Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
Guide to Diabetes
An up-to-date introduction to diabetes that aims to increase your understanding of diabetes with an overview of this complex disorder. Chapters cover: What is diabetes? Initial Diagnosis and early care; Dietary and drug treatment; Insulin treatment; Monitoring Glucose Levels; Hypoglycaemia; Acute Metabolic Complications of Diabetes; Long term chronic complications; Diabetes in pregnant women, children, the elderly and ethnic minorities; Living with Diabetes; Glossary. Bibliography
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Diabetes u endokrinopatií a endokrinopatie u diabetu - Jan Brož, Ludmila Brunerová, Jana Urbanová
Kniha se zabývá recipročním vztahem mezi diabetem a širokou škálou poruch žláz s vnitřní sekrecí. Nejen se změnou atestačního systému, ale hlavně s významným nárůstem incidence diabetu a dalších endokrinopatií roste potřeba komplexního pohledu na reciproční vztah mezi diabetem a ostatními poruchami žláz s vnitřní sekrecí.
Podívejte se také YATE Guide 3,8 červená (8595053924455)
Diabetes u endokrinopatií a endokrinopatie u diabetu - Jan Brož, Ludmila Brunerová, Jana Urbanová - e-kniha
eBook: Kniha se zabývá recipročním vztahem mezi diabetem a širokou škálou poruch žláz s vnitřní sekrecí. Diabetes mellitus je samozřejmě také onemocněním žlázy s vnitřní sekrecí, v Česku však byl historicky obvykle řešen izolovaně od ostatních endokrinopatií samostatnou odborností. Nejen se změnou atestačního systému (atestace z diabetologie a endokrinologie), ale hlavně s významným nárůstem incidence diabetu a dalších endokrinopatií roste potřeba komplexního pohledu na reciproční vztah mezi diabetem a ostatními poruchami žláz s vnitřní sekrecí. Celá řada hormonů ovlivňuje působení inzulinu a inzulin ovlivňuje funkci mnohých hormonálních systémů. Jednotlivé kapitoly jsou členěny podle endokrinních žláz (hypothalamus/hypofýza, štítná žláza, příštítná tělíska, nadledviny, gonády, endokrinní systém GIT, kosti). Úvod každé kapitoly obsahuje patofyziologický exkurz (jednoduché vysvětlení příslušné hormonální funkce/systému), další část kapitoly je věnována reciprocitě vztahu diabetu (obou základních typů, případně dalších typů, kde je problematika relevantní) a příslušné endokrinopatie, velký důraz je kladen na klinický význam vztahu (např. smysl screeningu diabetu u poruch funkce nadledvin s uvedením klinicko-laboratorních identifikátorů, specifické gonadální poruchy u diabetu, vliv gonadálních poruch na průběh diabetu ad.) Pozornost je věnována také specifikům léčby při současném výskytu diabetu a příslušné endokrinopatie a vzájemnému vlivu endokrinologické léčby na diabetes a antidiabetické léčby na příslušnou endokrinopatii. Kniha je určena odborné veřejnosti, především pak pro postgraduální studium (internisté, diabetologové, endokrinologové).
Podívejte se také YATE Guide 3,8 modrá (8595053923465)
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Transplantační léčba diabetu: Příručka pro pacienty s diabetem a jejich blízké (978-80-7345-570-5)
Kniha - autor František Saudek, 167 stran, česky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Publikace je srozumitelnou příručkou pro pacienty s pokročilými komplikacemi diabetu, kteří budou léčeni některou z transplantačních metod. Pacienti a jejich blízcí se dozví o léčebných možnostech, výhodách a nevýhodách transplantační léčby. V knize nechybí odpovědi na často kladené otázky ani slovníček základních pojmů. Předchozí vydání však jasně ukázalo, že kniha je významným zdrojem, resp. základní "rukovětí" rovněž pro lékaře - diabetology, internisty a transplantology, kteří pečují o nemocné s pokročilými komplikacemi diabetu.
Objev podobné jako Transplantační léčba diabetu: Příručka pro pacienty s diabetem a jejich blízké (978-80-7345-570-5)
9 kroků k prevenci a léčbě diabetu: 9 Ways to Prevent Diabetes (978-80-903780-5-6)
Kniha - autor Donald R. Hall, 96 stran, česky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Zdravý jídelníček a dostatek pohybu jsou základními opatřeními v prevenci i léčbě, a to nejen cukrovky, ale také nemocí srdce a cév, rakoviny a dalších chronických onemocnění. Kniha Dona Halla je vynikajícím průvodcem na této cestě.
Objev podobné jako 9 kroků k prevenci a léčbě diabetu: 9 Ways to Prevent Diabetes (978-80-903780-5-6)
Diabetes a sport: Příručka pro lékaře ošetřující nemocné s diabetem 1. typu (978-80-7345-639-9)
Kniha - autor Zdeněk Rušavý; Jan Brož, 280 stran, česky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá Diabetes u dětí a mladistvých byl tradičně považován za překážku větší sportovní aktivity. Dramatické zlepšení kvality života diabetiků 1. typu - v důsledku nových technických i farmakologických možností inzulinové terapie - umožňuje mnohým z nich život téměř srovnatelný s jejich zdravými vrstevníky. Přirozeným zájmem se tak mezi diabetiky 1. typu stává sport, včetně jeho závodního provozování. Diabetolog dnes musí být schopen pečovat o aktivně sportujícího diabetika. Riziko hypoglykemie i další nebezpečí spojená se sportem nelze podceňovat, na druhou stranu se lékař dostává do nepříjemného světla, když mladému pacientovi sport zakáže, když on sám zná další diabetiky, kteří se sportu věnovat mohou, a to někdy i vrcholovému. Druhé vydání úspěšné publikace obsahuje i nejmodernější metody léčby a kontroly glykemie, tedy aplikaci inzulinových pump a okamžitého měření glukózy...
Objev podobné jako Diabetes a sport: Příručka pro lékaře ošetřující nemocné s diabetem 1. typu (978-80-7345-639-9)
Transplantační léčba diabetu - František Saudek
Publikace je srozumitelnou příručkou pro pacienty s pokročilými komplikacemi diabetu, kteří budou léčeni některou z transplantačních metod. Pacienti a jejich blízcí se dozví o léčebných možnostech, výhodách a nevýhodách transplantační léčby. V knize nechybí odpovědi na často kladené otázky ani slovníček základních pojmů. Předchozí vydání však jasně ukázalo, že kniha je významným zdrojem, resp. základní "rukovětí” rovněž pro lékaře - diabetology, internisty a transplantology, kteří pečují o nemocné s pokročilými komplikacemi diabetu.
Objev podobné jako Transplantační léčba diabetu - František Saudek
Kapsička Kattovit Diabetes kuře 85g
Speciální krmivo pro kočky s cukrovkou. Určeno pro: kočky s cukrovkou kočky s nadváhou kočky se zácpou Vlastnosti: snížený obsah bílkovin a kalorií snížený obsah minerálů zvýšený obsah vlákniny Svými vlastnostmi tak působí preventivně při cukrovce, předchází výkyvům hladiny cukru v krvi, pomáhá při snižování váhy a svým vyšším obsahem vlákniny usnadňuje vyprazdňování. Dále obsahuje nezbytné vitaminy, minerály, taurin… Složení: maso a vedlejší živočišné produkty (kuře 4 %), vedlejší produkty rostlinného původu, oleje a tuky, minerální látky, bramborový škrob (1 %). Krmivo má preventivní a podpůrnou funkci, není lékem. Zdravotní obtíže je potřeba nejprve konzultovat s veterinárním lékařem.
Objev podobné jako Kapsička Kattovit Diabetes kuře 85g
Není bezvýchodných situací aneb příběhy lidí s diabetem: aneb příběhy lidí s diabetem (978-80-7345-381-7)
Kniha - 216 stran, česky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Současná diabetologie disponuje velmi účinným a široce strukturovaným farmakoterapeutickým "arzenálem", který spolu s moderní technikou významně změnil život velkého počtu nemocných s diabetem. Moderní medicína dokáže pacientům prodloužit období bez komplikací a zajistit tak nadlouho kvalitu života srovnatelnou se zcela zdravým člověkem. Po delší době je však úspěch léčby diabetu stále více závislý na ochotě pacienta s nemocí bojovat. Psychologie a psychiatrie je však v diabetologii stále ještě podceňovaným tématem. Doc. Štechová proto vytvořila originální koncept knihy zacílené na odbornou, ale i laickou veřejnost - příběhy lidí ilustrující jednotlivé situace, kterým jsou pacienti s diabetem a jejich rodiny vystaveni, vždy s odborným komentářem psychologa, diabetologa či psychiatra. Výsledné vyznění knihy je pozitivní a motivující, mělo by vést pacienty k tomu, aby se nebáli své problémy včas řešit....
Objev podobné jako Není bezvýchodných situací aneb příběhy lidí s diabetem: aneb příběhy lidí s diabetem (978-80-7345-381-7)
Guide to Back Pain
A Guide to Back Pain book provides straightforward, useful information about the workings of the human back and the things that may go wrong to cause pain. It provides guidance on the alleviation and management of such pain.
Objev podobné jako Guide to Back Pain
Calibra VD Cat Diabetes 2 kg
Calibra VD Cat Diabetes je kompletní dietní krmivo pro kočky s nízkým obsahem monosacharidů a disacharidů k optimalizaci přísunu glukózy.
Objev podobné jako Calibra VD Cat Diabetes 2 kg
Diabetes mellitus a endokrinologie - Jindřiška Perušičová
Diabetes mellitus a endokrinologie je zcela určitě nejstarším medicínskym interdisciplinárním spojením v historii diabetologie. Publikace je 13. svazkem edice Současná medicína a autorka v ní přináší čtenářům zajímavé informace o tom, jak v minulosti (i dosti vzdálené) lékaři nahlíželi na diabetes ve spojení s postižením dalších žláz s vnitřní sekrecí. V knížce se věnuje především takovým endokrinním žlázám a takovým klinickým jednotkám, které mohou významněji ovlivňovat nemocné diabetem nebo obráceně.
Objev podobné jako Diabetes mellitus a endokrinologie - Jindřiška Perušičová
Diabetes mellitus - Edita Hlinková, Jana Nemcová
Monografie je cílově zaměřena na problematiku diabetes mellitus a management ošetřovatelské péče, poskytne odborníkům všech zdravotnických oborů explicitní poznatky, které se opírají o výzkumné studie a klinické doporučené postupy. Je věnována moderním trendům managementu a edukace při respektování individuálního přístupu a osobní odpovědnosti pacientů s diabetes mellitus. Jednotlivé kapitoly obsahují klíčová témata s cílem prezentovat nejnovější poznatky v managementu interdisciplinární péče.
Objev podobné jako Diabetes mellitus - Edita Hlinková, Jana Nemcová
The Rough Guide to Green Britain & Northern Ireland: Compact Guide with eBook - Guide to travelling by electric vehicle (EV) - Rough Guides
Practical travel guide to Green Britain & Northern Ireland with a free eBook featuring points-of-interest structured lists of all sights and off-the-beaten-track treasures, with detailed colour-coded maps, practical details about what to see and to do in Green Britain & Northern Ireland. The Rough Guide to Green Britain & Northern Ireland also includes details on how to get there and around, pre-departure information, as well as top time-saving tips, like a visual list of things not to miss in Green Britain & Northern Ireland, expert author picks and itineraries to help you plan your trip. This guide book has been fully updated post-COVID-19.The Rough Guide to Green Britain & Northern Ireland covers: London & the Southeast, the Southwest, Central England, Northern England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.Inside this travel guide you''ll find:RECOMMENDATIONS FOR EVERY TYPE OF TRAVELLERExperiences selected for every kind of trip to Green Britain & Northern Ireland, from off-the-beaten-track adventures in The White Cliffs of Dover to family activities in child-friendly places, like Northumberland National Park or chilled-out breaks in popular tourist areas, like The Eden Project in Cornwall.PRACTICAL TRAVEL TIPSEssential pre-departure information including Green Britain & Northern Ireland entry requirements, getting around, health information, travelling with children, sports and outdoor activities, food and drink, festivals, culture and etiquette, shopping, tips for travellers with disabilities and more.TIME-SAVING ITINERARIESCarefully planned routes covering the best of Green Britain & Northern Ireland give a taste of the richness and diversity of the destination, and have been created for different time frames or types of trip.DETAILED REGIONAL COVERAGEClear structure within each sightseeing chapter includes regional highlights, brief history, detailed sights and places ordered geographically, recommended restaurants, hotels, bars, clubs and major shops or entertainment options.INSIGHTS INTO GETTING AROUND LIKE A LOCALTips on how to beat the crowds, save time and money and find the best local spots for the nearest EV charge points to each listing or wild swimming.HIGHLIGHTS OF THINGS NOT TO MISSRough Guides'' rundown of Snowdonia, Cumbria, Dorset, Suffolk''s best sights and top experiences helps to make the most of each trip to Green Britain & Northern Ireland, even in a short time.HONEST AND INDEPENDENT REVIEWSWritten by Rough Guides'' expert authors with a trademark blend of humour, honesty and expertise, to help to find the best places in Green Britain & Northern Ireland, matching different needs.BACKGROUND INFORMATIONComprehensive ''Contexts'' chapter features fascinating insights into Green Britain & Northern Ireland, with coverage of history, religion, ethnic groups, environment, wildlife and books, plus a handy language section and glossary.FABULOUS FULL COLOUR PHOTOGRAPHYFeatures inspirational colour photography, including the stunning Land''s End and the spectacular John O''Groats.COLOUR-CODED MAPPINGPractical full-colour maps, with clearly numbered, colour-coded keys for quick orientation in Northern England, Northern Ireland and many more locations in Green Britain & Northern Ireland, reduce the need to go online.USER-FRIENDLY LAYOUTWith helpful icons, and organised by neighbourhood to help you pick the best spots to spend your time.FREE EBOOKFree eBook download with every purchase of a printed book allows you to access all of the content from your phone or tablet, for on-the-road exploration.
Objev podobné jako The Rough Guide to Green Britain & Northern Ireland: Compact Guide with eBook - Guide to travelling by electric vehicle (EV) - Rough Guides
The Complete Guide to Middle-earth: The Definitive Guide to the World of J.R.R. Tolkien - Foster Robert
A peerless A–Z guide to the names, places and events in the world of J.R.R. Tolkien, fully illustrated in colour throughout by acclaimed Tolkien artist, Ted Nasmith. J.R.R. Tolkien’s works of epic adventure and fantasy, The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings and The Silmarillion have delighted many millions of fans since they were first published, and are now more popular than ever before. The Complete Guide to Middle-earth has been compiled to enhance the reader’s enjoyment of Tolkien’s books by bringing together in an A-Z sequence all the key facts and information about names, places, languages and events from The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings and The Silmarillion. Accompanied with numerous genealogical tables and a unique Chronology of the First Age, it will provide an indispensable aid to every reader’s discovery of Tolkien’s world. The first, and definitive, encyclopedia, The Complete Guide to Middle-earth is now reissued to complement the illustrated hardbacks of The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, The Silmarillion and Unfinished Tales, and is lavishly illustrated with more than 50 full-colour paintings by acclaimed Tolkien artist, Ted Nasmith, with many appearing exclusively in this edition.
Objev podobné jako The Complete Guide to Middle-earth: The Definitive Guide to the World of J.R.R. Tolkien - Foster Robert
The Rough Guide to Tanzania & Zanzibar: Travel Guide with eBook - Rough Guides
This Tanzania & Zanzibar guidebook is perfect for independent travellers planning a longer trip. It features all of the must-see sights and a wide range of off-the-beaten-track places. It also provides detailed practical information on preparing for a trip and what to do on the ground. And this Tanzania & Zanzibar travel guidebook is printed on paper from responsible sources, and verified to meet the FSC''s strict environmental and social standards. This Tanzania & Zanzibar guidebook covers: Dar es Salaam, The north coast, The south coast, Central Tanzania, The northern highlands, Arusha and around, The northern Safari Circuit, Lake Victoria and northwestern Tanzania, Lake Tanganyika and western Tanzania, Southern Tanzania, Zanzibar.Inside this Tanzania & Zanzibar travel book, you''ll find: - A wide range of sights - Rough Guides experts have hand-picked places for travellers with different needs and desires: off-the-beaten-track adventures, family activities or chilled-out breaks- Itinerary examples - created for different time frames or types of trip- Practical information - how to get to Tanzania & Zanzibar, all about public transport, food and drink, shopping, travelling with children, sports and outdoor activities, tips for travellers with disabilities and more- Author picks and things not to miss in Tanzania & Zanzibar - Serengeti, lake ferries, seafood in Zanzibar, chimpanzees at Gombe Stream and Mahale Mountains, Stone Town, Tarangire National Park, Indian Ocean flights, hiking in the Usambara and Udzungwa Mountains, Kondoa-Irangi rock paintings, cultural tourism, Mount Kilimanjaro, Kilwa Kisiwani, Ngorongoro Conservation Area- Insider recommendations - tips on how to beat the crowds, save time and money, and find the best local spots- When to go to Tanzania & Zanzibar - high season, low season, climate information and festivals - Where to go - a clear introduction to Tanzania & Zanzibar with key places and a handy overview - Extensive coverage of regions, places and experiences - regional highlights, sights and places for different types of travellers, with experiences matching different needs- Places to eat, drink and stay - hand-picked restaurants, cafes, bars and hotels- Practical info at each site - hours of operation, websites, transit tips, charges- Colour-coded mapping - with keys and legends listing sites categorised as highlights, eating, accommodation, shopping, drinking and nightlife- Background information for connoisseurs - history, culture, art, architecture, film, books, religion, diversity- Essential Kiswahili dictionary and glossary of local terms - Free download of the eBook - available after purchase of the printed guidebook to Tanzania & Zanzibar - Fully updated post-COVID-19The guide provides a comprehensive and rich selection of places to see and things to do in Tanzania & Zanzibar, as well as great planning tools. It''s the perfect companion, both ahead of your trip and on the ground.
Objev podobné jako The Rough Guide to Tanzania & Zanzibar: Travel Guide with eBook - Rough Guides
The Mini Rough Guide to Lisbon: Travel Guide with eBook - Rough Guides
This pocket-sized travel guide to Lisbon is a convenient, quick-reference companion to discovering what to do, what to see and how to get around the destination. It covers top attractions like Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga, the Bairro Alto, Torre de Belém, the Museum of Art, Architecture and Technology, Elevador de Santa Justa as well as hidden gems, including Alfama district. Our Lisbon guide book will save you time and enhance your exploration of this fascinating city. This Lisbon travel guide has been fully updated post-COVID-19.This Mini Rough Guide to LISBON covers: Alfama, Baixa (lower city), Bairro Alto (upper city), Lapa, Belém, North Lisbon, Parque das Nações, Across the Tagus, Excursions from Lisbon.In this guide book to Lisbon you will find:RECOMMENDATIONS FOR EVERY TYPE OF TRAVELLERExperiences selected for every kind of trip to Lisbon, from cultural explorations in Mosteiro dos Jerónimos to family activities in child-friendly places, like Belém or chilled-out breaks in popular tourist areas, like Castelo de São Jorge.TOP TEN ATTRACTIONSThis Lisbon travel guide covers the destination''s top ten attractions not to miss, including the Bairro Alto, Torre de Belém, the Museum of Art, Architecture and Technology, Elevador de Santa Justa and a Perfect Day itinerary suggestions.COMPACT FORMATCompact, concise, and packed with essential information, with a sharp design and colour-coded sections, this guide book to Lisbon is the perfect on-the-move companion when you''re exploring Parque das Nações.HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL INSIGHTSIncludes an insightful overview of landscape, history and culture of Lisbon.WHAT TO DODetailed description of entertainment, shopping, nightlife, festivals and events, and children''s activities.PRACTICAL MAPSHandy colour maps on the inside cover flaps of this travel guide to Lisbon will help you find your way around.PRACTICAL TRAVEL INFORMATIONPractical information on eating out, including a handy glossary and detailed restaurant listings, as well as a comprehensive A-Z of travel tips on everything from getting around to health and tourist information.STRIKING PICTURESInspirational colour photography throughout.FREE EBOOKFree eBook download with every purchase of this Lisbon guide book to access all content from your phone or tablet for on-the-road exploration.
Objev podobné jako The Mini Rough Guide to Lisbon: Travel Guide with eBook - Rough Guides
The Mini Rough Guide to Puglia: Travel Guide with eBook - Rough Guides
This pocket-sized guide is a convenient, quick-reference companion to discovering what to do, what to see and how to get around Puglia. It covers top attractions like the Tremiti islands, the Gargano peninsula and Otranto, as well as hidden gems, including Alberobello - the centre of Puglia''s famous trulli, the quaint, conical-shaped houses - Castel del Monte, a unique medieval masterpiece, and Lecce, Puglia''s Baroque gem, packed with lavish architecture and fanciful facades. This will save you time, and enhance your exploration of this fascinating region. This title has been fully updated post-COVID-19. This Mini Rough Guide to Puglia covers: The Gargano Peninsula, Puglia Imperiale, Canosa di Puglia, Bari and beyond, Valle d''Itria, The Salento, An excursion to MateraIn this travel guide you will find: RECOMMENDATIONS FOR EVERY TYPE OF TRAVELLER Experiences selected for every kind of trip to Puglia, from cultural explorations to family activities in child-friendly places or chilled-out breaks in popular tourist areas.TOP TEN ATTRACTIONSCovers the destination''s top ten attractions not to miss, including Martina Franca, Lecce, Gallipoli and a Perfect Day/Tour itinerary suggestions.COMPACT FORMATCompact, concise, and packed with essential information, with a sharp design and colour-coded sections, this is the perfect on-the-move companion when you''re exploring Puglia.HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL INSIGHTSIncludes an insightful overview of landscape, history and culture.WHAT TO DODetailed description of entertainment, shopping, nightlife, festivals and events, and children''s activities.PRACTICAL MAPSHandy colour maps on the inside cover flaps will help you find your way around.PRACTICAL TRAVEL INFORMATIONPractical information on eating out, including a handy glossary and detailed restaurant listings, as well as a comprehensive A-Z of travel tips on everything from getting around to health and tourist information.STRIKING PICTURESInspirational colour photography throughout.FREE EBOOK Free eBook download with every purchase of a printed book to access all content from your phone or tablet for on-the-road exploration.
Objev podobné jako The Mini Rough Guide to Puglia: Travel Guide with eBook - Rough Guides
The Mini Rough Guide to Bucharest: Travel Guide with eBook - Rough Guides
This mini pocket Bucharest travel guidebook is perfect for travellers seeking basic information about Bucharest. It covers key places, main attractions and a short hotel and restaurant recommendations list. This book is printed on paper from responsible sources, verified to meet FSC''s strict environmental and social standards.This Bucharest travel book covers: The Old Town; Along Calea Victoriei; Aviatorilor and Herastrau Park; Cotroceni to Cismigiu; Civic Centre; The Outskirts of the City and Excursions.In this Bucharest guidebook, you will find: - Curated recommendations of places - main attractions, child-friendly family activities, chilled-out breaks in popular tourist areas - Things not to miss in Bucharest - Spring Palace, Parliament, Village Museum, Therme, Herastrau Park, Caru'' Cu Bere, Stavropoleos Church, Romanian Athenaeum, Piata Unirii, Cotroceni Palace - Perfect Day - itinerary suggestions for those on a short break- Short Bucharest introduction - geographical location, cultural legacy, history with interesting key dates - What to do in Bucharest - recommendations for entertainment, shopping, sports, children''s activities, events and nightlife- Food and drink - recommendations for local products and places to eat- Overview maps - handy maps on the inside cover flaps showing Bucharest and around- Practical information - how to get there and around, opening times, health and medical care, and tourist information- Striking pictures - inspirational colour photography throughout- Free download of the eBook - available after purchase of the printed guidebook Bucharest - Fully updated post-COVID-19This guide is easy to use and quick to scan through when you need help on the go. It''s the perfect companion both ahead of your trip and on the ground. It gives you the flavour of Bucharest without overwhelming you with too much information.
Objev podobné jako The Mini Rough Guide to Bucharest: Travel Guide with eBook - Rough Guides
The Mini Rough Guide to Singapore: Travel Guide with eBook - Rough Guides
This mini pocket Singapore travel guidebook is perfect for travellers seeking basic information about Singapore. It covers key places, main attractions and a short hotel and restaurant recommendations list. This book is printed on paper from responsible sources, verified to meet FSC''s strict environmental and social standards.This Singapore travel book covers: The Colonial District, Little India and Arab Street , Chinatown and the Financial District, Marina Bay, Orchard Road and the Botanic Gardens, Northern Singapore, Eastern Singapore, Western Singapore and Sentosa, the southern isles.In this Singapore guidebook, you will find: - Curated recommendations of places - main attractions, child-friendly family activities, chilled-out breaks in popular tourist areas - Things not to miss in Singapore - Chinatown, Esplanade - theatres on the bay, Raffles Hotel, Orchard Road, Clarke Quay and Boat Quay, Gardens by the bay, Night Safari, Sentosa Island, The National Museum, Little India - Perfect Day - itinerary suggestions for those on a short break- Short Singapore introduction - geographical location, cultural legacy, history with interesting key dates - What to do in Singapore - recommendations for entertainment, shopping, sports, children''s activities, events and nightlife- Food and drink - recommendations for local products and places to eat- Overview maps - handy maps on the inside cover flaps showing Singapore and around- Practical information - how to get there and around, opening times, health and medical care, and tourist information- Striking pictures - inspirational colour photography throughout- Free download of the eBook - available after purchase of the printed guidebook Singapore - Fully updated post-COVID-19This guide is easy to use and quick to scan through when you need help on the go. It''s the perfect companion both ahead of your trip and on the ground. It gives you the flavour of Singapore without overwhelming you with too much information.
Objev podobné jako The Mini Rough Guide to Singapore: Travel Guide with eBook - Rough Guides
4Vets Natural Veterinary Exclusive Diabetes 400g (5902811741057)
Konzerva pro psy pro všechna plemena nízkou aktivitou, hmotnost balení 0,4 kg, receptura: drůbeží, hovězí a krůtí, hrubé bílkoviny 5 %, tuky (lososový) 3,3%, bez obilovin, obsahuje juku, dietní, kvasnice a lněné semínko Pro psy trpící cukrovkou máme připravenou konzervu 4Vets Natural Veterinary Exclusive Diabetes. Jedná se o kompletní krmivo pro psy s potvrzeným diabetem nebo nadváhou a zároveň se hodí pro psy po sterilizaci jako prevence cukrovky. Díky hrubé vláknině a nízkému obsahu sacharidů usnadňuje konzerva 4Vets Diabetes kontrolu hladinu cukru v krvi a tělesné hmotnosti psa. Tato konzerva s krůtí a hovězí příchutí je vhodná pro plemena s nízkou aktivitou. Klíčové vlastnosti konzervy pro psy 4Vets Natural Veterinary Exclusive DiabetesKonzerva 4Vets Diabetes je kompletní krmivo pro psy s potvrzeným diabetem a/nebo nadváhou4Vets Natural Veterinary Exclusive Diabetes je dietní a obsahuje množství vitamínůNízký obsah sacharidů v...
Objev podobné jako 4Vets Natural Veterinary Exclusive Diabetes 400g (5902811741057)
Calibra VD Dog Diabetes&Obesity 2 kg
Kompletní dietní krmivo pro psy Calibra VD Dog Diabetes & Obesity vyniká nízkým obsahem kalorií a sacharidů, a vysokým podílem kvalitních proteinů.
Objev podobné jako Calibra VD Dog Diabetes&Obesity 2 kg
Kattovit Diabetes/Gewicht kuře kapsička 85 g
Kapsička s kuřecím masem Kattovit Diabetes je určená k regulaci cukru v krvi při diabetu. Je vhodná pro stimulaci redukce hmotnosti u nadváhy koček.
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4Vets Natural Veterinary Exclusive Diabetes 185g (5902811741194)
Konzerva pro psy pro všechna plemena nízkou aktivitou, hmotnost balení 0,185 kg, receptura: drůbeží, hovězí a krůtí, hrubé bílkoviny 5 %, tuky (lososový) 3,3%, bez obilovin, obsahuje juku, dietní, kvasnice a lněné semínko Při onemocnění cukrovkou máme pro vaše zvířecí miláčky připravenou konzervu pro psy 4Vets Natural Veterinary Exclusive Diabetes. Jedná se o kompletní krmivo pro psy s potvrzeným diabetem nebo nadváhou, Krmivo je přizpůsobeno potřebám obézních psů i psů po sterilizaci jako prevence cukrovky. 4Vets Natural Veterinary Exclusive Diabetes obsahuje hrubou vlákninu a současně nízký obsah sacharidů. Ty rychle uvolňují glukózu a usnadňují kontrolu hladiny cukru v krvi. Klíčové vlastnosti konzervy pro psy 4Vets Natural Veterinary Exclusive DiabetesPro psy s cukrovkou využijete konzervu 4Vets Natural Veterinary Exclusive DiabetesJde o kompletní krmivo pro psy s potvrzeným diabetem4Vets Natural Veterinary Exclusive Diabetes je...
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Potřeby dítěte s diabetes mellitus - Derňarová Ľubica
Publikace se aktuálně orientuje na zvláštnosti onemocnění DM z pohledu ošetřovatelství, protože této problematice je věnováno málo odborné literatury. Komplexně a holisticky pojednává o biologických, psychických, sociálních a ekonomických potřebách dítěte a rodiny potýkající se s tímto závažným celoživotním chronickým onemocněním. Podrobně jsou zpracovány výživové nároky dítěte s DM, včetně poradenství o náležité nutrici, která je základem úspěchu léčby. Rozebrána je potřeba vyprazdňování, pohybové aktivity a také potřeby psychické, jež se liší v jednotlivých věkových obdobích, z hlediska vyrovnávání se s onemocněním. Autorky v publikaci ve významné míře využily ukázky aplikace inzulinu různými způsoby, které hrají v edukačním procesu nezastupitelnou roli, a poukázaly na ekonomické důsledky onemocnění.Učebnice je určena k pregraduální přípravě studentů nelékařských zdravotnických oborů, zejména ošetřovatelství (dětská sestra) a porodní asistence, dále sestrám a dalším nelékařským zdravotnickým pracovníkům v praxi. Poslouží však jako významný informační zdroj i laikům, např. rodinám s dítětem s DM nebo pedagogům v předškolní přípravě i školní výuce žáků s tímto onemocněním.
Objev podobné jako Potřeby dítěte s diabetes mellitus - Derňarová Ľubica
Definitive Guide to Fortnite 2025 - PBR
The ultimate guide to one of the most popular online games around!With hardback cover, 64 full-colour pages and lots of exclusive features. Plus games, quizzes, tips and fun facts all included in every publication.Excellent for all ages!
Objev podobné jako Definitive Guide to Fortnite 2025 - PBR
An Opinionated Guide To London Pubs
London is home to over 3,500 pubs. The trouble is that 95% are awful. Dark, sweaty and tired. Says who? Says us. This small paperback tells you the only ones you should know. Whether you''re after the perfect Sunday roast, great craft beer, a cosy spot to read a book, the best pint of bitter or a raucous gig, this guide highlights the capital''s most exciting and, crucially, most stylish saloons in which to find it all.
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Opinionated Guide to photography - Robert Shore
An insider's guide to the most important, compelling photographs ever taken. No waffle. In a world of infinite images here is a guide to 65 of the best ever taken. From early experiments with light and form through Leica masterpeices and now articicially-generated images, take it or leave it, this is our opinion as to why these particular photographs rise above so many others and how they shaped the history of photography as an art form as well as the way we see ourselves and the world. The third book in a new series of Opinionated Guides on art movements, mediums and ideas which builds on the success of Hoxton Mini Press Opinionated Guides to London.
Objev podobné jako Opinionated Guide to photography - Robert Shore
Complete Guide to Dressmaking - Jules Fallon
All the dressmaking techniques you need, explained simply for easy, professional-looking results.
Objev podobné jako Complete Guide to Dressmaking - Jules Fallon
The Rough Guide to the Lake District: Travel Guide with eBook - Rough Guides
This Lake District guidebook is perfect for independent travellers planning a longer trip. It features all of the must-see sights and a wide range of off-the-beaten-track places. It also provides detailed practical information on preparing for a trip and what to do on the ground. And this Lake District travel guidebook is printed on paper from responsible sources, and verified to meet the FSC''s strict environmental and social standards. This Lake District guidebook covers: Windermere, Grasmere and the central fells, Coniston Water, Hawkshead and the south, Keswick, Derwent Water and the north, the western fells and valleys, Ullswater, out of the National Park.Inside this Lake District travel book, you''ll find: - A wide range of sights - Rough Guides experts have hand-picked places for travellers with different needs and desires: off-the-beaten-track adventures, family activities or chilled-out breaks- Itinerary examples - created for different time frames or types of trip- Practical information - how to get to the Lake District, all about public transport, food and drink, shopping, travelling with children, sports and outdoor activities, tips for travellers with disabilities and more- Author picks and things not to miss in the Lake District - Scafell Pike, Derwent Water, Eskdale, Ennerdale Water, hiking, bird watching, wildlife, boating, kayaking, biking, museums, history, wild swimming - Insider recommendations - tips on how to beat the crowds, save time and money, and find the best local spots- When to go to the Lake District - high season, low season, climate information and festivals - Where to go - a clear introduction to the Lake District with key places and a handy overview - Extensive coverage of regions, places and experiences - regional highlights, sights and places for different types of travellers, with experiences matching different needs- Places to eat, drink and stay - hand-picked restaurants, cafes, bars and hotels- Practical info at each site - hours of operation, websites, transit tips, charges- Colour-coded mapping - with keys and legends listing sites categorised as highlights, eating, accommodation, shopping, drinking and nightlife - Background information for connoisseurs - history, culture, art, architecture, film, books, religion, diversity- Free download of the eBook - available after purchase of the printed guidebook to the Lake District - Fully updated post-COVID-19The guide provides a comprehensive and rich selection of places to see and things to do in the Lake District, as well as great planning tools. It''s the perfect companion, both ahead of your trip and on the ground.
Objev podobné jako The Rough Guide to the Lake District: Travel Guide with eBook - Rough Guides
The Rough Guide to Kent, Sussex & Surrey: Travel Guide with eBook - Rough Guides
This Kent, Sussex & Surrey guidebook is perfect for independent travellers planning a longer trip. It features all of the must-see sights and a wide range of off-the-beaten-track places. It also provides detailed practical information on preparing for a trip and what to do on the ground. And this Kent, Sussex & Surrey travel guidebook is printed on paper from responsible sources, and verified to meet the FSC''s strict environmental and social standards. This Kent, Sussex & Surrey guidebook covers: Canterbury and around; North Kent; East Kent; The Kent Weald; The Sussex High Weald; East Sussex Downs; Brighton; West Sussex; Surrey.Inside this Kent, Sussex & Surrey travel book, you''ll find: - A wide range of sights - Rough Guides experts have hand-picked places for travellers with different needs and desires: off-the-beaten-track adventures, family activities or chilled-out breaks- Itinerary examples - created for different time frames or types of trip- Practical information - how to get to Kent, Sussex & Surrey, all about public transport, food and drink, shopping, travelling with children, sports and outdoor activities, tips for travellers with disabilities and more- Author picks and things not to miss in Kent, Sussex & Surrey - The Seven Sisters and Beachy Head, Chartwell, The Turner Contemporary, The Devil''s Punch Bowl, Rye, West Wittering, The Goods Shed, Pallant House Gallery, Charleston Farmhouse, Prospect Cottage, Hastings, Broadstairs Folk Week, Canterbury Cathedral, Botany Bay, Brighton, Petworth House, Dover Castle, Sissinghurst, Alfriston - Insider recommendations - tips on how to beat the crowds, save time and money, and find the best local spots- When to go to Kent, Sussex & Surrey - high season, low season, climate information and festivals - Where to go - a clear introduction to Kent, Sussex & Surrey with key places and a handy overview - Extensive coverage of regions, places and experiences - regional highlights, sights and places for different types of travellers, with experiences matching different needs- Places to eat, drink and stay - hand-picked restaurants, cafes, bars and hotels- Practical info at each site - hours of operation, websites, transit tips, charges- Colour-coded mapping - with keys and legends listing sites categorised as highlights, eating, accommodation, shopping, drinking and nightlife - Background information for connoisseurs - history, culture, art, architecture, film, books, religion, diversity- Free download of the eBook - available after purchase of the printed guidebook to Kent, Sussex & Surrey - Fully updated post-COVID-19The guide provides a comprehensive and rich selection of places to see and things to do in Kent, Sussex & Surrey, as well as great planning tools. It''s the perfect companion, both ahead of your trip and on the ground.
Objev podobné jako The Rough Guide to Kent, Sussex & Surrey: Travel Guide with eBook - Rough Guides
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (0345391802)
Kniha - autor Douglas Adams, 224 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Originally published: New York: Harmony Books, 1980.
Objev podobné jako The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (0345391802)
Quick Guide to Design Thinking - Engholm Ida
Design thinking is an increasingly widespread approach. In recent years it has been launched as a method that enables even the most conservative company to adopt agile, innovative and entrepreneurial mindsets and to think outside the box. But what is design thinking, how did it emerge, and what does it do? In Quick guide to design thinking Ida Engholm highlights the concept of design thinking from a Danish research perspective. The book outlines the research behind design thinking and provides an overview of the many different professions, theories and methods that have contributed to developing and defining design thinking as a research and practice field. Further, it offers an introduction to current debates about design thinking and concludes in a call for design activism as a path to a sustainable future.
Objev podobné jako Quick Guide to Design Thinking - Engholm Ida
A Good Girl's Guide to Murder (1405293187)
Kniha - 432 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Objev podobné jako A Good Girl's Guide to Murder (1405293187)
Universal: A guide to the Cosmos (1846144361)
Kniha - autor Brian Cox; Jeff Forshaw, 280 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá A guide to the principles that underpin our universe. Big, approachable, truly popular science from the bestselling authors of "The Quantum Universe". Shows readers that, by asking questions about the world around us, everyone can think like a physicist and grasp the grandeur of our cosmos.
Objev podobné jako Universal: A guide to the Cosmos (1846144361)
Oxford Guide to Plain English - Martin Cutts
Plain English is the art of writing clearly, concisely, and in a way that precisely communicates your message to your intended audience. This book offers expert advice to help writers of all abilities improve their written English. With 30 chapters, each centred around a practical guideline, its coverage is extensive, including lessons on vocabulary, punctuation, grammar, layout, proofreading, and organization. There are also hundreds of real examples to show how it''s done, with handy ''before'' and ''after'' versions. All this is presented in a straightforward and engaging way.This new edition has been fully revised, reorganized, and updated to make its content even more accessible. There are new chapters discussing customer-service writing and common blunders in the workplace, while other sections have been amended to update examples and provide easier routes through the book. The chapter on sexism, in particular, has been heavily expanded to advise on the use of inclusive language in general. A new appendix has also been added, summarising the history of plain English from Chaucer to the present day.
Objev podobné jako Oxford Guide to Plain English - Martin Cutts
A Beginner's Guide to Dying - Boas Simon
In his mid-40s, Simon Boas was diagnosed with incurable cancer – it had been caught too late, and spread around his body. But he was determined to die as he had learned to live – optimistically, thinking the best of people, and prioritising what really matters in life. In A Beginner’s Guide to Dying Simon considers and collates the things that have given him such a great sense of peace and contentment, and why dying at 46 really isn’t so bad.And for that reason it’s also only partly about ‘dying’. It is mostly a hymn to the joy and preciousness of life, and why giving death a place can help all of us make even more of it.
Objev podobné jako A Beginner's Guide to Dying - Boas Simon
A Field Guide to Autumn - Gabby Dawnay
The latest instalment in this charming series inspired by the Forest School movement, teaching young children how to engage with nature from season to season. Inspired by the Forest School movement, the ‘Field Guide to...’ series encourages children to learn in, with and about nature, and to discover the beauty and wonder of each season. Designed as guides to take out into the wild, books in the series prompt readers to explore the natural environment using their senses, curiosity and creativity, while also introducing them to the science behind the seasons. This new instalment in the series is a pocket-sized introduction to autumn. Building on children’s natural curiosity about the world around them, it aims to establish a connection with nature at an early age that will go on to last a lifetime! Go berry picking, make art out of fallen leaves, identify mushrooms, and build a woodland den. Discover why the weather changes in autumn and how animals prepare for winter. The book features lyrical poems, hands-on crafts and activities, scientific facts, and identifier pages to help children spot different spiders, leaves and fungi. Whether a child’s access to nature is in the form of an urban park, a private garden, a field, or a forest, there is so much to discover and experience.
Objev podobné jako A Field Guide to Autumn - Gabby Dawnay
The Ultimate Guide to parkrun - Lucy Waterlow
Perfect for any parkrunner, or wannabe parkrunner, this concise and joyful book reveals how a Saturday 5km run in the park has become a worldwide phenomenon. The Ultimate Guide to parkrun (always with a lower case p!) covers how parkrun started, how it is staged every week, how to get involved as a runner, walker, or volunteer – and even how to start your own run. Written by a running writer and qualified athletics coach, this celebratory book goes behind the scenes to tell the heartwarming human stories behind parkrun. But it also brims with practical information, with training plans for different types of runners so that you can (if you wish to) improve your own finishing time. Published to coincide with the 20th anniversary of the founding of the mass participation event in Autumn 2024, the book delves into parkrun’s origins as the brainchild of Paul Sinton-Hewitt, an unemployed man in London. Just 13 runners competed in the first Bushy Park Time Trial on 2 October 2004. Now parkrun has more than 9 million runners at more than 2,200 parks in 23 countries, with the most popular countries being the UK, Australia, and South Africa. The book features all aspects of parkrun, including how public-spirited volunteers put on the event, sustainably and for free, every week, and fun boxes such as the most interesting courses around the world, from Poland to the Falkland Islands. About the author Lucy Waterlow is a journalist, ghostwriter and author who has contributed to national newspapers and specialist publications such as Runner’s World and Women’s Running. She is a keen amateur runner, and a qualified England Athletics coach in running fitness. She is the co-author of Nell McAndrew''s Guide To Running and Run Mummy Run: Inspiring Women to be Fit, Healthy and Happy.
Objev podobné jako The Ultimate Guide to parkrun - Lucy Waterlow
The Little Guide to Yves Saint Laurent
Yves Saint Laurent, or YSL, is one of the most famous fashion designers of all time, whose impact on the fashion world is almost unmatched. A revolutionary designer for women, his designs took traditionally male styles and reinvented them for the modern women of the 1960s. From jumpsuits to safari jackets to his iconic tuxedo, YSL's designs revolutionised women's clothes forever.He can be credited with making ready-to-wear clothes reputable and desirable, in a marked move away from haute couture, and for championing trousers for women. Despite a life marred with addiction, war and mental health struggles, Yves remained a powerhouse of the fashion industry for 50 years, and his name – and initials – are now synonymous with quality, innovation and heritage. His collections may have sometimes generated controversy and criticism, but they have proved to be timeless and transformative.The Little Guide to Yves Saint Laurent charts his tumultuous rise to the top, accompanied by facts and quotes from, and about, the man himself and the fashion legacy he built.
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The Noma Guide to Fermentation - René Redzepi
New York Times BestsellerNamed one of the Best Cookbooks of the Year by the Chicago Tribune, New York Times, Boston Globe, San Francisco Chronicle, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Houston Chronicle, Esquire, GQ, Eater, and moreNamed one of the Best Cookbooks to Give as Gifts by Food & Wine, Bon Appétit, Esquire, Field & Stream, New York Magazine’s The Strategist, The Daily Beast, Eater, Vogue, Business Insider, GQ, Epicurious, and more“An indispensable manual for home cooks and pro chefs.” —WiredAt Noma—four times named the world’s best restaurant—every dish includes some form of fermentation, whether it’s a bright hit of vinegar, a deeply savory miso, an electrifying drop of garum, or the sweet intensity of black garlic. Fermentation is one of the foundations behind Noma’s extraordinary flavor profiles.Now René Redzepi, chef and co-owner of Noma, and David Zilber, the chef who runs the restaurant’s acclaimed fermentation lab, share never-before-revealed techniques to creating Noma’s extensive pantry of ferments. And they do so with a book conceived specifically to share their knowledge and techniques with home cooks. With more than 500 step-by-step photographs and illustrations, and with every recipe approachably written and meticulously tested, The Noma Guide to Fermentation takes readers far beyond the typical kimchi and sauerkraut to include koji, kombuchas, shoyus, misos, lacto-ferments, vinegars, garums, and black fruits and vegetables. And—perhaps even more important—it shows how to use these game-changing pantry ingredients in more than 100 original recipes.Fermentation is already building as the most significant new direction in food (and health). With The Noma Guide to Fermentation, it’s about to be taken to a whole new level.
Objev podobné jako The Noma Guide to Fermentation - René Redzepi
A Pocket Guide to Nike - Josh Sims
Discover the legendary story of Nike, where innovation and a signature swoosh took the world by storm. In this illustrated guide, style writer Josh Sims explores the rise of the world's biggest sportswear company from its humble beginnings in Oregon to global fashion monolith. Featuring all of Nike's most iconic designs, highlighting their industry-defining innovations and pop-culture influence, A Pocket Guide to Nike is an essential read for all styleseekers and sneakerheads.
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A Pocket Guide to Adidas - Josh Sims
Discover the legendary story of Adidas, where three signature stripes took the globe by storm. In this compact guide, style writer Josh Sims delves into the incredible journey of one of the most iconic brands in the world today. From a small town in Germany to a symbol of quality, performance and cutting-edge design, Adidas' rise is nothing short of extraordinary.Featuring all their most iconic innovations, highlighting their revolutionary technology and cultural impact, A Pocket Guide to Adidas is an essential read for all style seekers and sneakerheads.
Objev podobné jako A Pocket Guide to Adidas - Josh Sims
A Little Guide to Meditation - Ms. Kiusam
A unique and wonderful mindfulness and meditation book to help families tap in to this superpower Relax your mind and heart. Take a deep, calm breath. Teaching children about the roots of meditation in African culture, this soothing illustrated manual guides young ones in active meditation—calming souls and grounding bodies in connection with the wider world.
Objev podobné jako A Little Guide to Meditation - Ms. Kiusam
A Lady's Guide to Scandal - Sophie Irwin
‘Sophie Irwin is an exciting and original voice. She''s a must-buy author for me.’ Taylor Jenkins Reid‘A delicious Regency romp for fans of Bridgerton.’ Red‘Scandal, art and romance – this is the best Regency romp set in Bath since Persuasion!’ Good HousekeepingA lifetime of dutyWidowed at just seven-and-twenty from her marriage of convenience, Eliza, now Countess of Somerset, is bequeathed a fortune, hers to keep – provided she can steer clear of scandal.The promise of loveThe last thing she expects is to be torn between two very different men – a face from the past, whose loss she’s always mourned, and a roguish poet, who scorns convention.A taste of freedomBut a lady’s reputation is fragile and with jealous eyes on Eliza’s fortune, it will only take one whisper of gossip for her to lose it all…Escape with the most delightful, historical romance of the year from the Sunday Times bestselling author Sophie Irwin!‘A very modern sensibility, witty and fun’ Adele Parks‘Fans of Bridgerton will enjoy this well-observed Regency story with a plucky protagonist.’ Candis‘A delicious Regency romp for fans of Bridgerton.’ RedReaders are LOVING A Lady’s Guide to Scandal:‘LOVED this’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘An excellent, delightful, refreshing Regency Romance’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘What an absolute treat’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘Inhaled it. Loved it’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘Fun, light and romantic’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘20 stars out of 5!! This book was a balm to my soul’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘It is going to become a go-to favourite’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘An absolute must read for fans of Regency romance’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘So enjoyable, unpredictable, wonderful characters, just SO GOOD’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘Sophie Irwin – she is such a fresh, fun, witty writer in this space. I''d read anything she wrote’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Sophie Irwin''s book ''A Lady’s Guide to Fortune-Hunting'' was a Sunday Times bestseller w/c 09-05-2022.
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A Feminist's Guide to ADHD - Janina Maschke
An empowering, feminist guide to understanding and managing ADHD for women, written by a popular millennial doctor with ADHD.
Objev podobné jako A Feminist's Guide to ADHD - Janina Maschke
Maddy Yip's Guide to Life - Sue Cheung
A madcap new story from Sue Cheung, winner of the Diverse Book Award, filled with belly-laughs and packed with drawings! Perfect for fans of Tom Gates and Sam Wu. Maddy Yip is perfectly happy in life, until she realises that everyone she knows has a talent – except for her! Maddy is determined to change that, with the help of her brothers, bewildered grandad and her best friend Dev. There are disastrous attempts at breakdancing and playing the recorder, revolting cakes, and a magic disappearing trick that ends up with an escaped guinea pig. Will Maddy ever find her true calling?
Objev podobné jako Maddy Yip's Guide to Life - Sue Cheung
The Complete Guide to Memory - Richard Restak
Memory gets worse with age - right? A fact of life. But what if we told you that wasn't necessarily true? That memory decline isn't inevitable. In The Complete Guide to Memory, renowned neurologist and bestselling author Dr Richard Restak distils the wisdom of an entire career into a one-stop guide to the science of memory.Drawing on cutting-edge neuroscience, case studies, famous anecdotes and more, he offers tips and tricks for anyone who wants to strengthen their memory, protect themselves from diseases like Alzheimer's and think smarter. Learn how to boost your memory through techniques like:-Mind mapping and making lists-Reading more novels than non-fiction-'Chunking' several pieces of information together to make them easier to remember-Choosing manual methods over technological solutions like phones and GPSPacked full of information for anyone curious about the power of their memory, this is the only guide you need to train your memory and make it stronger.
Objev podobné jako The Complete Guide to Memory - Richard Restak
Abeceda diabetu - Jan Lebl, Štěpánka Průhová, Zdeněk Šumník
Páté, významně doplněné a aktualizované vydání dnes již klasické knihy, která pomáhá bez nadsázky celé jedné generaci pacientů s diabetem 1. typu - první vydání vyšlo před 20 lety, v roce 1998. Diabetologie patří k nejrychleji se vyvíjejícím oborům současné medicíny, přičemž podstatné změny se zde odehrávají nejen v oblasti farmakoterapie, tedy vývoje nových inzulinů a dalších léčivých látek, ale stejně tak intenzivně v oblasti technologií. Právě ty často - zejména z pohledu pacienta a jeho blízkých - přispívají k zásadnímu zlepšení kvality života nemocných. Všechny každodenní zkušenosti a nejmodernější postupy se autoři snažili vložit do této rozšířené knížky, jejímž hlavním mottem je: Staňte se expertem na léčbu vlastního diabetu.
Objev podobné jako Abeceda diabetu - Jan Lebl, Štěpánka Průhová, Zdeněk Šumník
Diabetes mellitus - Edita Hlinková, Jana Nemcová - e-kniha
eBook: Monografie je cílově zaměřena na problematiku diabetes mellitus a management ošetřovatelské péče, poskytne odborníkům všech zdravotnických oborů explicitní poznatky, které se opírají o výzkumné studie a klinické doporučené postupy. Je věnována moderním trendům managementu a edukace při respektování individuálního přístupu a osobní odpovědnosti pacientů s diabetes mellitus. Jednotlivé kapitoly obsahují klíčová témata s cílem prezentovat nejnovější poznatky v managementu interdisciplinární péče.
Objev podobné jako Diabetes mellitus - Edita Hlinková, Jana Nemcová - e-kniha
The Girls' Guide to Growing Up: the best-selling puberty guide for girls - Anita Naik
Bestseller in ''Books on Self-esteem and Self-reliance for Young Adults'' Amazon category in the UK, May 2024"... this book is a MUST if you have a growing girl." - online customer review"Some things are super scary especially for a 9-year-old but reading this together, I felt, let her know that she could talk to me about anything." - online customer review"It has everything a girl needs to understand their body and mood changes as they experience this new stage of their lives." - online customer review"A very gentle and friendly guide to growing up." - online customer review"The illustrations are all child-appropriate and the level of detail is set just right." - online customer review"Opens the door for conversations about the changes they are and will be going through." - online customer reviewA sensitively written, friendly guide to growing up, specifically aimed at younger girls.A friendly, reassuring and positive guide for girls as they approach puberty, explaining the changes that will happen to their bodies as they grow up and how these changes might make them feel. Covering everything from periods and breast development to body hair and personal hygiene, puberty and parenting expert Anita Naik addresses any worries that girls may have relating to what is ''normal''. She reassures readers and boosts their confidence, encouraging them to feel positive about the changes they will experience as they go through puberty.The Girls'' Guide to Growing Up also includes advice on topics such as body image, self-esteem and how puberty affects boys, and has an age-appropriate section on sex and reproduction.Contents include:- What is puberty?- Your puberty timeline- Breasts and bras- Same age, different stage- Skin changes- Sweats, smells and personal hygiene- Hair in new places- Changes down below- What are periods?- The practical side of periods- Managing periods- Sex explained- Making babies- New feelings- Managing your moods- Healthy eating- The power of exercise- Self-esteem and body image- Privacy and your body- Puberty for boys- Boys have worries, too
Objev podobné jako The Girls' Guide to Growing Up: the best-selling puberty guide for girls - Anita Naik
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