Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
Death at Noon - Valentina Morelli - e-kniha
eBook: Benvenuto a Santa Caterina - a picturesque Tuscan village where the bells of the local Abbey chime loudly across the idyllic green hillsides. But today, at noon, Sister Isabella notices an eerie quiet; the bells are silent. Puzzled, Isabella makes a horrific discovery: Sister Raffaella is lying lifeless in the cloister! Though it appears she fell from the belfry, a cryptic number etched in the dust near her body suggests otherwise... While Mother Superior is insisting that it's an accident, Isabella isn't convinced. Together with the young Carabiniere Matteo, Isabella begins an investigation of her own and soon uncovers a dark secret... now only divine intervention can help! Monastery, murder and dolce vita - a crime series like a holiday under the Italian sun. Fans of Richard Osman's "Thursday Murder Club" will love this humorous cosy crime read. An intrepid nun makes it her life's work to solve crimes, large and small, that are committed in a picturesque Tuscan village, Santa Caterina. Carabiniere Matteo is happy for this heavenly help, because as Santa Caterina's only policeman, he certainly has his hands full! Valentina Morelli is a German author. With the Sister Isabella Series, she pays homage to her spiritual homeland, and captures the unique feel of life in Tuscany. For her, murder mysteries are a way of telling human stories.
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Death by the River - Valentina Morelli - e-kniha
eBook: The nuns of Santa Caterina are back and sinister goings-on are afoot. Old Gaetano, an amiable local drifter, is a welcome and regular guest at the convent. But to everyone’s shock, Carabiniere Matteo finds his body down by the river, murdered in cold blood. The village is stunned – who would do such a thing? And where is Gaetano’s beloved Saint Bernard, Caesar? Determined to get to the bottom of it, Sister Isabella teams up with Matteo (whether he likes it or not) to follow the clues and solve the mystery. But, it may not be a simple murder case after all, and perhaps old Gaetano has not always been whom he claimed to be... A delicious, cosy crime that is as warm as the Tuscan sun, perfect for fans of Julia Chapman, Fiona Leitch and Richard Osman. Valentina Morelli is a German author. With the Sister Isabella Series, she pays homage to her spiritual homeland, and captures the unique feel of life in Tuscany. For her, murder mysteries are a way of telling human stories.
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Death in the Cloisters - Valentina Morelli - e-kniha
eBook: Holy secrets. Unholy crimes. The heavenly peace of the monastery of Santa Caterina is under threat: construction work in the old walls is making quiet contemplation almost impossible! There’s something a little peculiar about the new nun, Sister Donna, too, but before Sister Isabella can get to the heart of Donna’s oddities, she’s found dead in the cloisters. With the nuns fearing for their lives, can Sister Isabella and Carabiniere Matteo solve the mystery before another murder takes place? Monastery, Murder and Dolce Vita - a crime series like a holiday under the Italian sun. Fans of Richard Osman's "Thursday Murder Club" will love this humorous cosy crime read. Benvenuto a Santa Caterina! This picturesque village in the heart of Tuscany is where Sister Isabella lives and works. But out of the blue, she suddenly finds herself investigating a murder case! From then on, this curious nun makes it her life's work to solve the crimes, large and small, that are committed in the village. Carabiniere Matteo is grateful for this heavenly help, because after all, as Santa Caterina's only policeman, he has his hands full... Valentina Morelli is a bestelling German author. With the Sister Isabella Series, she pays homage to her spiritual homeland and captures the unique feel of life in Tuscany. For her, murder mysteries are the true way of telling human stories.
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Death at the Spa - Anna Grue - e-kniha
eBook: Death is best served... pampered? When a woman is brutally murdered at a luxury spa resort, it's the retiree Anne-Maj Mortensen who stumbles upon the body. Despite being slowed down by a recent knee operation, she takes matters into her own hands and launches her own investigation, much to the dismay of the local police. But when another murder is committed, Mrs Mortensen can't help be be drawn further into the cast. Can she solve the mystery and outsmart the killer before they strike again? "Death at the Spa" is the second instalment in Anne Grue's best-selling series about crimebusting Mrs Mortensen. Fans of Richard Osman's "The Thursday Murder Club" will love getting to know the Danish Miss Marple!-
Objev podobné jako Death at the Spa - Anna Grue - e-kniha
Momentálně nedostupná - Valentina Farinaccio - e-kniha
eBook: Když vám někdo, s kým se setkáte poprvé, řekne, že jste velmi fotogeničtí, není to kompliment. Sedmatřicetiletá Vittoria, která tuhle větu slýchá často, o tom už pár let ví své… Vittoria si píše blog o hudbě, vydělává si úklidem a sní o tom, že se jednou bude psaním živit. Stačí ale jedna náhodná fotka na Instagramu a v její kariéře nastane naprosto nečekaný obrat: její účet sledují tisíce followerů. A než se stihne vzpamatovat z nebývalého zájmu, je z ní instagramový guru životního stylu, nebo spíš rychlého stravování. Znenadání zjišťuje, že promuje jídlo. Pouliční jídlo, mražené jídlo, nezdravé jídlo. Protože ze všeho nejlépe Vittoria vždycky uměla jíst. Snímky s pizzou nebo burgerem – úspěch zaručen! Do toho stejně náhle vstoupí nový, podivně intenzivní a nezávazný vztah s Giuseppem a lukrativní pracovní nabídka pro televizi – první skutečná práce. Jenže Vittoria má v sobě spoustu nevyřešených problémů, minimum sebedůvěry a hlavně: hlad. Jídlem zaplňuje prázdnotu, jídlem léčí bolest, která přichází z hloubi duše a kterou se snaží nevnímat. Jediný, komu se svěřuje, je terapeutka Mina. Po třech letech má sice Vittoria stále spousty followerů na síti, momentálně se ale snaží udělat něco se svým skutečným životem. Valentina Farinaccio vypráví ten nejaktuálnější možný příběh a dělá to nejmodernějším možným způsobem: současným jazykem s minimální interpunkcí a maximální autentičností dává slovo mladé ženě, která má v sobě spoustu nejistot a nenaplněné lásky a prožívá velký virtuální úspěch, aby zjistila, že opravdový život je jinde.
Objev podobné jako Momentálně nedostupná - Valentina Farinaccio - e-kniha
Chuť žiť - Valentína Sedileková - e-kniha
eBook: “Ničila ma, a pritom sa tvárila, že ma ľúbi. A ja som pri hľadaní vlastnej sebahodnoty bola ochotná obetovať aj vlastný život.”Chuť žiť je unikátne napísaná autobiografická kniha o živote s anorexiou. Jej obsahom je 43 písaných obrazov, teda situácií, ktoré opisujú vnútorné prežívanie. Nečakajte denné záznamy, práve naopak – knižka Vás zavedie do čistých útrob autorkinej duše. Obklopí Vás príbehom dôvery i boja s chorobou a ukáže, čo sa skutočne odohráva v mysli chorých dievčat a chlapcov. Autentické čriepky života dopĺňajú obrazy (arteterapické diela) dievčat, ktoré sa na mentálnu anorexiu liečia, ako aj potrebné a zaujímavé fakty a štyri odborné komentáre. Všetky časti dotvárajú ucelený obraz o vážnej psychickej chorobe s najvyššou úmrtnosťou vôbec a otvárajú dvere porozumeniu aj tipom ako pomôcť sebe či svojim blízkym. Valentína Sedileková je zakladateľkou celoslovenského projektu Chuť žiť venujúceho sa poruchám príjmu potravy, ktorými si sama prechádza. Jeho úlohami je šíriť informovanosť, povedomie, prevenciu a pomoc, ako aj zlepšovať a poukazovať na stav detskej psychiatrie na Slovensku. Okrem toho sa venuje písaniu kníh – autobiografickému dielu Chuť žiť o živote s anorexiou, či fantasy trilógii s politickým motívom Pokrvní. Zaujíma ju politika, školstvo, história a domáce i svetové dianie, o čom publikuje články do Denníka N a týždenníka Trend. Má osemnásť rokov a paralelne študuje v Bratislave na medzinárodnej škole LEAF Academy a v Banskej Bystrici na Gymnáziu Tajovského. Rozhovor s autorkou v TV Markíza
Objev podobné jako Chuť žiť - Valentína Sedileková - e-kniha
Darkness at Noon - Arthur Koestler
A brilliant new translation of Koestler''s long-lost original manuscript. A chilling and unforgettable 20th century classic.From a prison cell in an unnamed country run by a totalitarian government Rubashov reflects. Once a powerful player in the regime, mercilessly dispensing with anyone who got in the way of his party’s aims, Rubashov has had the tables turned on him. He has been arrested and he’ll be interrogated, probably tortured and certainly executed.Darkness at Noon is as gripping as a thriller and a seminal work of twentieth-century literature. Published in Great Britain in 1940, it was feted by George Orwell, went on to be translated into thirty languages and is considered the finest work of pre-eminent European master, Arthur Koestler. And yet the novel’s worldwide reputation has, for over seventy years, been based on the first incomplete and inexpert English translation – Koestler’s original manuscript was lost when he fled the German occupation of Paris in 1940.In 2016, a student discovered that long-lost manuscript in a Zurich archive. At last, with the publication of this new translation of the rediscovered original, Koestler’s masterpiece can be experienced afresh and in its entirety for the first time.THE NEW TRANSLATION BY PHILIP BOEHM
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Cizinec se zapalovačem - Valentina Vávrová - e-kniha
eBook: Mladá zdravotní sestra Olívie se přestěhovala do právě koupeného bytu. Hned první noc má zvláštní sen, ve kterém se poprvé setká s temným Cizincem v kápi. Sen se opakuje každou noc, je čím dál strašlivější a tíživější. Brzy ji začne Cizinec se zapalovačem trýznit i mimo spánek. Dějem se prolíná příběh dívky Valerie, která se Olívii zjevuje a pomáhá jí v boji proti Cizinci. Děsivé události přimějí Olívii pátrat a postupně zjišťuje pravdu o Valerii i o Cizincovi, na základě čehož kontaktuje médium Terezu. Následuje seance, která však nabere nečekaný směr...
Objev podobné jako Cizinec se zapalovačem - Valentina Vávrová - e-kniha
Amelia chce zůstat nad vodou - Ferrari Valentina - e-kniha
eBook: Amelia byla pilnou a zodpovědnou holčičkou, pak pilnou a zodpovědnou puberťačkou a dnes je rozčarovanou, zato pořád pilnou mladou ženou. Za sedm dní jí bude třicet a její nejnovější kratochvílí je sestavování seznamů vlastních neúspěchů. Ten poslední je delší, než by čekala: Bydlí u rodičů ve sklepě, aby se uživila, píše trendové články do hipsterského magazínu, který ale moc neplatí, takže musí taky třikrát denně venčit psa své sousedky… a dělat číšnici v baru plném opilých teenagerů v centru města. Její známí jsou šťastně zadaní, mají rozjetou kariéru, berou si hypotéky a plodí děti, zatímco ona neví, jakým směrem by se měla v životě ubírat. Její přítel je chudý básník, bydlí u své maminky a v dohledné době na tom nehodlá vůbec nic měnit. Nejlepšími přáteli a rádci v existenciálních otázkách jsou Amélii čtyři důchodci, se kterými se spřátelila při venčení psa – dokážou ji ale jejich svérázné rady navést na správnou cestu? Aby toho nebylo málo, šéfredaktor hipsterského magazínu, pro který pracuje, se jí rozhodl dát poslední šanci. Má napsat superúspěšný článek na téma 28 800 plastových kachniček, plovoucích v oceánu po námořní katastrofě. Na odevzdání jí dal přesně sedm dní, a tak začíná odpočet: Sedm dní na to, aby Amelia napsala nejvíc cool článek své kariéry a vyhnula se vyhazovu. Sedm dní na to, aby pochopila, jestli je vůbec zamilovaná – a do koho. Sedm dní, aby zjistila, co opravdu v životě chce. Je lepší se dál topit a máchat kolem sebe rukama jako o život, nebo do toho prostě skočit po hlavě a nechat se unášet proudem?
Objev podobné jako Amelia chce zůstat nad vodou - Ferrari Valentina - e-kniha
Resonances science - Valentina Ponikarova, N.N. Masjuk, Natal'ja Lazareva - e-kniha
eBook: Proceedings includes materials of the international scientific conference «Resonances science», held in Czech Republic, Karlovy Vary-Russia, Moscow, 2018 November 07-08. The main objective of the conference - the development community of scholars and practitioners in various fields of science. Conference was attended by scientists and experts from Russia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan.
Objev podobné jako Resonances science - Valentina Ponikarova, N.N. Masjuk, Natal'ja Lazareva - e-kniha
Death at the Sanatorium - Ragnar Jónasson
ONE OF THE FINEST CRIME WRITERS IN THE WORLD TODAY' DAILY MAIL THE BEST NEW BOOKS OUT IN AUGUST i'A knowing, unnerving mystery' The Times'Superbly told and packed with subtle nods to crime writers of the past, this is exquisite, delicate story-telling' Daily MailThis is Jonasson on top form - Barry Forshaw, Financial TimesAs seen on Simon Mayo's BOOKS OF THE YEAR podcast----AN OLD SANATORIUM. ONE TERRIFYING MURDER. FIVE SUSPECTS.AND A CASE THAT NEVER CLOSED.WELCOME TO THE SANATORIUMHigh up in the mountains stands a sanatorium. Once a hospital dedicated to treating tuberculosis, it now sits haunted by the ghosts of its past.One wing of the hospital remains open and houses six employees: the caretaker, two doctors, two nurses and a young research assistant.Despite the wards closing decades ago, they remain at the hospital to conduct research. But the cold corridors, draughty windows and echoey halls are constant reminders of the building's dark history.When one of the nurses, Yrsa, is found brutally murdered, they discover that death has never left this place - and neither did its secrets.None can escape this terrifying legacy.Despite just five suspects the case is never solved and remains open for two decades. Until a young criminologist named Helgi Reykdal attempts to finally lay the ghosts of the hospital's past to rest . .Praise for Ragnar Jonasson'Is this the best crime writer in the world today?' The Times'An automatic must-read for me' Lee Child'A compelling voice in crime fiction' Clare Mackintosh'Ragnar Jonasson . . .a great writer' Harlan Coben
Objev podobné jako Death at the Sanatorium - Ragnar Jónasson
Death at the Terminus - Edward Marston
York, 1865. A passenger train stands ready to depart amid the bustle at the station. The flurry of passengers and porters, the swooping pigeons and barking dogs are thrown into a state of turmoil when an explosion rips through the brake van of the train, killing guard Jack Follis.In response to a summons from the North Eastern Railway, Inspector Robert Colbeck and Sergeant Leeming are sent to investigate. Was it an accident, deliberate vandalism or targeted murder? The longer the investigation goes on, the more complex it becomes.With a dizzying array of suspects and motives, will the combined skills of the detectives be enough to identify and catch the culprit?
Objev podobné jako Death at the Terminus - Edward Marston
Death at the Chateau - Moore Ian
A crew is staying at Richard's B&B while filming at a nearby chateau. But when a beloved actor suddenly dies, Richard and Valerie go undercover to discover whether his death was really an accident.
Objev podobné jako Death at the Chateau - Moore Ian
Death at the Sanatorium - Ragnar Jónasson
''ONE OF THE FINEST CRIME WRITERS IN THE WORLD TODAY'' DAILY MAILTHE BEST NEW BOOKS OUT IN AUGUST i''A knowing, unnerving mystery'' The Times''Superbly told and packed with subtle nods to crime writers of the past, this is exquisite, delicate story-telling'' Daily Mail----AN OLD SANATORIUM. ONE TERRIFYING MURDER. FIVE SUSPECTS. AND A CASE THAT NEVER CLOSED.WELCOME TO THE SANATORIUM High up in the mountains stands a sanatorium. Once a hospital dedicated to treating tuberculosis, it now sits haunted by the ghosts of its past. One wing of the hospital remains open and houses six employees: the caretaker, two doctors, two nurses and a young research assistant. Despite the wards closing decades ago, they remain at the hospital to conduct research. But the cold corridors, draughty windows and echoey halls are constant reminders of the building’s dark history. When one of the nurses, Yrsa, is found brutally murdered, they discover that death has never left this place – and neither did its secrets. None can escape this terrifying legacy. Despite just five suspects the case is never solved and remains open for two decades. Until a young criminologist named Helgi Reykdal attempts to finally lay the ghosts of the hospital''s past to rest . . . ----Praise for Ragnar Jónasson ''Is this the best crime writer in the world today?'' The Times ''An automatic must-read for me'' Lee Child''A compelling voice in crime fiction'' Clare Mackintosh''Ragnar Jónasson . . . a great writer'' Harlan Coben
Objev podobné jako Death at the Sanatorium - Ragnar Jónasson
Science XXI century - Valentina Ponikarova, Lyudmila Zolotova, Yelena Shirinkina - e-kniha
eBook: Proceedings includes materials of the international scientific conference «Science XXI century», held in Czech Republic, Karlovy Vary-Russia, Moscow, April 29-30, 2019. The main objective of the conference - the development community of scholars and practitioners in various fields of science. Conference was attended by scientists and experts from Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, Ukraine.
Objev podobné jako Science XXI century - Valentina Ponikarova, Lyudmila Zolotova, Yelena Shirinkina - e-kniha
Advances of science - Galina Babalova, Tat`yana Volokitina, Valentina Ignatova - e-kniha
eBook: Proceedings includes materials of the international scientific conference «Advances of science», held in Czech Republic, Karlovy Vary-Russia, Moscow, March, 29-30, 2018. The main objective of the conference - the development community of scholars and practitioners in various fields of science. Conference was attended by scientists and experts from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan.
Objev podobné jako Advances of science - Galina Babalova, Tat`yana Volokitina, Valentina Ignatova - e-kniha
Death Comes for the Archbishop - Willa Cather - e-kniha
eBook: When Jean-Baptiste Lamy and Joseph Projectus Machebeuf accept a commission to establish a Catholic diocese in New Mexico, they know they are in for a few trials.\'Death Comes for the Archbishop\' is an enchanting story that is part travelogue and part adventure, with flashes of the Wild West thrown in, as the territory the main characters get to explore is pretty wild, rugged, and challenging. This evocative novel sweeps across New Mexico, dealing with religion, the ill-treatment of native people, death and hypocrisy.This book is ideal for fans of Graham Greene\'s \'The Power and the Glory\' and of Cormac McCarthy.
Objev podobné jako Death Comes for the Archbishop - Willa Cather - e-kniha
Ať zemře - Sarah Pinborough - e-kniha
eBook: Být ta druhá může být vražedné. Říká se „jednou záletník, vždycky záletník“. Marcie Maddoxová tvrdě pracovala, aby se dostala tam, kde je teď. Po aféře, která proběhla před několika lety, vede úplně jiný život, ale její nový svět – svět venkovských klubů, jacht a okázalých domů v Savannah v Georgii – není jednoduché udržovat bez ohledu na to, jak moc se snaží. Stejně tak jako není snadné udržet si manžela Jasona, který jí k tomu všemu otevřel dveře. Když se Jasonův šéf vrátí z návštěvy Londýna s novou manželkou, mladá paní Radfordová není vyloženě suvenýr, který si ostatní představovali. Keisha je sexy, neskutečně nádherná a černoška… a rychle převezme Marciino místo krásné druhé manželky. A ve chvíli, kdy Marcie zahlédne nezaměnitelné jiskření mezi Keishou a Jasonem, je načase začít jednat. Pomsta se prý nejlépe podává zastudena, ale během rozpáleného léta se v Savannah krev vaří tak, že by snadno mohla někoho smrtelně spálit. Thriller o prohnané druhé manželce, která pro své postavení udělá takřka cokoliv. Pro čtenáře Sedmilhářek od Lianne Moriarty a fanoušky Lisy Jewell. Sarah Pinborough ve své novince opět dokazuje, že je mistryní svého řemesla, tak hlavně #neprozraďteKonec.
Objev podobné jako Ať zemře - Sarah Pinborough - e-kniha
At Fault - Kate Chopin - e-kniha
eBook: At Fault (1890) is a novel by American author Kate Chopin. Published at the author’s expense, At Fault is the undervalued debut of a pioneering feminist and gifted writer who sought to portray the experiences of Southern women struggling to survive in an era decimated by war and economic hardship. Thérèse Lafirme is a Creole widow whose husband’s death has made the Place-du-Bois plantation on the Cane River in northwestern Louisiana her sole responsibility. Struggling to survive in a region that, following the fall of the Confederacy, has failed to recover from the devastation of defeat, Lafirme agrees to sell her land’s timber rights to a recently divorced businessman named David Hosmer. As the two begin to fall in love, Hosmer’s sawmill causes tension in an agrarian community unaccustomed to modern industry. Hosmer proposes to Thérèse, she is forced to consider the prospect of marriage against the opinion her community as well as her own moral and religious values, to set her personal desires aside in order to appease tradition. When Fanny, Hosmer’s alcoholic ex-wife, re-enters the picture, trouble ensues that threatens to ruin Lafirme’s reputation as an honest, hardworking woman. At Fault, like much of Chopin’s work, went largely unnoticed upon publication, but has since garnered critical acclaim as a work that explores the lived experiences of women and racial minorities during a period of political and economic upheaval. Both fictional and autobiographical—Chopin was a widow of French heritage who struggled to provide for her family following her husband’s death—At Fault is an underappreciated masterpiece of nineteenth-century literature. With a beautifully designed cover and professionally typeset manuscript, this edition of Kate Chopin’s At Fault is a classic of American literature reimagined for modern readers.
Objev podobné jako At Fault - Kate Chopin - e-kniha
Montgomery Bonbon: Death at the Lighthouse - Alasdair Beckett-King
The second instalment in a brilliantly clever, funny and highly illustrated murder mystery seriesThe most troublesome thing about being a detective is that it is almost impossible to go on holiday.When Bonnie Montgomery finally gets a break from cracking cases as her alter-ego, Montgomery Bonbon, something terribly fishy happens the moment she and Grampa Banks arrive on Odde Island for half-term – and it''s not just the smell of the harbour. There''s been a mysterious death at Leerie Lighthouse, and what everyone assumed was an accident is setting Bonbon''s moustache all a-quiver: a sure sign that something is Highly Suspicious.When a second death takes place on the other side of the island, Bonnie is sure the two are connected. But can she solve this case alone, or will she need double the detectives to solve double the murder?
Objev podobné jako Montgomery Bonbon: Death at the Lighthouse - Alasdair Beckett-King
Death at the Sign of the Rook - Kate Atkinsonová
THE #1 SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLERDISCOVER THE NEW JACKSON BRODIE NOVEL, FROM THE BESTSELLING AUTHOR OF SHRINES OF GAIETY''How delicious to have Jackson Brodie back, this time in a story that starts off in Agatha Christie''s world but soon becomes a landscape that could only have been crafted from the pen of the incomparable Kate Atkinson'' Ian Rankin''Christie would be proud . . . I defy you not to snort with laughter as the novel progresses to its farcical denouement. Atkinson is brilliant'' Observer**SPECIAL FIRST EDITION PRINT RUN: With an exclusive design underneath the dust jacket and Author Q&A, available while stocks last*******Welcome to Rook Hall.The stage is set. The players are ready. By night’s end, a murderer will be revealed. Ex-detective Jackson Brodie is staving off a bad case of midlife malaise when he is called to a sleepy Yorkshire town, and the seemingly tedious matter of a stolen painting. But one theft leads to another, including the disappearance of a valuable Turner from Burton Makepeace, home to Lady Milton and her family. Once a magnificent country house, Burton Makepeace has now partially been converted into a hotel, hosting Murder Mystery weekends.As paying guests, a vicar, an ex-army officer, impecunious aristocrats, and old friends converge, we are treated a fiendishly clever mystery; one that pays homage to the masters of the genre—from Agatha Christie to Dorothy Sayers.Brilliantly inventive, with all of Atkinson’s signature wit, wordplay and narrative brio, Death at the Sign of the Rook may be Jackson Brodie’s most outrageous and memorable case yet.****''Sharp, droll and knowing as ever, Atkinson has huge fun with the set-up;the supporting cast is terrific, and the rueful Brodie, ever more mindful of the passing years,feels like an old friend.'' Guardian‘Delicious character studies… fine writing, wit, originality and eccentricity – even as it induces a warm glow’ Telegraph‘Another brilliant addition to her impressive oeuvre, Atkinson masterfully blends intricate plotting with rich character development, delivering a mystery that is both intellectually stimulating and emotionally engaging.’ Glamour‘The set-up is a delight, paying homage to traditional Agatha Christie-style murder mysteries – the characters are well-drawn, their stories unfolding alongside each other until gradually the strands unite, keeping the reader guessing how they will ultimately tie together. A great read.’ PA Media‘Superior writing...a highly entertaining read’ GraziaKate Atkinson, Sunday Times bestseller, August 2024
Objev podobné jako Death at the Sign of the Rook - Kate Atkinsonová
Death at the Sign of the Rook - Kate Atkinsonová
The stage is set. Marooned overnight by a snowstorm in a grand country house are a cast of characters and a setting that even Agatha Christie might recognize - a vicar, an Army major, a Dowager, a sleuth and his sidekick - except that the sleuth is Jackson Brodie, and the 'sidekick' is DC Reggie Chase. The crumbling house - Burton Makepeace and its chatelaine the Dowager Lady Milton - suffered the loss of their last remaining painting of any value, a Turner, some years ago. The housekeeper, Sophie, who disappeared the same night, is suspected of stealing it. Jackson, a reluctant hostage to the snowstorm, has been investigating the theft of another painting: The Woman with a Weasel, a portrait, taken from the house of an elderly widow, on the morning she died.The suspect this time is the widow's carer, Melanie. Is this a coincidence or is there a connection? And what secrets does the Woman with a Weasel hold? The puzzle is Jackson's to solve.And let's not forget that a convicted murderer is on the run on the moors around Burton Makepeace. All the while, in a bid to make money, Burton Makepeace is determined to keep hosting a shambolic Murder Mystery that acts as a backdrop while the real drama is being played out in the house. A brilliantly plotted, supremely entertaining, and utterly compulsive tour de force from a great writer at the height of her powers.
Objev podobné jako Death at the Sign of the Rook - Kate Atkinsonová
Ice Cold Killers - Addicted to Death - World History - e-kniha
eBook: What makes a serial killer? There is a huge difference between killers who kill once in the heat of the moment, mass murderers who slaughter many people at once, and serial killers who follow a specific pattern to kill carefully selected victims. A serial killer is an ice-cold predator who enjoys the hunt, is driven by ritual or a particular impulse, and who becomes increasingly dependent on the release that the murder provides. A serial killer's brain demands multiple victims.German killer Volker Eckert was morbidly obsessed with women's long hair. Jeffrey Dahmer achieved sexual release by dismembering people and eating selected pieces. Alexander Pichushkin was preoccupied with chess and decided to murder 64 people, one per square on a chessboard. Finally, David Berkowitz believed that demons ordered him to kill. The stories told here reveal what drives serial killers and how they carry out their murders. The content is violent and gruesome and certainly not for children.-
Objev podobné jako Ice Cold Killers - Addicted to Death - World History - e-kniha
Life And Death of Harriett Frean - May Sinclair - e-kniha
eBook: May Sinclair’s ‘Life And Death of Harriett Frean’ tells the story of the titular character, Harriett, who has been raised as the embodiment of the perfect Victorian woman; loving, honourable, and obedient. She idolizes her parents and learns from childhood that love is equal to self-sacrifice but when she falls in love with her closest friend’s fiancé, she is forced to question everything she thought she thought she knew. Described as a \"small, perfect gem of a book\" by author Jonathan Coe, this historical romance novella was adapted into a BBC television show in 1986 and is a brilliant study of female ideals that stands alongside works by Virginia Woolf. May Sinclair was the pen name of Mary Amelia St. Clair, born 1863. May was a popular British writer who wrote over 20 novels, short stories, and poetry. She was also an active suffragist, and a member of the Woman Writers\' Suffrage League. Her activities for women’s voting rights were remembered by Sylvia Pankhurst, and May Sinclair once even dressed up as a rebel Jane Austen during a suffrage fundraising event.
Objev podobné jako Life And Death of Harriett Frean - May Sinclair - e-kniha
Ať žije babička! - Květa Santlerová - e-kniha
eBook: Bez vnoučat by byl náš dům uklizený, peněženka plná, ale srdce prázdné... Kniha je oslavou všech skvělých babiček! Vtipným způsobem vás uvede do této krásné životní role a stane se vaším oblíbeným průvodcem v "babičkování". Autorka si přes 14 let zapisovala humorné příběhy a postřehy, které zažívala se svými 5 vnoučaty a obohatila je o zkušenosti kamarádek i předchozích generací. Vznikla půvabná knížka, u které se budete smát, vzpomínat, ale občas si i popláčete a zamyslíte se nad svým životem. Je to laskavé pohlazení po duši, které v dnešní době hodně potřebují nejen babičky.
Objev podobné jako Ať žije babička! - Květa Santlerová - e-kniha
Ať žijí padesátnice - Hana Hřebejková - e-kniha
eBook: Když se přes člověka převalí páté kulatiny, spousta věcí je najednou jinak. Kalhoty bývají těsnější, diety přestávají fungovat, protože kdo by si ty dortíky ke kafi pořád odpíral. Do hor už nevyběhnete jako kamzík, děti už si nenechají mluvit do života jako dřív a jako ideální zábava se začínají jevit hry na trénování paměti. Jeden by se z toho zhroutil… smíchem. Hana Hřebejková nabízí ve sbírce povídek Ať žijí padesátnice humorný pohled na zdánlivě všední problémy, v nichž se leckdo pozná. Snad i proto, že inspirací k jejich napsání byl sám život, který by se, koneckonců, neměl brát tak vážně.
Objev podobné jako Ať žijí padesátnice - Hana Hřebejková - e-kniha
Ať zešílí láskou - Halina Pawlowská - e-kniha
eBook: Máte rádi humor a postřehy Haliny Pawlowské? Nakladatelství MOTTO znovu vydává její sbírku fejetonů na věčné téma. Osobité postřehy dokáže autorka líčit s neopakovatelným vtipem a ironií.
Objev podobné jako Ať zešílí láskou - Halina Pawlowská - e-kniha
At Pinney's Ranch - Edward Bellamy - e-kniha
eBook: \'At Pinney\'s Ranch\' (1898) is a short story by the American author, Edward Bellamy, most famous for his socialist and utopian novel \'Looking 2000-1887\' (1888).It was love at first sight when John Lansing and Mary Hollister first met at Pinney\'s ranch, and four years later they are happily married. But when Austin Flint is found murdered, suspicion falls on an innocent Lansing, forcing him to flee town and leave behind everything he loves in order to prove his innocence.This tense and gripping tale will delight admirers of Bellamy\'s other works, such as ´Hooking Watermelons´ and ´Deserted´.
Objev podobné jako At Pinney's Ranch - Edward Bellamy - e-kniha
Morals sleep at night - Cupido - e-kniha
eBook: Cheeky flirting and a forbidden meeting, with a disabled personThis is a collection of erotic short stories from Cupido. The collection contains following short stories:t"He knew she was into tantra, and he approached the subject of sex as an exchange of sexual energy."- ‘Tantric Pleasure’ by Petter, Bergen"Tore was one of the lasts ones she greeted. With eyes full of warmth and a handshake that lasted a little longer than the others, Tore sat in a wheelchair, paralysed after a car crash." - ‘A Slightly Different Love Story’ by Lita, Møre og Romsdal"She was a nurse in the community care when a wheelchair user moved to town and needed guidance." - ‘Morals Sleep At Night by Ann Mari, Østfold"He was upset and about to greatly abuse his position, professionally speaking – ‘Dancers’ by Lawrence Harlot"He came to fix the security alarm. She took the opportunity to fix other things as well." - ‘The Girl in the Chair’ by RoxalenaCUPIDO – the magazine for intimate, horny pleasure – has been publishing erotic fiction based on readers’ everyday fantasies and sexual experiences since 1984.rn
Objev podobné jako Morals sleep at night - Cupido - e-kniha
Jeremy at Crale - Hugh Walpole - e-kniha
eBook: Setting the template for almost every subsequent novel set at school, \'Jeremy at Crale\' follows the trials and tribulations of our eponymous hero. The third in the series, Jeremy is now 15 and finds himself the centre of attention, thanks to his football skills. However, in the school setting, attention can be both wanted and unwanted. Soon, Jeremy acquires his one great enemy and must work out what to do in order to survive each day. Semi-autobiographical, \'Jeremy at Crale\' is a funny and poignant exploration of puberty and relationships.-
Objev podobné jako Jeremy at Crale - Hugh Walpole - e-kniha
Honem, ať už jedem! - Evelína Koubová - e-kniha
eBook: I cesta může být cíl! Honem, honem, ať už tam jsme! Tatínek je netrpělivý, má hodně povinností a vždycky pravdu. Důležité je být v cíli co nejdřív. Anebo že by ne? Humorný příběh jedné cesty k babičce a dědovi, která se tak úplně nepovedla (alespoň podle tatínkova mínění), rozesměje děti i dospělé. A nebojte, všechno dobře dopadne. Maminka to zařídí! Maminky totiž mají větší sílu, než se na první pohled může zdát.
Objev podobné jako Honem, ať už jedem! - Evelína Koubová - e-kniha
The Well at Morning - Bohuslav Reynek - e-kniha
eBook: První překlad reprezentativního výběru básní Bohuslava Reynka do angličtiny si klade náročný cíl představit zahraničním čtenářům svébytného vysočinského tvůrce včetně dobového a výtvarného kontextu jeho díla. Krom vlastních překladů pořízených básníkem a překladatelem Justinem Quinnem kniha přináší také doprovodné texty, které reflektují obraz české poezie v zahraničí a ukazují B. Reynka jako evropského básníka. Literárněkritická studie M. C. Putny, translatologický esej J. Quinna a výběr 25 Reynkových grafik spolu se zasvěceným komentářem od autorova celoživotního kurátora J. Šerých činí z knihy komponovaný artefakt zajímavý i pro českého čtenáře.
Objev podobné jako The Well at Morning - Bohuslav Reynek - e-kniha
Sunk at Sea - R. M. Ballantyne - e-kniha
eBook: First published in 1869, ‘Sunk at Sea’ is the first in a series of stories by prolific author R.M. Ballantyne which feature adventurer Will Osten. Our hero is out at sea when the ship he is on is wrecked, and Will finds himself washed up on a mysterious desert island. He isn’t alone for long however, and soon discovers that the island is inhabited by a group of cannibals. Can Will escape them, and will he ever find his way off this island? A thrilling story, full of danger and near-misses for the charismatic hero.
Objev podobné jako Sunk at Sea - R. M. Ballantyne - e-kniha
Ať mě to nebolí! - Sabine Stephanová - e-kniha
eBook: „Ach, to je fantastické!“ Nina Franckeová se spokojeně protáhla na lehátku a nastavila břicho jihofrancouzskému slunci. Vzduch byl prosycen vůní levandule a bougainvilie kvetly s přímo marnivou nádherou. Dětská sestra Angelika, která seděla vedle své kamarádky, byla toho rána podivně zamlklá. Nedokázala prostě vypnout. Dokonce i o dovolené se její mysl vracela do Tegernsee na kliniku Sv. Michala, kde bojoval o život malý chlapec! Kolik zlého už musel čtyřletý Christian za poslední dva roky vytrpět! A teď měl být opravdu konec všem nadějím?Angelice však bylo souzeno navázat v Jižní Francii osudovou známost: s mladým lékařem, doktorem Danielem Sonthöferem. Jeho osud byl zvláštním způsobem propojen s Christianovým a v Angelice znovu navzdory zdravému rozumu vzklíčila naděje, že on toho malého zachrání…
Objev podobné jako Ať mě to nebolí! - Sabine Stephanová - e-kniha
Dying to Know: Is There Life After Death? - Josh Langley - e-kniha
eBook: Determined to find out what happens when we die, Josh Langley takes readers on an extraordinary journey to uncover the secrets to the age-old question pondered by all of humanity. Visiting crematoriums, conducting out-of-body experiments and entering conversations with the deceased, you’re invited on this daring and intriguing afterlife investigation for a humorous and compelling ride. Following Langley’s lifelong obsession with the afterlife, his surprising and thought-provoking conclusions will leave you spiralling long after the last page. Fans of \'Paranormal Activity\' will revel in the findings. Author, cartoonist and daydreamer, Australian Josh Langley is an award-winning radio broadcaster and advertiser with over 20 years’ experience. Having started his own creative agency in 2000, he turned to painting as a form of self-expression at the same time, resulting in an exhibition at the 2002 Perth Fringe Festival. in 2010, he began drawing cartoons for Big Sky Publishing and has since published 2 ground-breaking self-help books, ‘Dying to Know: is there life after death’, and ‘Turning Inside Out: what if everything we’ve been taught about life is wrong.’ He is also the author of numerous self-help children’s titles, including 2018’s ABIA Small Publisher’s Children’s Book of the Year award winner ‘It’s Ok to Feel the Way You Do’. He lives in South West Australia with his partner and chickens.
Objev podobné jako Dying to Know: Is There Life After Death? - Josh Langley - e-kniha
Po nás ať přijde potopa! - František Gellner - e-kniha
eBook: Po nás ať přijde potopa je básnická sbírka a jedno z nejznámějších děl českého spisovatele Františka Gellnera, které bylo vydáno roku 1901, a zároveň je autorovým debutem. Gellner je silně ovlivněn moderními literárními směry (především dekadencí a symbolismem) a ve své sbírce kritizuje téměř vše, a to způsobem doposud neslýchaným. Zaměřuje se především na kritiku soudobé společnosti a zbytečnost života, ale vyjadřuje se také proti válečným konfliktům, ironizuje vyšší ideály a nešetří ani sebe sama, protože si uvědomuje svou vlastní ubohost, zbytečnost a nedokonalost.
Objev podobné jako Po nás ať přijde potopa! - František Gellner - e-kniha
At the Bar - Erotic Short Story - Cupido - e-kniha
eBook: The young couple. The first time. The secret, forbidden meeting. The young student and the teacher. The older gentleman and the innocent maiden. You, me and a friend... This is an erotic short story collection from Cupido, which includes the following short stories: \"He had his coat on and was standing right behind her at the bar counter. She was wearing a mini-skirt and stay-ups, but no panties.\" – Hanging Out at the Bar by Elma \"Yes, absolutely. You can have a look. But you’ll have to crawl under the restaurant table.\" – A Trip into Town \"On the only bench on the platform, a young man was flicking through the newspaper. He had long red hair and a green jacket.\" – Plenty of Spaces Up Front by Silvane Myrnes Republished as part of a fresh, sexy collection in collaboration with Saga. Since 1984, Cupido has been publishing a weekly magazine bursting with sex stories and informative articles on sexuality, and pleasure without judging or shaming its readers. In Cupido’s universe, everyone is welcome and everyone is represented. The short stories in the magazine are written by the readers themselves, and they are guaranteed to make you blush. Sex in an everyday setting becomes anything but ordinary when Cupido’s readers write about it, and the result is sexy stories that breathe joy, playfulness, and pleasure.
Objev podobné jako At the Bar - Erotic Short Story - Cupido - e-kniha
Hlavně ať ti udělá dítě - Václav Gruber - e-kniha
eBook: Primářka chirurgického oddělení Erika touží po dítěti tak moc, že je ochotná vzdát se i úspěšné kariéry. Je však teprve devatenáctiletý Lukáš tím pravým mužem, se kterým by měla rodinu založit? Přestože jsou bláznivě zamilovaní, i Lukáš chce ve své profesi něčeho dosáhnout. Obdrží pracovní nabídku ze zámoří, která se neodmítá… Podaří se Erice a Lukášovi vztah udržet, nebo se jejich cesty navždy rozejdou? A jakou roli hraje v celém příběhu Eričina excentrická kamarádka Lucie?
Objev podobné jako Hlavně ať ti udělá dítě - Václav Gruber - e-kniha
Po nás ať přijde potopa! - František Gellner - e-kniha
eBook: Básnická sbírka je jedním z nejznámějších děl Františka Gellnera. Gellner je silně ovlivněn moderními literárními směry (především dekadencí a symbolismem) a ve své sbírce kritizuje téměř vše, a to způsobem doposud neslýchaným. Zaměřuje se především na kritiku soudobé společnosti a zbytečnost života, ale vyjadřuje se také proti válečným konfliktům, ironizuje vyšší ideály a nešetří ani sebe sama, protože si uvědomuje svou vlastní ubohost, zbytečnost a nedokonalost. Doporučená školní četba.
Objev podobné jako Po nás ať přijde potopa! - František Gellner - e-kniha
Ať jsou velcí zase malí! - Barbora Vajsejtlová - e-kniha
eBook: Co kdyby se rodiče zase na chvíli stali dětmi? Na Kubu s Luckou nemají rodiče vůbec čas. Ale to se rázem změní, když děti dostanou od skřítka Alfonse kouzelný zvoneček! Stačí zazvonit a říct zaklínadlo, a zaneprázdnění rodiče si zase začnou hrát jako děti… Což uprostřed velkého nákupu, na dětském hřišti či na prohlídce hradu způsobí řadu vtipných a absurdních situací... Od autorky úspěšné knihy Vánoce za dveřmi.
Objev podobné jako Ať jsou velcí zase malí! - Barbora Vajsejtlová - e-kniha
The Small House at Allington - Anthony Trollope - e-kniha
eBook: The Small House at Allington is the fifth book in Anthony Trollope's Barchester series. As with all of Trollope, it is beautifully written and draws the reader into its many interwoven tales. Former Prime Minister John Major declared this particular novel to be his favourite book of all time, and in doing so, he was joining the good company of the countless Trollope fans who have ensured this work's lasting fame, and helped to enshrine its place as a literary classic.
Objev podobné jako The Small House at Allington - Anthony Trollope - e-kniha
Five Nights at Freddy's: Aport - Scott Cawthon - e-kniha
eBook: Greg, Alec a Oscar už toho mají dost – po letech plných příkoří se rozhodli zcela změnit svůj život. Greg se pustí do více než kontroverzního experimentu. Alec hodlá před světem odhalit, že jeho sestra není tak dokonalá, jak si všichni myslí. A Oscar se chce jednou provždy zbavit obsesivního dohledu své matky. Všichni touží převzít vládu nad vlastním osudem. Jenže ve zvráceném světě Five Nights at Freddy\'s se každé přání může změnit v noční můru…
Objev podobné jako Five Nights at Freddy's: Aport - Scott Cawthon - e-kniha
A Son at the Front - Edith Whartonová - e-kniha
eBook: Her beloved France was torn apart by the First World War and yet Edith Wharton still felt compelled to put pen to paper. Inspired by some of her own experiences, \'A Son at the Front\' tells the story of George, who is enlisted into the French Army. However, the focus falls firmly on the family left George\'s divorced mother and father, and his stepfather. To make matters even more complicated, George\'s parents are American, leaving them feeling like strangers in a strange land.\'A Son at the Front\' explores themes of social expectations, unfulfilled dreams, pride, and broken marriages. While Wharton is better known for her searing satires on the American upper classes, \'A Son at the Front\' is one of many books featuring France and the First World War. A gripping read from one of the most celebrated authors of the 20th Century.-
Objev podobné jako A Son at the Front - Edith Whartonová - e-kniha
The Ball at Sceaux - Honoré De Balzac - e-kniha
eBook: \'The Ball at Sceaux\' is one of the oldest books in Balzac\'s \'The Human Comedy\' series. It tells the story of Émilie de Fontaine, a pretentious and spoiled young lady who refuses to love anyone who is not known in French high society. At the ball she falls in love with a handsome and mysterious young man, who is revealed to be the taciturn Maximilien Longueville. Émilie\'s family later discovers that Maximilien is concealing the fact that he is a shopkeeper at a Paris marketplace, which horrifies Émilie. But all is not what it seems, as Émilie is soon to find out after she abandons Maximilien for a rich man she does not love. Inspired by Aleksandr Pushkin\'s \'Eugene Onegin\' and the fables of La Fontaine, in particular \'The Girl\' and \'The Heron\'. This Balzacian novella is a wonderful and enthralling read, where the mysterious and unknown tightly grips the reader well past the final page. It is one of the sheer joys of \'The Human Comedy\' that we will meet these characters again in other stories.
Objev podobné jako The Ball at Sceaux - Honoré De Balzac - e-kniha
At the Edge of Mysteries - Shantha Perera - e-kniha
eBook: THE JOURNEY OF THE PIONEERS OF IMMUNOLOGY FROM SMALLPOX TO COVID-19In December 2019 a new virus emerged, one that caused a global pandemic. Millions were infected. In the recesses of their fragile bodies a battle between the immune system and the virus. But what is the immune system? What are its components? How do they work?One way to understand this system, arguably the most complicated in human physiology, is by walking in the footsteps of history, one observation and experiment at a time – beginning with the first written record of the concept of immunity in 430 BCE and travelling through the ensuing centuries, which gave the world vaccines, organ transplantation, novel therapies for cancer and now the understanding and tools to tackle the pandemic virus.An entertaining and accessible work of popular science, At the Edge of Mysteries introduces the reader to a compelling cast of characters, from Edward Jenner and Louis Pasteur to the Nobel laureates of the modern day. This book glimpses into their lives and times – seeking clues to their genius and celebrating their yearning for discovery – and asks the question of what can be learned from the past in the age of global pandemics.
Objev podobné jako At the Edge of Mysteries - Shantha Perera - e-kniha
Death Before Dawn: An Inspector Cecilie Mars Thriller - Michael Katz Krefeld - e-kniha
eBook: A city gripped by fear, a detective framed by shadows. A new commander takes the helm of the homicide unit at the Copenhagen police. The controversial and reckless Cecilie Mars has unexpectedly and, with the blessing of Minister of Justice Beatrice Klerke, taken over the chief\'s office. But Mars soon realizes that Klerke\'s favour is a trap, embroiling her in an old, unsolved murder - one that now casts Mars as the prime suspect. As she grapples with betrayal in the police ranks, a crazed killer haunts the city, hunting single women in his sinister game... The high-paced finale in the Cecilie Mars trilogy, ´Death Before Dawn´ is the standalone continuation to the critically acclaimed bestsellers ´Darkness Calls´ and ´Beast in the Night´. Praise for Darkness Calls - Cecilie Mars, book 1: “An intricate police procedural, taut with intrigue that explodes into terrifying violence, and a gritty depiction of a far-from-quaint Copenhagen characterized by cynical legal bureaucrats, grim concrete high-rises, and menacing street gangs . . . ” —Kirkus Reviews ***A Kirkus Reviews Best Indie Book of 2023*** \"Krefeld in top form ... simply terrific\" Politiken \"Fully orchestrated Copenhagen symphony\" Jyllands-Posten Lauded for his multi-award-winning work by critics and readers alike, Michael Katz Krefeld (b. 1966) is one of Denmark’s most widely read crime fiction authors, also known for the internationally bestselling detective series featuring his protagonist Ravn.
Objev podobné jako Death Before Dawn: An Inspector Cecilie Mars Thriller - Michael Katz Krefeld - e-kniha
Five Nights at Freddy's: Do jámy - Scott Cawthon - e-kniha
eBook: Co si přejete ze všeho nejvíc? Oswald, Sára a Millie si myslí, že na tuhle otázku znají odpověď. Oswald si přeje, aby jeho léto nebylo tak nudné, Sára touží být krásná a Millie by nejradši prostě zmizela z povrchu zemského. Ve zvráceném světě Five Nights at Freddy's ale budou mít jejich nejniternější touhy nečekanou cenu. Trojice vražedně napínavých vyprávění pořádně otřese i těmi nejotrlejšími fanoušky strašidelných příběhů!
Objev podobné jako Five Nights at Freddy's: Do jámy - Scott Cawthon - e-kniha
Aunt Jane's Nieces at Work - Lyman Frank Baum - e-kniha
eBook: First published in 1909, ‘Aunt Jane’s Nieces at Work’ is the fourth book in the ‘Aunt Jane’ series by author L. Frank Baum. Louise, Elizabeth and Patsy hear that their friend Kenneth Forbes is running for the state legislature and is worried that he might lose. Though unable to vote in elections themselves at this time, the young women nonetheless prove themselves to be a formidable force; canvassing for votes, uncovering underhand dealings, and fighting corrupt politicians as they come to Kenneth’s aid.
Objev podobné jako Aunt Jane's Nieces at Work - Lyman Frank Baum - e-kniha
Aunt Jane's Nieces at Millville - Lyman Frank Baum - e-kniha
eBook: The third book in the ‘Aunt Jane’ series of young adult novels by prolific author L. Frank Baum, in ‘Aunt Jane’s Niece’s at Millville’ we are reunited with the three girls and their Uncle John, freshly home from their European travels. To escape the New York summer heat, Uncle John proposes that he and his nieces should spend the summer at a farm he has acquired out in the countryside. Far from a relaxing holiday, the young girls soon find themselves with a mystery on their hands – who was the previous owner of the farm? And what happened to them? An intriguing and humorous tale from the famous ‘Oz’ author.
Objev podobné jako Aunt Jane's Nieces at Millville - Lyman Frank Baum - e-kniha
Ať žijí štěňata: Kdo rozveselí Sisinku? - Susan Hughesová - e-kniha
eBook: Děvčata pomáhají tetě Janě s roztomilým štěňátkem Kavalír King Charles španěla jménem Sisi. Chodí si s ním hrát, ale zdá se jim podezřele skleslé a smutné. Když Sisi úplně přestane jíst, dostanou o ni strach. Teta Jana se snaží dovolat Sisinčině paničce, ale ta je mimo město. Nakonec si všimnou, že maličká fenka vždy pookřeje v okamžiku, kdy se v její blízkosti objeví stará kočka Marmeláda. Napadne je, že má Sisi doma kočičího kamaráda, po kterém se jí stýská. Důležité je, aby přestala dobrovolně hladovět. Pomůže Marmeláda? Anebo se podaří najít jiné řešení?
Objev podobné jako Ať žijí štěňata: Kdo rozveselí Sisinku? - Susan Hughesová - e-kniha
Uragán vášně? Tak ať to lítá! - Lenka Macháčková - e-kniha
eBook: Erotika a sentimentální představy versus komická realita. Kniha pro ženy i muže, plná lásky, portského vína a domácích spotřebičů (to pro ženy) a milenek, sexu a závrtných šroubů (to pro ty muže). Dozvíte se, co společného má limetkově zelený kufr a vanilkový pudink, což by se vám někdy v budoucnu mohlo hodit, a seznámíte se jednou odvážnou krasavicí s brýlemi, pěti kily nadváhy a manželem, o jehož předloktí se úplnou náhodou otře poprsí profesionálky v oblasti má dáti dal.
Objev podobné jako Uragán vášně? Tak ať to lítá! - Lenka Macháčková - e-kniha
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