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The Dead Romantics - Ashley Poston

Florence Day is a ghost-writer with one big problem. She's supposed to be penning swoon-worthy novels for a famous romance author but, after a bad break-up, Florence no longer believes in love. And when her strict (but undeniably hot) new editor, Benji Andor, won't give her an extension on her book deadline, Florence prepares to kiss her career goodbye.Although when tragedy strikes and Florence has to head home, the last thing she expects to see is a ghost at her front door. Not just any ghost, however, but the stern form of her still very hot - yet now unquestionably dead - new editor.As sparks start to fly between them, Florence tells herself she can't be falling for a ghost - even an infuriatingly sexy one. But can Benji help Florence to realise love isn't dead, after all?If you fell in love with Beach Read, The Love Hypothesis and The Hating Game, this laugh-out-loud romance packed with sizzling chemistry will give you all the feels!

Podívejte se také Grateful Dead: The Grateful Dead - CD (0349784692)

cena 259.0 Kč

The Seven Year Slip - Ashley Poston

An overworked book publicist with a perfectly planned future hits a snag when she falls in love with her temporary roommate...only to discover he lives seven years in the past, in this witty and wise new novel from the bestselling author of The Dead Romantics. Sometimes, the worst day of your life happens, and you have to figure out how to live after it. Six months ago, Clementine West had the worst day of her life.So, she came up with a plan to keep her heart safe: stay busy, work hard, take no risks. And it's been working. That is until one day she finds a strange man standing in her kitchen.A man with kind eyes, a crooked smile, and a recipe for the perfect lemon meringue pie. The kind of man that, before everything, she could have fallen for . .. He's perfect but for one thing: he lives in the past. Seven years ago, to be exact.This should be impossible, but Clementine used to love impossible things. And maybe, just maybe, she will again. After all, love is never a matter of time - but a matter of timing.

Podívejte se také Grateful Dead: The Grateful Dead - LP (0349784662)

cena 268.0 Kč

Mŕtvi romantici - Ashley Poston

Florence Dayová píše pre jednu z najproduktívnejších autoriek ľúbostných románov v brandži, no má problém – po hroznom rozchode už viac neverí na lásku. Je pre ňu mŕtva.Keď jej nový šéfredaktor, až príliš sympatický mužný fešák, nepredĺži termín na dopísanie knihy, Florence je pripravená navždy sa s kariérou rozlúčiť. Potom ju však prekvapí telefonát, ktorý nikdy nechcela zažiť, a musí sa prvýkrát po desiatich rokochvrátiť domov, aby pomohla rodine pochovať svojho milovaného otca.Desať rokov bola na úteku z mesta, ktoré ju nikdy nepochopilo, a aj keď jej stále chýbajú teplé južanské večery a jej výstredná milujúca rodina, ktorá vlastní pohrebný ústav, nevie sa prinútiť, aby ostala. Jej otec je navždy preč a aj tak sa zdá, že samestečko vôbec nezmenilo. A Florence je z toho celá bez seba. Až kým sa pred ňou pred dverami pohrebného ústavu nezjaví duch. Je práve taký vysoký a neuveriteľne krásny, ako si ho pamätá, a sám je zmätený z toho, čo tam robí.Romantika je určite mŕtva – a platí to aj pre jej nového šéfredaktora. Pri riešení jeho nedokončenej záležitosti musí Florence pochybovať o všetkom, čo vie o milostných príbehoch.

Podívejte se také ashley j grayson

cena 388.0 Kč

Geekerella - A novel - Ashley Poston

Geek girl Elle Wittimer lives and breathes Starfield, the classic sci-fi series she grew up watching with her late father. So when she sees a cosplay contest for a new Starfield movie, she has to enter. The prize? An invitation to the ExcelsiCon Cosplay Ball, and a meet-and-greet with the actor slated to play Federation Prince Carmindor in the reboot. With savings from her gig at the Magic Pumpkin food truck (and her dad s old costume), Elle s determined to win unless her stepsisters get there first. Teen actor Darien Freeman used to live for cons before he was famous. Now they re nothing but autographs and awkward meet-and-greets. Playing Carmindor is all he s ever wanted, but Starfield fandom has written him off as just another dumb heartthrob. As ExcelsiCon draws near, Darien feels more and more like a fake until he meets a girl who shows him otherwise. But when she disappears at midnight, will he ever be able to find her again? Part romance, part love letter to nerd culture, and all totally adorbs, Geekerella is a fairy tale for anyone who believes in the magic of fandom.

Objev podobné jako Geekerella - A novel - Ashley Poston

cena 299.0 Kč

Romantici ze záhrobí - Ashley Poston

Florence Dayová je stínovou spisovatelkou, která má velký problém. Má psát milostné romány za slavnou autorku romantických knížek, ale po zdrcujícím rozchodu přestala věřit na lásku. A když jí její nový, přísný a akurátní (ovšem nepopiratelně sexy) redaktor Benji Andor odmítne znovu prodloužit termín odevzdání posledního rukopisu, je Florence připravená svou kariéru pověsit na hřebík.Pak ale udeří tragédie; Florence se musí naléhavě vrátit domů – a to poslední, co čeká, je, že se u jejích dveří objeví duch. A ne jen tak ledajaký. V celé své upjaté kráse se jí začne zjevovat přízrak jejího nového redaktora, který je pořád hrozně sexy, ale taky nepochybně velmi mrtvý.Když mezi nimi začnou přeskakovat první jiskry, je Florence víc než jasné, že se nemůže a nesmí zamilovat do ducha. Ale může jí Benji pomoct uvědomit si, že láska přece jen nevymřela.

Objev podobné jako Romantici ze záhrobí - Ashley Poston

cena 319.0 Kč

Sedem rokov medzi nami - Ashley Poston

Občas sa stane, že zažijete najhorší deň svojho života, a musíte prísť na to, ako žiť ďalej.A tak si Clementine vytvorí plán, ako uchrániť svoje srdce: bude tvrdo pracovať, nájde si niekoho poriadneho, koho by mohla milovať, a popri tom sa posnaží nezabudnúť na svoje sny. To posledné znie hlúpo a naivne, ale teta jej vždy hovorievala, že človek potrebuje aspoň jeden veľký sen, aby mohol vždy kráčať vpred. A posledný rok sa jej tento plán darilo plniť bez problémov. Väčšinou. S láskou to bolo ťažšie, pretože sa nechce s nikým príliš zblížiť – nie je si istá, či to jej srdce zvládne.Lenže potom nájde v kuchyni bytu svojej zosnulej tety stáť neznámeho muža. Muža s láskavými očami, južanským prízvukom a so slabosťou pre citrónové koláče. Muža, do ktorého by sa pred tým všetkým bezhlavo zamilovala. A mohla by sa zamilovať aj teraz.Až na to, že on existuje v minulosti. Presne pred siedmimi rokmi. A ona žije o sedem rokov v jeho budúcnosti.Teta jej vždy vravievala, že byt je čarovný a je to miesto, kde sa okamihy prelínajú ako akvarely. A Clementine vie, že ak popustí uzdu svojmu srdcu, bude odsúdená k záhube.Napokon, láska nikdy nie je otázkou času, ale otázkou načasovania.Prepracovaná knižná publicistka s dokonale naplánovanou budúcnosťou narazí na prekážku, keď sa zamiluje do svojho dočasného spolubývajúceho... a zistí o ňom, že žije o sedem rokov v minulosti. O tom, čo bude nasledovať, sa dočítate v tomto vtipnom románe od autorky New York Times bestselleru Mŕtvi romantici.

Objev podobné jako Sedem rokov medzi nami - Ashley Poston

cena 434.0 Kč

A Novel Love Story - Ashley Poston

Eileen Merriweather loves a good love story. The fictional kind, anyway.After all, imaginary men don’t break your heart. That’s why she’s so excited for her annual book club retreat – instead, when her car breaks down en route, Eileen finds herself in Eloraton. A town where every meet is cute, the rain always comes in the afternoon, and the bookshop is always curated with impeccable taste.It feels too good to be true … because Eloraton is the setting of her favourite romance series. And Eileen is sure she must be here to bring the town its storybook ending. But there’s one character she can’t place.The grumpy bookshop owner with mint-green eyes, and an irritatingly sexy mouth. He does not want Eileen to finish this story, but how else can she find her happily-ever-after? The next magical rom-com from the New York Times bestselling author of The Seven Year Slip and The Dead Romantics!

Objev podobné jako A Novel Love Story - Ashley Poston

cena 268.0 Kč

Romantici ze záhrobí - Ashley Poston - e-kniha

eBook: Florence Dayová je stínovou spisovatelkou, která má velký problém. Má psát milostné romány za slavnou autorku romantických knížek, ale po zdrcujícím rozchodu přestala věřit na lásku. A když jí její nový, přísný a akurátní (ovšem nepopiratelně sexy) redaktor Benji Andor odmítne znovu prodloužit termín odevzdání posledního rukopisu, je Florence připravená svou kariéru pověsit na hřebík.Pak ale udeří tragédie; Florence se musí naléhavě vrátit domů – a to poslední, co čeká, je, že se u jejích dveří objeví duch. A ne jen tak ledajaký. V celé své upjaté kráse se jí začne zjevovat přízrak jejího nového redaktora, který je pořád hrozně sexy, ale taky nepochybně velmi mrtvý.Když mezi nimi začnou přeskakovat první jiskry, je Florence víc než jasné, že se nemůže a nesmí zamilovat do ducha. Ale může jí Benji pomoct uvědomit si, že láska přece jen nevymřela.

Objev podobné jako Romantici ze záhrobí - Ashley Poston - e-kniha

cena 319.0 Kč

The Whispers - Ashley Audrain

READ THE EXPLOSIVE NEW NOVEL FROM THE INTERNATIONALLY BESTSELLING AUTHOR OF THE PUSH‘An ending you’ll have to read twice to believe’ New York Times‘A shimmering, visceral ride through the dark side of family, of community, of womanhood and mothering. She really is in a league of her own’ Lisa Jewell----The incident happens in the middle of the night.Whitney Loverly’s place: the grandest house on Harlow Street.Friends, neighbours and the authorities gather to piece together the events of the last twenty-four hours.There’s talk of secrets, lies. Betrayals.Once the envy of all, is Whitney Loverly – CEO, wife, mother – about to fall?Behind closed doors the whispering has started.But where will it end? ----Readers are loving The Whispers ‘I''m taking several deep breaths after reading something that created intense emotional turmoil, leaving me gasping and in awe, rendering me speechless!’ ***** Reader Review‘Gripping, shocking, intense, and hard to put down!’ ***** Reader Review‘This book is deep, dark, unsettling, and a true character study of how women and couples really act behind closed doors - and how some get caught out in the open’ ***** Reader Review‘This book had me completely enthralled from the very first page’ ***** Reader Review‘This book is a remarkable masterpiece about motherhood, the challenges of being a capable woman’ ***** Reader ReviewPraise for The Whispers‘Unforgettable’ Claire Douglas‘A beautifully observed exploration of what it means to be a woman’ Sarah Pearse‘A cracking psychological thriller. Keeps you guessing to the final pages’ Heat‘A punchy page-turner about motherhood, sacrifice and the huge expectations we force on to women’ Good Housekeeping‘I loved this book’ Miranda Cowley Heller‘A masterwork: a page-turner, a searing emotional rollercoaster and a beautifully written hymn to the pain, the love, the fury of motherhood . . . sensational’ Rosie Walsh

Objev podobné jako The Whispers - Ashley Audrain

cena 295.0 Kč

Grateful Dead: The Grateful Dead - CD (0349784692)

Hudební CD - Výroční reedice debutového alba legendární rockové skupiny - v roce 2017 byla nově zremasterována. Výroční reedice debutového alba legendární rockové skupiny - v roce 2017 byla nově zremasterována. Legendární rocková skupina ze San Francisca vznikla v roce 1965 a patří k zásadním reprezentantům zlatého věku rockové hudby. Na přelomu šedesátých a sedmdesátých let se proslavila dlouhými a divokými improvizacemi během koncertních vystoupení. V tvorbě pracovala s vlivy nejrůznějších hudebních stylů od rocku a psychedelie, přes folk a bluegrass, až třeba ke gospelu, jazzu nebo reggae. Rozpadla se v roce 1995, kdy zemřela vůdčí osobnost skupiny, kytarista a zpěvák Jerry Garcia. V roce 2007 skupina obdržela Grammy za celoživotní přínos. Seznam stop CD1 The Golden Road (2017 Remaster) / Beat It on down the Line (2017 Remaster) / Good Morning Little School Girl (2017 Remaster) / Cold Rain and Snow (2017 Remaster) / Sittin' on Top of the World (2017...

Objev podobné jako Grateful Dead: The Grateful Dead - CD (0349784692)

cena 339.0 Kč

Grateful Dead: The Grateful Dead - LP (0349784662)

LP vinyl - Výroční reedice debutového alba legendární rockové skupiny - v roce 2017 byla nově zremasterována. Výroční reedice debutového alba legendární rockové skupiny - v roce 2017 byla nově zremasterována. Legendární rocková skupina ze San Francisca vznikla v roce 1965 a patří k zásadním reprezentantům zlatého věku rockové hudby. Na přelomu šedesátých a sedmdesátých let se proslavila dlouhými a divokými improvizacemi během koncertních vystoupení. V tvorbě pracovala s vlivy nejrůznějších hudebních stylů od rocku a psychedelie, přes folk a bluegrass, až třeba ke gospelu, jazzu nebo reggae. Rozpadla se v roce 1995, kdy zemřela vůdčí osobnost skupiny, kytarista a zpěvák Jerry Garcia. V roce 2007 skupina obdržela Grammy za celoživotní přínos. Obsah: LP1 The Golden Road (2017 Remaster) Beat It on down the Line (2017 Remaster) Good Morning Little School Girl (2017 Remaster) Cold Rain and Snow (2017 Remaster) Sittin' on Top of the World (2017 Remaster) Cream Puff...

Objev podobné jako Grateful Dead: The Grateful Dead - LP (0349784662)

cena 539.0 Kč

Let the Old Dead Make Room for the Young Dead - Milan Kundera

Faber Stories, a landmark series of individual volumes, presents masters of the short story form at work in a range of genres and styles. A chance encounter leads a man to spend the afternoon with an older woman, now a widow, who escaped him fifteen years earlier. Neither of them doubts that the day will end in disgust, but for one intimate moment each finds a way to overcome mortality.Written in 1969, before Milan Kundera was known to English-speaking readers, this story renders male and female characters painful equals, and prompted Philip Roth to admire its 'detached Chekhovian tenderness'. Bringing together past, present and future in our ninetieth year, Faber Stories is a celebratory compendium of collectable work.

Objev podobné jako Let the Old Dead Make Room for the Young Dead - Milan Kundera

cena 133.0 Kč

City of the Dead (1529125952)

Kniha - autor Jonathan Kellerman, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The past comes back to haunt psychologist Alex Delaware and Detective Milo Sturgis when they investigate a grisly double homicide and uncover an even more unspeakable motive in this riveting thriller from the number one New York Times best-selling master of suspense. Los Angeles is a city of sunlight, celebrity, and possibility. The LA often experienced by Homicide Lt. Detective Milo Sturgis and psychologist Alex Delaware is a city of the dead. Early one morning, the two of them find themselves in a neighborhood of pretty houses, pretty cars, and pretty people. The scene they encounter is anything but. A naked young man lies dead in the street, the apparent victim of a collision with a moving van hurtling through suburbia in the darkness. But any thoughts of accidental death vanish when a blood trail leads to a nearby home. Inside, a young woman lies butchered. The identity of the male...

Objev podobné jako City of the Dead (1529125952)

cena 395.0 Kč

The Dead Fathers Club (1786893258)

Kniha - 288 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - 288 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Philip Noble is an eleven-year-old in crisis. His pub landlord father has died in a road accident, and his mother is succumbing to the greasy charms of her dead husband's brother, Uncle Alan. The remaining certainties of Philip's life crumble away when his father's ghost appears in the pub and declares Uncle Alan murdered him. Arming himself with weapons from the school chemistry cupboard, Philip vows to carry out the ghost's relentless demands for revenge. But can the words of a ghost be trusted any more than the lies of the living?

Objev podobné jako The Dead Fathers Club (1786893258)

cena 249.0 Kč

The Sleeping and the Dead - Ann Cleevesová

The Sleeping and The Dead is a tense psychological thriller from Ann Cleeves, author and creator of the three astounding TV series: Shetland, Vera and The Long Call.Detective Peter Porteous is called to Cranwell Lake where the body of a teenager has been discovered.After trawling through the missing persons files, he comes to the conclusion that the corpse is Michael Grey, an enigmatic and secretive young man who was reported missing by his foster parents in 1972.The news report that a body has been found leaves prison officer Hannah Morton in shock. Michael had been her boyfriend, and she had been with him the night he disappeared. And now the discovery is bringing back dreaded and long buried memories from her past . . .

Objev podobné jako The Sleeping and the Dead - Ann Cleevesová

cena 399.0 Kč

Exhumed: To The Dead - LP (RR48151)

LP vinyl - EXHUMED se vrací z hlubin se svým děsivým novým albem To the Dead! EXHUMED se vrací z hlubin se svým děsivým novým albem To the Dead! Legendární kariéru kapely není třeba představovat; EXHUMED jsou průkopníci krví nasáklého „Gore” metalu. To the Dead je vyvrcholením desetiletí a desetiletí nočních můr riffů, ničivých blast beatů a pekelných výkřiků z hlubin, ze kterých se kapela plazila! Rok vydání 2022 Seznam stop LP Putrescine and Cadaverine / Drained of Color / Carbonized / Rank and Defiled / Lurid, Shocking, and Vile / Undertaking the Overkilled / Necrotica / No Headstone Unturned / Defecated / Disgusted

Objev podobné jako Exhumed: To The Dead - LP (RR48151)

cena 609.0 Kč

The Escapists: The Walking Dead (156030)

Herní doplněk / DLC - elektronická licence, klíč pro Steam, žánr: Strategie, pro uplatnění je vyžadována základní hra VypnutoThe Escapists: The Walking DeadUnikátní hra ve stylu The Escapists v osmibitové pixel-artové grafice v sobě spojuje oceňovaný nezávislý hit The Escapists a celosvětový fenomén Živí mrtví. Ujměte se role Ricka Grimese, který se musí vypořádávat s hordami „chodců“ bloudících po světě.Klíčové vlastnostiPopasujte se s 6 nejznámějšími lokacemi z komiksu Živí mrtvíMáte na výběr z více než stovky rozličných předmětů pro tvorbu nástrojů a zbraníSetkejte se se svými oblíbenými postavami z komiksu a...

Objev podobné jako The Escapists: The Walking Dead (156030)

cena 349.0 Kč

Exhumed: To The Dead - CD (RR75032)

Hudební CD - EXHUMED se vrací z hlubin se svým děsivým novým albem To the Dead! EXHUMED se vrací z hlubin se svým děsivým novým albem To the Dead! Legendární kariéru kapely není třeba představovat; EXHUMED jsou průkopníci krví nasáklého „Gore” metalu. To the Dead je vyvrcholením desetiletí a desetiletí nočních můr riffů, ničivých blast beatů a pekelných výkřiků z hlubin, ze kterých se kapela plazila! Rok vydání 2022 Seznam stop CD Putrescine and Cadaverine / Drained of Color / Carbonized / Rank and Defiled / Lurid, Shocking, and Vile / Undertaking the Overkilled / Necrotica / No Headstone Unturned / Defecated / Disgusted

Objev podobné jako Exhumed: To The Dead - CD (RR75032)

cena 329.0 Kč

Halestorm - Back From The Dead (LP)

Typ: LP deska;Album Dekáda interpreta: 2010 - 2019;1990 - 1999;2000 - 2009;2020 - 2029 Balení obsahuje: LP Barva podle výrobce: Black Země interpreta: USA Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Složení setu: 1 ks Země původu: Německo Barva: Černá Žánr: Hard Rock Datum vydání: 2022-05-06 Vydavatelství: Atlantic Subžánr: Hard Rock Varianta: Back From The Dead (LP) Rok vydání: 2022.0 Interpret / Téma: Halestorm

Objev podobné jako Halestorm - Back From The Dead (LP)

cena 954.55 Kč

The Dead Don't Speak - Claire Askew

''Compelling'' IAN RANKIN''Stunning'' SUNDAY TIMESThe brilliant new novel from award-winning writer and rising star Claire Askew. A city that''s no longer safe...An anonymous vigilante stalks the streets of Edinburgh. As his behaviour escalates, the police are at a loss - they can find no clues to his identity, and no trace of his whereabouts.A detective in the path of danger...DI Helen Birch has been told to stay away from the case - but she''s never been one to play by the rules. When her colleague Amy comes to her asking for help, DI Birch finds it impossible to resist the challenge - and soon, her life is on the line.Will she crack the case before it breaks her? Or has she finally met her match?A gripping crime thriller for fans of Susie Steiner, Elly Griffiths and Val McDermid - guaranteed to keep you up all night...PRAISE FOR CLAIRE ASKEW:''Thought-provoking'' Mail on Sunday''A crackerjack read'' Val McDermid''Meticulous and compelling'' Ian Rankin''Thoughtful and well-written'' Guardian''Compellingly written'' Daily Mail''Stunning'' Erin Kelly''Absorbing and thought-provoking'' The Times

Objev podobné jako The Dead Don't Speak - Claire Askew

cena 295.0 Kč

Bob Dylan - Dylan & The Dead (LP)

Vydavatelství: Columbia Dekáda interpreta: 2000 - 2009;1980 - 1989;1950 - 1959;1970 - 1979;1990 - 1999;1960 - 1969;2010 - 2019;2020 - 2029 Datum vydání: 2018-07-13 Rok vydání: 2018.0 Subžánr: Folk Rock;World Music;Classic Rock;Rock Barva podle výrobce: Black Žánr: Blues;Country;Folk;Rock Interpret / Téma: Bob Dylan Typ: LP deska;Album Varianta: Dylan & The Dead (Vinyl LP) Složení setu: 1 ks Země původu: Evropská unie;Německo Země interpreta: USA Hmotnost: 180 g Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Balení obsahuje: LP Barva: Černá

Objev podobné jako Bob Dylan - Dylan & The Dead (LP)

cena 553.85 Kč

Confessions of the Dead - James Patterson

The dead tell no tales . . .Hollows Bend is a picture-perfect New England town where weekend tourists flock to see fall leaves and eat breakfast at the Stairway Diner. The crime rate – zero – is a point of pride for Sheriff Ellie Pritchett. The day the stranger shows up is when the trouble starts.The sheriff and her deputy investigate the mysterious teenage girl. None of the locals can place her. She can’t – or won’t – answer any questions.She won’t even tell them her name. While the girl is in protective custody, the officers are called to multiple crime scenes leading them closer and closer to a lake outside of town that doesn’t appear on any map . .. _________________________________________PRAISE FOR JAMES PATTERSON'It's no mystery why James Patterson is the world's most popular thriller writer ... Simply put: nobody does it better.' JEFFERY DEAVER'No one gets this big without amazing natural storytelling talent - which is what Jim has, in spades.' LEE CHILD'Patterson boils a scene down to the single, telling detail, the element that defines a character or moves a plot along.It's what fires off the movie projector in the reader's mind.' MICHAEL CONNELLY'James Patterson is The Boss. End of.' IAN RANKIN'The master storyteller of our times.' HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON'One of the greatest storytellers of all time.' PATRICIA CORNWELL'James Patterson is the gold standard by which all others are judged.' STEVE BERRY The 24th Hour by James Patterson was a No. 1 Sunday Times Bestseller 17/03/2024

Objev podobné jako Confessions of the Dead - James Patterson

cena 266.0 Kč

What Moves The Dead - T. Kingfisher

From the Nebula and Hugo award-winning author of The Twisted Ones, comes What Moves the Dead, a gripping and atmospheric retelling of Edgar Allan Poe's classic "The Fall of the House of Usher." When Alex Easton, a retired soldier, receives word that their childhood friend Madeline Usher is dying, they race to the ancestral home of the Ushers in the remote countryside of Ruritania. What they find there is a nightmare of fungal growths and possessed wildlife, surrounding a dark, pulsing lake. Madeline sleepwalks and speaks in strange voices at night, and her brother Roderick is consumed with a mysterious malady of the nerves. Aided by a redoubtable British mycologist and a baffled American doctor, Alex must unravel the secret of the House of Usher before it consumes them all.

Objev podobné jako What Moves The Dead - T. Kingfisher

cena 259.0 Kč

The Dead of Winter - Stuart MacBride

THE NUMBER ONE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER'One of this country's finest crime writers' Daily Mail'Concludes with a glorious twist' The Times'A high wire balancing act but MacBride never falters' Scotland on SundayTHE UNPUTDOWNABLE, UNMISSABLE NEW THRILLER FROM THE NUMBER ONE BESTSELLING AUTHOR.It was supposed to be an easy job.All Detective Constable Edward Reekie had to do was pick up a dying prisoner from HMP Grampian and deliver him somewhere to live out his last few months in peace.From the outside, Glenfarach looks like a quaint, sleepy, snow-dusted village, nestled deep in the heart of Cairngorms National Park, but things aren't what they seem. The place is thick with security cameras and there's a strict nine o'clock curfew, because Glenfarach is the final sanctuary for people who've served their sentences but can't be safely released into the general population.Edward's new boss, DI Victoria Montgomery-Porter, insists they head back to Aberdeen before the approaching blizzards shut everything down, but when an ex-cop-turned-gangster is discovered tortured to death in his bungalow, someone needs to take charge.The weather's closing in, tensions are mounting, and time's running out - something nasty has come to Glenfarach, and Edward is standing right in its way...******Praise for Stuart MacBride:'A magnetic mix of creepy places, dark humour, horror and violence' Sun'Dark and brilliantly written' Linwood Barclay'MacBride is a damned fine writer' Peter James'MacBride's thrillers just keep getting better' Express'Crime fiction of the highest order' Mark Billingham

Objev podobné jako The Dead of Winter - Stuart MacBride

cena 295.0 Kč

Here Lie the Dead - J.D. Kirk

Six months ago, a girl vanished. Now, it's happening again. When the body of a teenager is discovered near Eilean Donan Castle several months after she disappeared, DCI Jack Logan and his team journey across the Highlands to investigate. As they start to unpick the young woman's life, the secrets and lies they expose soon threaten to tear the small, rural community apart. But, when a second girl goes missing in similar circumstances, it isn't just a murder investigation that Jack finds himself running. It's a race against time. Here Lie the Dead is the 15th book in the multi-million selling DCI Jack Logan series from Scottish crime author, JD Kirk.

Objev podobné jako Here Lie the Dead - J.D. Kirk

cena 295.0 Kč

Whispers of the Dead - Anderson Lin

''Forensic scientist Rhona MacLeod has become one of the most satisfying characters in modern crime fiction'' Daily MailA gangland slaying. A missing movie star. When an actor goes missing in Glasgow, the clue to his whereabouts could be in the film script itself. Whispers of the Dead is a gripping thriller from Lin Anderson.In the dead of night, a man’s body is found strapped to a chair in Glasgow’s Elder Park, his identity unknown. As forensic scientist Rhona MacLeod examines the scene, the violence on display suggests a gangland feud could be the cause. At the post-mortem, a bullet engraved with a snake’s head is found in the man’s stomach, lending weight to the theory.Elsewhere in the city, a major Hollywood movie is being filmed. But shooting comes to a standstill when its lead actor is reported missing. As the news spreads, Police Scotland believe the two cases may be connected.DS Michael McNab thinks the key to finding those responsible could be the film itself. A storyline playing out in real-life on the streets of Glasgow with a killer intent on revenge at any cost. A vendetta which must be paid in blood . . .Though they can be enjoyed in any order, Whispers of the Dead is the eighteenth book in the Rhona MacLeod series.

Objev podobné jako Whispers of the Dead - Anderson Lin

cena 561.0 Kč

Voices of the Dead - Ambrose Parry

SHORTLISTED FOR THE CWA HISTORICAL DAGGER 2024EDINBURGH, 1853.In a city of science, discovery can be deadly . . .Body parts have been found at Surgeons'' Hall, and they''re not anatomy specimens. Dr Will Raven is able to identify a prime suspect, but the individual he seeks happens to be an accomplished actor, a man of a thousand faces and a renowned master of disguise. Meanwhile, mesmerism, spiritualism and other unexplained phenomena are taking hold of hearts and minds. Frustrated in her own medical ambitions, Sarah Fisher sees opportunity in a new therapeutic field not already closed off to women. With the lines between science and spectacle dangerously blurred, the stage is set for a grand and deadly illusion . . .

Objev podobné jako Voices of the Dead - Ambrose Parry

cena 295.0 Kč

Fruit of the Dead - Rachel Lyon

An electric contemporary reimagining of the myth of Persephone and Demeter set over the course of one summer on a lush private island, exploring who holds the power in a modern underworld. Camp counsellor Cory Ansel, eighteen and aimless, afraid to face her high-strung single mother in New York, is no longer sure where home is when the father of one of her campers offers an alternative. The CEO of a Fortune 500 pharmaceutical company, Rolo Picazo is middle-aged, divorced, magnetic.He is also intoxicated by Cory. When Rolo proffers a childcare job (and an NDA), Cory quiets an internal warning and allows herself to be ferried to his private island off the coast of Maine. Plied with luxury and opiates manufactured by his company, she continues to tell herself she's in charge.Her mother, Emer, head of a teetering agricultural NGO, senses otherwise. When her daughter seemingly disappears, Emer crosses land and sea to heed a cry for help she alone is convinced she hears. Alternating between the two women's perspectives, Fruit of the Dead incorporates its mythic inspiration with a light touch and devastating precision.The result is a lush and haunting story that explores love, attraction, control, obliteration and America's own late capitalist mythos. Advance praise for Fruit of the Dead 'Irresistible and devastating. Lyon has spun an utterly absorbing, lush and terror-laced retelling of an ancient, archetypal tale - a young woman tempted and taken, a mother's feral grief - that is both timeless and crisply contemporary' Melissa Febos 'Opulent and unsettling, Fruit of the Dead explores the island where ancient myth meets the contemporary body' Julia Phillips

Objev podobné jako Fruit of the Dead - Rachel Lyon

cena 357.0 Kč

Johnny and the Dead - Terry Pratchett

Sell the cemetery?Over their dead bodies . . .Not many people can see the dead (not many would want to). Twelve-year-old Johnny Maxwell can. And he's got bad news for them: the council want to sell the cemetery as a building site. But the dead have learnt a thing or two from Johnny. They're not going to take it lying down . . . especially since it's Halloween tomorrow.Besides, they're beginning to find that life is a lot more fun than it was when they were . . . well . . . alive. Particularly if they break a few rules . . .

Objev podobné jako Johnny and the Dead - Terry Pratchett

cena 214.0 Kč

The Dead - James Joyce - e-kniha

eBook: The Dead written by legendary author James Joyce is widely considered to be one of the top 100 greatest books of all time. This great classic will surely attract a whole new generation of readers. For many, The Dead is required reading for various courses and curriculums. And for others who simply enjoy reading timeless piees of classic literature, this gem by James Joyce is highly recommended. Published by Classic House Books and beautifully produced, The Dead would make an ideal gift and it should be a part of everyone\'s personal library.

Objev podobné jako The Dead - James Joyce - e-kniha

cena 138.0 Kč

Make the Season Bright - Ashley Herring Blake

A brand new queer holiday romance from the author of Delilah Green Doesn't Care - perfect for fans of Alexandria Bellefleur, Casey McQuiston and Rosie Danan. It's been five years since Charlotte Donovan was ditched at the altar by her ex-fiancée, and she's doing more than okay. Sure, her single mother never checks in, but she has her strings ensemble, the Rosalind Quartet, and her life in New York is a dream come true.As the holidays draw near, her ensemble mate Sloane persuades Charlotte and the rest of the quartet to spend Christmas with her family in Colorado - it is much cozier and quieter than Manhattan, and it would guarantee more practice time for the quartet's upcoming tour. But when Charlotte arrives, she discovers that Sloane's sister Adele also brought a friend home - and that friend is none other than her ex, Brighton. All Brighton Fairbrook wanted was to have the holliest, jolliest Christmas - and try to forget that her band kicked her out.But instead, she's stuck pretending like she and her ex are strangers - which proves to be difficult when Sloane and Adele's mom signs them all up for a series of Christmas dating events. Charlotte and Brighton are soon entrenched in horseback riding and cookie decorating, but Charlotte still won't talk to her. Brighton can hardly blame her after what she did.After a few days, however, things start to slip through. Memories. Music.The way they used to play together - Brighton on guitar, Charlotte on her violin - and it all feels painfully familiar. But it's all in the past and nothing can melt the ice in their hearts . .. right?Why readers love Ashley Herring Blake . .. 'A hot, frothy romcom with a relatable heart beating at its centre' Talia Hibbert'A truly exquisite romance . .. I'm wildly in love with this book' Rachel Lynn Solomon'A swoon-worthy, laugh-out-loud romp of a romance' Kosoko Jackson'Snappy banter and seriously scorching chemistry; you'll need a very cold shower after this read!' Lana Harper'Charming and entertaining . .. Blake's masterful blend of sexual tension and growing affection will have readers swooning' Karelia Stetz-Waters'Snarky, steamy, and swoony in equal measure, I never wanted this book to end' Meryl Wilsner

Objev podobné jako Make the Season Bright - Ashley Herring Blake

cena 268.0 Kč

The Wedding Dress Repair Shop - Trisha Ashley

Winner of the 2024 RNA Popular Romantic Fiction AwardReaders have fallen in love with The Wedding Dress Repair Shop:***** ''A brilliant escape read to indulge in over the summer holidays''***** ''Amazing and warm, I couldn''t put the book down''***** ''A wonderful tale of reconnection and the triumph of the human spirit. More please!''_________________________Can her heart be mended too? After losing her fiancé and her dream job in the same week, Garland Fairford''s life is turned upside down.Having recently met a long-lost relative - Honey Fairford - through her work as a historical costumier, Garland is intrigued when Honey reveals she is opening a Wedding Dress museum in Lancashire. With nothing to lose, Garland accepts the offer of a job there.What she doesn''t expect is to come face-to-face with a ghost from her past - her old friend, Thom, who mysteriously disappeared years ago.As Garland begins reading the stories behind each of the beautiful wedding dresses, and sets about repairing both them and her relationship with Thom, could this finally be the chance for her own happy-ever-after?''Trademark Trisha, at her absolute finest!'' Heidi Swain''The perfect summer escape'' Candis''The perfect escape from real life'' Debbie Johnson''Feel-good fiction filled with friendship, community spirit and a dash of romance'' CultureFly''Vintage Trisha Ashley. An absorbing treat'' Sue Moorcroft

Objev podobné jako The Wedding Dress Repair Shop - Trisha Ashley

cena 266.0 Kč

Midnight is the Darkest Hour - Ashley Winstead

From TikTok sensation Ashley Winstead comes her newest thriller. For fans of Verity and A Flicker in the Dark, Midnight is the Darkest Hour is a twisted tale of murder, obsessive love, and the beastly urges that lie dormant within us all... In her small hometown, librarian Ruth Cornier has always felt like an outsider, even as her beloved father rains fire-and-brimstone warnings from the pulpit at Holy Fire Baptist.Unfortunately for Ruth, the only things the townspeople fear more than the God and the Devil are the myths that haunt the area, like the story of the Low Man, a vampiric figure said to steal into sinners' bedrooms and kill them on moonless nights. When a skull is found deep in the swamp next to mysterious carved symbols, Bottom Springs is thrown into uproar?and Ruth realizes only she and Everett, an old friend with a dark past, have the power to comb the town's secret underbelly in search of true evil. A dark and powerful novel like fans have come to expect from Ashley Winstead, Midnight is the Darkest Hour is an examination of the ways we've come to expect love, religion, and stories to save us, the lengths we have to go to in order to take back power, and the monstrous work of being a girl in this world.'Where The Crawdads Sing meets Twilight meets Thelma and Louise in this brilliantly realized, totally original thriller. Absolutely sensational! I couldn't put it down.' Clare Mackintosh, New York Times bestselling author

Objev podobné jako Midnight is the Darkest Hour - Ashley Winstead

cena 299.0 Kč

Halestorm: Back From The Dead - LP (7567864132)

LP vinyl - Produkci desky skupiny Halestorm měli na starost Nick Raskulinetz (Foo Fighters, Mastodon, Alice In Chains) a Scott Stevens (Shinedown, Daughtry), pilotním singlem je písnička The Steeple. „Na albu jsme pracovali už před covidem,” prozrazuje zpěvačka Lzzy Hale. Produkci desky skupiny Halestorm měli na starost Nick Raskulinetz (Foo Fighters, Mastodon, Alice In Chains) a Scott Stevens (Shinedown, Daughtry), pilotním singlem je písnička The Steeple. „Na albu jsme pracovali už před covidem,” prozrazuje zpěvačka Lzzy Hale. „Izolace a nemožnost koncertovat během pandemie mě uvrhly do temnoty, trpěla jsem krizí identity. Album je příběhem o tom, jak se z té propasti dostávám. Halestorm je americká hardrocková skupina, kterou v roce 1997 založili dva sourozenci, tehdy teenageři z městečka Red Lion ve státě Pensylvánie. Je složena ze zpěvačky a kytaristky Elizabeth ”Lzzy" Hale, jejího bratra, bubeníka Arejay Hale, kytaristy Joe Hottingera a baskytaristy...

Objev podobné jako Halestorm: Back From The Dead - LP (7567864132)

cena 669.0 Kč

Halestorm: Back From The Dead - CD (7567864133)

Hudební CD - Produkci nové desky skupiny Halestorm měli na starost Nick Raskulinetz (Foo Fighters, Mastodon, Alice In Chains) a Scott Stevens (Shinedown, Daughtry), pilotním singlem je písnička The Steeple. „Na albu jsme pracovali už před covidem,” prozrazuje zpěvačka Lzzy Hale. Produkci nové desky skupiny Halestorm měli na starost Nick Raskulinetz (Foo Fighters, Mastodon, Alice In Chains) a Scott Stevens (Shinedown, Daughtry), pilotním singlem je písnička The Steeple. „Na albu jsme pracovali už před covidem,” prozrazuje zpěvačka Lzzy Hale. „Izolace a nemožnost koncertovat během pandemie mě uvrhly do temnoty, trpěla jsem krizí identity. Album je příběhem o tom, jak se z té propasti dostávám.” Halestorm je americká hardrocková skupina, kterou v roce 1997 založili dva sourozenci, tehdy teenageři z městečka Red Lion ve státě Pensylvánie. Je složena ze zpěvačky a kytaristky Elizabeth „Lzzy” Hale, jejího bratra, bubeníka Arejay Hale, kytaristy Joe Hottingera a...

Objev podobné jako Halestorm: Back From The Dead - CD (7567864133)

cena 399.0 Kč

Love Letters to the Dead - Ava Dellaira

Sometimes the best letters are the ones that go unansweredIt begins as an assignment for English class: write a letter to a dead person - any dead person. Laurel chooses Kurt Cobain - he died young, and so did Laurel's sister May - so maybe he'll understand a bit of what Laurel is going through. Soon Laurel is writing letters to lots of dead people - Janis Joplin, Heath Ledger, River Phoenix, Amelia Earhart... it's like she can't stop. And she'd certainly never dream of handing them in to her teacher. She writes about what it's like going to a new high school, meeting new friends, falling in love for the first time - and how her family has shattered since May died.But much as Laurel might find writing the letters cathartic, she can't keep real life out forever. The ghosts of her past won't be contained between the lines of a page, and she will have to come to terms with growing up, the agony of losing a beloved sister, and the realisation that only you can shape your destiny. A lyrical, haunting and stunning debut from the protege of Stephen Chbosky (THE PERKS OF BEING A WALLFLOWER).

Objev podobné jako Love Letters to the Dead - Ava Dellaira

cena 250.0 Kč

SQUISHMALLOWS Day of the Dead Kanec - Horacio

Roztomilí plyšáci, hebcí jako marshmallow, do kterých se hned zamilujete. 20 cm vysoká, úžasná plyšová zvířátka, která se stanou společníkem na gauči, polštářovým kamarádem, mazlíčkem na spaní i přítelem na cesty. Každý SQUISHMALLOWS má své jedinečné jméno. Vyberte si toho svého anebo je sesbírejte všechny. Vhodné pro děti od 3 let. Rozměry: 20 x 20 x 14 cm Hmotnost: 140 g Materiál: směs vláken

Objev podobné jako SQUISHMALLOWS Day of the Dead Kanec - Horacio

cena 268.0 Kč

SQUISHMALLOWS Day of the Dead Kohout - Amparo

Roztomilí plyšáci, hebcí jako marshmallow, do kterých se hned zamilujete. 20 cm vysoká, úžasná plyšová zvířátka, která se stanou společníkem na gauči, polštářovým kamarádem, mazlíčkem na spaní i přítelem na cesty. Každý SQUISHMALLOWS má své jedinečné jméno. Vyberte si toho svého anebo je sesbírejte všechny. Vhodné pro děti od 3 let. Rozměry: 20 x 20 x 14 cm Hmotnost: 140 g Materiál: směs vláken

Objev podobné jako SQUISHMALLOWS Day of the Dead Kohout - Amparo

cena 268.0 Kč

SQUISHMALLOWS Day of the Dead Veverka - Luzma

Roztomilí plyšáci, hebcí jako marshmallow, do kterých se hned zamilujete. 20 cm vysoká, úžasná plyšová zvířátka, která se stanou společníkem na gauči, polštářovým kamarádem, mazlíčkem na spaní i přítelem na cesty. Každý SQUISHMALLOWS má své jedinečné jméno. Vyberte si toho svého anebo je sesbírejte všechny. Vhodné pro děti od 3 let. Rozměry: 20 x 20 x 14 cm Hmotnost: 140 g Materiál: směs vláken

Objev podobné jako SQUISHMALLOWS Day of the Dead Veverka - Luzma

cena 268.0 Kč

SQUISHMALLOWS Day of the Dead Ankylosaurus - Janicza

Roztomilí plyšáci, hebcí jako marshmallow, do kterých se hned zamilujete. 20 cm vysoká, úžasná plyšová zvířátka, která se stanou společníkem na gauči, polštářovým kamarádem, mazlíčkem na spaní i přítelem na cesty. Každý SQUISHMALLOWS má své jedinečné jméno. Vyberte si toho svého anebo je sesbírejte všechny. Vhodné pro děti od 3 let. Rozměry: 20 x 20 x 14 cm Hmotnost: 140 g Materiál: směs vláken

Objev podobné jako SQUISHMALLOWS Day of the Dead Ankylosaurus - Janicza

cena 268.0 Kč

SQUISHMALLOWS Day of the Dead Retrívr - Lisbeth

Roztomilí plyšáci, hebcí jako marshmallow, do kterých se hned zamilujete. 20 cm vysoká, úžasná plyšová zvířátka, která se stanou společníkem na gauči, polštářovým kamarádem, mazlíčkem na spaní i přítelem na cesty. Každý SQUISHMALLOWS má své jedinečné jméno. Vyberte si toho svého anebo je sesbírejte všechny. Vhodné pro děti od 3 let. Rozměry: 20 x 20 x 14 cm Hmotnost: 140 g Materiál: směs vláken

Objev podobné jako SQUISHMALLOWS Day of the Dead Retrívr - Lisbeth

cena 268.0 Kč

Baby's First Day of the Dead - DK

An early learning board book about the Mexican festival of the Day of the Dead.Perfect for story time, this first board book introduces babies and toddlers to the colourful Mexican festival of the Day of the Dead.This classic first picture book for babies and toddlers has simple language and engaging, real life photos that bring out the warmth and joyous nature of the Day of the Dead festival. From sugar skulls and sparkly skeleton costumes to sweet-tasting pan de muerto bread and altars adorned with marigold flowers, all the elements of this fun festival are included.This Day of the Dead board book offers: - A padded board book format with 12 interior baby-tough pages and rounded edges for little hands to hold.- An early learning board book that’s part of the Baby’s First series, introducing 0-3 year olds to a diverse mix of religious holidays and festivals.- Easy-to-follow pictures and simple sentences promotes early learning for 0-3 year olds.Specially made for little hands, this hard-wearing board book has a soft padded cover and safe rounded corners. Babies and toddlers will soon be turning the pages themselves, naming objects, joining in with the text, and learning all about this joyous festival that celebrates the living and the dead.Day of the Dead is clear and easy for babies and toddlers to follow, with one main image per page they can focus on, while the short text is enjoyable to read aloud and share with young children.At DK, we believe in the power of discovery. So why stop here?There’s so much more to explore and love with DK’s Baby’s First series, introducing little ones to a diverse mix of religious holidays and festivals. Why not try other titles in the series like Baby’s First Easter, Baby’s First Ramadan, Baby’s First Passover or Baby’s First Hanukkah?

Objev podobné jako Baby's First Day of the Dead - DK

cena 148.0 Kč

Where the Dead Brides Gather - Nuzo Onoh

A powerful Nigeria-set horror tale of possession, malevolent ghosts, family tensions, secrets and murder from the recipient of the Bram Stoker Award for Lifetime Achievement and ‘Queen of African Horror’. For readers of Octavia Butler, Ben Okri and Koji Suzuki.

Objev podobné jako Where the Dead Brides Gather - Nuzo Onoh

cena 295.0 Kč

The Dead Alive - Wilkie Collins - e-kniha

eBook: An Englishman's fictional account of the first case of wrongful convictions in the history of The United States, the story centers around two brothers sentenced to death and life in prison respectively, for murdering their brother-in-law. However, the evidence is circumstantial, no body is found and how much does one brother's fiancée really know?

Objev podobné jako The Dead Alive - Wilkie Collins - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

The House of the Dead/The Gambler - Fjodor Michajlovič Dostojevskij

Alexey Ivanovitch is a young tutor in the household of a general. He is both observer and actor in the tempest which surrounds his impoverished employer. Everyone is waiting for the death of Granny, the general's rich aunt, but so far from dying, she turns up alive and well, and makes her way to the casino...

Objev podobné jako The House of the Dead/The Gambler - Fjodor Michajlovič Dostojevskij

cena 118.0 Kč

The Land of the Living and the Dead - Shauna Lawless

With war on the horizon, everything is at stake in this scintillating new novel from Shauna Lawless, the next volume in the critically acclaimed GAEL SONG historical fantasy series.THE OLD WORLD WILL DIE IN FLAMES...Ireland, 1011 AD. The mortal kingdoms rise up against High King Brian Boru as they seek to wrest his crown from him. Yet the real struggle is between the two magical races of Ireland, the Fomorians and the Descendants, eternal enemies who both now seek dominion over the mortal world.Gormflaith, queen of King Brian, remains unmasked as the powerful Fomorian she is. Gormflaith plans to establish control over Ireland and destroy the Descendants in one fell swoop... but she cannot do it alone.The Descendants are divided, for not all their kind wish to dominate the mortals. Fódla, a Descendant who was once part of King Brian''s inner circle, must use this division to thwart treacherous plots that have been long in the making – even if it means sacrificing herself. But with other lives on the line, can Fódla reveal the evil in time?As secret schemes come to deadly fruition, the only possible outcome is war. Ireland has bled red and often, but the coming clash will change the course of history for ever.Reviewers on Shauna Lawless'' Gael Song series''Lawless blends fantasy with historical fiction to great effect.'' SFX''Lawless''s writing is absolutely luminous.'' Irish Independent''Swept me along and refused to be put down.'' H.M. Long

Objev podobné jako The Land of the Living and the Dead - Shauna Lawless

cena 591.0 Kč

The House of the Dead - Fyodor Dostoevsky - e-kniha

eBook: Close your eyes and imagine the horrors of being sentenced to hard labour at an isolated Siberian prison camp. The torturous conditions, the brutality of the guards and the suffering of your everyday life!"The House of the Dead" is a semi-autobiographical novel by Fyodor Dostoevsky. The author uses autofiction to be able to use facts, fiction and to discuss topics that have happened to him while he was imprisoned. The primitive conditions and horrifying episodes in the prison camp mirror the author's own exile in such a camp for four years in 1849. The novel focuses on the exploration of the Russian character, mostly depicted in times of trouble and hardship. The themes of crime, punishment and isolation run potent in this haunting novel where the reader has to suffer and endure the arduous path through the house of the dead in order to be born again into freedom. A five-star reading recommendation.

Objev podobné jako The House of the Dead - Fyodor Dostoevsky - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

Grateful Dead: Best Of The Grateful Dead (2x CD) - CD (8122795598)

Hudební CD - Best of the Grateful Dead je album rockové kapely The Grateful Dead. Jedná se o 2CD písní nahraných ve studiu z celé jejich kariéry. Obsahuje alespoň jednu skladbu z každého z jejich studiových alb, nahraných v letech 1967 až 1989. Best of the Grateful Dead je album rockové kapely The Grateful Dead. Jedná se o 2CD písní nahraných ve studiu z celé jejich kariéry. Obsahuje alespoň jednu skladbu z každého z jejich studiových alb, nahraných v letech 1967 až 1989. Legendární rocková skupina Grateful Dead ze San Francisca vznikla v roce 1965 a patří k zásadním reprezentantům zlatého věku rockové hudby. Na přelomu šedesátých a sedmdesátých let se proslavila dlouhými a divokými improvizacemi během koncertních vystoupení. V tvorbě pracovala s vlivy nejrůznějších hudebních stylů od rocku a psychedelie, přes folk a bluegrass, až třeba ke gospelu, jazzu nebo reggae. Rozpadla se v roce 1995, kdy zemřela vůdčí osobnost skupiny, kytarista a zpěvák Jerry Garcia....

Objev podobné jako Grateful Dead: Best Of The Grateful Dead (2x CD) - CD (8122795598)

cena 359.0 Kč

Trivium: What The Dead Men Say - CD (7567864978)

Hudební CD - What The Dead Men Say je devátým studiovým albem čtveřice z Floridy. What The Dead Men Say je devátým studiovým albem čtveřice z Floridy. Trivium na nahrávce zvukově navazují na předchozí desku The Sin And The Sentence z roku 2017, která jim přinesla uznání kritiky i různá ocenění (např. časopis Metal Hammer ji zařadil mezi zásadní počiny roku). What The Dead Men Say je k dispozici na CD nebo LP. Kapela Trivium vznikla v roce 2000 v Orlandu na Floridě. Věnuje se melodickému death metalu, trash metalu i metalcore. Seznam stop IX / What The Dead Men Say / Catastrophist / Amongst The Shadows & The Stones / Bleed Into Me / The Defiant / Sickness Unto You / Scattering The Ashes / Bending The Arc To Fear / The Ones We Leave Behind

Objev podobné jako Trivium: What The Dead Men Say - CD (7567864978)

cena 389.0 Kč

Trivium: What The Dead Men Say - LP (7567864979)

LP vinyl - What The Dead Men Say je devátým studiovým albem čtveřice z Floridy. What The Dead Men Say je devátým studiovým albem čtveřice z Floridy. Trivium na nahrávce zvukově navazují na předchozí desku The Sin And The Sentence z roku 2017, která jim přinesla uznání kritiky i různá ocenění (např. časopis Metal Hammer ji zařadil mezi zásadní počiny roku). What The Dead Men Say je k dispozici na CD nebo LP. Kapela Trivium vznikla v roce 2000 v Orlandu na Floridě. Věnuje se melodickému death metalu, trash metalu i metalcore. Obsah: IX What The Dead Men Say Catastrophist Amongst The Shadows & The Stones Bleed Into Me The Defiant Sickness Unto You The Ones We Leave Behind

Objev podobné jako Trivium: What The Dead Men Say - LP (7567864979)

cena 539.0 Kč

Meinl JD10DA Day of the Dead 10" Djembe

Jumbo Djembe, soustředěné kolem hlubokého basového tónu, který volně rezonuje, je o získávání velkých zvuků s materiály do každého počasí. Toto djembe produkuje pozoruhodně široký rozsah tónů od dunivých basů až po řezavé výšky. Blána a korpus ze 100% syntetického materiálu do každého počasí odolávají změnám teploty nebo vlhkosti a chovají se tak, aby poskytovaly ostré, soustředěné údery a robustní spodky. Lehká konstrukce činí z tohoto djembe ideálního společníka na cesty. Snadno použitelný systém mechanického ladění je ukotven odolným hardwarem, který zajišťuje konzistentní a spolehlivý zvuk. Stejně jako doma, na jevišti nebo ve studiu, Jumbo Djembe se dokonale hodí i pro použití v učebnách. Barva podle výrobce: Day of the Dead Barva: Multi Výška: 52 cm Materiál: Syntetický materiál Typ: Djembe Průměr: 10"

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cena 5589.0 Kč

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