Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
The Crown - Robert Lacey
In this eye-opening companion to Netflix's acclaimed series The Crown, renowned biographer and the show's historical consultant, Robert Lacey takes us through the real history that inspired the drama. Covering two tumultuous decades in the reign of Queen Elizabeth II, Lacey looks at the key social, political and personal moments and their effects - not only on the royal family, but also on the world around them. From the Suez Canal Crisis and the US/Russia space race to the legacy of the Duke of Windsor's collaboration with Hitler, along with the rumoured issues with the royal marriage, The Crown provides a thought-provoking insight into the historic decades that the show covers, revealing the truth behind the on-screen drama.Extensively researched and complete with beautifully reproduced photographs, this is a unique look behind the history that inspired the show and the years that would prove to be the making of the Queen.
Podívejte se také The Crown
Koruna - Robert Lacey - audiokniha
Audiokniha: Portrét nejdéle vládnoucí britské panovnice koncipovaný jako mozaika příběhů ze života královské rodiny. Nahlédneme do zákulisí Buckinghamského paláce a premiérova sídla v Downing Street č. 10. Příběhy ze života královské rodiny Britský historik a autor četných biografií Robert Lacey ve své knize Koruna (The Crown) líčí osudy britské královské dynastie v letech 1947 až 1955. Bylo to období, kdy se Velká Británie těžce vzpamatovávala z druhé světové války a kdy se rozhodovalo o budoucí podobě a vlastně i existenci samotné monarchie. Autor ve svém díle oživuje mnoho historických postav a událostí, seznamuje čtenáře s dějinnými souvislostmi a zároveň popisuje skutečný život v Buckinghamském paláci či sídle tehdejšího ministerského předsedy Winstona Churchilla na Downing Street č. 10. Největší pozornost je samozřejmě věnována královně Alžbětě II., která usedla na trůn v pouhých šestadvaceti letech, po předčasné smrti svého otce, krále Jiřího VI., a musela se teprve učit, jak se stát skutečnou panovnicí a zajistit stabilitu země. Dozvíme se, jak vypadal život budoucí královny v jejím raném dětství a mládí, kdy žila téměř obyčejným životem společně se svými rodiči a mladší sestrou. Autor detailně popisuje způsob výchovy a vzdělávání malé princezny, období jejího dospívání i vztah s budoucím manželem Philipem Mountbattenem. Text copyright © Robert Lacey 2017, Copyright © Left Bank Pictures (Television) Limited, 2017 Originally published in the English language in the UK by Blink Publishing, an imprit of Bonnier Books UK Limited, London.
Podívejte se také Williams Robbie: take The Crown - CD (3716807)
William a Harry - Robert Lacey
Bestseller New York Times od historického konzultanta oceňovaného seriálu The Crown z Netflixu „Královská kniha roku. Pokud už jste četli příběh viděný očima královské rodiny, teď si přečtete, jak to bylo doopravdy“ ROBERT LACEY (1944) je známým britským historikem a životopiscem. V posledních letech přispěl Lacey coby historický konzultant ke vzniku oceňovaného seriálu služby Netflix The Crown / Koruna. Napsal též Oficiálního průvodce seriálem Koruna, svazky 1-2. Lacey více než čtyřicet let píše o královně Alžbětě II. a jejím výjimečném životě, její dlouhé vládě i o celé královské rodině. Jeho první biografie královny Majesty (Veličenstvo) je průlomovou prací o britské monarchii. O tomto tématu Lacey přednáší po celém světě a pravidelně se k němu vyjadřuje v televizi. Synové prince Charlese a princezny Diany se stali první generací britské královské rodiny, kterou od narození na každém krůčku sledovala média. Nejen poddaní Alžběty II., ale i čtenáři a diváci po celém světě tak mají pocit, že o princích Williamovi a Harrym vědí úplně všechno… Odborník na královskou rodinu a autor mnoha úspěšných knižních titulů Robert Lacey svou zasvěcenou sondou do rozkolu mezi oběma bratry dokáže všechny vyvést z omylu. Za důvody roztržky mezi sourozenci, kteří si bývali tak blízcí, se vrací do doby jejich dětství a dospívání. Rozebírá důsledky toho, jak na chlapce působilo vědomí, že jeden z nich bude králem, kdežto druhý jen věčným „náhradníkem“. Laceyho důkladný pohled na komplikované vztahy v královské rodině překlenuje období od počátku osmdesátých let až po současnost, včetně kontroverzního interview Harryho a Meghan s moderátorkou Oprah Winfreyovou nebo pohřbu prince Philipa.
Podívejte se také HOMEPRO Lacey růžová (8591957685836)
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William a Harry - Robert Lacey - e-kniha
eBook: „Královská kniha roku. Pokud už jste četli příběh viděný očima královské rodiny, teď si přečtete, jak to bylo doopravdy“ Synové prince Charlese a princezny Diany se stali první generací britské královské rodiny, kterou od narození na každém krůčku sledovala média. Nejen poddaní Alžběty II., ale i čtenáři a diváci po celém světě tak mají pocit, že o princích Williamovi a Harrym vědí úplně všechno… Odborník na královskou rodinu a autor mnoha úspěšných knižních titulů Robert Lacey svou zasvěcenou sondou do rozkolu mezi oběma bratry dokáže všechny vyvést z omylu. Za důvody roztržky mezi sourozenci, kteří si bývali tak blízcí, se vrací do doby jejich dětství a dospívání. Rozebírá důsledky toho, jak na chlapce působilo vědomí, že jeden z nich bude králem, kdežto druhý jen věčným „náhradníkem“. Laceyho důkladný pohled na komplikované vztahy v královské rodině překlenuje období od počátku osmdesátých let až po současnost, včetně kontroverzního interview Harryho a Meghan s moderátorkou Oprah Winfreyovou nebo pohřbu prince Philipa. ROBERT LACEY (1944) je známým britským historikem a životopiscem. V posledních letech přispěl Lacey coby historický konzultant ke vzniku oceňovaného seriálu služby Netflix The Crown / Koruna. Napsal též Oficiálního průvodce seriálem Koruna, svazky 1-2. Lacey více než čtyřicet let píše o královně Alžbětě II. a jejím výjimečném životě, její dlouhé vládě i o celé královské rodině. Jeho první biografie královny Majesty (Veličenstvo) je průlomovou prací o britské monarchii. O tomto tématu Lacey přednáší po celém světě a pravidelně se k němu vyjadřuje v televizi.
Objev podobné jako William a Harry - Robert Lacey - e-kniha
The Answers - Catherine Lacey
Mary is out of options. Estranged from her family and beset by phantom pain, she signs up for 'The Girlfriend Experiment' - a mysterious project masterminded by a famous Hollywood actor who hires a collection of women to fulfil the different roles of a relationship. Mary is to play the Emotional Girlfriend, alongside a Maternal Girlfriend, a Mundane Girlfriend, an Angry Girlfriend and, of course, an Intimacy Team. Each woman has her debts and her difficulties, her past loves and her secrets. As Mary and the actor are drawn ever closer together, the nature of the experiment changes, and the Girlfriends find themselves exposed to new perils, foremost among them love.
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The Crown
Audiokniha MP3 - Audioknižní portrét nejdéle vládnoucí britské panovnice vzniklý podle úspěšného seriálu společnosti Netflix. - Robert Lacey, čte Marek Holý Audioknižní portrét nejdéle vládnoucí britské panovnice vzniklý podle úspěšného seriálu společnosti NetflixKdyž Elizabetin otec náhle zemře, veškerá zodpovědnost za Britské impérium padá do jejích rukou. Mladá Elizabeth už má tak co dělat se svými dvěma dětmi, ale nyní se musí naučit, jak se stát královnou. V době, kdy se Británie vypořádává s dopady války, musí mladá žena čelit i vlastním problémům a zároveň využít všechny své schopnosti i prostředky, aby zajistila stabilitu britské monarchie.Zní to jako strhující román, ale jedná se o životopisný portrét nejdéle vládnoucí britské panovnice, Alžběty II. Královský životopisec Robert Lacey v této knize detailně líčí každodenní život uvnitř Buckinghamského paláce a v sídle premiéra v Downing Street č. 10.Robert LaceyRobert Lacey je britský historik a...
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Pixie Magic: Lacey and the Enchanted Thimble - Daisy Meadows
An enchanting new series packed with friendship, fun and creativity from the author of Rainbow Magic! Each book features a different pixie with a special talent for magical crafts - in this story you''ll meet Lacey the Sewing Pixie.Best friends Alice and Leo love making things, and they''re never happier than when they''re working together in Leo''s garden shed, which they''ve turned into an arts and crafts studio. Then one day they are transported to a miniature world where magical creatures - the Pixies and Glitterbugs - use their creative talents to make special objects from items that were once treasured. The Pixies'' magic gives these objects the power to solve people''s problems!But disaster strikes when Grimble and Grumble, the mean Nixies, steal Lacey the Sewing Pixie''s magical tools. Now Lacey can''t use her special crafting skill to sew a magical costume to help Leo and Alice''s friend, who''s nervous about performing in a play. Can the friends work together to use their talents - and a dash of Pixie Magic - to save the day, so that everyone can enjoy the magic of creativity?This magical new series is tailor-made to appeal to young readers including existing Daisy Meadows fans, with a winning combination of magic, friendship and craft.
Objev podobné jako Pixie Magic: Lacey and the Enchanted Thimble - Daisy Meadows
Time Travel Twins: The Stone Age Clash - Josh Lacey
Discover two sides of history with the Time Travel Twins!Twins Scarlett and Thomas are learning about the Stone Age, so Grandad lets them use his time machine. Thomas wants to see a sabre-toothed tiger; Scarlett wants to see Stonehenge. They were thousands of years apart, what should they do? Go back in time twice of course!From perilous encounters with Neanderthals and woolly mammoths, to being roped into a mysterious ancient ceremony, the twins will need to keep their wits about them to survive their visits to the Stone Age!Also in the series: The Viking AttackThe Roman Invasion
Objev podobné jako Time Travel Twins: The Stone Age Clash - Josh Lacey
Courtiers. The Hidden Power Behind the Crown
The gripping account of how the Royal family really operates from the man who has spent years studying them in his role as Royal correspondent for The Times. Valentine Low asks the important questions: who really runs the show and, as Charles III begins his reign, what will happen next?Throughout history, the British monarchy has relied on its courtiers - the trusted advisers in the King or Queen's inner circle - to ensure its survival as a family, an ancient institution, and a pillar of the constitution. Today, as ever, a vast team of people hidden from view steers the royal family's path between public duty and private life. Queen Elizabeth II, after a remarkable 70 years of service, saw the final seasons of her reign without her husband Philip to guide her. Meanwhile, newly ascended Charles seeks to define what his future as King, and that of his court, will be.The question of who is entrusted to guide the royals has never been more vital, and yet the task those courtiers face has never been more challenging. With a cloud hanging over Prince Andrew as well as Harry and Meghan's departure from royal life, the complex relationship between modern courtiers and royal principals has been exposed to global scrutiny. As the new Prince and Princess of Wales, William and Kate - equipped with a very 21st century approach to press and public relations - now hold the responsibility of making an ancient institution relevant for the decades to come.Courtiers reveals an ever-changing system of complex characters, shifting values and ideas over what the future of the institution should be. This is the story of how the monarchy really works, at a pivotal moment in its history.
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Williams Robbie: take The Crown - CD (3716807)
Hudební CD - Po návratu ke kapele Take That a veleúspěšném světovém turné této chlapecké pětice se Robbie Williams opět zavřel do studia a začal makat na novém studiovém albu. Po návratu ke kapele Take That a veleúspěšném světovém turné této chlapecké pětice se Robbie Williams opět zavřel do studia a začal makat na novém studiovém albu. V pořadí deváté studiové album Robbieho Williamse a zároveň první, které tento britský umělec vydal pod hlavičkou Universal Music, vyšlo 5. listopadu 2012 a dostalo název „Take The Crown”. „Po reunion s Take That a zlomu v mojí kariéře, který mě v mnoha směrech nabudil, jsem se chtěl vrátit zpět se silným sólovým albem. Mojí hlavní prioritou bylo napsat písně, které nejen já, ale i celý svět bude považovat za hity. Jsem velmi nadšený!” dodává k obsahu nové desky sám interpret. Nová album natáčel Robbie v Los Angeles. Produkce celé desky se ujal osvědčený Jacknife Lee, v minulosti například podepsaný pod alby U2, Snow Patrol,...
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The Crown of Dalemark - Diana Wynne Jonesová
The final book in the epic fantasy-adventure series from 'the Godmother of Fantasy', Diana Wynne Jones. Now back in print!
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Cooking and the Crown - Tom Parker Bowles
Blending history, monarchy, and gastronomy, Tom Parker Bowles guides the reader on an adventure across royal culinary historyFrom breakfasts, picnic lunches and dinners, to coronations and state banquets, Cooking and the Crown showcases an abundance of beloved royal recipes for all seasons and occasions. Sophisticated creations feature alongside dishes of surprising simplicity, combining historical insights with modern tastes. Each chapter is accompanied by fascinating tales of royal kitchens, chefs and culinary traditions.Weaving together material from the royal archives, contemporary accounts and personal insight, Tom Parker Bowles paints a vivid picture of royal tastes and traditions, as far back as Victorian times.
Objev podobné jako Cooking and the Crown - Tom Parker Bowles
Courtiers : The Hidden Power Behind the Crown - Low Valentine
The gripping account of how the Royal family really operates from the man who has spent years studying them in his role as Royal correspondent for The Times. Valentine Low asks the important questions: who really runs the show and, as Charles III begins his reign, what will happen next?Throughout history, the British monarchy has relied on its courtiers - the trusted advisers in the King or Queen's inner circle - to ensure its survival as a family, an ancient institution, and a pillar of the constitution. Today, as ever, a vast team of people hidden from view steers the royal family's path between public duty and private life. Queen Elizabeth II, after a remarkable 70 years of service, saw the final seasons of her reign without her husband Philip to guide her. Meanwhile, newly ascended Charles seeks to define what his future as King, and that of his court, will be.The question of who is entrusted to guide the royals has never been more vital, and yet the task those courtiers face has never been more challenging. With a cloud hanging over Prince Andrew as well as Harry and Meghan's departure from royal life, the complex relationship between modern courtiers and royal principals has been exposed to global scrutiny. As the new Prince and Princess of Wales, William and Kate - equipped with a very 21st century approach to press and public relations - now hold the responsibility of making an ancient institution relevant for the decades to come.Courtiers reveals an ever-changing system of complex characters, shifting values and ideas over what the future of the institution should be. This is the story of how the monarchy really works, at a pivotal moment in its history.
Objev podobné jako Courtiers : The Hidden Power Behind the Crown - Low Valentine
The Gilded Crown - Marianne Gordon
The Witch’s Heart meets The Foxglove King in this debut fantasy about a woman who can bring people back from the dead, and the princess she must protect, no matter the cost The first time Hellevir visited Death, she was ten years old… Since she was a little girl, Hellevir has been able to raise the dead. Every creature can be saved for a price, a price demanded by the shrouded figure who rules the afterlife, who takes a little more from Hellevir with each soul she resurrects. Such a gift can rarely remain a secret. When Princess Sullivain, sole heir to the kingdom’s throne, is assassinated, the Queen summons Hellevir to demand she bring her granddaughter back to life. But once is not enough; the killers might strike again. The Princess’ death would cause a civil war, so the Queen commands that Hellevir remain by her side. But Sullivain is no easy woman to be bound to, even as Hellevir begins to fall in love with her. With the threat of war looming, Hellevir must trade more and more of herself to keep the princess alive. But Death will always take what he is owed. Heart-wrenching and romantic, THE GILDED CROWN is for readers who love:· Sapphic romance· Unforgettable heroines· Courtly intrigue· Complex relationships· Dark, gothic fairytales
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The Crimson Crown - Heather Walter
Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the most wicked of them all? Snow White’s dark queen tells her side of the story in this queer, witchy reimagining of the classic fairy tale from the author of Malice.Legends tell of a witch who became a queen – the heartless villain in the story of Snow White. But now the wicked queen is stepping out of Snow White’s shadow to become the heroine of her own legend.Her “once upon a time” began when she was just Ayleth, a young witch living in the forest with her coven, practicing their magic in secret and hiding from the White King’s brutal war against witchcraft.Ayleth, however, faces a war of her own. Her magical gifts have yet to reveal themselves, and as the threat of the Royal Huntsmen intensifies, she fears she will never become the witch her coven needs.To prove herself, she sets out on a perilous quest that sends her to the White Palace, a decadent world of drama and deceit. There, she encounters an unlikely figure from her past, Jacquetta – the witch who once held Ayleth’s heart – but then betrayed her.As events at the palace escalate, Ayleth finds herself caught in the web of the White King, whose dark charisma is as dangerous as the sinister force that seems to be haunting the palace. With the threat of discovery looming, Ayleth and Jacquetta must set aside the wounds of their past and work together to survive.But to do this, Ayleth must find the strength to transform into someone she never imagined she could be.A powerful witch, the very wickedest of them all.
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The Mountain Crown - Karin Lowachee
An epic dragon-rider quest where Empress of Salt and Fortune meets TemeraireMéka must capture a king dragon, or die trying. War between the island states of Kattaka and Mazemoor has left no one unscathed. Méka’s nomadic people, the Ba’Suon, were driven from their homeland by the Kattakans. Those who remained were forced to live under the Kattakan yoke, to serve their greed for gold alongside the dragons with whom the Ba’Suon share an empathic connection. A decade later and under a fragile truce, Méka returns home from her exile for an ancient, necessary rite: gathering a king dragon of the Crown Mountains to maintain balance in the wild country. But Méka’s act of compassion toward an imprisoned dragon and Lilley, a Kattakan veteran of the war, soon draws the ire of the imperialistic authorities. They order the unwelcome addition of an enigmatic Ba’Suon traitor named Raka to accompany Méka and Lilley to the mountains. The journey is filled with dangers both within and without. As conflict threatens to reignite, the survival of the Ba’Suon people, their dragons, and the land itself will depend on the decisions – defiant or compliant – that Méka and her companions choose to make. But not even Méka, kin to the great dragons of the North, can anticipate the depth of the consequences to her world.
Objev podobné jako The Mountain Crown - Karin Lowachee
The Crown of Gilded Bones - Jennifer L. Armentrout
Bow Before Your Queen Or Bleed Before Her...From #1 New York Times bestselling author Jennifer L. Armentrout comes book three in her Blood and Ash series.She's been the victim and the survivor...Poppy never dreamed she would find the love she's found with Prince Casteel. She wants to revel in her happiness but first they must free his brother and find hers. It's a dangerous mission and one with far-reaching consequences neither dreamed of. Because Poppy is the Chosen, the Blessed. The true ruler of Atlantia. She carries the blood of the King of Gods within her. By right the crown and the kingdom are hers.The enemy and the warrior...Poppy has only ever wanted to control her own life, not the lives of others, but now she must choose to either forsake her birthright or seize the gilded crown and become the Queen of Flesh and Fire. But as the kingdoms' dark sins and blood-drenched secrets finally unravel, a long-forgotten power rises to pose a genuine threat. And they will stop at nothing to ensure that the crown never sits upon Poppy's head.A lover and heartmate...But the greatest threat to them and to Atlantia is what awaits in the far west, where the Queen of Blood and Ash has her own plans, ones she has waited hundreds of years to carry out. Poppy and Casteel must consider the impossible-travel to the Lands of the Gods and wake the King himself. And as shocking secrets and the harshest betrayals come to light, and enemies emerge to threaten everything Poppy and Casteel have fought for, they will discover just how far they are willing to go for their people-and each other.And now she will become Queen...
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The Raven's Trade 1: The Gilded Crown - Marianne Gordon
The first time Hellevir visited Death, she was ten years old… Since she was a little girl, Hellevir has been able to raise the dead. Every creature can be saved for a price, a price demanded by the shrouded figure who rules the afterlife, who takes a little more from Hellevir with each soul she resurrects.Such a gift can rarely remain a secret. When Princess Sullivain, sole heir to the kingdom’s throne, is assassinated, the Queen summons Hellevir to demand she bring her granddaughter back to life. But once is not enough; the killers might strike again.The Princess’ death would cause a civil war, so the Queen commands that Hellevir remain by her side. But Sullivain is no easy woman to be bound to, even as Hellevir begins to fall in love with her. With the threat of war looming, Hellevir must trade more and more of herself to keep the princess alive.But Death will always take what he is owed.
Objev podobné jako The Raven's Trade 1: The Gilded Crown - Marianne Gordon
The Shepherd´s Crown - Terry Pratchett
Deep in the Chalk, something is stirring. The owls and the foxes can sense it, and Tiffany Aching feels it in her boots. An old enemy is gathering strength.This is a time of endings and beginnings, old friends and new, a blurring of edges and a shifting of power. Now Tiffany stands between the light and the dark, the good and the bad.As the fairy horde prepares for invasion, Tiffany must summon all the witches to stand with her. To protect the land. Her land.There will be a reckoning . . .
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The Lost Crown (PC) DIGITAL (385494)
Hra na PC - elektronická licence, klíč pro Steam, 71% Hluboký příběh a znepokojivě strašidelná prezentace dělá tento titul jedním z nejstrašidelnějších dobrodružných titulů. Realistické lovení duchů na základě metody E.V.P. Nádherný soundtrack spolu se zkušenými herci vytváří skvělou atmosféru. Podivná zákoutí Prozkoumejte izolovaná, strašidelná místa s kamerou s nočním viděním během více než 30 hodin dlouhé herní doby. Na stopě duchůOdhalte starodávné tajemství a vyhledejte starobylý poklad na...
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Crown The Empire - Sudden Sky (LP)
Balení obsahuje: LP Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Dekáda interpreta: 2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019 Varianta: Sudden Sky (Vinyl LP) Hmotnost: 180 g Složení setu: 1 ks Země interpreta: USA Země původu: Evropská unie Typ: Album;LP deska Barva podle výrobce: Black Rok vydání: 2019.0 Subžánr: Alternative Rock;Post Hardcore;Rock Interpret / Téma: Crown The Empire Vydavatelství: BMG Datum vydání: 2019-07-19 Žánr: Rock Barva: Černá
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The World of Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time - Robert Jordan, Teresa Patterson
The essential companion to the No. 1 internationally bestselling The Wheel of Time, one of the most influential and popular fantasy epics ever published. With never-before-told legends and fascinating histories of its peoples and lands, this engrossing book, written by Robert Jordan himself in collaboration with Teresa Patterson, takes you on an unforgettable journey through the extraordinary world of The Wheel of Time. The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again.
Objev podobné jako The World of Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time - Robert Jordan, Teresa Patterson
Iqbal Farooq and the Crown Jewels - Manu Sareen - e-kniha
eBook: Prepare yourself for yet another adventure featuring Iqbal Farooq and his family as Iqbal finds himself involved in a new set of mysteries! While on a field trip with school, Iqbal gets onto the trail of a case involving the Youth House, an old and mysterious hunting party called Hubert's Hunting Company, and the Queen's Crown Jewels! Can Iqbal find the crown jewels and return them to their rightful place? From stolen goats to excavators on fire, ´Iqbal Farooq and the Crown Jewels´ is the ideal read for anyone who's on the lookout for a fun and exhilarating story. Former Danish national congress member, Manu Sareen, is the author behind the politically incorrect children’s books about Iqbal and his immigrant family’s life in multicultural Nørrebro in Copenhagen, Denmark. In November 2007, he received the BMF Children's Book Prize, and in April 2008, he was awarded the Orla Prize for the books about Iqbal Farooq.
Objev podobné jako Iqbal Farooq and the Crown Jewels - Manu Sareen - e-kniha
The Phoenix Crown - Kate Quinn, Janie Chang
An unforgettable story about the intertwined lives of two wronged women, spanning from the chaos of the San Francisco earthquake to the glittering palaces of Versailles…San Francisco, 1906. In a city bustling with newly minted millionaires and scheming upstarts, two very different women hope to change their fortunes: Gemma, a golden-haired, silver-voiced soprano whose career desperately needs rekindling, and Suling, a petite and resolute Chinatown embroideress who is determined to escape an arranged marriage.Their paths cross when they are drawn into the orbit of Henry Thornton, a charming railroad magnate whose extraordinary collection of Chinese antiques includes the fabled Phoenix Crown, a legendary relic of Beijing’s fallen Summer Palace.His patronage offers Gemma and Suling the chance of a lifetime, but their lives are thrown into turmoil when a devastating earthquake rips San Francisco apart and Thornton disappears, leaving behind a mystery reaching further than anyone could have imagined . . .Until the Phoenix Crown reappears five years later at a sumptuous Paris costume ball, drawing Gemma and Suling together in one last desperate quest for justice . . .Praise for The Phoenix Crown:‘Impeccably researched, magnificently rendered, and breathlessly paced’ JAMIE FORD‘Seamless, page-turning masterpiece of history and suspense – shot through with women rising up from the margins of society to claim their own singular futures, I could not put this triumphant novel down’ MARIE BENEDICT‘Heart-pounding, gasp-out-loud storytelling – The Phoenix Crown is the best book I’ve read all year’ VICTORIA CHRISTOPHER MURRAY''Lushly detailed, richly imagined, and utterly satisfying, The Phoenix Crown will entrance readers'' BOOKLIST''Action-packed, this novel skillfully uses its strong female leads to examine racism, sexism, and classism. Readers won''t want to put this one down'' HISTORICAL NOVEL SOCIETY''[A] seamless collaboration of two terrific novelists'' THE WASHINGTON POST
Objev podobné jako The Phoenix Crown - Kate Quinn, Janie Chang
The Tobacconist - Robert Seethaler
Set at a time of lengthening shadows, this is a novel about the sparks that illuminate the dark: of wisdom, compassion, defiance and courage. It is wry, piercing and also, fittingly, radiant.' Daily MailFrom Robert Seethaler, the author of the Man Booker International shortlisted A Whole Life, comes a deeply moving story of ordinary lives profoundly affected by the Third Reich, in the tradition of novels such as Fred Uhlman's classic Reunion, Bernhard Schlink's The Reader and Rachel Seiffert's The Dark Room.When seventeen-year-old Franz exchanges his home in the idyllic beauty of the Austrian lake district for the bustle of Vienna, his homesickness quickly dissolves amidst the thrum of the city. In his role as apprentice to the elderly tobacconist Otto Trsnyek, he will soon be supplying the great and good of Vienna with their newspapers and cigarettes. Among the regulars is a Professor Freud, whose predilection for cigars and occasional willingness to dispense romantic advice will forge a bond between him and young Franz.It is 1937. In a matter of months Germany will annex Austria and the storm that has been threatening to engulf the little tobacconist will descend, leaving the lives of Franz, Otto and Professor Freud irredeemably changed.
Objev podobné jako The Tobacconist - Robert Seethaler
The Silkworm - Robert Galbraith
The second book in the highly acclaimed crime fiction series by J.K. Rowling, writing under the pseudonym Robert Galbraith. When novelist Owen Quine goes missing, his wife calls in private detective Cormoran Strike. At first, she just thinks he has gone off by himself for a few days - as he has done before - and she wants Strike to find him and bring him home. But as Strike investigates, it becomes clear that there is more to Quine's disappearance than his wife realises. The novelist has just completed a manuscript featuring poisonous pen-portraits of almost everyone he knows. If the novel were published it would ruin lives - so there are a lot of people who might want to silence him. And when Quine is found brutally murdered in bizarre circumstances, it becomes a race against time to understand the motivation of a ruthless killer, a killer unlike any he has encountered before . . . A compulsively readable crime novel with twists at every turn, The Silkworm is the second in the highly acclaimed series featuring Cormoran Strike and his determined young assistant Robin Ellacott
Objev podobné jako The Silkworm - Robert Galbraith
The Crash - Robert Peston
HE MUST FIND THE TRUTH . . . NO MATTER THE COST.THE BRAND NEW THRILLER FROM BRITAIN'S TOP POLITICAL JOURNALIST AND BESTSELLING AUTHOR OF THE WHISTLEBLOWER.______________________London, 2007. It's summer in the City: the economy is booming, profits are up and the stock market sits near record highs.But journalist Gil Peck is a lone voice worrying it can't last. Deep in the plumbing of the financial system, he has noticed strange things happening which could threaten the whole economy. But nobody wants to hear it: not the politicians taking credit for an end to boom and bust, not the bankers pocketing vast bonuses, not even Gil's bosses at the BBC, who think it's irrelevant.When Gil gets a tip-off that a small northern bank has run out of money, everything changes. His report sparks the first run on a UK bank in 140 years. The next day, Marilyn Krol, a director of the Bank of England dies in an apparent suicide.For Gil, it's personal. Marilyn was his lover: was his scoop connected to her suicide? Or is there something more sinister in her death? Gil is determined to find out.The more he investigates, the more he is drawn into the rotten heart of the financial system, where old school ties and secret Oxbridge societies lubricate vast and illegal conflicts of interest. The whole economy has been built on a house of cards, and Gil is threatening to bring it down.When simply reporting the facts can make or break fortunes, Gil has to ask himself: is he crossing the line between journalist and participant? Are his own conflicts of interest making him reckless? And in a world ruled by greed where nothing and no-one is too big to fail, what price will he pay for uncovering the truth?PRAISE FOR ROBERT PESTON'S DEBUT THRILLER, THE WHISTLEBLOWER:'Brilliant' - THE TIMES'Cracking' - DAILY MAIL'Winning' - SUNDAY TIMES'A hell of a read' - OBSERVER'Enthralling' - FINANCIAL TIMES'Enjoyable, intelligent' - GUARDIAN'A romping thriller' - INDEPENDENT'A rollicking read' - EVENING STANDARD'A gripping thriller' - DAILY EXPRESS'Fascinating' - DAILY MIRROR'Gripping' - RADIO TIMES'Compelling' - THE SUN
Objev podobné jako The Crash - Robert Peston
The Ways of the World - Robert Goddard
1919. The eyes of the world are on Paris, where statesmen, diplomats and politicians have gathered to discuss the fate of half the world's nations in the aftermath of the cataclysm that was the Great War. A horde of journalists, spies and opportunists have also gathered in the city and the last thing the British diplomatic community needs at such a time is the mysterious death of a senior member of their delegation. So, when Sir Henry Maxted falls from the roof of his mistress's apartment building in unexplained circumstances, their first instinct is to suppress all suspicious aspects of the event. But Sir Henry's son, ex Royal Flying Corps ace James 'Max' Maxted, has other ideas. He resolves to find out how and why his father died - even if this means disturbing the impression of harmonious calm which the negotiating teams have worked so hard to maintain. In a city where countries are jostling for position at the crossroads of history and the stakes could hardly be higher, it is difficult to tell who is a friend and who a foe. And Max will soon discover just how much he needs friends, as his search for the truth sucks him into the dark heart of a seemingly impenetrable mystery.
Objev podobné jako The Ways of the World - Robert Goddard
The Dress in the Window - Robert Tregoning
One day a boy is walking past a second-hand shop when he sees a dress. It''s no ordinary dress - it''s glittering, sparking, dazzling, and red. For the boy it''s love at first sight. His mum suggests he do some odd jobs to save the necessary money, but what if someone else buys it first? An affirming, uplifting tale about love, acceptance, and being true to yourself.
Objev podobné jako The Dress in the Window - Robert Tregoning
The Eye Of The World - Robert Jordan
Prepare to turn the Wheel of Time - discover the first novel in one of the most influential and popular fantasy epics ever published.When their village is attacked by terrifying creatures, Rand al'Thor and his friends are forced to flee for their lives. An ancient evil is stirring, and its servants are scouring the land for the Dragon Reborn - the prophesised hero who can deliver the world from darkness.In this Age of myth and legend, the Wheel of Time turns. What was, what may be, and what is, may yet fall under the Shadow.
Objev podobné jako The Eye Of The World - Robert Jordan
The Complete Poems and Songs of Robert Burns - Burns Robert
Robert Burns is more than Scotland's national poet. With Shakespeare, Burns is an icon for the UK and Scotland he is a national symbol. This volume of poems and songs is a best selling, beautiful edition of his work.
Objev podobné jako The Complete Poems and Songs of Robert Burns - Burns Robert
The Last Crown: Midnight Horror (PC) DIGITAL (385491)
Hra na PC - elektronická licence, klíč pro Steam, % S jeho lehčím tónem při menším měřítku, The Last Crown: Midnight Horror je příjemná malá jednohubka pro fanoušky první hry. Klasická point and klick adventura, kde otestujete své detektivní schopnosti. Sbírejte strašidelné důkazy a zahrajte si několik Halloweenských her. Atmosféra tady hraje prim Využijte řadu vymožeností pro lov duchů, abyste viděli a slyšeli duchovní svět. Oprašte vybavení pro lov duchůHalloween.. závoj mezi naším světem a...
Objev podobné jako The Last Crown: Midnight Horror (PC) DIGITAL (385491)
Svart Crown - Wolves Among the Ashes (LP + CD)
Hmotnost: 180 g Varianta: Wolves Among the Ashes (LP + CD) Země interpreta: Francie Dekáda interpreta: 2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019;2000 - 2009 Složení setu: 2 ks Typ: Gatefold Sleeve;Album;CD;LP deska Subžánr: Black Metal;Death Metal Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Balení obsahuje: CD;LP Země původu: Evropská unie Žánr: Rock Datum vydání: 2020-02-07 Rok vydání: 2020.0 Barva podle výrobce: Black Interpret / Téma: Svart Crown Vydavatelství: Century Media Barva: Černá
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A Shadow Crown: The Halfling Saga - Melissa Blair
The highly anticipated second installment of the new adult fantasy saga that took BookTok by storm picks up where A Broken Blade left off... To the kingdom, Keera is the king's Blade, his most feared and trusted spy and assassin. But in the shadows, she works with Prince Killian and his Shadow-the dark, brooding Fae, Riven, who sets her blood on fire.Together, they plot to kill a tyrant king. In Myrelinth, the lush, secret city of trees, Fae, Elves, and Halflings like Keera live in harmony. But Keera cannot escape her past: her crimes against her own people have followed her all the way to the Faeland.There is a traitor in their midst, and Keera is the top suspect. Keera finds comfort in the allies that have become her family. She swore she would never open her heart again after a loss she barely survived.But she will soon find she has more to lose than she ever imagined . . .Perfect for fans of Sarah J. Maas's Throne of Glass series, A Shadow Crown is a tour-de-force high fantasy novel with stunning world building and a slow burn enemies to lovers romance. Readers seeking more LGBTQ+ and BIPOC representation in the fantasy realm will fall in love with the unforgettable cast of characters introduced in A Broken Blade, whose sagas are only beginning...
Objev podobné jako A Shadow Crown: The Halfling Saga - Melissa Blair
The Great Hunt - Robert Jordan
NOW A MAJOR TV SERIES ON PRIME VIDEOThe second novel in the Wheel of Time series - one of the most influential and popular fantasy epics ever published.The Forsaken are loose, the Horn of Valere has been found and the Dead are rising from their dreamless sleep. The Prophecies are being fulfilled - but Rand al''Thor, the shepherd the Aes Sedai have proclaimed as the Dragon Reborn, desperately seeks to escape his destiny. Rand cannot run for ever. With every passing day the Dark One grows in strength and strives to shatter his ancient prison, to break the Wheel, to bring an end to Time and sunder the weave of the Pattern.And the Pattern demands the Dragon.''Epic in every sense'' Sunday Times''With the Wheel of Time, Jordan has come to dominate the world that Tolkien began to reveal'' New York Times''[The] huge ambitious Wheel of Time series helped redefine the genre'' George R. R. Martin''A fantasy phenomenon'' SFXThe Wheel of Time series:Book 1: The Eye of the WorldBook 2: The Great HuntBook 3: The Dragon RebornBook 4: The Shadow RisingBook 5: The Fires of HeavenBook 6: Lord of ChaosBook 7: A Crown of SwordsBook 8: The Path of DaggersBook 9: Winter''s HeartBook 10: Crossroads of TwilightBook 11: Knife of DreamsBook 12: The Gathering StormBook 13: Towers of MidnightBook 14: A Memory of LightPrequel: New Spring Look out for the companion book: The World of Robert Jordan''s The Wheel of TimeAlso look out for The Complete Wheel of Time Box Set, a box set containing all fifteen novels in this monumental series, presented in a sturdy box with a wood-finish effect.
Objev podobné jako The Great Hunt - Robert Jordan
The Cuckoos Calling - Robert Galbraith
When a troubled supermodel falls to her death from the balcony of her London home, it is assumed that she has committed suicide. However, her brother has his doubts and calls in private detective Cormoran Strike to investigate. Strike is a war veteran--wounded both physically and psychologically--and his private life is in disarray. The case gives him a financial lifeline, but it comes at a personal cost: the more he delves into the young model's world, the darker things get and the closer he comes to terrible danger. Published to huge acclaim from readers, reviewers, and writers everywhere, The Cuckoo's Calling is a compulsively readable crime novel, the first in a series featuring private detective Cormoran Strike.
Objev podobné jako The Cuckoos Calling - Robert Galbraith
The Cicero Trilogy - Robert Harris
This epic trilogy by Robert Harris includes his bestselling novels: Imperium, Lustrum and Dictator Imperium - Compellingly written in Tiro's voice, Imperium takes us inside the violent, treacherous world of Roman politics, to describe how one man - clever, compassionate, devious, vulnerable - fought to reach the top. Lustrum - From the discovery of a child's mutilated body, through judicial execution and a scandalous trial, to the brutal unleashing of the Roman mob, Lustrum is a study in the timeless enticements and horrors of power. Dictator - Riveting and tumultuous, Dictator encompasses some of the most epic events in human history yet is also an intimate portrait of a brilliant, flawed, frequently fearful yet ultimately brave man – a hero for his time and for ours. This is an unforgettable collection from a master storyteller.
Objev podobné jako The Cicero Trilogy - Robert Harris
The Fourth Man - Robert Baer
For the first time ever, New York Times bestselling author and former CIA operative Robert Baer tells the explosive story of how insiders believe a KGB mole rose to the highest ranks of the CIA. In the aftermath of the Cold War, US intelligence caught three high-profile Russian spies. However, these arrests left major questions unanswered, and rumours have long swirled of another mole, often referred to as the Fourth Man. Three pioneering female veterans of counterintelligence were tasked with unearthing him. With steadfast determination and expertise, they came to a shocking conclusion, one which had, and continues to harbour, dramatic consequences for American security. In this gripping insider account, Baer tells a thrilling story of Russian espionage and American intelligence. With profound implications for the rise of Vladimir Putin and international relations with Russia, The Fourth Man is a real-life spy thriller with echoes of John Le Carre.
Objev podobné jako The Fourth Man - Robert Baer
The Concise Mastery - Robert Greene
The perfect pocketbook gift for the power-hungry - from 'the modern Machiavelli', Robert Greene, international bestselling sensation author of The 48 Laws of Power, Seduction and War. This concise version of the business classic Mastery provides a shortcut to Greene's powerful new tools for achieving greatness. Around the globe, people are facing the same problem - that we are born as individuals but are forced to conform to the rules of society if we want to succeed. To see our uniqueness expressed in our achievements, we must first learn the rules - and then change them completely.Charles Darwin began as an underachieving schoolboy, Leonardo da Vinci as an illegitimate outcast. The secret of their eventual greatness lies in a 'rigorous apprenticeship': they learnt to master the 'hidden codes' which determine ultimate success or failure. Then, they rewrote the rules as a reflection of their own individuality.Told through Robert Greene's signature blend of historical anecdote and psychological insight and drawing on interviews with world leaders, Concise Mastery builds on the strategies outlined in The 48 Laws of Power to provide a practical guide to greatness - and learn how to start living by your own rules.
Objev podobné jako The Concise Mastery - Robert Greene
The Old Ways - Robert Macfarlane
THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLERSHORTLISTED FOR THE SAMUEL JOHNSON PRIZEThe original bestseller from the beloved author of UNDERLAND, LANDMARKS and THE LOST WORDS - Robert Macfarlane travels Britain''s ancient paths and discovers the secrets of our beautiful, underappreciated landscape''The Old Ways confirms Macfarlane''s reputation as one of the most eloquent and observant of contemporary writers about nature'' Scotland on SundayFollowing the tracks, holloways, drove-roads and sea paths that form part of a vast ancient network of routes criss-crossing the British Isles and beyond, Robert Macfarlane discovers a lost world - a landscape of the feet and the mind, of pilgrimage and ritual, of stories and ghosts; above all of the places and journeys which inspire and inhabit our imaginations.''Sublime... It sets the imagination tingling, laying an irresistible trail for readers to follow'' Sunday Times''Read this and it will be impossible to take an unremarkable walk again'' Metro''He has a rare physical intelligence and affords total immersion in place, elements and the passage of time: wonderful'' Antony Gormley
Objev podobné jako The Old Ways - Robert Macfarlane
The Shadow Rising - Robert Jordan
Now a major TV series on Prime Video The fourth novel in the Wheel of Time series - one of the most influential and popular fantasy epics ever published.The Stone of Tear, invulnerable fortress of legend, has fallen. The Children of the Dragon have risen to the call of prophecy and march to the aid of the Light. Callandor, the Sword That Is Not a Sword, is held by Rand al''Thor, the man proclaimed as the Dragon Reborn.But still the shadows lengthen and still the Forsaken grow in strength. If he is to fight them, Rand must master the male half of the True Source, a power corrupted by the Dark One, a power that drives men to madness, a power that may save or damn the world.''Epic in every sense'' Sunday Times''With the Wheel of Time, Jordan has come to dominate the world that Tolkien began to reveal'' New York Times''[The] huge ambitious Wheel of Time series helped redefine the genre'' George R. R. Martin''A fantasy phenomenon'' SFXThe Wheel of Time series:Book 1: The Eye of the WorldBook 2: The Great HuntBook 3: The Dragon RebornBook 4: The Shadow RisingBook 5: The Fires of HeavenBook 6: Lord of ChaosBook 7: A Crown of SwordsBook 8: The Path of DaggersBook 9: Winter''s HeartBook 10: Crossroads of TwilightBook 11: Knife of DreamsBook 12: The Gathering StormBook 13: Towers of MidnightBook 14: A Memory of LightPrequel: New SpringLook out for the companion book: The World of Robert Jordan''s The Wheel of Time
Objev podobné jako The Shadow Rising - Robert Jordan
The Dragon Reborn - Robert Jordan
The third novel in the Wheel of Time series - one of the most influential and popular fantasy epics ever published.The Land is One with the Dragon - and the Dragon is One with the Land.The Shadow lies across the Pattern of the Age, and the Dark One has turned all his power against the prison that binds him. If it fails he will escape and nothing will stand in the storm that blows then . . . save the man that was born to battle the darkness: Rand al'Thor, the Dragon Reborn.But to wage his war Rand must find Callandor, ancient Sword of the Dragon . . . and the Forsaken will shatter the world to thwart him.
Objev podobné jako The Dragon Reborn - Robert Jordan
The Collected Poems - Robert Frost
No poet is more emblematically American than Robert Frost. Hailed as ‘the most eminent, the most distinguished Anglo-American poet’ by T.S. Eliot, he is the only writer in history to have been awarded four Pulitzer Prizes. In iconic poems like ‘Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening’, simple images summon the rural landscape of New England, and Frost unfailingly moves the reader with his profound grasp of the human condition. This is the most comprehensive and authoritative volume of Frost's verse available, comprising all eleven volumes of his poems, meticulously edited by Edward Connery Lathem. Review "The most eminent, the most distinguished Anglo-American poet now living" (T. S. Eliot)"Frost was the first American poet who could honestly be reckoned a master-poet by world standards" (Robert Graves)"Robert Frost has passed into the poetic pantheon" (Independent)"Of all the poetry written in our generation, Frost's is most likely to stand the test of time" (Lewis Gannett) About the Author Robert Frost was born in San Francisco in 1874. After the death of his father he moved with his mother and sister to Massachusetts. His first collection, A Boy's Will, was published in 1913. In 1924 he won the first of four Pulitzer Prizes for his fourth book, New Hampshire. In the 1930s, as he became ever more revered, he suffered a series of family tragedies: his youngest child Marjorie died in 1934, his wife Elinor in 1938, and his son Carol in 1940. Another daughter, Irma, suffered from mental illness. Frost's last major collection, A Witness Tree (1942), contains a number of poems reflecting these disasters. In 1957 Robert Frost received honorary degrees from the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge. He died in January 1963.
Objev podobné jako The Collected Poems - Robert Frost
The Wild Places - Robert Macfarlane
The classic bestseller of British nature writing
Objev podobné jako The Wild Places - Robert Macfarlane
CHERUB: The Recruit - Robert Muchamore
The first title in the number one bestselling CHERUB series! James hits rock bottom before he''s offered a new start in an intriguing organisation ...A terrorist doesn''t let strangers in her flat because they might be undercover police or intelligence agents, but her children bring their mates home and they run all over the place. The terrorist doesn''t know that one of these kids has bugged every room in her house, made copies of all her computer files and stolen her address book. The kid works for CHERUB.CHERUB agents are aged between ten and seventeen. They live in the real world, slipping under adult radar and getting information that sends criminals and terrorists to jail.For official purposes, these children do not exist.Praise for the CHERUB series: ''Punchy, exciting, glamorous and, what''s more, you''ll completely wish it was true'' - Sunday Express''Crackling tension and high-octane drama'' - Daily Mail''A really good book that you could re-read over and over again'' - Guardian''Pacy writing, punchy dialogue and a gripping plot, it''s got it all'' - Daily Express''Fast-moving action ... and cool gadgets!'' - The TimesVisit cherubcampus.com - the essential internet destination, packed with exclusive content and with in-depth biographies of CHERUB characters, out-takes and bonus stories.
Objev podobné jako CHERUB: The Recruit - Robert Muchamore
The Machine Gunners - Robert Westall
'Some bright kid's got a gun and 2000 rounds of live ammo. And that gun's no pea-shooter. It'll go through a brick wall at a quarter of a mile.' Chas McGill has the second-best collection of war souvenirs in Garmouth, and he desperately wants it to be the best. When he stumbles across the remains of a German bomber crashed in the woods - its shiny, black machine-gun still intact - he grabs his chance. Soon he's masterminding his own war effort with dangerous and unexpected results . . . The Machine Gunners is Robert Westall's gripping first novel for children set during World War Two and winner of the Carnegie Medal. Now with a brilliant cover look celebrating its fortieth anniversary. Includes a bonus short story - 'The Haunting of Chas McGill' - and an extended biography of the author.
Objev podobné jako The Machine Gunners - Robert Westall
The Platinum Collection - Robert Vano
Výpravná a rozsáhlá monografie světoznámého módního a reklamního fotografa Roberta Vano poprvé shrnuje v reprezentativní kolekci nejlepší fotografie z jeho volné tvorby. Vyšla u příležitosti stejnojmenné výstavy v pražské výstavní síni Mánes, kterou připravila na srpen 2009 Leica Gallery Prague. Publikace obsahuje na dvě stě originálům maximálně věrných a speciálním postupem tištěných reprodukcí obrazů, které Robert Vano ručně zhotovuje pro galerijní účely. Pro maximální životnost a výtvarný účinek přitom používá speciální bezcelulózový bavlněný papír a vyvolávací proces na bázi platiny a paladia. Předem speciálně připravené negativy jsou na tuto emulzi kopírovány kontaktním způsobem pro zachování maxima detailů a co nejbohatší škály polotónů. Výsledný dojem je v nejvyšší možné míře zachován i v naší publikaci.Tematicky kniha obsahuje fotografie z oblasti mužského i ženského portrétu a aktu, ale i módu, snová zátiší a architektonická, většinou pražská, zákoutí. Publikaci byla věnována mimořádná péče i po stránce grafické a typografické.Vychází v české a anglické mutaci
Objev podobné jako The Platinum Collection - Robert Vano
The Running Grave - Robert Galbraith
Private Detective Cormoran Strike is contacted by a worried father whose son, Will, has gone to join a religious cult in the depths of the Norfolk countryside. The Universal Humanitarian Church is, on the surface, a peaceable organisation that campaigns for a better world. Yet Strike discovers that beneath the surface there are deeply sinister undertones, and unexplained deaths.In order to try to rescue Will, Strike's business partner Robin Ellacott decides to infiltrate the cult and she travels to Norfolk to live incognito amongst them. But in doing so, she is unprepared for the dangers that await her there or for the toll it will take on her . .. Utterly page-turning, The Running Grave moves Strike and Robin's story forward in the epic, unforgettable seventh instalment of the series.
Objev podobné jako The Running Grave - Robert Galbraith
The Night Stalker - Robert Bryndza
A page-turning thriller packed with suspense. The second Detective Erika Foster novel by bestselling author, Robert Bryndza. 'Absolutely brilliant ...impossible to put this book down! ... A must read' The Quiet Knitter If the Night Stalker is watching, you're already dead... In the dead of a swelteringly hot summer's night, Detective Erika Foster is called to a murder scene. The victim, a doctor, is found suffocated in bed. His wrists are bound and his eyes bulging through a clear plastic bag tied tight over his head. A few days later, another victim is found dead, in exactly the same circumstances. As Erika and her team start digging deeper, they discover a calculated serial killer - stalking their victims before choosing the right moment to strike. The victims are all single men, with very private lives. Why are their pasts shrouded in secrecy? And what links them to the killer? As a heat wave descends upon London, Erika will do everything to stop the Night Stalker before the body count rises, even if it means risking her job. But the victims might not be the only ones being watched... Erika's own life could be on the line. The global bestselling author of The Girl in the Ice is back with a heart-racing, electrifying thriller. If you love Angela Marsons, Rachel Abbott and Peter James, you'll be hooked on Robert Bryndza. The Night Stalker now a Wall Street Journal #1 best seller Biographical Notes Robert Bryndza is the author of the international #1 bestselling Detective Erica Foster series. Robert's books have sold over 2 million copies and have been translated into 27 languages. He is British and lives in Slovakia.
Objev podobné jako The Night Stalker - Robert Bryndza
The Running Grave - Robert Galbraith
''The work of a master storyteller''Daily Telegraph''One of crime''s most engaging duos''GuardianTHE SUNDAY TIMES CRIME NOVEL OF THE YEAR 2023________Private Detective Cormoran Strike is contacted by a worried father whose son, Will, has gone to join a religious cult in the depths of the Norfolk countryside.The Universal Humanitarian Church is, on the surface, a peaceable organisation that campaigns for a better world. Yet Strike discovers that beneath the surface there are deeply sinister undertones, and unexplained deaths.In order to try to rescue Will, Strike''s business partner Robin Ellacott decides to infiltrate the cult and she travels to Norfolk to live incognito amongst them. But in doing so, she is unprepared for the dangers that await her there or for the toll it will take on her . . .Utterly page-turning, The Running Grave moves Strike and Robin''s story forward in the epic, unforgettable seventh instalment of the series.________PRAISE FOR THE STRIKE NOVELS ''A blistering piece of crime writing''Sunday Times ''Unputdownable''Daily Express''A page-turner that will keep you up all night''Observer ''Superb . . . an ingenious whodunnit''Sunday Mirror ''Strike and Robin are just as magnetic as ever''New York Times ''Outrageously entertaining''Financial Times
Objev podobné jako The Running Grave - Robert Galbraith
The 50th Law - Robert Greene
The ultimate hustle is to move freely between the street and corporate worlds, to find your flow and never stay locked in the same position. This is a manifesto for how to operate in the twenty-first century, where everything has been turned on its head.
Objev podobné jako The 50th Law - Robert Greene
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- Markslöjd 107947 - Stojací lampa CROWN 3xE14/20W/230V (108383)
- Markslöjd 107946 - Stojací lampa CROWN 3xE14/20W/230V (108382)
- Ohňostroj - baterie výmetnic brocade crown to blue 50ran (8595596306152)
- Šipky steel RedDragon Robert Thornton 24g, 95% wolfram (14976)
- Cray Band, Robert: That's What I Heard - CD (72098CD)
- Red Dragon Šipky Steel Robert Thornton Blue - 24g (294009)
- Plant Robert: Digging Deep (8x 7" LP) - LP (9029687817)
- Nohel Garden Truhlík CROWN na zábradlí plastový bílý 58x28 cm
- Royal Crown Cola Classic/No Sugar 12× 0,33l plech (NAP0120s2mix)
- Markslöjd 107921 - Lustr na tyči CROWN 9xE14/20W/230V (108361)
- Zlý pes: Šéfinspektor Robert Kett (978-80-277-0266-4)
- Plant Robert, Krauss Alison: Raising Sand (2x LP) - LP (7228801)
- Robert Glasper Experiment: Black Radio (10th Anniversary) (CD) - CD (4596903)
- Ohňostroj -baterie výmetnic brocade crown w. mine battery 45 ran (8595596316519)
- Prosperplast Truhlík na zábradlí CROWN antracit 58 cm, šedivý (DCRO600-S433)
- The turn of the Screw