Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
Influence, New and Expanded - Robert B. Cialdini
The foundational and wildly popular go-to resource for influence and persuasion—a renowned international bestseller, with over 5 million copies sold—now revised adding: new research, new insights, new examples, and online applications.In the new edition of this highly acclaimed bestseller, Robert Cialdini—New York Times bestselling author of Pre-Suasion and the seminal expert in the fields of influence and persuasion—explains the psychology of why people say yes and how to apply these insights ethically in business and everyday settings. Using memorable stories and relatable examples, Cialdini makes this crucially important subject surprisingly easy. With Cialdini as a guide, you don’t have to be a scientist to learn how to use this science.You’ll learn Cialdini’s Universal Principles of Influence, including new research and new uses so you can become an even more skilled persuader—and just as importantly, you’ll learn how to defend yourself against unethical influence attempts. You may think you know these principles, but without understanding their intricacies, you may be ceding their power to someone else.Cialdini’s Principles of Persuasion:ReciprocationCommitment and ConsistencySocial Proof Liking AuthorityScarcityUnity, the newest principle for this editionUnderstanding and applying the principles ethically is cost-free and deceptively easy. Backed by Dr. Cialdini’s 35 years of evidence-based, peer-reviewed scientific research—including a three-year field study on what leads people to change—Influence is a comprehensive guide to using these principles to move others in your direction.
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Influence, New and Expanded UK - Robert B. Cialdini
The foundational and wildly popular go-to resource for influence and persuasion—a renowned international bestseller, with over 5 million copies sold—now revised adding: new research, new insights, new examples, and online applications.In the new edition of this highly acclaimed bestseller, Robert Cialdini—New York Times bestselling author of Pre-Suasion and the seminal expert in the fields of influence and persuasion—explains the psychology of why people say yes and how to apply these insights ethically in business and everyday settings. Using memorable stories and relatable examples, Cialdini makes this crucially important subject surprisingly easy. With Cialdini as a guide, you don’t have to be a scientist to learn how to use this science.You’ll learn Cialdini’s Universal Principles of Influence, including new research and new uses so you can become an even more skilled persuader—and just as importantly, you’ll learn how to defend yourself against unethical influence attempts. You may think you know these principles, but without understanding their intricacies, you may be ceding their power to someone else.Cialdini’s Principles of Persuasion:ReciprocationCommitment and ConsistencySocial Proof Liking AuthorityScarcityUnity, the newest principle for this editionUnderstanding and applying the principles ethically is cost-free and deceptively easy. Backed by Dr. Cialdini’s 35 years of evidence-based, peer-reviewed scientific research—including a three-year field study on what leads people to change—Influence is a comprehensive guide to using these principles to move others in your direction.
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Nové zbraně vlivu - Robert B. Cialdini
Manipulativní techniky a jak se jim bránit – tváří v tvář i na internetu. Pojišťovákovi jste sympatičtí, zkusí vám vyjednat speciální nabídku. Lékárnici sympatičtí nejste: co vás to napadlo, chtít jiné dětské vitamíny než ty nejdražší? E-shop má skladem poslední kus zboží, objednávejte hned, než zmizí.Samozřejmě tušíte, že jsou to špinavé triky. Na to tuhle knihu nepotřebujete. Potřebujete ji k tomu, aby vás naučila rozeznat manipulace včas: ve spěchu, pod tlakem, s frontou nabručených lidí za zády i mezi kamarády na sociální síti. Aby vás už nikdy nezviklal hraný úsměv, dáreček ani vyhrožování.Robert Cialdini vám ukáže:- Jak manipulátory odmítat sebevědomě, účinně a bez nepříjemných pocitů.- Sedm základních nátlakových technik neboli zbraní vlivu.- Desítky konkrétních fíglů velkých firem i drobných šmejdů z internetu.- Proč primitivní triky fungují i na ty nejchytřejší lidi.- Co dělat a nedělat, když chcete prosadit svou vy sami.Nové zbraně vlivu zábavně spojují vědecký výzkum s investigativní prací v autobazarech a call centrech. Podvodníci předvedli Cialdinimu svoje zbraně – a on vám teď předvede, jak se jim bránit.Nově rozšířeno o 150 stran:- Praktické rady pro éru fake news, trollů, reklamních botů a online podvodů.- Jak poznat falešné pochvalné recenze a další triky internetových marketérů.- Desítky nových výzkumů psychologie přesvědčování a manipulace – včetně čerstvých příkladů z pandemie covidu-19
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Vplyv Psychológia presviedčania - Robert B. Cialdini
Jedna z najdôležitejších kníh úspešných marketérov a predajcovsa od svojho prvého vydania stala takmer kultovou klasikou prevšetkých čitateľov, ktorých zaujíma psychológia ovplyvňovaniaa presviedčania. Kniha Vplyv vysvetľuje, prečo tak ľahko podliehameurčitým podnetom, a ako túto skutočnosť eticky uplatniť v podnikaní,ale aj v bežnom živote.Autor, svetovo uznávaný odborník, na konkrétnych príkladochz médií, reklamy, politiky, predajných stratégií známych firiem, čidokonca armády a siekt, detailne a veľmi zrozumiteľne rozoberákaždú „zbraň vplyvu“ – princíp ovplyvňovania či presviedčania,ktorému pri rozhodovaní sa máme sklony podľahnúť alebo muautomaticky prispôsobiť svoje správanie a uvažovanie. Následneposkytuje návod na to, ako tieto princípy využiť vo svoj prospech;alebo naopak – ako sa voči nim obrniť. Kniha bola preložená dovyše 40 jazykov a už tri desaťročia sa drží na popredných miestachrebríčkov najlepších kníh vo svojej kategórii.
Objev podobné jako Vplyv Psychológia presviedčania - Robert B. Cialdini
Před-svědčování - Robert B. Cialdini - audiokniha
Audiokniha: Cialdiniho nová audiokniha postavená na konceptu před-svědčování opřeném o poslední vědecké poznatky a metodách úspěšných mistrů vlivu změní způsob, jakým uvažujete o marketingu, obchodním vyjednávání, propagandě, zkrátka ovlivňování druhých. To nové, co Robert Cialdini přináší, je změna úhlu pohledu. Svůj klasický bestseller Zbraně vlivu napsal už před pětatřiceti lety. Úspěch první knihy a miliony prodaných výtisků ve více než 31 jazycích – byl ale jen začátkem. Tématem přesvědčování se autor zabýval i nadále a výsledkem je tato mimořádná audiokniha Před-svědčování. Na rozdíl od Zbraní vlivu, které radí, jak se bránit manipulativním technikám, se Cialdini nyní soustřeďuje na to, jak účinně ovlivňovat druhé, samozřejmě v etických mezích. A přináší zásadně nový, přitom vědecky podložený objev: nejdůležitější není samotné sdělení, ale jak zapůsobíme na posluchače ještě před ním. Na tom závisí, zda posluchač naše sdělení ochotně přijme a nechá se jím ovlivnit, nebo ho odmítne – ve skutečnosti už předem. Dovedná práce s pozorností vede podle Cialdiniho k tzv. před-svědčení posluchače a následně také k žádaným výsledkům. Nejde tedy o to, že byste museli měnit postoje či názory svých posluchačů. Stačí vám správně naladit publikum ještě před tím, než po něm něco chcete. Dostanete ho tak tam, kam potřebujete. Bezbolestně.
Objev podobné jako Před-svědčování - Robert B. Cialdini - audiokniha
Nové zbraně vlivu - Robert B. Cialdini - audiokniha
Audiokniha: Manipulativní techniky a jak se jim bránit – tváří v tvář i na internetu. O knize Pojišťovákovi jste sympatičtí, zkusí vám vyjednat speciální nabídku. Lékárnici sympatičtí nejste: co vás to napadlo, chtít jiné dětské vitamíny než ty nejdražší? E-shop má skladem poslední kus zboží, objednávejte hned, než zmizí. Samozřejmě tušíte, že jsou to špinavé triky. Na to tuhle knihu nepotřebujete. Potřebujete ji k tomu, aby vás naučila rozeznat manipulace včas: ve spěchu, pod tlakem, s frontou nabručených lidí za zády i mezi kamarády na sociální síti. Aby vás už nikdy nezviklal hraný úsměv, dáreček ani vyhrožování. Robert Cialdini vám ukáže: - Jak manipulátory odmítat sebevědomě, účinně a bez nepříjemných pocitů. - Sedm základních nátlakových technik neboli zbraní vlivu. - Desítky konkrétních fíglů velkých firem i drobných šmejdů z internetu. - Proč primitivní triky fungují i na ty nejchytřejší lidi. - Co dělat a nedělat, když chcete prosadit svou vy sami. Nové zbraně vlivu zábavně spojují vědecký výzkum s investigativní prací v autobazarech a call centrech. Podvodníci předvedli Cialdinimu svoje zbraně – a on vám teď předvede, jak se jim bránit. Nově rozšířeno o 150 stran: - Praktické rady pro éru fake news, trollů, reklamních botů a online podvodů. - Jak poznat falešné pochvalné recenze a další triky internetových marketérů. - Desítky nových výzkumů psychologie přesvědčování a manipulace – včetně čerstvých příkladů z pandemie covidu-19. O autorovi Robert Cialdini (* 1945) byl profesorem psychologie a marketingu na Arizonské státní univerzitě, Stanfordově univerzitě a Kalifornské univerzitě v Santa Cruz. Od roku 2019 je členem Národní akademie věd USA. Psychologii přesvědčování se věnuje víc než padesát let, zároveň ji školí a konzultuje pro klienty jako Allianz, Cisco, Microsoft, NATO nebo SAP. Jeho čtyři knihy vyšly v 44 jazycích a prodalo se jich přes 7 milionů výtisků. Zbraně vlivu jsou jeho první knihou a zároveň i tou nejčerstvěji aktualizovanou. # Více o knize: melvil.cz/kniha-nove-zbrane-vlivu
Objev podobné jako Nové zbraně vlivu - Robert B. Cialdini - audiokniha
Před-svědčování - Robert B. Cialdini - e-kniha
eBook: Svůj klasický bestseller Zbraně vlivu napsal Robert Cialdini už před dvaatřiceti lety. Úspěch první knihy – 3 miliony prodaných výtisků v 31 jazycích – byl ale jen začátkem. Tématem přesvědčování (anglicky persuasion) se autor zabýval i nadále a výsledkem je mimořádně čtivá kniha Před-svědčování (Pre-suasion). Na rozdíl od Zbraní vlivu, které radí, jak se bránit manipulativním technikám, se Cialdini nyní soustřeďuje na to, jak účinně ovlivňovat druhé, samozřejmě v etických mezích. A přináší zásadně nový, přitom vědecky podložený objev: nejdůležitější není samotné sdělení, ale jak zapůsobíme na posluchače ještě před ním. Na tom závisí, zda posluchač naše sdělení ochotně přijme a nechá se jím ovlivnit, nebo ho odmítne – ve skutečnosti už předem.# V KNIZE SE DOZVÍTE:- Co je to privilegovaný moment, v němž máte největší šanci ovlivnit druhé- Že lidé považují za nejdůležitější to, na co se zrovna soustředí – a jak toho využít- Které marketingové a reklamní postupy fungují či nefungují, a proč- Čím nás při komunikaci ovlivňuje okolní fyzické prostředí- O neuvěřitelné účinnosti podvědomých asociací, které mění náš úsudek- Jak fungují atraktory, které automaticky přitáhnou pozornost, a jak magnetizéry, které pozornost dokážou udržet- Příklady mistrovských přesvědčovacích výkonů těch nejlepších vyjednavačů a obchodníků# O autoroviDr. ROBERT B. CIALDINI je nejcitovanější sociální psycholog dneška, který se po celou svou profesní dráhu zabývá mechanismy ovlivňování a přesvědčování (persuaze). Jeho kniha Zbraně vlivu – Manipulativní techniky a jak se jim bránit (Influence) je široce uznávaným základním dílem tohoto oboru. Cialdini při své práci kombinuje zkoumání praktik komunikačních profesionálů (marketérů, obchodníků, lidí z reklamní a PR branže) s vědeckými, behaviorálními experimenty.Cialdini je emeritním profesorem psychologie a marketingu na Arizonské státní univerzitě v USA. Současně je ředitelem mezinárodně působící společnosti INFLUENCE AT WORK (www.influenceatwork.com), která poskytuje konzultace a školení, jak využít autorovy poznatky v praxi; Cialdini byl například poradcem Baracka Obamy během jeho volební kampaně.
Objev podobné jako Před-svědčování - Robert B. Cialdini - e-kniha
Nové zbraně vlivu - Robert B. Cialdini - e-kniha
eBook: # O knizePojišťovákovi jste sympatičtí, zkusí vám vyjednat speciální nabídku. Lékárnici sympatičtí nejste: co vás to napadlo, chtít jiné dětské vitamíny než ty nejdražší? E-shop má skladem poslední kus zboží, objednávejte hned, než zmizí.Samozřejmě tušíte, že jsou to špinavé triky. Na to tuhle knihu nepotřebujete. Potřebujete ji k tomu, aby vás naučila rozeznat manipulace včas: ve spěchu, pod tlakem, s frontou nabručených lidí za zády i mezi kamarády na sociální síti. Aby vás už nikdy nezviklal hraný úsměv, dáreček ani vyhrožování. >>Robert Cialdini vám ukáže:- Jak manipulátory odmítat sebevědomě, účinně a bez nepříjemných pocitů.- Sedm základních nátlakových technik neboli zbraní vlivu.- Desítky konkrétních fíglů velkých firem i drobných šmejdů z internetu.- Proč primitivní triky fungují i na ty nejchytřejší lidi.- Co dělat a nedělat, když chcete prosadit svou vy sami.Nové zbraně vlivu zábavně spojují vědecký výzkum s investigativní prací v autobazarech a call centrech. Podvodníci předvedli Cialdinimu svoje zbraně – a on vám teď předvede, jak se jim bránit.Nově rozšířeno o 150 stran:- Praktické rady pro éru fake news, trollů, reklamních botů a online podvodů. - Jak poznat falešné pochvalné recenze a další triky internetových marketérů.- Desítky nových výzkumů psychologie přesvědčování a manipulace – včetně čerstvých příkladů z pandemie covidu-19.
Objev podobné jako Nové zbraně vlivu - Robert B. Cialdini - e-kniha
Gut : new revised and expanded edition - Giulia Endersová
A Sunday Times bestseller - now with revised and expanded content on the exciting new science about the gut-brain link. Our gut is as important as our brain or heart, yet we know very little about how it works and many of us are too embarrassed to ask questions. In Gut, Giulia Enders breaks this taboo, revealing the latest science on how much our digestive system has to offer. From our miraculous gut bacteria - which can play a part in obesity, allergies, depression and even Alzheimer's - to the best position to poo, this entertaining and informative health handbook shows that we can all benefit from getting to know the wondrous world of our inner workings.
Objev podobné jako Gut : new revised and expanded edition - Giulia Endersová
Influence (0063136899)
Kniha - autor Robert B. Cialdini, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The foundational and wildly popular go-to resource for influence and persuasion—a renowned international bestseller, with over 5 million copies sold—now revised adding: new research, new insights, new examples, and online applications.In the new edition of this highly acclaimed bestseller, Robert Cialdini—New York Times bestselling author of Pre-Suasion and the seminal expert in the fields of influence and persuasion—explains the psychology of why people say yes and how to apply these insights ethically in business and everyday settings. Using memorable stories and relatable examples, Cialdini makes this crucially important subject surprisingly easy. With Cialdini as a guide, you don't have to be a scientist to learn how to use this science.You'll learn Cialdini's Universal Principles of Influence, including new research and new uses so you can become an even more skilled persuader—and just...
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Pokemon Encyclopedia: Updated and Expanded 2024
The essential guide to all things Pokémon, this year’s Encyclopedia includes all of the details of Ash Ketchum’s battle to become Pokémon World Champion!The new updated and expanded final edition of the Pokémon Encyclopedia!Ash Ketchum’s journey to becoming a Pokémon Master, and winner of the Masters Eight World Championships has come to an end. Travel through all 8 regions of the Pokémon world, learning about the characters, competition, adventures and, of course, the hundreds of Pokémon that live there.Packed full of battle stats, stories, Pokédex facts and so much more!This comprehensive Encyclopedia contains everything fans need to immerse themselves in the wonderful world of Pokémon.
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Pokemon Encyclopedia Updated and Expanded 2022 - Farshore
Find out everything there is to know about the world of Pokemon with this updated and expanded Encyclopedia. With information on the Galar Region, Galar Pokedex and content from recent series' Pokemon Journeys and Pokemon Master Journeys. An awesome book for every Pokemon fan's collection, packed with more characters and Trainers than ever before!The indispensable reference for any Pokemon fan, containing Pokemon from all regions including the newly discovered Galar region.Revisit unforgettable moments in Ash's journey to become a Pokemon Master. Travel from Kanto to Kalos, Johto to Sinnoh, Alola and now Galar!Get to know Trainers, discover battle moves and meet Gym Leaders, plus learn about some legendary battles along the way.And of course, meet old and new Pokemon characters. Learn their types, moves, key stats, strengths and weaknesses with the newly updated Pokedex, including Galar Pokemon.This comprehensive Encyclopedia contains everything fans need to immerse themselves in the wonderful world of Pokemon.
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Psycho-Cybernetics (Updated and Expanded) - Maltz Maxwell
The landmark self-help bestseller that has inspired and enhanced the lives of more than 30 million readers. In this updated edition, with a new introduction and editorial commentary by Matt Furey, president of the Psycho-Cybernetics Foundation, the original 1960 text has been annotated and amplified to make Maxwell Maltz''s message even more relevant for the contemporary reader.Maltz was the first researcher and author to explain how the self-image (a term he popularized) has complete control over an individual''s ability to achieve, or fail to achieve, any goal. He developed techniques for improving and managing self-image visualization, mental rehearsal and relaxation which have informed and inspired countless motivational gurus, sports psychologists, and self-help practitioners for more than sixty years.Rooted in solid science, the classic teachings in Psycho-Cybernetics continue to provide a prescription for thinking and acting that lead to life-enhancing, quantifiable results.
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New Poems, and Variant Readings - Robert Louis Stevenson - e-kniha
eBook: ‘New Poems, and Variant Readings’ represents the adoration for which Stevenson’s fans have for his work. This collection of dozens of poems has been painstakingly gathered piece by piece by his fans from individual collectors the world over to create this book. They are incredibly personal, insightful and intimate looks in to the life of this legendary author, with the love poems in particular being a stand out attraction. These pieces were created over many years, and kept safe by Stevenson across his many globe-trotting travels, yet never published in his lifetime. For fans of Stevenson this collection gives an incredible insight in to the mind of one of history’s best writers while allowing you the chance to revel in one of literatures best kept secrets.
Objev podobné jako New Poems, and Variant Readings - Robert Louis Stevenson - e-kniha
How to Win Friends and Influence People
The most famous confidence-boosting book ever published, with sales of over 16 million copies worldwide Millions of people around the world have improved their lives based on the teachings of Dale Carnegie. In How to Win Friends and Influence People, he offers practical advice and techniques, in his exuberant and conversational style, for how to get out of a mental rut and make life more rewarding. His advice has stood the test of time and will teach you how to: - make friends quickly and easily - increase your popularity - persuade people to follow your way of thinking - enable you to win new clients and customers - become a better speaker - boost enthusiasm among your colleagues This classic book will turn your relationships around and improve your interactions with everyone in your life. Dale Carnegie, known as 'the arch-priest of the art of making friends', pioneered the development of personal business skills, self-confidence and motivational techniques. His books - most notably How to Win Friends and Influence People - have sold tens of millions worldwide and, even in today's changing climate, they remain as popular as ever.
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The Power Broker: Robert Moses and the Fall of New York (0394720245)
Kniha - autor Robert A. Caro, 1344 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - autor Robert A. Caro, 1344 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná This is the first and foremost a brilliant multidimensional portrait of a man-an extraordinary man who, denied power within the normal framework of the democratic process, stepped outside that framework to grasp power sufficient to shape a great city and hold sway over the very texture of millions of lives.
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How to Win Friends and Influence People (1439199191)
Kniha - autor Dale Carnegie, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Since its initial publication eighty years ago, How to Win Friends & Influence People has sold over fifteen million copies worldwide. In his book, Carnegie explains that success comes from the ability to communicate effectively with others. He provides relatable analogies and examples, and teaches you skills to make people want to be in your company, see things your way, and feel wonderful about it. For more than eighty years his advice has helped thousands of successful people in their business and personal lives.
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Boundaries Updated and Expanded Edition - John Townsend, Dr. Henry, Ph.D. Cloud
Join the millions who have learned how to take control of their lives by setting healthy boundaries with their spouses, children, friends, parents, co-workers, and even themselves—in order to live life to the fullest.Do you feel like your life has spiraled out of control?Have you focused so much on being loving and unselfish that you''ve forgotten your own limits?Do you find yourself taking responsibility for other people''s feelings and problems? In Boundaries, Drs. Henry Cloud and John Townsend share the lessons they''ve learned in their years of practicing psychology and studying the patterns and practices that support clear biblical boundaries. You''ll learn the ins and outs of setting the boundaries that will transform your daily life.This updated and expanded edition of Boundaries, answers the most common questions on the science behind establishing boundaries:Can I set limits and still be a loving person?What are legitimate boundaries?How do I effectively manage my digital life so that it doesn''t control me?What if someone is upset or hurt by my boundaries?How do I answer someone who wants my time, love, energy, or money?Why do I feel guilty or afraid when I consider setting boundaries? Discover the countless ways that Boundaries can change your life for the better today!
Objev podobné jako Boundaries Updated and Expanded Edition - John Townsend, Dr. Henry, Ph.D. Cloud
Influence at Work - Steve J. Martin
''Outstanding...This book is superb.'' Robert B Cialdini, bestselling author of InfluenceTo be successful at work you also need to be influential at work. And to be influential requires an understanding of how the rules of influence work. Not just those mandated by logic, economics and company policy. But the unspoken rules too. The rules people rarely talk about, but that frequently have an out-sized impact on who and what gets listened to and done, and who and what gets ignored. Recognising and navigating these rules of influence is crucial to your persuasive success.Influence at Work shows you what these rules are and how to effectively deploy them to command attention; connect with others; win over the sceptics; sway the undecided and motivate people to act.The result is a new guide to an age-old subject: what influence is, why it matters, and how to use it wisely and ethically.
Objev podobné jako Influence at Work - Steve J. Martin
Pre-Suasion: A Revolutionary Way to Influence and Persuade (1847941435)
Kniha - autor Robert Cialdini, 414 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná From the internationally bestselling author of "Influence", comes a revelatory exploration of the science of persuasion, or, of winning people over.
Objev podobné jako Pre-Suasion: A Revolutionary Way to Influence and Persuade (1847941435)
How to Win Friends and Influence People: (Vermilion Life Essentials) (1785042408)
Kniha - anglicky Originally published during the depths of the Great Depression-and equally valuable during booming economies or hard times Dale Carnegie's rock-solid, time-tested advice has carried countless people up the ladder of success in their business and personal lives. It introduces simple and life-changing concepts such as: A Simple Way to Make a Good First ImpressionHow to Criticize Other People-and Not Be Hated for ItAn Easy Way to Become a Good ConversationalistWhat to Do When Nothing Else WorksMaking People Glad to Do What You Want And So Much More!
Objev podobné jako How to Win Friends and Influence People: (Vermilion Life Essentials) (1785042408)
Kingdom Men Rising – A Call to Growth and Greater Influence - Tony Evans
In his thought-provoking book, Dr. Tony Evans challenges you to foster personal discipleship and lead others, taking the next step to become the powerful man of God you were made to be. Evans brings his insights, stories, and wise counsel from God's Word to help you stop settling for a faith that goes through the motions and leave a legacy of faith.
Objev podobné jako Kingdom Men Rising – A Call to Growth and Greater Influence - Tony Evans
The China Study: Revised and Expanded Edition - T. Colin, Ph.D. Campbell, Thomas M., M.D., II Campbell
The revised and expanded edition of the bestseller that changed millions of livesThe science is clear. The results are unmistakable.You can dramatically reduce your risk of cancer, heart disease, and diabetes just by changing your diet.More than 30 years ago, nutrition researcher T. Colin Campbell and his team at Cornell, in partnership with teams in China and England, embarked upon the China Study, the most comprehensive study ever undertaken of the relationship between diet and the risk of developing disease. What they found when combined with findings in Colin''s laboratory, opened their eyes to the dangers of a diet high in animal protein and the unparalleled health benefits of a whole foods, plant-based diet.In 2005, Colin and his son Tom, now a physician, shared those findings with the world in The China Study, hailed as one of the most important books about diet and health ever written.Featuring brand new content, this heavily expanded edition of Colin and Tom''s groundbreaking book includes the latest undeniable evidence of the power of a plant-based diet, plus updated information about the changing medical system and how patients stand to benefit from a surging interest in plant-based nutrition.The China Study—Revised and Expanded Edition presents a clear and concise message of hope as it dispels a multitude of health myths and misinformation. The basic message is clear. The key to a long, healthy life lies in three things: breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Objev podobné jako The China Study: Revised and Expanded Edition - T. Colin, Ph.D. Campbell, Thomas M., M.D., II Campbell
New Surrealism - Robert Zeller
New Surrealism: The Uncanny in Contemporary Painting by Robert Zeller offers a sweeping exposition of both historical Surrealism and its legacy in the world of contemporary art. It demonstrates the many ways in which the most significant art movement of the last century continues to be relevant today, featuring an international selection of contemporary artists whose compositions and studio practice reveal its influence. There are many modalities of historical Surrealism that still maintain contemporary currency: presenting the familiar as unfamiliar and uncanny, the juxtaposition of seemingly unrelated imagery, the use of absurdity to critique political or social issues, and the use of erotic imagery in an irrational, non-linear context.Not all the artists brought together in this book self-identify as Surrealist, per se, but each uses some variation of Surrealism in a personal manner. The book begins with a study of the origins, leadership, participating artists, and major milestones of historical Surrealism. Zeller chronicles the movement starting at the end of World War I and the birth of Dada.The most important players and events emerge throughout the timeline of events—including World War II, and such notable artists as Max Ernst, Marcel Duchamp, Leonora Carrington, and many others—up until the death of its leader Andre Breton in 1966. Zeller then explores how elements of New Surrealism are being put into practice in the contemporary art world. Section Two offers a survey of 29 contemporary artists who engage in New Surrealism’s seemingly unlimited variations of the movement’s original themes, including Rosa Loy, Glenn Brown, and Arghavan Khosravi.Section Three features 14 artists, including important contemporary artists such as Inka Essenhigh, Ginny Casey and Anna Weyant, who speak to Surrealism’s influence on their studio practice, detailing in their own words how they create a composition from start to finish.
Objev podobné jako New Surrealism - Robert Zeller
Robert Frank: Trolley — New Orleans
In the midst of an extended road trip across the United States, Robert Frank pointed his camera lens at a passing trolley in New Orleans, took a single exposure, and then turned back to bustling Canal Street, where crowds of people swarmed the sidewalks. That single click of the shutter produced a picture with enduring clarity: a row of windows framing the street car’s passengers―white passengers in the front, black passengers in the back.Frank captured individual faces gazing from each rectangular frame, from the weary black man in his work shirt, to the young white girl just in front of him, her hand resting on the wooden sign that designated areas segregated by race. In 1958, Frank wrote: “With these photographs, I have attempted to show a cross-section of the American population. My effort was to express it simply and without confusion.” By the time The Americans was published in the United States in 1959 (he managed to publish a French edition the previous year), with this image now appearing on its front cover, New Orleans street cars and buses had been desegregated through a May 30, 1958 court order. But Jim Crow was still in full swing, the 1960s Civil Rights struggles still ahead. An essay by curator Lucy Gallun conveys how this image continues to reverberate in new contexts today.
Objev podobné jako Robert Frank: Trolley — New Orleans
The Complete Poems and Songs of Robert Burns - Burns Robert
Robert Burns is more than Scotland's national poet. With Shakespeare, Burns is an icon for the UK and Scotland he is a national symbol. This volume of poems and songs is a best selling, beautiful edition of his work.
Objev podobné jako The Complete Poems and Songs of Robert Burns - Burns Robert
Money and Government - Skidelsky Robert
The dominant view in economics is that money and government should play only a minor role in economic life. Money, it is claimed, is nothing more than a medium of exchange; and economic outcomes are best left to the 'invisible hand' of the market. The view taken in this important new book is that the omnipresence of uncertainty make money and government essential features of any market economy. One reason we need money is because we don't know what the future will bring. Government - good government - makes the future more predictable and therefore reduces this kind of demand for money. After Adam Smith orthodoxy persistently espoused non-intervention, but the Great Depression of 1929-32 stopped the artificers of orthodox economics in their tracks. A precarious balance of forces between government, employers, and trade unions enabled Keynesian economics to emerge as the new policy paradigm of the Western world. However, the stagflation of the 1970s led to the rejection of Keynesian policy and a return to small-state neoclassical orthodoxy. Thirty years later, the 2008 global financial crash was severe enough to have shaken the re-vamped classical orthodoxy, but, curiously, this did not happen. Once the crisis had been overcome - by Keynesian measures taken in desperation - the pre-crash orthodoxy was reinstated, undermined but unbowed. Since 2008, no new 'big idea' has emerged, and orthodoxy has maintained its sway, enacting punishing austerity agendas that leave us with a still-anaemic global economy. This book aims to familiarise the reader with essential elements of Keynes's 'big idea'. By showing that much of economic orthodoxy is far from being the hard science it claims to be, it aims to embolden the next generation of economists to break free from their conceptual prisons and afford money and government the starring roles in the economic drama that they deserve.
Objev podobné jako Money and Government - Skidelsky Robert
A New Science of Heaven - Robert Temple
The story of the science of plasma and its revolutionary implications for the way we understand the universe and our place in it.Histories of science in the 20th century have focused on relativity and quantum mechanics. But, quietly in the background, there has been a third area of exploration which has equally important implications for our understanding of the universe. It is unknown to the general public despite the fact that many Nobel prize winners, senior academics and major research centres around the world have been devoted to it - it is the study of plasmaPlasma is the fourth state of matter and the other three - gas, liquid and solids - emerge out of plasma. This book will reveal how over 99% of the universe is made of plasma and how there are two gigantic clouds of plasma, called the Kordylewski Clouds, hovering between the Earth and the Moon, only recently discovered by astronomers in Hungary. Other revelations not previously known outside narrow academic disciplines include the evidence that in certain circumstances plasma exhibits features that suggest they may be in some sense alive: clouds of plasma have evolved double helixes, banks of cells and crystals, filaments and junctions which could control the flow of electric currents, thus generating an intelligence similar to machine intelligence. We may, in fact, have been looking for signs of extra-terrestrial life in the wrong place.Bestselling author Robert Temple has been following the study of plasma for decades and was personally acquainted with several of the senior scientists - including Nobel laureates - at its forefront, including Paul Dirac, David Bohm, Peter Mitchell and Chandra Wickramasinghe (who has co-written an academic paper with Temple).
Objev podobné jako A New Science of Heaven - Robert Temple
A New Science of Heaven - Robert Temple
'This book is an important contribution, and I hope it will open many minds. What is particularly important in it are the discussions of David Bohm, of bioplasma, biophotons, and bioelectronics.' - PROFESSOR ZBIGNIEW WOLKOWSKI, Sorbonne University, ParisThe story of the science of plasma and its revolutionary implications for the way we understand the universe and our place in it.Histories of science in the 20th century have focused on relativity and quantum mechanics. But, quietly in the background, there has been a third area of exploration which has equally important implications for our understanding of the universe. It is unknown to the general public despite the fact that many Nobel prize winners, senior academics and major research centres around the world have been devoted to it - it is the study of plasmaPlasma is the fourth state of matter and the other three - gas, liquid and solids - emerge out of plasma. This book will reveal how over 99% of the universe is made of plasma and how there are two gigantic clouds of plasma, called the Kordylewski Clouds, hovering between the Earth and the Moon, only recently discovered by astronomers in Hungary. Other revelations not previously known outside narrow academic disciplines include the evidence that in certain circumstances plasma exhibits features that suggest they may be in some sense alive: clouds of plasma have evolved double helixes, banks of cells and crystals, filaments and junctions which could control the flow of electric currents, thus generating an intelligence similar to machine intelligence. We may, in fact, have been looking for signs of extra-terrestrial life in the wrong place.Bestselling author Robert Temple has been following the study of plasma for decades and was personally acquainted with several of the senior scientists - including Nobel laureates - at its forefront, including Paul Dirac, David Bohm, Peter Mitchell and Chandra Wickramasinghe (who has co-written an academic paper with Temple).
Objev podobné jako A New Science of Heaven - Robert Temple
The New World on Mars - Zubrin Robert
he world's leading expert on the human settlement of Mars explains what Martian societies will look like - sooner than we thinkWithin a few years, humans will be able to voyage to Mars. SpaceX is at the forefront of companies already building fleets of spaceships to make interplanetary travel as affordable as Old-World passage to America – to the then New World. We will settle the red planet, transforming its raw materials into resources and tackling the challenges that await us, creating a new frontier for humankind.Dr Robert Zubrin explains how populous Martian city-states will emerge, producing their own air, water, food, power and more. How they must be beautiful to attract settlers, and what that might look like. How the primary exports are unlikely to be material goods but intellectual products, created by a technically adept population in a frontier environment where people will be forced to innovate – including GMOs, robotics, AI and power production.Zubrin even predicts the red planet’s customs, social relations and government – of the people, by the people, for the people, with inalienable individual rights – that will overcome traditional forms of oppression to draw talented Earth immigrants. In 1776, Thomas Paine wrote ‘We have it in our power to begin the world over again’. Zubrin inspires us to embrace another magnificent future today.With the right pieces in place, his red planet will become a pressure cooker for invention, benefiting humans on Earth, Mars and beyond. The New World on Mars proves that there is no point killing each other over provinces on Earth when, together, we can create planets.
Objev podobné jako The New World on Mars - Zubrin Robert
An Officer and a Spy - Robert Harris
***PRE-ORDER THE SPECIAL COLLECTOR''S EDITION OF PRECIPICE, THE THRILLING NEW NOVEL FROM ROBERT HARRIS, NOW. PUBLISHING AUGUST 2024, AVAILABLE ONLY WHILE STOCK LASTS AND EXCLUSIVE TO THE FIRST PRINT RUN***IN THE HUNT FOR A SPY, HE EXPOSED A CONSPIRACY''Seriously riveting . . . a testament to Robert Harris''s storytelling power'' The Times''Taut and exciting'' GuardianParis, 1895: an army officer, Georges Picquart, watches a convicted spy, Alfred Dreyfus, being publicly humiliated in front of a baying crowd.Dreyfus is exiled for life to Devil''s Island; Picquart is promoted to run the intelligence until that tracked him down.But when Picquart discovers that secrets are still being handed over to the Germans, he is forced to confront the dangerous truth that Dreyfus may be innocent.Soon Picquart is being drawn into a labyrinth of deceit and corruption that threatens not just his honour but his life . . .''Menace and suspense twist tight in a narrative of tremendous tension'' Sunday Times
Objev podobné jako An Officer and a Spy - Robert Harris
Silvova metoda ovládání mysli pro získání pomoci z druhé strany - Silva José, Robert B. Stone
Pouze deset procent z nás používá obě poloviny mozku vyrovnaným způsobem. Většina lidí kultivuje levou, logickou polovinu svého mozku a ignoruje obrovský potenciál kreativní pravé strany. Nyní ale máte přístup k plné síle své mysli - a úžasné transformaci svého života! SILVOVA METODA OVLÁDÁNÍ MYSLI PRO ZÍSKÁNÍ POMOCI Z DRUHÉ STRANY vám ukazuje, jak aktivovat pravou stranu svého mozku - a získat přístup ke své vyšší inteligenci, kreativitě a energii. Objevíte osvědčené techniky Silvova ovládání mysli, které vám pomohou: • zaměřit se na smysl svého života - a realizovat ho, • prožívat život s novým nadšením - cítit se klidní, energičtí a ovládat se, • posilovat váš přirozený vhled - nacházet správnou cestu ke klíčovým rozhodnutím, • naladit svou mysl tak, aby pro vás víc pracovala - i když spíte, • zažehnat negativní myšlenky a postoje - tři kroky k pozitivnímu životnímu postoji, • zlepšit vztahy - s rodinou, přáteli a kolegy v pracovní oblasti, • těšit se ze skutečné hojnosti - zdraví, míru a prosperity. Tato neuvěřitelná kniha obsahuje jednoduchý program den po dni, který je vším, co potřebujete, abyste ovládli ohromnou sílu své druhé strany - a vstoupili do vzrušující nové kreativní říše.
Objev podobné jako Silvova metoda ovládání mysli pro získání pomoci z druhé strany - Silva José, Robert B. Stone
New Arabian Nights - Robert Louis Stevenson - e-kniha
eBook: A collection of Stevenson's first published works, "New Arabian Nights" is divided into two volumes of loosely connected short stories. There is no Scheherazade this time, but Stevenson chooses to present a variety of perspectives that merge together into a larger whole. The stories follow the characters' various adventures in Europe, shrouded in mystery and romance. Irony and humour go hand in hand, turning this early writerly product of Stevenson into an entertaining, widely-read, and definitely recommended piece of fiction not only for Stevenson's fans, but for short story genre aficionados as well. Some of the stories included are "The Suicide Club", "The Pavilion of the Links", and "A Lodging for the Night".
Objev podobné jako New Arabian Nights - Robert Louis Stevenson - e-kniha
Alfred Wertheimer. Elvis and the Birth of Rock and Roll - Robert Santelli
“Elvis who?” was photographer Alfred Wertheimer’s response when, in early 1956, RCA Victor asked him to photograph an up-and-coming crooner from Memphis. Little did Wertheimer know that this would be the job of his life: just 21 years old, Elvis Presley was—as we now know—about to become a legend. A fly on the wall in Presley's presence, Wertheimer took nearly 3,000 photographs of Elvis that year, creating a penetrating portrait of a man poised on the brink of superstardom.Extraordinary in its intimacy and unparalleled in its scope, Wertheimer's Elvis project immortalized a young man in the very process of making history. Elvis and the Birth of Rock and Roll collects Wertheimer’s most remarkable Elvis shots from that magical year, along with a selection of his historic 1958 pictures of the star being shipped off to an army base in Germany. Each chapter is illustrated with a poster by Hatch Show Print, one of the oldest letterpress print shops in America, which created many early Elvis posters in the 1950s.
Objev podobné jako Alfred Wertheimer. Elvis and the Birth of Rock and Roll - Robert Santelli
Tales and Fantasies - Robert Louis Stevenson - e-kniha
eBook: 'Tales and Fantasies' is a short story collection by much-loved Scottish author Robert Louis Stevenson. Published posthumously in 1905, the collection included the farcical 'The Misadventures of John Nicholson', the supernatural 'The Body Snatcher' and the moralistic 'The Story of a Lie'. A humorous, charming collection from the famous 'Treasure Island' author.
Objev podobné jako Tales and Fantasies - Robert Louis Stevenson - e-kniha
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde - Robert Louis Stevenson
This is the "Penguin English Library Edition" of "Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde" by Robert Louis Stevenson. 'All human beings, as we meet them, are commingled out of good and evil: and Edward Hyde, alone in the ranks of mankind, was pure evil'. Published as a 'shilling shocker', Robert Louis Stevenson's dark psychological fantasy gave birth to the idea of the split personality. The story of respectable Dr Jekyll's strange association with 'damnable young man' Edward Hyde; the hunt through fog-bound London for a killer; and the final revelation of Hyde's true identity is a chilling exploration of humanity's basest capacity for evil. This edition also includes Stevenson's chilling story "The Bottle Imp". "The Penguin English Library" - 100 editions of the best fiction in English, from the eighteenth century and the very first novels to the beginning of the First World War.
Objev podobné jako Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde - Robert Louis Stevenson
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde - Robert Louis Stevenson
‘…man is not truly one, but truly two.’In this powerful deconstruction of Calvinist belief and the hypocrisy at the heart of Victorian society, Stevenson creates a gothic icon in the divided self that is Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. Born from a nightmare and anticipating Freud’s theory of the unconscious, Stevenson literalises the concepts of the supernatural doppelgänger and the split personality in a timeless tale of guilt, desire, and violence by which all subsequent ‘double’ stories must be judged. In seeking to cleanse his soul of sin, Dr Henry Jekyll instead unleashes a monster. First published in 1886, this tragic study of the duality of man established Stevenson’s international reputation as an author.This volume also contains Stevenson’s 1887 collection of short stories, The Merry Men and Other Tales and Fables, which includes a further exploration of the mind of a murderer, ‘Markheim’, and the occult tales of terror, ‘The Merry Men’, ‘Olalla’, and ‘Thrawn Janet’.
Objev podobné jako Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde - Robert Louis Stevenson
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde - Robert Louis Stevenson
Published as a 'shilling shocker', Robert Louis Stevenson's dark psychological fantasy gave birth to the idea of the split personality. The story of respectable Dr Jekyll's strange association with 'damnable young man' Edward Hyde; the hunt through fog-bound London for a killer; and the final revelation of Hyde's true identity is a chilling exploration of humanity's basest capacity for evil.
Objev podobné jako Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde - Robert Louis Stevenson
New York - Lonely Planet - Regis St Louis, Robert Balkovich
Epicentrum umění. Metropole hodování a nakupování. Tvůrce trendů. New York City se pyšní mnoha prvenstvími a svá neodolatelná lákadla nabízí všem. S tímto průvodcem z proslulé edice Lonely Planet se dostanete přímo k srdci města! - Úžasné zážitky - inspirativní fotografie, informace o aktivitách a přehled nejzajímavějších míst - Naplánujte si cestu - užitečné tipy a nejlepší doporučené trasy vám dávají možnost sestavit si cestu podle svých představ - Mimo známé trasy - naši autoři pro vás odhalují skrytá místa, čímž vám pomáhají zažít něco jedinečného Zvláštní kapitoly - 3D průvodce po Central Parku - Jak žijí místní - Půdorys Metropolitního uměleckého muzea - Podrobné barevné mapy
Objev podobné jako New York - Lonely Planet - Regis St Louis, Robert Balkovich
Futurekind: Design by and for the People - Robert Phillips
Manual and manifesto, an inspiration and a call-to-arms, this rich and timely survey presents over 60 innovative, socially and environmentally conscious design projects changing the world for the better Improving lives is no longer the role only of governments and experts: enabled by the latest technologies, anyone can help to design and create products for the social and environmental good. Part manual, part manifesto, part call-to-arms, Futurekind presents more than 60 world-changing projects that, through a process of collaboration between communities and designers, are shaping a better future for us all. Contents List Introduction • 1. Civic Empowerment • 2. Health • 3. Environment + Sustainability 4. Accessible Design • 5. Education • 6. Economic Empowerment • 7. Access to Knowledge • 8. Community Engagement
Objev podobné jako Futurekind: Design by and for the People - Robert Phillips
Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde and Other Stories - Robert Louis Stevenson
One of Stevenson's most famous and enduringly popular works, Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde describes the mysterious relationship between a respectable and affable doctor and his brutal associate. Set in the grimy streets of Victorian London, this tale of murder, split personality and obscure science, with its chilling final revelation, became an instant horror classic when it was first published in 1886 and has enthralled and terrified generations of readers ever since.
Objev podobné jako Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde and Other Stories - Robert Louis Stevenson
City Primeval - New York, Berlin, Prague - Louis Armand, Robert Carrithers
CITY PRIMEVAL is a constellation of personal documentaries of place & time by key contemporary writers, poets, musicians, designers, filmmakers, photographers, artists, editors, performers from within the New York, Berlin & Prague underground scenes from the late 1970s to the present; from New York Post-Punk & No Wave, to the fall of the Berlin Wall & Reunification, to the Velvet Revolution & the Prague Renaissance; including contributions by Bruno Adams, Penny Arcade, Louis Armand, Dale Ashmun, J.Jackie Baier, Markéta Baňková, Varhan Orchestrovič Bauer, Lina Bertucci, Gaby Bíla-Günther, Mykel Board, Victor Bockris, Christoph Brandl, Gary Ray Bugarcic, Robert Carrithers, David Černý, Roman Černý, Michal Cihlář, Antonio Cossa, William Coupon, Max Dax, Christoph Dreher, Sara Driver, Glen Emery, Vincent Farnsworth, Nat Finkelstein, Roxanne Fontana, Thor Garcia, Susanne Glück, Carola Goellner, Anthony Haden Guest, Carl Haber, Jex Harshman, Henry Hills, Nhoah Hoena, Michael Holman, John Hood, Chris Hughes, Jolana Izbická, Timo Jacobs, Bethany Eden Jacobson, Tobiáš Jirous, Bettina Köster, Julius Klein, Hubert Ketzschmar, Jaromír Lelek, Lydia Lunch, Rinat Magsumov, Peter Milne, Steve Morell, Mona Mur, Julia Murakami, Shalom Neuman, Paul Pacey, Puma Perl, Rudolf Piper, Rudi Protrudi, Mark Reeder, Marcia Resnick, Ingrid Rudefors, Ilse Ruppert, Šimon Šafránek, Honza Sakař, Oliver Schütz, Marcia Schofield, Tom Scully, Semra Sevin, Phil Shoenfelt, Peter Smith, Azalea So Sweet, Mark Steiner, Kenton Turk, André Werner, Ian Wright, Nick Zedd, Dave Zijlstra, Richard & Winter Zoli, Miron Zownir.
Objev podobné jako City Primeval - New York, Berlin, Prague - Louis Armand, Robert Carrithers
Robert Winston Science Squad Explains: Key science concepts made simple and fun - Robert Winston, Steve Setford, Trent Kirkpatrick
Have you ever wondered what makes electricity? Or what's inside an atom? Or how high the Moon really is? Or what light is made of and why you need it? The Science Squad provides all the answers in this colourful, fact-packed and informative book, explaining more than 100 key STEAM concepts in a clear way that will appeal to children aged five and above.This is the perfect visual introduction to the key concepts children need to know about all things STEAM. Each topic is explained using illustrated characters that represent science, technology, engineering, art, and maths. The second book in the Science Squad series, Science Squad Explains is an essential read for young STEAM fans.
Objev podobné jako Robert Winston Science Squad Explains: Key science concepts made simple and fun - Robert Winston, Steve Setford, Trent Kirkpatrick
Piatnik Poker - Women of Influence
Ta inspirace! Hrací karty Women of Influence obsahují obrázky mimo jiné: Brigitte Bardot, Greta Garbo, Elizabeth Taylor, Marilyn Monroe, Grace Kelly, Queen Elizabeth, Aretha Franklin, Audrey Hepburn, Maria Callas, Amelia Earhart, Angela Davis, Jacky Kennedy a Michelle Obama na zadní straně této inspirační karty! Ženy vlivu Hrající karty Piatnik , je zobrazena Madonna.
Objev podobné jako Piatnik Poker - Women of Influence
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and Other Stories - Robert Louis Stevenson
Since his first literary appearance in 1886, the murderous Mr. Hyde has embodied the evil that even good men—including his alter ego, Henry Jekyll—are capable of when the constraints of civilized life are loosed. This chilling anthology also collects nine of Stevenson’s best-known tales of horror, including The Body-Snatcher," "Markheim," "Thrawn Janet," "The Bottle Imp," "The Isle of Voices," "The Waif Woman," "Olalla," and "Will o' the Mill."
Objev podobné jako The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and Other Stories - Robert Louis Stevenson
The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde and other stories - Robert Louis Stevenson
Why has the mild mannered Dr Jekyll suddenly begun to associate with the ugly and violent Mr Hyde? And why are they never seen together? When Jekyll's old friend Utterson tries to solve these mysteries he uncovers a horrific story of suffering and brutality that eventually leads to the terrible revelation of Mr Hyde's true identity. Accompanied here by three other memorable stories of horror, murder and the supernatural, The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde is a masterpiece of Victorian Gothic literature by Robert Louis Stevenson, and one of the most potent and enduring of modern myths. This beautiful edition of The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde & Other Stories features an afterword by playwright and screenwriter Peter Harness. Designed to appeal to the booklover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautifully bound gift editions of much loved classic titles.
Objev podobné jako The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde and other stories - Robert Louis Stevenson
Futurekind: Design by and for the People (Defekt) - Robert Phillips
Manual and manifesto, an inspiration and a call-to-arms, this rich and timely survey presents over 60 innovative, socially and environmentally conscious design projects changing the world for the better Improving lives is no longer the role only of governments and experts: enabled by the latest technologies, anyone can help to design and create products for the social and environmental good. Part manual, part manifesto, part call-to-arms, Futurekind presents more than 60 world-changing projects that, through a process of collaboration between communities and designers, are shaping a better future for us all. Contents List Introduction • 1. Civic Empowerment • 2. Health • 3. Environment + Sustainability 4. Accessible Design • 5. Education • 6. Economic Empowerment • 7. Access to Knowledge • 8. Community Engagement
Objev podobné jako Futurekind: Design by and for the People (Defekt) - Robert Phillips
IFRS a US GAAP / IFRS and US GAAP - Robert Mládek
Jak již z názvu vyplývá, IFRS (Mezinárodní standardy finančního výkaznictví) se zabývají především výstupem, nikoli účetním postupem. Podobně ani US GAAP (Americké obecně uznávané účetní zásady) nedefinují přesné účetní postupy, které se mají při jejich aplikaci používat. Účetním zvyklým na účetní standardy, které naopak definují vzorovou účtovou osnovu, upravují postupy účtování a přesně definují obsah účetní závěrky, se standardy jako IFRS a US GAAP často zdají být těžko aplikovatelné v praxi. Jako by jim chyběl návod k použití. Proto tato příručka místo dlouhých výkladů ukazuje jak aplikovat standardy IFRS a US GAAP v každodenní praxi, pomocí toho, co každý účetní zná a miluje: má dáti/dal.Inspiraci pro příklady čerpá autor především z vlastní praxe a zkušeností ze školení, která pravidelně pořádá už od roku 1995. Navíc kniha obsahuje příklady aplikace nových standardů, které zatím nevstoupily v platnost a není k nim proto žádná zavedená praxe. Publikace, která obsahuje pouze příklady, samozřejmě nenahradí IFRS a US GAAP, je však cenným průvodcem pro všechny, kteří chtějí tyto standardy aplikovat jednoduše. Všechen text je uváděn dvojjazyčně
Objev podobné jako IFRS a US GAAP / IFRS and US GAAP - Robert Mládek
Penguin Readers Level 1: Jekyll and Hyde - Robert Louis Stevenson
Penguin Readers is an ELT graded reader series for learners of English as a foreign language. With carefully adapted text, new illustrations and language learning exercises, the print edition also includes instructions to access supporting material online. Titles include popular classics, exciting contemporary fiction, and thought-provoking non-fiction, introducing language learners to bestselling authors and compelling content. The eight levels of Penguin Readers follow the Common European Framework of Reference for language learning (CEFR). Exercises at the back of each Reader help language learners to practise grammar, vocabulary, and key exam skills. Before, during and after-reading questions test readers' story comprehension and develop vocabulary. Visit the Penguin Readers website Exclusively with the print edition, readers can unlock online resources including a digital book, audio edition, lesson plans and answer keys. Dr Jekyll is a good person. He is nice, and he has lots of friends. But Mr Hyde is a bad person. He walks in the streets of London at night and does bad things. Why are the two men friends?
Objev podobné jako Penguin Readers Level 1: Jekyll and Hyde - Robert Louis Stevenson
Robert Plant - Lullaby and...The Ceaseless Roar (180g) (2 LP)
Dekáda interpreta: 1980 - 1989;1970 - 1979;2000 - 2009;1960 - 1969;1990 - 1999;2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019 Datum vydání: 2014-09-05 Žánr: Country;Rock;Folk Subžánr: Folk Rock;Psychedelic Rock;Art Rock;Blues Rock Vydavatelství: Nonesuch Barva podle výrobce: Black Rok vydání: 2014.0 Varianta: Lullaby and...The Ceaseless Roar (180g) (2 LP) Interpret / Téma: Robert Plant Typ: LP deska;Album;Zdobené leptáním;Audiofilní kvalita;Jednostranná deska;CD Země původu: Evropská unie Balení obsahuje: CD;LP Hmotnost: 180 g Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Složení setu: 2 ks Barva: Černá Země interpreta: Spojené království
Objev podobné jako Robert Plant - Lullaby and...The Ceaseless Roar (180g) (2 LP)
The Greek Myths : The Complete and Definitive Edition - Robert Graves
'Icarus disobeyed his father's instructions and began soaring towards the sun, rejoiced by the lift of his great sweeping wings. Presently, when Daedalus looked over his shoulder, he could no longer see Icarus; but scattered feathers floated on the waves below...'These are the greatest stories ever told - the labours of Hercules, the voyage of the Argonauts, Theseus and the minotaur, Midas and his golden touch, the Trojan War and Odysseus's journey home - brought together into one epic and unforgettable story. Ideal for the first time reader, it can be read as a single page-turning narrative, while full commentaries as well as a comprehensive index of names make it equally valuable for anyone seeking an authoritative and detailed account of the spectacular stories that make up the bedrock of Western literature.The Greek Myths is a classic among classics, a treasure trove of extraordinary tales and a masterful work of literature in its own right.
Objev podobné jako The Greek Myths : The Complete and Definitive Edition - Robert Graves
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