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The Home and the World - Tagore Rabindranath - e-kniha
eBook: Written by the 1913 winner of the Nobel Price in Literature, Rabindranath Tagore, \'The Home and the World\' follows the characters of Nikhil and Sandip, who have very different ideals around using violence to reach their goals. The novel illustrates the battle Tagore had with himself, between the ideas of Western culture and revolution against the Western culture. This is ultimately shown through Nikhil and Sandip.Covering themes such as truth, love and union, religion vs nationalism, and the role of women, \'The Home and the World\' gives a real insight into societal problems in the Bengal region following the turn of the 19th century. -
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The Face of the World - Johan Bojer - e-kniha
eBook: Is there anything wrong with a man that wants to change the world? What happens when he goes a little too far against the wishes of his family? All Dr. Mark wants to do is help, but is this possible?An idealistic physician, shaped by his reformist mother, decides to practice medicine in a cold area in the far north of Norway among the Sami people. He returns home with his stylish new wife and sets about looking into the social factors that contribute to illness. This leads him into difficulty not least from his jealous wife.Will Dr. Mark\'s epiphany for social justice outweigh his ability to function rationally in his role as physician and husband? An insightful novel from Northern Norway at the turn of the 20th century
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A Horror and a Beauty: The World of Peter Ackroyd's London Novels - Petr Chalupský - e-kniha
eBook: Peter Ackroyd je jedním z předních současných britských „londýnských“ spisovatelů, který se zaměřuje na tuto metropoli, jeho historii, vývoj a identitu jak ve svých prózách, tak literatuře faktu. Jeho románový Londýn je silně idiosynkratický konstrukt, který vychází z autorových myšlenek o povaze tohoto města, ale také z jeho pojetí anglické literární senzibility obecně tak, jak je rozvíjí ve svých přednáškách i historických a literárních studiích. Jedná se o neobyčejně heterogenní město nezměrné rozmanitosti a bohatosti lidských zkušeností, nálad, emocí, aktivit a událostí, ale také nástrojů, jejichž prostřednictvím jsou (re)prezentovány a vyobrazeny. Tato heterogenita se podle Ackroyda většinou rodí mimo sídla a sféry kulturní produkce hlavního proudu a etablovaných společenských norem a konvencí, a to obzvláště v okultních praktikách, podvratných činnostech a spiknutích radikálních jedinců či skupin, nejrůznějších zločinných a podvodných činech, pochybných vědeckých experimentech, populárních dramatických rituálních a zábavných formách. Jejich neustálé střetávání se a soupeření s formami oficiálně doporučovanými a schvalovanými generují životní energii města nezbytnou pro jeho dynamické proměny a duchovní obrodu. Tato kniha představuje svět Ackroydových londýnských románů jako osobitý chronotop určený svými specifickými prostorovými a časovými vlastnostmi a jejich vzájemnou propojeností. Ačkoliv se takováto koncepce městského prostoru vzpírá kategorizaci, kniha je tematicky uspořádána na základě šesti aspektů definujících tento Londýn tak, jak je Ackroyd rozeznává: vztah mezi minulostí a přítomností města, jeho nadpřirozené projevy, jeho zločinné tendence, psychogeografické a antikvářské strategie jeho obyvatel, jeho divadelnost a jeho bytostně literární charakter.
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- Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix 5 (9781408855690)
- Night Trains: The Rise and Fall of the Sleeper (1781255598)
The Ant and the Grasshopper - Ezop - e-kniha
eBook: \'The Ant and The Grass Hopper\' is a fable that teaches the importance of planning, of self-reliance and hard work. The frolicking grass hopper spends his summer dancing and never working while the ant makes sure to put aside supplies for the coming winter. It is a tale that resonates to this day thanks to its important message of the importance of hard work as well as having fun. It is great reading for all ages on the importance of being able to plan and support yourself.Aesop\'s fables feature animals, legendary creatures, plants, inanimate objects, or forces of nature that speak, solve problems, and generally have human characteristics. All the stories story lead to a particular moral lesson.
Objev podobné jako The Ant and the Grasshopper - Ezop - e-kniha
The Fox and the Crow - Ezop - e-kniha
eBook: Sweet words and manipulative compliments can make everyone\'s head spin. The \"Fox and the Crow\" teaches us to keep clear mind in the face of flattery. Aesop\'s fables feature animals, legendary creatures, plants, inanimate objects, or forces of nature that speak, solve problems, and generally have human characteristics. All the stories story lead to a particular moral lesson.
Objev podobné jako The Fox and the Crow - Ezop - e-kniha
The Fox and the Grapes - Ezop - e-kniha
eBook: Sometimes no matter how hard we try, we cannot reach our goal. And, of course, it is much easier to claim our goal undesirable than to admit defeat. There is hardly a child who does not know the fox who called the grapes sour but Aesop\'s fables offer so much more...Aesop\'s fables feature animals, legendary creatures, plants, inanimate objects, or forces of nature that speak, solve problems, and generally have human characteristics. All the stories story lead to a particular moral lesson.
Objev podobné jako The Fox and the Grapes - Ezop - e-kniha
The Hare and the Tortoise - Ezop - e-kniha
eBook: Is talent more important to success than hard work? Sometimes if we are determined and focused on our goals, we can overcome even the strongest opponents. And vise we should not only rely on talent to win. In his timeless fables, Aesop whispers from the past knowledge which we think we know, but very often forget.Aesop\'s fables feature animals, legendary creatures, plants, inanimate objects, or forces of nature that speak, solve problems, and generally have human characteristics. All the stories story lead to a particular moral lesson.
Objev podobné jako The Hare and the Tortoise - Ezop - e-kniha
The Description of a New World Called The Blazing-World - Margaret Cavendish - e-kniha
eBook: A young women is kidnapped and made Empress of The Blazing World. Taking root in this new community, she adapts to the culture and ways of the alien population, exploring the vast universe with their help. But when an invasion looms, she undertakes the role of a military leader. Will our protagonist follow in the footsteps of Earth’s Alexander the Great and Julius Caesar? And more importantly, can she conquer the land she once called home? Serving as the only known female work of utopian fiction in the 17th century, Margaret Cavendish’s quick witted and insightful novella weaves adventure, romance and autobiography in one impressive epic. Ideal for fans of Apple TV’s hit adaption of Isaac Asimov’s ‘Foundation’ series. Scare seekers will also admire 2021’s fantasy horror-thriller ‘The Blazing World’, inspired by Cavendish’s text. ‘The Blazing World’ is a must read for utopian fanatics who dare to question it all. Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, (1623-1673) was an English philosopher, poet, scientist, fiction writer and playwright. Spending most of the English Civil War in France, she wrote in her own name during a period when most female writers remained anonymous. Celebrated today as the first female writer of utopian and science fiction, her work spans topics of gender, power, scientific methods and philosophy. ‘The Blazing World’ remains as one of the earliest works of science fiction today. Challenging the contemporary belief that women were inferior to men, Cavendish advocated for women’s education and became the first woman to attend a meeting at the Royal Society of London.
Objev podobné jako The Description of a New World Called The Blazing-World - Margaret Cavendish - e-kniha
The Home - Charlotte Perkins Gilman - e-kniha
eBook: Often referred to as a 'sociological study', ´The Its Work and Influence´ – written by Charlotte Perkins Gilman and published in 1903 – is an examination of the traditional household structure and the repression of women within a domestic role. Ahead of her time on feminist issues and women's suffrage, the author criticises the assumed domesticity of women in the early part of the 20th century. Gilman argues that liberating women (and men, for that matter) and enabling them to gain economic independence is an essential ingredient for improving a marriage, family, and their role as a parent – improving not only classic domestic setups but racial inequality too. In ´The Home´, Gilman focuses on key topics such as cooking, domestic ethics, and children, in an effort to show how every household could benefit the entire family unit as well as society at large. This book is perfect for those interested in gaining insight into women's place in society in the early 20th century.-
Objev podobné jako The Home - Charlotte Perkins Gilman - e-kniha
The Sun, the Moon and the Stars - Ivy Dad - e-kniha
eBook: Take your child on a journey from day to night and teach them English with ‘The Sun, the Moon and the Stars’, an English language learning book in the ‘Hello English’ collection With colourful illustrations, a useful English keyword list and a simple yet fun story, children will learn words including sun, moon and star, as well as words that describe them, such as bright, glow, and twinkle. ‘Hello English’ is a collection of children’s learning books that help your little one become bilingual. Learn English in a fun and easy way with these English books that explore the basics from shapes and colours to counting and emotions.
Objev podobné jako The Sun, the Moon and the Stars - Ivy Dad - e-kniha
The Law and the Lady - Wilkie Collins - e-kniha
eBook: The Law and the Lady builds on that tradition by introducing one of English literature's earliest women detectives, Valeria Woodville, who investigates the murder of her husband's first wife in the attempt to prove him guiltless.
Objev podobné jako The Law and the Lady - Wilkie Collins - e-kniha
The North Wind and the Sun - Ezop - e-kniha
eBook: Who do you think is stronger – the Sun or the North Wind? They both found themselves in a dispute because they both thought that they were strongest. They saw a traveler who was just passing by and they decided that whoever made the man remove his cloak would be proclaimed the strongest. A winner is declared. Who will it be and what is the moral of the story? Find out in Aesop\'s fable \"The North Wind and the Sun\".Aesop\'s fables feature animals, legendary creatures, plants, inanimate objects, or forces of nature that speak, solve problems, and generally have human characteristics. All the stories story lead to a particular moral lesson.
Objev podobné jako The North Wind and the Sun - Ezop - e-kniha
The Whites and the Blues - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha
eBook: Although written after \'The Companions of Jehu,\' \'The Whites and the Blues\' details events leading up to the first book.It follows the fortunes of young Charles Nodier, who arrives in Strasbourg to study Greek under the tutelage of Euloge Schneider. However, when he gets there, he discovers that Schneider has become the town\'s Public Prosecutor and is feared for his indiscriminate use of Madame Guillotine. All the while, the shadow of Napoleon lies heavy on the narrative. A page-turning read, full of political intrigue, betrayal, and romance, this is a must for fans of the \'Sainte-Hermine\' trilogy.
Objev podobné jako The Whites and the Blues - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha
The Fat and the Thin - Émile Zola - e-kniha
eBook: "Respectable people...What bastards!"Rake-thin and exhausted prisoner Florent, wrongly convicted during the 1848 Revolution, escapes and seeks refuge with his half-brother in Paris. Florent finds a job at the local central market Les Halles. Initially he is met with a baffled but friendly warmth. But this warmth soon erodes into a poisonous animosity in an atmosphere shot with insidious political intrigue, petty rivalries and perfidious gossip from the "respectable people", that impinge upon the Florent's safety and wellbeing. 'The Fat and the Thin' is the third installment of the 'Les Rougon-Macquart' series packed with powerful social commentary comparing those in power (the fat) to those in the lower classes (the thin). The allegories of the burgeoning Parisian market stalls are so poignant that the reader would be forgiven for thinking this is a story of anthropomorphism, where the characters have turned into the food they buy and sell. Yet, simultaneously rebuffed with depictions of abject poverty, this is an unforgettable novel reminiscent of 'The Ladies' Paradise' and 'Nana'. It comes as little surprise that literary icons Charles Dickens and Anthony Bourdain cited Zola among their favourite authors.
Objev podobné jako The Fat and the Thin - Émile Zola - e-kniha
The Exile and the Mapmaker - Emma Musty - e-kniha
eBook: An important novel that is as compassionate as it is eye-opening, The Exile and the Mapmaker is a testament to the triumph of the human spirit.Theo, an aging Parisian cartographer, is desperately searching for the woman he once loved before Alzheimer\'s takes his memories of her.Elise, his estranged daughter, moves in to take care of him. She still blames him for the tragic loss of her mother and is struggling with this new forced intimacy.Nebay, an Eritrean refugee, becomes Theo\'s carer and friend. Unbeknownst to Elise, Nebay does not have a visa for France and is working illegally in order to support his sister.Each one is living a life of questions and secrets in a world where Nebay\'s very presence in the France of Theo\'s maps is steeped in uncertainty.
Objev podobné jako The Exile and the Mapmaker - Emma Musty - e-kniha
The Arctic Convoys - World History - e-kniha
eBook: As World War II raged across the Russian steppes, in Africa and especially in the skies over Europe, elite German and Soviet forces fought a bitter battle in an isolated northern corner of Europe. Here, the battle was for control of the ice-free port of Murmansk, where the Soviet Union received convoy after convoy loaded with British and American tanks, guns, fuel, small arms, food and aircraft. Supplies from the Allied convoys kept the Soviet Union alive at a critical time during the early stages of the war, and Hitler therefore tried every means to stop the convoys. At the beginning of the campaign against the Soviet Union, he hoped to capture Murmansk and thus weaken his archenemy. Later, when he realised that fighting in the barren, mountainous terrain of the north was unwinnable, he set his sights on destroying the convoys. The Luftwaffe and U-boats attacked the Allied sailors throughout the perpetual daylight of polar summer while crushing ice and raging storms threatened during the dark winter months. The men aboard the Arctic convoys dreaded the voyages, and it was with good reason that the crews dubbed them “suicide convoys”. If they fell overboard in a storm, a quick death awaited them in the icy sea, and if the ships’ holds, filled with fuel and ammunition, were hit by a torpedo or a bomb, everything exploded in a sea of flames. The Arctic convoy trips and the fighting on the Northern Front challenged some of the war’s toughest men. Read their stories here. World History invites you on a fascinating journey to bygone eras, allowing you to explore the greatest events in history. Take a trip back in time - to the frontlines of World War 2, to the Viking raids, and to the religious rituals of ancient Egypt. World History is for everyone who would like to know more about the exciting and dramatic events of the past.
Objev podobné jako The Arctic Convoys - World History - e-kniha
The Blindman's World - Edward Bellamy - e-kniha
eBook: \'The Blindman\'s World\' (1898) is a short story by the American author, Edward Bellamy, most famous for his socialist and utopian novel \'Looking 2000-1887\' (1888).The Professor of Astronomy and Higher Mathematics at Abercrombie College is an expert on Mars. One night, while observing the cold, red planet, he collapses and is found lifeless on the floor by the janitor. However, something far stranger than death has visited the Professor.This short story is a quick read filled with strange encounters and philosophical perspectives on human existence and will delight fans of Andy Weir\'s ´The Martian´.
Objev podobné jako The Blindman's World - Edward Bellamy - e-kniha
The Playboy of the Western World - John Millington Synge - e-kniha
eBook: On a quiet autumn evening, the inhabitants of Flaherty\'s ramshackle pub are interrupted by the arrival of Christy Mahon, a fugitive claiming to have murdered his father. Enamoured by his story, the whole village soon find themselves toasting Christy as a hero, whilst Flaherty\'s daughter Pegeen falls in love with his roguish charm. However, an unexpected arrival from Christy\'s past threatens to collapse his newfound fame. J.M. Synge\'s \'The Playboy of the Western World\' (1907) is a hilarious three-act play that honours the Irish lyrical speech. A highly controversial play of its time, riots formed on the opening night of the play to protest what they saw as offensive content that mocked the Irish. As Synge\'s most popular play it has had numerous adaptations on stage and screen. The play is riveting, with central character Christy Mahon playing like a cross between \'Harry Potter\'s\' Gilderoy Lockhart and Jim Carrey\'s Truman from \'The Truman Show\'. For any fans of comedy, or for those who are looking to understand more about the beauty of the Irish dialect, \'The Playboy of the Western World\' is a must read!-
Objev podobné jako The Playboy of the Western World - John Millington Synge - e-kniha
Toxic people rule the world - David Hanzlík - e-kniha
eBook: Chceš zábavu plnou ironie a sarkasmu? V tom případě je tohle kniha přesně pro tebe! Influencer a bavič David Hanzlík v ní spojuje své nejrůznější hlášky. Každá stránka je plná ostře upřímných postřehů a přináší nekompromisní pohled na život a mezilidské vztahy. Pokud máš den, kdy tě všechno štve, nebo se chceš jen tak pobavit, tohle je kniha, kterou rozhodně potřebuješ. David ti ukáže, že ostrý jazyk a sebeironie jsou ty nejlepší zbraně i v momentech, kdy bys nejraději zaryl/a hlavu do písku.
Objev podobné jako Toxic people rule the world - David Hanzlík - e-kniha
Beyond the World of Men - Geoffrey Chew - e-kniha
eBook: Tato sbírka otevírá okno do světa českého ženského psaní přelomu 19. a 20. století. Příběhy žen nucených ke sňatku, žen dohnaných k sebevraždě, o svádění, samotě i o rozpadu lesbického vztahu představují široké spektrum života žen v této době. Díla čerpají z města i venkova, z vyšší společnosti i ze skromnějších poměrů, nechybí ani několik překladů z němčiny, které připomínají, že česká literatura je společným dědictvím všech spisovatelů a spisovatelek, kteří žili a tvořili v Čechách a na Moravě. Výběr povídek spojuje nespravedlnost patriarchální společnosti a už samotná rozmanitost příběhů, které zde najdeme, svědčí o bohatství a hloubce zápasů, myšlení a zkušeností těchto žen.
Objev podobné jako Beyond the World of Men - Geoffrey Chew - e-kniha
The Shepherd\'s Boy and the Wolf - Ezop - e-kniha
eBook: A young shepherd boy has found a way to amuse himself. Again and again he yells to the villagers that there is a wolf – even though there is not. One day the shepherd boy actually meets a real wolf – it comes nearer and nearer, and the boy is full of fear. He calls for help, but something is different this time...\'The Shepherd\'s Boy and the Wolf\' is a famous fable by Aesop. Aesop\'s fables feature animals, legendary creatures, plants, inanimate objects, or forces of nature that speak, solve problems, and generally have human characteristics. All the stories story lead to a particular moral lesson.
Objev podobné jako The Shepherd\'s Boy and the Wolf - Ezop - e-kniha
The Battle and the Breeze - R. M. Ballantyne - e-kniha
eBook: ‘The Battle and the Breeze’ is a historical adventure story from author R.M. Ballantyne. Bill Bowls is a member of the British Navy, along with friends Ben Bolter and Tom Riggles. Together the trio find themselves caught up in all kinds of incidents whilst serving with the Navy, and even find themselves involved in the infamous Battle of the Nile, in which the British forces under Admiral Nelson engaged in a terrifying battle with the French.
Objev podobné jako The Battle and the Breeze - R. M. Ballantyne - e-kniha
The Battery and the Boiler - R. M. Ballantyne - e-kniha
eBook: Originally published in 1883, ‘The Battery and the Boiler’ by R.M. Ballantyne is a fascinating nautical adventure story. Born aboard a ship in the midst of a powerful storm, and fascinated by electricity due to the circumstances of his birth, young Robin Wright was always destined for a life on the open sea. His two interests collide when young Robin is asked to help lay powerful submarine cables and so he sets sail on the experience of a lifetime.
Objev podobné jako The Battery and the Boiler - R. M. Ballantyne - e-kniha
The Garret and the Garden - R. M. Ballantyne - e-kniha
eBook: First published in 1890, ‘The Garret and the Garden’ is an adventure story set in the criminal underworld of London by prolific author R.M. Ballantyne. Young Scot David Laidlaw has come to London to seek his fortune but finds instead the seedy underbelly of London - and is soon embroiled in a world of criminals and mercenaries. A thrilling tale from the popular author.
Objev podobné jako The Garret and the Garden - R. M. Ballantyne - e-kniha
The Peer and the Woman - Edward Phillips Oppenheim - e-kniha
eBook: First published in 1895, ‘The Peer and the Woman’ is one of author E. Phillips Oppenheim’s earlier novels. A classic story of revenge, it follows the fortunes of the Alceston family. Head of the family, Lord Alceston has been murdered in his own home the very night he is giving a ball. Learning of the tragic news, his son Bernard immediately returns from the continent to avenge his father’s death. A dramatic story of love, jealousy, and revenge.
Objev podobné jako The Peer and the Woman - Edward Phillips Oppenheim - e-kniha
The Hermit and the Wild Woman - Edith Whartonová - e-kniha
eBook: \'The Hermit and the Wild Woman\' is a collection of short stories through which Wharton explores the themes of choice and morality. A surprising read, the stories feature a wide variety of central protagonists, including a lawyer\'s wife, a struggling artist, a governor, and a monk living in cloisters. Shot through with wry humour, cultural criticism, and psychological observations, this book is perfect for fans of Wharton, who want to get to know the author a little better.
Objev podobné jako The Hermit and the Wild Woman - Edith Whartonová - e-kniha
What's Wrong with the World - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha
eBook: Chesterton gives his remarkably perceptive analysis on social and moral issues more relevant today than even in his own time. In his light and humorous style, yet deadly serious and philosophical, he comments on feminism and true womanhood, errors in education, the importance of the child and other issues, using incisive arguments against the trendsetters' assaults against the family. Chesterton possessed the genius to foresee the dangers if modernist proposals were implemented. He knew that lax moral standards would lead to the dehumanization of man, and in this book he staunchly defends the family, its constituent elements and character over against those ideas and institutions that would subvert it and thereby deliver man into the hands of the servile state. In addressing what is wrong, he also shows clearly what is right, sane and sensible and how to change things in that direction.
Objev podobné jako What's Wrong with the World - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha
Around the World in 80 Days - Jules Verne - e-kniha
eBook: Around the World in Eighty Days (1872) is an adventure novel written by the French writer Jules Verne. Written during the Franco-Prussian War (1870–1871), the story takes you on Phileas Fogg's escapades with his newly employed French valet Passepartout, when they attempt to orbit the world in 80 days on a £20,000 wager. Foggs’s ventures into new lands, his encounters with new people and his enumerable exciting experiences will take you on an enthralling journey of never-ending quests.
Objev podobné jako Around the World in 80 Days - Jules Verne - e-kniha
The West Indies and the Spanish Main - Anthony Trollope - e-kniha
eBook: Coping with ill-iced claret, rotten walnuts, and withered apples, British Postal Service employee and successful Victorian novelist Anthony Trollope sailed aboard the Atrato from the English port of Southampton to Kingston, Jamaica, in November, 1858 to survey land and conclude treaties in the West Indies and Central America for the English government. In the course of his extended sojourn, he also wrote a book -- not about official business but rather about the islands he visited and the people he met; about breathtaking landscapes, exotic foods, the tropical climate, earthquakes, Panamanian railroads, Cuban cigars, racial hierarchies, and colonial customs.
Objev podobné jako The West Indies and the Spanish Main - Anthony Trollope - e-kniha
Smithy and the Hun - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha
eBook: Between 1904 and 1918, Wallace collected tales about life in the British Army and the escapades and adventures of the troops. These led him to create the eponymous character, ‘Smithy.’ The third book in the series, ‘Smithy and the Hun’ sees the eponymous soldier and his two mates, Nobby Clark, and Spud Murphy, sent to fight in the First World War. However, rather than blood and bullets, this story focuses on our hapless heroes’ hilarious antics. Light-hearted and fun for Wallace fans of all ages. Initially published in the Daily Mail, the ´Smithy´ series features a bunch of short stories about the everyday life of the soldiers in the British military. Born in London, Edgar Wallace (1875 – 1932) was an English writer so prolific, that his publisher claimed that he was responsible for a quarter of all books sold in England. Leaving school at the age of 12, Wallace made his first steps into the literary world by selling newspapers on the corner of Fleet Street. He worked as a war correspondent after joining the army at age 21, which honed his writing abilities. This led to the creation of his first book, ‘The Four Just Men.’ Wallace is best remembered as the co-creator of ‘King Kong,’ which has been adapted for film 12 times (most notably directed by ‘Lord of the Rings’ director, Peter Jackson, and starring Jack Black and Naomi Watts). However, he leaves behind an extensive body of work, including stories such as ‘The Crimson Circle’ and ‘The Flying Squad.’
Objev podobné jako Smithy and the Hun - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha
U-Boat Hunters in the Atlantic - World History - e-kniha
eBook: For six years, Britain and Nazi Germany fought a bitter battle for control of the Atlantic. Allied offensives against Hitler's armies on the continent were conditioned by their bases on the British Isles, which made air strikes and landings possible. But during 1939, the Germans began to ‘starve’ the British into surrender by cutting off vital supplies of food and equipment from the Allies. This was done with the help of U-boats that tried to sink more cargo ships than the shipyards could produce - even when these actions were suicidal. Over 100,000 soldiers and sailors lost their lives in these battles. In this book, we meet the soldiers at the front and hear civilians talk about everyday life in a world where even the most seaworthy ship can suddenly be hit by a German torpedo. World History invites you on a fascinating journey to bygone eras, allowing you to explore the greatest events in history. Take a trip back in time - to the frontlines of World War 2, to the Viking raids, and to the religious rituals of ancient Egypt. World History is for everyone who would like to know more about the exciting and dramatic events of the past.
Objev podobné jako U-Boat Hunters in the Atlantic - World History - e-kniha
Agnes and the Forbidden Mountain - Veronika Hurdová - e-kniha
eBook: Agnes lives in the virgin forest tribe of Magreys. Each member of the tribe is born with an exceptional gift. As soon as a Magrey discovers and masters their gift,there comes the time to perform it during a Full Moon Celebration and to promise not to misuse it and serve for the good of the tribe. The only catch is that a Magrey must do so before reaching the age of twelve years old or they turn into a Shadow.Agnes just celebrated her eleventh birthday. And unlike the others, she still has no idea what her gift is.So, she sets out on a dangerous journey to the Forbidden Mountain. To the very same mountain from which her father never returned five years ago. An adventurous story about a journeyto find her inner self lets the reader ponder such questions as:How do you make sense of your time on Earth,which is ridiculously short?How do you follow your heart?How do you not cling to all the things that we have borrowed in our lives?How do you find happiness in the mundane?How do you awaken kindness to your own body?How do you take care of your soul and not let others hurt you?And how do you come to terms with your own mortality? Veronika Hurdová:“I strongly believe that developing andpampering our own unique skills is the right wayto make the world around us a more beautiful place.” The book is intended for children from eight to one hundred years old.
Objev podobné jako Agnes and the Forbidden Mountain - Veronika Hurdová - e-kniha
Jane and the Moon - Sabrina D. Harris - e-kniha
eBook: Jane je malá holčička, která si ráda povídá s Měsíčkem. Po té, co jí naučí číst, si každý večer přichází k její oknu poslechnout nový příběh. V knížce najdete 10 pohádkových příběhů v angličtině s vybranými slovíčky a gramatikou. Kniha je vhodná pro děti a pro mírně pokročilé v angličtině.
Objev podobné jako Jane and the Moon - Sabrina D. Harris - e-kniha
Jane and the Sun - Sabrina D. Harris - e-kniha
eBook: Jane miluje příběhy. Od té doby, co ji naučil Měsíček číst, tráví svůj čas s nosíkem zabořeným v knihách. Tentokrát své příběhy vypráví zvědavému Sluníčku. Příběhy jsou psané anglicky a za každým najdete i výběr slovíček s českým překladem. Procvičte si angličtinu zábavnou formou. (Úroveň angličtiny - mírně pokročilý A2)
Objev podobné jako Jane and the Sun - Sabrina D. Harris - e-kniha
Gítáňdžali - Rabíndranáth Thákur - e-kniha
eBook: Hrst písní - výbor duchovní lyriky indického básníka a filozofa představuje vrchol jeho uměleckého mistrovství a vroucí vyznání, umocněné osobními prožitky při ztrátě milovaných bytostí. Thákurovy básně v próze byly pro západní svět zjevením a právem mu v roce 1913 vynesly jako prvnímu asijskému literátovi Nobelovu cenu.
Objev podobné jako Gítáňdžali - Rabíndranáth Thákur - e-kniha
Gítáňdžali - Rabíndranáth Thákur - e-kniha
eBook: Hrst písní – výbor duchovní lyriky indického básníka a filozofa představuje vrchol jeho uměleckého mistrovství a vroucí vyznání, umocněné osobními prožitky při ztrátě milovaných bytostí. Thákurovy básně v próze byly pro západní svět zjevením a právem mu v roce 1913 vynesly jako prvnímu asijskému literátovi Nobelovu cenu.
Objev podobné jako Gítáňdžali - Rabíndranáth Thákur - e-kniha
Basic Income in the World - Marek Hrubec, Martin Brabec, Markéta Minářová - e-kniha
eBook: This book offers an introduction to the important idea and practice of unconditional basic income, which is becoming a topic increasingly discussed not only among researchers but also among citizens and the politicians who represent them. The topic is also increasingly making its way into the mass media. Unconditional basic income is a financial sum that is provided to all citizens (or otherwise legally defined residents) by the state (or a city, a county etc.) at regular intervals (usually monthly) without any conditions being attached, i.e. regardless of whether the citizen has other income from wages or other sources, regardless of age, sex and gender, marital status or other characteristics. The provision of a basic income enables citizens' basic needs to be met and their creative potential to be unlocked for their other activities which could then significantly raise their standard of living. This book discusses basic income by presenting the main arguments and experiments with basic income in Europe, the Americas, Africa, and Asia. Basic income offers the possibility of a major social and civilizational change for all.
Objev podobné jako Basic Income in the World - Marek Hrubec, Martin Brabec, Markéta Minářová - e-kniha
Basic Income in the World - Marek Hrubec, Martin Brabec, Markéta Minářová - e-kniha
eBook: This book offers an introduction to the important idea and practice of unconditional basic income, which is becoming a topic increasingly discussed not only among researchers but also among citizens and the politicians who represent them. The topic is also increasingly making its way into the mass media. Unconditional basic income is a financial sum that is provided to all citizens (or otherwise legally defined residents) by the state (or a city, a county etc.) at regular intervals (usually monthly) without any conditions being attached, i.e. regardless of whether the citizen has other income from wages or other sources, regardless of age, sex and gender, marital status or other characteristics. The provision of a basic income enables citizens' basic needs to be met and their creative potential to be unlocked for their other activities which could then significantly raise their standard of living. This book discusses basic income by presenting the main arguments and experiments with basic income in Europe, the Americas, Africa, and Asia. Basic income offers the possibility of a major social and civilizational change for all.
Objev podobné jako Basic Income in the World - Marek Hrubec, Martin Brabec, Markéta Minářová - e-kniha
Hard-boiled Wonderland and the End of the World (0099448785)
Kniha - 400 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná New edition.
Objev podobné jako Hard-boiled Wonderland and the End of the World (0099448785)
Hana-chan and the Shape of the World - Ryotaro Ueda
It's the story of a girl. A girl who lives in the country. A girl encountering fragments, both bitter and sweet, of the world around her.It's the story of the shape of her world.
Objev podobné jako Hana-chan and the Shape of the World - Ryotaro Ueda
Leshy, the Forest Demon, and the Fox's Daughter – Slavic Eco-Erotica - Catrina Curant - e-kniha
eBook: What if something wild is lurking in the forest? Something more dangerous than an animal? When she was a little girl, she lived in a fantasy world, convinced that her imagination created mysterious creatures. Now she's back as an adult woman. The forest calls her and she answers. Who is the being that once called her the Fox’s Daughter, and is it real? Eroticism: wild, primal. And a mouth that tastes like wild honey. Do you dare to enter the forest? Catrina Curant is the artistic pseudonym of a Polish writer. Experimenting in bed, searching for new sensations and discovering her own nature is something natural for her. She writes columns for an erotic portal, visits swingers' clubs and BDSM shows. She is fascinated by the Japanese art of Shibari, and in her texts she tries to combine mysticism with eroticism and the natural human desire to fulfil one's desires. She does not recognise taboos, and human sexuality is the passion of her life.
Objev podobné jako Leshy, the Forest Demon, and the Fox's Daughter – Slavic Eco-Erotica - Catrina Curant - e-kniha
Ice Cold Killers - The Rituals of Murderers - World History - e-kniha
eBook: From singling out victims at bus stops, targeting women with long, blonde hair, saving trophies, or dismembering and even eating their victims, each serial killer set a unique ritual for their murder, and these rituals are what betrays them in the end. Serial killers often begin with a few unplanned murders, where they experiment with which actions give them the greatest release.Moving on they start to carefully select their victims, either by stalking them or staking out special locations where their victim – such as prostitute or child – can be found alone.But after a while the killer's hunt for satisfaction makes him overconfident.Follow on the heels of the police in their hunt for four relentless serial killers. These stories contain gruesome details and are not suitable for children.-
Objev podobné jako Ice Cold Killers - The Rituals of Murderers - World History - e-kniha
The Thief in the Night and Other Stories - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha
eBook: Fast-paced and fun, ‘The Thief in the Night and Other Stories’ is a collection of six tales from the pen of one of the 20th Century’s most prolific writers. The title story follows Inspector Jack Danton as he investigates a proliferation of poison pen letters and thefts to and from wealthy young debutantes. Other novelettes, such as ‘Findings are Keepings’ and ‘The Compleat Criminal,’ are laced with Wallace’s trademark wit and critical appraisal of life in the upper echelons during the early 20th century. A superb read for fans of Wallace's body of work.
Objev podobné jako The Thief in the Night and Other Stories - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha
The Quest: Energy, Security, and the Remaking of the Modern World (0143121944)
Kniha - autor Daniel Yergin, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná A master storyteller as well as a leading energy expert, Yergin continues the riveting story begun in his Pulitzer Prize-winning book, "The Prize." Now, Yergin shows how energy is an engine of global political and economic change and conflict.
Objev podobné jako The Quest: Energy, Security, and the Remaking of the Modern World (0143121944)
Beauty and the Beast - Gabrielle-Suzanne de Villeneuve - e-kniha
eBook: Originally published as ‘La Belle et la Bête’, Gabrielle-Suzanne de Villeneuve\'s \'Beauty and the Beast\' was published in 1740 and is the oldest known version of this fairytale. \"A tale as old as time\", ‘Beauty and the Beast’ is the bewitching fantasy romance story of Belle – a young woman imprisoned in the magical castle of a monstrous yet princely beast, where she is forced to \"be our guest\". This is an epic story that has captured generations of readers and will be enjoyed by fans of both film adaptations, from the animated Disney classic to the live-action film starring Emma Watson. Gabrielle-Suzanne de Villeneuve was a French author who published fairy tales and novels but is best remembered for writing the original story ‘La Belle et la Bête’. It was published in 1740 and is the oldest known version of the fairy tale ‘Beauty and the Beast’, which has since been adapted twice for the big screen including the animated Disney classic and the live-action movie starring Emma Watson as Belle. After her death, Gabrielle-Suzanne de Villeneuve’s ‘Beauty and the Beast’ was abridged by another author, Leprince de Beaumont, who did not credit the tale’s original writer. Leprince de Beaumont is, therefore, often still wrongly credited as being the original author, and her shortened version is the one most commonly known today.
Objev podobné jako Beauty and the Beast - Gabrielle-Suzanne de Villeneuve - e-kniha
Allan and the Ice-Gods - H. Rider Haggard - e-kniha
eBook: The final novel in H. Rider Haggard\'s much-anticipated trilogy, \'Allan and the Ice Gods\', sees the return of Allan Quatermain and features Lady Luna Ragnall and the taduki drug yet again. This time, however, Allan is refusing to see Lady Luna Ragnall. The awkwardness of the last three drug-induced visions, revealing their marriage, left him squirming. But she is about to let spill that their ancient counterparts were right. And they were indeed married. As Allan is yet again transported to the barbaric Ice Age, can he restore order in the tribe? And more importantly, can he weave in new technology and intelligence without unbalancing history? \'Allan and the Ice Gods\' is the ideal rip-roaring tale, perfect for adventure-fantasy fans of Jack Black\'s \'Gulliver\'s Travels\'.
Objev podobné jako Allan and the Ice-Gods - H. Rider Haggard - e-kniha
Radio and the Performance of Government - Erica Harrison - e-kniha
eBook: Throughout the Second World War, the Czechoslovak Government-in-Exile broadcast over the BBC from London, hoping to reach out to their former compatriots living in a divided and occupied Europe. As the only way of projecting their authority, President Beneš and his colleagues relied on the radio as a stage on which to perform as the government they wished to be, representing a Czechoslovak state they hoped to recreate after the war. Despite a ban on listening to foreign broadcasts in the German-occupied Protectorate and Slovakia, many tuned in to hear ‘London calling’ and the broadcasts provided the strongest connection between the London Czechoslovaks and the audience at home. This work examines this government programme for the first time, making use of previously unstudied archival sources to examine how the exiles understood their mission and how their propaganda work was shaped by both British and Soviet influences. This study assesses the strengths, weaknesses, and limitations of the government’s radio propaganda as they navigated the complexities of exile, with chapters examining how they used the radio to establish their own authority, how they understood the past and future of a Czechoslovak nation, and how they struggled to include Slovakia and Subcarpathian Ruthenia within it.
Objev podobné jako Radio and the Performance of Government - Erica Harrison - e-kniha
Iqbal Farooq and the Crown Jewels - Manu Sareen - e-kniha
eBook: Prepare yourself for yet another adventure featuring Iqbal Farooq and his family as Iqbal finds himself involved in a new set of mysteries! While on a field trip with school, Iqbal gets onto the trail of a case involving the Youth House, an old and mysterious hunting party called Hubert's Hunting Company, and the Queen's Crown Jewels! Can Iqbal find the crown jewels and return them to their rightful place? From stolen goats to excavators on fire, ´Iqbal Farooq and the Crown Jewels´ is the ideal read for anyone who's on the lookout for a fun and exhilarating story. Former Danish national congress member, Manu Sareen, is the author behind the politically incorrect children’s books about Iqbal and his immigrant family’s life in multicultural Nørrebro in Copenhagen, Denmark. In November 2007, he received the BMF Children's Book Prize, and in April 2008, he was awarded the Orla Prize for the books about Iqbal Farooq.
Objev podobné jako Iqbal Farooq and the Crown Jewels - Manu Sareen - e-kniha
Iqbal Farooq and the Black Pierrot - Manu Sareen - e-kniha
eBook: Meet Iqbal Farooq. He lives with his family in Blågårdsgade on Nørrebro, where even the weirdest neighbours are an extension of the family – whether you want it or not. Iqbal has never been a science genius, so when his school science project spectacularly flops, he and his brother Tariq concoct an experiment that's a little too explosive - and accidentally blow up part of their school! Now, it's not just a school detention they're facing; a gang of mischievous crooks are chasing them across the country, causing havoc on their family camping trip and at the Kattegat Center. With the beautiful Tivoli, the whole of Copenhagen, and even the Queen of Denmark at risk, it's up to Iqbal and his pals to outsmart the crooks. "Iqbal Farooq and the Black Pierrot" was turned into a movie called "Iqbal and the Secret Recipe" starring Dar Salim, Rasmus Bjerg, and Andreas Bo in 2015. "Iqbal Farooq and the Black Pierrot" is the ideal read for anyone who's on the lookout for a fun and heartwarming story. Iqbal Farooq Meet Iqbal Farooq. He is charming, witty, and adventurous ... and he seems to have this strange ability to always get himself (and his family and sometimes also his neighbors) into trouble. Former Danish national congress member, Manu Sareen, is the author behind the politically incorrect children’s books about Iqbal and his immigrant family’s life in multicultural Nørrebro in Copenhagen, Denmark. In November 2007, he received the BMF Children's Book Prize, and in April 2008, he was awarded the Orla Prize for the books about Iqbal Farooq.
Objev podobné jako Iqbal Farooq and the Black Pierrot - Manu Sareen - e-kniha
Iqbal Farooq and the Christmas Piggery - Manu Sareen - e-kniha
eBook: Put on your santa hat and embark on a journey to save the spirit of Christmas! It\'s the season of joy, and Christmas cheer is spreading all around Iqbal\\\'s home in Blågårdsgade. But something strange is afoot in Copenhagen... Overnight, the city\'s Christmas decorations vanish, and the enormous Christmas tree at town hall disappears without a trace. This Christmas mystery is too intriguing for Iqbal and his brother Tariq to resist. When they learn that an old acquaintance has just been released from Vestre Prison, they can\\\'t help but suspect he\'s linked to these festive thefts... A Christmas calendar book in 24 chapters in the series about the delightful family Farooq from Blågårdsgade, Nørrebro. Former Danish national congress member, Manu Sareen, is the author behind the politically incorrect children’s books about Iqbal and his immigrant family’s life in multicultural Nørrebro in Copenhagen, Denmark. In November 2007, he received the BMF Children\'s Book Prize, and in April 2008, he was awarded the Orla Prize for the books about Iqbal Farooq.
Objev podobné jako Iqbal Farooq and the Christmas Piggery - Manu Sareen - e-kniha
Hitler and Stalin: The Tyrants and the Second World War (0241979692)
Kniha - autor Laurence Rees, 528 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Two tyrants. Each responsible for the death of millions. This compelling book on Hitler and Stalin - the culmination of thirty years' work - examines the two leaders during the Second World War, when Germany and the Soviet Union fought the biggest and bloodiest war in history. Hitler's charismatic leadership may contrast with Stalin's regimented rule by fear, and his intransigence later in the war may contrast with Stalin's change in behaviour in response to events. But as bestselling historian Laurence Rees shows, at a macro level, both were prepared to create undreamt-of suffering - in Hitler's case, most infamously the Holocaust - in order to build the utopias they wanted.
Objev podobné jako Hitler and Stalin: The Tyrants and the Second World War (0241979692)
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