Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz

The Cicero Trilogy - Robert Harris

This epic trilogy by Robert Harris includes his bestselling novels: Imperium, Lustrum and Dictator Imperium - Compellingly written in Tiro's voice, Imperium takes us inside the violent, treacherous world of Roman politics, to describe how one man - clever, compassionate, devious, vulnerable - fought to reach the top. Lustrum - From the discovery of a child's mutilated body, through judicial execution and a scandalous trial, to the brutal unleashing of the Roman mob, Lustrum is a study in the timeless enticements and horrors of power. Dictator - Riveting and tumultuous, Dictator encompasses some of the most epic events in human history yet is also an intimate portrait of a brilliant, flawed, frequently fearful yet ultimately brave man – a hero for his time and for ours. This is an unforgettable collection from a master storyteller.

Podívejte se také The Art of Mafia Trilogy (9788090796416)

cena 899.0 Kč

Munich - Robert Harris

MUNICH, SEPTEMBER 1938Hitler is determined to start a war. Chamberlain is desperate to preserve the peace.They will meet in a city which forever afterwards will be notorious for what is about to take place.As Chamberlain's plane judders over the channel and the Fuhrer's train steams south, two young men travel with their leaders. Former friends from a more peaceful time, they are now on opposing sides.As Britain's darkest hour approaches, the fate of millions could depend on them - and the secrets they're hiding.Spying. Betrayal. Murder. Is any price too high for peace?

Podívejte se také Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy (GTA) - The Definitive Edition - Xbox (5026555365970)

cena 268.0 Kč

Precipice - Robert Harris

A WORLD ON THE BRINK OF WAR. AN AFFAIR ON THE EDGE OF SCANDAL.FROM THE SUNDAY TIMES NUMBER ONE BESTSELLING AUTHOR‘A riveting tale of politics, war and erotic obsession’ Sunday Times‘His most enthralling yet . . . a slam dunk of a plot . . . extraordinary’ Nicholas Coleridge, Independent‘Gripping . . . Harris also has the John le Carré gift for showing how meetings can become a form of blood sport’ Jake Kerridge, Telegraph''Splendid'' Max Hastings, Sunday TimesSummer 1914. A world on the brink of catastrophe.In London, 26-year-old Venetia Stanley – aristocratic, clever, bored, reckless – is having a love affair with the Prime Minister, H. H. Asquith, a man more than twice her age. He writes to her obsessively, sharing the most sensitive matters of state.As Asquith reluctantly leads the country into war with Germany, a young intelligence officer is assigned to investigate a leak of top secret documents – and suddenly what was a sexual intrigue becomes a matter of national security that will alter the course of political history.Seamlessly weaving fact and fiction in a way that no writer does better, Precipice is the thrilling new novel from Robert Harris.''The king of the page-turning thriller'' i Paper''Harris''s cleverness, judgment and eye for detail are second to none'' Sunday Times''Harris writes with a skill and ingenuity that few other novelists can match'' Financial Times''Harris is a master of historical fiction, a compelling author who brings to life the recent and ancient past'' TLS

Podívejte se také Funko POP! The Dark Knight Trilogy - The Joker (Super-sized) (889698478274)

cena 650.0 Kč

Precipice - Robert Harris

Summer 1914. A world on the brink of catastrophe.In London, 26-year-old Venetia Stanley - aristocratic, clever, bored, reckless - is having a love affair with the Prime Minister, H. H.Asquith, a man more than twice her age. He writes to her obsessively, sharing the most sensitive matters of state.As Asquith reluctantly leads the country into war with Germany, a young intelligence officer is assigned to investigate a leak of top secret documents - and suddenly what was a sexual intrigue becomes a matter of national security that will alter the course of political history.Seamlessly weaving fact and fiction in a way that no writer does better, Precipice is the thrilling new novel from Robert Harris.

Objev podobné jako Precipice - Robert Harris

cena 357.0 Kč

Pompeii - Robert Harris

***PRE-ORDER THE SPECIAL COLLECTOR''S EDITION OF PRECIPICE, THE THRILLING NEW NOVEL FROM ROBERT HARRIS, NOW. PUBLISHING AUGUST 2024, AVAILABLE ONLY WHILE STOCK LASTS AND EXCLUSIVE TO THE FIRST PRINT RUN***''A pulse-rate-speeding masterpiece'' Sunday Times''A stunning novel . . . the subtlety and power of its construction holds our attention to the end'' The TimesDuring a sweltering week in late August, as Rome''s richest citizens relax in their villas around Pompeii and Herculaneum, there are ominous warnings that something is going wrong. Wells and springs are failing, a man has disappeared, and now the greatest aqueduct in the world - the mighty Aqua Augusta - has suddenly ceased to flow . . .Through the eyes of four characters - a young engineer, an adolescent girl, a corrupt millionaire and an elderly scientist - Robert Harris brilliantly recreates a luxurious world on the brink of destruction.''As explosive as Etna, as addictive as a thriller, as satisfying as great history'' Daily Telegraph

Objev podobné jako Pompeii - Robert Harris

cena 295.0 Kč

Fatherland - Robert Harris

It is April 1964 and one week before Hitler's 75th birthday. Xavier March, a detective of the Kriminalpolizei, is called out to investigate the discovery of a dead body in a lake near Berlin's most prestigious suburb. As March discovers the identity of the body, he uncovers signs of a conspiracy that could go to the very top of the German Reich.

Objev podobné jako Fatherland - Robert Harris

cena 295.0 Kč

Conclave - Robert Harris

SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER. "Unputdownable." (Guardian). "Gripping." (Sunday Times). The Pope is dead. Behind the locked doors of the Sistine Chapel, one hundred and eighteen cardinals from all over the globe will cast their votes in the world's most secretive election. They are holy men. But they have ambition. And they have rivals. Over the next seventy-two hours one of them will become the most powerful spiritual figure on earth.

Objev podobné jako Conclave - Robert Harris

cena 232.0 Kč

Macmillan Readers Upper-Intermediate: Ghost, The Pk with CD - Robert Harris, John Escott

zjednodušená anglická četba, vhodná při přípravě na zkoušku FCE jako doplňkový materiál ( úroveň B2 - Upper-Intermediate, slovní zásoba 2 200 slov) Popis: úroveň B2 podle Společného evropského referenčního rámce Macmillan Readers v této pokročilosti můžete číst asi po více než třech letech studia angličtiny. Většina titulů je balena společně s audio CD a mnohé jsou rozšířeny o 8 stran cvičení. K porozumění vám postačí slovní zásoba 2 200 slov. Knihy mají 80 až 144 stran a jsou na hřbetu značeny modrou barvou . When British Prime Minister Adam Lang?s ghost writer, Mike McAra, dies in mysterious circumstances, a new writer is brought in to write Lang?s biography. But it soon becomes clear that Lang and his wife Ruth are a much more complicated couple than they first seem. The Ghost is a powerful commentary on the policies employed by the British government on ?The War on Terror? during the Tony Blair years.

Objev podobné jako Macmillan Readers Upper-Intermediate: Ghost, The Pk with CD - Robert Harris, John Escott

cena 266.0 Kč

V2 - Robert Harris - audiokniha

Audiokniha: November 1944. Hitler vkladá všetku nádej aj finančné prostriedky Tretej ríše do zbrane, ktorá má zmeniť neúspešný priebeh vojny a poraziť Veľkú Britániu. V tajnej podzemnej továrni väzni vyrábajú súčiastky rakety V2, ktorú vyvinuli vedci vo vojenskom výskumnom stredisku v Peenemünde. Na základni v lesoch, mimo dostrelu spojeneckých lietadiel, pripravuje raketový inžinier Rudi Graf pod prísnym dohľadom SS ničivú strelu na odpálenie. Na druhom brehu Severného mora sa mladá Angličanka Kay Caton-Walshová pripojí k zvláštnemu oddielu britskej rozviedky. Boj s neviditeľným nepriateľom sa začína.

Objev podobné jako V2 - Robert Harris - audiokniha

cena 324.0 Kč

Mníchov - Robert Harris - audiokniha

Audiokniha: September 1938. Hitler sa rozhodol začať vojnu. Chamberlain zúfalo túži udržať mier. O tejto otázke sa rozhodne v meste, čo sa navždy zapíše do dejín vďaka dohode, ktorá nielenže viedla k rozkladu demokratického Československa, ale aj otvorila dvere Hitlerovým politickým ambíciám v Európe. Zatiaľ čo Chamberlainovo lietadlo letí ponad Lamanšský prieliv a Hitlerov vlak uháňa na juh od Berlína, do Mníchova cestujú Hugh Legat, jeden z Chamberlainových osobných tajomníkov, a Paul Hartmann, nemecký diplomat a člen protihitlerovského odboja. Tí dvaja boli kedysi dobrými priateľmi a teraz, keď je budúcnosť Európy na vážkach, sa ich cesty znova pretnú.

Objev podobné jako Mníchov - Robert Harris - audiokniha

cena 324.0 Kč

Rakety smrti - Robert Harris

Blíží se konec roku 1944 a nacistické Německo vkládá všechny své naděje do vývoje nových, zničujících zbraní. Patří k nim i děsivé rakety V2. Mladý inženýr Rudi Graf na odlehlé základně v lesích mimo dosah spojeneckého bombardování dohlíží pod přísnou kontrolou jednotek SS na poslední úpravy. A mezitím se mladá Angličanka Kay Caton-Walshová připojuje ke speciálnímu oddílu britské rozvědky. Jejich muse může změnit průběh války, i když k němu nedojde na bojišti…

Objev podobné jako Rakety smrti - Robert Harris

cena 321.0 Kč

Druhý spánek - Robert Harris

Píše se rok 1468. Mladý kněz Christopher Fairfax přijíždí do odlehlé vesnice ve Wessexu, aby vykonal pohřeb tamního faráře. Země v okolí je posetá starými artefakty – mincemi, úlomky skla, lidskými kostmi - které starý farář sbíral. Nevedla tato posedlost k jeho smrti? Fairfax se rozhoduje odhalit pravdu. V průběhu příštích šesti dnů bude vše, čemu věří, podrobeno zničující zkoušce.Poslední spánek je postapokalyptický román s nečekaným zvratem. Příběh se odehrává v budoucnosti, nikoli v minulosti. Dozvídáme se, že kolem roku 2025 se spletitě propojená globální společnost, o které dnes uvažujeme jako o čemsi naprosto samozřejmém, totálně zhroutila. Jak? Důvodů se nabízí víc. Mezi zbytky těch, kdo přežili, přinejmenším v Británii, se vynořil nový společenský řád pod vedením katolické církve. V novém kalendáři těchto lidí se rok 2025 stává rokem 666 (podle biblické „číslice šelmy“, jak je popsáno ve Zjevení Janově 13:15-18). Rok 1468 je tudíž od současnosti vzdálen do budoucnosti o více než 800 let.V Posledním spánku Harris zkoumá svět, který je neznámý a starý, a zároveň poukazuje na důsledky našeho flagrantního ignorování současných existenciálních nebezpečí. Staví nás do jádra záhady. Katastrofa, která postihla svět, je důsledkem naší chamtivosti a ctižádostivosti, naší arogance. Zodpovědní jsme za to my všichni…

Objev podobné jako Druhý spánek - Robert Harris

cena 321.0 Kč

Act of Oblivion - Robert Harris

'From what is it they flee?'He took a while to reply. By the time he spoke the men had gone inside. He said quietly, 'They killed the King.'1660, General Edward Whalley and Colonel William Goffe, father- and son-in-law, cross the Atlantic.They are on the run and wanted for the murder of Charles I. Under the provisions of the Act of Oblivion, they have been found guilty in absentia of high treason.In London, Richard Nayler, secretary of the regicide committee of the Privy Council, is tasked with tracking down the fugitives. He'll stop at nothing until the two men are brought to justice.A reward of GBP100 hangs over their heads - for their capture, dead or alive.ACT OF OBLIVION is an epic journey across continents, and a chase like no other. It is the thrilling new novel by Robert Harris.

Objev podobné jako Act of Oblivion - Robert Harris

cena 330.0 Kč

Act of Oblivion - Robert Harris

Colonel Edward Whalley and his son-in-law, Colonel William Goffe, cross the Atlantic. Having been found guilty of high treason for the murder of Charles the I, they are wanted and on the run. A reward hangs over their heads - for their capture, dead or alive.In London, Richard Nayler, secretary of the regicide committee of the Privy Council, is tasked with tracking down the fugitives. He'll stop at nothing until the two men are brought to justice. Act of Oblivion is an epic journey across continents, and a chase like no other.

Objev podobné jako Act of Oblivion - Robert Harris

cena 268.0 Kč

Rakety smrti (Defekt) - Robert Harris

Blíží se konec roku 1944 a nacistické Německo vkládá všechny své naděje do vývoje nových, zničujících zbraní. Patří k nim i děsivé rakety V2. Mladý inženýr Rudi Graf na odlehlé základně v lesích mimo dosah spojeneckého bombardování dohlíží pod přísnou kontrolou jednotek SS na poslední úpravy. A mezitím se mladá Angličanka Kay Caton-Walshová připojuje ke speciálnímu oddílu britské rozvědky. Jejich muse může změnit průběh války, i když k němu nedojde na bojišti…

Objev podobné jako Rakety smrti (Defekt) - Robert Harris

cena 139.0 Kč

Rakety smrti - Robert Harris - e-kniha

eBook: Blíží se konec roku 1944 a nacistické Německo vkládá všechny své naděje do vývoje nových, zničujících zbraní. Patří k nim i děsivé rakety V2. Mladý inženýr Rudi Graf na odlehlé základně v lesích mimo dosah spojeneckého bombardování dohlíží pod přísnou kontrolou jednotek SS na poslední úpravy. A mezitím se mladá Angličanka Kay Caton-Walshová připojuje ke speciálnímu oddílu britské rozvědky. Jejich muse může změnit průběh války, i když k němu nedojde na bojišti…

Objev podobné jako Rakety smrti - Robert Harris - e-kniha

cena 289.0 Kč

An Officer and a Spy - Robert Harris

***PRE-ORDER THE SPECIAL COLLECTOR''S EDITION OF PRECIPICE, THE THRILLING NEW NOVEL FROM ROBERT HARRIS, NOW. PUBLISHING AUGUST 2024, AVAILABLE ONLY WHILE STOCK LASTS AND EXCLUSIVE TO THE FIRST PRINT RUN***IN THE HUNT FOR A SPY, HE EXPOSED A CONSPIRACY''Seriously riveting . . . a testament to Robert Harris''s storytelling power'' The Times''Taut and exciting'' GuardianParis, 1895: an army officer, Georges Picquart, watches a convicted spy, Alfred Dreyfus, being publicly humiliated in front of a baying crowd.Dreyfus is exiled for life to Devil''s Island; Picquart is promoted to run the intelligence until that tracked him down.But when Picquart discovers that secrets are still being handed over to the Germans, he is forced to confront the dangerous truth that Dreyfus may be innocent.Soon Picquart is being drawn into a labyrinth of deceit and corruption that threatens not just his honour but his life . . .''Menace and suspense twist tight in a narrative of tremendous tension'' Sunday Times

Objev podobné jako An Officer and a Spy - Robert Harris

cena 295.0 Kč

The Andalucian Friend - The First Book in the Brinkmann Trilogy (Brinkman Trilogy 1) - Alexander Söderberg

When Sophie Brinkmann meets Hector Guzman, she knows everything that she needs to: he's handsome, he's charming and he makes her happy. But what she doesn't know is that Hector has some nasty friends, some even nastier enemies, and an unscrupulous police

Objev podobné jako The Andalucian Friend - The First Book in the Brinkmann Trilogy (Brinkman Trilogy 1) - Alexander Söderberg

cena 232.0 Kč

Lovec záhad Artie Conan Doyle Klub hrobníků - Robert J. Harris

Jednoho dne stvoří toho nejznámějšího detektiva na světě – Sherlocka Holmese. Teď je však Artiemu dvanáct a řeší své vlastní záhady. Když se jednou v noci vplíží se svým nejlepším kamarádem na hřbitov, rozhodně nečekají, že tam potkají ducha Šedé paní a objeví stopy obrovského psiska. Podivná vodítka je dovedou k sérii krádeží, jež má na svědomí tajemný Klub hrobníků. Pátrání je zavede nejen na hřbitovy, ale i do ponurých uliček Edinburghu…

Objev podobné jako Lovec záhad Artie Conan Doyle Klub hrobníků - Robert J. Harris

cena 223.0 Kč

The Andalucian Friend - The First Book in the Brinkmann Trilogy (Brinkman Trilogy 1) (Defekt) - Alexander Söderberg

When Sophie Brinkmann meets Hector Guzman, she knows everything that she needs to: he's handsome, he's charming and he makes her happy. But what she doesn't know is that Hector has some nasty friends, some even nastier enemies, and an unscrupulous police

Objev podobné jako The Andalucian Friend - The First Book in the Brinkmann Trilogy (Brinkman Trilogy 1) (Defekt) - Alexander Söderberg

cena 39.0 Kč

The Balloonist - MacDonald Harris

In 1976 Farrar Strauss in the USA and Gollancz in the UK, published the 5th novel by an American writer who had been gathering momentum on both sides of the Atlantic. It was both an intense love story and a Jules Verne-type science fiction adventure, centred on an attempt by a Swedish scientist, an American journalist and a French speaking adventurer to become the first people to set foot on the North Pole. To arrive there and return, borne on the wind by a huge red and white hydrogen balloon. The book was a critical sensation, and was runner up for the National Book Awards in 1977. What was not known at the time of first publication, nor indeed when Galileo reissued this extraordinary book in 2011, was that the author had actually based this fiction on a real event: the 1897 attempt by S. A Andree to fly to the North Pole. This is a new edition, the first in a uniform presentation of selected Harris works.

Objev podobné jako The Balloonist - MacDonald Harris

cena 325.0 Kč

Lovec záhad Artie Conan Doyle – Klub hrobníků - Robert J. Harris - e-kniha

eBook: Jednoho dne stvoří Arthur Conan Doyle toho nejznámějšího detektiva na světě – Sherlocka Holmese. Teď je mu ale dvanáct a řeší své vlastní záhady! Jednoho dne stvoří toho nejznámějšího detektiva na světě – Sherlocka Holmese. Teď je však Artiemu dvanáct a řeší své vlastní záhady. Když se jednou v noci vplíží se svým nejlepším kamarádem na hřbitov, rozhodně nečekají, že tam potkají ducha Šedé paní a objeví stopy obrovského psiska. Podivná vodítka je dovedou k sérii krádeží, jež má na svědomí tajemný Klub hrobníků. Pátrání je zavede nejen na hřbitovy, ale i do ponurých uliček Edinburghu…

Objev podobné jako Lovec záhad Artie Conan Doyle – Klub hrobníků - Robert J. Harris - e-kniha

cena 179.0 Kč

The Levant Trilogy - Manning Olivia

The classic World War II trilogy: 'The finest fictional record of the war produced by a British writer' Anthony BurgessAs Rommel advances in wartorn Egypt, the lives of the civilian population come under threat. One such couple are Guy and Harriet Pringle, who have escaped the war in Europe only to find the conflict once more on their doorstep, providing a volatile backdrop to their own personal battles.The civilian world meets the military through the figure of Simon Boulderstone, a young army officer who will witness the tragedy and tension of war on the frontier at first hand.An outstanding author of wartime fiction, Olivia Manning brilliantly evokes here the world of the Levant - Egypt, Jerusalem and Syria - with perception and subtlety, humour and humanity.

Objev podobné jako The Levant Trilogy - Manning Olivia

cena 357.0 Kč

The New York Trilogy (0571276555)

Kniha - autor Paul Auster, 314 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The New York Trilogy is an astonishing and original book: three cleverly interconnected novels that exploit the elements of standard detective fiction and achieve a new genre that is all the more gripping for its starkness. In each story the search for clues leads to remarkable coincidences in the universe as the simple act of trailing a man ultimately becomes a startling investigation of what it means to be human. Auster's book is modern fiction at its finest: bold, arresting and unputdownable. It was a wrong number that started it, the telephone ringing three times in the dead of night, and the voice on the other end asking for someone he was not... In three brilliant variations on the classic detective story, Paul Auster makes the well-traversed terrain of New York City his own, as it becomes a strange, compelling landscape in which identities merge or fade and questions serve only...

Objev podobné jako The New York Trilogy (0571276555)

cena 249.0 Kč

The Border Trilogy - Cormac McCarthy

With an introduction by novelist Rachel KushnerIn the vanishing world of the Old West, two cowboys begin an epic adventure, and their own coming-of-age stories. In All the Pretty Horses, John Grady Cole's search for a future takes him across the Mexican border to a job as a ranch hand and an ill-fated romance. The Crossing is the story of sixteen-year-old Billy Parham, who sets off on a perilous journey across the mountains of Mexico, accompanied only by a lone wolf.Eventually the two come together in Cities of the Plain, in a stunning tale of loyalty and love. A true classic of American literature, The Border Trilogy is the late Cormac McCarthy's award-winning requiem for the American frontier. Beautiful and brutal, filled equally with sorrow and humour, it is a powerful story of two friends growing up in a world where blood and violence are conditions of life.

Objev podobné jako The Border Trilogy - Cormac McCarthy

cena 209.0 Kč

The Hollow Man - Oliver Harris

Detective Nick Belsey is broke. Now it looks like he's out of a job - something happened last night, something with the boss' wife... At dawn, on what should be the last day of Belsey's career, Hampstead CID is ghostly quiet. Belsey checks the overnight files. There's a missing-person report. But this one's different.

Objev podobné jako The Hollow Man - Oliver Harris

cena 232.0 Kč

The Shame Archive - Oliver Harris

''Here''s a novel to make the great and the good quake.... Harris writes with compassion or satirical glee, depending on which his characters deserve, and this third Kane novel puts him firmly in the Mick Herron class'' Jake Kerridge, Daily Telegraph''Captivating and horrifying... Oliver Harris is squarely in the territory of the greats: Greene and le Carré but also the modern masters, Mick Herron and Adam Brookes. There can be no higher accolade'' Manda ScottHow does a secret service confront its past, when its secrets must never be revealed?Buried deep in MI6''s digital archives is the most classified directory of all. It doesn''t contain war plans or agent profiles, but shame: the misdeeds of politicians, royalty, business leaders and the service''s own personnel.There are seven decades'' worth of images and recordings, usually acquired for the sake of assessing risk, sometimes as a guard against betrayal, often engineered by MI6 for their own purposes. They are the most sensitive two thousand terabytes of data in the Service''s possession. When material from the archive begins appearing online, panic spreads through the Establishment like wildfire. At first, the security breach only manifests itself in apparently random events: a suicide, a disappearance, a breakdown. But when it''s discovered that the individuals concerned were all contacted by the same anonymous person, a connection comes into focus. The archive has been leaked. The hunt is now of unprecedented urgency before the entire political and business systems are fatally weakened. That''s when they call for Elliot Kane...

Objev podobné jako The Shame Archive - Oliver Harris

cena 591.0 Kč

The Rising Down - Alexandra Harris

‘Remarkable.’ THE TIMES''Wonderful.’ GUARDIAN''Fascinating.'' TELEGRAPH''As a portrait of a place, it’s hard to better.’ COUNTRY LIFE''A thrill akin to discovering buried treasure.'' RICHARD MABEY''Humane, humorous and joyful.'' RUTH SCURRWhen the celebrated critic and cultural historian Alexandra Harris returned to her childhood home of West Sussex, she realised that she barely knew the place at all. As she probed beneath the surface, excavating layers of archival records and everyday objects – bringing a lifetime''s reading to bear on the place where she started – hundreds of unexpected stories and hypnotic voices emerged from the area’s past. Who has stood here, she asks; what did they see? From the painter John Constable and the modernist writer Ford Madox Ford to the lost local women who left little trace, these electrifying encounters – spanning the Downs, Poland, Australia, Canada - inspired her to imagine lives that seemed distant, yet were deeply connected through their shared landscape.By focusing on one small patch of England, Harris finds ‘a World in a Grain of Sand’ and opens vast new horizons.

Objev podobné jako The Rising Down - Alexandra Harris

cena 738.0 Kč

The Girl in The Tower: (Winternight Trilogy) (1785031074)

Kniha - 384 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná

Objev podobné jako The Girl in The Tower: (Winternight Trilogy) (1785031074)

cena 259.0 Kč

Plakát 61x91,5cm-The Lord of the Rings - Trilogy

Plakát Pán prstenů - Trilogie se hodí na každou zeď Tištěno na kvalitní papír, snadno sbalitelné do tubusu

Objev podobné jako Plakát 61x91,5cm-The Lord of the Rings - Trilogy

cena 189.0 Kč

Plakát Batman - The Dark Knight Trilogy - The Joker

Plakát s licenčním motivem Plakátový papír s gramáží 150–170 g/m² je ideální pro tisk všech motivů plakátů a zároveň je cenově dostupný. Kvalitní tisk zajišťuje věrné podání barev a jejich dlouhou životnost. Díky své lehkosti a ohebnosti se tento papír dobře roluje, což je výhodné při balení do tubusu, do kterých plakáty balíme a bezpečně odesíláme až k vám domů. Velikost plakátu: 61 × 91.5 cm

Objev podobné jako Plakát Batman - The Dark Knight Trilogy - The Joker

cena 179.0 Kč

The Bell in the Lake (The Sister Bells Trilogy 1)

The first in a rich historical trilogy that draws on legend, by a literary craftsman and the author of The Sixteen Trees of the SommeNorway, 1880. Winter is hard in Butangen, a village secluded at the end of a valley. The lake has frozen, and for months the ground is too hard to bury the dead. Astrid Hekne dreams of a life beyond all this, beyond marriage, children, and working the land to the end of her days. Then Pastor Kai Schweigaard takes over the small parish, with its 700-year-old stave church carved with pagan deities. The two bells in the tower were forged by Astrid's forefather in the sixteenth century, in memory of conjoined twins Halfrid and Gunhild Hekne. They are said to hold supernatural powers.The villagers are wary of the pastor and his resolve to do away with their centuries-old traditions, though Astrid also finds herself drawn to him. And then a stranger arrives from Dresden, with grand plans for the church itself. For headstrong Astrid this may be a provocation too far.Talented architecture student Gerhard Schoenauer is an improbable figure in this rugged community. Astrid has never met anyone like him; he seems so different, so sensitive. She finds that she must make a choice: for her homeland and the pastor, or for an uncertain future in Germany.Then the bells begin to ring . . .

Objev podobné jako The Bell in the Lake (The Sister Bells Trilogy 1)

cena 241.0 Kč

The Art of Mafia Trilogy (9788090796416)

Kniha - 230 stran, anglicky, pevná U příležitosti 20. výročí herní série Mafia vychází prémiový artbook The Art of Mafia Trilogy. Obsahuje celou sérii Mafia od jejích počátků až po současné dění. Fanoušky jistě nepřekvapí, že Česká republika byla zařazena do světové herní mapy. V artbooku The Art of Mafia Trilogy vás čekají také zatím nepublikované materiály. Kniha obsahuje 230 stránek v angličtině. Klíčové vlastnosti knihy The Art of Mafia Trilogy - ENKniha The Art of Mafia Trilogy vychází k 20. výročí hry MafiaProvede vás celou sérií od počátků k dnešním dnůmV mapách světa je zahrnuta také Česká republikaKniha The Art of Mafia Trilogy má 230 stran v angličtině

Objev podobné jako The Art of Mafia Trilogy (9788090796416)

cena 1009.0 Kč

The Art of Mafia Trilogy (9788090796423)

Kniha - 230 stran, česky, pevná U příležitosti 20. výročí herní série Mafia vychází prémiový artbook The Art of Mafia Trilogy. Obsahuje celou sérii Mafia od jejích počátků až po současné dění. Fanoušky jistě nepřekvapí, že Česká republika byla zařazena do světové herní mapy. V artbooku The Art of Mafia Trilogy vás čekají také zatím nepublikované materiály. Kniha obsahuje 230 stránek v českém jazyce. Klíčové vlastnosti knihy The Art of Mafia Trilogy - CZKniha The Art of Mafia Trilogy vychází k 20. výročí hry MafiaProvede vás celou sérií od počátků k dnešním dnůmV mapách světa je zahrnuta také Česká republikaKniha The Art of Mafia Trilogy má 230 stran v češtině

Objev podobné jako The Art of Mafia Trilogy (9788090796423)

cena 799.0 Kč

The Great Dune Trilogy - Frank Herbert

Herbert's evocative, epic tales are set on the desert planet Arrakis, the focus for a complex political and military struggle with galaxy-wide repercussions. Arrakis is the source of spice, a mind-enhancing drug which makes interstellar travel possible; it is the most valuable substance in the galaxy. When Duke Atreides and his family take up court there, they fall into a trap set by the Duke's bitter rival, Baron Harkonnen. The Duke is poisoned, but his wife and her son Paul escape to the vast and arid deserts of Arrakis, which have given the planet its nickname of Dune. Paul and his mother join the Fremen, the Arrakis natives, who have learnt to live in this harsh and complex ecosystem. But learning to survive is not enough - Paul's destiny was mapped out long ago and his mother is committed to seeing it fulfilled.

Objev podobné jako The Great Dune Trilogy - Frank Herbert

cena 670.0 Kč

1Q84: The Complete Trilogy - Haruki Murakami

The year is 1Q84. This is the real world, there is no doubt about that. But in this world, there are two moons in the sky. In this world, the fates of two people, Tengo and Aomame, are closely intertwined. They are each, in their own way, doing something very dangerous. And in this world, there seems no way to save them both. Something extraordinary is starting.

Objev podobné jako 1Q84: The Complete Trilogy - Haruki Murakami

cena 447.0 Kč

The New York Trilogy - Paul Auster

A triology of three cleverly interconnected novels that exploit the elements of standard detective fiction.

Objev podobné jako The New York Trilogy - Paul Auster

cena 268.0 Kč

Songlight: The Torch Trilogy - Buffini Moira

Set in a post-apocalyptic future, Songlight is an extraordinary debut from a renowned screenwriter. A cinematic masterpiece in storytelling, the explosive first book in the Torch trilogy is the hottest release of the decade! They are hunting those who shine . . . Don't be deceived by Northaven's prettiness, by its white-wash houses and its sea views. In truth, many of its townsfolk are ruthless hunters.They revile those who have developed songlight, the ability to connect telepathically with others. Anyone found with this sixth sense is caught, persecuted and denounced. Welcome to the future. Lark has lived in grave danger ever since her own songlight emerged. Then she encounters a young woman in peril, from a city far away. An extraordinary bond is forged.But who can they trust? The world is at war. Those with songlight are pawns in a dangerous game of politics. Friends, neighbours, family are quick to turn on each other . . . When power is everything, how will they survive?

Objev podobné jako Songlight: The Torch Trilogy - Buffini Moira

cena 299.0 Kč

The Country Girls Trilogy - O'Brien Edna

Edna O''Brien''s beloved classics plunge us into the lives and loves of two girls in rural 1950s Ireland (with a new foreword by Eimear McBride).''The taboo-breaking, the fabulous prose – there''s no one like Edna O''Brien.'' Anne Enright''Surprising and beautiful and courageous .. A beacon.'' Megan Nolan ''Brilliant and brave.'' Ann Patchett''Glittering energy.'' Colm Tóibín ONE OF THE BBC''S ''100 NOVELS THAT SHAPED OUR WORLD''Caithleen ''Kate'' Brady and Bridget ''Baba'' Brennan are growing up in a repressive Irish village after World War II. Kate is a romantic, looking for love; Baba is a reckless survivor. After being expelled from convent school, they dream of the bright lights of Dublin - and are rewarded with bad luck and bad sex; marry for the wrong reasons; but continue to fight the expectations forced upon ''girls'' of every era to become brave new women.Edna O''Brien''s debut novels revolutionised Irish literature in the 1960s. Banned by the authorities as ''indecent'' and burned by the clergy, they were notorious for their frank portrayal of sexual desire: but scandal turned to fame, and made this glorious coming-of-age tale an instant classic that inspires and delights readers to this day.

Objev podobné jako The Country Girls Trilogy - O'Brien Edna

cena 384.0 Kč

The Rages Trilogy - The Unrelenting Earth - Kritika H. Rao

In this dazzling sequel to the The Surviving Sky, Ahilya and Iravan risk everything-their lives, their culture, and their fragile marriage-in pursuit of the earth-shattering truth about their existence. "Breathtakingly inventive" epic science-fantasy inspired by Hindu philosophy, for fans of N.K. Jemisin and Tasha Suri.Two months have passed since Ahilya and Iravan learned the devastating truths behind the earthrages. As the cosmic creatures struggle to break into the world, and Nakshar's architecture disintegrates, the desperate council summons their sister ashrams to a Conclave, to discuss the future of life in the skies. Ahilya, now a councillor, is determined to share the truth about the cosmic beings and the nature of Ecstatic trajection so she can liberate ordinary citizens and save the condemned architects.Her conviction has alienated her allies and created dangerous enemies. Only Iravan has a chance of persuading the Conclave that Ecstatics are not unstable, but he returns from the jungle struggling with his own Ecstasy. He has little control over his second-self, the primal falcon yaksha, and finds the Conclave hostile to his cause.As strange, deadly storms break out, threatening refuge even in the skies, Iravan and the other Ecstatic architects face brutal reprisals. And with the barrier restraining the cosmic beings thinning, Ahilya and Iravan know they are running out of time to save everyone. Thrust into the center of the storm, both will have to confront what matters most to them, who they really are, and what it means for the future of humanity.

Objev podobné jako The Rages Trilogy - The Unrelenting Earth - Kritika H. Rao

cena 268.0 Kč

The Girl in The Tower : (Winternight Trilogy) - Katherine Arden

For a young woman in medieval Russia, the choices are stark: marriage or life in a convent. Vasya will choose a third way: magic. . . The court of the Grand Prince of Moscow is plagued by power struggles and rumours of unrest. Meanwhile bandits roam the countryside, burning the villages and kidnapping its daughters. Setting out to defeat the raiders, the Prince and his trusted companion come across a young man riding a magnificent horse. Only Sasha, a priest with a warrior's training, recognises this 'boy' as his younger sister, thought to be dead or a witch by her village. But when Vasya proves herself in battle, riding with remarkable skill and inexplicable power, Sasha realises he must keep her secret as she may be the only way to save the city from threats both human and fantastical. . . A spellbinding fairytale full of magic and wonder, perfect for fans of Erin Morgenstern's The Night Circus and Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials. *Make sure you've read all the books in the Winternight Trilogy*1. The Bear and the Nightingale2. The Girl in the Tower3. The Winter of the Witch

Objev podobné jako The Girl in The Tower : (Winternight Trilogy) - Katherine Arden

cena 269.0 Kč

Silence of the Lambs - Thomas Harris

An FBI trainee. A psychopath locked up for unspeakable crimes. And a serial killer getting ever closer to his latest victim... FBI rookie Clarice Starling turns to Dr Hannibal Lecter, monster cannibal held in a hospital for the criminally insane, for insight into the deadly madman she must find.

Objev podobné jako Silence of the Lambs - Thomas Harris

cena 268.0 Kč

The Art of the Mass Effect Trilogy: Expanded Edition (150672163X)

Kniha - autor Bioware, 264 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá Expanded with never before seen works of art, this new edition delves deeper than ever into the sci-fi saga that changed video games forever. Contains extensive new material from the DLCs for all three games--including the award-winning Lair of the Shadow Broker from Mass Effect 2 and the fan-favorite Citadel from Mass Effect 3. Experience the evolution of the aliens, planets, ships, and technology that define this iconic science fiction universe, as the developers who brought BioWare's masterpiece to life take you from the earliest design sketches through to the meticulous final renders. Brimming with concept art and commentary, this expanded edition is the ultimate companion to one of the greatest series in the history of gaming!

Objev podobné jako The Art of the Mass Effect Trilogy: Expanded Edition (150672163X)

cena 863.0 Kč

The Andalucian Friend - The First Book in the Brinkmann Trilogy - Alexander Söderberg

Living a quiet life in the suburbs, Sophie Brinkmann is captivated by the handsome and sophisticated Hector Guzman. She has no idea that beneath Hector’s charm lies something far more dangerous. Hector is the head of an international crime syndicate. He is used to getting what he wants, and what he wants now is the total annihilation of his rivals. Before she can fully grasp the extent of Hector’s world, Sophie is trapped within it. Her house is under surveillance, her family is at risk. Hector is at war – with Russian hit men, South American drug traffickers, German gangsters – and now Sophie is too. But who can she trust when even the people who have sworn to uphold the law are as dangerous as those dedicated to breaking it? If Sophie is to get out alive, and with her integrity intact, she will have to summon everything within her to navigate this intricate web of moral ambiguity, deadly obsession and ruthless killers.

Objev podobné jako The Andalucian Friend - The First Book in the Brinkmann Trilogy - Alexander Söderberg

cena 357.0 Kč

Citadale - The Legends Trilogy (PC) DIGITAL (377016)

Hra na PC - elektronická licence, klíč pro Steam, žánr: akční, % Klasická 8bitová akční hra v retro stylu navazující na řadu klasiků konzole NES. Čekají na Vás upíři, zombie a další noční stvůry. Budete hrát za mladou ženu Sonju Dorleac, jejíž misí bude zadržet místního Dark Lorda před zatažením země do věčné temnoty. Sonja a Gabriel Tato herní trilogie zobrazuje Sonju a jejího syna Gabriela ve společném boji. Třetí kapitola trilogieTřetí kapitola se zaměřuje na Christophera, dědice...

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cena 219.0 Kč

Annihilation: The Southern Reach Trilogy 1 (0008139105)

Kniha - autor Jeff VanderMeer, 196 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná

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cena 269.0 Kč

The Night Trilogy: Night / Dawn / Day (0809073641)

Kniha - autor Elie Wiesel, 340 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Wiesel's trilogy of Holocaust stories offers meditations on mankind's attraction to violence and on the temptation of self-destruction.

Objev podobné jako The Night Trilogy: Night / Dawn / Day (0809073641)

cena 465.0 Kč

Greywaren (The Dreamer Trilogy #3) - Maggie Stiefvaterová

WHERE IT STARTSIS WHERE IT ENDSIS WHERE IT STARTSThis is the story of the Lynch family.Niall and Mor escapedtheir homeland for a new start, and lost themselves in what theyfound.Declan has grown up as the responsible son, theresponsible brother - only to find there is no way for him tokeep his family safe.Ronan has always lived on the edge between dreamsand waking ... but now that edge is gone, and he is falling.Matthew has been the happy child, the brightestbeam. But rebellion beckons, because it all feels like an illusionnow.This world was not made for such a family - a family with thepower to make a world and break it. If they cannot save each otheror themselves, we are all doomed.The war between dreams and reality intensifies... with Ronan atits center.

Objev podobné jako Greywaren (The Dreamer Trilogy #3) - Maggie Stiefvaterová

cena 289.0 Kč

The Other Black Girl - Zakiya Dalila Harris

Twenty-six-year-old editorial assistant Nella Rogers is tired of being the only Black employee at Wagner Books. Fed up with the isolation and the micro-aggressions, she's thrilled when Hazel starts working in the cubicle beside hers. They've only just started comparing natural hair care regimens, though, when a string of uncomfortable events cause Nella to become Public Enemy Number One and Hazel, the Office Darling.Then the notes begin to appear on Nella's desk: LEAVE WAGNER. NOW.It's hard to believe Hazel is behind these hostile messages. But as Nella starts to spiral and obsess over the sinister forces at play, she soon realises that there is a lot more at stake than her career.Dark, funny and furiously entertaining, The Other Black Girl will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very last twist.

Objev podobné jako The Other Black Girl - Zakiya Dalila Harris

cena 429.0 Kč

The House of Lost Secrets - Anstey Harris

She thought she knew her best friend…She was wrong.The weatherworn cottage Clachan has always been Jo Wilding’s sanctuary, a blissful escape from her tumultuous home life. From the first summer Rachel invited her to join the Willoughby family in the wilds of Scotland, she fell in love with the sea air, sandy beach and Tristan, Rachel’s older brother…All these years later, Clachan is where their most important occasions and conversations take place, so when Rachel organises a weekend there, Jo never suspects that this weekend will change everything. Because it turns out Rachel has been keeping a secret, a betrayal that plunges Jo into a past she’s spent years trying to forget.Left to untangle the pieces of their past alone, Jo has to decide if there is such a thing as forgiveness when there is no one left to forgive?

Objev podobné jako The House of Lost Secrets - Anstey Harris

cena 266.0 Kč

The Happiness Trap 2nd Edition - Russ Harris

THE MILLION-COPY BESTSELLERDo you ever feel worried, miserable or unfulfilled - yet put on a happy face and pretend everything''s fine? You are not alone. Stress, anxiety, depression and low self-esteem are all around. Research suggests that many of us get caught in a psychological trap, a vicious circle in which the more we strive for happiness, the more it eludes us.Fortunately, there is a way to escape from the ''Happiness Trap'' in this updated and expanded second edition which unlocks the secrets to a truly fulfilling life. This empowering book presents the insights and techniques of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), covering more topics and providing more practical tools than ever before. Learn how to clarify your values, develop self-compassion and find true satisfaction with this bigger and better guide to:· Reducing stress and worry· Handling painful thoughts and feelings more effectively· Breaking self-defeating habits· Overcoming insecurity and self-doubt· Building better relationships· Improving performance and finding fulfilment at workThe Happiness Trap is for everyone. Whether you''re lacking confidence, facing illness, coping with loss, working in a high-stress job, or suffering from anxiety or depression, this book will show you how to build authentic happiness, from the inside out.

Objev podobné jako The Happiness Trap 2nd Edition - Russ Harris

cena 384.0 Kč

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