Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
How to Feed the World: A Factful Guide - Václav Smil
There is no author whose books I look forward to more' BILL GATESIn this ambitious, myth-busting book, leading scientist and internationally bestselling author Vaclav Smil investigates many of the burning questions facing the world today:Why are some of the world's biggest food producers also the countries with the most undernourished populations?Why is food waste a colossal 1,000kcal per person daily, and how can we solve that?Could we all go vegan and be healthy? Should we?How will we feed the ballooning population without killing the planet?How Food Really Works shows how we misunderstand the essentials of where our food really comes from, how our dietary requirements shape us, and why this impacts our planet in drastic ways. Ultimately, this data-based, rigorously researched guide explains how we will survive and thrive long into the future.'There is perhaps no other academic who paints pictures with numbers like Smil' GUARDIAN
Podívejte se také How to Change: The Science of Self-Improvement (0593332598)
Size: How It Explains the World - Václav Smil
100 words: The New York Times bestselling author returns with a mind-opening exploration of how size defines life on Earth.Explaining the key processes shaping size in nature, society and technology, Smil busts myths around proportions - from bodies to paintings and the so-called golden ratio - tells us what Jonathan Swift got wrong in Gulliver's Travels - the giant Brobdingnagian's legs would buckle under their enormous weight - and dives headfirst into the most contentious issue in ergonomics: the size of aeroplane seats.It is no exaggeration to say this fascinating and wide-ranging tour de force will change the way you look at absolutely everything.10 words: Size, an omnipresent scalar, is the measure of all things.1 word: Size.
Podívejte se také A field guide to the flora of Ladakh (978-80-200-2826-6)
Size: How It Explains the World - Václav Smil
'There is no author whose books I look forward to more' Bill GatesThe New York Times bestselling author returns with a mind-opening exploration of how size defines life on Earth.Explaining the key processes shaping size in nature, society and technology, Smil busts myths around proportions - from bodies to paintings and the so-called golden ratio - tells us what Jonathan Swift got wrong in Gulliver's Travels - the giant Brobdingnagian's legs would buckle under their enormous weight - and dives headfirst into the most contentious issue in ergonomics: the size of aeroplane seats.It is no exaggeration to say this fascinating and wide-ranging tour de force will change the way you look at absolutely everything.‘Vaclav Smil is a phenomenon with an appetite for facts over prejudice and fashion. Essential reading for anyone who cares about the future’ Lord Norman Foster
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How the World Really Works : A Scientist´s Guide to Our Past, Present and Future - Václav Smil
We have never had so much information at our fingertips and yet most of us don't know how the world really works. This book explains seven of the most fundamental realities governing our survival and prosperity. From energy and food production, through our material world and its globalization, to risks, our environment and its future, How the World Really Works offers a much-needed reality check - because before we can tackle problems effectively, we must understand the facts.In this ambitious and thought-provoking book we see, for example, that globalization isn't inevitable and that our societies have been steadily increasing their dependence on fossil fuels, making their complete and rapid elimination unlikely. Drawing on the latest science and tackling sources of misinformation head on - from Yuval Noah Harari to Noam Chomsky - ultimately Smil answers the most profound question of our age: are we irrevocably doomed or is a brighter utopia ahead?
Objev podobné jako How the World Really Works : A Scientist´s Guide to Our Past, Present and Future - Václav Smil
Oil : A Beginner´s Guide - Václav Smil
World acclaimed scientist Vaclav Smil reveals everything there is to know about nature's most sought-after resourceOil is the lifeblood of the modern world. Without it, there would be no planes, no plastic, no exotic produce, and a global political landscape few would recognise. Humanity’s dependence upon oil looks set to continue for decades to come, but what is it?Fully updated and packed with fascinating facts to fuel dinner party debate, Professor Vaclav Smil's Oil: A Beginner's Guide explains all matters related to the ‘black stuff’, from its discovery in the earth right through to the controversy that surrounds it today.
Objev podobné jako Oil : A Beginner´s Guide - Václav Smil
Numbers Don't Lie: 71 Things You Need to Know About the World - Václav Smil
Is flying dangerous? How much do the world's cows weigh? And what makes people happy? From earth's nations and inhabitants, through the fuels and foods that energize them, to the transportation and inventions of our modern world - and how all of this affects the planet itself - in Numbers Don't Lie, Professor Vaclav Smil takes us on a fact-finding adventure, using surprising statistics and illuminating graphs to challenge lazy thinking. Packed with 'Well-I-never-knew-that' information and with fascinating and unusual examples throughout, we find out how many people it took to build the Great Pyramid, that vaccination yields the best return on investment, and why electric cars aren't as great as we think (yet). There's a wonderful mix of science, history and wit, all in bite-sized chapters on a broad range of topics. Urgent and essential, Numbers Don't Lie inspires readers to interrogate what they take to be true in these significant times. Smil is on a mission to make facts matter, because after all, numbers may not lie, but which truth do they convey?
Objev podobné jako Numbers Don't Lie: 71 Things You Need to Know About the World - Václav Smil
Global Catastrophes and Trends : The Next Fifty Years - Václav Smil
A wide-ranging, interdisciplinary look at global changes that may occur over the next fifty years—whether sudden and cataclysmic world-changing events or gradually unfolding trends. Fundamental change occurs most often in one of two ways: as a “fatal discontinuity,” a sudden catastrophic event that is potentially world changing, or as a persistent, gradual trend. Global catastrophes include volcanic eruptions, viral pandemics, wars, and large-scale terrorist attacks; trends are demographic, environmental, economic, and political shifts that unfold over time. In this provocative book, scientist Vaclav Smil takes a wide-ranging, interdisciplinary look at the catastrophes and trends the next fifty years may bring. Smil first looks at rare but cataclysmic events, both natural and human-produced, then at trends of global importance, including the transition from fossil fuels to other energy sources and growing economic and social inequality. He also considers environmental change—in some ways an amalgam of sudden discontinuities and gradual change—and assesses the often misunderstood complexities of global warming. Global Catastrophes and Trends does not come down on the side of either doom-and-gloom scenarios or techno-euphoria. Instead, Smil argues that understanding change will help us reverse negative trends and minimize the risk of catastrophe
Objev podobné jako Global Catastrophes and Trends : The Next Fifty Years - Václav Smil
Ropa - Václav Smil
Bez ropy by nebylo globalizace, plastů, běžné přepravy ani světové politické mapy, v níž by se alespoň někdo vyznal. Je to životadárná tekutina moderního světa a zdá se, že ze závislosti na ní se lidstvo ještě hezkých pár desetiletí nevymaní. Autor uznávané Energie v této aktuální knize vysvětluje vše, co s „černým zlatem“ souvisí, od jeho objevení v hlubinách Země až po politické turbulence, které dnes rozpoutává. Kniha Ropa je nabitá fascinujícími fakty a postřehy a je jedinečná jakožto kompilace spousty různých aspektů ropy a jejího příběhu. Tento Smilův vyčerpávající průvodce poskytne řadu témat k debatám pro jakoukoliv sešlost od geologie a ekonomiky až po alternativní zdroje energie, a seznámí čtenáře s vědeckým i politickým zákulisím tohoto nejkontroverznějšího zdroje světa.
Objev podobné jako Ropa - Václav Smil
Velikost - Václav Smil
Od bakterií po velryby, od atomů po asteroidy. Oceňovaný vědec českého původu Vaclav Smil tentokrát zkoumá, proč rozměry nejsou náhodné a jak ovlivňují svět. Má dvakrát větší člověk dvakrát více krve? Čím se vyznačují hezké tváře? Má každý růst své meze? Kde všude najdeme zlatý řez? A co ergonomický oříšek: velikost sedadel v letadle? Nečekané odpovědi na otázky všedního i planetárního významu vás ohromí i pobaví zároveň. Fascinující publikace od základů změní, jak se díváte na vše kolem sebe!
Objev podobné jako Velikost - Václav Smil
How to Stop the End of the World - Mitchell Tom
Colin Coleridge is facing a long, boring summer holiday with NOTHING to do. But when he notices some weird markings outside his house, and some strangers acting VERY suspiciously in his neighbour’s garden, he decides to investigate. And before too long, Colin and his new friend Lucy have found themselves caught up in a mission involving an ancient sword, a mysterious curse, and a plan to SAVE THE WORLD…Hilarious, fast-paced, and action-packed, How to Stop the End of the World is an apocalyptically funny adventure for readers aged 9+, from the highly-acclaimed author of Escape from Camp Boring and When Things Went Wild.
Objev podobné jako How to Stop the End of the World - Mitchell Tom
Velké proměny - Václav Smil
Demografie, zemědělství, energie a hospodářství – to jsou čtyři „velké civilizační přechody“, jež zcela proměnily náš způsob života. Ačkoli jimi mnoho společností prošlo, na Zemi stále žijí stovky milionů lidí, kteří jsou tímto vývojem nedotčeni. Co to pro planetu znamená a kam tato nerovnováha lidstvo v blízké budoucnosti zavede? Mezinárodně uznávaný vědec Václav Smil představuje největší výzvy současnosti, které už nyní formují podobu našeho světa.
Objev podobné jako Velké proměny - Václav Smil
Čísla nelžou - Václav Smil
Jakou pravdu čísla sdělují? A jak je interpretovat? Celosvětově uznávaný kanadský vědec českého původu Vaclav Smil nás ve své knize bere na faktografickou výpravu za poznáním, na níž pomocí překvapivých statistik a názorných grafů zpochybňuje naše mnohdy pohodlné myšlení a vyvrací novodobé mýty o tom, jak svět funguje. 71 tematických kapitol přináší kromě nových informací a fascinujících příkladů z energetiky, dopravy či ekologie také odpovědi na otázky typu: Proč elektrická auta zatím nejsou šetrná k životnímu prostředí? Proč je těžké předpovědět, jak zlá bude probíhající pandemie? A jak lidstvo a vynálezy moderního světa ovlivňují život na naší planetě?
Objev podobné jako Čísla nelžou - Václav Smil
Čísla nelžou - Václav Smil - audiokniha
Audiokniha: Celosvětově uznávaný kanadský vědec českého původu nás ve své knize bere na faktografickou výpravu za poznáním. 71 tematických kapitol přináší kromě nových informací a fascinujících příkladů z energetiky, dopravy či ekologie také odpovědi na otázky typu: Proč elektrická auta zatím nejsou šetrná k životnímu prostředí? Proč je těžké předpovědět, jak zlá bude probíhající pandemie? A jak lidstvo a vynálezy moderního světa ovlivňují život na naší planetě?
Objev podobné jako Čísla nelžou - Václav Smil - audiokniha
Energie - Václav Smil - e-kniha
eBook: Podle Einsteinovy slavné rovnice E=mc2 lze veškerou hmotu přeměnit v energii. Je všude a je vším. V tomto hodnotném zasvěcení do tématu uznávaný odborník Vaclav Smil vysvětluje její klíčovou roli ve vývoji jak naší planety i moderní společnosti. Svým komplexním přístupem a praktickými postřehy tento stravitelně podávaný průvodce ukazuje, jak je každý aspekt naší existence ovládán jedním z nejdůležitějších konceptů našeho vesmíru.
Objev podobné jako Energie - Václav Smil - e-kniha
Ropa - Václav Smil - e-kniha
eBook: Kniha nabitá fascinujícími fakty a postřehy o „černém zlatu“, jež hýbe světovou mocenskou scénou Bez ropy by nebylo globalizace, plastů, běžné přepravy ani současné světové politické mapy. Je to životadárná tekutina moderního světa a zdá se, že ze závislosti na ní se lidstvo jen tak nevymaní. Smilův vyčerpávající průvodce seznamuje čtenáře s vědeckým i politickým zákulisím tohoto nejkontroverznějšího zdroje světa a prezentuje řadu mezioborových souvislostí potřebných k pochopení komplexního globálního ropného systému.
Objev podobné jako Ropa - Václav Smil - e-kniha
How the World Eats - Julian Baggini
An exploration of how we grow, make, buy and eat our food around the world, which proposes the principles for a perennial and global philosophy of food; from the Sunday Times-bestselling author of How the World Thinks.
Objev podobné jako How the World Eats - Julian Baggini
How the World Thinks - Julian Baggini
The first ever global overview of philosophy: how it developed around the world and impacted the cultures in which it flourished, now in paperback.
Objev podobné jako How the World Thinks - Julian Baggini
Čísla nelžou - Václav Smil - e-kniha
eBook: Čísla nelžou. Ale jakou pravdu sdělují? Celosvětově uznávaný kanadský vědec českého původu nás ve své knize bere na faktografickou výpravu za poznáním. 71 tematických kapitol přináší kromě nových informací a fascinujících příkladů z energetiky, dopravy či ekologie také odpovědi na otázky typu: Proč elektrická auta zatím nejsou šetrná k životnímu prostředí? Proč je těžké předpovědět, jak zlá bude probíhající pandemie? A jak lidstvo a vynálezy moderního světa ovlivňují život na naší planetě?
Objev podobné jako Čísla nelžou - Václav Smil - e-kniha
Velké proměny - Václav Smil - e-kniha
eBook: Demografie, zemědělství, energie a hospodářství – to jsou čtyři „velké civilizační přechody“, jež zcela proměnily náš způsob života. Ačkoli jimi mnoho společností prošlo, na Zemi stále žijí stovky milionů lidí, kteří jsou tímto vývojem nedotčeni. Co to pro planetu znamená a kam tato nerovnováha lidstvo v blízké budoucnosti zavede? Mezinárodně uznávaný vědec Václav Smil představuje největší výzvy současnosti, které už nyní formují podobu našeho světa. Vaclav Smil tentokrát předkládá interdisciplinární zkoumání pěti fundamentálních přechodů, jejichž vzájemné působení vytvořilo moderní svět. Zaměřuje se na historii těchto přechodů v oblasti populace, zemědělství, energie, hospodářství a životního prostředí a zkoumá jejich původ, jakož i faktory, jež je umožnily a přispěly k jejich rozmachu. Zabývá se jejich pokrokem, postupy a rozptýlením a popisuji jejich trajektorie, interakce a důsledky. Zkoumá, jak jsme se dostali do tohoto bodu lidské evoluce a jak se z velkých přechodů zrodila dnešní každodenní realita. Realita, která se tak dalece vymyká tomu, co jsme si byli schopni včera představit, ale na jejíž výhody dosud nedosáhly miliardy lidí v méně rozvinutých společnostech, a to i přesto, že pokrok, k němuž jsme již dospěli, ohrožuje integritu biosféry.
Objev podobné jako Velké proměny - Václav Smil - e-kniha
Jak svět doopravdy funguje - Václav Smil
Lidstvo ještě nikdy ve své historii nemělo tolik informací, přesto si jen málokdo uvědomuje, jak svět ve skutečnosti funguje. Oceňovaný vědec českého původu Vaclav Smil popisuje a objasňuje složité procesy s neuvěřitelnou lehkostí. Zabývá se sedmi základními principy moderní společnosti, počínaje energiemi přes globalizaci až po výzvy čekající v budoucnosti. Abychom mohli začít řešit problémy, musíme nejdříve pochopit základní fakta. S touto fascinující publikací to bude mnohem snazší.
Objev podobné jako Jak svět doopravdy funguje - Václav Smil
Doctor Who: How to be a Time Lord - The Official Guide (0723294364)
Kniha - autor Craig Donaghy, 176 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá
Objev podobné jako Doctor Who: How to be a Time Lord - The Official Guide (0723294364)
The Swerve: How the World Became Modern (0393343405)
Kniha - autor Stephen Greenblatt, 356 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná One of the world's most celebrated scholars, Greenblatt has crafted both an innovative work of history and a thrilling story of discovery, in which one manuscript, plucked from a thousand years of neglect, changed the course of human thought and made possible the world as we know it.
Objev podobné jako The Swerve: How the World Became Modern (0393343405)
How the World Made the West - Josephine Quinn
A Guardian, Financial Times, New Statesman, The Rest is Politics and Waterstones Highlight for 2024''Quinn has done a lot more than reinvent the wheel. What we have here is a truly encyclopaedic and monumental account of the ancient world'' THE TIMES''A work of great confidence, empathy, learning and imagination'' RORY STEWART''Bold, beautifully written and filled with insights . . . Extraordinary'' PETER FRANKOPAN''One of the most fascinating and important works of global history to appear for many years'' WILLIAM DALRYMPLEThe West, the story goes, was built on the ideas and values of Ancient Greece and Rome, which disappeared from Europe during the Dark Ages and were then rediscovered by the Renaissance. But what if that isn’t true?In a bold and magisterial work of immense scope, Josephine Quinn argues that the real story of the West is much bigger than this established paradigm leads us to believe. So much of our shared history has been lost, drowned out by the concept – developed in the Victorian era – of separate ‘civilisations’.Moving from the Bronze Age to the Age of Exploration, How the World Made the West reveals a new narrative: one that traces the millennia of global encounters and exchange that built what is now called the West, as societies met, tangled and sometimes grew apart. From the creation of the alphabet by Levantine workers in Egypt, who in a foreign land were prompted to write things down in their own language for the first time, to the arrival of Indian numbers in Europe via the Arab world, Quinn makes the case that understanding societies in isolation is both out-of-date and wrong. It is contact and connections, rather than solitary civilisations, that drive historical change. It is not peoples that make history – people do.
Objev podobné jako How the World Made the West - Josephine Quinn
Energy and Civilization: A History - Václav Smil
Energy is the only universal currency; it is necessary for getting anything done. The conversion of energy on Earth ranges from terra-forming forces of plate tectonics to cumulative erosive effects of raindrops. Life on Earth depends on the photosynthetic conversion of solar energy into plant biomass. Humans have come to rely on many more energy flows―ranging from fossil fuels to photovoltaic generation of electricity―for their civilized existence. In this monumental history, Vaclav Smil provides a comprehensive account of how energy has shaped society, from pre-agricultural foraging societies through today's fossil fuel–driven civilization. Humans are the only species that can systematically harness energies outside their bodies, using the power of their intellect and an enormous variety of artifacts―from the simplest tools to internal combustion engines and nuclear reactors. The epochal transition to fossil fuels affected everything: agriculture, industry, transportation, weapons, communication, economics, urbanization, quality of life, politics, and the environment. Smil describes humanity's energy eras in panoramic and interdisciplinary fashion, offering readers a magisterial overview. This book is an extensively updated and expanded version of Smil's Energy in World History (1994). Smil has incorporated an enormous amount of new material, reflecting the dramatic developments in energy studies over the last two decades and his own research over that time.
Objev podobné jako Energy and Civilization: A History - Václav Smil
Velikost - Vít Haškovec, Václav Smil - e-kniha
eBook: Od bakterií po velryby, od atomů po asteroidy. Oceňovaný vědec českého původu Vaclav Smil tentokrát zkoumá, proč rozměry nejsou náhodné a jak ovlivňují svět. Má dvakrát větší člověk dvakrát více krve? Čím se vyznačují hezké tváře? Má každý růst své meze? Kde všude najdeme zlatý řez? A co ergonomický oříšek: velikost sedadel v letadle? Nečekané odpovědi na otázky všedního i planetárního významu vás ohromí i pobaví zároveň. Fascinující publikace od základů změní, jak se díváte na vše kolem sebe!
Objev podobné jako Velikost - Vít Haškovec, Václav Smil - e-kniha
The School of Life Guide to Modern Manners: how to navigate the dilemmas of social life
Modern life is full of minor but acute dilemmas: we get stuck at a gathering with someone unusually boring and wonder how to move on without causing offence; in the course of introducing one friend to another, we realise that we have forgotten one of the party’s names; we run into an ex while on an early date with a new partner; we spill red wine across a host’s sofa... Such dilemmas might – at one level – seem desperately insignificant. But they actually belong to some of the largest and most serious themes in social existence: how can you pursue our own agenda for happiness while at the same time honouring the sensitivities and wishes of others; how can you convey goodwill with sincerity; how can you be kind without being supine or sentimental?It is often confusing to know how to act around others and navigate social situations.This book features twenty case-studies on common social dilemmas and our possible responses to them, contributing to a new and original philosophy of graceful conduct.
Objev podobné jako The School of Life Guide to Modern Manners: how to navigate the dilemmas of social life
Originals: How Non-Conformists Move the World (014312885X)
Kniha - autor Adam Grant, 336 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná “Originals is one of the most important and captivating books I have ever read, full of surprising and powerful ideas. It will not only change the way you see the world; it might just change the way you live your life. And it could very well inspire you to change your world.”? Sheryl Sandberg, bestselling author of Lean InThe New York Times bestselling author examines how people can drive creative, moral, and organisational progress?and how leaders can encourage originality in their organisations.How can we originate new ideas, policies and practices without risking it all? Adam Grant shows how to improve the world by championing novel ideas and values that go against the grain, battling conformity, and bucking outdated traditions. Using surprising studies and stories spanning business, politics, sports, and entertainment, Grant explores how to recognize a good idea, speak up without...
Objev podobné jako Originals: How Non-Conformists Move the World (014312885X)
How Economics Can Save the World - Erik Angner
Economics has the power to make the world a better, happier and safer place: this book shows you howOur world is in a mess. The challenges of climate change, inequality, hunger and a global pandemic mean our way of life seems more imperilled and society more divided than ever; but economics can help!From parenting to organ donation, housing to anti-social behaviour, economics provides the tools we need to fix the biggest issues of today. Far from being a means to predict the stock market or enrich the elite, economics provides a lens through which we can better understand how things work, design clever solutions and create the conditions in which we can all flourish.With a healthy dose of optimism, and packed with stories of economics in everyday situations, Erik Angner demonstrates the methods he and his fellow economists use to help improve our lives and the society in which we live. He shows us that economics can be a powerful force for good, awakening the possibility of a happier, more just and more sustainable world.
Objev podobné jako How Economics Can Save the World - Erik Angner
How Trees Can Save the World - Peter Wohlleben
From the internationally bestselling author of The Hidden Life of TreesAn illuminating manifesto on ancient forests: how they adapt to climate change by passing their wisdom through generations, and why our future lies in protecting them.In his beloved book The Hidden Life of Trees, Peter Wohlleben revealed astonishing discoveries about the social networks of trees and how they communicate. Now, in The Power of Trees, he turns to their future, with a searing critique of forestry management, tree planting and the exploitation of old growth forests.As human-caused climate change devastates the planet, forests play a critical role in keeping it habitable. While politicians and business leaders would have us believe that cutting down forests can be offset by mass tree planting, Wohlleben offers a warning: many tree planting schemes lead to ecological disaster. Not only are these trees more susceptible to disease, flooding, fires and landslides, we need to understand that forests are more than simply a collection of trees. Instead, they are ecosystems that consist of thousands of species, from animals to fungi and bacteria. The way to save trees, and ourselves? Step aside and let forests – which are naturally better equipped to face environmental challenges – heal themselves.With the warmth and wonder familiar to readers from his previous books, Wohlleben also shares emerging scientific research about how forests shape climates both locally and across continents; that trees adapt to changing environmental conditions through passing knowledge down to their offspring; and how old growth may in fact have the most survival strategies for climate change.At the heart of The Power of Trees lies Wohlleben''s passionate plea: that our survival is dependent on trusting ancient forests and allowing them to thrive.
Objev podobné jako How Trees Can Save the World - Peter Wohlleben
Jak svět doopravdy funguje - Václav Smil - e-kniha
eBook: Lidstvo ještě nikdy ve své historii nemělo tolik informací, přesto si jen málokdo uvědomuje, jak svět ve skutečnosti funguje. Oceňovaný vědec českého původu Vaclav Smil popisuje a objasňuje složité procesy s neuvěřitelnou lehkostí. Zabývá se sedmi základními principy moderní společnosti, počínaje energiemi přes globalizaci až po výzvy čekající v budoucnosti. Abychom mohli začít řešit problémy, musíme nejdříve pochopit základní fakta. S touto fascinující publikací to bude mnohem snazší.
Objev podobné jako Jak svět doopravdy funguje - Václav Smil - e-kniha
Gardeners’ World: Gardening: The Complete Beginner’s Guide - Gardeners' World Magazine
From the experts at Gardeners' World comes the essential guide for budding gardeners, explaining how to garden in ten easy steps. Do you have an outside space that you’re not sure what to do with? Or want to feel the benefits of getting out into nature, but don't know where to start?Gardening: The Ultimate Beginner's Guide is your key to unlocking the world of gardening, created especially for beginners. The team of experts at Gardeners’ World have identified ten easy steps to help you get stuck into gardening, giving you:Hands-on guidance on selecting the right plants for your space, and the right time to plant themStep-by-step methods guiding you through every gardening jobThe skills to create the perfect growing conditions for your plants to thriveThe confidence to tackle any garden problem, with easy troubleshooting solutionsThe tools to create an oasis for butterflies, bees, and wildlifeConfidence in taking care of your garden in every seasonExpert advice on watering, weeding, and environmentally-friendly pest controlsNo matter your experience level, Gardening: The Ultimate Beginner's Guide is the best way to kick-start your gardening journey!
Objev podobné jako Gardeners’ World: Gardening: The Complete Beginner’s Guide - Gardeners' World Magazine
The Complete Guide to Middle-earth: The Definitive Guide to the World of J.R.R. Tolkien - Foster Robert
A peerless A–Z guide to the names, places and events in the world of J.R.R. Tolkien, fully illustrated in colour throughout by acclaimed Tolkien artist, Ted Nasmith. J.R.R. Tolkien’s works of epic adventure and fantasy, The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings and The Silmarillion have delighted many millions of fans since they were first published, and are now more popular than ever before. The Complete Guide to Middle-earth has been compiled to enhance the reader’s enjoyment of Tolkien’s books by bringing together in an A-Z sequence all the key facts and information about names, places, languages and events from The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings and The Silmarillion. Accompanied with numerous genealogical tables and a unique Chronology of the First Age, it will provide an indispensable aid to every reader’s discovery of Tolkien’s world. The first, and definitive, encyclopedia, The Complete Guide to Middle-earth is now reissued to complement the illustrated hardbacks of The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, The Silmarillion and Unfinished Tales, and is lavishly illustrated with more than 50 full-colour paintings by acclaimed Tolkien artist, Ted Nasmith, with many appearing exclusively in this edition.
Objev podobné jako The Complete Guide to Middle-earth: The Definitive Guide to the World of J.R.R. Tolkien - Foster Robert
How to Win at Chess: The Ultimate Guide for Beginners and Beyond - Levy Rozman
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • Learn chess from International Master and YouTube’s top chess teacher Levy Rozman (aka GothamChess) in this refreshing and fun guide for beginner and intermediate players.Clever and informative, How to Win at Chess teaches you everything you need to know about the game, including all the important moves and strategies to start off strong and keep you thinking several steps ahead.Full of Levy Rozman's signature charm and humor that have made him beloved by millions of fans, the first half of this unique guide introduces rising players (0-800 Elo rating) to the four key areas to consider when playing chess—openings, endings, tactics, and strategy—and the second half builds upon these core skills for more experienced players (800-1300 Elo rating). Brimming with practical and easy-to-follow tips for improving your game, How to Win at Chess includes over 500 instructional gameplay illustrations to help you better visualize the board, as well as chapter-specific QR codes for exclusive bonus content on Chessly, Rozman’s teaching platform.
Objev podobné jako How to Win at Chess: The Ultimate Guide for Beginners and Beyond - Levy Rozman
SAS Survival Guide: How to Survive in the Wild, on Land or Sea (0008133786)
Kniha - autor John 'Lofty' Wiseman, 384 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The original survival guide for any situation in every climate. Now includes added techniques for handling urban dangers, and for self-defence.
Objev podobné jako SAS Survival Guide: How to Survive in the Wild, on Land or Sea (0008133786)
SAS Survival Guide : How to Survive in the Wild, on Land or Sea - John Wiseman
THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO SURVIVING ANYWHERE The Collins Gem SAS Survival Guide is the pocket companion for adventurers everywhere. From making camp and finding food in the wild to security and self-defence in the streets, be prepared on land or sea. SAS legend John 'Lofty' Wiseman's unrivalled guide will teach you: Preparation - Understanding and assembling latest, most resilient, kit. Navigation - Skills, technologies and techniques to get you through unfamiliar terrain. Food and Health - Finding resources in your environment, feeding yourself, healing yourself and avoiding disease. Safety and Security - Recognising dangerous situations, defending yourself and saving others. Disaster Survival - Dealing with unstable environmental conditions: what to do in the face of flash flooding or fast-spreading fire.
Objev podobné jako SAS Survival Guide : How to Survive in the Wild, on Land or Sea - John Wiseman
Music and How it Works: The Complete Guide for Kids
Take a visual journey through the world of music and learn the science behind it, too.Budding music fans will love discovering musical geniuses of every era, from Mozart and classical music to Bowie and pop, as well as finding out how music is created and what links it all together.The book looks at music throughout history, beginning with the first known melody from the Fertile Crescent and covering modern music phenomena, from K Pop to hip-hop. Instruments and genres from across the world are featured, with "playlists" of key pieces encouraging kids to look up pieces to hear for themselves. STEAM spreads delve into the psychology and math behind music, from how it affects our mood to how it can improve our minds.Covering India's Ragas, Indonesia's Gamelan, Japan's city pop, and more, this book will help children discover a love of music.
Objev podobné jako Music and How it Works: The Complete Guide for Kids
The Golden Road: How Ancient India Transformed the World - William Dalrymple
THE INSTANT SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLERA revolutionary new history of the diffusion of Indian ideas, from the award-winning, bestselling author and co-host of the chart-topping Empire podcast'Richly woven, highly readable ... Written with passion and verve' Spectator'Dazzling ... Not just a historical study but also a love letter' Guardian'An outstanding new account ... The most compelling retelling we have had for generations' Financial TimesIndia is the forgotten heart of the ancient worldFor a millennium and a half, India was a confident exporter of its diverse civilisation, creating around it a vast empire of ideas.Indian art, religions, technology, astronomy, music, dance, literature, mathematics and mythology blazed a trail across the world, along a Golden Road that stretched from the Red Sea to the Pacific.William Dalrymple draws from a lifetime of scholarship to highlight India's oft-forgotten position as the heart of ancient Eurasia. For the first time, he gives a name to this spread of Indian ideas that transformed the world. From the largest Hindu temple in the world at Angkor Wat to the Buddhism of China, from the trade that helped fund the Roman Empire to the creation of the numerals we use today (including zero), India transformed the culture and technology of its ancient world - and our world today as we know it.Praise for William Dalrymple and The Anarchy'A superb historian with a visceral understanding of India' The Times'Magnificently readable, deeply researched and richly atmospheric' Francis Wheen, Mail on Sunday
Objev podobné jako The Golden Road: How Ancient India Transformed the World - William Dalrymple
The Hidden Globe: How Wealth Hacks the World - Abrahamian Atossa Araxia
Borders draw one map of the world; money draws another. A journalist’s riveting account exposes a parallel universe exempt from the laws of the land, and how the wealthy and powerful benefit from it.The map of the globe shows the world we think we know: sovereign nations that grant and restrict their citizens’ rights. Beneath, above, and tucked inside its neatly delineated borders, however, a parallel universe has been engineered into existence, consisting of thousands of extraterritorial zones that operate largely autonomously, increasingly for the benefit of the wealthy and powerful.Atossa Abrahamian traces the rise of the hidden globe to thirteenth-century Switzerland, where poor cantons marketed the commodity they had—bodies, in the form of mercenary fighters. Following its evolution around the world, she reveals how prize-winning economists, eccentric theorists, visionary statesmen, and consultants masterminded its export in the form of free trade zones, flags of convenience, offshore detention centers where immigrants languish in limbo, and charter cities controlled by by foreign governments and multinational foreign corporations—and even into outer space, where tiny Luxembourg aspires to mining rights on asteroids.
Objev podobné jako The Hidden Globe: How Wealth Hacks the World - Abrahamian Atossa Araxia
How the World Thinks: A Global History of Philosophy (1783782307)
Kniha - autor Julian Baggini, 432 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná In this groundbreaking global overview of philosophy, Julian Baggini travels the world to provide a wide-ranging map of human thought. One of the great unexplained wonders of human history is that written philosophy flowered entirely separately in China, India and Ancient Greece at more or less the same time. These early philosophies have had a profound impact on the development of distinctive cultures in different parts of the world. What we call 'philosophy' in the West is not even half the story. Julian Baggini sets out to expand our horizons in How the World Thinks, exploring the philosophies of Japan, India, China and the Muslim world, as well as the lesser-known oral traditions of Africa and Australia's first peoples. Interviewing thinkers from around the globe, Baggini asks questions such as: why is the West is more individualistic than the East? What makes secularism a less...
Objev podobné jako How the World Thinks: A Global History of Philosophy (1783782307)
Me and White Supremacy: How to Recognise Your Privilege, Combat Racism and Change the World (1529405114)
Kniha - 192 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Objev podobné jako Me and White Supremacy: How to Recognise Your Privilege, Combat Racism and Change the World (1529405114)
The Rough Guide to the 100 Best Islands in the World - Rough Guides
The Rough Guide to the 100 Best Islands in the World - the latest picture-packed addition to Rough Guides'' Inspiration range - reveals the world''s most spectacular archipelagos in a brand-new gift book.From tiny sand-laced specks in tropical waters to remote Arctic archipelagos and wildlife-rich Ecuadorian islands, Rough Guides has combed every corner of the globe to find the most beautiful, curious and surprising islands. In this photo-rich coffee-table book, Rough Guides'' dedicated team of experts reveal their favourite spots, from the Bay of Naples'' best-kept secret to a haven of pristine wilderness off Canada''s Pacific Coast.Whether you''re after nature, history, wildlife or culture, we''ve got the island for you. This fully illustrated book aims to inspire readers to head off the mainland and escape the tourist trail, whether that''s to the wind-contoured Faroe Islands, the sun-soaked Caribbean or the remote southwest coast of Japan. Over 150 stunning images combine with authoritative text and insider information to give a strong flavour of each destination in this first-edition hardback book.With every destination selected by expert Rough Guides'' authors and editors, this brand-new, hardback book arms travellers with visual inspiration that''ll enthuse them to get out there and explore the world with fresh eyes.Features of The Rough Guide to the 100 Best Islands in the World- Stylish picture-packed coffee-table book with inspirational destinations - Ideal gift for every kind of traveller, from adventurous types to sun-worshippers and wildlife fans- Suffused in Rough Guides'' "tell it like it is" ethos, and curated by Rough Guides'' team of expert authors and editors
Objev podobné jako The Rough Guide to the 100 Best Islands in the World - Rough Guides
The Planet Remade : How Geoengineering Could Change the World (Defekt) - Oliver Morton
The risks of global warming are real, and potentially vast. The difficulty of doing without fossil fuels is daunting, and possibly insurmountable. So there is an urgent need for new thinking on climate change. To meet that need, a small but increasingly influential group of scientists is exploring proposals for planned human intervention in the climate system. A stratospheric veil against the sun; the cultivation of photosynthetic plankton; a fleet of unmanned ships seeding clouds: these are the radical technologies of climate geoengineering. It is chilling to think of such power, and such scope for misadventure or malice, in humans hands. And yet we are now at the point where we have no choice but to take them very seriously indeed. The Planet Remade explores the science, history and politics behind these strategies. It looks at who might want to see geoengineering put to use - and why others would be dead set against it. In the last two centuries, changes to the planet - to the clouds and soils, to the winds and the seas, to the great cycles of nitrogen and carbon - have been far more profound than most of us realize.Appreciating the scale of that change compels us to rethink not just our responses to global warming, but our relationship to nature. With sensitivity, insight and expert science, Oliver Morton unpicks the moral implications of climate change, our fear that people have become a force of nature, and what it might mean to try and use that force for good. The Planet Remade is about imagining a world where people take care instead of taking control.
Objev podobné jako The Planet Remade : How Geoengineering Could Change the World (Defekt) - Oliver Morton
This Is How They Tell Me the World Ends - Nicole Perlroth
WINNER OF THE FT & McKINSEY BUSINESS BOOK OF THE YEAR AWARD 2021The instant New York Times bestsellerA Financial Times and The Times Book of the Year''A terrifying exposé'' The Times''Part John le Carré . . . Spellbinding'' New YorkerWe plug in anything we can to the internet. We can control our entire lives, economy and grid via a remote web control. But over the past decade, as this transformation took place, we never paused to think that we were also creating the world’s largest attack surface. And that the same nation that maintains the greatest cyber advantage on earth could also be among its most vulnerable.Filled with spies, hackers, arms dealers and a few unsung heroes, This Is How They Tell Me the World Ends is an astonishing and gripping feat of journalism. Drawing on years of reporting and hundreds of interviews, Nicole Perlroth lifts the curtain on a market in shadow, revealing the urgent threat faced by us all if we cannot bring the global cyber arms race to heel.
Objev podobné jako This Is How They Tell Me the World Ends - Nicole Perlroth
How Old Am I? 1-100. Faces From Around The World
A first-ever children's visual reference book on age - and a unique celebration of the diversity of humankind around the globeFor young children, the concept of age is abstract when they don't have a relatable context... until now! This book showcases the faces and life stories of 100 people from around the world in numerical order, from a one-year-old to a centenarian, giving children a reference point for each age. Striking close-up black-and-white portraits are paired with read-aloud text that shares personal experiences, wishes, memories, and emotions, leaving readers with an appreciation and understanding of the ageing process.Ages 4-8
Objev podobné jako How Old Am I? 1-100. Faces From Around The World
Me and White Supremacy: How to Recognise Your Privilege, Combat Racism and Change the World - Layla F. Saad
Me and White Supremacy shows readers how to dismantle the privilege within themselves so that they can stop (often unconsciously) inflicting damage on people of colour, and in turn, help other white people do better, too.When Layla Saad began an Instagram challenge called #MeAndWhiteSupremacy, she never predicted it would spread as widely as it did. She encouraged people to own up and share their racist behaviours, big and small. She was looking for truth, and she got it. Thousands of people participated, and over 90,000 people downloaded the book.The updated and expanded Me and White Supremacy takes the work deeper by adding more historical and cultural contexts, sharing moving stories and anecdotes, and including expanded definitions, examples, and further resources.Awareness leads to action, and action leads to change. The numbers show that readers are ready to do this work - let's give it to them.
Objev podobné jako Me and White Supremacy: How to Recognise Your Privilege, Combat Racism and Change the World - Layla F. Saad
Loki: A Bad God´s Guide to Ruling the World - Louie Stowell
Loki's third doodle-packed diary in the number one best-selling series. When Heimdall and Hyrrokkin abandon their "children" to go on holiday, Odin sends Baldur - Thor's half brother and god of making Loki look bad - to babysit. As Baldur and Thor bond, Loki's attempts to prove he's good start getting a bit desperate.After the drama teacher casts him as the villain in the school play, Loki starts to wonder whether there's any point in being good when everyone seems convinced of his villainy. That is until he discovers a rather unusual ring among the costumes and props. A ring that looks suspiciously like the cursed ring of Andvari, one that promises Loki the world if only he gives in to his deepest, darkest desires...
Objev podobné jako Loki: A Bad God´s Guide to Ruling the World - Louie Stowell
The Official Bridgerton Guide to Entertaining: How to Cook, Host, and Toast Like a Member of the Ton - Emily Timberlake, Susan Vu
It''s time to entertain, Bridgerton-style.Entertain like a queen with these forty recipes for Bridgerton-style food and drink in the first official cookbook from this hugely popular Shondaland series on Netflix. Whether it''s a sumptuous lawn party, a high tea, or a boozy late-night salon, this gorgeous cookbook delivers recipes for finger food, cocktails, and entertaining ideas that help you recreate the high society of Bridgerton in your own home.Host the perfect pique-nique, complete with the Duke''s favorite Gooseberry Hand Pies and a rousing game of Pall Mall (played the Bridgerton way, of course). Create grazing boards with recipes like Roasted Pork Belly Skewers and Beet-Dyed Deviled Eggs that are perfect for a stylish watching party. Evoke the delightful decadence of Lady Danbury''s Den of Iniquity with Sausage-Stuffed Mushroom Caps, an espresso martini, and an old-fashioned game of chance. These forty recipes have been developed with a modern audience in mind, offering mocktail, vegetarian, and gluten-free options to ensure that no fan is left hungry. They are presented alongside mouth-watering food photography, stills from the show, and sidebars explaining essential expertise, such as how to address a Marquis, execute the perfect curtsy, or build a macaron tower sturdy enough to last the night.
Objev podobné jako The Official Bridgerton Guide to Entertaining: How to Cook, Host, and Toast Like a Member of the Ton - Emily Timberlake, Susan Vu
Peppa Pig: Peppa’s World: The Must-Have Guide - Peppa Pig
Welcome to Peppa’s World! In this special book, you can get to know all Peppa’s family and friends, visit her favourite places and discover special secrets about Peppa’s world!There’s lots to do in this brilliant book including learning fun facts, trying different activities, and discovering treasures! The perfect gift for the BIGGEST Peppa fans!Did you know . . . Peppa loves jumping in MUDDY PUDDLES! Don''t miss these other brilliant Peppa books:Peppa Pig: My Best Friend PeppaPeppa Pig: Peppa Loves HugsPeppa Pig: Peppa’s First Day at SchoolPeppa Pig is a 4-time BAFTA award-winning preschool animation shown in the UK daily on Channel Five’s Milkshake and Nick Jnr. Peppa is a loveable, cheeky little piggy whose days are filled with action packed activities. Along with her family and friends, Peppa learns and plays and has lots of fun. Join Peppa and her family on their funny, action-packed, everyday adventures in this collection of activity, story and novelty books.
Objev podobné jako Peppa Pig: Peppa’s World: The Must-Have Guide - Peppa Pig
The Edge of the World: How the North Sea Made Us Who We Are (0241963834)
Kniha - autor Michael Pye, 400 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Bestselling historian Michael Pye tells how the North Sea transformed Northern Europe from a barbaric outpost to the centre of everything, building the world as we know it. Brimming with rollicking adventures, vivid characters and witty observations. Now in paperback.
Objev podobné jako The Edge of the World: How the North Sea Made Us Who We Are (0241963834)
The Palestine Laboratory: How Israel Exports the Technology of Occupation Around the World - Antony Loewenstein
Israel's military industrial complex uses the occupied, Palestinian territories as a testing ground for weaponry and surveillance technology that they then export around the world to despots and democracies. For more than 50 years, occupation of the West Bank and Gaza has given the Israeli state invaluable experience in controlling an "enemy" population, the Palestinians. It's here that they have perfected the architecture of control.Best-selling journalist Antony Loewenstein, author of Disaster Capitalism, uncovers this largely hidden world in a global investigation with secret documents, revealing interviews and on-the-ground reporting. This book shows in-depth, for the first time, how Palestine has become the perfect laboratory for the Israeli military-techno complex: surveillance, home demolitions, indefinite incarceration and brutality to the hi-tech tools that drive the 'Start-up Nation'. From the Pegasus software that hacked Jeff Bezos' and Jamal Khashoggi's phones, the weapons sold to the Myanmar army that has murdered thousands of Rohingyas and drones used by the European Union to monitor refugees in the Mediterranean who are left to drown.Israel has become a global leader in spying technology and defence hardware that fuels the globe's most brutal conflicts. As ethno-nationalism grows in the 21st century, Israel has built the ultimate model.
Objev podobné jako The Palestine Laboratory: How Israel Exports the Technology of Occupation Around the World - Antony Loewenstein
This Is Planet Earth : Your Ultimate Guide to the World We Call Home
The Earth as you've never seen it before.The ancient Greeks called it Gaia; the Romans Terra. We know it simply as Earth, the planet we call home. And what a planet it is.Formed around 4.6 billion years ago from the debris of the big bang and long-dead stars, at first it was nothing special, but somehow it evolved to become the most amazing place in the known Universe. The only living planet we know of, it also has a very unusual moon, a remarkably dynamic surface, a complex atmosphere and a deeply mysterious interior.This is Planet Earth is dedicated to the wonders of planet Earth. Its past is long and dramatic and its future shrouded in mystery. Yet despite centuries of research, only now are we starting to understand Earth's complexity.
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