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The Dead Are Silent - Arthur Schnitzler - e-kniha

eBook: The inspiration behind \'Eyes Wide Shut,\' starring Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman, \'The Dead are Silent\' is a tense psychological novella. Exploring the social parameters of 19th century Vienna, Schnitzler introduces us to Franz and Emma who are having an illicit affair. One evening, they hire a carriage with tragic consequences. \'The Dead are Silent\' is an evocative exploration of the hypocrisy of middle-class Viennese society and an unflinching dissection of the nature of grief. This novella is ideal for those new to Schnitzler\'s body of work.

Podívejte se také Grateful Dead: The Grateful Dead - CD (0349784692)

cena 138.0 Kč

The Road to the Open - Arthur Schnitzler - e-kniha

eBook: A coming-of-age novel, \'The Road to the Open\' follows the complicated liaisons of composer, Baron Georg von Wergenthin. While a talented man, Wergenthin lacks motivation and, instead of working, prefers to socialise with members of the Viennese bourgeoisie. A committed Christian, his life becomes even more complex when he finds himself falling for a Jewish girl, Anna Rosner. Through this story, Schnitzer documents the collapse of the freethinking Austrian society, as antisemitism and patriotism start to take its place. A classic novel from one of Vienna\'s most noteworthy authors, this is ideal for those new to Schnitzler\'s body of work.

Podívejte se také Grateful Dead: The Grateful Dead - LP (0349784662)

cena 249.0 Kč

Bertha Garlan - Arthur Schnitzler - e-kniha

eBook: Written almost as an interior monologue, ‘Bertha Garlan’ follows the eponymous Bertha on her quest for love. A widow in her thirties, Bertha previously married out of convention. However, after a trip to Vienna with her friend, she is determined to experience what she never has and gets in touch with her childhood sweetheart, Emil Lindbach. Will Bertha find what she’s been lacking, or is there a greater lesson to be learned? A fast-paced story that effectively dissects the social constructs of the time and looks at the life of women against this backdrop, ‘Bertha Garlan’ is an ideal read for anyone familiar with Schnitzler\'s body of work. The son of a physician, Arthur Schnitzler (1862 – 1931) was born in Vienna. At the age of 17, he enrolled at the city’s university, studying medicine. After graduating, he began work as a doctor at the Vienna General Hospital. Despite seeing himself primarily as a man of science, Schnitzler began writing when he was 31. His first works, poems, and short stories, focusing on the themes of jealousy and adultery, laid the foundations for his first play, ‘Anatol.’ Due to its psychological nature, ‘Anatol’ was praised by Sigmund Freud and later adapted for film, starring Gloria Swanson. Schnitzler eventually retired from the medical profession to pursue his literary career. In addition to numerous plays, he also wrote two full-length novels, a dozen short stories, and two non-fiction books.

Podívejte se také The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket

cena 249.0 Kč

Hands Around - Arthur Schnitzler - e-kniha

eBook: Serving as the inspiration to an episode of \'M.A.S.H.\' starring Alan Alda, \'Hands Around\' is a short play, covering the conversations between ten pairs of characters.With each pair from a different section of society, Schnitzler explores the idea that sex will not be bound by the construct of the social class system. Considered scandalous at the time, \'Hands Around\' offers a psychological dissection of the thoughts and feelings of those in 19th century Vienna.\'Hands Around\' is perfect for those interested in adding a unique and unforgettable play to their reading list!

Objev podobné jako Hands Around - Arthur Schnitzler - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

Milostné příběhy - Liebesgeschichten - Arthur Schnitzler, Jana Navrátilová, Theodor Storm, Anastasia Stročkova - e-kniha

eBook: Čtyři milostné příběhy Arthura Schnitzlera a Theodora Storma pro dvojjazyčné vydání upravila Jana Navrátilová. Klasici německy psané literatury vám umožní se na chvíli zastavit, zamyslet se a snad se i zasnít nad dávnými, ale stále živými příběhy o různých podobách lásky. Zároveň vás okouzlí krásou svého vytříbeného jazyka. Kniha je určena nejen pokročilým studentům němčiny, ale i jejich učitelům, milovníkům německy psané literatury a jednoduše všem, kteří si chtějí rozšířit svoji slovní zásobu a lépe tak porozumět psané i mluvené podobě němčiny. Kniha je vhodná i pro výuku.V publikaci najdete: zrcadlový český překlad, okomentované gramatické a lexikální jevy, otázky na porozumění textu, slovníček i audio CD s příběhy namluvenými rodilým mluvčím.

Objev podobné jako Milostné příběhy - Liebesgeschichten - Arthur Schnitzler, Jana Navrátilová, Theodor Storm, Anastasia Stročkova - e-kniha

cena 209.0 Kč

Rej - Arthur Schnitzler

Hra rakouského dramatika Schnitzlera z konce 19. století je obrazem Vídně své doby, podobně jako díla malířů Klimta a Schieleho. Dlouho čekala na uvedení, její premiéra byla pochopena jako veliký skandál. Tvoří ji deset dialogů mužů a žen ze všech společenských vrstev, které vždy končí sexem. Pod „milostnými dialogy“ se skrývá ostře kritický pohled na společnost v mnoha podobách. Hra dodnes provokativní a aktuální vychází v překladu J. Balvína jako 176. svazek edice D.

Objev podobné jako Rej - Arthur Schnitzler

cena 197.0 Kč

Hry II. - Arthur Schnitzler

Svazek Hry II. přináší překlady Schnitzlerových děl z let 1901 až 1916. Všechny české překlady druhého svazku vycházejí knižně poprvé. Vedle vrcholných celovečerních děl (Krajina širá, Profesor Bernhardi, Fink a Fliederbusch) tento svazek obsahuje i autorovy aktovky, z nichž některé pojednávají nanejvýš rafinovaně a nuancovaně téma manželské nevěry a lásky, další svědčí o dramatikově zaujetí pro experimenty s netradičními žánry. Schnitzler svým nenapodobitelným uměním impresionistického dialogu, jeho oduševnělou ležérností a zábavností evokuje skrytou tragiku lidských osudů a současně odráží život a kulturu jedné zanikající společnosti. Zároveň se zde představuje i jako autor společensko-kritických dramat s odsudkem antisemitismu a bezobsažného světa médií. Svazek uzavírá studie Lucie Merhautové o české recepci Schnitzlerova díla na přelomu 19. a 20. století a soupisy inscenací her Arthura Schnitzlera na českých scénách a v Pražském německém divadle. Soupisy připravily Jitka Pavlišová a Jitka Ludvová. Editoři svazku: Josef Balvín a Zuzana Augustová. Výbor obsahuje překlady J. Balvína, M. Tvrdíka a Z. Augustové.

Objev podobné jako Hry II. - Arthur Schnitzler

cena 304.0 Kč

Snová novela - Arthur Schnitzler - audiokniha

Audiokniha: Erotika, fantazie, iluze… a probuzení. Fantaskní příběh o rozkladu jednoho manželství nahlodávaného nezvladatelnými erotickými touhami inspiroval Stanleyho Kubricka k natočení filmu Eyes Wide Shut. Příběh zdánlivě harmonického manželství, které je nahlodáváno nezvladatelnými erotickými touhami a představami, napsal rakouský spisovatel a také lékař a psycholog v roce 1925. Ovlivněn atmosférou dvacátých let, kdy definitivně odcházel „starý svět“, i svými znalostmi sugesce a hypnózy nořil se ve svých dílech do hlubin lidské psychiky, ovládané dvěma silami – pudem erotiky a pudem smrti. Příběh lékaře Fridolina a jeho ženy Albertiny se pohybuje na hranici snu a reality. Putování Fridolina prostupnou hranicí snění a žití je především cestou do hlubin vlastní duše... Magičnost Schnitzlerovy představivosti uchvátila i amerického režiséra Stanleyho Kubricka, který podle této novely natočil film Eyes Wide Shut s Tomem Cruisem a Nicole Kidman v hlavních rolích.

Objev podobné jako Snová novela - Arthur Schnitzler - audiokniha

cena 268.0 Kč

The Dead - James Joyce - e-kniha

eBook: The Dead written by legendary author James Joyce is widely considered to be one of the top 100 greatest books of all time. This great classic will surely attract a whole new generation of readers. For many, The Dead is required reading for various courses and curriculums. And for others who simply enjoy reading timeless piees of classic literature, this gem by James Joyce is highly recommended. Published by Classic House Books and beautifully produced, The Dead would make an ideal gift and it should be a part of everyone\'s personal library.

Objev podobné jako The Dead - James Joyce - e-kniha

cena 138.0 Kč

The Dead Alive - Wilkie Collins - e-kniha

eBook: An Englishman's fictional account of the first case of wrongful convictions in the history of The United States, the story centers around two brothers sentenced to death and life in prison respectively, for murdering their brother-in-law. However, the evidence is circumstantial, no body is found and how much does one brother's fiancée really know?

Objev podobné jako The Dead Alive - Wilkie Collins - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

The House of the Dead - Fyodor Dostoevsky - e-kniha

eBook: Close your eyes and imagine the horrors of being sentenced to hard labour at an isolated Siberian prison camp. The torturous conditions, the brutality of the guards and the suffering of your everyday life!"The House of the Dead" is a semi-autobiographical novel by Fyodor Dostoevsky. The author uses autofiction to be able to use facts, fiction and to discuss topics that have happened to him while he was imprisoned. The primitive conditions and horrifying episodes in the prison camp mirror the author's own exile in such a camp for four years in 1849. The novel focuses on the exploration of the Russian character, mostly depicted in times of trouble and hardship. The themes of crime, punishment and isolation run potent in this haunting novel where the reader has to suffer and endure the arduous path through the house of the dead in order to be born again into freedom. A five-star reading recommendation.

Objev podobné jako The House of the Dead - Fyodor Dostoevsky - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

The Dead Letter - Metta Fuller Victor - e-kniha

eBook: \'The Dead Letter\' follows the brutal murder of Henry Moreland as he waits to board a New York train on the way to see his fiancé. He is fatally stabbed in the neck and his body isn\'t found until the next morning. Suspicions fall to his protege, Richard Redfield, who hires a detective to clear his name. A classic whodunit, \'The Dead Letter\' is full of charming characters and could have easily been made into a series. Readers who enjoy classic detective stories like \'The Adventures of Arsène Lupin\' by Maurice Leblanc will enjoy this book

Objev podobné jako The Dead Letter - Metta Fuller Victor - e-kniha

cena 333.0 Kč

The Hand in the Dark - Arthur J. Rees - e-kniha

eBook: The aristocratic Phil Meredith chooses to marry Violet, a working-class girl from London, which raises more than a few eyebrows. However, when Violet decides to throw a party for her friends at her new country residence, she is murdered, leaving the guests in a state of shock. The arrival of two detectives, Merrington and Caldew, sets the investigation in motion. This is swiftly followed by the arrival of America\'s greatest private eye, Grant Colwyn. Will he be able to work with the two policemen, or will he rely on his own methods to solve the case? \'The Hand in the Dark\' is packed with red herrings, twists, and turns, and is sure to have even the most dedicated armchair detective guessing until the last page.-

Objev podobné jako The Hand in the Dark - Arthur J. Rees - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

The Parasite - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha

eBook: Although Arthur Conan Doyle is best known for his stories about the detective Sherlock Holmes, he was a prolific writer whose other works include science fiction stories, historical novels, plays, romances, poetry, and non-fiction. The Parasite was an 1894 novelette about Austin Gilroy who studied physiology and knows a professor who studies the occult. The young man is introduced to a middle-aged woman known as Miss Penclosa, who has a crippled leg and psychic powers. Gilroy begins to visit this psychic and look at the physical part of her powers. Miss Penclosa falls in love with the unfortunate Gilroy. When she uses her powers on him, Gilroy is angered and rejects her. She in turn begins to play tricks on Gilroy. The cruel tricks end with him in his fiancé Agatha's room carrying a small bottle of poison. What will he find when he rushes back to Miss Penclosa's house?

Objev podobné jako The Parasite - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha

cena 138.0 Kč

The Refugees - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha

eBook: The Refugees is an adventure tale about life in the Court of Louis XIV and French rule in Canada. The story shifts from France to North America. In 1690 the De Catinat family are Huguenots. Because they are French Protestants, the king has taken their wealth and titles. An American helps them escape from Paris to Canada. Even though they are far from France, they are not safe. A Jesuit priest is on their trail and there are warrants out for their arrest. They must flee Canada by traveling hundreds a miles through forest wilderness while being chased by the priest and having to avoid savage Indians. This adventure novel will keep the reader riveted until the very last page.

Objev podobné jako The Refugees - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

The Tragedy of the Korosko - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha

eBook: Originally serialised in 'The Strand' magazine, ‘The Tragedy of Korosko’ is an exciting adventure story set in Egypt by famous author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. In it, a motley group of European tourists are enjoying a trip along the River Nile in the steamship Korosko while visiting Egypt, when they are suddenly attacked and kidnapped. Will they ever escape and make it home again? A thrilling tale, full of vivid descriptions, ‘The Tragedy of Korosko’ was later adapted into a play by Doyle, titled ‘Fires of Fate’.

Objev podobné jako The Tragedy of the Korosko - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha

cena 194.0 Kč

The Last of the Legions - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha

eBook: 'The Last of the Legions' by famous Sherlock Holmes author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, is a collection of twelve short stories. Stories in the collection include 'Through the Veil', 'The First Cargo' and 'The Silver Mirror'. Many are set during the Roman Empire, and some even delve into spiritualism – a personal interest of Doyle's. A highly enjoyable collection of some of the famous authors lesser-known tales. -

Objev podobné jako The Last of the Legions - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha

cena 194.0 Kč

The Crime of the Congo - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha

eBook: Best-known as the author of the Sherlock Holmes series of detective novels, in ‘The Crime of the Congo’ Sir Arthur Conan Doyle attempts to lay bare the atrocities which had taken place in the Congo under the rule of King Leopold II of Belgium. He describes the exploitation of the Congolese people, especially those involved in the rubber trade, as ‘twenty years of uninterrupted massacre’ and is dismissive of the eventual annexation by the Belgian government, viewing it as merely a cover-up and a continuation of the abuses. A fascinating piece of work from the prolific author about a horrifying era, which effects are still being felt today.

Objev podobné jako The Crime of the Congo - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha

cena 194.0 Kč

Beyond the City - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha

eBook: ‘Beyond the City’ is a short story by Sherlock Holmes author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, first published in 1892. Set in the changing world of London during the latter stages of the 19th century, the story is a departure from Conan Doyle’s usual literary themes of mystery and adventure, and instead is a story of four families and their intertwining lives. Romance, wealth, women’s suffrage, and family all feature in this delightful short story from the popular author.

Objev podobné jako Beyond the City - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha

cena 194.0 Kč

The Great Shadow - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha

eBook: Originally published in 1892, 'The Great Shadow' is a story set during the Napoleonic war by world-famous author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Narrator Jack Colder reflects back on his life – from his rural, coastal upbringing on the Scottish-English border, through his boarding school years and ultimately to his participation in the Battle of Waterloo, one of the most infamous conflicts of all time. Full of suspense and danger, there is also time for romance in this gripping historical novel by the popular Sherlock Holmes author.-

Objev podobné jako The Great Shadow - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha

cena 194.0 Kč

The Vital Message - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha

eBook: In "The New Revelation" the first dawn of the coming change has been described. In "The Vital Message" the sun has risen higher, and one sees more clearly and broadly what our new relations with the Unseen may be. As I look into the future of the human race I am reminded of how once, from amid the bleak chaos of rock and snow at the head of an Alpine pass, I looked down upon the far stretching view of Lombardy, shimmering in the sunshine and extending in one splendid panorama of blue lakes and green rolling hills until it melted into the golden haze which draped the far horizon. Such a promised land is at our very feet which, when we attain it, will make our present civilisation seem barren and uncouth. Already our vanguard is well over the pass. Nothing can now prevent us from reaching that wonderful land which stretches so clearly before those eyes which are opened to see it.

Objev podobné jako The Vital Message - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha

cena 138.0 Kč

The German War - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha

eBook: Published in 1914, 'The German War' by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is a collection of his essays on the subject of Germany and the growing threat he believed it posed. Written in the years just before the outbreak of WWI, many of his essays appear oddly prophetic today. A fascinating glimpse into the time-period, and a valuable insight into the mood and worries of the nation at the time.-

Objev podobné jako The German War - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha

cena 138.0 Kč

The Cabman's Story - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha

eBook: ‘The Cabman’s Story’ is a short novella by the Sherlock Holmes author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. In it, our narrator the cabman regales us with tales of his various entertaining and bizarre experiences whilst transporting passengers all over London. Full of intrigue and humour, this is a delightful short story from the famous author.

Objev podobné jako The Cabman's Story - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha

cena 138.0 Kč

The White Company - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha

eBook: “...[W]orth a hundred Sherlock Holmes stories.” That was how Arthur Conan Doyle characterized The White Company, the book he considered his best work. Set against the background of the Hundred Years War, an extended conflict between France and England, The White Company rivals the best works of historical romance. Not only is it richly textured with accurate historical detail, it features several memorable characters: Sir Nigel Loring and Alleyne, his squire, as well as Hordle John, a lovable rogue, and Allewyn, the master archer.

Objev podobné jako The White Company - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

The Last Galley - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha

eBook: 'The Last Galley' is a collection of eighteen short stories by renowned Sherlock Holmes author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Split into two parts, stories in the collection include 'The Contest', 'The Home-Coming', and 'The Marriage of the Brigadier'. Many of the stories are set in ancient Rome, and contain plenty of adventure, excitement, and mystery. -

Objev podobné jako The Last Galley - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

The New Revelation - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha

eBook: The spiritual movement in the early part of the twentieth century had few proponents greater than Sir Arthur Conan Doyle--a medical doctor, soldier, intellect, and world-renowned author of the Sherlock Holmes series. In 1918, Doyle published The New Revelation--a firsthand account of his personal investigation into the world of Spiritualism, which embraced areas that we refer to today as ESP, New Age philosophy, metaphysics, and psychic experiences. While some may view this work as a historical footnote, the answers to Sir Arthur's basic questions about life and death are as relevant today as they were then.

Objev podobné jako The New Revelation - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha

cena 138.0 Kč

The Green Flag - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha

eBook: ‘The Green Flag’ is a collection of short stories from the much-loved ‘Sherlock Holmes’ author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. First published in 1895, stories in the collection include archaeology thriller ‘The New Catacomb’, pirate tale ‘Captain Sharkey’ and the suspenseful ‘The Lord of Chateau Noir’. An enjoyable collection from the prolific author.

Objev podobné jako The Green Flag - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

The Poison Belt - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha

eBook: Must Professor George Challenger and friends, barricaded in a room, see Earth die? As globe passes through a belt of poisonous ether, terror sweeps mankind; cities riot; communications cease. Novella.

Objev podobné jako The Poison Belt - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha

cena 138.0 Kč

The Adventure of the Naval Treaty - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha

eBook: Mr. Percy Phelps, a Foreign Office employee, is desperate. An important naval treaty disappeared while he was working with it during one late night in the office. Phelps reaches out to his old schoolmate, Holmes, and asks for his help. A long and exhausting investigation begins. But it is a matter of time for the treaty to be divulged to a foreign government. Will Holmes solve the case in time? Will Phelps win his good reputation back?"The Adventure of the Naval Treaty" is a part of "The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes".

Objev podobné jako The Adventure of the Naval Treaty - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha

cena 124.0 Kč

The Gods are Athirst - Anatole France - e-kniha

eBook: \'The Gods Are Athirst\' (1912) is Nobel laureate Anatole France\'s captivating fictional reimagining of the bloody events of the French Revolution. Gamelin, a young idealistic painter who works with his local government in Pont-Neuf finds himself at the epicentre of the Terror when he is appointed as a juror on the Revolutionary Tribunal. Swept through a procession of unjust trials, Gamelin must reckon with his actions as he determines the fates of those closest to him. As he turns drunk with power and vengeance, Gamelin\'s actions set forth a violent and horrific chain of events that end only with blood. \'The Gods Are Athirst\' is a brilliant but horrifying depiction of how fear and a warped sense of justice only serve to bring chaos. A masterpiece in its own right, \'The Gods Are Athirst\' is an essential read for anyone interested in French history or looking for a gripping tale of the fall of the man and the cost of vengeance.

Objev podobné jako The Gods are Athirst - Anatole France - e-kniha

cena 194.0 Kč

Songs of the Road - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha

eBook: First published in 1911 ‘Songs of the Road’ is Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s foray into poetry. This is a collection of his work and is split into three sections: Narrative Verses and Songs, Philosophic Verses and Miscellaneous Verses. Poems in the collection include ‘The Outcasts’, ‘Mind and Matter’ and ‘A Lilt of the Road’. Ranging in lengths and styles, this is a delightful collection of poetry – and a lesser-known aspect of Conan Doyle’s huge body of work.

Objev podobné jako Songs of the Road - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha

cena 138.0 Kč

Through the Magic Door - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha

eBook: First published in 1907, ‘Through the Magic Door’ is an essay by the ‘Sherlock Holmes’ author on the joy of literature and reading. In it, he enthuses about his favourite books and authors which include Sir Walter Scott, Samuel Pepys, and Edgar Allen Poe. Doyle describes how he often used to have to choose between lunch and a new book during his student days and gives his thoughts and advice to readers. A fascinating piece of writing from the British author.

Objev podobné jako Through the Magic Door - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha

cena 194.0 Kč

Round the Fire Stories - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha

eBook: Originally published in 1908 and out of print for more than half a century, this collection of stories, complete with a Preface by the author, presents Sir Arthur Conan Doyle at his finest. These 17 tales of suspense and adventure are meant to be read "round the fire" on a cold winter's night and include murder, madness, ghosts, unsolved crimes, mysterious disappearances, and more.

Objev podobné jako Round the Fire Stories - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

Round the Red Lamp - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha

eBook: First published in 1894, ‘Round the Red Lamp’ is a collection of mostly medical themed stories from the famous Sherlock Holmes author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, no doubt drawing on his own experiences as a physician. Stories in the collection include the squeamish tale ‘His First Operation’, childbirth story ‘The Curse of Eve’ and a sweet, sentimental account about the passage of time in ‘Behind the Times’.

Objev podobné jako Round the Red Lamp - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha

cena 333.0 Kč

The Great Boer War - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha

eBook: Keen to participate in the Boer War, famous author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle initially volunteered to be a soldier but was rejected. Determined to play some part, Doyle went on to become a medic with the British army in 1900. 'The Great Boer War' is his account of the conflict. He draws on the eye-witness accounts of patients he treated, as well as his own first-hand experiences to present a fascinating overview of the war. -

Objev podobné jako The Great Boer War - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha

cena 333.0 Kč

The Man from Archangel - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha

eBook: First published in 1895 'The Man from Archangel' is a collection of short stories by the famous Sherlock Holmes author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. The collection is split into two sections – one of adventurous tales and the other focussing on stories of Victorian medicine. Stories include 'The Sealed Room', 'His First Operation' and 'The Curse of Eve'. No doubt drawing on his own experience as a physician, this is a fascinating selection of lesser-known stories from the popular author. -

Objev podobné jako The Man from Archangel - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha

cena 138.0 Kč

The Gully of Bluemansdyke - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha

eBook: First published in 1881 'The Gully of Bluemansdyke' is a collection of seven short stories from the much-loved author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. The stories are set all over the world, from Australia to Scotland and Budapest. Full of adventure, excitement and even the paranormal, tales in this collection include 'My Friend the Murderer', 'The Silver Hatchet' and 'That Little Square Box'. -

Objev podobné jako The Gully of Bluemansdyke - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha

cena 194.0 Kč

The Firm of Girdlestone - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha

eBook: Father and son team John and Ezra Girdlestone are facing the financial ruin of their family business. In order to save the firm and the family name, the duo come up with a series of devious plans in order to cheat and trick their way into a fortune. Will the cunning pair succeed? This is a gripping story full of fascinating and villainous characters from the famous Sherlock Holmes author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. -

Objev podobné jako The Firm of Girdlestone - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha

cena 333.0 Kč

My Friend the Murderer - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha

eBook: ‘My Friend the Murderer’ is a short story by Sherlock Holmes creator Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Our narrator is a doctor who works at an Australian prison. The doctor is urged to take some time to speak to inmate 82, a man named Maloney whose villainous reputation precedes him. As the doctor gets to know him, he is shocked by what Maloney has to say. A gripping short story from the popular author.

Objev podobné jako My Friend the Murderer - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha

cena 124.0 Kč

The Complete Sherlock Holmes - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha

eBook: Kompletní vydání všech případů věhlasného detektiva Sherlocka Holmese a jeho věrného druha dr. Watsona. Kniha je v angličtině.

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cena 99.0 Kč

The Land of Mist - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha

eBook: Professor Challenger is back - this time with some haunting encounters to handle. Challenger\'s friend Edward Malone, a journalist, begins to investigate spiritualist meetings for his newspaper, along with the professor\'s daughter, Enid. Scepticism is in their DNA, so they attend seances without expectation. But a clutch of creepy moments and spooky scenes leave them questioning everything they believe in. This is ideal for fans of Agatha Christie and \'The Woman in Black\' by Susan Hill. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) was a British writer and physician who gained global fame for his stories about the London detective \'Sherlock Holmes\'. In all, he wrote four novels and 56 short stories about Holmes and Dr Watson, including the first, \'A Study in Scarlet\'. Conan Doyle also wrote fantasy, science-fiction, humour, poetry, non-fiction, romance and historical novels.

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cena 389.0 Kč

The War in South Africa - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha

eBook: Published in 1902, ‘The War in South Africa’ is Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s account of the Boer War. Keen to play his part, Doyle enlisted as a doctor after being turned down by the Imperial Yeomanry. Naturally skewed towards British interests and beliefs of the time, it is an account which wholly overlooks the atrocities committed by the British, and so is a less than accurate reflection of the war. A historical eyewitness account from one of the best known authors of the time.

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cena 194.0 Kč

The Doings of Raffles Haw - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha

eBook: Siblings Robert and Laura McIntyre have fallen on hard times following the death of their mother and their father's subsequent descent into alcoholism, which is bankrupting the family. Their fortunes appear to be on the up though following the arrival of a mysterious, eccentric, and wealthy new neighbour called Raffles Haw. An insightful, moralistic tale about the corrupting nature of extreme wealth from renowned Sherlock Holmes author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.-

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cena 138.0 Kč

The Dealings of Captain Sharkey - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha

eBook: Published in 1919, ‘The Dealings of Captain Sharkey’ is a collection of pirate and adventure stories by internationally renowned author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Short stories in the collection include, ‘The Striped Chest’, ‘Jelland’s Voyage’ and ‘That Little Square Box’. This is a highly enjoyable collection of nautical adventure tales.

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cena 249.0 Kč

The Elementary Sherlock Holmes Collection - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha

eBook: From intense deduction methods and trusty sidekicks to supernatural dogs and grizzly murders, ´The Elementary Sherlock Holmes Collection´ offers a generous glimpse into some of the best adventures of the most famous detective of all time. Follow the notorious detective and his companion, Dr Watson, as they try to solve the eerie mystery behind an attempted murder in ´The Hound of the Baskervilles´, or help them solve the mystery of a father gone missing in ´The Sign of the Four´. These are just some of the thrilling adventures included in the collection, which also features the first-ever Sherlock Holmes story ´A Study in Scarlet´ alongside ´His Last Bow´ and ´The Valley of Fear´.Beautifully portrayed by the likes of Benedict Cumberbatch and Robert Downey Jr, Sherlock Holmes has appeared in multiple iterations, most notably as a "high-functioning sociopath" in BBC's ´Sherlock´. With nine exhilarating adventures, ´The Elementary Sherlock Holmes Collection´ serves as the perfect introduction to one of the most famous written characters of all time. It is ideal for fans of "Enola Holmes" on Netflix.-

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cena 83.0 Kč

The Wanderings of a Spiritualist - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha

eBook: First published in 1921, ‘The Wanderings of a Spiritualist’ is a personal account of spiritualism by the ‘Sherlock Holmes’ author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Doyle had publicly professed his belief in spiritualism some years earlier and was a keen proponent of the movement despite much public opposition and ridicule. ‘The Wanderings of a Spiritualist’ recounts the spiritualist lecture tour of New Zealand and Australia which Doyle undertook in the early 1920s. In it, he describes in detail the places he visited and the people he met and intersperses his travel accounts with his thoughts and beliefs on spiritualism. A fascinating insight into the mind of the world-famous author in the latter stages of his life.

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cena 194.0 Kč

The Case-Book of Sherlock Holmes - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha

eBook: Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson invite their readers to follow their adventures one last time, as they solve more mysteries from the criminal underworld. This last collection about the famous and eccentric duo takes you on an adventure full of mysterious lodgers, missing diamonds, lions, vampires, and lover's quarrels. One last time, let yourself be swept away by the curious cases and Holmes' grandiose talent of deduction. This collection "The Adventure of the Mazarin Stone", "The Problem of Thor Bridge", "The Adventure of the Creeping Man", "The Adventure of the Sussex Vampire", "The Adventure of the Three Garridebs", "The Adventure of the Illustrious Client", "The Adventure of the Three Gables", "The Adventure of the Blanched Soldier", "The Adventure of the Lion's Mane", "The Adventure of the Retired Colourman", "The Adventure of the Veiled Lodger", and "The Adventure of Shoscombe Old Place".

Objev podobné jako The Case-Book of Sherlock Holmes - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket - Edgar Allan Poe - e-kniha

eBook: A man stows away aboard a whaling ship and gets caught up in shipwreck, mutiny, cannibalism and, finally, utter weirdness.Edgar Allen Poe's only novel, "The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket" (1838) recounts the grim, violent and often bizarre story of Pym and his companions as they set adrift at sea and gradually descent from terror to absolute horror.The novel makes for a riveting and gruesome tale that influenced writers such as Jules Verne and Herman Melville, and even H. P. Lovecraft and Jorge Luis Borges. An engrossing tale that will speak to maritime and mystery enthusiasts alike. Poe at his best.Listed on Robert MCCrum's '100 Best Novels Written in English' list published in The Guardian, January 2021.

Objev podobné jako The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket - Edgar Allan Poe - e-kniha

cena 138.0 Kč

Hrůza - Arthur Machen - e-kniha

eBook: Arthur Machen se narodil v malé velšské vesničce, jež na přelomu 4. a 5. století byla sídlem dvora krále Artuše a odkud Rytíři kulatého stolu vyjížděli hledat svatý gráll. Byl členem tajné společnosti anglických zasvěcenců Zlatý úsvit, k níž patřil mj. i Bram Stoker. Živil se jako herec, novinář, ale hlavně spisovatel, jehož obdivovali G. B. Shaw i T. S. Eliot. Je autorem mnoha mystických a strašidelných románů a novel, z nichž mezi nejznámější a nejoblíbenější patří Vnitřní světlo (1894), Bílý prach (1896) a především Velký bůh Pan (1894).Novela Hrůza z roku 1917 patří k jeho nejlepším dílům: Během první světové války dojde v Británii k řadě nevysvětlitelných úmrtí a vražd. „Výbuch munice v Severním distriktu: mnoho smrtelných úrazů." Jeden z pracujících přidal hrozné detaily: Tváře mrtvol byly zohavené, jako by je ohryzal nějaký hlodavec. Střecha budovy však byla zcela nepoškozena.

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cena 186.0 Kč

Gejša - Arthur Golden - e-kniha

eBook: Slavná gejša Sajuri, již jako stará dáma žijící v Americe, otevírá okno do tajemného, skrytého světa japonských gejš. Chudá dívenka z rybářské vesnice musí na cestě za kariérou profesionální gejši překonat mnoho překážek, ale nakonec ji zradí vlastní srdce…

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cena 439.0 Kč

The Great Keinplatz Experiment and Other Tales of Twilight and the Unseen - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha

eBook: ‘The Great Keinplatz Experiment’ is a collection of short stories by the prolific ‘Sherlock Holmes’ author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Due to Doyle’s fascination with the supernatural, several of the stories have a supernatural element. Stories in the collection include Egyptian archaeology thriller ‘Lot No. 249’ and the dark, atmospheric séance story in ‘Playing with Fire’. Full of humour as well as mystery, this is a fascinating collection of stories from Doyle.

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cena 249.0 Kč

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