Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
Intonation in English and Czech Dialogues - Jana Chamonikolasová
Monografie je korpusovou studií intonace v anglické a české konverzaci. Zaměřuje se na délku intonační jednotky, pozici nukleárního tónu, slovně druhové zařazení nositele nukleárního tónu, jeho funkci ve větné perspektivě a na kontury různých typů intonačních jednotek. Tyto jevy byly zkoumány ve čtyřech textech – dvou překladových verzích divadelní hry (české a anglické) a dvou paralelních (srovnatelných) přirozených dialozích (jednom českém a jednom anglickém). Studie srovnává nejen anglické texty s českými, ale také literární dialogy s texty přirozenými (v obou jazycích).
Podívejte se také Legal English and Its Lexical and Grammatical Structure: for Czech Lawyers and Translators (978-80-7598-584-2)
Intonation in English and Czech Dialogues - Jana Chamonikolasová - e-kniha
eBook: Monografie je korpusovou studií intonace v anglické a české konverzaci. Zaměřuje se na délku intonační jednotky, pozici nukleárního tónu, slovně druhové zařazení nositele nukleárního tónu, jeho funkci ve větné perspektivě a na kontury různých typů intonačních jednotek. Tyto jevy byly zkoumány ve čtyřech textech – dvou překladových verzích divadelní hry (české a anglické) a dvou paralelních (srovnatelných) přirozených dialozích (jednom českém a jednom anglickém). Studie srovnává nejen anglické texty s českými, ale také literární dialogy s texty přirozenými (v obou jazycích).
Podívejte se také Legal English and Its Lexical and Grammatical Structure for Czech Lawyers and Translators (978-80-759-8584-2)
Czech for English Speakers - Jana Hejtmánková - e-kniha
eBook: The textbook is meant for English speaking persons that want to reach A1 level according to the Common European Framework within quite a short time, preferably with the help of a teacher. The aim is to help students to acquire basic language competence and an ability to communicate in common everyday situations. The textbook consists of • six lessons ordered topically according to the real life situations that foreign students may experience at the beginning of their stay abroad • a key to the exercises • Czech-English and English-Czech dictionaries • an overview of basic grammar phenomena In the lessons, all four skills – listening, reading, speaking and writing are developed. Each lesson includes • phrases related to the given topic • exercises • summaries of vocabulary • tests The pictures and illustrations function as illustrative material, or they can help in the motivation or inspiration for further discussions. The textbook is accompanied by a CD with listening exercises, texts, dialogues, phrases, and vocabulary. About the author: Jana Hejtmánková completed her degree at a Pedagogical faculty in the field of Czech and English. She undertook her postgradual studies in English philology at a Faculty of Arts. She works as a teacher of English and Czech as a foreign language at the School of Business Administration, Silesian University, Karviná. You will reach knowledge of Czech at level A1 within the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
Podívejte se také English Grammar in Use 5th Edition: with answers and ebook (9781108586627)
Podívejte se také
- In Quest of History On Czech Statehood and Identity (9788024642888)
- Czech in 30 days
- Czech for English Speakers (978-80-266-0620-8)
- Continuity and Discontinuities of Religious Memory in the Czech Republic (978-80-7364-089-7)
- Anglicko-český letecký slovník: English-Czech Aviation diction (80-85927-92-6)
- English Grammar in Use 5th edition: with key (9781108457651)
- Czech for English Speakers + CD: Čeština pro anglicky mluvící (978-80-266-0620-8)
- Czech Life and Institutions (978-80-86035-02-4)
- Jana Eyrová
- S angličtinou do světa: English in need (978-80-7451-217-9)
- Jana Koubková, EU Band, Lipa Peter: Live in Jazz Club - CD (310639-2)
- Angličtina pro lékařskou praxi English in Medical Practice (978-80-7335-178-6)
- English for children: Two in one Part two (978-80-967888-7-3)
- Small Towns in Europe in the 20th and 21st Centuries (9788024636566)
- Básně Jana Nerudy ()
- english tea shop
- Duo Bohemico: Czech Music for Flute and Guitar - CD (CR0912-2)
- A Comparison of 20th Century Theories of Style (in the Context of Czech and British Scholarly Discou (978-80-210-5944-3)
- Speak English 3: About astrology and Greek mythology (978-80-7346-279-6)
- How We Understand the Beats: The Reception of the Beat Generation in the United States and the Czech (978-80-210-9048-4)
Legal English and Its Lexical and Grammatical Structure: for Czech Lawyers and Translators (978-80-7598-584-2)
Kniha - autor Miroslav Bázlik; Ada Böhmerová, 224 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá
Objev podobné jako Legal English and Its Lexical and Grammatical Structure: for Czech Lawyers and Translators (978-80-7598-584-2)
Legal English and Its Lexical and Grammatical Structure for Czech Lawyers and Translators (978-80-759-8584-2)
Elektronická kniha - autor Miroslav Bázlik, 224 stran, anglicky „Do rukou českých čtenářů se právě dostává nová, anglicky psaná publikace od dvojice slovenských autorů Miroslava Bázlika a Ady Böhmerové s názvem ´Právní angličtina a její lexikální a gramatická struktura pro české právníky a překladatele´. Tato kniha je vítaným přírůstkem na poli učebnic a manuálů zabývajících se moderním jazykem práva, které jsou určeny pro české publikum. Autory jsou zkušení jazykovědci působící na katedře anglistiky a amerikanistiky Univerzity Komenského v Bratislavě, jimž se v předkládané publikaci podařilo zúročit několik desetiletí zkušeností výzkumu a výuky jak v oblasti právního překladu a gramatiky (v případě docenta Bázlika) tak i lexikální roviny anglického jazyka (v případě docentky Böhmerové). Díky jejich spolupráci tak čtenář dostává do rukou komplexní přehled o právní angličtině.“ Doc. PhDr. Jan Chovanec, PhD. „The book is designed...
Objev podobné jako Legal English and Its Lexical and Grammatical Structure for Czech Lawyers and Translators (978-80-759-8584-2)
Continuity and Discontinuities of Religious Memory in the Czech Republic - Dušan Lužný, Jan Váně, František Kalvas, Veronika Hásová
This publication has several modest goals: We shall describe how we conceptualised religious memory for the purposes of qualitative and quantitative survey research, and we shall explain how we operationalised religious communicative and cultural memory and why we believe that the questionnaire we designed and present here can also be applied in other contexts outside Czech society. Given the volume of data we obtained, we want to present at least a portion of our results and show what types of findings were achieved through our conceptualisation and operationalisation of religious memory. Finally, we want to present non-Czech-speaking readers with a comprehensive work describing changes in religiosity in Czech society, in this case from the perspective of memory studies. In other words, we want to offer an international audience a piece of work broader than just a journal article focusing on the study of religion in the Czech Republic.
Objev podobné jako Continuity and Discontinuities of Religious Memory in the Czech Republic - Dušan Lužný, Jan Váně, František Kalvas, Veronika Hásová
Form and Functions in English Grammar - Veselovská Ludmila - e-kniha
eBook: The monograph illustrates the language specific realization of plausibly universal principles of language structure. The study attempts to cover the most basic (regular) parts of English grammar as a whole consistently, within a single compatible framework, but at the same time to present empirically based arguments in favour of specific analyses. She utilizes as often as possible standard scientific argumentation leading to the most generally accepted and best supported analysis of the chosen phenomena. The study is intended for Czech academic audience and therefore it also contains several typologically relevant comparison of English and Czech structures.
Objev podobné jako Form and Functions in English Grammar - Veselovská Ludmila - e-kniha
Environmentally Significant Behaviour in the Czech Republic: Energy, Food and Transportation - Jan Urban, Milan Ščasný, Iva Zvěřinová - e-kniha
eBook: Cílem knihy je nabídnout čtenáři výsledky výzkumu spotřeby statků a služeb v českých domácnostech. První dvě kapitoly se věnují dopadům spotřeby na životní prostředí a teoretickým přístupům k analýze spotřeby a chování. Zbývajících pět kapitol se věnuje podrobněji spotřebnímu chování s významnými dopady na životní prostředí, jako je poptávka po energiích a dopravě, energeticky úsporné chování a energeticky úsporné opatření v domácnosti, vlastnictví osobního automobilu a spotřeba biopotravin. Cílem této knihy je poukázat na environmentální efekty, které jsou spojeny s těmito vybranými typy chování a přinést nové poznatky o tom, jak jsou tyto typy spotřebního chování časté v různých segmentech české společnosti. Publikace, kterou vám předkládáme, upozorňuje také na některé politiky a jiné intervenční nástroje, které mohou být použity k ovlivňování spotřebního chování.
Objev podobné jako Environmentally Significant Behaviour in the Czech Republic: Energy, Food and Transportation - Jan Urban, Milan Ščasný, Iva Zvěřinová - e-kniha
Policy Work and Politicisation in the Ministries of the Czech Republic: The Dilemmas of State Service - Jan Kohoutek - e-kniha
eBook: Over the past thirty years, the Czech public administration has been the subject of research rooted in law, economics, and history. However, only minimal attention has been paid to what Czech public officials actually do on the job (policy work) and the extent of politically motivated interference in their work (politicisation). This book aims to fill this gap by presenting the evidence derived from a large-N survey of the Czech ministries, the first of its kind in the country. The findings presented in the book offer new insights into the activities within the “ivory towers” of the Czech ministries and defy popular notions of an appallingly politicised bureaucracy.
Objev podobné jako Policy Work and Politicisation in the Ministries of the Czech Republic: The Dilemmas of State Service - Jan Kohoutek - e-kniha
Czech Law in Historical Contexts - Jan Kuklík - e-kniha
eBook: The legal system of the present-day Czech Republic would not be understood properly without sufficient knowledge of its historical roots and evolution. This book deals with the development of Czech law from its initial origins as a form of Slavic law to its current position, reflecting the influence of the legal systems of neighbouring countries and that of Roman law. The reader can see how a legal system originally based on custom developed into written and codified law. Czech law was fully dependent upon developments within the Luxemburg, Jagiellonian and, primarily, Habsburg monarchies, although some features remained autonomous. The 20th century is particularly important in the development of the Czech state and law of today, namely due to the establishment of an independent Czechoslovakia in 1918 and its split in 1992 giving rise to the independent identities of the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic. It was a century encompassing periods of democratic as well as totalitarian regimes; political, ideological, economic and social changes stemming from such transformations were projected into, and reflected in, the system of Czechoslovak and Czech law. It can therefore serve as a “case study” for researchers interested in the transition of democratic legal systems into totalitarian regimes, and vice versa.
Objev podobné jako Czech Law in Historical Contexts - Jan Kuklík - e-kniha
Anglicko-český česko-anglický slovník: Dictionary English-Czech Czech-English (80-7360-194-X)
Kniha – 974 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá - anglicky slovní zásoba současné angličtiny a češtiny základní společenskovědní, přírodovědná a technická terminologie fonetický přepis anglické výslovnosti příklady použití v kontextu bohatá frazeologie stručný přehled anglické gramatiky názvy států a jejich obyvatel anglické míry a váhy
Objev podobné jako Anglicko-český česko-anglický slovník: Dictionary English-Czech Czech-English (80-7360-194-X)
From Rhetoric to Aesthetics: Wit and Esprit in the English and French Theoretical Writings of the Late Seventeenth and Early Eighteenth Centuries - Kl
eBook: Práce se zabývá především anglickým termínem wit v jeho moderním i historickém kontextu. Dále se zabývá literárními a estetickými důsledky pojmů wit a esprit a jejich použitím v teoretických spisech několika kritiků v období raně moderní Anglie a Francie. Práce má dva hlavní cíle. Prvním cílem je přehodnocení anglického pojmu wit, který je dnes považován za poněkud zastaralý výrazový prostředek historických poetických systémů a prezentovat jej jako životaschopnou a užitečnou součást současného uměleckého diskurzu. Druhým cílem této práce je poskytnout srovnávací výklad raně moderních anglických a francouzských teoretických textů zabývající se termíny wit a esprit.
Objev podobné jako From Rhetoric to Aesthetics: Wit and Esprit in the English and French Theoretical Writings of the Late Seventeenth and Early Eighteenth Centuries - Kl
From Rhetoric to Aesthetics: Wit and Esprit in the English and French Theoretical Writings of the La (978-80-210-6662-5)
Elektronická kniha - ze série Spisy Filozofické fakulty Masarykovy univerzity, autor Klára Bicanová, 154 stran, anglicky Práce se zabývá především anglickým termínem wit v jeho moderním i historickém kontextu. Dále se zabývá literárními a estetickými důsledky pojmů wit a esprit a jejich použitím v teoretických spisech několika kritiků v období raně moderní Anglie a Francie. Práce má dva hlavní cíle. Prvním cílem je přehodnocení anglického pojmu wit, který je dnes považován za poněkud zastaralý výrazový prostředek historických poetických systémů a prezentovat jej jako životaschopnou a užitečnou součást současného uměleckého diskurzu. Druhým cílem této práce je poskytnout srovnávací výklad raně moderních anglických a francouzských teoretických textů zabývající se termíny wit a esprit.
Objev podobné jako From Rhetoric to Aesthetics: Wit and Esprit in the English and French Theoretical Writings of the La (978-80-210-6662-5)
English Grammar in Use 5th Edition: with answers and ebook (9781108586627)
Kniha - 369 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Raymond Murphy's English Grammar in Use is the first choice for intermediate (B1-B2) learners and covers all the grammar you will need at this level. This book has clear explanations and practice exercises that have helped millions of people around the world improve their English. It also includes an interactive ebook with audio that you can use online or download to your iPad or Android tablet. It is perfect for self-study and can also be used by teachers as a supplementary book in classrooms.
Objev podobné jako English Grammar in Use 5th Edition: with answers and ebook (9781108586627)
English Vocabulary in Use Pre-intermediate and Intermediate Book with Answers and Enhanced eBook: Vocabulary Reference and Practice
The words you need to communicate with confidence. Vocabulary explanations and practice for pre-intermediate and intermediate level (B1) learners of English. Perfect for both self-study and classroom activities. Quickly expand your vocabulary with 100 units of easy to understand explanations and practice exercises. Also inside the book is a code for an ebook. This is the same as the printed book, but with audio so that you can listen to new words as well as reading them. The ebook is online for Windows and Mac users, and can also be downloaded to iPads and Android tablets.
Objev podobné jako English Vocabulary in Use Pre-intermediate and Intermediate Book with Answers and Enhanced eBook: Vocabulary Reference and Practice
Legal English and Its Lexical and Grammatical Structure
„Do rukou českých čtenářů se právě dostává nová, anglicky psaná publikace od dvojice slovenských autorů Miroslava Bázlika a Ady Böhmerové s názvem ´Právní angličtina a její lexikální a gramatická struktura pro české právníky a překladatele´. Tato kniha je vítaným přírůstkem na poli učebnic a manuálů zabývajících se moderním jazykem práva, které jsou určeny pro české publikum. Autory jsou zkušení jazykovědci působící na katedře anglistiky a amerikanistiky Univerzity Komenského v Bratislavě, jimž se v předkládané publikaci podařilo zúročit několik desetiletí zkušeností výzkumu a výuky jak v oblasti právního překladu a gramatiky (v případě docenta Bázlika) tak i lexikální roviny anglického jazyka (v případě docentky Böhmerové). Díky jejich spolupráci tak čtenář dostává do rukou komplexní přehled o právní angličtině.“ Doc. PhDr. Jan Chovanec, PhD. „The book is designed to assist in making users – and in particular the Czech users – familiar with some specific features that are encountered in English legal texts [...] in order to unveil their meaning and find a proper translation, taking advantage of every opportunity to show how linguistic science helps us to understand and deal with language [...]. Our motivation for writing this book mainly comes from our translation practice as officially certified translators [...]. This publication provides general reference material for those who compose English legal texts, as well as for translators from and into English.“ authors
Objev podobné jako Legal English and Its Lexical and Grammatical Structure
In Quest of History On Czech Statehood and Identity (9788024642888)
Elektronická kniha - autor Karel Hvížďala a Jiří Pribáň, 290 stran, česky Dialog Karla Hvížďaly, novináře-zvědavce z Prahy, s Jiřím Přibáněm, právním filosofem z britského Cardiffu, nad uzlovými body naší historie, ku příležitosti 100. výročí republiky, v širokém teritoriálním i časovém kontextu od 9. do 21. století. Toto rozpětí umožnilo nahlédnout do minulosti a ptát se, proč a jak jsme v různých dobách vnímali a chápali naše dějiny a co to znamená pro naši přítomnost i budoucnost. S tímto hledáním je spojena i snaha zbavit se redukce dějin na projekční plátno našich frustrací. Autoři zvolili formu dialogu, ve kterém se snaží vrátit do veřejného prostoru otázky, které se většinou řeší jen na akademické půdě nebo kterým se vyhýbáme.
Objev podobné jako In Quest of History On Czech Statehood and Identity (9788024642888)
Principles of Good Administration and Guarantees of their Application in Practice in Ukraine and the Czech Republic - Kateřina Frumarová
The publication focuses on a critical analysis of the state of public administration in both countries, as well as on the individual principles of good administration, their legal anchoring, and their practical application. At the same time, attention is also paid to selected guarantees of the realization of good public administration in practice, in particular judicial control and the powers of the ombudsman.*****The main objective is to contribute to a wider awareness of the principles of good public administration, their consistent application in practice and mutual inspiration and improvement of the situation in public administration in both democratic countries.***********************Publikace se zaměřuje jak na kritickou analýzu stavu veřejné správy v obou zemích, tak i na jednotlivé principy dobré správy, na jejich právní zakotvení, ale i na jejich praktické uplatňování. Současně je pozornost věnována i vybraným zárukám realizace dobré veřejné správy v praxi, zejména soudní kontrole a působnosti ombudsmana.*****Hlavním cílem je přispět k širšímu povědomí o principech dobré veřejné správy, jejich důslednému uplatňování v praxi a vzájemné inspiraci a zlepšování situace ve veřejné správě v obou demokratických zemích.
Objev podobné jako Principles of Good Administration and Guarantees of their Application in Practice in Ukraine and the Czech Republic - Kateřina Frumarová
The Holy Qur'an: Transliteration in Roman Script with Arabic Text and English Translation
The Holy Quran with Original Arabic Text, transliteration in Roman script by Muhammed Abdul Haleem Eliasii, and English translation by Abdullah Yusuf Ali" is an outstanding and comprehensive edition of the Quran that presents the text in multiple formats for the benefit of readers. One of the key features of this edition is the inclusion of the original Arabic text of the Quran, which is presented in clear and readable script. The Arabic text is important because it is the original language of the Quran and is considered the word of God. This edition also includes transliteration in Roman script by Muhammed Abdul Haleem Eliasii, which provides a phonetic representation of the Arabic text and is especially helpful for non- Arabic speakers who are learning to recite the Quran. Furthermore, this edition includes an accurate and widely acclaimed English translation by Abdullah Yusuf Ali, which makes the text accessible to readers who do not understand Arabic. The translation is renowned for its clarity, accuracy, and faithfulness to the original text, and it is widely used and respected by scholars and students of Islam around the world. What makes this edition unique is the presentation of the Arabic text, transliteration, and English translation on the same page side by side. This format allows readers to compare and contrast the different versions of the text and gain a deeper understanding of the Quranic text and its meaning. This feature is particularly useful for students of Islam who are learning the Quran and for anyone who wishes to deepen their understanding of the holy text.
Objev podobné jako The Holy Qur'an: Transliteration in Roman Script with Arabic Text and English Translation
English Grammar in Use 5th edition Edition with answers and eBook - Raymond Murphy
Raymond Murphy's English Grammar in Use is the first choice for intermediate (B1-B2) learners and covers all the grammar you will need at this level. This book has clear explanations and practice exercises that have helped millions of people around the world improve their English. It also includes an interactive ebook with audio that you can use online or download to your iPad or Android tablet. It is perfect for self-study and can also be used by teachers as a supplementary book in classrooms.
Objev podobné jako English Grammar in Use 5th edition Edition with answers and eBook - Raymond Murphy
Christmas in Bohemia - Traditional Czech Christmas cuisine and customs - Kamila Skopová
When we first published this little book by Kamila Skopová in 2004, we had no idea what a tradition we would be starting, for ever since then the original Czech version of this little book has been republished almost every year in a larger print run. What is there about it that attracts readers' interest? This work by Kamila Skopová (1944), a sculptor and folklorist who lives in a little log house near Hlinsko in Vysočina, brings the Czech Christmas atmosphere to life through one of the liveliest of Yuletide customs in this country, i.e. festive cuisine. In this absorbingly written narrative on what our forebears used to serve up at the festive table, as well as on the customs and traditions involved, we also find practical Christmas recipes, updated to include ingredients available today. The author accompanies her book with some fine illustrations, so it is no surprise that Christmas in Bohemia has been followed up by a whole series of her works presenting festivities and customs at Easter, in families and in the world of children's games and amusements.
Objev podobné jako Christmas in Bohemia - Traditional Czech Christmas cuisine and customs - Kamila Skopová
Short Stories in English for Beginners: Read for pleasure at your level, expand your vocabulary and (1473683556)
Kniha - autor Olly Richards, 240 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Short Stories in English for Beginners has been written especially for students from beginner to intermediate level, designed to give a sense of achievement, and most importantly - enjoyment! Mapped to A2-B1 on the Common European Framework of Reference, these eight captivating stories will both entertain you, and give you a feeling of progress when listening. What does this book give you? Eight stories in a variety of exciting genres, from science fiction and crime to history and thriller - making learning fun, while you gain a wide range of new vocabulary Controlled language at your level, including the 1000 most frequent words, to help you progress confidently Authentic spoken dialogues, to help you learn conversational expressions and improve your speaking ability Pleasure! It's much easier to learn a new language when you're having fun, and research shows that if you're...
Objev podobné jako Short Stories in English for Beginners: Read for pleasure at your level, expand your vocabulary and (1473683556)
Prosodic Phrase in Spoken Czech - Radek Skarnitzl, Jan Volín, Pavel Šturm, Tomáš Bořil - e-kniha
eBook: The monograph Prosodic Phrase in Spoken Czech provides a missing source of information on a crucial element in the sound structure of the Czech language: the prosodic phrase. The introductory chapters offer a concise lead-in even to non-specialists: they explain the nature and typical approaches to speech prosody and offer an overview of the commonly used hierarchy of prosodic units. The core of the study is based on speech material that was produced with legitimate communicative intents: storytelling, newsreading and poetry reciting. Prosodic phrases in the given material are described in terms of their phonetic structure, acoustic properties, and a specific syntactic issue. Moreover, the perceptual importance of prosodic phrasing is discussed together with a presentation of original perception experiments. A short chapter is dedicated to automatic detection of prosodic breaks by artificial neural networks. Apart from interesting facts about a core unit of prosodic structure, the prosodic phrase, the book can serve as a source of data in designing further experiments with natural language.
Objev podobné jako Prosodic Phrase in Spoken Czech - Radek Skarnitzl, Jan Volín, Pavel Šturm, Tomáš Bořil - e-kniha
Phone Calls in English
Audiokniha MP3 Elise Colle, čte Elise Colle Sú telefonáty v angličtine pre vás večnou nočnou morou?Hľadáte neustále výhovorky ako sa im vyhnúť?Sú telefónaty v angličtine pre vás mimoriadne nepríjemné?Máte pri telefonovaní neprekonateľnú trému a strach?Neviete sa správne vyjadriťa dostatočne rýchlo reagovať?Vyvádza vás rýchlosť a prízvuk volajúceho z miery? Nakoľko my vieme, že samotné telefonovanie v každom cudzom jazyku je veľmi náročné a nesmierne stresujúce, pripravili sme pre vás telefonáty, vďaka ktorým získate nepostrádateľnú a obsiahlu slovnú zásobu a odteraz si budete vedieť poradiť s každým bežným telefonátom.Nadobudnete patričné sebavedomie, prekonáte trému, strach a zábrany pri telefonovaní a skoncujete raz a navždy s vašou nočnou morou.Naviac počúvaním týchto autentických telefonátov máte jedinečnú príležitosťa šancu nacvičiť si svoje ucho na skutočnú rýchlosť a prízvuk rodených hovoriacich. Naučte sa správne vyjadrovať a pýtať pomocou týchto...
Objev podobné jako Phone Calls in English
The Full English: A Journey in Search of a Country and its People - Maconie Stuart
A Sunday Times Book of the Week and Top 10 Bestseller A Waterstones Travel Book of the Year A Spectator Book of the Year What kind of country is England today? What does it mean to be English? Are we hungry for change or seeking old certainties? Join Stuart Maconie on an enlightening, entertaining journey through England, from Bristol's Banksy to Durham's beaches, from Cotswolds corduroy to Stoke's oatcakes. As his guide, Maconie walks in the footsteps of J.B. Priestley's classic travelogue, English Journey, to explore our national identity and how it has evolved over the last century.On his way, Stuart takes inspiration from the people he meets at bus stops and train stations, cafes and corner shops. Travelling the length of the land, Maconie explores the differences between city and town, north and south, and examines our past and present with affection and insight. Whether he’s passing the boutique hotels of Manchester, the moors of Ilkley or the grand houses of Tynemouth, looking out over misty fens or urban skylines, he shines a light on the people who make these places and asks what the future holds for them.Along the way, he uncovers local heroes and secret histories over early breakfasts and last orders. Through his journey, he lets us see our homes and habits, hopes and eccentricities with fresh eyes. The Full English challenges us to embrace the messy, shifting and diverse nature of England, and to ask ourselves what kind of country we want to be.
Objev podobné jako The Full English: A Journey in Search of a Country and its People - Maconie Stuart
Czech for English Speakers (978-80-266-0620-8)
Elektronická kniha - autor Jana Hejtmánková, 168 stran The textbook is meant for English speaking persons that want to reach A1 level according to the Common European Framework within quite a short time, preferably with the help of a teacher. The aim is to help students to acquire basic language competence and an ability to communicate in common everyday situations. The textbook consists of • six lessons ordered topically according to the real life situations that foreign students may experience at the beginning of their stay abroad • a key to the exercises • Czech-English and English-Czech dictionaries • an overview of basic grammar phenomena In the lessons, all four skills – listening, reading, speaking and writing are developed. Each lesson includes • phrases related to the given topic • exercises • summaries of vocabulary • tests The pictures and illustrations function as illustrative material, or they can help in the motivation or inspiration for further...
Objev podobné jako Czech for English Speakers (978-80-266-0620-8)
English File Third Edition Intermediate Student's Book (Czech Edition) (9780194519786)
Kniha - anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá - anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá
Objev podobné jako English File Third Edition Intermediate Student's Book (Czech Edition) (9780194519786)
What tumors teach us - Parallels in cell and human behavior - Šmardová Jana
Lze se pro dobré fungování lidské společnosti poučit nebo inspirovat studiem nádorů? Jak vznikají? Proč nás tolik zajímají? Co nás učí? Mnohobuněčný organismus je v této knize prezentován jako komplexní systém tvořený mnoha buňkami, které spolupracují, zatímco nádory jsou důsledkem opuštění spolupráce a porušování jejích základních principů. Autorka na základě obecné teorie systémů hledá paralely a extrapolace pravidel spolupráce a forem jejich porušování i v jiných komplexních systémech, včetně lidské společnosti. Vedle detailnějšího vhledu do podstaty vzniku a vývoje nádorů kniha nabízí zamyšlení nad otázkou, zda i lidé, podobně jako nádorové buňky, neporušují nebezpečně a sebedestruktivně klíčová pravidla podmiňující dobré fungování systému, jehož jsou součástí.
Objev podobné jako What tumors teach us - Parallels in cell and human behavior - Šmardová Jana
Continuity and Discontinuities of Religious Memory in the Czech Republic (978-80-7364-089-7)
Kniha - autor Jan Váně; Dušan Lužný; František Kalvas; Martina Štípková; Veronika Hásová, 256 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá
Objev podobné jako Continuity and Discontinuities of Religious Memory in the Czech Republic (978-80-7364-089-7)
Let´s Play in English: Sentence Maker
Tato karetní hra je určena k nácviku správné tvorby vět, procvičování slovesných časů a rozšiřování slovní zásoby zábavnou formou. Hra obsahuje 66 karet, barevnou hrací plochu, kostku s číslicemi, kostku s osobními zájmeny, kostku s druhy vět a návod.
Objev podobné jako Let´s Play in English: Sentence Maker
Phone Calls in English - Elise Colle - audiokniha
Audiokniha: Sú telefonáty v angličtine pre vás večnou nočnou morou? Hľadáte neustále výhovorky ako sa im vyhnúť? Sú telefónaty v angličtine pre vás mimoriadne nepríjemné? Máte pri telefonovaní neprekonateľnú trému a strach? Neviete sa správne vyjadriťa dostatočne rýchlo reagovať? Vyvádza vás rýchlosť a prízvuk volajúceho z miery? Nakoľko my vieme, že samotné telefonovanie v každom cudzom jazyku je veľmi náročné a nesmierne stresujúce, pripravili sme pre vás telefonáty, vďaka ktorým získate nepostrádateľnú a obsiahlu slovnú zásobu a odteraz si budete vedieť poradiť s každým bežným telefonátom. Nadobudnete patričné sebavedomie, prekonáte trému, strach a zábrany pri telefonovaní a skoncujete raz a navždy s vašou nočnou morou. Naviac počúvaním týchto autentických telefonátov máte jedinečnú príležitosťa šancu nacvičiť si svoje ucho na skutočnú rýchlosť a prízvuk rodených hovoriacich. Naučte sa správne vyjadrovať a pýtať pomocou týchto telefonátov a vyhnete sa nepríjemnym nedorozumeniam. Tak do toho! Už vám nič nestojí v ceste, aby ste úspešne zvládli akýkoľvek telefonát v angličtine. Stačí len počúvať.
Objev podobné jako Phone Calls in English - Elise Colle - audiokniha
Sovereign wealth funds in theory and practice - Petr Teplý, Jan Ander - e-kniha
eBook: Suverénní fondy (Sovereign Wealth Funds, SWF) se v posledních letech stávají významnou součástí globálního finančního systému. Tyto instituce spravovaly ke konci roku 2013 více než 6 bilionů USD. SWF jsou státem vlastněné fondy založené za různým makroekonomickým účelem. Obvykle jsou financovány cizoměnovými příjmy států, které jsou následně investovány v zahraničí. Tato monografie se zabývá globální SWF z teoretického i praktického pohledu. Dále je zde diskutována teoretická možnost založení SWF v České republice. Autoři však dospívají k závěru, že po vzniku SWF není v naší zemi dostatečná poptávka ani ze strany politiků, ani ze strany voličů. Kniha je psána srozumitelným jazykem, a tudíž vhodná pro odbornou i širší veřejnost.
Objev podobné jako Sovereign wealth funds in theory and practice - Petr Teplý, Jan Ander - e-kniha
Minorities and Law in Czechoslovakia, 1918–1992 - Jan Kuklík, René Petráš - e-kniha
eBook: Ethnic minority issues played an important role in the history of Czechoslovakia, from 1918, during World War II and in the years immediately following it. Czechoslovakia became a model for solving ethnic and minority problems and legal regulations had always played a key role in the status of minorities. This book, which deals with issues concerning ethnic and language minorities in Czechoslovakia from a long-term perspective, is primarily intended for foreign readers. In recent years, ethnic minority issues are once again becoming relevant in Europe and thorough knowledge of earlier problems and solutions may facilitate further examination of the current problems.
Objev podobné jako Minorities and Law in Czechoslovakia, 1918–1992 - Jan Kuklík, René Petráš - e-kniha
Acquisition of morphological categories and vocabulary in early ontogenesis of Czech child - Pavla Chejnová - e-kniha
eBook: The presented monograph introduces the processes of vocabulary and grammar (primarily morphology) acquisition in one Czech child over a long time span. The research is based solely on the analysis of authentic material (the corpus of transcriptions of audio recordings and the parental diary), and it covers the period from the onset of speech until three and half years of age in the target child’s development. The longitudinal study is oriented toward the acquisition of a lexicon and the acquisition of grammatical categories of inflectional parts of speech, namely, nouns, adjectives, pronouns and verbs. The analysis is largely building on the concepts of premorphology, protomorphology and modularised morphology. The results support the assertion that both grammatical and pragmatic competences are interrelated and that one limits the other.
Objev podobné jako Acquisition of morphological categories and vocabulary in early ontogenesis of Czech child - Pavla Chejnová - e-kniha
Great Dialogues of Plato - Platón
Plato is philosophy, and philosophy, Plato.---Emerson The Republic and other great dialogues by the immortal Greek philosopher Plato are masterpieces that form part of the most important single body of writing in the history of philosophy. Beauty, love, immortality, knowledge, and justice are discussed in these dialogues, which magnificently express the glowing spirit of Platonic philosophy. Translated by W. H. D. Rouse, one of the world's most outstanding classical scholars and translator of Homer's The Odyssey and The Iliad, this volume features the complete texts of seven of Plato's most revered works. -In Rouse's pages Socrates' strength of mind, his dedication to philosophical truth, are borne in on the modern reader with something of the power that impressed and disturbed the ancient Greeks.---Time
Objev podobné jako Great Dialogues of Plato - Platón
First Thousand Words in English Sticker Book (1409570401)
Kniha - 64 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá - 64 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá A sticker book version of the classic Usborne First Thousand Words in English, with over 500 colourful stickers which give learning an interactive element. Each sticker shows a picture with a word or phrase for children to hunt for and place on the correct scene. Provides a treasury of learning opportunities, from early reading and word recognition to spelling and dictionary use.
Objev podobné jako First Thousand Words in English Sticker Book (1409570401)
Short Stories in English for Beginners - Richards Olly
An unmissable collection of eight unconventional and captivating short stories for young and adult learners."I love Olly's work - and you will too!" - Barbara Oakley, PhD, Author of New York Times bestseller A Mind for NumbersShort Stories in English for Beginners has been written especially for students from beginner to intermediate level, designed to give a sense of achievement, and most importantly - enjoyment! Mapped to A2-B1 on the Common European Framework of Reference, these eight captivating stories will both entertain you, and give you a feeling of progress when listening.What does this book give you?* Eight stories in a variety of exciting genres, from science fiction and crime to history and thriller - making learning fun, while you gain a wide range of new vocabulary* Controlled language at your level, including the 1000 most frequent words, to help you progress confidently* Authentic spoken dialogues, to help you learn conversational expressions and improve your speaking ability* Pleasure! It's much easier to learn a new language when you're having fun, and research shows that if you're enjoying listening in a foreign language, you won't experience the usual feelings of frustration - 'It's too hard!' 'I don't understand!'* Accessible grammar so you learn new structures naturally, in a stress-free wayCarefully curated to make learning a new language easy, these stories will entertain you, while at the same time allowing you to benefit from an improved range of vocabulary and a better grasp of the language, without ever feeling overwhelmed or frustrated. From science fiction to fantasy, to crime and thrillers, Short Stories in English for Beginners will make learning English easy and enjoyable.
Objev podobné jako Short Stories in English for Beginners - Richards Olly
Short Stories in English for Intermedia - Richards Olly
An unmissable collection of eight unconventional and captivating short stories for young adult and adult intermediate learners of English.Olly's top-notch language-learning insights are right in line with the best of what we know from neuroscience and cognitive psychology about how to learn effectively. I love his work - and you will too! - Barbara Oakley, PhD, Author of New York Times bestseller A Mind for NumbersShort Stories in English for Intermediate Learners has been written especially for students from a low-intermediate to intermediate level, designed to give a sense of achievement, and most importantly - enjoyment! Mapped to B1-B2 on the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) for languages, these eight captivating stories will both entertain you and give you a feeling of progress when reading.What does this book give you?* Eight stories in a variety of exciting genres, from science fiction and crime to history and thriller - making reading fun, while you learn a wide range of new vocabulary* Controlled language at your level to help you progress confidently* Realistic spoken dialogues, to help you learn conversational expressions and improve your speaking ability* Accessible grammar so you learn new structures naturally, in a stress-free way* Beautiful illustrations accompanying each story, to set the scene and support your understanding* Pleasure! Research shows that if you're enjoying reading in a foreign language, you won't experience the usual feelings of frustration - 'It's too hard!' 'I don't understand!'With intriguing plots that will spark your imagination and keep you reading, Short Stories in English for Intermediate Learners will take your grasp of English to the next level with key features to support and consolidate your progress, including:* A glossary for bolded words in each text* A bilingual word list* Full plot summary* Comprehension questions after each chapter.As a result, you will be able to focus on enjoying reading, delighting in your improved range of vocabulary and grasp of the language, without ever feeling overwhelmed or frustrated. From science fiction to fantasy, to crime and thrillers, Short Stories in English for Intermediate Learners uses reading as the perfect tool to not only delight in learning English, but to accelerate your journey towards fluency.
Objev podobné jako Short Stories in English for Intermedia - Richards Olly
Anglicko-český letecký slovník: English-Czech Aviation diction (80-85927-92-6)
Kniha - autor Ivan Řáda, 416 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá
Objev podobné jako Anglicko-český letecký slovník: English-Czech Aviation diction (80-85927-92-6)
English Plus 2 Workbook with Multi-ROM (CZEch Edition) - Janet Hardy-Gould
A supportive course that helps students of all abilities build confidence through graded practice. The flexible package makes it ideal for mixed-ability classes, and varying teaching loads. English Plus develops students’ communication skills through a structured and methodical approach, helping students to achieve their individual learning outcomes in every lesson. One lesson-per-page structure means teachers can pick up and teach the course ‘I can’ statements, learning objectives, and presentation-practice-production methodology ensures all students achieve a productive outcome, regardless of their ability Step-by-step writing lessons and step-by-step speaking practice to build students’ confidence Options provides four optional extra lessons of CLIL, Culture, Vocabulary, or listening and speaking practice for each unit, linked to topics and language in the main units Graded grammar and vocabulary photocopiables in the Teacher’s Book offer the opportunity to supplement or extend lessons Finished? Activities ensure fast finishers are kept busy throughout the lesson.
Objev podobné jako English Plus 2 Workbook with Multi-ROM (CZEch Edition) - Janet Hardy-Gould
English Plus 1 Workbook with Multi-ROM (CZEch Edition) - Janet Hardy-Gould
A supportive course that helps students of all abilities build confidence through graded practice. The flexible package makes it ideal for mixed-ability classes, and varying teaching loads. English Plus develops students’ communication skills through a structured and methodical approach, helping students to achieve their individual learning outcomes in every lesson. One lesson-per-page structure means teachers can pick up and teach the course ‘I can’ statements, learning objectives, and presentation-practice-production methodology ensures all students achieve a productive outcome, regardless of their ability Step-by-step writing lessons and step-by-step speaking practice to build students’ confidence Options provides four optional extra lessons of CLIL, Culture, Vocabulary, or listening and speaking practice for each unit, linked to topics and language in the main units Graded grammar and vocabulary photocopiables in the Teacher’s Book offer the opportunity to supplement or extend lessons Finished? Activities ensure fast finishers are kept busy throughout the lesson.
Objev podobné jako English Plus 1 Workbook with Multi-ROM (CZEch Edition) - Janet Hardy-Gould
English File Intermediate Student´s Book 3rd (CZEch Edition) - Christina Latham-Koenig
Nové vydání English File, ještě lépe fungující a plně aktualizované.učebnice je nově rozdělena na 12 lekcíaktualizované texty a poslechové úlohypřehledný nový designkomponenty v tištěné i digitální podoběnové doplňkové materiály ke stažení zdarma pro studenty (Study Link) i učitele (Teacher Link)https://elt.oup.com/student/englishfile/intermediate3/download?cc=cz&selLanguage=cs
Objev podobné jako English File Intermediate Student´s Book 3rd (CZEch Edition) - Christina Latham-Koenig
English Plus 4 Workbook with Multi-ROM (CZEch Edition) - Janet Hardy-Gould
A supportive course that helps students of all abilities build confidence through graded practice. The flexible package makes it ideal for mixed-ability classes, and varying teaching loads. English Plus develops students’ communication skills through a structured and methodical approach, helping students to achieve their individual learning outcomes in every lesson. One lesson-per-page structure means teachers can pick up and teach the course ‘I can’ statements, learning objectives, and presentation-practice-production methodology ensures all students achieve a productive outcome, regardless of their ability Step-by-step writing lessons and step-by-step speaking practice to build students’ confidence Options provides four optional extra lessons of CLIL, Culture, Vocabulary, or listening and speaking practice for each unit, linked to topics and language in the main units Graded grammar and vocabulary photocopiables in the Teacher’s Book offer the opportunity to supplement or extend lessons Finished? Activities ensure fast finishers are kept busy throughout the lesson.
Objev podobné jako English Plus 4 Workbook with Multi-ROM (CZEch Edition) - Janet Hardy-Gould
Palast Orchester, Raabe Max: In English, Please - LP (4260494436754)
LP vinyl - V roce 1986 Max Raabe a přátelé založili Palast Orchester, který hraje šansony a písně ve stylu 20. a 30. let. V roce 1986 Max Raabe a přátelé založili v jejich rodném Německu Palast Orchester, který hraje šansony a písně ve stylu 20. a 30. let. Toto album představuje (především) klasiku amerických skladatelů a autorů v angličtině. Obsahuje také anglickou verzi Raabeho evergreenu „Kein Schwein ruft mich an” Rok vydání : 2022 Seznam stop Strana A Just A Gigolo / Music, Maestro, Please! / You Are My Lucky Star / Lambeth Walk / I Believe In Miracles / My Blue Heaven / I Guess, I'll Have to Change My Plan Strana B Why Does No One Call [Kein Schwein ruft mich an] / I Lift Up My Finger And Say „Tweet Tweet” / The Best Things In Life Are Free / Me And Jane In A Plane / Whispering / Somebody Stole My Gal / Won't You Give In?
Objev podobné jako Palast Orchester, Raabe Max: In English, Please - LP (4260494436754)
Rhyme over Reason : Phonological Motivation in English - Benczes Reka
We are fascinated by what words sound like. This fascination also drives us to search for meaning in sound - thereby contradicting the principle of the arbitrariness of the linguistic sign. Phonesthemes, onomatopoeia or rhyming compounds all share the property of carrying meaning by virtue of what they sound like, simply because language users establish an association between form and meaning. By drawing on a wide array of examples, ranging from conventionalized words and expressions to brand names and slogans, this book offers a comprehensive account of the role that sound symbolism and rhyme/alliteration plays in English, and by doing so, advocates a more relaxed view of the category 'morpheme' that is able to incorporate less regular word-formation processes.
Objev podobné jako Rhyme over Reason : Phonological Motivation in English - Benczes Reka
Networking in English: Book with Audio CD - Pete Sharma
The latest addition to the Macmillan Business Skills series, Networking in English is for anyone who finds it hard to find the right words when communicating informally in the workplace. Popis:Description: The latest addition to the Macmillan Business Skills series, Networking in English is for anyone who finds it hard to find the right words when communicating informally in the workplace. It is a practical, engaging and easyto-use book that will build confidence in a difficult area. Networking in English focuses on the factors that make a good socialiser/communicator: using appropriate functional expressions in common social situations; having effective conversations which build rapport and mutual understanding; considering social etiquette and being sensitive when communicating with different cultures. The authors have considerable experience of teaching communication skills and cultural awareness, and are therefore perfectly placed to guide students in the art of networking in a language which is not their own. Suitable for the classroom or for self-study.Key features* All language is contextualised by the six characters that appear throughout the book and provide a range of voices and personality types* Speakers are both native and non-native to familiarise students with the global corporate market* Cultural and networking tips provide extra support and background information* A student 'Needs Analysis' at the beginning of the book allows the course to be used in a tailor-made fashion* 'My Social Planner' area enables students to personalise the material and store the phrases most relevant to them
Objev podobné jako Networking in English: Book with Audio CD - Pete Sharma
Detecting and reducing corruption risk and fraud in the public sector - František Ochrana, Michal Plaček, Milan Jan Půček - e-kniha
eBook: Kniha nabízí nový pohled na zkoumání korupce a odhalování podvodů. Autoři ukazují na korupci jako komplexní sociální jev, který je možné zkoumat z různých interdisciplinárních pohledů. Těžiště zkoumání a hlavní přínos knihy spočívá v analýze faktorů detekujících korupční riziko a podvody s veřejnými zdroji. Autoři na bázi metody FMEA (Fault Mode and Effect Analysis) navrhují vlastní přístup, jak pracovat s korupčním rizikem ve veřejné správě. Vypracovávají algoritmy, které ukazují, jak odhalovat korupční riziko a podvody ve veřejné správě.
Objev podobné jako Detecting and reducing corruption risk and fraud in the public sector - František Ochrana, Michal Plaček, Milan Jan Půček - e-kniha
English File Fourth Edition Elementary (Czech Edition): with Student Resource Centre Pack (9780194031554)
Kniha - anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá
Objev podobné jako English File Fourth Edition Elementary (Czech Edition): with Student Resource Centre Pack (9780194031554)
English File Fourth Edition Intermediate (Czech Edition): with Student Resource Centre Pack (9780194035798)
Kniha - anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá - anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá
Objev podobné jako English File Fourth Edition Intermediate (Czech Edition): with Student Resource Centre Pack (9780194035798)
English File Pre-intermediate Student´s Book 3rd (CZEch Edition) - Christina Latham-Koenig
A new edition of the best-selling English File, improved throughout with brand new digital components to use inside and outside the classroom. English File Third edition – the best way to get your students talking.The English File concept remains the same – fun, enjoyable lessons which get students talking through the right mix of language, motivation, and opportunity – but now the content and the components have been updated and improved for students and teachers.The English File third edition digital components help to make the most of teaching and learning opportunities inside and outside the classroom. The digital package includes: iTools (a digital classroom resource), iTutor and iChecker for students, Pronunciation App for mobiles, Online Workbook, Student's and Teacher's websites.https://elt.oup.com/student/englishfile/preint3/download?cc=cz&selLanguage=cs
Objev podobné jako English File Pre-intermediate Student´s Book 3rd (CZEch Edition) - Christina Latham-Koenig
English File Upper Intermediate Student´s Book 3rd (CZEch Edition) - Christina Latham-Koenig
A new edition of the best-selling English File, improved throughout with brand new digital components to use inside and outside the classroom. English File Third edition – the best way to get your students talking.The English File concept remains the same – fun, enjoyable lessons which get students talking through the right mix of language, motivation, and opportunity – but now the content and the components have been updated and improved for students and teachers.The English File third edition digital components help to make the most of teaching and learning opportunities inside and outside the classroom. The digital package includes: iTools (a digital classroom resource), iTutor and iChecker for students, Pronunciation App for mobiles, Online Workbook, Student's and Teacher's websites.https://elt.oup.com/student/englishfile/upperint3/download?cc=cz&selLanguage=cs
Objev podobné jako English File Upper Intermediate Student´s Book 3rd (CZEch Edition) - Christina Latham-Koenig
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