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The Outlaw of Torn - Edgar R. Burroughs - e-kniha
eBook: War is looming as England is riven by a power struggle between King Henry III and Simon de Montfort. Into the chaos comes a fearsome figure, Norman of Torn, a warrior with a thirst for English blood.With a bounty on his head, he gathers a huge band of thieves and they run riot across the country. Norman even infiltrates de Montfort\'s army and seduces his daughter Bertrade. Then, as he faces near-certain death in a battle, a remarkable secret is revealed - one that could shake England and the Royal family to the core.This is perfect reading for fans of \'Ivanhoe\' by Sir Walter Scott and \'The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood\' by Howard Pyle.
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Tarzan of the Apes - Edgar R. Burroughs - e-kniha
eBook: 1888 W Africa. Newlyweds Lord and Lady Greystoke are marooned by mutineers. He builds a snug cabin for their growing family.But disaster falls. Great Apes raise the small son, destined to be Lord of the Jungle.
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Jeskynní dívka - Edgar R. Burroughs - e-kniha
eBook: Jeskynní dívka je skvěle vypointovaný světový román od autora Tarzana, Edgara Rice Burroughse. Syn matky z vyšší společnosti Waldo Emerson Smith-Jones během cesty po Jižních mořích skončí na pustém ostrově. Slabošský Waldo nebyl připraven na takový život. Poznává surové, drsné muže a vzteklé opice. Utíká před nimi, ale když se dostane do slepé uličky, v boji s nimi vytrvá ... nepoznává sám sebe. Při té vší hrůze, potkává půvabnou mladou dívku Nadaru, která je rovněž na útěku. Podaří se mu ji zachránit ze spárů jednoho obřího primáta. Je ohromen, že mu dívka věří jako svatému, a plete si jeho vyděšený křik s bojovým pokřikem. Naučí ho jazyk tamních divochů, jak plavat, jak lovit ryby a základy práce se dřevem. Přesto ho Nadara varuje, že nováček v jejím klanu musí bojovat s těmi nejzarputilejšími muži, kteří už mnoho jiných zabili. Ve chvíli, kdy se dostanou do její rodné vesnice, s hrůzou zjistí, že navzdory jejímu vzhledu pochází její klan z doby kamenné, z období paleolitu. Se strachem uteče a ... V druhé části je nečekaný zvrat událostí. Waldovi rodiče se rozhodnou vyslat další pátrací misi poté, co obdrží jeho dopis. Po bouři je vyplaven na břeh na novém ostrově a zachrání vůdce pirátů, před kanibalem. Jeden z pirátů vypráví o bílé bohyni v kanibalském chrámu ve vnitrozemí, a tak se Waldo vydá Nadaru hledat. Je bílá bohyně Nadara? Čtivý román vás chytne a nepustí ...
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Tarzan of the Apes/ Tarzan, syn divočiny - Edgar R. Burroughs
Kdo by neznal Tarzana (Bílou kůži), muže, kterého v africkém pralese vychovali lidoopi? Tarzan of the Apes (česky Tarzan, syn divočiny nebo Tarzan z rodu Opů) vyšel jako úvodní díl v roce 1912 v časopisu All-Story, knižně pak v roce 1914. Následovalo dalších dvacet tři dílů, poslední dva vyšly až po smrti jejich autora, amerického romanopisce Edgara Rice Burroughse (1875 – 1950), a další čtyři díly byly napsané jinými autory. V knihách vystupuje inteligentní, neohrožený a spravedlivý Tarzan, hovořící mnoha jazyky lidskými i zvířecími. Zažívá spoustu dobrodružství, ať už sám nebo se svou americkou ženou Jane a jejich synem. Tarzan je označován za nejznámější literární postavu vůbec a existuje více jeho filmových zpracování než například u příběhu o Drákulovi. Kromě filmu se Tarzan objevil i v komiksu, četných televizních a rozhlasových zpracováních, na divadle i v počítačových hrách. E. R. Burroughs byl plodný autor. Napsal více než 80 románů. Kromě Tarzana (původně zvažoval i jména Zantar nebo Tublat Zan) napsal science-fiction sérii s Johnem Carterem, který se záhadnou silou dostal na Mars, či sérii příběhů z podzemního světa Pellucidar.
Objev podobné jako Tarzan of the Apes/ Tarzan, syn divočiny - Edgar R. Burroughs
Tarzanov návrat - Edgar R. Burroughs
Druhým dielom Tarzanových príbehov sa ako červená niť vinie jeho láska k Jane Porterovej, ktorej sa šľachetne vzdal. Prenikne do sveta ľudí a pohybuje sa vo vyššej spoločnosti, kde si však získa aj mnohých nepriateľov, medzi nimi dvoch veľmi nebezpečných. Zvláštna náhoda ho zavedie do tej istej džungle na západoafrickom pobreží, kde sa narodil a vyrástol. Po zlých skúsenostiach v civilizovanom svete sa rozhodne radšej žiť medzi zvieratami. Stretne však záhadný černošský kmeň, stane sa jeho kráľom a v tajomnom zabudnutom meste objaví veľký poklad. Zvláštne okolnosti privedú do Afriky aj Jane Porterovú, ktorá sa ocitne v smrteľnom nebezpečenstve. Zachrániť ju môže jedine Tarzan...
Objev podobné jako Tarzanov návrat - Edgar R. Burroughs
Tarzanův návrat - Edgar R. Burroughs - audiokniha
Audiokniha: Hrdina z pralesa v Paříži neobstál. V druhém dílu klasiky dobrodružné literatury Tarzan po zklamání v lásce opouští Paříž a vrací na palubě luxusního parníku zpět mezi své zvířecí přátele do afrického pralesa. V druhém dílu klasiky dobrodružné literatury Tarzan po zklamání v lásce opouští Paříž a vrací se na palubě luxusního parníku zpět mezi své zvířecí přátele do afrického pralesa, aby opět žil v klidu a míru. Poklidný život je však to poslední, co Tarzan zakouší. Vypraví se k ostatkům bájné Atlantidy, kdy půjde několikrát doslova o život, setkává se s kněžkou La, vládkyní v tajemném pralesním městě Oparu, narazí na zloděje slonoviny… V závěru se vrací ke své lásce Jane. Při této „pohádce pro dospělé“ zapomeneme na všechny starosti a plně se ponoříme do barvitě popsaného světa džungle, z kterého se nám nebude chtít odejít. „Všichni jsou stejní. Podvádějí, vraždí, lžou a vadí se mezi sebou, a to všechno pro věci, po nichž by obyvatelé džungle nikdy netoužili.“
Objev podobné jako Tarzanův návrat - Edgar R. Burroughs - audiokniha
Tarzanův návrat - Edgar R. Burroughs - audiokniha
Audiokniha: V druhém dílu klasiky dobrodružné literatury Tarzan po zklamání v lásce opouští Paříž a vrací se na palubě luxusního parníku zpět mezi své zvířecí přátele do afrického pralesa, aby opět žil v klidu a míru. Poklidný život je však to poslední, co Tarzan zakouší. Vypraví se k ostatkům bájné Atlantidy, kdy půjde několikrát doslova o život, setkává se s kněžkou La, vládkyní v tajemném pralesním městě Oparu, narazí na zloděje slonoviny… V závěru se vrací ke své lásce Jane. Při této "pohádce pro dospělé" zapomeneme na všechny starosti a plně se ponoříme do barvitě popsaného světa džungle, z kterého se nám nebude chtít odejít. "Všichni jsou stejní. Podvádějí, vraždí, lžou a vadí se mezi sebou, a to všechno pro věci, po nichž by obyvatelé džungle nikdy netoužili."
Objev podobné jako Tarzanův návrat - Edgar R. Burroughs - audiokniha
Princezna z Marsu - Edgar R. Burroughs - audiokniha
Audiokniha: Napínavá love story Johna Cartera a princezny z Helia. Burroughsova marťanská série patří ke klasice žánru sci-fi. „Kráčeli jsme po půdě umírajícího světa, leč v našich duších se rodil svět nový.“ Při potyčce s indiány se kapitán John Carter dostane do podivného stavu a zjistí, že ho ne-známá síla táhne k Marsu. Když se probere, leží nahý v nepozemské krajině, která je opravdu Marsem. Vzhledem k tomu, že jeho tělo je navyklé vyšší gravitaci, předčí po fyzické stránce všechny domorodce a působí dojmem pravého supermana. S domorodci se setká záhy – je zajat kmenem zelených čtyřrukých Tharků a v jakémsi volném zajetí se za pomoci Tars Tarkase a Soly naučí marťansky a spoustu jiných užitečných věcí. Jednoho dne dojde ke střetu mezi Tharky a neznámými vzducholoděmi – jedna je sestřelena a vystoupí z ní krásná dívka rudé pleti – Dejah Thoris, princezna z Helia. Potká ji stejný osud jako Cartera, brzy se sblíží a zamilují…
Objev podobné jako Princezna z Marsu - Edgar R. Burroughs - audiokniha
Pellucidar 2 - Svět Pellucidaru - Edgar R. Burroughs
Druhá kniha série Pellucidar. David Innes, vládce Pellucidaru, se vrací z vnějšího světa do své podzemní říše s nákladem knih, zbraní a dalších nezbytných předmětů, které mají zdejším primitivním obyvatelům zprostředkovat vymoženosti dvacátého století, ale především jim pomoci svrhnout nadvládu krutých ještěrů, mocných Maharů. Jeho mechanický krtek se však vynoří ve zcela neznámé oblasti vnitřního světa, kde panuje věčný den a žijí divocí tvorové, kteří na povrchu Země již dávno vyhynuli. Davida Innese čeká dlouhá a nebezpečná pouť, na jejímž konci zjišťuje, že během jeho nepřítomnosti se pracně vybudované impérium zhroutilo - a jeho milovaná družka Diana Překrásná byla unesena...
Objev podobné jako Pellucidar 2 - Svět Pellucidaru - Edgar R. Burroughs
Tarzan z rodu Opů - Edgar R. Burroughs - audiokniha
Audiokniha: Nejslavnější hrdina, kterého vychovaly opice. Nejznámější zpracování příběhu o legendárním Tarzanovi, hrdinovi z džungle, kterého vychovaly ho opice. Malý John Clayton, jediné dítě lorda Greystokea, osiřelý v africké džungli, je zachráněn kmenem lidoopů. Dítě, pojmenované „Tarzan,” roste k mužnosti v divočině mezi divokými opicemi. Za pomoci nože a vrozené inteligence, Tarzan roste, aby se stal králem opic, schopný čelit jakémukoliv nebezpečí a pokořit všechny nepřátele. Lidé přicházející do Tarzanovy džungle, přinášejí nebezpečí, které je motivováno chamtivostí a podvody. Jestli má porazit tuto hrozbu a získat lásku Jane Porterové, krásné mladé ženy, bude zapotřebí veškeré Tarzanovy vychytralosti.
Objev podobné jako Tarzan z rodu Opů - Edgar R. Burroughs - audiokniha
The People of the River - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha
eBook: Richard Horatio Edgar Wallace (April 1, 1875 – February 10, 1932) was an English crime writer, journalist, novelist, screenwriter, and playwright, who wrote 175 novels, 24 plays, and numerous articles in newspapers and journals. Over 160 films have been made of his novels. In the 1920s, one of Wallace\'s publishers claimed that a quarter of all books read in England were written by him. He is most famous today as the co-creator of King Kong, writing the early screenplay and story for the movie, as well as a short story \"King Kong\" (1933) credited to him and Draycott Dell. He was known for the J. G. Reeder detective stories, The Four Just Men, The Ringer, and for creating the Green Archer character during his lifetime. (wikipedia.org) THE PEOPLE OF THE RIVER is set in Colonial Africa, British colonial official Sanders fights for British power and to protect his colonial charges set against the backdrop of mostly-unexplored Africa.
Objev podobné jako The People of the River - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha
Sanders of the River - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha
eBook: The first book in the ´Sanders of the River´ series and set in the Edwardian era, \'Sanders of the River\' focuses on the eponymous Governor of Nigeria. Commissioner Sanders struggles to balance the requests of The Crown against the needs of the natives. As he strives to juggle the demands from both parties, Sanders finds himself facing political turmoil that might push his colony to the brink of war. As a story, the reader is introduced to the struggles faced by an invading force. As a historical piece of fiction, this is an important document of the impact British colonialism had on West Africa. An excellent introduction to one of the most opinionated minds of the 20th Century.\'Sanders of the River\' is ideal for those interested in literature with a British Colonial setting. Prior to the success of ´King Kong´, which he co-created, Edgar Wallace published a selection of tales about Commissioner Sanders and his adventures in Africa under British rule.
Objev podobné jako Sanders of the River - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha
The River of Stars - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha
eBook: Commissioner Sanders is back again! However, this adventure sees him set against the backdrop of London rather than Africa. When a bunch of small-time crooks decide to try and steal a diamond mine, Sanders must decide whether he\'s up to the job, or whether to hand it over to someone more qualified. Full of twists and turns, \'The River of Stars\' sees our hero at his most vulnerable and introduces a bevy of fascinating characters. A film adaptation of \'The River of Stars\' was made in 1921.This is a superb read for fans of the ´Sanders of the River´ series. Prior to the success of ´King Kong´, which he co-created, Edgar Wallace published a selection of tales about Commissioner Sanders and his adventures in Africa under British rule.
Objev podobné jako The River of Stars - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha
Bosambo of the River - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha
eBook: Another exciting title in the Sanders of the River adventure series, featuring Commissioner Sanders.
Objev podobné jako Bosambo of the River - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha
The Imp of the Perverse - Edgar Allan Poe - e-kniha
eBook: Ever wondered how to combat the deep-seated urge to do wrong? Maybe Edgar Allen Poe can help. In "The Imp of the Perverse" (1845) Poe sets out to explain the Imp – the archetype responsible for persuading us to do what we know in our minds we shouldn't. Poe, supposedly distraught with his own self-destructive impulses, lets the story take place primarily in the narrator's mind as he frets the day he will have to come clean. At the heart of this short story is the question of how far we can justify our wrongdoings. It explores our self-destructive impulses and urges, the abandonment of reason and our inherent wickedness. Join Poe as he takes the reader from the sunny valleys of reason to the darkest regions of the human soul. A descent into madness.
Objev podobné jako The Imp of the Perverse - Edgar Allan Poe - e-kniha
The Angel of the Odd - Edgar Allan Poe - e-kniha
eBook: In England, fans of Charles Dickens were gripped by the four ghosts that visited Ebenezer Scrooge in 'A Christmas Carol' to get him to change his mean ways. At the same time, Edgar Allen Poe's 'Angel of the Odd', made out of a keg and wine bottles, drops in on the narrator, who does not believe in strange occurrences. He chases the angel away and has a booze-induced afternoon nap. When he wakes, his house is on fire. A ladder appears at the window and down he climbs - only to collide with a pig, fracturing his arm in the fall. Things cannot get worse, can they? They sure can! For he is given the elbow by his would-be wife, who notices that he wears a wig because it was burnt off in the blaze. The mishaps just keep coming. But when the 'Angel of the Odd' reappears, will the poor man swallow his pride and halt the barrage of blows?'Angel of the Odd' is the ideal read for those interested in Poe's lesser-known works.
Objev podobné jako The Angel of the Odd - Edgar Allan Poe - e-kniha
The Secret of the Moat Farm - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha
eBook: Known across the UK as ‘The Moat Farm Murder,’ ‘The Secret of Moat Farm’ sees Wallace as his investigative-journalist best. At the age of 28, the author was sent to cover the developments in this true-crime story. In 1903, Camille Holland and Samuel Dougal apparently went on a shopping trip. However, suspicions arose when Dougal returned alone, saying that Camille had caught a train to London. Wallace offers insights into the criminal mind, alongside all the facts that made this one of the most gripping and tragic stories of its time. A must for fans of true-crime such as Netflix\'s ´Night Stalker: The Hunt For a Serial Killer´, and those who want an introduction to Wallace’s work. Born in London, Edgar Wallace (1875 – 1932) was an English writer so prolific that his publisher claimed that he was responsible for a quarter of all books sold in England. Leaving school at the age of 12, Wallace made his first steps into the literary world by selling newspapers on the corner of Fleet Street. He worked as a war correspondent after joining the army at age 21, which honed his writing abilities. This led to the creation of his first book ‘The Four Just Men.’ Wallace is best remembered as the co-creator of ‘King Kong,’ which has been adapted for film 12 times (most notably directed by ‘Lord of the Rings’ director, Peter Jackson, and starring Jack Black and Naomi Watts). However, he leaves behind an extensive body of work, including stories such as ‘The Crimson Circle’ and ‘The Flying Squad’.
Objev podobné jako The Secret of the Moat Farm - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha
The Keepers of the King's Peace - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha
eBook: In the midst of an epidemic, Commissioner Sanders hears of a local woman with a remarkable gift that could transcend the limits of modern medicine. He, along with his trusted advisors, examine a series of miraculous cases tied to this extraordinary figure. In The Keepers of the King’s Peace, Sanders embraces the unknown encountering new and surprising obstacles. Within the Belgian Congo, stories of a woman healer called M\'lama are spreading among the native people. Soon, military men begin to question their validity and M’lama’s powerful influence. Commissioner Sanders seeks to uncover the truth about her rumored ability to cure the sick and even raise the dead. It’s a curious expedition that blurs the line between the physical and supernatural realm. With The Keepers of the King’s Peace, Edgar Wallace highlights a cultural clash between Africans and Europeans during the colonial period. Sanders and his crew must step outside their comfort zones to fully explore native customs and spiritual practices. This illuminating story was originally published in The Windsor Magazine in 1917 as an entry in the Sanders of the River series. With an eye-catching new cover, and professionally typeset manuscript, this edition of The Keepers of the King’s Peace is both modern and readable. Since our inception in 2020, Mint Editions has kept sustainability and innovation at the forefront of our mission. Each and every Mint Edition title gets a fresh, professionally typeset manuscript and a dazzling new cover, all while maintaining the integrity of the original book. With thousands of titles in our collection, we aim to spotlight diverse public domain works to help them find modern audiences. Mint Editions celebrates a breadth of literary works, curated from both canonical and overlooked classics from writers around the globe.
Objev podobné jako The Keepers of the King's Peace - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha
The Philosophy of Composition - Edgar Allan Poe - e-kniha
eBook: This fascinating literary essay, written by the famous American writer and poet, Edgar Allan Poe, explores the mystique of artistic creation. By using his renowned poem 'The Raven' as an example, Poe explains how good writers write well, concluding that brevity, 'unity of effect' and a logical method are the most important factors. Taking the reader through the deliberate choices made when writing the poem, the author also discusses theme, setting, sound, and the importance of refrain. 'The Philosophy of Composition' (1846) is a perfect read for literary scholars, writers, and fans of Poe.-
Objev podobné jako The Philosophy of Composition - Edgar Allan Poe - e-kniha
The Journal of Julius Rodman - Edgar Allan Poe - e-kniha
eBook: An authentic description of an expedition across the heart of the Rocky Mountains that turned out to be an elaborate hoax."The Journal of Julius Rodman" is Edgar Allen Poe's second attempt at producing a lengthier work and until recently even hardcore fans have missed out on this adventurous gem. It tells the story of the first expedition over the Rocky Mountains conducted by "civilized man" and is packed with wild and vivid nature descriptions, encounters with Native American tribes and supreme emotions bringing Leonardo DiCaprio's "The Revenant" to mind. Intended as a serialized novel, it was published anonymously in six instalments in Burton's Gentleman Magazine in 1839-40 while Poe was working as a contributing editor. This novel, though unfinished, is extremely enjoyable and even prominent Senators initially believed the expedition to be a true story. A must-read for bona fide Poe fans.
Objev podobné jako The Journal of Julius Rodman - Edgar Allan Poe - e-kniha
The Fall of the House of Usher and Other Stories - Edgar Allan Poe - e-kniha
eBook: The chilling classic that inspired the new Netflix horror drama, \"The Fall of the House of Usher\". Venture, if you dare, into the House of Usher...The narrator visits his friend, Roderick Usher in his decaying mansion, only to witness the harrowing unravellings of Usher\'s mind and the dark family secrets lurking beneath the crumbling ancestral home. A classic tale of gothic horror that has haunted readers for generations. This collection includes \"The Raven\", \"The Tell-Tale Heart\", “The Cask of Amontillado”, \"The Masque of the Red Death\", \"The Purloined Letter\", \"The Pit and the Pendulum\", \"Berenice\", \"The System of Doctor Tarr and Professor Fether\", \"The Fall of the House of Usher\", and \"MS. found in a Bottle\". Edgar Allan Poe (1809–1849) was an American writer renowned for his macabre and horror-themed tales. His poetic and mysterious style explored themes of death, love, and madness, leaving a lasting impact on gothic literature. Poe\'s notable works include \'The Raven,\' \'The Tell-Tale Heart,\' and \'The Fall of the House of Usher.
Objev podobné jako The Fall of the House of Usher and Other Stories - Edgar Allan Poe - e-kniha
The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket - Edgar Allan Poe - e-kniha
eBook: A man stows away aboard a whaling ship and gets caught up in shipwreck, mutiny, cannibalism and, finally, utter weirdness.Edgar Allen Poe's only novel, "The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket" (1838) recounts the grim, violent and often bizarre story of Pym and his companions as they set adrift at sea and gradually descent from terror to absolute horror.The novel makes for a riveting and gruesome tale that influenced writers such as Jules Verne and Herman Melville, and even H. P. Lovecraft and Jorge Luis Borges. An engrossing tale that will speak to maritime and mystery enthusiasts alike. Poe at his best.Listed on Robert MCCrum's '100 Best Novels Written in English' list published in The Guardian, January 2021.
Objev podobné jako The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket - Edgar Allan Poe - e-kniha
Robin Hood the Outlaw - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha
eBook: Continuing the story told in the classic ‘The Prince of Thieves,’ ‘Robin Hood the Outlaw’ picks up where the first book left off. Maid Marian and the Merrie Men are all present, but readers hoping that Robin has time to put down his bow and relax will be sorely disappointed. Instead, he must consider his loyalty to King Richard, while keeping one step ahead of the Sherriff of Nottingham. Throw a dastardly betrayal into the mix and you’ve got all the ingredients for a rollicking read, packed with historical detail and heroic swordplay. Alexandre Dumas (1802 – 1870) was one of the most popular French authors and playwrights of the 19th Century. After the death of his father, Dumas travelled to Paris where he eventually decided to work in the theatre. He first came to public attention at the age of 27 with his first play, ‘King Henry III and his Courts.’ After a succession of successful stage plays, Dumas turned his hand to writing novels. Many of these were serialised in newspapers, such as ‘La Comtesse de Salisbury; Édouard III,’ and ‘Le Capitaine Paul.’ Many of Dumas’ later works have been hailed as timeless classics and adapted for television and the silver screen, such as ‘The Three Musketeers’, starring ‘Lord of the Rings’´ Orlando Bloom, and ‘The Count of Monte Cristo’, starring ‘Superman’ star, Henry Cavill.
Objev podobné jako Robin Hood the Outlaw - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha
The Conversation of Eiros and Charmion - Edgar Allan Poe - e-kniha
eBook: Halley's Comet had just swung by and the infamous Baptist preacher William Miller was foretelling the end of the world.Edgar Allan Poe was quick to capitalise on the atmosphere of fear and curiosity that spread across America after this event.In 'The Conversation of Eiros and Charmion', a pioneer of the sci-fi genre, Poe has Eiros (who died when the world ended) talking about the apocalypse with Charmion, who died 10 years earlier.Eiros tells how a comet was spotted - an event that was followed by excitement, complacency, uncertainty, exhilaration and a final, awful reckoning.If you like this short story, you may also enjoy John Wyndham's 'The Day of the Triffids', Mary Shelley's 'The Last Man', and 'The Stand' by Stephen King.
Objev podobné jako The Conversation of Eiros and Charmion - Edgar Allan Poe - e-kniha
The Murder Book of J. G. Reeder - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha
eBook: Laying the foundations for the likes of \'Silence of the Lambs,\' starring Anthony Hopkins, \'The Murder Book of J.G. Reeder\' follows an investigator with the mind of a criminal. From the outside, our hero looks downtrodden and unremarkable. However, beneath his docile demeanour operates a fiendish brain; one that could be employed for good or for evil. In this book, Wallace gives us an anti-hero that is initially hard to like but becomes completely understandable towards the end.\'The Murder Book of J.G. Reeder\' is a great read for fans of the characters Hannibal Lecter and Sherlock Holmes.-
Objev podobné jako The Murder Book of J. G. Reeder - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha
The Unparalleled Adventure of One Hans Pfaall - Edgar Allan Poe - e-kniha
eBook: When Hans Pfaal's creditors begin to circle, there is only one thing he can do. Construct a magnificent, science defying balloon and escape to the moon! Hans records the details of this voyage with vivid otherworldly description, and impressive scientific knowhow. This fascinating, hallucinatory adventure, is regarded as one of the first examples of the modern science fiction genre, inspiring works by later writers such as Jules Verne and H.G Wells
Objev podobné jako The Unparalleled Adventure of One Hans Pfaall - Edgar Allan Poe - e-kniha
The System of Doctor Tarr and Professor Fether - Edgar Allan Poe - e-kniha
eBook: A dark comedy, threaded through with an unsettling plot twist, "The System" follows a bumbling narrator through a tour of a mental institution in southern France. The peculiar Monsieur Maillard, architect of this institution, hosts his visitor to a most peculiar evening with the most unusual guests. The Monsieur and his extraordinary host of friends, provide an evening of unsettling, haphazard and absurd company, full of strange happenings, beautifully described through Poe's eye for detail. Poe's flair for the absurd and hilariously satirical shines bright in this short story, as evidenced by the numerous adaptations that have followed, most notably 2014s "Stonehearst Asylum" starring Kate Beckinsale and Sir Michael Caine.
Objev podobné jako The System of Doctor Tarr and Professor Fether - Edgar Allan Poe - e-kniha
The Rover of the Andes - R. M. Ballantyne - e-kniha
eBook: The 'Rover of the Andes' follows a group of travelers as they navigate their way across the wilds of Argentina and Peru. With each surprise, acquaintance, and lesson that their adventure brings, we are reminded that not everything is as it seems. This adventure is unmissable for those who enjoyed Robert Louis Stevenson's 'Treasure Island'.
Objev podobné jako The Rover of the Andes - R. M. Ballantyne - e-kniha
The Giant of the North - R. M. Ballantyne - e-kniha
eBook: First published in 1882 ‘The Giant of the North’ is an imaginative children’s adventure tale from prolific Scottish author R.M. Ballantyne. Captain Vane, along with his son Benjamin and nephews Leo and Alf are on an adventure, searching for the elusive North Pole. When their ship runs aground, the group must venture out across the icy expanse to find help, and along the way they find themselves caught up in a series of mishaps and escapades as they navigate this unfamiliar terrain.
Objev podobné jako The Giant of the North - R. M. Ballantyne - e-kniha
The Wild Man of the West - R. M. Ballantyne - e-kniha
eBook: March Manson spends his days hunting buffalo, travelling, and learning about the wild west. He sets on on a journey with his best friend Bob Bounce to explore the rocky mountains. When he encounters a Native American tribe and the wild man of the west, he soon realises that not everything is as he expected. Ballantyne's humor, plot twists, and lively prose make this adventure novel perfect for fans of Rudyard Kipling's 'The Jungle Book'.
Objev podobné jako The Wild Man of the West - R. M. Ballantyne - e-kniha
In the Track of the Troops - R. M. Ballantyne - e-kniha
eBook: Young Jeffry Childers is an inquisitive, curious young boy with a keen interest in science and explosives. His experiments with explosions and torpedo designs get him into all kinds of trouble, but when war breaks out Jeffry finds himself caught up in the heart of it. An exciting and intriguing tale from the prolific author R.M. Ballantyne.
Objev podobné jako In the Track of the Troops - R. M. Ballantyne - e-kniha
The Spectacles - Edgar Allan Poe - e-kniha
eBook: Ever wondered what would happen if Poe left his gloom and doom-hungry readers in the lurch to crack a few jokes?The answer is Poe's rare comedy in the form of "The Spectacles" (1844). The main character, a shortsighted and dim-witted fool (perhaps aptly) named Napoleon, inherits a large amount of money. Unfortunately, it turns out that his short-sightedness is as symbolic as it is literal, and it quickly becomes the reason behind a series of humorous escapades. While the story begins as romance, it goes through the pains of farce, only to end on note of morality. The readers will break into laughter as they learn that love at first sight isn't all it's cracked up to be.
Objev podobné jako The Spectacles - Edgar Allan Poe - e-kniha
Diana of Kara-Kara - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha
eBook: America, Australia, and London all feature in this globetrotting tale of love, deception, and psychic abilities. Diana Ford is as headstrong as they come and knows how to shoot a gun. Her cousin, Gordon, might have supernatural talents, but even he does not have the foresight to predict that Diana is coming to stay with him. However, during her stay, she suspects that Gordon might be the victim of 20th-century identity theft. Her suspicions take us on a trail across the world.
Objev podobné jako Diana of Kara-Kara - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha
The Life of a Ship - R. M. Ballantyne - e-kniha
eBook: 'The Life of a Ship' is a classic adventure tale about a young boy named Davy who has always dreamt about going to sea and living the life of an fearless fisherman. A perfect escape from the drudgery of everyday life. After years of watching ships being built at the docks and going on short excursions with his father and grandfather, he finally gets the chance to go on a great fishing expedition. But is Davy up for the challenge? A perfect fit for fans of exciting 19th century adventure stories complete with a potent take on morality.
Objev podobné jako The Life of a Ship - R. M. Ballantyne - e-kniha
The Devil in the Belfry - Edgar Allan Poe - e-kniha
eBook: A classic horror story that follows the arrival of a fiendish figure in a small town, "The Devil in the Belfry" draws its potency from the amusing, ironic, and extremely creative atmosphere. An ordered and perfect city is disturbed, while the author pays exquisite attention to the smallest of details, offering memorable descriptions and narrations. Presented with a dose of sarcasm and comedy, the story is actually a great read exactly because it is so different from the characteristic, supernatural stories of Poe.
Objev podobné jako The Devil in the Belfry - Edgar Allan Poe - e-kniha
The Million Dollar Story - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha
eBook: Richard Horatio Edgar Wallace was a British writer of sensational detective, gangster, adventure and sci-fi novels, plays and stories. Born into poverty as an illegitimate London child, Wallace left school at the age of 12. He joined the army at age 21 and was a war correspondent during the Second Boer War for Reuters and the Daily Mail. Struggling with debt, he left South Africa, returned to London and began writing thrillers to raise income, publishing books including The Four Just Men (1905). Drawing on his time as a reporter in the Congo, covering the Belgian atrocities, Wallace serialised short stories in magazines such as The Windsor Magazine and later published collections such as Sanders of the River (1911). He signed with Hodder and Stoughton in 1921 and became an internationally recognised author.
Objev podobné jako The Million Dollar Story - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha
The Business Man - Edgar Allan Poe - e-kniha
eBook: For inventiveness and front, Slippin' Jimmy from 'Better Call Saul' takes some beating. He had at least his equal, though, way back in the 1840s - in the shape of Peter Profitt, the anti-hero of 'The Business Man'.After a nurse cracked his head against a bedpost, young Profitt lost the capacity for regularity or systems.Convinced that it is his fate, he becomes an entrepreneur after a fall-out with his employer over a pennyHis first business is to build filthy, rundown hovels - spite houses - next to new mansions and then demand 500pc of their value to demolish them.Next, he starts fights and sues the victim for attacking him before he demands money from people for him not to splash mud on them.With a demanding dog becoming his partner, as well as deliberation on whether Profitt should run for office or not, the hilarious story careers through a host of businesses and wild ideas.If you like Poe's crazy characters and comical street scenes, you will love 'A Confederacy of Dunces' by John Kennedy Toole.
Objev podobné jako The Business Man - Edgar Allan Poe - e-kniha
The Oblong Box - Edgar Allan Poe - e-kniha
eBook: When the narrator boards the ship "Independence" for a summer trip from Charleston to New York City, the days ahead look idyllic. His old college friend Cornelius Wyatt is also aboard, with his wife and two sisters, so it promises to be a sociable journey. However, there is one mysterious addition to the guest list - an oblong box measuring six feet by two-and-a-half feet. The box, which has a noisome odour, is kept in Wyatt's and his wife's room. When the narrator hears nightly outbreaks of wailing and crying from Wyatt's room, he investigates. He is closing in on the terrible truth when a hurricane hits the ship - and Wyatt refuses to leave the box behind. His heartbreaking secret will soon be revealed. This book is ideal reading for fans of 'The Riddle of the Sands' by Erskine Childers.
Objev podobné jako The Oblong Box - Edgar Allan Poe - e-kniha
The Man Called McGinnice - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha
eBook: While this might be one of Wallace’s shorter tales, he packs it with plenty of character and an unusual amount of darkness. Tam is interrogated over his role in the crashing of an artillery bus. However, the questioning leads to a chain of events with a rather unhappy ending for one character. With more than a whiff of ‘Catch 22,’ by Joseph Heller, and ‘Trainspotting,’ by Irvine Welsh, \'The Man Called McGinnice\' is a superb read for those who like their short stories, wry, dry, and unsentimental. Born in London, Edgar Wallace (1875 – 1932) was an English writer so prolific that his publisher claimed that he was responsible for a quarter of all books sold in England. Leaving school at the age of 12, Wallace made his first steps into the literary world by selling newspapers on the corner of Fleet Street. He worked as a war correspondent after joining the army at age 21, which honed his writing abilities. This led to the creation of his first book ‘The Four Just Men.’ Wallace is best remembered as the co-creator of ‘King Kong,’ which has been adapted for film 12 times (most notably directed by ‘Lord of the Rings’ director, Peter Jackson, and starring Jack Black and Naomi Watts). However, he leaves behind an extensive body of work, including stories such as ‘The Crimson Circle’ and ‘The Flying Squad’.
Objev podobné jako The Man Called McGinnice - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha
Jam for the Enemy - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha
eBook: Between 1904 and 1918, Wallace collected tales about life in the British Army and the escapades and adventures of the troops. These led him to create the eponymous character, ‘Smithy.’ However, ‘Jam for the Enemy’ shines the spotlight on his equally scurrilous partner in crime, Nobby Clark. In this short story, Nobby comes up with a plan to use a crate of jam to scupper the advancing German army. However, as with all Nobby’s plans, the end result isn’t quite what he expected. A light-hearted look at life in the lower ranks, ´Jam for the Enemy´ is perfect for those interested in WWI stories. Born in London, Edgar Wallace (1875 – 1932) was an English writer so prolific that his publisher claimed that he was responsible for a quarter of all books sold in England. Leaving school at the age of 12, Wallace made his first steps into the literary world by selling newspapers on the corner of Fleet Street. He worked as a war correspondent after joining the army at age 21, which honed his writing abilities. This led to the creation of his first book ‘The Four Just Men.’ Wallace is best remembered as the co-creator of ‘King Kong,’ which has been adapted for film 12 times (most notably directed by ‘Lord of the Rings’ director, Peter Jackson, and starring Jack Black and Naomi Watts). However, he leaves behind an extensive body of work, including stories such as ‘The Crimson Circle’ and ‘The Flying Squad’.
Objev podobné jako Jam for the Enemy - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha
Smithy and the Hun - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha
eBook: Between 1904 and 1918, Wallace collected tales about life in the British Army and the escapades and adventures of the troops. These led him to create the eponymous character, ‘Smithy.’ The third book in the series, ‘Smithy and the Hun’ sees the eponymous soldier and his two mates, Nobby Clark, and Spud Murphy, sent to fight in the First World War. However, rather than blood and bullets, this story focuses on our hapless heroes’ hilarious antics. Light-hearted and fun for Wallace fans of all ages. Initially published in the Daily Mail, the ´Smithy´ series features a bunch of short stories about the everyday life of the soldiers in the British military. Born in London, Edgar Wallace (1875 – 1932) was an English writer so prolific, that his publisher claimed that he was responsible for a quarter of all books sold in England. Leaving school at the age of 12, Wallace made his first steps into the literary world by selling newspapers on the corner of Fleet Street. He worked as a war correspondent after joining the army at age 21, which honed his writing abilities. This led to the creation of his first book, ‘The Four Just Men.’ Wallace is best remembered as the co-creator of ‘King Kong,’ which has been adapted for film 12 times (most notably directed by ‘Lord of the Rings’ director, Peter Jackson, and starring Jack Black and Naomi Watts). However, he leaves behind an extensive body of work, including stories such as ‘The Crimson Circle’ and ‘The Flying Squad.’
Objev podobné jako Smithy and the Hun - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha
Sandi the King-Maker - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha
eBook: The ninth instalment in the \'Sanders of the River\' series, ´Sandi the King-Maker´ provides a fitting end for our eponymous hero.When a missionary and his daughter go missing in Africa, Commissioner Sanders is sent there to find out what happened. However, what he uncovers will challenge even his pragmatic and idealistic approach. Set in the days of British Colonialism, \'Sandi the King-Maker\' offers a fascinating look at life under the British Empire while packing in plenty of adventure. ´Sandi the King-Maker´ is the ideal read for Wallace fans and those with an interest in colonial history.Prior to the success of ´King Kong´, which he co-created, Edgar Wallace published a selection of tales about Commissioner Sanders and his adventures in Africa under British rule.
Objev podobné jako Sandi the King-Maker - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha
Thou Art the Man - Edgar Allan Poe - e-kniha
eBook: Poe is the master of unreliable narration and deceptive oratory. So, should we believe him when he professes to exonerate the innocent and illuminate the guilty?"Thou Art the Man" (1844) is an early detective story by the man who is often accredited with inventing the detective fiction genre. Alarm spreads when Barnabas Shuttleworthy's horse returns home without him. A search is commenced and soon follows an accusation. The tribulations of the accused man and his road to redemption are depicted in a macabre way inviting a good dose of gallows humour into the narrative mix. This macabre Poe concoction has received little attention and less praise. "Thou Art the Man" clearly shows that artful rhetoric ultimately – and always – leads to truth.
Objev podobné jako Thou Art the Man - Edgar Allan Poe - e-kniha
The Murder on Yarmouth Sands - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha
eBook: On July 15th, 1912, the body of Dora Grey was found on Yarmouth Beach. Apparently strangled, this became known as ‘The Bootlace Murder,’ believed by investigators to be the work of a serial killer. ‘The Murder in Yarmouth’ is a collection of Wallace’s writings as a journalist at the time of the murder. Chasing the clues and the suspects, he gives us insight into the forensic and psychological procedures of the time. However, was the wrong man punished? A superb read for fans of true crime and those with an interest in the police protocols of yesteryear. Born in London, Edgar Wallace (1875 – 1932) was an English writer so prolific that his publisher claimed that he was responsible for a quarter of all books sold in England. Leaving school at the age of 12, Wallace made his first steps into the literary world by selling newspapers on the corner of Fleet Street. He worked as a war correspondent after joining the army at age 21, which honed his writing abilities. This led to the creation of his first book ‘The Four Just Men.’ Wallace is best remembered as the co-creator of ‘King Kong,’ which has been adapted for film 12 times (most notably directed by ‘Lord of the Rings’ director, Peter Jackson, and starring Jack Black and Naomi Watts). However, he leaves behind an extensive body of work, including stories such as ‘The Crimson Circle’ and ‘The Flying Squad’.
Objev podobné jako The Murder on Yarmouth Sands - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha
The Price a Woman Pays - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha
eBook: While Wallace could never be accused of being a run-of-the-mill author, \'The Price a Woman Pays\' is one of his more unusual tales. A gripping and fun short story, it follows the concerns of Dr Beechington who, down on his luck, wants to ensure that his daughter marries into money. Will she follow his request, or go her own way? An unexpected religious twist sets this story apart from the majority of Wallace\'s works.Fast-paced and with a liberal sprinkling of wry humour, this is an ideal read for Wallace fans or those who want an introduction to his writing.-
Objev podobné jako The Price a Woman Pays - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha
The Thief in the Night and Other Stories - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha
eBook: Fast-paced and fun, ‘The Thief in the Night and Other Stories’ is a collection of six tales from the pen of one of the 20th Century’s most prolific writers. The title story follows Inspector Jack Danton as he investigates a proliferation of poison pen letters and thefts to and from wealthy young debutantes. Other novelettes, such as ‘Findings are Keepings’ and ‘The Compleat Criminal,’ are laced with Wallace’s trademark wit and critical appraisal of life in the upper echelons during the early 20th century. A superb read for fans of Wallace's body of work.
Objev podobné jako The Thief in the Night and Other Stories - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha
A Descent into the Maelström - Edgar Allan Poe - e-kniha
eBook: When Poe takes us to sea, we get sucked in.In "A Descent into the Maelstrom" (1841) Poe's narrator recounts his horrific experience when he and his brother's boat get sucked down in the world's fastest moving current of water, the tumultuous maelstrom known as Moskenesstraumen. Constructed as a story within a story, "A Descent into the Maelström" is a beautiful and gripping tale about the rough life on the seven seas told in the manner of Coleridge's "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner."In 1980, the legendary American composer Philip Glass composed a much-praised 66-minute piece based on the short story.
Objev podobné jako A Descent into the Maelström - Edgar Allan Poe - e-kniha
The Man That Was Used Up - Edgar Allan Poe - e-kniha
eBook: A short story that is shrouded in mystery, "The Man that Was Used Up" follows a narrator who wants to learn more about an important military figure. A satirical tale that mocks a real person, its strengths as a literary piece lie in the grotesque and immensely humorous episode in which the General is presented. Comic and amusing, the story is a must for Poe fans, even though the supernatural element is left aside, while the paradoxical roams free.
Objev podobné jako The Man That Was Used Up - Edgar Allan Poe - e-kniha
Never Bet the Devil Your Head - Edgar Allan Poe - e-kniha
eBook: A satirical story with a moral tint, "Never Bet the Devil Your Head" follows a narrator, fashioned after Poe himself, who is attacked by critics for his inability to produce a moral literary piece. To counter his critics, the narrator tells the story of a friend fond for rhetorically invoking the Devil, and his unusual end. A blend of supernatural and the bizarre, make the story a light-hearted, provocatively funny read that is doomed to be loved by anyone.
Objev podobné jako Never Bet the Devil Your Head - Edgar Allan Poe - e-kniha
The Plays of W. E. Henley and R. L. Stevenson - Robert Louis Stevenson - e-kniha
eBook: This collection of three plays written by two equally creative minds takes the reader on a wild journey. In ‘Deacon Brodie’ we follow the double life of the character of the same name, a politician by day and a thrill seeking thief by night - will his double life catch up with him? We are then thrown in to a vicious boiling pot of romance and violence in ‘Beau Austin’ where a womanising bachelor will have to move carefully if he hopes to survive. Spurned lovers, duels to the death and huge sums of money on the line, what more could you ask from a dramatic play? Finally we take to the seas, where some iconic characters from ‘Treasure Island’ will reprise their roles in a tale of love, hope of course lost treasure. It is an adventurous caper with wonderful characters, perfect for any lovers of ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’.
Objev podobné jako The Plays of W. E. Henley and R. L. Stevenson - Robert Louis Stevenson - e-kniha
Smithy - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha
eBook: Edgar Wallace (1875-1932) was a prolific British crime writer. This is the first anthology in Wallace\'s \'Smithy\' series in which the famous character T. B. Smith makes his appearance. These were originally printed as a series in a newspaper but were later printed as an anthology in 1905. Here we are reprinting this classic works with an additional new biographical introduction. Richard Horatio Edgar Wallace was born in London, England in 1875. During his lifetime he produced some 173 books and wrote 17 plays. During the 1920\'s, one of Wallace\'s publishers claimed that a quarter of all books then read in England were written by him.
Objev podobné jako Smithy - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha
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