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Naked Lunch (The Restored Text) - William S. Burroughs
Nightmarish and fiercely funny, William Burroughs' virtuoso, taboo-breaking masterpiece Naked Lunch follows Bill Lee through Interzone: a surreal, orgiastic wasteland of drugs, depravity, political plots, paranoia, sadistic medical experiments and endless, gnawing addiction. One of the most shocking novels ever written, Naked Lunch is a cultural landmark, now in a restored edition incorporating Burroughs' notes on the text, alternate drafts and outtakes from the original.
Podívejte se také Shatner William: The Blues - LP (CLOLP1943)
Nova Express - William S. Burroughs
Ve druhém svazku své "střihové" trilogie nás William S. Burroughs ještě více vtahuje do hrozivě temného světa nepředstavitelných bojů s přízračnými postavami z galaktického podsvětí, jež mají jedinou touhu: zničit náš svět a přetvořit jej v místo, proti němuž je peklo rajskou zahradou. Zároveň demaskuje všechny ty parasitující instituce, korporace a správní rady, zrádce humanity i cynické lháře - a vyzývá-li k aktivnímu odboji, není to patetický apel, ale strohá výzva postavit se hrozivé konspiraci. Burroughsova Nova Express je dnes ještě aktuálnější než v době, kdy tyto temné vize budoucnosti psal - jeho prorocké texty jsou totiž především varováním, zároveň nesené výraznou a zcela osobitou poetikou. Pohled do zrcadla, jež William Burroughs nastavuje je možná děsivý, možná hrůzný, rozhodně však pravdivý.
Podívejte se také William Tell/Vilém Tell: zrcadlový text pro začátečníky (978-80-7547-611-1)
Hebká mašinka - William S. Burroughs
Již od svého vstupu do světa literatury budil americký prozaik William S. Burroughs náležitý rozruch - a i to je dosti slabý výraz na emoce, jež jeho knihy provázely. Byly zakazovány a nechápány, autor sám byl jedněmi zatracován a proklínán jako šarlatán a literární pervert, jinými naopak vynášen jako věrozvěst nových pohledů i přístupů. Bylo tomu již v případě jeho skandály proslaveného arcidíla Nahý oběd, a podobné reakce provázely i jeho další román Hebká mašinka (The Soft Machine). Nejen že zde Burroughs rozpoutává orgie fantazie překračující veškeré hranice a tabu, jeho postavy putují časem, svádějí boje se zrůdnými silami a magií, to vše na pozadí dusné halucinující atmosféry a neskutečných kulis - zároveň nám ovšem Burroughs předvádí, jak bojovat s ovládáním myšlení, rozkrývá mechanismy veškerých závislostí a dokazuje, v čem spočívá jeho největší síla: v propojení naprosté autorské odvahy a subverze s mistrným literárním ztvárněním i těch zdánlivě nejnemožnějších idejí.
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- text k 80 narozeninam
Nahý oběd - William S. Burroughs
Nejslavnější Burroughsova kniha, "satirická fantazie" z roku 1959, jejíž původní vydání se dočkalo soudního procesu i zákazu prodeje pro údajnou obscenitu. Dnes je považována za mistrovské dílo, v němž se mísí pekelné litanie ze světa feťáckých vizí s drsnými vtipy, nekompromisní satirou a prorockými vizemi budoucí společnosti, před kterými by i George Orwell oněměl.
Objev podobné jako Nahý oběd - William S. Burroughs
Lístek, který explodoval - William S. Burroughs
Ve vyvrcholení Burroughsovy trilogie se v kratších prózách opět pohybujeme v krajích děsivých nočních můr, vzdáleně připomínající pralesy Jižní Ameriky, v mimozemském prostoru, ale i v ulicích Londýna a jeho podsvětí. Burroughs své povídky opět zaplnil fantastickými postavami z ještě fantastičtějších - a hrozivějších - světů a jeho mistrná koláž, pracující s prvky populární kultury, reklamy, sci-fi a detektivní prózy a popisující neznámé drogy i sex ve všech podobách, nemá za cíl šokovat, ale poukazovat. Varovat. William Burroughs je zcela nenapodobitelný, a to nejen ve svém psaní, hlavně ale v síle a pravdivosti svých idejí, které se nám snaží předat - dříve, než bude pozdě.
Objev podobné jako Lístek, který explodoval - William S. Burroughs
Dead Fingers Talk - William S. Burroughs
First published in 1963 and representing Burroughs s literary breakthrough in the UK, Dead Fingers Talk is, in the words of Burroughs scholar Oliver Harris, a prophetic work of haunting power, a unique experiment in writing that has for too long been overlooked. Combining new material with rearranged selections from Naked Lunch and his cut-up novels The Soft Machine and The Ticket That Exploded, the book is a fascinating precursor to remix and mash-up forms in art and music, which owe much to Burroughs s influence. This newly restored edition of Dead Fingers Talk, based on the novel s archival manuscripts, will delight all Burroughs fans and lovers of experimental literature, and offer a new insight into the artistic process of one of the most original and influential writers of the twentieth century. Edited and with an Introduction by Oliver Harris, Professor of American Literature, Keele University ABOUT THE IMPRINT: Calder Publications was founded by John Calder in 1949, and became known for the edgy and avant-garde writers it was proud of having in its list. Calder Publications, an imprint of Alma Books, offers a list of books which will challenge and stimulate the serious readers.
Objev podobné jako Dead Fingers Talk - William S. Burroughs
Queer: 25th Anniversary Edition - William S. Burroughs
Originally written in 1952 but not published till 1985, Queer is an enigma - both an unflinching autobiographical self-portrait and a coruscatingly political novel, Burroughs' only realist love story and a montage of comic-grotesque fantasies that paved the way for his masterpiece, Naked Lunch. Set in Mexico City during the early fifties, Queer follows William Lee's hopeless pursuit of desire from bar to bar in the American expatriate scene. As Lee breaks down, the trademark Burroughsian voice emerges; a maniacal mix of self-lacerating humor and the Ugly American at his ugliest.A haunting tale of possession and exorcism, Queer is also a novel with a history of secrets, as this new edition reveals.
Objev podobné jako Queer: 25th Anniversary Edition - William S. Burroughs
Naked Lunch (9780141189765)
Kniha - anglicky Nightmarish and fiercely funny, William Burroughs' virtuoso, taboo-breaking masterpiece Naked Lunch follows Bill Lee through Interzone: a surreal, orgiastic wasteland of drugs, depravity, political plots, paranoia, sadistic medical experiments and endless, gnawing addiction. One of the most shocking novels ever written, Naked Lunch is a cultural landmark, now in a restored edition incorporating Burroughs' notes on the text, alternate drafts and outtakes from the original. 'A masterpiece. A cry from hell, a brutal, terrifying, and savagely funny book that swings between uncontrolled hallucination and fierce, exact satire' Newsweek 'Naked Lunch is a banquet you will never forget' J. G. Ballard
Objev podobné jako Naked Lunch (9780141189765)
MAC Cosmetics Eye Shadow oční stíny odstín Naked Lunch 1,5 g
MAC Cosmetics Eye Shadow, 1,5 g, Oční stíny pro ženy, Oční stíny MAC Cosmetics Eye Shadow vám umožní vystínovat víčka podle vašich představ a dodají každému líčení nový rozměr. Vlastnosti: dlouhotrvající výdrž snadno se nanáší snadno se rozmazává Jak používat: Nanášejte stíny na oční víčka štětečkem, pěnovým aplikátorem nebo bříšky prstů.
Objev podobné jako MAC Cosmetics Eye Shadow oční stíny odstín Naked Lunch 1,5 g
MAC Cosmetics Oční stíny Frost (Small Eyeshadow) 1,5 g Naked Lunch
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Objev podobné jako MAC Cosmetics Oční stíny Frost (Small Eyeshadow) 1,5 g Naked Lunch
MAC Cosmetics Náplň do očních stínů (Small Eyeshadow Matte Refill) 1,5 g Naked Lunch
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MAC Cosmetics Eye Shadow Pro Palette Refill Pan oční stíny náhradní náplň odstín Naked Lunch 1,3 g
MAC Cosmetics Eye Shadow Pro Palette Refill Pan, 1,3 g, Oční stíny pro ženy, Oční stíny MAC Cosmetics Eye Shadow vám umožní vystínovat víčka podle vašich představ a dodají každému líčení nový rozměr. Vlastnosti: dlouhotrvající výdrž snadno se nanáší snadno se rozmazává Jak používat: Nanášejte stíny na oční víčka štětečkem, pěnovým aplikátorem nebo bříšky prstů.
Objev podobné jako MAC Cosmetics Eye Shadow Pro Palette Refill Pan oční stíny náhradní náplň odstín Naked Lunch 1,3 g
The Master Cleanser - Stanley Burroughs
The Master Cleanser diet otherwise known as the lemonade diet, it's the easiest, most delicious, effective cleansing and weight loss diet available. You can feel good and get rid of what ails you. This diet has been used for every health problem with great success.
Objev podobné jako The Master Cleanser - Stanley Burroughs
Bored of Lunch: The Healthy Air Fryer Book - Nathan Anthony
NUMBER ONE BESTSELLING AIR FRYER BOOK OF ALL TIMEWhether you''re an air fryer fanatic or new to these time- and money-saving appliances, hugely popular healthy-eating platform, Bored of Lunch, will revolutionise your cooking packed with recipes that are quick, healthy and completely delicious.Air fryers are becoming the go-to kitchen gadget for making super tasty fuss-free food.As a lower energy alternative to a conventional oven, air fryers are a cost efficient way to make all your favourite dishes and save on your household bill. And, as a low-oil cooking method, they''re ideal if you''re keeping an eye on your calories, too.With a photo for every recipe, this book features fan-favourites such as Honey Chilli Beef and Cream Egg Croissant Balls as well as brand new recipes such as Sweet Potato Katsu Curry, Fish Tacos and Buffalo Chicken and Cheese Taquitos. Chapters include Starters and Snacks, Speedy Lunches, Fakeaways, Weekday Dinners and Sweet Treats; making this food for every day and every occasion.Bored of Lunch: Number 1 Sunday Times bestseller, January 2024The Bored of Lunch series has sold over one million copies [Nielsen BookScan, April 2024]Bored of Lunch: The Healthy Airfryer Book, Bestselling Airfryer Cook Book [Nielsen BookScan, April 2024]
Objev podobné jako Bored of Lunch: The Healthy Air Fryer Book - Nathan Anthony
Tarzan of the Apes - Edgar R. Burroughs - e-kniha
eBook: 1888 W Africa. Newlyweds Lord and Lady Greystoke are marooned by mutineers. He builds a snug cabin for their growing family.But disaster falls. Great Apes raise the small son, destined to be Lord of the Jungle.
Objev podobné jako Tarzan of the Apes - Edgar R. Burroughs - e-kniha
The Outlaw of Torn - Edgar R. Burroughs - e-kniha
eBook: War is looming as England is riven by a power struggle between King Henry III and Simon de Montfort. Into the chaos comes a fearsome figure, Norman of Torn, a warrior with a thirst for English blood.With a bounty on his head, he gathers a huge band of thieves and they run riot across the country. Norman even infiltrates de Montfort\'s army and seduces his daughter Bertrade. Then, as he faces near-certain death in a battle, a remarkable secret is revealed - one that could shake England and the Royal family to the core.This is perfect reading for fans of \'Ivanhoe\' by Sir Walter Scott and \'The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood\' by Howard Pyle.
Objev podobné jako The Outlaw of Torn - Edgar R. Burroughs - e-kniha
Tarzan of the Apes/ Tarzan, syn divočiny - Edgar R. Burroughs
Kdo by neznal Tarzana (Bílou kůži), muže, kterého v africkém pralese vychovali lidoopi? Tarzan of the Apes (česky Tarzan, syn divočiny nebo Tarzan z rodu Opů) vyšel jako úvodní díl v roce 1912 v časopisu All-Story, knižně pak v roce 1914. Následovalo dalších dvacet tři dílů, poslední dva vyšly až po smrti jejich autora, amerického romanopisce Edgara Rice Burroughse (1875 – 1950), a další čtyři díly byly napsané jinými autory. V knihách vystupuje inteligentní, neohrožený a spravedlivý Tarzan, hovořící mnoha jazyky lidskými i zvířecími. Zažívá spoustu dobrodružství, ať už sám nebo se svou americkou ženou Jane a jejich synem. Tarzan je označován za nejznámější literární postavu vůbec a existuje více jeho filmových zpracování než například u příběhu o Drákulovi. Kromě filmu se Tarzan objevil i v komiksu, četných televizních a rozhlasových zpracováních, na divadle i v počítačových hrách. E. R. Burroughs byl plodný autor. Napsal více než 80 románů. Kromě Tarzana (původně zvažoval i jména Zantar nebo Tublat Zan) napsal science-fiction sérii s Johnem Carterem, který se záhadnou silou dostal na Mars, či sérii příběhů z podzemního světa Pellucidar.
Objev podobné jako Tarzan of the Apes/ Tarzan, syn divočiny - Edgar R. Burroughs
Lunch with the FT - Lionel Barber
Lunch with the FT has been a permanent fixture in the Financial Times for almost 30 years, featuring presidents, film stars, musical icons and business leaders from around the world.The column is now a well-established institution, which has reinvigorated the art of conversation in the convivial, intimate environment of a long and boozy lunch.This new and updated edition includes lunches with:Elon MuskDonald TrumpHilary MantelRichard BransonZadie SmithNigel FarageRussell BrandDavid GuettaYanis VaroufakisJean-Claude JunckerGwyneth PaltrowRebecca SolnitJordan PetersonChimamanda Ngozi AdichieAnd more...
Objev podobné jako Lunch with the FT - Lionel Barber
The Naked Sun - Isaac Asimov
Isaac Asimov's ROBOT series - from the iconic collection I, ROBOT to four classic novels - contains some of the most influential works in the history of science fiction. Establishing and testing the THREE LAWS OF ROBOTICS, they continue to shape the understanding and design of artificial intelligence to this day. On the planet of Solaria, Spacers live in almost complete isolation, tended by robot servants and disgusted by the thought of human contact. And yet, one of their number has been beaten to death. Incapable of solving the crime, the authorities of the Outer Worlds seek help from Earth - from renowned detective Elijah Baley. Partnered once again with the robot Daneel Olivaw, Baley travels to this strange new world and uncovers a plot that could change the relationship between humans and robots for ever.
Objev podobné jako The Naked Sun - Isaac Asimov
The Naked Neanderthal - Ludovic Slimak
In this acclaimed bestseller, an explorer and Neanderthal hunter takes us on a riveting journey of discovery'With the style of a poet and imagination of a philosopher, Ludovic Slimak probes the minds of Neanderthals. . . This fun and provocative book is a reminder that we still have a lot to learn about biological intelligence' Steve BrusatteWhat if we have completely misunderstood who the Neanderthals truly were?For over a century we saw them as inferior to Homo Sapiens. Today, Neanderthals are seen as fully human, different from us only because of their distant cultural traditions. But does the truth lie somewhere else entirely?Neanderthal hunter and paleoanthropologist Ludovic Slimak understands these enigmatic creatures like no one else after studying them for three decades. Taking us on a fascinating archaeological investigation from the Arctic Circle to the deep Mediterranean forests, he traces their steps, deciphering their stories through every single detail they left behind.In this stunning, bold book, he argues that Neanderthals should be understood on their own terms. They had their own history, their own rituals, their own customs. Their own intelligence. A remarkable intelligence, for sure, but an intelligence that may have been very different from ours - although it can still teach us much about ourselves.A thought-provoking detective story, written with wit and verve, The Naked Neanderthal shifts our understanding of deep history - and in the process reveals just how much we have yet to learn.
Objev podobné jako The Naked Neanderthal - Ludovic Slimak
The Naked Neanderthal - Ludovic Slimak
In this acclaimed bestseller, an explorer and Neanderthal hunter takes us on a riveting journey of discovery'With the style of a poet and imagination of a philosopher, Ludovic Slimak probes the minds of Neanderthals. . .This fun and provocative book is a reminder that we still have a lot to learn about biological intelligence' Steve BrusatteWhat if we have completely misunderstood who the Neanderthals truly were?For over a century we saw them as inferior to Homo Sapiens. Today, Neanderthals are seen as fully human, different from us only because of their distant cultural traditions. But does the truth lie somewhere else entirely?Neanderthal hunter and paleoanthropologist Ludovic Slimak understands these enigmatic creatures like no one else after studying them for three decades.Taking us on a fascinating archaeological investigation from the Arctic Circle to the deep Mediterranean forests, he traces their steps, deciphering their stories through every single detail they left behind. In this stunning, bold book, he argues that Neanderthals should be understood on their own terms. They had their own history, their own rituals, their own customs.Their own intelligence. A remarkable intelligence, for sure, but an intelligence that may have been very different from ours - although it can still teach us much about ourselves. A thought-provoking detective story, written with wit and verve, The Naked Neanderthal shifts our understanding of deep history - and in the process reveals just how much we have yet to learn.
Objev podobné jako The Naked Neanderthal - Ludovic Slimak
The Sonnets - William Shakespeare
The Sonnets of William Shakespeare, a cycle of 154 linked poems, were first published in 1609. Filled with ideas about love, beauty and mortality, the sonnets are written in the same beautiful and innovative language that we have come to know from Shakespeare's plays. The first 126 sonnets are addressed to a young man known as the 'Fair Youth', while others are directed at a 'Rival Poet', and a 'Dark Lady'. This Macmillan Collector's Library edition contains all of the poems, which explore many of Shakespeare's most common themes: jealousy, betrayal, melancholy. They ache with unfulfilled longing, and, for many, they are the most complete and moving meditations on love ever written.With an afterword by Peter Harness.Designed to appeal to the booklover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautiful gift editions of much loved classic titles. Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and treasure.
Objev podobné jako The Sonnets - William Shakespeare
The Romantic - William Boyd
Set in the 19th century, the novel follows the roller-coaster fortunes of a man as he tries to negotiate the random stages, adventures and vicissitudes of his life. He is variously a soldier, a lover, a husband, a father, a friend of famous poets, a writer, a bankrupt, a jailbird, a farmer, an African explorer - and many other manifestations - before, finally, he becomes a minor diplomat, a consul based in Trieste (then in Austria-Hungary) where he thinks he will see out the end of his days in well-deserve
Objev podobné jako The Romantic - William Boyd
The Tempest - William Shakespeare
The Tempest is Shakespeare's masterpiece of magical effects, redemptive romance, poetry and politics. Part of the Macmillan Collector's Library; a series of stunning, clothbound, pocket sized classics with gold foiled edges and ribbon markers. These beautiful books make perfect gifts or a treat for any book lover.This edition features illustrations by renowned artist Sir John Gilbert and an introduction by actor, writer and director Simon Callow. Prospero has long been exiled from Italy and banished to a remote island with his daughter Miranda. He uses his magical powers to conjure up a fearsome storm, and his enemies, including his treacherous broth Antonio, are shipwrecked.There follows a play filled with murderous plots, drunken confusion, love and redemption. And along the way, the reader discovers an unmistakable message that this is Shakespeare's own farewell to the stage.
Objev podobné jako The Tempest - William Shakespeare
The Tempest - William Shakespeare
The Wordsworth Classics' Shakespeare's Series presents a newly-edited sequence of William Shakespeare's works. The textual editing takes account of recent scholarship while giving the material a careful reappraisal. The Tempest is the most lyrical, profound and fascinating of Shakespeare's late comedies. Prospero, long exiled from Italy with his daughter Miranda, seeks to use his magical powers to defeat his former enemies. Eventually, having proved merciful, he divests himself of that magic, his `art', and prepares to return to the mainland. The Tempest has often been regarded as Shakespeare's `farewell to the stage' before his retirement. In the past, critics emphasised the romantically beautiful features of The Tempest, seeing it as an imaginative fantasia. In recent decades, however, The Tempest has also been treated as a potently political drama which offers controversial insights into colonialism and racism. Frequently staged and diversely filmed, the play has influenced numerous poets and novelists.
Objev podobné jako The Tempest - William Shakespeare
The Romantic - William Boyd
Soldier. Farmer. Felon. Writer. Father. Lover.One man, many lives.Born in 1799, Cashel Greville Ross experiences myriad lives: joyous and devastating, years of luck and unexpected loss. Moving from County Cork to London, from Waterloo to Zanzibar, Cashel seeks his fortune across continents in war and in peace. He faces a terrible moral choice in a village in Sri Lanka as part of the East Indian Army. He enters the world of the Romantic Poets in Pisa. In Ravenna he meets a woman who will live in his heart for the rest of his days. As he travels the world as a soldier, a farmer, a felon, a writer, a father, a lover, he experiences all the vicissitudes of life and, through the accelerating turbulence of the nineteenth century, he discovers who he truly is. This is the romance of life itself, and the beating heart of The Romantic.From one of Britain''s best-loved and bestselling writers comes an intimate yet panoramic novel set across the nineteenth century.''Picaresque, big-hearted and moving, this is Boyd at the top of his game'' Guardian''There are few reading pleasures as great as giving in to a William Boyd novel'' Sunday Times''One of our best contemporary storytellers'' Spectator''Simply the best realistic storyteller of his generation'' Sebastian Faulks
Objev podobné jako The Romantic - William Boyd
The Tempest - William Shakespeare
The Tempest is one of Shakespeare''s most popular plays, both in the classroom and in the theatre, and this revision brings the Arden 3 edition right up-to-date. A completely new section of the introduction discusses new thinking about Shakespeare''s sources for the play and examines his treatment of colonial themes, as well as covering key productions since this edition was first published in 1999. Most importantly it looks at Julie Taymor''s ground-breaking 2010 film starring Helen Mirren as "Prospera." Alden and Virginia Vaughan''s edition of The Tempest is much valued for its authority and originality and their revision brings it up-to-date, making it even more relevant and useful to students and theatre practitioners.
Objev podobné jako The Tempest - William Shakespeare
The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch (45th anniversary edition) - Ronda Armitage
Once there was a lighthouse keeper called Mr Grinling... Mr Grinling LOVES his food, but - oh no! - he's not the only onewho likes a snack and the local seagulls have started stealing MrsGrinling's tasty treats...!Can Mr and Mrs Grinling come up with a cunning plan to keep thosepesky seagulls away?
Objev podobné jako The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch (45th anniversary edition) - Ronda Armitage
The Taming of the Shrew - William Shakespeare
The Taming of the Shrew is one of the most famous and controversial of Shakespeare's comedies.
Objev podobné jako The Taming of the Shrew - William Shakespeare
The Sound and the Fury - William Faulkner
A complex, intense American novel of family from the winner of the Nobel Prize for LiteratureWith an introduction by Richard HughesEver since the first furore was created on its publication in 1929, The Sound and the Fury has been considered one of the key novels of this century. Depicting the gradual disintegration of the Compson family through four fractured narratives, the novel explores intense, passionate family relationships where there is no love, only self-centredness. At its heart, this is a novel about lovelessness - 'only an idiot has no grief; only a fool would forget it.What else is there in this world sharp enough to stick to your guts?'
Objev podobné jako The Sound and the Fury - William Faulkner
Jamie Oliver: The Return of the Naked Chef - Jamie Oliver
The author has captured the heart of the nation with his passion for simple, delicious, home-cooked food. This book is filled with fresh ingredients, 'pukka' recipes and boundless enthusiasm.
Objev podobné jako Jamie Oliver: The Return of the Naked Chef - Jamie Oliver
Jamie Oliver: The Naked Chef - Jamie Oliver
Suitable for those who want great food but want to keep it simple, to those who work for a living and don't have time to spend all evening cooking, this title is all about giving people confidence and getting them to feel at ease in the kitchen.
Objev podobné jako Jamie Oliver: The Naked Chef - Jamie Oliver
Sonety / The Sonnets - William Shakespeare
Dvojjazyčné vydání Shakespearových Sonetů s překladem Martina Hilského, který za něj získal cenu Josefa Jungmana za rok 1998. Svazek začíná Hilského studií, která má tři části: Text a kontext, Literární geneze, Čtení, interpretace, překlad. Následují anglický originál Sonetů a jejich český překlad, které jsou uspořádány na stránkách proti sobě a opatřeny poznámkami pod čarou. Anglické poznámky fungují jako malý shakespearovský slovníček, české poznámky upozorňují čtenáře na klíčové souvislosti. Svazek uzavírá Index of Sonnet First Lines, Rejstřík prvních veršů sonetů a soupis České překlady Shakespearových Sonetů.
Objev podobné jako Sonety / The Sonnets - William Shakespeare
Sonety / The Sonets - William Shakespeare
Shakespearovy sonety jsou knihou o lásce ve všech podobách. Nezáleží příliš na tom, zda jde o lásku legitimní či nelegitimní, hetero-, homo- či bisexuální, tragickou či komickou, duchovní či fyzickou. Důležité je, co láska s člověkem udělá, jak ji prožívá. Jako v původním Shakespearově vydání svazek obsahuje vedle 154 sonetů i báseň Milenčin nářek.
Objev podobné jako Sonety / The Sonets - William Shakespeare
The Human Comedy - William Saroyan
Homer Macauley wants to become the best telegram messenger in California. He works at night and goes to high school during the day. Homer is an ambitious teenager who dreams of doing great things. But his job brings him face-to-face with the harsh realities of life and death, as he struggles to understand the events around him. This is an unforgettable story of how hospitality, generosity and kindness can change a person’s life and make the world a better place. Dossiers:The USA – A country of immigrants; Communications
Objev podobné jako The Human Comedy - William Saroyan
Bouře / The Tempest - William Shakespeare
Příběh o lásce a nenávisti, o mstě a odpuštění, vypráví o ztroskotancích, kteří se na pustém ostrově setkávají se zázraky a divy. Hra, spojující vrcholnou poezii s groteskní komikou smutných klaunů, ukazuje lidský život jako úchvatnou marnost. Anglicko-české zrcadlové vydání.
Objev podobné jako Bouře / The Tempest - William Shakespeare
The Wild Swimmers - William Shaw
''Shaw''s novels combine a strong central character with an atmospheric setting and original plots'' Sunday TimesIf only Alexandra Cupidi had turned south instead of north, she would have found the dead woman.Instead it is her vulnerable daughter Zoë who stumbles across Mimi Greene''s lifeless body on the shoreline. A regular wild swimmer with a group of close friends, it''s out of character for Mimi to have been swimming alone, especially in bad weather. DS Cupidi starts to suspect this is more than just an accidental drowning.Meanwhile, her friend and colleague Jill Ferriter receives a mysterious letter from a man who claims to be her father. Stephen Dowles has been in prison for the last twenty years, convicted of two brutal and senseless murders.With Cupidi obsessed by the death of Mimi Greene, Ferriter must lean on Bill South to uncover the facts around Dowles'' conviction, revisiting old colleagues and criminals.The Wild Swimmers is an explosive return to the DS Alexandra Cupidi Series, where the shores of the south Kent coastline expose deadly secrets.
Objev podobné jako The Wild Swimmers - William Shaw
The Tempest - William Shakespeare, Sparknotes
No Fear Shakespeare gives you the complete text of The Tempest on the left-hand page, side-by-side with an easy-to-understand translation on the right.
Objev podobné jako The Tempest - William Shakespeare, Sparknotes
The Exorcist - William Peter Blatty
Father Damien Karras: 'Where is Regan?' Regan MacNeil: 'In here. With us.'The terror begins unobtrusively. Noises in the attic.In the child's room, an odd smell, the displacement of furniture, an icy chill. At first, easy explanations are offered. Then frightening changes begin to appear in eleven-year-old Regan.Medical tests fail to shed any light on her symptoms, but it is as if a different personality has invaded her body. Father Damien Karras, a Jesuit priest, is called in. Is it possible that a demonic presence has possessed the child? Exorcism seems to be the only answer...First published in 1971, The Exorcist became a literary phenomenon and inspired one of the most shocking films ever made. This edition, polished and expanded by the author, includes new dialogue, a new character and a chilling new extended scene, provides an unforgettable reading experience that has lost none of its power to shock and continues to thrill and terrify new readers.
Objev podobné jako The Exorcist - William Peter Blatty
The Golden Road - William Dalrymple
THE INSTANT SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLERA SPECTATOR BOOK OF THE YEARA revolutionary new history of the diffusion of Indian ideas, from the award-winning, bestselling author and co-host of the chart-topping Empire podcast‘Richly woven, highly readable ... Written with passion and verve’ Spectator‘Dazzling ... Not just a historical study but also a love letter’ Guardian‘An outstanding new account ... The most compelling retelling we have had for generations’ Financial TimesIndia is the forgotten heart of the ancient worldFor a millennium and a half, India was a confident exporter of its diverse civilisation, creating around it a vast empire of ideas. Indian art, religions, technology, astronomy, music, dance, literature, mathematics and mythology blazed a trail across the world, along a Golden Road that stretched from the Red Sea to the Pacific. William Dalrymple draws from a lifetime of scholarship to highlight India’s oft-forgotten position as the heart of ancient Eurasia. For the first time, he gives a name to this spread of Indian ideas that transformed the world. From the largest Hindu temple in the world at Angkor Wat to the Buddhism of China, from the trade that helped fund the Roman Empire to the creation of the numerals we use today (including zero), India transformed the culture and technology of its ancient world – and our world today as we know it. Praise for William Dalrymple and The Anarchy‘A superb historian with a visceral understanding of India’ The Times‘Magnificently readable, deeply researched and richly atmospheric’ Francis Wheen, Mail on Sunday
Objev podobné jako The Golden Road - William Dalrymple
The Everyday Stoic - William Mulligan
Follow the founder of the Everyday Stoic and discover the practical wisdom of Stoicism and find contentment and happiness in your everyday life. Follow in the footsteps of the classical tradition of Stoicism and join a growing community of individuals seeking guidance on how to navigate the obstacles of contemporary life. From Marcus Aurelius to Seneca, the Stoics have a long and rich history.Today, William Mulligan, founder of The Everyday Stoic, transforms these principles into a practical guide for overcoming the challenges of modern life and cultivating an unshakeable sense of inner calm, so that you too can live like a stoic. Unpack the ancient wisdoms and teachings of Stoicism, such as: Confronting life's unpredictability, Nature ties us together, Thoughts create reality, Little is truly needed, All is equal, Written in a clear and accessible style, this book will reveal the universal truths of Stoicism empowering you to achieve strength and tranquillity no matter what modern life throws your way.
Objev podobné jako The Everyday Stoic - William Mulligan
Obědový box s funkcí ohřevu Steambox The Self - Heating Lunch
Obědový box s funkcí ohřevu z kolekce Steambox. Model vyroben z umělohmotného materiálu a dřeva.
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William Tell/Vilém Tell: zrcadlový text pro začátečníky (978-80-7547-611-1)
Kniha - 64 stran, česky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Jazyková úroveň A1-A2. Podle příběhu Friedricha Schillera. Legenda praví, že na počátku 14. století, kdy Švýcaři trpěli pod nadvládou Habsburků,se jeden muž odvážil tyranům postavit. Jmenoval se Vilém Tell. Přečtěte si příběh o statečném, šlechetném a spravedlivém švýcarském národním hrdinovi. Kdo a proč jej donutil sestřelit jablko z hlavy jeho syna?
Objev podobné jako William Tell/Vilém Tell: zrcadlový text pro začátečníky (978-80-7547-611-1)
The Taming of the Shrew - William Shakespeare - e-kniha
eBook: We all know what it's like to be in love, but when love is placed within the context of anxieties, desires and beliefs, will it survive?The sisters Bianca and Katherine might be as opposite as chalk and cheese, yet marriage finds its way into both their lives. Prompted by the notion of a love free of idealism, Petruchio is ready to marry Katherine with or without her will. Can she learn to love him? Or will marriage without love always be filled with terror and deception?Although believed to be written in the late 1500s, this classic romance is still very relevant today. Whether you will perceive Katherina and Petruchio's relationship as romantic and energetic or violent and oppressive, this play unmistakably offers us a perpetual take on the major theme: the battle of the sexes. But unlike most modern day romances emotional desires are put second in this play's exploration of love, marriage and courtship.If you saw and loved director Gil Junger's "10 Things I Hate About You", this is the best-seller behind the film.
Objev podobné jako The Taming of the Shrew - William Shakespeare - e-kniha
Interiors: The Greatest Rooms of the Century - William Norwich
The ultimate global celebration of residential design and decorating With 400 rooms organized by designer from A-Z, this much-lauded book goes beyond decorators, designers, and architects to highlight exquisite interiors designed by fashion designers, artists, style icons, and film stars, each of whom has made a unique contribution to the world of interior design. Ranging from the beginning of the twentieth century to the present day, the book features everything from chateaux, town houses, and penthouses to desert ranches, beach houses, and tiny apartments in more than 25 countries. Featuring the ‘greats’ of interior design, such as Elsie de Wolfe, Billy Baldwin, and Colefax & Fowler, alongside contemporary stars such as Anouska Hempel, Kelly Hoppen, and Karim Rashid, Interiors is an elegant and beautiful object in its own right, now available with an exquisite and eye-popping pink velvet cover. This is the essential inspirational source book for design aficionados, anyone who is interested in beautiful rooms, and for everyone who cares about the spaces in which they live. Fashion designer’s homes featured include those of: Giorgio Armani, Gianni Versace, Yves Saint Laurent, Coco Chanel, Christian Dior, and Calvin Klein Artists’ and art collectors’ homes include those of: Pablo Picasso, Salvador Dali, Donald Judd, Georgia O’Keeffe, Cy Twombly, and Peggy Guggenheim Features stunning rooms designed or commissioned by: Jennifer Aniston, Meg Ryan, Anjelica Huston, Madonna, Gloria Vanderbilt, Nelson Rockefeller, and Jacqueline Kennedy
Objev podobné jako Interiors: The Greatest Rooms of the Century - William Norwich
The Green Lunch Box: Recipes that are good for you and the planet - Becky Alexander
The Green Lunch Box is packed with delicious, healthy, plant-based lunches to help you save the planet in your lunch break.Making your own lunch just a few times a week saves money, packaging and precious time. Discover simple, short recipes for hot boxes, soups, salads, wraps and snacks that make the most of your everyday fresh and store cupboard ingredients. Learn to love your leftovers, master the art of batch cooking and discover ingenious sustainable ways to pack (and eat) your lunch.Features sixty beautifully illustrated recipes, including: Smashed beets and rainbow salad with hazelnut dukkha,Burrito box with charred sweetcorn, avocado, habanero peppers and lime salsa,Black lentil, almond and coconut dahl with crispy cumin cauliflower,Courgette, carrot, apple and lime slaw with toasted pumpkin seeds,Spicy parsnip soup with crispy harissa chickpeas,Peanut butter, lime, chilli and rocket bagel,Mushroom, white bean, miso and leek parcels
Objev podobné jako The Green Lunch Box: Recipes that are good for you and the planet - Becky Alexander
Shatner William: The Blues - LP (CLOLP1943)
LP vinyl - Legenda William Shatner hvězda jeviště a plátna přenáší svůj dramatický interpretační talent do bluesového alba. Legenda William Shatner hvězda jeviště a plátna přenáší svůj dramatický interpretační talent do bluesového alba. Rok vydání : 2021 Seznam stop LP 1 Strana A / Sweet Home Chicago feat. Brad Paisley / I Can't Quit You Baby feat. Kirk Fletcher / Sunshine Of Your Love feat. Sonny Landreth / The Thrill Is Gone feat. Ritchie Blackmore / Mannish Boy feat. Ronnie Earl / Born Under A Bad Sign feat. Tyler Bryant / LP 1 Strana B / I Put A Spell On You feat. Pat Travers / Crossroads feat. James Burton / Smokestack Lightnin' feat. Jeff „Skunk” Baxter / As The Years Go Passing By feat. Arthur Adams / Let's Work Together feat. Harvey Mandel & Canned Heat / Route 66 feat. Steve Cropper / In Hell I'll Be In Good Company feat. Albert Lee
Objev podobné jako Shatner William: The Blues - LP (CLOLP1943)
Lord of the Flies - William Golding
Don''t miss the world''s first graphic novel of William Golding''s beloved classic. Lord of the Flies: The Graphic Novel is available for pre-order nowThe dystopian classic, introduced by Stephen King. When a group of schoolboys are stranded on a desert island, what could go wrong?ONE OF THE BBC''S ''100 NOVELS THAT SHAPED OUR WORLD''''The first book with hands – strong ones that reached out of the pages and seized me by the throat. It said to me, ‘This is not just entertainment; it’s life or death.’ ... I’ve been thinking about it ever since, for fifty years and more.'' Stephen King''One of my favorite books - I read it every couple of years.'' Suzanne Collins, author of The Hunger GamesINTRODUCED BY STEPHEN KING''There aren''t any grown-ups anywhere.''A plane crashes on a desert island. The only survivors are a group of schoolboys. By day, they explore the dazzling beaches, gorging fruit, seeking shelter, and ripping off their uniforms to swim in the lagoon. At night, in the darkness of the jungle, they are haunted by nightmares of a primitive beast. Orphaned by society, they must forge their own; but it isn''t long before their innocent games devolve into something far more dangerous . . .''Thrills me with all the power a fiction can have ... Exemplary.'' Ian McEwan''An existential fable backlit with death''s incandescent glare.'' Ben Okri''Violently real ... An apocalyptic novelist [who writes with] humanist rage and defiance.'' Marlon James''Beautifully written, tragic and provocative.'' E. M. Forster''A fragment of nightmare.'' New Statesman''A post-apocalyptic, dystopian survivor-fantasy ... [A novel] for all time ... A cult classic.'' Guardian''Stands out mightily in my memory ... Such a strong statement about the human heart.'' Patricia Cornwell''Terrifying and haunting.'' Kingsley AmisWhat readers are saying:''Every real human being should read this ... This is what we are.''''It’s brilliant, it’s captivating, it’s thought provoking and brutal and for some, its truly terrifying.''''It can be read and re-read many times, and every time something new will appear.''''There is a reason why this is studied at school ... Excellent read.''''This is one of the few books I''ve read that I keep on my Kindle to read again.''''I revisit this every few years and it''s always fresh and impressive ... One of the best books I''ve ever read.''
Objev podobné jako Lord of the Flies - William Golding
Shatner William: The Blues - CD (CLOCD1943)
Hudební CD - Legenda William Shatner hvězda jeviště a plátna přenáší svůj dramatický interpretační talent do bluesového alba. Legenda William Shatner hvězda jeviště a plátna přenáší svůj dramatický interpretační talent do bluesového alba. Rok vydání : 2021 Seznam stop Sweet Home Chicago feat. Brad Paisley / I Can't Quit You Baby feat. Kirk Fletcher / Sunshine Of Your Love feat. Sonny Landreth / The Thrill Is Gone feat. Ritchie Blackmore / Mannish Boy feat. Ronnie Earl / Born Under A Bad Sign feat. Tyler Bryant / I Put A Spell On You feat. Pat Travers / Crossroads feat. James Burton / Smokestack Lightnin' feat. Jeff „Skunk” Baxter / As The Years Go Passing By feat. Arthur Adams / Let's Work Together feat. Harvey Mandel & Canned Heat / Route 66 feat. Steve Cropper / In Hell I'll Be In Good Company feat. Albert Lee / Secrets Or Sins
Objev podobné jako Shatner William: The Blues - CD (CLOCD1943)
The Poetry Pharmacy Forever - Sieghart William
The world has reopened and so has the Poetry Pharmacy: the powerful final instalment in the hugely beloved seriesAfter the tumult of the last years, William Sieghart is back to prescribe the perfect poem for a variety of life''s ailments, offering hope and comfort to readers in need. Here, he draws on the emails he received from the public during multiple lockdowns, as well as tried-and-true classics from his in-person pharmacies, to create an essential anthology of poetry for our times. Through his expert curation and insightful commentary, he reminds us of the power of words to help us heal, to reconnect us with the world and to recover what has been lost.From weathering sorrow and sudden loss, to dealing with environmental despair and burnout, this new selection speaks directly to a society in urgent need of comfort and compassion. Whether you''re searching for guidance, hope, or simply a moment of beauty, The Poetry Pharmacy Forever is here to provide solace, joy and inspiration, one verse at a time.
Objev podobné jako The Poetry Pharmacy Forever - Sieghart William
The Poetry Pharmacy Returns - Sieghart William
''A matchless compound of hug, tonic and kiss'' Stephen Fry on William Sieghart''s bestselling Poetry PharmacyThe Poetry Pharmacy is one of the bestselling (and most giftable) poetry anthologies of recent decades. Now, after huge demand for more prescriptions from readers and ''patients'' alike, William Sieghart is back. This time, tried-and-true classics from his in-person pharmacies are joined by readers'' favourite poems and the new conditions most requested by the public - all accompanied by his trademark meditations (warm, witty and understanding, with just a twist of the challenging) on the spiritual ailments he seeks to cure.From ageing bodies and existential crises to long-distance relationships and embracing your slovenliness, The Poetry Pharmacy Returns caters to all-new conditions while drilling further down into the universals: this time, the challenges of family life, and of living as a person among others, receive a much closer look. Perfect for the treasured friends, barely tolerated siblings, beloved aunts and revered grandparents in your life.
Objev podobné jako The Poetry Pharmacy Returns - Sieghart William
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