Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
Comedy Pet Photography Awards - Paul Joynson-Hicks & Tom Sullam
THE SIDE-SPLITTING COLLECTION OF HILARIOUS PHOTOS OF OUR BELOVED FURRY FRIENDSFROM THE TEAM THAT BROUGHT YOU THE BESTSELLING COMEDY WILDLIFE PHOTOGRAPHY AWARDS BOOKSWhen the Comedy Pet Photography Awards announced a contest for the funniest pet photos, they received thousands of entries from all over the world. Now its creators Paul Joyson-Hicks and Tom Sullam showcase the best of the best - as well as some never-before-seen entries - to present a joyful, laugh-out-loud collection of photographs of our favourite companions. From chauffeur dogs to smoking alpacas; fashion model cats to photobombing horses, this is the perfect gift for animal lovers of all spots and stripes.
Podívejte se také Beginning with photography (999-00-020-7185-0)
Biologie v pěti lekcích - Paul Nurse
Otázku po původu a podstatě života si lidé pokládali odnepaměti, ale odpověď na ni se po většinu historie nesla v duchu domněnek a více či méně podložených spekulací. S rozvojem genetiky, evoluční, molekulární a buněčné biologie ale vědci získali nové nástroje, které jim umožnily hledat odpověď na tyto věčné otázky přímo na hranicích mezi živým a neživým a dovolily jim zkoumat nejzákladnější rysy, které činí život životem. Pokrok, jehož jsme na tomto poli dosáhli, se ve své populárně-naučné knize rozhodl přiblížit britský genetik a nositel Nobelovy ceny Paul Nurse, který se po schodech vybudovaných z pěti základních myšlenek biologie pokouší vystoupat až na vrchol a zodpovědět kardinální otázku: Co je život? Cílem jeho stručného a zároveň hlubokého pojednání protkaného řadou osobních vzpomínek není seznámit čtenáře pouze s některými nejnovějšími biologickými poznatky, nýbrž i s fungováním samotné vědy a výzkumu. Nurse se svou knihou zároveň snaží poukázat na to, jak je pozemský život úchvatný, jedinečný a provázaný, což by nás mělo přimět, abychom si jej vážili, pečovali o něj a nepřehlíželi problémy, jimž i kvůli nám čelí.
Podívejte se také 5x Tom Ripley
Ask and It Is Given - Jerry Hicks, Esther Hicks
Presenting the teachings of the non-physical entity Abraham has drawn an extraordinary collection of endorsements from people keen to draw attention to the message that Abraham has to convey.
Podívejte se také traktor tom hracka
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Klíč ke všem vztahům - Jerry Hicks, Ester a Jerry Hicks
Vztah k sobě samému, vztah k životu, ke světu, ke svému tělu, k penězům, partnerské a milostné vztahy, vztahy s rodiči a dětmi a vztahy na pracovišti - tato kniha je celistvou inspirací pro plnohodnotný život a vztahy. Vysvětlí vám, že jste na světě proto, abyste se stále rozvíjeli a naplňovali svá přání. Tvrdí, že vy sami nejlépe víte, co je pro vás dobré, a na své cestě životem vás provází jedinečný navigační systém, jenž se projevuje prostřednictvím vašich pocitů. Odhaluje mylné předpoklady, které vás matou při řešení různých situací.
Objev podobné jako Klíč ke všem vztahům - Jerry Hicks, Ester a Jerry Hicks
Požádej a je ti dáno - Jerry Hicks, Esther Hicks - audiokniha
Audiokniha: Audio verze oblíbené inspirativní knihy. Čte Petra Výtvarová Krausová. Délka 9h 13m. Máte vrozené právo na život plný všeho, co je dobré, a tato audiokniha vám ukáže, jak to v každém ohledu realizovat. Audiokniha Požádej a je ti dáno vám předkládá učení nefyzické entity Abraham. S její pomocí se naučíte zhmotňovat svá přání tak, abyste mohli žít radostným a spokojeným životem, jaký si zasloužíte. Pochopíte, jak jsou vaše vztahy, zdravotní problémy, finance, otázky týkající se zaměstnání a dalších věcí ovlivněny vesmírnými zákony, jež vládnou v naší časoprostorové realitě. Objevíte účinné postupy, které vám pomohou být v souladu s pozitivním proudem života. Bez ohledu na to, v jaké životní etapě se právě nacházíte, existují způsoby, jak svůj život zlepšit.
Objev podobné jako Požádej a je ti dáno - Jerry Hicks, Esther Hicks - audiokniha
Biologie v pěti lekcích - Paul Nurse - e-kniha
eBook: Otázku po původu a podstatě života si lidé pokládali odnepaměti, ale odpověď na ni se po většinu historie nesla v duchu domněnek a více či méně podložených spekulací. S rozvojem genetiky, evoluční, molekulární a buněčné biologie ale vědci získali nové nástroje, které jim umožnily hledat odpověď na tyto věčné otázky přímo na hranicích mezi živým a neživým a dovolily jim zkoumat nejzákladnější rysy, které činí život životem. Pokrok, jehož jsme na tomto poli dosáhli, se ve své populárně-naučné knize rozhodl přiblížit britský genetik a nositel Nobelovy ceny Paul Nurse, který se po schodech vybudovaných z pěti základních myšlenek biologie pokouší vystoupat až na vrchol a zodpovědět kardinální otázku: Co je život? Cílem jeho stručného a zároveň hlubokého pojednání protkaného řadou osobních vzpomínek není seznámit čtenáře pouze s některými nejnovějšími biologickými poznatky, nýbrž i s fungováním samotné vědy a výzkumu. Nurse se svou knihou zároveň snaží poukázat na to, jak je pozemský život úchvatný, jedinečný a provázaný, což by nás mělo přimět, abychom si jej vážili, pečovali o něj a nepřehlíželi problémy, jimž i kvůli nám čelí.Vychází ve spolupráci s nakladatelstvím Argo.
Objev podobné jako Biologie v pěti lekcích - Paul Nurse - e-kniha
Sára kniha druhá - Šalamounovi neobyčejní neopeření přátelé - Jerry Hicks, Ester a Jerry Hicks
Volné pokračování předchozího příběhu o Sáře vás vtáhne do děje hned první větou a nepustí, dokud nedočtete poslední řádek. Zábavné dobrodružství, které prožijete společně se Sárou a Sethem při objevování prostých a praktických návodů jak naplnit smysl života, bude zkušenost, jakou můžete sdílet s každým, koho máte rádi. I když se právě teď možná cítíte báječně, po zkušenosti s touto nejnovější knihou o Sáře se budete cítit ještě líp. Společně se Sárou a jejím novým kamarádem Sethem budete v duchu prožívat jejich napínavá dobrodružství, procházet jejich zkušenostmi a taky se ovšem hodně smát. Postupně se před vámi bude odkrývat hluboká moudrost, kterou Sáře se Sethem zprostředkovává podivuhodná sova jménem Šalamoun. Zjistíte, jak funguje spravedlnost, jak zařídit, aby se vám plnila vaše přání, a vůbec podle jakých pravidel se na této zemi hraje hra zvaná Lidský život.
Objev podobné jako Sára kniha druhá - Šalamounovi neobyčejní neopeření přátelé - Jerry Hicks, Ester a Jerry Hicks
Sára kniha první - O věčném přátelství dvou blízkých duší - Jerry Hicks, Ester a Jerry Hicks
Sára je plachá, uzavřená desetiletá dívka, která není příliš šťastná. Má zlomyslného bratra, který ji neustále provokuje, kruté a bezcitné spolužáky, a ve škole ji to moc nebaví. Je zkrátka jako mnoho jiných dnešních dětí. To všechno se změní, když potká Šalamouna, moudrou nadpozemskou sovu, která jí ukáže, jak se na svět dívat jinak, očima bezvýhradné lásky. Naučí Sáru, jak přijímat čistou, pozitivní energii. Sára poprvé vidí, kým skutečně je a jak neomezené možnosti má. Jako čtenáři si uvědomíte, že je to mnohem víc než dětská knížka. Je to návod, jak získat radost a štěstí, které jsou naším vrozeným právem. Budete se Sárou sdílet její vzlety i propady na cestě k většímu naplnění a uvědomíte si, že takové dítě je v každém z nás.
Objev podobné jako Sára kniha první - O věčném přátelství dvou blízkých duší - Jerry Hicks, Ester a Jerry Hicks
Romantic Comedy - Curtis Sittenfeldová
Life is (not)* a Romantic Comedy...With a series of heartbreaks under her belt, Sally Milz - successful script writer for a legendary late-night TV comedy show - has long abandoned the search for love.But when her friend and fellow writer begins to date a glamorous actress, he joins the growing club of interesting but average-looking men who get romantically involvded with accomplished, beautiful women. Sally channels her annoyance into a sketch, poking fun at this 'social rule'. The reverse never happens for a woman.Then Sally meets Noah, a pop idol with a reputation for dating models. But this isn't a romantic comedy - it's real life. Would someone like him ever date someone like her?Skewering all our certainties about why we fall in love, ROMANTIC COMEDY is a witty and probing tale of how the heart will follow itself, no matter what anyone says. It is Curtis Sittenfeld at her most sharp, daring and compassionate best.
Objev podobné jako Romantic Comedy - Curtis Sittenfeldová
Romantic Comedy - Curtis Sittenfeldová
Life is (not)* a Romantic Comedy... After a series of heartbreaks, Sally Milz - successful script writer for a legendary late-night TV comedy show - has long abandoned the search for love.But when her friend and fellow writer begins to date a glamorous actress, he joins the growing club of interesting but average-looking men who get romantically involved with accomplished, beautiful women. Sally channels her annoyance into a sketch, poking fun at this 'social rule'. The reverse never happens for a woman.Then Sally meets Noah, a pop idol with a reputation for dating models. But this isn't a romantic comedy - it's real life. Would someone like him ever date someone like her?Skewering all our certainties about why we fall in love, ROMANTIC COMEDY is a witty and probing tale of how the heart will follow itself, no matter what anyone says.It is Curtis Sittenfeld at her most sharp, daring and compassionate best.
Objev podobné jako Romantic Comedy - Curtis Sittenfeldová
On Photography (0141035781)
Kniha - autor Susan Sontag, 208 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá How do we see the world around us? The Penguin on Design series includes the works of creative thinkers whose writings on art, design and the media have changed our vision forever.Susan Sontag's groundbreaking critique of photography asks forceful questions about the moral and aesthetic issues surrounding this art form. Photographs are everywhere. They have the power to shock, idealize or seduce, they create a sense of nostalgia and act as a memorial, and they can be used as evidence against us or to identify us. In six incisive essays, Sontag examines the ways in which we use these omnipresent images to manufacture a sense of reality and authority in our lives.
Objev podobné jako On Photography (0141035781)
20th Century Photography
Tato kniha nabízí exkluzivní pohled do bohaté a rozmanité sbírky nejvýznamnějších fotografií 20. století kolínského Muzea Ludwig. V knize najdeme více než 850 děl v abecedním pořadí.
Objev podobné jako 20th Century Photography
The Human Comedy - William Saroyan
Homer Macauley wants to become the best telegram messenger in California. He works at night and goes to high school during the day. Homer is an ambitious teenager who dreams of doing great things. But his job brings him face-to-face with the harsh realities of life and death, as he struggles to understand the events around him. This is an unforgettable story of how hospitality, generosity and kindness can change a person’s life and make the world a better place. Dossiers:The USA – A country of immigrants; Communications
Objev podobné jako The Human Comedy - William Saroyan
The Divine Comedy - Dante Alighieri
Translated by H. F. Cary With an introduction by Claire Honess. Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) is one of the most important and innovative figures of the European Middle Ages. Writing his Comedy (the epithet Divine was added by later admirers) in exile from his native Florence, he aimed to address a world gone astray both morally and politically. At the same time, he sought to push back the restrictive rules which traditionally governed writing in the Italian vernacular, to produce a radically new and all-encompassing work. The Comedy tells of the journey of a character who is at one and the same time both Dante himself and Everyman through the three realms of the Christian afterlife: Hell, Purgatory and Heaven. He presents a vision of the afterlife which is strikingly original in its conception, with a complex architecture and a coherent structure. On this journey Dante's protagonist - and his reader - meet characters who are variously noble, grotesque, beguiling, fearful, ridiculous, admirable, horrific and tender, and through them he is shown the consequences of sin, repentance and virtue, as he learns to avoid Hell and, through cleansing in Purgatory, to taste the joys of Heaven.
Objev podobné jako The Divine Comedy - Dante Alighieri
The Divine Comedy - Dante Alighieri
Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso -- the three fates of the deceased become the three pillars of an epic poem. The Divine Comedy, written by Italian poet Dante Alighieri in the fourteenth century, is considered the foremost work in Italian literature. The journey begins with Dante's descent into the depths of Hell where he witnesses those eternally separated from God. Then he climbs the mountain of Purgatory where Christian souls undergo final purification, before finally touring the celestial circles of Heaven where he is filled with the image of God. An allegorical work, the comedy is representative of the soul's journey towards God. Influential for seven centuries, this classic is a must have for lovers of great literature, and the luxurious leather-bound edition from Canterbury Classics will make a stunning addition to any library. Lexile score: 1220L
Objev podobné jako The Divine Comedy - Dante Alighieri
Crossroad HICKS Outdoorové křeslo, černá, velikost
Outdoorové křeslo Crossroad HICKS klasické konstrukce s praktickou kapsou na nápoj v loketní opěrce.
Objev podobné jako Crossroad HICKS Outdoorové křeslo, černá, velikost
American Genius, A Comedy - Lynne Tillman
A former historian is spending time in a residential home - but is it an artist''s retreat, a sanatorium, or a mental institute? In hypnotic and digressive prose, Tillman''s narrator spins tales of her life while ruminating on her many and varied preoccupations: chair design, the Manson family, the Zulu alphabet, the death of a pet, family trauma, loneliness - and above all, skin and the meaning of ''sensitivity'' in contemporary society. Meanwhile, these reveries and reminiscences are constantly interrupted by the presence of her fellow residents, each with their own obsessions and neuroses. In this masterful novel, now available in the UK for the first time, Tillman fashions nothing less than a microcosm of troubled American democracy. American Genius, A Comedy reinvents the modernist novel for our distracted and hypermediated era - it is the tale of a cons
Objev podobné jako American Genius, A Comedy - Lynne Tillman
Steady Hands - Truth In Comedy (LP)
Interpret / Téma: Steady Hands Vydavatelství: Lame-O Records Žánr: Blues;Rock;Folk Subžánr: Blues;Blues Rock;Alternative Rock;Rock;Folk Rok vydání: 2018.0 Datum vydání: 2018-10-19 Typ: LP deska;Album Země interpreta: USA Varianta: Truth In Comedy (Vinyl LP) Barva podle výrobce: Black Dekáda interpreta: 2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019 Barva: Černá Hmotnost: 180 g Balení obsahuje: LP Země původu: Evropská unie Složení setu: 1 ks Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM
Objev podobné jako Steady Hands - Truth In Comedy (LP)
A History of Photography
Muzeum George Eastman House se sídlem v Rochesteru ve státě New York , je jednou z nejvýznamnějších světových institucí věnujících se výzkumu, vystavování a uchovávání fotografického umění. Bylo otevřeno v roce 1949 v domě George Eastmana, zakladatele Eastman Kodak Company, jako první muzeum v USA zaměřené na fotografii a film. Objevná publikace nabízí pohled zevnitř do hloubky a šířky jeho fotografických sbírek a sleduje bohaté dějiny fotografie od dávných počátků po moderní digitální obrazové technologie.
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Nonhuman Photography - Joanna Zylinska
A new philosophy of photography that goes beyond humanist concepts to consider imaging practices from which the human is absent, as both subject and agent. Today, in the age of CCTV, drones, medical body scans, and satellite images, photography is increasingly decoupled from human agency and human vision. In Nonhuman Photography, Joanna Zylinska offers a new philosophy of photography, going beyond the human-centric view to consider imaging practices from which the human is absent. Zylinska argues further that even those images produced by humans, whether artists or amateurs, entail a nonhuman, mechanical element--that is, they involve the execution of technical and cultural algorithms that shape our image-making devices as well as our viewing practices. At the same time, she notes, photography is increasingly mobilized to document the precariousness of the human habitat and tasked with helping us imagine a better tomorrow. With its conjoined human-nonhuman agency and vision, Zylinska claims, photography functions as both a form of control and a life-shaping force. Zylinska explores the potential of photography for developing new modes of seeing and imagining, and presents images from her own photographic project, Active Perceptual Systems. She also examines the challenges posed by digitization to established notions of art, culture, and the media. In connecting biological extinction and technical obsolescence, and discussing the parallels between photography and fossilization, she proposes to understand photography as a light-induced process of fossilization across media and across time scales.
Objev podobné jako Nonhuman Photography - Joanna Zylinska
On Photography - Susan Sontagová
Features a critique of photography that asks forceful questions about the moral and aesthetic issues surrounding this art form. This title examines the ways in which we use these omnipresent images to manufacture a sense of reality and authority in our lives.
Objev podobné jako On Photography - Susan Sontagová
Environmental Photography Award 2023
While neither denying the great challenges that await us nor concealing the damage inflicted by Man on Nature, the photographs selected for the second edition of the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation's Environmental Photography Award reveal the incredible beauty that our Planet harbours, from the polar regions to the depths of the ocean, or even nestled in the heart of ancestral forests. By reflecting on our relationship towards nature and interrelation between human health and planetary health, the photographers invite us on a journey through images and deliver a message of hope; that together we can still act in a meaningful way, if we join forces to limit the effects of climate change and promote the resilience of ecosystems. The Award is divided among several categories, with a winner for each: Humanity versus Nature, Towards a Sustainable Future, Beneath the Canopy, and Polar Wonders. This book presents opposite every photo, the photographers testimonie, which encourage us to change, to innovate, to invent sustainable solutions to better rethink our lives and our economies. They reveal a real "field of possibilities" for new generations who aspire to a more harmonious relationship with Nature. It is up to every one of us to make this world, where we would coexist in a more responsible and prosperous way, possible. Now is the time for action.
Objev podobné jako Environmental Photography Award 2023
The Divine Comedy: Anniversary Edition - Dante Alighieri
Dante s dramatic journey down the circles of Hell, up the mountain of Purgatory and through the spheres of Heaven in search of redemption and his encounter with devils, monsters and the souls of sinners and saints is one of the cornerstones of Western literature, the summit of medieval thinking and arguably the highest poetic achievement of all time.This 700th Anniversary Edition of The Divine Comedy is presented in a verse translation by acclaimed poet and prize-winning translator J.G. Nichols, together with extensive notes, illustrations by Gustave Doré and a critical apparatus focusing on the author s life and works.Inferno, Purgatory and Paradise are also available in dual-language, single-volume editions.Part of Alma Classics Dante Collection to include Rime, Vita Nuova and Life of Dante by Giovanni Boccaccio
Objev podobné jako The Divine Comedy: Anniversary Edition - Dante Alighieri
The Divine Comedy - Dante Alighieri, Doré Gustave
A landmark of world literature, The Divine Comedy tells of the poet Dante's travels through Hell, Purgatory and Paradise in search of salvation. Before he is redeemed by his love for the heavenly Beatrice, he learns the meaning of evil, sin, damnation and forgiveness through a series of unforgettable encounters. This edition features Longfellow's renowned translation and reproductions of Gustave Dore's classic engravings from the 1867 publication.
Objev podobné jako The Divine Comedy - Dante Alighieri, Doré Gustave
Inferno: The Divine Comedy I - Dante Alighieri
Part of Penguin''s beautiful hardback Clothbound Classics series, designed by the award-winning Coralie Bickford-Smith, these delectable and collectible editions are bound in high-quality colourful, tactile cloth with foil stamped into the design. Describing Dante''s descent into Hell midway through his life with Virgil as a guide, Inferno depicts a cruel underworld in which desperate figures are condemned to eternal damnation for committing one or more of seven deadly sins. As he descends through nine concentric circles of increasingly agonising torture, Dante encounters doomed souls including the pagan Aeneas, the liar Odysseus, the suicide Cleopatra, and his own political enemies, damned for their deceit. Led by leering demons, the poet must ultimately journey with Virgil to the deepest level of all. For it is only by encountering Satan, in the heart of Hell, that he can truly understand the tragedy of sin.
Objev podobné jako Inferno: The Divine Comedy I - Dante Alighieri
Fox Světlo Halo Photography Light
Novinka od zančky Fox, světlo pro focení nebo natáčení vašich úlovků. 3W Luxeon Cool White Led diody a Warm White LED diody – až 1100 lumenů zaručí kvalitní osvětlení. Novinka od zančky Fox, světlo pro focení nebo natáčení vašich úlovků. 3W Luxeon Cool White Led diody a Warm White LED diody – až 1100 lumenů zaručí kvalitní osvětlení. Panel odolný proti záblesku pro hladké a ultra široké osvětlení Možnost změny teploty barvy – přírodní, studená a teplá bílá Zařízení pro noční osvětlení Vestavěný nastavitelný stojan Možnost připojení ke stativu pomocí závitu Nabíjení pomocí Micro USB portu LED indikátor ukazuje nabití baterie a stav nabíjení Ochrana obvodů, která zajistí, že nebude docházet k extrémnímu vybíjení a nabíjení Pevné pouzdro s pogumovanou rukojetí IP67 – prach a voděodolnost Doba pro úplné nabití je 6 hodin (světlo se během nabíjení automaticky přepne na 5% jas) Vestavěné nabíjecí baterie typu 2 x 3.7 V 2000mAh 18650 Li-ion
Objev podobné jako Fox Světlo Halo Photography Light
Knížka Assouline Color Photography, English
Kniha z kolekce Assouline. Barevná fotografie je poctou fotografům, kteří povýšili použití barev na uměleckou formu.
Objev podobné jako Knížka Assouline Color Photography, English
Fox lampa halo photography light
Možnost změny teploty barvy – přírodní, studená a teplá bílá Zařízení pro noční osvětlení Vestavěný nastavitelný stojan Možnost připojení ke stativu pomocí závitu Nabíjení pomocí Micro USB portu LED indikátor ukazuje nabití baterie a stav nabíjení Ochrana obvodů, která zajistí, že nebude docházet k extrémnímu vybíjení a nabíjení Pevné pouzdro s pogumovanou rukojetí IP67 – prach a voděodolnost Doba pro úplné nabití je 6 hodin (světlo se během nabíjení automaticky přepne na 5% jas) Vestavěné nabíjecí baterie typu 2 x 3.7 V 2000mAh 18650 Li-ion
Objev podobné jako Fox lampa halo photography light
New Deal Photography - Peter Walther
Amid the ravages of the Great Depression, the United States Farm Security Administration (FSA) was first founded in 1935 to address the country’s rural poverty. Its efforts focused on improving the lives of sharecroppers, tenants, and very poor landowning farmers, with resettlement and collectivization programs, as well as modernized farming methods. In a parallel documentation program, the FSA hired a number of photographers and writers to record the lives of the rural poor and “introduce America to Americans.”This book records the full reach of the FSA program from 1935 to 1943, honoring its vigor and commitment across subjects, states, and stylistic preferences. The photographs are arranged into four broad regional sections but otherwise allowed to speak for themselves—to provide individual impressions as much as they cumulatively build an indelible survey of a nation. The images are both color and black-and-white, and span the complete spetrum of American rural life. They show us convicts, cotton workers, kids, and relocated workers on the road. We see subjects victim to the elements of nature as much as to the vagaries of the global economic market. We find the work of such perceptive, sensitive photographers as Marion Post Wolcott, Jack Delano, Russell Lee, Walker Evans, Ben Shahn, and Dorothea Lange, and read their own testimonies to the FSA project and their encounters with their subjects, including Lange’s worn, weather-beaten and iconic Migrant Mother. What unites all of the pictures is a commitment to the individuality and dignity of each subject, as much as to the witness they bear to this particular period of the American past. The subjects are entrenched in the hardships of their historical lot as much as they are caught in universal cycles of growing, playing, eating, aging, and dying. Yet they face the viewer with what is utterly their own: a unique, irreplaceable, often unforgettable presence.
Objev podobné jako New Deal Photography - Peter Walther
Sára kniha první - Ester a Jerry Hicks - audiokniha
Audiokniha: Sára je plachá, uzavřená desetiletá dívka, která není příliš šťastná. Má zlomyslného bratra, který ji neustále provokuje, kruté a bezcitné spolužáky a ve škole ji to moc nebaví. Je zkrátka jako mnoho jiných dnešních dětí. To všechno se změní, když potká Šalamouna, moudrou nadpozemskou sovu, která jí ukáže, jak se na svět dívat jinak, očima bezvýhradné lásky. Naučí Sáru, jak přijímat čistou, pozitivní energii. Sára poprvé vidí, kým skutečně je a jak neomezené možnosti má. Když se zaposloucháte do příběhu v jedinečné dramatizaci Petry Výtvarové Krausové, zjistíte, že zdaleka není určen jen pro děti. Připomíná nám důležitost oceňování, vnímání přítomného okamžiku a srozumitelnou, hravou formou nás učí zodpovědnosti za svůj život. Záleží přece jenom na nás, zda budeme v životě šťastní…
Objev podobné jako Sára kniha první - Ester a Jerry Hicks - audiokniha
Komedie omylů / The Comedy of Errors - William Shakespeare
Ztřeštěná komedie o zmatcích a omylech, které v jednom odpoledni rozvrátí poklidné městečko. V dokonale vystavěné frašce o lásce a nevěře, poctivosti a zlodějině hrají hlavní roli záměny dvojčat pánů a sluhů a jejich ženských protějšků.
Objev podobné jako Komedie omylů / The Comedy of Errors - William Shakespeare
Opinionated Guide to photography - Robert Shore
An insider's guide to the most important, compelling photographs ever taken. No waffle. In a world of infinite images here is a guide to 65 of the best ever taken. From early experiments with light and form through Leica masterpeices and now articicially-generated images, take it or leave it, this is our opinion as to why these particular photographs rise above so many others and how they shaped the history of photography as an art form as well as the way we see ourselves and the world. The third book in a new series of Opinionated Guides on art movements, mediums and ideas which builds on the success of Hoxton Mini Press Opinionated Guides to London.
Objev podobné jako Opinionated Guide to photography - Robert Shore
The Use of Photography - Annie Ernaux
The Use of Photography recounts a passionate love affair between Annie Ernaux and the journalist and author Marc Marie, after the two met in January 2003. Ernaux had been receiving intensive chemo for breast cancer during the prior three months, and had lost all her hair from the treatments. At the end of January she had surgery, followed by radiation therapy. The affair took place in different locations and Ernaux describes how, shortly after it began, she found herself entranced each morning by the sight of clothes strewn about, chairs out of place and the remains of their last meal of the evening still on the table – and how painful it felt to put things back in order afterwards. She went and got her camera, and began to take photographs of the scenes of disarray. When she told Marc Marie what she had done, he said he had felt the same desire. Translated by Alison L. Strayer into English for the first time, The Use of Photography is an extraordinary meditation on eroticism, photography and writing, a major work by the 2022 Nobel Prize in Literature laureate.
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The Dog in Photography - Raymond Merritt
With more than 400 canine portraits, this book is both a picture tribute to our favorite four-legged friend and a unique history of dogs in photography. From the 19th century right through to today, we see how the camera has been the key witness to our timeless affection for dogs, capturing their beauty, character, joy, and abiding friendship. In celebration of the world’s favorite animal, we bring you over 400 photographs of or about dogs. With pictures from the 19th century to today, the collection includes works by Man Ray, Eric Fischl, Wolfgang Tillmans, Donna Ruskin, Fatima NeJame, Vincent Versace, and of course Elliott Erwitt and William Wegman. Together, their pictures, unique in style but united in canine affection, are testimony if ever there was one that dogs are not only best friends, but also pure photographic inspiration.
Objev podobné jako The Dog in Photography - Raymond Merritt
Požádej a je ti dáno - Jerry Hicks, Esther Hicksová
Tato fascinující kniha vám předkládá učení nefyzické entity Abraham. S její pomocí se naučíte zhmotňovat svá přání, tak abyste mohli žít radostným a spokojeným životem, jaký si zasloužíte. Pochopíte, jak jsou vaše vztahy, zdravotní problémy, finance, otázky týkající se zaměstnání a dalších věcí ovlivněny vesmírnými zákony, jež vládnou v naší časoprostorové realitě. Druhá část knihy popisuje účinné postupy, které vám pomohou být v souladu s pozitivním proudem života. „K tomu nejcennějšímu na této knize patří to, že Abraham nám předkládá 22 různých účinných postupů k dosažení našich cílů. Bez ohledu na to, v jaké životní etapě se právě nacházíme, existují postupy, jak náš život zlepšit. Mám tuto knihu moc ráda a mám ráda i Esther a Jerryho Hicksovy!“ – Louise L. Hay, autorka bestselleru Uzdrav svůj život „Tato kniha je jednou z nejsilnějších knih, které jsem kdy četl. Může od základů změnit celý váš život. A je v ní nezměrné množství lásky.“ – Neale Donald Walsch, autor bestsellerů Hovory s Bohem „Držíte v rukou jednu z nejlepších knih o zhmotňování našich přání, které jsem kdy četla. Byla mi příjemným osvěžením, láskyplnou pozitivní podporou. Rozdávám její výtisky každému, koho znám.“ – Doreen Virtue, Ph.D., autorka bestselerů Poslové světla „Je to úžasné kniha! Já sám se s manželkou věnuji Abrahamovu učení již několik let. Věříme, že prospěje i vám – doporučujeme ji svým přátelům.“ – John Gray, autor bestselleru Muži jsou z Marsu, ženy z Venuše „Toto neuvěřitelně hluboké a zároveň jednoduché a praktické učení vám pomůže znovu nalézt důvěru ve vaše vnitřní vedení a vydat se směrem k těm nejvíce povznášejícím dobrodružstvím, jaká si dokážete představit. Požádej a je ti dáno je mapou k inspirovanému a radostnému životu.“ – Jack Canfield, spoluautor série Slepičí polévka pro duši
Objev podobné jako Požádej a je ti dáno - Jerry Hicks, Esther Hicksová
Humble Pi : A Comedy of Maths Errors - Matthew Parker
What makes a bridge wobble when it's not meant to? Billions of dollars mysteriously vanish into thin air? A building rock when its resonant frequency matches a gym class leaping to Snap's 1990 hit I've Got The Power? The answer is maths. Or, to be precise, what happens when maths goes wrong in the real world.As Matt Parker shows us, our modern lives are built on maths: computer programmes, finance, engineering. And most of the time this maths works quietly behind the scenes, until ... it doesn't. Exploring and explaining a litany of glitches, near-misses and mishaps involving the internet, big data, elections, street signs, lotteries, the Roman empire and a hapless Olympic shooting team, Matt Parker shows us the bizarre ways maths trips us up, and what this reveals about its essential place in our world.Mathematics doesn't have good 'people skills', but we would all be better off, he argues, if we saw it as a practical ally. This book shows how, by making maths our friend, we can learn from its pitfalls. It also contains puzzles, challenges, geometric socks, jokes about binary code and three deliberate mistakes. Getting it wrong has never been more fun.
Objev podobné jako Humble Pi : A Comedy of Maths Errors - Matthew Parker
Bob Dylan Tričko Curry Hicks Cage Womens Charcoal Grey L
Země původu: Spojené království Dekáda interpreta: 2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019;1990 - 1999;2000 - 2009;1960 - 1969;1970 - 1979;1950 - 1959;1980 - 1989 Žánr: Rock;Folk;Blues;Country;Gospel Subžánr: Rock;Folk;Gospel;Country;Blues Délka rukávu: Krátké Velikost: L Barva: Šedá Věková skupina: Dospělý Specifikace materiálu: Bavlna;Polyester Materiál: Bavlna;Polyester Země interpreta: USA Dodavatel: Rock Off Barva podle výrobce: Šedá;Charcoal Grey;Grey Pohlaví: Dámské Interpret / Téma: Bob Dylan
Objev podobné jako Bob Dylan Tričko Curry Hicks Cage Womens Charcoal Grey L
In the Shadow of Photography - Magda Stanová
A drawn and handwritten work of non-fiction about the medium of photography, the photography world, and how the invention of photography influenced people's thinking and behavior. It explores topics such as the camera's wormhole-like capabilities, why being photographed causes stage fright, how the present is becoming a stage for the future, analog vs. digital photography, the relationship between the photographer and the photograph, and how we are losing the possibility of gaining an authentic memory of a moment from a photographic attempt to conserve it. "A funny and delicate philosophical survival kit for a better understanding of the influential, omnipresent shadow of photography.” -Joan Fontcuberta "This work by Magda Stanová is a visual essay, not only because she works with numerous photographic reproductions (famous as well as completely private ones), but also and perhaps primarily because of how she thoughtfully contrasts technical perfection with simple drawings which eliminate everything accessory and show only what is essential, though not in the way a chart does, since even the drawings come alive here and lead their own cheerful life.” -Miroslav Petříček Magda Stanová is a multi-disciplinary artist and a senior lecturer at the Department of Theory and History of Art at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague. She is the author of Algorithms in Art (2016) and a co-author of The Pedestrian's Venice (2017).
Objev podobné jako In the Shadow of Photography - Magda Stanová
Metadata: Rethinking Photography in the 21st Century
Accompanies major exhibition at The Ringling Museum of Art from March 6 - August 28, 2022 Explores the work of artists Mohsen Azar, Viktoria Binschtok, Mladen Bizumic, Joy Buolamwini, Ali Feser and Jason Lazarus, Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, Lilly Lulay, Trevor Paglen, and Penelope Umbrico What’s behind a picture? The term “metadata” is used to describe the information that travels with a digital image file but is unseen within the image itself. In our networked digital environment, metadata is accessed by both human users and artificial intelligences. Software algorithms orchestrate what images we see and exchange while collecting the valuable data generated by our interactions. In our moment, dominated by image-based social media and surveillance, we are becoming increasingly aware that understanding the information that circulates unseen around photographic images is just as important as seeing what they represent. This fascinating, fully-illustrated publication explores new paradigms for understanding the ecology of the photographic image through the work of an international selection of contemporary artists and visual activists. This includes not just the tags or descriptors attached to image files, but the power relationships, biases, and economic interests that are not always visible in the image itself.
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Beginning with photography - Marie Němcová - e-kniha
eBook: Do you aspire to take excellent photographs? Knowledge the fundamentals of photography composition can help you to achieve it. The book is accompanied with 130 illustrative photographs with comments that provide you with an insight to the photography composition and tune you in the creative photography.
Objev podobné jako Beginning with photography - Marie Němcová - e-kniha
Knížka Taschen GmbH 20th Century Photography, Taschen
Kniha z kolekce Taschen GmbH. Kniha poskytuje fascinující vhled do bohaté rozmanitosti fotografie 20. století – od konceptuálního umění přes abstrakt až po reportáž a všechny hlavní směry a žánry.
Objev podobné jako Knížka Taschen GmbH 20th Century Photography, Taschen
Peter Lindbergh. On Fashion Photography (revised edition)
Follow Peter Lindbergh across four decades of pioneering fashion photography. Through countless collaborations with the most venerated names in fashion, the German photographer created new narratives with his humanist approach, which resulted in iconic shots at once introspective and appealing. This book features more than 300 images, many previously unpublished, as well as an updated introduction in which Lindbergh establishes his sentiment on “so-called fashion photography”. The Lindbergh Lens The photographer who altered the landscape of fashion photography It was on a Malibu beach in 1988 that Peter Lindbergh shot the White Shirts series, images now known the world over. Simple yet seminal, the photographs introduced us to Linda Evangelista, Christy Turlington, Rachel Williams, Karen Alexander, Tatjana Patitz, and Estelle Lefébure. This marked the beginning of an era that redefined beauty, and Lindbergh would go on to alter the landscape of fashion photography for the decades that followed. This book gathers more than 300 images from forty years of Lindbergh’s career. It traces the German photographer’s cinematic inflections and humanist approach, which produced images at once seductive and introspective. In 1980 Rei Kawakubo asked Lindbergh to shoot a Commes des Garçons campaign, one of his earlier forays into commercial photography. Kawakubo gave him carte blanche. The following years brought forth collaborations with the most venerated names in fashion and resulted in a relationship of mutual reverence; Lindbergh’s respect for some of the greatest designers of our time is palpable in his portraits. Among those photographed are Azzedine Alaïa, Giorgio Armani, Alber Elbaz, John Galliano, Jean Paul Gaultier, Karl Lagerfeld, Thierry Mugler, Yves Saint Laurent, Jil Sander, and Yohji Yamamoto. Widely considered a pioneer in his field, Lindbergh shirked the industry standards of beauty and instead celebrated the essence and individuality of his subjects. He was pivotal to the rise of models such as Kate Moss, Naomi Campbell, Linda Evangelista, Cindy Crawford, Mariacarla Boscono, Lara Stone, Claudia Schiffer, Amber Valletta, Nadja Auermann, and Kristen McMenamy. Lindbergh’s reach also extended across Hollywood and beyond: Cate Blanchett, Charlotte Rampling, Richard Gere, Isabelle Huppert, Nicole Kidman, Madonna, Brad Pitt, Catherine Deneuve, and Jeanne Moreau all appear in his works. From the picture chosen by Anna Wintour as the cover of her first Vogue issue to the legendary shot of Tina Turner on the Eiffel Tower, it is never the clothes, celebrity, or glamour that takes center stage in a Lindbergh photograph. Each picture conveys the humanity of its subject with a serene melancholy that is uniquely and unmistakably Lindbergh. From the outset of his career, Lindbergh was well-known in the contemporary art world, where his photographs were exhibited in galleries long before they appeared in magazines. This edition features an updated introduction adapted from an interview in 2016, allowing a glimpse behind Lindbergh’s lens, where the photographer recounts his early collaborations, the tenuous relationship between commercial and fine art, and the power of storytelling. The photographer and author Peter Lindbergh (1944–2019) was a master of his craft who made his mark in the halls of photography history, with such credits as shooting the first American Vogue cover under Editor-in-Chief Anna Wintour, bringing together for the first time a group of young women who would become the ’90s supermodels, and numerous exhibitions at renowned institutions including Victoria & Albert Museum in London and Centre Pompidou in Paris, as well as in solo exhibitions at Hamburger Bahnhof, the Berlin Museum for Contemporary Art, Bunkamura Museum of Art in Tokyo, the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts in Moscow, and Kunstpalast in Düsseldorf.
Objev podobné jako Peter Lindbergh. On Fashion Photography (revised edition)
Patagonia Unexpected: 30 Years of Patagonia Photography
Patagonia Unexpected: 30 Years of Patagonia Photography - souhrn více než 100 nejzajímavějších fotografií ze života a překračování osobních hranic zákazníků i slavných fotografů značky Patagonia. Můžete tak nahlédnout do všedního života nevšedních lidí a cestovat s nimi po neznámých a nebezpečných místech.
Objev podobné jako Patagonia Unexpected: 30 Years of Patagonia Photography
Peter Lindbergh. On Fashion Photography. 40th Ed.
It was on a Malibu beach in 1988 that Peter Lindbergh shot the White Shirts series, images now known the world over. Simple yet seminal, the photographs introduced us to Linda Evangelista, Christy Turlington, Rachel Williams, Karen Alexander, Tatjana Patitz, and Estelle Lefébure. This marked the beginning of an era that redefined beauty, and Lindbergh would go on to alter the landscape of fashion photography for the decades that followed. This edition gathers more than 300 images from forty years of Lindbergh’s career. It traces the German photographer’s cinematic inflections and humanist approach, which produced images at once seductive and introspective. In 1980 Rei Kawakubo asked Lindbergh to shoot a Commes des Garçons campaign, one of his earlier forays into commercial photography. Kawakubo gave him carte blanche. The following years brought forth collaborations with the most venerated names in fashion and resulted in a relationship of mutual reverence; Lindbergh’s respect for some of the greatest designers of our time is palpable in his portraits. Among those photographed are Azzedine Alaïa, Giorgio Armani, Alber Elbaz, John Galliano, Jean Paul Gaultier, Karl Lagerfeld, Thierry Mugler, Yves Saint Laurent, Jil Sander, and Yohji Yamamoto. Widely considered a pioneer in his field, Lindbergh shirked the industry standards of beauty and instead celebrated the essence and individuality of his subjects. He was pivotal to the rise of models such as Kate Moss, Naomi Campbell, Linda Evangelista, Cindy Crawford, Mariacarla Boscono, Lara Stone, Claudia Schiffer, Amber Valletta, Nadja Auermann, and Kristen McMenamy. Lindbergh’s reach also extended across Hollywood and beyond: Cate Blanchett, Charlotte Rampling, Richard Gere, Isabelle Huppert, Nicole Kidman, Madonna, Brad Pitt, Catherine Deneuve, and Jeanne Moreau all appear in his works. From the picture chosen by Anna Wintour as the cover of her first Vogue issue to the legendary shot of Tina Turner on the Eiffel Tower, it is never the clothes, celebrity, or glamour that takes center stage in a Lindbergh photograph. Each picture conveys the humanity of its subject with a serene melancholy that is uniquely and unmistakably Lindbergh. From the outset of his career, Lindbergh was well-known in the contemporary art world, where his photographs were exhibited in galleries long before they appeared in magazines. This edition features an updated introduction adapted from an interview in 2016, allowing a glimpse behind Lindbergh’s lens, where the photographer recounts his early collaborations, the tenuous relationship between commercial and fine art, and the power of storytelling.
Objev podobné jako Peter Lindbergh. On Fashion Photography. 40th Ed.
Erotica 2: The Nude in Contemporary Photography
Erotica unveils a representative selection of contemporary nude photographs taken from the most varied genres. Aesthetics and artistic expression were the main criteria guiding the selection process.
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Erotica 1: The Nude in Contemporary Photography
Erotica unveils a representative selection of contemporary nude photographs taken from the most varied genres. Aesthetics and artistic expression were the main criteria guiding the selection process.
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Erotica 3: The Nude in Contemporary Photography
Erotica unveils a representative selection of contemporary nude photographs taken from the most varied genres. Aesthetics and artistic expression were the main criteria guiding the selection process.
Objev podobné jako Erotica 3: The Nude in Contemporary Photography
All-New Twenty to Make: Flowers to Crochet - Sarah-Jane Hicks
Crochet your favorite flower and more, with 20 gorgeous projects to choose from.For beautiful buds that will last all year round, crochet this lovely little collection of flowers by the author of the best-selling Amigurumi Christmas, Sarah-Jane Hicks.There are 20 stunning flowers to choose from, including a sunshine-yellow sunflower, the classic rose, a dainty daisy, a sweet snowdrop and the bumblebee''s favourite: lavender.Once you''ve crocheted your blooms, use them to embellish clothing and accessories, or even turn them into a floral wreath and fairy lights!This is a fantastic little project book in a handy pocket-size format, so you can crochet your posies wherever you go!
Objev podobné jako All-New Twenty to Make: Flowers to Crochet - Sarah-Jane Hicks
Požádej a je ti dáno - Ester a Jerry Hicks - e-kniha
eBook: Tato fascinující kniha vám předkládá učení nefyzické entity Abraham. S její pomocí se naučíte zhmotňovat svá přání, tak abyste mohli žít radostným a spokojeným životem, jaký si zasloužíte. Pochopíte, jak jsou vaše vztahy, zdravotní problémy, finance, otázky týkající se zaměstnání a dalších věcí ovlivněny vesmírnými zákony, jež vládnou v naší časoprostorové realitě. Druhá část knihy popisuje účinné postupy, které vám pomohou být v souladu s pozitivním proudem života. Kniha nabízí 22 různých účinných postupů k dosažení našich cílů. Bez ohledu na to, v jaké životní etapě se právě nacházíme, existují postupy, jak svůj život zlepšit.
Objev podobné jako Požádej a je ti dáno - Ester a Jerry Hicks - e-kniha
Photography: The Whole Story - David Campany, Juliet Hacking
Photography: The Whole Story is a celebration of the most beautiful, meaningful and inspiring photographs that have arisen from this very modern medium. It begins with a succinct overview of photography, placing it in the context of the social and cultural developments that have taken place globally since its arrival. Organized chronologically, the book then traces the rapid evolution of photographic style, period by period and movement by movement. Illustrated, in-depth essays cover every photographic genre, from the early portraits and tableaux to the digitally manipulated montages, split-second sports images, and conceptual photographs of today. The ideas and works of key photographers are assessed to reveal what motivated them, who influenced whom, and what each was striving to achieve. Detailed cultural and individual artist timelines clarify historical context.
Objev podobné jako Photography: The Whole Story - David Campany, Juliet Hacking
Beginning with photography (999-00-020-7185-0)
Elektronická kniha - autor Marie Němcová, 128 stran, anglicky Do you aspire to take excellent photographs? Knowledge the fundamentals of photography composition can help you to achieve it. The book is accompanied with 130 illustrative photographs with comments that provide you with an insight to the photography composition and tune you in the creative photography.
Objev podobné jako Beginning with photography (999-00-020-7185-0)
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