Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz

Boys in Children´s Literature and Popular Culture: Masculinity, Abjection - Wannamaker Annette

Boys in Children's Literature and Popular Culture proposes new theoretical frameworks for understanding the contradictory ways masculinity is represented in popular texts consumed by boys in the United States. The popular texts boys like are often ignored by educators and scholars, or are simply dismissed as garbage that boys should be discouraged from enjoying. However, examining and making visible the ways masculinity functions in these texts is vital to understanding the broad array of works that make up children's culture and form dominant versions of masculinity. Such popular texts as Harry Potter, Captain Underpants, and Japanese manga and anime often perform rituals of subject formation in overtly grotesque ways that repulse adult readers and attract boys. They often use depictions of the abject - threats to bodily borders - to blur the distinctions between what is outside the body and what is inside, between what is "I" and what is "not I." Because of their reliance on depictions of the abject, those popular texts that most vigorously perform exaggerated versions of masculinity also create opportunities to make dominant masculinity visible as a social construct.

Podívejte se také Patinkin Mandy: Children And Art - CD (7559792428)

cena 2595.0 Kč

Views from the Inside. Czech Underground Literature and Culture (1948–1989) - Martin Machovec - e-kniha

eBook: Svazek Views from the Inside přináší v pěti literárních dokumentech svědectví předních představitelů kultury českého undergroundu. Stavem hudebního undergroundu 70. let, jeho ideovými východisky a společenskou rolí se zabývá Ivan Martin Jirous ve své, dnes již věhlasné a opakovaně vydávané studii Zpráva o třetím českém hudebním obrození, kterou zde doplňuje vzpomínková stať Paula Wilsona. Tři následující texty byly psány pro konferenci o české literatuře, která se konala na New York University v březnu 1990. K původním východiskům českého literárního podzemí na přelomu 40. a 50. let se vrací Egon Bondy. Oblast samizdatové literární produkce 80. let mapuje ve své zprávě o Revolver Revue Jáchym Topol a undergroundová literatura 70. i 80. let je rovněž tématem druhé studie Ivana Martina Jirouse v tomto svazku. Kniha je doplněna doslovem editora M. Machovce, aktualizovanou bibliografií anglicky vydaných textů, filmografií a diskografií.

Podívejte se také The Age of American Unreason in a Culture of Lies (0525436529)

cena 180.0 Kč

The Representation of the Shoah in Literature, Theatre and Film in Central Europe: 1950s and 1960s - Jiří Holý

Publikace shrnuje příspěvky z mezinárodního workshopu konaného v listopadu 2011 v Praze. Seminář se zabýval tématem šoa/holokaustu v literatuře, v divadle a filmu v padesátých a šedesátých letech. Navázal na předchozí workshopy v německém Gießenu a v polské Łódzi (2010, 2011). Jednotlivé příspěvky se soustřeďují zvláště na českou a polskou literaturu (Jiří Weil, Norbert Frýd, Jan Otčenášek, Ladislav Fuks, Josef Škvorecký, Adolf Rudnicki, diskurz šoa v polské literatuře), na drama a divadlo (Leon Kruczkowski, Ireneusz Iredyński, Hedda Zinner, západoněmecké drama s tématem šoa), film (Spalovač mrtvol, Jákob lhář), ale také na kresby dětí v Terezíně či zobrazení šoa z pohledu dítěte. Příspěvky vycházejí v anglickém a německém jazyce ve spolupráci s Centrem židovských studií FF UK.

Podívejte se také VICEROY POPULAR 75199P01012 (8431283541393)

cena 178.0 Kč

Rhetoric in European Culture and Beyond - Jiří Kraus - e-kniha

eBook: Kniha Rétorika v evropské kultuře i ve světě vymezuje postavení rétoriky v systému kultury a vzdělanosti od starověku po dnešek. Zkoumá pokles jejího významu v období racionalismu a osvícenství, uvádí příčiny, v jejichž důsledku byly rétorice (redukované na soustavu řečnických triků) přisuzovány negativní konotace, a vysvětluje, proč si rétorika ve 20. století dokázala své pozice znovu vydobýt. Dokládá, že prestiž rétoriky prudce klesá, když je redukována na recept k rafinovanému klamání publika, a naopak stoupá, když se chápe jako vědecká disciplína, která se vydává napříč humanitními obory – filozofií, logikou, sémiotikou, literární vědou, lingvistikou, naukou o médiích apod. V tomto pojetí rétorika usiluje o všestranné poznávání a kultivování řečového projevu, mluveného i psaného, a to nejen jeho produkce, ale i recepce a interpretace. V takové renesanci zájmu se rétorika jeví ne jako pouhý návod k řečové dovednosti, ale jako komplexní teoretický obor zkoumající chování člověka ve společenské komunikaci. Kapitoly 1–9 charakterizují vývoj rétoriky od jejích řeckých, helénistických a římských počátků k rétorice v kontextu křesťanské kultury středověku, dále k období humanismu, osvícenství, baroka; závěrečné kapitoly se pak věnují rétorice v 18., 19, a 20. století. Přitom se uplatňuje zřetel geografický, zahrnující dějiny rétoriky ve Francii, Španělsku, Itálii, Německu, Anglii, Skotsku, Polsku, v Rusku, v Čechách, na Moravě a na Slovensku, od 19. století pak i ve Spojených státech. Poslední, 10. kapitola předkládá odpověď na otázku, zdali se odpovídající systémy rétorických poznatků utvářely i za hranicemi středomořské antiky. Na vybraných příkladech teoretických prací o „umění řeči“ pocházejících z území Indie, Blízkého východu, Číny, Koreje a Japonska se ukazuje, že každé jazykové společenství si vytváří svou vlastní představu, teorii a praxi přesvědčivého a sugestivního řečového vystupování. Mnohdy se takové poznatky spíš než na návody k stylizaci a přednesu mluvených projevů soustřeďují na analýzu písemných památek, v nichž lze nalézt jak specifické kategoriální prostředky dané kultury (tak je tomu např. u komentářů k staroindickým védským textům), tak tropy a figury charakteristické pro rétoriku řeckou a římskou, např. u hebrejských a aramejských textů Starého zákona.

Objev podobné jako Rhetoric in European Culture and Beyond - Jiří Kraus - e-kniha

cena 280.0 Kč

Health and Disease in the Neolithic Lengyel Culture - Václav Smrčka - e-kniha

eBook: Cílem knihy je objasnit dosud neznámá nebo nedostatečně osvětlená fakta z každodenního života příslušníků lengyelské kultury, neolitických zemědělců, kteří přišli z Balkánu, přes Moravu se rozšířili až na území dnešního Rakouska a Polska a nahradili původní rané zemědělské populace střední Evropy – kultury s lineární (LnK) a vypíchanou keramikou (StK). Od raně neolitických kultur se odlišovali zejména využíváním mědi, sopečného skla a vyšším podílem lovu. Jak byla tato populace ovlivněna používáním kovu? Proč vzrostla její potřeba lovit? Jaký byl její zdravotní stav před migrací z dnešního Maďarska na Moravu, kde zažila nebývalý rozkvět, a jaké nemoci nejvíc sužovaly obyvatele lengyelských osad? V čem se lišil jejich životní styl od předchozích kultur s lineární a vypíchanou keramikou? Na tyto otázky se snaží odpovědět mezinárodní tým odborníků pod vedením Václava Smrčky a Olivéra Gábora. EditořiVáclav SmrčkaOlivér GáborAutořiFrantišek BůzekAlžběta ČerevkováEva ČermákováDavid DickMarta DočkalováVojtěch ErbanMartina FojtováOlivér GáborCsilla GátiZdeněk HájekMartin HillIvana JarošováSylva KaupováKitti KöhlerVítězslav KuželkaMartin MihaljevičZdenka MusilováIvo NěmecCtibor PovýšilLenka PůtováŠtefan RástočnýVáclav SmrčkaJakub TrubačZdeněk TvrdýIvan ZocJarmila ZocováPřeklad českých textůStanislav CitaHelena Pecháčková

Objev podobné jako Health and Disease in the Neolithic Lengyel Culture - Václav Smrčka - e-kniha

cena 430.0 Kč

The Representation of the Shoah in Literature, Theatre and Film in Central Europ: anglicky, německy (978-80-7470-004-0)

Kniha - autor Jiří Holý, 192 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Publikace shrnuje příspěvky z mezinárodního workshopu konaného v listopadu 2011 v Praze. Seminář se zabýval tématem šoa/holokaustu v literatuře, v divadle a filmu v padesátých a šedesátých letech. Navázal na předchozí workshopy v německém Gießenu a v polské Łódzi (2010, 2011). Jednotlivé příspěvky se soustřeďují zvláště na českou a polskou literaturu (Jiří Weil, Norbert Frýd, Jan Otčenášek, Ladislav Fuks, Josef Škvorecký, Adolf Rudnicki, diskurz šoa v polské literatuře), na drama a divadlo (Leon Kruczkowski, Ireneusz Iredyński, Hedda Zinner, západoněmecké drama s tématem šoa), film (Spalovač mrtvol, Jákob lhář), ale také na kresby dětí v Terezíně či zobrazení šoa z pohledu dítěte. Příspěvky vycházejí v anglickém a německém jazyce ve spolupráci s Centrem židovských studií FF UK. Je psána anglicky a německy.

Objev podobné jako The Representation of the Shoah in Literature, Theatre and Film in Central Europ: anglicky, německy (978-80-7470-004-0)

cena 155.0 Kč

Alice´s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass (Barnes & Noble Collectible Classics: Children´s Edition) - Lewis Carroll

Lewis Carroll's novels Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass (first published in 1865 and 1871, respectively) have entertained readers young and old for more than a century. Their magical worlds, amusing characters, clever dialogue, and playfully logical illogic epitomize the whit and whimsy of Carroll's writing. Both stories feature the coloured classic illustrations of John Tenniel. Alice's Adventures in wonderland and Through the Looking Glass is one of Barnes & Noble's Ieather bound classics for children. It features classic illustrations, an elegant bonded leather binding, a satin-ribbon bookmark, and distinctive gilt edging.

Objev podobné jako Alice´s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass (Barnes & Noble Collectible Classics: Children´s Edition) - Lewis Carroll

cena 536.0 Kč

Reálie Velké Británie a Severního Irska - Life and Culture in the UK - Paul Whitton

Jednojazyčná kniha reálií Spojeného království, jejímiž autory jsou manželé žijící ve Velké Británii, odborníci v této oblasti.

Objev podobné jako Reálie Velké Británie a Severního Irska - Life and Culture in the UK - Paul Whitton

cena 189.0 Kč

Traditional Folk Culture in Moravia: Time and Space - Marie Novotná, Roman Doušek, Daniel Drápala

Kniha přibližuje tradiční lidovou kulturu na Moravě v časovém období od poloviny osmnáctého do konce devatenáctého století prostřednictvím šesti tematických os: autochtonnost – externí vlivy – stálost v čase – proměna v čase – teritoriální jednota – teritoriální rozrůzněnost. Autoři se snaží na příkladu konkrétních kulturních jevů osvětlit procesy, které v minulosti lidovou kulturu formovaly a ovlivňovaly její tvůrce a nositele. Takový přístup vede k plastičtějšímu poznání životní reality na moravském venkově v minulosti v celé její proměnlivosti, stálosti, variabilitě i shodnosti.

Objev podobné jako Traditional Folk Culture in Moravia: Time and Space - Marie Novotná, Roman Doušek, Daniel Drápala

cena 366.0 Kč

Trajectories of Spanish Art and Culture in Bohemia: Studies and essays about Spanish and Ibero-American Art - Pavel Štěpánek - e-kniha

eBook: Kniha představuje sumu badatelské činnosti prof. Pavla Štěpánka, specialisty na problematiku španělské a ibero-americké kultury, zejména vizuální. Publikace shromažďuje jedenáct studií, které v pozoruhodné šíři témat mapují vztahy mezi španělskou kulturou a českými zeměmi v širokém časovém horizontu od středověku po umění 20. století. Současně je tato problematika sledována na půdorysu nejrůznějších výtvarných médií a projevů – architektura, malířství, sochařství, kresba, či umělecké řemeslo. Čtenář se díky této knize může seznámit s pozoruhodným fenoménem „španělské přítomnosti“ ve střední Evropě, díky níž může sledovat komplexní fenomény kulturní výměny, stejně jako to umožňuje nahlížet na středoevropský prostor jako na místo jedinečných průniků uměleckých vlivů a kreativní prostor kulturní adaptace. The book presents the sum of research of an outstanding art historian Prof. Pavel Štěpánek, a specialist on Spanish and Ibero-American culture, especially the visual arts. The publication collects eleven studies that display in notable scope of topics the relations between Spanish culture and Bohemian lands. These studies covers the extensive chronological space since the Middle Ages up to 20th century. The essays also deal with wide range of visual media as architecture, painting, sculpture, drawing and also many artifacts of the “minor arts”. A reader can meet, thanks to this book, an extraordinary phenomenon of “Spanish presence” in the Central Europe. It provides also opportunity to see the Central-Europe as dynamic space of cultural exchange, artistic intersections and creative cultural adaptations.

Objev podobné jako Trajectories of Spanish Art and Culture in Bohemia: Studies and essays about Spanish and Ibero-American Art - Pavel Štěpánek - e-kniha

cena 209.0 Kč

Culture and Imperialism (0099967502)

Kniha - autor Edward W. Said, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Reissue of Said's examining of western culture, which takes in everything from Jane Austen to Salman Rushdie, Yeats and media coverage of the Gulf War. 'Has an eloquent, urgent topicality rare in books by literary critics' Camille Paglia

Objev podobné jako Culture and Imperialism (0099967502)

cena 379.0 Kč

Colour and Culture - John Gage

A groundbreaking, award-winning analysis of colour in Western culture, from the ancient Greeks to the late twentieth century by one of the most foremost authors on the subject. What does the language of colour tell us? Where does one colour begin and another end? Is it a radiant visual stimulus, an intangible function of light, or a material substance to be moulded and arrayed? Colour is fundamental to art, yet so diverse that it has hardly ever been studied in a comprehensive way. Art historian John Gage considers every conceivable aspect of the subject in this groundbreaking analysis of colour in Western culture, from the ancient Greeks to the late twentieth century.Gage describes the first theories of colour, articulated by Greek philosophers, and subsequent attempts by the Romans and their Renaissance disciples to organize it systematically or endow it with symbolic power. He unfolds its religious significance and its use in heraldry, as well as how Renaissance artists approached colour with the help of alchemists. He explores the analysis of the spectrum undertaken by Newton and continued in the nineteenth century by artists such as Seurat, traces the influence of Goethe's colour theory, and considers the extraordinary theories and practices that attempted to unite colour and music, or make colour into an entirely abstract language of its own.The first-ever undertaking to suggest answers to many perennial questions about the role of colour in Western art and thought, this study throws fresh light on the hidden meanings of many familiar masterpieces.

Objev podobné jako Colour and Culture - John Gage

cena 1423.0 Kč

British and American Literature (978-80-86035-05-5)

Kniha - autor Eliška Morkesová, 137 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Tento přehled britské a americké literatury je vhodný pro studenty angličtiny středních a jazykových škol, hlavně pro ty, kteří se připravují k jazykové zkoušce z angličtiny.

Objev podobné jako British and American Literature (978-80-86035-05-5)

cena 76.0 Kč

MS Popular Movie Hits for Violin and Piano

Škola hry na housle Ediční řada Ready to Play je určena především začínajícím a mírně pokročilým muzikantům. Nabízí slavné melodie z klasické, filmové i populární hudby ve zjednodušených úpravách, které však ctí předlohu a vyznívají tak velmi efektivně. Díky kvalitně zpracovaným doprovodům jsou sešity vhodné i jako zpestření výuky. Výběr slavných filmových melodií v jednoduché úpravě pro housle a klavír. Obsahuje jak originální filmové kompozice od autorů jako Zimmer, Schifrin nebo Arlen, tak i díla, zpopularizovaná jejich užitím ve filmech (Brahms, Strauss).

Objev podobné jako MS Popular Movie Hits for Violin and Piano

cena 450.0 Kč

Studies in Classic American Literature - David Herbert Lawrence - e-kniha

eBook: Lawrence asserted that 'the proper function of a critic is to save the tale from the artist who created it'. In these highly individual, penetrating essays he has exposed 'the American whole soul' within some of that continent's major works of literature. In seeking to establish the status of writings by such authors as Poe, Melville, Fenimore Cooper and Whitman, Lawrence himself has created a classic work. Studies in Classic American Literature is valuable not only for the light it sheds on eighteenth- and nineteenth-cetntury American consciousness, telling 'the truth of the day', but also as a prime example of Lawrence's learning, passion and integrity of judgement.

Objev podobné jako Studies in Classic American Literature - David Herbert Lawrence - e-kniha

cena 194.0 Kč

The Victorian Age in Literature - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha

eBook: Most books of literary criticism are written long after their age has passed, but a rare few are written during their time - and G. K. Chesterton's 'The Victorian Age in Literature' is one of them. Born during the Victorian era, Chesterton gives an incredible insight into Victorian literature as it was perceived at the end of the 19th century. His witty accounts shine a light on the classic works of Dickens, Austen, and the Brontës, as well as leading poets of the period, from Tennyson to Browning. His discussion ranges from the politics of the day to the birth of radical philosophies and revelations within the sciences. Chesterton's work is a refreshingly personal look into the Victorian mind and an invaluable resource for any student of literary history.-

Objev podobné jako The Victorian Age in Literature - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha

cena 138.0 Kč

Nature, Culture, and Inequality: A Comparative and Historical Perspective - Thomas Piketty

A bestselling economist’s history of inequality and guide to a more just, sustainable world, distilled into an engaging and accessible pocket-sized text.In this unique work, Thomas Piketty presents a synthesis of his historical and comparative research on inequality. He challenges the idea that there could be natural inequalities and shows that the march toward equality has always depended on political and social struggles, addressing diverse topics such as: education, inheritance, the climate crisis, the taxation of wealth, and gender disparities. Adapted from Piketty’s 2022 lecture at the Musée du Quai Branly – Jacques Chirac, Nature, Culture, and Inequality makes his important argument available to a wider audience for the first time. With a clear, conversational tone, he provides a strong foundation of data and concrete examples of how we can continue to level the playing field.

Objev podobné jako Nature, Culture, and Inequality: A Comparative and Historical Perspective - Thomas Piketty

cena 536.0 Kč

Writing Underground Reflections on Samizdat Literature in Totalitarian Czechoslovakia - Martin Machovec

In this collection of writings produced between 2000 and 2018, the pioneering literary historian of the Czech underground, Martin Machovec, examines the multifarious nature of the underground phenomenon. After devoting considerable attention to the circle surrounding the band The Plastic People of the Universe and their manager, the poet Ivan M. Jirous, Machovec turns outward to examine the broader concept of the underground, comparing the Czech incarnation not only with the movements of its Central and Eastern European neighbors, but also with those in the world at large. In one essay, he reflects on the so-called Pulnoc Editions, which published illegal texts in the darkest days of the late forties and early fifties. In other essays, Machovec examines the relationship between illegal texts published at home (samizdat) and those smuggled out to be published abroad (tamizdat), as well as the range of literature that can be classified as samizdat, drawing attention to movements frequently overlooked by literary critics. In his final, previously unpublished essay, Machovec examines Jirous's "Report on the Third Czech Musical Revival" not as a merely historical document, but as literature itself.

Objev podobné jako Writing Underground Reflections on Samizdat Literature in Totalitarian Czechoslovakia - Martin Machovec

cena 260.0 Kč


What makes us who we are? And why do we lead one life and not another? Asle, an ageing painter and widower who lives alone on the southwest coast of Norway, is reminiscing about his life. His only friends are his neighbour, Åsleik, a traditional fisherman-farmer, and Beyer, a gallerist who lives in the city. There, in Bjørgvin, lives another Asle, also a painter but lonely and consumed by alcohol. Asle and Asle are doppelgängers – two versions of the same person, two versions of the same life, both grappling with existential questions about death, love, light and shadow, faith and hopelessness. Septology is a transcendent exploration of the human condition by Jon Fosse, the 2023 Nobel Prize in Literature laureate, and a radically other reading experience – incantatory, hypnotic and utterly unique.

Objev podobné jako Septology — WINNER OF THE 2023 NOBEL PRIZE IN LITERATURE - Jon Fosse

cena 502.0 Kč

Five Children and It - E Nesbit

''Don''t you know a sand-fairy when you see one?''I dare say you have often thought about what you would do if you were granted three wishes. The five children - Cyril, Anthea, Robert, Jane, and their baby brother - had often talked about it but when they are faced with the grumpy sand-fairy they find it difficult to make up their minds. And that is just the beginning of their dilemmas.As they discover, there is nothing quite like a wish for getting you into terrible trouble.EXTRA ACTIVITIES INCLUDED: Learn about what it was like to be a child in 1902 and try some fun activities! This special edition includes fantastic extra educational resources.

Objev podobné jako Five Children and It - E Nesbit

cena 207.0 Kč

Five Children and It - Edith Nesbitová

When Cyril, Anthea, Robert, Jane and their baby brother go digging in the gravel pit, the last thing they expect to find is a Psammead - an ancient Sand-fairy. Having a Sand-fairy for a pet means having one wish granted each day. But the children don't realize all the trouble wishes can cause.

Objev podobné jako Five Children and It - Edith Nesbitová

cena 268.0 Kč

Human Acts: Winner of the 2024 Nobel Prize in Literature - Han Kang

A riveting, poetic and unrelentingly powerful work from the author of the 2016 Man Booker International Prize-winning novel The Vegetarian.

Objev podobné jako Human Acts: Winner of the 2024 Nobel Prize in Literature - Han Kang

cena 268.0 Kč

Simple Passion – WINNER OF THE 2022 NOBEL PRIZE IN LITERATURE - Annie Ernaux

In her spare, stark style, Annie Ernaux documents the desires and indignities of a human heart ensnared in an all-consuming passion. Blurring the line between fact and fiction, she attempts to plot the emotional and physical course of her two-year relationship with a married man where every word, event, and person either provides a connection with her beloved or is subject to her cold indifference. With courage and exactitude, Ernaux seeks the truth behind an existence lived, for a time, entirely for someone else.

Objev podobné jako Simple Passion – WINNER OF THE 2022 NOBEL PRIZE IN LITERATURE - Annie Ernaux

cena 236.0 Kč


Considered by many to be the 2022 Nobel Prize in Literature laureate’s defining work, The Years is a narrative of the period 1941 to 2006 told through the lens of memory, impressions past and present, cultural habits, language, photos, books, songs, radio, television, advertising and news headlines. Annie Ernaux invents a form that is subjective and impersonal, private and collective, and a new genre – the collective autobiography – in order to capture the passing of time. At the confluence of autofiction and sociology, The Years is ‘a Remembrance of Things Past for our age of media domination and consumerism’ (New York Times), a monumental account of twentieth-century French history as refracted through the life of one woman.

Objev podobné jako The Years – WINNER OF THE 2022 NOBEL PRIZE IN LITERATURE - Annie Ernaux

cena 295.0 Kč

Children of Blood and Bone - Tomi Adeyemiová

Zélie Adebola remembers when the soil of Orisha hummed with magic. Burners ignited flames, Tiders beckoned waves, and Zelie’s Reaper mother summoned forth souls. But everything changed the night magic disappeared. Under the orders of a ruthless king, maji were targeted and killed, leaving Zélie without a mother and her people without hope. Now, Zélie has one chance to bring back magic and strike against the monarchy. With the help of a rogue princess, Zélie must outwit and outrun the crown prince, who is hell-bent on eradicating magic for good. Danger lurks in Orisha, where snow leoponaires prowl and vengeful spirits wait in the waters. Yet the greatest danger may be Zélie herself as she struggles to control her powers—and her growing feelings for the enemy.

Objev podobné jako Children of Blood and Bone - Tomi Adeyemiová

cena 214.0 Kč

Children of Anguish and Anarchy - Tomi Adeyemiová

New allies rise. The Blood Moon nears. Zlie faces her final enemy. The king who hunts her heart. When Zlie seized the royal palace that fateful night, she thought her battles had come to an end. The monarchy had finally fallen. The maji had risen again.Zlie never expected to find herself locked in a cage and trapped on a foreign ship. Now warriors with iron skulls traffick her and her people across the seas, far from their homeland. Then everything changes when Zlie meets King Baldyr, her true captor and the man who has ravaged entire civilizations to find her. The ruler of the Skulls, Baldyrs quest to harness Zlies strength sends Zlie, Amari, and Tzain searching for allies in foreign lands. But as Baldyr closes in, catastrophe charges Orshas shores.It will take everything Zlie has to face her final enemy and save her people before the Skulls annihilate them for good.

Objev podobné jako Children of Anguish and Anarchy - Tomi Adeyemiová

cena 357.0 Kč

Falling in Reverse - Popular Monster (Limited Edition) (Silver Coloured) (LP)

Žánr: Metalcore;Hardcore Varianta: Popular Monster (Limited Edition) (Silver Coloured) (LP) Datum vydání: 2024-08-16 Subžánr: Post Hardcore;Metalcore Interpret / Téma: Falling in Reverse Vydavatelství: Epitaph Rok vydání: 2024.0 Barva: Stříbrná Typ: Barevná;Limitovaná edice;LP deska;Album Balení obsahuje: LP Barva podle výrobce: Silver Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Složení setu: 1 ks

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cena 1067.0 Kč

The Boys in the Boat - Daniel James Brown

An epic true-life journey to the heart of Hitler's Berlin.

Objev podobné jako The Boys in the Boat - Daniel James Brown

cena 325.0 Kč

Raising Boys in the 21st Century - Steve Biddulph

A word of mouth bestseller which has become one of the best loved and most successful books in the parenting field. With around 20% new material, Steve Biddulph’s Raising Boys includes some startling new research on what helps – and what harms – boys.In this expanded and updated edition, Steve Biddulph shares and gives practical and honest advice to parents so they can recognise the different stages of boyhood and learn how to raise happy, confident and kind young men.Boys need to be parented in a different way from girls with their own very special psychological and physical make-up. Home, society and education have failed boys badly – and these failures lead to unhappy men who cannot fully become happy, responsible, emotionally-confident adults.While it is essential that boys spend more time learning about manhood from their fathers, Biddulph updates his classic to include helpful information for mothers and single mothers with baby boys.This extended edition explores some important topics:.• How ADHD may be caused by stress in the first year of life.• Whether boys should start school later than girls.• How important it is to let boys cry, and how crying helps avoid violence, suicide, and risky behaviour.• Two completely new stages of boyhood we didn’t know about: the FULL ON FOURS and the EMOTIONAL EIGHTS• Help for single mothers raising sons.• How to choose a sport that does more good than harm.• What we can do about boys and binge drinking.• What science can tell us about teenage boys and driving – and how we can keep our sons safe.Raising Boys offers parents real-life situations, thought-provoking insights, humour and help.

Objev podobné jako Raising Boys in the 21st Century - Steve Biddulph

cena 443.0 Kč

JACKY Mikina BOYS IN THE WOOD petrol /ringel

Značková kvalita od Jacky Baby. Krásná mikina s roztomilým motivem. Stiskací cvočky na rameni usnadňují nasazování a sundávání. Podrobnosti o produktu: Materiál: 100 % organická bavlna Lze prát při teplotě 30 °C Železo do 40 °C Nepoužívejte sušičku

Objev podobné jako JACKY Mikina BOYS IN THE WOOD petrol /ringel

cena 372.0 Kč

JACKY Mikina BOYS IN THE WOOD petrol /ringel

Značková kvalita od Jacky Baby. Krásná mikina s roztomilým motivem. Stiskací cvočky na rameni usnadňují nasazování a sundávání. Podrobnosti o produktu: Materiál: 100 % organická bavlna Lze prát při teplotě 30 °C Železo do 40 °C Nepoužívejte sušičku

Objev podobné jako JACKY Mikina BOYS IN THE WOOD petrol /ringel

cena 372.0 Kč

JACKY Mikina BOYS IN THE WOOD petrol /ringel

Značková kvalita od Jacky Baby. Krásná mikina s roztomilým motivem. Stiskací cvočky na rameni usnadňují nasazování a sundávání. Podrobnosti o produktu: Materiál: 100 % organická bavlna Lze prát při teplotě 30 °C Železo do 40 °C Nepoužívejte sušičku

Objev podobné jako JACKY Mikina BOYS IN THE WOOD petrol /ringel

cena 372.0 Kč

Billy and the Giant Adventure: The first children´s book from Jamie Oliver - Jamie Oliver

One pinch of adventure, a dash of friendship, a sprinkle of mystery and a HUGE spoonful of magic . . . Jamie Oliver, bestselling author and internationally renowned chef, delivers the perfect recipe for a page-turning children's fiction debut!Billy and his friends know that Waterfall Woods is out of bounds; strange things are rumoured to have happened there and no one in their village has ventured past its walls for decades...But when they discover a secret way in, Billy and his best friends, Anna, Jimmy and Andy, can't resist the temptation to explore! Only to quickly discover that the woods are brimming with magic and inhabited by all sorts of unusual creatures, including a whole community of sprites who need the childrens' help!With magical battles, a long-lost mythical city, fantastical flying machines, epic feasts and one GIANT rescue, get ready for an adventure you'll never forget!

Objev podobné jako Billy and the Giant Adventure: The first children´s book from Jamie Oliver - Jamie Oliver

cena 402.0 Kč

The Bible, Christianity, and Culture - Pavol Bargár - e-kniha

eBook: U zrodu této knihy stál projekt vedený Petrem Pokorným, zaměřený na zkoumání biblických kořenů křesťanské kultury. Výsledkem měla být koherentní kolektivní monografie na toto téma. V důsledku neočekávaného úmrtí P. Pokorného na začátku roku 2020 však nemohl být uskutečněn podle původního plánu. Ve výsledku jde tak spíše o volný soubor statí, které zkoumají rozličné aspekty Bible a křesťanství v jejich vztahu ke kultuře. První část se soustředí na speciální biblistická témata, druhá pak sleduje historické, filosofické a kulturní souvislosti. Autorem dvou statí je i sám profesor Pokorný a celá kniha je věnována jeho památce.

Objev podobné jako The Bible, Christianity, and Culture - Pavol Bargár - e-kniha

cena 310.0 Kč

The Incomplete: Highsnobiety Guide to Street Fashion and Culture

Street fashion and urban culture have come a long way from humble beginnings in the ‘90s. From disparate local scenes in Japan, Europe, and the US, the youth-driven movements of hip-hop, punk, and skateboarding have finally infiltrated high fashion. Brands are now eager to collaborate with the icons of music and art who are leading this creative crossover. Customers will stand in line for hours to be the first to own exclusive pieces designed by the likes of Pharrell Williams, Kanye West, and Tom Sachs. Based in New York, Berlin, and Tokyo, lifestyle publication Highsnobiety is at the forefront of this global phenomenon. The Incomplete immortalizes the stories of brands ranging from Supreme to COMME des GARÇONS. Alongside the most influential designers and tastemakers, Higsnobiety highlights the pieces and brands in men’s fashion which have stood the test of time.

Objev podobné jako The Incomplete: Highsnobiety Guide to Street Fashion and Culture

cena 1490.0 Kč

The Call of the Wild & White Fang (1509841768)

Kniha - 372 stran, anglicky, Pevná bez přebalu lesklá - 372 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá The Call of the Wild tells the story of Buck, a domestic dog who is kidnapped from his home in California and forced to pull sleds in the Arctic wasteland. White Fang, by contrast, is the tale of a crossbreed who is three-quarters wolf and a quarter dog, and who must endure considerable suffering in the wilderness before being tamed by an American and taken to live in California. Extraordinary both for the vividness of their descriptions and the success with which they imagine life from a non-human perspective, these two classics of children s literature are two of the greatest and most popular animal stories ever written.This beautiful Macmillan Collector s Library edition of The Call of the Wild & White Fang features an afterword by Sam Gilpin.Designed to appeal to the booklover, the Macmillan Collector s Library is a series of beautiful gift editions of...

Objev podobné jako The Call of the Wild & White Fang (1509841768)

cena 309.0 Kč

Dottie : By the winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature 2021 - Abdulrazak Gurnah

By the winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature 2021 A searing tale of a young woman discovering her troubled family history and cultural past Dottie Badoura Fatma Balfour finds solace amidst the squalor of her childhood by spinning warm tales of affection about her beautiful names. But she knows nothing of their origins, and little of her family history - or the abuse her ancestors suffered as they made their home in Britain. At seventeen, she takes on the burden of responsibility for her brother and sister and is obsessed with keeping the family together. However, as Sophie, lumpen yet voluptuous, drifts away, and the confused Hudson is absorbed into the world of crime, Dottie is forced to consider her own needs. Building on her fragmented, tantalising memories, she begins to clear a path through life, gradually gathering the confidence to take risks, to forge friendships and to challenge the labels that have been forced upon her.

Objev podobné jako Dottie : By the winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature 2021 - Abdulrazak Gurnah

cena 268.0 Kč


Asle is an ageing painter and widower who lives alone on the southwest coast of Norway. His only friends are his neighbour, Asleik, a traditional fisherman-farmer, and Beyer, a gallerist who lives in the city. There, in Bjorgvin, lives another Asle, also a painter but lonely and consumed by alcohol. Asle and Asle are doppelgangers - two versions of the same person, two versions of the same life, both grappling with existential questions. In this second instalment of Jon Fosse’s Septology, ‘a major work of Scandinavian fiction’ (Hari Kunzru), the two Asles meet for the first time in their youth. They look strangely alike, dress identically, and both want to be painters. At art school in Bjorgvin, Asle meets and falls in love with his future wife, Ales. Written in ‘melodious and hypnotic slow prose’, I is Another: Septology III-V is an exquisite metaphysical novel about love, art, God, friendship, and the passage of time.

Objev podobné jako I is Another — WINNER OF THE 2023 NOBEL PRIZE IN LITERATURE - Jon Fosse

cena 384.0 Kč

A Woman's Story – WINNER OF THE 2022 NOBEL PRIZE IN LITERATURE - Annie Ernaux

On 7 April 1986, Annie Ernaux’s mother, after years of suffering from Alzheimer’s disease, died in a retirement home in the suburbs of Paris. Shocked by this loss which, despite her mother’s condition, she had refused to fathom, Ernaux embarks on a daunting journey back through time in an effort to recover the different facets of a woman whose openness to the world and appetite for reading created the conditions for the author’s own social ascent. Mirroring A Man’s Place, in which she narrates her father’s slow rise to material comfort, A Woman’s Story explores the ambiguous and unshakeable bond between mother and daughter, its fluctuation over the course of their lives, the alienating worlds that separate them and the inescapable truth that we must lose the ones we love. In this quietly powerful tribute to the last thread connecting her to the world out of which she was born, Ernaux attempts to do her mother the greatest justice she can: to portray her as the individual she was.

Objev podobné jako A Woman's Story – WINNER OF THE 2022 NOBEL PRIZE IN LITERATURE - Annie Ernaux

cena 295.0 Kč

The Children of Ash and Elm - Neil Price

A TIMES BOOK OF THE YEAR''As brilliant a history of the Vikings as one could possibly hope to read'' Tom HollandThe ''Viking Age'' is traditionally held to begin in June 793 when Scandinavian raiders attacked the monastery of Lindisfarne in Northumbria, and to end in September 1066, when King Harald Hardrada of Norway died leading the charge against the English line at the Battle of Stamford Bridge. This book, the most wide-ranging and comprehensive assessment of the current state of our knowledge, takes a refreshingly different view. It shows that the Viking expansion began generations before the Lindisfarne raid, and traces Scandinavian history back centuries further to see how these people came to be who they were.The narrative ranges across the whole of the Viking diaspora, from Vinland on the eastern American seaboard to Constantinople and Uzbekistan, with contacts as far away as China. Based on the latest archaeology, it explores the complex origins of the Viking phenomenon and traces the seismic shifts in Scandinavian society that resulted from an economy geared to maritime war. Some of its most striking discoveries include the central role of slavery in Viking life and trade, and the previously unsuspected pirate communities and family migrations that were part of the Viking ''armies'' - not least in England.Especially, Neil Price takes us inside the Norse mind and spirit-world, and across their borders of identity and gender, to reveal startlingly different Vikings to the barbarian marauders of stereotype. He cuts through centuries of received wisdom to try to see the Vikings as they saw themselves - descendants of the first human couple, the Children of Ash and Elm. Healso reminds us of the simultaneous familiarity and strangeness of the past, of how much we cannot know, alongside the discoveries that change the landscape of our understanding. This is an eye-opening and surprisingly moving book.

Objev podobné jako The Children of Ash and Elm - Neil Price

cena 502.0 Kč

No Rules Rules: Netflix and the Culture of Reinvention (1984877860)

Kniha - autor Reed Hastings; Erin Meyer, 320 stran, anglicky, Pevná bez přebalu lesklá - anglicky Hard work is irrelevant. Be radically honest. Adequate performance gets a generous severance. And never, ever try to please your boss. These are some of the ground rules if you work at Netflix. They are part of a unique cultural experiment that explains how the company has transformed itself at lightning speed from a DVD mail order service into a streaming superpower – with 125 million fervent subscribers and a market capitalisation bigger than Disney. Finally Reed Hastings, Netflix Chairman and CEO, is sharing the secrets that have revolutionised the entertainment and tech industries. With INSEAD business school professor Erin Meyer, he will explore his leadership philosophy – which begins by rejecting the accepted beliefs under which most companies operate – and how it plays out in practice at Netflix. From unlimited holidays to abolishing financial approvals,...

Objev podobné jako No Rules Rules: Netflix and the Culture of Reinvention (1984877860)

cena 619.0 Kč

Spill the Beans: Global Coffee Culture and Recipes - Lani Kingston

Coffee is the world's cup. Over 2.25 billion are brewed, sipped, and savored on a daily basis. A loyal companion and energetic facilitator of the everyday, coffee has sprouted an entire cafe culture and a booming industry. While the caffeine fix is hard to ignore, this beloved hot drink holds a rich and diverse history that sinks deeper than the bottom of the cup. Penned by expert journalist Lani Kingston, Spill the Beans takes the reader on a journey through Ethiopia, Guatemala, Vietnam, and many other countries in between, exploring the myriad ways in which coffee is produced, traded, and enjoyed. Hipster baristas may be dreaming up the next seasonal latte at this very moment, but the story of how the humble bean became a global icon is ingrained in history. An essential title for armchair travelers, curious foodies, and cafe-hoppers alike, Spill the Beans demonstrates that there's a vast world of coffee beyond the ubiquitous flat white. This book is an 'extra hot' commodity, maybe it is time to sample it?

Objev podobné jako Spill the Beans: Global Coffee Culture and Recipes - Lani Kingston

cena 1290.0 Kč

Popular Logik Popular

Hra na procvičení logiky a kombinatoriky. Na začátku hry první hráč tajně umístí libovolnou kombinaci čtyř barevných kolíčků do skryté části hrací desky. Druhý hráč se tuto kombinaci snaží uhodnout tím, že vytváří kombinaci čtyř kolíčků postupně v jednotlivých řadách na hrací desce. První hráč každý jeho pokus vyhodnotí pomocí malých hodnotících kolíčků a to následovně: za každý hrací kolíček, který hádající hráč umístil ve správné barvě na správné místo, přidělí černý kolíček; za každý hrací kolíček, který hádající hráč umístil ve správné barvě, ale na špatné místo, přidělí bílý kolíček. Hádající hráč neví, za který hrací kolíček byly přiděleny hodnotící kolíčky. Hra končí, když hádající hráč uhodne kombinaci (vítězný pokus je tedy ohodnocen plným počtem černých kolíčků). Hráči si pak vymění role a hra pokračuje. Vítězem se stane hráč, který k uhodnutí potřeboval méně pokusů.Logická hra Popular Logik je určená pro 2 hráče.

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cena 449.0 Kč

Admiring Silence : By the winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature 2021 - Abdulrazak Gurnah

A dazzling tale of cultural identity and displacement, this is the story of a man's escape from his native Zanzibar to England to build a new life By the winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature 2021** He thinks, as he escapes from Zanzibar, that he will probably never return, and yet the dream of studying in England matters above that. Things do not happen quite as he imagined - the school where he teaches is cramped and violent, he forgets how it feels to belong. But there is Emma, beautiful, rebellious Emma, who turns away from her white, middle-class roots to offer him love and bear him a child. And in return he spins stories of his home and keeps her a secret from his family. Twenty years later, when the barriers at last come down in Zanzibar, he is able and compelled to go back. What he discovers there, in a story potent with truth, will change the entire vision of his life. Review I don't think I've ever read a novel that is so convincingly and hauntingly sad about the loss of home, the impossible longing to belong -- Michele Roberts-Independent on Sunday Abdulrazak Gurnah's fifth novel, Admiring Silence, is his best to date . There is a wonderful sardonic eloquence to this unnamed narrator's voice, and the playful humour and lack of self-pity which characterises his narrative is totally convincing- Financial Times Through a twisting, many-layered narrative, Admiring Silence explores themes of race and betrayal with bitterly satirical insight-Sunday Times 'There is a wonderful sardonic eloquence to this unnamed narrator's voice' Financial Times 'I don't think I've ever read a novel that is so convincingly and hauntingly sad about the loss of home' Independent on Sunday

Objev podobné jako Admiring Silence : By the winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature 2021 - Abdulrazak Gurnah

cena 268.0 Kč

Cities in Literature: Paris - Charles Dickens, Gustave Flaubert, Émile Zola, Gaston Leroux - e-kniha

eBook: You’re invited to wander the streets of Paris with France’s literary greats. Weaving a remarkable collection from the very best romantic writers, tales of love, loss, and laughter never felt so good. With classics such as Victor Hugo’s ‘The Hunchback of Notre Dame’ and Gaston Leroux ‘The Phantom of the Opera’, you’ll peak behind the scenes at some of the West End’s most remarkable musicals. But it’s not all rosy and bright. In 18th-century France, Charles Dicken’s ‘A Tale of Two Cities’ and Émile Zola’s ‘Nana’ portrays the harsh and raw reality for some of society’s most struggling protagonists. This collection will leave you questioning wealth and worth at a time when struggles were rife. Ideal for fans of ‘Les Misérables’ starring Eddie Redmayne, Hugh Jackman, and Anne Hathaway, this unmissable collection is a must-read for French history, art, and culture fanatics. Gaston Leroux (1868-1927) was a French journalist and author of detective fiction. He is best known for writing the epic novel ‘The Phantom of the Opera’, now a musical masterpiece by Andrew Lloyd Weber. Gustave Flaubert (1821-1880) was a French novelist and pioneer of literary realism. His work spans ‘Madame Bovary’, ‘Sentimental Education’, and ‘Three Tales’. Victor Hugo (1802 – 1885) was a Romantic writer and politician. Celebrated for his internationally renowned epic novel, adapted into the Academy Award-Winning film, ‘Les Misérables’, his literary output also includes ‘The Hunchback of Notre Dame’. Émile Zola (1840-1902) was a French novelist, playwright, and one of the most influential writers of French naturalism. Zola’s best-known works include ‘Germinal’, ‘Nana’, and ‘Work’. Celebrated as one of the greatest novelists of the Victorian era, Charles Dickens (1812-1870) was an English writer and social critic. His works include ‘Oliver Twist’, ‘A Christmas Carol’, and ‘Great Expectations’.

Objev podobné jako Cities in Literature: Paris - Charles Dickens, Gustave Flaubert, Émile Zola, Gaston Leroux - e-kniha

cena 535.0 Kč

Happy Hoppy English for children 5 in 1

Zábavný komplet pro výuku angličtiny pro děti od 3 do 8 let - Play and learn English.Učte se s dětmi anglicky pomocí písniček, procvičujte slovíčka při hraní pexesa a deskových her a užijte si zábavu při plnění zajímavých a různorodých úkolů obsažených v přiložených pracovních listech. Set obsahuje:Audio CD s 18 písněmi, texty písniček, obrázkový slovníček, oboustrannou stolní hru až pro 4 hráče, pexeso, pracovní listy.

Objev podobné jako Happy Hoppy English for children 5 in 1

cena 618.0 Kč

Popular Logik Popular (8591864922079)

Společenská hra - logická hra, pro 2 hráče, střední obtížnost, v českém jazyce, vhodné od 3 let Logická hra Popular Logik Popular skvěle procvičí logiku a kombinatoriku. Na jejím počátku první hráč umístí libovolnou kombinaci 4 barevných kolíčků do skryté části hrací desky tak, aby ji neviděl druhý hráč. Následně se druhý hráč snaží tuto kombinaci uhodnout a umísťuje 4 kolíčky postupně v jednotlivých řadách na hrací desce. První hráč jeho pokusy vyhodnocuje pomocí hodnoticích kolíčků. Černý kolíček použije za každý hrací kolíček, který hádající hráč umístil ve správné barvě a na správné místo. Pokud hádající hráč uhádne barvu kolíčku, ale místo nikoli, první hráč použije bílý kolíček. Hádající přitom neví, za který hrací kolíček mu byly přiděleny hodnoticí kolíčky. Hra končí v okamžiku, když hádající hráč uhodne kombinaci kolíčků celou správně. Logická hra Popular Logik Popular je vhodná pro děti od 3 let. Klíčové vlastnosti logické hry hra...

Objev podobné jako Popular Logik Popular (8591864922079)

cena 359.0 Kč

Popular Věž Popular (8591864922062)

Společenská hra - v českém jazyce, vhodné od 3 let

Objev podobné jako Popular Věž Popular (8591864922062)

cena 219.0 Kč

English Language and Literature Writing Skills Revision and Exam Practice: York Notes for GCSE: everything you need to catch up, study and prepare for

The complete and comprehensive way to support your studies and assessments in 2021 and exams in 2022. Quickly get to grips with key writing skills, including planning and writing your own texts in the exam and writing about fiction and non-fiction extracts. Build confidence with key definitions, examples, regular tests and ‘Top tips'' for improvement. Perfect your techniques and write mark-maximising answers with the targeted ‘Aiming high'' tips. Power up your writing skills and feel fully ready and equipped to excel in any test or assessment. For the first time, York Notes bring you a Revision and Exam Practice guide to help you improve your writing skills for the whole of your English Language and English Literature GCSE 9-1 courses. So whether you''re studying at home, online or in the classroom, York Notes is your best bet for the best grades. Packed with more powerful features than any other guide, our Writing Skills: Revision and Exam Practice guide is easy to use, brimming with essential info and will quickly become your go-to buddy as you navigate your GCSE course, build your confidence, stay motivated and get ready to impress in any test, assessment or exam.

Objev podobné jako English Language and Literature Writing Skills Revision and Exam Practice: York Notes for GCSE: everything you need to catch up, study and prepare for

cena 192.0 Kč

Farmlife: From Farm to Table and New Country Culture - Food Studio

Follow Farmlife on the path from farm to table: whether handmade goat cheese, hearty meatballs, or fresh honey, there is a culinary connection between a plot of land and your plate of food. Farmers, chefs, beekeepers, florists, food activists and foragers from different parts of the world tell their stories and share their dishes. Recipes pair with anecdotes and illustrations; be it Tom Mountz of Happy Cat Farm telling a tale of heirloom seeds in Pennsylvania, Edgmere Farm in New York transforming the concrete plot of a once abandoned parking lot into a lush organic farm, or the chefs at Stedsans creating a masterpiece of a meal in a sustainable kitchen without electricity in the woods of Sweden, Farmlife offers a story for every palate.Co-edited by Cecilie Dawes, of Norway’s esteemed Food Studio, Farmlife celebrates the joy of growing plants and raising beasts alongside meaningful agriculture and intentional ways of growing and preparing our food.

Objev podobné jako Farmlife: From Farm to Table and New Country Culture - Food Studio

cena 1163.0 Kč

Cities in Literature: London - Oscar Wilde, Charles Dickens, Robert Louis Stevenson, Virginia Woolfová - e-kniha

eBook: You’re invited to wander the streets of Victorian London with the nation’s literary greats. Weaving a remarkable collection from the very best writers, tales of love and loss never felt so good… With classics such as Charles Dicken’s ‘Oliver Twist’, you’ll peak behind the scenes at one of the West End’s most loved musicals. You’ll then laugh till you cry at the lives of London’s high society in Thackeray’s ‘Vanity Fair’ and Virginia Woolf’s ‘Mrs Dalloway’. But it’s not all rosy and bright in 18th-century London. In Oscar Wilde’s ‘The Picture of Dorian Gray’, we’ll question and query the true worth of excess. And if the streets of London weren’t strange enough, you’ll also be led down a gothic and gory investigation involving Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde… Crafting a rip-roaringly dramatic and vivid portrait of Victorian life in London, this impressive collection is perfect for fans of the silver screen adaptions ‘Oliver!’ (1968) and ‘Dorian Gray’ (2009). Oscar Wilde (1854-1900) was an Irish poet and one of the most popular playwrights in the early 1890s. His works include ‘The Picture of Dorian Gray’ and ‘The Importance of being Earnest’ Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894) was a Scottish novelist, essayist, and travel writer. He is best known for ‘Treasure Island’ and ‘Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde’. Virginia Woolf (1882-1941) was a hugely influential English writer. A pioneer in the narrative device of streams of consciousness, Woolf’s breathtaking collection spans ‘Mrs Dalloway’, ‘To the Lighthouse’, and the non-fiction title ‘A Room of One’s Own’. William Makepeace Thackeray (1811-1863) was a British author and novelist. He is best known for his satirical works, including ‘Vanity Fair’, ‘The Luck of Barry Lyndon’, and ‘Second Funeral of Napolean’. Charles Dickens (1812-1870) was an English novelist and social critic, known for creating some of the world’s best-known fictional characters. His works include ‘Oliver Twist’, ‘A Christmas Carol’, and ‘Great Expectations’.

Objev podobné jako Cities in Literature: London - Oscar Wilde, Charles Dickens, Robert Louis Stevenson, Virginia Woolfová - e-kniha

cena 535.0 Kč

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