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Twelve Years a Slave - Solomon Northup - e-kniha

eBook: Filmatized in 2013 and the official recipient of three Oscars, Solomon Northup\'s powerful slave narrative \'Twelve Years a Slave\' depicts Nortup\\\'s life as he is sold into slavery after having spent 32 years of his life living as a free man in New York. Working as a travelling musician, Northup goes to Washington D.C, where he is kidnapped, sent to New Orleans, and sold to a planter to suffer the relentless and brutal life of a slave. After a dozen years, Northup escapes to return to his family and pulls no punches, as he describes his fate and that of so many other black people at the time. It is a harrowing but vitally important book, even today. For further reading on this subject, try \\\'Uncle Tom\\\'s Cabin\\\' by Harriet Beecher Stowe. Solomon Northup (c.1807-c.1875) was an American abolitionist and writer, best remembered for his powerful race memoir \\\'Twelve Years a Slave\\\'. At the age of 32, when he was a married farmer, father-of-three, violinist and free-born man, he was kidnapped in Washington D.C and shipped to New Orleans, sold to a planter and enslaved for a dozen years. When he gained his freedom, he wrote his famous memoir and spent some years lecturing across the US,on behalf of the abolitionist movement. \\\'Twelve Years a Slave\\\' was published a year after \\\'Uncle Tom\\\'s Cabin\\\' by Harriet Beecher Stowe and built on the anti-slavery momentum it had developed. Northup\\\'s final years are something of a mystery, though it is thought that he struggled to cope with family life after being freed.

Podívejte se také Balíček e-kniha a audiokniha Houževnatost za výhodnou cenu

cena 210.0 Kč

Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl - Harriet Jacobs - e-kniha

eBook: For those interested in the abolition of slavery and the Slavery Act in America, \'Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl\' is an autobiography by Harriet Ann Jacobs, a mother and fugitive slave. The book covers Jacobs\' life as a slave and how she fought for freedom for herself and her children. With deep historical prominence, the autobiography covers the struggles she faced, including the sexual abuse that female slaves had to endure.Published in 1861 and filled with accounts of heroism and courage, \'Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl\' will leave you shocked and brimming with admiration for Harriet Jacobs. This is perfect for fans of Fredrick Douglass\' memoir \'Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave\'.

Podívejte se také Slave: Stellar Fungk: The Best Of Slave (2x LP) - LP (0349784235)

cena 249.0 Kč

Twelve Types - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha

eBook: This collection of biographical essays by G. K. Chesterton gives a one-of-a-kind insight into some of the most influential figures of the 20th century. Chesterton lends his prolific wit to these extremely unique and personal biographies, capturing a perfect snapshot of British society in the 1900s. ‘Twelve Types’ covers the life and works of Charlotte Bronte, Alexander Pope, Lord Byron, Robert Louis Stevenson, William Morris, Saint Francis, Edmond Rostand, Charles II, Thomas Carlyle, Savonarola, and Leo Tolstoy. A pastiche of the Victorian society and artists that would birth the Romantic and Gothic movements in English literature, ‘Twelve Types’ is an unmissable collection for any student of 20th century Britain.

Podívejte se také Proper No. Twelve 0,7l 40% (811538019576)

cena 138.0 Kč

Ex v éteru - Rachel Lynn Solomon - e-kniha

eBook: Shay Goldsteinová už deset let pracuje v jedné rozhlasové stanici v Seattlu a nedokáže si představit, že by měla pracovat někde jinde. Poslední dobou se však neustále hádá s novým kolegou Dominikem Yunem, který právě dokončil žurnalistiku na univerzitě a je přesvědčený, že ví všechno nejlíp.Jejich stanice má však potíže a potřebuje něco nového, aby přitáhla posluchače. Shay dostane nápad a její šéf ho nadšeně přijme. V jejich novém pořadu s názvem Ex v éteru budou dva lidé, kteří spolu v minulosti chodili, rozdávat rady ohledně milostných vztahů. Jejich šéf se rozhodne, že se pro tuto roli nejvíc hodí právě Shay a Dominik, protože se už tak nesnášejí a neustále se pošťuchují. Ani jednomu se moc nelíbí, že budou lidem lhát, ale je to jejich jediná možnost, jak v rozhlase zůstat. Posluchači si pořad rychle zamilují a zanedlouho se z něj stane jeden z nejoblíbenějších v Seattlu, který rychle šplhá i po žebříčcích oblíbených podcastů.Čím je však pořad populárnější, tím větší je to podvod. Zvlášť když se do sebe Shay a Dominik postupně zamilují. V odvětví, které si tak cení pravdomluvnosti, by je prozrazení mohlo stát víc než jen kariéru.

Objev podobné jako Ex v éteru - Rachel Lynn Solomon - e-kniha

cena 289.0 Kč

Uvidíme se včera - Rachel Lynn Solomon - e-kniha

eBook: Barrett Bloomová doufá, že ji na vysoké čeká nový začátek. Ale hned 21. září, první školní den, se všechno pokazí. Dostane se do křížku s chytrolínem Milesem, zvorá pohovor do školních novin a nakonec omylem zapálí dům jednoho bratrstva. Další den se probudí, ale něco nehraje… je totiž 21. září. Znova! Barrett uvízla v časové smyčce, ve které Miles trčí celé měsíce. Společně začnou hledat cestu ven, během níž zažívají divoká, romantická dobrodružství. Co ale bude s jejich vztahem, jestli se dočkají zítřka?

Objev podobné jako Uvidíme se včera - Rachel Lynn Solomon - e-kniha

cena 319.0 Kč

12 let v řetězech - DVD (D007177)

Film na DVD - Solomon Northup měl milující rodinu, dobrou práci, majetek, svobodu i právo na život. Žil idylický život. V jeden jediný nečekaný moment ale o to všechno přišel. Skončil jako otrok spoutaný v řetězech. Film podle skutečných událostí ověnčený Oskary. Solomon Northup měl milující rodinu, dobrou práci, talent, majetek, svobodu i právo na život. Žil idylický středostavovský život jako většina z nás. V jeden jediný nečekaný moment ale o to všechno přišel. Skončil jako otrok spoutaný v řetězech a jeho jediným osudem se stala dřina na plantáži "pod bičem otrokáře". Přesně to se v roce 1841 přihodilo Američanu Solomonu Northupovi (Chiwetel Ejiofor), který svůj skutečný příběh zachytil v autobiografické knize 12 Years a Slave. Solomon měl smůlu, že byl... černoch. Dva únosci ho pod příslibem houslového melouchu vylákali do Washingtonu, kde Solomon po první noci skončil spoutaný v řetězech. V následujících dnech byl prodán do otroctví na americkém Jihu....

Objev podobné jako 12 let v řetězech - DVD (D007177)

cena 79.0 Kč

The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano - Olaudah Equiano - e-kniha

eBook: Sometimes true life spins more shocking stories than the minds of writers. That is the case with \'The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano\'. The understated title masks an autobiography where truth trumps fiction, featuring kidnapping, death, slavery, jail, transportation, rape, Christian faith and much more.It is also one of the most important books of its time, the late 18th century. For its publication told the truth about the trans-Atlantic slave trade, and sowed the seeds for the abolition movement that eventually stopped it.The scandal of slavery that Equiano helped get into the public\'s consciousness has been featured in a host of films, including \'12 Years a Slave\', directed by Steve McQueen and based on a novel by Solomon Northup.

Objev podobné jako The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano - Olaudah Equiano - e-kniha

cena 138.0 Kč

Dvanáct dní a jedno odpoledne / Twelve days and one afternoon - Ludvík Barabáš - e-kniha

eBook: Dvanáct dní je dostatečně dlouhá doba na to, abyste se bezhlavě zamilovali, zatímco vše může zmizet jako pára nad hrncem během jediného odpoledne. Tato úzká sbírka poezie a esejí představuje okénko do vzpomínek a duše autora, které umožňuje čtenářům vidět jeho vnitřní svět. A možná i spatřit vlastní vzpomínky na dávné lásky v zrcadlení pocitů autora. Bilingvální próza i poezie jsou svědky autorovy erudice v obou jazycích a představují unikátní spojení dvou světů, které si nerozumí.

Objev podobné jako Dvanáct dní a jedno odpoledne / Twelve days and one afternoon - Ludvík Barabáš - e-kniha

cena 199.0 Kč

Twenty Years After I - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha

eBook: It's the time for heroes. But the Musketeers are no more. As Dumas' "Twenty Years Later" begins, only D'Artagnan still serves in the Queen's guard. Porthos, Aramis, and Athos are living comfortable lives, their fighting days long behind them. But all that's about to change. With the country on the brink of civil war, D'Artagnan is given a dangerous new mission, and he knows he'll need his old friends by his side. Expanding upon the mythology of "The Three Musketeers", the sequel is just as packed with sword fights, conspiracies, and political double dealings. And a very hateable new villain in Cardinal Mazarin. This first part of the novel sets the scene for the adventure that follows.

Objev podobné jako Twenty Years After I - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha

cena 138.0 Kč

Twenty Years After II - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha

eBook: Will the Musketeers ever be "all for one and one for all" again?In the second part of "Twenty Years After" political allegiances keep the four Musketeers divided. Revolution is brewing, and while D'Artagnan and Porthos remain loyal to the Queen, Aramis and Athos support the rebellion. Meanwhile, two sons enter the frame. One is Raoul, son of Athos, who has joined the army and is fighting the Spaniards. The other is Mordaunt, offspring of the devious Milady. His heart is set on revenging his mother's death.This part of the story is ripe with intrigue surrounding France's political tumult. And all the boisterous action that you expect from a Dumas adventure.

Objev podobné jako Twenty Years After II - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha

cena 138.0 Kč

Twenty Years After V - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha

eBook: They've made it through two civil wars, but the Musketeers' greatest challenge is still to come. After their escapades in England, our heroes are back on French shores. But D'Artagnan and Porthos need to watch their backs. They've incurred the wrath of Cardinal Mazarin, who wants them thrown in jail. What follows is a series of breathless arrests, jailbreaks and kidnappings, as the Musketeers and Mazarin head towards a final showdown. Part V brings "Twenty Years After" to a satisfying, action-packed end. The Musketeers would return in "The Vicomte of Ten Years Later", the third and final book in the "D'Artagnan Romances".

Objev podobné jako Twenty Years After V - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha

cena 138.0 Kč

Twenty Years After IV - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha

eBook: After years of muddy, bloody battles, the English Civil War is finally over. But the Musketeers have a plan which could still change everything. As the action begins, King Charles I is in prison, awaiting execution. But his fate isn't sealed just yet! Athos, Aramis, Porthos, and D'Artagnan have put aside their differences to attempt a daring rescue. But will the reunited Musketeers be a match for Mourdant, who is determined to see the king lose his head?"Twenty Years After" draws ever closer to the thrilling finale in part IV. Dumas ratchets up the tension (and the body count) in this masterclass in historical adventure.

Objev podobné jako Twenty Years After IV - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha

cena 138.0 Kč

Twenty Years After III - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha

eBook: The kings of France and England are facing the chopping block. Can the musketeers save them both? In this third part of Dumas' "Twenty Years After", war is waging on both sides of the channel. D'Artagnan and Porthos are dispatched to England with a message for Oliver Cromwell. Soon drawn into the conflict, they're shocked to find themselves facing two unlikely opponents on the battlefield—Athos and Aramis. Will our four heroes draw swords against each other? These action-heavy chapters still find room to let each musketeer's personality shine. Expect heroism, romance, and suspense by the bucketload.

Objev podobné jako Twenty Years After III - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha

cena 138.0 Kč

Erewhon Revisited Twenty Years Later - Samuel Butler - e-kniha

eBook: ‘Erewhon Revisited’ the sequel to ‘Erewhon’, Samuel Butler’s acclaimed first novel, finds adventurer Higgs returning to the mysterious, distant land of Erewhon. There he discovers its people ruled by a religious cult inspired by his hot-air balloon escape thirty years earlier. Devious professors Hanky and Panky have invented a new religion called ‘Sunchildism’ and Higgs, the unwitting ‘Sun Child,’ is not welcome. The professors are determined to preserve their grip on Erewhonians leaving Higgs in mortal danger. With the help of his newfound son, Higgs must once again escape Erewhon if he is to survive. Butler’s humorous, perceptive book is a penetrating satire of Christianity in Victorian England and is still as relevant and fresh today.

Objev podobné jako Erewhon Revisited Twenty Years Later - Samuel Butler - e-kniha

cena 194.0 Kč

Two Years Before the Mast - Richard Henry Dana - e-kniha

eBook: Most people go to an optician if their vision is bad. However, when Richard Henry Dana's sight was affected by measles while he was at Harvard College, he decided a sea voyage round Cape Horn was the best solution. He joined the crew of a merchant ship at Boston, kept a daily diary of his adventures, then produced this American classic. 'Two Years Before the Mast' is a vivid account of the true life of a common sailor at sea. Throughout his journey, Dana encounters indigenous people, describes being lowered down a cliff to retrieve cow hides, learns Spanish, acts as interpreter, and witnesses floggings. The return journey is hellish, and Dana's description of battling storms around the Cape moved 'Moby Dick' author, Herman Melville, to say it "must have been written with an icicle". A rollicking memoir that is better than fiction, ´Two Years Before the Mast´ is perfect for fans of the 'Bounty Trilogy' by Charles Nordhoff and James Norman Hall. Richard Henry Dana Jr. (1815-1882) was a Massachusetts-based American lawyer and politician who found fame for the classic memoir 'Two Years Before the Mast'. In both his legal career and his writing, he gained a reputation for standing up for the rights of the oppressed, including slaves on the run and freedmen. He became a prominent abolitionist, helping to found the anti-slavery Free Soil Party.

Objev podobné jako Two Years Before the Mast - Richard Henry Dana - e-kniha

cena 340.0 Kč

The Vicomte of Bragelonne: Ten Years Later - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha

eBook: The Four Musketeers return; middle-aged and battle-weary, but always ready for a new adventure. The setting is France in the 1660s. There's a new king on the throne, and D'Artagnan is not impressed. After 35 years of service, he resigns his position in the Musketeers. But the fates soon draw D'Artagnan back into the fold. Alongside his old comrades, Athos, Aramis and Porthos, he'll play a crucial role in King Louis XIV's transition from weak-willed adolescent to a man worthy of the title The Sun King. "The Vicomte of Bragelonne" is the first volume of Dumas' "Ten Years Later". It continues "The Three Musketeers" saga in style, full of all the romance and swordplay you've come to expect.

Objev podobné jako The Vicomte of Bragelonne: Ten Years Later - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha

cena 333.0 Kč

A Footnote to History - Eight Years of Trouble in Samoa - Robert Louis Stevenson - e-kniha

eBook: ‘A Footnote to History’ is an account of Colonial abuse in Samoa, the scramble by the US, Germany and Britain so swallow up land with little regard for the native Samoans. Stevenson became deeply ingrained in the local culture, siding squarely with the Samoans against the duplicitous colonials, so much so that he even fought alongside the Samoans to help keep their king in power. It is frontline journalism, Stevenson is in the midst of this conflict and gives incredible account of both the foreign and native discord. His account brings century old events to life and makes for incredible reading. Despite its age, the lessons in this book stand the test of time and deserve to be learned by all.

Objev podobné jako A Footnote to History - Eight Years of Trouble in Samoa - Robert Louis Stevenson - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

Slave: Stellar Fungk: The Best Of Slave (2x LP) - LP (0349784235)

LP vinyl - Vinylová reedice kompilačního alba americké skupiny z roku 1994. Vinylová reedice kompilačního alba americké skupiny z roku 1994. V druhé polovině sedmdesátých let se na americké funkové scéně objevila a také proslavila skupina z Ohia, které velel trumpetista Steve Washington. Rok vydání : 1994 (kompilace) Rok reedice : 2022 Seznam stop LP1 Slide (Single Version) / The Party Song (Single Edit Version) / Stellar Fungk (Single Edit Version) / Are You Ready for Love? (Single Edit Version) / Just a Touch of Love / Stone Jam / Watching You LP2 Steal Your Heart / Snap Shot (Single Version) / Wait for Me (Single Version) / Nobody Can Be You / Weak at the Knees / Dancin' in the Key of Life / Feel so Real / Way Out

Objev podobné jako Slave: Stellar Fungk: The Best Of Slave (2x LP) - LP (0349784235)

cena 879.0 Kč

Slave - Stellar Fungk: The Best Of Slave Feat. Steve Arrington (2 LP)

Žánr: R&B;Funk;Soul;Disco Subžánr: R&B;Soul;Boogie;Disco;Funk Varianta: Stellar Fungk: The Best Of Slave Feat. Steve Arrington (2 LP) Interpret / Téma: Slave Datum vydání: 2022-02-25 Rok vydání: 2022.0 Vydavatelství: Atlantic Barva: Červená Dekáda interpreta: 1970 - 1979;1990 - 1999;1980 - 1989 Typ: Limitovaná edice;Album;Barevná;LP deska Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Hmotnost: 140 g Balení obsahuje: LP Složení setu: 2 ks Země původu: Německo Země interpreta: USA Barva podle výrobce: Red

Objev podobné jako Slave - Stellar Fungk: The Best Of Slave Feat. Steve Arrington (2 LP)

cena 861.0 Kč


profesionální DJ kontrolér/přehrávač, 12‘‘, vinylový povrch, DVS RCA out, OLED displej, pitchfader: 8/16/50%

Objev podobné jako Rane TWELVE MKII

cena 18990.0 Kč

Set Slave čierna

Set Slave čierna z kategorie Erotické prádlo značky Obsessive, velikost S/M, barva černá.

Objev podobné jako Set Slave čierna

cena 669.0 Kč

Twelve Trees - Daniel Lewis

'A heartwarming guide to these fascinating giants of nature . . . A book that is full of surprises . . . Highly empathetic and informative' Independent 'A global arboreal odyssey' GuardianONE OF THE GUARDIAN'S BOOKS TO WATCH IN 2024 Twelve amazing species of trees that can teach us about our past, present and future. In Twelve Trees, professor Daniel Lewis takes us around the world – from Australia to the United States, from Easter Island and Mexico to Cameroon – and introduces us to twelve tree species that epitomise the many threats faced by our planet, from climate change, poachers and parasites, to fungi and even elephants. He celebrates their many strengths in the face of adversity, and their enduring abilities to survive – and even thrive – in an increasingly dangerous planet. Trees are essential to all of our lives – and they need our help. In this incredible tribute to the noble tree, Lewis dives deep into the cutting-edge science and inspiring community efforts helping to keep them alive. Saving the tree, as he argues, means the saving of humanity.Beautifully written and informative, Twelve Trees is a heartwarming and enlightening guide to some of our most fascinating trees – and why we should be working harder to protect them.

Objev podobné jako Twelve Trees - Daniel Lewis

cena 650.0 Kč

The Twelve - Liz Hyder

FROM THE AWARD-WINNING AUTHOR OF BEARMOUTH, COMES THIS HAUNTINGLY MAGICAL NEW NOVEL, HAILED BY READERS AS A MODERN CLASSIC______ 'Hauntingly beautiful' Hannah Gold, author of The Last Bear 'The Twelve reads like a modern classic, with echoes of Alan Garner, Marcus Sedgwick, and C.S. Lewis.' Essie Fox 'Dark, dreamy, surreal and beautiful.' Katya Balen, author of October, October______It's supposed to be a treat for Kit, a winter holiday by the coast with her sister Libby and their mum. But when Libby vanishes into thin air, and no one else remembers her, Kit is faced with a new reality - one in which her sister never existed. Then she meets Story, a local boy who remembers Libby perfectly. Together they embark on a journey beyond their wildest imagination into a world steeped in ancient folklore. Can Kit and Story uncover the secret of the Twelve and rescue Libby before Time runs out?

Objev podobné jako The Twelve - Liz Hyder

cena 443.0 Kč

Twelve Days of Kindness

From the creator of the best-selling board books Love Makes a Family and Kindness Makes Us Strong comes this glorious celebration of love and generosity at Christmas. An uplifting, joyful story about simple ways to celebrate the festive season with kindness.Sophie Beer's Twelve Days of Kindness is all about the lovely things you can make and do for others during the festive season. Whether it’s making a card, baking cookies to share, or bringing joy to someone in need, everyone can spread and receive kindness at Christmas. Vibrant artwork is paired with simple, motivational text to show children all the little ways they can be kind! Featuring chunky pages and a diverse array of charming characters, this book perfectly captures the love and joy of the festive season. Don't miss Sophie Beer's other uplifting titles in the It's Cool to be Kind series, including Love Makes a Family, Kindness Makes Us Strong, How to Say Hello, Change Starts With Us and You're Fabulous As You Are!

Objev podobné jako Twelve Days of Kindness

cena 207.0 Kč

Spark - John Twelve Hawks

Jacob Underwood is not like other people. He has Cotard's Syndrome. He believes he is dead. Which makes his job as a hired assassin neutralising 'problems' for DBG, a massive multinational corporation, very simple. He carries out the task - and feels noth

Objev podobné jako Spark - John Twelve Hawks

cena 399.0 Kč

Twelve Sheep - John Connell

For John Connell, the lambing season on his County Longford farm begins in the autumn. In the sheep shed, he surveys the dozen females in his care and contemplates the work ahead as the season slowly turns to winter, then spring.The twelve sheep have come into his life at just the right moment. After years of hard work, John felt a deep tiredness creeping up on him, a sadness that he couldn''t shrug off. Having always sought spiritual guidance, he comes to realise that, in addition to the soothing words of literature and philosophy, perhaps the way ahead involves this simple flock of sheep. In the hard work of livestock rearing, in the long nights in the shed helping the sheep to lamb, he can reflect on what life truly means.Like the flock that he shepherds, this book is both simple and profound, a meditation on the rituals of farming life and a primer on the lessons that nature can teach us. As spring returns and the sheep and their lambs are released into the fields, skipping with joy, John recalls the words of Henry David Thoreau, reminding us to ''live in each season as it passes.''

Objev podobné jako Twelve Sheep - John Connell

cena 384.0 Kč

Twelve Bones - Rosie Talbot

Prepare for more spooky, swoony YA from BookTok star @Merrowchild! The thing about death is ... it sneaks up on you. Seventeen-year-old seer Charlie and his new boyfriend, Sam, know that the dead can't hurt the living.It's ghosts who need protection from dangerous soul catchers - and the boys have promised to keep them safe. But when a powerful force interferes with their defences, and a brutal attack leaves them questioning everything they know, the boys realize there is more at stake than they ever imagined. A deadly occultist seeks revenge, the bodies are piling up, and everyone that Charlie loves is at risk.As the mystery unravels, Charlie and Sam face a battle for more than just their lives. The thrilling and heart-wrenching new novel from the author of Sixteen Souls. Perfect for fans of Cemetery Boys, Becky Albertalli and V E Schwab.Sixteen Souls was an instant YA bestseller. Dubbed by Book Tok as "Heartstopper with Ghosts". Praise for Sixteen Souls: "Delivers fun and frights in equal measure.A fantastically spooky, thrilling adventure!" - Kat Ellis, author of Wicked Little Deeds "Flawless twists, this book immediately pulled me in." - H.M Long, author of Hall of Smoke "A captivating take of loss, friendship and love that had me gripped from first to last." - Menna van Praag, author of The Sisters Grimm "Absolutely gripped." - Amy McCaw, author of Mina and the Undead "The writing is rich; the characters sharply drawn." - K.D Edwards, author of The Tarot Sequence Series "Sixteen Souls is a boundlessly clever, heartfelt queer take on the story of a sensitive young man who sees dead people. Talbot has crafted something chillingly delightful! Perfect for any ghoul-lover's shelf!" - Adam Sass, author of Surrender Your Sons and The 99 Boyfriends of Micah Summers "Deliciously dark" - Cynthia Murphy, author of Last One to Die, Win Lose Kill Die and The Midnight Game "A delectable mystery" - Dawn Kurtagich, author of The Dead House "An outstanding debut" - Bex Hogan, author of Isles of Storm and Sorrow series

Objev podobné jako Twelve Bones - Rosie Talbot

cena 241.0 Kč

My Bondage and My Freedom - Frederick Douglass - e-kniha

eBook: My Bondage and My Freedom is the second of three published autobiographies from one of the most brilliant and eloquent abolitionists and human rights activists in American history. The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave was published ten years before in 1845, while The Life and Times of Frederick Douglass was published twenty-five years later. Frederick Douglass was born a slave and escaped to freedom in his twenties. My Bondage and My Freedom (1855) was written after he had established himself as a newspaper editor. In this book, Douglass expands upon his previous accounts of his years as a slave. With great psychological penetration, he probes the longterm and corrosive effects of slavery and comments upon his active resistance to the segregation he encounters in the North.

Objev podobné jako My Bondage and My Freedom - Frederick Douglass - e-kniha

cena 333.0 Kč

Newland WECN7P-W4-E-3Y warranty extension to 3 years

Warranty extension (2 years Factory + 1 additional year), fits for: N7 (4G LTE, Near & Far)

Objev podobné jako Newland WECN7P-W4-E-3Y warranty extension to 3 years

cena 3057.0 Kč

Newland WECN7P-W4-E-5Y warranty extension to 5 years

Warranty extension (2 years Factory + 3 additional years), fits for: N7 (4G LTE, Near & Far)

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cena 7681.0 Kč

Newland SVCN7P-W4-E-3Y Service, Comprehensive Coverage, 3 years

Service, Comprehensive Coverage, 3 years, fits for: N7 (4G LTE, Near & Far)

Objev podobné jako Newland SVCN7P-W4-E-3Y Service, Comprehensive Coverage, 3 years

cena 9196.0 Kč

Newland SVCN7P-W4-E-5Y Service, Comprehensive Coverage, 5 years

Service, Comprehensive Coverage, 5 years, fits for: N7 (4G LTE, Near & Far)

Objev podobné jako Newland SVCN7P-W4-E-5Y Service, Comprehensive Coverage, 5 years

cena 15336.0 Kč

Sorrowland: A Novel - Rivers Solomon

Vern, a hunted woman alone in the woods, gives birth to twins and raises them away from the influence of the outside world. But something is wrong - not with them, but with her own body. It's changing, it's itching, it's stronger, it's... not normal.To understand her body's metamorphosis, Vern must investigate not just the secluded religious compound she fled but the violent history of dehumanization, medical experimentation, and genocide that produced it. In the course of reclaiming her own darkness, Vern learns that monsters aren't just individuals, but entire histories, systems, and nations.Sorrowland is a memorable work of Gothic fiction that wrestles with the tangled history of racism in America and the marginalisation of society's undesirables. It is a searing, seminal book that marks the arrival of a bold, unignorable voice in American fiction.

Objev podobné jako Sorrowland: A Novel - Rivers Solomon

cena 259.0 Kč

Weather Girl - Rachel Lynn Solomon

Ari Abrams has always been fascinated by the weather, and she loves almost everything about her job as a TV meteorologist. Her boss, legendary Seattle weatherwoman Torrance Hale, is too distracted by her tempestuous relationship with her ex-husband, the station’s news director, to give Ari the mentorship she wants. Ari, who runs on sunshine and optimism, is at her wits’ end. The only person who seems to understand how she feels is sweet but reserved sports reporter Russell Barringer.In the aftermath of a disastrous holiday party, Ari and Russell decide to team up to solve their bosses’ relationship issues. Between secret gifts and double dates, they start nudging their bosses back together. But their well-meaning meddling backfires when the real chemistry builds between Ari and Russell.Working closely with Russell means allowing him to get to know parts of herself that Ari keeps hidden from everyone. Will he be able to embrace her dark clouds as well as her clear skies?A TV meteorologist and a sports reporter scheme to reunite their divorced bosses with unforecasted results in this charming romantic comedy from the author of The Ex Talk.

Objev podobné jako Weather Girl - Rachel Lynn Solomon

cena 259.0 Kč

Twelve Angry Men - Reginald Rose

The Methuen Drama Student Edition of Twelve Angry Men is the first critical edition of Reginald Rose’s play, providing the play text alongside commentary and notes geared towards student readers.In New York, 1954, a man is dead and the life of another is at stake. A ''guilty'' verdict seems a foregone conclusion, but one member of the jury has the will to probe more deeply into the evidence and the courage to confront the ignorance and prejudice of some of his fellow jurors. The conflict that follows is fierce and passionate, cutting straight to the heart of the issues of civil liberties and social justice. Ideal for the student reader, the accompanying pedagogical notes include elements such as an author chronology; plot summary; suggested further reading; explanatory endnotes; and questions for further study. The introduction discusses in detail the play''s origins as a 1954 American television play, Rose''s re-working of the piece for the stage, and Lumet''s 1957 film version, identifying textual variations between these versions and discussing later significant productions. The commentary also situates the play in relation to the genre of courtroom drama, as a milestone in the development of televised drama, and as an engagement with questions of American individualism and democracy. Together, this provides students with an edition that situates the play in its contemporary social and dramatic contexts, while encouraging reflection on its wider thematic implications.

Objev podobné jako Twelve Angry Men - Reginald Rose

cena 325.0 Kč

Last Twelve Miles - Robuck Erika

1926. Washington, D.C.The Coast Guard is losing the Prohibition Rum War, but they have a new, secret weapon to crack smuggler codes, intercept traffic, and destroy the rum trade one skiff at a time. That secret weapon is a 5'2" mastermind in heels, who also happens to be a wife and mother: Mrs. Elizebeth Smith Friedman, one half of the husband-and-wife pair who invented cryptanalysis.BahamasCleo Lythogoe, The Bahama Queen, announces her retirement while regaling the thugs at the bar with tales of murder and mayhem on the high seas. Marie Waite, listening in, knows an opportunity when she hears it, and she wants the crown for herself so badly she can taste it. So begins Marie's plan to rise as rumrunner royalty long enough to get her family in the black.But the more sophisticated her operation grows, the more she appears on the radar of the feds. Meanwhile, Elizebeth is the only codebreaker battling scores of smugglers. Despite the strain of solving thousands of intercepted messages, traveling the country, and testifying in court, Elizabeth’s work becomes personal—especially when she discovers the identity of her premier adversary is the notorious Marie Waite.From the glamorous world of D.C. Intelligence to the sultry shores of the Straits of Florida, The Last Twelve Miles is based on the true story of two women masterminds trying to outwit each other in a dangerous and fascinating high stakes game.

Objev podobné jako Last Twelve Miles - Robuck Erika

cena 357.0 Kč

See You Yesterday - Rachel Lynn Solomon

From the author of Today Tonight Tomorrow comes a magical romance in the vein of Groundhog Day about a girl forced to relive her disastrous first day of college-only to discover that her nemesis is stuck in the time loop with her.Barrett Bloom is hoping college will be a fresh start after a messy high school experience. But when school begins on September 21st, everything goes wrong. She's humiliated by the know-it-all in her physics class, she botches her interview for the college paper, and at a party that night, she accidentally sets a frat on fire. She panics and flees, and when she realizes her roommate locked her out of their dorm, she falls asleep in the common room.The next morning, Barrett's perplexed to find herself back in her dorm room bed, no longer smelling of ashes and crushed dreams. It's September 21st. Again. And after a confrontation with Miles, the guy from Physics 101, she learns she's not alone-he's been trapped for months.When her attempts to fix her timeline fail, she agrees to work with Miles to find a way out. Soon they're exploring the mysterious underbelly of the university and going on wild, romantic adventures. As they start falling for each other, they face the universe's biggest unanswered question yet: what happens to their relationship if they finally make it to tomorrow?

Objev podobné jako See You Yesterday - Rachel Lynn Solomon

cena 299.0 Kč

The Ex Talk - Rachel Lynn Solomon

Public radio co-hosts navigate mixed signals in Rachel Lynn Solomon's sparkling romantic comedy debut.Shay Goldstein has been a producer at her Seattle public radio station for nearly a decade, and she can't imagine working anywhere else. But lately it's been a constant clash between her and her newest colleague, Dominic Yun, who's fresh off a journalism master's program and convinced he knows everything about public radio.When the struggling station needs a new concept, Shay proposes a show that her boss green-lights with excitement. On The Ex Talk, two exes will deliver relationship advice live, on air. Their boss decides Shay and Dominic are the perfect co-hosts, given how much they already despise each other. Neither loves the idea of lying to listeners, but it's this or unemployment. Their audience gets invested fast, and it's not long before The Ex Talk becomes a must-listen in Seattle and climbs podcast charts.As the show gets bigger, so does their deception, especially when Shay and Dominic start to fall for each other. In an industry that values truth, getting caught could mean the end of more than just their careers.

Objev podobné jako The Ex Talk - Rachel Lynn Solomon

cena 259.0 Kč

Ex v éteru - Rachel Lynn Solomon

Shay Goldsteinová už deset let pracuje v jedné rozhlasové stanici v Seattlu a nedokáže si představit, že by měla pracovat někde jinde. Poslední dobou se však neustále hádá s novým kolegou Dominikem Yunem, který právě dokončil žurnalistiku na univerzitě a je přesvědčený, že ví všechno nejlíp.Jejich stanice má však potíže a potřebuje něco nového, aby přitáhla posluchače. Shay dostane nápad a její šéf ho nadšeně přijme. V jejich novém pořadu s názvem Ex v éteru budou dva lidé, kteří spolu v minulosti chodili, rozdávat rady ohledně milostných vztahů. Jejich šéf se rozhodne, že se pro tuto roli nejvíc hodí právě Shay a Dominik, protože se už tak nesnášejí a neustále se pošťuchují. Ani jednomu se moc nelíbí, že budou lidem lhát, ale je to jejich jediná možnost, jak v rozhlase zůstat. Posluchači si pořad rychle zamilují a zanedlouho se z něj stane jeden z nejoblíbenějších v Seattlu, který rychle šplhá i po žebříčcích oblíbených podcastů.Čím je však pořad populárnější, tím větší je to podvod. Zvlášť když se do sebe Shay a Dominik postupně zamilují. V odvětví, které si tak cení pravdomluvnosti, by je prozrazení mohlo stát víc než jen kariéru.

Objev podobné jako Ex v éteru - Rachel Lynn Solomon

cena 99.0 Kč

Dámské šaty s copánky SOLOMON fialové

Dámské šaty s copánky SOLOMON fialové

Objev podobné jako Dámské šaty s copánky SOLOMON fialové

cena 857.46 Kč

Business or Pleasure - Rachel Lynn Solomon

Chandler Cohen lies for a living.When she accepts her next ghostwriting gig penning a memoir for cult actor Finnegan Walsh, it should be a dream job.However, Chandler knows him best as something else: her worst-ever one-night stand . . .She's determined to keep things professional. But when she finally admits to Finn that their night together wasn't as mind-blowing as he thought, he's mortified, and determined to make amends.So, they strike a deal. During the day, they'll work on the book, and at night, she'll school him in the art of satisfaction.As they grow closer, the line between business and pleasure starts to blur.Can Chandler and Finn have both, or will they have to choose?

Objev podobné jako Business or Pleasure - Rachel Lynn Solomon

cena 268.0 Kč

Uvidíme se včera - Rachel Lynn Solomon

Barrett Bloomová doufá, že ji na vysoké čeká nový začátek. Ale hned 21. září, první školní den, se všechno pokazí. Dostane se do křížku s chytrolínem Milesem, zvorá pohovor do školních novin a nakonec omylem zapálí dům jednoho bratrstva. Další den se probudí, ale něco nehraje… je totiž 21. září. Znova! Barrett uvízla v časové smyčce, ve které Miles trčí celé měsíce. Společně začnou hledat cestu ven, během níž zažívají divoká, romantická dobrodružství. Co ale bude s jejich vztahem, jestli se dočkají zítřka?

Objev podobné jako Uvidíme se včera - Rachel Lynn Solomon

cena 402.0 Kč

Marple: Twelve New Stories - Agatha Christie

A brand new collection of short stories featuring the Queen of Crime's legendary detective Jane Marple, penned by twelve remarkable bestselling and acclaimed authors.*The first print run will be a true collector's edition with a gold foiled design on the cover board*This collection of twelve original short stories, all featuring Jane Marple, will introduce the character to a whole new generation. Each author reimagines Agatha Christie's Marple through their own unique perspective while staying true to the hallmarks of a traditional mystery.* Naomi Alderman* Leigh Bardugo* Alyssa Cole* Lucy Foley* Elly Griffiths* Natalie Haynes* Jean Kwok* Val McDermid* Karen M. McManus* Dreda Say Mitchell* Kate Mosse* Ruth WareMiss Marple was first introduced to readers in a story Christie wrote for The Royal Magazine in 1927 and made her first appearance in a full-length novel in 1930's The Murder at the Vicarage. It has been 45 years since Agatha Christie's last Marple novel, Sleeping Murder, was published posthumously in 1976, and this collection of ingenious new stories by twelve Christie devotees will be a timely reminder why Jane Marple remains the most famous fictional female detective of all time.

Objev podobné jako Marple: Twelve New Stories - Agatha Christie

cena 499.0 Kč

Twelve Minutes to Midnight - Christopher Edge

Penelope Tredwell is the feisty thirteen-year-old orphan heiress of the bestselling magazine, The Penny Dreadful. Her masterly tales of the macabre are gripping Victorian Britain. One day, a letter she receives from the governor of the notorious Bedlam madhouse plunges her into an adventure more terrifying than anything she has ever imagined

Objev podobné jako Twelve Minutes to Midnight - Christopher Edge

cena 236.0 Kč

Marple: Twelve New Stories - Agatha Christie

A brand new collection of short stories featuring the Queen of Crime's legendary detective Jane Marple, penned by twelve remarkable bestselling and acclaimed authors. This collection of twelve original short stories, all featuring Jane Marple, will introduce the character to a whole new generation. Each author reimagines Agatha Christie's Marple through their own unique perspective while staying true to the hallmarks of a traditional mystery.

Objev podobné jako Marple: Twelve New Stories - Agatha Christie

cena 268.0 Kč

Exotické železnice - Solomon Brian, Jan M. Heller

Tato kniha seznamuje čtenáře s pestrým a fascinujícím výběrem, a současně je i inspirací a průvodcem po nejexotičtějších železničních trasách světa, jež mnohé milovníky jízdy vlakem lákají, aby zde překonali hranice svých dosavadních cestovatelských zkušeností. Některé z tras, jako je trasa vlaku Orient Express z Paříže do Istanbulu, jsou dnes již minulostí a nelze je podniknout jako jednu cestu, jiné se odehrávají na palubě vysokorychlostních vlaků, které cestujícího rychle přemístí z Paříže třeba až na jih Španělska. A pak jsou tu úctyhodné dálkové jízdy ve vlacích, jako je například Transsibiřská magistrála v Rusku. Všechny tyto cesty nabízejí cestovateli jedinečnou možnost poznat danou zemi a její obyvatele. Na mnoha popsaných trasách spočívá exotika cesty v krajině, kterou železnice prochází. Může to být cesta za polární kruh ve Finsku nebo v závratných výškách andských velehor. Cestu zpět proti proudu času nabízejí historické vlaky vedené parními lokomotivami, s nimiž se lze dostat do jinak obtížně přístupných odlehlých míst, například na Borneu, v Tasmánii nebo v Chile.

Objev podobné jako Exotické železnice - Solomon Brian, Jan M. Heller

cena 447.0 Kč

Business or Pleasure (Defekt) - Rachel Lynn Solomon

Chandler Cohen lies for a living.When she accepts her next ghostwriting gig penning a memoir for cult actor Finnegan Walsh, it should be a dream job.However, Chandler knows him best as something else: her worst-ever one-night stand . . .She's determined to keep things professional. But when she finally admits to Finn that their night together wasn't as mind-blowing as he thought, he's mortified, and determined to make amends.So, they strike a deal. During the day, they'll work on the book, and at night, she'll school him in the art of satisfaction.As they grow closer, the line between business and pleasure starts to blur.Can Chandler and Finn have both, or will they have to choose?

Objev podobné jako Business or Pleasure (Defekt) - Rachel Lynn Solomon

cena 119.0 Kč

Pánský hladký dlouhý rukáv - mix 2ks SOLOMON

Pánský hladký dlouhý rukáv - mix 2ks SOLOMON

Objev podobné jako Pánský hladký dlouhý rukáv - mix 2ks SOLOMON

cena 582.66 Kč

TWELVE Maxi čajové svíčky set 12 ks

Rozměry: průměr 5,7 cm, V 1,9 cm Doba hoření: 8 hodin na jednu svíčku Nikdy nenechávejte hořící svíčku bez dozoru.Udržujte dál od věcí, které se mohou vznítit.Uchovávejte mimo dosah dětí a domácích zvířat.Udržujte svíčky alespoň 10 cm od sebe.Nepalte v průvanu.Neumisťujte do blízkosti zdroje tepla.Zastřihněte knot na 1 cm.Plamen zhášejte. Nesfoukávejte jej. Na podzim a v zimě nemůže být svíček v bytě nikdy dost: velké svíčky TWELVE poskytují dostatek světla na dlouhou dobu pro menší i větší lucerny a svícny, které se u Vás doma nacházejí. Prodáváme v balení po 12 ks.

Objev podobné jako TWELVE Maxi čajové svíčky set 12 ks

cena 179.0 Kč

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