstvách, rozbitých rodinách a smrtiacich tajomstvách. Vrchný inšpektor Samuel Owusu rieši prípad nájdených kostí troch ľudí, ktorých pred tridsiatimi rokmi našli mŕtvych v starom sídle v Chelsea. Rachel Rimmerová zistí, že jej manžela Michaela zavraždili v pivnici jeho domu vo Francúzsku a miestna polícia ju žiada, aby sa dostavila na vypočúvanie. Lucy Lambová sa po tridsiatich rokoch vracia do Anglicka, zatiaľ čo jej brat pátra po chlapcovi z ich spoločnej minulosti. Všetci nástojčivo hľadajú odpovede na otázky súvisiace s navzájom prepletenými záhadami. A pomaly zisťujú, že ich spája viac, ako si vôbec vedia predstaviť.
Objev podobné jako Rodina z domu tieňov - Lisa Jewellová
Rodina z podkroví - Lisa Jewellová - e-kniha
eBook: Pozor, koho si pustíte domů… Londýn, módní čtvrť Chelsea. Honosný dům na nábřeží a v něm kolébka s nakrmeným a spokojeným miminkem, které čeká, až ho někdo pochová. O patro níž, v kuchyni, leží tři rozkládající se mrtvá těla. Kdo se doteď o dítě staral? A kam zmizel?
Objev podobné jako Rodina z podkroví - Lisa Jewellová - e-kniha
None of This is True - Lisa Jewellová
Celebrating her 45th birthday at her local pub, podcaster Alix Summers crosses paths with an unassuming woman called Josie Fair. Josie is also celebrating her 45th birthday. They are, in fact birthday twins.A few days later, Alix and Josie bump into each other again, this time outside Alix's children's school. Josie has been listening to Alix's podcasts and thinks she might be an interesting subject for Alix's series. She is, she tells Alix, on the cusp of great changes in her life.Alix agrees to a trial interview. Josie's life appears to be strange and complicated, and although Alix finds her unsettling, she can't quite resist the temptation to keep digging. Slowly Alix starts to realise that Josie has been hiding some very dark secrets, and before she knows it Josie has inveigled her way into Alix's life - and into her home.Soon she begins to wonder who is Josie Fair? And what has she done?
Objev podobné jako None of This is True - Lisa Jewellová
None of This is True - Lisa Jewellová
A few days later, they bump into each other again, this time outside Alix's children's school.Josie says she thinks she would be an interesting subject for Alix's podcast. She is, she tells Alix, on the cusp of great changes in her life.Alix agrees to a trial interview and indeed, Josie's life appears to be strange and complicated. Aix finds her unsettling but can't quite resist the temptation to keep digging.Slowly Alix starts to realise that Josie has been hiding some very dark secrets, and before she knows it Josie has cajoled her way into Alix's life - and into her home.
Objev podobné jako None of This is True - Lisa Jewellová
The Remains of the Day - Kazuo Ishiguro
Author of the 2021 Booker Longlisted Klara and the SunOne of the BBC'S '100 NOVELS THAT SHAPED OUR WORLD'Winner of the 1989 Booker PrizeIn the summer of 1956, Stevens, the ageing butler of Darlington Hall, embarks on a leisurely holiday that will take him deep into the countryside and into his past . . .A contemporary classic, The Remains of the Day is Kazuo Ishiguro's beautiful and haunting evocation of life between the wars in a Great English House, of lost causes and lost love.
Objev podobné jako The Remains of the Day - Kazuo Ishiguro
The Remains of the Day - Kazuo Ishiguro
After all what can we ever gain in forever looking back and blaming ourselves if our lives have not turned out quite as we might have wished?' In the summer of 1956, Stevens, the ageing butler of Darlington Hall, embarks on a leisurely holiday that will take him deep into the English countryside and into his past... A contemporary classic, The Remains of the Day is Kazuo Ishiguro's beautiful and haunting evocation of life between the wars in a Great English House, of lost causes and lost love. Kazuo Ishiguro's seven previous books have won him wide renown and many honours around the world. His work has been translated into over forty languages. The Remains of the Day and Never Let Me Go have each sold in excess of 1,000,000 copies in Faber editions alone, and both were adapted into highly acclaimed films. Kazuo Ishiguro was born in Nagasaki, Japan, in 1954 and came to Britain at the age of five. He is the author of six novels: A Pale View of Hills (1982, Winifred Holtby Prize), An Artist of the Floating World (1986, Whitbread Book of the Year Award, Premio Scanno, shortlisted for the Booker Prize), The Remains of the Day (1989, winner of the Booker Prize), The Unconsoled (1995, winner of the Cheltenham Prize), When We Were Orphans (2000, shortlisted for the Booker Prize) and Never Let Me Go (2005, Corine Internationaler Buchpreis, Serono Literary Prize, Casino de Santiago European Novel Award, shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize). Nocturnes (2009), a collection of stories, was awarded the Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa International Literary Prize. In 1995 Ishiguro received an OBE for Services to Literature, and in 1998 the French decoration of Chevalier de L'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres. He lives in London with his wife and daughter.
Objev podobné jako The Remains of the Day - Kazuo Ishiguro
The Last Remains - Elly Griffiths
THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER AND FINAL INSTALMENT OF THE DR RUTH GALLOWAY MYSTERIESRuth and DCI Nelson are working on a murder case in which their friend Cathbad emerges as the prime suspect. Can they uncover the truth in time to save him?''Galloway now seems as real as Marple and Morse'' The TimesWhen builders renovating a café in King''s Lynn unearth a human skeleton, they call for DCI Harry Nelson and Dr Ruth Galloway, Head of Archaeology at the University of North Norfolk. Ruth is preoccupied with the threatened closure of her department and by her ever-complicated relationship with Nelson.The bones are identified as those of Emily Pickering, an archaeology student who went missing in the 1990s. Emily attended a course run by her Cambridge tutor. Suspicion falls on him and on another course member - Ruth''s friend Cathbad, who is still frail following his near death from Covid. As they investigate, Nelson and his team uncover a tangled web of relationships within the student group and the adults leading them. Then, just when the team seem to be making progress, Cathbad disappears.The trail leads Ruth and Nelson to the Neolithic flint mines in Grime''s Graves. The race is on, first to find Cathbad and then to exonerate him, but will Ruth and Nelson uncover the truth in time to save their friend?*******************************Praise for The Last Remains''One of our very best writers. Bravo!'' The Times ''A great pleasure to read'' 5* Reader Review''Typically intriguing'' Sunday Times''Couldn''t put it down. Great characters, great plot'' 5* Reader Review ''One of Ruth''s best investigations'' Belfast Telegraph''Kept you guessing until the very end'' 5* Reader Review
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Sepultura - Beneath The Remains (LP)
Barva: Černá Dekáda interpreta: 2000 - 2009;1980 - 1989;1990 - 1999;2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019 Subžánr: Thrash;Groove Metal;Heavy Metal;Metal Rok vydání: 2020.0 Interpret / Téma: Sepultura Datum vydání: 2020-04-03 Vydavatelství: Roadrunner Records Varianta: Beneath The Remains Barva podle výrobce: Black Typ: LP deska;Nové vydání;Remastered;Album Žánr: Groove Metal;Metal Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Země původu: Evropská unie Balení obsahuje: LP Hmotnost: 180 g Země interpreta: Brazílie Složení setu: 2 ks
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Led Zeppelin: The Song Remains the Same (DVD)
Pionýři hard rocku vtrhnou na scénu a úplně vás dostanou. Hardrockoví LED ZEPPELIN, jejichž mix dráždivého blues a kousavého rocku je katapultoval do pověstného chrámu světové hudby, vás vezmou na strhující cestu. Tento film zachycuje legendární koncert kapely v Madison Square Garden roku 1973 včetně scén z jejich soukromí prolínajících se s jejich vynikajícím vystoupením.Syrový vokál Roberta Planta, riffy Jimmyho Page, rytmy basisty Johna Paula Jonese a bubeníka Johna Bonhama dávají dohromady jedinečnou hudbu – v klasických skladbách jako Stairway to Heaven, Dazed and Confused, Whole Lotta Love a mnoho dalších. Nikdo nejde dál než Zeppelini!
Objev podobné jako Led Zeppelin: The Song Remains the Same (DVD)
Led Zeppelin: The Song Remains the Same - DVD (W02579)
Film na DVD - Hardrockoví LED ZEPPELIN, jejichž mix dráždivého blues a kousavého rocku je katapultoval do pověstného chrámu světové hudby, vás vezmou na strhující cestu. Hardrockoví LED ZEPPELIN, jejichž mix dráždivého blues a kousavého rocku je katapultoval do pověstného chrámu světové hudby, vás vezmou na strhující cestu. Tento film zachycuje legendární koncert kapely v Madison Square Garden roku 1973 včetně scén z jejich soukromí prolínajících se s jejich vynikajícím vystoupením. Syrový vokál Roberta Planta, riffy Jimmyho Page, rytmy basisty Johna Paula Jonese a bubeníka Johna Bonhama dávají dohromady jedinečnou hudbu - v klasických skladbách jako Stairway to Heaven, Dazed and Confused, Whole Lotta Love a mnoho dalších. Nikdo nejde dál než Zeppelini!
Objev podobné jako Led Zeppelin: The Song Remains the Same - DVD (W02579)
Led Zeppelin: The Song Remains the Same (BLU-RAY)
Blu-ray film Led Zeppelin: The Song Remains the Same HD [1976]. Bez CZ podpory. Dolby Digital. Pionýři hard rocku vtrhnou na scénu a úplně vás dostanou. Hardrockoví LED ZEPPELIN, jejichž mix dráždivého blues a kousavého rocku je katapultoval do pověstného chrámu světové hudby, vás vezmou na strhující cestu. Tento film zachycuje legendární koncert kapely v Madison Square Garden roku 1973 včetně scén z jejich soukromí prolínajících se s jejich vynikajícím vystoupením.Syrový vokál Roberta Planta, riffy Jimmyho Page, rytmy basisty Johna Paula Jonese a bubeníka Johna Bonhama dávají dohromady jedinečnou hudbu – v klasických skladbách jako Stairway to Heaven, Dazed and Confused, Whole Lotta Love a mnoho dalších. Nikdo nejde dál než Zeppelini.
Objev podobné jako Led Zeppelin: The Song Remains the Same (BLU-RAY)
Led Zeppelin: The Song Remains The Same (2x CD) - CD (0349786275)
Hudební CD - Led Zeppelin byli na vrcholu tvůrčích sil, když v červenci 1973 odehráli v newyorkské Madison Square Garden sérii živých vystoupení, kterou zachytili v koncertním filmu The Song Remains The Same. Soundtrack k snímku vyšel původně v roce 1976 v produkci Jimmyho Page. Led Zeppelin byli na vrcholu tvůrčích sil, když v červenci 1973 odehráli v newyorkské Madison Square Garden sérii živých vystoupení, kterou zachytili v koncertním filmu The Song Remains The Same. Soundtrack k snímku vyšel původně v roce 1976 v produkci Jimmyho Page. Legendární skupina se k záznamu vrací v rámci reediční kampaně, kterou odstartovala v roce 2014. The Song Remains The Same bylo nově zremasterováno a vychází v nejrůznějších formátech, které rozhodně uspokojí každého fanouška Led Zepp. K dispozici je 2CD a 4LP, dále Blu-ray verze obsahující zvukovou stopu v nejkvalitnějším 5.1 surround sound formátu a sběratelský Super Deluxe Boxed Set, jehož komponenty tvoří 2CD, 4LP a...
Objev podobné jako Led Zeppelin: The Song Remains The Same (2x CD) - CD (0349786275)
Led Zeppelin - The Song Remains The Same (Deluxe Edition) (Box Set)
Datum vydání: 2018-09-07 Vydavatelství: Rhino Records;Atlantic;Swan Song Subžánr: Heavy Metal;Hard Rock;Pop Rock;Arena Rock;Blues Rock Žánr: Blues;Hard Rock;Folk;Rock Interpret / Téma: Led Zeppelin Dekáda interpreta: 1960 - 1969;1980 - 1989;1970 - 1979 Barva podle výrobce: Black Varianta: The Song Remains The Same (Deluxe Edition) (Box Set) Typ: LP deska;Album Rok vydání: 2018.0 Složení setu: 4 ks Barva: Černá Země interpreta: Spojené království Hmotnost: 180 g Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Země původu: Evropská unie Balení obsahuje: LP
Objev podobné jako Led Zeppelin - The Song Remains The Same (Deluxe Edition) (Box Set)
Sepultura: Beneath The Remains (2x LP) - LP (0349784984)
LP vinyl - Beneath The Remains je třetí studiové album brazilské death metalové kapely Sepultura z roku 1989. Oproti předchozím dvěma album na něm kapela zdokonalila svůj styl hraní a celkové groove kapely a dnes je deska považována za klasiku thrash metalu. Beneath The Remains je třetí studiové album brazilské death metalové kapely Sepultura z roku 1989. Oproti předchozím dvěma album na něm kapela zdokonalila svůj styl hraní a celkové groove kapely a dnes je deska považována za klasiku thrash metalu. Rozšířená reedice nabízí nově zremasterovanou nahrávku a nejrůznější bonusový materiál, včetně dobového koncertu z Německa. K dispozici je na 2CD nebo 2LP. Metalová legenda z Brazílie. Kapelu zformovali v roce 1984 bratři Max a Igor Cavalerové. Zpočátku byla její tvorba ovlivněna hlavně trash metalem a groove metalem, později vstřebala i prvky alternativního metalu, nu metalu, hardcore punku nebo industriálního metalu. Skupina prošla několika personálními...
Objev podobné jako Sepultura: Beneath The Remains (2x LP) - LP (0349784984)
Soulfly - The Soul Remains Insane: The Studio Albums 1998 To 2004 (8 LP)
Subžánr: Thrash Metal;Heavy Metal Rok vydání: 2022.0 Vydavatelství: Roadrunner Records Varianta: The Soul Remains Insane: The Studio Albums 1998 To 2004 (8 LP) Interpret / Téma: Soulfly Barva: Černá Typ: LP deska Složení setu: 8 ks Balení obsahuje: LP Dekáda interpreta: 2010 - 2019;2000 - 2009;2020 - 2029;1990 - 1999 Země původu: Německo Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Barva podle výrobce: Black Žánr: Metal Země interpreta: USA
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Secrets of the Dead : Mummies and Other Human Remains from Around the World - Matt Ralphs
Travel back in time to discover secrets of mummies and other human remains from around the world in this fascinating book, publishing 100 years after the discovery of King Tutankhamun's tomb.From ancient Egyptian mummies and European bog bodies to the plaster citizens of Pompeii, painted people of the Steppe and Japanese self-mummifying monks, this book reveals what scientists and experts have uncovered about our ancestors' lives from the bodies they left behind. Find out what these people ate, wore, believed in, enjoyed doing and much, much more in this unique and stunningly illustrated book.With an engaging text by Matt Ralphs, written in consultation with experts from the British Museum, and beautiful, respectful artwork by Gordy Wright, this is a book that will delight and inspire anyone aged 9+ with an interest in history, archaeology and anthropology.
Objev podobné jako Secrets of the Dead : Mummies and Other Human Remains from Around the World - Matt Ralphs
The Doctor - Lisa Stone
`I was gripped immediately' Katerina Diamond, Sunday Times bestsellerHow much do you know about the couple next door?When Emily and Ben move in next door to Dr Burman and his wife Alisha, they are keen to get to know their new neighbours. Outgoing and sociable, Emily tries to befriend the doctor's wife, but Alisha is strangely subdued, barely leaving the house, and terrified of answering the phone.When Emily goes missing a few weeks later, Ben is plunged into a panic. His wife has left him a note, but can she really have abandoned him for another man? Or has Emily's curiosity about the couple next door led her straight into danger?A gripping, sinister thriller with a twist you won't see coming from the international bestseller Lisa Stone.
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The Family - Naomi Krupitsky
THE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER 'A DAZZLING DEBUT' SARAH WINMAN 'FOR FANS OF ELENA FERRANTE...STUNNING' WOMAN'S WEEKLY 'VIVID AND AUTHENTIC' WASHINGTON POST 'NAOMI KRUPITSKY'S WORDS SING...I COULDN'T PUT IT DOWN' JOANNA GLEN 'GRIPPING...A TENSE, NUANCED DEBUT' PLATINUM 'VIVIDLY-DRAWN...BEAUTIFUL. I LOVED IT!' CHRISTINA SWEENEY-BAIRD *A TODAY Show Read with Jenna Book Club Pick* *Book of the Month club* *One of Cosmopolitan's Best Historical Fiction of 2021* *One of PopSugar's Best New Books of 2021* ________________________________________________________ A captivating debut novel about the tangled fates of two best friends and daughters of the Italian mafia, and a coming-of-age story of twentieth-century Brooklyn itself. Two daughters.Two families. One inescapable fate. Sofia Colicchio is a free spirit, loud and untamed.Antonia Russo is thoughtful, ever observing the world around her. Best friends since birth, they live in the shadow of their fathers' unspoken community: the Family. Sunday dinners gather them each week to feast, discuss business, and renew the intoxicating bond borne of blood and love.But the disappearance of Antonia's father drives a whisper-thin wedge between the girls as they grow into women, wives, mothers, and leaders. And as they push against the boundaries of society's expectations and fight to preserve their complex but life-sustaining friendship, one fateful night their loyalty to each other and the Family will be tested. Only one of them can pull the trigger before it's too late.For fans of Elena Ferrante and Maggie O'Farrell, The Family introduces a stunning new voice in literary fiction. 'A tense, engrossing novel'Booklist, starred review 'A riveting story powerful in its realism' Diane Chamberlain, author of Big Lies in a Small Town 'A tremendous debut' Fiona Davis, author of The Lions of Fifth Avenue 'Loyalty, love, loss and redemption take this well told tale to a searing conclusion' Adriana Trigiani 'Krupitsky beautifully captures Sofia and Antonia's day-to-day lives under never-ending tension' Publishers Weekly 'Fast-paced and readable' Kirkus Reviews 'A nuanced evocation of lifelong female friendship in all its shifting, messy, gorgeous complexity' Whitney Scharer, author of The Age of Light 'Lyrical, gripping, and richly evocative' Christina Schwarz, author of Drowning Ruth and Bonnie 'Sweeping and consuming' Susie Orman Schnall, author of We Came Here to Shine 'A powerful story of friendship and loyalty...exquisite' Jennifer S. Brown, author of Modern Girls
Objev podobné jako The Family - Naomi Krupitsky
The Family - Mandasue Heller
HER BOYFRIEND''S A DREAM. HIS FAMILY''S A NIGHTMARE. Since her mother died of an overdose, kind-hearted Cheryl''s always had to look out for herself. Until Dale Moran walks into her life.Dale and his family have just bought the house across the street, and within a day, he''s chased off the violent thugs who''ve been threatening Cheryl for her ex-boyfriend''s debts.Dale is devastatingly handsome and a fierce protector. It''s no wonder Cheryl falls fast and hard. But when Cheryl finally meets the family; when she notices that they go quiet as she enters rooms; when she hears gunshots in the middle of the night on their estate, she has to wonder whether her new romance has taken her out of the frying pan and into the fire...Cheryl''s not sure how wrapped up Dale is in his family''s secrets. But she''s certain of one thing: The Morans are hiding something. And unfortunately for Cheryl, finding the truth could mean losing her life...Don''t miss out on the thrilling and unputdownable new read from million-copy-bestselling author Mandasue Heller - order a copy of The Family NOW! Perfect for fans of Kimberley Chambers, Jessie Keane and Martina Cole.Read what everyone is saying about The Family:''Wow wow wow! Mandasue had some serious fire in her belly and her twisted mind was on point when she wrote this book... I did not want this book to end!'' Reader Review, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐''This mind-blowing read has it all for me. LOVED IT!!!'' Reader Review, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐''Mandasue Heller is back!! Absolutely loved every minute of The Family, and what a family it was!!!... I didn''t want it to end.'' Reader Review, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐''Wow what an amazing book, I have loved of her previous books but this is on another level.'' Reader Review, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐''Gritty, compelling and extremely difficult to put down... An absolutely brilliant book which I adored from beginning to end.'' Reader Review, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐''Wow what a cracker!... The dynamics of the family are so believable that you can imagine how easy it is for this to happen. Excellent ending too.'' Reader Review, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐''Wow what a page turning read!'' Reader Review, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐''This was amazing!!! From the very first chapter all the way to the end. Didn''t actually guess any of the twists that happened in this... what an amazing author she is.'' Reader Review, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Objev podobné jako The Family - Mandasue Heller
The Goldfish Boy - Lisa Thompson
A story about finding friendship when you're lonely - and hope when all you feel is fear. Twelve-year-old Matthew is trapped in his bedroom by crippling OCD, spending most of his time staring out of his window as the inhabitants of Chestnut Close go about their business. Until the day he is the last person to see his next door neighbour's toddler, Teddy, before he goes missing. Matthew must turn detective and unravel the mystery of Teddy'sdisappearance - with the help of a brilliant cast of supporting characters. Page-turning, heartbreaking, but ultimately life-affirming, this story is perfect for fans of Can You See Me, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time and Wonder.It is a book that will make you laugh and cry.
Objev podobné jako The Goldfish Boy - Lisa Thompson
The Glorious Heresies - Lisa McInerney
WINNER OF THE BAILEYS' WOMEN'S PRIZE FOR FICTION 2016WINNER OF THE DESMOND ELLIOT PRIZE 2016LONGLISTED FOR THE DYLAN THOMAS PRIZE 2016LONGLISTED FOR THE THEAKSTONS OLD PECULIAR CRIME NOVEL OF THE YEAR'The Glorious Heresies heralds the arrival of a glorious, foul-mouthed, fizzing new talent' SUNDAY TIMES'Totally and unmistakably the real deal' KEVIN BARRY'A real stunner; a wild ride of a read' DONAL RYAN'A gripping and often riotously funny tale' COLIN BARRETT'A punchy, edgy, sexy, fizzing feast of a debut novel' JOSEPH O'CONNOR'He was definitely dead, whoever he was. He wore a once-black jumper and a pair of shiny tracksuit bottoms. The back of his head was cracked and his hair matted, but it had been foxy before that. A tall man, a skinny rake, another string of piss, now departed. She hadn't gotten a look at his face before she flaked him with the Holy Stone and she couldn't bring herself to turn him over.'One messy murder affects the lives of five misfits who exist on the fringes of Ireland's post-crash society. Ryan is a fifteen-year-old drug dealer desperate not to turn out like his alcoholic father Tony, whose obsession with his unhinged next-door neighbour threatens to ruin him and his family. Georgie is a prostitute whose willingness to feign a religious conversion has dangerous repercussions, while Maureen, the accidental murderer, has returned to Cork after forty years in exile to discover that Jimmy, the son she was forced to give up years before, has grown into the most fearsome gangster in the city. In seeking atonement for the murder and a multitude of other perceived sins, Maureen threatens to destroy everything her son has worked so hard for, while her actions risk bringing the intertwined lives of the Irish underworld into the spotlight . . . Biting, moving and darkly funny, The Glorious Heresies explores salvation, shame and the legacy of Ireland's twentieth-century attitudes to sex and family.
Objev podobné jako The Glorious Heresies - Lisa McInerney
The Mystery of the Forever Weekend - Lisa Thompson
The brand new, read-in-one-sitting, packed-with-twists mystery frombestselling Lisa Thompson: a spin on classic movie Groundhog Day.
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The Family Retreat - Bev Thomasová
ONE PERFECT HOLIDAY. ONE SHOCKING ENDING.When Rob decides the family needs to get away for the summer Jess is not convinced - won't all the things they're escaping be waiting for them on their return? But the kids are thrilled, and before long their idyllic little cottage, the sea air, and the feel of skin sticky from sun-cream, lollies and sand, begins to work its magic. Jess allows herself to sink into the holiday vibes - the family even make holiday friends.The summer heat intensifies Jess - ever vigilant - unearths a secret, a problem she's sure she can help solve. But things are not always as they seem. The water may look inviting but even the gentlest looking waves can hide the deadliest undercurrents.As autumn approaches, Jess - and the reader - will come to realise this is going to end in a way no-one could have imagined...What readers are saying
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The Menopause Brain - Dr. Lisa Mosconi
''Thank you, Dr Mosconi'' Davina McCall''I had never really fathomed how hormonal changes impact the brain until I read The Menopause Brain'' Gwyneth Paltrow''The Menopause Brain will quickly become your new best friend'' Halle BerryTHE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLERMenopause and perimenopause are still baffling to most doctors, leaving patients exasperated as they grapple with symptoms ranging from hot flashes to insomnia to brain fog. As a leading neuroscientist and women''s brain health specialist, Dr Mosconi unravels these mysteries by revealing how menopause doesn''t just impact the ovaries - it''s a hormonal show in which the brain takes centre stage.The decline of the hormone estrogen during menopause influences everything from body temperature to mood to memory, potentially paving the way for cognitive decline later in life. To conquer these challenges successfully, Dr. Mosconi brings us the latest approaches - explaining the role of cutting-edge hormone replacement therapies like ''designer estrogens,'' hormonal contraception and key lifestyle changes encompassing diet, exercise and self-care.Best of all, Dr Mosconi dispels the myth that menopause signifies an end, demonstrating that it''s actually a transition. Contrary to popular belief, if we know how to take care of ourselves during menopause, we can emerge with a renewed, enhanced brain - ushering in a meaningful and vibrant new chapter of life.
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Murder in the Family - Cara Hunterová
IT WAS A CASE THAT GRIPPED THE NATION LUKE RYDER'S MURDER HAS NEVER BEEN SOLVED In October 2003, Luke Ryder was found dead in the garden of the family home in London, leaving behind a wealthy older widow and three stepchildren. Nobody saw anything. Now, secrets will be revealed - live on camera. Years later a group of experts re-examine the evidence on Infamous, a true-crime show - with shocking results. Does the team know more than they've been letting on? Or does the truth lie closer to home? Can you solve the case before they do? The truth will blow your mind. Over a million copies sold of Cara Hunter books across all formats (paperback, ebook and audio) as of 1st July 2023 MURDER IN THE FAMILY was a #7 Sunday Times bestseller for week ending 3rd September 2023 About the Author Cara Hunter is the author of the Sunday Times bestselling crime novels Close to Home, In the Dark, No Way Out, All the Rage, The Whole Truth and Hope to Die, all featuring DI Adam Fawley and his Oxford-based police team. Close to Home was a Richard and Judy Book Club pick, as was The Whole Truth, and was shortlisted for Crime Book of the Year in the British Book Awards 2019. No Way Out was selected by the Sunday Times as one of the 100 best crime novels since 1945. Cara's novels have sold over a million copies worldwide, and the TV rights to the series have been acquired by the Fremantle group. She lives in Oxford. Murder in the Family is her first stand-alone crime novel. The Fawley series will also continue.
Objev podobné jako Murder in the Family - Cara Hunterová
All in the Family - Fred Trump
With revealing, never-before-told stories, Fred C. Trump III, nephew of President Donald Trump, breaks his decades-long silence in this revealing memoir and sheds a whole new light on the family name. For the record…Fred Trump never asked for any of this. The divisive politics. The endless headlines. A hijacked last name. The heat-seeking uncle, rising from real estate scion to gossip column fixture to TheApprentice host to President of the United States. Fred just wanted a happy life and a satisfying career. But a fight for his son’s health and safety forced him onto a center stage that he had never wanted. And now, at a crucial point for our nation, he is stepping forward again. In All in the Family, Fred delves into his journey to become a “different kind of Trump,” detailing his passionate battle to protect his wife and children from forces inside and outside the family. From the Trump house to the White House, Fred comes to terms with his own complex legacy and faces some demons head-on. It’s a story of power, love, money, cruelty, and the unshakable bonds of family, played out underneath a glaring media spotlight.All in the Family is the inside story, as it’s never been told before.
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Sly & The Family Stone - Stand! (LP)
Rok vydání: 2017.0 Interpret / Téma: Sly & The Family Stone Typ: LP deska;Stereo;Album;Nové vydání Datum vydání: 2017-01-20 Vydavatelství: Legacy Recordings Varianta: Live At The Fillmore (2 LP) Dekáda interpreta: 1960 - 1969;1980 - 1989;1970 - 1979 Subžánr: Soul;Funk;Psychedelic Barva podle výrobce: Black Barva: Černá Balení obsahuje: LP Složení setu: 1 ks Země interpreta: USA Země původu: Evropská unie Hmotnost: 180 g Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Žánr: Rock
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The Family of Man - Edward Steichen
Features photographs of lovers and marriage and child-bearing; photographs concerned with man's dreams and aspirations and photographs of the flaming creative forces of love and truth and the corrosive evil inherent in the lie.
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The Island of Sea Women - Lisa See
A new novel from Lisa See, the New York Times bestselling author of The Tea Girl of Hummingbird Lane, about female friendship and family secrets on a small Korean island.Mi-ja and Young-sook, two girls living on the Korean island of Jeju, are best friends that come from very different backgrounds. When they are old enough, they begin working in the sea with their village's all-female diving collective, led by Young-sook's mother. As the girls take up their positions as baby divers, they know they are beginning a life of excitement and responsibility but also danger.Despite their love for each other, Mi-ja and Young-sook's differences are impossible to ignore. The Island of Sea Women is an epic set over many decades, beginning during a period of Japanese colonialism in the 1930s and 1940s, followed by World War II, the Korean War and its aftermath, through the era of cell phones and wetsuits for the women divers. Throughout this time, the residents of Jeju find themselves caught between warring empires. Mi-ja is the daughter of a Japanese collaborator, and she will forever be marked by this association. Young-sook was born into a long line of haenyeo and will inherit her mother's position leading the divers in their village. Little do the two friends know that after surviving hundreds of dives and developing the closest of bonds, forces outside their control will push their friendship to the breaking point.This beautiful, thoughtful novel illuminates a world turned upside down, one where the women are in charge, engaging in dangerous physical work, and the men take care of the children. A classic Lisa See story-one of women's friendships and the larger forces that shape them-The Island of Sea Women introduces readers to the fierce and unforgettable female divers of Jeju Island and the dramatic history that shaped their lives. 'For centuries, women on Korea's Jeju island have been free-diving into the sea, a practice explored through this fictionalized story of two friends who struggle to stay close amid war, family rivalries, and a shifting cultural landscape. It's riveting, historical, and heartbreaking all at once' Marie Claire
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A Killer in the Family - Gytha Lodgeová
Someone in your family isn't who they say they are . . .Discover the page-turning thriller from the Sunday Times bestselling author. Aisling's family has never been picture-perfect: abandoned as a child by her father, and still grieving her mother,Aisling's two sons are all she has left. For years, they'd felt like enough.Now, she needs answers. Desperate to find the truth - about her family, and herself - Aisling uploads her DNA to an ancestry website. She soon finds a match.But instead of her father, she's faced with Detective Jonah Sheens. He's investigating the latest in a string of murders by a serial killer. Aisling's DNA is a match for the crime scene, leaving the police with three suspects: her long-lost father, and her two sons.Aisling always swore she'd do anything to protect the little family she has left. But would she protect a murderer?---------------------------------Praise for Gytha Lodge'Literally makes you hold your breath then gasp out loud' Val McDermid'Full of corkscrew twists and subtle turns' Daily Mail'A dark, deep, terrific thriller' Nicci French'Edge-of-the-seat suspense to the very final scene' Jeffery Deaver'A novel that literally makes you hold your breath then gasp out loud' VAL McDERMID'Gripped me from the first page and kept me turning the pages long into the night' ERIN KELLY'Smart, moody, intense and tangled. I loved it' GILLIAN McALLISTER'With clues and twists to keep you absolutely hooked from the first page to the last.I can't wait for her next book' JANE CASEY
Objev podobné jako A Killer in the Family - Gytha Lodgeová
A Stranger in the Family - Jane Casey
*The No.1 Irish bestseller*The gripping new detective thriller from the Top Ten Sunday Times bestselling authorEvery mother''s worst nightmare …When nine-year-old Rosalie Marshall vanished from her bed one summer night, her disappearance tore her family apart.Now, sixteen years later, her mother Helena is found dead, her husband by her side. It looks like a straightforward murder-suicide but DS Maeve Kerrigan and DI Josh Derwent soon discover nothing about this case is straightforward.The Marshalls have been keeping secrets. And someone is prepared to kill to hide the truth. Until Maeve finds out what happened to Rosalie, no one will be safe …You don’t want to miss the book that everyone is talking about!''With every breath in my body, I''m BEGGING you to read Jane Casey''s books!'' Marian Keyes‘The ultimate just-one-more-chapter read’ Abigail Dean‘Simply one of the best writers of detective fiction today’ Liz Nugent''A cliffhanger that will make you clutch your pearls'' The Times‘A twisting, seductive, sensational thriller’ Chris Whitaker‘The twist in the end was as surprising as it was satisfying’ Stig Abell''As tense as piano wire, intricately plotted’ Neil Lancaster‘The undisputed queen of simmering tension’ Sarah Hilary''One of the very best authors writing today'' Andrea Mara''Smart, gripping and stylish'' Catherine Ryan Howard''Funny, sexy, and a character and a case that will break your heart'' Jo Callaghan‘This book hit the ground running and didn’t let up’ Sam Holland''Blew my mind. One of my books of the year’ Jo Spain''A slow-burn sizzle that would put romance writers to shame'' Claire McGowan''Add a frisson of romance and you have a devilishly potent mixture''Daily Mail''Another gripping case'' Heat''This is Casey at her insightful best'' Financial Times''Reading a Jane Casey case is such a pleasure'' Irish Independent''A gripping and absorbing read'' Irish Examiner''A pleasingly twisty and taut thriller'' Red Magazine‘The Kerrigan series remains among the most satisfying reading experiences anywhere in crime fiction’ Irish Times‘A masterclass in plot, suspense and tension’ Woman’s WeeklyA Stranger in the Family was the No.1 Irish bestselling book w/c 18/3/24
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Keep It in the Family - John Marrs
In this thrilling novel from bestselling author John Marrs, a young couple's house hides terrible secrets-and not all of them are confined to the past. Mia and Finn are busy turning a derelict house into their dream home when Mia unexpectedly falls pregnant. But just when they think the house is ready, Mia discovers a shocking message scored into a skirting board: I WILL SAVE THEM FROM THE ATTIC. Following the clue up into the eaves, the couple make a gruesome discovery: their home was once a real-life murder house, with the evidence still concealed within the four walls. In the wake of their traumatic discovery, the baby arrives and Mia can’t shake her fixation with the monstrous crimes that happened right above them.Tormented by the terrible things she saw, she is desperate to dig into the past to find answers. Secrecy shrouds the mystery of the attic, but when shards of a dark truth start to emerge, Mia realises the danger is terrifyingly present. She is prepared to do anything to protect her family—but will the previous tenants stop her from discovering their secret?
Objev podobné jako Keep It in the Family - John Marrs
Sly & The Family Stone - Greatest Hits (LP)
Dekáda interpreta: 1960 - 1969;1970 - 1979;1980 - 1989 Hmotnost: 180 g Balení obsahuje: LP Složení setu: 1 ks Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Barva podle výrobce: Black Barva: Černá Typ: Kompilace;Album;LP deska Země původu: Evropská unie Země interpreta: USA Varianta: Nordub -Hq- (Vinyl LP) Žánr: Rock Interpret / Téma: Sly & The Family Stone Rok vydání: 2017.0 Subžánr: Psychedelic Rock;Funk;Soul Vydavatelství: Legacy Recordings
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Earthly Remains (1785151371)
Kniha - autor Donna Leon, 308 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Commissario Brunetti takes a break on an island in the laguna. There he meets Davide Casati, the caretaker of the house he's staying in. Together, Brunetti and Casati spend their days rowing and visiting Casati's bees. But during a big storm Casati goes missing. Eventually, Brunetti and the local authorities find Casati's boat... and his body, drowned, tangled up in a rope. Brunetti begins to investigate and discovers an accident that happened over twenty years ago...
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The Story of the Trapp Family Singers (0060005777)
Kniha - autor Maria Augusta von Trapp, 312 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná In her own beautiful, simple words, Baroness Maria Augusta Trapp tells the dramatic story that inspired the classic American musical and film "The Sound of Music." 8-page photo insert.
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The Missing Family - Tim Weaver
IT WAS THE PERFECT DAY OUT . . .UNTIL THEY NEVER CAME BACK.READ THE EDGE-OF-YOUR-SEAT NEW DAVID RAKER THRILLER FROM THE MILLION-COPY BESTSELLING MASTER OF THE MISSING PERSON MYSTERY, TIM WEAVER‘Fiendishly serpentine and utterly compulsive’ Louise Candlish ‘These books are unputdownable. If you haven''t yet met Raker, you''re in for a treat’ Mick Herron---One family . . . On a beautiful summer''s day, at a remote lake in the middle of Dartmoor, three members of the Fowler family take a dinghy out onto the water, leaving mother Sarah at the shore.Less than sixty seconds later, she checks to see where they are.The boat is drifting in the middle of the lake. It''s empty.Sarah''s family have completely vanished.One killer . . .At the Skyline Casino in London, the security team have just made a headline-grabbing arrest: they''ve spotted and detained a man suspected of murdering a high roller.After locking him in one of their holding cells, the team station themselves outside and wait for the police. But when the cops arrive, they find something impossible.The killer is no longer inside the cell.Two detectives . . .David Raker is an expert at solving missing persons puzzles – but these mysteries are unlike anything he''s ever seen.As he digs into the Fowler''s, his long-time ally – ex-detective, Colm Healy – tries to get to the bottom of what happened at the casino.But the men are in danger. Because, buried in the shadows of both cases, is a deadly secret that was never meant to come out . . .---READERS CAN''T PUT IT DOWN:‘So cleverly plotted’ ***** Reader review‘A fabulous high octane thriller full of secrets and with a shocking climax’ ***** Reader review‘One of the best books I have ever read’ ***** Reader review‘There aren''t enough superlatives to describe how good it is’ ***** Reader review‘Kept me guessing right up to its perfectly executed final chapter’ ***** Reader review‘Fiendishly well plotted’ ***** Reader reviewPRAISE FOR TIM WEAVER''Impossibly clever. Impossible to put down'' CHRIS WHITAKER''Corkscrew twists. Impossible to read without breaking into a sweat'' THE TIMES''The master of clever, unpredictable plots'' CLAIRE DOUGLASTim Weaver, Sunday Times bestseller, May 2024
Objev podobné jako The Missing Family - Tim Weaver
Plakát The Umbrella Academy - Family
Rozměry: 61 × 91,5 cm
Objev podobné jako Plakát The Umbrella Academy - Family
Atmosphere - The Family Sign (Repress) (2 LP + 7" Vinyl)
Barva podle výrobce: Black Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Typ: Album;LP deska;7" vinylová deska Země původu: Německo Balení obsahuje: 7" Vinyl;LP Barva: Černá Dekáda interpreta: 2000 - 2009;1990 - 1999;2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019 Varianta: The Family Sign (Repress) (2 LP + 7'' Vinyl) Vydavatelství: Rhymesayers Entertainment Rok vydání: 2021.0 Datum vydání: 2021-10-22 Žánr: Hip Hop Subžánr: Hip Hop Interpret / Téma: Atmosphere Země interpreta: USA Složení setu: 3 ks
Objev podobné jako Atmosphere - The Family Sign (Repress) (2 LP + 7" Vinyl)
What Remains? - Rupert Callender
‘Sharp, angry, punchily philosophical and often funny. It basically invents a new type of lifestyle aspiration: deathstyle.’ The Times‘Callender’s joyous, thought-provoking book is an account of how his own early encounters with bereavement led to him becoming a new kind of undertaker.’ Daily Mail‘This book is a great work of craft and beauty.’ Salena Godden‘I loved What Remains? Funny, demystifying, but mostly, deeply moving.’ Kathy Burke, Actor and Director‘This compelling personal story of a pioneering punk undertaker is a moving revelation.’ Love Reading‘Inspiring and unforgettable.’ John Higgs, author of William Blake vs the WorldDeath has shown me . . . the unbreakable core of love and courage that lies at the heart of what it means to be human.Ru Callender wanted to become an undertaker in order to offer people a more honest experience than the stilted formality of traditional ‘Victorian’ funerals. Driven by raw emotion and the unresolved grief of losing his own parents, Ru brought an outsider, ‘DIY’ ethos to the business of death, combined with the kinship and inspiration he found in rave culture, social outlaws and political nonconformists.Ru has carried coffins across windswept beaches, sat in pubs with caskets on beer-stained tables, helped children fire flaming arrows into their father’s funeral pyre, turned modern occult rituals into performance art and, with the band members of the KLF, is building the People’s Pyramid of bony bricks in Liverpool – all in the name of creating truly authentic experiences that celebrate those who are no longer here and those who remain.Radical, poignant, unflinchingly real and laugh-aloud funny, What Remains? will change the way you think about life, death and the human experience.
Objev podobné jako What Remains? - Rupert Callender
How Emotions Are Made : The Secret Life of the Brain - Lisa Feldman Barrett
'How Emotions Are Made did what all great books do. It took a subject I thought I understood and turned my understanding upside down' Malcolm GladwellWhen you feel anxious, angry, happy, or surprised, what's really going on inside of you?Many scientists believe that emotions come from a specific part of the brain, triggered by the world around us. The thrill of seeing an old friend, the fear of losing someone we love - each of these sensations seems to arise automatically and uncontrollably from within us, finding expression on our faces and in our behaviour, carrying us away with the experience.This understanding of emotion has been around since Plato. But what if it is wrong? In How Emotions Are Made, pioneering psychologist and neuroscientist Lisa Feldman Barrett draws on the latest scientific evidence to reveal that our common-sense ideas about emotions are dramatically, even dangerously, out of date - and that we have been paying the price. Emotions aren't universally pre-programmed in our brains and bodies; rather they are psychological experiences that each of us constructs based on our unique personal history, physiology and environment.This new view of emotions has serious implications: when judges issue lesser sentences for crimes of passion, when police officers fire at threatening suspects, or when doctors choose between one diagnosis and another, they're all, in some way, relying on the ancient assumption that emotions are hardwired into our brains and bodies. Revising that conception of emotion isn't just good science, Barrett shows; it's vital to our well-being and the health of society itself.
Objev podobné jako How Emotions Are Made : The Secret Life of the Brain - Lisa Feldman Barrett
PER | Easystart: Marcel and the Mona Lisa - Stephen Rabley
Original / British English Marcel is a French mouse, and a detective. One evening, at the Louvre museum, he sees a man steal a famous painting -- the Mona Lisa. Marcel follows the thief to Venice and risks his life to get the painting back again.
Objev podobné jako PER | Easystart: Marcel and the Mona Lisa - Stephen Rabley
The Last Family in England (1786893223)
Kniha - 304 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - 304 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Meet the Hunter family: Adam, Kate, and their children Hal and Charlotte. And Prince, their Labrador. Prince is an earnest young dog, striving hard to live up to the tenets of the Labrador Pact (Remain Loyal to Your Human Masters, Serve and Protect Your Family at Any Cost). Other dogs, led by the Springer Spaniels, have revolted. As things in the Hunter family begin to go badly awry - marital breakdown, rowdy teenage parties, attempted suicide - Prince's responsibilities threaten to overwhelm him and he is forced to break the Labrador Pact and take desperate action to save his Family.
Objev podobné jako The Last Family in England (1786893223)
My Family The Memoir - David Baddiel
''One of the funniest books I have ever read'' HADLEY FREEMAN‘A masterpiece’ SATHNAM SANGHERA''The read of the summer'' THE SUNDAY TIMES''Brilliant … funny and moving'' ADAM KAYA searingly honest, funny and moving family memoir in which David Baddiel exposes his mother’s idiosyncratic sex life, and his father’s dementia, to the same affectionate scrutiny.On the surface, David Baddiel’s childhood was fairly standard: a lower-middle-class Jewish family living in an ordinary house in Dollis Hill, north-west London. But David came to realise that his mother was in fact not ordinary at all. Having escaped extermination by fleeing Nazi Germany as a child, she was desperate to make her life count, which took the form of a passionate, decades-long affair with a golfing memorabilia salesman. David’s detailing of the affair – including a hilarious focus on how his mother turned their household over to golf memorabilia, and an eye-popping cache of her erotic writings – leads to the inescapable conclusion that Sarah Baddiel was a cross between Jack Niklaus and Erica Jong.Meanwhile, as Baddiel investigates his family’s past, his father’s memories are fading; dementia is making him moodier and more disinhibited, with an even greater penchant for obscenity. As with his mother’s affair, there is both comedy and poignancy to be found: laughter is a constant presence, capable of transforming the darkest of experiences into something redemptive.My Family: The Memoir is David Baddiel’s candid examination of his childhood, family and memory offering a twisted love letter to his parents.''An extraordinary, hilarious book'' OBSERVER‘I lost count of how many times I gasped’ CAITLIN MORAN''Outrageously funny…profoundly thoughtful'' THE SUNDAY TIMES''Explosively funny, brilliantly written'' DAVID WALLIAMS''Infernally funny'' HOWARD JACOBSON‘A triumph’ NINA STIBBE''Baddiel has done his parents proud’GUARDIAN''Had me howling'' PANDORA SYKES
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