Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
Love Your Life - Sophie Kinsellová
I love you . . . but what if I can't love your life? Ava is sick of online dating. She's always trusted her own instincts over an algorithm, anyway, and she wants a break from it all. So when she signs up to a semi-silent, anonymous writing retreat in glorious Italy, love is the last thing on her mind. Until she meets a handsome stranger. . . All she knows is that he's funny, he's kind and - she soon learns - he's great in bed. He's equally smitten, and after a whirlwind, intoxicating affair, they pledge their love without even knowing each other's real names. But when they return home, reality hits. They're both driven mad by each other's weird quirks and annoying habits, from his eccentric, naked-sauna-loving family to her terribly behaved, shirt-shredding dog. As disaster follows disaster, it seems that while they love each other, they just can't love each other's lives. Can they overcome their differences to find one life, together?
Podívejte se také How to Murder Your Life (1785036068)
The Burnout - Sophie Kinsellová
Number One bestselling author Sophie Kinsella returns with an irresistible new standalone in which opposites most certainly attract...Our heroine is exhausted, burned out and has been sent off by her mum to do some R&R, off-season, in the picturesque Devon holiday resort they always went to as a family. The first day, she is practically the only guest at the hotel and has the beach to herself.But then another professional turns up. He is also burned out, has also come back to his childhood holiday haunt, and, like her, has rented one of the hotel's decrepit beach huts for use during the day.Neither is pleased to have company and they insist on being placed at opposite ends of the row of empty huts.However, they can't avoid each other - even when they're the only two people on the beach - and disagree on their methods of overcoming burnout. (Her- wild swimming / yoga / manifesting/secretly stuffing her face with chocolates. Him- drinking whisky.)They ignore/spar with each other - until one day a message appears on the sand overnight. It reads- 'To the couple on the beach- thank you.' The following night another message appears- 'To the couple on the beach- thank you'. And a date.It dawns on them that they are the 'couple'. But who is thanking them and why? They are drawn together to find out.
Podívejte se také Franklin Aretha: Let Me In Your Life - CD (8122794621)
Twenties Girl - Sophie Kinsellová
Lara has always had an overactive imagination. Now she wonders if she is losing her mind. Normal twenty-something girls just don't get visited by ghosts! But inexplicably, the spirit of Lara's great aunt Sadie - in the form of a bold, demanding Charleston-dancing girl - has appeared to make one last request: Lara must track down a missing necklace Sadie simply can't rest without. Lara's got enough problems of her own. Her start-up company is floundering, her best friend and business partner has run off to Goa, and she's just been dumped by the love of her life. But as Lara spends time with Sadie, life becomes more glamorous and their treasure hunt turns into something intriguing and romantic. Could Sadie's ghost be the answer to Lara's problems and can two girls from different times end up learning something special from each other?
Podívejte se také Make Your Bed: Small Things That Can Change Your Life...and Maybe the World (0718188861)
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Christmas Shopaholic - Sophie Kinsellová
Celebrate Christmas with the ultimate Shopaholic! The brilliant laugh-out-loud festive novel from the Number One bestselling author. Becky Brandon (nee Bloomwood) adores Christmas. It's always the same - Mum and Dad hosting, carols playing, Mum pretending she made the Christmas pudding, and the next-door neighbours coming round for sherry in their terrible festive jumpers. And now it's even easier with online bargain-shopping sites - if you spend enough you even get free delivery. Sorted! But this year looks set to be different. Unable to resist the draw of craft beer and smashed avocado, Becky's parents are moving to ultra-trendy Shoreditch and have asked Becky if she'll host Christmas this year. What could possibly go wrong? With sister Jess demanding a vegan turkey, husband Luke determined that he just wants aftershave again, and little Minnie insisting on a very specific picnic hamper - surely Becky can manage all this, as well as the surprise appearance of an old boyfriend and his pushy new girlfriend, whose motives are far from clear . . . Will chaos ensue, or will Becky manage to bring comfort and joy to Christmas? AVAILABLE FOR PRE-ORDER NOW
Objev podobné jako Christmas Shopaholic - Sophie Kinsellová
Finding Audrey - Sophie Kinsellová
From the bestselling author of the Shopaholic series comes a story of humour, heart and heartache. Finding Audrey is Sophie Kinsella's first novel for teens, sure to appeal to her legions of adult and young adult fans all over the world. Audrey can't leave the house. she can't even take off her dark glasses inside the house. Then her brother's friend Linus stumbles into her life. With his friendly, orange-slice smile and his funny notes, he starts to entice Audrey out again - well, Starbucks is a start. And with Linus at her side, Audrey feels like she can do the things she'd thought were too scary. Suddenly, finding her way back to the real world seems achievable. Be prepared to laugh, dream and hope with Audrey as she learns that even when you feel like you have lost yourself, love can still find you.
Objev podobné jako Finding Audrey - Sophie Kinsellová
The Burnout - Sophie Kinsellová
The irresistible new romantic comedy and instant Sunday Times bestseller.Discover the joy that awaits when you set yourself free... Sasha is well and truly over it all: work (all-consuming), friendships (on the back burner), sex-life (non-existent). Armed with good intentions to drink kale smoothies, try yoga and find solitude, she heads to the Devon resort she loved as a child.But it's off-season, the hotel is falling apart and she has to share the beach with a grumpy, stressed-out guy called Finn. How can she commune with nature when he's sitting on a rock, watching her suspiciously? Especially when they don't agree on burnout cures. (Sasha: manifesting, wild swimming, secret Mars bars; Finn: drinking whisky.)But when curious messages start appearing on the beach, Sasha and Finn are forced to begin talking – about everything.What's the mystery? Why are they both burned out? And what exactly is 'manifesting', anyway?They might discover that they have more in common than they think. . .
Objev podobné jako The Burnout - Sophie Kinsellová
Dokážeš udržet tajemství? - Sophie Kinsellová
Každý má svá zamčená osobní tajemství, která neřekne ani té nejlepší kamarádce. Emma, hrdinka romantické komedie Dokážeš udržet tajemství?, ale v návalu alkoholu a paniky z turbulencí vyklopí všechny své tajnosti a intimní pocity neznámému muži na vedlejším sedadle v letadle. Kdyby se už nikdy nepotkali, nic by se nestalo. Z cizince se ovšem vyklube očekávaný Jack Harper, nový nejvyšší šéf v práci. Máloco může být strašnějšího, než jejich druhé setkání… A než pobyt v jedné kanceláři a asi i v jednom městě. Proč mu jen, proboha, říkala o svém bodu G?! A že by chtěla zkusit mít penis?! A že kafe v práci je úplně strašný?!Na pomoc musí přispěchat nejlepší kamarádka i šílená spolubydlící. Všechny společně pak spadnou do víru trapasů, náhod a komických situací, ze kterých ale i přesto může vzejít překvapivé pozvání na rande a láska. Láska, do které zasáhne další tajemství. Ty má totiž úplně každý.
Objev podobné jako Dokážeš udržet tajemství? - Sophie Kinsellová
Jak mě překvapíš? - Sophie Kinsellová
Tato kniha je o manželství, lásce, sexu, fitness náramcích, překvapeních, šocích, sexy prádélku, parku Battersea, rodičích, o smrti i životě, starých i nových přátelích, o nedorozumění, strachu a odvaze. Mnohokrát mě rozesmála i rozplakala a doufám, že tak zapůsobí i na vás.
Objev podobné jako Jak mě překvapíš? - Sophie Kinsellová
Láska na splátky - Sophie Kinsellová
Fixie Farrová prostě nemůže jinak. Jakmile vidí, že něco není v pořádku, nedá jí to a musí zasáhnout, i když ví, že její snahy občas končí neslavně. Téměř neviditelný flek je potřeba vyčistit, předmět stojící nepatrně nakřivo se musí narovnat, kamarádka v nouzi potřebuje pomoct… Jednoho dne ji v kavárně neznámý muž požádá, aby mu na chvilku pohlídala notebook, a Fixie nejenže ochotně souhlasí, ale vzápětí navíc notebook zachrání před katastrofou. Jeho majitel, sympatický Sebastian, jí z vděčnosti napíše poněkud zvláštní dlužní úpis, v němž se zavazuje, že jí jednoho dne prokáže protislužbu. Fixie to zpočátku bere spíš jako vtip a nehodlá ho vzít za slovo, jenže pak se na scéně najednou objeví její první láska Ryan a potřebuje pomoc. Fixie se tedy na Sebastiana přece jen obrátí, ale situace se zkomplikuje a najednou dluží protislužbu ona jemu - a to pořádnou. Postupem času na původním úpisu přibývají různé dodatky: od drobných laskavostí až po dluhy, které se nedají nikdy splatit. Najde Fixie odvahu řešit najednou nejen cizí, ale i své vlastní problémy a pustit se do boje za lásku a za budoucnost, jakou si zaslouží?
Objev podobné jako Láska na splátky - Sophie Kinsellová
Můj (téměř) dokonalý život - Sophie Kinsellová
Katie Brennerová vede na první pohled dokonalý život. Bydlí v Londýně, má skvělou práci a senzační fotky na Instagramu.Ale popravdě bydlí v podnájmu v malinké místnůstce, do níž se nevejde ani šatník, má špatně placenou administrativní práci s dlouhým dojížděním a život, který předvádí na Instagramu, jejímu tak zcela neodpovídá. Ale jednou se jí přece sny musí splnit! Jenomže i ten její ne úplně dokonalý život vezme za své, když ji její šéfová Deméter, která má podle Katie všechno, po čem sama touží, vyhodí z práce. Všechny naděje se Katie rozplynou. Musí se vrátit do Somersetu ke svému tátovi, který hodlá založit luxusní kemp. A právě do něj přijede na dovolenou Deméter s celou svou rodinou a Katie s údivem zjistí, že ani její život není ideální. A ještě je tu pohledný Alex, který se o Katie velmi zajímá… Sophie Kinsella je uznávaná pro své živé postavy a skvělý vypravěčský talent. Teď nám s důvtipem a moudrostí, které jsou typickým rysem jejích románů, přináší moderní, svěží příběh o předstírání dokonalého života, který za vysněnou podobou silně pokulhává.
Objev podobné jako Můj (téměř) dokonalý život - Sophie Kinsellová
Dokonalé prekvapenie - Sophie Kinsellová - e-kniha
eBook: Bestseller podľa NEW YORK TIMES • Vtipný a citmi nabitý román, ktorý preniká do podstaty manželstva a hovorí o tom, ako nás môžu prekvapiť tí, o ktorých si myslíme, že ich najlepšie poznáme. Sylvia a Dan prežijú v manželstve desať pekných rokov. Každý sa venuje svojej práci a majú spolu krásne dvojčatá. Tak si rozumejú, že vedia navzájom dokončiť svoje vety. Ich manželstvo je šťastné a myslia si, že sa dokonale poznajú, až kým sa ich lekár náhodou nezmieni o tom, že prežijú spolu ďalších šesťdesiatosem rokov. Vtedy vypukne panika. Rozhodnú sa, že si manželstvo oživia rôznymi prekvapeniami a zábavou. No napriek dobrému úmyslu – od nečakaných darčekov, rande v reštaurácii a sexi fotografií – je výsledok komický, niekedy až smiešne tragický. Popritom sa odhalí jeden škandál z minulosti ich rodiny. Vtedy začínajú pochybovať, či jeden druhého naozaj tak dobre poznajú. Sophie Kinsella dokonale rozvila svoje postavy, píše ako vždy jasne, s vtipom a pre ňu charakteristickým šarmom. Jej román je humorným portrétom manželstva – jeho úskalí, pohodlia aj komplikácií. Autorka v ňom opisuje najhlbšie vrstvy vzťahov a citov, ktoré čakajú na odhalenie.
Objev podobné jako Dokonalé prekvapenie - Sophie Kinsellová - e-kniha
Báječné nakupování o Vánocích - Sophie Kinsellová
Oslavte nejkrásnější svátky roku s jedinečnou Becky Brandonovou, rozenou Bloomwoodovou! Nastane chaos, nebo se Becky podaří připravit příjemné Vánoce plné radosti? Vynikající vánoční román od přední autorky bestsellerů, u něhož se budete smát od začátku do konce.
Objev podobné jako Báječné nakupování o Vánocích - Sophie Kinsellová
Máš to u mňa - Sophie Kinsellová - e-kniha
eBook: Fixie si nemôže pomôcť – všetko musí byť podľa nej v poriadku, preto aj dostala svoju prezývku. Keď ju raz neznámy muž v kaviarni požiada, aby mu na chvíľu postrážila notebook, zachráni ho pred katastrofou. Sebastian, majiteľ notebooku, jej nechá odkaz na papierovom pohári od kávy, že je jej dlžníkom. Fixie však vôbec nezamýšľa požiadať ho niekedy o nejakú láskavosť.Vtedy sa do jej života vracia Ryan, láska z mladosti a potrebuje pomoc...Bude mať Fixie odvahu pomôcť nielen iným, ale aj sebe?
Objev podobné jako Máš to u mňa - Sophie Kinsellová - e-kniha
Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends on It - Kamal Ravikant
The bestselling self-published phenomenon addressing our urgent need for self-love in the world today.Now expanded with new reader oriented lessons, and a powerful and transformative personal story of the practice in action.Kamal Ravikant knows misery well. In 2011, the company Kamal had spent the last ten years of his life nurturing and growing, suddenly and embarrassingly went under. He experienced a profound depression, the kind that made him physically ill and bedridden. The only source of light in this darkest moment was a meditation, a chant that came to him and provided the only source of comfort he could muster: I love myself.Kamal began his transformational journey by repeating this over and over to himself. I love myself. I love myself. I love myself. Even when he didn’t believe it (especially when he didn’t believe it).This meditation grew in the form of a system of tools for keeping him positive, balanced, and moving forward. Kamal’s spiritual healing changed his physical and emotional states, and his entire person shifted for the better.Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends On It is the powerful story of Kamal’s radical self-growth journey and his specific practice for readers. Dynamic, vulnerable, page-turning and ultimately life-changing, these pages hold a universal appeal for anyone who has ever struggled to get out of bed in the morning or smile through profound sadness.
Objev podobné jako Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends on It - Kamal Ravikant
Unprocess Your Life - Rob Hobson
‘This brilliant book is the answer for anyone wanting to make a profound shift away from eating ultra-processed foods, but just doesn’t know where to start’ – Dr Hilary JonesSay goodbye to artificial flavourings, excess sugar and unfamiliar ingredients.Say hello to delicious, nourishing, real food that will invigorate your body.Research shows that one in seven of us across the globe is addicted to ultra-processed foods (UPFs). Often labelled as ‘healthy’, UPFs are everywhere we look – in our shopping baskets, our children’s lunch boxes and our kitchen cupboards. Yet research has shown these foods are synonymous with ill-health and a litany of chronic conditions, such a type 2 diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular disease. Breaking free from the hold of these cheap, convenient UPFs is one of the best things we can do for our health, but it can feel impossible to know where to begin.Here, expert nutritionist Rob Hobson sets out the steps to make your diet cleaner and healthier, yet still bursting with flavour. With practical tips, effortless wholefood swaps and tasty recipes, he shows how to make all your go-to ready meals, freezer favourites, sauces and snacks without the nasties, so you and your family can embrace an unprocessed life that is simple, satisfying and achievable.Let Unprocess Your Life be your compass for navigating the modern food landscape, reclaiming your health from the hidden perils of UPFs one delicious meal at a time.‘If every household in the UK had a copy of this book, it could change the health of the nation and save the NHS billions. I wish I could prescribe it!’ Dr Dawn Harper
Objev podobné jako Unprocess Your Life - Rob Hobson
Fight For Your Life - Amir Khan
AVAILABLE TO PREORDER NOW''Some people are born to be sports stars. I wasn''t one of them. I was born to be . . . actually what was I born to be? Probably, like most Asian kids growing up in the late Nineties, a doctor, or a teacher. At a push I might have been a cricketer. A boxer? Come off it! No Asian lad did that sort of thing. Hanging up my gloves has given me the opportunity to reflect not just on my career but on who I am and the kind of person I want to be. Whoever that is, I just hope they get a few less slaps to the face! Boxing has only ever been part of the storyline. Whether it be death threats from Al-Qaeda, gunpoint robbery, family fallouts, marriage to a New York socialite, three kids, a reality show, a money pit wedding hall, or walking through a flood and earthquake devastated Pakistan, I''m struggling to think of a quiet day. That means a lot of lessons hard-learned - and you''ll notice that I try to pass a few on here. I''ve become a teacher after all!''
Objev podobné jako Fight For Your Life - Amir Khan
Stories of Your Life and Others (1101972122)
Kniha - autor Ted Chiang, 304 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Objev podobné jako Stories of Your Life and Others (1101972122)
How Will You Measure Your Life? (0062206192)
Kniha - autor Clayton M. Christensen, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - autor Clayton M. Christensen, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Objev podobné jako How Will You Measure Your Life? (0062206192)
Stories of Your Life and Others (1529039436)
Kniha - autor Ted Chiang, 338 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Objev podobné jako Stories of Your Life and Others (1529039436)
Designing Your Life - Bill Burnett, Dave Evans
Change your life in 2024 with the simple, scientifically proven method that has already worked for thousands of people.''Life has questions. They have answers'' New York TimesAt last, a book that shows you how to build - design - a life you can thrive in, at any age or stage. A well-designed life means a life well-lived. Many of us are still looking for an answer to that perennial question, ''What do I want to be when I grow up?''Stanford innovators Bill Burnett and Dave Evans show us how design thinking can help us create a life that is both meaningful and fulfilling, regardless of who and where we are, our careers and our age. Designing Your Life puts forward the idea that the same design thinking responsible for amazing technology, products and spaces can be used to build towards a better life and career by a design of your own making.''[Designing Your Life] teaches you how to change what''s not working by turning ideas on their head'' Viv Groskop, author of How To Own The Room''An empowering book based on their popular class of the same name at Stanford University...this book will easily earn a place among career-finding classics'' Publishers Weekly
Objev podobné jako Designing Your Life - Bill Burnett, Dave Evans
The Stories of Your Life - Ben Ambridge
"A fascinating, entertaining and deeply smart journey into the storytelling brain" - Will Storr, bestselling author of The Status Game and The Science of Storytelling"Life - and the quite appalling behaviour of everyone I know - finally makes sense. Read this remarkable book" - Andrew Gold, author of The Psychology of Secrets and host of Heretics--------------------------We understand the world through stories. All of our experiences, all of our insights – psychologically, we interpret them through specific lenses that have been curated, perfected and passed down throughout human history. Internationally bestselling author Professor Ben Ambridge has quantified those lenses into eight distinct masterplots that can apply to any experience.The mother who wakes up an hour early every day to prep her child's breakfast? She's playing out the Sacrifice plot. The amateur sports team who go on to win the big trophy against all the odds? They're part of the Underdog narrative.Ambridge uses examples from fiction, real life, and popular psychology research to demonstrate how we not only naturally gravitate towards the masterplot narratives, but how we actually use those narratives to manipulate the world around us – like the addict who uses the Monster plot to paint their illness as something to overcome, or the boxer who relies on the Revenge narrative to motivate themselves to fight their way back after an embarrassing defeat.These masterplots do more for us than to help us understand the world; they’re vehicles through which humans have survived. The Stories of Your Life shares fascinating lessons about the nature of humanity, the power of psychology and – most importantly – the way we see ourselves.--------------------------"Stories are essential for human beings - they allow us to learn, to connect, to empathize. The best stories follow structures that catalyze and amplify their power. Ambridge expertly decodes and deciphers these masterplots so we can all benefit and grow" - Matt Abrahams, author of Think Faster Talk Smarter and host of Think Fast, Talk Smart
Objev podobné jako The Stories of Your Life - Ben Ambridge
The Source: Open Your Mind, Change Your Life - Tara Swart
Life-changing opportunities pass us by every day - now we can train our minds to seize themSelf-help books like The Secret promise that we can tap into the 'law of attraction' to control our destiny, simply by changing our thoughts. If we strip away the mystique, at the heart of this idea is a fundamental truth that is backed up by the latest breakthroughs in neuroscience: most of the things we want from life - health, happiness, wealth, love - are governed by our ability to think, feel and act; in other words, by our brain.Dr Tara Swart, a neuroscientist and executive coach with a background in psychiatry, is convinced beyond all doubt of our ability to alter how our brains work - and transform our lives. In The Source, she draws on the latest cognitive science and her experience coaching highly successful people to reveal the secret to mastering our minds.With a four-step plan to awaken the power of your brain, this unique guide to life combines science and spirituality in a way that is open-minded and practical. Discover how to:- Challenge 'autopilot' thinking and rewire your brain's pathways to fulfil your potential- Manifest the things you want by directing your energy towards your deepest values and ambitions- Harness the power of visualisation to prime your brain to grab opportunities and take control of your future- Attack life with confidence, dispel fear and avoid negative thinkingUnlock your potential today - you are just four steps away from building a new confident you.
Objev podobné jako The Source: Open Your Mind, Change Your Life - Tara Swart
You Can Heal Your Life - Louise L. Hay
Features full of ideas and strategies that have worked for millions of people worldwide. This book offers profound insight into the relationship between the mind and the body. Exploring the way that limiting thoughts and ideas control and constrict us, it offers us a powerful key to understanding the roots of our physical diseases and discomforts.
Objev podobné jako You Can Heal Your Life - Louise L. Hay
Vance Joy - Dream Your Life Away (Reissue) (LP)
Barva podle výrobce: Black;Black Složení setu: 2 ks;2 ks Země původu: Německo;Německo Typ: CD;Nové vydání;Nové vydání;CD;Album;Album;LP deska;LP deska Balení obsahuje: CD;LP;LP;CD Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM;33 1/3 RPM Žánr: Rock;Rock;Pop;Pop Barva: Černá;Černá Varianta: Dream Your Life Away (Reissue) (LP);Dream Your Life Away (Reissue) (LP) Rok vydání: 2014.0;2014.0 Datum vydání: 2014-09-09;2014-09-09 Subžánr: Folk Rock;Indie Rock;Indie Rock;Folk Rock Vydavatelství: Atlantic;Atlantic Interpret / Téma: Vance Joy;Vance Joy
Objev podobné jako Vance Joy - Dream Your Life Away (Reissue) (LP)
Stories of Your Life and Others - Ted Chiang
With Stories of Your Life and Others, his masterful debut collection, multiple-award-winning author Ted Chiang deftly blends human emotion and scientific rationalism in eight remarkably varied stories. From a soaring Babylonian tower that connects a flat Earth to the firmament above, to a world where angelic visitations are a wondrous and terrifying part of everyday life; from a neural modification that eliminates the appeal of physical beauty, to an alien language that challenges our very perception of time and reality, Chiang’s unique imagination invites us to question our understanding of the universe and our place in it. The title novella 'Story of Your Life' was the basis for the Academy Award-winning film Arrival, starring Amy Adams and Jeremy Renner.
Objev podobné jako Stories of Your Life and Others - Ted Chiang
Brandy Clark - Your Life Is A Record (LP)
Dekáda interpreta: 2010 - 2019;2020 - 2029;2000 - 2009 Složení setu: 1 ks Hmotnost: 180 g Varianta: Your Life Is A Record (Vinyl LP) Typ: Album;LP deska Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Země interpreta: USA Země původu: Evropská unie Balení obsahuje: LP Datum vydání: 2020-07-24 Vydavatelství: Warner Music Barva podle výrobce: Black Žánr: Country Subžánr: Country Rok vydání: 2020.0 Interpret / Téma: Brandy Clark Barva: Černá
Objev podobné jako Brandy Clark - Your Life Is A Record (LP)
How AI Will Change Your Life - Patrick Dixon
Artificial Intelligence will create gigantic benefits for humankind but will become more powerful than many governments, with purposes and plans of its own, and the ability to alter the very basis of life on earth. Many believe that AI poses a threat to human dominance.In this punchy, follow-up to his bestselling The Future of (Almost) Everything, leading futurist Patrick Dixon has written an in-depth but accessible exploration of AI, looking at the future of the subject and assessing both threats and benefits - from health and education to cybersecurity, business and the world of work.How AI Will Change Your Life looks at likely outcomes for both individuals and businesses in all areas of life and provides advice for the reader and a charter for governments to exploit the benefits and avoid the risks.
Objev podobné jako How AI Will Change Your Life - Patrick Dixon
What’s Your Vibe? Tuning into your best life
I'm still learning, still making mistakes, but I feel ready now - after a lot of twists and turns along the way - to share my journey with you.In his much-anticipated first book, celebrated singer-songwriter Craig David takes us on a journey of connecting, disconnecting and reconnecting, weaving together stories of his life and music - starting with his early days in Southampton working with The Artful Dodger, to his overnight chart-topping success, through to the present day, and everything in between.This is Craig as we've never seen him before - the always-positive showman, baring his soul for the first time.From physical pain, lost love, public humiliation and depression, Craig takes us past his comfort zone, in a raw, honest and courageous account of his own lived experience. In opening up about how he overcame these obstacles, Craig shares his insight and provides practical advice that will help us to navigate the daily challenges we all face.This is Craig's story of how he learned to tune into his best life.
Objev podobné jako What’s Your Vibe? Tuning into your best life
Indistractable: How to Control Your Attention and Choose Your Life (1526610205)
Kniha - 400 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Objev podobné jako Indistractable: How to Control Your Attention and Choose Your Life (1526610205)
Indistractable : How to Control Your Attention and Choose Your Life - Eyal Nir
We are living through a crisis of distraction. Plans get sidetracked, friends are ignored, work never seems to get done.Why does it feel like we're distracting our lives away?In Indistractable, behavioural designer Nir Eyal reveals the hidden psychology driving you to distraction. Empowering and optimistic, this is the book that will help you design your time, realise your ambitions, and live the life you really want.
Objev podobné jako Indistractable : How to Control Your Attention and Choose Your Life - Eyal Nir
Franklin Aretha: Let Me In Your Life - CD (8122794621)
Hudební CD Jedenadvacáté studiové album božské zpěvačky vyšlo v roce 1974. Jedná se o jednu z komerčně nejúspěšnějších nahrávek Arethy Franklin. V rámci rozsáhlé reediční kampaně vychází znovu na CD. Bývá nazývána Královnou soulu. Přes padesát let je její tvorba součástí americké kultury. Jedenadvacáté studiové album božské zpěvačky vyšlo v roce 1974. Jedná se o jednu z komerčně nejúspěšnějších nahrávek Arethy Franklin. V rámci rozsáhlé reediční kampaně vychází znovu na CD. Bývá nazývána Královnou soulu. Přes padesát let je její tvorba součástí americké kultury. Aretha Franklin je zřejmě nejdůležitější soulovou zpěvačkou světa. Je druhou nejúspěšnější držitelkou cen Grammy, v roce 1987 byla jako vůbec první žena uvedena do rock'n'rollové síně slávy. Seznam stop Let Me In Your Life / Every Natural Thing / Ain't Nothing Like The Real Thing / I'm In Love / Until You Come Back To Me (That's What I'm Gonna Do) / The Masquerade Is Over / With Pen...
Objev podobné jako Franklin Aretha: Let Me In Your Life - CD (8122794621)
What’s Your Vibe? Tuning into your best life (Defekt)
I'm still learning, still making mistakes, but I feel ready now - after a lot of twists and turns along the way - to share my journey with you.In his much-anticipated first book, celebrated singer-songwriter Craig David takes us on a journey of connecting, disconnecting and reconnecting, weaving together stories of his life and music - starting with his early days in Southampton working with The Artful Dodger, to his overnight chart-topping success, through to the present day, and everything in between.This is Craig as we've never seen him before - the always-positive showman, baring his soul for the first time.From physical pain, lost love, public humiliation and depression, Craig takes us past his comfort zone, in a raw, honest and courageous account of his own lived experience. In opening up about how he overcame these obstacles, Craig shares his insight and provides practical advice that will help us to navigate the daily challenges we all face.This is Craig's story of how he learned to tune into his best life.
Objev podobné jako What’s Your Vibe? Tuning into your best life (Defekt)
Clark Brandy: Your Life Is A Record - LP (9362489314)
LP vinyl - Třetí studiové album americké country hvězdy. Třetí studiové album americké country hvězdy. Americká country zpěvačka a skladatelka Brandy Lynn Clark se nejprve uplatnila jako autorka písní, když psala pro Sheryl Crow, LeAnn Rimes, Rebu McEntire a další americké hvězdy. V roce 2015 byla jakožto interpret nominována na Grammy v kategorii Objev roku. Obsah: LP1 I'll Be the Sad Song Long Walk Love is a Fire Pawn Shop Who You Thought I Was Apologies Who Broke Whose Heart Can We Be Strangers The Past is the Past
Objev podobné jako Clark Brandy: Your Life Is A Record - LP (9362489314)
This Book May Save Your Life - Dr Karan Rajan
THE #1 SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER''When you want to sort medical fact from medical fiction, Dr Karan is your man. This is the only book that will have you laughing and learning in equal measure'' Dr Julie Smith, bestselling author of Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before''Wonderfully comforting'' Chris van Tulleken, bestselling author of Ultra-Processed People''In a world of charlatans and social media snake-oil salesmen, [Dr Karan] provides a voice of reason...his health hacks may save your life'' Mail on Sunday_______________________________The hilarious, myth-busting survival guide to the human body from TikTok''s favourite General Surgeon.Though the odds are stacked against us, the human body has an extraordinary tendency to survive...Full of hard-learned lessons and health hacks from Dr Karan Rajan''s years working the hospital wards, This Book May Save Your Life is a head-to-toe ode to our amazing bodies - warts and all - that will help you to worry less and live better for longer.Here, Dr Karan explains the weird and wonderful bodily functions that keep us going, and offers practical advice to help you thrive when things go wrong, including:THE DANGERS OF PLUCKING YOUR NOSE HAIRSYOUR UNTAPPED NATURAL REFLEXES TO COMBAT STRESSHOW TO MANAGE PAIN WITH SIMPLE MIND TRICKSAND WHY YOU SHOULD NEVER HOLD IN A FART_______________________________''I''ll never look at my anus the same way'' Hayley Morris, bestselling author of Me Vs Brain_______________________________PRAISE FOR DR KARAN RAJAN''The go-to expert for a generation'' Telegraph''One of the few reliable social media experts'' Daily Mail
Objev podobné jako This Book May Save Your Life - Dr Karan Rajan
Reinventing Your Life - Janet S. Klosko, Jeffrey E. Young
Learn how to end the self-destructive behaviours that stop you from living your best life with this breakthrough programme. Do you …Put the needs of others above your own?Start to panic when someone you love leaves — or threatens to?Often feel anxious about natural disasters, losing all your money, or getting seriously ill?Find that no matter how successful you are, you still feel unhappy, unfulfilled, or undeserving?Unsatisfactory relationships, an irrational lack of self-esteem, feelings of being unfulfilled — these are all problems that can be solved by changing the types of messages that people internalise. These self-defeating behaviour patterns are called ‘lifetraps’, and Reinventing Your Life shows you how to stop the cycle that keeps you from attaining happiness. Two of America’s leading psychologists, Jeffrey E. Young, PhD, and Janet S. Klosko, PhD, draw on the breakthrough principles of cognitive therapy to help you recognise and change negative thought patterns, without the aid of drugs or long-term traditional therapy. They describe eleven of the most common lifetraps, provide a diagnostic test for each, and offer step-by-step suggestions to help you break free of the traps. Thousands of men and women have seen the immediate and long-term results of the extraordinary programme outlined in this clear, compassionate, liberating book. Its innovative approach to solving ongoing emotional problems will help you create a more fulfilling, productive life.
Objev podobné jako Reinventing Your Life - Janet S. Klosko, Jeffrey E. Young
Love Makes a Family - Sophie Beer
Whether you have two mums, two dads, one parent, or one of each, there’s one thing that makes a family a family . . . and that’s LOVE! A gorgeous board book by award-winning illustrator Sophie Beer. This brilliant board book celebrates the uniqueness of every family, and all the amazing things parents and caregivers do for their little ones. Vibrant artwork is paired with simple, motivational text to show children all the little ways love helps them every day. Featuring chunky pages and a diverse array of charming characters, this book perfectly captures the joy of family in all its forms. Don’t miss Sophie Beer’s other uplifting titles in the It''s Cool to be Kind series, including You’re Fabulous As You Are, Change Starts With Us, Kindness Makes Us Strong and How to Say Hello.
Objev podobné jako Love Makes a Family - Sophie Beer
Unfu*k Yourself: Get out of your head and into your life (0062803832)
Kniha - 210 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá
Objev podobné jako Unfu*k Yourself: Get out of your head and into your life (0062803832)
7 Step Mindset Makeover. Refocus Your Thoughts and Take Charge of Your Life
Refocus your thoughts with 7 Step Mindset Makeover, your life guide to achieving your goals from happiness expert Domonique Bertolucci. For most people, achieving our goals, creating new habits and making other positive changes in our lives can be very difficult to do. We either can't get started or end up in an endless cycle of making progress and then undermining or sabotaging that progress. But it's not because we're lazy or lack commitment. Often, it’s because we start our quest for change in the wrong place... focusing on our actions. What we really need to do when we want to change or improve our lives is to focus on our MINDSET. When we get our mindsets right, everything else will fall into place. With seven easy steps Domonique takes you through: how to detox your dreams, discover your 'no', choose your mood, ignore the voices, confront the enemy, say goodbye to your 'but', and see clearly into your future. Domonique Bertolucci’s Mindset Matters series will show you how to unlock the power of your mindset to live your best life.
Objev podobné jako 7 Step Mindset Makeover. Refocus Your Thoughts and Take Charge of Your Life
The 5 AM Club : Own Your Morning. Elevate Your Life. - Robin S. Sharma
Legendary leadership and elite performance expert Robin Sharma introduced The 5am Club concept over twenty years ago, based on a revolutionary morning routine that has helped his clients maximize their productivity, activate their best health and bulletproof their serenity in this age of overwhelming complexity.Now, in this life-changing book, handcrafted by the author over a rigorous four-year period, you will discover the early-rising habit that has helped so many accomplish epic results while upgrading their happiness, helpfulness and feelings of aliveness.Through an enchanting-and often amusing-story about two struggling strangers who meet an eccentric tycoon who becomes their secret mentor, The 5am Club will walk you through:* How great geniuses, business titans and the world's wisest people start their mornings to produce astonishing achievements* A little-known formula you can use instantly to wake up early feeling inspired, focused and flooded with a fiery drive to get the most out of each day* A step-by-step method to protect the quietest hours of daybreak so you have time for exercise, self-renewal and personal growth* A neuroscience-based practice proven to help make it easy to rise while most people are sleeping, giving you precious time for yourself to think, express your creativity and begin the day peacefully instead of being rushed* `Insider-only' tactics to defend your gifts, talents and dreams against digital distraction and trivial diversions so you enjoy fortune, influence and a magnificent impact on the worldPart manifesto for mastery, part playbook for genius-grade productivity and part companion for a life lived beautifully, The 5am Club is a work that will transform your life. Forever.
Objev podobné jako The 5 AM Club : Own Your Morning. Elevate Your Life. - Robin S. Sharma
Animal Power: 100 Animals to Energize Your Life and Awaken Your Soul - Alyson Charles
Brimming with 100 different vibrant animal illustrations, transformative practices, and captivating stories from around the world, Animal Power is an enlightening guide to the power of the animal realm and how they bring peace, healing and empowerment to your life. In this luxe compendium, get ready to discover rituals, meditations, and visualizations to connect with 100 remarkable animals and their specific messages to share with you. Learn how to connect with the animal power of the bear for comfort and protection, the leopard for confidence, the seal for healthy relationships, and the peacock for creative inspiration, and many others. The practices are paired with illuminating stories from spiritual teachers around the world, plus sidebars with fascinating details on ancient traditions, global mythology, and scientific trivia. Delivered in an enchanting package overflowing with insight and magic, Animal Power is a celebration of the natural world and an inspiring companion for modern mystics, nature and animal lovers, and the spiritually curious. BEAUTIFUL TO GIFT AND DISPLAY: Luxe and eye-catching, this statement package features 100 full-page illustrations and shimmery accents on the case, making it a gorgeous decor object and a beautiful gift for modern mystics, meditators, animal and nature lovers, and the spiritually curious. POWERFUL + FUN DISCOVERIES: Animal Power offers endless opportunities to unlock hidden power and wisdom from within and offers solutions that awaken greater happiness, love and fulfillment. Readers can refer to the animal who has shown up in their life to see what it’s trying to teach, pick an animal that resonates with them at any point during each day, or close their eyes and flip to a random page for empowering inspiration in the morning. It’s a perfect blend of interaction, discovery, reverence and joy. ACCESSIBLE TECHNIQUES FOR EVERYDAY LIFE: This book presents spiritual guidance, meditation techniques, and transformative shamanic practices in accessible, easy-to-follow entries. Discover each animal’s powerful healing traits and abilities along with their insightful messages that energizes your life and awakens your soul. People interested in self-care, mindfulness, and personal transformation will enjoy the short practices that can easily be incorporated into everyday life. AUTHORITATIVE AUTHOR: Alyson Charles is a revered shaman and spiritual teacher devoted to living by the calls of inner wisdom, mysticism, energy medicine, and shamanic practices she has mastered through her studies with spiritual teachers, both of and beyond this world. She leads global courses, events, and talks to reconnect people to their fullest power and confidence. In this book, she shares her deep knowledge and respect for mystical traditions, providing essential context and global information on humans' relationship with sacred animals, along with illuminating testimonials from shamanic teachers and leaders around the world. Perfect for: Modern mystics, Tarot, crystal, and personal development enthusiasts, Meditators, Yogis, Animal lovers, Nature and mindfulness enthusiasts, Explorers of motivation, inspiration, energy, self-love, soul and wisdom, those on the quest for inner happiness and peace.
Objev podobné jako Animal Power: 100 Animals to Energize Your Life and Awaken Your Soul - Alyson Charles
Bear, Lion or Wolf : How Understanding Your Sleep Type Could Change Your Life - Olivia Arezzolo
Are you a bear, lion or wolf?Learn your sleep profile and get your best night's rest with Australia's leading sleep expert Olivia Arezzolo.Lion: you are an early riser, furiously working in the morning, tailing off after midday and going to bed just as the wolves are coming out to play.Wolf: you get up late and are more energetic at night.Bear: you rise with the sun and wind down in the evening, and tend to dip immediately after lunch!Do you struggle to fall asleep, stay asleep or find yourself exhausted during the day? Olivia's straightforward, science-based tips will enable you to get the sleep you really need - not only will you sleep better, you'll be more productive, less stressed and able to function at your absolute best.Whether you're an early-rising lion, ready to tackle the day before the rest of the herd is up; a hardworking bear who always slumps around 3pm; or a night-loving wolf, who seems to have more energy as the day goes on, Olivia has the exact tips and tricks you need to sleep properly - so that you can live your best life.
Objev podobné jako Bear, Lion or Wolf : How Understanding Your Sleep Type Could Change Your Life - Olivia Arezzolo
Die With Zero : Getting All You Can from Your Money and Your Life - Perkins Bill
A common-sense guide to living rich . . . instead of dying rich Imagine if by the time you died, you did everything you were told to. You worked hard, saved your money, and looked forward to financial freedom when you retired. The only thing you wasted along the way was . . . your life. Die with Zero presents a startling new and provocative philosophy as well as practical guide on how to get the most out of your money—and out of your life. It’s intended for those who place lifelong memorable experiences far ahead of simply making and accumulating money for one’s so-called “golden years.” In short, Bill Perkins wants to rescue you from over-saving and under-living. Regardless of your age, Die with Zero will teach you Perkins’s plan for optimizing your life, stage by stage, so you’re fully engaged and enjoying what you’ve worked and saved for. You’ll discover how to maximize your lifetime memorable moments with “time-bucketing,” how to convert your earnings into priceless memories by following your “net worth curve,” and how to navigate decisions about whether to invest in, or delay, a meaningful adventure with your “fulfillment curve” and “personal interest rate.” Using his own life experiences as well as the inspiring stories and cautionary tales of others—and drawing on eye-opening insights about time, money, and happiness from psychological science and behavioral finance—Perkins makes a timely, convincing, and contrarian case for living large.
Objev podobné jako Die With Zero : Getting All You Can from Your Money and Your Life - Perkins Bill
OPI Your Way Nail Lacquer lak na nehty odstín Spice Up Your Life 15 ml
OPI Your Way Nail Lacquer, 15 ml, Laky na nehty pro ženy, Nádherná manikúra jako po návštěvě nehtového studia? Lak na nehty OPI Your Way Nail Lacquer umožňuje vytvořit si ji v pohodlí vlastního domova. Pokrývá povrch nehtů souvislou vrstvou dlouhotrvající intenzivní barvy s lesklým finišem, a pomáhá tak dodat nehtům pěstěný, dokonale upravený vzhled. Můžete s jeho pomocí jednoduše zvýraznit své nehty a nebo třeba podtrhnout styl vašeho outfitu. Tak která barva se zaleskne na vašich nehtech? Vlastnosti: zářivá a sytá barva zajišťuje vysoký lesk pohodlně se nanáší má dlouhotrvající výdrž Jak používat: Lak nanášejte pomocí štětečku na odlakované odmaštěné nehty. Pro lepší výsledný efekt aplikujte 2 vrstvy.
Objev podobné jako OPI Your Way Nail Lacquer lak na nehty odstín Spice Up Your Life 15 ml
At The Movies - Soundtrack Of Your Life - Vol. 2 (Yellow Vinyl) (LP)
Typ: Album;LP deska;Barevná Barva: Žlutá Země původu: Německo Balení obsahuje: LP Žánr: Soundtrack;Stage & Screen Rok vydání: 2022.0 Vydavatelství: Atomic Fire Datum vydání: 2022-01-28 Subžánr: Stage & Screen;Soundtrack Varianta: Soundtrack Of Your Life - Vol. 2 (Yellow Vinyl) (LP) Interpret / Téma: At The Movies Barva podle výrobce: Yellow Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Složení setu: 2 ks
Objev podobné jako At The Movies - Soundtrack Of Your Life - Vol. 2 (Yellow Vinyl) (LP)
How Will You Measure Your Life? - Clayton Christensen, James Allworth, Karen Dillon
How do you lead a fulfilling life? That profound question animates this book of inspiration and insight from world-class business strategist and bestselling author of The Innovator’s Dilemma, Clayton Christensen.After beating a heart attack, advanced-stage cancer and a stroke in three successive years, the world-renowned innovation expert and author of one of the best selling and most influential business books of all time – The Innovator’s Dilemma – Clayton M. Christensen delivered a short but powerful speech to the Harvard Business School graduating class. He presented a set of personal guidelines that have helped him find meaning and happiness in his life – a challenge even the brightest and most motivated of students find daunting.Akin to The Last Lecture in its revelatory perspective following life-altering events, that speech subsequently became a hugely popular article in the Harvard Business Review and is now a groundbreaking book, putting forth a series of questions and models for success that have long been applied in the world of business, but also can be used to find cogent answers to pressing life questions: How can I be sure that I’ll find satisfaction in my career? How can I be sure that my relationships with my spouse, my family and my close friends become enduring sources of happiness? How can I avoid compromising my integrity (and stay out of jail)?How Will You Measure Your Life? is a highly original, surprising book from a singular business figure. It’s a book sure to inspire and educate readers – companies and individuals, students of business, mid-career professionals, and even parents – the world over.
Objev podobné jako How Will You Measure Your Life? - Clayton Christensen, James Allworth, Karen Dillon
Converse Love Your Mother Triko Černá
Love Your Mother Triko - Converse - Černá.
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Converse Love Your Mother Triko Černá
Love Your Mother Triko - Converse - Černá.
Objev podobné jako Converse Love Your Mother Triko Černá
Never Split the Difference: Negotiating as If Your Life Depended on it (1847941494)
Kniha - anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná A guide to negotiation, from the FBI's former lead hostage negotiator. 'Filled with insights that apply to everyday negotiations.' "Business Insider"
Objev podobné jako Never Split the Difference: Negotiating as If Your Life Depended on it (1847941494)
Seek: How Curiosity Can Transform Your Life and Change the World - Scott Shigeoka
Open your mind, heal your relationships, and connect across divides with this groundbreaking guide to deep curiosity from internationally-recognized curiosity expert, Scott Shigeoka.At a time when tensions over race, religion, gender identity and more have fractured our lives and relationships, curiosity is the key to fostering connection, growth, and healing.Seek will help you build the courage to be transformed by the people, places and experiences you encounter – unlocking deep curiosity, and strengthening this fundamental human skill.Using Shigeoka's transformative four-step framework, you will enhance your capacity to:Detach: Let go of your ABCs (Assumptions, Biases, Certainty)Intend: Prepare your mindset and environmentValue: See the dignity of every person – including yourself!Embrace: Welcome the hard times in life as a catalyst for connection and transformationA must-read for our times, this book will help you to shift your perspective, understand differences and lead a more curious life.
Objev podobné jako Seek: How Curiosity Can Transform Your Life and Change the World - Scott Shigeoka
Dreams: Unlock Inner Wisdom, Discover Meaning, and Refocus your Life - Rosie March-Smith
Open your eyes to the meaning of your dreams and take advantage of their incredible power for self-improvement.Find out how to decode and interpret your dreams to reveal how the images, stories and emotions you experience in sleep are deeply connected to your waking life. Learn dream skills that will enable you to train your mind to access your unconscious and open the gateway to self-discovery. Explore hundreds of dream meanings, shine a light on the unique associations you bring to your dream world, and follow expert psychotherapeutic advice to act on the messages your unconscious mind is sending you. Use your dreams to identify and overcome obstacles, realise latent talent, get to the root of how you really feel about the people in your life, and much more.
Objev podobné jako Dreams: Unlock Inner Wisdom, Discover Meaning, and Refocus your Life - Rosie March-Smith
The Miracle Morning: The 6 Habits That Will Transform Your Life Before 8AM (1473668948)
Kniha - 224 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - 224 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Objev podobné jako The Miracle Morning: The 6 Habits That Will Transform Your Life Before 8AM (1473668948)
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