Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
Tarzan of the Apes/ Tarzan, syn divočiny - Edgar R. Burroughs
Kdo by neznal Tarzana (Bílou kůži), muže, kterého v africkém pralese vychovali lidoopi? Tarzan of the Apes (česky Tarzan, syn divočiny nebo Tarzan z rodu Opů) vyšel jako úvodní díl v roce 1912 v časopisu All-Story, knižně pak v roce 1914. Následovalo dalších dvacet tři dílů, poslední dva vyšly až po smrti jejich autora, amerického romanopisce Edgara Rice Burroughse (1875 – 1950), a další čtyři díly byly napsané jinými autory. V knihách vystupuje inteligentní, neohrožený a spravedlivý Tarzan, hovořící mnoha jazyky lidskými i zvířecími. Zažívá spoustu dobrodružství, ať už sám nebo se svou americkou ženou Jane a jejich synem. Tarzan je označován za nejznámější literární postavu vůbec a existuje více jeho filmových zpracování než například u příběhu o Drákulovi. Kromě filmu se Tarzan objevil i v komiksu, četných televizních a rozhlasových zpracováních, na divadle i v počítačových hrách. E. R. Burroughs byl plodný autor. Napsal více než 80 románů. Kromě Tarzana (původně zvažoval i jména Zantar nebo Tublat Zan) napsal science-fiction sérii s Johnem Carterem, který se záhadnou silou dostal na Mars, či sérii příběhů z podzemního světa Pellucidar.
Podívejte se také Tarzan z rodu Opů ()
Tarzan of the Apes - Edgar R. Burroughs - e-kniha
eBook: 1888 W Africa. Newlyweds Lord and Lady Greystoke are marooned by mutineers. He builds a snug cabin for their growing family.But disaster falls. Great Apes raise the small son, destined to be Lord of the Jungle.
Podívejte se také The turn of the Screw
Tarzan z rodu Opů - Edgar R. Burroughs - audiokniha
Audiokniha: Nejslavnější hrdina, kterého vychovaly opice. Nejznámější zpracování příběhu o legendárním Tarzanovi, hrdinovi z džungle, kterého vychovaly ho opice. Malý John Clayton, jediné dítě lorda Greystokea, osiřelý v africké džungli, je zachráněn kmenem lidoopů. Dítě, pojmenované „Tarzan,” roste k mužnosti v divočině mezi divokými opicemi. Za pomoci nože a vrozené inteligence, Tarzan roste, aby se stal králem opic, schopný čelit jakémukoliv nebezpečí a pokořit všechny nepřátele. Lidé přicházející do Tarzanovy džungle, přinášejí nebezpečí, které je motivováno chamtivostí a podvody. Jestli má porazit tuto hrozbu a získat lásku Jane Porterové, krásné mladé ženy, bude zapotřebí veškeré Tarzanovy vychytralosti.
Podívejte se také The Hound of the Baskervilles
Podívejte se také
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The Outlaw of Torn - Edgar R. Burroughs - e-kniha
eBook: War is looming as England is riven by a power struggle between King Henry III and Simon de Montfort. Into the chaos comes a fearsome figure, Norman of Torn, a warrior with a thirst for English blood.With a bounty on his head, he gathers a huge band of thieves and they run riot across the country. Norman even infiltrates de Montfort\'s army and seduces his daughter Bertrade. Then, as he faces near-certain death in a battle, a remarkable secret is revealed - one that could shake England and the Royal family to the core.This is perfect reading for fans of \'Ivanhoe\' by Sir Walter Scott and \'The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood\' by Howard Pyle.
Objev podobné jako The Outlaw of Torn - Edgar R. Burroughs - e-kniha
Tarzanov návrat - Edgar R. Burroughs
Druhým dielom Tarzanových príbehov sa ako červená niť vinie jeho láska k Jane Porterovej, ktorej sa šľachetne vzdal. Prenikne do sveta ľudí a pohybuje sa vo vyššej spoločnosti, kde si však získa aj mnohých nepriateľov, medzi nimi dvoch veľmi nebezpečných. Zvláštna náhoda ho zavedie do tej istej džungle na západoafrickom pobreží, kde sa narodil a vyrástol. Po zlých skúsenostiach v civilizovanom svete sa rozhodne radšej žiť medzi zvieratami. Stretne však záhadný černošský kmeň, stane sa jeho kráľom a v tajomnom zabudnutom meste objaví veľký poklad. Zvláštne okolnosti privedú do Afriky aj Jane Porterovú, ktorá sa ocitne v smrteľnom nebezpečenstve. Zachrániť ju môže jedine Tarzan...
Objev podobné jako Tarzanov návrat - Edgar R. Burroughs
Tarzanův návrat - Edgar R. Burroughs - audiokniha
Audiokniha: Hrdina z pralesa v Paříži neobstál. V druhém dílu klasiky dobrodružné literatury Tarzan po zklamání v lásce opouští Paříž a vrací na palubě luxusního parníku zpět mezi své zvířecí přátele do afrického pralesa. V druhém dílu klasiky dobrodružné literatury Tarzan po zklamání v lásce opouští Paříž a vrací se na palubě luxusního parníku zpět mezi své zvířecí přátele do afrického pralesa, aby opět žil v klidu a míru. Poklidný život je však to poslední, co Tarzan zakouší. Vypraví se k ostatkům bájné Atlantidy, kdy půjde několikrát doslova o život, setkává se s kněžkou La, vládkyní v tajemném pralesním městě Oparu, narazí na zloděje slonoviny… V závěru se vrací ke své lásce Jane. Při této „pohádce pro dospělé“ zapomeneme na všechny starosti a plně se ponoříme do barvitě popsaného světa džungle, z kterého se nám nebude chtít odejít. „Všichni jsou stejní. Podvádějí, vraždí, lžou a vadí se mezi sebou, a to všechno pro věci, po nichž by obyvatelé džungle nikdy netoužili.“
Objev podobné jako Tarzanův návrat - Edgar R. Burroughs - audiokniha
Tarzanův návrat - Edgar R. Burroughs - audiokniha
Audiokniha: V druhém dílu klasiky dobrodružné literatury Tarzan po zklamání v lásce opouští Paříž a vrací se na palubě luxusního parníku zpět mezi své zvířecí přátele do afrického pralesa, aby opět žil v klidu a míru. Poklidný život je však to poslední, co Tarzan zakouší. Vypraví se k ostatkům bájné Atlantidy, kdy půjde několikrát doslova o život, setkává se s kněžkou La, vládkyní v tajemném pralesním městě Oparu, narazí na zloděje slonoviny… V závěru se vrací ke své lásce Jane. Při této "pohádce pro dospělé" zapomeneme na všechny starosti a plně se ponoříme do barvitě popsaného světa džungle, z kterého se nám nebude chtít odejít. "Všichni jsou stejní. Podvádějí, vraždí, lžou a vadí se mezi sebou, a to všechno pro věci, po nichž by obyvatelé džungle nikdy netoužili."
Objev podobné jako Tarzanův návrat - Edgar R. Burroughs - audiokniha
Jeskynní dívka - Edgar R. Burroughs - e-kniha
eBook: Jeskynní dívka je skvěle vypointovaný světový román od autora Tarzana, Edgara Rice Burroughse. Syn matky z vyšší společnosti Waldo Emerson Smith-Jones během cesty po Jižních mořích skončí na pustém ostrově. Slabošský Waldo nebyl připraven na takový život. Poznává surové, drsné muže a vzteklé opice. Utíká před nimi, ale když se dostane do slepé uličky, v boji s nimi vytrvá ... nepoznává sám sebe. Při té vší hrůze, potkává půvabnou mladou dívku Nadaru, která je rovněž na útěku. Podaří se mu ji zachránit ze spárů jednoho obřího primáta. Je ohromen, že mu dívka věří jako svatému, a plete si jeho vyděšený křik s bojovým pokřikem. Naučí ho jazyk tamních divochů, jak plavat, jak lovit ryby a základy práce se dřevem. Přesto ho Nadara varuje, že nováček v jejím klanu musí bojovat s těmi nejzarputilejšími muži, kteří už mnoho jiných zabili. Ve chvíli, kdy se dostanou do její rodné vesnice, s hrůzou zjistí, že navzdory jejímu vzhledu pochází její klan z doby kamenné, z období paleolitu. Se strachem uteče a ... V druhé části je nečekaný zvrat událostí. Waldovi rodiče se rozhodnou vyslat další pátrací misi poté, co obdrží jeho dopis. Po bouři je vyplaven na břeh na novém ostrově a zachrání vůdce pirátů, před kanibalem. Jeden z pirátů vypráví o bílé bohyni v kanibalském chrámu ve vnitrozemí, a tak se Waldo vydá Nadaru hledat. Je bílá bohyně Nadara? Čtivý román vás chytne a nepustí ...
Objev podobné jako Jeskynní dívka - Edgar R. Burroughs - e-kniha
Princezna z Marsu - Edgar R. Burroughs - audiokniha
Audiokniha: Napínavá love story Johna Cartera a princezny z Helia. Burroughsova marťanská série patří ke klasice žánru sci-fi. „Kráčeli jsme po půdě umírajícího světa, leč v našich duších se rodil svět nový.“ Při potyčce s indiány se kapitán John Carter dostane do podivného stavu a zjistí, že ho ne-známá síla táhne k Marsu. Když se probere, leží nahý v nepozemské krajině, která je opravdu Marsem. Vzhledem k tomu, že jeho tělo je navyklé vyšší gravitaci, předčí po fyzické stránce všechny domorodce a působí dojmem pravého supermana. S domorodci se setká záhy – je zajat kmenem zelených čtyřrukých Tharků a v jakémsi volném zajetí se za pomoci Tars Tarkase a Soly naučí marťansky a spoustu jiných užitečných věcí. Jednoho dne dojde ke střetu mezi Tharky a neznámými vzducholoděmi – jedna je sestřelena a vystoupí z ní krásná dívka rudé pleti – Dejah Thoris, princezna z Helia. Potká ji stejný osud jako Cartera, brzy se sblíží a zamilují…
Objev podobné jako Princezna z Marsu - Edgar R. Burroughs - audiokniha
Pellucidar 2 - Svět Pellucidaru - Edgar R. Burroughs
Druhá kniha série Pellucidar. David Innes, vládce Pellucidaru, se vrací z vnějšího světa do své podzemní říše s nákladem knih, zbraní a dalších nezbytných předmětů, které mají zdejším primitivním obyvatelům zprostředkovat vymoženosti dvacátého století, ale především jim pomoci svrhnout nadvládu krutých ještěrů, mocných Maharů. Jeho mechanický krtek se však vynoří ve zcela neznámé oblasti vnitřního světa, kde panuje věčný den a žijí divocí tvorové, kteří na povrchu Země již dávno vyhynuli. Davida Innese čeká dlouhá a nebezpečná pouť, na jejímž konci zjišťuje, že během jeho nepřítomnosti se pracně vybudované impérium zhroutilo - a jeho milovaná družka Diana Překrásná byla unesena...
Objev podobné jako Pellucidar 2 - Svět Pellucidaru - Edgar R. Burroughs
Tarzan z rodu Opů ()
Audiokniha MP3 - Příběh o legendárním Tarzanovi, hrdinovi z džungle, kterého vychovaly ho opice. - autor Edgar Rice Burroughs, čte Jiří Hromada Příběh o legendárním Tarzanovi, hrdinovi z džungle, kterého vychovaly ho opice.Malý John Clayton, jediné dítě lorda Greystokea, osiřelý v africké džungli, je zachráněn kmenem lidoopů. Dítě, pojmenované „Tarzan,” roste k mužnosti v divočině mezi divokými opicemi. Za pomoci nože a vrozené inteligence, Tarzan roste, aby se stal králem opic, schopný čelit jakémukoliv nebezpečí a pokořit všechny nepřátele. Lidé přicházející do Tarzanovy džungle, přinášejí nebezpečí, které je motivováno chamtivostí a podvody. Jestli má porazit tuto hrozbu a získat lásku Jane Porterové, krásné mladé ženy, bude zapotřebí veškeré Tarzanovy vychytralosti.
Objev podobné jako Tarzan z rodu Opů ()
TARZAN - Nikola Francová - e-kniha
eBook: Ztráta nejlepšího přítele, problémy se zákonem a trest, který je poslední kapkou v Kylově životě. On sám má pocit, že je zbytečný. Pokud si ale myslel, že už to horší být nemůže, tak se hodně zmýlil. Nikdy nemůže být tak špatně, aby bylo ještě hůř.
Objev podobné jako TARZAN - Nikola Francová - e-kniha
Tarzan as art - Milan Fibiger
Portfolio deseti vyobrazení Tarzana , slavné postavy románů E.R. Burroughse, od Milana Fibigera - malíře a knižního ilustrátora. Od roku 1995 pravidelně vystavuje. Používá klasické malířské techniky. Technikou černobílého kvaše navazuje na výrazovou ojedinělost ilustrací českého malíře Zdeňka Buriana. Základními rysy tvorby Milana Fibigera jsou vyvážené kompozice, rafinovaná barevnost, jemný rukopis, velký smysl pro detail. Jeho nejsilnější stránkou je navození atmosféry doby či prostředí podložené až vědeckým bádáním či studiem reálií. Nejčastěji se s jeho ilustračním doprovodem lze setkat na obálkách a ilustracích knih žánru fantasy, sci-fi, klasicky dobrodružných či pohádkových. Jeho volná tvorba oplývá tajuplnými bytostmi a intimními fantaskními zákoutími .
Objev podobné jako Tarzan as art - Milan Fibiger
Tarzan - příběh Tarzana, pána opic (DVD)
DVD film Tarzan - příběh Tarzana, pána opic [1984]. Český dabing. České titulky. Dolby Digital. Hrají: Christopher Lambert. Výpravná dobrodružná adaptace. Dítě, které vyrostlo mezi divokými opicemi a přežilo díky své obratnosti a zákonům džungle, se vrací do společnosti lidí, aby uplatnilo nárok na svou lidskost a svá privilegia. O tomto střetu "divokého” světa s "civilizovaným” vypráví neobyčejný příběh o Tarzanovi, tak jak ho v populární sérii knih zachytil Edgar Rice Burroughs. Výpravná adaptace, zdůrazňující dvojí přirozenost postavy – vládce africké džungle a zároveň Johna Claytona, sedmého hraběte z Greystocku, dědice jednoho z největších panství ve Skotsku – vznikla v režii Hugha Hudsona (Ohnivé vozy, Snila jsem o Africe). Hlavní role ve "strhujícím, magickém příběhu” (Guy Flatley, Cosmopolitan) vytvořili Christopher Lambert (titulní role), Andie MacDowell (ve svém filmovém debutu) a sir Ralph Richardson (v jedné ze svých posledních rolí).
Objev podobné jako Tarzan - příběh Tarzana, pána opic (DVD)
Tarzan: Král džungle 1. série (2 DVD)
V historicky první kolekci DVD do vašich domovů vtrhne 1. série filmové klasiky Tarzan: Král džungle. Vydejte se hluboko do divoké a tajemné džungle plné kouzel, nádhery…... V historicky první kolekci DVD do vašich domovů vtrhne 1. série filmové klasiky Tarzan: Král džungle. Vydejte se hluboko do divoké a tajemné džungle plné kouzel, nádhery… a nebezpečí! Když Tarzana začnou ohrožovat Vikingové a pytláci, sebere veškerou sílu a důvtip – a všechny své zvířecí kamarády – a s jejich pomocí se pokusí znovu nastolit klid v milovaném pralesním domově. Dívejte se na všech 16 epizod a nechte Tarzana: Krále džungle bavit příslušníky vašeho kmene!Disk 1.- Tarzan a město zlata- Tarzan a Vikingové- Tarzan a zlatý lev- Tarzan a zakázané město- Tarzan a pohřebiště slonů- Tarzanův návrat do zlatého města- Tarzan a podivná návštěva- Tarzan a země obrůDisk 2.- Tarzan a rytíři Nimmru- Tarzanův sok- Tarzan a město kouzel- Tarzan v nitru země- Tarzan a tvor z ledu- Tarzan a olympijské hry- Experiment Tarzan- Nenáviděný Tarzan
Objev podobné jako Tarzan: Král džungle 1. série (2 DVD)
Tarzan z rodu Opů (MP3-CD) - audiokniha
Audioknihu Tarzan z rodu Opů napsal autor: E. R. Burroughs, čte: Jiří Hromada. Celková stopáž: 10 hodin, 20 minut.
Objev podobné jako Tarzan z rodu Opů (MP3-CD) - audiokniha
Tarzan: Král džungle - 1. série (2DVD) - DVD (W01932)
Film na DVD - Vydejte se hluboko do divoké a tajemné džungle plné kouzel, nádhery... a nebezpečí! Když Tarzana začnou ohrožovat Vikingové a pytláci, sebere veškerou sílu a důvtip - a všechny své zvířecí kamarády - a s jejich pomocí se pokusí znovu nastolit klid v milovaném pralesním domově. Vydejte se hluboko do divoké a tajemné džungle plné kouzel, nádhery... a nebezpečí! Když Tarzana začnou ohrožovat Vikingové a pytláci, sebere veškerou sílu a důvtip - a všechny své zvířecí kamarády - a s jejich pomocí se pokusí znovu nastolit klid v milovaném pralesním domově. DVD 1 • Tarzan a město zlata • Tarzan a Vikingové • Tarzan a zlatý lev • Tarzan a zakázané město • Tarzan a pohřebiště slonů • Tarzanův návrat do zlatého města • Tarzan a podivná návštěva • Tarzan a země obrů DVD 2 • Tarzan a rytíři Nimmru • Tarzanův sok • Tarzan a město kouzel • Tarzan v nitru země • Tarzan a tvor z ledu • Tarzan...
Objev podobné jako Tarzan: Král džungle - 1. série (2DVD) - DVD (W01932)
Bo-Camp Rock peg Steel Tarzan 23cm 10pcs (8712013147253)
Stanový kolík o hmotnosti 70 g, délce 23 cm, materiál: ocel Bo-Camp Rock peg Steel Tarzan je stanový kolík vyrobený z odolné oceli. Je vhodný pro zapichování do kamenitého terénu, lze ho ale použít i na měkké trávě. Na kolíku naleznete dodatečnou svařenou tyč, s níž má kolík tvar kříže. Celé balení obsahuje celkem 10 kusů těchto kolíků, takže vám postačí třeba na zajištění jednoho stanu. Klíčové vlastnosti stanového kolíku Bo-Camp Rock peg Steel Tarzan 23 cm 10 pcsStanový kolík Bo-Camp Rock peg Steel Tarzan je vyrobený z odolné oceliJe vhodný pro zapichování do kamenitého či travnatého terénuMá tvar kříže, což pomůže při následném vytahováníV balení dostanete kolíků celkem 10Hmotnost:70 gDélka:23 cm
Objev podobné jako Bo-Camp Rock peg Steel Tarzan 23cm 10pcs (8712013147253)
The People of the River - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha
eBook: Richard Horatio Edgar Wallace (April 1, 1875 – February 10, 1932) was an English crime writer, journalist, novelist, screenwriter, and playwright, who wrote 175 novels, 24 plays, and numerous articles in newspapers and journals. Over 160 films have been made of his novels. In the 1920s, one of Wallace\'s publishers claimed that a quarter of all books read in England were written by him. He is most famous today as the co-creator of King Kong, writing the early screenplay and story for the movie, as well as a short story \"King Kong\" (1933) credited to him and Draycott Dell. He was known for the J. G. Reeder detective stories, The Four Just Men, The Ringer, and for creating the Green Archer character during his lifetime. (wikipedia.org) THE PEOPLE OF THE RIVER is set in Colonial Africa, British colonial official Sanders fights for British power and to protect his colonial charges set against the backdrop of mostly-unexplored Africa.
Objev podobné jako The People of the River - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha
The Imp of the Perverse - Edgar Allan Poe - e-kniha
eBook: Ever wondered how to combat the deep-seated urge to do wrong? Maybe Edgar Allen Poe can help. In "The Imp of the Perverse" (1845) Poe sets out to explain the Imp – the archetype responsible for persuading us to do what we know in our minds we shouldn't. Poe, supposedly distraught with his own self-destructive impulses, lets the story take place primarily in the narrator's mind as he frets the day he will have to come clean. At the heart of this short story is the question of how far we can justify our wrongdoings. It explores our self-destructive impulses and urges, the abandonment of reason and our inherent wickedness. Join Poe as he takes the reader from the sunny valleys of reason to the darkest regions of the human soul. A descent into madness.
Objev podobné jako The Imp of the Perverse - Edgar Allan Poe - e-kniha
The Angel of the Odd - Edgar Allan Poe - e-kniha
eBook: In England, fans of Charles Dickens were gripped by the four ghosts that visited Ebenezer Scrooge in 'A Christmas Carol' to get him to change his mean ways. At the same time, Edgar Allen Poe's 'Angel of the Odd', made out of a keg and wine bottles, drops in on the narrator, who does not believe in strange occurrences. He chases the angel away and has a booze-induced afternoon nap. When he wakes, his house is on fire. A ladder appears at the window and down he climbs - only to collide with a pig, fracturing his arm in the fall. Things cannot get worse, can they? They sure can! For he is given the elbow by his would-be wife, who notices that he wears a wig because it was burnt off in the blaze. The mishaps just keep coming. But when the 'Angel of the Odd' reappears, will the poor man swallow his pride and halt the barrage of blows?'Angel of the Odd' is the ideal read for those interested in Poe's lesser-known works.
Objev podobné jako The Angel of the Odd - Edgar Allan Poe - e-kniha
The Secret of the Moat Farm - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha
eBook: Known across the UK as ‘The Moat Farm Murder,’ ‘The Secret of Moat Farm’ sees Wallace as his investigative-journalist best. At the age of 28, the author was sent to cover the developments in this true-crime story. In 1903, Camille Holland and Samuel Dougal apparently went on a shopping trip. However, suspicions arose when Dougal returned alone, saying that Camille had caught a train to London. Wallace offers insights into the criminal mind, alongside all the facts that made this one of the most gripping and tragic stories of its time. A must for fans of true-crime such as Netflix\'s ´Night Stalker: The Hunt For a Serial Killer´, and those who want an introduction to Wallace’s work. Born in London, Edgar Wallace (1875 – 1932) was an English writer so prolific that his publisher claimed that he was responsible for a quarter of all books sold in England. Leaving school at the age of 12, Wallace made his first steps into the literary world by selling newspapers on the corner of Fleet Street. He worked as a war correspondent after joining the army at age 21, which honed his writing abilities. This led to the creation of his first book ‘The Four Just Men.’ Wallace is best remembered as the co-creator of ‘King Kong,’ which has been adapted for film 12 times (most notably directed by ‘Lord of the Rings’ director, Peter Jackson, and starring Jack Black and Naomi Watts). However, he leaves behind an extensive body of work, including stories such as ‘The Crimson Circle’ and ‘The Flying Squad’.
Objev podobné jako The Secret of the Moat Farm - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha
The Keepers of the King's Peace - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha
eBook: In the midst of an epidemic, Commissioner Sanders hears of a local woman with a remarkable gift that could transcend the limits of modern medicine. He, along with his trusted advisors, examine a series of miraculous cases tied to this extraordinary figure. In The Keepers of the King’s Peace, Sanders embraces the unknown encountering new and surprising obstacles. Within the Belgian Congo, stories of a woman healer called M\'lama are spreading among the native people. Soon, military men begin to question their validity and M’lama’s powerful influence. Commissioner Sanders seeks to uncover the truth about her rumored ability to cure the sick and even raise the dead. It’s a curious expedition that blurs the line between the physical and supernatural realm. With The Keepers of the King’s Peace, Edgar Wallace highlights a cultural clash between Africans and Europeans during the colonial period. Sanders and his crew must step outside their comfort zones to fully explore native customs and spiritual practices. This illuminating story was originally published in The Windsor Magazine in 1917 as an entry in the Sanders of the River series. With an eye-catching new cover, and professionally typeset manuscript, this edition of The Keepers of the King’s Peace is both modern and readable. Since our inception in 2020, Mint Editions has kept sustainability and innovation at the forefront of our mission. Each and every Mint Edition title gets a fresh, professionally typeset manuscript and a dazzling new cover, all while maintaining the integrity of the original book. With thousands of titles in our collection, we aim to spotlight diverse public domain works to help them find modern audiences. Mint Editions celebrates a breadth of literary works, curated from both canonical and overlooked classics from writers around the globe.
Objev podobné jako The Keepers of the King's Peace - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha
Masque of the Red Death - Edgar Allan Poe
Introducing Little Clothbound Classics: irresistible, mini editions of short stories, novellas and essays from the world's greatest writers, designed by the award-winning Coralie Bickford-Smith. Celebrating the range and diversity of Penguin Classics, they take us from snowy Japan to springtime Vienna, from haunted New England to a sun-drenched Mediterranean island, and from a game of chess on the ocean to a love story on the moon. Beautifully designed and printed, these collectible editions are bound in colourful, tactile cloth and stamped with foil. Arguably America's most influential short story writer, Edgar Allan Poe's tales of suspense never fail to spook and amaze. Gathered in this selection are his very best horror stories, including the gothic tour de force 'The Fall of the House of Usher', the other-worldly 'The Masque of the Red Death', and the murderous 'The Tell-Tale Heart'.
Objev podobné jako Masque of the Red Death - Edgar Allan Poe
Sanders of the River - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha
eBook: The first book in the ´Sanders of the River´ series and set in the Edwardian era, \'Sanders of the River\' focuses on the eponymous Governor of Nigeria. Commissioner Sanders struggles to balance the requests of The Crown against the needs of the natives. As he strives to juggle the demands from both parties, Sanders finds himself facing political turmoil that might push his colony to the brink of war. As a story, the reader is introduced to the struggles faced by an invading force. As a historical piece of fiction, this is an important document of the impact British colonialism had on West Africa. An excellent introduction to one of the most opinionated minds of the 20th Century.\'Sanders of the River\' is ideal for those interested in literature with a British Colonial setting. Prior to the success of ´King Kong´, which he co-created, Edgar Wallace published a selection of tales about Commissioner Sanders and his adventures in Africa under British rule.
Objev podobné jako Sanders of the River - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha
Bosambo of the River - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha
eBook: Another exciting title in the Sanders of the River adventure series, featuring Commissioner Sanders.
Objev podobné jako Bosambo of the River - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha
In the Shadow of Edgar Allan Poe (Defekt) - Edgar Allan Poe, Leslie S.
A masterful collection of horror fiction by widely acclaimed authors whose contributions to the genre have been lost in the shadow of Poe, by one of America's foremost anthologists. Edgar Allan Poe did not invent the tale of terror. There were American, English, and Continental writers who preceded Poe and influenced his work. Similarly, there were many who were in turn influenced by Poe's genius and produced their own popular tales of supernatural literature. This collection features masterful tales of terror by authors who, by and large, are little-remembered for their writing in this genre. Even Bram Stoker, whose Dracula may be said to be the most popular horror novel of all time, is not known as a writer of short fiction. Distinguished editor Leslie S. Klinger is a world-renowned authority on those twin icons of the Victorian age, Sherlock Holmes, and Dracula. His studies into the forefathers of those giants led him to a broader fascination with writers of supernatural literature of the nineteenth century. The stories in this collection have been selected by him for their impact. Each is preceded by a brief biography of the author and an overview of his or her literary career and is annotated to explain obscure references. Read on, now, perhaps with a flickering candle or flashlight at hand . . . Stories by: Ambrose Bierce, Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu, Theodor Gautier, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Arthur Conan Doyle, Lafcadio Hearn, M. R. James, Bram Stoker, and many others. Leslie S. Klinger is one of the world's foremost authorities on Sherlock Holmes. He is the editor of the three-volume set The New Annotated Sherlock Holmes. The first two volumes, The Complete Short Stories, won the Edgar for "Best Critical/Biographical” work. He has just completed The New Annotated H. P. Lovecraft. Klinger is a member of the Baker Street Irregulars and lives in Malibu.
Objev podobné jako In the Shadow of Edgar Allan Poe (Defekt) - Edgar Allan Poe, Leslie S.
The Fall of the House of Usher and Other Selected Stories - Edgar Allan Poe
Spine-tingling, mind-altering and deliciously atmospheric, journey into the dark side of America with nine of its most uncanny classics. Edgar Allan Poe was a writer of uncommon talent; in The Murders in the Rue Morgue he created the genre of detective fiction while his genius for finding the strangeness lurking within us all has been an influence on everyone from Freud to Hollywood. This complete collection of all his short stories and novellas contains well-known tales 'The Pit and the Pendulum' and 'The Tell-Tale Heart' alongside hidden gems that both unsettle and enthrall the reader.
Objev podobné jako The Fall of the House of Usher and Other Selected Stories - Edgar Allan Poe
In the Shadow of Edgar Allan Poe : Classic Tales of Horror, 1816-1914 - Edgar Allan Poe, Leslie S.
A masterful collection of horror fiction by widely acclaimed authors whose contributions to the genre have been lost in the shadow of Poe, by one of America's foremost anthologists.Edgar Allan Poe did not invent the tale of terror. There were American, English, and Continental writers who preceded Poe and influenced his work. Similarly, there were many who were in turn influenced by Poe’s genius and produced their own popular tales of supernatural literature. This collection features masterful tales of terror by authors who, by and large, are little-remembered for their writing in this genre. Even Bram Stoker, whose Dracula may be said to be the most popular horror novel of all time, is not known as a writer of short fiction. Distinguished editor Leslie S. Klinger is a world-renowned authority on those twin icons of the Victorian age, Sherlock Holmes, and Dracula. His studies into the forefathers of those giants led him to a broader fascination with writers of supernatural literature of the nineteenth century. The stories in this collection have been selected by him for their impact. Each is preceded by a brief biography of the author and an overview of his or her literary career and is annotated to explain obscure references. Read on, now, perhaps with a flickering candle or flashlight at hand . . . Stories by: Ambrose Bierce, Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu, Theodor Gautier, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Arthur Conan Doyle, Lafcadio Hearn, M. R. James, Bram Stoker, and many others. Leslie S. Klinger is one of the world’s foremost authorities on Sherlock Holmes. He is the editor of the three-volume set The New Annotated Sherlock Holmes. The first two volumes, The Complete Short Stories, won the Edgar for “Best Critical/Biographical” work. He has just completed The New Annotated H. P. Lovecraft. Klinger is a member of the Baker Street Irregulars and lives in Malibu.
Objev podobné jako In the Shadow of Edgar Allan Poe : Classic Tales of Horror, 1816-1914 - Edgar Allan Poe, Leslie S.
The Fall of the House of Usher and Other Stories - Edgar Allan Poe - e-kniha
eBook: The chilling classic that inspired the new Netflix horror drama, \"The Fall of the House of Usher\". Venture, if you dare, into the House of Usher...The narrator visits his friend, Roderick Usher in his decaying mansion, only to witness the harrowing unravellings of Usher\'s mind and the dark family secrets lurking beneath the crumbling ancestral home. A classic tale of gothic horror that has haunted readers for generations. This collection includes \"The Raven\", \"The Tell-Tale Heart\", “The Cask of Amontillado”, \"The Masque of the Red Death\", \"The Purloined Letter\", \"The Pit and the Pendulum\", \"Berenice\", \"The System of Doctor Tarr and Professor Fether\", \"The Fall of the House of Usher\", and \"MS. found in a Bottle\". Edgar Allan Poe (1809–1849) was an American writer renowned for his macabre and horror-themed tales. His poetic and mysterious style explored themes of death, love, and madness, leaving a lasting impact on gothic literature. Poe\'s notable works include \'The Raven,\' \'The Tell-Tale Heart,\' and \'The Fall of the House of Usher.
Objev podobné jako The Fall of the House of Usher and Other Stories - Edgar Allan Poe - e-kniha
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring - J. R. R. Tolkien
Special unjacketed hardback edition of the first part of J.R.R. Tolkien's epic masterpiece, The Lord of the Rings. This edition features the complete story with a unique cover design embellished with gold foil and the iconic maps of Middle-earth appearing in red and black as endpapers. Sauron, the Dark Lord, has gathered to him all the Rings of Power - the means by which he intends to rule Middle-earth. All he lacks in his plans for dominion is the One Ring - the ring that rules them all - which has fallen into the hands of the hobbit, Bilbo Baggins. In a sleepy village in the Shire, young Frodo Baggins finds himself faced with an immense task, as his elderly cousin Bilbo entrusts the Ring to his care. Frodo must leave his home and make a perilous journey across Middle-earth to the Cracks of Doom, there to destroy the Ring and foil the Dark Lord in his evil purpose.
Objev podobné jako The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring - J. R. R. Tolkien
G-Man: J. Edgar Hoover and the Making of the American Century - Beverly Gage
When he became director of the FBI, J. Edgar Hoover transformed a failing law-enforcement backwater into a modern machine. He stayed in power for decades, and created a personal fiefdom unrivalled in US history.In this masterful, multi-award-winning biography, Beverley Gage explores the full sweep of Hoover’s life and career. In Gage’s portrait, Hoover was a man admired by millions, but was also a formidable public figure who intimidated his enemies, excluded minorities from his great American project and created the foundations of the US far right. G-Man is a dramatic portrait of one of America’s most influential – and controversial – public figures.It is also an engrossing story of the making of modern America.
Objev podobné jako G-Man: J. Edgar Hoover and the Making of the American Century - Beverly Gage
The Complete Poetry of Edgar Allan Poe (0451531051)
Kniha - 144 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - 144 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná From Annabel Lee to The Raven, this edition of Poe's complete poetry illustrates the transcendent world of unity and ultimate beauty he created in his verse. Includes a new Afterword. Revised reissue.
Objev podobné jako The Complete Poetry of Edgar Allan Poe (0451531051)
The River of Stars - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha
eBook: Commissioner Sanders is back again! However, this adventure sees him set against the backdrop of London rather than Africa. When a bunch of small-time crooks decide to try and steal a diamond mine, Sanders must decide whether he\'s up to the job, or whether to hand it over to someone more qualified. Full of twists and turns, \'The River of Stars\' sees our hero at his most vulnerable and introduces a bevy of fascinating characters. A film adaptation of \'The River of Stars\' was made in 1921.This is a superb read for fans of the ´Sanders of the River´ series. Prior to the success of ´King Kong´, which he co-created, Edgar Wallace published a selection of tales about Commissioner Sanders and his adventures in Africa under British rule.
Objev podobné jako The River of Stars - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha
The Return of the King (The Lord of the Rings, Book 3) - J. R. R. Tolkien
Begin your journey into Middle-earth. A New Legend Begins on Prime Video, in The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power. The third part of J.R.R. Tolkien’s epic adventure THE LORD OF THE RINGS. The Dark Lord has risen, and as he unleashes hordes of Orcs to conquer all Middle-earth, Frodo and Sam struggle deep into his realm in Mordor. To defeat Sauron, the One Ring must be destroyed in the fires of Mount Doom. But the way is impossibly hard, and Frodo is weakening. The Ring corrupts all who bear it and Frodo’s time is running out. Will Sam and Frodo succeed, or will the Dark Lord rule Middle-earth once more?
Objev podobné jako The Return of the King (The Lord of the Rings, Book 3) - J. R. R. Tolkien
The Return of the King (The Lord of the Rings, Book 3) - J. R. R. Tolkien
Concluding the story begun in The Hobbit, this is the final part of Tolkien’s epic masterpiece, The Lord of the Rings. Featuring a striking black cover based on Tolkien’s own design, the definitive text, and a detailed map of Middle-earth.The armies of the Dark Lord are massing as his evil shadow spreads ever wider. Men, Dwarves, Elves and Ents unite forces to do battle agains the Dark. Meanwhile, Frodo and Sam struggle further into Mordor in their heroic quest to destroy the One Ring.Impossible to describe in a few words, JRR Tolkien’s great work of imaginative fiction has been labelled both a heroic romance and a classic fantasy fiction. By turns comic and homely, epic and diabolic, the narrative moves through countless changes of scene and character in an imaginary world which is totally convincing in its detail. Tolkien created a vast new mythology in an invented world which has proved timeless in its appeal.
Objev podobné jako The Return of the King (The Lord of the Rings, Book 3) - J. R. R. Tolkien
The Lord of the Rings - J. R. R. Tolkien
Continuing the story begun in The Hobbit, all three parts of the epic masterpiece, The Lord of the Rings, in one paperback. Features the definitive edition of the text, fold-out flaps with the original two-colour maps, and a revised and expanded index. Sauron, the Dark Lord, has gathered to him all the Rings of Power – the means by which he intends to rule Middle-earth. All he lacks in his plans for dominion is the One Ring – the ring that rules them all – which has fallen into the hands of the hobbit, Bilbo Baggins. In a sleepy village in the Shire, young Frodo Baggins finds himself faced with an immense task, as the Ring is entrusted to his care. He must leave his home and make a perilous journey across the realms of Middle-earth to the Crack of Doom, deep inside the territories of the Dark Lord. There he must destroy the Ring forever and foil the Dark Lord in his evil purpose. Since it was first published in 1954, The Lord of the Rings has been a book people have treasured. Steeped in unrivalled magic and otherworldliness, its sweeping fantasy has touched the hearts of young and old alike.
Objev podobné jako The Lord of the Rings - J. R. R. Tolkien
The Lord of the Rings - J. R. R. Tolkien
Begin your journey into Middle-earth. A New Legend Begins on Prime Video, in The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power. Middle-earth, a world of magic and adventure. A land full of tales spanning thousands of years. Sauron, the Dark Lord, has gathered to him all the Rings of Power – the means by which he intends to rule Middle-earth. All he lacks in his plans for dominion is the One Ring – the ring that rules them all – which has fallen into the hands of the hobbit, Bilbo Baggins. In a sleepy village in the Shire, young Frodo Baggins finds himself faced with an immense task, as the Ring is entrusted to his care. He must leave his home and make a perilous journey across the realms of Middle-earth to the Crack of Doom, deep inside the territories of the Dark Lord. There he must destroy the Ring forever and foil the Dark Lord in his evil purpose.
Objev podobné jako The Lord of the Rings - J. R. R. Tolkien
The Fellowship of the Ring - J. R. R. Tolkien
Begin your journey into Middle-earth.A New Legend Begins on Prime Video, in The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power.The first part of J. R. R. Tolkien's epic adventure THE LORD OF THE RINGS.In a quiet village in the Shire, young Frodo is about to receive a gift that will change his life forever.Thought lost centuries ago, it is the One Ring, an object of terrifying power once used by the Dark Lord to enslave Middle-earth. Now darkness is rising, and Frodo must travel deep into the Dark Lord's realm, to the one place the Ring can be destroyed: Mount Doom.The journey will test Frodo's courage, his friendships and his heart. Because the ring corrupts all who bear it - can Frodo destroy it, or will it destroy him?
Objev podobné jako The Fellowship of the Ring - J. R. R. Tolkien
The Return of the King - J. R. R. Tolkien
Begin your journey into Middle-earth.A New Legend Begins on Prime Video, in The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power.The third part of J.R.R. Tolkien's epic adventure THE LORD OF THE RINGS.The Dark Lord has risen, and as he unleashes hordes of Orcs to conquer all Middle-earth, Frodo and Sam struggle deep into his realm in Mordor.To defeat Sauron, the One Ring must be destroyed in the fires of Mount Doom. But the way is impossibly hard, and Frodo is weakening. The Ring corrupts all who bear it and Frodo's time is running out.Will Sam and Frodo succeed, or will the Dark Lord rule Middle-earth once more?
Objev podobné jako The Return of the King - J. R. R. Tolkien
The Return of the King - J. R. R. Tolkien
Special unjacketed hardback edition of the final part of J.R.R. Tolkien’s epic masterpiece, The Lord of the Rings. This edition features the complete story with a unique cover design embellished with silver foil and the iconic maps appearing in red and black as endpapers.The Companions of the Ring have become involved in separate adventures as the quest continues. Aragorn, revealed as the hidden heir of the ancient Kings of the West, joined with the Riders of Rohan against the forces of Isengard, and took part in the desperate victory of the Hornburg. Merry and Pippin, captured by orcs, escaped into Fangorn Forest and there encountered the Ents.Gandalf returned, miraculously, and defeated the evil wizard, Saruman. Meanwhile, Sam and Frodo progressed towards Mordor to destroy the Ring, accompanied by Sméagol – Gollum, still obsessed by his ‘preciouss’. After a battle with the giant spider, Shelob, Sam left his master for dead; but Frodo is still alive – in the hands of the orcs. And all the time the armies of the Dark Lord are massing.
Objev podobné jako The Return of the King - J. R. R. Tolkien
The Lord of the Rings - J. R. R. Tolkien
For the first time ever, a very special edition of the classic masterpiece, illustrated throughout in colour by the author himself and with the complete text printed in two colours.Since it was first published in 1954, The Lord of the Rings has been a book people have treasured. Steeped in unrivalled magic and otherworldliness, its sweeping fantasy and epic adventure has touched the hearts of young and old alike. Over 150 million copies of its many editions have been sold around the world, and occasional collectors’ editions become prized and valuable items of publishing.This one-volume hardback edition contains the complete text, fully corrected and reset, which is printed in red and black and features, for the very first time, thirty colour illustrations, maps and sketches drawn by Tolkien himself as he composed this epic work. These include the pages from the Book of Mazarbul, marvellous facsimiles created by Tolkien to accompany the famous ‘Bridge of Khazad-dum’ chapter. Also appearing are two removable fold-out maps drawn by Christopher Tolkien revealing all the detail of Middle-earth.Sympathetically packaged to reflect the classic look of the first edition, this new edition of the bestselling hardback will prove irresistible to collectors and new fans alike.
Objev podobné jako The Lord of the Rings - J. R. R. Tolkien
The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket - Edgar Allan Poe - audiokniha
Audiokniha: Audiokniha Frankenstein namluvená rodilým mluvčím. Jazyková úroveň A1 pro posluchače začátečníky. His name is Arthur Gordon Pym. He comes from Nantucket. Nantucket is a town in America, near the sea. People from Nantucket are often sailors. His grandfather is a lawyer. He’s famous and he’s very rich. Gordon Pym is very lucky. He is only eighteen years old, but he has a small boat. Its name is the Ariel. He often goes sailing on the Ariel, near Nantucket. He has a good education and a dream: he wants to go to sea. This is the story of his adventures at sea. He meets pirates, a ghost ship, and storms. He visits Kerguelen’s Land, Prince Edward’s Island and Tristan da Cunha before arriving in Antarctica.
Objev podobné jako The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket - Edgar Allan Poe - audiokniha
The Philosophy of Composition - Edgar Allan Poe - e-kniha
eBook: This fascinating literary essay, written by the famous American writer and poet, Edgar Allan Poe, explores the mystique of artistic creation. By using his renowned poem 'The Raven' as an example, Poe explains how good writers write well, concluding that brevity, 'unity of effect' and a logical method are the most important factors. Taking the reader through the deliberate choices made when writing the poem, the author also discusses theme, setting, sound, and the importance of refrain. 'The Philosophy of Composition' (1846) is a perfect read for literary scholars, writers, and fans of Poe.-
Objev podobné jako The Philosophy of Composition - Edgar Allan Poe - e-kniha
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers - J. R. R. Tolkien
'The Two Towers' is the second part of JRR Tolkien's epic masterpiece 'The Lord of the Rings'. This paperback edition has the classic black cover featuring Tolkien's own design and includes the definitive edition of the text.
Objev podobné jako The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers - J. R. R. Tolkien
The Fellowship of the Ring (Defekt) - J. R. R. Tolkien
The Fellowship of the Ring is the first part of J.R.R. Tolkien's epic adventure, The Lord of the Rings. Sauron, the Dark Lord, has gathered to him all the Rings of Power - the means by which he intends to rule Middle-earth. All he lacks in his plans for dominion is the One Ring - the ring that rules them all - which has fallen into the hands of the hobbit, Bilbo Baggins. In a sleepy village in the Shire, young Frodo Baggins finds himself faced with an immense task, as his elderly cousin Bilbo entrusts the Ring to his care. Frodo must leave his home and make a perilous journey across Middle-earth to the Cracks of Doom, there to destroy the Ring and foil the Dark Lord in his evil purpose. The text of this edition has been fully corrected and revised in collaboration with Christopher Tolkien and is accompanied by nineteen watercolour paintings from Alan Lee.
Objev podobné jako The Fellowship of the Ring (Defekt) - J. R. R. Tolkien
The Hobbit & The Lord of the Rings / Boxed Set - J. R. R. Tolkien
Immerse yourself in Middle-earth with Tolkien's classic masterpiece, telling the complete story of Bilbo Baggins and the Hobbits' epic encounters with Gandalf, Gollum, dragons and monsters, in the quest to destroy the One Ring. When they were first published, The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings became instant classics. Treasured by readers young and old, these works of sweeping fantasy, steeped in unrivalled magic and otherworldliness have sold more than 150 million copies around the world. This new boxed set, published to mark the 75th anniversary of the publication of The Hobbit, offers readers a new opportunity to discover Tolkien's remarkable world of Middle-earth and to follow the complete story of Bilbo Baggins and the Hobbits' part in the epic quest for the Ring - beginning with Bilbo's fateful visit from Gandalf and culminating in the dramatic climax between Frodo and Gollum atop Mount Doom and Bilbo's departure to the Grey Havens.
Objev podobné jako The Hobbit & The Lord of the Rings / Boxed Set - J. R. R. Tolkien
PER | Level 3: The Fall of the House of Usher and Other Stories Bk/MP3 Pack - Edgar Allan Poe
Classic / American English There are five stories in this book. 'The Fall of the House of Usher' and 'The Barrel of Amontillado' are stories of madness; 'The Maelstrom' describes fear of death during a storm on the ocean; and in 'The Murders of the Rue Morgue' and 'The Stolen Letter' meet C. Auguste Dupin, Poe's famous Parisian detective. This Pack contains a Book and MP3
Objev podobné jako PER | Level 3: The Fall of the House of Usher and Other Stories Bk/MP3 Pack - Edgar Allan Poe
The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket - Edgar Allan Poe - e-kniha
eBook: A man stows away aboard a whaling ship and gets caught up in shipwreck, mutiny, cannibalism and, finally, utter weirdness.Edgar Allen Poe's only novel, "The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket" (1838) recounts the grim, violent and often bizarre story of Pym and his companions as they set adrift at sea and gradually descent from terror to absolute horror.The novel makes for a riveting and gruesome tale that influenced writers such as Jules Verne and Herman Melville, and even H. P. Lovecraft and Jorge Luis Borges. An engrossing tale that will speak to maritime and mystery enthusiasts alike. Poe at his best.Listed on Robert MCCrum's '100 Best Novels Written in English' list published in The Guardian, January 2021.
Objev podobné jako The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket - Edgar Allan Poe - e-kniha
The Journal of Julius Rodman - Edgar Allan Poe - e-kniha
eBook: An authentic description of an expedition across the heart of the Rocky Mountains that turned out to be an elaborate hoax."The Journal of Julius Rodman" is Edgar Allen Poe's second attempt at producing a lengthier work and until recently even hardcore fans have missed out on this adventurous gem. It tells the story of the first expedition over the Rocky Mountains conducted by "civilized man" and is packed with wild and vivid nature descriptions, encounters with Native American tribes and supreme emotions bringing Leonardo DiCaprio's "The Revenant" to mind. Intended as a serialized novel, it was published anonymously in six instalments in Burton's Gentleman Magazine in 1839-40 while Poe was working as a contributing editor. This novel, though unfinished, is extremely enjoyable and even prominent Senators initially believed the expedition to be a true story. A must-read for bona fide Poe fans.
Objev podobné jako The Journal of Julius Rodman - Edgar Allan Poe - e-kniha
The Master Cleanser - Stanley Burroughs
The Master Cleanser diet otherwise known as the lemonade diet, it's the easiest, most delicious, effective cleansing and weight loss diet available. You can feel good and get rid of what ails you. This diet has been used for every health problem with great success.
Objev podobné jako The Master Cleanser - Stanley Burroughs
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