Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
Kniha - anglicky Relive the sensuality, the romance, and the drama of Fifty Shades Freed - the love story that enthralled millions of readers around the world - through the thoughts, reflections, and dreams of Christian Grey. Christian Grey and Anastasia Steele have tied the knot - but marriage brings its own challenges. Though their passion burns hotter and deeper than ever, Ana's defiant spirit continues to stir Christian's darkest fears and tests his need for control. As old rivalries and resentments endanger them both, one misjudgement threatens to tear them apart.
Objev podobné jako Freed
Freed - E.L. James
Prožijte znovu vášeň, romantiku a napětí Padesáti odstínů svobody očima Christiana Greye prostřednictvím jeho myšlenek, sebereflexí a snů. E L James se vrací do světa Padesáti odstínů v hlubším a temnějším pohledu na milostný příběh, který okouzlil miliony čtenářů celého světa. Jste srdečně zváni na svatbu desetiletí, kde Christian Grey učiní z Anastasie Steeleové svou manželku. Ale je vůbec Christian schopen obstát v roli nastávajícího manžela? Jeho otec má jisté pochybnosti, jeho bratr chce uspořádat divokou rozlučku se svobodou a jeho snoubenka nechce složit manželský slib poslušnosti. I samotné manželství však přináší jisté výzvy. Vzájemná vášeň Christiana a Any je žhavější a smyslnější než kdy dříve, ale Anin svobodomyslný vzdor nepřestává vyvolávat Christianovy nejtemnější obavy a zpochybňuje jeho vůli vzdát se kontroly. Jejich vztah také ohrožuje stará rivalita a zášť, a jedno nesprávné rozhodnutí by je mohlo navždy rozdělit… Dokáže Christian překonat noční můry dětství, vyrovnat se s trýznivým mládím a zachránit se? Teď, když konečně zjišťuje pravdu o svém původu, bude schopen najít sílu k odpuštění a přijmout Aninu bezpodmínečnou lásku? Dokáže se Christian osvobodit?
Objev podobné jako Freed - E.L. James
Freed - E.L. James
The new bestseller from an author known for her unforgettable characters and page-turning narratives. This is a novel you won't be able to stop reading!
Objev podobné jako Freed - E.L. James
Freed (Defekt) - James Rollins
The new bestseller from an author known for her unforgettable characters and page-turning narratives. This is a novel you won't be able to stop reading!
Objev podobné jako Freed (Defekt) - James Rollins
Fifty Shades Freed 3 - E.L. James
Romantické, osvobozující a zcela neodolatelné čtení. Světový bestseller. Trilogie Fifty Shades of Grey vás uchvátí, získá si vás a zůstane ve vás navždy. Když Ana Steelová potká podnikatele Christiana Greye, jejich jiskřivá a smyslná aféra nezvratně poznamená životy jich obou. Ana od počátku věděla, že milovat Greye nebude snadné.a společný život přinese problémy, které ani jeden z nich nepředvídal. Any se musí naučit sdílet Greyův opulentní životní styl, aniž by přitom obětovala svoji bezúhonnost a nezávislost. Grey naopak musí překonat svoji posedlost Anu ovládat a zaplašit noční můry, které ho stále sužují. Když jsou konečně spolu, spojuje je láska, vášeň, důvěrnost a leží před nimi svět nekonečných možností.
Objev podobné jako Fifty Shades Freed 3 - E.L. James
STAR WARS Rogue One - Alexander Freed
Stín Impéria se šíří galaxií stále hrozivěji, stejně jako znepokojující zvěsti. Povstalci se dozvědí o zlověstném plánu, který má srazit celé světy na kolena. Hluboko v prostoru ovládaném Impériem se nachází stroj nepředstavitelné ničivé síly těsně před dokončením. Zbraň děsivější, než si kdo vůbec dovede představit… a hrozba příliš veliká na to, aby mohla být poražena.
Objev podobné jako STAR WARS Rogue One - Alexander Freed
Freed (978-80-269-1700-7)
Elektronická kniha - Prožijte znovu vášeň, romantiku a napětí Padesáti odstínů svobody očima Christiana Greye prostřednictvím jeho myšlenek, sebereflexí a snů. E L James se vrací do světa Padesáti odstínů v hlubším a temnějším pohledu na milostný příběh, který okouzlil miliony čtenářů celého světa. - ze série Fifty Shades, autor EL James, 768 stran, česky Prožijte znovu vášeň, romantiku a napětí Padesáti odstínů svobody očima Christiana Greye prostřednictvím jeho myšlenek, vzpomínek a snů.E L James se vrací do světa Padesáti odstínů s hlubším a temnějším pohledem na milostný příběh, který okouzlil miliony čtenářů po celém světě.Jste srdečně zváni na svatbu desetiletí, kde Christian Grey učiní z Anastasie Steeleové svou manželku. Ale je vůbec Christian schopen obstát v roli nastávajícího manžela? Jeho otec má jisté pochybnosti, jeho bratr chce uspořádat divokou rozlučku se svobodou a jeho snoubenka nechce složit manželský slib poslušnosti.I samotné manželství...
Objev podobné jako Freed (978-80-269-1700-7)
Freed (978-80-269-1700-7)
Kniha - autor E L James, 768 stran, česky, pevná s přebalem lesklá Padesát odstínů svobody pohledem Christiana GreyeProžijte znovu vášeň, romantiku a napětí Padesáti odstínů svobody očima Christiana Greye prostřednictvím jeho myšlenek, sebereflexí a snů.E L James se vrací do světa Padesáti odstínů v hlubším a temnějším pohledu na milostný příběh, který okouzlil miliony čtenářů celého světa. Jste srdečně zváni na svatbu desetiletí, kde Christian Grey učiní z Anastasie Steeleové svou manželku. Ale je vůbec Christian schopen obstát v roli nastávajícího manžela?Jeho otec má jisté pochybnosti, jeho bratr chce uspořádat divokou rozlučku se svobodou a jeho snoubenka nechce složit manželský slib poslušnosti. I samotné manželství však přináší jisté výzvy. Vzájemná vášeň Christiana a Any je žhavější a smyslnější než kdy dříve, ale Anin svobodomyslný vzdor nepřestává vyvolávat Christianovy nejtemnější obavy a zpochybňuje jeho vůli vzdát se kontroly. Jejich vztah také...
Objev podobné jako Freed (978-80-269-1700-7)
Star Wars: Victory´s Price - Alexander Freed
The aces of the New Republic have one final chance to defeat the darkness of Shadow Wing in this thrilling conclusion to the Star Wars: Alphabet Squadron trilogy! In the wake of Yrica Quell's shocking decision-and one of the fiercest battles of their lives-the remnants of Alphabet Squadron seek answers and closure across a galaxy whose old war scars are threatening to reopen. Soran Keize has returned to the tip of Shadow Wing's spear. Operation Cinder, the terrifying protocol of planetary extermination that began in the twilight of the Imperial era, burns throughout the galaxy. Shadow Wing is no longer wounded prey fleeing the hunters of the New Republic. With its leader, its strength has returned, and its Star Destroyers and TIE squadrons lurk in the darkness between stars, carrying out the fallen Emperor's final edict of destruction-as well as another, stranger mission, one Keize has championed not for the dying Empire, but for its loyal soldiers. Alphabet Squadron's ships are as ramshackle and damaged as their spirits, but they've always had one another. Now, as they face the might of Keize's reborn juggernaut, they aren't sure they even have that. How do you catch a shadow? How do you kill it? And when you're finally victorious, who pays the price?
Objev podobné jako Star Wars: Victory´s Price - Alexander Freed
Star Wars - Rogue One - Alexander Freed - e-kniha
eBook: Stín Impéria se šíří galaxií stále hrozivěji, stejně jako znepokojující zvěsti. Povstalci se dozvědí o zlověstném plánu, který má srazit celé světy na kolena. Hluboko v prostoru ovládaném Impériem se nachází stroj nepředstavitelné ničivé síly těsně před dokončením. Zbraň děsivější, než si kdo vůbec dovede představit… a hrozba příliš veliká na to, aby mohla být poražena.
Objev podobné jako Star Wars - Rogue One - Alexander Freed - e-kniha
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story - Alexander Freed
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER - Go beyond the film with a novelization featuring new scenes and expanded material. As the shadows of the Empire loom ever larger across the galaxy, so do deeply troubling rumors. The Rebellion has learned of a sinister Imperial plot to bring entire worlds to their knees. Deep in Empire-dominated space, a machine of unimaginable destructive power is nearing completion. A weapon too terrifying to contemplate . . . and a threat that may be too great to overcome. If the worlds at the Empire's mercy stand any chance, it lies with an unlikely band of allies: Jyn Erso, a resourceful young woman seeking vengeance; Cassian Andor, a war-weary rebel commander; Bodhi Rook, a defector from the Empire's military; Chirrut Imwe, a blind holy man and his crack-shot companion, Baze Malbus; and K-2SO, a deadly Imperial droid turned against its former masters. In their hands rests the new hope that could turn the tide toward a crucial Rebellion victory--if only they can capture the plans to the Empire's new weapon. But even as they race toward their dangerous goal, the specter of their ultimate enemy--a monstrous world unto itself--darkens the skies. Waiting to herald the Empire's brutal reign with a burst of annihilation worthy of its dreaded name: Death Star. Praise for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story "One of the best movie adaptations yet."--Cinelinx "Rogue One bridged characters and elements of the prequels and original Star Wars trilogy in a visually stunning ride, but there are even more rich details hiding in the film's novelization, [which] reveals and expands with inner monologues and character insights, political knots, and nuance."--The Daily Dot "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story novelization deepens a tale of hope..
Objev podobné jako Rogue One: A Star Wars Story - Alexander Freed
Fifty Shades Freed: Päťdesiat odtieňov slobody (978-80-738-8837-4)
Elektronická kniha - autor E L James, 656 stran Keď Anastasia Steelová prvý raz stretla mladého úspešného podnikateľa Christiana Greya, netušila, ako veľmi jej to zmení život... Od začiatku vedela, že vzťah s jej Tieňom nebude prechádzka ružovou záhradou. Christianov životný štýl jej nikdy nebol blízky, no musí sa ho naučiť žiť spolu s ním, a to bez toho, aby stratila vlastnú tvár, integritu a nezávislosť. Christian zas musí prekonať svoju posadnutosť kontrolou a vyrovnať sa so svojimi vnútornými démonmi. Teraz, keď sú konečne spolu, zažívajú nekonečnú lásku, vášeň a vzájomnú blízkosť a otvára sa pred nimi svet nekonečných možností. Zdá sa, že im nič nechýba. Náhle však zasiahne osud a pred Anou ožívajú jej najhoršie nočné mory...
Objev podobné jako Fifty Shades Freed: Päťdesiat odtieňov slobody (978-80-738-8837-4)
Freed - Padesát odstínů svobody pohledem Christiana Greye - EL James - e-kniha
eBook: Prožijte znovu vášeň, romantiku a napětí Padesáti odstínů svobody očima Christiana Greye prostřednictvím jeho myšlenek, vzpomínek a snů. E L James se vrací do světa Padesáti odstínů s hlubším a temnějším pohledem na milostný příběh, který okouzlil miliony čtenářů po celém světě. Jste srdečně zváni na svatbu desetiletí, kde Christian Grey učiní z Anastasie Steeleové svou manželku. Ale je vůbec Christian schopen obstát v roli nastávajícího manžela? Jeho otec má jisté pochybnosti, jeho bratr chce uspořádat divokou rozlučku se svobodou a jeho snoubenka nechce složit manželský slib poslušnosti. I samotné manželství však přináší jisté výzvy. Vzájemná vášeň Christiana a Any je žhavější a smyslnější než kdy dříve, ale Anin vzdor nepřestává vyvolávat Christianovy nejtemnější obavy a oslabovat jeho vůli vzdát se kontroly. Jejich vztah také ohrožuje stará rivalita a zášť, a jedno nesprávné rozhodnutí by je mohlo navždy rozdělit… Dokáže Christian překonat noční můry z dětství, vyrovnat se s trýznivým mládím a zachránit se? Teď, když konečně zjišťuje pravdu o svém původu, bude schopen najít sílu k odpuštění a přijmout Aninu bezpodmínečnou lásku? Dokáže se Christian osvobodit?
Objev podobné jako Freed - Padesát odstínů svobody pohledem Christiana Greye - EL James - e-kniha
Victory's Price (Star Wars): An Alphabet Squadron Novel (0593356896)
Kniha - autor Alexander Freed, 320 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Objev podobné jako Victory's Price (Star Wars): An Alphabet Squadron Novel (0593356896)
Discourses and Selected Writin - Epictetus
Epictetus, a Greek stoic and freed slave, ran a thriving philosophy school in Nicropolis in the early second century AD. Together with the "Enchiridion", a manual of his main ideas, this book argues that happiness lies in learning to perceive exactly what is in our power to change and what is not.
Objev podobné jako Discourses and Selected Writin - Epictetus
STAR WARS Rogue One (978-80-252-3974-2)
Kniha - autor Alexander Freed, 313 stran, česky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Stín Impéria se šíří galaxií stále hrozivěji, stejně jako znepokojující zvěsti. Povstalci se dozvědí o zlověstném plánu, který má srazit celé světy na kolena. Hluboko v prostoru ovládaném Impériem se nachází stroj nepředstavitelné ničivé síly těsně před dokončením. Zbraň děsivější, než si kdo vůbec dovede představit… a hrozba příliš veliká na to, aby mohla být poražena.
Objev podobné jako STAR WARS Rogue One (978-80-252-3974-2)
Star Wars - Rogue One (978-80-252-3974-2)
Elektronická kniha - autor Alexander Freed, 312 stran, česky Povstání potřebují naději. Stín Impéria se šíří galaxií stále hrozivěji, stejně jako znepokojující zvěsti. Povstalci se dozvědí o zlověstném plánu, který má srazit celé světy na kolena. Hluboko v prostoru ovládaném Impériem se nachází stroj nepředstavitelné ničivé síly těsně před dokončením. Zbraň děsivější, než si kdo vůbec dovede představit… a hrozba příliš veliká na to, aby mohla být poražena.
Objev podobné jako Star Wars - Rogue One (978-80-252-3974-2)
Thus Spoke Rohan Kishibe 1 - Hirohiko Araki
A spinoff of the smash-hit JoJo's Bizarre Adventure series featuring everyone's favorite manga artist, Rohan Kishibe!JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is a groundbreaking manga famous for its outlandish characters, wild humor, and frenetic battles, and this spin-off featuring the popular Rohan Kishibe continues the tradition!Debuting in the same deluxe hardcover format as the hit JoJo's Bizarre Adventure manga is a standalone series featuring everyone's favorite manga artist, Rohan Kishibe! Rohan has freed himself of Josuke Higashikata, but that doesn't mean his life is going to be easy! No, now the supernatural has come knocking, and Rohan must contend with an all-new level of bizarre adventure...
Objev podobné jako Thus Spoke Rohan Kishibe 1 - Hirohiko Araki
Čaroděj ze země Oz (4K ULTRA HD + BLU-RAY) (2 BLU-RAY)
Nejkouzelnější film v historii Hollywoodu nyní poprvé ve 4K. Judy Garland hraje Dorotku, mladou dívenku z farmy, kterou v jednom z nejmilovanějších filmů všech dob odvane tornádo do země Oz. Ve společnosti Strašáka, Plecháče, Zbabělého lva a svého pejska Tota kráčí po žluté dlážděné cestě za Čarodějem ze země Oz, který by ji mohl splnit přání: dostat se zpět domů.Bonusy:4K bonusy:• Komentář historika Johna Frickeho a Barbary Freed-Saltzmannové (dcera Arthura Freeda) a filmového štábu.• Báječný Čaroděj ze země Oz: Natáčení filmové klasikyBlu-ray• Kniha pohádek čtená Angelou Lansburyovou• Profily herců ve vedlejších rolích• Zpívej s filmem
Objev podobné jako Čaroděj ze země Oz (4K ULTRA HD + BLU-RAY) (2 BLU-RAY)
A Letter to a Hindu - Leo Tolstoy - e-kniha
eBook: How many letters can be claimed to have been as influential as this? Leo Tolstoy's 'Letter to a Hindu' was originally sent to the Indian revolutionary and scholar Tarak Nath Das. Its circulation saw it spotted by a young Mahatma Gandhi, who was living in South Africa and printed it in his newspaper, Indian Opinion.In the letter, Tolstoy argues that only love would enable the Indian people to gain independence from Britain. It helped Gandhi form his revolutionary ideas around non-violence, which eventually saw India freed from colonial rule. 'A Letter to a Hindu' actually includes a foreword from Gandhi, who became firm friends with the Russian author.-
Objev podobné jako A Letter to a Hindu - Leo Tolstoy - e-kniha
A Curse So Dark and Lonely - Brigid Kemmererová
Prince Rhen, the heir to Emberfall, is cursed. Forced to repeat the autumn of his eighteenth year over and over, he can only be freed by love. But at the end of each autumn he is transformed into a beast hell-bent on destruction, and after so many failed attempts, his kingdom and its people are barely holding on.Harper's life has never been easy, but she's learned to be tough enough to survive. She won't let anything hold her back, not her cerebral palsy or her mother's deteriorating health. But when she is sucked into Rhen's world, nothing is as it seems. Powerful forces are standing against Emberfalll ... and it will take more than a broken curse to save it from utter ruin.
Objev podobné jako A Curse So Dark and Lonely - Brigid Kemmererová
The Garden Party and Other Stories - Katherine Mansfield - e-kniha
eBook: Written during the final stages of her illness, The Garden Party and Other Stories is full of a sense of urgency and was Katherine Mansfield\'s last collection to be published during her lifetime. The fifteen stories, many of them set in her native New Zealand, vary in length and tone from the opening story, \"At the Bay,\" a vivid impressionistic evocation of family life, to the short, sharp skectch \"Mrs. Brill,\" in which a lonely woman\'s precarious sense of self is brutally destroyed when she overhears two young lovers mocking her. Sensitive revelations of human behaviour, these stories reveal Mansfield\'s supreme talent as an innovator who freed the story from its conventions and gave it a new strength and prestige.
Objev podobné jako The Garden Party and Other Stories - Katherine Mansfield - e-kniha
Zpívání v dešti (2 DVD) - edice filmové klenoty
Toto hudební veledílo se připomíná u příležitosti 50. výročí svého uvedení edicí, která obsahuje doslova příval bonusových materiálů, oslavujících nejen tento mistrovský kousek všech dob, ale i dědictví producenta a skladatele písní Arthura Freeda. Němé filmy jsou na ústupu a nahrazují je filmy s mluveným slovem. Právě v tomto období proměn se pohybují hlavní postavy: profesionální tanečník (Gene Kelly), jeho kamarád (Donald O’Connor), potenciální láska (Debbie Reynolds) a hašteřivá spoluúčinkující (Jean Hagen).Bonusy:DVD 1Nové digitální záběry z obnovených materiálů • Remasterovaný soundtrack v Dolby Digital 5.1 • Audiokomentáře (bez CZ podpory)• Kinotrailer (bez CZ podpory)• Přístup do scénDVD 22 dokumenty: What a Glorious Feeling (CZ titulky) • Musicals Great Musicals: The Arthur Freed Unit at MGM • Výběr skladeb od autorů Arthura Freeda/Nacia Herb Browna • Nepoužitá skladba You Are My Lucky Star • Hudební seance • Fotogalerie
Objev podobné jako Zpívání v dešti (2 DVD) - edice filmové klenoty
Lockwood & Co: The Whispering Skull: Book 2 - Jonathan Stroud
Ghosts and ghouls beware! London's smallest, shabbiest and most talented psychic detection agency is back.Life is never exactly peaceful for Lockwood & Co. Lucy and George are trying to solve the mystery of the talking skull trapped in their ghost jar, while Lockwood is desperate for an exciting new case.Things seem to be looking up when the team is called to Kensal Green Cemetery to investigate the grave of a sinister Victorian doctor. Strange apparitions have been seen there, and the site must be made safe. As usual, Lockwood is confident; as usual, everything goes wrong - a terrible phantom is freed and a dangerous object is stolen from the coffin.Lockwood & Co. must recover the relic before its power is unleashed, but it's a race against time. Their obnoxious rivals from the Fittes agency are also on the hunt. And if that's not bad enough, the skull in the ghost-jar is stirring again...
Objev podobné jako Lockwood & Co: The Whispering Skull: Book 2 - Jonathan Stroud
Čaroděj ze země Oz (2 disky) - Blu-ray + 4K Ultra HD (W02355)
Film na Blu-ray - Dvanáctiletá Dorothy a její pes Toto se přes duhu dostávají do zářivé země Oz, kde prožívají mnoho dobrodružství. Ale to nejbáječnější začíná ve chvíli, když Dorothy a její noví kamarádi hledají tajemného čaroděje tohoto království... a také tajemství, které je dovede domů. Sledujte veselý výlet po žluté dlážděné cestě, kde si všechny děti v každém věku připomenou, že na celém světě není nikde tak dobře jako doma. Dvanáctiletá Dorothy a její pes Toto se přes duhu dostávají do zářivé země Oz, kde prožívají mnoho dobrodružství. Ale to nejbáječnější začíná ve chvíli, když Dorothy a její noví kamarádi hledají tajemného čaroděje tohoto království... a také tajemství, které je dovede domů. Bonusy UHD: • Komentář historika Johna Frickeho a Barbary Freed-Saltzmannové (dcera Arthura Freeda) a filmového štábu. • Báječný Čaroděj ze země Oz: Natáčení filmové klasiky Bonusy BD: • Kniha pohádek čtená Angelou Lansburyovou • Profily...
Objev podobné jako Čaroděj ze země Oz (2 disky) - Blu-ray + 4K Ultra HD (W02355)
A Tudor Christmas (1787330648)
Kniha - autor Alison Weir; Siobhan Clarke, 192 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá Christmas in Tudor times was a period of feasting, revelry and merrymaking ‘to drive the cold winter away’. A carnival atmosphere presided at court, with a twelve-day-long festival of entertainments, pageants, theatre productions and ‘disguisings’, when even the king and queen dressed up in costume to fool their courtiers. Throughout the festive season, all ranks of subjects were freed for a short time from everyday cares to indulge in eating, drinking, dancing and game-playing. We might assume that our modern Christmas owes much to the Victorians. In fact, as Alison Weir and Siobhan Clarke reveal in this fascinating book, many of our favourite Christmas traditions date back much further. Carol-singing, present-giving, mulled wine and mince pies were all just as popular in Tudor times, and even Father Christmas and roast turkey dinners have their origins in this period....
Objev podobné jako A Tudor Christmas (1787330648)
Blue Exorcist 19 - Kazue Kato
Rin and his exorcist classmates are caught in a secret war against the forces of darkness.Raised by Father Fujimoto, a famous exorcist, Rin Okumura never knew his real father. One day a fateful argument with Father Fujimoto forces Rin to face a terrible truth - the blood of the demon lord Satan runs in Rin's veins! Rin swears to defeat Satan, but doing that means entering the mysterious True Cross Academy and becoming an exorcist himself.Mephisto Pheles has freed his brother Amaimon from imprisonment and set him loose on True Cross Academy to serve his own agenda. While the Exwires deal with Amaimon's surprise reappearance, Lewin Light, a.k.a. "Lightning," continues to investigate the mysterious Section 13 and its connection to the Blue Night event that seems to be the source of all the current troubles. Together they delve deep beneath True Cross Academy, shedding light on long-lost chambers shrouded in darkness and the terrible secrets buried there for a reason...The breakout manga and animation hit of 2011.
Objev podobné jako Blue Exorcist 19 - Kazue Kato
The Hunger of the Gods - John Gwynne
The Hunger of the Gods continues John Gwynne's acclaimed Norse-inspired epic fantasy series, packed with myth, magic and bloody vengeanceLik-Rifa, the dragon god of legend, has been freed from her eternal prison. Now she plots a new age of blood and conquest. As Orka continues the hunt for her missing son, the Bloodsworn sweep south in a desperate race to save one of their own - and Varg takes the first steps on the path of vengeance. Elvar has sworn to fulfil her blood oath and rescue a prisoner from the clutches of Lik-Rifa and her dragonborn followers, but first she must persuade the Battle-Grim to follow her. Yet even the might of the Bloodsworn and Battle-Grim cannot stand alone against a dragon god. Their hope lies within the mad writings of a chained god. A book of forbidden magic with the power to raise the wolf god Ulfrir from the dead . . . and bring about a battle that will shake the foundations of the earth.
Objev podobné jako The Hunger of the Gods - John Gwynne
Batman: The Killing Joke: DC Black Label Edition - Alan Moore
Batman: The Killing Joke is Alan Moore's unforgettable meditation on the razor-thin line between sanity and insanity, heroism and villainy, comedy and tragedy. One bad day is all it takes according to the grinning engine of madness and mayhem known as the Joker, that's all that separates the sane from the psychotic. Freed once again from the confines of Arkham Asylum, he's out to prove his deranged point. And he's going to use Gotham City's top cop, Commissioner Jim Gordon, and the Commissioner's brilliant and beautiful daughter Barbara to do it. DC Black Label, a new publishing imprint from DC Entertainment, gives premier talent the opportunity to expand upon the canon of DC's iconic Super Hero comic book characters with unique, standalone stories that are outside of the current DC Universe continuity. An all star line-up of creative teams will craft their own personal definitive DC stories in the tradition of compelling literary works like Batman: The Dark Knight Returns DC: The New Frontier and Kingdom Come.
Objev podobné jako Batman: The Killing Joke: DC Black Label Edition - Alan Moore
Allen Carr's Easyway to Control Alcohol - Allen Carr
READ THIS BOOK AND BECOME A HAPPY NON-DRINKER FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE. Allen Carr established himself as the world''s greatest authority on helping people stop smoking, and his internationally best-selling Easy Way to Stop Smoking has been published in over 40 languages and sold more than 10 million copies.In this classic guide, Allen applies his revolutionary method to drinking. With startling insight into why we drink and clear, simple, step-by-step instructions, he shows you the way to escape from the ''alcohol trap'' in the time it takes to read this book.• A UNIQUE METHOD THAT DOES NOT REQUIRE WILLPOWER• STOP EASILY, IMMEDIATELY AND PAINLESSLY• REGAIN CONTROL OF YOUR LIFEWhat people say about Allen Carr''s Easyway method:"The Allen Carr program was... nothing short of a miracle."Anjelica Huston"It was such a revelation that instantly I was freed from addiction."Sir Anthony Hopkins"His skill is in removing the psychological dependence."The Sunday Times
Objev podobné jako Allen Carr's Easyway to Control Alcohol - Allen Carr
The Merciless Ones - Namina Forna
Discover the gripping sequel to Namina Forna's New York Times bestselling YA fantasy, THE GILDED ONES. Set in an ancient West African-inspired world, this series is perfect for fans of CHILDREN OF BLOOD AND BONE and BLACK PANTHER."The invention and the tension never flag - an outstanding second book." Ben Aaronovitch, author of Rivers of London seriesIt's been six months since Deka freed the goddesses in the ancient kingdom of Otera, and discovered who she really is... But war is waging across the kingdom, and the real battle has only just begun. For there is a dark force growing in Otera - a merciless power that Deka and her army must stop.Yet hidden secrets threaten to destroy everything Deka has known. And with her own gifts changing, Deka must discover if she holds the key to saving Otera... or if she might be its greatest threat.THE MERCILESS ONES is the second, thrilling instalment of the epic fantasy series in which a young heroine fights against a world that would dare tame her.
Objev podobné jako The Merciless Ones - Namina Forna
This House of Grief - Helen Garner
ONE OF THE GUARDIAN'S 100 BEST BOOKS OF THE 21ST CENTURY'This House of Grief, in its restraint and control, bears comparison with In Cold Blood' KATE ATKINSON 'It grabbed me by the throat in the same way that the podcast series Serial did' GILLIAN ANDERSON'Utterly gripping' MARK HADDONFather's Day, 2005. Just after nightfall, a discarded husband drove his three young sons back to their mother, his ex-wife. On that dark country road, barely five minutes from the children's home, the old white car swerved off the highway and plunged into a dam.The father freed himself and swam to the bank, but the car sank to the bottom, and all the children drowned. The court case that followed became Helen Garner's obsession, one that would take over her life until its final verdict. The resulting book is a true-crime classic and literary masterpiece, which examines just what we are capable of and how fiercely we hide it from ourselves.A W&N Essential with an introduction by Rachel Cooke
Objev podobné jako This House of Grief - Helen Garner
Crack-Up Capitalism - Quinn Slobodian
Look at a map of the world and you'll see a neat patchwork of nation-states. But this is not where power actually resides. From the 1990s onwards, globalization has shattered the map, leading to an explosion of new legal entities: tax havens, free ports, city-states, gated enclaves and special economic zones. These new spaces are freed from ordinary forms of regulation, taxation and mutual obligation - and with them, ultracapitalists believe that it is possible to escape the bonds of democratic government and oversight altogether. Historian Quinn Slobodian follows the most notorious radical libertarians - from Milton Friedman to Peter Thiel - around the globe as they search for the perfect home for their free market fantasy. The hunt leads from Hong Kong in the 1970s to South Africa in the late days of apartheid, from the neo-Confederate South to the medieval City of London, and finally into the world's oceans and war zones, charting the relentless quest for a blank slate where capitalism and democracy can be finally uncoupled. Crack-Up Capitalism is a propulsive history of the recent past, and an alarming view of our near future.
Objev podobné jako Crack-Up Capitalism - Quinn Slobodian
Death Note 5 - Tsugumi Ohba
Light Yagami is an ace student with great prospects - and he's bored out of his mind. But all that changes when he finds the Death Note, a notebook dropped by a rogue Shinigami death god. Any human whose name is written in the notebook dies, and now Light has vowed to use the power of the Death Noteto rid the world of evil. But when criminals begin dropping dead, the authorities send the legendary detective L to track down the killer. With L hot on his heels, will Light lose sight of his noble goal...or his life?After a week locked up with no one but Ryuk for company, Light is ready to give up his Death Note and all memories of it. Freed from his past actions, Light is convinced he's innocent. But L is ready to keep Light under lock and key forever, especially since the killings stopped once Light was incarcerated. Then a new wave of Kira crimes hits Japan. Someone else has gotten their hands on a Death Note, and these new deaths aren't focussed on making the world a better place, they're focussed on making money. Big business can be murder, and Kira has gone corporate!
Objev podobné jako Death Note 5 - Tsugumi Ohba
The Age of Innocence (Collins Classics) - Edith Whartonová
'I want – I want somehow to get away with you into a world where words like that – categories like that – won't exist. Where we shall be simply two human beings who love each other, who are the whole of life to each other; and nothing else on earth will matter.’ Newland Archer, a successful and charming young lawyer conducts himself by the rules and standards of the polite, upper class New York society that he resides in. Happily engaged to the pretty and conventional May Welland, his attachment guarantees his place in this rigid world of the elite. However, the arrival of May’s cousin, the exotic and beautiful European Countess Olenska throws Newland’s life upside down. A divorcee, Olenska is ostracised by those around her, yet Newland is fiercely drawn to her wit, determination and willingness to flout convention. With the Countess, Newland is freed from the limitations that surround him and truly begins to ‘feel’ for the first time. Wharton’s subtle exposé of the manners and etiquette of 1870s New York society is both comedic, subtle, satirical and cynical in style and paints an evocative picture of a man torn between his passion and his obligation.
Objev podobné jako The Age of Innocence (Collins Classics) - Edith Whartonová
Rule of the Aurora King - Nisha J. Tuli
Freed from the golden clutches of the Sun King, Lor now finds herself in the hands of Nadir, the Aurora Prince. Convinced she's hiding something, he's willing to do whatever it takes to make her talk. But Lor knows the value of secrets-she's been keeping them her entire life-and she's not letting hers go without a fight.When Lor and Nadir team up to search for a lost item that holds the key to her past and her future, she isn't sure if she can trust him. All she knows is she won't fall for his promises and make the same mistakes again. Lor also hasn't forgotten her vow to destroy the Aurora King.As Atlas hunts her across Ouranos, Lor plots to bring down the Imperial Fae who took everything. But she soon realizes that the future of the continent is about so much more than just her shattered legacy. Rule of the Aurora King is spicy romantasy sequel to Trial of the Sun Queen, perfect for fans who love slowburn enemies to lovers, high heat, forced proximity and fated mates.The Artefacts of Ouranos series:Trial of the Sun QueenRule of the Aurora KingFate of the Sun KingTale of the Heart Queen
Objev podobné jako Rule of the Aurora King - Nisha J. Tuli
Padesát odstínů svobody (BLU-RAY) - prodloužená verze
Užijte si perfektní obraz a čistý digitální zvuk s BLU-RAY filmem Padesát odstínů svobody posledním dílem z knižní trilogie Padesát odstínů šedi (2018). Pokud si myslíte, že vstupem do manželství pro Anastasii (Dakota Johnson) a Christiana (Jamie Dornan) končí veškerá legrace a že legendární Červenou mučírnu předělají na dětský pokoj, nemůžete se víc mýlit. Ana se však nechce stát manželkou uvězněnou ve zlaté kleci a je rozhodnutá pokračovat v úspěšně rozjeté kariéře knižní redaktorky, což Christian snáší se skřípěním zubů. Rostoucí emancipace jeho ženy se však záhy stane „bezpečnostním rizikem“, protože z minulosti se vynoří bývalý Anin kolega Jack Hyde, který má s oběma nevyřízené účty a pro pomstu je schopen udělat cokoliv. Jenže Anastasia už dávno není ta rozklepaná studentka, jež má napsat rozhovor s miliardářem, ale čím dál sebevědomější paní Greyová, která ví, že i svoboda může mít až padesát odstínů, a o žádný z nich nechce přijít – Jacku Hydeovi a dokonce i manželovi navzdory. Bonusy: • Vynechaná scéna • Závěrečné vyvrcholení • Christian & Ana od Jamieho & Dakoty • Důvěrný rozhovor s E. L. James a Ericem Johnsonem • Videoklip: “For You (Fifty Shades Freed)” - Liam Payne & Rita Ora • Videoklip: “Capital Letters” - Hailee Steinfeld x BloodPop • Videoklip: “Heaven” - Julia Michaels
Objev podobné jako Padesát odstínů svobody (BLU-RAY) - prodloužená verze
A Conspiracy Of Violence : 1 - Gregory Susanna
Susanna Gregory, author of the Matthew Bartholomew series of medieval mysteries, has created another compelling fictional detective set in Restoration London.--------------------------------------------The first adventure in the Thomas Chaloner series.The dour days of Cromwell are over.Charles II is well established at White Hall Palace, his mistress at hand in rooms over the Holbein bridge, the heads of some of the regicides on public display. London seethes with new energy, freed from the strictures of the Protectorate, but many of its inhabitants have lost their livelihoods. One is Thomas Chaloner, a reluctant spy for the feared Secretary of State, John Thurloe, and now returned from Holland in desperate need of employment. His erstwhile boss, knowing he has many enemies at court, recommends Thomas to Lord Clarendon, but in return demands that Thomas keep him informed of any plot against him. But what Thomas discovers is that Thurloe had sent another ex-employee to White Hall and he is dead, supposedly murdered by footpads near the Thames. Chaloner volunteers to investigate his killing: instead he is dispatched to the Tower to unearth the gold buried by the last Governor. He discovers not treasure, but evidence that greed and self-interest are uppermost in men's minds whoever is in power, and that his life has no value to either side.
Objev podobné jako A Conspiracy Of Violence : 1 - Gregory Susanna
Allen Carr's Easy Way to Quit Emotional Eating - Allen Carr, John Dicey
Do you eat when you''re not hungry? Or when you''re angry and upset? Do you eat to control your feelings? Allen Carr''s Easyway is the most successful self-help stop-smoking method of all time. It has helped millions of smokers all over the world to quit, and has since been used to treat other addictions such as drinking and gambling. Allen Carr''s Easyway method works by unravelling the brainwashing that leads us to desire the very thing that is harming us, meaning that we are freed from the addiction rather than merely restricting our behaviour. The Easyway method has now been applied to the problem of emotional eating. With Allen Carr''s Easyway method, you can eat as much of your favourite foods as you want, whenever you want, as often as you want, and be the exact weight you want to be, without dieting, special exercise, using willpower or feeling deprived. Do you find that difficult to believe? Read this book. What people say about Allen Carr''s Easyway method: "The Allen Carr program was nothing short of a miracle." Anjelica Huston "His skill is in removing the psychological dependence." The Sunday Times "I know so many people who turned their lives around after reading Allen Carr''s books." Sir Richard Branson
Objev podobné jako Allen Carr's Easy Way to Quit Emotional Eating - Allen Carr, John Dicey
The Wickedest - Caleb Femi
''Atmospheric and intoxicating … The Wickedest is a heady night in the dance'' CANDICE CARTY-WILLIAMSCaleb Femi returns with a landmark, life-affirming new poetry collection, The Wickedest.This is a minute-by-minute depiction of a typical night at a legendary monthly house party known as ''The Wickedest''. Here, we meet a vivid cast of characters, young and old, all surfing a revelry steeped in camaraderie, community, desire and a spirit of jubilant defiance.A modern epic, The Wickedest explores the institution of shoobs or house parties and their vital role within working-class communities. The poems range from classical English sonnets to experimental forms and are immersively interwoven with photographs, text messages and ephemera. The collection playfully dissembles parties – in space, sound, law and bureaucracy – to document the precarious existence of our nightlife venues.In Caleb Femi''s inimitable, cinematic style the book builds to a crescendo that is at once euphoric and grief-soaked. The Wickedest calls us to cast our minds to the moments we stood surrounded by our loved ones on a dancefloor, arms outstretched, and freed ourselves from the weight of reality to float.''A joyous, lyrical read'' YOMI ADEGOKE''A near-holy experience'' JONATHAN ESCOFFERY''This is poetry that moves and is felt in the body'' ANDREW MCMILLAN
Objev podobné jako The Wickedest - Caleb Femi
The Benefactress - Elizabeth von Arnim - e-kniha
eBook: Orphan Anna’s life is changed for the better when she inherits an estate from her maternal uncle. Kind and intelligent, Anna decides to pass on some of her wealth by setting up a home for twelve women who have been mistreated throughout their life. These twelve women will be freed from financial worries, and will therefore not need to marry. Instead, they will be able to live in a place of natural beauty, forming a group of friends. Her goal is to make the women happy but achieving that may be harder than imagined... ‘The Benefactress’ by Elizabeth von Arnim is a humorous historical fiction classic that will be enjoyed by fans of ‘Great Expectations’. Elizabeth von Arnim was an English novelist – a cousin of the New Zealand-born writer Katherine Mansfield – born as Mary Annette Beauchamp in Australia in 1866. She married a German aristocrat and her earliest written works are set in Germany. Von Arnim launched her career as a writer with her satirical and semi-autobiographical work ‘Elizabeth and Her German Garden’, published anonymously in 1898. Although she was known by the name May in her early life, when she began writing, her success as ‘Elizabeth’ meant that her writings were ascribed to the name Elizabeth von Arnim.
Objev podobné jako The Benefactress - Elizabeth von Arnim - e-kniha
Trial of the Sun Queen - Nisha J. Tuli
Ten women. A deadly contest. Only one can win the Sun King's heart.Lor has endured twelve long years of torment under the Aurora King's rule. Her only desire is to get free and pay him back for every moment of misery she's endured. When a surprise release finds her in the hands of the Sun King, Lor is thrust into the spotlight as she competes against nine other Tributes for the role of queen.If she wins his heart, she'll earn her freedom and finally get her revenge. But Lor doesn't belong in the Sun Queen Trials. Not only does she not understand why she was freed, she isn't a citizen of the Sun King's court.The other Tributes resent her presence and will stop at nothing to ensure Lor is wiped off the gameboard, permanently. Now Lor must win, because if she loses, she dies. Or worse, she'll be sent back into the hands of the Aurora King.This glittering fae romance is perfect for fans of Sarah J. Maas, Fourth Wing, Raven Kennedy and Jennifer Armentrout. Trial of the Sun Queen is the first book in a series with an eventual happy ever after.The Artefacts of Ouranos series:Trial of the Sun QueenRule of the Aurora KingFate of the Sun KingTale of the Heart Queen
Objev podobné jako Trial of the Sun Queen - Nisha J. Tuli
Growth. A Reckoning - Daniel Susskind
A revelatory account of the past, present, and future of economic growth - and how we should rethink itOver the past two centuries, economic growth has freed billions from poverty and made our lives far healthier and longer. As a result, the unfettered pursuit of growth defines economic life around the world. Yet this prosperity has come at an enormous price: deepening inequalities, destabilizing technologies, environmental destruction and climate change.Resolving this growth dilemma, best-selling economist Daniel Susskind argues, is the urgent task of our age. For many, in our era of sluggish productivity, the worry is slowing growth—in the UK, Europe, China and elsewhere—and reversing this stagnation is the goal of every politician. Others understandably claim, given its social and environmental costs, that the only way forward is through 'degrowth', deliberating shrinking our economies.At this time of uncertainty about growth and its value, Susskind has written an essential reckoning. In a sweeping analysis full of historical insight, he explores what really drives growth, offering original ideas for combatting our economic slowdown. He argues that we cannot abandon growth but shows instead how we can redirect it, making it better reflect what we truly value.Lucid, thought-provoking and brilliantly researched, Growth: A Reckoning is a vital guide to one of our greatest challenges.
Objev podobné jako Growth. A Reckoning - Daniel Susskind
Otherworldly - F. T. Lukens
A sceptic and a supernatural creature get more than they bargain for when they make crossroads deal to save themselves. A perfect LGBT+ romantic fantasy for fans of Rainbow Rowell, Margaret Rogerson and Adam Silvera! Ellery doesn’t believe in magic. Sure, they’ve been stuck in a five-year winter, but there’s got to be a scientific explanation for that.They’re more concerned with working hard to send money back to the family farm than with whether there’s a goddess out there who could put a stop to it. Knox has been trapped in the human realm for years. In service to a powerful witch for a decade, Knox is finally freed when her crossroads deal meets its terms.But Knox isn’t sure he wants to return to the Other World, especially since his queen seems to have abandoned him. When a chance encounter finds Ellery coming to Knox’s rescue, they're suddenly face to face with a (annoyingly attractive) guy who claims to be a supernatural familiar – something they definitely don’t believe. But Ellery needs a way to stop the endless winter and save their family farm, and Knox needs a human who can tether him to their realm.A crossroads deal can’t go wrong, can it?Funny, subversive, romantic fantasy from New York Times bestselling author F. T. Lukens.Look out for So This is Ever After, In Deeper Waters and Spell Bound.
Objev podobné jako Otherworldly - F. T. Lukens
Egon Schiele. The Paintings. 40th Ed.
After Egon Schiele (1890-1918) freed himself from the shadow of his mentor and role model Gustav Klimt, he had just ten years to inscribe his signature style into the annals of modernity before the Spanish flu claimed his life. Being a child prodigy quite aware of his own genius and a passionate provocateur, this didn't prove to be too big a challenge.His haggard, overstretched figures, extreme depiction of sexuality and self-portraits, in which he staged himself with emaciated facial expressions bordering between brilliance and madness, had none of the decorative quality of Klimt's hymns of love, sexuality and yearning devotion. Instead, Schiele's work spoke of a brutal honesty, one that would upset and irreversibly change Viennese society.Although his works were later defamed as "degenerate" and for a time were almost forgotten altogether, they influenced generations of artists-from Gunter Brus and Francis Bacon to Tracey Emin. Today, his then misunderstood oeuvre continues to fetch exorbitant prices on the international art market.This monograph, first published in an XL edition, is now available in a slightly abridged, more compact edition to celebrate TASCHEN's 40th anniversary and features the paintings and drawings that retrace the fertile last decade of Schiele's life. These works are accompanied by essays introducing his life and oeuvre, situating the Austrian master in the context of European Expressionism and charting his extraordinary legacy.
Objev podobné jako Egon Schiele. The Paintings. 40th Ed.
Goddess of the River - Vaishnavi Patel
A powerful reimagining of the story of Ganga, goddess of the river, and her doomed mortal son, from Vaishnavi Patel, author of the instant New York Times bestseller Kaikeyi.A mother and a son. A goddess and a prince. A curse and an oath. A river whose course will change the fate of the world.Ganga, joyful goddess of the river, serves as caretaker to the mischievous godlings who roam her banks. But when their antics incur the wrath of a powerful sage, Ganga is cursed to become mortal, bound to her human form until she fulfils the obligations of the curse.Though she knows nothing of mortal life, Ganga weds King Shantanu and becomes a queen, determined to regain her freedom no matter the cost. But in a cruel turn of fate, just as she is freed of her binding, she is forced to leave her infant son behind.Her son, prince Devavrata, unwittingly carries the legacy of Ganga''s curse. And when he makes an oath that he will never claim his father''s throne, he sets in motion a chain of events that will end in a terrible and tragic war.As the years unfold, Ganga and Devavrata are drawn together again and again, each confluence another step on a path that has been written in the stars, in this deeply moving and masterful tale of duty, destiny, and the unwavering bond between mother and son.
Objev podobné jako Goddess of the River - Vaishnavi Patel
The Birdcage Library - Freya Berry
A diary hidden. A crime buried. A secret to be freed...'A delicious page-turning mystery within a mystery' LIZ HYDER'A twisty treasure hunt of a novel... Utterly beguiling' LIZZIE POOK'It glistens with a hint of the danger that lurks within' CHARLOTTE PHILBY'Claustrophobic and clever' JANE SHEMILT_________Dear Reader, the man I love is trying to kill me... 1932.Emily Blackwood, a young adventuress and plant hunter, travels north for a curious new commission. A gentleman has written to request she catalogue his vast collection of taxidermied creatures before sale. On arrival, Emily finds a ruined castle, its owner haunted by the memory of a woman who disappeared five decades before.And when she discovers the ripped pages of an old diary, crammed into the walls, she realises a dark secret lies here, waiting to entrap her too... 'Beautiful writing, thrilling plot and a literary treasure hunt - all my favourite things' ANNA MAZZOLA'Outstanding. Lovers of crime, mystery and intrigue should order this immediately' HARPER'S BAZAAR'Wonderfully gothic and immersive' NEW EUROPEAN'An atmospheric read - add in a literary treasure hunt and this is irresistible' GOOD HOUSEKEEPING'Very clever.Keeps you glued until the final twist' WOMAN & HOME'Compulsive. A twisty, atmospheric tale of dark secrets and hidden clues' KATE HAMER'Gorgeous, atmospheric; an immersive page-turner to be swept up in' ELLERY LLOYD'Addictive. Beautifully atmospheric and darkly compelling, this tale of murder and obsession will keep you guessing until the final page' HEAT'A most intriguing detective story within the most gothic of atmospheres - a double shiver of pleasure' THE CHAP
Objev podobné jako The Birdcage Library - Freya Berry
Unnatural Causes - Dr Richard Shepherd
THE TRUE CRIME BOOK OF THE YEAR AND SUNDAY TIMES TOP 10 BESTSELLER ''One of the most fascinating books I have read in a long time. Engrossing, a haunting page-turner. A book I could not put down'' The Times, BOOKS OF THE YEAR __________ Meet the forensic pathologist, Dr Richard Shepherd. He solves the mysteries of unexplained or sudden death. He has performed over 23,000 autopsies, including some of the most high-profile cases of recent times; the Hungerford Massacre, the Princess Diana inquiry, and 9/11. He has faced serial killers, natural disaster, ''perfect murders'' and freak accidents. His evidence has put killers behind bars, freed the innocent, and turned open-and-shut cases on their heads. Yet all this has come at a huge personal cost. Unnatural Causes tells the story of not only the cases and bodies that have haunted him the most, but also how to live a life steeped in death. Thoughtful, revealing, chilling and always unputdownable, if you liked All That Remains, War Doctor and This is Going to Hurt you''ll love this. And catch Dr Richard Shepherd''s new book THE SEVEN AGES OF DEATH out now __________ ''Gripping, grimly fascinating, and I suspect I''ll read it at least twice'' Evening Standard ''A deeply mesmerising memoir of forensic pathology. Human and fascinating'' Nigella Lawson ''An absolutely brilliant book. I really recommend it, I don''t often say that but it''s fascinating'' Jeremy Vine, BBC Radio 2 ''Puts the reader at his elbow as he wields the scalpel'' Guardian ''Fascinating, gruesome yet engrossing'' Richard and Judy, Daily Express ''Fascinating, insightful, candid, compassionate'' Observer
Objev podobné jako Unnatural Causes - Dr Richard Shepherd
Allen Carr's Easy Way to Quit Smoking Without Willpower - Includes Quit Vaping - Allen Carr, John Dicey
THE BRAND-NEW UPGRADE OF THE WORLD''S BEST-SELLING STOP SMOKING BOOK OF ALL TIME. Allen Carr''s Easyway method is a global phenomenon - a clinically proven and 100% drug-free treatment for nicotine addiction. This book is the most up-to-date, cutting-edge, best-practice version of this method. It now includes advice on important contemporary issues such as vaping, cannabis, JUUL, the association between smoking and self-harm & anxiety, the dopamine issue, and more advice about habitual triggers. It also features a hypnotherapy track, offering an additional way to process the method. Through following this method, you will not only be set free from your smoking or vaping addiction but you will also find it easy and even enjoyable to quit. • Without using willpower, aids, substitutes, or gimmicks • Without gaining weight • Without suffering anxiety, depression, or unpleasant withdrawal symptoms • Without envying partners, friends or colleagues who smoke/vape This book is designed to help busy people, who appreciate clear no-nonsense guidance. It gives you a structured, easy-to-follow method for getting free from nicotine painlessly and immediately. What people say about Allen Carr''s Easyway method: "Allen Carr''s international bestseller...has helped countless people quit." Time Out New York "If you want to quit ... its called the Easyway ... I''m so glad I quit." Ellen DeGeneres "It was such a revelation that instantly I was freed from my addiction." Sir Anthony Hopkins "His skill is in removing the psychological dependence." The Sunday Times
Objev podobné jako Allen Carr's Easy Way to Quit Smoking Without Willpower - Includes Quit Vaping - Allen Carr, John Dicey
Ask Not - Maureen Callahanová
The No1 Sunday Times BestsellerA Mail on Sunday ‘Best Holiday Read 2024’‘A searing exposé’ Glamour‘A timely reminder of the dangers posed by men who crave power’ – ObserverFrom New York Times bestseller Maureen Callahan, a fierce, character-driven exposé of the real Kennedy Curse—the family''s generations-long legacy of misogyny, murder, and mayhem—and the women who have paid the price for our obsession with Camelot.For decades, the Kennedy name has been synonymous with wealth, power, and—above all else—integrity. But this carefully constructed veneer hides a dark truth: the Kennedy men''s legacy of physical and psychological abuse of women, part of a tradition of toxic masculinity that spans generations and has ruined untold lives. Through scandal after scandal, the family and their defenders have managed to keep this shameful story out of the spotlight. Now, in Ask Not, bestselling journalist Maureen Callahan reveals the Kennedys'' hidden history of abuse and exploitation, laying bare their rampant misogyny and restoring women to the center of the dynasty''s story: from Jacqueline Onassis and Marilyn Monroe to Carolyn Bessette, Mary Richardson, Rosemary Kennedy, and many others whose names aren''t nearly as well known – but rightfully should be.Drawing on years of fierce reportage and written in electric prose, Ask Not is a long-overdue reckoning with this fabled American family, showing how the Kennedy myth and their raw political power has enabled the clan''s many predators while also silencing generations of traumatized women and girls. At long last, Callahan also redirects the spotlight to the women in the Kennedys'' orbit, paying homage to those who freed themselves—and giving voice to the countless others who could not do the same.
Objev podobné jako Ask Not - Maureen Callahanová
Allen Carr's Easy Way to Quit Vaping - Allen Carr, John Dicey
"I thought vaping was my pleasure but a book showed me it was a tyranny. With one leap, I was free" - The Guardian "I bought a copy, followed the instructions[...] and, miracles of miracles, I have not vaped since" - The TimesAllen Carr''s Easyway method is a global phenomenon - a clinically proven and 100% drug-free treatment for nicotine addiction. First used as an internationally renowned and incredibly successful stop-smoking method, this cutting-edge approach now addresses the fastest-growing nicotine delivery system in the world, vaping. The Easyway method tackles addiction from an entirely different angle. Rather than employing scare-tactics and enforcing painful restrictions on your vaping habits, it unravels the cognitive brainwashing behind your addictive behaviour. In this way, it removes the desire to vape altogether without willpower or sacrifice. Whether you use e-cigarettes, JUUL, tanks or pens, or any kind of mod or pod, this method will work for you. All you have to do is read this book in its entirety, follow all of the instructions and you will be set free from your addiction to nicotine.• Does not rely on willpower, aids, substitutes, or gimmicks• Works without unpleasant withdrawal symptoms• Clinically proven to be AT LEAST as effective as the UK Health Service''s Gold Standard Stop Smoking Service. What people say about Allen Carr''s Easyway method: "His skill is in removing the psychological dependence." The Sunday Times "It was such a revelation that instantly I was freed from my addiction." Sir Anthony Hopkins"Allen Carr achieved what I never thought was possible - to give up a thirty year habit literally overnight"Anjelica Huston
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