Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
Silence of the Lambs - Thomas Harris
An FBI trainee. A psychopath locked up for unspeakable crimes. And a serial killer getting ever closer to his latest victim... FBI rookie Clarice Starling turns to Dr Hannibal Lecter, monster cannibal held in a hospital for the criminally insane, for insight into the deadly madman she must find.
Podívejte se také Harris Emmylou: Profile: Best of Emmylou Harris - CD (7599273752)
The Silence of the Lambs (0312924585)
Kniha - autor Thomas Harris, 368 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá On the loose is a psychotic killer; locked away is a psychopathic madman. To catch one, the FBI needs the other . . . Just in time for the upcoming release of the major motion picture by Universal Studios of Harris's "Red Dragon, " the book that introduced Hannibal "the Cannibal" Lecter. Scheduled to open October 4, 2002, the film stars Edward Norton, Ralph Fiennes, and Sir Anthony Hopkins as Dr. Lecter.
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The Silence of the Girls (0241983207)
Kniha - autor Pat Barker, 336 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Queen Briseis has been stolen from her conquered homeland and given as a concubine to a foreign warrior. The warrior is Achilles: famed hero, loathed enemy, ruthless butcher, darkly troubled spirit. Briseis's fate is now indivisibly entwined with his. No one knows it yet, but there are just ten weeks to go until the Fall of Troy, the end of this long and bitter war. This is the start of The Iliad: the most famous war story ever told. The next ten weeks will be a story of male power, male ego, male violence. But what of the women? The thousands of female slaves in the soldiers' camp - in the laundry, at the loom, laying out the dead? Briseis is one of their number - and she will be our witness to history.
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The Silence of the Girls - Pat Barkerová
Shorlisted for the Women's Prize for Fiction and the Costa Novel Award Booker-winning novelist Pat Barker imagines the untold story of the women at the heart of history's greatest epic 'Magnificent... You are in the hands of a writer at the height of her powers' Evening Standard 'Chilling, powerful, audacious... A searing twist on The Iliad. Amid the recent slew of rewritings of the great Greek myths and classics, Barker's stands out for its forcefulness of purpose and earthy compassion' The Times 'A stunning return to form' Observer When the Greek Queen Helen is kidnapped by Trojans, the Greeks sail in pursuit, besieging the city of Troy. Trapped in the Greek soldiers' camp is another captured queen, Briseis. Condemned to be bed-slave to Achilles, the man who butchered her family, she becomes a pawn in a menacing game between bored and frustrated warriors. In the centuries after this most famous war, history will write her off, a footnote in a bloody story scripted by vengeful men - but Briseis has a very different tale to tell . . .
Objev podobné jako The Silence of the Girls - Pat Barkerová
Hannibal - Thomas Harris
Třetí kniha ze čtyřdílné série o Hannibalu Lecterovi - a ta nejkontroverznější. Odehrává se sedm let po Mlčení jehňátek a i zde konfrontuje Hannibala Lectera s Clarice Starlingovou. Ta však už není nadějnou posilou FBI, naopak má za sebou velký průšvih. Teď má však šanci se očistit, a proto přistoupí na úkol dostat Hannibala za mříže. Jenomže po něm už nejde jen FBI, ale i jedna z jeho dřívějších přeživších obětí, sadistický pedofil Mason Verger - ten se chce pomstít mimořádně krutým způsobem, a sice předhodit Hannibala divokým prasatům. V příběhu plném nečekaných zvratů se s Clarice Starlingovou, tak jak ji známe z předešlého dílu, musíme rozloučit, neboť tato dnes už slavná literární a filmová postava projde šokující proměnou. Z tohoto důvodu byl román přijat nadšeně například Stephenem Kingem, zatímco jiní spisovatelé, např. Martin Amis, jej odsoudili.Ridley Scott natočil roku 2001 filmovou adaptaci s Anthonym Hopkinsem v hlavní roli, ale Jodie Foster roli Clarice odmítla, takže se jí nakonec zhostila Julianne Moore.
Objev podobné jako Hannibal - Thomas Harris
Červený drak - Thomas Harris
První kniha (1981) ze čtyřdílné série o Hannibalu Lecterovi. Francis Dolarhyde pracuje ve filmových laboratořích a na své okolí působí jako veskrze pracovitý a uzavřený člověk. Francis je však fyzicky poznamenaný šílenec. Cílevědomě si vybírá šťastné rodiny, které pak brutálně, promyšleně a beze stop vyvraždí. Zohavená těla mrtvol mu slouží k rituálně mystickým účelům. Žije totiž v představě, že je Červený drak z obrazu Williama Blakea. Sadismus vyšinutého masového vraha šokuje a děsí veřejnost. Podaří se bývalému detektivovi FBI Willu Grahamovi zabránit mimořádně nebezpečnému muži v jeho násilných činech? Sám se však na to necítí, a aby se dokázal do vrahovi mysli vžít, vydává se za Hannibalem Lecterem, kanibalem, který jeho samotného před lety málem připravil o život. V roce 2002 natočil Brett Ratner úspěšnou filmovou adaptaci s Anthonym Hopkinsem v roli Hannibala Lectera a Edwardem Nortonem v roli Willa Grahama.
Objev podobné jako Červený drak - Thomas Harris
Mlčení jehňátek - Thomas Harris
Nejslavnější kniha série o Hannibalu Lecterovi, geniálním vrahovi s chutí na lidské maso. Podobně jako v Červeném drakovi se tu vyšetřovatel FBI - tentokrát ovšem žena Clarice Starlingová - obrací právě na něj, aby pomohl s dopadením jiného šíleného zabijáka, muže přezdívaného Buffalo Bill pro jeho zálibu stahovat své oběti zaživa z kůže. Ambiciózní Clarice se úkolu ujme s policejní profesionalitou, ale taky obrovským soucitem pro oběti těchto strašlivých zločinů. Kniha byla odměněna Cenou Brama Stokera za nejlepší román roku 1988 a dodnes se řadí mezi nejlepší a nejnapínavější krimithrillery všech dob.
Objev podobné jako Mlčení jehňátek - Thomas Harris
Cari Mora - Thomas Harris
Tvůrce Hannibala Lectera přichází s románem o zlu, nenasytnosti a temných obsesích. Cari Mora uprchla před válkou v rodné zemi do USA a pod dohledem imigračního úřadu žije na dočasné povolení pobytu v Miami. Aby se uživila, jde ze zaměstnání do zaměstnání a teď se stará o luxusní sídlo přímo na slavné pláži Miami Beach. Nemá tušení, že pod domem je ukryto půl tuny ryzího zlata. To se však dozví jistý Hans-Peter Schneider, který po tomto zlatě slídí už roky, a zdaleka není sám. Krásná Cari stojí tomuto úchylnému zločinci v cestě a jejich střet, po němž zůstane celá řádka mrtvol, je nevyhnutelný… Na šestý román autora Mlčení jehňátek čekal celý svět. Teď se dočkal… "Harris navozuje dojem strašlivé intimity, které nemůžeme uniknout. Nutí nás přihlížet a neodvrátit zrak ani před tím nejhorším." - The Washington Post
Objev podobné jako Cari Mora - Thomas Harris
Cari Mora - Thomas Harris
Twenty-five million dollars in cartel gold lies hidden beneath a mansion on the Miami Beach waterfront. Ruthless men have tracked it for years. Leading the pack is Hans-Peter Schneider. Driven by unspeakable appetites, he makes a living fleshing out the violent fantasies of other, richer men. Cari Mora, caretaker of the house, has escaped from the violence in her native country. She stays in Miami on a wobbly Temporary Protected Status, subject to the iron whim of ICE. She works at many jobs to survive. Beautiful, marked by war, Cari catches the eye of Hans-Peter as he closes in on the treasure. But Cari Mora has surprising skills, and her will to survive has been tested before. Monsters lurk in the crevices between male desire and female survival. No other writer in the last century has conjured those monsters with more terrifying brilliance than Thomas Harris. Cari Mora, his sixth novel, is the long-awaited return of an American master.
Objev podobné jako Cari Mora - Thomas Harris
Cari Mora - Thomas Harris - audiokniha
Audiokniha: Tvůrce Hannibala Lectera přichází s románem o zlu, nenasytnosti a temných obsesích. Cari Mora uprchla před válkou v rodné zemi do USA a pod dohledem imigračního úřadu žije na dočasné povolení pobytu v Miami. Aby se uživila, jde ze zaměstnání do zaměstnání a teď se stará o luxusní sídlo přímo na slavné pláži Miami Beach. Nemá tušení, že pod domem je ukryto půl tuny ryzího zlata. To se však dozví jistý Hans-Peter Schneider, který po tomto zlatě slídí už roky, a zdaleka není sám. Krásná Cari stojí tomuto úchylnému zločinci v cestě a jejich střet, po němž zůstane celá řádka mrtvol, je nevyhnutelný… Na šestý román autora Mlčení jehňátek čekal celý svět. Teď se dočkal… "Harris navozuje dojem strašlivé intimity, které nemůžeme uniknout. Nutí nás přihlížet a neodvrátit zrak ani před tím nejhorším." - The Washington Post
Objev podobné jako Cari Mora - Thomas Harris - audiokniha
Cari Mora - Thomas Harris - audiokniha
Audiokniha: Šestý román tvůrce Hannibala Lectera, na který čekal celý svět. Cari Mora uprchla před válkou v rodné Kolumbii do USA a pod dohledem imigračního úřadu žije na dočasné povolení pobytu v Miami. Aby se uživila, stará se o luxusní sídlo přímo na pláži Miami Beach. Nemá ale tušení, že pod domem je ukryto půl tuny ryzího zlata a jistý Hans-Peter Schneider po něm už celé roky slídí. Krásná Cari, která pro zvrhlého Schneidera představuje potenciálně zajímavou kořist sama o sobě, je teď zdá se, jedinou překážkou. Jejich nevyhnutelný střet však možná nebude mít tak jasného vítěze, jak se na první pohled zdá. Vlastní minulost Cari Moru totiž předurčila k nerovnému boji.
Objev podobné jako Cari Mora - Thomas Harris - audiokniha
The Story of Thomas the Tank Engine - Thomas & Friends
A special board book edition of the original, classic story introducing Thomas the Tank Engine!This is a beautifully-illustrated story about Thomas the little blue Tank Engine, who worked really hard on The Fat Controller''s railway. Every day he puffed around Sodor shunting trucks and pulling freight. But what he dreamed about was having his very own branch line …Thomas has been teaching children lessons about life and friendship for 75 years. He ranks alongside other beloved characters such as Paddington Bear, Winnie-the-Pooh and Peter Rabbit as an essential part of our literary heritage.Other board books about Thomas the Tank Engine include:Thomas & Friends: Go, Thomas, Go! (shaped board book with wheels) 9781405296809Thomas & Friends: Happy Birthday, Thomas! 9781405297240Thomas & Friends: Ten Little Engines 9781405293303Thomas & Friends: Pocket Library 9781405293006Thomas & Friends: Noisy Sound Book 9781405295208Thomas & Friends: Hide & Seek 9781405293129
Objev podobné jako The Story of Thomas the Tank Engine - Thomas & Friends
The Power of the Dog - Thomas Savage
Discover Thomas Savage's dark poetic tale of a small town in early 20th century American that inspired the new Jane Campion film. Phil and George are brothers and joint owners of the biggest ranch in their Montana valley. Phil is the bright one, George the plodder. Phil is tall and angular; George is stocky and silent. Phil is a brilliant chess player, a voracious reader, an eloquent storyteller; George learns slowly, and devotes himself to the business. They sleep in the room they shared as boys, and so it has been for forty years. When George unexpectedly marries a young widow and brings her to live at the ranch, Phil begins a relentless campaign to destroy his brother's new wife. But he reckons without an unlikely protector. From its visceral first paragraph to its devastating twist of an ending, The Power of the Dog will hold you in its grip.
Objev podobné jako The Power of the Dog - Thomas Savage
The Power of the Dog - Thomas Savage
Thomas Savage's dark poetic writing about bachelor brothers in a small town in early 20th century American will hook you in. Phil and George are brothers and joint owners of the biggest ranch in their Montana valley. Phil is the bright one, George the plodder. Phil is tall and angular; George is stocky and silent. Phil is a brilliant chess player, a voracious reader, an eloquent storyteller; George learns slowly, and devotes himself to the business. Phil is a vicious sadist, with a seething contempt for weakness to match his thirst for dominance; George has a gentle, loving soul. They sleep in the room they shared as boys, and so it has been for forty years. When George unexpectedly marries a young widow and brings her to live at the ranch, Phil begins a relentless campaign to destroy his brother's new wife. But he reckons without an unlikely protector. From its visceral first paragraph to its devastating twist of an ending, The Power of the Dog will hold you in its grip. WITH AN AFTERWORD BY ANNIE PROULX 'With its echoes of East of Eden and Brokeback Mountain, this satisfyingly complex story deserves another shot at rounding up public admiration' Guardian
Objev podobné jako The Power of the Dog - Thomas Savage
The Hats of the Queen - Thomas Pernette
The Hats of the Crown examines 50 iconic headpieces adorned by the Queen during her reign, uncovering the royal, political and fashion landscape of the time. In her 70 years in power, Queen Elizabeth II has made her mark on history, navigating the ups and downs of the past century and wearing many hats – literally and figuratively. In 1933, little Elizabeth, sits in a carriage alongside her grandfather King George V, wearing a round, pink hat hemmed with flowers. In 2020, the year the world fell into crisis with the covid pandemic, the sovereign dons a very similar hat. Nearly 100 years have passed between these two images, a century of politics, diplomacy and fashion, which is told, in these pages, through the little-known story of the Queen's hats. With a foreword by royal correspondent Alastair Bruce, The Hats of the Crown is a beautiful and informative look back on the life and times of her majesty through these iconic accessories.
Objev podobné jako The Hats of the Queen - Thomas Pernette
The Return of the Native - Thomas Hardy
Eustacia Vye criss-crosses the wild Egdon Heath, eager to experience life to the full in her quest for 'music, poetry, passion, war'. She marries Clym Yeobright, native of the heath, but his idealism frustrates her romantic ambitions and her discontent draws others into a tangled web of deceit and unhappiness.Early readers responded to Hardy's 'insatiably observant' descriptions of the heath, a setting that for D. H. Lawrence provided the 'real stuff of tragedy'. For modern readers, the tension between the mythic setting of the heath and the modernity of the characters challenges our freedom to shape the world as we wish; like Eustacia, we may not always be able to live our dreams.This edition has a critically established text based on the manuscript and first edition.
Objev podobné jako The Return of the Native - Thomas Hardy
The Short End of the Sonnenallee - Thomas Brussig
‘A kind of miracle … Not only made me laugh (again and again) but brought tears to my eyes’ Jonathan Franzen‘One of the most brilliant satirical novels about life in East Berlin’ New York TimesThomas Brussig’s classic German satire, translated into English for the first time and introduced by Jonathan Franzen, is a comedic, moving account of life in East Berlin before the Fall of the Berlin WallThe Short End of the Sonnenallee, is a satire set, literally, on the Sonnenallee, the famed "boulevard of the sun" in East Berlin.Within this boulevard lives Michael, an adolescent who faces daily ridicule whenever he steps out of his apartment building and comes into view of the observation platform on the West side. "Look, a real Zonie. Can we take your picture?" Hopelessly in love with the most beautiful girl on the street, Michael is batted away in favour of the Western boys who are free to cross the border. What chance does Michael have, and how much trouble will he get into by pursuing her?Laugh-out-loud funny and unabashedly silly, Brussig''s novel follows the bizarre, grotesque quotidian details of life in the German Democratic Republic. As this new translation shows, the ideas at its heart – freedom, democracy and life’s fundamental hilarity – hold great relevance for today.‘Gentle comedy … Funny, rueful’ Telegraph
Objev podobné jako The Short End of the Sonnenallee - Thomas Brussig
Zůstaň OK - Amy Bjork Harris, Thomas A. Harris
Slavná kniha Já jsem OK, ty jsi OK vyšla jako dílo amerického psychiatra Thomase A. Harrise, ale důležitou roli při jejím vzniku měla i Harrisova žena a spolupracovnice Amy. Šestnáct let poté se již Amy stala hlavní autorkou navazující publikace Zůstaň OK, která mnohá témata první knihy rozpracovává a aplikuje v praxi. Čtenáři se tak za pomoci výkladů, příkladů a diagramů dozvědí další informace o Rodiči, Dospělém a Dítěti, kteří představují různé složky našeho já a které se projevují jak v našem vnitřním životě, tak v kontaktu s druhými lidmi, například v našem vztahu k vlastním dětem. Kniha je vhodná pro každého, kdo chce ve svém životě omezit různé neblahé hry a scénáře typu „ano, ale“ nebo „až se stane to a to, udělám to a to“. S její pomoci se naučíte nastavovat si hranice, být odolní, přijmout zodpovědnost za vlastní život, řešit konflikty a předcházet všem příčinám starostí, strachu, deprese či pocitů neadekvátnosti. Kniha je ceněna pro maximálně přístupnou formu, s jakou představuje základy transakční analýzy. Thomas A. Harris byl americký psychiatr, transakční analytik, kolega a přítel Erica Berneho. V roce 1967 vydal svou proslulou knihu Já jsem OK, ty jsi OK, jejíž název se stal jedním z hesel americké kultury tehdejší doby.Jeho žena Amy Bjork Harris je bývalá novinářka a lektorka transakční analýzy.
Objev podobné jako Zůstaň OK - Amy Bjork Harris, Thomas A. Harris
Silence: In the Age of Noise (0241309883)
Kniha - 160 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Objev podobné jako Silence: In the Age of Noise (0241309883)
Miller Harris Rose Silence - EDP 50 ml
Kompozice parfémové vody Rose Silence ztělesňuje lehkou atmosféru časného rána, kdy po tváři hravě bloudí sluneční paprsek a místností se šíří chladivá vůně zahradních růží se třpytivými kapkami studené rosy. Vůně zdůrazňuje ženskost, eleganci a přirozený šarm skutečné moderní dámy. Vůně byla uvedena na trh v roce 2015.
Objev podobné jako Miller Harris Rose Silence - EDP 50 ml
Miller Harris Rose Silence - EDP 100 ml
Kompozice parfémové vody Rose Silence ztělesňuje lehkou atmosféru časného rána, kdy po tváři hravě bloudí sluneční paprsek a místností se šíří chladivá vůně zahradních růží se třpytivými kapkami studené rosy. Vůně zdůrazňuje ženskost, eleganci a přirozený šarm skutečné moderní dámy. Vůně byla uvedena na trh v roce 2015.
Objev podobné jako Miller Harris Rose Silence - EDP 100 ml
Guardian of the Realm - Thomas Kyle
Pre-order now and next week you'll be joining TikTok sensation Kyle Thomas and his much-loved meerkat Mylo as they embark on their most epic adventure yet - to an alternate dimension filled with beautiful creatures some good . . .and some that will threaten our entire existence. Kyle Thomas and his beloved meerkat Mylo have always been inseparable. But now they're about to be worlds away from life as they know it .. . Stumbling upon an extraordinary and magical alternate world, they enter a land filled with strange and wonderful wild creatures.Everything seems perfect here, but danger is lurking. A dark creature has found its way through an open portal and is wreaking havoc in the real world. People are frightened for their lives.And now it is down to Kyle and Mylo to save the world. _____Kyle and his incredible team: the No. 1 Sunday Times Bestselling Comic Book Artist, Amrit Birdi and scriptwriting powerhouse Leah Moore and John Reppion, who have written for the likes of 2000 AD, Channel 4, Dark Horse and DC Comics, have come together to create Kyle's first ever graphic novel that will transport you to an incredible animal dimension like no other .
Objev podobné jako Guardian of the Realm - Thomas Kyle
Já jsem OK, ty jsi OK - Thomas Harris
Kniha Já jsem OK, ty jsi OK představuje slavný úvod do transakční analýzy – s výkladem jednotlivých ego stavů, životních postojů, transakcí i kontextu manželství, výchovy dětí či morálních hodnot. Řada lidí vyrůstá, jako by „nebyli OK“ – s pocity bezbranného Dítěte, zcela závislého na OK ostatních lidí, od nichž přichází pohlazení i trest. Tento negativní životní postoj, který ovládá úspěšné i neúspěšné jedince, kontaminuje jejich racionální potenciál Dospělého. Lidé s postojem „nejsem OK“ se ve vzájemných vztazích uchylují ke škodlivým formám ústupků, rituálů, činností, zábav a her, aby získali potřebné pohlazení, a vyhýbají se bolestné důvěrnosti s lidmi, kteří se zdají OK. Knihy se dosud prodalo přes 15 milionů výtisků a byla přeložena do více než deseti jazyků. Thomas A. Harris byl americký psychiatr, kolega a přítel Erica Berneho. V roce 1967 vydal svou proslulou knihu Já jsem OK, ty jsi OK, jejíž název se stal jedním z hesel americké kultury tehdejší doby.
Objev podobné jako Já jsem OK, ty jsi OK - Thomas Harris
The Sharp Edge of Silence - Cameron Kelly Rosenblum
Students at Lycroft Phelps are marked for success.As a straight-A student and girlfriend of the school's star rower, Charlotte believes in what the school has to offer. Meanwhile, scholarship student Max is struggling. Until he's asked to join the rowing team offering him popularity - but at what cost? Then there's Quinn, a sixth-generation legacy student, who should be able to lay claim to the school in a way others can't. Who instead must watch the boy who assaulted her continue to play at the top of the school's food chain. Only in the dead of night does Q realize the solution to her suffering: Colin Pearce must die.But Lycroft Phelps has more than one dark secret at its heart, and as the three students uncover just how far the school will go to keep those ugly truths hidden, there's a lot more than reputation at stake...A tense and timely thriller with a revenge plot that'll have you on the edge of your seat. Perfect for fans of Kathleen Glasgow, Chelsea Pitcher and Louise O'Neill.
Objev podobné jako The Sharp Edge of Silence - Cameron Kelly Rosenblum
Tess of the d´Urbervilles - Thomas Hardy
Designed to appeal to the booklover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautiful gift editions of much loved classic titles. Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and treasure. An unforgettably powerful tragedy, Thomas Hardy's Tess of the D'Urbervilles is one of the great classics of the late nineteenth century. This edition features illustrations by Sir Hubert von Herkomer and Joseph Syddall, and an afterword by Philip Mallett, editor of the Thomas Hardy Journal.Tess Durbeyfield's father forcibly sends her off to work for the wealthy D'Urberville family, hoping to alleviate their poverty and perhaps secure her a marriage to the cruel and manipulative Alec D'Urberville. His terrible assault upon her, and the subsequent child, form the terrible heart of Tess's tragic life - as family, love and future are taken away from her by the repressive mores of Victorian society.
Objev podobné jako Tess of the d´Urbervilles - Thomas Hardy
Tess of the d´Urbervilles - Thomas Hardy
Set in Hardy's Wessex, Tess is a moving novel of hypocrisy and double standards. Its challenging sub-title, A Pure Woman, infuriated critics when the book was first published in 1891, and it was condemned as immoral and pessimistic. It tells of Tess Durbeyfield, the daughter of a poor and dissipated villager, who learns that she may be descended from the ancient family of d'Urbeville.In her search for respectability her fortunes fluctuate wildly, and the story assumes the proportions of a Greek tragedy. It explores Tess's relationships with two very different men, her struggle against the social mores of the rural Victorian world which she inhabits and the hypocrisy of the age. In addressing the double standards of the time, Hardy's masterly evocation of a world which we have lost, provides one of the most compelling stories in the canon of English literature, whose appeal today defies the judgement of Hardy's contemporary critics.
Objev podobné jako Tess of the d´Urbervilles - Thomas Hardy
Tess of the D´Urbervilles - Thomas Hardy
A novel of hypocrisy and double standards. It tells of Tess Durbeyfield, the daughter of a poor and dissipated villager, who learns that she may be descended from the ancient family of d'Urbeville. In her search for respectability her fortunes fluctuate wildly, and the story assumes the proportions of a Greek tragedy.
Objev podobné jako Tess of the D´Urbervilles - Thomas Hardy
Admiring Silence : By the winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature 2021 - Abdulrazak Gurnah
A dazzling tale of cultural identity and displacement, this is the story of a man's escape from his native Zanzibar to England to build a new life By the winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature 2021** He thinks, as he escapes from Zanzibar, that he will probably never return, and yet the dream of studying in England matters above that. Things do not happen quite as he imagined - the school where he teaches is cramped and violent, he forgets how it feels to belong. But there is Emma, beautiful, rebellious Emma, who turns away from her white, middle-class roots to offer him love and bear him a child. And in return he spins stories of his home and keeps her a secret from his family. Twenty years later, when the barriers at last come down in Zanzibar, he is able and compelled to go back. What he discovers there, in a story potent with truth, will change the entire vision of his life. Review I don't think I've ever read a novel that is so convincingly and hauntingly sad about the loss of home, the impossible longing to belong -- Michele Roberts-Independent on Sunday Abdulrazak Gurnah's fifth novel, Admiring Silence, is his best to date . There is a wonderful sardonic eloquence to this unnamed narrator's voice, and the playful humour and lack of self-pity which characterises his narrative is totally convincing- Financial Times Through a twisting, many-layered narrative, Admiring Silence explores themes of race and betrayal with bitterly satirical insight-Sunday Times 'There is a wonderful sardonic eloquence to this unnamed narrator's voice' Financial Times 'I don't think I've ever read a novel that is so convincingly and hauntingly sad about the loss of home' Independent on Sunday
Objev podobné jako Admiring Silence : By the winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature 2021 - Abdulrazak Gurnah
The House of Lost Secrets - Anstey Harris
She thought she knew her best friend…She was wrong.The weatherworn cottage Clachan has always been Jo Wilding’s sanctuary, a blissful escape from her tumultuous home life. From the first summer Rachel invited her to join the Willoughby family in the wilds of Scotland, she fell in love with the sea air, sandy beach and Tristan, Rachel’s older brother…All these years later, Clachan is where their most important occasions and conversations take place, so when Rachel organises a weekend there, Jo never suspects that this weekend will change everything. Because it turns out Rachel has been keeping a secret, a betrayal that plunges Jo into a past she’s spent years trying to forget.Left to untangle the pieces of their past alone, Jo has to decide if there is such a thing as forgiveness when there is no one left to forgive?
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The Weeknd - Echoes Of Silence (Mixtape) (Reissue) (2 LP)
Barva podle výrobce: Black Složení setu: 2 ks Typ: LP deska;Mixtape;Album;Nové vydání Subžánr: Pop;R&B Rok vydání: 2015.0 Datum vydání: 2015-08-28 Vydavatelství: Republic Records Interpret / Téma: The Weeknd Žánr: R&B Varianta: Echoes Of Silence (Mixtape) (Reissue) (2 LP) Barva: Černá Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Balení obsahuje: LP
Objev podobné jako The Weeknd - Echoes Of Silence (Mixtape) (Reissue) (2 LP)
Miller Harris Rose Silence parfémovaná voda unisex 100 ml
Miller Harris Rose Silence, 100 ml, Parfémované vody unisex, Zapomeňte na pravidla, hranice a limity. Unisex parfémovaná voda Miller Harris Rose Silence se skvěle hodí pro každého, kdo se nebojí vystoupit z davu. květinová vůně svěží vůně, ideální do teplého počasí unisex – pro muže i pro ženy
Objev podobné jako Miller Harris Rose Silence parfémovaná voda unisex 100 ml
Knížka Hardie Grant Books (UK) The Hats of the Queen, Thomas Pernette
Kniha z kolekce Hardie Grant Books (UK). Krásná historie života a doby Jejího Veličenstva zobrazená prostřednictvím jejích pokrývek hlavy.
Objev podobné jako Knížka Hardie Grant Books (UK) The Hats of the Queen, Thomas Pernette
The Betrayal of Thomas True - A.J. Westonia
Set in the buried streets of Georgian London and the outrageous underworld of the molly houses, a carpenter hiding a double life searches for a traitor who is betraying the secrets of the mollies. The visceral, raucous, tender and utterly enchanting historical thriller by the award-winning author of The Spirit Engineer. ‘Heartbreaking, beautiful, lyrical. I was captivated from the start … you won't want to put it down’ Catriona Ward ‘A thriller and a vivid exploration of a largely forgotten aspect of London’s past, this is as compelling as West’s debut’ The Times ‘This deeply affecting novel is an unforgettable combination of historical thriller, love story and heartbreaking tragedy’ Heat magazine ‘Stunning and powerful – an atmospheric thriller that is both heartfelt and meticulously researched. You’ll never forget Thomas True’ Janice Hallett ***WINNER OF THE HWA DEBUT CROWN*** _________________ The only sin is betrayal… It is the year 1715, and Thomas True has arrived on old London Bridge with a dangerous secret. One night, lost amongst the squalor of London's hidden back streets, he finds himself drawn into the outrageous underworld of the molly houses. Meanwhile, carpenter Gabriel Griffin struggles to hide his double life as Lotty, the molly's stoic guard. When a young man is found murdered, he realises there is a rat amongst them, betraying their secrets to a pair of murderous Justices. Can Gabriel unmask the traitor before they hang? Can he save hapless Thomas from peril, and their own forbidden love? Set amidst the buried streets of Georgian London, The Betrayal of Thomas True is a brutal and devastating thriller, where love must overcome evil, and the only true sin is betrayal… _______________________ ‘A rare gem of a novel … a darkly thrilling romp in 18th century London that simmers with sinister menace and illicit temptation’ Susan Stokes-Chapman ‘Electric … West’s talent as a writer – Dickensian-style vivacious characterisation and fast paced action – make this an unputdownable read’ Attitude Magazine ‘Really very, very good’ Stephen Fry ‘Quite simply divine – historical, a thriller, comedic, fantastical and, above all, a love story that had me in all sorts of tears’ Jennie Godfrey ‘A clever mystery, a powerful love story … affected me more than anything I’ve read in a long time’ Gareth Brown ‘Plunges readers into the dark, treacherous streets of Georgian London in this epic adventure of love in a time of danger – a must-read for lovers of gritty, thrilling, historical fiction’ Hallie Rubenhold ‘An exuberant, moving story of double lives, forbidden love and personal identity’ Rosie Andrews ‘Vivid, impressive and utterly immersive … I was weeping by the final pages. Masterful’ D.V. Bishop ‘Researched to the gills, but with so fluidly compelling a narrative that you are instantly immersed in the perilous, hot, exciting, plot-swirling world of Mollies’ Felice Picano ‘You’ll smile, you’ll gasp, you’ll cry at this Georgian-era thriller awash with mystery and mayhem … and magnificent mollies’ Essie Fox ‘There has never been a book that made me cry … until today. It chewed me up hard more than once, but it was also funny, colourful and decadent’ Suzie Edge ‘Fierce, funny, and fabulous; this is an important and deeply moving story’ Jonathan Harvey 'Both a roaring Georgian romp and a moving story of injustice and discrimination … hugely entertaining' Anna Mazzola ‘Bursting with memorable characters and stunning imagery … a thriller, a tragedy and a love story all in one’ Sean Lusk ‘A thrilling historical mystery, brilliantly researched and lavishly written’ Emma Stonex ‘Writing like a modern Fielding, A.J. West packs in humour, horror and a raging sense of injustice’ Kate Griffin ‘A beautiful, dark love story set in the fetid streets of Georgian London … unputdownable’ Gareth Russell ‘A beautifully told story that broke my heart and energised my soul … a cunningly plotted, twisty and twisted tale of love, betrayal and the human spirit’ Tracy King ‘The wit of Wilde still lives!’ Gyles Brandreth ‘A gripping epic tale … a powerful new voice in historical fiction’ Gill Paul ‘A picaresque gay romp through 18th-century London, with a dark and troubling heart’ Annie Garthwaite
Objev podobné jako The Betrayal of Thomas True - A.J. Westonia
On the Origin of Time - Thomas Hertog
'A wonderful book about Stephen Hawking's biggest legacy' Spectator'Truly mind-stretching... Immensely rewarding' The Times'This superbly written book offers insight into an extraordinary individual, the creative process, and the scope and limits of our current understanding of the cosmos' Sir Martin ReesStephen Hawking's closest collaborator offers the intellectual superstar's final thoughts on the universe. Perhaps the biggest question Stephen Hawking tried to answer in his extraordinary life was how the universe could have created conditions so perfectly hospitable to life.In order to solve this mystery, Hawking studied the big bang origin of the universe, but his early work ran into a crisis when the math predicted many big bangs producing a multiverse - countless different universes, most of which would be far too bizarre to harbour life. Holed up in the theoretical physics department at Cambridge, Stephen Hawking and his friend and collaborator Thomas Hertog worked on this problem for twenty years, developing a new theory of the cosmos that could account for the emergence of life. Peering into the extreme quantum physics of cosmic holograms and venturing far back in time, they were startled to find a deeper level of evolution in which the physical laws themselves transform and simplify until particles, forces, and even time itself fades away.This discovery led them to a revolutionary idea: The laws of physics are not set in stone but are born and co-evolve as the universe they govern takes shape. As Hawking's final days drew near, the two collaborators published their theory, which proposed a radical new Darwinian perspective on the origins of our universe. On the Origin of Time offers a striking new vision of the universe's birth that will profoundly transform the way we think about our place in the order of the cosmos and may ultimately prove to be Hawking's greatest legacy.
Objev podobné jako On the Origin of Time - Thomas Hertog
The Little Book of Hulk - Roy Thomas
In 1962, he was created by exposure to gamma radiation in Incredible Hulk No. 1. Though it took a few years for him to develop his now-famous personality, he was nonetheless a weapon of destruction from that first appearance. Not only did the Hulk fight anyone who got in his way, but his alter ego, Bruce Banner, fought the multiple personality disorder that transformed him, spawning many other versions of the Hulk, each of whom were aspects of Bruce's personality. Despite that, the Hulk took down the Leader, the Abomination, and Wolverine, among hundreds of other great villains. The star of a smash-hit TV show, two blockbuster movies, and hundreds of great comics, he's one of the most instantly recognizable characters in the world. With 192 pages of images, and text by Roy Thomas, The Little Book of Hulk will be an indispensable guide to comics' most savage hero! (c) 2020 MARVEL
Objev podobné jako The Little Book of Hulk - Roy Thomas
The Little Book of Iron Man - Roy Thomas
He made his debut in 1963, in Tales of Suspense No. 39, wearing a cumbersome gray exoskeleton that looked more like a robot than a man. After a re-design, he became an integral member of the Avengers, and he fought evil at every turn ... as well as intense personal demons. More than fifty years and countless comics adventures later, Iron Man became a box-office smash, and one of the most popular super heroes in the world. With 192 pages of images, and text by Roy Thomas, The Little Book of Iron Man will be your favorite guide to comics' greatest armored hero! (c) 2020 MARVEL
Objev podobné jako The Little Book of Iron Man - Roy Thomas
The Little Book of X-Men - Roy Thomas
They debuted in 1963, but weren't the instant sensations that the Fantastic Four or Spider-Man had been; twenty years later, they were the most exciting (or x-citing!) property in comics. Fans couldn't get enough of Wolverine! Storm! Cyclops! Beast! Nightcrawler! Jean Grey! Not to mention Professor X, and his nemesis, Magneto! The X-Men brought a level of nuance and storytelling sophistication that hadn't been seen in mainstream comics, and now, with thousands of comics, and ten feature films to date, the X-Men have cemented their place as one of the greatest super hero teams in history. With 192 pages of images, and text by Roy Thomas, The Little Book of X-Men will be your favorite guide to comics' greatest mutant team! (c) 2020 MARVEL
Objev podobné jako The Little Book of X-Men - Roy Thomas
The Little Book of Fantastic Four - Roy Thomas
Cosmic rays gave them their powers, and they formed one of the greatest superhero squads of all time. Mister Fantastic, the Invisible Woman, the Human Torch, and the Thing are iconic as individuals, invincible as a team: With 192 pages of images, and text by Roy Thomas, welcome to your comprehensive guide to the greatest super quartet! © MARVEL They debuted in Fantastic Four No. 1 in November 1961, and have gone on to be iconic not only as a team, but as individuals. Reed “Mister Fantastic” Richards, Sue “Invisible Girl” Storm, Johnny “Human Torch” Storm, and Ben “The Thing” Grimm are all iconic heroes, who love and fight with each other as only families can … and they take down otherworldly bad guys like Dr. Doom and Galactus in the process. More than 50 years, thousands of comics, four animated series and three feature films later, they remain one of the most enduring and exciting super-teams in pop culture. With 192 pages of images, and text by Roy Thomas, The Little Book of Fantastic Four is your comprehensive guide to this famous foursome! © MARVEL
Objev podobné jako The Little Book of Fantastic Four - Roy Thomas
ELI - A - Young 3 - Tess of the D´urbervilles - readers - Thomas Hardy
STAGE 3 - 1000 headwords | B1 | Preliminary | Classic"A Pure Woman Faithfully Presented” The story, set in a poor rural area of England in the 19th century, centres around Tess Durbeyfield, a sweet, innocent, country girl who is a victim of fate and her own beauty.When her lazy father finds out that his ancestors were the noble d’Urberville family, he dreams of winning back this glory for his own family. Tess, 16 years old at the start of the story and the eldest of seven children, is pushed by her parents to go and work for Alec d’Urberville who will change Tess’s life in a dramatic way. In the middle of the chaos caused by Alec d’Urberville, Tess meets Angel Clare. Will he love her forever as he promises, without judging her for her past? Or will Alec d’Urberville become her master?Read and find out.SyllabusGrammar and structures Present simple andcontinuous, past simple and continuous,present and past perfect simple. Futurewith go-ing to and will. Passive forms.Modal verbs. Verb + infinitive, verb + ing.Phrasal verbs. First and second condi-tional.Comparatives and superlatives.In this Reader you will find:Information about Thomas Hardy and his times |Focus on section about Stonehenge | Glossary ofdifficult words | Comprehension and extensionactivities including B1 Preliminary style activitiesTagsClassic literature | Relationships | Fate | Judgement
Objev podobné jako ELI - A - Young 3 - Tess of the D´urbervilles - readers - Thomas Hardy
The House by the Lake: The Story of a Home and a Hundred Years of History - Thomas Harding
A beautiful picture-book adaptation of Thomas Harding's Costa-shortlisted biography for adults, exquisitely illustrated by Britta Teckentrup.On the outskirts of Berlin, a wooden cottage stands on the shore of a lake. Over the course of a century, this little house played host to a loving Jewish family, a renowned Nazi composer, wartime refugees and a Stasi informant; in that time, a world war came and went, and the Berlin Wall was built a stone's throw from the cottage's back door.Thomas Harding first shared this remarkable story in his Costa-shortlisted biography The House by the Lake - now he has rendered it into a deeply moving picture-book for young readers. With words that read like a haunting fairy-tale, and magnificent artwork by Britta Teckentrup, this is the astonishing true story of the house by the lake.
Objev podobné jako The House by the Lake: The Story of a Home and a Hundred Years of History - Thomas Harding
The Magic of Japanese Zen Gardens - Shunmyo Masuno, Thomas Kierok
A Zen garden is the symbiotic fusion of Japanese philosophy and the art of garden design, a spiritual place of meditation and inner reflection that teaches mindfulness and brings joy to the eyes. If you want to get to know this garden culture, you won't find as many wonderful gems in such a small area anywhere in the world as in Kyoto.Thomas Kierok photographed these unique gardens in all four seasons. Through encounters with important Zen garden designers, he was able to develop his own photographic perspective inspired by the spirit of Zen. Poems by world-renowned Zen poets Dogen, Basho and Ryokan complement the visual masterpieces. The book is a a meditative journey, a sanctuary for the soul, a retreat between two covers whenever the need for calm, inspiration and grounding arises.
Objev podobné jako The Magic of Japanese Zen Gardens - Shunmyo Masuno, Thomas Kierok
The Bedtime Book of EVEN MORE Impossible Questions - Isabel Thomas
'The perfect present for any inquisitive child.' The Sunday Times'Top-notch non-fiction from a profoundly accomplished author, it's the sort of book that could ignite lifelong scientific curiosity' The Guardian praise for The Bedtime Book of Impossible Questions – A Guardian Best Children's Book of the YearHas a slug ever been to space? When did life begin? Why do we have two nostrils?The perfect gift for all children! Following on from The Bedtime Book of Impossible Questions, this books provides EVEN MORE answers to the weird, wonderful and sometimes downright dumbfounding questions that buzz around kids' brains at bedtime – covering topics such as philosophy, science, nature, animals, geography, culture and more. With fascinating but short, succinct answers and inviting illustrations, it really is the ideal read for curious kids. Why are parents in charge and not children? Can dogs laugh? Are we all aliens?With engaging, fascinating text by expert science writer Isabel Thomas and dreamy illustrations by Margarida Esteves, The Bedtime Book of EVEN MORE Impossible Questions is the perfect bedside companion to delve into when you are wondering if there really is an answer to everything.
Objev podobné jako The Bedtime Book of EVEN MORE Impossible Questions - Isabel Thomas
The Stories of Sherlock Holmes - Sabrina D. Harris, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - audiokniha
Audiokniha: Audiokniha nabízí čtyři příběhy Sherlocka Holmese, které jsou určeny mírně pokročilým studentům angličtiny. Zájemci se díky nim nejen seznámí s případy, v nichž věhlasný detektiv rozehrává své brilantní logické myšlení, ale také si procvičí poslech a porozumění angličtiny. Kniha je načtená rodilým mluvčím.
Objev podobné jako The Stories of Sherlock Holmes - Sabrina D. Harris, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - audiokniha
The Silence (1529057108)
Kniha - autor Don DeLillo, 192 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Don DeLillo completed The Silence just weeks before the devastating advent of Covid-19. This timely and compelling novel is the story of a different catastrophic event.
Objev podobné jako The Silence (1529057108)
Harris Emmylou: Profile: Best of Emmylou Harris - CD (7599273752)
Hudební CD - Profil: Best of Emmylou Harris je kompilací hitů Emmylou Harris z jejích prvních čtyř alb Pieces of the Sky , Elite Hotel , Luxury Liner a Quarter Moon in a Ten Cent Town . Album se v roce 1978 dostalo až na 9. místo v žebříčku country alb. Profil: Best of Emmylou Harris je kompilací hitů Emmylou Harris z jejích prvních čtyř alb Pieces of the Sky , Elite Hotel , Luxury Liner a Quarter Moon in a Ten Cent Town . Album se v roce 1978 dostalo až na 9. místo v žebříčku country alb. Emmylou Harris je americká zpěvčka, skladatelka a hudebnice. Během své kariéry vydala desítky alb a singlů a získala 14 cen Grammy , Polar Music Prize a řadu dalších ocenění. Rok vydání : 1978 (kompilace) Seznam stop CD One of These Days / Sweet Dreams / To Daddy / C'est La Vie (YOU NEVER CAN TELL) / Making Believe / Easy from Now On / Together Again / If I Could Only Win Your Love / Too Far Gone / Two More Bottles of Wine / Boulder to Birmingham / Hello Stranger
Objev podobné jako Harris Emmylou: Profile: Best of Emmylou Harris - CD (7599273752)
Empire of Silence - Christopher Ruocchio
Hadrian Marlowe, a man revered as a hero and despised as a murderer, chronicles his tale in the galaxy-spanning debut of the Sun Eater series, merging the best of space opera and epic fantasy. It was not his war. On the wrong planet, at the right time, for the best reasons, Hadrian Marlowe started down a path that could only end in fire.The galaxy remembers him as a hero: the man who burned every last alien Cielcin from the sky. They remember him as a monster: the devil who destroyed a sun, casually annihilating four billion human lives--even the Emperor himself--against Imperial orders. But Hadrian was not a hero.He was not a monster. He was not even a soldier. Fleeing his father and a future as a torturer, Hadrian finds himself stranded on a strange, backwater world.Forced to fight as a gladiator and navigate the intrigues of a foreign planetary court, he will find himself fighting a war he did not start, for an Empire he does not love, against an enemy he will never understand.
Objev podobné jako Empire of Silence - Christopher Ruocchio
On the Origin of Time: Stephen Hawking´s final theory - Thomas Hertog
A new theory of the universe, twenty years in the making, by Stephen Hawking and his close collaborator Thomas Hertog.Perhaps the biggest question Stephen Hawking tried to answer in his extraordinary life was how the universe could have created conditions so perfectly hospitable to life.Pondering this mystery led Hawking to study the big bang origin of the universe, but his early work ran into a crisis when the maths predicted many big bangs producing a multiverse - countless different universes, most of which were far too bizarre to harbour life.Holed up in the theoretical physics department at Cambridge, Stephen Hawking and his friend and collaborator Thomas Hertog worked shoulder to shoulder for twenty years on a new quantum theory of the cosmos. As their discoveries took them deeper into the big bang, they were startled to find a deeper level of evolution in which the physical laws themselves transform and simplify until particles, forces, and even time itself fades away. Once upon a time, perhaps, there was no time. This led them to a revolutionary idea: the laws of physics are not set in stone but are born and co-evolve as the universe they govern takes shape.On the Origin of Time takes the reader on a quest to understand questions bigger than our universe, peering into the extreme quantum physics of black holes and the big bang and drawing on the latest developments in string theory. As Hawking's final days drew near, the two collaborators published a final theory proposing their radical new Darwinian perspective on the origins of our universe.Hertog offers a striking new vision that ties together, more deeply than ever, the nature of the universe's birth with our existence. Their theory profoundly transforms the way we think about our place in the order of the cosmos and may ultimately prove Hawking's biggest legacy.
Objev podobné jako On the Origin of Time: Stephen Hawking´s final theory - Thomas Hertog
PER | Level 5: The Mayor Of Casterbridge Bk/MP3 Pack - Thomas Hardy
Classic / British EnglishMichael Henchard is a wealthy and respected man, but he has a terrible secret. Twenty years ago, when he was unemployed and penniless, he sold his wife to a sailor. Now she is looking for him again. Why? And what will happen when she finds him?This Pack contains a Book and MP3
Objev podobné jako PER | Level 5: The Mayor Of Casterbridge Bk/MP3 Pack - Thomas Hardy
The Stories of Sherlock Holmes Příběhy Sherlocka Holmese - Sabrina D. Harris, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Publikace nabízí čtyři příběhy Sherlocka Holmese, které jsou určeny mírně pokročilým studentům angličtiny. Zájemci se díky nim nejen seznámí s případy, v nichž věhlasný detektiv rozehrává své brilantní logické myšlení, ale také si procvičí angličtinu. Český zrcadlový překlad umožní zkontrolovat, zda cizojazyčnému textu správně porozuměli. Na konci knihy jsou zajímavé informace o Sherlocku Holmesovi. Audionahrávka, na níž text vypráví rodilý mluvčí, je k dispozici zdarma na stránkách nakladatelství.
Objev podobné jako The Stories of Sherlock Holmes Příběhy Sherlocka Holmese - Sabrina D. Harris, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
The Wild Silence - Raynor Winn
In 2016, days before they were unjustly evicted from their home, Raynor Winn was told her husband Moth was dying.Instead of giving up they embarked on a life-changing journey: walking the 630-mile South West Coast Path, living by their wits, determination and love of nature.But all journeys must end and when the couple return to civilisation they find that four walls feel like a prison, cutting them off from the sea and sky that sustained them - that had saved Moth's life.So when the chance to rewild an old Cornish farm comes their way, they grasp it, hoping they'll not only reconnect with the natural world but also find themselves once again on its healing path . . .
Objev podobné jako The Wild Silence - Raynor Winn
The Silence Factory - Bridget Collins
*Special collector’s edition with designed foil board and endpapers, limited to the first print run*The whole world disappears when you enterTHE SILENCE FACTORY''Extraordinary writing… silk, secrets and silence woven into a gleaming Gothic web. What a treat''ANNA MAZZOLA''Epic in scope and rich at sentence level, this is storytelling at its most immersive'' ERIN KELLYHenry dreams of silence.A world without the clattering of carriages through cobbled streets, the distant cries of drunken brawls, the relentless ticking of the clock.Then he meets a fascinating, mysterious gentleman who sells just that. Precious silk that can drown out the clamour of the world – and everything Henry is so desperate to escape.Summoned to Sir Edward’s secluded factory to try to cure his young daughter’s deafness, Henry is soon drawn deeper and deeper into the origins of this otherworldly gift: a gift that has travelled from ancient Mediterranean glades to English libraries.Ignoring repeated warnings from the girl''s secretive governess, he allows himself to fall under the spell of Sir Edward and his silk… but when he learns its true cost, will it be too late to turn back?From the #1 bestselling author of THE BINDING, this is an enthralling story about complicity, desire and corruption – a novel to lose yourself in.GLOWING READER REVIEWS''Charming, troubling, thought-provoking and absolutely entrancing'' ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️''A splendid work of imagination, almost magical in places, but darkly realistic in others'' ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️''A brilliant gothic mystery… spellbinding and chilling'' ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️''I became so submerged in this book… the ending was really exciting and not at all what I expected'' ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️''I was spellbound by this novel… prepare yourself for an immersive ride'' ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️''Unpredictable, exciting and very creepy!'' ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️''Bridget Collins has created a world that is rich in detail and atmosphere, I was drawn in from the very first page'' ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Objev podobné jako The Silence Factory - Bridget Collins
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