Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
Stolen Focus : Why You Can´t Pay Attention - Johann Hari
In the United States, teenagers can focus on one task for only sixty-five seconds at a time, and office workers average only three minutes. Like so many of us, Johann Hari was finding that constantly switching from device to device and tab to tab was a diminishing and depressing way to live. He tried all sorts of self-help solutions—even abandoning his phone for three months—but nothing seemed to work. So Hari went on an epic journey across the world to interview the leading experts on human attention—and he discovered that everything we think we know about this crisis is wrong. We think our inability to focus is a personal failure to exert enough willpower over our devices. The truth is even more disturbing: our focus has been stolen by powerful external forces that have left us uniquely vulnerable to corporations determined to raid our attention for profit. Hari found that there are twelve deep causes of this crisis, from the decline of mind-wandering to rising pollution, all of which have robbed some of our attention. In Stolen Focus, he introduces readers to Silicon Valley dissidents who learned to hack human attention, and veterinarians who diagnose dogs with ADHD. He explores a favela in Rio de Janeiro where everyone lost their attention in a particularly surreal way, and an office in New Zealand that discovered a remarkable technique to restore workers’ productivity. Crucially, Hari learned how we can reclaim our focus—as individuals, and as a society—if we are determined to fight for it. Stolen Focus will transform the debate about attention and finally show us how to get it back.
Podívejte se také Gallagher Liam: Why Me? Why Not & As You Were (2x CD) - CD (9029521939)
Ukradená pozornost - Johann Hari
Stejně jako mnozí z nás i Johann Hari zjistil, že neustálé přesouvání pozornosti z mobilního telefonu na televizi nebo jiné zařízení a z jedné webové stránky na druhou je vyčerpávající a deprimující způsob života. Vyzkoušel nejrůznější svépomocná řešení – dokonce se na tři měsíce vzdal telefonu –, ale nic nezabralo. Vydal se tedy na cestu kolem světa, aby vyzpovídal přední odborníky na lidskou pozornost, a zjistil, že vše, co si myslíme, že o této krizi pozornosti víme, je špatně.*****Myslíme si, že naše neschopnost soustředit se je osobní selhání, když nedokážeme vyvinout dostatečnou vůli nad svými zařízeními. Pravda je však ještě znepokojivější: Naši pozornost ukradly mocné vnější síly, které nás učinily zranitelnými vůči korporacím odhodlaným nepřipravit se o naši pozornost kvůli zisku. Hari zjistil, že existuje dvanáct hlubokých příčin této krize, od postupného úpadku představivosti po rostoucí znečištění životního prostředí, které nás obraly o část naší pozornosti. V knize Ukradená pozornost seznamuje čtenáře s disidenty ze Silicon Valley, kteří se naučili „hacknout“ lidskou pozornost, i s veterináři, kteří diagnostikují psům ADHD. Zkoumá favelu v Riu de Janeiru, kde všichni ztratili pozornost obzvlášť surrealistickým způsobem, a firmu na Novém Zélandu, která objevila pozoruhodnou techniku pro obnovení produktivity pracovníků.*****Co je však zásadní: Hari se dozvěděl, jak můžeme získat pozornost zpět – jako jednotlivci i jako společnost – pokud jsme odhodláni o ni bojovat. Kniha Ukradená pozornost mění diskusi o pozornosti a ukazuje, jak ji lze získat zpět.
Podívejte se také Cassie: Why You Lacking Energy? (Coloured) - LP (4050538775563)
Magic Pill - Johann Hari
The bestselling author of Lost Connections and Stolen Focus takes a revelatory look at the new drugs transforming weight loss as we know it - sharing his personal experience on Ozempic and examining our ability to heal society's dysfunctional relationship with food, weight and our bodies. In January 2023, Johann Hari started to inject himself once a week with Ozempic, one of the new drugs that produces significant weight loss. He wasn’t alone – some predictions suggest that in a few years, one in four of the British population will be taking these drugs.While around 80 per cent of diets fail, someone taking one of the new drugs is likely to lose up to a quarter of their body weight in six months. To the drugs’ defenders, this is a moment of liberation from a condition that massively increases your chances of diabetes, cancer and an early death. Still, Hari was wildly conflicted.Can these drugs really be as good as they sound? Are they a magic solution – or a magical illusion? Finding the answer to this high-stakes question led him on a journey from Iceland to Minneapolis to Tokyo, and to interview the leading experts in the world on these issues. He found that along with the drugs' massive benefits come twelve significant potential risks. He also learned that these drugs radically challenge what we think we know about shame, willpower and healing.These drugs are about to change our world, for better and for worse. Everybody needs to understand how they work – scientifically, emotionally and culturally. Magic Pill is an essential guide to the revolution that has already begun – and which one leading expert argues could be as transformative as the invention of the smartphone.
Podívejte se také Overcooked! All You Can Eat - Nintendo Switch (5056208808981)
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This Is Why We Can´t Have Nice Things - Naomi Woodová
WINNER OF THE BBC NATIONAL SHORT STORY AWARDIn my life, I had always been a good woman; controlling what it was that I wanted. But recently, I had started to notice my bad energy, and I began to follow it, wondering where it would take me . . .A woman has an unexpected outburst at a corporate therapy session for working mothers. A couple find some long-overdue time to rekindle their relationship and make an ill-advised home movie. A pregnant film director plots revenge on the actress who betrayed her.An ex-wife deliberately causes conflict at her ex-husband's wedding.This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things illuminates the lives of malicious, subversive and untamed women. Exploring failed sisterhood, dubious parenting and the dark side of modern love, this powerful and funny collection exposes how society wants women to behave, and shows what happens when they refuse.
Objev podobné jako This Is Why We Can´t Have Nice Things - Naomi Woodová
How To Be An Anti-Racist : How To Helping You Be An Anti-Racist: Why Can´t Escape Its Racist America - Amen Sara
1- How To Be An Anti-racist2- How To Helping You Be An Anti-Racist3- Why Can't escape its Racist AmericaEuropean racism spread to America alongside the Europeans, but establishment views were questioned when applied to indigenous peoplesAfter the invention of the New World, many of the clergy sent to the New World who were educated within the new humane values of the Renaissance, still new in Europe and not ratified by the Vatican, began to criticize Spain and their own Church's treatment and views of indigenous peoples and slaves
Objev podobné jako How To Be An Anti-Racist : How To Helping You Be An Anti-Racist: Why Can´t Escape Its Racist America - Amen Sara
Ultra-Processed People: Why Do We All Eat Stuff That Isn´t Food ... and Why Can´t We Stop? - Chris van Tulleken
An eye-opening investigation into the science, economics, history and production of ultra-processed food. It's not you, it's the food. We have entered a new 'age of eating' where most of our calories come from an entirely novel set of substances called Ultra-Processed Food, food which is industrially processed and designed and marketed to be addictive.But do we really know what it's doing to our bodies?Join Chris in his travels through the world of food science and a UPF diet to discover what's really going on. Find out why exercise and willpower can't save us, and what UPF is really doing to our bodies, our health, our weight, and the planet (hint: nothing good). For too long we've been told we just need to make different choices, when really we're living in a food environment that makes it nigh-on impossible.So this is a book about our rights. The right to know what we eat and what it does to our bodies and the right to good, affordable food.
Objev podobné jako Ultra-Processed People: Why Do We All Eat Stuff That Isn´t Food ... and Why Can´t We Stop? - Chris van Tulleken
Ultra-Processed People: Why Do We All Eat Stuff That Isn´t Food ... and Why Can´t We Stop? - Chris van Tulleken
An eye-opening investigation into the science, economics, history and production of ultra-processed food. It's not you, it's the food. We have entered a new 'age of eating' where most of our calories come from an entirely novel set of substances called Ultra-Processed Food, food which is industrially processed and designed and marketed to be addictive.But do we really know what it's doing to our bodies?Join Chris in his travels through the world of food science and a UPF diet to discover what's really going on. Find out why exercise and willpower can't save us, and what UPF is really doing to our bodies, our health, our weight, and the planet (hint: nothing good). For too long we've been told we just need to make different choices, when really we're living in a food environment that makes it nigh-on impossible.So this is a book about our rights. The right to know what we eat and what it does to our bodies and the right to good, affordable food.
Objev podobné jako Ultra-Processed People: Why Do We All Eat Stuff That Isn´t Food ... and Why Can´t We Stop? - Chris van Tulleken
Ztráta spojení - Odhalte pravé příčiny deprese - Johann Hari
Výskyt deprese a úzkosti v celém západním světě prudce stoupá a trápí stále větší procento populace. Tradiční psychiatrie obvykle popisuje jejich příčiny jako chemickou nerovnováhu v mozku a nabízí jediné řešení: psychofarmaka. Jenže každý, kdo tyto stavy někdy zažil, velmi dobře ví, že samotné léky sice mohou přinést chvilkovou úlevu, ale nic nevyřeší, tu hlubokou vnitřní bolest neodstraní.Investigativní novinář Johann Hari, držitel několika ocenění, sám od dětství trpěl depresemi a úzkostí. Ve svých 31 letech se rozhodl, že vyhledá ty největší světové experty v tomto oboru a zjistí, jaké jsou skutečné příčiny tohoto novodobého moru, který sužuje naši společnost. Na své cestě za pravdou procestoval neuvěřitelných 65 000 kilometrů a setkal se s těmi nejpovolanějšími. Postupně zjistil, že existuje devět základních příčin deprese a úzkosti, jejichž poznání a pochopení vede k úplně jiným řešením, než jaká bychom očekávali – k řešením, která konečně přinášejí skutečnou naději.
Objev podobné jako Ztráta spojení - Odhalte pravé příčiny deprese - Johann Hari
You Can´t Take an Elephant on the Bus - Cleveland-Peck Patricia
You can't take an elephant on the bus ...It would simply cause a terrible fuss! Elephants' bottoms are heavy and fat and would certainly squash the seats quite flat. Never put a camel in a sailing boat, or a tiger on a train, and don't even THINK about asking a whale to ride a bike ...This riotous picture book is filled with animals causing total disaster as they try to travel in the most unsuitable vehicles. A real romp of a book, with hilarious rhyming text and spectacular illustrations.
Objev podobné jako You Can´t Take an Elephant on the Bus - Cleveland-Peck Patricia
So Good They Can´t Ignore You - Cal Newport
Cal Newport's clearly-written manifesto flies in the face of conventional wisdom by suggesting that it should be a person's talent and skill - and not necessarily their passion - that determines their career path. Newport, who graduated from Dartmouth College (Phi Beta Kappa) and earned a PhD. from MIT, contends that trying to find what drives us, instead of focusing on areas in which we naturally excel, is ultimately harmful and frustrating to job seekers. The title is a direct quote from comedian Steve Martin who, when once asked why he was successful in his career, immediately replied: "Be so good they can't ignore you" and that's the main basis for Newport's book. Skill and ability trump passion. Inspired by former Apple CEO Steve Jobs' famous Stanford University commencement speech in which Jobs urges idealistic grads to chase their dreams, Newport takes issue with that advice, claiming that not only is thsi advice Pollyannish, but that Jobs himself never followed his own advice. From there, Newport presents compelling scientific and contemporary case study evidence that the key to one's career success is to find out what you do well, where you have built up your 'career capital,' and then to put all of your efforts into that direction.
Objev podobné jako So Good They Can´t Ignore You - Cal Newport
Toner cartridge JetWorld Black Xerox 3052 replacement 106R02777 (PAY ATTENTION! Western Europe version)
Replacement XEROX for use in: Xerox Phaser 3052, Xerox Phaser 3260, Xerox WorkCentre 3215, Xerox WorkCentre 3225.
Objev podobné jako Toner cartridge JetWorld Black Xerox 3052 replacement 106R02777 (PAY ATTENTION! Western Europe version)
Toner cartridge JetWorld Black Xerox B400 replacement 106R03584 (PAY ATTENTION! Western Europe version)
Replacement Black XEROX for use in: Xerox VersaLink B400, B405
Objev podobné jako Toner cartridge JetWorld Black Xerox B400 replacement 106R03584 (PAY ATTENTION! Western Europe version)
Toner cartridge JetWorld Black Xerox B400 replacement 106R03580 (PAY ATTENTION! Western Europe version)
Replacement Black XEROX for use in: Xerox VersaLink B400, B405
Objev podobné jako Toner cartridge JetWorld Black Xerox B400 replacement 106R03580 (PAY ATTENTION! Western Europe version)
Toner cartridge JetWorld Black Xerox 3330 replacement 106R03622 ATTENTION! REGIONALIZATION - before purchase, please read the instruction. You can fin
Replacement XEROX for use in: Xerox Phaser 3330, Xerox Phaser 3330V_DNI, Xerox WorkCentre 3335, Xerox WorkCentre 3335V_DNI, Xerox WorkCentre 3345, Xerox WorkCentre 3345V_DNI
Objev podobné jako Toner cartridge JetWorld Black Xerox 3330 replacement 106R03622 ATTENTION! REGIONALIZATION - before purchase, please read the instruction. You can fin
Toner cartridge JetWorld Black Xerox 3330 replacement 106R03624 ATTENTION! REGIONALIZATION - before purchase, please read the instruction. You can fin
Replacement XEROX for use in: Xerox Phaser 3330, Xerox Phaser 3330V_DNI, Xerox WorkCentre 3335, Xerox WorkCentre 3335V_DNI, Xerox WorkCentre 3345, Xerox WorkCentre 3345V_DNI
Objev podobné jako Toner cartridge JetWorld Black Xerox 3330 replacement 106R03624 ATTENTION! REGIONALIZATION - before purchase, please read the instruction. You can fin
Toner cartridge JetWorld Yellow Xerox 6500 replacement 106R01596 (Region2) (PAY ATTENTION! Western Europe version)
Replacement Xerox for use in: Xerox Phaser 6500N, Xerox Phaser 6500DN, Xerox WorkCentre 6505N, Xerox WorkCentre 6505DN Xerox 6500N, Xerox 6500DN, Xerox 6505N, Xerox 6505D
Objev podobné jako Toner cartridge JetWorld Yellow Xerox 6500 replacement 106R01596 (Region2) (PAY ATTENTION! Western Europe version)
Toner cartridge JetWorld Yellow Xerox 7525 replacement 006R01514, 006R01510 (PAY ATTENTION! Western Europe version)
Replacement XEROX for use in: Xerox WorkCentre 7525, Xerox WorkCentre 7530, Xerox WorkCentre 7535, Xerox WorkCentre 7545, Xerox WorkCentre 7556, Xerox WorkCentre 7830, Xerox WorkCentre 7830i, Xerox WorkCentre 7835, Xerox WorkCentre 7835i, Xerox WorkCentre 7845, Xerox WorkCentre 7845i, Xerox WorkCentre 7855, Xerox WorkCentre 7855i, Xerox WorkCentre 7970, Xerox WorkCentre 7970i
Objev podobné jako Toner cartridge JetWorld Yellow Xerox 7525 replacement 006R01514, 006R01510 (PAY ATTENTION! Western Europe version)
By Kilian Can`t Stop Loving You - EDP 100 ml
By Kilian Can`t Stop Loving You je sladká, květinová parfémovaná voda pro muže i ženy. Vstupte do světa, kde láska nezná hranice a touha je věčná. Objevte nekonečnou vášeň s exkluzivní, luxusní vůní, která vypráví příběh o lásce pomocí jedinečných tónů a vytváří nezapomenutelné zážitky. První tóny vás oslní křehkou, něžnou podstatou květinových tónů pomerančovníku, které jsou symbolem věčné lásky, a pudrových akordů paradisone. Romantická podstata celé vůně tkví ve spojení medu s lahodnými akordy madagaskarské vanilky, které zahalí zemitá intenzita dubového mechu a pryskyřičné akordy olibana. Zářivá, silně návyková vůně, která potěší vaše smysly. Vůně byla uvedena na trh v roce 2023 a jejím tvůrcem je Alberto Morillas.
Objev podobné jako By Kilian Can`t Stop Loving You - EDP 100 ml
Toner cartridge JetWorld Yellow Xerox 6140 replacement 106R01479 (Region 2 PAY ATTENTION! Western Europe version)
Replacement Xerox for use in: Xerox Phaser 6140, Xerox Phaser 6140N
Objev podobné jako Toner cartridge JetWorld Yellow Xerox 6140 replacement 106R01479 (Region 2 PAY ATTENTION! Western Europe version)
Toner cartridge JetWorld Black Xerox 6140 replacement 106R01480 (Region 2 PAY ATTENTION! Western Europe version)
Replacement Xerox for use in: Xerox Phaser 6140, Xerox Phaser 6140N
Objev podobné jako Toner cartridge JetWorld Black Xerox 6140 replacement 106R01480 (Region 2 PAY ATTENTION! Western Europe version)
Toner cartridge JetWorld Cyan Xerox 6140 replacement 106R01477 (Region 2 PAY ATTENTION! Western Europe version)
Replacement Xerox for use in: Xerox Phaser 6140, Xerox Phaser 6140N
Objev podobné jako Toner cartridge JetWorld Cyan Xerox 6140 replacement 106R01477 (Region 2 PAY ATTENTION! Western Europe version)
Toner cartridge JetWorld Magenta Xerox 7525 replacement 006R01515, 006R01511 (Metered) (PAY ATTENTION! Western Europe version)
Replacement XEROX for use in: Xerox WorkCentre 7525, Xerox WorkCentre 7530, Xerox WorkCentre 7535, Xerox WorkCentre 7545, Xerox WorkCentre 7556, Xerox WorkCentre 7830, Xerox WorkCentre 7830i Xerox WorkCentre 7835, Xerox WorkCentre 7835i, Xerox WorkCentre 7845, Xerox WorkCentre 7845i, Xerox WorkCentre 7855, Xerox WorkCentre 7855i, Xerox WorkCentre 7970, Xerox WorkCentre 7970i
Objev podobné jako Toner cartridge JetWorld Magenta Xerox 7525 replacement 006R01515, 006R01511 (Metered) (PAY ATTENTION! Western Europe version)
Toner cartridge JetWorld Black Xerox 6500 replacement 106R01597 (Region 2) (PAY ATTENTION! Western Europe version)
Replacement Xerox for use in: Xerox Phaser 6500N, Xerox Phaser 6500DN, Xerox WorkCentre 6505N, Xerox WorkCentre 6505DN Xerox 6500N, Xerox 6500DN, Xerox 6505N, Xerox 6505DN
Objev podobné jako Toner cartridge JetWorld Black Xerox 6500 replacement 106R01597 (Region 2) (PAY ATTENTION! Western Europe version)
Toner cartridge JetWorld Black Xerox B205 replacement 106R04347 (Region 2) (PAY ATTENTION! Western Europe version)
Replacement XEROX for use in: Xerox VersaLink B205, B210, B215
Objev podobné jako Toner cartridge JetWorld Black Xerox B205 replacement 106R04347 (Region 2) (PAY ATTENTION! Western Europe version)
Toner cartridge JetWorld Cyan Xerox 6600 replacement 106R02229 (Region 2) (PAY ATTENTION! Western Europe version)
Replacement Xerox for use in: Xerox Phaser 6600dn, 6600dnm, 6600n Xerox WorkCentre 6605dn, 6605dnm, 6605n
Objev podobné jako Toner cartridge JetWorld Cyan Xerox 6600 replacement 106R02229 (Region 2) (PAY ATTENTION! Western Europe version)
Toner cartridge JetWorld Magenta Xerox 6600 replacement 106R02230 (Region 2) (PAY ATTENTION! Western Europe version)
Replacement Xerox for use in: Xerox Phaser 6600dn, 6600dnm, 6600n Xerox WorkCentre 6605dn, 6605dnm, 6605n
Objev podobné jako Toner cartridge JetWorld Magenta Xerox 6600 replacement 106R02230 (Region 2) (PAY ATTENTION! Western Europe version)
Toner cartridge JetWorld Magenta Xerox 6500 replacement 106R01595 (Region 2) (PAY ATTENTION! Western Europe version)
Replacement Xerox for use in: Xerox Phaser 6500N, Xerox Phaser 6500DN, Xerox WorkCentre 6505N, Xerox WorkCentre 6505DN Xerox 6500N, Xerox 6500DN, Xerox 6505N, Xerox 6505D
Objev podobné jako Toner cartridge JetWorld Magenta Xerox 6500 replacement 106R01595 (Region 2) (PAY ATTENTION! Western Europe version)
Toner cartridge JetWorld Yellow Xerox 6600 replacement 106R02231 (Region 2) (PAY ATTENTION! Western Europe version)
Replacement Xerox for use in: Xerox Phaser 6600dn, 6600dnm, 6600n Xerox WorkCentre 6605dn, 6605dnm, 6605n
Objev podobné jako Toner cartridge JetWorld Yellow Xerox 6600 replacement 106R02231 (Region 2) (PAY ATTENTION! Western Europe version)
Toner cartridge JetWorld Cyan Xerox 6500 replacement 106R01594 (Region 2) (PAY ATTENTION! Western Europe version)
Replacement Xerox for use in: Xerox Phaser 6500N, Xerox Phaser 6500DN, Xerox WorkCentre 6505N, Xerox WorkCentre 6505DN Xerox 6500N, Xerox 6500DN, Xerox 6505N, Xerox 6505D
Objev podobné jako Toner cartridge JetWorld Cyan Xerox 6500 replacement 106R01594 (Region 2) (PAY ATTENTION! Western Europe version)
Toner cartridge JetWorld Cyan Xerox 7525 replacement 006R01516, 006R01512 (Metered) (PAY ATTENTION! Western Europe version)
Replacement XEROX for use in: Xerox WorkCentre 7525, Xerox WorkCentre 7530, Xerox WorkCentre 7535, Xerox WorkCentre 7545, Xerox WorkCentre 7556, Xerox WorkCentre 7830, Xerox WorkCentre 7830i, Xerox WorkCentre 7835, Xerox WorkCentre 7835i, Xerox WorkCentre 7845, Xerox WorkCentre 7845i, Xerox WorkCentre 7855, Xerox WorkCentre 7855i, Xerox WorkCentre 7970, Xerox WorkCentre 7970i
Objev podobné jako Toner cartridge JetWorld Cyan Xerox 7525 replacement 006R01516, 006R01512 (Metered) (PAY ATTENTION! Western Europe version)
Toner cartridge JetWorld Black Xerox 7800 replacement 106R01569 (Region 2) (PAY ATTENTION! Western Europe version)
Replacement XEROX for use in: Xerox Phaser 7800 DN, Xerox Phaser 7800GX
Objev podobné jako Toner cartridge JetWorld Black Xerox 7800 replacement 106R01569 (Region 2) (PAY ATTENTION! Western Europe version)
Toner cartridge JetWorld Magenta Xerox 6140 replacement 106R01478 (Region 2 PAY ATTENTION! Western Europe version)
Replacement Xerox 106R01482 for use in: Xerox Phaser 6140, Xerox Phaser 6140N
Objev podobné jako Toner cartridge JetWorld Magenta Xerox 6140 replacement 106R01478 (Region 2 PAY ATTENTION! Western Europe version)
Toner cartridge JetWorld Black Xerox 6600 replacement 106R02232 (Region 2) (PAY ATTENTION! Western Europe version)
Replacement Xerox for use in: Xerox Phaser 6600dn, 6600dnm, 6600n Xerox WorkCentre 6605dn, 6605dnm, 6605n
Objev podobné jako Toner cartridge JetWorld Black Xerox 6600 replacement 106R02232 (Region 2) (PAY ATTENTION! Western Europe version)
Toner cartridge JetWorld Black Xerox 7525 replacement 006R01513, 006R01509 (Metered) (PAY ATTENTION! Western Europe version)
Replacement XEROX for use in: Xerox WorkCentre 7525, Xerox WorkCentre 7530, Xerox WorkCentre 7535, Xerox WorkCentre 7545, Xerox WorkCentre 7556, Xerox WorkCentre 7830, Xerox WorkCentre 7830i, Xerox WorkCentre 7835, Xerox WorkCentre 7835i, Xerox WorkCentre 7845, Xerox WorkCentre 7845i, Xerox WorkCentre 7855, Xerox WorkCentre 7855i, Xerox WorkCentre 7970, Xerox WorkCentre 7970i
Objev podobné jako Toner cartridge JetWorld Black Xerox 7525 replacement 006R01513, 006R01509 (Metered) (PAY ATTENTION! Western Europe version)
Toner cartridge JetWorld Yellow Xerox 7800 replacement 106R01568 (Region 2) (PAY ATTENTION! Western Europe version)
Replacement XEROX for use in: Xerox Phaser 7800 DN, Xerox Phaser 7800GX
Objev podobné jako Toner cartridge JetWorld Yellow Xerox 7800 replacement 106R01568 (Region 2) (PAY ATTENTION! Western Europe version)
Toner cartridge JetWorld Cyan Xerox 7800 replacement 106R01566 (Region 2) (PAY ATTENTION! Western Europe version)
Replacement XEROX for use in: Xerox Phaser 7800 DN, Xerox Phaser 7800GX
Objev podobné jako Toner cartridge JetWorld Cyan Xerox 7800 replacement 106R01566 (Region 2) (PAY ATTENTION! Western Europe version)
Cassie: Why You Lacking Energy? (Coloured) - LP (4050538775563)
LP vinyl - Druhé album severoanglické kapely Cassia dostalo název „Why You Lacking Energy?”. Druhé album severoanglické kapely Cassia dostalo název „Why You Lacking Energy?”. Najdeme na něm vše od atmosférických klavírních balad po rychlé kytarové vypalovačky říznuté syntetizátorem. Prvním singlem je nadýchaná skladba „Motions”, ze které máte pocit, jako by vám písek protékal mezi prsty. Indie-popová skupina Cassia ve své tvorbě kombinuje indie-pop podobný skupinám Foals nebo Vampire Weekend s jazzem a afrobeatem inspirovaným interprety jako Fela Kuti nebo Ebo Taylor. Skupinu tvoří Rob Ellis - zpěv / kytara, Lou Cotterill - baskytara a Jake Leff - bicí. Její členové říkají, že skládají hudbu, aby mohli „kontrolovat své emoce”. Rok vydání : 2022 (2.album) Seznam stop LP (tricolour vinyl) A1 Morning's Coming / A2 Similar / A3 16-18 (Why You Lacking Energy?) / A4 Motions / A5 Colossal Happiness / A6 Seasons / B1 Boundless / B2 Dreams of My Past / B3...
Objev podobné jako Cassie: Why You Lacking Energy? (Coloured) - LP (4050538775563)
Emotional Intelligence: Why it can matter more than IQ (0747529825)
Kniha - autor Daniel Goleman, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Objev podobné jako Emotional Intelligence: Why it can matter more than IQ (0747529825)
Why You Should Read Children's Books, Even Though You Are So Old and Wise - Katherine Rundell
_______________A pocket-sized, unmissable essay on the importance of children''s literature by the bestselling and award-winning author, Katherine Rundell._______________''It’s a very short book but it packs a real punch... A real delight'' - Financial Times''Rundell is the real deal, a writer of boundless gifts and extraordinary imaginative power whose novels will be read, cherished and reread long after most so-called “serious” novels are forgotten'' - Observer''Rundell''s pen is gold-tipped'' - Sunday Times_______________Katherine Rundell – Fellow of All Souls College, Oxford, and prize-winning author of five novels for children – explores how children’s books ignite, and can re-ignite, the imagination; how children''s fiction, with its unabashed emotion and playfulness, can awaken old hungers and create new perspectives on the world. This delightful and persuasive essay is for adult readers.
Objev podobné jako Why You Should Read Children's Books, Even Though You Are So Old and Wise - Katherine Rundell
You Can Do It - Marcus Rashford
Never underestimate your actions – even the smallest changes can have the biggest impact. That’s the power of kindness. From Marcus Rashford MBE and Carl Anka, the bestselling authors of You Are a Champion, comes the inspiring and positive follow-up, You Can Do It: How to Find Your Voice and Make a Difference.Marcus uses the power of his voice to shine a light on the injustices that he cares passionately about, and now he wants to help YOU find the power in yours! From surrounding yourself with the right team, to showing kindness to those around you, to celebrating and championing difference, You Can Do It shows you that your voice really does matter and that you can do anything you put your mind to. You don't have to be an International footballer to make a difference – even the smallest changes can have the biggest impact.Packed with more inspiring stories from Marcus's own life, brilliant advice, and top-tips from social justice educator Shannon Weber, this book will show you how to use your voice and make a difference in this world.Shows kids how to:- Be kind to yourself – you can't change the world unless you look after yourself first!- Be kind to other people- That there’s no such thing as normal – and it’s GOOD to be different- Celebrate and champion difference- Use your voice to make a change- Bounce back- Appreciate the squad- Always be a team playerPraise for the number one bestselling You Are a Champion, from parents on social media:'Perfect way to get your kids reading - get them a book by their hero!''Both lads smashing through Marcus Rashford’s new book for kids. What a great role model for the next generation coming through.''What a brilliant, inspiring book that couldn’t have come at a better time! You’re a legend & a fantastic role model.'
Objev podobné jako You Can Do It - Marcus Rashford
Attention Span: Finding Focus for a Fulfilling Life - Gloria Mark
A groundbreaking new look at how we pay attention that can help us perform better – and be happier – in the digital world. Psychologist Gloria Mark began researching how technology affects human attention when offices were first getting computers. Over the last 30 years, she has tracked changes in our attention spans and stress levels, and in the fundamental way our brains process information. Now in Attention Span, Dr Mark shows how much of what we think we know about attention is wrong. She explores the current crisis of focus and productivity that is so deeply entwined with rising rates of anxiety and depression, and investigates what we might be able to do about it. Delving into the newly celebrated concept of ‘kinetic attention’, she introduces a more balanced understanding of the rhythm between deep focus and less focused states, which may actually serve to make us happier and more productive in the long term.
Objev podobné jako Attention Span: Finding Focus for a Fulfilling Life - Gloria Mark
Overcooked! All You Can Eat - PS5 (5056208808851)
Hra na konzoli - PS5 (s mechanikou), krabicová verze, žánr: dětská a party, - Zběsilé kooperativní vaření je zpět a ve skvělé formě. Kolekce nabídne vylepšené verze Overcooked! a Overcooked! 2, obě verze nabídnou nové herní mechanismy, úrovně, poběží ve 4K a 60 FPS. % Overcooked! All You Can Eat je jednou z nejlepších kooperačních her, které si můžete u nové konzole užít během Vánoc. Jedná se o definitivní přepracování série a 4K remaster, který spojuje první dvě hry, jejich doplňky a veškerý nový obsah dohromady. (Impulsegamer) Není vyplněn Alternativní text k fotografii! Zažijte napětí z výzevOvercooked! All You Can Eat je simulace vaření, v níž zásobujete jídlem hladové davy. Podrobte si kuchyni a staňte se nejlepším šéfkuchařem všech dob. Bojujte s časem v některém z mnoha nesmlouvavých herních režimů v Overcooked a Overcooked 2. Je-libo vaření ve...
Objev podobné jako Overcooked! All You Can Eat - PS5 (5056208808851)
You Can Trust Me (Defekt) - Blaxill Gina
When Alana's best friend is found drowned in a pool, the forensicreports discover date-rape drug GHB in her blood. GHB from adrink Alana knows was meant for her.Despite the swirling rumours, the suspected group of boys seemuntouchable. To investigate, Alana allows herself to be pulled intotheir glittering orbit.But among shifting alliances, changing alibis and buried secrets,can she pinpoint which of the boys is responsible before shebecomes their next target?Perfect for fans of Holly Jackson, Karen McManus and ChelseaPitcher. From the Carnegie nominated author, Gina Blaxill.A bold feminist read with a pacy thriller plot that YA fans willlove.Carnegie-nominated author Gina Blaxill looks head on at privilege,bias and sexual assault in a way that will resonate with YoungAdults today.Perfect for fans of Holly Jackson, Karen McManus and ChelseaPitcher.
Objev podobné jako You Can Trust Me (Defekt) - Blaxill Gina
Overcooked! All You Can Eat - PS4 (5056208808721)
Hra na konzoli - PS4 / PS4 Pro, PS5 (s mechanikou), krabicová verze, žánr: dětská a party, pro online hraní vyžaduje předplatné PlayStation Plus, - Definitivní edice obsahuje remasterované Overcooked!, Overcooked! 2 a veškerý dodatečný obsah. Vraťte se zpět do Cibulového království na hostinu obřích rozměrů a vychutnejte si stovky úrovní kooperativního kuchařského chaosu ve stále zrádnějších a výstřednějších kuchyních. % Overcooked! All You Can Eat je jednou z nejlepších kooperačních her, které si můžete u nové konzole užít během Vánoc. Jedná se o definitivní přepracování série a 4K remaster, který spojuje první dvě hry, jejich doplňky a veškerý nový obsah dohromady. (Impulsegamer) Není vyplněn Alternativní text k fotografii! Zažijte napětí z výzevOvercooked! All You Can Eat je simulace vaření, v níž zásobujete jídlem hladové davy. Podrobte si kuchyni a staňte se nejlepším šéfkuchařem všech...
Objev podobné jako Overcooked! All You Can Eat - PS4 (5056208808721)
What You Can See From Here (1526638541)
Kniha - autor Mariana Leky, 318 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná 'Manages something only a few books achieve: it makes you happy' Munich Mercury Voted the Independent Booksellers' Favorite Novel of the year in Germany On a beautiful spring day, a small village in Western Germany wakes up to an omen: Selma has dreamed of an okapi. Someone is about to die. But who?As the residents of the village begin acting strangely (despite protestations that they are not superstitious), Selma's granddaughter Luise looks on as the imminent threat brings long carried secrets to the surface. And when death comes, it comes in a way none of them could have predicted...A story about the absurdity of life and death, a bittersweet portrait of village life and the wider world that beckons beyond, What You Can See from Here is a story about the way loss and love shape not just a person, but a community.'Witty and optimistic' Guardian The international bestseller which sold...
Objev podobné jako What You Can See From Here (1526638541)
Only You Can Save Mankind - Terry Pratchett
This is the first book in the Johnny Maxwell trilogy.Johnny Maxwell is just an ordinary boy - not smart, popular or rich.But he does love video games.And as his parents argue themselves out of a marriage, Johnny plays at becoming humanity's last hope, shooting invading aliens out of a pixelated sky.Then comes a message from the last remaining alien spaceship: We Wish to Talk.And suddenly Johnny is thrust into the very real world of the video game, and comes face to face with an alien race that needs his help.Only Johnny can save them. And this isn't a game anymore . . .
Objev podobné jako Only You Can Save Mankind - Terry Pratchett
Gallagher Liam: Why Me? Why Not & As You Were (2x CD) - CD (9029521939)
Hudební CD - 2CD pack sestavený ze sólových alb Why Me? Why Not a As You Were zpěváka Liama Gallaghera. 2CD pack sestavený ze sólových alb Why Me? Why Not a As You Were zpěváka Liama Gallaghera. Liam Gallagher tvořil s bráchou Noelem kostru jedné z největších kapel v britských dějinách. Oasis jsou ostrovní rockovou legendou, jejich album Be Here Now z roku 1997 bylo do listopadu 2015 s prodejem 424 tisíc kopií v týdnu po vydání nejlépe startujícím titulem v anglické historii. Média za kanálem La Manche dodnes sní o návratu Oasis, ten je však vzhledem k nevraživosti mezi oběma bratry, kteří se vzájemně nemohou vystát, velmi nepravděpodobný. Po rozpadu legendy si Liam založil vlastní kapelu, s Beady Eye ale na úspěch Oasis ani zdaleka nenavázal. Jeho kariéru restartovala až sólová tvorba, především skvělé albu As You Were z roku 2017. Seznam stop CD1 Shockwave / One of Us / Once / Now That I've Found You / Halo / Why Me? Why Not. / Be Still / Alright Now /...
Objev podobné jako Gallagher Liam: Why Me? Why Not & As You Were (2x CD) - CD (9029521939)
Overcooked! All You Can Eat - Nintendo Switch (5056208808981)
Hra na konzoli - Nintendo Switch, krabicová verze, žánr: dětská a party, - Definitivní edice obsahuje remasterované Overcooked!, Overcooked! 2 a veškerý dodatečný obsah. Vraťte se zpět do Cibulového království na hostinu obřích rozměrů a vychutnejte si stovky úrovní kooperativního kuchařského chaosu ve stále zrádnějších a výstřednějších kuchyních. % Overcooked! All You Can Eat je jednou z nejlepších kooperačních her, které si můžete u nové konzole užít během Vánoc. Jedná se o definitivní přepracování série a 4K remaster, který spojuje první dvě hry, jejich doplňky a veškerý nový obsah dohromady. (Impulsegamer) Není vyplněn Alternativní text k fotografii! Zažijte napětí z výzevOvercooked! All You Can Eat je simulace vaření, v níž zásobujete jídlem hladové davy. Podrobte si kuchyni a staňte se nejlepším šéfkuchařem všech dob. Bojujte s časem v některém z mnoha nesmlouvavých herních režimů v...
Objev podobné jako Overcooked! All You Can Eat - Nintendo Switch (5056208808981)
Feast While You Can - Clements Mikaella, Onjuli Datta
A grotesque-yet-sexy queer horror novel guaranteed to keep you up all night. Don't wake the monster, it'd just love to get to know you... Angelina Sicco was born and raised in Cadenze, an ugly little mountain town that's dead most of the year. Determined to be content with her lot in life, she walks her mongrel dog, attends her brother's heavy metal concerts, holds court in the local dive bar, and does everything she can to bait hot, queer women to her sleepy, conservative hometown. On the night of a family party, Angelina runs into the sternly handsome Jagvi, who's back in town for a spell. And who just so happens to be her brother's ex-girlfriend.But when the local monster makes Angelina its latest target, her feelings for Jagvi seem to be the least of her troubles. The monster feasts on all the messy bits that make up a life, and Angelina Sicco's has never looked tastier. Its claws comb through her private thoughts, her most intimate and traumatic memories. Only Jagvi's touch repels it - the final trigger for a secret, passionate romance.But what is Angelina willing do to protect her future - and at what cost?
Objev podobné jako Feast While You Can - Clements Mikaella, Onjuli Datta
MS Janet Davis: You Can Teach Yourself Banjo
Škola hry na banjo Tato škola hry na pětistrunné banjo vás seznámí snadným a zábavným způsobem s naprostými základy hry na tento nástroj; posléze i s některými pokročilejšími technikami nutnými pro zvládnutí melodického a bluegrassového stylu hry. Veškeré obsažené příklady a skladby doprovází přesné metodické pokyny. Ke zpestření výkladu dobře poslouží audio/video soubory, které můžete stáhnout online. Obsah: Amazing Grace Banjo Signal Bile Dem Cabbage Down Blackberry Blossom Buffalo Gals Cripple Creek Cumberland Gap Devil's Dream Down The Road Flop Eared Mule Good Night Ladies Grandfather's Clock Home On The Range John Hardy Little Maggie Lonesome Road Blues Mountain Dew Old Joe Clark Old Man at the Mill Pig in a Pen Pretty Polly Reuben Sally Goodin' Salty Dog Shady Grove She'll Be Coming Around The Mountain Silent Night Soldier's Joy Sugarfoot Rag Sunnyvale Breakdown Train 45 Turkey In The Straw Two Little Boys Wabash Cannonball Wildwood Flower Worried Man Blues
Objev podobné jako MS Janet Davis: You Can Teach Yourself Banjo
You Can Heal Your Life - Louise L. Hay
Features full of ideas and strategies that have worked for millions of people worldwide. This book offers profound insight into the relationship between the mind and the body. Exploring the way that limiting thoughts and ideas control and constrict us, it offers us a powerful key to understanding the roots of our physical diseases and discomforts.
Objev podobné jako You Can Heal Your Life - Louise L. Hay
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