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The Gods are Athirst - Anatole France - e-kniha

eBook: \'The Gods Are Athirst\' (1912) is Nobel laureate Anatole France\'s captivating fictional reimagining of the bloody events of the French Revolution. Gamelin, a young idealistic painter who works with his local government in Pont-Neuf finds himself at the epicentre of the Terror when he is appointed as a juror on the Revolutionary Tribunal. Swept through a procession of unjust trials, Gamelin must reckon with his actions as he determines the fates of those closest to him. As he turns drunk with power and vengeance, Gamelin\'s actions set forth a violent and horrific chain of events that end only with blood. \'The Gods Are Athirst\' is a brilliant but horrifying depiction of how fear and a warped sense of justice only serve to bring chaos. A masterpiece in its own right, \'The Gods Are Athirst\' is an essential read for anyone interested in French history or looking for a gripping tale of the fall of the man and the cost of vengeance.

Podívejte se také Curse of the Dead Gods - Xbox Digital (G3Q-01095)

cena 194.0 Kč

The Queen Pedauque - Anatole France - e-kniha

eBook: Jacques Menetrier, the son of a cookshop owner, finds his quiet life turned upside down when the wayward monk, Jerome Coignard, takes him under his tutelage. The pair soon find themselves in the employ of eccentric theorist M. D\'Asterac, translating ancient documents on spirits of fire. Soon, Jacques\' new life is thrown into chaos when he is reunited with the beautiful Catherine, whereupon he enters a love triangle that threatens to bring his whole world tumbling down. \'The Queen Pedauque\' (1892) is one of Anatole France\'s lesser-known works but holds its own as a hilarious and compelling tale. Philosophical and farcical in its own right, \'The Queen Pedaque\' is reminiscent of classic comedic philosophical novels that came after it, such as Iris Murdoch\'s \'Under the Net\' and Sartre\'s \'The Age of Reason\'. A must-read for fans of France\'s work, or anyone hoping to read a true French Classic from a best selling Nobel Laureate.

Podívejte se také Various: Vive la France - The Album - CD (4260134477758)

cena 138.0 Kč

The Red Lily - Anatole France - e-kniha

eBook: Therese, a socialite tired of her loveless marriage, strikes up an affair with a man who cherishes her. Still discontent, she begins another affair, slipping further into depression and jealousy as all her loves come to see their undoing. Through this simple yet riveting plot, Anatole France paints vivid portraits of Paris and Venice, two of his most treasured cities. A love letter to city life and cynicism, \'The Red Lily\' (1894) represents France at his best. Fans of Anatole France\'s work will be delighted with \'The Red Lily\', but it also will appeal to wider readers of literary fiction for its bold writing and simple, meaningful plot. Anyone who enjoys effective love stories tinged with cynicism like Joseph Gordon Levitt\'s \'500 Days of Summer\' will also find something to love in this beautifully crafted story.-

Podívejte se také You are the Light, and that's indestructible truth ()

cena 249.0 Kč

The Crime of Sylvestre Bonnard - Anatole France - e-kniha

eBook: Sylvestre Bonnard, an esteemed ageing scholar of history and philology, finds himself on a trans-European adventure to track down an important manuscript. Whilst on his travels he meets the granddaughter of his lost love, a young woman named Jeanne. Impassioned to rescue her from the abusive life she is stuck in, Bonnard is forced to commit a crime of love to protect Jeanne. France\'s tender exploration of the relationship between male rescuers and damsels-in-distress is interesting, and acts as a precursor to some of the more explosive films to explore this theme such as Martin Scorcese\'s \'Taxi Driver\' and Lynne Ramsay\'s \'You Were Never Really Here\'. A profound, moving, and award-winning tale, \'The Crime of Sylvestre Bonnard\' is a must-read for fans of France who wish to connect with the author\'s origins or anyone who wishes to take their first foray into his compelling body of work.-

Objev podobné jako The Crime of Sylvestre Bonnard - Anatole France - e-kniha

cena 194.0 Kč

The Miracle of the Great St. Nicolas - Anatole France - e-kniha

eBook: ‘The Miracle of the Great St Nicolas’ (1909) is Anatole France’s satirical reimagining of the classic legend. In this short story, St Nicolas attempts to perform a miracle, resurrecting three children massacred by a crazed butcher and preserved in pickle. However, this good deed will come back to haunt the Saint, threatening to destroy everything he holds dear in his life. ‘The Miracle of the Great St Nicolas’ represents Anatole France at his best, picking apart the superficial virtue of religion and bringing it into the harsh reality of the real world. Fans of France’s previous works, or those who wish to see the origins of Santa turn grisly, should venture into this dark but rewarding tale. For any still thirsting for dark Christmases after the 2015 horror movie ‘Krampus’, they will certainly find something to enjoy here.

Objev podobné jako The Miracle of the Great St. Nicolas - Anatole France - e-kniha

cena 124.0 Kč

Clio - Anatole France - e-kniha

eBook: One of Anatole France’s most mysterious and overlooked works, ‘Clio’ (1900) is a fascinating collection of historical tales that represents a huge digression from the author\'s better-known stories. In ‘Clio’, France delivers five tales from European history, spanning from the distant myths of Ancient Greece to Napoleon Bonaparte and the Revolutionary Wars. Throughout this collection, France delights readers with the breadth of his literary ability, using plays, poetic language, and prose to carve his pen through history. Fans of historical tales and Anatole France’s previous works will be delighted with this unique collection of stories.

Objev podobné jako Clio - Anatole France - e-kniha

cena 138.0 Kč

The Story of the Duchess of Cicogne and of Monsieur de Boulingrin - Anatole France - e-kniha

eBook: In ‘The Story of the Duchess of Cicogne and of Monsieur de Boulingrin’ (1920), Anatole France presents a fantastic reimagining of the classic fairy-tale ‘Sleeping Beauty’. However, rather than concerning himself with Sleeping Beauty herself, France focuses on the turmoil of her parents as they wait for their daughter to wake. France’s short story, ‘The Story of the Duchess of Cicogne and of Monsieur de Boulingrin’, offers a nuanced take on the classic tale and presents a sophisticated account that will enthral all. A must-read for anyone familiar with ‘Sleeping Beauty’ or a fan of any of Anatole France’s works, this imaginative reinterpretation is a fresh take on an already incredible story.

Objev podobné jako The Story of the Duchess of Cicogne and of Monsieur de Boulingrin - Anatole France - e-kniha

cena 124.0 Kč

Greek Gods in the East - Ladislav Stančo - e-kniha

eBook: Kniha pojednává o osudu řeckých mytologických námětů, postav božských i heroických, daleko na Východě, především v oblasti starověké Gandháry a Baktrie. V abecedně řazeném přehledu jsou zde pojednána jednotlivá základní ikonografická schémata, která si umění těchto oblastí vypůjčilo z helénistického Středomoří. Můžeme srovnat, jak se jednotlivá typická vyobrazení řeckých božstev v průběhu staletí měnila a přizpůsobovala vkusu i představám místního obyvatelstva. Vedle toho se řada původně řeckých mytologických postav i s jejich obvyklými atributy stala, jak je zde názorně ukázáno, základem pro zobrazení různých místních – íránských, indických i jiných – božstev.

Objev podobné jako Greek Gods in the East - Ladislav Stančo - e-kniha

cena 230.0 Kč

Allan and the Ice-Gods - H. Rider Haggard - e-kniha

eBook: The final novel in H. Rider Haggard\'s much-anticipated trilogy, \'Allan and the Ice Gods\', sees the return of Allan Quatermain and features Lady Luna Ragnall and the taduki drug yet again. This time, however, Allan is refusing to see Lady Luna Ragnall. The awkwardness of the last three drug-induced visions, revealing their marriage, left him squirming. But she is about to let spill that their ancient counterparts were right. And they were indeed married. As Allan is yet again transported to the barbaric Ice Age, can he restore order in the tribe? And more importantly, can he weave in new technology and intelligence without unbalancing history? \'Allan and the Ice Gods\' is the ideal rip-roaring tale, perfect for adventure-fantasy fans of Jack Black\'s \'Gulliver\'s Travels\'.

Objev podobné jako Allan and the Ice-Gods - H. Rider Haggard - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

The Dead Are Silent - Arthur Schnitzler - e-kniha

eBook: The inspiration behind \'Eyes Wide Shut,\' starring Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman, \'The Dead are Silent\' is a tense psychological novella. Exploring the social parameters of 19th century Vienna, Schnitzler introduces us to Franz and Emma who are having an illicit affair. One evening, they hire a carriage with tragic consequences. \'The Dead are Silent\' is an evocative exploration of the hypocrisy of middle-class Viennese society and an unflinching dissection of the nature of grief. This novella is ideal for those new to Schnitzler\'s body of work.

Objev podobné jako The Dead Are Silent - Arthur Schnitzler - e-kniha

cena 138.0 Kč

Men Like Gods - Herbert George Wells - e-kniha

eBook: Mr Barnstaple was ever such a careful driver, careful to indicate before every manoeuvre and very much in favour of slowing down at the slightest hint of difficulty. So however could he have got the car into a skid on a bend on the Maidenhead road? When he recovered himself he was more than a little relieved to see the two cars that he had been following still merrily motoring along in front of him. It seemed that all was well -- except that the scenery had changed, rather a lot. It was then that the awful truth dawned: Mr Barnstaple had been hurled into another world altogether. How would he ever survive in this supposed Utopia and, more importantly, how would he ever get back?

Objev podobné jako Men Like Gods - Herbert George Wells - e-kniha

cena 194.0 Kč

You are weird - Oliver Heyn - e-kniha

eBook: This moving and compelling story, which is based on real events, will touch both your heart and your desires. The extraordinary life of identical twins Ben and Adam; this story will take you through the paths of their life, which are soon headed to the very imaginary top of wealth and success. Where do the boundaries of moral purity begin and where do they end? What can still be said aloud and about what should we rather keep quiet, so that our society isn't offended?

Objev podobné jako You are weird - Oliver Heyn - e-kniha

cena 99.0 Kč

Hory peklo ráj - Are Kalvø - e-kniha

eBook: Jak se norský komik pokusil stát se milovníkem hor Are Kalvø vyrostl přímo uprostřed pohlednicové krajiny severozápadního Norska, na statku pod horami, za kterými lidé cestují přes půl planety. Do přírody ho to přesto nikdy netáhlo. Ovšem před pár lety mu hory začaly přebírat kamarády, až si jednoho dne uvědomil, že všichni jeho známí mají na sociálních sítích aspoň jednu fotku hor. Začal nad tím přemýšlet. Co na té přírodě všichni mají? Ze zvědavosti se proto vydal do hor zjistit, co žene lidi k tomu, aby se ve volném čase vzdávali městských radovánek, investovali nehorázné peníze do turistického vybavení, trmáceli se osm hodin v dešti a mlze a večery trávili v páchnoucím funkčním prádle ve společnosti stejně zavánějících milovníků přírody na chatách s prapodivnými jmény jako Komáří domov, U Ošklivce, Vraní hnízdo nebo Kočičí řiť. --------- Kalvø až k popukání zábavně líčí své zážitky v přírodě… Bezpochyby nejlepší kniha, jakou kdy napsal nejvtipnější Nor současnosti. – Aftenposten Nejradši se vydávám na místa, kde jsou lidé. A ještě lépe číšníci.

Objev podobné jako Hory peklo ráj - Are Kalvø - e-kniha

cena 239.0 Kč

Aru Šah a koniec času - Roshani Chokshiová - e-kniha

eBook: Dvanásťročná Aru má vo zvyku trošičku si prikrášľovať pravdu. Možno si aj občas vymýšľať. No, vlastne svojim spolužiakom v škole klame, ako keď sa práši. O svojich výletoch po svete, o luxusnom bývaní, o aute so šoférom, o exotických jedlách... Veď čo jej zostáva, ak chce medzi nimi obstáť? V skutočnosti žije v malom byte v budove Múzea starého indického umenia a kultúry, kde jej mama pracuje ako kurátorka. Aru pozná všetky exponáty ako vlastné topánky, až na záhadnú a „prekliatu“ lampu, ktorú má prísne zakázané rozsvecovať. Lenže keď má príležitosť blysnúť sa pred spolužiakmi... Kto mohol tušiť, aké nepredstaviteľné a strašné veci sa začnú diať? Príbeh mladej americkej spisovateľky Roshan Chokshi vychádza pod záštitou bestsellerového autora Ricka Riordana, ktorý sa o ňom v predslove knihy vyjadril slovami plnými chvály: „Páni, škoda, že som túto knihu nenapísal ja!“

Objev podobné jako Aru Šah a koniec času - Roshani Chokshiová - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

Lafayette We Are Here! - Jean-Michel Steg - e-kniha

eBook: 6th June 1918 saw more American soldiers fall on French soil than the famous 1944 D-Day landings. Why is this fact so little known?As well as providing a detailed account of this funereal episode, Lafayette We Are Here! looks at the reasons behind American involvement in what was primarily a European conflict. Why did a neutral government in 1914, driven by a largely pacifist population, end up joining the Allies in 1917?In this third instalment of his trilogy concerning the deadliest days of the First World War, Jean-Michel Steg investigates a cataclysmic battle for the American Marines in a small wood in northern France and presents an informative and accessible overview of the military strategy and geopolitical context.

Objev podobné jako Lafayette We Are Here! - Jean-Michel Steg - e-kniha

cena 210.0 Kč

The Shadow of the Gods (0356514218)

Kniha - 528 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná

Objev podobné jako The Shadow of the Gods (0356514218)

cena 289.0 Kč

The Gods Below - Stewart Andrea

''Stewart''s worlds are some of the most exceptionally inventive in modern fantasy. A must read!''Shannon ChakrabortyAfter a divine war shattered the world, humanity struck a pact with the god Kluehnn: in return for regular tribute of magical gems, Kluehnn would restore the world to its former glory. But as each land is transformed, so too are its people changed into strange new forms - if they survive at all.Hakara is not willing to pay such a price. Desperate to protect herself, and her sister Rasha, she flees her homeland for the safety of a neighbouring kingdom. But tragedy strikes when they''re separated, and Hakara is forced to abandon Rasha to an unknown fate.Yet when Hakara discovers she can channel the power of the magical gems, she''s invited to join a clandestine plot to destroy the God Pact. To win Hakara to their cause, the conspirators reveal a startling secret: Rasha is alive - and they can help rescue her.But only if Hakara goes to war against a god.The Gods Below begins an epic new fantasy series from Sunday Times bestselling author Andrea Stewart, where two sisters find themselves on opposite sides of a war against godsPraise for Andrea Stewart: ''One of the best fantasy novels I''ve read in a long time . . .This book is truly special'' Sarah J. Maas''Epic fantasy at its most human and heartfelt . . . inventive, adventurous and wonderfully written'' Alix E. Harrow''Brilliant world-building, deep intrigue and incredible heart'' Megan E. O''Keefe''Action-packed, must-read epic fantasy . . . One of the best debut fantasy novels of the year'' Buzzfeed''This brilliant fantasy debut has announced Andrea Stewart as quite possibly the best newcomer of the year'' Novel NotionsOther books by Andrea StewartThe Drowning Empire series The Bone Shard DaughterThe Bone Shard Emperor The Bone Shard War

Objev podobné jako The Gods Below - Stewart Andrea

cena 650.0 Kč

The Hunger of the Gods - John Gwynne

The Hunger of the Gods continues John Gwynne's acclaimed Norse-inspired epic fantasy series, packed with myth, magic and bloody vengeanceLik-Rifa, the dragon god of legend, has been freed from her eternal prison. Now she plots a new age of blood and conquest. As Orka continues the hunt for her missing son, the Bloodsworn sweep south in a desperate race to save one of their own - and Varg takes the first steps on the path of vengeance. Elvar has sworn to fulfil her blood oath and rescue a prisoner from the clutches of Lik-Rifa and her dragonborn followers, but first she must persuade the Battle-Grim to follow her. Yet even the might of the Bloodsworn and Battle-Grim cannot stand alone against a dragon god. Their hope lies within the mad writings of a chained god. A book of forbidden magic with the power to raise the wolf god Ulfrir from the dead . . . and bring about a battle that will shake the foundations of the earth.

Objev podobné jako The Hunger of the Gods - John Gwynne

cena 312.0 Kč

The Isles of the Gods - Amie Kaufman

This epic fantasy is bestselling author Amie Kaufman's solo YA debut and stunning opener to a duology

Objev podobné jako The Isles of the Gods - Amie Kaufman

cena 295.0 Kč

The Shadow of the Gods - John Gwynne

''A masterfully crafted, brutally compelling Norse-inspired epic'' Anthony RyanTHE GREATEST SAGAS ARE WRITTEN IN BLOOD. A century has passed since the gods fought and drove themselves to extinction. Now only their bones remain, promising great power to those brave enough to seek them out.As whispers of war echo across the land of Vigrið, fate follows in the footsteps of three warriors: a huntress on a dangerous quest, a noblewoman pursuing battle fame, and a thrall seeking vengeance among the mercenaries known as the Bloodsworn.All three will shape the fate of the world as it once more falls under the shadow of the gods.Set in a brand-new, Norse-inspired world, and packed with myth, magic and bloody vengeance, The Shadow of the Gods begins an epic new fantasy saga from bestselling author John Gwynne.Further praise for The Shadow of the Gods''Visceral, heart-breaking and unputdownable'' Jay Kristoff''A satisfying and riveting read. The well-realised characters move against a backdrop of a world stunning in its immensity. It''s everything I''ve come to expect from a John Gwynne book'' Robin Hobb''A masterclass in storytelling . . . epic, gritty fantasy with an uncompromising amount of heart'' FanFiAddict''Quintessential Gwynne honed to perfection . . . The Shadow of the Gods is absolutely stunning, one hell of an epic series opener and a spectacular dose of Viking-flavoured fantasy'' The Tattooed Book Geek''Reminds me of all that I love in the fantasy genre. The Shadow of the Gods is an action-packed cinematic read'' Fantasy Hive

Objev podobné jako The Shadow of the Gods - John Gwynne

cena 250.0 Kč

The Food of the Gods - Herbert George Wells

Two scientists develop a foodstuff that causes unparalleled growth in animals and humans. The results of their experimentation lead to chaos and unforseen consequences throughout the land.THE FOOD OF THE GODS deals with many issues which are still present in science today and is a both witty and disturbing tale.

Objev podobné jako The Food of the Gods - Herbert George Wells

cena 250.0 Kč

Who Let the Gods Out? - Maz Evans

A shooting star crashes to earth and changes Elliot's lifeforever. The star is Virgo - a young Zodiac goddess on a mission. When the pair accidentally unleash the wicked death daemon Thanatos,they turn to the old Olympian gods for help. But after centuriesof cushy retirement on earth, are Zeus and his crew up to thetask?

Objev podobné jako Who Let the Gods Out? - Maz Evans

cena 236.0 Kč

New Horizon: Gate Of The Gods - CD (8024391119921)

Hudební CD - Zpěvák Erik Gronwall a skladatel, producent, multiinstrumentalista Jona Tee, bývalí kolegové z kapely HEAT, pokračují ve svém hudebním partnerství vydáním alba Gate Of The Gods, svého nového powermetalového duchovního dítěte! Zpěvák Erik Gronwall a skladatel, producent, multiinstrumentalista Jona Tee, bývalí kolegové z kapely HEAT, pokračují ve svém hudebním partnerství vydáním alba Gate Of The Gods, svého nového powermetalového duchovního dítěte! Rok vydání : 2022 Seznam stop CD A New Horizon (Intro) / We Unite / Stronger Than Steel / Cry For Freedom / Call Of The Underground / Stardust / Event Horizon / The End Of All / Fearless / Gate Of The Gods

Objev podobné jako New Horizon: Gate Of The Gods - CD (8024391119921)

cena 459.0 Kč

The Gods and Goddesses of Greece and Rome

The essential illustrated guide to the gods and goddesses of ancient Greece and Rome, vividly retelling their stories and exploring their origins. Who were the gods and goddesses of ancient Greece and Rome? What did they mean to the people who worshipped them? Although their time of widespread worship has long passed, the Greek and Roman gods have fascinated and inspired writers and artists for millennia. From Aphrodite to Apollo, Poseidon to Zeus, these are some of the most recognizable characters in Western culture, yet there is a much richer past behind famous paintings of the birth of Aphrodite or the bold iconography of Zeus and his thunderbolts.The Greek and Roman gods are enthralling characters in the enduringly powerful Iliad, Odyssey and Metamorphoses. They are immortal and powerful yet also vain, vindictive and vulnerable. Moreover, as manifestations of death, fertility, love and war, the gods are also our key to understanding how the Greeks and Romans saw their world.Philip Matyszak presents this pantheon in all their complexity, guiding us from Mount Olympus to the depths of Hades. Each chapter focuses on an individual god or goddess, beginning with their 'biography' as understood by the Greeks and Romans and exploring the origins of the legends. Matyszak mixes history with vivid retellings of the myths in which the gods have a starring role, from stories of cosmic creation and universal war to disastrous weddings and freak discus accidents.This sumptuously illustrated guide to the gods of Greece and Rome is a must-have for anyone interested in mythology and classical civilization.

Objev podobné jako The Gods and Goddesses of Greece and Rome

cena 886.0 Kč

Bathory - Twilight Of The Gods (Picture Disc) (LP)

Žánr: Black Metal;Metal;Thrash Metal Barva: Grafika Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Subžánr: Black Metal;Metal;Thrash Metal;Viking Metal Barva podle výrobce: Picture Disc Země původu: Evropská unie Typ: Barevná;Obrázkový disk;12" vinylová deska Složení setu: 1 ks Rok vydání: 2014.0 Země interpreta: Švédsko Interpret / Téma: Bathory Varianta: Twilight Of The Gods (12'' Picture Disc LP) Datum vydání: 2014-04-19 Rok nahrávky: 1991.0 Vydavatelství: Black Mark Production Hmotnost: 180 g Balení obsahuje: 12" Dekáda interpreta: 1980 - 1989;1990 - 1999;2000 - 2009

Objev podobné jako Bathory - Twilight Of The Gods (Picture Disc) (LP)

cena 761.0 Kč

Hannah Messenger and the Gods of Hockwold - Bryony Pearce

The Gods of Olympus and their descendants have lost their memories. They think they are ordinary humans. Only Hannah Messenger and her friends know who they really are. And that means when the God’s objects of power start to go missing, only Hannah and her friends can stop the thief. A MG urban fantasy about learning that real power is in the friendships you make.

Objev podobné jako Hannah Messenger and the Gods of Hockwold - Bryony Pearce

cena 236.0 Kč

The Invisible Man and the Food of the Gods - Herbert George Wells

Brought together for the first time in this new Wordsworth edition, The Invisible Man and The Food of the Gods are two of Wells's most entertaining and thought-provoking works.

Objev podobné jako The Invisible Man and the Food of the Gods - Herbert George Wells

cena 142.0 Kč

Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Chalice of the Gods - Rick Riordan

The original heroes from The Lightning Thief are reunited for their biggest challenge yet: getting Percy to college when the gods are standing in his way.After saving the world multiple times, Percy Jackson is hoping to have a normal senior year. Unfortunately, the gods aren't quite done with him. Percy will have to fulfil three quests in order to get the necessary three letters of recommendation from Mount Olympus for college.The first quest is to help Zeus's cup-bearer retrieve his goblet before it falls into the wrong hands. Can Percy, Grover, and Annabeth find it in time?Readers new to Percy Jackson (this book can be enjoyed as a standalone) and fans who have been awaiting this reunion for more than a decade will delight equally in this latest hilarious take on Greek mythology.

Objev podobné jako Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Chalice of the Gods - Rick Riordan

cena 357.0 Kč

Guardians of the Gods - In the Shadow of the Fall - Ogundrian Tobi

An untried acolyte desperate to speak with the orisha she worships accidentally reignites a cosmic war. The fate of her gods - and of her world - now lies in her inexperienced hands. Perfect for fans of N. K. Jemisin, Suyi Davies Okungbowa, Daughters of Nri, and Godkiller. Ashake is an acolyte in the temple of Ifa, yearning for the day she is made a priest and sent out into the world to serve the orisha.But of all the acolytes, she is the only one the orisha refuse to speak to. For years she has watched from the sidelines as peer after peer passes her by and ascends to full priesthood. Desperate, Ashake attempts to summon and trap an orisha-any orisha.Instead, she experiences a vision so terrible it draws the attention of a powerful enemy sect and thrusts Ashake into the center of a centuries-old war that will shatter the very foundations of her world.

Objev podobné jako Guardians of the Gods - In the Shadow of the Fall - Ogundrian Tobi

cena 349.0 Kč

The Ant and the Grasshopper - Ezop - e-kniha

eBook: \'The Ant and The Grass Hopper\' is a fable that teaches the importance of planning, of self-reliance and hard work. The frolicking grass hopper spends his summer dancing and never working while the ant makes sure to put aside supplies for the coming winter. It is a tale that resonates to this day thanks to its important message of the importance of hard work as well as having fun. It is great reading for all ages on the importance of being able to plan and support yourself.Aesop\'s fables feature animals, legendary creatures, plants, inanimate objects, or forces of nature that speak, solve problems, and generally have human characteristics. All the stories story lead to a particular moral lesson.

Objev podobné jako The Ant and the Grasshopper - Ezop - e-kniha

cena 124.0 Kč

The Fox and the Crow - Ezop - e-kniha

eBook: Sweet words and manipulative compliments can make everyone\'s head spin. The \"Fox and the Crow\" teaches us to keep clear mind in the face of flattery. Aesop\'s fables feature animals, legendary creatures, plants, inanimate objects, or forces of nature that speak, solve problems, and generally have human characteristics. All the stories story lead to a particular moral lesson.

Objev podobné jako The Fox and the Crow - Ezop - e-kniha

cena 124.0 Kč

The Fox and the Grapes - Ezop - e-kniha

eBook: Sometimes no matter how hard we try, we cannot reach our goal. And, of course, it is much easier to claim our goal undesirable than to admit defeat. There is hardly a child who does not know the fox who called the grapes sour but Aesop\'s fables offer so much more...Aesop\'s fables feature animals, legendary creatures, plants, inanimate objects, or forces of nature that speak, solve problems, and generally have human characteristics. All the stories story lead to a particular moral lesson.

Objev podobné jako The Fox and the Grapes - Ezop - e-kniha

cena 124.0 Kč

The Hare and the Tortoise - Ezop - e-kniha

eBook: Is talent more important to success than hard work? Sometimes if we are determined and focused on our goals, we can overcome even the strongest opponents. And vise we should not only rely on talent to win. In his timeless fables, Aesop whispers from the past knowledge which we think we know, but very often forget.Aesop\'s fables feature animals, legendary creatures, plants, inanimate objects, or forces of nature that speak, solve problems, and generally have human characteristics. All the stories story lead to a particular moral lesson.

Objev podobné jako The Hare and the Tortoise - Ezop - e-kniha

cena 124.0 Kč

Dancing with the Gods: Reflections on Life and Art (1786891158)

Kniha - 272 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá

Objev podobné jako Dancing with the Gods: Reflections on Life and Art (1786891158)

cena 521.0 Kč

Amon Amarth - Deceiver Of The Gods (Blue Marbled Coloured) (LP)

Barva podle výrobce: Blue Marbled Subžánr: Death Metal;Melodic Death Metal;Viking Metal;Metal Datum vydání: 2022-11-04 Rok vydání: 2022.0 Varianta: Deceiver Of The Gods (Blue Marbled Coloured) (LP) Žánr: Death Metal;Metal Interpret / Téma: Amon Amarth Barva: Modrá Vydavatelství: Metal Blade Records Typ: Album;Nové vydání;Limitovaná edice;Barevná;LP deska Složení setu: 1 ks Balení obsahuje: LP Dekáda interpreta: 2000 - 2009;2010 - 2019;2020 - 2029;1990 - 1999 Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Země původu: Německo Země interpreta: Švédsko

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cena 939.4 Kč

Percy Jackson and the Olympians 6: The Chalice of the Gods - Rick Riordan

The original hero. A brand-new adventure. Percy Jackson has saved the world multiple times - battling monsters, Titans, even giants - but these days the modern-day son of Poseidon is hoping for a regular final year at school.Too bad the Greek gods have other plans, and three new quests for Percy to complete. First up: the cupbearer of the gods, Ganymede, is missing his golden chalice. Not only is this embarrassing (why do the gods keep losing their magical items?), it's also potentially disastrous.One sip from the cup will turn any mortal into a powerful god. And the old gods do not take kindly to newbies. Can Percy and his friends Annabeth and Grover find the chalice before it falls into the wrong hands? And even if they do, will they be able to resist its awesome power.. .?Readers new to the Percy Jackson universe and long-time fans will love this epic adventure - full of legendary heroes, mythical creatures, ancient Greek gods and enduring friendship - from the global bestseller Rick Riordan.

Objev podobné jako Percy Jackson and the Olympians 6: The Chalice of the Gods - Rick Riordan

cena 268.0 Kč

Emperor: The Blood of Gods - Conn Iggulden

The epic new novel in Conn Iggulden's bestselling EMPEROR series, featuring a new short story by the author. Julius Caesar has been assassinated. A nation is in mourning. Revenge will be bloody. Rome's great hero Julius Caesar has been brutally murdered by his most trusted allies. While these self-appointed Liberatores seek refuge in the senate, they have underestimated one man: Caesar's adopted son Octavian, a man whose name will echo through history as Augustus Caesar. Uniting with his great rival Mark Antony, Octavian will stop at nothing to seek retribution from the traitors and avenge his father's death. His greatest hatred is reserved for Brutus, Caesar's childhood friend and greatest ally, now leader of the conspirators. As the people take to the streets of Rome, the Liberatores must face their fate. Some flee the city; others will not escape mob justice. Not a single one will die a natural death. And the reckoning will come for Brutus on the sweeping battlefield at Philippi.

Objev podobné jako Emperor: The Blood of Gods - Conn Iggulden

cena 259.0 Kč

Percy Jackson and the Greek Gods (0141358688)

Kniha - autor Rick Riordan, 404 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Who could tell the true stories of the gods and goddesses of Olympus better than modern-day demigod Percy Jackson?

Objev podobné jako Percy Jackson and the Greek Gods (0141358688)

cena 259.0 Kč

The Dryad - Cupido - e-kniha

eBook: \"There\'s nothing like the fresh mountain air, waves lapping against the beach, the wind caressing your chest, the water touching your crotch...This is an erotic short story collection from Cupido. The collection includes the following short \"He is laying naked in the forest when he sees a girl approaching. She hids from him – and peep at him. No wonder he is getting excited!\" – The Dryad by Christian, Oslo 1\"The man with a big M swept her off her feet. They were supposed to be at a party, but they headed straight for the forest!\" – A Summer Hike in the Forest by Elisabeth, Stavanger\"I want to take off all your clothes, and then I want you to walk on naked – all the way to the top.\" – Erotics in the Mountains by Torje Sauna, Jølster\"The dream was a hole-in-one – straight into the hole on the first try. But the dream hole seemed completely out of reach.\" – The 19th Hole by Magne L., Hedmark\"He found his place by the sea. He stripped naked, stretched out, and his blood quickly found its way to the right place.\"

Objev podobné jako The Dryad - Cupido - e-kniha

cena 124.0 Kč

The Temptress - Cupido - e-kniha

eBook: Woman on woman. Man on man. Bisexuality. Queer. Some people have never questioned whether they\'re gay or not. Others are in a straight marriage with kids when suddenly their best friend makes their nipples harden or their cock erect.This is an erotic short story collection from Cupido. The collection includes the following short \"She\'d never before experienced such intense emotions for another girl. It both scared and excited her.\" - The Temptress by Angelita\"She secretly loved women, but it was difficult since she had a man and children. That all changed when she met Aina.\"

Objev podobné jako The Temptress - Cupido - e-kniha

cena 124.0 Kč

Osamělost - The Beastess - e-kniha

eBook: Na světě je více než sedm miliard lidí – vrážíme do sebe v davu, nadáváme si v nekonečných kolonách aut, dokonce i v přírodě je čím dál těžší najít tiché zákoutí, kde bychom mohli být alespoň chvilku sami se sebou. Přesto se řada z nás cítí osamělá. Proč tomu tak je? Proč je stále složitější najít v přelidněném světě spřízněnou duši? V této knize najdete odpovědi na mnohé často kladené otázky. Je na vině moderní doba se svým důrazem na seberealizaci jednotlivců, s rozpadem tradiční rodiny a obrovskou fluktuací obyvatelstva? Anebo jsme to spíš my sami, protože nejsme schopni vytvářet blízké vazby, opakujeme ve vztazích stále tytéž chyby, popřípadě vůbec „nejsme stvořeni“ pro partnerství či život v rodině? Zamyslete se spolu s námi nad vykořeněním ve světě, zdánlivě dokonale propojeném prostřednictvím internetu a moderních technologií, či nad tím, jakou citovou daň platíme v neustálé honbě za osobním úspěchem. Rozebereme si působení rodičů a dětských traumat na naši schopnost utvářet vztahy k lidem a vysvětlíme si také rozdíly mezi extroverty a introverty, protože každý typ osobnosti přistupuje k problému osamělosti jinak. Na příkladu modelové rodiny, jejíž zajímavý a ryze současný příběh se vine celou knihou, se dozvíte, jak se ve své vlastní osamělosti zorientovat a překonat ji. Knihu pro její čtivost ocení široký okruh čtenářů. Zajímavé podněty a inspirace v ní najde i odborná veřejnost z okruhu psychologů, psychiatrů, koučů osobního rozvoje, pedagogů a pracovníků v pomáhajících profesích, včetně studentů těchto oborů.

Objev podobné jako Osamělost - The Beastess - e-kniha

cena 195.0 Kč

The Clouds - Aristophanes - e-kniha

eBook: Comedies, including The Clouds (423 BC) and Lysistrata (411 BC), of Greek playwright Aristophanes satirize Athenian society, politics, and philosophy.

Objev podobné jako The Clouds - Aristophanes - e-kniha

cena 138.0 Kč

The Norse Myths: A Guide to the Gods and Heroes - Carolyne Larrington

An exhilarating introduction to the vivid, violent, boisterous world of the Norse myths, and their cultural legacy, in an attractive and handy format Who were the Norse gods – the mighty ?syr, led by Ó?inn, and the mysterious Vanir? In 'The Norse Myths' we meet this passionate and squabbling pantheon, and learn of the mythological cosmos they inhabit. Passages translated from the Old Norse bring this legendary world to life, from the myths of creation to ragnarök, the prophesied end of the world at the hands of Loki’s army of monsters and giants, and everything that comes in between: the problematic relationship between the gods and the giants, in which enmity and trickery are punctuated by marriages and seductions; the (mis) adventures of human heroes and heroines, with their family feuds, revenges, marriages and murders; and the interaction between the gods and mortals, as Ó?inn, the Allfather, betrays his human protégés in order to recruit (dead) heroes for his army. Carolyne Larrington describes the myths’ origins in pre-Christian Scandinavia and Iceland, and their survival in artefacts and written sources, from Old Norse sagas and poems to the less approving accounts of medieval Christian writers. She traces their influences into the work of Wagner, William Morris and J.R.R. Tolkien, and even the recent Game of Thrones in the resurrection of the Fimbulvetr, or ‘Mighty Winter’. Dr. Carolyne Larrington is a supernumerary fellow and tutor in medieval English literature at St. John’s College, Oxford. Her previous books include The Poetic Edda, Magical Tales: Myth, Legend and Enchantment in Children’s Books, and Winter is Coming: The Medieval World of Game of Thrones. She also presented BBC Radio 4’s The Lore of the Land.

Objev podobné jako The Norse Myths: A Guide to the Gods and Heroes - Carolyne Larrington

cena 499.0 Kč

The Sun, the Moon and the Stars - Ivy Dad - e-kniha

eBook: Take your child on a journey from day to night and teach them English with ‘The Sun, the Moon and the Stars’, an English language learning book in the ‘Hello English’ collection With colourful illustrations, a useful English keyword list and a simple yet fun story, children will learn words including sun, moon and star, as well as words that describe them, such as bright, glow, and twinkle. ‘Hello English’ is a collection of children’s learning books that help your little one become bilingual. Learn English in a fun and easy way with these English books that explore the basics from shapes and colours to counting and emotions.

Objev podobné jako The Sun, the Moon and the Stars - Ivy Dad - e-kniha

cena 135.0 Kč

The Voyage of the Beagle - Charles Darwin - e-kniha

eBook: "I hate every wave of the ocean," the seasick Charles Darwin wrote to his family during his five-year voyage on the H.M.S. Beagle. It was this world-wide journey, however, that launched the scientist’s career.The Voyage of the Beagle is Darwin's fascinating account of his trip - of his biological and geological observations and collection activities, of his speculations about the causes and theories behind scientific phenomena, of his interactions with various native peoples, of his beautiful descriptions of the lands he visited, and of his amazing discoveries in the Galapagos archipelago.

Objev podobné jako The Voyage of the Beagle - Charles Darwin - e-kniha

cena 333.0 Kč

The Law and the Lady - Wilkie Collins - e-kniha

eBook: The Law and the Lady builds on that tradition by introducing one of English literature's earliest women detectives, Valeria Woodville, who investigates the murder of her husband's first wife in the attempt to prove him guiltless.

Objev podobné jako The Law and the Lady - Wilkie Collins - e-kniha

cena 333.0 Kč

The Mystery of the Sea - Bram Stoker - e-kniha

eBook: Archibald Hunter arrives at Cruden Bay for his yearly seaside vacation, looking for nothing more than peace and quiet. Then all of a sudden his life becomes plagued by intimidating visions and omens of impending disaster. What are these creepy ghosts trying to tell him? And what is the mystery behind the strange cipher that has inexplicably fallen into his lap?A mystery novel at first but transforms into an exciting adventure full of intrigue, romance and treasure hunting. 'The Mystery of The Sea' is a stark but refreshing contrast to Bram Stoker's well-known horror classic 'Dracula', famously portrayed by film star Bela Lugosi. Highly recommended for avid fans of H.P. Lovecraft's supernatural stories, and its HBO adaptation 'Lovecraft Country'. Also a perfect fit for 'Robinson Crusoe' fans seeking a sinister adventure story about a lone man taking on the malignant forces of nature.-

Objev podobné jako The Mystery of the Sea - Bram Stoker - e-kniha

cena 333.0 Kč

The Birth of the State - Petr Charvát - e-kniha

eBook: This book targets the problems of emergence and stabilization of the earliest state bodies in the pristine statehood foci of the Old World - Egypt, Mesopotamia, India and China. Charvát takes his readers through the essential economic, political and intellectual transformations induced in those societies by their transformations into early states. The author also provides a comprehensive view over the entire range of the discussed problems, attempting to perceive the process of establishment of the earliest states of the Old World in its complexity. The book gives the word to ancient statesmen, as well as to men of religion and letters of yore, voicing their alarm in crisis situations of their states, when they feared collapse of what they understood as "civilized society". Addressing their admonitions to kings, managers, generals and, where possible, the widest circles of society, such thinkers urged their contemporaries to defend the ideals on which their civilizations wer e built. The book is addressed to all those interested in the emergence and development of humankind´s earliest states including university students of humanity disciplines.

Objev podobné jako The Birth of the State - Petr Charvát - e-kniha

cena 240.0 Kč

The Lady of the Shroud - Bram Stoker - e-kniha

eBook: Business magnate Roger Melton has passed on, leaving behind one of the grandest fortunes of his time. To the family's astonishment, Roger has bequeathed his vast estate to the black sheep of the family, his young nephew Rupert Sent Leger. But Rupert's inheritance involves the most extraordinary conditions, including one stating that he must reside in the ancient castle of Vissarion in the Land of the Blue Mountains. Rupert travels to Vissarion with his Aunt Janet, who possesses the occult power of Second Sight. But despite all the precautions Rupert is visited by a mysterious woman veiled in a burial shroud. Beguiled by her otherworldly and ethereal beauty, Rupert ponders whether she is a vampire, a ghost, or another sort of mystic creature altogether. Determined to find out for himself, but has no idea of what dangers he has to face.

Objev podobné jako The Lady of the Shroud - Bram Stoker - e-kniha

cena 333.0 Kč

The Day the Mountain Moved - Rennie McOwan - e-kniha

eBook: Are you ready for another action-packed adventure with Gavin, Clare, Michael, and Mot? From fighting a gang of crazy criminals to building their den out of a ruined castle, the daring kids are off on a new quest in the rugged Scottish countryside.In this third adventure story, Gavin, Clare, Michael and Mot find themselves running around the mountainous countryside of remote Scotland. But things are not as they seem... Are those wolves lurking in the shadows?"The Day the Mountains Moved" is the perfect read for fans of "The Famous Five" and the 2020 animated movie "Scoob!"-

Objev podobné jako The Day the Mountain Moved - Rennie McOwan - e-kniha

cena 194.0 Kč

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