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Lost story journeys in the countries - Vítězslav Říčka - e-kniha

eBook: Author Vítězslav Říčka gives the second book called Lost story journeys in the countries. This book concludes his poetic tour in the fictional and possible real stories which are situated in the countries all over the world. Author makes effort to tell about characters and their illusional stories in various poems which can try hold cultural habit and customs in various countries in Europe and further. Author visited some ones of countries in Europe and spent some time on his job tour or own holiday trips.

Podívejte se také The Lost Book of the Grail (1846884217)

cena 87.0 Kč

Lost story journeys in the countries (978-80-270-0536-9)

Elektronická kniha - autor Vítězslav Říčka, 242 stran Author Vítězslav Říčka gives the second book called Lost story journeys in the countries. This book concludes his poetic tour in the fictional and possible real stories which are situated in the countries all over the world. Author makes effort to tell about characters and their illusional stories in various poems which can try hold cultural habit and customs in various countries in Europe and further. Author visited some ones of countries in Europe and spent some time on his job tour or own holiday trips.

Podívejte se také The cat in the net – A detective story (999-00-017-7166-9)

cena 87.0 Kč

Zázračná tržnice - Vítězslav Říčka - e-kniha

eBook: Veršovaný příběh o zdánlivě obyčejné maloměstské tržnici, která se v noci proměňuje v místo zázraků.

Objev podobné jako Zázračná tržnice - Vítězslav Říčka - e-kniha

cena 79.0 Kč

Tajuplná rozhledna - Vítězslav Říčka - e-kniha

eBook: Jak spolu souvisí tajný plán českého knížete, polská vévodkyně a dva dětští pomocníci správce rozhledny? Dozvíte se ve veršovaném příběhu Vítězslava Říčky.

Objev podobné jako Tajuplná rozhledna - Vítězslav Říčka - e-kniha

cena 89.0 Kč

Na rozcestí - Vítězslav Říčka - e-kniha

eBook: Na rozcestí je 3. závěrečným dílem putování farmáře za štěstím v lásce a v zemědělství. Příběh pojednává o cestách putovních i životních, které přicházejí a na rozcestí je nutné se rozhodnout, kterou cestou pokračovat nebo zůstat stát na křižovatce. Každá cesta někam vede a má svůj cíl. Tak i příběh farmáře a čarodějky nocí má svůj cíl v knize Na rozcestí.

Objev podobné jako Na rozcestí - Vítězslav Říčka - e-kniha

cena 79.0 Kč

Night Enchantress - Vítězslav Říčka - e-kniha

eBook: Czech author Vítězslav Říčka gives the fifth book called Night Enchantress. This book is translation of Czech book called Čarodějka nocí. Night Enchantress concludes poetic tour of two characters - farmer and enchantress. They meet together and fall in love. This story is about love between them and seeking themselves each other in various countries. Author makes effort to tell about two protagonists and their illusional stories in various poems. Story is also enriched by various situation of other characters in other poems. Author wrote the second book in English language and make effort to show all aspects of love in poetic story between two people.

Objev podobné jako Night Enchantress - Vítězslav Říčka - e-kniha

cena 79.0 Kč

Čarodějka nocí - Vítězslav Říčka - e-kniha

eBook: Čarodějka nocí je básnická prvotina o čarodějce a farmáři a jejich vzájemném hledání v různých zemích, kde se nachází a opět ztrácí. Zda se naleznou a zůstanou spolu nechává autor poodkryté na čtenářově fantazii.

Objev podobné jako Čarodějka nocí - Vítězslav Říčka - e-kniha

cena 89.0 Kč

Na staré usedlosti - Vítězslav Říčka - e-kniha

eBook: Na starou usedlost se nastěhuje mladý pár. Neví ovšem, že dům je zatížen minulostí bývalých majitelů. O usedlost je v obci je velký zájem. Zůstane mladý pár na usedlosti, nebo připadne jinému majiteli? To se čtenář dozví, až poodkryje své mlčení opat z blízkého opatství.

Objev podobné jako Na staré usedlosti - Vítězslav Říčka - e-kniha

cena 89.0 Kč

Farmář na poli - Vítězslav Říčka - e-kniha

eBook: Farmář na poli je dalším dílem o putování dvou postav v poetickém příběhu uskutečněné, ale nenaplněné lásky v krajině ve dvou zemích, kde se nachází čarodějné farmaření. V osadách magických, tajích, ve dnech i nocích farmář potkává různé děje v časech básnických. Následovaných dalšími postavami v poezii farmářské v čarodějčiných cestách za hledáním společného blahobytu a štěstí. Kniha je psána v imaginativní biografii Farmáře v místech, která jsou reálná a přesto magická a tajemná, v knize Farmář na poli, která je svou poetikou záhadná.

Objev podobné jako Farmář na poli - Vítězslav Říčka - e-kniha

cena 89.0 Kč

Hostinec pod horami - Vítězslav Říčka - e-kniha

eBook: Hostinec pod horami ukrývá příběhy svého personálu, které se odehrávají v místech pohostinství i jeho zdejšího podhůří. Do tohoto hostince je jednoho dne přijat pomocník, který zde hledá nejen živobytí, ale i nové zážitky a objevování tajů nedalekých hor.

Objev podobné jako Hostinec pod horami - Vítězslav Říčka - e-kniha

cena 89.0 Kč

Zápisník dědy osvoboditele - Vítězslav Říčka - e-kniha

eBook: Zápisník dědy osvoboditele je básnickou knihou psanou podle skutečných událostí. Hlavním hrdinou je chlapec, jemuž jeho děda vypráví o životě na východní frontě ve 2. světové válce. Tato kniha je válečným a poválečným melodramatem vojáka, který bojoval, aby mohl žít ve svobodném životě se svou rodinou.

Objev podobné jako Zápisník dědy osvoboditele - Vítězslav Říčka - e-kniha

cena 99.0 Kč

Žena z minoritu - Vítězslav Říčka - e-kniha

eBook: Děj sbírky poezie „Žena z minoritu“ se odehrává v minoritské čtvrti a v sociálně vyloučených lokalitách, plných nemilých překvapení. Autor svými básněmi poukazuje v příběhu ženy na události odehrávající se v těžkých sociálních situacích.

Objev podobné jako Žena z minoritu - Vítězslav Říčka - e-kniha

cena 79.0 Kč

Pod noční oblohou - Vítězslav Říčka - e-kniha

eBook: Na farmářových polích se pod noční oblohou dějí podezřelé skutky. Kdo za nimi stojí a jak ovlivňují farmářskou úrodu, se dozvíme v posledním příběhu o farmáři a jeho čarodějce nocí. Zda se ti dva k sobě vrátí, je ve hvězdách noční oblohy. Předsevzetí zainteresovaných je ale dané.

Objev podobné jako Pod noční oblohou - Vítězslav Říčka - e-kniha

cena 89.0 Kč

Les v zákoutí osady - Vítězslav Říčka - e-kniha

eBook: Sbírka básní o vztahu člověka a přírody, vyprávějící příběh dřevorubce při hledání lásky.

Objev podobné jako Les v zákoutí osady - Vítězslav Říčka - e-kniha

cena 79.0 Kč

Nezřetelná scéna u blízkého dvoru - Vítězslav Říčka - e-kniha

eBook: Vztah mezi měšťany a zámeckým dvorem na počátku 20. století v pohraničí byl poněkud napjatý. Zvláště proto, že zámecký dvůr před většinou měšťanů tajil svá privilegia, týkající se stolování. Změna nastane, když je do služby dvorského pekařství přijat tovaryš se svou milou, kteří zaujmou svým uměním nejen zámeckou paní, ale také měšťanský dvůr. Kam je tato služba zavede?

Objev podobné jako Nezřetelná scéna u blízkého dvoru - Vítězslav Říčka - e-kniha

cena 89.0 Kč

In the Shadow of Totalitarism: Sport and the Olympic Movement in the "Visegrád Countries" 1945-1989 - Marek Waic - e-kniha

eBook: The monograph In the Shadow of Totalitarianism Sport and the Olympic Movement in the \"Visegrád Countries\" 1945–1989 is devoted to the history of sport in selected countries of Central Europe from the end of World War II until the end of the 80s, i. e. communist regimes downfall. The development of sport and the Olympic Movement in Czechoslovakia, Poland and Hungary are observed in mutual interaction with ideologically homogenous and totalitarian systems whose metamorphoses of power were different within the chronological development in the above mentioned period of time. _x000D_ _x000D_

Objev podobné jako In the Shadow of Totalitarism: Sport and the Olympic Movement in the "Visegrád Countries" 1945-1989 - Marek Waic - e-kniha

cena 210.0 Kč

Lost in the Forest - R. M. Ballantyne - e-kniha

eBook: Charismatic explorer Will Osten is back in 'Lost in the Forest', the adventure series following his exploits by author R.M. Ballantyne. Will finds himself at sea again with his friend Captain Dall, but it’s far from smooth sailing for the pair. The crew mutinies against the Captain, and he and Will find themselves in a sticky situation from which they must escape.

Objev podobné jako Lost in the Forest - R. M. Ballantyne - e-kniha

cena 138.0 Kč

On This Modern Highway, Lost in the Jungle - Mrázek Jan - e-kniha

eBook: “I love Christmas, that Muslim holiday.”(K. Biebl) In 1926, the communist avant-garde poet Konstantin Biebl (1898–1951) travelled from Czechoslovakia to the Dutch East Indies. In his texts, poetic and often comic, both landlocked Bohemia and the colonized tropical islands are seen disorientingly anew, like “mirrors looking at themselves in each other.” On This Modern Highway, Lost in the Jungle takes the reader on a journey crisscrossing the poet’s life and work, with particular attention to his travel writing and his dreams and memories of travel, as they mirror the book author’s own life experience as a Czech scholar of Indonesia living in island Southeast Asia. Biebl’s poetry and travels are also the book’s point of departure for a broader exploration of the intersections of travel and poetry, the attitudes to colonial/social injustice, and the representation of otherness in Czech literary and visual imagination, beyond Biebl’s times. In its attention to how poetic travel reflects the Czech historical experience in the shadow of imperial nations, the book moves scholarly reflection on literary travel, modernity, and colonialism to a new ground. Jan Mrázek grew up in Czechoslovakia and lives on an island in the Malay Archipelago. He is Associate Professor in Southeast Asian Studies at the National University of Singapore and has published widely on Indonesia, seafaring, and Czech travel writing.

Objev podobné jako On This Modern Highway, Lost in the Jungle - Mrázek Jan - e-kniha

cena 390.0 Kč

Lost in the Internet - Gaurav Wakankar, Madhurima Chakraborty, Kris Stokes - e-kniha

eBook: Kunal gets lost in the Internet and doesn’t know how to get out. Join him on a sci-fi journey through the Internet as he finds his way home and learn about what the internet is and how data travels! \"Lost in the Internet\" was originally published by Pratham Books on the online platform StoryWeaver. Several of the stories are written by Indian authors and are set on the other side of the world. In particular, the stories explore exciting topics such as scientific discoveries and how we can care for each other and our planet.

Objev podobné jako Lost in the Internet - Gaurav Wakankar, Madhurima Chakraborty, Kris Stokes - e-kniha

cena 124.0 Kč

The cat in the net – A detective story - Radka Havlenová, Marie Petrovová - e-kniha

eBook: CRIME NOVEL THAT WILL CATCH YOU! They worked on the net to catch the perpetrator too long and it did not pay them off. They got caught in a social network where nothing is as it seems to be and where one can never be sure of the real identity of the person on the other side. It all began with just a cat. Well, not an ordinary cat. Anthony, Clarissa and Linda - three close friends bound together by their love for breeding of rare Siberian cats - become indirect witnesses of a crime. And since the police are unable to find any clues to catch the perpetrator, the children decide to take justice into their own hands! They fearlessly start investigating the crime together with their pets - cat Cranberry, tomcat Steve, dachshund Tony and a strange cat Ornella, which turns out to be someone completely different in the end. The CAT IN THE NET crime novel is so thrilling and amusing that you will read it at one sitting. It is a real page-turner!

Objev podobné jako The cat in the net – A detective story - Radka Havlenová, Marie Petrovová - e-kniha

cena 179.0 Kč

The Lost Story - Meg Shaffer

From the author of the bestselling novel The Wishing Game comes a Narnia-inspired fairy tale for grown-ups who still knock on the back of wardrobe doors . . . just in case.Once upon a time, two boys went missing in the woods. Six months later, they reappeared, with no explanation for where they'd been or how they'd survived.Fifteen years on, Rafe is a reclusive artist with no memory of what happened during those months, despite the scars he bears. Meanwhile, Jeremy is a famed missing persons investigator.With his uncanny abilities, he is the one person who can help vet tech Emilie Wendell find her long-lost sister, who vanished in the very same forest as Rafe and Jeremy.Jeremy also keeps a secret: the fantastical truth about the magical realm they made home for those six months. And it's there they may find Emilie's sister.Alongside Emilie, Rafe and Jeremy must return to the enchanted world they left behind - for only then can they get back everything and everyone they've lost.

Objev podobné jako The Lost Story - Meg Shaffer

cena 429.0 Kč

The Lost Letter - Nikolai Gogol - e-kniha

eBook: \"The Lost Letter\" is a short story by Gogol published in his 1831 collection \"Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka\". In it, an exuberant narrator, the old sexton Foma, humorously recounts the story about his grandfather\'s adventures. Assigned with the task of delivering an important letter to the Russian Czarina, the old man sets to a journey in which he encounters a Cossack man who claims to have sold his soul to the devil. That night, a demon steals the old man\'s hat with the letter tucked inside. Determined to fulfill his duty, the old man has to go through different obstacles that stand on his way. But will his determination make him enter the Hell itself?The story has numerous adaptations, among which an animated film of the same name (1945) directed by Brumberg sisters, which is considered the first Soviet cel-animated feature film, and the Soviet musical-tragicomedy film Propala Hramota (1972) which is praised as the pearl of Ukrainian cinema.

Objev podobné jako The Lost Letter - Nikolai Gogol - e-kniha

cena 124.0 Kč

The Lost Ambassador - Edward Phillips Oppenheim - e-kniha

eBook: Set between a pre-war London and Paris, this is a thrilling tale of international espionage and intrigue from the popular author E. Phillips Oppenheim. Captain Austen Rotherby is in Paris on a revenge mission when he encounters the lovely Felicia Delora. Back in London, her uncle Maurice mysteriously disappears, and the pair find themselves unwittingly caught up in an international plot.

Objev podobné jako The Lost Ambassador - Edward Phillips Oppenheim - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

The Lost Inheritance - Herbert George Wells - e-kniha

eBook: From the author of the science fiction classic, \'The War of the Worlds\', H.G. Wells\' \'The Lost Inheritance\' is a supernatural, suspense novella. In this short story, a young man\'s sole purpose in life is to persuade his rich and eccentric uncle to leave him his vast fortune. Although, when the elderly man finally passes, there is no will to be found... Greed, money, and family dynamics lead this comic tragedy tale, an early literary prototype for shows like HBO\'s \'Succession\'. H.G. Wells (1866 – 1946) was a prolific writer and the author of more than 50 novels. In addition, he wrote more than 60 short stories, alongside various scientific papers. Many of his most famous works have been adapted for film and television, including ‘The Time Machine,’ starring Guy Pearce, ‘War of the Worlds,’ starring Tom Cruise, and ‘The Invisible Man,’ starring Elizabeth Moss. Because of his various works exploring futuristic themes, Wells is regarded as one of the ‘Fathers of Science Fiction.’

Objev podobné jako The Lost Inheritance - Herbert George Wells - e-kniha

cena 124.0 Kč

Lost in time: Origin of Mankind - Anton Schulz - e-kniha

eBook: After another passage through the Time Gate, in order to find Eduard Beck and stop him, Peter, originally from the 20th century, lands in the wrong time and finds himself in the deep past, at the very beginning of mankind.Bloodthirsty predators and the harsh landscape almost bring him down. He finds two kinds of people: rude and cruel Neanderthals and not too different, but a little friendlier, more intelligent people. After initial hostile interaction with local inhabitants, he finds, due to cooperation and friendship, he can survive in these conditions, too.Along with dangerous hunts and clashes with enemy warriors, he learns of the existence of a mysterious civilization, led by weird bloodthirsty hybrids.It’s just a matter of time, until their paths cross.

Objev podobné jako Lost in time: Origin of Mankind - Anton Schulz - e-kniha

cena 183.0 Kč

The Story of the Lost Child - Elena Ferrante

The Story of the Lost Child is the concluding volume in the dazzling saga of two women- the brilliant, bookish Elena, and the fiery, uncontainable Lila. Both are now adults, with husbands, lovers, aging parents, and children. Their friendship has been the gravitational center of their lives. Both women fought to escape the neighborhood in which they grew up-a prison of conformity, violence, and inviolable taboos. Elena married, moved to Florence, started a family, and published several well-received books. In this final novel she has returned to Naples, drawn back as if responding to the city's obscure magnetism. Lila, on the other hand, could never free herself from the city of her birth. She has become a successful entrepreneur, but her success draws her into closer proximity with the nepotism, chauvinism, and criminal violence that infect the neighborhood. Proximity to the world she has always rejected only brings her role as its unacknowledged leader into relief. For Lila is unstoppable, unmanageable, unforgettable.The four volumes in this series constitute a long remarkable story that readers will return to again and again, and each return will bring with it new revelations.

Objev podobné jako The Story of the Lost Child - Elena Ferrante

cena 268.0 Kč

Tales of all Countries - Anthony Trollope - e-kniha

eBook: Tales of All Countries is a collection of stories in two volumes; the first was published in 1861, the second in 1863. In a variety of settings, the stories bring into consideration the societies and cultures of various countries, the fidelity of human nature, and the existence of universal ethics and values. An Unprotected Female at the Pyramids, The Man Who Kept His Money in a Box, and Mrs. General Talboys are some of the works included in this collection.

Objev podobné jako Tales of all Countries - Anthony Trollope - e-kniha

cena 333.0 Kč

The Million Dollar Story - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha

eBook: Richard Horatio Edgar Wallace was a British writer of sensational detective, gangster, adventure and sci-fi novels, plays and stories. Born into poverty as an illegitimate London child, Wallace left school at the age of 12. He joined the army at age 21 and was a war correspondent during the Second Boer War for Reuters and the Daily Mail. Struggling with debt, he left South Africa, returned to London and began writing thrillers to raise income, publishing books including The Four Just Men (1905). Drawing on his time as a reporter in the Congo, covering the Belgian atrocities, Wallace serialised short stories in magazines such as The Windsor Magazine and later published collections such as Sanders of the River (1911). He signed with Hodder and Stoughton in 1921 and became an internationally recognised author.

Objev podobné jako The Million Dollar Story - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

The Ambush - Erotic Short Story - Cupido - e-kniha

eBook: The young couple. The first time. The secret, forbidden meeting. The young student and the teacher. The older gentleman and the innocent maiden. You, me, and a friend...This is an erotic short story collection from Cupido, which includes the following short \"He pulls her with him. Up a dark staircase and into a dark, unfamiliar apartment. Why does she follow him?\" – Three\'s Not a Crowd by Lucinda X\"It felt really strange that a girl was under the table, sucking him off. He decided to do as she had said and pictured Jørgen\'s angelic face instead.\"

Objev podobné jako The Ambush - Erotic Short Story - Cupido - e-kniha

cena 124.0 Kč

Abeceda - Vítězslav Nezval - e-kniha

eBook: Nakladatelství Volvox Globator představuje reprint zásadního díla české literární a výtvarné avantgardy. Bezmála před sto lety, roku 1924 byl poprvé publikován soubor čtyřverší Vítězslava Nezvala – Abeceda, a to v rámci sbírky Pantomima, která byla koncipována jako básnický manifest poetismu. O dva roky později vyšla Abeceda samostatně s podtitulem: „taneční kompozice Milči Majerové“ v typografické úpravě Karla Teigeho. Jedná se o koncept setkání samostatných umění, tedy prolnutí slova, pohybu a obrazu. Zatímco tanečnice, zachycená na fotografiích Karla Paspy, je jednotlivými písmeny přímo inspirována a pantomimicky je ztvárňuje, básník v úvodu knihy píše: „Nešlo mi […] o fysiologické vystižení barvy hlásek a o jejich básnickou rekonstrukci. Písmeno mi bylo spíše motivem nežli námětem, kaménkem, jenž měl rozvířiti hladinu, záminkou k básni“. Pracuje asociativně a často ponechává své krátké lyrické texty jako nezodpovězenou hádanku. Nebo jako pozvánku do barevného světa indiánů, faraonů, tanečnic, klaunů, krotitelů hadů i dudáků z Chodska, do světa, kde je setřena hranice mezi blízkým a exotickým, do světa, který je třeba schovaný pod střechou písmene A. A nazváno buď prostou chatrčí Ó palmy přeneste svůj rovník nad Vltavu! Šnek má svůj prostý dům z nějž růžky vystrčí a člověk neví kam by složil hlavuN

Objev podobné jako Abeceda - Vítězslav Nezval - e-kniha

cena 266.0 Kč

Amazing Animal Journeys: The Most Incredible Migrations in the Natural World - Forrester Philippa

Join animals on epic adventures, and travel through the natural world with them. Across the world, billions of animals are embarking on incredible journeys. Many are in search of food, some are looking for a mate, lots are heading to a warmer climate, and others are just seeking a new home.Follow the mass migrations of entire species with amazing facts and maps that tell the stories of nature's most amazing journeys. Discover the record-breaking flight of the Arctic Tern, who travels from the Arctic to the Antarctic and back every year, the sharks that follow plankton for enormous distances from the ocean depths to the surface from night to day, spiderlings that shoot strands of thread into the air and ride them like a balloon in the wind to new islands, the mites that hitchhike on beaks of hummingbirds to be carried to new locations, the millions of wildebeest following the rain across the Serengeti, or the Monarch butterflies who use Earth's magnetic field to trace a path along the west coast of North America.

Objev podobné jako Amazing Animal Journeys: The Most Incredible Migrations in the Natural World - Forrester Philippa

cena 536.0 Kč

Lost in time: Roman Threat/ Third Reich Rises - Anton Schulz - e-kniha

eBook: Deep in the past, Peter Bresovsky becomes lost in time. Catapulted from the Twentieth century, he finds himself entrapped in the expanding Roman Empire's plots and intrigues. He befriends Greek merchant Orneus and the Germanic warriors of Quadi. Together, they find a way to provoke open conflict with the expansionist Roman legions. While Peter is lost in time, Nazi fanatic Eduard Beck manipulates his trial to stay out of prison. He has scores to settle. He knows the Time Gate exists and will stop at nothing to find it and go back in time to join Hitler to establish a new Third Reich, destroying anyone or anything that gets in his way. Peter is sent back to the future to stop Beck, who has created an alternate reality where Germany won the war and the Third Reich rules a large part of the world. This gripping novel comes to a head when Peter's arrival starts a chain of events that culminate in a rebellion that aims to bring down the Third Reich.

Objev podobné jako Lost in time: Roman Threat/ Third Reich Rises - Anton Schulz - e-kniha

cena 183.0 Kč

Lost in Time:Circles of Time / Warriors of Swastika - Anton Schulz - e-kniha

eBook: Breath-taking action sci-fi about a man of 20th century, lost in a cruel past where fighting for his life and trying to uncover the mystery of the Time Gate. All his knowledge about the modern science and technology becomes useless while he has to face to local cruel life. His basic instincts and firm friendship that he found unexpectedly is only valid value. When he has finally found how to survive, found true love and start to build a civilization, he must return to the future to challenge another battle: Nazi want to use the Time Gate to reverse the history and establish this time eternal alternative Third Reich...

Objev podobné jako Lost in Time:Circles of Time / Warriors of Swastika - Anton Schulz - e-kniha

cena 183.0 Kč

The Cabman's Story - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha

eBook: ‘The Cabman’s Story’ is a short novella by the Sherlock Holmes author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. In it, our narrator the cabman regales us with tales of his various entertaining and bizarre experiences whilst transporting passengers all over London. Full of intrigue and humour, this is a delightful short story from the famous author.

Objev podobné jako The Cabman's Story - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha

cena 138.0 Kč

At the Bar - Erotic Short Story - Cupido - e-kniha

eBook: The young couple. The first time. The secret, forbidden meeting. The young student and the teacher. The older gentleman and the innocent maiden. You, me and a friend... This is an erotic short story collection from Cupido, which includes the following short stories: \"He had his coat on and was standing right behind her at the bar counter. She was wearing a mini-skirt and stay-ups, but no panties.\" – Hanging Out at the Bar by Elma \"Yes, absolutely. You can have a look. But you’ll have to crawl under the restaurant table.\" – A Trip into Town \"On the only bench on the platform, a young man was flicking through the newspaper. He had long red hair and a green jacket.\" – Plenty of Spaces Up Front by Silvane Myrnes Republished as part of a fresh, sexy collection in collaboration with Saga. Since 1984, Cupido has been publishing a weekly magazine bursting with sex stories and informative articles on sexuality, and pleasure without judging or shaming its readers. In Cupido’s universe, everyone is welcome and everyone is represented. The short stories in the magazine are written by the readers themselves, and they are guaranteed to make you blush. Sex in an everyday setting becomes anything but ordinary when Cupido’s readers write about it, and the result is sexy stories that breathe joy, playfulness, and pleasure.

Objev podobné jako At the Bar - Erotic Short Story - Cupido - e-kniha

cena 124.0 Kč

The Story of Ivy - Marie Belloc Lowndes - e-kniha

eBook: The beautiful and ambitious Ivy got exactly what she wanted when she married Jervis Lexton for his money.At least, she thought she had.In fact, she got a whole lot less than she bargained for when he and his father gamble away much of their fortune.As Ivy\'s frustration grows, Jervis dies from a mysterious illness that investigators think may have been a poisoning.Amid accusations and fear, suspicion builds that Ivy may have been behind it.This is perfect for fans of Agatha Christie\'s \'Miss Marple\' books and the crime novels of Raymond Chandler.

Objev podobné jako The Story of Ivy - Marie Belloc Lowndes - e-kniha

cena 194.0 Kč

The Story of the Late Mr. Elvesham - Herbert George Wells - e-kniha

eBook: Adapted into episode one of the TV mini-series, The Nightmare Worlds of H.G. Wells – starring Ray Winstone and Michael Gambon – The Story of the Late Mr. Elvesham is a short story by H.G. Wells. A young, poverty-stricken man called Edward Eden meets a strange older gentleman, Egbert Elvesham, who declares that he would like Eden to be his sole heir. At the end of a meal together, Elvesham pours a strange pink powder into their drinks and the following day, Edward Eden wakes to find himself in Elvesham\'s body in a \'Freaky Friday\' body-swapping scenario. Eden is destined for more than he signed up for in this fantasy, horror story.

Objev podobné jako The Story of the Late Mr. Elvesham - Herbert George Wells - e-kniha

cena 124.0 Kč

The Ardour of the Detective - Erotic Short Story - Chrystelle LeRoy - e-kniha

eBook: Christine is a detective who puts a lot of herself into her work. This petite, luscious brunette with blue eyes has no qualms about using her devastating charm to untie tongues and move her investigations forward. When a new client comes to her with an unusual case, she will stop at nothing to get to the bottom of it, not even the sultry advances of a dancer... Chrystelle LeRoy is a Canadian author who grew up in Montreal with a French father. From an early age, she developed a passion for animals and nature, largely due to growing up near a zoo. In recent years, she has worked as a historian in museums in both Canada and France. Her writing is often based on history, with elements of eroticism.

Objev podobné jako The Ardour of the Detective - Erotic Short Story - Chrystelle LeRoy - e-kniha

cena 135.0 Kč

Zavěšená pizza - Vítězslav Jareš - e-kniha

eBook: Osud si najde každého, pak už jen stačí postavit se mu tváří v tvář. Dočká se i Cimbi, teoretický sukničkář s postavou a povahou, po kterých ženy zrovna netouží, nedopatřením promiskuitní Markéta, moderátor v rádiu a amatérský muzikant Petr. A také bezdomovec Toporný, Filipa a její rodina, dokonce i její spolužáci Vikul a František. Ty všechny a mnohé další spojí „zavěšená pizza“, důkaz, že v lidech zůstává stále něco dobrého a chtějí si dělat radost. Ostatně… nikdo by v životě neměl zůstat na všechno sám a na každého se alespoň jednou usměje štěstí.

Objev podobné jako Zavěšená pizza - Vítězslav Jareš - e-kniha

cena 189.0 Kč

Ochrana láskou - Vítězslav Němeček - e-kniha

eBook: To co potřebuje každá bytost k životu je přísun energie. A je úplně jedno v jaké formě. Tím jak přijímá potřebnou životodárnou energii se dokáže vyvíjet a také rozvíjet. Zda je to či není na úkor jiné bytosti ji mnohdy moc nezajímá. Má své potřeby pro vlastní růst. K životu momentálně potřebuje jen dvě složky, potravu a možnost přenést svůj genetický materiál. Tedy rozmnožit se. Pro tyto dva důvody jsou jakékoliv živé bytosti schopny ničit i životy kolem sebe. Ještě před pár tisíciletími či stoletími neznamenal lidský život všeobecně žádnou hodnotu. Platilo také pravidlo pro obranu sebe sama, blízkých či majetku. Smutné je, že mnoho bytostí se drží tohoto přežitého pravidla neustále.

Objev podobné jako Ochrana láskou - Vítězslav Němeček - e-kniha

cena 149.0 Kč

Zloději času - Vítězslav Jareš - e-kniha

eBook: Tajemné příběhy ze starého Žižkova s originálními a humornými zápletkami s překvapivými pointami. Pokud si myslíte, že znáte starý Žižkov dobře, mýlíte se. Je fantaskní, mysteriózní a daleko poetičtější, než se na první pohled zdá. Tyto příběhy "Vonkovky" navazují na tradici českých satirických povídek plných sarkasmů, černého humoru a originálních příběhů. Odpoutáte se v nich od všední reality a ponoříte se do fantazijního světa.

Objev podobné jako Zloději času - Vítězslav Jareš - e-kniha

cena 119.0 Kč

Muzikantská Liduška - Vítězslav Hálek - e-kniha

eBook: Povídka pojednává o sociálních poměrech na vesnici, kde začínají vládnout peněžní vztahy a touha po bohatství. Příběh dívky, které rodiče bránili ve sňatku se svým milým a nutili ji do svazku s bohatým člověkem. Tím v ní vyvolali psychickou poruchu a dívka zešílela. Doporučená školní četba.

Objev podobné jako Muzikantská Liduška - Vítězslav Hálek - e-kniha

cena 49.0 Kč

The Story of Mankind - Hendrik Willem Van Loon - e-kniha

eBook: Originally written for the author’s children, the book explores the history of civilization beginning with early man and taking the reader through the creation of art, writing, religion, and more. All in short, simple to understand chapters. To qualify for inclusion in the book, Van Loon asked a simple question: ‘Did the person or event in question perform an act without which the entire history of civilization would have been different?’

Objev podobné jako The Story of Mankind - Hendrik Willem Van Loon - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

The Story of an African Farm - Olive Schreiner - e-kniha

eBook: \'The Story of an African Farm\' (1883) was written by South African writer and intellectual, Olive Schreiner. Originally published under the pseudonym Ralph Iron, the book was a best-seller and caused controversy with its views on marriage, sex, and religion.The story follows the lives of two cousins, Em and Lyndall, who live on an ostrich farm in South Africa\'s Karoo region in the 1860s. Whereas Em is an obedient child, happy to be a housewife, Lyndall is the opposite. An idealistic rebel, she aspires to something more than this life. But can Lyndall ever escape the strict conventions of Boer life? The novel draws on Schreiner\'s own experiences of growing up in South Africa and is now recognized as one of the first feminist novels.

Objev podobné jako The Story of an African Farm - Olive Schreiner - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

The Fiery Rider - Erotic Short Story - Chrystelle LeRoy - e-kniha

eBook: Léa, with her alluring brunette locks and green eyes, defies expectations as an electrifying bike racer rather than a lingerie model. Her daring spirit sets every circuit ablaze. Cédric, a composed rep from a major sponsor is as cool-headed as Léa is wild. Amidst burning rubber and roaring engines, will Cédric\\\'s self-confidence be enough to tame the fiery rider? Chrystelle LeRoy is a Canadian author who grew up in Montreal with a French father. From an early age, she developed a passion for animals and nature, largely due to growing up near a zoo. In recent years, she has worked as a historian in museums in both Canada and France. Her writing is often based on history, with elements of eroticism.

Objev podobné jako The Fiery Rider - Erotic Short Story - Chrystelle LeRoy - e-kniha

cena 135.0 Kč

The Pleasure Potion - Erotic Short Story - Chrystelle LeRoy - e-kniha

eBook: In conservative Victorian England, Emma Carlton is a talented magician and proud editor of a committed newspaper. This inexhaustible blonde is determined to fight for women’s rights, and that doesn’t seem to please everyone. Fortunately, she joins forces with the handsome William, but the young alchemist’s emerald eyes seem to hide many mysteries, and his workshop is full of delicious surprises... Chrystelle LeRoy is a Canadian author who grew up in Montreal with a French father. From an early age, she developed a passion for animals and nature, largely due to growing up near a zoo. In recent years, she has worked as a historian in museums in both Canada and France. Her writing is often based on history, with elements of eroticism.

Objev podobné jako The Pleasure Potion - Erotic Short Story - Chrystelle LeRoy - e-kniha

cena 135.0 Kč

The Girl in the pink - Irina Klomp - e-kniha

eBook: This little girl likes pink. She likes it so much that you would not find other colour around her room. This could be the reason why everyone calls her " The Girl in Pink".

Objev podobné jako The Girl in the pink - Irina Klomp - e-kniha

cena 99.0 Kč

In the House - Jan Kameníček - e-kniha

eBook: Existentially minded prose is a model structure of the contemporary world and an allegory about power and fear.

Objev podobné jako In the House - Jan Kameníček - e-kniha

cena 90.0 Kč

The Devil in the Belfry - Edgar Allan Poe - e-kniha

eBook: A classic horror story that follows the arrival of a fiendish figure in a small town, "The Devil in the Belfry" draws its potency from the amusing, ironic, and extremely creative atmosphere. An ordered and perfect city is disturbed, while the author pays exquisite attention to the smallest of details, offering memorable descriptions and narrations. Presented with a dose of sarcasm and comedy, the story is actually a great read exactly because it is so different from the characteristic, supernatural stories of Poe.

Objev podobné jako The Devil in the Belfry - Edgar Allan Poe - e-kniha

cena 124.0 Kč

The Man in the Iron Mask - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha

eBook: In the final chapter of their saga, the Musketeers must reckon with France's most famous mystery—"The Man in the Iron Mask". As the story begins, D'Artagnan is in the service of the corrupt King Louis XIV. Meanwhile, his old friends Aramis and Porthos are hatching a coup. They've learned that the king's identical twin is locked away in prison. If they can somehow swap the places of the two men, France will be saved. It's a plan that sets the Musketeers on a collision course with each other. Inspired by a real story, "The Man in the Iron Mask" is a rip-roaring historical adventure. And a fitting send-off to literature's greatest swashbucklers. Recommended for anyone who loved the movie with Leonardo DiCaprio and Jeremy Irons.

Objev podobné jako The Man in the Iron Mask - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

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