Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
Mankind – Music – Technology / Technology in the Musical Thinking of the 20th and Early 21st Centuries - Martin Flašar
Člověk – hudba – technika. Technologie v hudebním myšlení 20. a počátku 21. století*****Kniha je výsledkem trvalého zaujetí autora pro hudbu 20. a počínajícího 21. století a jeho celoživotního zájmu o technologie. Jak artificiální komponovanou hudbu posledních desetiletí ovlivňuje vývoj techniky? Jak se nové technologie promítají do hudebního myšlení skladatelů? Právě na tyto otázky přináší kniha odpovědi.
Podívejte se také Small Towns in Europe in the 20th and 21st Centuries (9788024636566)
Flowers! In the Art of the 20th and 21st Centuries - Stefanie Weißhorn-Ponert, Regina Selter
Flowers have been a popular motif in art for centuries. As the epitome of natural beauty and earthly mortality since the Baroque era, flowers have lost none of their fascination for artists in the 20th and 21st centuries. Why does modern and contemporary art turn so frequently to this multi-faceted subject?
Podívejte se také Soundtrack: High School Musical: The Musical: The Series - CD (8748721)
Small Towns in Europe in the 20th and 21st Centuries (9788024636566)
Elektronická kniha - autor , 160 stran Malá města v Evropě ve dvacátém a na počátku jedenadvacátého století jsou v historickém výzkumu opomíjená. Problematika kulturního dědictví ve vazbě na rozvojové strategie, je téma diskutované ekonomy více než historiky. Kolektivní monografie věnovaná fenoménu malého města, jenž má v Evropě specifickou, byť regionálně velmi diverzifikovanou podobu, se zaměřila na problémy, které řeší ve druhé polovině dvacátého a v první dekádě jednadvacátého století. Města nevýznamná, uprostřed zemědělského venkova či na periferii metropolí, se snaží najít motivaci k překonání ekonomických a sociálních problémů. V pěti kapitolách knihy autorky a autoři sledují malá města v několika málo evropských zemích a analyzují, jak lidé, kteří o městech rozhodují, architekti a urbanisté, přemýšleli o městě a organizovali prostor malých měst. Jedna z cest, kterou města využívají, vede přes zhodnocení kulturního dědictví a jeho využití jako nástroje k...
Podívejte se také Choir of the Church of the Three Saints in Kharkov, Kurilo S.: LITURGY - Chorus;Russian Sacred Music (4600383130033)
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- Coldplay: Music of the Spheres - LP (9029666696)
- A Comparison of 20th Century Theories of Style (in the Context of Czech and British Scholarly Discou (978-80-210-5944-3)
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- The turn of the Screw
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Small Towns in Europe in the 20th and 21st Centuries. - Luďa Klusáková - e-kniha
eBook: Malá města v Evropě ve dvacátém a na počátku jedenadvacátého století jsou v historickém výzkumu opomíjená. Problematika kulturního dědictví ve vazbě na rozvojové strategie, je téma diskutované ekonomy více než historiky. Kolektivní monografie věnovaná fenoménu malého města, jenž má v Evropě specifickou, byť regionálně velmi diverzifikovanou podobu, se zaměřila na problémy, které řeší ve druhé polovině dvacátého a v první dekádě jednadvacátého století. Města nevýznamná, uprostřed zemědělského venkova či na periferii metropolí, se snaží najít motivaci k překonání ekonomických a sociálních problémů. V pěti kapitolách knihy autorky a autoři sledují malá města v několika málo evropských zemích a analyzují, jak lidé, kteří o městech rozhodují, architekti a urbanisté, přemýšleli o městě a organizovali prostor malých měst. Jedna z cest, kterou města využívají, vede přes zhodnocení kulturního dědictví a jeho využití jako nástroje k motivaci svého rozvoje. Tito lidé chtějí upozornit na své město a učinit z něj centrum regionálního rozvoje. Způsob využívání kulturního dědictví je velmi rozmanitý, jak dokazují výsledky výzkumu badatelů různých oborů. V mezinárodním autorském týmu najdou čtenáři historiky a historičky, sociology, architektky i historika umění, kteří spolupracují v Evropské asociaci pro urbánní historii.
Objev podobné jako Small Towns in Europe in the 20th and 21st Centuries. - Luďa Klusáková - e-kniha
From Rhetoric to Aesthetics: Wit and Esprit in the English and French Theoretical Writings of the Late Seventeenth and Early Eighteenth Centuries - Kl
eBook: Práce se zabývá především anglickým termínem wit v jeho moderním i historickém kontextu. Dále se zabývá literárními a estetickými důsledky pojmů wit a esprit a jejich použitím v teoretických spisech několika kritiků v období raně moderní Anglie a Francie. Práce má dva hlavní cíle. Prvním cílem je přehodnocení anglického pojmu wit, který je dnes považován za poněkud zastaralý výrazový prostředek historických poetických systémů a prezentovat jej jako životaschopnou a užitečnou součást současného uměleckého diskurzu. Druhým cílem této práce je poskytnout srovnávací výklad raně moderních anglických a francouzských teoretických textů zabývající se termíny wit a esprit.
Objev podobné jako From Rhetoric to Aesthetics: Wit and Esprit in the English and French Theoretical Writings of the Late Seventeenth and Early Eighteenth Centuries - Kl
Dominican Historical Scholarship of the 19th & 20th Centuries in Outline - A Chapter in the European Intellectual History (anglicky) - Jakub Zouhar
The treatise deals with the historians who were members of the Dominican Order; living personalities were intentionally excluded from the survey. Due to the limited space available, I have focused on selected examples and also indicated internet resources which will allow the identification of more exhaustive bibliographies. I wish to stress that my treatment of the topic makes no claim to be exhaustive.
Objev podobné jako Dominican Historical Scholarship of the 19th & 20th Centuries in Outline - A Chapter in the European Intellectual History (anglicky) - Jakub Zouhar
Václav Havel – The Power of the Powerless in the 20th Century - Martin Vopěnka - audiokniha
Audiokniha: „Truth and love must triumph over lies and hatred.“ Václav Havel. Martin Vopěnka weaves historical events with biographical narratives, describing the essence of a totalitarian society and the individual's yearning for truth. Are there gaps in your children's knowledge of 20th-century history? Would they struggle to assemble basic information about Václav Havel's life? This experienced author describes the personality of the first Czech president within the context of 20th-century history. He artfully combines historical occurrences with personal accounts, describing the nature of a totalitarian society and the unwavering pursuit of truth by individuals. Young readers will acquire a lucid understanding of figures like Masaryk and Hitler, the aftermath of the Munich Betrayal, and the milieu in which Václav Havel came of age. Following February 1948, the thoughtful, privileged child transformed into an undesirable son of a bourgeois family with the label "unsuitable for studies". Nevertheless, his heart and intellect were in the right place. His clear vision of the world around him and his personal charisma eventually propelled him into the unofficial leadership of the anti-regime movement and the presidency of our country.
Objev podobné jako Václav Havel – The Power of the Powerless in the 20th Century - Martin Vopěnka - audiokniha
Václav Havel - The Power of the Powerless in the 20th Century - Martin Vopěnka, Eva Bartošová
This biography is not just about Václav Havel and his legacy, but about the history of Central Europe in the 20th Century. It offers a foundation that anyone interested in this history should know. Václav Havel grew up during the great historical upheavals of the Second World War and the division of Europe by the Iron Curtain. Later he would make his own mark on history. Was he more powerful as a president struggling to bring a more human dimension to politics, or as a prisoner of the communist regime, acting in accordance with his conscience? In the face of the dangers and challenges of today, it becomes ever clearer that European politics in the decade since Havel's death has lacked figures of the same moral stature. Martin Vopěnka is the author of many successful books for children, young people and adults. His books have been translated into ten languages. Here, he once again shows his ability to select the most essential information and set it in comprehensible context. At the same time, he does not disguise the fact that the theme is a very personal one for him. Eva Bartošová's apt illustrations accompany his moving account of Havel's life and times.
Objev podobné jako Václav Havel - The Power of the Powerless in the 20th Century - Martin Vopěnka, Eva Bartošová
The Science and Technology of Cement and other Hydraulic Binders - Vipin Kant Singh
The Science and Technology of Cement and other Hydraulic Binders covers the design of Portland Cement composition using the ideas and formulae of earlier scientists, including the calculation of proportions of different cement phases formed during processing. Other chapters cover cement manufacture by dry, semi-dry or wet processes using rotary and shaft kilns. Particular attention is given to the physical changes that occur in the raw mix when affected by chemical processes. The chemistry of clinker formation which is concerned chiefly with high temperature reactions in the solid-state phase or reactions in the presence of the liquid phase is also discussed.Users will find the latest information on the storage of cement, its packing and handling, hydration and setting, Gypsum, different mineral additions, and advances in special and newer cements, including blended cements, Portland slag cement, Pozzolanic cements, high alumina cements, high-strength cement-based materials, fiber-reinforced cement, non-Portland cements and lime.
Objev podobné jako The Science and Technology of Cement and other Hydraulic Binders - Vipin Kant Singh
On-Site Guide (BS 7671:2018+A2:2022) - The Institution of Engineering and Technology
The On-Site Guide is an essential guide to BS 7671. It incorporates the extensive changes in BS 7671:2018, making this a vital guide for keeping up to date. It enables the competent electrician to deal with installations (up to 100 A, 3-phase) providing essential information in a convenient, easy-to-use format. This publication has been further updated to include two subsequent amendments to the IET Wiring Regulations as BS 7671:2018+A2:2022.BS 7671:2018+A2:2022 incorporates changes from the first amendment, published in 2020, regarding Electric Vehicle Charging Installations to provide greater guidance on embracing changing technology within this sector. Additional changes within the second amendment include protection against thermal effects and fire caused by electrical equipment, protection against voltage disturbances and electromagnetic disturbances, and a new chapter on prosumer''s low-voltage electrical installations covering energy efficiency measures, the interface with the smart grid, the management of electricity consumption, the management of renewable sources of electricity, and energy storage.
Objev podobné jako On-Site Guide (BS 7671:2018+A2:2022) - The Institution of Engineering and Technology
Technology in Russian Strategic Culture From the Nineteenth Century to the Present Day - Solovyeva Anzhelika
Tato kniha sleduje dynamiku vojensko-technologických inovací v Rusku za posledních sto padesát let, přičemž se zaměřuje zejména na tři odlišná období: zavedení puškových zbraní se závěrovým mechanismem v carském Rusku v 19. století, vynález jaderných zbraní v Sovětském svazu ve 20. století a vývoj přesně naváděných zbraní v postsovětském Rusku v 21. století. Analýza se ve velké míře opírá o primární data získaná z ruských archivů, doplněná řadou rozhovorů s odborníky, a nastiňuje odlišný strategický kulturní přístup Ruska k vojensko-technologickým inovacím.
Objev podobné jako Technology in Russian Strategic Culture From the Nineteenth Century to the Present Day - Solovyeva Anzhelika
Exam Preparation: Initial and Periodic Electrical Inspection and Testing (2391) - The Institution of Engineering and Technology, City & Guilds
This book is an essential practice aid for the examinations required to complete the City & Guilds qualification, Initial and Period Electrical Inspection and Testing (2391), including the three available pathways.It sets out methods of studying; offers advice on exam preparation and provides details of the scope and structure of the exam. Learners will also find guidelines and advice about sitting the exam.The three pathways for this qualification are:Level 3 Award in Initial Verification of Electrical Installations (2391-50)Level 3 Award in Periodic Inspection and Testing of Electrical Installations (2391-51)Level 3 Award in Initial and Periodic Inspection and Testing of Electrical Installations (2391-52)This book is an invaluable tool to help learners successfully complete the qualification, including:Guidelines and advice about sitting the examPractice examinations with ''model'' answersActs as a revision aid to help students prepare for the full examNotes and tips from experienced electrical engineers
Objev podobné jako Exam Preparation: Initial and Periodic Electrical Inspection and Testing (2391) - The Institution of Engineering and Technology, City & Guilds
Encyclopedia of Video Games: The Culture, Technology, and Art of Gaming (2nd Edition) - Mark J. P. Wolf
Now in its second edition, the Encyclopedia of Video Games: The Culture, Technology, and Art of Gaming is the definitive, go-to resource for anyone interested in the diverse and expanding video game industry. This three-volume encyclopedia covers all things video games, including the games themselves, the companies that make them, and the people who play them. Written by scholars who are exceptionally knowledgeable in the field of video game studies, it notes genres, institutions, important concepts, theoretical concerns, and more and is the most comprehensive encyclopedia of video games of its kind, covering video games throughout all periods of their existence and geographically around the world. This is the second edition of Encyclopedia of Video Games: The Culture, Technology, and Art of Gaming, originally published in 2012. All of the entries have been revised to accommodate changes in the industry, and an additional volume has been added to address the recent developments, advances, and changes that have occurred in this ever-evolving field. This set is a vital resource for scholars and video game aficionados alike. Explores games, people, events, and ideas that are influential in the industry, rather than simply discussing the history of video games Offers a detailed understanding of the variety of video games that have been created over the years Includes contributions from some of the most important scholars of video games Suggests areas of further exploration for students of video games
Objev podobné jako Encyclopedia of Video Games: The Culture, Technology, and Art of Gaming (2nd Edition) - Mark J. P. Wolf
The Palestine Laboratory: How Israel Exports the Technology of Occupation Around the World - Antony Loewenstein
Israel's military industrial complex uses the occupied, Palestinian territories as a testing ground for weaponry and surveillance technology that they then export around the world to despots and democracies. For more than 50 years, occupation of the West Bank and Gaza has given the Israeli state invaluable experience in controlling an "enemy" population, the Palestinians. It's here that they have perfected the architecture of control.Best-selling journalist Antony Loewenstein, author of Disaster Capitalism, uncovers this largely hidden world in a global investigation with secret documents, revealing interviews and on-the-ground reporting. This book shows in-depth, for the first time, how Palestine has become the perfect laboratory for the Israeli military-techno complex: surveillance, home demolitions, indefinite incarceration and brutality to the hi-tech tools that drive the 'Start-up Nation'. From the Pegasus software that hacked Jeff Bezos' and Jamal Khashoggi's phones, the weapons sold to the Myanmar army that has murdered thousands of Rohingyas and drones used by the European Union to monitor refugees in the Mediterranean who are left to drown.Israel has become a global leader in spying technology and defence hardware that fuels the globe's most brutal conflicts. As ethno-nationalism grows in the 21st century, Israel has built the ultimate model.
Objev podobné jako The Palestine Laboratory: How Israel Exports the Technology of Occupation Around the World - Antony Loewenstein
Man and Technology: How Humanity Thrives in a Changing World - Mattias Hessérus, Iain Martin
A collection of essays reflecting on technology in its historical and contemporary contexts, and how it has revolutionized human life. Technology is at the heart of the human story. In an era of transformation, comprehending what drives these changes means understanding the history of man's relationship with technology. In this anthology of essays, world-leading historians, academics and writers explore innovation, industry and the economy, warfare and espionage, culture and communication, and what it means to be human in the era of Silicon Valley. EditorsAlastair BennKurt AlmqvistMattias Hessérus AuthorsAlexander LeeAnanyo BhattacharyaAndrew KeenAndrew WiltonArmand D’AngourBrendan SimmsBruce AndersonChristopher MoranClive AsletConstance SimmsDaniel T. PottsDavid J. BetzElisabeth BrawHelen ThompsonHew StrachanJimena CanalesJohn DarlingtonJoshua RovnerKatja HoyerMaria GoliaNick SpencerRichard J. AldrichSamuel GreggSharon WeinbergerSuzanne RaineTim Jenkins
Objev podobné jako Man and Technology: How Humanity Thrives in a Changing World - Mattias Hessérus, Iain Martin
Wagnerism: Art and Politics in the Shadow of Music (000842294X)
Kniha - autor Alex Ross, 784 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Alex Ross, renowned New Yorker music critic and author of the international bestseller and Pulitzer Prize finalist The Rest Is Noise, reveals how Richard Wagner became the proving ground for modern art and politics?an aesthetic war zone where the Western world wrestled with its capacity for beauty and violence. For better or worse, Wagner is the most widely influential figure in the history of music. Around 1900, the phenomenon known as Wagnerism saturated European and American culture. Such colossal creations as The Ring of the Nibelung, Tristan und Isolde, and Parsifal were models of formal daring, mythmaking, erotic freedom, and mystical speculation. A mighty procession of artists, including Virginia Woolf, Thomas Mann, Paul Cézanne, Isadora Duncan, and Luis Bunuel, felt his impact. Anarchists, occultists, feminists, and gay-rights pioneers saw him as a kindred spirit. Then Adolf...
Objev podobné jako Wagnerism: Art and Politics in the Shadow of Music (000842294X)
Britannica´s Encyclopedia Infographica: 1,000s of Facts & Figures-about Earth, space, animals, the body, technology & more-Revealed in Pictures - Vale
This authoritative encyclopedia is perfect for visual learners: it reveals astonishing information about space, Earth, animals, humans and technology through 200 infographics, including maps, charts, timelines and more! Grasp facts at a glance as you turn every page: discover the size of our Sun in comparison to the largest star in the universe; find out which animal can leap 200 times its body length; learn how many cups of snot your body makes a day; compare the sizes of the biggest beasts that have ever lived; witness what happens in a single second across the world. With stunning infographics by internationally renowned data designer Valentina D'Efilippo, along with beautiful colour photography, as well as interviews with leading expert consultants for every chapter, this ravishing book from Britannica offers an exhilarating visual way to understand the world around us.
Objev podobné jako Britannica´s Encyclopedia Infographica: 1,000s of Facts & Figures-about Earth, space, animals, the body, technology & more-Revealed in Pictures - Vale
Various Artists - The Greatest Christmas Songs Of The 21st Century (White and Red Coloured) (2 LP)
Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Typ: Nové vydání;LP deska;Limitovaná edice;Kompilace;Barevná Žánr: Vánoce;Pop Složení setu: 2 ks Balení obsahuje: LP Subžánr: Vánoce Země původu: Německo Varianta: The Greatest Christmas Songs Of The 21st Century (White and Red Coloured) (2 LP) Vydavatelství: Music On Vinyl Barva podle výrobce: White and Red Datum vydání: 2023-11-17 Barva: Červená;Bílá Rok vydání: 2023.0 Interpret / Téma: Various Artists
Objev podobné jako Various Artists - The Greatest Christmas Songs Of The 21st Century (White and Red Coloured) (2 LP)
A Comparison of 20th Century Theories of Style (in the Context of Czech and British Scholarly Discourses) - Michal Křístek - e-kniha
eBook: Práce poskytuje srovnání teoretických přístupů k problematice stylu, a to v rámci českého a anglosaského (především britského) kontextu. Cílem bylo ukázat a srovnat odlišná metodologická pojetí založená na odlišných teoretických východiscích – proto byly zvoleny dva odlišné kulturní okruhy: pozornost je však samozřejmě věnována také vztahů mezi nimi. Dvacáté století bylo vybráno úmyslně, jako období, v němž se v obou prostředích stylistika konstituovala jako moderní teoretická disciplína opírající se o základnu lingvistiky a literární vědy. Práci mohou využít jak domácí, tak zahraniční studenti a vyučující, především bohemisté a anglisté.
Objev podobné jako A Comparison of 20th Century Theories of Style (in the Context of Czech and British Scholarly Discourses) - Michal Křístek - e-kniha
A Comparison of 20th Century Theories of Style (in the Context of Czech and British Scholarly Discou (978-80-210-5944-3)
Elektronická kniha - ze série Spisy Filozofické fakulty Masarykovy univerzity, autor Michal Křístek, 108 stran, anglicky Práce poskytuje srovnání teoretických přístupů k problematice stylu, a to v rámci českého a anglosaského (především britského) kontextu. Cílem bylo ukázat a srovnat odlišná metodologická pojetí založená na odlišných teoretických východiscích – proto byly zvoleny dva odlišné kulturní okruhy: pozornost je však samozřejmě věnována také vztahů mezi nimi. Dvacáté století bylo vybráno úmyslně, jako období, v němž se v obou prostředích stylistika konstituovala jako moderní teoretická disciplína opírající se o základnu lingvistiky a literární vědy. Práci mohou využít jak domácí, tak zahraniční studenti a vyučující, především bohemisté a anglisté.
Objev podobné jako A Comparison of 20th Century Theories of Style (in the Context of Czech and British Scholarly Discou (978-80-210-5944-3)
Creativity and Innovation in the Music Industry
Why did jazz become a dominant popular music genre in the 1920s and rock 'n' roll in the 1950s? Why did heavy metal, punk rock and hiphop find their way from sub-cultures to the established music industry? What are the effects of new communication technologies and the Internet on the creation of music in the early 21st century? These and other questions are answered by Peter Tschmuck through an integrated model of creativity and innovation that is based on an international history of music industry since Thomas A. Edison invented the phonograph in 1877. Thus, the history of the music industry is described in full detail. By discussing the historic process of music production, distribution and reception the author highlights several revolutions in the music industry that were caused by the inference of aesthetic, technological, legal, economic, social and political processes of change. On the basis of an integrated model of creativity and innovation, an explanation is given on how the processes and structures of the present music industry will be altered by the ongoing digital revolution, which totally changed the value-added network of the production, dissemination and use of music. For the second edition, the author has reworked chapter 9 in order to include all the developments which shaped the music industry in the first decade of the 21st century - from Napster to cloud-based music services and even beyond.
Objev podobné jako Creativity and Innovation in the Music Industry
Make It Modern: A History of Art in the 20th Century - Taylor Brandon
A fascinating journey through Western art from the 1910s to the 1960s, charting how artists wrestled with the headlong changes of a turbulent and conflict-ridden world From the chaos of the First World War to the ravages of the Second, from the Great Depression to the rise of consumer culture, artists we call “modern” faced the challenge of responding imaginatively to utterly new circumstances of life. Original thought, startling artistic techniques, and new attitudes to experimentation were required to produce exceptional and timely work.Make It Modern guides the reader through the art of the modern world. Works of celebrated artists, from Pablo Picasso and Wassily Kandinsky to Frida Kahlo, Jackson Pollock, and Yayoi Kusama, alongside a panoply of undervalued or less-known figures, populate this decade-by-decade narrative. Make It Modern tells an unforgettable story of how art was changed forever.
Objev podobné jako Make It Modern: A History of Art in the 20th Century - Taylor Brandon
The Organized Mind: Thinking Straight in the Age of Information Overload (0147516315)
Kniha - anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Objev podobné jako The Organized Mind: Thinking Straight in the Age of Information Overload (0147516315)
The Organized Mind: Thinking Straight in the Age of Information Overload (0241965780)
Kniha - autor Daniel J. Levitin, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Even the smartest mind can't beat the organized mind . . .In the digital age we are overwhelmed by information. Unable to make sense of it all, our creativity plummets, decision making suffers and we grow absent-minded. The twenty-first century sees us drowning under emails, forever juggling six tasks at once and trying to make complex decisions ever more quickly. This is information overload.In The Organized Mind, we learn how we got here and why smart organization improves our memories and attention - and makes us more imaginative and clear-sighted. Using a combination of academic research and examples from daily life, neuroscientist and bestselling author Daniel Levitin explains how to take back control of your life.You'll discover that:- Your brain has a daily processing limit - why waste it on cat photos?- Pressing Send or clicking Like gives a dopamine hit - it's addictive- Daydreaming...
Objev podobné jako The Organized Mind: Thinking Straight in the Age of Information Overload (0241965780)
The War of the Worlds and The War in the Air - Herbert George Wells
With an Introduction and Notes by Dr Andrew Frayn, Lecturer in Twentieth-Century Literature and Culture at Edinburgh Napier University.In these two compelling novels H.G. Wells imagines terrifying futures in which civilisation itself is threatened.The narrator of The War of the Worlds is quick to discover that what appeared to be a falling star was, in fact, a metallic cylinder landing from Mars. Six million people begin to flee London in panic as tentacled invaders emerge and overpower the city. With their heat-ray, killing machines, black gas, and a taste for fresh human blood, is there anything that can be done to stop the Martians?In The War in the Air, naive but resourceful Bert Smallways is thrilled by speed and fascinated by the new flying machines. His curiosity sweeps him away by accident into a German plan to conquer America, beginning with the destruction of New York. The ease of movement in aerial warfare means that nothing and nobody is safe as Total War erupts, civilisation crumbles, and Bert's hopes of getting back to London to marry his love seem impossibly distant.
Objev podobné jako The War of the Worlds and The War in the Air - Herbert George Wells
Black and White Thinking: The burden of a binary brain in a complex world (0552175366)
Kniha - autor Kevin Dutton, 320 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná In this groundbreaking exploration of how our brains work, psychologist Professor Kevin Dutton explains that by understanding the nature of our hardwired black and white thinking we are better equipped to negotiate life's grey zones and make subtler and smarter decisions. Our brains are hardwired to sort, categorize and draw lines. It's how we navigate the kaleidoscope of everyday information. Yet imagine failing an exam by a mere 1 per cent. Or being caught speeding at just 1 mph over the speed limit. We have to draw the line somewhere, we say. But lines can be unhelpful or even dangerous when drawn where they aren't wanted, or in too thick a hand. By thinking in terms of ' 'them' or 'us' and 'this' or 'that' we isolate ourselves from ideas we don't agree with and people who are not the same as us. We fail to listen to the other side of the argument and beliefs become polarized....
Objev podobné jako Black and White Thinking: The burden of a binary brain in a complex world (0552175366)
Metadata: Rethinking Photography in the 21st Century
Accompanies major exhibition at The Ringling Museum of Art from March 6 - August 28, 2022 Explores the work of artists Mohsen Azar, Viktoria Binschtok, Mladen Bizumic, Joy Buolamwini, Ali Feser and Jason Lazarus, Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, Lilly Lulay, Trevor Paglen, and Penelope Umbrico What’s behind a picture? The term “metadata” is used to describe the information that travels with a digital image file but is unseen within the image itself. In our networked digital environment, metadata is accessed by both human users and artificial intelligences. Software algorithms orchestrate what images we see and exchange while collecting the valuable data generated by our interactions. In our moment, dominated by image-based social media and surveillance, we are becoming increasingly aware that understanding the information that circulates unseen around photographic images is just as important as seeing what they represent. This fascinating, fully-illustrated publication explores new paradigms for understanding the ecology of the photographic image through the work of an international selection of contemporary artists and visual activists. This includes not just the tags or descriptors attached to image files, but the power relationships, biases, and economic interests that are not always visible in the image itself.
Objev podobné jako Metadata: Rethinking Photography in the 21st Century
Living with Leonardo: Fifty years of sanity and insanity in the art world and beyond - Martin J. Kemp
Martin Kemp, described by The Times as ‘the world’s leading authority on Leonardo’, relates his fifty-year relationship with the most famous artist of all time In Living with Leonardo, world-renowned Leonardo da Vinci expert Martin Kemp relates his fifty-year relationship with the work of the most famous artist of all time. Through an engaging personal narrative inter-woven with historical research, we learn of Kemp’s encounters with the vast population that surrounds Leonardo: great and lesser academics, collectors and curators, devious dealers and unctuous auctioneers, major scholars and authors, pseudo-historians and fantasists. He shares how he has grappled with swelling legions of ‘Leonardo loonies’, walked on the eggshells of vested interests in academia and museums, and fended off fusillades of non-Leonardos, sometimes more than one a week. Examining the greatest masterpieces, from the Last Supper to Salvator Mundi, through the expert’s eye, we learn first-hand of the thorny questions that surround attribution, the scientific analyses that support the experts’ interpretations, and the continuing importance of connoisseurship. Throughout, from the most scholarly interpretations to the popularity of Dan Brown’s Da Vinci Code, we are reminded of Leonardo’s unique genius and wonder at how an artist from 500 years ago continues to make such compelling posthumous demands on all those who engage with him. Contents List Preface and Acknowledgements Introduction: Art History in Action Prologue: a Sketch of Leonardo 1. The Last Supper and the First Steps 2. The “Original” Last Supper 3. Looking at Lisa 4. The Stolen Madonna 5. The Beautiful Princess 6. Ugly Arguments 7. The Saviour 8. Science and Seeing 9. Codices and Computers 10. Exhibitions 11. Codes and Codswallop Martin Kemp is professor emeritus of the history of art at Oxford University
Objev podobné jako Living with Leonardo: Fifty years of sanity and insanity in the art world and beyond - Martin J. Kemp
Appearance Stripped Bare: Desire and the Object in the Work of Marcel Duchamp and Jeff Koons, Even - Gioni
The first book to explore two of the biggest names in modern and contemporary art side by side, Marcel Duchamp and Jeff Koons In the first half of the 20th century, Marcel Duchamp redefined what we consider art and what it means to be an artist. Many of his ideas return, transformed, in the work of Jeff Koons, born when Duchamp was 68 years old and whose own career lit up the art world of the late 20th and early 21st centuries. This is the first book to explore the affinities between these two highly influential artists, whose creative universes similarly question the function of objects and the allure of commodities. International art historians, writers, and curators contribute their expertise on topics such as each artist's persona, as well as reflecting on the influence of technology and sexuality on their work. The publication of this intriguing book coincides with an exhibition at the Museo Jumex in Mexico City, opening in May 2019.
Objev podobné jako Appearance Stripped Bare: Desire and the Object in the Work of Marcel Duchamp and Jeff Koons, Even - Gioni
The Storyteller: Tales of Life and Music (139850372X)
Kniha - 384 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The long-awaited autobiography of the legendary Nirvana and Foo Fighters rock star, Dave Grohl
Objev podobné jako The Storyteller: Tales of Life and Music (139850372X)
Design of the 20th Century - Peter Fiell, Charlotte Fiell
Na začátku 21. století jasně vidíme, že minulé století přineslo v oblasti designu významné změny. Estetika vstoupila do našeho každodenního života, často s ohromujícími výsledky. Naše domovy i pracoviště se staly skutečnou galerií stylu a inovace.
Objev podobné jako Design of the 20th Century - Peter Fiell, Charlotte Fiell
Insomnia : A Guide to and Consolation for the Restless Early Hours (Defekt) - The School of Life Press
Not being able to sleep is deeply frightening. We panic about our ability to cope with the demands of the next day; we panic that we are panicking; the possibility of sleep recedes ever further as the clock counts down to another exhausted, irritable dawn. Our societies have learnt to treat insomnia with the best applied discipline we know: medicine - in particular, with pills powerful enough to wrestle consciousness into submission. But there are other things to do besides, or alongside, medicalising insomnia. We can reflect on our sleeplessness, define it to ourselves and others, try to understand where it springs from in human nature and speculate on what it might - in its own confused way - be trying to tell us. This book is an eloquent guide to, and companion through, the long sleepless hours of the night. We come away from its soothing pages informed, consoled and armed with insights that will make us feel a lot less alone - as we wait for sleep, eventually, to come.
Objev podobné jako Insomnia : A Guide to and Consolation for the Restless Early Hours (Defekt) - The School of Life Press
Raising Boys in the 21st Century - Steve Biddulph
A word of mouth bestseller which has become one of the best loved and most successful books in the parenting field. With around 20% new material, Steve Biddulph’s Raising Boys includes some startling new research on what helps – and what harms – boys.In this expanded and updated edition, Steve Biddulph shares and gives practical and honest advice to parents so they can recognise the different stages of boyhood and learn how to raise happy, confident and kind young men.Boys need to be parented in a different way from girls with their own very special psychological and physical make-up. Home, society and education have failed boys badly – and these failures lead to unhappy men who cannot fully become happy, responsible, emotionally-confident adults.While it is essential that boys spend more time learning about manhood from their fathers, Biddulph updates his classic to include helpful information for mothers and single mothers with baby boys.This extended edition explores some important topics:.• How ADHD may be caused by stress in the first year of life.• Whether boys should start school later than girls.• How important it is to let boys cry, and how crying helps avoid violence, suicide, and risky behaviour.• Two completely new stages of boyhood we didn’t know about: the FULL ON FOURS and the EMOTIONAL EIGHTS• Help for single mothers raising sons.• How to choose a sport that does more good than harm.• What we can do about boys and binge drinking.• What science can tell us about teenage boys and driving – and how we can keep our sons safe.Raising Boys offers parents real-life situations, thought-provoking insights, humour and help.
Objev podobné jako Raising Boys in the 21st Century - Steve Biddulph
The Wild World of Barney Bubbles: Graphic Design and the Art of Music - Paul Gorman
A celebration of a graphic design genius, published to mark what would have been his 80th birthday. The Wild World of Barney Bubbles celebrates the graphic design genius whose work linked the underground optimism of the 60s to the sardonic and manipulative art that accompanied the explosion of punk. Barney Bubbles remains a powerful influence on contemporary artists four decades after his death, having encompassed designs for Sir Terence Conran and underground magazines Oz and Friends as well as remarkable record sleeves and posters for Billy Bragg, Elvis Costello, Depeche Mode, Ian Dury, Hawkwind, The Damned and Nick Lowe. He also collaborated with artists and photographers, including Derek Boshier and Brian Griffin, and produced paintings, furniture, set designs and promo videos, not least the era-defining clip for The Specials’ 80’s hit, ‘Ghost Town’. This revised edition of Paul Gorman’s definitive Barney Bubbles monograph contains hundreds of rare and previously unpublished photographs, working sketches, notebooks and original artwork. It includes a new essay by American designer Clarita Hinojosa and sixteen extra pages of rare ephemera painstakingly collected by the author over the years.
Objev podobné jako The Wild World of Barney Bubbles: Graphic Design and the Art of Music - Paul Gorman
The Storyteller : Tales of Life and Music - Dave Grohl
So, I've written a book. Having entertained the idea for years, and even offered a few questionable opportunities ('It's a piece of cake! Just do four hours of interviews, find someone else to write it, put your face on the cover, and voila!'), I have decided to write these stories just as I have always done, in my own hand. The joy that I have felt from chronicling these tales is not unlike listening back to a song that I've recorded and can't wait to share with the world, or reading a primitive journal entry from a stained notebook, or even hearing my voice bounce between the Kiss posters on my wall as a child. This certainly doesn't mean that I'm quitting my day job, but it does give me a place to shed a little light on what it's like to be a kid from Springfield, Virginia, walking through life while living out the crazy dreams I had as young musician. From hitting the road with Scream at 18 years old, to my time in Nirvana and the Foo Fighters, jamming with Iggy Pop or playing at the Academy Awards or dancing with AC/DC and the Preservation Hall Jazz Band, drumming for Tom Petty or meeting Sir Paul McCartney at Royal Albert Hall, bedtime stories with Joan Jett or a chance meeting with Little Richard, to flying halfway around the world for one epic night with my daughters...the list goes on. I look forward to focusing the lens through which I see these memories a little sharper for you with much excitement.
Objev podobné jako The Storyteller : Tales of Life and Music - Dave Grohl
Choir of the Church of the Three Saints in Kharkov, Kurilo S.: LITURGY - Chorus;Russian Sacred Music (4600383130033)
Hudební CD - Duchovní hudba 1 CD - Recorded at the Trinity Cathedral Church in Alexandrov in 1991 2 CD - Recorded at the Three Hierarchs Church in Kharkov in 1989 Celebrating clergy:Archpriest Georgy Zapolnov, Deacon Victor Tretyakov. Celebrating clergy: The Most Reverend Ireney, Archbishop of Kharkov and Bogodukhov Priest Victor Dogadaev, Deacon Alexander Gulevsky. Trinity Cathedral Church Choir, Alexandrov - Svetlana Kurilo Victor Tretyakov (narrator), Georgy Zapolnov (narrator) Seznam stop CD 1 Alexander Nikolsky (1874 - 1943) The All-Night Vigil Service, Opus 26 / Bells-ringing in the Novodevichi Convent / Bless the Lord, O my soul / The Great Litany / Blessed is the man / O gladsome radiance / Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace / Praise ye the name of the Lord / Blessed art thou, O Lord / From my youth / The Great Doxology / O Queen of the Heavenly Host / Celebrating clergy:Archpriest Georgy Zapolnov, Deacon Victor Tretyakov / Recorded at...
Objev podobné jako Choir of the Church of the Three Saints in Kharkov, Kurilo S.: LITURGY - Chorus;Russian Sacred Music (4600383130033)
ClearRevise AQA GCSE Design and Technology 8552
Illustrated revision and practise for AQA GCSE Design and Technology 8552. Over 500 marks worth of examination style questions. Answers provided for all questions within the book. Illustrated topics to improve memory and recall. Specification references for every topic. Examination tips and techniques.
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Magnum Feel The Style Nano Technology kulatý kartáč na vlasy průměr 43 mm
Magnum Feel The Style Nano Technology, Kulaté kartáče pro ženy, Pro tvarování vlasů při fénování se vám bude ideálně hodit kulatý kartáč na vlasy Magnum Feel The Style Nano Technology. Jakožto nepostradatelný pomocník při pravidelném foukání vlasů vám pomůže vytvořit objemný, nadýchaný účes, který vyvolá obdiv a sklidí úspěch. Bude stačit, když s ním budete pomalu pročesávat jednotlivé prameny a přitom na ně necháte produdit teplý vzduch z vysoušeče. Rázem tak dosáhnete hladkých, jemných vlasů a zároveň plného, provzdušněného účesu. Vlastnosti: je dutý a urychluje tak vysoušení je ideální pro úpravu vlasů během fénování má antistatikou funkci Jak používat: Velikost kartáče zvolte dle konkrétní délky a hustoty svých vlasů. Kulatý kartáč je vhodný při stylingu pomocí tepelné úpravy fénem.
Objev podobné jako Magnum Feel The Style Nano Technology kulatý kartáč na vlasy průměr 43 mm
Magnum Feel The Style Nano Technology kulatý kartáč na vlasy průměr 32 mm
Magnum Feel The Style Nano Technology, Kulaté kartáče pro ženy, Pro tvarování vlasů při fénování se vám bude ideálně hodit kulatý kartáč na vlasy Magnum Feel The Style Nano Technology. Jakožto nepostradatelný pomocník při pravidelném foukání vlasů vám pomůže vytvořit objemný, nadýchaný účes, který vyvolá obdiv a sklidí úspěch. Bude stačit, když s ním budete pomalu pročesávat jednotlivé prameny a přitom na ně necháte produdit teplý vzduch z vysoušeče. Rázem tak dosáhnete hladkých, jemných vlasů a zároveň plného, provzdušněného účesu. Vlastnosti: je dutý a urychluje tak vysoušení je ideální pro úpravu vlasů během fénování má antistatikou funkci Jak používat: Velikost kartáče zvolte dle konkrétní délky a hustoty svých vlasů. Kulatý kartáč je vhodný při stylingu pomocí tepelné úpravy fénem.
Objev podobné jako Magnum Feel The Style Nano Technology kulatý kartáč na vlasy průměr 32 mm
The Representation of the Shoah in Literature, Theatre and Film in Central Europe: 1950s and 1960s - Jiří Holý
Publikace shrnuje příspěvky z mezinárodního workshopu konaného v listopadu 2011 v Praze. Seminář se zabýval tématem šoa/holokaustu v literatuře, v divadle a filmu v padesátých a šedesátých letech. Navázal na předchozí workshopy v německém Gießenu a v polské Łódzi (2010, 2011). Jednotlivé příspěvky se soustřeďují zvláště na českou a polskou literaturu (Jiří Weil, Norbert Frýd, Jan Otčenášek, Ladislav Fuks, Josef Škvorecký, Adolf Rudnicki, diskurz šoa v polské literatuře), na drama a divadlo (Leon Kruczkowski, Ireneusz Iredyński, Hedda Zinner, západoněmecké drama s tématem šoa), film (Spalovač mrtvol, Jákob lhář), ale také na kresby dětí v Terezíně či zobrazení šoa z pohledu dítěte. Příspěvky vycházejí v anglickém a německém jazyce ve spolupráci s Centrem židovských studií FF UK.
Objev podobné jako The Representation of the Shoah in Literature, Theatre and Film in Central Europe: 1950s and 1960s - Jiří Holý
Policy Work and Politicisation in the Ministries of the Czech Republic: The Dilemmas of State Service - Jan Kohoutek - e-kniha
eBook: Over the past thirty years, the Czech public administration has been the subject of research rooted in law, economics, and history. However, only minimal attention has been paid to what Czech public officials actually do on the job (policy work) and the extent of politically motivated interference in their work (politicisation). This book aims to fill this gap by presenting the evidence derived from a large-N survey of the Czech ministries, the first of its kind in the country. The findings presented in the book offer new insights into the activities within the “ivory towers” of the Czech ministries and defy popular notions of an appallingly politicised bureaucracy.
Objev podobné jako Policy Work and Politicisation in the Ministries of the Czech Republic: The Dilemmas of State Service - Jan Kohoutek - e-kniha
The Storyteller : Tales of Life and Music (Defekt) - Dave Grohl
So, I've written a book. Having entertained the idea for years, and even offered a few questionable opportunities ('It's a piece of cake! Just do four hours of interviews, find someone else to write it, put your face on the cover, and voila!'), I have decided to write these stories just as I have always done, in my own hand. The joy that I have felt from chronicling these tales is not unlike listening back to a song that I've recorded and can't wait to share with the world, or reading a primitive journal entry from a stained notebook, or even hearing my voice bounce between the Kiss posters on my wall as a child. This certainly doesn't mean that I'm quitting my day job, but it does give me a place to shed a little light on what it's like to be a kid from Springfield, Virginia, walking through life while living out the crazy dreams I had as young musician. From hitting the road with Scream at 18 years old, to my time in Nirvana and the Foo Fighters, jamming with Iggy Pop or playing at the Academy Awards or dancing with AC/DC and the Preservation Hall Jazz Band, drumming for Tom Petty or meeting Sir Paul McCartney at Royal Albert Hall, bedtime stories with Joan Jett or a chance meeting with Little Richard, to flying halfway around the world for one epic night with my daughters...the list goes on. I look forward to focusing the lens through which I see these memories a little sharper for you with much excitement.
Objev podobné jako The Storyteller : Tales of Life and Music (Defekt) - Dave Grohl
India in the Eyes of Europeans - Martin Fárek - e-kniha
eBook: Hlavní tezí knihy je tvrzení, že ačkoliv orientalistické či religionistické bádání zdánlivě předkládá nezkreslené, objektivní interpretace indických tradic, ve skutečnosti jde o pokřivené obrazy odkazující především k vlastní evropské kultuře badatelů. Při důkladném zkoumání se ukazuje, nakolik jsou orientalistika i další humanitní obory stále ještě ovlivněny teologickým předporozuměním. Anglické vydání.
Objev podobné jako India in the Eyes of Europeans - Martin Fárek - e-kniha
Fire and Blood: The inspiration for HBO´s House of the Dragon (A Song of Ice and Fire) - George R.R. Martin
Centuries before A Game of Thrones, an even greater game began, one that set the skies alight with dragon flame and saw the Seven Kingdoms turned to ash. The thrilling history of the Targaryens comes to life in this masterly work by the author of A Song of Ice and Fire, the inspiration for HBO’s Game of Thrones.With all the fire and fury fans have come to expect from internationally bestselling author George R.R. Martin, this is the first volume of the definitive two-part history of the Targaryens in Westeros. Centuries before the events of A Game of Thrones, House Targaryen – the only family of dragonlords to survive the Doom of Valyria – took up residence on Dragonstone.Fire and Blood begins their tale with the legendary Aegon the Conqueror, creator of the Iron Throne, and goes on to recount the generations of Targaryens who fought to hold that iconic seat, all the way up to the civil war that nearly tore their dynasty apart. What really happened during the Dance of the Dragons? Why was it so deadly to visit Valyria after the Doom? What were Maegor the Cruel’s worst crimes? What was it like in Westeros when dragons ruled the skies? These are but a few of the questions answered in this essential chronicle, as related by a learned maester of the Citadel, and featuring more than eighty all-new black-and-white illustrations by artist Doug Wheatley. With all the scope and grandeur of Gibbon’s The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Fire and Blood is the ultimate game of thrones, giving readers a whole new appreciation for the dynamic, often bloody, and always fascinating history of Westeros.
Objev podobné jako Fire and Blood: The inspiration for HBO´s House of the Dragon (A Song of Ice and Fire) - George R.R. Martin
Children´s Encyclopedia of Technology (Defekt) - Loughrey Anita
Discover the world of cutting-edge technology with this comprehensive visual encyclopedia.Full of surprising facts and stunning photographs, this accessible book takes in the full sweep of modern life-from solar power to microchips, and from cars to lightbulbs. Based on the very latest research, this is the definitive children's guide to understanding the world around us.Accessible, entertaining, and authoritative, this comprehensive visual encyclopedia supports the key stage 2 (KS2) curriculum and is great for home learning. The perfect introduction to the world of technology for children aged eight and above.
Objev podobné jako Children´s Encyclopedia of Technology (Defekt) - Loughrey Anita
How We Understand the Beats: The Reception of the Beat Generation in the United States and the Czech (978-80-210-9048-4)
Kniha - autor Antonín Zita, 202 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Kniha se zabývá srovnáním recepce autorů Beat Generation v USA a v Česku, a to ve dvou časových obdobích - v 50. a 60. letech 20. století a poté od 90. let až do současnosti. Zatímco samotné publikace Beat Generation autorů zůstaly nezměněné, kontexty těchto publikací byly zásadně odlišné: v USA byla díla autorů Beat Generation často redukována senzacechtivými kritiky na nevyzrálé vychvalování drog, sexu i násilí, v Československu naopak tito autoři získali přízeň čtenářů díky neobvyklosti svého literárního jazyka, kterou jejich próza a poezie představovaly na literárním trhu značně pokřiveném tezemi socialistického realismu. Tato studie tedy dokládá, jak mohou odlišné kontexty ovlivnit přístup čtenářů k literárnímu textu a jejich autorům, což ve výsledku pomáhá přeměnit daný text na odlišné umělecké dílo.
Objev podobné jako How We Understand the Beats: The Reception of the Beat Generation in the United States and the Czech (978-80-210-9048-4)
The Lost Music of the Holocaust - Francesco Lotoro
Scores sewn into coat linings, instruments hidden in suitcases, sheet music stashed among dirty laundry, concertos written on discarded food wrappers - these are just some of the ingenious ways prisoners in civilian, political and military captivity from 1933 to 1953 protected their music in the darkest of times.Italian pianist and composer Francesco Lotoro has been on a lifelong quest to find this remarkable music. He has painstakingly salvaged and performed symphonies, operas and songs written by the incarcerated musicians, many of whom died in the camps. He has travelled the globe to meet with families and survivors whose harrowing testimonies bear witness to the most devastating experiences in twentieth-century history.Movingly piecing together the human stories of those who wrote and performed whilst imprisoned, this compelling book takes readers on a journey into their extraordinary lives and music, shining a light on a unique beauty that somehow prevailed against all odds.
Objev podobné jako The Lost Music of the Holocaust - Francesco Lotoro
Critical Theory of Communication: New Readings of Lukács, Adorno, Marcuse, Honneth and Habermas in the Age of the Internet (1) (Critical Digital and S
This book contributes to the foundations of a critical theory of communication as shaped by the forces of digital capitalism. One of the world's leading theorists of digital media Professor Christian Fuchs explores how the thought of some of the Frankfurt School’s key thinkers can be deployed for critically understanding media in the age of the Internet. Five essays that form the heart of this book review aspects of the works of Georg Lukács, Theodor W. Adorno, Herbert Marcuse, Axel Honneth and Jürgen Habermas and apply them as elements of a critical theory of communication's foundations. The approach taken starts from Georg Lukács Ontology of Social Being, draws on the work of the Frankfurt School thinkers, and sets them into dialogue with the Cultural Materialism of Raymond Williams. Critical Theory of Communication offers a vital set of new insights on how communication operates in the age of information, digital media and social media, arguing that we need to transcend the communication theory of Habermas by establishing a dialectical and cultural-materialist critical theory of communication.
Objev podobné jako Critical Theory of Communication: New Readings of Lukács, Adorno, Marcuse, Honneth and Habermas in the Age of the Internet (1) (Critical Digital and S
The Body Keeps the Score: Mind, Brain and Body in the Transformation of Trauma (0141978619)
Kniha - 464 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - 464 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná A world expert presents a sympathetic exploration of the causes of trauma and the new treatments making it possible for sufferers to reclaim their lives.
Objev podobné jako The Body Keeps the Score: Mind, Brain and Body in the Transformation of Trauma (0141978619)
Davis Miles: Music From and Inspired By Birth of the Cool - CD (0190759943526)
Hudební CD - Soundtrack k dokumentu Stanley Nelsona o Milesi Davisovi v roce 2020 Soundtrack k dokumentu Stanley Nelsona o Milesi Davisovi v roce 2020 Seznam stop CD Commentary: Herbie Hancock, Jimmy Heath / Milestones (1958) / Commentary: Greg Tate / Donna Lee (Charlie Parker with Miles Davis) (1947) / Commentary: Ashley Kahn, Symphony Sid Introduction / Moon Dreams (1949) / Commentary: George Wein / 'Round Midnight (1957) / Commentary: Carlos Santana / It Never Entered My Mind (1959) / Commentary: Vincent Bessieres / Generique (1958) / Commentary: Jimmy Cobb / So What (1959) / Commentary: Gil Evans / New Rhumba (1957) / Commentary: Frances Taylor Davis / The Pan Piper (Alborada de Vigo) (1960) / Commentary: Jack Chambers / Someday My Prince Will Come (1961) / Commentary: Wayne Shorter / Footprints (1967) / Commentary: Carlos Santana, Quincy Troupe / Miles Runs The Voodoo Down (45RPM Single Edit) (1970) / Commentary: Marcus Miller / Tutu (1986) /...
Objev podobné jako Davis Miles: Music From and Inspired By Birth of the Cool - CD (0190759943526)
The World of Ice and Fire - George R.R. Martin
Collected within this volume is the accumulated knowledge, scholarly speculation, and inherited folk tales of maesters and septons, maegi and singers, including over 170 full-colour illustrations and maps, family trees for the Houses Stark, Lannister and Targaryen, and in-depth explanations of the history and culture of Westeros.
Objev podobné jako The World of Ice and Fire - George R.R. Martin
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- The Upstarts: How Uber, Airbnb, and the Killer Companies of the New Silicon Valley Are Changin (0316554561)