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Silence: In the Age of Noise (0241309883)

Kniha - 160 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná

Podívejte se také The Age of American Unreason in a Culture of Lies (0525436529)

cena 266.0 Kč

Futureproof: 9 Rules for Humans in the Age of Automation

A New York Times bestselling author and tech columnist's counter-intuitive guide to staying relevant - and employable - in the machine age by becoming irreplaceably human.It's not a future scenario any more. We've been taught that to compete with automation and AI, we'll have to become more like the machines themselves, building up technical skills like coding. But, there's simply no way to keep up. What if all the advice is wrong? And what do we need to do instead to become futureproof?We tend to think of automation as a blue-collar phenomenon that will affect truck drivers, factory workers, and other people with repetitive manual jobs. But it's much, much broader than that. Lawyers are being automated out of existence. Last year, JPMorgan Chase built a piece of software called COIN, which uses machine learning to review complicated contracts and documents. It used to take the firm's lawyers more than 300,000 hours every year to review all of those documents. Now, it takes a few seconds, and requires just one human to run the program. Doctors are being automated out of existence, too. Last summer, a Chinese tech company built a deep learning algorithm that diagnosed brain cancer and other diseases faster and more accurately than a team of 15 top Chinese doctors.Kevin Roose has spent the past few years studying the question of how people, communities, and organisations adapt to periods of change, from the Industrial Revolution to the present. And the insight that is sweeping through Silicon Valley as we speak -- that in an age dominated by machines, it's human skills that really matter - is one of the more profound and counter-intuitive ideas he's discovered. It's the antidote to the doom-and-gloom worries many people feel when they think about AI and automation. And it's something everyone needs to hear.In nine accessible, prescriptive chapters, Roose distills what he has learned about how we will survive the future, that the way to become futureproof is to become incredibly, irreplaceably human.

Podívejte se také The Wisdom of Crowds: The Riotous Conclusion to The Age of Madness (0575095989)

cena 299.0 Kč

Dopamine Nation: Finding Balance in the Age of Indulgence - Anna Lembke

We are a wired generation. In these fast-paced times we are constantly bombarded by high-reward, high-dopamine stimuli. From texting to social media, food to drugs, gambling to shopping, we have become addicted to fleeting and distracting pleasures that are making us sick.In Dopamine Nation, psychiatrist and bestselling author Dr Anna Lembke reveals why our relentless pursuit of pleasure leads to pain and what we can do about it. Bringing together cutting-edge neuroscience with the gripping real life experiences from her clinical practice, Lembke explores how contentment and connectedness are essential tools in keeping dopamine in check. This is an essential book for anyone wanting to find a balance for a happier life.

Objev podobné jako Dopamine Nation: Finding Balance in the Age of Indulgence - Anna Lembke

cena 312.0 Kč

The Organized Mind: Thinking Straight in the Age of Information Overload (0241965780)

Kniha - autor Daniel J. Levitin, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Even the smartest mind can't beat the organized mind . . .In the digital age we are overwhelmed by information. Unable to make sense of it all, our creativity plummets, decision making suffers and we grow absent-minded. The twenty-first century sees us drowning under emails, forever juggling six tasks at once and trying to make complex decisions ever more quickly. This is information overload.In The Organized Mind, we learn how we got here and why smart organization improves our memories and attention - and makes us more imaginative and clear-sighted. Using a combination of academic research and examples from daily life, neuroscientist and bestselling author Daniel Levitin explains how to take back control of your life.You'll discover that:- Your brain has a daily processing limit - why waste it on cat photos?- Pressing Send or clicking Like gives a dopamine hit - it's addictive- Daydreaming...

Objev podobné jako The Organized Mind: Thinking Straight in the Age of Information Overload (0241965780)

cena 303.0 Kč

The Oldest Book in the World: Philosophy in the Age of the Pyramids - Bill Manley

A brand-new translation of a philosophical classic of the ancient world, The Teaching of Ptahhatp, written in Egypt 4,000 years ago. The Teaching of Ptahhatp, composed two millennia before the birth of Plato, is the oldest surviving statement of philosophy in the ancient world and the earliest witness to the power of the written word. It ought to begin the list of the world's philosophy classics, yet it has been largely forgotten since it was rediscovered in the nineteenth century.Egyptologist Bill Manley's new translation corrects this oversight, rendering into approachable modern English for the first time Ptahhatp's profound yet practical account of 'the meaning of life', written many centuries before the supposed dawn of western philosophy. Manley introduces Ptahhatp, who served as Vizier to the Old Kingdom pharaoh Izezi (c. 2410-2375 BC), and the world of dynamic ideas and new technologies - writing among them - within which he worked, illuminating the nuances of his language and philosophy.In addition, Manley's new translation of Why Things Happen, the oldest surviving account of creation from anywhere in the world, reveals how Ptahhatp's account of the human condition is founded in distinctive ancient Egyptian beliefs about the nature of truth and reality. Taken together, Manley's new translations and expert commentary provide a new perspective on the Pyramid Age and overturn traditional prejudices about the origins of writing and philosophy. The 'oldest book in the world' is a testament to a common thread that connects humanity across time; Ptahhatp grapples with the pitfalls of greed, ambition, celebrity, success, confrontation, friendship, sex and even the office environment, and his teachings remain remarkably relevant in the modern day.

Objev podobné jako The Oldest Book in the World: Philosophy in the Age of the Pyramids - Bill Manley

cena 715.0 Kč

Life 3.0 : Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence - Max Tegmark

The international bestseller. Daily telegraph and the times books of the year. AI is the future - but what will that future look like? Will superhuman intelligence be our slave, or become our god? Taking us to the heart of the latest thinking about AI, Max Tegmark, the MIT professor whose work has helped mainstream research on how to keep AI beneficial, separates myths from reality, utopias from dystopias, to explore the next phase of our existence. How can we grow our prosperity through automation, without leaving people lacking income or purpose? How can we ensure that future AI systems do what we want without crashing, malfunctioning or getting hacked? Should we fear an arms race in lethal autonomous weapons? Will AI help life flourish as never before, or will machines eventually outsmart us at all tasks, and even, perhaps, replace us altogether?'This is the most important conversation of our time, and Tegmark's thought-provoking book will help you join it' Stephen Hawking

Objev podobné jako Life 3.0 : Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence - Max Tegmark

cena 312.0 Kč

School, ideas and values in the age of tl;dr - An essay - Zdeněk Ježek

Čemu věřit ve světě, který svým obyvatelům nabízí záplavu informací, názorů a postojů? Disponuje školní vzdělávání nástroji, které umožní se v této záplavě vyznat? Pomůže používání zdravého rozumu v boji proti dezinformacím? A nejsou metafory záplavy a boje použité v předchozích větách jazykovým prostředkem, který posouvá smysl celého sdělení od racionality směrem k emocionalitě? Společnost 21. století se musí vyrovnat s mnoha nástrahami. Jednou z nich je přesycení informacemi, ve kterých se laik téměř nemá šanci vyznat – zároveň je však každý postaven nejen před možnost, ale spíše povinnost vybrat si názorové stanovisko. Ve veřejné diskusi proto často dochází ke zjednodušování, komplexní témata jsou redukována na jednoduché teze a důkladnou analýzu nahrazuje dovětek tl;dr. Too long; didn’t read – příliš dlouhé; nečetl*a jsem. Esej se zabývá otázkou vztahu vzdělávání a hodnot, přičemž na příkladech práce s literárními texty zkoumá, jak rozvíjet porozumění, analytické dovednosti a ochotu vyhýbat se jednoduchým vysvětlením složitých témat.

Objev podobné jako School, ideas and values in the age of tl;dr - An essay - Zdeněk Ježek

cena 179.0 Kč

School, ideas and values in the age of tl;dr - Zdeněk Ježek - e-kniha

eBook: Čemu věřit ve světě, který svým obyvatelům nabízí záplavu informací, názorů a postojů? Disponuje školní vzdělávání nástroji, které umožní se v této záplavě vyznat? Pomůže používání zdravého rozumu v boji proti dezinformacím? A nejsou metafory záplavy a boje použité v předchozích větách jazykovým prostředkem, který posouvá smysl celého sdělení od racionality směrem k emocionalitě? Společnost 21. století se musí vyrovnat s mnoha nástrahami. Jednou z nich je přesycení informacemi, ve kterých se laik téměř nemá šanci vyznat – zároveň je však každý postaven nejen před možnost, ale spíše povinnost vybrat si názorové stanovisko. Ve veřejné diskusi proto často dochází ke zjednodušování, komplexní témata jsou redukována na jednoduché teze a důkladnou analýzu nahrazuje dovětek tl;dr. Too long; didn’t read – příliš dlouhé; nečetl*a jsem.Esej se zabývá otázkou vztahu vzdělávání a hodnot, přičemž na příkladech práce s literárními texty zkoumá, jak rozvíjet porozumění, analytické dovednosti a ochotu vyhýbat se jednoduchým vysvětlením složitých témat.

Objev podobné jako School, ideas and values in the age of tl;dr - Zdeněk Ježek - e-kniha

cena 170.0 Kč

Critical Theory of Communication: New Readings of Lukács, Adorno, Marcuse, Honneth and Habermas in the Age of the Internet (1) (Critical Digital and S

This book contributes to the foundations of a critical theory of communication as shaped by the forces of digital capitalism. One of the world's leading theorists of digital media Professor Christian Fuchs explores how the thought of some of the Frankfurt School’s key thinkers can be deployed for critically understanding media in the age of the Internet. Five essays that form the heart of this book review aspects of the works of Georg Lukács, Theodor W. Adorno, Herbert Marcuse, Axel Honneth and Jürgen Habermas and apply them as elements of a critical theory of communication's foundations. The approach taken starts from Georg Lukács Ontology of Social Being, draws on the work of the Frankfurt School thinkers, and sets them into dialogue with the Cultural Materialism of Raymond Williams. Critical Theory of Communication offers a vital set of new insights on how communication operates in the age of information, digital media and social media, arguing that we need to transcend the communication theory of Habermas by establishing a dialectical and cultural-materialist critical theory of communication.

Objev podobné jako Critical Theory of Communication: New Readings of Lukács, Adorno, Marcuse, Honneth and Habermas in the Age of the Internet (1) (Critical Digital and S

cena 657.0 Kč

The Age of Collage 3. Contemporary Collage in Modern Art

Featuring dynamic works from the contemporary collage landscape, The Age of Collage Vol. 3 showcases a new crop of creative vanguards advancing the medium's possibilities, piece by piece, splice by splice. With its foundations in Surrealism and Dadaism, what was once a convention-defying practice has maintained a voice for generations. Equipped with a craft knife, paintbrush, stylus, or scissors, a collage artist's toolkit is as varied as their output and this title brings their work back to the paper page. Investigating the varied aesthetic cues and cultural tropes that inspire their interdisciplinary approach, this comprehensive volume details more than 70 artists discovering new ways of elevating the genre.

Objev podobné jako The Age of Collage 3. Contemporary Collage in Modern Art

cena 1155.0 Kč

The Shame Machine: Who Profits in the New Age of Humiliation (0593443381)

Kniha - autor Cathy O'Neil, 288 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná With moral clarity and powerful storytelling, Cathy O'Neil reverse engineers the 'shame machine,' revealing its inner workings and inciting nothing short of a cultural reckoning that has the potential to blow this machine to bits' - Ruha BenjaminShame is being weaponized by governments and corporations to attack the most vulnerable. It's time to fight backShame is a powerful and sometimes useful tool. When we publicly shame corrupt politicians, abusive celebrities, or predatory corporations, we reinforce values of fairness and justice. But as best-selling author Cathy O'Neil argues in this revelatory book, shaming has taken a new and dangerous turn. It is increasingly being weaponized — used as a way to shift responsibility for social problems from institutions to individuals. Shaming children for not being able to afford school lunches or adults for not being able to find work lets...

Objev podobné jako The Shame Machine: Who Profits in the New Age of Humiliation (0593443381)

cena 454.0 Kč

Trivium: Silence In The Snow - CD (1686175022)

Hudební CD - Sedmé studiové album produkoval Michael „Elvis” Baskette (např. Slash, Alter Bridge, The Amity Affliction) a mixoval Josh Wilbur (Gojira, Lamb Of God). Deska vychází na CD, v CD Deluxe verzi rozšířené o dvě bonusové písně i na LP. kapela Trivium vznikla v roce 2000 v Orlandu na Floridě. Sedmé studiové album produkoval Michael „Elvis” Baskette (např. Slash, Alter Bridge, The Amity Affliction) a mixoval Josh Wilbur (Gojira, Lamb Of God). Deska vychází na CD, v CD Deluxe verzi rozšířené o dvě bonusové písně i na LP. kapela Trivium vznikla v roce 2000 v Orlandu na Floridě. Věnuje se melodickému death metalu, trash metalu i metalcore. Seznam stop CD / Snofall / Silence In The Snow / Blind Leading The Blind / Dead And Gone / The Ghost That's Haunting You / Pull Me From The Void / Until The World Goes Cold / Rise Above The Tides / The Thing That's Killing Me / Beneath The Sun / Breathe In The Flames / Cease All Your Fire (Bonus Track) / The...

Objev podobné jako Trivium: Silence In The Snow - CD (1686175022)

cena 359.0 Kč

Thank You for Being Late: 'An Optimist''s Guide to Thriving in the Age of Accelerations' (0241301440)

Kniha - autor Thomas L. Friedman, 486 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná We all sense it - our lives are speeding up at a dizzying rate. Thank You for Being Late exposes the tectonic movements that are reshaping the world today and explains how to get the most out of them. Friedman's thesis is that the planet's three largest forces - Moore's law (technology), the market (globalization) and Mother Nature (climate change and biodiversity loss) - are all accelerating at once. Thank You for Being Late is a work of contemporary history that serves as a field manual for how to think about this era of accelerations and how we can anchor ourselves in the eye of this storm. It's also an argument for 'being late' - for pausing to appreciate this amazing historical epoch we're passing through and reflecting on its possibilities and dangers. Written with his trademark vitality, wit, and optimism, and with unequalled access to many of those at the forefront of the...

Objev podobné jako Thank You for Being Late: 'An Optimist''s Guide to Thriving in the Age of Accelerations' (0241301440)

cena 494.0 Kč

The Silence In Between - Josie Ferguson

The gripping historical debut about a family separated by the Berlin wall - perfect for fans of All the Light We Cannot See, In Memoriam and Alone in BerlinSHORTLISTED FOR THE WATERSTONES DEBUT FICTION PRIZE 2024SELECTED AS ONE OF INDEPENDENT'S BEST HISTORICAL FICTION OF THE YEAR 2024'A tautly plotted, deeply involving novel that packs a real emotional punch … I can't recommend this novel highly enough' Laura Barnett, author of The Versions of Us'A hauntingly beautiful exploration of love, family and societal unrest all set against the backdrop of the Berlin Wall' Glamour_____Imagine waking up and a wall has divided your city in two. Imagine that on the other side is your child... Lisette is in hospital with her baby boy. The doctors tell her to go home and get some rest, that he’ll be fine. When she awakes, everything has changed. Because overnight, on 13 August 1961, the border between East and West Berlin has closed, slicing the city - and the world - in two. Lisette is trapped in the east, while her newborn baby is unreachable in the west. With the streets in chaos and armed guards ordered to shoot anyone who tries to cross, her situation is desperate. Lisette's teenage daughter, Elly, has always struggled to understand the distance between herself and her mother. Both have lived for music, but while Elly hears notes surrounding every person she meets, for her mother - once a talented pianist - the music has gone silent. Perhaps Elly can do something to bridge the gap between them. What begins as the flicker of an idea turns into a daring plan to escape East Berlin, find her baby brother, and bring him home.... Based on true stories, The Silence in Between is a page-turning, emotional epic that will stay with you long after you finish reading. ______BOOKSELLER LOVE for THE SILENCE IN BETWEEN:‘Without a doubt one of the best books I have read this year… I can’t recommend this book enough’Abbey Rowlinson‘Absolutely heartbreaking and beautiful at the same time. A must-read’Dominika ‘A sublime story, told beautifully’Kurde, Horsham‘A truly compelling and moving novel with two incredible female characters I won’t forget in a hurry’Tilly Fitzgerald ‘Kind, thoughtful and poignant… an uplifting and hopeful story’Lauren‘A powerful and emotional book’Neil Challis, Windsor ‘A thought provoking, ultimately kind and beautifully researched debut’Beth, Chesterfield ‘I genuinely loved this – it’s definitely a stand out novel of 2024’Helen, Scarborough ‘A cracking debut from this talented new author’Jen Mackay, Windsor ‘This truly has the potential to be the next big story, so full of heart as it is!’Libby Low‘A powerful story of human resilience and family bonds’Emma Smith, Bedford ‘A beautiful but heart-breaking read from a wonderful new voice in historical fiction’Victoria, Aviemore ‘An excellent novel… a sensitive retelling of two critical and terrible periods of Berlin history’Sean Farrell‘An incredible book full of heartbreak, hope, unbreakable love… I don’t think this book will ever leave me. I will be recommending it to customers as a must read’Hayley Ralls, St Neots

Objev podobné jako The Silence In Between - Josie Ferguson

cena 502.0 Kč

Admiring Silence : By the winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature 2021 - Abdulrazak Gurnah

A dazzling tale of cultural identity and displacement, this is the story of a man's escape from his native Zanzibar to England to build a new life By the winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature 2021** He thinks, as he escapes from Zanzibar, that he will probably never return, and yet the dream of studying in England matters above that. Things do not happen quite as he imagined - the school where he teaches is cramped and violent, he forgets how it feels to belong. But there is Emma, beautiful, rebellious Emma, who turns away from her white, middle-class roots to offer him love and bear him a child. And in return he spins stories of his home and keeps her a secret from his family. Twenty years later, when the barriers at last come down in Zanzibar, he is able and compelled to go back. What he discovers there, in a story potent with truth, will change the entire vision of his life. Review I don't think I've ever read a novel that is so convincingly and hauntingly sad about the loss of home, the impossible longing to belong -- Michele Roberts-Independent on Sunday Abdulrazak Gurnah's fifth novel, Admiring Silence, is his best to date . There is a wonderful sardonic eloquence to this unnamed narrator's voice, and the playful humour and lack of self-pity which characterises his narrative is totally convincing- Financial Times Through a twisting, many-layered narrative, Admiring Silence explores themes of race and betrayal with bitterly satirical insight-Sunday Times 'There is a wonderful sardonic eloquence to this unnamed narrator's voice' Financial Times 'I don't think I've ever read a novel that is so convincingly and hauntingly sad about the loss of home' Independent on Sunday

Objev podobné jako Admiring Silence : By the winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature 2021 - Abdulrazak Gurnah

cena 268.0 Kč

The Age of Witches

'A MUST-READ FOR THOSE WHO LIKE MAGIC, LOVE AND A LITTLE BIT OF FEEL-GOOD FEMINISM IN THEIR HISTORICAL FICTION' Library Journal A young witch must choose between love and loyalty, power and ambition, in this magical novel set in Gilded Age New York and London.In 1692, Bridget Bishop was hanged as a witch. Two hundred years later, her legacy lives on in the scions of two very different lines: one dedicated to using their powers to heal and help women in need; the other, determined to grasp power for themselves.This clash will play out in the fate of Annis, a young woman in Gilded Age New York who finds herself a pawn in the family struggle for supremacy. She'll need to claim her own power to save herself - and resist succumbing to the darkness that threatens to overcome them all. 'An Austen-esque romance, a heart-racing mystery full of dangerous twists and an anxiety-inducing yet enthralling family feud, Louisa Morgan's The Age of Witches is anything but a traditional tale of good versus evil' BookPage 'Morgan's beautifully conjured tale of three women, social mores, and the sanctity of self-determination is thoroughly enthralling' Booklist '[A] robust tale of matriarchal magic in a lushly depicted Gilded Age New York . . . Readers will root for these powerful women as they struggle to overcome the social limitations of their time, whether through magic or force of personality' Publishers Weekly 'This is a book about witches, told from their perspective. As such, it's a lyrically and lovely written triumph about independent, unusual women' Book Riot

Objev podobné jako The Age of Witches

cena 360.0 Kč

Queens of the Age of Chivalry - Alison Weirová

The third volume of Alison Weir's magisterial history of the queens of medieval EnglandMedieval queens were seen as mere dynastic trophies, yet many of the Plantagenet queens of the High Middle Ages dramatically broke away from the restrictions imposed on their sex, as Alison Weir shows in this gripping group biography of England's fourteenth-century consorts.Using personal letters and wonderfully vivid sources, Alison Weir evokes the lives of five remarkable queens: Marguerite of France, Isabella of France, Philippa of Hainault, Anne of Bohemia and Isabella of Valois.The turbulent, brutal Age of Chivalry witnessed the Black Death, the Peasants' Revolt, the Hundred Years War against France and savage baronial wars against the monarchy in which these queens were passionately involved. Queens of the Age of Chivalry brilliantly recreates this truly dramatic period of history through the lives of five extraordinary women.

Objev podobné jako Queens of the Age of Chivalry - Alison Weirová

cena 399.0 Kč

The age of Innocence (9788853620293)

Kniha - anglicky Newland je v rozpakoch. Všetci muži uprene hľadeli smerom k miestu, kde sedela May s mamou a tetou. Nepoznal dámu v zvláštnych šatách a netušil, prečo boli všetci takí šokovaní, že ju vidia. Newland Archer, dedič jednej z najlepších newyorských rodín, chce riadne manželstvo, ako si to žiada newyorská spoločnosť V jeden večer spozná Mayinu sesternicu, grófku Ellen Olenskú. Táto exotická a krásna žena sa vrátila z Poľska do New Yorku po záhadnom škandále. Newland musí zvádzať boj medzi povinnosťou a záhadnosťou, medzi tradíciou a silou lásky. CEFR Level: B1

Objev podobné jako The age of Innocence (9788853620293)

cena 307.0 Kč

Coming of Age in the War on Terror - Abdel-Fattah Randa

We now have a generation - Muslim and non-Muslim - who has grown up only knowing a world at war on terror, and who has been socialised in a climate of widespread Islamophobia, surveillance and suspicion.In Coming of Age in the War on Terror, award-winning writer Randa Abdel-Fattah interrogates the impact of all this on young people's political consciousness and their trust towards adults and the societies they live in. Drawing on local interviews but global in scope, this book is the first to examine the lives of a generation for whom the rise of the far-right and the growing polarisation of politics seem normal. It's about time we hear what they have to say.'As one of Australia's most compelling cultural critics, Abdel-Fattah curates a precise and substantive account of the impact of 'terrorist discourse' on an entire generation. With heartbreaking pathos, she invites us into the minds and hearts of a generation of thoughtful and intelligent young Muslim and non-Muslim Australians from diverse social backgrounds. This ambitious project, comparable in its breadth to Ghassan Hage's seminal White Nation, is part cultural memoir, part empirical research essay and part historical record. Excoriating the hypocrisy of neoliberal social interventionist policies, Abdel-Fattah has given us a rich and important work, as moving in its sincerity as it is unprecedented in its scope.' - Daniel Nour, Books+Publishing'Randa Abdel-Fattah's compelling work reminds us that the way the global War on Terror has been prosecuted lands like blows across the backs of Muslim communities - it is in the everyday, the mundane, but also in the structures of state. The book should be praised for its depth and breadth of insights into Australia, as we see contemporary Islamophobia in the shade of the War on Terror revealed.' - Dr Asim Qureshi, Research Director, CAGE (UK) and author of A Virtue of Disobedience

Objev podobné jako Coming of Age in the War on Terror - Abdel-Fattah Randa

cena 805.0 Kč

The Silence of the Lambs (0312924585)

Kniha - autor Thomas Harris, 368 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá On the loose is a psychotic killer; locked away is a psychopathic madman. To catch one, the FBI needs the other . . . Just in time for the upcoming release of the major motion picture by Universal Studios of Harris's "Red Dragon, " the book that introduced Hannibal "the Cannibal" Lecter. Scheduled to open October 4, 2002, the film stars Edward Norton, Ralph Fiennes, and Sir Anthony Hopkins as Dr. Lecter.

Objev podobné jako The Silence of the Lambs (0312924585)

cena 263.0 Kč

The Silence of the Girls (0241983207)

Kniha - autor Pat Barker, 336 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Queen Briseis has been stolen from her conquered homeland and given as a concubine to a foreign warrior. The warrior is Achilles: famed hero, loathed enemy, ruthless butcher, darkly troubled spirit. Briseis's fate is now indivisibly entwined with his. No one knows it yet, but there are just ten weeks to go until the Fall of Troy, the end of this long and bitter war. This is the start of The Iliad: the most famous war story ever told. The next ten weeks will be a story of male power, male ego, male violence. But what of the women? The thousands of female slaves in the soldiers' camp - in the laundry, at the loom, laying out the dead? Briseis is one of their number - and she will be our witness to history.

Objev podobné jako The Silence of the Girls (0241983207)

cena 262.0 Kč

Chronicles of Whetherwhy: The Age of Enchantment - Anna James

First in a brand-new fantasy series from acclaimed author Anna James, filled with seasonal magic and irresistible adventure‘A magical world full of wonder!’ Katie Tsang‘A triumph of imagination and storytelling’ A. F. Steadman‘Crackling with enchanting magic’ Kieran LarwoodIn Whetherwhy, everyone has magic inside them – grown from the changing seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter. But a rare few are Enchanters: people born with magic in their bones, who can wield all four seasons of magic.When Juniper discovers she is an Enchanter, she is invited to study at Thistledown Academy. Unwilling to be left behind, her twin brother, Rafferty, follows her to the capital city of Stormgrove and takes up an apprenticeship at a bookbindery.As Juniper learns to wield enchantment, Rafferty becomes involved with a mysterious secret society that meets after dark. Monsters are creeping out of the shadows and dangers lurk in unexpected places. Amid night markets and magic lessons, the twins realise there is more to enchantment than they ever imagined – and the adventure that follows brings their paths together again in ways they could never have expected …

Objev podobné jako Chronicles of Whetherwhy: The Age of Enchantment - Anna James

cena 443.0 Kč

The Age of Innocence - Edith Whartonová

Edith Wharton's Pulitzer Prize-winning novel, The Age of Innocence, is both a poignant story of frustrated love and an extraordinarily vivid, delightfully satirical record of a vanished world. Part of the Macmillan Collector's Library; a series of stunning, clothbound, pocket sized classics with gold foiled edges and ribbon markers. These beautiful books make perfect gifts or a treat for any book lover. This edition features an introduction by award-winning novelist, Rachel Cusk. As the scion of one of New York's leading families, Newland Archer has been born into a life of sumptuous privilege and strict duty. But the arrival of the Countess Olenska, a free spirit who breathes clouds of European sophistication, makes him question the path on which his upbringing has set him. As his fascination with her grows, he discovers just how hard it is to escape the bonds of the society that has shaped him.

Objev podobné jako The Age of Innocence - Edith Whartonová

cena 329.0 Kč

The Devil Never Sleeps : Learning to Live in an Age of Disasters - Kayyem Juliette

The future may still be unpredictable, but nowadays, disasters are not. We live in a time of constant, consistent catastrophe, where things more often go wrong than they go right. So why do we still fumble when disaster hits? Why are we always one step behind?In The Devil Never Sleeps, Juliette Kayyem lays the groundwork for a new approach to dealing with disasters.Presenting the basic themes of crisis management, Kayyem amends the principles we rely on far too easily. Instead, she offers us a new framework to anticipate the "devil's" inevitable return, highlighting the leadership deficiencies we need to overcome and the forward thinking we need to harness. It's no longer about preventing a disaster from occurring, but learning how to use the tools at our disposal to minimize the consequences when it does.Filled with personal anecdotes and real-life examples from natural disasters like the California wildfires to man-made ones like the Boeing 737 MAX crisis, The Devil Never Sleeps is a guide for governments, businesses, and individuals alike on how to alter our thinking so that we can develop effective strategies in the face of perpetual catastrophe.

Objev podobné jako The Devil Never Sleeps : Learning to Live in an Age of Disasters - Kayyem Juliette

cena 626.0 Kč

The Silence of the Girls - Pat Barkerová

Shorlisted for the Women's Prize for Fiction and the Costa Novel Award Booker-winning novelist Pat Barker imagines the untold story of the women at the heart of history's greatest epic 'Magnificent... You are in the hands of a writer at the height of her powers' Evening Standard 'Chilling, powerful, audacious... A searing twist on The Iliad. Amid the recent slew of rewritings of the great Greek myths and classics, Barker's stands out for its forcefulness of purpose and earthy compassion' The Times 'A stunning return to form' Observer When the Greek Queen Helen is kidnapped by Trojans, the Greeks sail in pursuit, besieging the city of Troy. Trapped in the Greek soldiers' camp is another captured queen, Briseis. Condemned to be bed-slave to Achilles, the man who butchered her family, she becomes a pawn in a menacing game between bored and frustrated warriors. In the centuries after this most famous war, history will write her off, a footnote in a bloody story scripted by vengeful men - but Briseis has a very different tale to tell . . .

Objev podobné jako The Silence of the Girls - Pat Barkerová

cena 241.0 Kč

The Wisdom of Crowds: The Riotous Conclusion to The Age of Madness (0575095989)

Kniha - autor Joe Abercrombie, 528 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Concluding the AGE OF MADNESS trilogy, THE WISDOM OF CROWDS brings the series which is revolutionising fantasy to its stunning conclusion. . . Chaos. Fury. Destruction. The Great Change is upon us . . . Some say that to change the world you must first burn it down. Now that belief will be tested in the crucible of revolution: the Breakers and Burners have seized the levers of power, the smoke of riots has replaced the smog of industry, and all must submit to the wisdom of crowds. With nothing left to lose, Citizen Brock is determined to become a new hero for the new age, while Citizeness Savine must turn her talents from profit to survival before she can claw her way to redemption. Orso will find that when the world is turned upside down, no one is lower than a monarch. And in the bloody North, Rikke and her fragile Protectorate are running out of allies . . . while Black Calder...

Objev podobné jako The Wisdom of Crowds: The Riotous Conclusion to The Age of Madness (0575095989)

cena 272.0 Kč

The Age of Innocence (Collins Classics) - Edith Whartonová

'I want – I want somehow to get away with you into a world where words like that – categories like that – won't exist. Where we shall be simply two human beings who love each other, who are the whole of life to each other; and nothing else on earth will matter.’ Newland Archer, a successful and charming young lawyer conducts himself by the rules and standards of the polite, upper class New York society that he resides in. Happily engaged to the pretty and conventional May Welland, his attachment guarantees his place in this rigid world of the elite. However, the arrival of May’s cousin, the exotic and beautiful European Countess Olenska throws Newland’s life upside down. A divorcee, Olenska is ostracised by those around her, yet Newland is fiercely drawn to her wit, determination and willingness to flout convention. With the Countess, Newland is freed from the limitations that surround him and truly begins to ‘feel’ for the first time. Wharton’s subtle exposé of the manners and etiquette of 1870s New York society is both comedic, subtle, satirical and cynical in style and paints an evocative picture of a man torn between his passion and his obligation.

Objev podobné jako The Age of Innocence (Collins Classics) - Edith Whartonová

cena 99.0 Kč

Silence of the Lambs - Thomas Harris

An FBI trainee. A psychopath locked up for unspeakable crimes. And a serial killer getting ever closer to his latest victim... FBI rookie Clarice Starling turns to Dr Hannibal Lecter, monster cannibal held in a hospital for the criminally insane, for insight into the deadly madman she must find.

Objev podobné jako Silence of the Lambs - Thomas Harris

cena 268.0 Kč

Queens Of The Stone Age - In Times New Roman... (2 LP)

Barva podle výrobce: Black Žánr: Rock Vydavatelství: Matador Balení obsahuje: LP Dekáda interpreta: 2000 - 2009;2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019;1990 - 1999 Složení setu: 2 ks Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Barva: Černá Země původu: Německo Typ: Album;LP deska Země interpreta: USA Datum vydání: 2023-06-16 Subžánr: Alternative Rock;Stoner Rock Varianta: In Times New Roman... (2 LP) Interpret / Téma: Queens Of The Stone Age Rok vydání: 2023.0

Objev podobné jako Queens Of The Stone Age - In Times New Roman... (2 LP)

cena 703.95 Kč

Chuck Prophet - The Age Of Miracles (Pink Marble Vinyl) (LP)

Varianta: The Age Of Miracles (Pink Marble Vinyl) (LP) Rok vydání: 2022.0 Subžánr: Country Rock;Alternative Rock Vydavatelství: New West Records Žánr: Country;Rock Datum vydání: 2022-04-23 Interpret / Téma: Chuck Prophet Typ: Nové vydání;Album;Limitovaná edice;LP deska;Barevná Dekáda interpreta: 2020 - 2029;2000 - 2009;1990 - 1999;2010 - 2019;1980 - 1989 Země původu: Německo Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Země interpreta: USA Balení obsahuje: LP Složení setu: 1 ks Barva podle výrobce: Pink Marble Barva: Růžová

Objev podobné jako Chuck Prophet - The Age Of Miracles (Pink Marble Vinyl) (LP)

cena 926.0 Kč

The Everything Store: Jeff Bezos and the Age of Amazon (0316377554)

Kniha - autor Brad Stone, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The definitive story of Amazon.com, one of the most successful companies in the world, and of its driven, brilliant founder, Jeff Bezos. Amazon.com started off delivering books through the mail. But its visionary founder, Jeff Bezos, wasn't content with being a bookseller. He wanted Amazon to become the everything store, offering limitless selection and seductive convenience at disruptively low prices. To do so, he developed a corporate culture of relentless ambition and secrecy that's never been cracked. Until now. Brad Stone enjoyed unprecedented access to current and former Amazon employees and Bezos family members, giving readers the first in-depth, fly-on-the-wall account of life at Amazon. Compared to tech's other elite innovators--Jobs, Gates, Zuckerberg--Bezos is a private man. But he stands out for his restless pursuit of new markets, leading Amazon into risky new ventures like the Kindle...

Objev podobné jako The Everything Store: Jeff Bezos and the Age of Amazon (0316377554)

cena 259.0 Kč

The Sharp Edge of Silence - Cameron Kelly Rosenblum

Students at Lycroft Phelps are marked for success.As a straight-A student and girlfriend of the school's star rower, Charlotte believes in what the school has to offer. Meanwhile, scholarship student Max is struggling. Until he's asked to join the rowing team offering him popularity - but at what cost? Then there's Quinn, a sixth-generation legacy student, who should be able to lay claim to the school in a way others can't. Who instead must watch the boy who assaulted her continue to play at the top of the school's food chain. Only in the dead of night does Q realize the solution to her suffering: Colin Pearce must die.But Lycroft Phelps has more than one dark secret at its heart, and as the three students uncover just how far the school will go to keep those ugly truths hidden, there's a lot more than reputation at stake...A tense and timely thriller with a revenge plot that'll have you on the edge of your seat. Perfect for fans of Kathleen Glasgow, Chelsea Pitcher and Louise O'Neill.

Objev podobné jako The Sharp Edge of Silence - Cameron Kelly Rosenblum

cena 250.0 Kč

Queens Of The Stone Age - In Times New Roman... (Silver Coloured) (2 LP)

Složení setu: 2 ks Dekáda interpreta: 2000 - 2009;1990 - 1999;2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019 Barva: Stříbrná Země interpreta: USA Vydavatelství: Matador Typ: LP deska;Barevná;Limitovaná edice;Album Země původu: Německo Žánr: Rock Barva podle výrobce: Silver Balení obsahuje: LP Interpret / Téma: Queens Of The Stone Age Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Datum vydání: 2023-06-16 Rok vydání: 2023.0 Varianta: In Times New Roman... (Silver Coloured) (2 LP) Subžánr: Stoner Rock;Alternative Rock

Objev podobné jako Queens Of The Stone Age - In Times New Roman... (Silver Coloured) (2 LP)

cena 702.9 Kč

The Age of AI: And Our Human Future - Eric Schmidt, Daniel Huttenlocher

Three of our most accomplished and deep thinkers come together to explore Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the way it is transforming human society - and what it means for us all. An AI learned to win chess by making moves human grand masters had never conceived. Another AI discovered a new antibiotic by analysing molecular properties human scientists did not understand.Now, AI-powered jets are defeating experienced human pilots in simulated dogfights. AI is coming online in searching, streaming, medicine, education, and many other fields and, in so doing, transforming how humans are experiencing reality. In The Age of AI, three leading thinkers have come together to consider how AI will change our relationships with knowledge, politics, and the societies in which we live.The Age of AI is an essential roadmap to our present and our future, an era unlike any that has come before.

Objev podobné jako The Age of AI: And Our Human Future - Eric Schmidt, Daniel Huttenlocher

cena 325.0 Kč

Jean-Michel Jarre Electronica 2: The Heart of Noise (2 LP)

Balení obsahuje: LP Hmotnost: 180 g Typ: Album;LP deska Žánr: Trance;Elektronický;Rock Rok nahrávky: 2016.0 Země interpreta: Francie Subžánr: Experimental;Techno;Synth-pop;Ambient;New Age;Progressive Rock;Trance;Elektronický;Abstraktní Složení setu: 2 ks Vydavatelství: Sin Uk;Aero Productions;Sony Music Rok vydání: 2016.0 Interpret / Téma: Jean-Michel Jarre Datum vydání: 2016-06-05 Barva podle výrobce: Black Barva: Černá Dekáda interpreta: 2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019;1970 - 1979;1990 - 1999;1980 - 1989;2000 - 2009 Země původu: Evropská unie;Německo Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Varianta: Electronica 2: The Heart of Noise (2 LP)

Objev podobné jako Jean-Michel Jarre Electronica 2: The Heart of Noise (2 LP)

cena 743.0 Kč

Patagonia Yosemite in the Fifties: The Iron Age

Patagonia Yosemite in the Fifties: The Iron Age – kniha popisující slovy tehdejších horolezců a uměleckými fotografiemi první výstupy na stěny Yosemitů a seznamuje s legendami, které riskovaly své životy aby je zdolaly.

Objev podobné jako Patagonia Yosemite in the Fifties: The Iron Age

cena 1260.0 Kč

Soled Out: The Golden Age of Sneaker Advertising

'A veritable tome of sneaker history...backed by nearly a decade of research and discovery.' - Hypebeast A riotous, 720-page celebration of sneaker culture and sporting legends, as told through the medium of vintage print advertising More than a decade in the making, Soled Out is the definitive - and only - collection of sneaker advertisements from the footwear industry's golden age. Lovingly written and compiled by Simon 'Woody' Wood, founder of the legendary Sneaker Freaker magazine and author of The Ultimate Sneaker Book, this colossal volume combines nearly 900 vintage images with a punchy narrative full of insider stories and historical revelations. Featuring the biggest brands, classic sneaker models, superstar athletes, and pop culture icons - from Adidas, New Balance, and Puma, to Asics, Pony, and Pro-Keds; the Nike Air Max and Converse All Star to New Balance 990 and Reebok Pump; Andre Agassi and Michael Jordan to Paula Abdul and MC Hammer - every page is laced with incredible graphics and unforgettable advertising slogans. Sit back and enjoy the spectacular scenery ahead as Soled Out powers through a 720-page marathon celebration of the rubber, leather, and mesh we wear on our feet.

Objev podobné jako Soled Out: The Golden Age of Sneaker Advertising

cena 1602.0 Kč

The Golden Age of Children's TV - Tim Worthington

A complete overview of an extraordinary and hugely varied creative era in the history of television combined with deep-dives behind the scenes of key programmes. All examined in the context of the social and political times that both influenced the programmes and which they sought to give children protection from.Divided into twelve chapters covering such areas as: Saturday and Sunday Morning TV, Pre-School, Dramas, Factual Shows, Game shows and cult shows from Europe as well as chapters on key creators such as Oliver Postage and Gerry Anderson.Chapters will provide an overview over their subject as well as a detailed look into the history and behind-the scenes stories of key programmes, such as: Thunderbirds, The Clangers, Blue Peter and Magpie, Camberwick Green, The Singing Ringing Tree and The Magic Roundabout.Written with affection but also with a wry appreciation of the shortcomings this is a lively and complete history of a hugely influential part of pop culture; a culture of shared watching before video, streaming and the internet diffused the audience.

Objev podobné jako The Golden Age of Children's TV - Tim Worthington

cena 650.0 Kč

Queens Of The Stone Age - In Times New Roman... (Blue Transparent Coloured) (2 LP)

Typ: Album;7" vinylová deska;LP deska;Limitovaná edice;Barevná Barva podle výrobce: Blue Transparent Subžánr: Stoner Rock;Alternative Rock Varianta: In Times New Roman... (Blue Transparent Coloured) (2 LP) Balení obsahuje: LP;7" Vinyl Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Interpret / Téma: Queens Of The Stone Age Rok vydání: 2023.0 Datum vydání: 2023-06-16 Barva: Modrá;Průhledná Složení setu: 2 ks Vydavatelství: Matador Dekáda interpreta: 1990 - 1999;2000 - 2009;2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019 Země interpreta: USA Země původu: Německo Žánr: Rock

Objev podobné jako Queens Of The Stone Age - In Times New Roman... (Blue Transparent Coloured) (2 LP)

cena 786.0 Kč

The Weeknd - Echoes Of Silence (Mixtape) (Reissue) (2 LP)

Barva podle výrobce: Black Složení setu: 2 ks Typ: LP deska;Mixtape;Album;Nové vydání Subžánr: Pop;R&B Rok vydání: 2015.0 Datum vydání: 2015-08-28 Vydavatelství: Republic Records Interpret / Téma: The Weeknd Žánr: R&B Varianta: Echoes Of Silence (Mixtape) (Reissue) (2 LP) Barva: Černá Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Balení obsahuje: LP

Objev podobné jako The Weeknd - Echoes Of Silence (Mixtape) (Reissue) (2 LP)

cena 1152.0 Kč

The Wisdom of Insecurity: A Message for an Age of Anxiety (0307741206)

Kniha - autor Alan Watts, 160 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Drawing from Eastern philosophy and religion, Watts argues that it is only by acknowledging what we do not and cannot know that we can find something truly worth knowing. In order to lead a fulfilling life, one must embrace the present--live fully in the now.

Objev podobné jako The Wisdom of Insecurity: A Message for an Age of Anxiety (0307741206)

cena 370.0 Kč

Age of the City - Ian Goldin, Tom Lee-Devlin

One of the Financial Times' Best Economics Books of 2023Visionary Oxford professor Ian Goldin and The Economist's Tom Lee-Devlin show why the city is where the battles of inequality, social division, pandemics and climate change must be faced. From centres of antiquity like Athens or Rome to modern metropolises like New York or Shanghai, cities throughout history have been the engines of human progress and the epicentres of our greatest achievements. Now, for the first time, more than half of humanity lives in cities, a share that continues to rise.In the developing world, cities are growing at a rate never seen before. In this book, Professor Goldin and Tom Lee-Devlin show why making our societies fairer, more cohesive and sustainable must start with our cities. Globalization and technological change have concentrated wealth into a small number of booming metropolises, leaving many smaller cities and towns behind and feeding populist resentment.Yet even within seemingly thriving cities like London or San Francisco, the gap between the haves and have-nots continues to widen and our retreat into online worlds tears away at our social fabric. Meanwhile, pandemics and climate change pose existential threats to our increasingly urban world. Professor Goldin and Tom Lee-Devlin combine the lessons of history with a deep understanding of the challenges confronting our world today to show why cities are at a crossroads – and hold our destinies in the balance.

Objev podobné jako Age of the City - Ian Goldin, Tom Lee-Devlin

cena 384.0 Kč

Beloved Beasts. Fighting for Life in an Age of Extinction

In the late nineteenth century, humans came at long last to a devastating realisation: their rapidly industrialising and globalising societies were driving scores of animal species to extinction. In Beloved Beasts, acclaimed science journalist Michelle Nijhuis traces the history of the movement to protect and conserve other forms of life. From early battles to save charismatic species such as the American bison and bald eagle to today's global effort to defend life on a larger scale, Nijhuis's "spirited and engaging" account documents "the changes of heart that changed history" (Dan Cryer, Boston Globe).With "urgency, passion, and wit" (Michael Berry, Christian Science Monitor), she describes the vital role of scientists and activists such as Aldo Leopold and Rachel Carson, reveals the origins of vital organisations like the Audubon Society and the World Wildlife Fund, explores current efforts to protect species such as the whooping crane and the black rhinoceros and confronts the darker side of modern conservation, long shadowed by racism and colonialism. As the destruction of other species continues and the effects of climate change wreak havoc on our world, Beloved Beasts charts the ways conservation is becoming a movement for the protection of all species including our own.

Objev podobné jako Beloved Beasts. Fighting for Life in an Age of Extinction

cena 399.0 Kč

Zimerman Krystian, Simon Rattle: Symfonie č. 2 - The Age of Anxiety (Edice 2018) - CD (4835539)

Hudební CD - „The Age of Anxiety - symfonie č. 2 (podle W. H. Audena), pro klavír a orchestr, 1949” Skladatel: Leonard Bernstein „The Age of Anxiety - symfonie č. 2 (podle W. H. Audena), pro klavír a orchestr, 1949” Leonard Bernstein (25. srpna 1918, Lawrence, Massachusetts, USA - 14. října 1990) byl americký dirigent, hudební skladatel, klavírista, pedagog, hudební popularizátor a televizní hvězda. Seznam stop CD Leonard Bernstein on „The Age of Anxiety” - Interview by Humphrey Burton / Lento moderato () / Variation 1. L'istesso tempo () / Variation 2. Poco pi? mosso () / Variation 3. Largamente, ma mosso () / Variation 4. Pi? mosso () / Variation 5. Agitato () / Variation 6. Poco meno mosso () / Variation 7. L'istesso tempo () / Variation 8. Molto moderato, ma movendo () / Variation 9. Pi? mosso. Tempo di Valse () / Variation 10. Pi? mosso () / Variation 11. L'istesso tempo () / Variation 12. Poco pi? vivace () / Variation 13:...

Objev podobné jako Zimerman Krystian, Simon Rattle: Symfonie č. 2 - The Age of Anxiety (Edice 2018) - CD (4835539)

cena 409.0 Kč

The Fall of Numenor: and Other Tales from the Second Age of Middle-earth - J. R. R. Tolkien

Darkness Will Bind Them… watch The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power season 2 on Prime Video J.R.R. Tolkien’s writings on the Second Age of Middle-earth, collected for the first time in one volume. Guided by the Dark Lord Sauron, the Elves of Eregion forge the Rings of Power.Yet in secret he has begun building the Barad-dûr in Mordor, and here, in the fires of Mount Doom, he makes the One Ring. Seeking to rule Middle-earth, Sauron begins to wage terrible war upon them. On the island-kingdom of Númenor, the Men of the West become mighty, building great ships to increase their influence throughout Middle-earth.But as their power grows, the seed of their downfall is sown. Only by uniting in alliance with the Elves can they hope to overcome Sauron. Adhering to ‘The Tale of Years’ timeline in The Lord of the Rings, Brian Sibley assembles a new chronicle of Middle-earth, a tragic tale of pride, envy and downfall told substantially in the words of J.R.R.Tolkien from the various published texts originally edited by Christopher Tolkien, and illustrated with pencil drawings by Alan Lee.

Objev podobné jako The Fall of Numenor: and Other Tales from the Second Age of Middle-earth - J. R. R. Tolkien

cena 295.0 Kč

Age of Extremes 1914 - 1991: The Short Twentieth Century (0349106711)

Kniha - autor Eric Hobsbawm, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - autor Eric Hobsbawm, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Paperback edition of this bestselling history of the twentieth century. The book is divided into three main sections; The Age of Catastrophe, The Golden Age and The Landslide. Largely based on personal experience, this is a highly readable and stimulating reassessment of this century. "A masterpiece" >Guardian

Objev podobné jako Age of Extremes 1914 - 1991: The Short Twentieth Century (0349106711)

cena 409.0 Kč

Crazy P - Age Of The Ego (Remix Ep1) (12" Vinyl)

Interpret / Téma: Crazy P Varianta: Age Of The Ego (Remix Ep1) (12" Vinyl) Vydavatelství: Walk Don't Walk Ltd Datum vydání: 2022-07-15 Subžánr: Nu-Disco;House Rok vydání: 2022.0 Země původu: Německo Země interpreta: Spojené království Dekáda interpreta: 2020 - 2029;2000 - 2009;1990 - 1999;2010 - 2019 Složení setu: 1 ks Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Balení obsahuje: 12" vinylová deska Barva podle výrobce: Black Žánr: Elektronický Typ: 12" vinylová deska Barva: Černá

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cena 462.65 Kč

Crazy P - Age Of The Ego (Remix Ep2) (12" Vinyl)

Barva: Černá Žánr: Elektronický Země interpreta: Spojené království Balení obsahuje: 12" vinylová deska Typ: 12" vinylová deska Dekáda interpreta: 2010 - 2019;2000 - 2009;2020 - 2029;1990 - 1999 Země původu: Německo Složení setu: 1 ks Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Barva podle výrobce: Black Subžánr: House;Nu-Disco Datum vydání: 2022-07-15 Rok vydání: 2022.0 Vydavatelství: Walk Don't Walk Ltd Interpret / Téma: Crazy P Varianta: Age Of The Ego (Remix Ep2) (12" Vinyl)

Objev podobné jako Crazy P - Age Of The Ego (Remix Ep2) (12" Vinyl)

cena 463.6 Kč

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