Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
Seven Brief Lessons on Physics - Carlo Rovelli
THE PHENOMENAL BESTSELLER 'There's a book I've been carrying around like a small Bible, Seven Brief Lessons on Physics' - Benedict Cumberbatch Everything you need to know about modern physics, the universe and our place in the world in seven enlightening lessons 'Here, on the edge of what we know, in contact with the ocean of the unknown, shines the mystery and the beauty of the world. And it's breathtaking' These seven short lessons guide us, with simplicity and clarity, through the scientific revolution that shook physics in the twentieth century and still continues to shake us today. In this mind-bending introduction to modern physics, Carlo Rovelli explains Einstein's theory of general relativity, quantum mechanics, black holes, the complex architecture of the universe, elementary particles, gravity, and the nature of the mind. Not since Richard Feynman's celebrated Six Easy Pieces has physics been so vividly, intelligently and entertainingly revealed. Translated by Simon Carnell and Erica Segre
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Kniha - autor Carlo Rovelli, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná A mind-bending introduction to modern physics in seven entertaining lessons. Explains Einstein's theory of general relativity, quantum mechanics, black holes, the complex architecture of the universe, elementary particles, gravity and the nature of the mind. This topped the bestseller charts in Italy for months. Now in paperback.
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Helgoland : The Strange and Beautiful Story of Quantum Physics - Carlo Rovelli
The instant Sunday Times bestseller -- a beautiful story of rebellion and science''A triumph. . . We are left in a world that is not disenchanted by science, but even more magical'' Financial TimesIn June 1925, twenty-three-year-old Werner Heisenberg, suffering from hay fever, had retreated to the treeless, wind-battered island of Helgoland in the North Sea in order to think. Walking all night, by dawn he had wrestled with an idea that would transform the whole of science and our very conception of the world.In Helgoland Carlo Rovelli tells the story of the birth of quantum physics and its bright young founders who were to become some of the most famous Nobel winners in science. It is a celebration of youthful rebellion and intellectual revolution. An invitation to a magical place.Here Rovelli illuminates competing interpretations of this science and offers his own original view, describing the world we touch as a fabric woven by relations. Where we, as every other thing around us, exist in our interactions with one another, in a never-ending game of mirrors.A dazzling work from a celebrated scientist and master storyteller, Helgoland transports us to dizzying heights, reminding us of the many pleasures of the life of the mind.Translated by Erica Segre and Simon CarnellChosen as a Book of the Year by The Times, Financial Times, Sunday Times, Guardian and ProspectShortlisted for the Nayef Al-Rodhan Prize
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White Holes - Carlo Rovelli
From Carlo Rovelli, the bestselling author of Seven Brief Lessons on Physics, this is a story of wonder, new worlds and why the end is just the beginningLet us journey into the heart of a black hole. Let us slip beyond its boundary, the horizon, and tumble - on and on - down this crack in the universe. As we plunge, we'll see geometry fold, we'll feel the equations draw tight around us.Eventually, we'll pass it: the remains of a star, deep and dense and falling further far. And then - the bottom. Where time and space end, and the white hole is born .. . With lightness and magic, here Carlo Rovelli traces the ongoing adventure of his own cutting-edge research, of the uncertainty and joy of going where we've not yet been.Guiding us to the edge of theory and experiment, he invites us to go beyond, to experience the fever and the disquiet of science. Here is the extraordinary life of a white hole.
Objev podobné jako White Holes - Carlo Rovelli
Helgoland - Carlo Rovelli
Prekvapujúco objavný pohľad na kvantovú teóriuČo je kvantová fyzika, ako ju objavili a čo vypovedá o nás? Odpoveď na tieto otázky formuluje Carlo Rovelli s preňho typickou filozofickou a kultúrnou hĺbkou, pričom jeho texty zostávajú jasné, výstižné a často priam lyrické.Začína opisom zrodu kvantovej fyziky na fascinujúcom ostrove bez stromov Helgoland v Severnom mori, kde sa mladý Werner Heisenberg liečil zo sennej nádchy. Práve tam prvý raz zazrel za klasickou mechanikou neobyčajné a prekrásne vnútro reality. V Rovelliho rozprávaní ožívajú géniovia svojej doby, približuje nám ich zvláštne pokusy, cez ktoré sa snažili pochopiť kvantovú teóriu, a objasňuje, prečo uznáva interpretáciu reality založenú na vzájomných interakciách a vzťahoch. Pokúša sa vysvetliť význam a vplyv tejto novej vízie sveta na filozofiu aj na chápanie seba samého. Sám hovorí:„Pochopenie, že neexistujeme ako autonómne subjekty, nám pomáha oslobodiť sa od pripútania a utrpenia. Práve pre svoju nestálosť, pre absenciu každého Absolútna má život zmysel a je drahocenný... sme len obrazmi obrazov. Realita vrátane nás samých je iba slabým a krehkým závojom, za ktorým... niet ničoho.“
Objev podobné jako Helgoland - Carlo Rovelli
Helgoland - Carlo Rovelli
Známý soudobý teoretický fyzik Carlo Rovelli, jeden z tvůrců smyčkové kvantové gravitace, ale také vynikající spisovatel, se v této knize zabývá okolnostmi vzniku kvantové mechaniky, snad nejpozoruhodnější fyzikální teorie všech dob. Nejprve elegantně líčí její zrod v díle Heisenberga a Schrödingera a popisuje hlavní podivnosti teorie. Následuje líčení, jak se s nimi různí fyzikové pokusili vypořádat: zavedli kvůli nim paralelní vesmíry, skryté fyzikální proměnné anebo postulovali kolaps měření. Ani s jedním z těchto bizarních řešení se Rovelli neztotožňuje a předkládá čtenáři zajímavou a přirozenou variantu, takzvanou relační interpretaci kvantové teorie. A jak už je Rovelliho dobrým zvykem, jedná se o napínavé, poučné, a přitom obecně srozumitelné čtení.
Objev podobné jako Helgoland - Carlo Rovelli
Řád času - Carlo Rovelli
Autor, přední teoretický fyzik, spolutvůrce smyčkové kvantové gravitace, ale také výtečný spisovatel, se ve své nejnovější knize zabývá tajemstvím času, možná vůbec největší záhadou světa. V první části srozumitelným způsobem shrnuje, co o čase zjistila moderní fyzika. Vysvětluje, že fyzikální čas vůbec není unikátní, všude stejný a stejně plynoucí, dokonce není ani spojitý, a na kvantové úrovni se úplně vytrácí. Do tohoto podivuhodného světa zbaveného vší časovosti nás Rovelli zavádí ve druhé části knihy, aby nás ve třetí části své dobrodružné výpravy dovedl zpátky k nám, k lidským bytostem. Je totiž nutné vysvětlit, odkud se vlastně bere náš intenzivní pocit plynoucího času. Během pátrání po pachateli Rovelli přichází s odvážnou myšlenkou, totiž že pachatelem může být sám detektiv. Neboť tajemství času možná ve své podstatě netkví v základech v kosmu, ale v nás samotných.
Objev podobné jako Řád času - Carlo Rovelli
Biele diery - Carlo Rovelli
Dostávame sa k horizontu čiernej diery, vstupujeme do nej, pozvoľna zostupujeme nadol k jej dnu, tam, kde sa čas a priestor rozpúšťajú. Pokračujeme ďalej, až saocitneme v bielej diere, kde je čas obrátený naruby, a odtiaľ sa vydáme...do budúcnosti.Vydajme sa spolu so svetoznámym fyzikom Carlom Rovellim do srdca čiernej diery. Stratíme sa za jej horizontom a padáme trhlinou do hlbín vesmíru. Geometria sa mení. Čas a priestor sa zvláštne rozpínajú a zmršťujú, až sa nakoniec úplne rozplynú v jadre čiernej diery a zrodí sa biela diera.Rovelli zasvätil svoju kariéru analýze myšlienok deformujúcich sa v čase všeobecnej relativity a skúmaniu mätúcich neistôt kvantovej mechaniky. VBielych dierachčitateľovi bez ostychu odhaľuje myseľ vedca počas práce. Pozorne sleduje svoj napínavý výskum a uvažuje, či by sa všetky čierne diery mohli raz zmeniť na diery biele.Rovnako pútavo píše o práci vedca aj o zázrakoch vesmíru. Delí sa s nami o strach, neistotu a časté sklamanie zo skúmaných hypotéz a neznámych svetov, ale aj o radosť z nových myšlienok smerujúcich k nečakaným záverom. Pozýva nás zažiť horúčku vedeckého bádania a povedie nás až k ďalekým horizontom... kde zažijeme na vlastnej koži zvláštny a prekvapivý život bielej diery.
Objev podobné jako Biele diery - Carlo Rovelli
Helgoland - Carlo Rovelli - e-kniha
eBook: Známý soudobý teoretický fyzik a nadšený popularizátor vědy Carlo Rovelli se ve své knize zaměřuje na zrod a interpretaci snad nejpozoruhodnější fyzikální teorie všech dob - kvantové mechaniky. Její základy položil Werner Heisenberg na odloučeném ostrově Helgoland v polovině 20. let minulého století a poznatky teorie se dodnes vymykají našim zažitým představám o fungování fyzikálního světa. Vědci se snažili vypořádat s podivuhodností kvantové mechaniky různými způsoby, například zaváděním nekonečného množství paralelních vesmírů, skrytých proměnných nebo předpovídáním dosud nepozorovaných fyzikálních mechanismů. Ani s jedním z těchto řešení se však Rovelli neztotožňuje a tvrdí, že k pochopení teorie je nutné opustit myšlenkové mantinely klasické fyziky a zásadně proměnit způsob, jakým nahlížíme na realitu a naše místo v ní. Rovelli znovu dokazuje, že dokáže poutavě, napínavě a srozumitelně líčit složitá témata pohybující se na pomezí fyziky a filozofie.Vychází ve spolupráci s nakladatelstvím Argo.
Objev podobné jako Helgoland - Carlo Rovelli - e-kniha
The Order of Time - Carlo Rovelli
Time is a mystery that does not cease to puzzle us. Philosophers, artists and poets have long explored its meaning while scientists have found that its structure is different from the simple intuition we have of it. From Boltzmann to quantum theory, from Einstein to loop quantum gravity, our understanding of time has been undergoing radical transformations. Time flows at a different speed in different places, the past and the future differ far less than we might think, and the very notion of the present evaporates in the vast universe. With his extraordinary charm and sense of wonder, bringing together science, art and philosophy, Carlo Rovelli unravels this mystery, inviting us to imagine a world where time is in us and we are not in time.
Objev podobné jako The Order of Time - Carlo Rovelli
Řád času - Carlo Rovelli - e-kniha
eBook: Carlo Rovelli, přední teoretický fyzik, spolutvůrce smyčkové kvantové gravitace, ale také výtečný spisovatel, se ve své nejnovější knize zabývá tajemstvím času, možná vůbec největší záhadou světa. V první části srozumitelným způsobem shrnuje, co o čase zjistila moderní fyzika. Vysvětluje, že fyzikální čas vůbec není unikátní, všude stejný a stejně plynoucí, dokonce není ani spojitý, a na kvantové úrovni se úplně vytrácí. Do tohoto podivuhodného světa zbaveného vší časovosti nás Rovelli zavádí ve druhé části knihy, aby nás ve třetí části své dobrodružné výpravy dovedl zpátky k nám, k lidským bytostem. Je totiž nutné vysvětlit, odkud se vlastně bere náš intenzivní pocit plynoucího času. Protože tajemství času možná ve své podstatě netkví v základech v kosmu, ale v nás samotných.Vychází ve spolupráci s nakladatelstvím Argo.
Objev podobné jako Řád času - Carlo Rovelli - e-kniha
Sedm krátkých přednášek z fyziky - Carlo Rovelli
Fyzika je opravdovým dobrodružstvím poznání. A moderní fyzika, vzešlá z vědeckých revolucí 20. století, posunula hranice našeho chápání světa daleko za hranice běžné představivosti. Rovelliho nejnovější kniha je souborem sedmi esejů, napsaných původně pro kulturní rubriku nedělních novin. Přes svou stručnost poskytují báječný a vyvážený přehled hlavních aspektů současné fyziky a kosmologie. Lekce se postupně věnují Einsteinově obecné teorii relativity, kvantové mechanice, globální architektuře kosmu, elementárním částicím, pokusům o kvantování gravitace, principiální náhodě, povaze času a termodynamice černých děr. Závěrečná sedmá lekce popisuje, jaké je naše vlastní místo ve fyzikální realitě, jak ji dnes známe. Lekce byly napsány především pro ty, kdo vědí jen málo anebo vůbec nic o přírodních vědách, jejich literární styl a obsah však ocení i odborně poučený čtenář. V Itálii se tato elegantně napsaná knížka z roku 2015 stala bestselerem a bude přeložena do více než 20 jazyků.
Objev podobné jako Sedm krátkých přednášek z fyziky - Carlo Rovelli
Realita není, čím se zdá - Carlo Rovelli - e-kniha
eBook: Jedním z největších problémů moderní teoretické fyziky je kvantování gravitace, které se snaží propojit tři pilíře moderní fyziky: obecnou relativitu, kvantovou teorii a statistickou fyziku. Nejúspěšnějším pokusem posledních desetiletí je teorie smyčkové kvantové gravitace, vypracovaná týmem předních teoretiků, do kterého patří i autor této knihy Carlo Rovelli. Této teorii se podařilo dobře definovat kvanta prostoru i kvanta času a zdá se, že nekonečně malé rozměry ani nekonečně krátké časové intervaly opravdu neexistují. K důsledkům této teorie patří, že "realita není, čím se zdá": vzdálenost nelze dělit donekonečna, čas na fundamentální úrovni neexistuje, zmizí nepříjemné singularity z teorie černých děr a prvních okamžiků po velkém třesku. Nejlepším prostředníkem k seznámení s novým konceptem i jeho důsledky je tato výborně napsaná kniha: jednak proto, že ji napsal jeden z hlavních autorů celé teorie, ale zejména z toho důvodu, že Rovelli má vzácný talent jasně, poutavě a s nadhledem vysvětlovat nejspletitější fyzikální teorie. Kromě toho jde prozatím o jediné populární zpracování tohoto zajímavého a aktuálního tématu. Vychází ve spolupráci s nakladatelstvím Argo.
Objev podobné jako Realita není, čím se zdá - Carlo Rovelli - e-kniha
Sedm krátkých přednášek z fyziky - Carlo Rovelli - e-kniha
eBook: Fyzika je opravdovým dobrodružstvím poznání. A moderní fyzika, vzešlá z vědeckých revolucí 20. století, posunula hranice našeho chápání světa daleko za hranice běžné představivosti. Rovelliho nejnovější kniha je souborem sedmi esejů, napsaných původně pro kulturní rubriku nedělních novin. Přes svou stručnost poskytují báječný a vyvážený přehled hlavních aspektů současné fyziky a kosmologie. Přednášky se postupně věnují Einsteinově obecné teorii relativity, kvantové mechanice, globální architektuře kosmu, elementárním částicím, pokusům o kvantování gravitace, principiální náhodě, povaze času a termodynamice černých děr. Ta závěrečná, sedmá, popisuje, jaké je naše vlastní místo ve fyzikální realitě, jak ji dnes známe. Lekce byly napsány především pro ty, kdo vědí jen málo anebo vůbec nic o přírodních vědách, jejich literární styl a obsah však ocení i odborně poučený čtenář. V Itálii se tato elegantně napsaná knížka z roku 2014 stala bestselerem a bude přeložena do více než 20 jazyků.
Objev podobné jako Sedm krátkých přednášek z fyziky - Carlo Rovelli - e-kniha
Realita není, čím se zdá - Cesta ke kvantové gravitaci - Carlo Rovelli
Kvantování gravitace patří k největším problémům dnešní teoretické fyziky. Nejde o nic menšího než o správné propojení tří pilířů moderní fyziky, jimiž jsou obecná relativita, kvantová teorie a statistická fyzika. A protože Einsteinova obecná relativita vysvětluje gravitaci deformací prostoročasu, klíčové je pochopit, co znamená kvantum prostoru a času. Rovelliho teorie má dalekosáhlé důsledky: „realita není, čím se zdá“, vzdálenost nelze dělit donekonečna, čas na fundamentální úrovni neexistuje, v centrech černých děr ani v počátečním velkém třesku našeho vesmíru nejsou ukryty ošklivé singularity. Zní to fantasticky a nepochopitelně? Skvěle napsaná kniha (vůbec první na toto téma) z pera jednoho z hlavních tvůrců smyčkové kvantové gravitace vám vysvětlí podrobnosti. A porozumíte jim. Protože Rovelli má vzácný talent s nadhledem vysvětlovat vrcholné vědecké teorie jasně a podmanivě, aniž by podlehl svodům komplikovaného matematického aparátu. Ne nadarmo se jeho popularizační knihy staly světovými bestsellery.
Objev podobné jako Realita není, čím se zdá - Cesta ke kvantové gravitaci - Carlo Rovelli
Seven and a Half Lessons About the Brain - Lisa Feldman Barrett
'Highly accessible, content-rich and eminently readable . . . Fascinating and informative . . . popular science at its best.' - The ObserverHave you ever wondered why you have a brain? Let renowned neuroscientist Lisa Feldman Barrett, bestselling author of How Emotions Are Made, demystify that big grey blob between your ears . . .In seven short chapters (plus a brief history of how brains evolved), this slim, entertaining, and accessible book reveals mind-expanding lessons from the front lines of neuroscience research. You’ll learn where brains came from, how they’re structured (and why it matters), and how yours works in tandem with other brains to create everything you experience. Along the way, you’ll also learn to dismiss popular myths such as the idea of a 'lizard brain' and the alleged battle between thoughts and emotions, or even between nature and nurture, to determine your behaviour.Sure to intrigue casual readers and scientific veterans alike, Seven and a Half Lessons About the Brain is full of surprises, humour, and important implications for human nature - a gift of a book about our most complex and crucial organ.'Subtly radical . . . It presents a revelatory model of consciousness that will be completely new to most readers' - The Guardian
Objev podobné jako Seven and a Half Lessons About the Brain - Lisa Feldman Barrett
University Physics with Modern Physics, Volume 2 (Chs. 21-37), Global Edition - Hugh Young, Roger Freedman
For courses in calculus-based physics. The benchmark for clarity and rigor, influenced by the latest in education research. Since its first edition, University Physics has been revered for its emphasis on fundamental principles and how to apply them. This text is known for its clear and thorough narrative, as well as its uniquely broad, deep, and thoughtful sets of worked examples that provide students with key tools for developing both conceptual understanding and problem-solving skills. The Fourteenth Edition improves the defining features of the text while adding new features influenced by education research to teach the skills needed by today's students. A focus on visual learning, new problem types, and pedagogy informed by MasteringPhysics metadata headline the improvements designed to create the best learning resource for physics students. MasteringPhysics(R) not included. Students, if MasteringPhysics is a recommended/mandatory component of the course, please ask your instructor for the correct ISBN and course ID. My##Lab should only be purchased when required by an instructor. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information. MasteringPhysics is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment product designed to personalize learning and improve results. With a wide range of interactive, engaging, and assignable activities, students are encouraged to actively learn and retain tough course concepts.
Objev podobné jako University Physics with Modern Physics, Volume 2 (Chs. 21-37), Global Edition - Hugh Young, Roger Freedman
Simply Quantum Physics - Dorling Kindersley
A clear, simple, graphic-led introduction to quantum physics. Are you short of time but hungry for knowledge? This beginner's quantum physics book proves that sometimes less is more. Bold graphics and easy-to-understand explanations make it the most accessible guide to quantum physics on the market.Understanding Quantum Physics Has Never Been EasierThis illuminating reference book introduces you to the greatest physicists of the 20th and 21st centuries such as Albert Einstein, Neils Bohr, Erwin Schrödinger, Richard Feynman, and more! It's the perfect gift for anyone interested in physics or science in general and life-long learners. This book about quantum physics offers you: - Simple, easy-to-understand graphics that help to convey information in a visual way- Clear, authoritative text that explains 100 key concepts- Introduction to theoretical ideas and their everyday applications This smart but powerful guide cuts through the jargon and gives you the facts in a clear, visual way. Step inside the strange and fascinating world of subatomic physics that at times seems to conflict with common sense.Unlock the mysteries of more than 100 key ideas, from quantum mechanics basics to the uncertainty principle and quantum tunnelling. Each pared-back, single-page entry demystifies the groundbreaking ideas in modern science. From Schrödinger's Cat and quantum teleportation to atoms and gravity, Simply Quantum Physics is the ultimate jargon-free overview of the subject.Whether you're a physics student or just an interested layman, this indispensable guide is packed with everything you need to quickly and easily understand the basics. Complete the Series:Part of DK Book's exciting, brand-new reference series for those who are time-poor, but keen to learn more. Discover the mysteries of more key philosophical ideas in Simply Philosophy.
Objev podobné jako Simply Quantum Physics - Dorling Kindersley
Physics for Beginners - Stobbart Darran
Part of the best-selling '...for Beginners' series that brings to life the wide world of physics. Rather than explaining details about how to do physics, this book focusses on explaining what different branches of physics are about, how we know about them, and what mysteries remain for budding physicists to uncover. It doesn't shy away from the hard stuff, tackling black holes, quantum mechanics and even Einstein's theories of relativity.
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Don´t Worry : 48 Lessons on Achieving Calm - Shunmyo Masuno
Learn to let go of stress, Change how you worry, And improve your life for good. Shunmyo Masuno, Zen Buddhist Monk and million copy bestselling author of Zen: The Art of Simple Living, shows you how to relieve the anxieties of everyday life in 48 vital, easy-to-achieve lessons. Use this book as your tool to focus on the 'now', to improve your most important relationships, to let go of rose-tinted views that hold you back, and to learn ways to accept yourself as you are so that you enjoy a calmer, more relaxed, positive version of yourself.
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I Wish I Knew This Earlier : Lessons on Love - Tone Toni
We've all been on promising dates that left us feeling worse in the long run, suffered from breakups we might have mishandled, or stayed in relationships which should have worked but didn't. So what are we missing?Don't panic! Toni Tone is here to give the big sister advice we all need: discovering what we want from a connection, flourishing through heartbreak, and learning the vital importance of difficult conversations for growth and self-respect. Speaking from a place of experience and empathy, she talks through the value of intuition, asking questions, and taking responsibility for the choices we make, offering practical, simple advice to improve any relationship, and insight into our own behaviours.From comfort zones and goal setting to healthy boundaries and keeping yourself centred, Toni offers the loving, healing and authentic common sense lessons that aren't so common.It may just change your life.
Objev podobné jako I Wish I Knew This Earlier : Lessons on Love - Tone Toni
Quantum Physics for Babies - Chris Ferrie
Fans of Chris Ferrie's Organic Chemistry for Babies, Rocket Science for Babies, and 8 Little Planets will love this introduction to quantum physics for babies and toddlers!It only takes a small spark to ignite a child's mind.Written by an expert, Quantum Physics for Babies is a colorfully simple introduction to the principle that gives quantum physics its name. Babies (and grownups!) will discover that the wild world of atoms never comes to a standstill. With a tongue-in-cheek approach that adults will love, this installment of the Baby University board book series is the perfect way to introduce basic concepts to even the youngest scientists. After all, it's never too early to become a quantum physicist!If you're looking for the perfect quantum physics gift, quantum physics book, or more Baby University books for your little one, look no further! Quantum Physics for Babies offers fun early learning for your little scientist!
Objev podobné jako Quantum Physics for Babies - Chris Ferrie
The Physics of Sorrow - Georgi Gospodinov
'Compulsively readable' New York Times'Utterly original' Alberto ManguelIn the small and the insignificant - that's where life hides, that's where it builds its nest. Our unnamed narrator is not well. He suffers from attacks of 'pathological empathy', which cause him to wander unbidden into other people's memories.He moves from recollection to recollection - from a Bulgarian country fair in 1925, where he meets a Minotaur, to inside the mind of a slug, as it is swallowed by his own Grandfather. Part family history, part coming-of-age story, part meditation on life in Communist Europe, The Physics of Sorrow is a dazzlingly inventive, mind-expanding novel from one of Europe's most important writers. TRANSLATED FROM THE BULGARIAN BY ANGELA RODEL
Objev podobné jako The Physics of Sorrow - Georgi Gospodinov
The Psychology of Money : Timeless lessons on wealth, greed, and happiness - Morgan Housel
Doing well with money isn't necessarily about what you know. It's about how you behave. And behavior is hard to teach, even to really smart people. Money-investing, personal finance, and business decisions-is typically taught as a math-based field, where data and formulas tell us exactly what to do. But in the real world people don't make financial decisions on a spreadsheet. They make them at the dinner table, or in a meeting room, where personal history, your own unique view of the world, ego, pride, marketing, and odd incentives are scrambled together. In The Psychology of Money, award-winning author Morgan Housel shares 19 short stories exploring the strange ways people think about money and teaches you how to make better sense of one of life's most important topics.
Objev podobné jako The Psychology of Money : Timeless lessons on wealth, greed, and happiness - Morgan Housel
Swimming Lessons (0241252172)
Kniha - autor Claire Fuller, 320 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The new novel from the author of OUR ENDLESS NUMBERED DAYS. Ingrid writes letters to her husband Gil about their life together. She hides each in the thousands of books Gil has collected. Despite their two daughters, despite their beautiful house by the sea and Gil's talent as a writer, their marriage has been troubled. When Ingrid has written her final letter she disappears from a Dorset beach.
Objev podobné jako Swimming Lessons (0241252172)
Lessons in Crime
With a cohort of writers including Dorothy L. Sayers, Ethel Lina White, Jacqueline Wilson, Arthur Conan Doyle, Michael Innes and Edmund Crispin, this new anthology offers a selection of classics and rarities to provide a rewarding education in the beguiling art of mystery writing.
Objev podobné jako Lessons in Crime
Stephen Hawking : Friendship and Physics - Leonard Mlodinow
CHOSEN AS A BOOK OF THE YEAR BY THE GUARDIAN, DAILY TELEGRAPH, NEW STATESMAN AND BBC SCIENCE FOCUS'An intimate, unique, and inspiring perspective on the life and work of one of the greatest minds of our time. Filled with insight, humour, and never-before-told stories, it's a view of Stephen Hawking that few have seen and all will appreciate' James Clear, author of Atomic HabitsAn icon of the last fifty years, Stephen Hawking seems to encapsulate genius: not since Albert Einstein has a scientific figure held such a position in popular consciousness. In this enthralling memoir, writer and physicist Leonard Mlodinow tells the story of his friend and their collaboration, offering an intimate account of this giant of science. The two met in 2003, when Stephen asked Leonard if he would consider writing a book with him, the follow up to the bestselling A Brief History of Time. As they spent years working on a second book, The Grand Design, they forged a deep connection and Leonard gained a much better understanding of Stephen's daily life and struggles -- as well as his compassion and good humour. Together they obsessed over the perfect sentence, debated the physics, and occasionally punted on Cambridge's waterways with champagne and strawberries. In time, Leonard was able to finish Stephen's jokes, chide his sporadic mischief, and learn how the hardships of his illness helped forge that unique perspective on the universe. By weaving together their shared story with a clear-sighted portrayal of Hawking's scientific achievements, Mlodinow creates a beautiful portrait of Stephen Hawking as a brilliant, impish and generous man whose life was not only exceptional but also genuinely inspiring.
Objev podobné jako Stephen Hawking : Friendship and Physics - Leonard Mlodinow
AQA GCSE Physics Student Book - Jim Breithaupt
Please note this title is suitable for any student studying: Exam Board: AQA Level: GCSE Subject: Physics First teaching: September 2016 First exams: June 2018 Specifically tailored for the current (2016) AQA GCSE Science (9-1) specifications, this book supports students on their journey from Key Stage 3 and through to success at GCSE. It includes support for the maths and practical requirements.
Objev podobné jako AQA GCSE Physics Student Book - Jim Breithaupt
Same as Ever: Timeless Lessons on Risk, Opportunity and Living a Good Life - Morgan Housel
When planning for the future we often ask, "What will the economy be doing this time next year?" Or, "What will be different ten years from now?"But forecasting is hard. The important events that will shape the future are inherently unpredictable. Instead, we should be asking a different question:What will be the same ten years from now?What will be the same one hundred years from now?Knowledge of the things that never change is more useful, and more important, than an uncertain prediction of an unknowable future.In Same As Ever, bestselling author Morgan Housel shares 24 short stories about the ways that life, behaviour, and business will always be the same. Armed with this knowledge of the unchanging, you will have a powerful new ability to think about risk, opportunity, and how to navigate the uncertainty of the future. As you see familiar themes repeat again and again in the years ahead, you'll find yourself nodding and saying, "Yep, same as ever."
Objev podobné jako Same as Ever: Timeless Lessons on Risk, Opportunity and Living a Good Life - Morgan Housel
Swimming Lessons: Poems (0008365679)
Kniha - autor Lili Reinhart, 256 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná I seem to be your new favorite novel. One that keeps you up at night, turning my pages. Fingers lingering on me so you don't lose your place. In her first collection of poetry, Lili Reinhart explores the euphoric beginnings of young love, battling anxiety and depression in the face of fame, and the inevitable heartbreakthat stems from passion. Relatable yet deeply intimate, provocative yet comforting, bite-size yet profound, these beautiful poems are about growingup, falling down, and getting back up again. They capture what it feels like to be a young woman in today's image-obsessed world with Lili's trademark honesty, optimism, and unique perspective.Accompanied by striking and evocative illustrations, the poems in Swimming Lessons reveal the depths of female experience, and are the work of a storyteller who is coming into her own.
Objev podobné jako Swimming Lessons: Poems (0008365679)
Lessons in Chemistry (1804990922)
Kniha - 396 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Objev podobné jako Lessons in Chemistry (1804990922)
Greek Lessons - Han Kang
Book of the Year 2023 according to New Yorker, TIME magazine, Kirkus A powerful novel of the saving grace of language and human connection, from the celebrated author of The Vegetarian. 'Breathtaking . . . She is simply my favourite living writer to read, and think with, and see the world with' Max PorterIn a classroom in Seoul, a young woman watches her Greek language teacher at the blackboard. She tries to speak but has lost her voice.Her teacher finds himself drawn to the silent woman, for day by day he is losing his sight. Soon they discover a deeper pain binds them. For her, in the space of just a few months, she has lost both her mother and the custody battle for her nine-year-old son.For him, it's the pain of growing up between Korea and Germany, being torn between two cultures and languages. Greek Lessons is a tender love letter to human connection, a novel to awaken the senses, vividly conjuring the essence of what it means to be alive. Translated by Deborah Smith and e.yaewon. 'Another stunning gem: quiet, sharply faceted, and devastating' Kirkus'Han Kang is a writer like no other. In a few lines, she seems to traverse the entirety of human experience' Katie Kitamura
Objev podobné jako Greek Lessons - Han Kang
Lessons (Defekt) - Ian McEwan
When the world is still counting the cost of the Second World War and the Iron Curtain has closed, eleven-year-old Roland Baines's life is turned upside down. 2,000 miles from his mother's protective love, stranded at an unusual boarding school, his vulnerability attracts piano teacher Miss Miriam Cornell, leaving scars as well as a memory of love that will never fade. Now, when his wife vanishes, leaving him alone with his tiny son, Roland is forced to confront the reality of his restless existence.As the radiation from Chernobyl spreads across Europe, he begins a search for answers that looks deep into his family history and will last for the rest of his life.From the Suez Crisis to the Cuban Missile Crisis, the fall of the Berlin Wall to the current pandemic and climate change, Roland sometimes rides with the tide of history, but more often struggles against it. Haunted by lost opportunities, he seeks solace through every possible means - music, literature, friends, sex, politics and, finally, love cut tragically short, then love ultimately redeemed. His journey raises important questions for us all.Can we take full charge of the course of our lives without damage to others? How do global events beyond our control shape our lives and our memories? And what can we really learn from the traumas of the past?Epic, mesmerising and deeply humane, Lessons is a chronicle for our times - a powerful meditation on history and humanity through the prism of one man's lifetime.
Objev podobné jako Lessons (Defekt) - Ian McEwan
Tennis Lessons - Susannah Dickey
For fans of I MAY DESTROY YOU and FLEABAG and for readers who want to laugh and cry: the brave, beautiful, sometimes brutal story of a young misfit and her rocky road to womanhood, stopping at each year along the way.''I loved Tennis Lessons so much. Susannah is a phenomenally talented writer'' ELIZABETH DAY''A raw, fierce, shockingly honest coming-of-age story'' LOUISE O''NEILL ''Incredibly funny . . . by turns charming and disgusting and I loved it'' NELL FRIZZELL You''re strange and wrong. You''ve known it from the beginning.This is the voice that rings in your ears. Because you never say the right thing. You''re a disappointment to everyone. You''re a far cry from beautiful - and your thoughts are ugly too.You seem bound to fail, bound to break. But you know what it is to laugh with your best friend, to feel the first tentative tingles of attraction, to take exquisite pleasure in the affront of your unruly body.You just need to find your place.From dead pets and crashed cars to family traumas and misguided love affairs, Susannah Dickey''s revitalizing debut novel plunges us into the private world of one young woman as she navigates her rocky way to adulthood.''Brilliant . . . a wonderful writer, hugely talented, very funny and insightful'' ALAN DAVIES''Propulsive . . . brilliantly vivid . . . stays in the mind long after reading'' IRISH TIMES''A beautifully written and psychologically incisive bildungsroman...the arrival of a young writer to watch'' OBSERVER
Objev podobné jako Tennis Lessons - Susannah Dickey
Lessons (Defekt) - Ian McEwan
While the world is still counting the cost of the Second World War and the Iron Curtain has descended, young Roland Baines's life is turned upside down. Stranded at boarding school, his vulnerability attracts his piano teacher, Miriam Cornell, leaving scars as well as a memory of love that will never fade.Twenty-five years later Roland's wife mysteriously vanishes, and he is left alone with their baby son. Her disappearance sparks of journey of discovery that will continue for decades, as Roland confronts the reality of his rootless existence and attempts to embrace the uncertainty - and freedom - of his future.
Objev podobné jako Lessons (Defekt) - Ian McEwan
Reading Lessons - Carol Atherton
An English teacher's love letter to reading and the many ways literature can make us, and our lives, better. How can a Victorian poem help teenagers understand YouTube misogyny? Can Jane Eyre encourage us to speak out? What can Lady Macbeth teach us about empathy? Should our expectations for our future be any greater than Pip’s? And why is it so important to make space for these conversations in the first place?In a career spanning almost three decades, English teacher Carol Atherton has taught generations of students texts that will be familiar to many of us from our own schooldays. But while the staples of exam syllabuses and reading lists remain largely unchanged, their significance – and their relevance – evolves with each class, as it encounters them for the first time.Each chapter of Reading Lessons invites us to take a fresh look at these novels, plays and poems, revealing how they have shaped our beliefs, our values, and how we interact as a society. As she recalls her own development as a teacher, Atherton emphasizes the vital, undervalued role a teacher plays, illustrates how essential reading is for developing our empathy and makes a passionate case for the enduring power of literature. 'Beautifully written, sensitive and full of warmth ...
Objev podobné jako Reading Lessons - Carol Atherton
The Killing Lessons - Saul Black
The most frightening serial killer thriller since THE SILENCE OF THE LAMBS
Objev podobné jako The Killing Lessons - Saul Black
Lessons in Chemistry - Bonnie Garmus
Your ability to change everything - including yourself - starts hereChemist Elizabeth Zott is not your average woman. In fact, Elizabeth Zott would be the first to point out that there is no such thing.But it's the early 1960s and her all-male team at Hastings Research Institute take a very unscientific view of equality. Forced to resign, she reluctantly signs on as the host of a cooking show, Supper at Six. But her revolutionary approach to cooking, fuelled by scientific and rational commentary, grabs the attention of a nation.Soon, a legion of overlooked housewives find themselves daring to change the status quo. One molecule at a time.
Objev podobné jako Lessons in Chemistry - Bonnie Garmus
A Hundred Small Lessons (1473676541)
Kniha - 400 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Objev podobné jako A Hundred Small Lessons (1473676541)
Lessons in Stoicism - John Sellars
''Excellent. . . Sellars gives a lucid, easy-to-follow account of what Stoicism as a way of life amounts to, and how you might start to put it into practice'' Nigel Warburton How can Stoicism inspire us to lead more enjoyable lives?In the past few years, Stoicism has been making a comeback. But what exactly did the Stoics believe? In Lessons in Stoicism, philosopher John Sellars weaves together the key ideas of the three great Roman Stoics -- Seneca, Epictetus and Marcus Aurelius -- with snapshots of their fascinating lives, to show us how their ideas can help us today. In vivid prose, Sellars shows how the works of these three Stoics have inspired readers ever since, speaking as they do to some of the perennial issues that face anyone trying to navigate their way through life. Their works, fundamentally, are about how to live -- how to understand one''s place in the world, how to cope when things don''t go well, how to manage one''s emotions and how to behave towards others. Consoling and inspiring, Lessons in Stoicism is a deeply thoughtful guide to the philosophy of a good life.
Objev podobné jako Lessons in Stoicism - John Sellars
The Penguin Lessons - Tom Michell
Set against Argentina's turbulent years following the collapse of the corrupt Peronist regime, this is the story of Juan Salvador the penguin, rescued by Tom from an oil slick in Uruguay just days before a new term.
Objev podobné jako The Penguin Lessons - Tom Michell
Untold Lessons - Maddalena Vaglio Tanet
The award-winning literary thriller from one of Italy's most exciting feminist writers, for fans of Sophie Mackintosh, Elena Ferrante and Sarah MossOne morning, a teacher disappears into the woods. As whispers fill her classroom and relatives scour the streets, she melts into a wild landscape - a darkly entrancing place where boars roam free, silver birches tower overhead and the air is filled with ancient bird calls. Sinking into a bed of moss, she tries to escape the shocking news of a pupil's death.Back in town, behind shuttered windows and on factory floors, the mystery takes hold. Who is Silvia really? A teacher of rare kindness, living outside of other people's expectations, or a solitary misfit without a family to call her own? When a local child stumbles upon her hiding place, it seems like the search might be over. But what happens when the missing do not want to be found?PRAISE FOR UNTOLD LESSONS:'Vivid, beguiling and needle-sharp . . . stirs our darkest impulses' Lucy Rose, author of The Lamb'Mysterious and elegant, full of fears and tenderness' Veronica Raimo, author of Lost on Me 'Satisfying and deeply felt' Irish Times 'A beautifully crafted feminist fable' World Literature Today'An intense literary thriller that subverts expectations' Dazed
Objev podobné jako Untold Lessons - Maddalena Vaglio Tanet
Lessons in Chemistry - Bonnie Garmus
THE MULTI-MILLION-COPY BESTSELLERSoon to be an Apple TV series starring Brie Larson'I loved it' NIGELLA LAWSON'Sparky, rip-roaring, funny' SUNDAY TIMES'The most charming, life-enhancing novel I've read in ages' INDIA KNIGHT'Brimming with life' RACHEL JOYCE___________Your ability to change everything - including yourself - starts hereChemist Elizabeth Zott is not your average woman. In fact, Elizabeth Zott would be the first to point out that there is no such thing.But it's the early 1960s and her all-male team at Hastings Research Institute take a very unscientific view of equality. Forced to resign, she reluctantly signs on as the host of a cooking show, Supper at Six. But her revolutionary approach to cooking, fuelled by scientific and rational commentary, grabs the attention of a nation.Soon, a legion of overlooked housewives find themselves daring to change the status quo. One molecule at a time.__________A Book of the Year for: Guardian, Times, Sunday Times, Good Housekeeping, Woman & Home, Stylist, TLS, Oprah Daily, Newsweek, Mail on Sunday, New York Times, India Knight, Hay Festival, Amazon and many others'Biting and cheerIng in exactly the right measure' JOJO MOYES'I loved Lessons in Chemistry and am devastated to have finished it!' NIGELLA LAWSON'Laugh-out-loud funny and brimming with life, generosity and courage' RACHEL JOYCE'A novel that sparks joy with every page' ELIZABETH DAY'Elizabeth Zott is an iconic heroine' PANDORA SYKES'A page-turning and highly satisfying tale' MAGGIE SHIPSTEAD, author of GREAT CIRCLEThe multi-million copy bestsellerAs read on BBC Radio 4 Book at BedtimeWinner of the Goodreads Choice Best Debut Novel AwardBritish Book Awards Author of the Year
Objev podobné jako Lessons in Chemistry - Bonnie Garmus
Lessons in Chemistry - Bonnie Garmus
LIMITED FIRST PRINT RUN while stocks last – Discover this special hardback collector's limited edition of the New York Times and Sunday Times bestseller. THE 6-MILLION-COPY BESTSELLING BOOKAUTHOR OF THE YEAR AT THE BRITISH BOOK AWARDS'The most charming and life-enhancing novel I've read in ages' Sunday Times''Thought-provoking and stylish' Guardian----------------------------------Your ability to change everything - including yourself - starts hereChemist Elizabeth Zott is not your average woman. In fact, Elizabeth Zott would be the first to point out that there is no such thing.But it's the early 1960s and her all-male team at Hastings Research Institute take a very unscientific view of equality. Forced to resign, she reluctantly signs on as the host of a cooking show, Supper at Six. But her revolutionary approach to cooking, fuelled by scientific and rational commentary, grabs the attention of a nation.Soon, a legion of overlooked housewives find themselves daring to change the status quo. One molecule at a time. __________This special clothbound edition makes the perfect gift, featuring stunning endpapers, sprayed edges, and never-before-seen, exclusive content by the author.A Book of the Year for:Guardian, Times, Sunday Times, New York Times, Good Housekeeping, Woman & Home, Stylist, TLS, Oprah Daily, Newsweek, Mail on Sunday, Entertainment Weekly, NPR, India Knight, Hay Festival, Waterstones, Amazon and many moreWinner of the Goodreads Choice Best Debut Novel AwardAuthor of the Year at the British Book AwardsAs read on BBC Radio FourA BBC TV 'Between the Covers' pickHay Festival Book of the YearWinner of the Books are My Bag Reader's Choice AwardWinner of the Books are My Bag Breakthrough Author AwardShortlisted for the HWA Crown Award'Biting and cheerIng in equal measure' Jojo Moyes'I loved Lessons in Chemistry and am devastated to have finished it!' Nigella Lawson'Laugh-out-loud funny and brimming with life, generosity and courage' Rachel Joyce'A novel that sparks joy with every page' Elizabeth Day'Witty and sometimes hilarious ... the Catch-22 of early feminism' Stephen King
Objev podobné jako Lessons in Chemistry - Bonnie Garmus
Basics of Medical Physics - Daniel Jirák, František Vítek - e-kniha
eBook: Učebnice Basics of Medical Physics (Základy lékařské fyziky) popisuje základní fyzikální vztahy a metody, se kterými se lékař může nejčastěji setkat v klinické nebo experimentální medicíně. Lékařská fyzika je specifická tím, že se zabývá aplikací fyzikálních metod na živý organismus. Je tedy interdisciplinárním vědním oborem, který spojuje fyziku a biologické vědy. Kniha obsahuje osm kapitol: Stavba hmoty; Molekulární biofyzika; Termodynamika; Biofyzika elektrických projevů a účinků; Akustika a fyzikální principy sluchu; Optika; Fyzika rentgenového záření a jeho použití v lékařství; Radioaktivita a ionizující záření. Text je doplněn mnoha obrázky, které pomůžou k snadnějšímu pochopení dané problematiky. Metody, které jsou v učebnici vysvětleny, jsou založeny na různých fyzikálních principech. Některé z nich, např. používání optických zvětšovacích čoček nebo rentgenového záření, jsou známé více než 100 let, jiné nacházejí díky technologickému pokroku uplatnění až v poslední době, jako např. zobrazování magnetickou rezonancí nebo pozitronovou emisní tomografií. Čtenář by tak měl po prostudování této knihy získat ucelený přehled o možnostech využití různých fyzikálních metod v medicíně. Měl by být schopen fyzikální vztahy uvedené v učebnici chápat v širších souvislostech a popsané metody aplikovat v jednotlivých lékařských oborech.
Objev podobné jako Basics of Medical Physics - Daniel Jirák, František Vítek - e-kniha
50 Physics Ideas You Really Need to Know - Joanne Bakerová
In a series of 50 accessible essays, Joanne Baker introduces and explains the fundamental physical concepts and laws that govern the inners workings of our universe. From Newton's law of gravitation to black holes, Schroedinger's cat to chaos theory, 50 Physics Ideas You Really Need to Know is a complete introduction to the most important physics concepts in history.
Objev podobné jako 50 Physics Ideas You Really Need to Know - Joanne Bakerová
Stephen Hawking: A Memoir of Friendship and Physics - Leonard Mlodinow
An icon of the last fifty years, Stephen Hawking seems to encapsulate genius: not since Albert Einstein has a scientific figure held such a position in popular consciousness. In this enthralling memoir, writer and physicist Leonard Mlodinow tells the story of his friend and their friendship, offering an intimate account of this giant of science.The two met in 2003, when Stephen asked Leonard if he would consider writing a book with him, the follow up to the bestselling A Brief History of Time. As they spent years working on a second book, The Grand Design, they forged a deep connection and Leonard gained a much better understanding of Stephen's daily life and struggles - as well as his compassion and good humour. Together they obsessed over the perfect sentence, debated the physics, and occasionally punted on Cambridge's waterways with champagne and strawberries. In time, Leonard was able to finish Stephen's jokes, chide his sporadic mischief, and learn how the hardships of his illness helped forge that unique perspective on the universe.By weaving together their shared story with a clear-sighted portrayal of Hawking's scientific achievements, Mlodinow creates a beautiful portrait of Stephen Hawking as a brilliant, impish and generous man whose life was not only exceptional but also genuinely inspiring.
Objev podobné jako Stephen Hawking: A Memoir of Friendship and Physics - Leonard Mlodinow
This Book Is Anti-Racist: 20 lessons on how to wake up, take action, and do the work (0711245207)
Kniha - 160 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - autor Aurelia Durand, 160 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Objev podobné jako This Book Is Anti-Racist: 20 lessons on how to wake up, take action, and do the work (0711245207)
Unladylike Lessons in Love - Amita Murray
Fast-paced and feisty Regency fiction with a dazzlingly daring heroine who breaks the mould. 'Sizzling romance with a splash of intrigue' Julia Quinn, author of Bridgerton Not every Regency lady is looking for a husband... As the daughter of an English earl and his Indian mistress, impulsive Lila Marleigh has already broken the rules of society into tiny pieces.When a face she never thought she would see again appears and begs for help, Lila must court notoriety once more and pit her wits against the annoyingly handsome aristocrat, Ivor Tristram. But does she risk opening her heart to the one person who can break it...?
Objev podobné jako Unladylike Lessons in Love - Amita Murray
Lessons From the Edge - Aldo Kane
''The thinking man''s action hero'' - The Times MagazineTrained Royal Marines Sniper, world record breaker and extreme TV adventurer, Aldo Kane is known for his ability to navigate and lead through challenging and pressured environments, whether it be abseiling into an erupting volcano in the Democratic Republic of Congo, rowing the Atlantic, getting locked in a bunker for 10 days with zero daylight, leading Steve Backshall into the jungle or being held at gunpoint...In his debut book, Lessons From The Edge, Aldo will inspire readers with his jaw-dropping stories and show them how to survive and thrive through sheer strength of mind and sharp decision-making. It will reveal how this tough military man was able to cope with suddenly feeling worthless, how he overcame doors literally slamming in his face, how he came to realise that you can''t wait for things to happen and instead how he rediscovered his identity and harnessed his emotions to his advantage to find determination, purpose, and a renewed sense of belonging. And how, to use his own words, he became the captain of his own ship.Aldo is a firm believer that with the right head game, however hard it feels, you can get through anything life throws at you. Lessons From The Edge will inspire readers to find the spirit to do the things in life they''ve previously been too scared to tackle, build the courage to know that failure isn''t the end, and the knowledge that the impossible can be made possible.
Objev podobné jako Lessons From the Edge - Aldo Kane
Infinite Life, Infinite Lessons - Susan Grau
Profound insights into your soul''s journey, healing from grief, and the afterlife from Soul Healer Susan Grau, who shares her deeply personal struggles, near-death experience, and stories of the thousands she''s helped as an Evidential Medium.In this compassionate, insightful guide into the often-misunderstood realm of the spirit world, you will gain a deeper understanding of the afterlife and tools for connecting with angels, spirit guides, and souls on the other side. Susan Grau shares her spiritual journey—including her decades of experiences as a Soul Healer and certified counselor, struggles with loss, and personal trauma—as an inspirational roadmap for those seeking enlightenment and healing. You will be captivated by the stories of some of the thousands of clients she has helped over the years as an evidential medium, each one containing a lesson for your soul. Whether you’re grappling with the loss of a loved one, seeking answers to life''s mysteries, interested in near-death experiences, or looking to deepen your spiritual awareness, Infinite Life, Infinite Lessons provides the clarity, wisdom, and solace needed for your journey.
Objev podobné jako Infinite Life, Infinite Lessons - Susan Grau
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