Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
Life And Death of Harriett Frean - May Sinclair - e-kniha
eBook: May Sinclair’s ‘Life And Death of Harriett Frean’ tells the story of the titular character, Harriett, who has been raised as the embodiment of the perfect Victorian woman; loving, honourable, and obedient. She idolizes her parents and learns from childhood that love is equal to self-sacrifice but when she falls in love with her closest friend’s fiancé, she is forced to question everything she thought she thought she knew. Described as a \"small, perfect gem of a book\" by author Jonathan Coe, this historical romance novella was adapted into a BBC television show in 1986 and is a brilliant study of female ideals that stands alongside works by Virginia Woolf. May Sinclair was the pen name of Mary Amelia St. Clair, born 1863. May was a popular British writer who wrote over 20 novels, short stories, and poetry. She was also an active suffragist, and a member of the Woman Writers\' Suffrage League. Her activities for women’s voting rights were remembered by Sylvia Pankhurst, and May Sinclair once even dressed up as a rebel Jane Austen during a suffrage fundraising event.
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Louisa May Alcott: Life, Letters, and Journals - Louisa May Alcottová - e-kniha
eBook: This collection of letters and journal entries was curated by Alcott's close friend Edna Dow Cheney, and published just a year after Alcott's death. This collection serves to paint a full picture of the beloved author, with additional commentary from Cheney to inform on the kind of "true and frank" person Alcott was. The collection touches on her beliefs on various topics as well as the close friendships she maintained with Henry David Thoreau and Ralph Waldo Emerson. It offers an incredible insight in to one of the world's greatest writers, allowing the reader to see how her personal experiences informed her timeless and world renowned classics. This collection is perfect reading for any fan of Alcott or any aspiring writer looking for inspiration.
Podívejte se také Death and Other Horrors ()
Konec stárnutí - David Sinclair - e-kniha
eBook: „Konec stárnutí je poutavá a svižná kniha – strhne vás do víru poznatků současnosti a možností blízké budoucnosti, v níž se devadesátníci stávají novými sedmdesátníky.“— časopis NatureO knizeŘíká se, že stáří je přirozené a jeho následky neodvratitelné. Říká se, že poslední desetiletí života jsme odsouzeni trpět nemocemi. Kdo by chtěl žít do sta let, když nás čeká jen bolestné přežívání a žádná zábava? David Sinclair spolu s dalšími předními odborníky na dlouhověkost však toto paradigma mění, když dokažuje, že STÁRNUTÍ JE NEMOC, KTEROU LZE LÉČIT.Autor odhaduje, že se i vy dožijete sta let. A po přečtení knihy zjistíte, že nepřehání. Věda dnes dokáže zbrzdit, zastavit i zvrátit stárnutí zvířat, klinické studie na lidech se chystají. Jejich cílem však není pouhé prodloužení života, ale také zachování zdraví a vitality. Seznamte se i vy s posledními výzkumy, s nově vyvíjenými způsoby léčby a s tím, jak tyto poznatky aplikovat již teď ve svém životě. A raději začněte plánovat, kam vezmete své prapravnuky na výlet. V knize se mimo jiné dozvíte- Že stárnutí není předem zabudováno do DNA – významnou roli při něm hraje opravitelná kumulace epigenetického šumu.- Co je to hormeze a jak aktivně zpomalovat stárnutí otužováním, půstem a dalšími úpravami životního stylu.- Které potraviny, doplňky a léky mají nejlepší laboratorně prokázané účinky proti stárnutí.- Jak je možné už dnes pracovat na tom, aby naše poslední dekády byly i nejlepšími léty našeho života.- Proč zdravé stáří a delší život lidstva nepředstavují hrozbu, ale naopak požehnání pro planetu i ekonomiku.O autorechDavid A. Sinclair (* 1969) je profesor genetiky na Harvardské lékařské fakultě a člen správní rady Americké federace pro výzkum stárnutí. Za svůj výzkum a významné vědecké průlomy získal více než třicet pět ocenění. Podle časopisu Time patří mezi 100 nejvlivnějších lidí na světě a TOP 50 ve zdravotnictví. Jeho práce byly představeny v magazínech Today, The Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Fortune či Newsweek. S manželkou a třemi dětmi žije v Bostonu, rád se věnuje pěší turistice a jízdě na kajaku.Matthew LaPlante je bývalý zpravodajec amerického námořnictva a válečný korespondent na Blízkém východě, nyní přednáší žurnalistiku na Utažské státní univerzitě. Je autorem knihy Superlative: The Biology of Extremes (Superlativ: Biologie extrémů) a vedle Konce stárnutí spoluautorem několika dalších. Žije v Salt Lake City. „Pokud jste si někdy kladli otázku, jak stárneme, jestli můžeme stárnutí zpomalit, nebo dokonce zvrátit a jestli se lze ve zdraví dožít stovky, nová kniha Davida Sinclaira Konec stárnutí vám představí vědecké poznatky i praktické strategie, jak si zajistit celoživotní zdraví a dlouhý život plný energie.“— Mark Hyman, M. D., ředitel Centra funkční medicíny na Cleveland Clinic „Tohle je nejvíce vizionářská kniha o stárnutí, jakou jsem kdy četl. Užívejte dne – a užijte si tuhle knihu!.“— Dean Ornish, M. D., zakladatel a prezident Výzkumného ústavu preventivní medicíny „David Sinclair nám ve své knize Konec stárnutí výmluvně prozrazuje tajemství, které by chtěl znát každý: jak žít déle a stárnout pomaleji. Dožívat se více než sta let je podle něj nejen možné, ale jednoho dne to nevyhnutelně musí přijít. Chcete-li vědět, jak vyzrát na stárnutí, je pro vás tahle kniha povinnou četbou.“— William W. Li, M. D., autor knihy Eat to Beat Disease
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Edvard Munch: A Poem of Life, Love and Death
An authoritative new publication that revisits Munch’s work in its entirety. Edvard Munch occupies a pivotal place in artistic modernity. His work is permeated by a singular vision of the world, with a powerful symbolist dimension that goes beyond the masterpieces he created in the 1890s, and which gives his art a great coherence.For Munch, humanity and nature were united in the cycle of life, death and rebirth, which is reflected in the unending recurrence of certain motifs and colour combinations in his work. He wrote: ‘These paintings, which are, admittedly, relatively difficult to understand, will be […] easier to grasp if they are integrated into a whole.’ Published to accompany the major exhibition at the Musée d’Orsay, Edvard Munch: A Poem of Life, Love and Death presents about a hundred works – paintings, drawings, prints and engraved blocks – reflecting the diversity of Munch’s practice. Seven essays explore the artist in his philosophical and scientific milieu and the places that shaped the man and his art, as well as offering a rare glimpse of Munch’s attempts at creative writing.They also examine the historical evolution of his monumental Frieze of Life series and the world-famous Scream. This publication invites readers to revisit the painter’s work in its entirety by following the thread of an ever-inventive pictorial thinking: a vision that is both fundamentally coherent, even obsessive, and at the same time constantly renewed.
Objev podobné jako Edvard Munch: A Poem of Life, Love and Death
Cultural Differences in Concepts of Life and Partnership - Ulrike Notarp - e-kniha
eBook: Cílem studie je popsat základní hodnoty a postoje v rodinném životě a partnerství, které převažují v západním a východním Německu, České republice a Polsku. Analýza seznamovacích inzerátů umožnila identifikovat klíčové hodnoty a postoje, které utvářejí koncepci života a partnerství v každé z těchto čtyř společností. Srovnání ukázalo systematický vztah: specifika ekonomických podmínek, historického dědictví a národní minulosti ovlivňují myšlenku dobrého života a dobrého partnerství.
Objev podobné jako Cultural Differences in Concepts of Life and Partnership - Ulrike Notarp - e-kniha
The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus - Lyman Frank Baum - e-kniha
eBook: A young baby named Claus is found abandoned in a forest. Claus is taken in by Ak, the Master Woodsman of the World and a wood nymph named Necile and has a happy upbringing away from other humans. When Claus moves away, he gains a reputation for kindness towards children, and starts carving toys to give them. The evil Agwas steal the toys as they are stopping the children from misbehaving, forcing Claus to enter homes through chimneys to deliver his gifts. There are plenty more adventures in store for Claus before he becomes Santa Claus, in this delightful festive children’s story from renowned author L. Frank Baum.
Objev podobné jako The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus - Lyman Frank Baum - e-kniha
The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman - Laurence Sterne - e-kniha
eBook: Given the wrong name at baptism and accidentally circumcised by a sash window at age five - Tristram Shandy had a difficult start to life. His luck never changed - but the hero of Laurence Sterne\'s great comic novel battled on against \"this scurvy and disastrous world of ours\". He is joined by the likes of Uncle Toby, Corporal Trim, Parson Yorick, Dr Slop and the Widow Wadman as he faces misfortune head-on, with a sardonic smile. The book, an \"autobiography\", was originally published in nine volumes over eight years. It sees Shandy getting into scrapes, while launching into stream-of-consciousness tirades about subjects including sexual practices, insults, the human nose, siege warfare and obstetrics. This hilarious and heart-warming book is perfect for fans of Charles Dickens and Jonathan Swift.In 2006, the book was adapted into the movie \'A Cock and Bull Story\', starring Steve Coogan, Rob Brydon and Keeley Hawes.
Objev podobné jako The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman - Laurence Sterne - e-kniha
Iron Maiden: A Matter Of Life And Death (2x LP) - LP (9029585195)
LP vinyl - "A Matter Of Life And Death" - V roce 2014 skupina vydala znovu na vinylu prvních osm alb. Desky z osmdesátých let nyní ve třech etapách doplňuje reedicemi nahrávek z let 1990 až 2015. V roce 2014 skupina vydala znovu na vinylu prvních osm alb. Desky z osmdesátých let nyní ve třech etapách doplňuje reedicemi nahrávek z let 1990 až 2015. Podobně jako v první fázi jsou jednotlivá alba k dispozici na 180g černých 2LP. Jednotlivé záznamy jsou zremasterovány. V polovině května 2017 vycházejí desky No Prayer For The Dying, Fear Of The Dark, The X Factor a Virtual XI. Koncem června je budou následovat Brave New World, Rock In Rio (Live), Dance Of Death a A Matter Of Life And Death a konečně v druhé polovině července to budou Death On The Road (Live), Flight 666 (Live), The Final Frontier a En Vivo! (Live). Skupina Iron Maiden patří k nejpopulárnějším reprezentantům britské rockové hudby. V nedávné anketě pořádané u příležitosti královnina diamantového...
Objev podobné jako Iron Maiden: A Matter Of Life And Death (2x LP) - LP (9029585195)
Iron Maiden - A Matter Of Life And Death (Reissue) (Remastered) (Digipak) (CD)
Subžánr: Heavy Metal Interpret / Téma: Iron Maiden Varianta: A Matter Of Life And Death (Reissue) (Remastered) (Digipak) (CD) Datum vydání: 2019-11-22 Vydavatelství: Parlophone Rok vydání: 2019.0 Žánr: Heavy Metal Typ: CD;Album;Digipak;Remastered;Nové vydání Balení obsahuje: CD Složení setu: 1 ks
Objev podobné jako Iron Maiden - A Matter Of Life And Death (Reissue) (Remastered) (Digipak) (CD)
Yoga and Buddhism in the life of a contemporary person - Květoslav Minařík - e-kniha
eBook: The theme of this book is Yoga and Buddhism as a way of life. It is a small selection of texts that Květoslav Minařík wrote during three decades as answers to the questions and problems of those interested in the spiritual life and spiritual teachings. Květoslav Minařík chose and prepared those texts for translation in 1973. 2nd edition.
Objev podobné jako Yoga and Buddhism in the life of a contemporary person - Květoslav Minařík - e-kniha
The Case of Bizarre Death and Other Tales / Případ bizarní smrti a další příběhy - Alena Kuzmová - e-kniha
eBook: 5 povídek s krimi a hororovým nádechem podle skutečných životních událostí. Povídky pojednávají o různých lidských slabostech a pohnutkách, které dokážou v člověku rozdmýchat temné stránky jeho osobnosti a vedou ho na scestí, aby se dopustil násilí na jiných lidech či sám na sobě, což je příčinou jeho neštěstí. Kromě anglicko-české četby pro středně pokročilé studenty angličtiny učebnice nabízí řadu aktivit na porozumění četbě, dále podněty k ústnímu či písemnému projevu, podrobný výklad gramatiky a řadu cvičení s klíčem. Zvolené aktivity a cvičení jistě upevní a rozšíří vaše znalosti anglického jazyka a podnítí vaši chuť do dalšího studia.
Objev podobné jako The Case of Bizarre Death and Other Tales / Případ bizarní smrti a další příběhy - Alena Kuzmová - e-kniha
Dying to Know: Is There Life After Death? - Josh Langley - e-kniha
eBook: Determined to find out what happens when we die, Josh Langley takes readers on an extraordinary journey to uncover the secrets to the age-old question pondered by all of humanity. Visiting crematoriums, conducting out-of-body experiments and entering conversations with the deceased, you’re invited on this daring and intriguing afterlife investigation for a humorous and compelling ride. Following Langley’s lifelong obsession with the afterlife, his surprising and thought-provoking conclusions will leave you spiralling long after the last page. Fans of \'Paranormal Activity\' will revel in the findings. Author, cartoonist and daydreamer, Australian Josh Langley is an award-winning radio broadcaster and advertiser with over 20 years’ experience. Having started his own creative agency in 2000, he turned to painting as a form of self-expression at the same time, resulting in an exhibition at the 2002 Perth Fringe Festival. in 2010, he began drawing cartoons for Big Sky Publishing and has since published 2 ground-breaking self-help books, ‘Dying to Know: is there life after death’, and ‘Turning Inside Out: what if everything we’ve been taught about life is wrong.’ He is also the author of numerous self-help children’s titles, including 2018’s ABIA Small Publisher’s Children’s Book of the Year award winner ‘It’s Ok to Feel the Way You Do’. He lives in South West Australia with his partner and chickens.
Objev podobné jako Dying to Know: Is There Life After Death? - Josh Langley - e-kniha
Elmer Gantry - Sinclair Lewis - e-kniha
eBook: Elmer Gantry (1927) is a satirical indictment of fundamentalist and evangelistic religion that caused a great scandal when it was first published. It was written by Nobel Prize winning American author and playwright Henry Sinclair Lewis.Regarded as a landmark in American literature, \'Elmer Gantry\' is a piercing portrait of a smooth-talking evangelist who rises to power within his church. But Elmer Gantry is a hypocrite and a philanderer, and his self-indulgent ways threaten to destroy everything.The book was adapted into a 1960 film starring Burt Lancaster and Jean Simmons.Harry Sinclair Lewis (1885 – 1951) was an American writer, playwright and social critic, who revolutionised writing in the U.S. In 1930, he became the first writer from the United States to receive the Nobel Prize in Literature.Lewis is best known for his novels Main Street (1920), Babbitt (1922), Arrowsmith (1925), Elmer Gantry (1927), Dodsworth (1929), and It Can\'t Happen Here (1935). Several of his works have been adapted for cinema, most famously the film \'Elmer Gantry\' (1960) starring Burt Lancaster and Jean Simmons. Lewis\'s novels are known for their critical views of American capitalism and materialism and their strong characterizations of modern working women.
Objev podobné jako Elmer Gantry - Sinclair Lewis - e-kniha
Jack and Jill - Louisa May Alcottová - e-kniha
eBook: 'Jack and Jill' is a children's book set in a small New England town after the Civil War, following Jack and Jane, who are so close everybody calls them Jack and Jill, to mimic the old rhyme. One winter day the two suffer terrible injuries in a sledding accident and face a tremendous up-hill battle to recover. As they recover they are learning and growing as people, taking their first steps in to adulthood and leaving their childhood behind. It is an incredibly heart-warming story brimming with kindness and love, but it doesn't shy away from serious topics either, creating a powerful tale that highlights the importance of family and friends. It is a story perfect for family reading on a quiet night in, or anyone who wants to see a new take on the classic children's rhyme.
Objev podobné jako Jack and Jill - Louisa May Alcottová - e-kniha
Všímavost - Michael Sinclair, Josie Seydel - e-kniha
eBook: Všímavost je velice jednoduchá technika cvičení mysli, která nemusí zabrat více než pár minut denně, a přesto dokáže váš život naplnit, udělat vás spokojenějšími a zbavit vás podrážděnosti a neklidu. Jak na to se dozvíte v této knížce, která vás naučí využívat sílu všímavosti: - Zlepšíte svou výkonnost a schopnost soustředění na úkor spěchu a stresu. - Posílíte své sebevědomí, odolnost a optimistický přístup. - Získáte více času i energie, prohloubíte kreativitu, zvýšíte efektivitu. Autoři vám ukážou, jak rozvíjet a praktikovat všímavost jednoduše a účinně kdykoliv během dne, bez ohledu na to, kde právě jste nebo co děláte. V praktickém a přehledném textu naleznete příběhy ze života zasazené do kontextu moderní doby, množství jednoduchých tipů a triků, například jak se vyrovnat s negativními emocemi, podrážděností, nudou, nesoustředěností, ospalostí, ale i s bolestí či strachem. Desítky jednoduchých cvičení zvládnete začlenit do svého každodenního programu, aniž by vám zabraly čas navíc – naopak ho díky nim získáte ještě více. Moderní podání knihy odlehčené typickým britským humorem zaručuje příjemné a lehké čtení. Pusťte se tedy do toho a proměňte svůj hektický a stresující život na klidný a spokojený!
Objev podobné jako Všímavost - Michael Sinclair, Josie Seydel - e-kniha
Cupid and Chow-chow - Louisa May Alcottová - e-kniha
eBook: 'Cupid and Chow-chow' is an adorable tale of a rosy, sweet boy named Cupid and his mischievous cousin Chow-Chow who he waits on hand and foot. As with much of Alcott's work, there is a subliminal social and moral discussion at play. At some levels it's a discussion on women's roles, the ongoing suffragette movement and the traditional role of femininity in society. It remains subtle however and does not overshadow the simply adorable tale presented to the reader. It represents excellent reading for readers of all ages, particularly those interested in the early feminist and suffragette movements.
Objev podobné jako Cupid and Chow-chow - Louisa May Alcottová - e-kniha
Mountain-Laurel and Maidenhair - Louisa May Alcottová - e-kniha
eBook: Emily is fragile, but her family's wealth makes her complacent. Becky, on the other hand, works as a teacher to support and care for her three younger siblings. So when Emily stays at Becky's family farm in the mountains, they seem unlikely to hit it off.But Louisa May Alcott's moving, charming story sees them connect through poetry - and grow to understand and care for each other.
Objev podobné jako Mountain-Laurel and Maidenhair - Louisa May Alcottová - e-kniha
The Life of Man - Leonid Andreyev - e-kniha
eBook: This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work.This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.
Objev podobné jako The Life of Man - Leonid Andreyev - e-kniha
The War Came To Us : Life and Death in Ukraine - Updated Illustrated Edition - Christopher Miller
A WATERSTONES AND IRISH TIMES BOOK OF THE YEARA breathtaking exploration of Ukraine's past, present, and future, and a heartbreaking account of the war against Russia, written by a leading journalist who has lived and worked in Ukraine for over a decade.'Vivid. Shocking. [Miller] brings a seasoned, personal perspective to his account of both the 16-month conflict and its wider roots.'Daily Telegraph'A beautiful blend of memoir, reportage and history...superb.'Irish Times'...powerful and insightful...Miller provides a human dimension to a bloody conflict.' Kirkus ReviewsWhen Russian President Vladimir Putin launched his unprovoked, full-scale invasion of Ukraine just before dawn on 24 February 2022, it marked his latest and most overt attempt to brutally conquer the country, and reshaped the world order. Christopher Miller, the Ukraine correspondent for the Financial Times and a foremost journalist covering the country, was there on the ground when the first Russian missiles struck and troops stormed over the border. But the seeds of Russia's war against Ukraine and the West were sown more than a decade earlier.This is the definitive, inside story of its long fight for freedom. Told through Miller's personal experiences, vivid front-line dispatches and illuminating interviews with unforgettable characters, The War Came To Us takes readers on a riveting journey through the key locales and pivotal events of Ukraine's modern history. From the coal-dusted, sunflower-covered steppe of the Donbas in the far east to the heart of the Euromaidan revolution camp in Kyiv; from the Black Sea shores of Crimea, where Russian troops stealthily annexed Ukraine's peninsula, to the bloody battlefields where Cossacks roamed before the Kremlin's warlords ruled with iron fists; and through the horror and destruction wrought by Russian forces in Bucha, Bakhmut, Mariupol, and beyond.With candor, wit and sensitivity, Miller captures Ukraine in all its glory: vast, defiant, resilient, and full of wonder. A breathtaking narrative that is at times both poignant and inspiring, The War Came To Us is the story of an American who fell in love with a foreign place and its people - and witnessed them do extraordinary things to escape the long shadow of their former imperial ruler and preserve their independence.
Objev podobné jako The War Came To Us : Life and Death in Ukraine - Updated Illustrated Edition - Christopher Miller
Symposium and The Death of Socrates - Platón
With an Introduction by Jane O'Grady. Translated by Tom Griffith. In Symposium, a group of Athenian aristocrats attend a party and talk about love, until the drunken Alcibiades bursts in and decides to discuss Socrates instead.Symposium gives an unsurpassed picture of the sparkling society that was Athens at the height of her empire. The setting of the other dialogues is more sombre. Socrates is put on trial for impiety, and sentenced to death.Euthyphro discusses the nature of piety, Apology is Socrates' speech in his own defence, Crito explains his refusal to escape punishment, and Phaedo gives an account of Socrates' last day. These dialogues have never been offered in one volume before. Tom Griffith's Symposium has been described as 'possibly the finest translation of any Platonic dialogue'.All the other translations are new.
Objev podobné jako Symposium and The Death of Socrates - Platón
Work: A Story of Experience - Louisa May Alcottová - e-kniha
eBook: 'A Story of Experience' is a semi-autobiographical novel loosely based on Alcott's own life, which explores the social standing of women in the US, in the years around the Civil War. Christie, our heroine, is a single woman who works outside the home doing a number of odd jobs to make ends meet. This story tracks the change in women's work with the dawn of the new industrial age, the meaning of work to women and the tension and dilemmas that came with this work. It is a story of women trying to find their place in the world, in a society that continually hampers their progress. It is a mature story full of insightful and uplifting anecdotes, that gives an excellent window in to Alcott's own life as well. It is a profoundly uplifting read, with a triumphant conclusion that makes perfect reading for any fans of underdog stories.
Objev podobné jako Work: A Story of Experience - Louisa May Alcottová - e-kniha
Pauline\'s Passion and Punishment - Louisa May Alcottová - e-kniha
eBook: Pauline Valery is a scorned woman, rejected by her lover Gilbert Redmond for a wealthy heiress, she will stop at nothing to exact revenge. She will don a metaphorical mask, shielding her true emotions to the world only allowing people to see what she allows them to see. Using her understanding of human nature, she manipulates those around her to carry out her will, in this fast paced, chilling thriller. The consequences will be severe, but Pauline is a woman possessed and she will stop at nothing till Gilbert has felt her pain. It is a story perfect for lovers of revenge stories and thrillers, or anyone who loved Cameron Diaz's 'The Other Woman'.
Objev podobné jako Pauline\'s Passion and Punishment - Louisa May Alcottová - e-kniha
Ethics, Life and Institutions. An Attempt at Practical Philosophy - Jan Sokol - e-kniha
eBook: Výsledky moderní evoluční biologie naznačují, že mravnost v lidských společnostech není jen nějakou konvenční „nadstavbou“, nýbrž navazuje na podstatné rysy všeho živého a rozvíjí je specificky lidskou kulturou. Jednající člověk tak není jen svébytná osoba, odpovídající pouze za své vlastní činy, nýbrž nese faktickou odpovědnost i za to, co ve své kultuře a společnosti přebírá. Tato nesmírně široká odpovědnost se musí v současných společnostech rozdělit, podobně jako se dělí a specializují i naše činnosti. Není to však jen břemeno, které by náš život omezovalo, nýbrž může mu také dávat obsah a smysl, který v současné společnosti citelně chybí. A právě tento chybějící smysl, stejně jako společná naděje, jsou možná jednou z hlavních příčin často připomínané „krize“ současných společností. Společný náboženský základ starších společností nemůže filosofie sice nahradit, může však připomenout, bez čeho se ani moderní pluralitní společnosti patrně neobejdou. Knížka, v řadě bodů přepracovávající předchozí autorovu knihu Etika a život, vznikla z přednášek na Karlově univerzitě a je určena studentům, učitelům etické výchovy a všem, kdo si o budoucnost nejen české společnosti dělají starosti.
Objev podobné jako Ethics, Life and Institutions. An Attempt at Practical Philosophy - Jan Sokol - e-kniha
The life of an expat - Jaroslav Najman - e-kniha
eBook: This book describes – in English - the author's emigration from Czechoslovakia triggered by a historical event in August 1968. All events in this book are based on recollection of the author's memories and historical photos from his archives. Only a minor part of the events was collected from friends and colleagues. There might be some discrepancies regarding the exact locations and dates. The book reflects his personal opinions and feelings, and it does open broad his private life. The book represents a complete emigration circle. It starts in Czechoslovakia in 1968 and ends after the author returns to the Czech Republic and regains his citizenship at the end of 2000. Tato anglicky psaná kniha popisuje autorovu emigraci z Československa, kterou vyvolaly historické události v srpnu 1968. Popis všech událostí v této knize je založen na autorových vzpomínkách a je doplněn fotografiemi z jeho archivu. Malá část knihy je také založena na vzpomínkách autorových přátel a kolegů. Pokud jde o přesná místa a data, mohou existovat nepatrné nesrovnalosti. Kniha odráží osobní názory a pocity autora a čtenáři předkládá pohled do autorova soukromého života.Kniha představuje uzavřený kruh emigrantského života - začíná v Československu v roce 1968 a končí poté, co se autor vrátil do České republiky a na konci roku 2000 zde znovu získal občanství.
Objev podobné jako The life of an expat - Jaroslav Najman - e-kniha
eBook: If you can´t choose a book because you´re tempted to a certain extent by everything, but nothing specific, then you´ve probably come to the right place. The author of this book is looking for the fabled philosopher´s stone and perhaps even the Holy Grail of life management. He searches for inspiration in many areas and looks for connections where you wouldn´t expect to find any. The author states in his book: "We live in a decadent period of the modern Middle Ages. Blinded by millions of bright screens and phone displays, we live in a time of darkness. We have stopped noticing what is essential. We are hurtling at terrifying speed somewhere, with no idea of the destination. We need to escape this trap and experience a new Renaissance."
Objev podobné jako PRINCIPLES OF SUCCESSFUL LIFE MANAGEMENT - Tomáš Ďuroška - e-kniha
The Life of Charlotte Brontë - Elizabeth Gaskellová - e-kniha
eBook: Intertwining fact and story, The Life of Charlotte Brontë takes the reader by one hand and Charlotte Brontë by the other to run rampant through the making of one of the greatest authoresses of all time. Follow Charlotte from her birthplace of Thornton as she sets off for school and later returns to teach her sisters, and come to know the “characteristic kindness of the Brontës.” This unsentimental biography, written by friend and sometimes critic Elizabeth Gaskell, helped launch Charlotte Brontë’s fame and takes you on a journey to see the making of the author of Jane Eyre.
Objev podobné jako The Life of Charlotte Brontë - Elizabeth Gaskellová - e-kniha
eBook: If you can´t choose a book because you´re tempted to a certain extent by everything, but nothing specific, then you´ve probably come to the right place. The author of this book is looking for the fabled philosopher´s stone and perhaps sven the Holy Grail of life management. He searches for inspiration many areas and looks for connections where you wouldn´t expext to find any. The author states in his book: \"We live in a decadent period of the modern Middle Ages. Blinded by millions of bright screens and phone displays, we live in a time of darkness. We have stopped noticing what is essential. We are hurtling at terrifying speed somewhere, with no idea of the desintation. We need to escape this trap and experience a new Renaissance.\"
Objev podobné jako PRINCIPLES OF SUCCESSFUL LIFE MANAGEMENT - Tomáš Ďuroška - e-kniha
On Picket Duty, and other tales - Louisa May Alcottová - e-kniha
eBook: 'On Picket Duty, and other tales' is a collection of four short stories that focus on a range of social issues that were raging in America in the nineteenth century. The tales tackle issues near and dear to Alcott's heart, mainly that of women's rights and Abolition. They are profound reading, representing a much more serious artistic creation from Alcott which is reflective and uplifting, and at times dark and gloomy with the tale of 'The Death of John'. Ultimately it a profound piece of work that charts Alcott's continuing fight to represent social issues in industrial America. Have the tissues ready for this one. Don't say we didn't warn you.
Objev podobné jako On Picket Duty, and other tales - Louisa May Alcottová - e-kniha
Kitty's Class Day and Other Stories - Louisa May Alcottová - e-kniha
eBook: In a preface to this collection, Louisa May Alcott calls these eight stories her "various waifs and strays" and they all beautifully demonstrate her wry sense of humour, sharp observational skills, and straightforward style of storytelling.From the light-hearted romance of 'Kitty's Class Day' to the transformational tale of 'Aunt Kipp', who is a female version of Ebenezer Scrooge in Charles Dickens' 'A Christmas Carol', each story has the charm to keep you gripped.Fans of her other work, including the bestseller 'Little Women', will be pleased that she herded these stories together.-
Objev podobné jako Kitty's Class Day and Other Stories - Louisa May Alcottová - e-kniha
The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano - Olaudah Equiano - e-kniha
eBook: Sometimes true life spins more shocking stories than the minds of writers. That is the case with \'The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano\'. The understated title masks an autobiography where truth trumps fiction, featuring kidnapping, death, slavery, jail, transportation, rape, Christian faith and much more.It is also one of the most important books of its time, the late 18th century. For its publication told the truth about the trans-Atlantic slave trade, and sowed the seeds for the abolition movement that eventually stopped it.The scandal of slavery that Equiano helped get into the public\'s consciousness has been featured in a host of films, including \'12 Years a Slave\', directed by Steve McQueen and based on a novel by Solomon Northup.
Objev podobné jako The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano - Olaudah Equiano - e-kniha
The Life of a Ship - R. M. Ballantyne - e-kniha
eBook: 'The Life of a Ship' is a classic adventure tale about a young boy named Davy who has always dreamt about going to sea and living the life of an fearless fisherman. A perfect escape from the drudgery of everyday life. After years of watching ships being built at the docks and going on short excursions with his father and grandfather, he finally gets the chance to go on a great fishing expedition. But is Davy up for the challenge? A perfect fit for fans of exciting 19th century adventure stories complete with a potent take on morality.
Objev podobné jako The Life of a Ship - R. M. Ballantyne - e-kniha
The Life of Mr. Richard Savage - Daniel Defoe - e-kniha
eBook: ‘The Life of Mr. Richard Savage’ is an incredibly interesting true crime book by Daniel Defoe. The book examines the case of the poet Richard Savage who murdered a man during a brawl in 1727. The salacious trial received great publicity at the time as wild accusations were made about both the criminal and the victim. Defoe provides invaluable insight into the crime and Savage’s attempt to receive a pardon from the Queen during his trial. This account of the murder stands out as Defoe delves deep into Savage’s fascinating childhood and troubled relationship with his adulterous mother that may have affected him in later years. ‘The Life of Mr. Richard Savage’ should be read by all true crime fans as it is a riveting account of one of the first famous true crime stories.
Objev podobné jako The Life of Mr. Richard Savage - Daniel Defoe - e-kniha
Iron Maiden - A Matter Of Life & Death (LP)
Země interpreta: Spojené království Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Dekáda interpreta: 2010 - 2019;2020 - 2029;1970 - 1979;1990 - 1999;2000 - 2009;1980 - 1989 Složení setu: 2 ks Balení obsahuje: LP Hmotnost: 180 g Země původu: Evropská unie Typ: Album;LP deska Subžánr: Rock;Heavy Metal;Hard Rock;Progressive Rock Žánr: Rock;Heavy Metal;Hard Rock Barva: Černá Datum vydání: 2017-06-23 Interpret / Téma: Iron Maiden Barva podle výrobce: Black Rok vydání: 2017.0 Varianta: A Matter Of Life & Death Vydavatelství: EMI
Objev podobné jako Iron Maiden - A Matter Of Life & Death (LP)
The Mysterious Key and What it Opened - Louisa May Alcottová - e-kniha
eBook: The Mysterious Key and What it Opened is written by L. M. Alcott. The strange passing of Sir Richard Trevlyn sets the story in the beginning. The only thing the reader is aware of is that Richard's wife, Alice, who is expecting their first child, is listening to a discussion Richard is having with a visitor via a keyhole in the library door. She faints after being horrified by what she hears, and a servant named Hester discovers her and puts her to bed. Hester rushes to the library to inform Richard that his wife is ill despite Alice's insistence that he not be disturbed. She discovers him dead, slouched over his desk. A sixteen-year-old kid named Paul who is applying for work on the estate runs into the young child, Lillian, twelve years later. He performs his duties successfully, rising in rank and winning the love of both his family and his employees. Some of the servants are confused and sad when he goes without saying goodbye since they have a suspicion that he may be more than just the gardener or groom. When everything is revealed in the final chapters, the riddles of why Richard died, who Paul is, and how those things are connected are still unsolved.
Objev podobné jako The Mysterious Key and What it Opened - Louisa May Alcottová - e-kniha
Midway Upon the Journey of Our Life - Josef Jedlička - e-kniha
eBook: Kde život náš je v půli se svou poutí je úvodním veršem z "Pekla" Danteho Božské komedie, název se tak již v úvodu staví do trpkého kontrastu k československé realitě 50. let. Autobiografická próza Josefa Jedličky je svědectvím člověka o současnosti zítřků, který svými břitkými pozorovacími schopnostmi odhaluje tragikomický svět stalinské éry. Jednotlivé epizody každodennosti i dějinných zvratů do sebe postupně zapadají a tvoří osobitou koláž, ve které se vzájemně prostupují časová pásma a roviny – vzájemně koexistují dobové záznamy (vystoupení Klementa Gottwalda na Staroměstském náměstí), ale také střípky ze života autora (přestěhování do Litvínova, život v koldomě ad.) nebo meditativní úvahy. Svědectví doby je podtrženo poetickým jazykem, který nepostrádá drsnou a aktuální věcnost – dosud platné spojitosti a vztahy se přeměňují, čímž se otevírá prostor volným asociacím i svébytné ironii. Jde tak o filozofickou reflexi prostoupenou literárními reminiscencemi a asociacemi, která navazuje na literární tradice předešlých desetiletí.
Objev podobné jako Midway Upon the Journey of Our Life - Josef Jedlička - e-kniha
Games of Life - Eva Šlesingerová, Lenka Slepičková, Iva Šmídová - e-kniha
eBook: Kniha se zabývá současnou reprodukční medicínou v České republice. Vychází přitom z analýzy instituce biomedicíny jako konkrétního projevu normalizace moderní společnosti v rámci současného přístupu ke zdraví a nemoci. Zaměřuje se na tři specifické oblasti reprodukční medicíny: porody, asistovanou reprodukci a manipulaci s DNA a embryi. Autorky chtějí zaplnit mezeru v kritické reflexi těchto témat v českém kontextu a otevřít o nich debatu. Zaměřují se na témata každodenní praxe reprodukční medicíny a snaží se odpovídat i na obecnější otázky: Jak jsou udržovány hranice mezi normalitou/legitimitou a abnormalitou/nelegitimitou v rámci tří konkrétních polí reprodukční medicíny? Jakým způsobem je ustavována důvěra v systém moderní reprodukční medicíny? A jak do tohoto procesu vstupují kategorie genderu, statusu, etnicity?
Objev podobné jako Games of Life - Eva Šlesingerová, Lenka Slepičková, Iva Šmídová - e-kniha
The Second Death of Edie and Violet Bond - Amanda Glaze
Deliciously chilling and edge-of-your-seat suspenseful.” —Nina LaCour, Printz Award–winning author of We Are Okay Sacramento, 1885 Edie and Violet Bond know the truth about death. The seventeen-year-old twins are powerful mediums, just like their mother—Violet can open the veil between life and death, and Edie can cross into the spirit world. But their abilities couldn’t save them when their mother died and their father threatened to commit them to a notorious asylum. Now runaways, Edie and Violet are part of a traveling Spiritualist show, a tight-knit group of young women who demonstrate their real talents under the guise of communing with spirits. Each night, actresses, poets, musicians, and orators all make contact with spirits who happen to have something to say. . . notions that young ladies could never openly express.
Objev podobné jako The Second Death of Edie and Violet Bond - Amanda Glaze
Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience - William Blake - e-kniha
eBook: Songs of Innocence and of Experience is a collection of poems by William Blake. It appeared in two phases. A few first copies were printed and illuminated by William Blake himself in 1789; five years later he bound these poems with a set of new poems in a volume titled Songs of Innocence and of Experience Shewing the Two Contrary States of the Human Soul. William Blake was also a painter before the songs of innocence and experience and made paintings such as Oberon, Titania, and Puck dancing with fairies.
Objev podobné jako Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience - William Blake - e-kniha
Of Mice and Mooshaber - Ladislav Fuks - e-kniha
eBook: Díla Ladislava Fukse bývají charakterizována jako psychologická próza zaměřená na téma úzkosti a zla v totalitních systémech. Autor je u nás i v zahraničí známý zpracováním tématu holocaustu (Spalovač mrtvol, Pan Theodor Mundstock). Myši Natálie Mooshabrové jsou prvním Fuksovým románem, ve kterém pracuje s novou tematikou a s prvky žánrů sci-fi a alegorie. Specifický humor, směs hororu i grotesky, pohádky i absurdního dramatu vytvářejí intenzivní atmosféru strachu a nejistoty, kterou umocňují bizarní protiklady hvězdoletů a koňských povozů či sofistikované byrokracie a stánků s pivo limo. Kniha byla rozpracována před okupací Československa v roce 1968, ale vydána až počátkem sedmdesátých let. Prvního překladu díla do angličtiny se ujal Mark Corner, výtvarný doprovod tvoří originální ilustrace Jiřího Gruse.
Objev podobné jako Of Mice and Mooshaber - Ladislav Fuks - e-kniha
The Death of Ivan Ilyich and Other Stories - Lev Nikolajevič Tolstoj
Count Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910) is best known for War and Peace and Anna Karenina, commonly regarded as amongst the greatest novels ever written. He also, however, wrote many masterly short stories, and this volume contains four of the longest and best in distinguished translations that have stood the test of time. In the early story Family Happiness, Tolstoy explores courtship and marriage from the point of view of a young wife. In The Kreutzer Sonata he gives us a terrifying study of marital breakdown, in The Devil a powerful depiction of the power of sexual temptation, and, in perhaps the finest of all, The Death of Ivan Ilyich, he portrays the long agony of a man gradually coming to terms with his own mortality. This volume also includes an Introduction and Notes written specially for this Wordsworth edition by Dr Tim Cook, formely lecturer in literature at the Universities of Kingston and Ulster. Previous work contributed by Dr Cook for Wordsworth includes an introduction and notes to Charles Dickens' Nicholas Nickleby.
Objev podobné jako The Death of Ivan Ilyich and Other Stories - Lev Nikolajevič Tolstoj
Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl - Harriet Jacobs - e-kniha
eBook: For those interested in the abolition of slavery and the Slavery Act in America, \'Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl\' is an autobiography by Harriet Ann Jacobs, a mother and fugitive slave. The book covers Jacobs\' life as a slave and how she fought for freedom for herself and her children. With deep historical prominence, the autobiography covers the struggles she faced, including the sexual abuse that female slaves had to endure.Published in 1861 and filled with accounts of heroism and courage, \'Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl\' will leave you shocked and brimming with admiration for Harriet Jacobs. This is perfect for fans of Fredrick Douglass\' memoir \'Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave\'.
Objev podobné jako Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl - Harriet Jacobs - e-kniha
May Flowers - Louisa May Alcottová - e-kniha
eBook: ‘We can't do much, being "only girls, "' said Anna; 'but if each does one small chore somewhere it will pave the way for better work’. From the author of 'Little Women', this short story follows a group of young Boston girls who discover the power of kindness and of sharing their abundance. As descendants of the Pilgrim Fathers, they call themselves the May Flower Club. Instead of gathering to sew and read, they decide to spend their time helping the poor over the winter. They each choose and commit to a project, which they will reveal to each other the following spring if they succeed. But success does not come without struggle. Inspiring, wholesome, and filled with lessons applicable in our world today, "May Flowers" is a classic Louisa May Alcott story.
Objev podobné jako May Flowers - Louisa May Alcottová - e-kniha
Tales of Men and Ghosts - Edith Whartonová - e-kniha
eBook: HUBERT GRANICE, pacing the length of his pleasant lamp-lit library, paused to compare his watch with the clock on the chimney-piece. Three minutes to eight. In exactly three minutes Mr. Peter Ascham, of the eminent legal firm of Ascham and Pettilow, would have his punctual hand on the door-bell of the flat. It was a comfort to reflect that Ascham was so punctual - the suspense was beginning to make his host nervous. And the sound of the door-bell would be the beginning of the end - after that there'd be no going back, by God - no going back!
Objev podobné jako Tales of Men and Ghosts - Edith Whartonová - e-kniha
Science, Technology and Life – 2019 - N.V. Dronyakina, Natal'ya Zubareva, J.M. Kozlova - e-kniha
eBook: Proceedings includes materials of the international scientific conference « Science, Technology and Life – 2019», held in Czech Republic, Karlovy Vary-Russia, Moscow, 2019, december, 24-25. The main objective of the conference - the development community of scholars and practitioners in various fields of science. Conference was attended by scientists and experts from Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan. The collection includes the best competitive works of the V International competition of educational and scientific works of students, undergraduates, graduate students, doctoral students "Quality Education - 2019 (within the framework of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard)".
Objev podobné jako Science, Technology and Life – 2019 - N.V. Dronyakina, Natal'ya Zubareva, J.M. Kozlova - e-kniha
Science, Technology and Life – 2017 - Ol'ga Moskalenko, Elena Harlanova, Vladimir Okorkov - e-kniha
eBook: Proceedings includes materials of the international scientific conference « Science, Technology and Life – 2017», held in Czech Republic, Karlovy Vary-Russia, Moscow, December 24-25, 2017. The main objective of the conference - the development community of scholars and practitioners in various fields of science. Conference was attended by scientists and experts from Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan.
Objev podobné jako Science, Technology and Life – 2017 - Ol'ga Moskalenko, Elena Harlanova, Vladimir Okorkov - e-kniha
Science, Technology and Life – 2018 - T.V. Bogomolova, N.A. Solopova, V.M. Fedorov - e-kniha
eBook: Proceedings includes materials of the international scientific conference «Science, Technology and Life – 2018», held in Czech Republic, Karlovy Vary-Russia, Moscow, December 28-29, 2018. The main objective of the conference - the development community of scholars and practitioners in various fields of science. Conference was attended by scientists and experts from Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan.
Objev podobné jako Science, Technology and Life – 2018 - T.V. Bogomolova, N.A. Solopova, V.M. Fedorov - e-kniha
Lexical and Semantic Aspects of Proverbs - František Čermák - e-kniha
eBook: Pole výzkumu paremiologie je mezioborové, prolíná se s folklórem, jazykem, literaturou, historií a dalšími vzájemně provázanými disciplínami. Kniha předkládá systematickou analýzu přísloví opřenou o korpusové nálezy a srovnává jejich lexikální, sémantické a pragmatické aspekty napříč různými jazyky. Přítomný soubor studií Františka Čermáka, tvůrce českého frazeologického slovníku, shrnuje výsledky jeho celoživotního bádání a předkládá je mezinárodní odborné veřejnosti
Objev podobné jako Lexical and Semantic Aspects of Proverbs - František Čermák - e-kniha
Radio and the Performance of Government - Erica Harrison - e-kniha
eBook: Throughout the Second World War, the Czechoslovak Government-in-Exile broadcast over the BBC from London, hoping to reach out to their former compatriots living in a divided and occupied Europe. As the only way of projecting their authority, President Beneš and his colleagues relied on the radio as a stage on which to perform as the government they wished to be, representing a Czechoslovak state they hoped to recreate after the war. Despite a ban on listening to foreign broadcasts in the German-occupied Protectorate and Slovakia, many tuned in to hear ‘London calling’ and the broadcasts provided the strongest connection between the London Czechoslovaks and the audience at home. This work examines this government programme for the first time, making use of previously unstudied archival sources to examine how the exiles understood their mission and how their propaganda work was shaped by both British and Soviet influences. This study assesses the strengths, weaknesses, and limitations of the government’s radio propaganda as they navigated the complexities of exile, with chapters examining how they used the radio to establish their own authority, how they understood the past and future of a Czechoslovak nation, and how they struggled to include Slovakia and Subcarpathian Ruthenia within it.
Objev podobné jako Radio and the Performance of Government - Erica Harrison - e-kniha
Stories of Your Life and Others (1101972122)
Kniha - autor Ted Chiang, 304 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Objev podobné jako Stories of Your Life and Others (1101972122)
Stories of Your Life and Others (1529039436)
Kniha - autor Ted Chiang, 338 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Objev podobné jako Stories of Your Life and Others (1529039436)
Karen Jeppe and the Armenian People - A Life – a Calling - Kate Royster - e-kniha
eBook: "Karen Jeppe and the Armenian People - A Life – a Calling" is a biographical and easy-to-read story about the Danish teacher Karen Jeppe, who heroically took action and saved many Armenians from death marches, slave labor and executions under the Armenian genocide in 1915-17.At the beginning of the 1900s, Karen Jeppe worked as a teacher in Denmark but one fateful evening she attended a lecture about the political stir in the Ottoman Empire. The Armenian people’s fate moved her profoundly and she decided to travel to the Armenian city Urfa to help the many thousands of orphans that lived there.In Urfa, Karen Jeppe becomes the teacher for a group of Armenian children who have experienced gruesome things. They have seen their parents and siblings murdered, and now they must beg and steal to survive. Karen Jeppe takes the children under her wing and is not only an excellent teacher but also a fantastic initiator and organizer. She teaches the children to read and write, and the adults are put to work farming and doing needlework.During Karen Jeppe’s stay in the country, the situation worsens for the Armenians. The Armenian genocide progresses and everywhere there is fear, arrests, death marches, deportations, and thousands of refugees trying to survive. Karen does all she can but for every hundred she helps there are thousands she cannot. Still, Karen Jeppe does not give up. She travels to Aleppo in Syria, where she continues to support the exiled Armenian refugees until her death in 1935.The story of Karen Jeppe is a strong portrait of a brave, competent, and insightful woman, who was driven by love and self-sacrifices for her fellow man by leaving her own safe life in Denmark.The book is meant for adults but is written in an easy-to-read language which makes it suitable for all.
Objev podobné jako Karen Jeppe and the Armenian People - A Life – a Calling - Kate Royster - e-kniha
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- SMELL OF LIFE difuzér inspirovaný Code 100 ml (8594203850422)
- SMELL OF LIFE difuzér Mulled Wine 100 ml (8594203850187)
- SMELL OF LIFE inspirovaný Code osvěžovač 200 ml (8594203853201)