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Pixie Magic: Lacey and the Enchanted Thimble - Daisy Meadows

An enchanting new series packed with friendship, fun and creativity from the author of Rainbow Magic! Each book features a different pixie with a special talent for magical crafts - in this story you''ll meet Lacey the Sewing Pixie.Best friends Alice and Leo love making things, and they''re never happier than when they''re working together in Leo''s garden shed, which they''ve turned into an arts and crafts studio. Then one day they are transported to a miniature world where magical creatures - the Pixies and Glitterbugs - use their creative talents to make special objects from items that were once treasured. The Pixies'' magic gives these objects the power to solve people''s problems!But disaster strikes when Grimble and Grumble, the mean Nixies, steal Lacey the Sewing Pixie''s magical tools. Now Lacey can''t use her special crafting skill to sew a magical costume to help Leo and Alice''s friend, who''s nervous about performing in a play. Can the friends work together to use their talents - and a dash of Pixie Magic - to save the day, so that everyone can enjoy the magic of creativity?This magical new series is tailor-made to appeal to young readers including existing Daisy Meadows fans, with a winning combination of magic, friendship and craft.

Podívejte se také Beyond the Wand: The Magic and Mayhem of Growing Up a Wizard (9781529149425)

cena 207.0 Kč

Pixie Magic: Pippin and the Birthday Bake - Daisy Meadows

Best friends Alice and Leo love making things, and they''re never happier than when they''re working together in Leo''s garden shed, which they''ve turned into an arts and crafts studio. Then one day they are transported to a miniature world where magical creatures - the Pixies and Glitterbugs - use their creative talents to make special objects from items that were once treasured. Pixie Magic gives these objects the power to solve people''s problems!But disaster strikes when Grimble and Grumble, the mean Nixies, steal Pippin the Baking Pixie''s magical tools. Now Pippin can''t bake a magical birthday cake to help the children''s friend Hannah''s birthday party go with a swing. Can the friends work together to use their talents - and a dash of Pixie Magic - to save the day, so that everyone can enjoy the magic of creativity?This magical new series is tailor-made to appeal to young readers including existing Daisy Meadows fans, with a winning combination of magic, friendship and craft.

Podívejte se také HOMEPRO Lacey růžová (8591957685836)

cena 207.0 Kč

Rainbow Magic: Nur the Vlogger Fairy - Daisy Meadows

Nur the Vlogger Fairy is planning Fairyland''s biggest vlogger meet-up ever - Magic Vlog Con! But jealous Jack Frost wants to become a vlogging superstar and has stolen Nur''s magical objects. Without them, vloggers can''t make fun videos. Nur needs Rachel, Kirsty, Gracie and Khadijah''s help to get her enchanted objects back and show Jack Frost that vlogging is for expressing yourself, not becoming famous. Can the fairy friends find Nur''s lucky ring light, her cool camera and her magic microphone and save Magic Vlog Con? ''These stories are magic; they turn children into readers!'' ReadingZone.comIf you like Rainbow Magic, check out Daisy Meadows'' other series: Magic Animal Friends and Unicorn Magic!

Podívejte se také HOMEPRO Lacey fialová (8591957822200)

cena 207.0 Kč

Rainbow Magic: Yasmeen the Kayaking Fairy - Daisy Meadows

Rachel, Gracie and Khadijah are kayaking at the Rainbow Lake National Park. But Jack Frost''s goblins have taken Yasmeen''s magical paddle, and now no one can enjoy kayaking safely. The girls must find Yasmeen and get her paddle back so everyone can have fun on the water again.Don''t miss the rest of the Water Sports Fairies series:1. Helen the Sailing Fairy2. Aria the Synchro Fairy3. Yasmeen the Kayaking Fairy4. Keiko the Diving Fairy''These stories are magic; they turn children into readers!'' ReadingZone.comIf you like Rainbow Magic, check out Daisy Meadows'' other series: Magic Animal Friends, Unicorn Magic and Pixie Magic!

Objev podobné jako Rainbow Magic: Yasmeen the Kayaking Fairy - Daisy Meadows

cena 177.0 Kč

Rainbow Magic: Helen the Sailing Fairy - Daisy Meadows

Kirsty, Khadijah and Gracie can''t wait for their school trip to the Rainbow Lake National Park. But their first sailing lesson turns into a rescue mission when Helen the Sailing Fairy needs their help - her magical life jacket has been stolen! Can the girls find it and make sailing safe for everyone again?Helen the Sailing Fairy is the first Rainbow Magic fairy to speak with a stammer, created with special thanks to STAMMA for their support. Don''t miss the rest of the Water Sports Fairies series:1. Helen the Sailing Fairy2. Aria the Synchro Fairy3. Yasmeen the Kayaking Fairy4. Keiko the Diving Fairy''These stories are magic; they turn children into readers!'' ReadingZone.comIf you like Rainbow Magic, check out Daisy Meadows'' other series: Magic Animal Friends, Unicorn Magic and Pixie Magic!

Objev podobné jako Rainbow Magic: Helen the Sailing Fairy - Daisy Meadows

cena 177.0 Kč

Rainbow Magic: Keiko the Diving Fairy - Daisy Meadows

It''s the final day of the girls'' trip to the Rainbow Lake National Park, and it''s their last chance to find Keiko the Diving Fairy and her magical flip-flops. Without them, divers everywhere are losing confidence. Can the friends help Keiko so that their diving lesson isn''t a total wash-out?Don''t miss the rest of the Water Sports Fairies series: 1. Helen the Sailing Fairy2. Aria the Synchro Fairy3. Yasmeen the Kayaking Fairy4. Keiko the Diving Fairy''These stories are magic; they turn children into readers!'' ReadingZone.comIf you like Rainbow Magic, check out Daisy Meadows'' other series: Magic Animal Friends, Unicorn Magic and Pixie Magic!

Objev podobné jako Rainbow Magic: Keiko the Diving Fairy - Daisy Meadows

cena 177.0 Kč

Rainbow Magic: Zelda the Gamer Fairy - Daisy Meadows

When jealous Jack Frost steals Zelda the Gamer Fairy''s magical headset, controller and console, video games everywhere begin to glitch and gaming is ruined! With the help of Rachel, Kirsty, Gracie and Khadijah, Zelda must venture through the Land of Games and play to win back her enchanted objects so that gaming can be fun again.''These stories are magic; they turn children into readers!'' ReadingZone.comIf you like Rainbow Magic, check out Daisy Meadows'' other series: Pixie Magic, Unicorn Magic and Magic Animal Friends!

Objev podobné jako Rainbow Magic: Zelda the Gamer Fairy - Daisy Meadows

cena 207.0 Kč

The Magic Faraway Tree: The Enchanted Wood - Enid Blyton

The first magical story in the Faraway Tree series by one of the world''s most popular children''s authors, Enid Blyton. Joe, Beth and Frannie find the Enchanted Wood on the doorstep of their new home, and when they discover the Faraway Tree they fall into all sorts of adventures! Join them and their friends Moonface, Saucepan Man and Silky the fairy as they discover which new land is at the top of the Faraway Tree. Will it be the Land of Spells, the Land of Treats, or the Land of Do-As-You-Please? Discover the magic! First published in 1939, this edition contains the original text. Cover and inside illustrations are by Mark Beech.

Objev podobné jako The Magic Faraway Tree: The Enchanted Wood - Enid Blyton

cena 236.0 Kč

Kouzla jednorožců Plamínek - Daisy Meadows

Vítejte ve světě kouzel, přátelství a jednorožců! Anežka a Eliška se pomocí magické sošky dostanou do světa bájných jednorožců. Potkají tam jednorožce Plamínka, jehož posláním je přinášet zemi teplo. Protože ale přišel o svůj kouzelný přívěsek, zemi hrozí věčná zima. Dokážou kamarádky Plamínkovi pomoct, aby znovu získal svou kouzelnou moc?

Objev podobné jako Kouzla jednorožců Plamínek - Daisy Meadows

cena 223.0 Kč

The Enchanted Castle 1 - Black Magic - Peter Gotthardt - e-kniha

eBook: When Stick, Pop and Mane explore the old house called the Castle, they find a lot of animals. There is also an evil wizard. Can the girls stop him, before he uses the animals for his black magic? The Enchanted Castle is a series about three girls, who find an enchanted castle, where the most incredible things can happen. Every time the girls Stick, Pop and Mane visit it, they end up in a new exciting world.

Objev podobné jako The Enchanted Castle 1 - Black Magic - Peter Gotthardt - e-kniha

cena 124.0 Kč

Zarka Zvončeková a rozprávkové Vianoce - Daisy Meadows

V kúzelnom Lese priateľstva sa blížia Vianoce. Lucka s Miou sa nemôžu dočkať, ako ich oslávia so svojimi zvieracími kamarátmi, ktorí vedia rozprávať. Tešia sa aj na veľkú lesnú udalosť - soviu svadbu slečny Snežnej a pána Mudrlanta. No zrazu sa objaví zlomyseľná čarodejnica Grizelda. Vianoce, svadba i celý les sú v ohrození!Dokáže ich šteniatko Zarka Zvončeková spolu s dievčatami zachrániť?

Objev podobné jako Zarka Zvončeková a rozprávkové Vianoce - Daisy Meadows

cena 366.0 Kč

Hľadá sa Mimi Fúziková - Daisy Meadows, Silvia Demovičová

Vitajte v kúzelnom svete, kde zvieratá dokážu rozprávať a hrať sa – presne ako ľudia! Najlepšie kamarátky Mia a Lucka zbožňujú zvieratá. Jedného dňa stretnú záhadnú mačku so zlatistou srsťou, ktorá im ukáže Les priateľstva. Je to zázračná ríša, kde rozprávajúce zvieratká žijú v útulných chalúpkach a popíjajú čaj v Kaviarni u muchotrávky. Letné prázdniny sú od tej chvíle pre dievčatá ešte vzrušujúcejšie. V prvom dobrodružstve unesú Bahniváli – poskokovia zákernej čarodejnice Grizeldy – malú zajačicu Mimi Fúzikovú. Podarí sa dievčatám vystrašené zvieratko zachrániť?

Objev podobné jako Hľadá sa Mimi Fúziková - Daisy Meadows, Silvia Demovičová

cena 330.0 Kč

Wildside: The Enchanted Life of Hunters and Gatherers

The woods are alive with possibilities: Retreat into nature, meet mushroom pickers, collectors, and explorers. Build cabins and scenic trails, create crafts, or start inspired projects. This is the way to the forest. Step into the woods?refuge and escape and home. Some go there to hike or fish. The people and projects presented in this book do so much more. Join them as they gather honey from wild hives and pick mushrooms from beneath secretive oaks. Build a cabin of your own, or a lookout up there in the treetops. Bike trails, walking paths, woodcrafts. Anything and everything to experience the forest, both architectural and intangible. With profiles and essays that inspire us to step off the beaten path and photographs that bring the experience home, Wildside is the guide to modern outdoor activities.

Objev podobné jako Wildside: The Enchanted Life of Hunters and Gatherers

cena 1271.0 Kč

Kam sa podela Lili Hryzková? - Daisy Meadows, Silvia Demovičová

Vitajte v kúzelnom svete, kde zvieratá dokážu rozprávať a hrať sa – presne ako ľudia! V druhom dobrodružstve pripravujú zvierací obyvatelia v Lese priateľstva jarmok a pozvú naň aj Lucku a Miu! Objaví sa však čarodejnica Grizelda, ktorá chce všetkým zábavu prekaziť. Jej zlomyseľní poskokovia Bahniváli nahovoria malú Lili Hryzkovú, aby sa z oslavy vytratila. Vypátrať ju dokážu iba dievčatá. Kam sa len mohla schovať drobná myška v takom veľkom lese?

Objev podobné jako Kam sa podela Lili Hryzková? - Daisy Meadows, Silvia Demovičová

cena 330.0 Kč

Elka Pierková volá o pomoc - Daisy Meadows, Silvia Demovičová

Vitajte v kúzelnom svete, kde zvieratá dokážu rozprávať a hrať sa – presne ako ľudia! V Lese priateľstva vládne čulý ruch, každý sa chystá osláviť narodeniny malej kačičky Elky Pierkovej. Poskokovia čarodejnice Grizeldy však oslavu prekazia. Zvieratkám hrozí, že Bahniváli otrávia rieku a ich milovaný domov zničia. Kamarátky Lucka a Mia sa vydajú na cestu, aby Elku, zvieratká a kúzelný les zachránili.

Objev podobné jako Elka Pierková volá o pomoc - Daisy Meadows, Silvia Demovičová

cena 330.0 Kč

Kamarádky kouzelných zvířátek Ušmudlaná neplecha Olívie Ždibáčkové - Daisy Meadows

Když se Jola a Lilka ocitnou v lese Přátelství tentokrát, zlá čarodějnice Grizelda začaruje malou křeččí holčičku Olívii Ždibáčkovou tak, aby si o sobě myslela, že je nepořádná příšerka – stejně jako Grizeldini noví pomocníci! Dokážou Jola s Lilkou najít způsob, jak vrátit Olívii její skutečné já?

Objev podobné jako Kamarádky kouzelných zvířátek Ušmudlaná neplecha Olívie Ždibáčkové - Daisy Meadows

cena 199.0 Kč

Kamarádky kouzelných zvířátek 6: Výpomoc Matyldy Fuflíkové - Daisy Meadows

Nejlepší kamarádky Jola a Lilka přicházejí za dobrodružstvím do lesa Přátelství, kde zvířátka umějí mluvit a kouzla jsou na denním pořádku! Zlá čarodějnice Grizelda použila jedno ze svých hrozných kouzel na strom Laskavosti a všechna zvířátka v lese Přátelství se k sobě náhle začnou chovat ošklivě! Dokážou Lilka, Jola a malá sovička Matylda Fuflíková Grizeldino zaklínadlo zrušit a zachránit stromy Srdce dřív, než bude pozdě?

Objev podobné jako Kamarádky kouzelných zvířátek 6: Výpomoc Matyldy Fuflíkové - Daisy Meadows

cena 178.0 Kč

Daisy and the Trouble With Space - Kes Gray

The BRAND NEW laugh-out-loud new Daisy adventure, from bestselling author of the Oi Frog series, Kes Gray.Here comes trouble!Daisy and her class have SPACE FEVER after a talk about stars, moons and faraway planets. THEN their teacher announces they''re going to spend a WHOLE WEEK learning all about space. How COSMIC is that?!Trouble is, SPACE FEVER follows Daisy back home too. And turning your bedroom ceiling into the universe isn''t that easy. Even with lots of glow-in-the-dark stars, superglue, and your best friend to help . . .If you love this DAISY adventure, look out for more including DAISY AND THE TROUBLE WITH UNICORNS, DAISY AND THE TROUBLE WITH CHOCOLATE and DAISY AND THE TROUBLE WITH SCHOOL TRIPS!

Objev podobné jako Daisy and the Trouble With Space - Kes Gray

cena 236.0 Kč

Daisy and the Trouble With London - Kes Gray

The BRAND NEW laugh-out-loud Daisy adventure for readers of 6-9, from bestselling author of the Oi Frog series, Kes Gray.Here comes trouble!Daisy is off to actual, actual London for the day!!!Nanny and Grampy are taking her to see the Tower of London, Buckingham Palace, Big Ben and lots more.Trouble is, all Daisy really wants to see is Cooey the pigeon . . .

Objev podobné jako Daisy and the Trouble With London - Kes Gray

cena 236.0 Kč

Sylvester and the Magic Pebble - William Steig

One rainy day, Sylvester finds a magic pebble that can make all his wishes come true. But when a lion frightens him on his way home, Sylvester makes a wish with unexpected consequences. Will Sylvester find his way back to his family? Winner of the 1970 Caldecott Medal, this modern classic is full of warmth, humour and joy.

Objev podobné jako Sylvester and the Magic Pebble - William Steig

cena 236.0 Kč

The Crown - Robert Lacey

In this eye-opening companion to Netflix's acclaimed series The Crown, renowned biographer and the show's historical consultant, Robert Lacey takes us through the real history that inspired the drama. Covering two tumultuous decades in the reign of Queen Elizabeth II, Lacey looks at the key social, political and personal moments and their effects - not only on the royal family, but also on the world around them. From the Suez Canal Crisis and the US/Russia space race to the legacy of the Duke of Windsor's collaboration with Hitler, along with the rumoured issues with the royal marriage, The Crown provides a thought-provoking insight into the historic decades that the show covers, revealing the truth behind the on-screen drama.Extensively researched and complete with beautifully reproduced photographs, this is a unique look behind the history that inspired the show and the years that would prove to be the making of the Queen.

Objev podobné jako The Crown - Robert Lacey

cena 299.0 Kč

The Answers - Catherine Lacey

Mary is out of options. Estranged from her family and beset by phantom pain, she signs up for 'The Girlfriend Experiment' - a mysterious project masterminded by a famous Hollywood actor who hires a collection of women to fulfil the different roles of a relationship. Mary is to play the Emotional Girlfriend, alongside a Maternal Girlfriend, a Mundane Girlfriend, an Angry Girlfriend and, of course, an Intimacy Team. Each woman has her debts and her difficulties, her past loves and her secrets. As Mary and the actor are drawn ever closer together, the nature of the experiment changes, and the Girlfriends find themselves exposed to new perils, foremost among them love.

Objev podobné jako The Answers - Catherine Lacey

cena 241.0 Kč

Pizza Pete and the Missing Magic - Carrie Sellon

The hilarious sequel to Pizza Pete and the Perilous Potions.Pizza Pete is back! But he’s worried about seeing his friends after a long summer holiday selling pizzas from his van with Dad. He’s also in great danger. Someone wants the magical potions and will stop at nothing to get them... When they go missing, Pete has to summon all his courage to save the day. Pete is back in the second book in the trilogy filled with flying, friendship and of course ... pizza! The second laugh-out-loud adventure is perfect for fans of Sam Copeland and Roald Dahl.

Objev podobné jako Pizza Pete and the Missing Magic - Carrie Sellon

cena 236.0 Kč

A History of Magic, Witchcraft and the Occult

Discover the beguiling history of witchcraft, magic, and superstition through the centuries in this stunningly illustrated title. A History of Magic, Witchcraft and the Occult charts the extraordinary narrative of one of the most interesting and often controversial subjects in the world, covering everything from ancient animal worship and shamanism, through alchemy and divination to modern Wicca and the resurgence of the occult in 21st-century literature, cinema, and television.Providing readers with a comprehensive account of everything from Japanese folklore and Indian witchcraft to the differences between black and white magic, and dispelling myths such as those surrounding the voodoo doll and Ouija, the book explores the common human fascination with spells, superstition, and the supernatural.This riveting read on witchcraft includes: Engaging text and lavish illustrations with over 500 full-colour images that bring the subject to life.Special features on aspects of magic, such as oracle bones of ancient China, the Knights Templar, and magic at the movies, and "plants and potions", such as mandrake and belladonna examine topics in great detail.Quick-fact panels explore magic origins, key figures, key deities, uses in spells, structures of religions, and more.The perfect introduction to magic and the occult, it explores forms of divination from astrology and palmistry to the Tarot and runestones and offers key insights into the ways in which magic has interacted with religion.The most comprehensive illustrated history of witchcraft available, A History of Magic, Witchcraft and the Occult will enthral and fascinate anyone interested in spiritualism and the occult.

Objev podobné jako A History of Magic, Witchcraft and the Occult

cena 536.0 Kč

Marvin and the Book of Magic - Jenny Pearson

Marvellous Marvin braves the stage to showcase the magic that can be found in true friendship in this hilarious and heartfelt tale from bestselling author Jenny Pearson.After being humiliated by a badly behaved squirrel on national television, Marvin has vowed NEVER to perform magic in public again. But when he acquires a mysterious book that promises to show those with the gift of magic how to use it properly, his best friend Asha persuades him to make a comeback in the school talent show.Watch Marvellous Marvin take to the stage to demonstrate the magic that can be found in true friendship!

Objev podobné jako Marvin and the Book of Magic - Jenny Pearson

cena 236.0 Kč

The Enchanted Life - Sharon Blackie

The enchanted life is possible for anyone. It is deeply grounded in the living world. It is creative, intuitive, imaginative. It thrives on work that has heart and meaning. Sharon Blackie speaks to those who feel an emptiness at the heart of modern life who long for a more authentic, harmonious and connected lifestyle. The Enchanted Life offers practical and grounded tools for enchanting our lives and the places we live in. An inspiring book for the intelligent, creative self development arena with insight, wisdom, interviews, case studies and exercises.

Objev podobné jako The Enchanted Life - Sharon Blackie

cena 354.0 Kč

Starfell: Willow Moss and the Magic Thief - Dominique Valente

The fourth book in the magical Starfell series, starring misfit witch Willow Moss. Perfect for readers of 8+ and beautifully illustrated throughout by Sarah Warburton. Willow Moss and the Lost Day was selected as Waterstones Book of the Month.Starfell is on the edge of disaster. The fight against Silas, the wizard determined to steal all magic for himself, is far from over – but how can Willow make a difference when her powers have been taken?With the help of her friends, the young witch sets off to the treacherous Mountains of Nach. There, she hopes to find the Craegun, a powerful beast believed to restore anything that has been lost – for a heavy price. The mission is fraught with danger, but there’s no turning back . . . or the magic of Willow’s world will be lost forever.The epic fourth adventure in the Starfell series is a powerful celebration of kindness, resilience and equality.

Objev podobné jako Starfell: Willow Moss and the Magic Thief - Dominique Valente

cena 232.0 Kč

Magic Pickle and the Roots of Doom - Scott Morse

Magic Pickle battles Square Root and his pungent, garlicky sidekick in this action-packed, pun-filled graphic novel.New enemies have taken root! Evil tuber Square Root, along with his sidekick Herb Cloverson, a smelly clove of garlic, plans to squash Magic Pickle''s powers and rule the world! But Square Root hasn''t reckoned with Magic Pickle''s own sidekick, Jo Jo, a human girl who''s full of daring and smarts. Can Magic Pickle and Jo Jo dish out some Dill Justice? Or will Square Root''s rotten plot prevail?

Objev podobné jako Magic Pickle and the Roots of Doom - Scott Morse

cena 295.0 Kč

The Enchanted April - Elizabeth von Arnim

'Now she had taken off her goodness and left it behind her like a heap of rain-sodden clothes, and she only felt joy'Mrs Wilkins and Mrs Arbuthnot, cowed and neglected by their husbands, make a daring plan: they will have a holiday. Leaving a drab and rainy London one April and arriving on the shores of the Mediterranean, they discover a flower-filled paradise of beauty, warmth and leisure. Joined by the beautiful Lady Caroline and domineering Mrs Fisher, also in flight from the burdens of their daily lives, the four women proceed to transform themselves and their prospects.VINTAGE DECO: Nine blazing, daring novels to celebrate the 1920s - 100 years on.

Objev podobné jako The Enchanted April - Elizabeth von Arnim

cena 289.0 Kč

The Enchanted April - Elizabeth von Arnim

HarperCollins is proud to present a range of best-loved, essential classics.

Objev podobné jako The Enchanted April - Elizabeth von Arnim

cena 89.0 Kč

The Enchanted April - Elizabeth von Arnim

''This delicious confection will work its magic on all'' Daily TelegraphThe discreet advertisement in The Times, addressed ''To Those who Appreciate Wistaria and Sunshine'', offers a small medieval castle for rent, above a bay on the Italian Riviera. Four very different women - the dishevelled and downtrodden Mrs Wilkins, the sad, sweet-faced Mrs Arbuthnot, the formidable widow Mrs Fisher and the ravishing socialite Lady Caroline Dester - are drawn to the shores of the Mediterranean that April. As each, in turn, blossoms in the warmth of the Italian spring and finds their spirits stirring, quite unexpected changes occur.The Enchanted April, published in 1922, is a witty and delightful depiction of what it is like to rediscover joy.''Brims with magic and laughter'' Amanda Craig, GuardianIncludes a new introduction by Salley Vickers, author of Miss Garnet''s Angel

Objev podobné jako The Enchanted April - Elizabeth von Arnim

cena 266.0 Kč

Super Happy Magic Forest and the Deep Trouble - Matty Long

SUPER HAPPY MAGIC FOREST ADVENTURES NOW IN COLOUR! A Super Happy Magic Forest chapter book packed with illustrations and plenty of humour-this is the perfect read for fans of Dog Man and Captain Underpants (6+). Fun-filled frolics from award-winnig author Matty Long. The Super Happy Magic Forest is the friendliest, most frolic-filled place in all the world, but very occasionally something comes along and disturbs the peace. That''s when our five brave heroes step up to save the day-there''s Blossom the unicorn, Twinkle the pixie, Herbert the gnome, Hoofius the faun, and a plucky little mushroom called Trevor.In Super Happy Magic Forest and the Deep Trouble, the five heroes go diving for Candy Coral in Lake Sparkle and find more than they bargained for-a fishy-looking creature called Foam. It''s the start of a brand-new seafaring quest! Time for the gang to find their sea-legs and set sail on an adventure to the underwater city of Fishopolis!For more laugh-out-loud adventures with the Super Happy Magic Forest heroes, read Super Happy Magic Forest and the Distant Desert.

Objev podobné jako Super Happy Magic Forest and the Deep Trouble - Matty Long

cena 236.0 Kč

Super Happy Magic Forest and the Distant Desert - Matty Long

SUPER HAPPY MAGIC FOREST ADVENTURES NOW IN COLOUR! A Super Happy Magic Forest chapter book packed with illustrations and plenty of humour-this is the perfect read for fans of Dog Man and Captain Underpants (6+). Fun-filled frolics from award-winning author Matty Long. In Super Happy Magic Forest and the Distant Desert, Tiddlywink the pixie gets trapped inside a cursed puzzle cube and every attempt to free him fails. All hope rests on the shoulders of five brave heroes, who must journey all the way to the mysterious DISTANT DESERT for answers before the sands of time run out. But with cacti gladiators, a down-on-her-luck genie, and a rebellious magic carpet to contend with-it''s not going to be an easy ride!For more laugh-out-loud adventures with the Super Happy Magic Forest heroes, read Super Happy Magic Forest and the Deep Trouble.

Objev podobné jako Super Happy Magic Forest and the Distant Desert - Matty Long

cena 236.0 Kč

Super Happy Magic Forest and the Portals of Panic - Matty Long

SUPER HAPPY MAGIC FOREST ADVENTURES NOW IN COLOUR! A Super Happy Magic Forest chapter book packed with illustrations and plenty of humour-this is the perfect read for fans of Dog Man and Captain Underpants (6+). Fun-filled frolics from award-winning author Matty Long. The Super Happy Magic Forest is a place of happiness, frolicking, and picnics. Well, most of the time it is, but something is threatening to disrupt the peace. In Super Happy Magic Forest and the Portals of Panic, a mysterious portal opens up above the forest and a small and very hungry gargoyle-like creature flies out determined to eat everything in its path. It even tries to take a bite out of Trevor the mushroom! Thank goodness for our five brave heroes: Hoofius the faun, Trevor the mushroom, Twinkle the pixie, Herbert the gnome, and Blossom the unicorn, who set off to Wizard City for answers. Can they figure out which wizard is responsible in time to save the day, or will they be distracted by a busy sightseeing schedule and some delicious waffles?For more laugh-out-loud adventures with the Super Happy Magic Forest heroes, read Super Happy Magic Forest and the Deep Trouble.

Objev podobné jako Super Happy Magic Forest and the Portals of Panic - Matty Long

cena 236.0 Kč

Beyond the Wand: The Magic and Mayhem of Growing Up a Wizard (9781529149425)

Kniha - autor Tom Felton, 304 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu matná They called for a break, and Gambon magicked up a cigarette from out of his beard. He and I were often to be found outside the stage door, having 'a breath of fresh air', as we referred to it. There would be painters and plasterers and chippies and sparks, and among them all would be me and Dumbledore having a crafty cigarette. From Borrower to wizard, Tom Felton's adolescence was anything but ordinary. His early rise to fame saw him catapulted into the limelight aged just twelve when he landed the iconic role of Draco Malfoy in the Harry Potter films. Speaking with candour and his own trademark humour, Tom shares his experience of growing up on screen and as part of the wizarding world for the very first time. He tells all about his big break, what filming was really like and the lasting friendships he made during ten years as part of the franchise, as well as the highs and lows of fame...

Objev podobné jako Beyond the Wand: The Magic and Mayhem of Growing Up a Wizard (9781529149425)

cena 409.0 Kč

The Unfortunate Side Effects of Heartbreak and Magic - Breanne Randall

The New York Times and USA Today bestsellerFor fans of Practical Magic and Gilmore Girls this charming debut novel and TikTok sensation is packed full of romance, charm and plenty of magic . . .Revelare witches are cursed. As long as they use their magic, they are doomed to four heartbreaks. So far, Sadie Revelare has experienced three - the devastating departure of her mother and the loss of her brother.And the most painful heartbreak of all: Jake McNealy, her first love. Ever since, Sadie has done everything she can to protect herself from more pain. But now Sadie's beloved grandmother is sick.And without her, Sadie isn't sure she will have the strength to keep her family and her magic together. As Sadie's carefully structured life begins to unravel, Jake returns to town after a decade away. And in the face of a final heartbreak that could tear Sadie apart, she must decide once and for all: is love more important than magic?The perfect read for anyone looking for a cosy and warm, witchy novel to curl up with this autumn.

Objev podobné jako The Unfortunate Side Effects of Heartbreak and Magic - Breanne Randall

cena 299.0 Kč

Time Travel Twins: The Stone Age Clash - Josh Lacey

Discover two sides of history with the Time Travel Twins!Twins Scarlett and Thomas are learning about the Stone Age, so Grandad lets them use his time machine. Thomas wants to see a sabre-toothed tiger; Scarlett wants to see Stonehenge. They were thousands of years apart, what should they do? Go back in time twice of course!From perilous encounters with Neanderthals and woolly mammoths, to being roped into a mysterious ancient ceremony, the twins will need to keep their wits about them to survive their visits to the Stone Age!Also in the series: The Viking AttackThe Roman Invasion

Objev podobné jako Time Travel Twins: The Stone Age Clash - Josh Lacey

cena 236.0 Kč

The Language of Thorns : Midnight Tales and Dangerous Magic - Leigh Bardugová

Inspired by myth, fairy tale, and folklore, no. 1 New York Times-bestselling author Leigh Bardugo has crafted a deliciously atmospheric collection of short stories filled with betrayals, revenge, sacrifice, and love.Love speaks in flowers. Truth requires thorns.Travel to a world of dark bargains struck by moonlight, of haunted towns and hungry woods, of talking beasts and gingerbread golems, where a young mermaid's voice can summon deadly storms and where a river might do a lovestruck boy's bidding but only for a terrible price.Inspired by myth, fairy tale, and folklore, no. 1 New York Times-bestselling author Leigh Bardugo has crafted a deliciously atmospheric collection of short stories filled with betrayals, revenge, sacrifice, and love.Perfect for new readers and dedicated fans, these tales will transport you to lands both familiar and strange - to a fully realized world of dangerous magic that millions have visited through the novels of the Grishaverse.This collection of six stories includes three brand-new tales, all of them lavishly illustrated with art by Sara Kiplin that changes with each turn of the page, culminating in six stunning full-spread illustrations as rich in detail as the stories themselves.

Objev podobné jako The Language of Thorns : Midnight Tales and Dangerous Magic - Leigh Bardugová

cena 499.0 Kč

Anatomy of an Epidemic: Magic Bullets, Psychiatric Drugs, and the Astonishing Rise of Mental Illness (0307452425)

Kniha - autor Robert Whitaker, 416 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná Updated with bonus material, including a new foreword and afterword with new research, this New York Times bestseller is essential reading for a time when mental health is constantly in the news. In this astonishing and startling book, award-winning science and history writer Robert Whitaker investigates a medical mystery: Why has the number of disabled mentally ill in the United States tripled over the past two decades? Interwoven with Whitaker’s groundbreaking analysis of the merits of psychiatric medications are the personal stories of children and adults swept up in this epidemic. As Anatomy of an Epidemic reveals, other societies have begun to alter their use of psychiatric medications and are now reporting much improved outcomes . . . so why can’t such change happen here in the United States? Why have the results from these long-term studies—all of which point to the same...

Objev podobné jako Anatomy of an Epidemic: Magic Bullets, Psychiatric Drugs, and the Astonishing Rise of Mental Illness (0307452425)

cena 412.0 Kč

Captain Beefheart And The Magic Band: Clear Spot (2x LP) - LP (0349783949)

LP vinyl - Rozšířená vinylová reedice sedmé řadové desky, kterou Captain Beefheart nahrál s The Magic Band. Album původně vyšlo v roce 1972. Rozšířená vinylová reedice sedmé řadové desky, kterou Captain Beefheart nahrál s The Magic Band. Album původně vyšlo v roce 1972. Legendární americký hudebník, zpěvák a skladatel je dobře známý i v tuzemsku. Jeho hudba je eklektickou směsí ovlivněnou rockem, blues, psychedilií i avantgardou. Proslulá je jeho spolupráce s Frankem Zappou, s nímž ho pojilo vřelé přátelství. Rok vydání : 1997 (7.album) Rok reedice : 2022 Seznam stop LP1 Low Yo Yo Stuff / Nowadays a Woman's Gotta Hit a Man / Too Much Time / Circumstances / My Head Is My Only House Unless It Rains / Sun Zoom Spark / Clear Spot / Crazy Little Thing / Long Neck Bottles / Her Eyes Are a Blue Million Miles / Big Eyed Beans from Venus / Golden Birdies LP2 Nowadays a Woman's Gotta Hit a Man (Early Mix) / Clear Spot (Rough Mix) [Instrumental] / Crazy...

Objev podobné jako Captain Beefheart And The Magic Band: Clear Spot (2x LP) - LP (0349783949)

cena 1149.0 Kč

The Magic Lantern : The Revolution of ´89 Witnessed in Warsaw, Budapest, Berlin and Prague - Timothy Garton Ash

The Magic Lantern is one of those rare books that capture history in the making, written by an author who was witness to some of the most remarkable moments that marked the collapse of Communism in Eastern Europe.Timothy Garton Ash was there in Warsaw, on 4 June, when the communist government was humiliated by Solidarity in the first semi-free elections since the Second World War. He was there in Budapest, twelve days later, when Imre Nagy - thirty-one years after his execution - was finally given his proper funeral. He was there in Berlin, as the Wall opened. And most remarkable of all, he was there in Prague, in the back rooms of the Magic Lantern theatre, with Vaclav Havel and the members of Civic Forum, as they made their 'Velvet Revolution'.

Objev podobné jako The Magic Lantern : The Revolution of ´89 Witnessed in Warsaw, Budapest, Berlin and Prague - Timothy Garton Ash

cena 312.0 Kč

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them: Movie-Making News - The Stories Behind the Magic - Jody Revensonová

Inspired by the very newspapers seen in the Fantastic Beasts films, and produced on newsprint paper to mimic their appearance, Movie-Making News reveals previously untold behind-the-scenes stories from the first film and offers a sneak-peek at what’s to come in the exciting next instalment. Bursting with scoops, exclusives and candid insights from the actors and filmmakers that it wasn’t possible to reveal until now, Movie-Making News celebrates Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them with features and snippets on the characters, beasts, costumes, special effects, plus a host of filmmaking facts to tantalise readers. Written in a breezy, accessible style, and designed to mimic a real newspaper, it will also include a colour ‘Late Edition’ that offers early photos and insight into what the future holds for Newt, Jacob, Tina & Queenie in Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald.

Objev podobné jako Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them: Movie-Making News - The Stories Behind the Magic - Jody Revensonová

cena 384.0 Kč

Diamond Dogs - Recall Rock 'N' Roll And The Magic Soul (White Coloured) (LP)

Subžánr: Blues Rock;Glam Rock;Hard Rock Vydavatelství: Wild Kingdom Datum vydání: 2019-09-27 Rok vydání: 2019.0 Země interpreta: Švédsko Složení setu: 1 ks Interpret / Téma: Diamond Dogs Barva podle výrobce: White Varianta: Recall Rock 'N' Roll And The Magic Soul (White Vinyl) Rok nahrávky: 2019.0 Typ: Album;LP deska;Barevná Hmotnost: 180 g Balení obsahuje: LP Dekáda interpreta: 1990 - 1999;2000 - 2009;2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019 Barva: Bílá Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Země původu: Evropská unie Žánr: Rock

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cena 548.0 Kč

Ancient Magic: A Practitioner’s Guide to the Supernatural in Greece and Rome - Philip Matyszak

Bestselling author Philip Matyszak explores how the Greeks and Romans used magic, who performed it – and why Magic was everywhere in the ancient world. The supernatural abounded, turning flowers into fruit and caterpillars into butterflies. Magic packed a cloud of water vapour with energy enough to destroy a house with one well-aimed thunderbolt. It was everyday magic, but it was still magical. Philip Matyszak takes readers into that world. He shows us how to make a love potion or cast a curse, how to talk to the dead and how to identify and protect oneself from evil spirits. He takes us to a world where gods, like humans, were creatures of space and time; where people could not just talk to spirits and deities, but could even themselves become divine; and where divine beings could fall from – or be promoted to – full godhood. Ancient Magic offers us a new way of understanding the role of magic, looking at its history in all of its classical forms. Drawing on a wide array of sources, from Greek dramas to curse tablets, lavishly illustrated throughout, and packed with information, surprises, lore and learning, this book offers an engaging and accessible way into the supernatural for all.

Objev podobné jako Ancient Magic: A Practitioner’s Guide to the Supernatural in Greece and Rome - Philip Matyszak

cena 447.0 Kč

The Hotel - Johnson Daisy

‘The British literary heir to Stephen King’ Sunday Times'Striking: it should be read at night, with the lights low, in one sitting' Observer'As splendidly written as it is haunting' i'The contemporary literary scene would be a poorer place without Daisy Johnson around' Financial TimesA triumph of contemporary horror from the Booker Prize-shortlisted author, this collection of short stories will haunt you long after you turn the final pageA place of myths, rumours and secrets, The Hotel looms over the dark Fens, tall and grey in its Gothic splendour. Built on cursed land, a history of violent death suffuses its very foundations –yet it has a magnetism that is impossible to ignore. On entering The Hotel, different people react in different ways. To some it is familiar, to others a stranger. Many come out refreshed, longing to return. But a few are changed forever, haunted by their time there. And almost all those affected are women... They are children and mothers, monsters, cult film-makers, thrill-seekers and workers on the night shift, all with their own tales of its strange power, of the horrors of Room 63, and of desperate but failed attempts to escape its seductive pull. *** PRAISE FOR SISTERS ***'[A] gothic masterpiece... You can't stop reading' i news'Daisy Johnson is one of the best writers in this country' Max Porter, author of Grief Is The Thing With Feathers'A short, sharp virtuoso tale of literary horror' BOOKSELLER'Deeply unnerving and unnervingly prescient.' VOGUE'Poetic, haunting prose to be savoured slowly' EVENING STANDARD'I LOVE THIS BOOK! Explosive, dark, weird and utterly compelling... After reading Sisters, I binged on Fen and Everything Under and am now obsessed - Elizabeth Macneal, author of The Doll Factory

Objev podobné jako The Hotel - Johnson Daisy

cena 443.0 Kč

Ashleigh & Burwood London The Scented Home Enchanted Forest vůně do prádla

Ashleigh & Burwood London The Scented Home Enchanted Forest, Vůně do skříně Vůně do bytu, Kdo by nemiloval vůni čerstvě vypraného prádla? Vůně do skříně Ashleigh & Burwood London The Scented Home Enchanted Forest se postará o to, aby vaše oblečení vonělo i dlouhou dobu po vyprání. Vůni stačí umístit mezi šaty a užívat si její příjemné aroma pokaždé, když otevřete skříň. Vlastnosti: provoní šatník příjemnou vůní aroma se uvolňuje postupně udržuje oblečení krásně voňavé svěží vůně Jak používat: Vůni zavěste na ramínko v šatníku nebo ji zasuňte mezi složené prádlo.

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cena 190.0 Kč

The Royal Librarian - Daisy Wood

A royal palace. A closed book. A betrayal that will echo through generations…Windsor, 1940: Secretly tasked with foiling a suspected plot, Sophie Klein is placed in the Royal Library at Windsor castle, where the princesses reside. But when she learns that Windsor is compromised, Sophie must sacrifice everything she knows to save the future queen of England…Philadelphia, Present day: Looking through her grandmother''s papers, Lacey Jones comes across a mysterious letter stamped with the Windsor Castle crest. But how did it come to be in her family''s possession?And so begins a journey that will take Lacey deep into the heart of the oldest inhabited castle in the world, and change her life forever…Readers can’t put down The Royal Librarian!‘Amazing! Delightful! Perfection!’ NetGalley reviewer, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘I couldn’t put it down… utterly enthralling from start to finish!’ NetGalley reviewer ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘This is the best historical fiction I’ve read,’ NetGalley reviewer ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘I cannot stop talking about how much I love this book,’ NetGalley reviewer ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘A genuine pleasure,’ NetGalley reviwer ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Objev podobné jako The Royal Librarian - Daisy Wood

cena 295.0 Kč

Ashleigh & Burwood THE SCENTED HOME - ENCHANTED FOREST (čarovný les), 150 ml (AB_SHDIF060)

Aroma difuzér - objem nádoby 150 ml, aromaterapie, materiál sklo a bambus Rádi si vychutnáváte pravidelný přísun vůně? Dům nebo byt dokonale provoní aroma difuzér Ashleigh & Burwood. Vzhledem k 150 ml nádobce vydrží pracovat dostatečně dlouhou dobu. K jeho výrobě slouží sklo a bambus. Pokud milujete aromaterapii, bude pro vás aroma difuzér skvělou volbou. Hlavní přednosti aroma difuzéru Ashleigh & Burwood THE SCENTED HOME - ENCHANTED FOREST (čarovný les), 150 ml Aroma difuzér Ashleigh & Burwood pomáhá navodit příjemnou atmosféru Ideální pro aromaterapii Zásobník na vodu disponuje objemem 150 ml

Objev podobné jako Ashleigh & Burwood THE SCENTED HOME - ENCHANTED FOREST (čarovný les), 150 ml (AB_SHDIF060)

cena 530.0 Kč

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