Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz

NYC Walks: Guide to New Architecture - John Hill

The first-ever walking tour guide of New York City's stunning contemporary architecture showcases the most intriguing new buildings in the city. It can be hard to keep up with New York City's surge of cutting-edge architecture since the turn of the millennium. This portable, easy-to-use guide directs readers to the city's newest architectural gems, all completed in the 21st century with some still under construction. Divided into ten 1- to 3-mile walks that extend from Columbia University through lower Manhattan and across to Brooklyn and Queens, this guidebook highlights over 150 buildings, popular destinations like the High Line and Lincoln Center, and trendy locations such as Williamsburg and the Bowery. Led by author John Hill, these tours are highly informative, engaging, and filled with fascinating insights and details. Maps and numerous photographs make this guide the perfect companion for anyone visiting New York City, architecture buffs, and those wishing to better know the city they call home.

Podívejte se také LEGO® Architecture 21034 Londýn (5702015865333)

cena 473.0 Kč

An Opinionated Guide to New York - Devra Ferst

The original metropolis, the city of cities: New York is mythic in stature and impossible to pin down. The planet''s most surreal urban experiment is a dizzying feast of iridescent skyscrapers, iconic landmarks and heavyweight cultural institutions - it''s irresistible, even if all you can afford is a bagel and a walk through Central Park. Luckily, we''ve got the inside scoop on the island''s most treasured local delis, historic bookshops, memorable bars and beloved neighbourhoods Brooklyn, Bronx, Queens and Staten / From the Battery to the top of Manhattan. This is part of a growing series of opinionated guides which offer no-nonsense insider''s advice on what to do and see in cities around the world.


cena 382.0 Kč

Timber Homes: Taking Wood to New Levels - Chris van Uffelen

Elaborating the diversity of timber architecture today for residential buildings for architects, interior designers, and builders. More and more architects and builders are exploring the possibilities of a material for the construction of houses that offers unparalleled major advantages regarding design, function and ecology. Wood is a renewable building resource that impresses with its natural qualities as well as its astonishing versatility, especially given a number of new techniques, processing options, and innovations. Moreover, wooden architecture represents a promising opportunity to work towards a more CO2-neutral future. Frank Lloyd Wright said about the world’s oldest building material that it is "universally beautiful" and "the most human of all materials", facts that are highlighted in this volume focusing on residences. The presented projects demonstrate the sheer endless possibilities of timber for architecture and interior design. From an aesthetic point of view, they also show completely new ways for, but not limited to, the design of individual homes.

Podívejte se také A field guide to the flora of Ladakh (978-80-200-2826-6)

cena 1155.0 Kč

The New Vision for the New Architecture - Jaroslav Anděl

Kniha poprvé uvádí jedinečný soubor fotografií moderní architektury, které vznikly ve spolupráci avantgardních architektů a fotografů ve dvacátých a třicátých letech 20. století. Tento soubor představuje dobové fotografie a jejich náměty - klíčové i méně známé moderní budovy, uspořádané podle stavebních typů - nejen jako důležité dokumenty moderní architektury, ale také jako autentické příklady vize, která dodnes zůstává inspirací. Současně ukazuje, že meziválečné Československo patřilo v hnutí za novou architekturu k předním evropským zemím.

Objev podobné jako The New Vision for the New Architecture - Jaroslav Anděl

cena 894.0 Kč

A Pilgrim's Guide to the Camino PortugueS - John Brierley

A revised handbook to the Portuguese route of the Camino de Santiago, starting from Lisbon via Porto. For travellers who wish to walk the coast of Portugal, this volume now includes a coastal option as well as a spiritual option and the littoral path.

Objev podobné jako A Pilgrim's Guide to the Camino PortugueS - John Brierley

cena 591.0 Kč

A Pilgrim's Guide to the Camino De Santiago - John Brierley

Now updated to include newer maps and photos, this comprehensive guidebook to the Camino de Santiago and its offshoots contains all the information needed by modern-day pilgrims wishing to walk the sacred Way of St. James.

Objev podobné jako A Pilgrim's Guide to the Camino De Santiago - John Brierley

cena 650.0 Kč

LEGO Architecture 21028 New York City

Zachyť architektonickou podstatu New Yorku s touto úžasnou sadou, která obsahuje ikonickou budovu Flatiron, budovu Chrysler, Empire State Building, věž světového obchodního centra a Sochu svobody, jenž tvoří krásnou scenérii. Každá LEGO budova je navržena tak, aby poskytla výjimečný a prospěšný stavitelský zážitek díky barvám, jako ve skutečnosti, a díky stejnému měřítku pro všechny budovy. Tento úžasný model se zaměřuje na krásnou architektonickou rozmanitost jednoho z nejdynamičtějších měst na světě.

Objev podobné jako LEGO Architecture 21028 New York City

cena 1039.0 Kč

The Laws Guide to Nature Drawing and Journaling - John Muir Laws

A potent combination of art, science, and boundless enthusiasm, this art instruction book from John Muir Laws (author of The Laws Guide to Drawing Birds) is a how-to guide for becoming a better artist and a more attentive naturalist. In straightforward text complemented by step-by-step illustrations, dozens of exercises lead the hand and mind through creating accurate reproductions of plants and animals as well as landscapes, skies, and more. Laws provides clear, practical advice for every step of the process for artists at every level, from the basics of choosing supplies to advanced techniques. While the book’s advice will improve the skills of already accomplished artists, the emphasis on seeing, learning, and feeling will make this book valuable—even revelatory—to anyone interested in the natural world, no matter how rudimentary their artistic abilities.

Objev podobné jako The Laws Guide to Nature Drawing and Journaling - John Muir Laws

cena 738.0 Kč

LEGO® Architecture 21028 New York City

Zachyť architektonickou podstatu New Yorku s touto úžasnou sadou, která obsahuje ikonickou budovu Flatiron, budovu Chrysler, Empire State Building, věž světového obchodního centra a Sochu svobody, jenž tvoří krásnou scenérii. Každá LEGO® budova je navržena tak, aby poskytla výjimečný

Objev podobné jako LEGO® Architecture 21028 New York City

cena 1299.0 Kč

Mandarina Duck Let's Travel To New York toaletní voda pro muže 100 ml

Mandarina Duck Let's Travel To New York, 100 ml, Toaletní vody pro muže, Nenechte se ničím zastavit a dopřejte si vzpruhu v jakékoli situaci. Toaletní voda pro muže Mandarina Duck Let's Travel To New York vám zajistí okamžitý příliv energie na smyslové úrovni. Povzbudí vás tak, že vše zvládnete s přehledem a lehkostí. dřevitá vůně aromatická vůně s bylinnými tóny podtrhne sex-appeal a přirozenou mužnost

Objev podobné jako Mandarina Duck Let's Travel To New York toaletní voda pro muže 100 ml

cena 691.0 Kč

A Field Guide to Post-Punk & New Wave

What makes New Wave... New Wave? It's the catchall name of punk's poppy offshoot, born in the 70s simultaneously in the United States and United Kingdom. But how would you describe New Wave's context in the zeitgeist of the time, or explain how this new electro-rock made people feel? Well, that's precisely what DJ and author Steve Wide explains in this handy book.In these pages, Steve explains the social and music industry climates of the 70s and 80s, unpacking the influence of the punk genre on NYC-based groups like the Velvet Underground and New York Dolls. There's also a timeline on the usage of the term New Wave - for a long chunk of the 70s it was used almost interchangeably with "punk". There are breakdowns on the key record labels, DJs, producers, engineers and magazines - all of which stitched their own layer on the New Wave patchwork. There are deep dives into controversies, rivalries and messy band breakups. And lastly, there's a dissection of how ripples of New Wave are still felt today, in recorded music and across wider pop culture.If you, or someone close to you, is obsessed with the minutiae of the New Wave movement, then this book is a must-have.

Objev podobné jako A Field Guide to Post-Punk & New Wave

cena 384.0 Kč

LEGO® Architecture 21028 New York City (5702015591218)

LEGO stavebnice - pro děti a dospělé, vhodné od 12 let, řada LEGO® Architecture, rok uvedení 2015, balení obsahuje 598 dílků LEGO Architecture 21028 New York City Nejznámější světové stavby Vydej se za nejznámějšími světovými stavbami, které byly v historii lidstva postaveny. LEGO New York a jeho dominanty Sestav si legendární a fascinující LEGO New York se všemi jeho dominantami....

Objev podobné jako LEGO® Architecture 21028 New York City (5702015591218)

cena 899.0 Kč

Contemporary Funeral Rituals of Sa'dan Toraja. From Aluk Todolo to "New" Religions - Michaela Budiman - e-kniha

eBook: Kniha s názvem Contemporary Funeral Rituals of Sa'dan Toraja; From Aluk Todolo to "New" Religions pojednává o etniku Toradžů, jež obývá provincie Tana Toraja a Toraja Utara v jižní části indonéského ostrova Sulawesi. Práce se zabývá jejich kulturou a soustředí se na nejvýznamnější soudobý toradžský rituál – pohřeb. Její jádro je rozděleno do dvou kapitol – první z nich představuje etnikum Toradžů a důležité aspekty jejich kultury, druhá kapitola je založena především na výsledcích terénního výzkumu autorky. Zabývá se tím, co se stane s duší zesnulého člověka podle náboženství Aluk Todolo, jak musí pozůstalí naložit s jeho tělem a do jaké míry společenský původ ovlivňuje ještě i v současnosti typ a délku funerálního rituálu. Cílem této knihy je nastínit podobu funerálního rituálu v jeho původní formě a zachytit zásadní sociální a náboženské změny, ke kterým dochází v toradžské společnosti od počátku 20. století, kdy na jejich území vstoupili první nizozemští misionáři. Autorka knihy se snažila zjistit, do jaké míry jsou soudobé toradžské rituály synkretickým útvarem – snoubí se v nich totiž autochtonní víra Aluk Todolo a zvykové právo adat s nově přijatými náboženstvími. Práce tedy poukazuje na to, jak nově přijatá náboženství ovlivnila podobu rituálů, soustředí se zejména na jejich formální a principiální významové posuny.

Objev podobné jako Contemporary Funeral Rituals of Sa'dan Toraja. From Aluk Todolo to "New" Religions - Michaela Budiman - e-kniha

cena 150.0 Kč

Mimo/manželská tajemství anglických panovníků - John Ashdown-Hill

Již název knihy je vypovídající - v této publikaci se dozvíme, jak to bylo s královskými potomky a jejich sňatky a budou vytaženi kostlivci ze skříní nejznámějších anglických panovníků. Byli "princové z Toweru" nelegitimními dětmi? Měl Jindřich VIII. opravdu šest manželek? Jak moc byla panenská královna Alžběta I. opravdu pannou? Byl Jakub, vévoda z Monmouthu, dědicem trůnu nebo jen jeden z bastardů Karla II.? Oženil se Jiří IV. s německou princeznou nebo s katolickou vdovou? Stala se královna Viktorie "paní Brownovou"? Tyto otázky jsou prozkoumány v kontextu širších souvislostí: jak to bylo s láskou a sňatky v anglické královské rodině a jaký byl vývoj svatebních obřadů v Anglii obecně. Jak se vybíraly královské nevěsty? Využívaly královské nevěsty magii? Kde a jak probíhaly svatby v minulosti? Odpovědi na tyto a další fascinující otázky naleznete právě v této knize. Kniha obsahuje bohatou obrazovou přílohu (111 obrázků) a zkrácené životopisy všech anglických panovníků od Viléma Dobyvatele po současnou panovnici Alžbětu II.

Objev podobné jako Mimo/manželská tajemství anglických panovníků - John Ashdown-Hill

cena 528.0 Kč

A Beginner's Guide to Knitting on a Loom (New Edition) - Isela Phelps

The new edition of the essential guide to loom-knitting for beginners, including techniques, information on equipment and more than 35 projects to try out your new skills.

Objev podobné jako A Beginner's Guide to Knitting on a Loom (New Edition) - Isela Phelps

cena 325.0 Kč

Běžecké tričko New Balance Nyc Marathon Q Speed červená barva

Běžecké tričko z kolekce New Balance. Model vyroben z rychleschnoucího materiálu.

Objev podobné jako Běžecké tričko New Balance Nyc Marathon Q Speed červená barva

cena 649.0 Kč

NYC GIRL, příběhy z New Yorku - Veronika Kafková - e-kniha

eBook: Příběhy z New Yorku deníkovou formou. Dokumentární pojetí života v NYC z pohledu mladé dívky.

Objev podobné jako NYC GIRL, příběhy z New Yorku - Veronika Kafková - e-kniha

cena 199.0 Kč

Food for Life: Your Guide to the New Science of Eating Well - Tim Spector

'Life-changing' DAVINA McCALL'A must-read' DR RUPY AUJLA'Fascinating' NIGELLA LAWSON'Empowering' LIZ EARLE**AS HEARD ON THE DIARY OF A CEO PODCAST**Empowering and practical, Food for Life is nothing less than a new approach to how to eat - for our health and the health of the planet.Food is our greatest ally for good health, but the question of what to eat in the age of ultra-processed food has never seemed so complicated.Drawing on cutting-edge research and personal insights, Professor Tim Spector offers clear answers in this definitive, easy-to-follow guide to the new science of eating well.'No fads, no nonsense, just practical, science-based advice on how to eat well' Daily Mail, Books of the Year'A rigorously academic book that welcomes the layperson with open arms' The Times** A THE TIMES and SUNDAY TIMES BOOK OF THE YEAR**** WINNER OF THE FORTNUM & MASON SPECIAL AWARD **

Objev podobné jako Food for Life: Your Guide to the New Science of Eating Well - Tim Spector

cena 357.0 Kč

Minecraft komiks Druhá kniha příběhů - Graleyová Sarah, Sfé R. Monster, John J. Hill

Pokračování úspěšné první knihy kreslených příběhů ze světa Minecraftu! VÍTEJTE zpět ve Středosvětě, kde naše parta plánuje svou nejnovější výpravu k mořskému paláci! Ale do cesty se jim staví násilníci (ve hře i ve skutečnosti) a Evan, Tyler, Tobi, Candace a Grace musí najít způsob, jak se s nimi vypořádat! Když se po útoku pirátů ocitnou tváří v tvář ještě větší hrozbě, všichni hráči si uvědomí, že se musí naučit spoléhat jeden na druhého, aby nebezpečí překonali.

Objev podobné jako Minecraft komiks Druhá kniha příběhů - Graleyová Sarah, Sfé R. Monster, John J. Hill

cena 223.0 Kč

Depraved New World - John Crace

AS FEATURED IN WATERSTONES BEST BOOKS OF 2023From bestselling author and beloved Guardian columnist John Crace comes a blisteringly hilarious tour through the whirlwind of post-Brexit Britain, from the ousting of Boris to the dawn of a new era . . . sort of. O brave new world, that has such people in’t. Or not. William Shakespeare clearly had never imagined a clusterf*ck on this scale. Given the state of the country right now, he would be in need of a long lie down.Another month, another prime minister – how many have we been through now? But fear not: despite all the nonsense that has spewed forth from Westminster over the past two years, John Crace’s brilliantly lacerating political sketches have provided the nation with some desperately needed relief.Taking in everything from Partygate, BoJo’s drawn-out farewell and the disastrous reign of Liz Truss, to thepsychodrama of the Tory leadership contest(s), the return of Rishi Sunak and the shenanigans of his impressively inept colleagues, Depraved New World is a worryingly funny collection which captures British politics at its most absurd.

Objev podobné jako Depraved New World - John Crace

cena 502.0 Kč

SAS Survival Guide : How to Survive in the Wild, on Land or Sea - John Wiseman

THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO SURVIVING ANYWHERE The Collins Gem SAS Survival Guide is the pocket companion for adventurers everywhere. From making camp and finding food in the wild to security and self-defence in the streets, be prepared on land or sea. SAS legend John 'Lofty' Wiseman's unrivalled guide will teach you: Preparation - Understanding and assembling latest, most resilient, kit. Navigation - Skills, technologies and techniques to get you through unfamiliar terrain. Food and Health - Finding resources in your environment, feeding yourself, healing yourself and avoiding disease. Safety and Security - Recognising dangerous situations, defending yourself and saving others. Disaster Survival - Dealing with unstable environmental conditions: what to do in the face of flash flooding or fast-spreading fire.

Objev podobné jako SAS Survival Guide : How to Survive in the Wild, on Land or Sea - John Wiseman

cena 207.0 Kč

Marvel Encyclopedia New Edition - James Hill, Alan Cowsill, Melanie Scott

The best-selling, official, and definitive guide to the characters of the dynamic, ever-expanding Marvel Universe. Compiled by a team of comic book experts in close collaboration with Marvel Comics, this fully updated and expanded edition features more than 1,200 iconic Super Heroes and villains, with hundreds of expanded entries detailing their adventures since the previous edition (2019). Major new characters have also been added, and the latest Marvel Universe crossover events, such as Judgment Day, Empyre, and War of the Realms, are included as in-depth features.With every character illustrated with superb artwork from the original Marvel Comics, this is the one book every Marvel fan has to own. © 2024 MARVEL

Objev podobné jako Marvel Encyclopedia New Edition - James Hill, Alan Cowsill, Melanie Scott

cena 1181.0 Kč

Marvel Guardians of the Galaxy. The Ultimate Guide New Edition - Nick Jones

Uncover the full story of the galaxy's most heroic band of misfits. Even since the 2000s, Marvel's greatest band of intergalactic outlaws have become ever more crucial to the comic book Marvel Universe and its key storylines, ultimately inspiring their inclusion in the Marvel Cinematic Universe with the blockbuster Guardians of the Galaxy movies. Fans all over the world have enjoyed their comics and movie adventures, and many will be wondering how the Guardians came to be the galaxy's most wanted crew of cosmic rogues.This new, updated, and expanded edition of the Guardians of the Galaxy Ultimate Guide gives the lowdown on the motley team's entire story, from their earliest incarnations to their latest story lines and future legacy. Chronicled by Marvel-approved comics experts and illustrated with stellar comic artwork, this is a must-have guide for die-hard fans and newcomers alike. (c) 2022 MARVEL

Objev podobné jako Marvel Guardians of the Galaxy. The Ultimate Guide New Edition - Nick Jones

cena 536.0 Kč

Macbeth (new edition) - John O'Connor, Stuart Eames

Fully updated to meet the needs of the 2010 GCSE specifications. Exclusive awarding-body specific support to help students realise their full potential. The most accessible texts with supportive notes, activities and advice to engage students. Reamins the best value for money available.

Objev podobné jako Macbeth (new edition) - John O'Connor, Stuart Eames

cena 257.0 Kč

NIV Gospel of John - New International Version

John''s Gospel tells the complete story of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.Accurate and readable, the NIV (New International Version) is the world''s most popular modern English Bible translation.

Objev podobné jako NIV Gospel of John - New International Version

cena 22.0 Kč

Wise as F*ck : Simple Truths to Guide You Through the Sh*tstorms in Life - Gary John Bishop

Compelling and straight-shooting wisdom for coping with whatever challenges life throws at us from the New York Times bestselling author of Unfu*k Yourself. When facts, figures, knowledge and everything you think you know is turned on its head, where do you turn to? How does one cope? Gary has taught thousands of people how to unf*ck themselves and now he's going to show how to get wise as f*ck - so we can sail through the sh*tstorms of life. His answer to this is wisdom. Gary believes that in order to live a powerful, meaningful existence that carries you beyond adversity, you need something that lives outside of your everyday responses, a voice that's independent, reliable and brings you back to a settled place. Wisdom gets your sh*t together, through the sh*tstorms - it will give provide you with pause, perspective and actionable insight aside from the rollercoaster of feelings brought about by unexpected circumstances. Wise as F*ck is the essential lifejacket to ensure you sail to the shore across the morass of waves. The show must and always does go on, whether you're ready or not. And after reading and engaging with Gary's latest lessons, you will be better equipped to face anything and rise up once more.

Objev podobné jako Wise as F*ck : Simple Truths to Guide You Through the Sh*tstorms in Life - Gary John Bishop

cena 303.0 Kč

Architecture Today - Pools

This book offers ideas, inspiration and advice through the most recent projects of 30 of the most relevant architects and landscape designers of the world. Over 500 inviting color photos illustrate the many options from infinity-edge pools to attractive garden pools. Valuable advice is included on site selection, materials, financing, and more. This gorgeus compilation is beautifully printed, and exquisitely designed. A must buy volume not only for architects and landscapers but also for designers, design and architecture practices, students, university libraries, real estate companies and developers, manufacturers and furniture designers, product designers, public and private institutions, large and local retailers, architecture & design bookstores, museum bookstores, newsstands and individual non-professional readership with an interest in Architecture, Pools and Home Gardens.

Objev podobné jako Architecture Today - Pools

cena 886.0 Kč

Prefab Architecture - Lleonart

This book illustrates the variety of prefabricated construction systems in modern architecture.

Objev podobné jako Prefab Architecture - Lleonart

cena 299.0 Kč

Modern Architecture A–Z

With more than 280 entries, this architectural A–Z, now part of our Bibliotheca Universalis series, offers an indispensable overview of the key players in the creation of modern space. From the period spanning the 19th to the 21st century, pioneering architects are featured with a portrait, concise biography, as well as a description of her or his important work.Like a bespoke global architecture tour, you’ll travel from Manhattan skyscrapers to a Japanese concert hall, from Gaudí’s Palau Güell in Barcelona to Lina Bo Bardi’s sports and leisure center in a former factory site in S?o Paulo. You’ll take in Gio Ponti’s colored geometries, Zaha Hadid’s free-flowing futurism, the luminous interiors of SANAA, and Charles Rennie Mackintosh’s unique blend of Scottish tradition and elegant japonisme.

Objev podobné jako Modern Architecture A–Z

cena 536.0 Kč

Faithfull Marianne: She Walks In Beauty (With Warren Ellis) - CD (4050538651140)

Hudební CD - Své album začala nahrávat Marianne Faithfull před prvním lockdownem a pokračovala i během něho do doby, než sama vážně onemocněla nemocí Covid-19. Na albu je jako hlavní spolupracovník hudebník Warren Ellis, který je společně s Nickem Cavem podepsán pod několika známými soundtracky. Své album začala nahrávat Marianne Faithfull před prvním lockdownem a pokračovala i během něho do doby, než sama vážně onemocněla nemocí Covid-19. Na albu je jako hlavní spolupracovník hudebník Warren Ellis, který je společně s Nickem Cavem podepsán pod několika známými soundtracky. Mezi dalšími spolupracovníky se objevují i zmíněný Nick Cave, dále Brian Eno, cellista Vincent Ségal nebo producent a hudební inženýr skrývající se pod pseudonymem Head. Na albu vzdává Marianne poctu svým oblíbeným anglickým romantickým básníkům. Marianne Faithfull je britská zpěvačka, písničkářka a herečka, jejíž kariéra trvá již více než pět dekád. V letech 1966-1970 plnila stránky...

Objev podobné jako Faithfull Marianne: She Walks In Beauty (With Warren Ellis) - CD (4050538651140)

cena 399.0 Kč

Container Architecture - Sibylle Kramer

In this book the reader will find the full range of current container architecture projects - one container for a temporary exhibition Hall, or thousand containers for a football stadium. In an ever-changing world with its hybrid forms of living and working, this book presents a collection of remarkable and carefully selected container buildings. Invented in the 1950s by Malcom McLean, these plain steel boxes with corrugated profiles revolutionized the worldwide trade sector. Furthermore, these huge receptacles for storing and transporting cargo have found their way into architecture to become an essential part of global building culture. Ever more astonishing architectural applications and design experiments are based on these standardized, strictly geometrically conceived units. Their imaginatively designed shells are just as versatile as their use: sometimes with original, rough surfaces with traces of use that tell a story, sometimes with a curtain facade made of wood and large-scale glazing, or even as a purist composition with a sophisticated light installation.

Objev podobné jako Container Architecture - Sibylle Kramer

cena 1290.0 Kč

Modern Architecture and Interiors

In 2006, architectural designer and curator Adam Stech embarked on a photographic project to document the best Modernist architecture around the globe. Twenty-five countries and more than a decade later, the fruits of that monumental project are gathered in this impressive collection covering nearly a century of architectural history. Driven by a passion for rediscovering forgotten or lesser known architectural treasures of Modernism, Stech took thousands of diverse photographs of exteriors and interiors. This survey features often overlooked details that tech helps bring to light. Examples of seating, storage, tables, handrails, lighting, doors, windows, fireplaces, and other decorative or functional elements illustrate how architects imbued every aspect of a building with Modernist ideals. tech's brief personal commentary reveals insights into his photography such as capturing Le Corbusier's bold use of primary colours, the California vibe of an Albert Frey house, or the over-the-top elegance of Togo Murano's Grand Prince Hotel. Expansive and inspiring, this is destined to become the definitive guide to 20th-century Modernism.

Objev podobné jako Modern Architecture and Interiors

cena 976.0 Kč

Postmodern Architecture - Owen Hopkins

A curated collection of Postmodern architecture in all its glorious array of vivid non-conformity This unprecedented book takes its subtitle from Postmodernist icon Robert Venturi's spirited response to Mies van der Rohe's dictum that ‘less is more'. One of the 20th century's most controversial styles, Postmodernism began in the 1970s, reached a fever pitch of eclectic non-conformity in the 1980s and 90s, and after nearly 40 years is now enjoying a newfound popularity. Postmodern Architecture showcases examples of the movement in a rainbow of hues and forms from around the globe. London-based Owen Hopkins is the Senior Curator of Exhibitions and Education at Sir John Soane's Museum where he curated ‘The Return of the Past: Postmodernism in British Architecture' in 2018. He was also the editor of Conversations on Postmodernism, a book of interviews with eight figures associated with the movement. Hopkins has written widely on architecture for publications including the Independent, Dezeen, Icon, The Architectural Review, and The Architects' Journal.

Objev podobné jako Postmodern Architecture - Owen Hopkins

cena 976.0 Kč

Office Design. Architecture today

This book shows how architecture and design helps to express the identity and philosophy of international companies. The public image of a corporation is communicated either powerfully or subtly and symbolically in its internal and external spaces. It analyses different approaches to architecture as a brand message by a wide range of international architectural practices from different countries. This collection brings together award-winning projects by architects such as: Ricardo Bofill (Spain), Cloud Architektai (Lithuania), 3 de Luxe (Germany), Amaa Arquitectos (Spain), Team V (Holland), Andreescu & Gaivoronschi (Romania), Cepezed (Holland), Taillandier (France) and others.

Objev podobné jako Office Design. Architecture today

cena 707.0 Kč

LEGO Architecture 21044 Paříž

Spoj dohromady nejslavnější pařížská místa díky tomuto nádhernému panoramatickému modelu Paříže. Sada 21044 LEGO® Architecture z kolekce panoramatických stavebnic obsahuje Vítězný oblouk, bulvár Champs-Elysées, výškovou budovu Tour Montparnasse, výstavní pavilon Grand Palais, Eiffelovu věž a slavný Louvre, a navíc ozdobnou cedulku s názvem města. Tato LEGO sada byl navržena tak, aby poskytla příjemný a obohacující zážitek ze stavění všem, kdo se zajímají o architekturu, cestování, historii a design. Tento jedinečný kousek se bude také skvěle vyjímat doma nebo v kanceláři. Každý panoramatický model díky svému měřítku a skutečným barvám představuje věrnou kopii všech budov v menším provedení.

Objev podobné jako LEGO Architecture 21044 Paříž

cena 1039.0 Kč

LEGO Architecture 21034 Londýn

Zachyť architektonickou podstatu Londýna s touto úžasnou sadou, která svádí dohromady ikonickou Národní galerii, Nelsonuv sloup, vyhlídkové Londýnské oko, vež Big Ben (tzv. Alžbetinu vež) a most Tower Bridge. Každá LEGO budova je navržena tak, aby poskytla výjimečný stavitelský zážitek díky reálným barvám, a díky tomu, že jsou všechny budovy ve stejném měřítku. Londýnská řeka Temže je zde zpodobněna pomocí základní desky, která dodává tomuto skvělému modelu pocit autenticity.

Objev podobné jako LEGO Architecture 21034 Londýn

cena 819.0 Kč

Ethno Architecture & Interiors - Lleonart

Ethno Architecture & Interiors spotlights the ways cultures from around the globe--from multiple African and South American countries, Indonesia, China, Japan, and more--are reflected in different interiors.

Objev podobné jako Ethno Architecture & Interiors - Lleonart

cena 268.0 Kč

Concrete Architecture - Sam Lubell

The ultimate book of concrete architecture, featuring 300 buildings of every type and style from the past 100 years A singularly impressive volume featuring 300 examples of the most incredible and inspiring concrete architecture from the early twentieth century to the present day. Organised visually, with one building per page, Concrete Architecture celebrates the might, majesty, and sculptural beauty of concrete buildings from all over the globe and is grounded with a contextualising essay on the long history of concrete architecture, reaching back more than a thousand years to the classical civilisations of Greece and Rome. Including buildings from the pioneering Modern masters of concrete Marcel Breuer, Le Corbusier, Louis Kahn, I.M. Pei, John Lautner, and Frank Lloyd Wright as well as work by some of the most revered architects of the late twentieth century including Tadao Ando, Steven Holl, Herzog and de Meuron, and Zaha Hadid, Concrete Architecture also brings to light the contemporary stars using concrete in spectacular ways, including Grafton Architects, Elemental, and Pezo von Elrichshausen. This awe-inspiring collection of concrete buildings from around the globe is a visual feast for lovers of Brutalism, one of the hottest topics in popular architecture.

Objev podobné jako Concrete Architecture - Sam Lubell

cena 1781.0 Kč

John Williams - Star Wars: A New Hope (2 LP)

Balení obsahuje: LP Typ: Remastered;LP deska Země původu: Německo Barva: Černá Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Barva podle výrobce: Black Dekáda interpreta: 2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019;1960 - 1969;1970 - 1979;1990 - 1999;1980 - 1989;2000 - 2009;1950 - 1959 Složení setu: 2 ks Země interpreta: USA Žánr: Stage & Screen Subžánr: Stage & Screen;Score Varianta: Star Wars: A New Hope (2 LP) Interpret / Téma: John Williams Vydavatelství: Walt Disney Records Datum vydání: 2020-10-02 Rok vydání: 2020.0

Objev podobné jako John Williams - Star Wars: A New Hope (2 LP)

cena 1120.0 Kč

New Headway Advanced Student's book - John a Liz Soars

Nejoblíbenější šestidílný kurz pro dospělé a mládež (Beginner,Elementary,Pre-intermediate,Intermediate,Upper-intermediate,Advanced).Nejužívanější učebnice pro středoškoláky a jazykové školy oceněná řadoucen, velmi úspěšná u studentů i učitelů. Kombinuje to nejlepší z tradičníchmetod s nejnovějšími vyučovacími postupy. Zcela nový design a ilustrace,všechny díly aktualizovány, zařazeny nové svěží texty, zajímavé materiályz autentických zdrojů. Zkrácení poslechů a čtení s větším důrazem nakonverzační aktivity. Množství kopírovatelných materiálů včetně testů aStop and Check sekce v učitelské příručce, která slouží učiteli k zopakovánía konsolidaci probrané látky. Má doložku MŠMT.

Objev podobné jako New Headway Advanced Student's book - John a Liz Soars

cena 606.0 Kč

Romeo and Juliet (new edition) - John Seely, Richard Durant

Thoroughly updated editions to meet the needs of the Key Stage 3 and GCSE classrooms. Enhanced accessibility for all students with clear navigation through the texts, spacious page design and new activities. Brand-new support and activities to match the new GCSE English 2010 curriculum. Durable hardback editions for longevity.

Objev podobné jako Romeo and Juliet (new edition) - John Seely, Richard Durant

cena 387.0 Kč

New Headway Advanced Workbook Without Key (Defekt) - John Soars

Six-level general English course for adultsThe world's best-selling adult English course - a perfectly-balanced syllabus, strong grammar focus, and full support at all six levels.Each unit covers language input - language focus, vocabulary, spoken English - and skills development (reading, speaking, listening, and writing) to create a complete syllabus for students.Throughout the book, Music of English and Spoken English help students' speaking.These features show learners how to use tone, stress, and informal phrases to express the right meaning and sound natural in conversation. Key features Integrated-skills syllabus and a clear grammar focus Everyday English in every unit Music of English feature - for stress and intonation Spoken English - for informal phrases in speech 12 units Tapescripts, grammar reference, extra material, and phonetic symbols

Objev podobné jako New Headway Advanced Workbook Without Key (Defekt) - John Soars

cena 69.0 Kč

PER | Level 2: Lost In New York - John Escott

Original / British EnglishThis is Nicky’s first visit to New York. He is going to stay with his aunt, but she is not at the airport. Then some older boys on motorbikes play a dangerous game with him. Not long after he arrives, the police are looking for Nicky. Can he find his aunt before the police find him?

Objev podobné jako PER | Level 2: Lost In New York - John Escott

cena 210.0 Kč

HOW TO SEARCH FOR NEW EMPLOYEES - Vladimír John - audiokniha

Audiokniha: The success or failure of every company depends primarily on the quality of employees and the cooperation of the entire team. Learn everything about company staffing, recruiting new employees, developing their skills in the company, drafting employee contracts, paying wages and terminating employment. Get a comprehensive overview of how to create a successful personnel strategy in your company.

Objev podobné jako HOW TO SEARCH FOR NEW EMPLOYEES - Vladimír John - audiokniha

cena 97.0 Kč

NEONAIL Winter Collection gelový lak na nehty odstín Night Walks 7,2 ml

NEONAIL Winter Collection, 7,2 ml, Laky na nehty pro ženy, Nádherná manikúra jako po návštěvě nehtového studia? Lak na nehty NEONAIL Winter Collection umožňuje vytvořit si ji v pohodlí vlastního domova. Pokrývá povrch nehtů souvislou vrstvou dlouhotrvající intenzivní barvy s lesklým finišem, a pomáhá tak dodat nehtům pěstěný, dokonale upravený vzhled. Můžete s jeho pomocí jednoduše zvýraznit své nehty a nebo třeba podtrhnout styl vašeho outfitu. Tak která barva se zaleskne na vašich nehtech? Vlastnosti: zářivá a sytá barva zajišťuje vysoký lesk používat pouze společně s LED lampou

Objev podobné jako NEONAIL Winter Collection gelový lak na nehty odstín Night Walks 7,2 ml

cena 214.0 Kč

Guide to Diabetes

An up-to-date introduction to diabetes that aims to increase your understanding of diabetes with an overview of this complex disorder. Chapters cover: What is diabetes? Initial Diagnosis and early care; Dietary and drug treatment; Insulin treatment; Monitoring Glucose Levels; Hypoglycaemia; Acute Metabolic Complications of Diabetes; Long term chronic complications; Diabetes in pregnant women, children, the elderly and ethnic minorities; Living with Diabetes; Glossary. Bibliography

Objev podobné jako Guide to Diabetes

cena 149.0 Kč

Container Architecture - David Andreu Bach

An illustrated celebration of architecture using shipping containers as modular building elements, resulting in affordable moveable and sustainable prefabricated homes.Architecture with containers is a form of sustainable architecture creating a very peculiar aesthetic from recycled material. It is a construction procedure based on the assembly of modular elements, in this case, containers used in maritime and rail transport of goods. They are robust, durable, economical, easily transportable, adaptable and sustainable. Their versatility makes them adaptable to the most diverse scales and needs: single-family and collective housing, shopping centres, offices, schools, hotels, restaurants, shelters, laboratories and works of ephemeral architecture.

Objev podobné jako Container Architecture - David Andreu Bach

cena 886.0 Kč

LEGO® Architecture 21044 Paříž

• LEGO® Architecture interpretace města Paříž. • Obsahuje nejslavnější pařížská místa – nechybí Vítězný oblouk, bulvár Champs-Elysées, výškovou budovu Tour Montparnasse, výstavní pavilon Grand Palais, Eiffelovu věž ani slavný Louvre. Součástí modelu jsou i travnaté

Objev podobné jako LEGO® Architecture 21044 Paříž

cena 1299.0 Kč

LEGO® Architecture 21034 Londýn

Zachyť architektonickou podstatu Londýna s touto úžasnou sadou, která svádí dohromady ikonickou Národní galerii, Nelsonův sloup, vyhlídkové Londýnské oko, věž Big Ben (tzv. Alžbětinu věž) a most Tower Bridge. Každá LEGO® budova je navržena tak, aby poskytla výjimečný stavitelský

Objev podobné jako LEGO® Architecture 21034 Londýn

cena 1199.0 Kč

The Architecture of Happiness (0241970059)

Kniha - autor Alain de Botton, 280 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá

Objev podobné jako The Architecture of Happiness (0241970059)

cena 349.0 Kč

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