Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz

Health and Disease in the Neolithic Lengyel Culture - Václav Smrčka - e-kniha

eBook: Cílem knihy je objasnit dosud neznámá nebo nedostatečně osvětlená fakta z každodenního života příslušníků lengyelské kultury, neolitických zemědělců, kteří přišli z Balkánu, přes Moravu se rozšířili až na území dnešního Rakouska a Polska a nahradili původní rané zemědělské populace střední Evropy – kultury s lineární (LnK) a vypíchanou keramikou (StK). Od raně neolitických kultur se odlišovali zejména využíváním mědi, sopečného skla a vyšším podílem lovu. Jak byla tato populace ovlivněna používáním kovu? Proč vzrostla její potřeba lovit? Jaký byl její zdravotní stav před migrací z dnešního Maďarska na Moravu, kde zažila nebývalý rozkvět, a jaké nemoci nejvíc sužovaly obyvatele lengyelských osad? V čem se lišil jejich životní styl od předchozích kultur s lineární a vypíchanou keramikou? Na tyto otázky se snaží odpovědět mezinárodní tým odborníků pod vedením Václava Smrčky a Olivéra Gábora. EditořiVáclav SmrčkaOlivér GáborAutořiFrantišek BůzekAlžběta ČerevkováEva ČermákováDavid DickMarta DočkalováVojtěch ErbanMartina FojtováOlivér GáborCsilla GátiZdeněk HájekMartin HillIvana JarošováSylva KaupováKitti KöhlerVítězslav KuželkaMartin MihaljevičZdenka MusilováIvo NěmecCtibor PovýšilLenka PůtováŠtefan RástočnýVáclav SmrčkaJakub TrubačZdeněk TvrdýIvan ZocJarmila ZocováPřeklad českých textůStanislav CitaHelena Pecháčková

Podívejte se také The Age of American Unreason in a Culture of Lies (0525436529)

cena 430.0 Kč

Reálie Velké Británie a Severního Irska - Life and Culture in the UK - Paul Whitton

Jednojazyčná kniha reálií Spojeného království, jejímiž autory jsou manželé žijící ve Velké Británii, odborníci v této oblasti.

Podívejte se také Small Towns in Europe in the 20th and 21st Centuries (9788024636566)

cena 189.0 Kč

The Secret to Love, Health, and Money : A Masterclass - Rhonda Byrne

Apply the knowledge of The Secret to three key areas of your life with this 3-in-1 masterclass guide to attracting fulfilling relationships, the best health and more money from #1 bestselling author Rhonda Byrne. In THE SECRET TO LOVE, HEALTH AND MONEY, Rhonda Byrne presents many inspiring examples of real-life cases from people who have used The Secret to achieve personal happiness, wellbeing and success. Subjects covered in Part I include the power of positive thoughts and feelings, gratitude in relationships, imagining the perfect partner, and the creative process for attracting new and better relationships. Part 2 features a series of focused and intensive lessons about topics including health and wellbeing, self-healing, overcoming chronic and incurable diseases, weight loss, the subconscious mind and the immune system and the placebo of positive thinking. Throughout the lessons, Rhonda explains in detail how the law of attraction applies specifically to health, as she offers vital tips and powerful processes such as visualization, affirmations, gratitude, and The Secret's famous creative process-ask, believe and receive. The Secret to Health Masterclass also features real-life stories of people who have used The Secret to overcome health crises such as tuberculosis, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, cancer, autoimmune disease, chronic pain, depression and anxiety. Part 3 explains how the law of attraction applies specifically to wealth and your relationship with money. By applying the knowledge in The Secret, you can stop money from slipping through your fingers, and eliminate forever the perpetual state of "not having enough money." You will discover the power you have to bring money to you and to live a life of abundance, where you can be, do or have anything you want. Subjects covered by Rhonda include personal finance, eradicating a poverty mindset and adopting a wealth mindset, job hunting, career advancement, creating a successful business, and giving and sharing wealth. Rhonda also presents many inspirational real-life stories of people who have used The Secret to attract wealth, build a company, pay off debts, acquire a home and secure a high paying job. Using these powerful processes, you will experience first-hand the transformation that can happen across all areas of your life-in your relationships, health, finances, personal goals and dreams, and in your level of joy and happiness.

Podívejte se také The Benediktines and Central Europe: Christianity, culture, society 800-1300 (978-80-7422-463-8)

cena 399.0 Kč

Ross & Wilson Anatomy and Physiology in Health and Illness - Allison, BSc PhD RGN Grant, Anne Waugh

Now in its fourteenth edition, this best-selling textbook has been honed over many years to provide a clear, straightforward introduction to the human body for students of nursing, allied health or biomedical and paramedical science. The book covers the core essentials of anatomy and physiology, including basic pathology and pathophysiology of important diseases and disorders. This new edition presents additional illustrations to enhance understanding of key concepts, including pathophysiology and diagnostics. Included for the first time is an introduction to surface anatomy, while other updating reflects current scientific knowledge and developments, including coronavirus. Enhanced learning features and an extensive online resource help you grasp all the important areas. Like millions of readers before you, you will treasure Ross & Wilson as a go-to resource that you will refer to time and again to support this critical aspect of your healthcare education. Clear and easy to read - suitable for students new to the area and anyone whose first language is not English Hundreds of stunning illustrations and images to make learning easy Helpful learning features such as Learning Outcomes boxes, colour coding and orientation icons to facilitate navigation Definitions of common prefixes, suffixes and roots, examples, glossary and an appendix of normal biological values Self-assessment activities in each chapter, including 'spot check' questions for each section and case studies with answers to develop understanding of key principles Accompanying website with animations, videos, audio-glossary and other self-assessment material Evolve Study Resources Online content offered with Ross & Wilson Anatomy and Physiology in Health and Illness 14th edition includes: New for this edition - a set of expert-narrated 3D videos summarizing key topics in the book, powered by Complete Anatomy: the world's most advanced 3D anatomy platform Over 120 animations clarifying underlying principles and make learning fun More than 1700 audio glossary entries Body Spectrum © online colouring and self-test software Self-assessment questions to help students test their knowledge

Objev podobné jako Ross & Wilson Anatomy and Physiology in Health and Illness - Allison, BSc PhD RGN Grant, Anne Waugh

cena 1034.0 Kč

Health Culture Lupénka konopné mazání 75 ml

Mast s obsahem bio konopného oleje pro speciální péči o kůži se sklonem k lupénce.

Objev podobné jako Health Culture Lupénka konopné mazání 75 ml

cena 149.0 Kč

Health Culture Ekzém konopné mazání 75 ml

Mast s obsahem bio konopného oleje s regeneračními účinky na kůži se sklonem k ekzémům.

Objev podobné jako Health Culture Ekzém konopné mazání 75 ml

cena 175.0 Kč

Health Culture CBD konopné mazání chladivé 125 ml

Health culture CBD Konopné mazání chladivé je vhodné k uvolňující masáži, která přispívá k úlevě od svalové únavy a potlačení pocitů ztuhlosti v oblasti kloubů.

Objev podobné jako Health Culture CBD konopné mazání chladivé 125 ml

cena 299.0 Kč

Health Culture CBD konopné mazání masáž 125 ml

Health Culture CBD konopné mazání s 10 % bio konopného oleje. Vhodné k uvolňující masáži, která přispívá k úlevě od svalové únavy a potlačení pocitů ztuhlosti v oblasti kloubů.

Objev podobné jako Health Culture CBD konopné mazání masáž 125 ml

cena 299.0 Kč

Health Culture CBD konopné mazání hřejivé 125 ml

Health Culture CBD konopné mazání hřejivé je vhodné k uvolňující masáži, která přispívá k úlevě od svalové únavy a potlačení pocitů ztuhlosti v oblasti kloubů.

Objev podobné jako Health Culture CBD konopné mazání hřejivé 125 ml

cena 299.0 Kč

Health Culture Žíly-cévy konopné mazání 75 ml

Mírně chladivý, zklidňující a regenerační gel na kůži s konopným olejem. Vhodné při nepříjemných pocitech těžkých nohou.

Objev podobné jako Health Culture Žíly-cévy konopné mazání 75 ml

cena 115.0 Kč

The Bible, Christianity, and Culture - Pavol Bargár - e-kniha

eBook: U zrodu této knihy stál projekt vedený Petrem Pokorným, zaměřený na zkoumání biblických kořenů křesťanské kultury. Výsledkem měla být koherentní kolektivní monografie na toto téma. V důsledku neočekávaného úmrtí P. Pokorného na začátku roku 2020 však nemohl být uskutečněn podle původního plánu. Ve výsledku jde tak spíše o volný soubor statí, které zkoumají rozličné aspekty Bible a křesťanství v jejich vztahu ke kultuře. První část se soustředí na speciální biblistická témata, druhá pak sleduje historické, filosofické a kulturní souvislosti. Autorem dvou statí je i sám profesor Pokorný a celá kniha je věnována jeho památce.

Objev podobné jako The Bible, Christianity, and Culture - Pavol Bargár - e-kniha

cena 310.0 Kč

The Incomplete: Highsnobiety Guide to Street Fashion and Culture

Street fashion and urban culture have come a long way from humble beginnings in the ‘90s. From disparate local scenes in Japan, Europe, and the US, the youth-driven movements of hip-hop, punk, and skateboarding have finally infiltrated high fashion. Brands are now eager to collaborate with the icons of music and art who are leading this creative crossover. Customers will stand in line for hours to be the first to own exclusive pieces designed by the likes of Pharrell Williams, Kanye West, and Tom Sachs. Based in New York, Berlin, and Tokyo, lifestyle publication Highsnobiety is at the forefront of this global phenomenon. The Incomplete immortalizes the stories of brands ranging from Supreme to COMME des GARÇONS. Alongside the most influential designers and tastemakers, Higsnobiety highlights the pieces and brands in men’s fashion which have stood the test of time.

Objev podobné jako The Incomplete: Highsnobiety Guide to Street Fashion and Culture

cena 1490.0 Kč

Rhetoric in European Culture and Beyond - Jiří Kraus - e-kniha

eBook: Kniha Rétorika v evropské kultuře i ve světě vymezuje postavení rétoriky v systému kultury a vzdělanosti od starověku po dnešek. Zkoumá pokles jejího významu v období racionalismu a osvícenství, uvádí příčiny, v jejichž důsledku byly rétorice (redukované na soustavu řečnických triků) přisuzovány negativní konotace, a vysvětluje, proč si rétorika ve 20. století dokázala své pozice znovu vydobýt. Dokládá, že prestiž rétoriky prudce klesá, když je redukována na recept k rafinovanému klamání publika, a naopak stoupá, když se chápe jako vědecká disciplína, která se vydává napříč humanitními obory – filozofií, logikou, sémiotikou, literární vědou, lingvistikou, naukou o médiích apod. V tomto pojetí rétorika usiluje o všestranné poznávání a kultivování řečového projevu, mluveného i psaného, a to nejen jeho produkce, ale i recepce a interpretace. V takové renesanci zájmu se rétorika jeví ne jako pouhý návod k řečové dovednosti, ale jako komplexní teoretický obor zkoumající chování člověka ve společenské komunikaci. Kapitoly 1–9 charakterizují vývoj rétoriky od jejích řeckých, helénistických a římských počátků k rétorice v kontextu křesťanské kultury středověku, dále k období humanismu, osvícenství, baroka; závěrečné kapitoly se pak věnují rétorice v 18., 19, a 20. století. Přitom se uplatňuje zřetel geografický, zahrnující dějiny rétoriky ve Francii, Španělsku, Itálii, Německu, Anglii, Skotsku, Polsku, v Rusku, v Čechách, na Moravě a na Slovensku, od 19. století pak i ve Spojených státech. Poslední, 10. kapitola předkládá odpověď na otázku, zdali se odpovídající systémy rétorických poznatků utvářely i za hranicemi středomořské antiky. Na vybraných příkladech teoretických prací o „umění řeči“ pocházejících z území Indie, Blízkého východu, Číny, Koreje a Japonska se ukazuje, že každé jazykové společenství si vytváří svou vlastní představu, teorii a praxi přesvědčivého a sugestivního řečového vystupování. Mnohdy se takové poznatky spíš než na návody k stylizaci a přednesu mluvených projevů soustřeďují na analýzu písemných památek, v nichž lze nalézt jak specifické kategoriální prostředky dané kultury (tak je tomu např. u komentářů k staroindickým védským textům), tak tropy a figury charakteristické pro rétoriku řeckou a římskou, např. u hebrejských a aramejských textů Starého zákona.

Objev podobné jako Rhetoric in European Culture and Beyond - Jiří Kraus - e-kniha

cena 280.0 Kč

How Not To Die: Discover the foods scientifically proven to prevent and reverse disease (1509852506)

Kniha - anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Offers effective and scientifically-proven nutritional advice to prevent some of our biggest diseases, and reveals some of the amazing health benefits that simple dietary choices can provide.

Objev podobné jako How Not To Die: Discover the foods scientifically proven to prevent and reverse disease (1509852506)

cena 359.0 Kč

No Rules Rules: Netflix and the Culture of Reinvention (1984877860)

Kniha - autor Reed Hastings; Erin Meyer, 320 stran, anglicky, Pevná bez přebalu lesklá - anglicky Hard work is irrelevant. Be radically honest. Adequate performance gets a generous severance. And never, ever try to please your boss. These are some of the ground rules if you work at Netflix. They are part of a unique cultural experiment that explains how the company has transformed itself at lightning speed from a DVD mail order service into a streaming superpower – with 125 million fervent subscribers and a market capitalisation bigger than Disney. Finally Reed Hastings, Netflix Chairman and CEO, is sharing the secrets that have revolutionised the entertainment and tech industries. With INSEAD business school professor Erin Meyer, he will explore his leadership philosophy – which begins by rejecting the accepted beliefs under which most companies operate – and how it plays out in practice at Netflix. From unlimited holidays to abolishing financial approvals,...

Objev podobné jako No Rules Rules: Netflix and the Culture of Reinvention (1984877860)

cena 619.0 Kč

Spill the Beans: Global Coffee Culture and Recipes - Lani Kingston

Coffee is the world's cup. Over 2.25 billion are brewed, sipped, and savored on a daily basis. A loyal companion and energetic facilitator of the everyday, coffee has sprouted an entire cafe culture and a booming industry. While the caffeine fix is hard to ignore, this beloved hot drink holds a rich and diverse history that sinks deeper than the bottom of the cup. Penned by expert journalist Lani Kingston, Spill the Beans takes the reader on a journey through Ethiopia, Guatemala, Vietnam, and many other countries in between, exploring the myriad ways in which coffee is produced, traded, and enjoyed. Hipster baristas may be dreaming up the next seasonal latte at this very moment, but the story of how the humble bean became a global icon is ingrained in history. An essential title for armchair travelers, curious foodies, and cafe-hoppers alike, Spill the Beans demonstrates that there's a vast world of coffee beyond the ubiquitous flat white. This book is an 'extra hot' commodity, maybe it is time to sample it?

Objev podobné jako Spill the Beans: Global Coffee Culture and Recipes - Lani Kingston

cena 1290.0 Kč

How Not To Die - Discover the foods scientifically proven to prevent and reverse disease - Michael Greger

Why rely on drugs and surgery to cure you of life-threatening disease when the right decisions can prevent you from falling ill to begin with? How Not To Die gives effective, scientifically-proven nutritional advice to prevent our biggest killers - including heart disease, breast cancer, prostate cancer, high blood pressure and diabetes - and reveals the astounding health benefits that simple dietary choices can provide. Based on the latest scientific research, the internationally bestselling How Not To Die examines each of the most common diseases to reveal what, how and why different foods affect us, and how increasing our consumption of certain foods and avoiding others can dramatically reduce our risk of falling sick and even reverse the effects of disease. It also shares Dr Greger's 'Daily Dozen' - the twelve foods we should all eat every day to stay in the best of health. With emphasis on individual family health history and acknowledging that everyone needs something different, Dr Michael Greger offers practical dietary advice to help you live longer, healthier lives.

Objev podobné jako How Not To Die - Discover the foods scientifically proven to prevent and reverse disease - Michael Greger

cena 294.0 Kč

The Greengrocer and His TV : The Culture of Communism after the 1968 Prague Spring - Paulina Bren

Czechoslovakia brought an end to the Prague Spring and its promise of "socialism with a human face." Before the invasion, Czech reformers had made unexpected use of television to advance political and social change. In its aftermath, Communist Party leaders employed the medium to achieve "normalization," pitching television stars against political dissidents in a televised spectacle that defined the times.The Greengrocer and His TV offers a new cultural history of communism from the Prague Spring to the Velvet Revolution that reveals how state-endorsed ideologies were played out on television, particularly through soap opera-like serials. In focusing on the small screen, Paulina Bren looks to the "normal" of normalization, to the everyday experience of late communism. The figure central to this book is the greengrocer who, in a seminal essay by Vaclav Havel, symbolized the ordinary citizen who acquiesced to the communist regime out of fear.Bren challenges simplistic dichotomies of fearful acquiescence and courageous dissent to dramatically reconfigure what we know, or think we know, about everyday life under communism in the 1970s and 1980s. Deftly moving between the small screen, the street, and the Central Committee (and imaginatively drawing on a wide range of sources that include television shows, TV viewers' letters, newspapers, radio programs, the underground press, and the Communist Party archives), Bren shows how Havel's greengrocer actually experienced "normalization" and the ways in which popular television serials framed this experience.Now back by popular demand, socialist-era serials, such as The Woman Behind the Counter and The Thirty Adventures of Major Zeman, provide, Bren contends, a way of seeing-literally and figuratively-Czechoslovakia's normalization and Eastern Europe's real socialism.

Objev podobné jako The Greengrocer and His TV : The Culture of Communism after the 1968 Prague Spring - Paulina Bren

cena 984.0 Kč

Boys in Children´s Literature and Popular Culture: Masculinity, Abjection - Wannamaker Annette

Boys in Children's Literature and Popular Culture proposes new theoretical frameworks for understanding the contradictory ways masculinity is represented in popular texts consumed by boys in the United States. The popular texts boys like are often ignored by educators and scholars, or are simply dismissed as garbage that boys should be discouraged from enjoying. However, examining and making visible the ways masculinity functions in these texts is vital to understanding the broad array of works that make up children's culture and form dominant versions of masculinity. Such popular texts as Harry Potter, Captain Underpants, and Japanese manga and anime often perform rituals of subject formation in overtly grotesque ways that repulse adult readers and attract boys. They often use depictions of the abject - threats to bodily borders - to blur the distinctions between what is outside the body and what is inside, between what is "I" and what is "not I." Because of their reliance on depictions of the abject, those popular texts that most vigorously perform exaggerated versions of masculinity also create opportunities to make dominant masculinity visible as a social construct.

Objev podobné jako Boys in Children´s Literature and Popular Culture: Masculinity, Abjection - Wannamaker Annette

cena 2595.0 Kč

Foreign Bodies: Pandemics, Vaccines and the Health of Nations - Simon Schama

Cities and countries engulfed by panic and death, desperate for vaccines but fearful of what inoculation may bring. This is what the world has just gone through with Covid-19. But as Simon Schama shows in his epic history of vulnerable humanity caught between the terror of contagion and the ingenuity of science, it has happened before.Characteristically, with Schama the message is delivered through gripping, page-turning stories set in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries: smallpox strikes London; cholera hits Paris; plague comes to India. Threading through the scenes of terror, suffering and hope - in hospitals and prisons, palaces and slums - are an unforgettable cast of characters: a philosopher-playwright burning up with smallpox in a country chateau; a vaccinating doctor paying house calls in Halifax; a woman doctor in south India driving her inoculator-carriage through the stricken streets as dead monkeys drop from the trees. But we are also in the labs when great, life-saving breakthroughs happen, in Paris, Hong Kong and Mumbai.At the heart of it all, an unsung hero: Waldemar Haffkine. A gun-toting Jewish student in Odesa turned microbiologist at the Pasteur Institute, hailed in England as 'the saviour of mankind' for vaccinating millions against cholera and bubonic plague in British India while being cold-shouldered by the medical establishment of the Raj. Creator of the world's first mass production line of vaccines in Mumbai he is tragically brought down in an act of shocking injustice.Foreign Bodies crosses borders between east and west, Asia and Europe, the worlds of rich and poor, politics and science. Its thrilling story carries with it the credo of its author on the interconnectedness of humanity and nature; of the powerful and the people. Ultimately, Schama says, as we face the challenges of our times together, 'there are no foreigners, only familiars'.

Objev podobné jako Foreign Bodies: Pandemics, Vaccines and the Health of Nations - Simon Schama

cena 447.0 Kč

Technology in Russian Strategic Culture From the Nineteenth Century to the Present Day - Solovyeva Anzhelika

Tato kniha sleduje dynamiku vojensko-technologických inovací v Rusku za posledních sto padesát let, přičemž se zaměřuje zejména na tři odlišná období: zavedení puškových zbraní se závěrovým mechanismem v carském Rusku v 19. století, vynález jaderných zbraní v Sovětském svazu ve 20. století a vývoj přesně naváděných zbraní v postsovětském Rusku v 21. století. Analýza se ve velké míře opírá o primární data získaná z ruských archivů, doplněná řadou rozhovorů s odborníky, a nastiňuje odlišný strategický kulturní přístup Ruska k vojensko-technologickým inovacím.

Objev podobné jako Technology in Russian Strategic Culture From the Nineteenth Century to the Present Day - Solovyeva Anzhelika

cena 537.0 Kč

Anthrax Tričko Spreading the disease Unisex Black S

Barva podle výrobce: Černá;Black Věková skupina: Dospělý Země interpreta: USA Žánr: Thrash Metal;Heavy Metal;Metal Dodavatel: Rock Off Interpret / Téma: Anthrax Subžánr: Heavy Metal;Thrash Metal;Metal Dekáda interpreta: 1990 - 1999;1980 - 1989;2000 - 2009;2010 - 2019;2020 - 2029 Materiál: Bavlna Specifikace materiálu: Bavlna Země původu: Spojené království Velikost: S Pohlaví: Unisex Délka rukávu: Krátké Barva: Černá

Objev podobné jako Anthrax Tričko Spreading the disease Unisex Black S

cena 426.55 Kč

Traditional Folk Culture in Moravia: Time and Space - Marie Novotná, Roman Doušek, Daniel Drápala

Kniha přibližuje tradiční lidovou kulturu na Moravě v časovém období od poloviny osmnáctého do konce devatenáctého století prostřednictvím šesti tematických os: autochtonnost – externí vlivy – stálost v čase – proměna v čase – teritoriální jednota – teritoriální rozrůzněnost. Autoři se snaží na příkladu konkrétních kulturních jevů osvětlit procesy, které v minulosti lidovou kulturu formovaly a ovlivňovaly její tvůrce a nositele. Takový přístup vede k plastičtějšímu poznání životní reality na moravském venkově v minulosti v celé její proměnlivosti, stálosti, variabilitě i shodnosti.

Objev podobné jako Traditional Folk Culture in Moravia: Time and Space - Marie Novotná, Roman Doušek, Daniel Drápala

cena 366.0 Kč

Secret to Love, Health and Money (1398512397)

Kniha - autor Rhonda Byrne, 352 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná

Objev podobné jako Secret to Love, Health and Money (1398512397)

cena 359.0 Kč

Trajectories of Spanish Art and Culture in Bohemia: Studies and essays about Spanish and Ibero-American Art - Pavel Štěpánek - e-kniha

eBook: Kniha představuje sumu badatelské činnosti prof. Pavla Štěpánka, specialisty na problematiku španělské a ibero-americké kultury, zejména vizuální. Publikace shromažďuje jedenáct studií, které v pozoruhodné šíři témat mapují vztahy mezi španělskou kulturou a českými zeměmi v širokém časovém horizontu od středověku po umění 20. století. Současně je tato problematika sledována na půdorysu nejrůznějších výtvarných médií a projevů – architektura, malířství, sochařství, kresba, či umělecké řemeslo. Čtenář se díky této knize může seznámit s pozoruhodným fenoménem „španělské přítomnosti“ ve střední Evropě, díky níž může sledovat komplexní fenomény kulturní výměny, stejně jako to umožňuje nahlížet na středoevropský prostor jako na místo jedinečných průniků uměleckých vlivů a kreativní prostor kulturní adaptace. The book presents the sum of research of an outstanding art historian Prof. Pavel Štěpánek, a specialist on Spanish and Ibero-American culture, especially the visual arts. The publication collects eleven studies that display in notable scope of topics the relations between Spanish culture and Bohemian lands. These studies covers the extensive chronological space since the Middle Ages up to 20th century. The essays also deal with wide range of visual media as architecture, painting, sculpture, drawing and also many artifacts of the “minor arts”. A reader can meet, thanks to this book, an extraordinary phenomenon of “Spanish presence” in the Central Europe. It provides also opportunity to see the Central-Europe as dynamic space of cultural exchange, artistic intersections and creative cultural adaptations.

Objev podobné jako Trajectories of Spanish Art and Culture in Bohemia: Studies and essays about Spanish and Ibero-American Art - Pavel Štěpánek - e-kniha

cena 209.0 Kč

Anthrax Tričko Spreading the disease Unisex Black 2XL

Dodavatel: Rock Off Žánr: Thrash Metal;Heavy Metal;Metal Barva podle výrobce: Black;Černá Země interpreta: USA Subžánr: Heavy Metal;Thrash Metal;Metal Interpret / Téma: Anthrax Pohlaví: Unisex Barva: Černá Velikost: 2XL Délka rukávu: Krátké Země původu: Spojené království Dekáda interpreta: 2010 - 2019;2020 - 2029;1980 - 1989;1990 - 1999;2000 - 2009 Věková skupina: Dospělý Materiál: Bavlna Specifikace materiálu: Bavlna

Objev podobné jako Anthrax Tričko Spreading the disease Unisex Black 2XL

cena 426.55 Kč

Anthrax Tričko Spreading the disease Unisex Black L

Dekáda interpreta: 1980 - 1989;1990 - 1999;2000 - 2009;2010 - 2019;2020 - 2029 Specifikace materiálu: Bavlna Materiál: Bavlna Země původu: Spojené království Subžánr: Thrash Metal;Heavy Metal;Metal Barva podle výrobce: Black;Černá Žánr: Thrash Metal;Heavy Metal;Metal Interpret / Téma: Anthrax Země interpreta: USA Dodavatel: Rock Off Velikost: L Barva: Černá Délka rukávu: Krátké Pohlaví: Unisex Věková skupina: Dospělý

Objev podobné jako Anthrax Tričko Spreading the disease Unisex Black L

cena 426.55 Kč

Anthrax Tričko Spreading the disease Unisex Black M

Barva: Černá Délka rukávu: Krátké Žánr: Metal;Heavy Metal;Thrash Metal Pohlaví: Unisex Subžánr: Metal;Thrash Metal;Heavy Metal Velikost: M Materiál: Bavlna Dekáda interpreta: 1990 - 1999;2000 - 2009;1980 - 1989;2010 - 2019;2020 - 2029 Specifikace materiálu: Bavlna Věková skupina: Dospělý Barva podle výrobce: Černá;Black Země interpreta: USA Interpret / Téma: Anthrax Dodavatel: Rock Off Země původu: Spojené království

Objev podobné jako Anthrax Tričko Spreading the disease Unisex Black M

cena 426.55 Kč

Anthrax Tričko Spreading the disease Unisex Black XL

Dekáda interpreta: 2010 - 2019;2020 - 2029;2000 - 2009;1980 - 1989;1990 - 1999 Barva: Grafika;Černá Země původu: Spojené království Věková skupina: Dospělý Barva podle výrobce: Černá;Black Pohlaví: Unisex Subžánr: Metal;Thrash Metal;Heavy Metal Velikost: XL Žánr: Metal;Heavy Metal;Thrash Metal Specifikace materiálu: Bavlna Materiál: Bavlna Země interpreta: USA Interpret / Téma: Anthrax Dodavatel: Rock Off

Objev podobné jako Anthrax Tričko Spreading the disease Unisex Black XL

cena 426.55 Kč

Culture and Imperialism (0099967502)

Kniha - autor Edward W. Said, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Reissue of Said's examining of western culture, which takes in everything from Jane Austen to Salman Rushdie, Yeats and media coverage of the Gulf War. 'Has an eloquent, urgent topicality rare in books by literary critics' Camille Paglia

Objev podobné jako Culture and Imperialism (0099967502)

cena 379.0 Kč

Oxford AQA GCSE History (9-1): Britain: Health and the People c1000-Present Day Student Book Second Edition - Aaron Wilkes, Jon Cloake

This Second Edition of Britain: Health and the People c1000-Present Day Student Book is part of the popular Oxford AQA GCSE 9-1 History series. Updated as part of our commitment to the inclusive presentation of diverse histories and to reflect the world around us, this textbook covers exactly what your students require to succeed in the AQA exams. Developed by an expert team led by an experienced head of history and an author with senior examining experience, this revised textbook covers the development of medicine and public health in Britain over a long period of time, and draws on wider world developments. It considers the importance of factors such as science and technology, government, war, and the role of the individual, and how these factors impact upon British society.Carefully selected Sources allow students the opportunity to analyse and evaluate primary sources in context. Practice Questions and Study Tips help students prepare for the new AQA exam questions, and features such as Extension, Over to you and How to provide step-by-step explanations of how to put into practice essential history skills such as analysing sources or essay writing. Perfect for use alongside the Revision Guide or with Kerboodle.

Objev podobné jako Oxford AQA GCSE History (9-1): Britain: Health and the People c1000-Present Day Student Book Second Edition - Aaron Wilkes, Jon Cloake

cena 532.0 Kč

The Culture Map: Decoding How People Think, Lead, and Get Things Done Across Cultures (1610392760)

Kniha - 288 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - 288 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Provides a field-tested model for decoding how cultural differences impact international business. Renowned business expert Erin Meyer guides the reader through the subtle, sometimes treacherous terrain where people from starkly different backgrounds are expected to work harmoniously together. Includes charts and graphs.

Objev podobné jako The Culture Map: Decoding How People Think, Lead, and Get Things Done Across Cultures (1610392760)

cena 445.0 Kč

The Benediktines and Central Europe: Christianity, culture, society 800-1300 (978-80-7422-463-8)

Kniha - 432 stran, anglicky, pevná s přebalem lesklá This book is the work of more than thirty medievalists from the Czech Republic and abroad, who offer in their chapters a broad spectrum of views of Benedictinism as a phenomenon, which has co-shaped the history of Europe for almost a millennium and a half. Its traces are evident in European education and culture, in important buildings, volumes of exceptional written monuments, in collections of liturgical objects, in monuments of sculpture and painting. The Benedictines have distinctly shaped the formation of medieval society for which they preserved much from the lost civilization of antiquity. They participated in the Christianization of European societies and in the creation of their states. In this sense, the Benedictines were at the birth of Europe – our physical and spiritual home today.

Objev podobné jako The Benediktines and Central Europe: Christianity, culture, society 800-1300 (978-80-7422-463-8)

cena 849.0 Kč

Views from the Inside. Czech Underground Literature and Culture (1948–1989) - Martin Machovec - e-kniha

eBook: Svazek Views from the Inside přináší v pěti literárních dokumentech svědectví předních představitelů kultury českého undergroundu. Stavem hudebního undergroundu 70. let, jeho ideovými východisky a společenskou rolí se zabývá Ivan Martin Jirous ve své, dnes již věhlasné a opakovaně vydávané studii Zpráva o třetím českém hudebním obrození, kterou zde doplňuje vzpomínková stať Paula Wilsona. Tři následující texty byly psány pro konferenci o české literatuře, která se konala na New York University v březnu 1990. K původním východiskům českého literárního podzemí na přelomu 40. a 50. let se vrací Egon Bondy. Oblast samizdatové literární produkce 80. let mapuje ve své zprávě o Revolver Revue Jáchym Topol a undergroundová literatura 70. i 80. let je rovněž tématem druhé studie Ivana Martina Jirouse v tomto svazku. Kniha je doplněna doslovem editora M. Machovce, aktualizovanou bibliografií anglicky vydaných textů, filmografií a diskografií.

Objev podobné jako Views from the Inside. Czech Underground Literature and Culture (1948–1989) - Martin Machovec - e-kniha

cena 180.0 Kč

Public Health and Preventive Medicine - Dana Müllerová - e-kniha

eBook: Public Health and Preventive Medicine je učebnicí pro studenty všeobecného lékařství a zubního lékařství, může však sloužit i zdravotníkům či odborné nelékařské veřejnosti. Jejím cílem je poskytnout informace o preventivních aktivitách, které mohou prodloužit délku života a zlepšit kvalitu života jednotlivců a populací. Kniha poskytuje přehled hlavních témat ochrany a podpory zdraví a interakcí mezi zdravím a životním prostředím s důrazem na ovlivnitelné faktory životního stylu v prevenci chronických neinfekčních onemocnění.

Objev podobné jako Public Health and Preventive Medicine - Dana Müllerová - e-kniha

cena 200.0 Kč

The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness & Healing in a Toxic Culture - Gábor Maté, Daniel Maté

We tend to believe that normality equals health. Yet what is the norm in the Western world?Mental illness is on an unstoppable rise. Some 45% of Europeans suffer high blood pressure, and nearly 70% of Americans take at least one prescription drug. Illness and trauma are defining how we live.In his new masterpiece, renowned physician, addiction expert and author Gabor Mate dissects the underlying causes of this malaise - physical and emotional, and connects the dots between our personal suffering and the pressures of modern-day living. Over four decades of clinical experience, Dr Mate has found that the common definition of 'normal' is false: virtually all disease is actually a natural reflection of life in an abnormal culture, as we grow further and further apart from our true selves. But he also shows us the pathway to reconnection and healing.Filled with stories of people in the grip of illness or in the triumphant wake of recovery, this life-affirming book shows how true health is possible - if we are willing to embrace authenticity above social expectations. The Myth of Normal is Gabor Mate's most ambitious, compassionate and urgent book yet.

Objev podobné jako The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness & Healing in a Toxic Culture - Gábor Maté, Daniel Maté

cena 312.0 Kč

The Murders in the Rue Morgue and Other Tales (0141198974)

Kniha - autor Edgar Allan Poe, 320 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The Penguin English Library Edition of The Murders in the Rue Morgue and Other Tales by Edgar Allan Poe '... an agility astounding, a strength superhuman, a ferocity brutal, a butchery without motive, a grotesquerie in horror absolutely alien from humanity...' Horror, madness, violence and the dark forces hidden in humanity abound in this collection of Poe's brilliant tales, including - among others - the bloody, brutal and baffling murder of a mother and daughter in Paris in 'The Murders in the Rue Morgue', the creeping insanity of 'The Tell-Tale Heart', the Gothic nightmare of 'The Masque of the Red Death', and the terrible doom of 'The Fall of the House of Usher'. The Penguin English Library - 100 editions of the best fiction in English, from the eighteenth century and the very first novels to the beginning of the First World War.

Objev podobné jako The Murders in the Rue Morgue and Other Tales (0141198974)

cena 229.0 Kč

Rabbit and Bear 02: The Pest in the Nest (1444921711)

Kniha - 112 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Hilarious, gorgeously illustrated and with a classic feel, this is 'a perfect animal double-act' (The Times, book of the week).'Rabbit's Bad Habits is a breath of fresh air in children's fiction, a laugh-out-loud story of rabbit and wolf and bear, of avalanches and snowmen. The sort of story that makes you want to send your children to bed early, so you can read it to them.' Neil GaimanFrom novelist and playwright Julian Gough, and the winner of the Roald Dahl Funny Prize, Jim Field, comes a brilliantly funny story of a rabbit and bear who discover that things are always better when they're shared with a friend ..."PEACE AND QUIET," shouts Rabbit. "THAT'S ALL I WANT."Owch. He's hurt his own ears again.What with Bear's snoring, and a BANG!BANG!BANG! noise from up in the tree, Rabbit knows that Something Simply Has To Be Done.But high in the branches, perhaps Bear can show Rabbit how to see the world...

Objev podobné jako Rabbit and Bear 02: The Pest in the Nest (1444921711)

cena 209.0 Kč

Rabbit and Bear: The Pest in the Nest - Julian Gough

Gorgeously illustrated and with a classic feel, this is a brilliantly funny story of a rabbit and a bear whose friendship is tested by a very noisy woodpecker ... Ideal for readers moving on from picture books.''A perfect animal double-act.'' (The Times, Book of the Week)''PEACE AND QUIET,'' shouts Rabbit. ''THAT''S ALL I WANT.''Owch. He''s hurt his own ears again.What with Bear''s snoring, and a BANG!BANG!BANG! noise from up in the tree, Rabbit knows that Something Simply Has To Be Done.But high in the branches, perhaps Bear can show Rabbit how to see the world from a different place ...From novelist and playwright Julian Gough, and the winner of the Roald Dahl Funny Prize, Jim Field, this is a tale of friendship, wisdom, and how to be REALLY NOISY.''Rabbit''s Bad Habits is a breath of fresh air in children''s fiction, a laugh-out-loud story of rabbit and wolf and bear, of avalanches and snowmen. The sort of story that makes you want to send your children to bed early, so you can read it to them.'' Neil Gaiman*Shortlisted for the Sainsbury''s Children''s Book Award and the Children''s Book of the Year in the Irish Book Awards*Read all the Rabbit and Bear books: 1. Rabbit''s Bad Habits2. The Pest in the Nest3. Attack of the Snack4. A Bite in the Night5. A Bad King is a Sad Thing6. This Lake is Fake!

Objev podobné jako Rabbit and Bear: The Pest in the Nest - Julian Gough

cena 207.0 Kč

Emily Windsnap and the Castle in the Mist - Liz Kesslerová

Emily Windsnap, the mermaid next door, is back in this third book in the NEW YORK TIMES bestselling series, now in a new edition with a gorgeous cover look. The magic ring that Emily Windsnap - half mermaid, half ordinary girl - finds buried in the sand belongs to Neptune, and he wants it back. But the ring, once on, won't come off, and an angry Neptune sends Emily's boat spinning away across the sea. When it comes to rest, she and her best friend, Shona, can see a mysterious castle shimmering in the mist on the horizon... Another magical adventure full of fun and friendship!

Objev podobné jako Emily Windsnap and the Castle in the Mist - Liz Kesslerová

cena 223.0 Kč

Colour and Culture - John Gage

A groundbreaking, award-winning analysis of colour in Western culture, from the ancient Greeks to the late twentieth century by one of the most foremost authors on the subject. What does the language of colour tell us? Where does one colour begin and another end? Is it a radiant visual stimulus, an intangible function of light, or a material substance to be moulded and arrayed? Colour is fundamental to art, yet so diverse that it has hardly ever been studied in a comprehensive way. Art historian John Gage considers every conceivable aspect of the subject in this groundbreaking analysis of colour in Western culture, from the ancient Greeks to the late twentieth century.Gage describes the first theories of colour, articulated by Greek philosophers, and subsequent attempts by the Romans and their Renaissance disciples to organize it systematically or endow it with symbolic power. He unfolds its religious significance and its use in heraldry, as well as how Renaissance artists approached colour with the help of alchemists. He explores the analysis of the spectrum undertaken by Newton and continued in the nineteenth century by artists such as Seurat, traces the influence of Goethe's colour theory, and considers the extraordinary theories and practices that attempted to unite colour and music, or make colour into an entirely abstract language of its own.The first-ever undertaking to suggest answers to many perennial questions about the role of colour in Western art and thought, this study throws fresh light on the hidden meanings of many familiar masterpieces.

Objev podobné jako Colour and Culture - John Gage

cena 1423.0 Kč

Creativity and Innovation in the Music Industry

Why did jazz become a dominant popular music genre in the 1920s and rock 'n' roll in the 1950s? Why did heavy metal, punk rock and hiphop find their way from sub-cultures to the established music industry? What are the effects of new communication technologies and the Internet on the creation of music in the early 21st century? These and other questions are answered by Peter Tschmuck through an integrated model of creativity and innovation that is based on an international history of music industry since Thomas A. Edison invented the phonograph in 1877. Thus, the history of the music industry is described in full detail. By discussing the historic process of music production, distribution and reception the author highlights several revolutions in the music industry that were caused by the inference of aesthetic, technological, legal, economic, social and political processes of change. On the basis of an integrated model of creativity and innovation, an explanation is given on how the processes and structures of the present music industry will be altered by the ongoing digital revolution, which totally changed the value-added network of the production, dissemination and use of music. For the second edition, the author has reworked chapter 9 in order to include all the developments which shaped the music industry in the first decade of the 21st century - from Napster to cloud-based music services and even beyond.

Objev podobné jako Creativity and Innovation in the Music Industry

cena 4474.0 Kč

The War of the Worlds and The War in the Air - Herbert George Wells

With an Introduction and Notes by Dr Andrew Frayn, Lecturer in Twentieth-Century Literature and Culture at Edinburgh Napier University.In these two compelling novels H.G. Wells imagines terrifying futures in which civilisation itself is threatened.The narrator of The War of the Worlds is quick to discover that what appeared to be a falling star was, in fact, a metallic cylinder landing from Mars. Six million people begin to flee London in panic as tentacled invaders emerge and overpower the city. With their heat-ray, killing machines, black gas, and a taste for fresh human blood, is there anything that can be done to stop the Martians?In The War in the Air, naive but resourceful Bert Smallways is thrilled by speed and fascinated by the new flying machines. His curiosity sweeps him away by accident into a German plan to conquer America, beginning with the destruction of New York. The ease of movement in aerial warfare means that nothing and nobody is safe as Total War erupts, civilisation crumbles, and Bert's hopes of getting back to London to marry his love seem impossibly distant.

Objev podobné jako The War of the Worlds and The War in the Air - Herbert George Wells

cena 107.0 Kč

Život v ulicích 2020: Průvodce českou kulturou / Life in the Streets 2020 Czech Culture Guide (978-80-11-02281-5)

Kniha - autor Petr Cizner, 240 stran, česky, pevná s přebalem lesklá Kniha je unikátní tím, že spojuje ojedinělé fotografické zachycení „života v ulicích“ v České republice v období emočně vypjatých prvních měsíců pandemie koronaviru v roce 2020 s kulturně-historickým a cestovatelským vnímáním průvodce. Autor používal vizuální komunikaci během svého života v rámci různých profesí. Fotografoval a připravoval publikace jako průvodce, manažer, vysokoškolský pedagog, vědecký pracovník, obchodní zástupce a trenér managementu. Pro tuto knihu vytvořil z časového úseku jednoho měsíce od 27. dubna do 24. května 2020 fotografie z 24 měst. Tyto fotografie tvoří jádro knihy. Celkově je v této publikaci 270 fotografií z 26 kulturně významných měst České republiky. Kapitoly a fotografie jsou přehledně uspořádány s ohledem na události, místopis a estetiku. Autorův styl je osobitý, okořeněný mírnou dávkou jemného humoru a laskavého vnímání postav v naznačených příbězích....

Objev podobné jako Život v ulicích 2020: Průvodce českou kulturou / Life in the Streets 2020 Czech Culture Guide (978-80-11-02281-5)

cena 689.0 Kč

\"Route CZ-AT\" to the USA: Perceiving American Culture in Central Europe - Petr Anténe - e-kniha

eBook: While English is the lingua franca and an established language in numerous countries, it is its American variant that keeps spreading rapidly to other parts of the world due to the wide ranging influence of the USA in politics, economics and popular culture. The nine authors of this volume present various aspects associated with the perception of the USA, whether it be American English, a theme in American literature and culture or an analysis of their reception in and/or influence on the Czech Republic or Austria. As all of the contributors work or study at an educational institution that prepares future teachers, most of the chapters either discuss the students’ or pupils’ point of view on the topic or provide another connection to the process of foreign language teaching.

Objev podobné jako \"Route CZ-AT\" to the USA: Perceiving American Culture in Central Europe - Petr Anténe - e-kniha

cena 120.0 Kč

Encyclopedia of Video Games: The Culture, Technology, and Art of Gaming (2nd Edition) - Mark J. P. Wolf

Now in its second edition, the Encyclopedia of Video Games: The Culture, Technology, and Art of Gaming is the definitive, go-to resource for anyone interested in the diverse and expanding video game industry. This three-volume encyclopedia covers all things video games, including the games themselves, the companies that make them, and the people who play them. Written by scholars who are exceptionally knowledgeable in the field of video game studies, it notes genres, institutions, important concepts, theoretical concerns, and more and is the most comprehensive encyclopedia of video games of its kind, covering video games throughout all periods of their existence and geographically around the world. This is the second edition of Encyclopedia of Video Games: The Culture, Technology, and Art of Gaming, originally published in 2012. All of the entries have been revised to accommodate changes in the industry, and an additional volume has been added to address the recent developments, advances, and changes that have occurred in this ever-evolving field. This set is a vital resource for scholars and video game aficionados alike. Explores games, people, events, and ideas that are influential in the industry, rather than simply discussing the history of video games Offers a detailed understanding of the variety of video games that have been created over the years Includes contributions from some of the most important scholars of video games Suggests areas of further exploration for students of video games

Objev podobné jako Encyclopedia of Video Games: The Culture, Technology, and Art of Gaming (2nd Edition) - Mark J. P. Wolf

cena 7607.0 Kč

PER | Level 2: The Room in the Tower and Other Stories Bk and MP3 Pack - Rudyard Kipling

Classic / British EnglishThree stories, three ghosts. A young woman marries an older man. His first wife is dead. Or is she …? Why does a dead man walk through his house each night? An old woman has a house with a tower. Why does she visit a young man in his dreams?This Pack contains a Book and MP3

Objev podobné jako PER | Level 2: The Room in the Tower and Other Stories Bk and MP3 Pack - Rudyard Kipling

cena 234.0 Kč

Us in the Before and After - Valentine Jenny

A tear-jerking, heart-breakingly beautiful novel from the award-winning Jenny Valentine, perfect for fans of Adam Silvera, Kathleen Glasgow and Laura Nowlin.There is one side of that moment, and the other Before After I have dreamed about it ever since At the start of a long, hot summer best friends Elk and Mab face the fallout of a sudden death, and the lifelong consequences of a single tragic act.An intensely emotional story that raises questions about love, ghosts, and the unshakeable bonds of friendship. Praise for Us in the Before and After: ‘A masterpiece. A beautiful and breathtaking story of friendship, love and loss, that will shatter your heart into a thousand tiny pieces and then slowly put it back together again.’ – Danielle Jawando, author of When Our Worlds Collided ‘An ode to life and love and loss and friendship – and the devastating beauty of it all. This is the kind of book that grips you by the heart and doesn’t let go.’ – Katherine Webber, author of Twin Crowns ‘A gorgeous, heartbreaking and lyrical new YA novel from the wonderful Jenny Valentine about grief, friendship and love.’ – Laura Bates, author of Sisters of Sword and Shadow ‘An absolute page-turner from one of our most vital YA voices. Nobody writes like Jenny Valentine – she is a true original.’ – Phil Earle, author of When the Sky Falls ‘A gorgeous journey on friendship, love and death. Jenny Valentine has written a book that you will want to read over and over again.’ – Abiola Bello, author of Only for the Holidays

Objev podobné jako Us in the Before and After - Valentine Jenny

cena 268.0 Kč

The Murders in the Rue Morgue and Other Tales - Edgar Allan Poe

This is the "Penguin English Library Edition" of "The Murders in the Rue Morgue and Other Tales" by Edgar Allan Poe. '...an agility astounding, a strength superhuman, a ferocity brutal, a butchery without motive, a grotesquerie in horror absolutely alien from humanity...' Horror, madness, violence and the dark forces hidden in humanity abound in this collection of Poe's brilliant tales, including - among others - the bloody, brutal and baffling murder of a mother and daughter in Paris in "The Murders in the Rue Morgue", the creeping insanity of "The Tell-Tale Heart", the Gothic nightmare of "The Masque of the Red Death", and the terrible doom of "The Fall of the House of Usher". "The Penguin English Library" - 100 editions of the best fiction in English, from the eighteenth century and the very first novels to the beginning of the First World War.

Objev podobné jako The Murders in the Rue Morgue and Other Tales - Edgar Allan Poe

cena 196.0 Kč

The Thief in the Night and Other Stories - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha

eBook: Fast-paced and fun, ‘The Thief in the Night and Other Stories’ is a collection of six tales from the pen of one of the 20th Century’s most prolific writers. The title story follows Inspector Jack Danton as he investigates a proliferation of poison pen letters and thefts to and from wealthy young debutantes. Other novelettes, such as ‘Findings are Keepings’ and ‘The Compleat Criminal,’ are laced with Wallace’s trademark wit and critical appraisal of life in the upper echelons during the early 20th century. A superb read for fans of Wallace's body of work.

Objev podobné jako The Thief in the Night and Other Stories - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha

cena 194.0 Kč

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