Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz

A Field Guide to Autumn - Gabby Dawnay

The latest instalment in this charming series inspired by the Forest School movement, teaching young children how to engage with nature from season to season. Inspired by the Forest School movement, the ‘Field Guide to...’ series encourages children to learn in, with and about nature, and to discover the beauty and wonder of each season. Designed as guides to take out into the wild, books in the series prompt readers to explore the natural environment using their senses, curiosity and creativity, while also introducing them to the science behind the seasons. This new instalment in the series is a pocket-sized introduction to autumn. Building on children’s natural curiosity about the world around them, it aims to establish a connection with nature at an early age that will go on to last a lifetime! Go berry picking, make art out of fallen leaves, identify mushrooms, and build a woodland den. Discover why the weather changes in autumn and how animals prepare for winter. The book features lyrical poems, hands-on crafts and activities, scientific facts, and identifier pages to help children spot different spiders, leaves and fungi. Whether a child’s access to nature is in the form of an urban park, a private garden, a field, or a forest, there is so much to discover and experience.

Podívejte se také A field guide to the flora of Ladakh (978-80-200-2826-6)

cena 325.0 Kč

A Field Guide to Post-Punk & New Wave

What makes New Wave... New Wave? It's the catchall name of punk's poppy offshoot, born in the 70s simultaneously in the United States and United Kingdom. But how would you describe New Wave's context in the zeitgeist of the time, or explain how this new electro-rock made people feel? Well, that's precisely what DJ and author Steve Wide explains in this handy book.In these pages, Steve explains the social and music industry climates of the 70s and 80s, unpacking the influence of the punk genre on NYC-based groups like the Velvet Underground and New York Dolls. There's also a timeline on the usage of the term New Wave - for a long chunk of the 70s it was used almost interchangeably with "punk". There are breakdowns on the key record labels, DJs, producers, engineers and magazines - all of which stitched their own layer on the New Wave patchwork. There are deep dives into controversies, rivalries and messy band breakups. And lastly, there's a dissection of how ripples of New Wave are still felt today, in recorded music and across wider pop culture.If you, or someone close to you, is obsessed with the minutiae of the New Wave movement, then this book is a must-have.

Podívejte se také Therm-A-Rest Instant Field Repair Kit (040818035887)

cena 384.0 Kč

A Field Guide To Getting Lost - Solnit Rebecca

In this investigation into loss, losing and being lost, Rebecca Solnit explores the challenges of living with uncertainty. A Field Guide to Getting Lost takes in subjects as eclectic as memory and mapmaking, Hitchcock movies and Renaissance painting.Beautifully written, this book combines memoir, history and philosophy, shedding glittering new light on the way we live now.

Podívejte se také SILVA Compass Field (7318860195488)

cena 295.0 Kč

A field guide to the flora of Ladakh (978-80-200-2826-6)

Kniha - autor Jiří Doležal; Miroslav Dvorský, 154 stran, česky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Praktický terénní průvodce květenou Ladaku, svérázné polopouštní oblasti indického Transhimálaje. U jednotlivých druhů nalezneme popis jejich morfologie, ekologických nároků a areálu celkového výskytu. Rozšíření je zobrazeno na přehledných bodových mapách a výškových frekvenčních diagramech. Na barevných fotografiích je představen vždy celkový habitus rostliny, často je připojena také makrofotografie detailů. Kniha se věnuje jak geologii a klimatu Ladaku, tak historii jeho botanického průzkumu, fytogeografie a vegetační zonace. Díky druhovému překryvu je průvodce široce použitelný i v horách západního Tibetu, v Kašmíru nebo Nepálu.

Objev podobné jako A field guide to the flora of Ladakh (978-80-200-2826-6)

cena 349.0 Kč

The 99% Invisible City: A Field Guide to the Hidden World of Everyday Design - Roman Mars, Kurt Kohlstedt

This is 99% Invisible.__________A beautifully designed guidebook to the unnoticed yet essential elements of our cities, from the creators of the wildly popular 99% Invisible podcastHave you ever wondered what those bright, squiggly graffiti marks on the sidewalk mean?Or stopped to ponder who gets to name the streets we walk along?Or what the story is behind those dancing inflatable figures in car dealerships?99% Invisible is a big-ideas podcast about small-seeming things, revealing stories baked into the buildings we inhabit, the streets we drive, and the sidewalks we traverse. The show celebrates design and architecture in all of its functional glory and accidental absurdity, with intriguing tales of both designers and the people impacted by their designs.Now, in The 99% Invisible City: A Field Guide to Hidden World of Everyday Design, host Roman Mars and coauthor Kurt Kohlstedt zoom in on the various elements that make our cities work, exploring the origins and other fascinating stories behind everything from power grids and fire escapes to drinking fountains and street signs. With deeply researched entries and beautiful line drawings throughout, The 99% Invisible City will captivate devoted fans of the show and anyone curious about design, urban environments, and the unsung marvels of the world around them.

Objev podobné jako The 99% Invisible City: A Field Guide to the Hidden World of Everyday Design - Roman Mars, Kurt Kohlstedt

cena 599.0 Kč

A field guide to the Flora of Ladakh - Jiří Doležal, Dvorský Miroslav, Leoš Klimeš, Jan Wild, Bernhard W. Dickoré

Praktický terénní průvodce květenou Ladaku, svérázné polopouštní oblasti indického Transhimálaje. U jednotlivých druhů nalezneme popis jejich morfologie, ekologických nároků a areálu celkového výskytu. Rozšíření je zobrazeno na přehledných bodových mapách a výškových frekvenčních diagramech. Na barevných fotografiích je představen vždy celkový habitus rostliny, často je připojena také makrofotografie detailů. Kniha se věnuje jak geologii a klimatu Ladaku, tak historii jeho botanického průzkumu, fytogeografie a vegetační zonace. Díky druhovému překryvu je průvodce široce použitelný i v horách západního Tibetu, v Kašmíru nebo Nepálu.

Objev podobné jako A field guide to the Flora of Ladakh - Jiří Doležal, Dvorský Miroslav, Leoš Klimeš, Jan Wild, Bernhard W. Dickoré

cena 403.0 Kč

Domeček pro myšku - Gabby Dawnay

Před dlouhým časem šedá myš malá nový dum najít tuze si přála. Jakmile se rozhodla, spoustu dní i nocí šla. Zdali najde domov myška napoví vám tato knížka.Roztomilý příběh myšky hledající domov vás provede pohádkovými zeměmi a vám i vašim dětem prozradí, co je na domově to nejdůležitější.

Objev podobné jako Domeček pro myšku - Gabby Dawnay

cena 268.0 Kč

Pětiminutové příběhy z oceánu - Gabby Dawnay

Objevte kouzlo podmořského světa. Každý příběh vás během pěti minut přenese mezi mořské živočichy a jejich fascinující životní osudy. Autorka Gabby Dawnay a ilustrátorka Mona K vám přiblíží život rybek klaunů, keporkaků, chobotnic a dalších podmořských tvorů. Kniha je ideální na společné čtení před spaním nebo kdykoliv během dne, kdy chcete strávit chvilku v krásném a tajemném světě oceánu. Je to oslava přírody, která potěší jak děti, tak dospělé.

Objev podobné jako Pětiminutové příběhy z oceánu - Gabby Dawnay

cena 357.0 Kč

Päťminutové príbehy z oceánu - Gabby Dawnay

Objavte kúzlo podmorského sveta. Každý príbeh vás počas piatich minút prenesie medzi morské živočíchy a ich fascinujúce životné osudy. Autorka Gabby Dawnay a ilustrátorka Mona K vám priblíži život klaunov očkatých, vráskavcov, chobotníc a ďalších morských tvorov. Kniha je ideálna na spoločné čítanie pred spaním alebo kedykoľvek počas dňa, keď chcete stráviť chvíľku v krásnom a tajomnom svete oceána. Je to oslava prírody, ktorá poteší deti aj dospelých.

Objev podobné jako Päťminutové príbehy z oceánu - Gabby Dawnay

cena 388.0 Kč

If I had an octopus - Gabby Dawnay

A board book edition of this charming and imaginative story in the bestselling 'If I had a...' series, which imagines life with an octopus as a pet. I really want a clever pet, a pet with many charms. The sort of pet with talents, and a large amount of arms Have you ever thought about what the best aquatic pet would be? It's an octopus, of course! Playing different ball games simultaneously and staying camouflaged when it's bedtime is eight times the fun - just watch out for the ink...With vibrant illustrations and playful rhymes, If I Had an Octopus is a delightful bedtime story that follows a little girl's flight of fancy as she imagines the advantages and disadvantages of having an octopus for a pet.

Objev podobné jako If I had an octopus - Gabby Dawnay

cena 249.0 Kč

If I had a dragon - Gabby Dawnay

The fiery new title in the best-selling If I had a... series imagines life with a dragon as a pet. Imagine what it would be like to have a dragon as a pet. Join our funny female protagonist on her latest flight of fancy, but watch out for that burning bad breath! Dragons are mighty mythical beasts... and perfect pets. Getting to school is a breeze when you can fly, and you would never have to worry about lighting the barbecue. But what exactly do dragons eat? Perhaps a trip to the museum will help, just beware of knights in shining armour! Gabby and Alex's If I had a... series goes from strength to strength. The latest in the fantastically funny series is full of fantasy fun, wrapping up an exciting day of dragon adventures with a warm and cosy night-time scene, the perfect book for bedtime.

Objev podobné jako If I had a dragon - Gabby Dawnay

cena 354.0 Kč

Věčný koloběh naší matky přírody - Gabby Dawnay

Všechno se opakuje a všechno má svůj začátek, konec a nový začátek – zkrátka nikdy nekončící koloběh. Asi vás nepřekvapí, že z drobného semínka vyroste mohutný strom, na něm dozrají plody se stejně drobnými semínky, a zatímco strom odumře, z nich vyrostou nové.Stejně samozřejmé vám jistě připadá, že živočichové přivádějí na svět potomky a ti zase dávají vznik nové generaci – a tak stále dokola. Uvědomili jste si však, že podobný koloběh, i když méně nápadný a často mnohonásobně pomalejší, platí i pro vodu, hory, samotnou Zemi, a dokonce i pro hvězdy a celý vesmír? Právě tato bohatě ilustrovaná knížka vás prostřednictvím 48 neobvyklých příběhů seznámí s některými cykly, v nichž se odehrává Věčný koloběh naší Matky přírody, ať už jde o živočichy, rostliny, houby, sopky nebo komety.

Objev podobné jako Věčný koloběh naší matky přírody - Gabby Dawnay

cena 399.0 Kč

If I had an octopus - Gabby Dawnay, Alex Barrow

I really want a clever pet, a pet with many charms.The sort of pet with talents, and a large amount of armsHave you ever thought about what the best aquatic pet would be? It's an octopus, of course! Playing different ball games simultaneously and staying camouflaged when it's bedtime is eight times the fun - just watch out for the ink... With vibrant illustrations and playful rhymes, If I Had an Octopus is a charming and imaginative tale about bedtime story that follows a little girl's flight of fancy as she imagines the advantages and disadvantages of having an octopus for a pet.

Objev podobné jako If I had an octopus - Gabby Dawnay, Alex Barrow

cena 359.0 Kč

If I had a polar bear - Gabby Dawnay, Alex Barrow

A boldly illustrated bedtime story that imagines what it would be like to have a strong and snuggly polar bear for a pet. What would life be like with a polar bear as a pet? Polar bears might look soft and cuddly, but they are also super-strong, so getting to school would be a breeze even on a snowy day. They'd show off their ice-skating skills, then help to hunt a fish-and-chip dinner. And since polar bears can swim for days at a time, with endurance like that, if Santa ever needed help delivering presents guess who he would call? Join our funny female protagonist in this newest wintery title in the If I had a... series, just in time for Christmas!

Objev podobné jako If I had a polar bear - Gabby Dawnay, Alex Barrow

cena 236.0 Kč

The Ornithologist's Field Guide to Love - India Holton

Rival ornithologists hunt through Europe for dangerous magical birds in this historical fantasy romance. If Indiana Jones featured manners, tea, and helicopter parasols - this would be it!-Professor Beth Pickering is on the verge of finally capturing the rare Deathwhistler bird when Professor Devon Lockley swoops in, stealing both her bird and her imagination. For his part, Devon has never been more smitten than when he first set eyes on Beth.When a competition to become Birder of the Year by capturing an endangered caladrius bird is announced, Beth and Devon are forced to team up to have any chance of winning. -From the mastermind behind The Dangerous Damsels series, India Holton delivers another fantastical and whimsical story that's perfect to read with a cup of tea . . .

Objev podobné jako The Ornithologist's Field Guide to Love - India Holton

cena 268.0 Kč

The Beekeeper’s Field Guide - Meredith May

Beekeeping is a popular past time that more and more people are turning to for personal enjoyment, or even small commercial gain. Today you will find hives in backyards, gardens, and on rooftops, benefiting both the bee and the keeper.For those who have begun their beekeeping journey and need a go-to pocket guide on establishing and maintaining their hives, The Beekeeper’s Field Guide is the perfect book. Not only will readers learn about a wide range of bee species and their life cycle, behaviour, and preferred plants, but readers will also be informed about the practicalities of beekeeping, from personal safety and hygiene to record keeping and legal requirements.With an extensive troubleshooting section that debunks myths, and includes explanations and solutions for “bad” bee behavior, diseases, and pests, The Beekeeper’s Field Guide is a handy-sized yet comprehensive tool for all keen and established beekeepers.Contents:Introduction – 6A Guide to Honeybees and the Hive – 14Beekeeping Tasks and Equipment – 64Responsible Beekeeping – 144Troubleshooting – 212Resources and Suppliers – 278

Objev podobné jako The Beekeeper’s Field Guide - Meredith May

cena 443.0 Kč

The Spiderwick Chronicles: The Field Guide - Holly Black

Celebrate the 20th anniversary of the international bestselling Spiderwick Chronicles and get ready for the series soon to be streaming on Disney+ with the first installment in the adventures of the Grace children. After finding a mysterious handmade field guide in the attic of the ramshackle old mansion they've just moved into, the Grace children - Jared, Simon and Mallory - discover that there's a magical and maybe dangerous world existing parallel to our own - the world of faerie. The children want to share what they know, but the faeires will do everything possible to stop their secrets being revealed .

Objev podobné jako The Spiderwick Chronicles: The Field Guide - Holly Black

cena 205.0 Kč

Hands of Light: A Guide to Healing Through the Human Energy Field (0553345397)

Kniha - autor Barbara Ann Brennan, 320 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná With the clarity of a physicist and the compassion of a gifted healer with fifteen years of professional experience observing 5,000 clients and students, Barbara Ann Brennan presents the first in-depth study of the human energy field for people who seek happiness, health and their full potential. Our physical bodies exist within a larger "body," a human energy field or aura, which is the vehicle through which we create our experience of reality, including health and illness. It is through this energy field that we have the power to heal ourselves. This energy body -- only recently verified by scientists, but long known to healers and mystics -- is the starting point of all illness. Here, our most powerful and profound human interactions take place, the precursor and healer of all physiological and emotional disturbances. "Hands of Light is your guide to a new wholeness. It...

Objev podobné jako Hands of Light: A Guide to Healing Through the Human Energy Field (0553345397)

cena 664.0 Kč

Diamantový deník Gabby

Ozdob svůj tajný deník se zámkem diamanty/kamínky. Balení obsahuje: deník se zámkem, 2 klíče, voskovou hmotu, více než 350ks kamínků různých barev, zásobník na kamínky, stylus na nabírání kamínků a návod k použití. Rozměry: 19 × 20 × 3 cm. Doporučeno pro děti od 6 let.

Objev podobné jako Diamantový deník Gabby

cena 349.0 Kč

SELECTED Gabby Overal Modrá

Gabby Overal - SELECTED - Modrá.

Objev podobné jako SELECTED Gabby Overal Modrá

cena 2959.0 Kč

Puzzle Gabby 2v1 + pexeso

Balení obsahuje 2 puzzle (30 a 48 dílků) a pexeso. Vhodné pro děti od 3 let.

Objev podobné jako Puzzle Gabby 2v1 + pexeso

cena 159.0 Kč

Dárková sada Gabby 3D MIDI

Sada zažehlovacích korálků HAMA s motivy oblíbených postaviček Gabby. Obsahuje: Přibližně 4.000 korálků, 2× podložku č. 234TR, barevnou předlohu, návod a zažehlovací papír.

Objev podobné jako Dárková sada Gabby 3D MIDI

cena 379.0 Kč

Dámský župan 41060 Gabby maroon

Dámský župan 41060 Gabby Henderson vzorovaný materiál příjemný na dotek vínová barva s kapucí s kapsami na zavazování délka nad kolena

Objev podobné jako Dámský župan 41060 Gabby maroon

cena 1617.0 Kč

Kostým Gabby, 3-5 let

Kostým Gabby a Pandy, obsahuje šaty a čelenku s oušky, velikost XXS

Objev podobné jako Kostým Gabby, 3-5 let

cena 787.0 Kč

Undercover Domeček pro panenky Gabby

Podrobnosti o produktu: Věk: od 3 let Vozík Gabby's Dollhouse Ride on Trolley slibuje více zábavy pro děti i rodiče při cestování. S dětským kufříkem mají děti na nádraží nebo na letišti své místo vždy u sebe a mohou si odpočinout (do max. 50 kg). Dlouhé vzdálenosti nebo čekací doby lze překonat pomocí funkce skluzavky Rodiče mohou kufr se svým dítětem také pohodlně táhnout pomocí popruhu Díky dvěma 360° kolečkům je vozík obzvláště flexibilní a zábava při klouzání na všechny strany je zaručena Vozík nabízí také dostatek prostoru pro zavazadla a hračky Všechny předměty na cesty jsou dobře uspořádány díky praktickému uspořádání s přihrádkou na zip a křížovými popruhy Vozík lze přepravovat jako příruční zavazadlo u mnoha leteckých společností Vozík Ride On s motivem domečku pro panenky Gabby je licenčním produktem Original . Rozměry a hmotnost: Rozměry ve složeném stavu (délka x šířka x výška): 47,5 x 32 x 23 cm Hmotnost: přibližně 1,7 kg Materiál a péče: Materiál: Polykarbonát Upozornění a bezpečnostní pokyny: Upozornění : Nepřekračujte maximální hmotnost 50 kg pro funkci sedadla.

Objev podobné jako Undercover Domeček pro panenky Gabby

cena 1695.0 Kč

Smoby Gabby Ice Cream Factory

Podrobnosti o produktu: Věk: od 3 let Ponořte se do sladkého světa továrny na zmrzlinu Gabby's Dollhouse! Tato rozkošná zmrzlinárna v kouzelném Design z Gabby's Dollhouse potěší malé mlsouny. Děti si mohou cukrárnu samy vyzdobit veselými barevnými samolepkami z oblíbeného dětského televizního seriálu Gabbyho domeček pro panenky. S důmyslným výrobníkem zmrzliny lze kornouty plnit podle libosti a s vaflovačem péct lahodné vafle. Sada obsahuje spoustu detailně propracovaného příslušenství, včetně 5 kopečků zmrzliny, 3 zmrzlinových kornoutů, 2 vaflí, 1 zmrzlinového poháru, 1 pusinky, 1 čokoládové tyčinky aden , 1 kopečku zmrzliny a mnoho dalšího. Celkem 21 doplňků Rozměry a hmotnost: Rozměry v sestaveném stavu (délka x šířka x výška): 44,5 x 26,6 x 35 cm Hmotnost: 1,65 kg Materiál a péče: Materiál: Plast Pokyny pro údržbu: Lze otírat vlhkým hadříkem.

Objev podobné jako Smoby Gabby Ice Cream Factory

cena 1140.0 Kč

Prsten ve zlaté barvě Gabby

Prsten ve zlaté barvě Gabby z kategorie Bižuterie značky Bohm, velikost , barva zlatá.

Objev podobné jako Prsten ve zlaté barvě Gabby

cena 199.0 Kč

Guide to Diabetes

An up-to-date introduction to diabetes that aims to increase your understanding of diabetes with an overview of this complex disorder. Chapters cover: What is diabetes? Initial Diagnosis and early care; Dietary and drug treatment; Insulin treatment; Monitoring Glucose Levels; Hypoglycaemia; Acute Metabolic Complications of Diabetes; Long term chronic complications; Diabetes in pregnant women, children, the elderly and ethnic minorities; Living with Diabetes; Glossary. Bibliography

Objev podobné jako Guide to Diabetes

cena 149.0 Kč

Gabby's Dollhouse Gabby česací panenka (778988364383)

Figurka - herní set, postavička, na hraní, výška 20 cm, materiál plast a textil, s pohyblivými končetinami, vhodná od 3 let Hlavní přednosti figurky Gabby's Dollhouse Gabby česací panenka S figurkou Spin Master se vaše děti zabaví na dlouhou dobu Je ideální pro ratolesti od 3 let Materiálem využitým při výrobě je plast a textil Figurka na hraní bude zdrojem mnoha nových her Děti při hraní ocení pohyblivé končetiny V balení najdete jednu figurku Figurka Spin Master měří 20 cm

Objev podobné jako Gabby's Dollhouse Gabby česací panenka (778988364383)

cena 429.0 Kč

T.L.A.P.: Gabby buduje tým - Nathan Fairbairn

Seznamte se: Gabby, Priya a Mindy jsou nejlepší kamarádky.Každá je úplně jiná - má jiné vlastnosti, jiné zájmy, jinou rodinu… Spojují je ovšem dvě důležité věci: Zaprvé, všechny tři naprosto zbožňují zvířata. A zadruhé, ani jedna bohužel nemůže mít zvíře doma, každá opět z úplně jiného důvodu.Jejich touha obstarat si pár chundelatých kamarádů je ale obrovská, a tak se rozhodnou něco vymyslet. A když vyjde najevo, že spousta lidí v okolí shání někoho na odpolední venčení, zrodí se parta T.L.A.P. neboli Tým Láskyplné Asistence Pejskům.Jenže provozovat takovou službu je těžší, než se zdá, zvlášť když jsou její zakladatelky tak odlišné. Povedou stále častější neshody a komplikace až k rozpadu celé party T.L.A.P., nebo naše trojice dokáže vybudovat silný tým a zachránit situaci?

Objev podobné jako T.L.A.P.: Gabby buduje tým - Nathan Fairbairn

cena 223.0 Kč

Guide to Back Pain

A Guide to Back Pain book provides straightforward, useful information about the workings of the human back and the things that may go wrong to cause pain. It provides guidance on the alleviation and management of such pain.

Objev podobné jako Guide to Back Pain

cena 149.0 Kč

The Rough Guide to Green Britain & Northern Ireland: Compact Guide with eBook - Guide to travelling by electric vehicle (EV) - Rough Guides

Practical travel guide to Green Britain & Northern Ireland with a free eBook featuring points-of-interest structured lists of all sights and off-the-beaten-track treasures, with detailed colour-coded maps, practical details about what to see and to do in Green Britain & Northern Ireland. The Rough Guide to Green Britain & Northern Ireland also includes details on how to get there and around, pre-departure information, as well as top time-saving tips, like a visual list of things not to miss in Green Britain & Northern Ireland, expert author picks and itineraries to help you plan your trip. This guide book has been fully updated post-COVID-19.The Rough Guide to Green Britain & Northern Ireland covers: London & the Southeast, the Southwest, Central England, Northern England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.Inside this travel guide you''ll find:RECOMMENDATIONS FOR EVERY TYPE OF TRAVELLERExperiences selected for every kind of trip to Green Britain & Northern Ireland, from off-the-beaten-track adventures in The White Cliffs of Dover to family activities in child-friendly places, like Northumberland National Park or chilled-out breaks in popular tourist areas, like The Eden Project in Cornwall.PRACTICAL TRAVEL TIPSEssential pre-departure information including Green Britain & Northern Ireland entry requirements, getting around, health information, travelling with children, sports and outdoor activities, food and drink, festivals, culture and etiquette, shopping, tips for travellers with disabilities and more.TIME-SAVING ITINERARIESCarefully planned routes covering the best of Green Britain & Northern Ireland give a taste of the richness and diversity of the destination, and have been created for different time frames or types of trip.DETAILED REGIONAL COVERAGEClear structure within each sightseeing chapter includes regional highlights, brief history, detailed sights and places ordered geographically, recommended restaurants, hotels, bars, clubs and major shops or entertainment options.INSIGHTS INTO GETTING AROUND LIKE A LOCALTips on how to beat the crowds, save time and money and find the best local spots for the nearest EV charge points to each listing or wild swimming.HIGHLIGHTS OF THINGS NOT TO MISSRough Guides'' rundown of Snowdonia, Cumbria, Dorset, Suffolk''s best sights and top experiences helps to make the most of each trip to Green Britain & Northern Ireland, even in a short time.HONEST AND INDEPENDENT REVIEWSWritten by Rough Guides'' expert authors with a trademark blend of humour, honesty and expertise, to help to find the best places in Green Britain & Northern Ireland, matching different needs.BACKGROUND INFORMATIONComprehensive ''Contexts'' chapter features fascinating insights into Green Britain & Northern Ireland, with coverage of history, religion, ethnic groups, environment, wildlife and books, plus a handy language section and glossary.FABULOUS FULL COLOUR PHOTOGRAPHYFeatures inspirational colour photography, including the stunning Land''s End and the spectacular John O''Groats.COLOUR-CODED MAPPINGPractical full-colour maps, with clearly numbered, colour-coded keys for quick orientation in Northern England, Northern Ireland and many more locations in Green Britain & Northern Ireland, reduce the need to go online.USER-FRIENDLY LAYOUTWith helpful icons, and organised by neighbourhood to help you pick the best spots to spend your time.FREE EBOOKFree eBook download with every purchase of a printed book allows you to access all of the content from your phone or tablet, for on-the-road exploration.

Objev podobné jako The Rough Guide to Green Britain & Northern Ireland: Compact Guide with eBook - Guide to travelling by electric vehicle (EV) - Rough Guides

cena 443.0 Kč

The Complete Guide to Middle-earth: The Definitive Guide to the World of J.R.R. Tolkien - Foster Robert

A peerless A–Z guide to the names, places and events in the world of J.R.R. Tolkien, fully illustrated in colour throughout by acclaimed Tolkien artist, Ted Nasmith. J.R.R. Tolkien’s works of epic adventure and fantasy, The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings and The Silmarillion have delighted many millions of fans since they were first published, and are now more popular than ever before. The Complete Guide to Middle-earth has been compiled to enhance the reader’s enjoyment of Tolkien’s books by bringing together in an A-Z sequence all the key facts and information about names, places, languages and events from The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings and The Silmarillion. Accompanied with numerous genealogical tables and a unique Chronology of the First Age, it will provide an indispensable aid to every reader’s discovery of Tolkien’s world. The first, and definitive, encyclopedia, The Complete Guide to Middle-earth is now reissued to complement the illustrated hardbacks of The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, The Silmarillion and Unfinished Tales, and is lavishly illustrated with more than 50 full-colour paintings by acclaimed Tolkien artist, Ted Nasmith, with many appearing exclusively in this edition.

Objev podobné jako The Complete Guide to Middle-earth: The Definitive Guide to the World of J.R.R. Tolkien - Foster Robert

cena 1099.0 Kč

Cerdá Cestovní sada doplňků Gabby´s Dollhouse

Cestovní sada doplňků Cerdá s motivem Gabby´s Dollhouse obsahuje samé nezbytné věci – hřeben, ručník 29 x 48 cm a plastový kelímek o objemu cca 300 ml.

Objev podobné jako Cerdá Cestovní sada doplňků Gabby´s Dollhouse

cena 229.0 Kč

Cerdá Sluneční brýle Premium Gabby´s Dollhouse

Sluneční brýle Premium od značky Cerdá s motivem Gabby´s Dollhouse disponují UV filtrem. Jejich hravý design potěší dítě i rodiče. Ideální pro děti od 3 let.

Objev podobné jako Cerdá Sluneční brýle Premium Gabby´s Dollhouse

cena 165.0 Kč

Päťminútové príbehy z lesa - Gabby Dawney, Mona K

Les šepká svoje básne o tom, čo sa v ňom každý deň odohráva. Započúvajte sa do nich a nechajte sa očariť nádherne ilustrovanými príbehmi. Pojednávajú o zázrakoch prírody, ktoré sa dejú teraz a tu bez toho, aby ich ľudia postrehli. Poetické básne dopĺňajú populárno-náučné strany, kde sa deti aj dospelí dozvedia o zobrazených javoch to podstatné. Zistíte, že príroda je neuveriteľným spôsobom prepojená a všetko v nej súvisí so všetkým. Príbehy na päť minút je najlepšie predčítať nahlas – sú oslavou každodenných divov z lesného prostredia. Táto kniha poteší srdce malých aj veľkých milovníkov prírody.

Objev podobné jako Päťminútové príbehy z lesa - Gabby Dawney, Mona K

cena 478.0 Kč

Pětiminutové příběhy z lesa - Gabby Dawney, Mona K

Les šeptá své básně o tom, co se uvnitř něj každý den odehrává. Zaposlouchejte se do nich a nechte se okouzlit nádherně ilustrovanými příběhy. Pojednávají o zázracích přírody, které se dějí teď a tady, aniž by je lidé postřehli. Poetické básně doplňují populárně-naučné strany, kde se děti i dospělí dozvědí o zobrazených jevech to podstatné. Zjistíte, že příroda je neuvěřitelným způsobem propojená a všechno v ní souvisí se vším. Příběhy na pět minut je nejlepší předčítat nahlas - jsou oslavou každodenních divů z lesního prostředí. Tato kniha potěší srdce malých i velkých milovníků přírody.

Objev podobné jako Pětiminutové příběhy z lesa - Gabby Dawney, Mona K

cena 357.0 Kč

Gabby's Dollhouse Duhová Gabby s kočičkami (778988437070)

Figurky - hrací set, postavičky, zvířátka, na hraní, materiál plast, výška 9,6 cm, s pohyblivými končetinami, vhodné od 3 let, 5 ks v balení Klíčové přednosti figurek Gabby's Dollhouse Duhová Gabby s kočičkami S figurkami Spin Master o dětech dlouhou dobu neuslyšíte Jsou určené pro děti od 3 let Použitým materiálem je plast Figurky Spin Master osloví především milovníky zvířátek S figurkami na hraní bude každá hra vždy jiná a originální Při hraní děti jistě využijí pohyblivé končetiny V balení obdržíte 4 figurky Nejvyšší figurka v balení měří 10 cm

Objev podobné jako Gabby's Dollhouse Duhová Gabby s kočičkami (778988437070)

cena 359.0 Kč

Babymel Přebalovací batoh Gabby Vegan Leather Almond

Podrobnosti o produktu: Přední strana z veganské kůže má prošívání se vzorem chevron, které dodává této tašce na pleny vzhled modern en. Široké a bezpečné zapínání na dvojitý zip Voděodolný vnější materiál a podšívka Popruhy na batoh s integrovanými popruhy na kočárek Šest vnitřních a vnějších kapes Rozměry a hmotnost: Rozměry (délka x šířka x výška): 38,1 x 32,1 x 13,1 cm Hmotnost výrobku: 0,5 kg Materiál a péče: Vnější materiál: 70 % polyester, 30 % polyuretan Materiál uvnitř: 100 % polyester Pokyny pro údržbu: Otřete vlhkým hadříkem a nechte uschnout na vzduchu. Výměna podložky: Perte v pračce ve studené vodě, sušte naplocho.

Objev podobné jako Babymel Přebalovací batoh Gabby Vegan Leather Almond

cena 1403.0 Kč

The Rough Guide to Tanzania & Zanzibar: Travel Guide with eBook - Rough Guides

This Tanzania & Zanzibar guidebook is perfect for independent travellers planning a longer trip. It features all of the must-see sights and a wide range of off-the-beaten-track places. It also provides detailed practical information on preparing for a trip and what to do on the ground. And this Tanzania & Zanzibar travel guidebook is printed on paper from responsible sources, and verified to meet the FSC''s strict environmental and social standards. This Tanzania & Zanzibar guidebook covers: Dar es Salaam, The north coast, The south coast, Central Tanzania, The northern highlands, Arusha and around, The northern Safari Circuit, Lake Victoria and northwestern Tanzania, Lake Tanganyika and western Tanzania, Southern Tanzania, Zanzibar.Inside this Tanzania & Zanzibar travel book, you''ll find: - A wide range of sights - Rough Guides experts have hand-picked places for travellers with different needs and desires: off-the-beaten-track adventures, family activities or chilled-out breaks- Itinerary examples - created for different time frames or types of trip- Practical information - how to get to Tanzania & Zanzibar, all about public transport, food and drink, shopping, travelling with children, sports and outdoor activities, tips for travellers with disabilities and more- Author picks and things not to miss in Tanzania & Zanzibar - Serengeti, lake ferries, seafood in Zanzibar, chimpanzees at Gombe Stream and Mahale Mountains, Stone Town, Tarangire National Park, Indian Ocean flights, hiking in the Usambara and Udzungwa Mountains, Kondoa-Irangi rock paintings, cultural tourism, Mount Kilimanjaro, Kilwa Kisiwani, Ngorongoro Conservation Area- Insider recommendations - tips on how to beat the crowds, save time and money, and find the best local spots- When to go to Tanzania & Zanzibar - high season, low season, climate information and festivals - Where to go - a clear introduction to Tanzania & Zanzibar with key places and a handy overview - Extensive coverage of regions, places and experiences - regional highlights, sights and places for different types of travellers, with experiences matching different needs- Places to eat, drink and stay - hand-picked restaurants, cafes, bars and hotels- Practical info at each site - hours of operation, websites, transit tips, charges- Colour-coded mapping - with keys and legends listing sites categorised as highlights, eating, accommodation, shopping, drinking and nightlife- Background information for connoisseurs - history, culture, art, architecture, film, books, religion, diversity- Essential Kiswahili dictionary and glossary of local terms - Free download of the eBook - available after purchase of the printed guidebook to Tanzania & Zanzibar - Fully updated post-COVID-19The guide provides a comprehensive and rich selection of places to see and things to do in Tanzania & Zanzibar, as well as great planning tools. It''s the perfect companion, both ahead of your trip and on the ground.

Objev podobné jako The Rough Guide to Tanzania & Zanzibar: Travel Guide with eBook - Rough Guides

cena 502.0 Kč

The Mini Rough Guide to Lisbon: Travel Guide with eBook - Rough Guides

This pocket-sized travel guide to Lisbon is a convenient, quick-reference companion to discovering what to do, what to see and how to get around the destination. It covers top attractions like Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga, the Bairro Alto, Torre de Belém, the Museum of Art, Architecture and Technology, Elevador de Santa Justa as well as hidden gems, including Alfama district. Our Lisbon guide book will save you time and enhance your exploration of this fascinating city. This Lisbon travel guide has been fully updated post-COVID-19.This Mini Rough Guide to LISBON covers: Alfama, Baixa (lower city), Bairro Alto (upper city), Lapa, Belém, North Lisbon, Parque das Nações, Across the Tagus, Excursions from Lisbon.In this guide book to Lisbon you will find:RECOMMENDATIONS FOR EVERY TYPE OF TRAVELLERExperiences selected for every kind of trip to Lisbon, from cultural explorations in Mosteiro dos Jerónimos to family activities in child-friendly places, like Belém or chilled-out breaks in popular tourist areas, like Castelo de São Jorge.TOP TEN ATTRACTIONSThis Lisbon travel guide covers the destination''s top ten attractions not to miss, including the Bairro Alto, Torre de Belém, the Museum of Art, Architecture and Technology, Elevador de Santa Justa and a Perfect Day itinerary suggestions.COMPACT FORMATCompact, concise, and packed with essential information, with a sharp design and colour-coded sections, this guide book to Lisbon is the perfect on-the-move companion when you''re exploring Parque das Nações.HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL INSIGHTSIncludes an insightful overview of landscape, history and culture of Lisbon.WHAT TO DODetailed description of entertainment, shopping, nightlife, festivals and events, and children''s activities.PRACTICAL MAPSHandy colour maps on the inside cover flaps of this travel guide to Lisbon will help you find your way around.PRACTICAL TRAVEL INFORMATIONPractical information on eating out, including a handy glossary and detailed restaurant listings, as well as a comprehensive A-Z of travel tips on everything from getting around to health and tourist information.STRIKING PICTURESInspirational colour photography throughout.FREE EBOOKFree eBook download with every purchase of this Lisbon guide book to access all content from your phone or tablet for on-the-road exploration.

Objev podobné jako The Mini Rough Guide to Lisbon: Travel Guide with eBook - Rough Guides

cena 236.0 Kč

The Mini Rough Guide to Puglia: Travel Guide with eBook - Rough Guides

This pocket-sized guide is a convenient, quick-reference companion to discovering what to do, what to see and how to get around Puglia. It covers top attractions like the Tremiti islands, the Gargano peninsula and Otranto, as well as hidden gems, including Alberobello - the centre of Puglia''s famous trulli, the quaint, conical-shaped houses - Castel del Monte, a unique medieval masterpiece, and Lecce, Puglia''s Baroque gem, packed with lavish architecture and fanciful facades. This will save you time, and enhance your exploration of this fascinating region. This title has been fully updated post-COVID-19. This Mini Rough Guide to Puglia covers: The Gargano Peninsula, Puglia Imperiale, Canosa di Puglia, Bari and beyond, Valle d''Itria, The Salento, An excursion to MateraIn this travel guide you will find: RECOMMENDATIONS FOR EVERY TYPE OF TRAVELLER Experiences selected for every kind of trip to Puglia, from cultural explorations to family activities in child-friendly places or chilled-out breaks in popular tourist areas.TOP TEN ATTRACTIONSCovers the destination''s top ten attractions not to miss, including Martina Franca, Lecce, Gallipoli and a Perfect Day/Tour itinerary suggestions.COMPACT FORMATCompact, concise, and packed with essential information, with a sharp design and colour-coded sections, this is the perfect on-the-move companion when you''re exploring Puglia.HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL INSIGHTSIncludes an insightful overview of landscape, history and culture.WHAT TO DODetailed description of entertainment, shopping, nightlife, festivals and events, and children''s activities.PRACTICAL MAPSHandy colour maps on the inside cover flaps will help you find your way around.PRACTICAL TRAVEL INFORMATIONPractical information on eating out, including a handy glossary and detailed restaurant listings, as well as a comprehensive A-Z of travel tips on everything from getting around to health and tourist information.STRIKING PICTURESInspirational colour photography throughout.FREE EBOOK Free eBook download with every purchase of a printed book to access all content from your phone or tablet for on-the-road exploration.

Objev podobné jako The Mini Rough Guide to Puglia: Travel Guide with eBook - Rough Guides

cena 236.0 Kč

The Mini Rough Guide to Bucharest: Travel Guide with eBook - Rough Guides

This mini pocket Bucharest travel guidebook is perfect for travellers seeking basic information about Bucharest. It covers key places, main attractions and a short hotel and restaurant recommendations list. This book is printed on paper from responsible sources, verified to meet FSC''s strict environmental and social standards.This Bucharest travel book covers: The Old Town; Along Calea Victoriei; Aviatorilor and Herastrau Park; Cotroceni to Cismigiu; Civic Centre; The Outskirts of the City and Excursions.In this Bucharest guidebook, you will find: - Curated recommendations of places - main attractions, child-friendly family activities, chilled-out breaks in popular tourist areas - Things not to miss in Bucharest - Spring Palace, Parliament, Village Museum, Therme, Herastrau Park, Caru'' Cu Bere, Stavropoleos Church, Romanian Athenaeum, Piata Unirii, Cotroceni Palace - Perfect Day - itinerary suggestions for those on a short break- Short Bucharest introduction - geographical location, cultural legacy, history with interesting key dates - What to do in Bucharest - recommendations for entertainment, shopping, sports, children''s activities, events and nightlife- Food and drink - recommendations for local products and places to eat- Overview maps - handy maps on the inside cover flaps showing Bucharest and around- Practical information - how to get there and around, opening times, health and medical care, and tourist information- Striking pictures - inspirational colour photography throughout- Free download of the eBook - available after purchase of the printed guidebook Bucharest - Fully updated post-COVID-19This guide is easy to use and quick to scan through when you need help on the go. It''s the perfect companion both ahead of your trip and on the ground. It gives you the flavour of Bucharest without overwhelming you with too much information.

Objev podobné jako The Mini Rough Guide to Bucharest: Travel Guide with eBook - Rough Guides

cena 236.0 Kč

The Mini Rough Guide to Singapore: Travel Guide with eBook - Rough Guides

This mini pocket Singapore travel guidebook is perfect for travellers seeking basic information about Singapore. It covers key places, main attractions and a short hotel and restaurant recommendations list. This book is printed on paper from responsible sources, verified to meet FSC''s strict environmental and social standards.This Singapore travel book covers: The Colonial District, Little India and Arab Street , Chinatown and the Financial District, Marina Bay, Orchard Road and the Botanic Gardens, Northern Singapore, Eastern Singapore, Western Singapore and Sentosa, the southern isles.In this Singapore guidebook, you will find: - Curated recommendations of places - main attractions, child-friendly family activities, chilled-out breaks in popular tourist areas - Things not to miss in Singapore - Chinatown, Esplanade - theatres on the bay, Raffles Hotel, Orchard Road, Clarke Quay and Boat Quay, Gardens by the bay, Night Safari, Sentosa Island, The National Museum, Little India - Perfect Day - itinerary suggestions for those on a short break- Short Singapore introduction - geographical location, cultural legacy, history with interesting key dates - What to do in Singapore - recommendations for entertainment, shopping, sports, children''s activities, events and nightlife- Food and drink - recommendations for local products and places to eat- Overview maps - handy maps on the inside cover flaps showing Singapore and around- Practical information - how to get there and around, opening times, health and medical care, and tourist information- Striking pictures - inspirational colour photography throughout- Free download of the eBook - available after purchase of the printed guidebook Singapore - Fully updated post-COVID-19This guide is easy to use and quick to scan through when you need help on the go. It''s the perfect companion both ahead of your trip and on the ground. It gives you the flavour of Singapore without overwhelming you with too much information.

Objev podobné jako The Mini Rough Guide to Singapore: Travel Guide with eBook - Rough Guides

cena 236.0 Kč

Definitive Guide to Fortnite 2025 - PBR

The ultimate guide to one of the most popular online games around!With hardback cover, 64 full-colour pages and lots of exclusive features. Plus games, quizzes, tips and fun facts all included in every publication.Excellent for all ages!

Objev podobné jako Definitive Guide to Fortnite 2025 - PBR

cena 295.0 Kč

An Opinionated Guide To London Pubs

London is home to over 3,500 pubs. The trouble is that 95% are awful. Dark, sweaty and tired. Says who? Says us. This small paperback tells you the only ones you should know. Whether you''re after the perfect Sunday roast, great craft beer, a cosy spot to read a book, the best pint of bitter or a raucous gig, this guide highlights the capital''s most exciting and, crucially, most stylish saloons in which to find it all.

Objev podobné jako An Opinionated Guide To London Pubs

cena 294.0 Kč

Opinionated Guide to photography - Robert Shore

An insider's guide to the most important, compelling photographs ever taken. No waffle. In a world of infinite images here is a guide to 65 of the best ever taken. From early experiments with light and form through Leica masterpeices and now articicially-generated images, take it or leave it, this is our opinion as to why these particular photographs rise above so many others and how they shaped the history of photography as an art form as well as the way we see ourselves and the world. The third book in a new series of Opinionated Guides on art movements, mediums and ideas which builds on the success of Hoxton Mini Press Opinionated Guides to London.

Objev podobné jako Opinionated Guide to photography - Robert Shore

cena 447.0 Kč

Complete Guide to Dressmaking - Jules Fallon

All the dressmaking techniques you need, explained simply for easy, professional-looking results.

Objev podobné jako Complete Guide to Dressmaking - Jules Fallon

cena 502.0 Kč

The Rough Guide to the Lake District: Travel Guide with eBook - Rough Guides

This Lake District guidebook is perfect for independent travellers planning a longer trip. It features all of the must-see sights and a wide range of off-the-beaten-track places. It also provides detailed practical information on preparing for a trip and what to do on the ground. And this Lake District travel guidebook is printed on paper from responsible sources, and verified to meet the FSC''s strict environmental and social standards. This Lake District guidebook covers: Windermere, Grasmere and the central fells, Coniston Water, Hawkshead and the south, Keswick, Derwent Water and the north, the western fells and valleys, Ullswater, out of the National Park.Inside this Lake District travel book, you''ll find: - A wide range of sights - Rough Guides experts have hand-picked places for travellers with different needs and desires: off-the-beaten-track adventures, family activities or chilled-out breaks- Itinerary examples - created for different time frames or types of trip- Practical information - how to get to the Lake District, all about public transport, food and drink, shopping, travelling with children, sports and outdoor activities, tips for travellers with disabilities and more- Author picks and things not to miss in the Lake District - Scafell Pike, Derwent Water, Eskdale, Ennerdale Water, hiking, bird watching, wildlife, boating, kayaking, biking, museums, history, wild swimming - Insider recommendations - tips on how to beat the crowds, save time and money, and find the best local spots- When to go to the Lake District - high season, low season, climate information and festivals - Where to go - a clear introduction to the Lake District with key places and a handy overview - Extensive coverage of regions, places and experiences - regional highlights, sights and places for different types of travellers, with experiences matching different needs- Places to eat, drink and stay - hand-picked restaurants, cafes, bars and hotels- Practical info at each site - hours of operation, websites, transit tips, charges- Colour-coded mapping - with keys and legends listing sites categorised as highlights, eating, accommodation, shopping, drinking and nightlife - Background information for connoisseurs - history, culture, art, architecture, film, books, religion, diversity- Free download of the eBook - available after purchase of the printed guidebook to the Lake District - Fully updated post-COVID-19The guide provides a comprehensive and rich selection of places to see and things to do in the Lake District, as well as great planning tools. It''s the perfect companion, both ahead of your trip and on the ground.

Objev podobné jako The Rough Guide to the Lake District: Travel Guide with eBook - Rough Guides

cena 473.0 Kč

The Rough Guide to Kent, Sussex & Surrey: Travel Guide with eBook - Rough Guides

This Kent, Sussex & Surrey guidebook is perfect for independent travellers planning a longer trip. It features all of the must-see sights and a wide range of off-the-beaten-track places. It also provides detailed practical information on preparing for a trip and what to do on the ground. And this Kent, Sussex & Surrey travel guidebook is printed on paper from responsible sources, and verified to meet the FSC''s strict environmental and social standards. This Kent, Sussex & Surrey guidebook covers: Canterbury and around; North Kent; East Kent; The Kent Weald; The Sussex High Weald; East Sussex Downs; Brighton; West Sussex; Surrey.Inside this Kent, Sussex & Surrey travel book, you''ll find: - A wide range of sights - Rough Guides experts have hand-picked places for travellers with different needs and desires: off-the-beaten-track adventures, family activities or chilled-out breaks- Itinerary examples - created for different time frames or types of trip- Practical information - how to get to Kent, Sussex & Surrey, all about public transport, food and drink, shopping, travelling with children, sports and outdoor activities, tips for travellers with disabilities and more- Author picks and things not to miss in Kent, Sussex & Surrey - The Seven Sisters and Beachy Head, Chartwell, The Turner Contemporary, The Devil''s Punch Bowl, Rye, West Wittering, The Goods Shed, Pallant House Gallery, Charleston Farmhouse, Prospect Cottage, Hastings, Broadstairs Folk Week, Canterbury Cathedral, Botany Bay, Brighton, Petworth House, Dover Castle, Sissinghurst, Alfriston - Insider recommendations - tips on how to beat the crowds, save time and money, and find the best local spots- When to go to Kent, Sussex & Surrey - high season, low season, climate information and festivals - Where to go - a clear introduction to Kent, Sussex & Surrey with key places and a handy overview - Extensive coverage of regions, places and experiences - regional highlights, sights and places for different types of travellers, with experiences matching different needs- Places to eat, drink and stay - hand-picked restaurants, cafes, bars and hotels- Practical info at each site - hours of operation, websites, transit tips, charges- Colour-coded mapping - with keys and legends listing sites categorised as highlights, eating, accommodation, shopping, drinking and nightlife - Background information for connoisseurs - history, culture, art, architecture, film, books, religion, diversity- Free download of the eBook - available after purchase of the printed guidebook to Kent, Sussex & Surrey - Fully updated post-COVID-19The guide provides a comprehensive and rich selection of places to see and things to do in Kent, Sussex & Surrey, as well as great planning tools. It''s the perfect companion, both ahead of your trip and on the ground.

Objev podobné jako The Rough Guide to Kent, Sussex & Surrey: Travel Guide with eBook - Rough Guides

cena 473.0 Kč

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (0345391802)

Kniha - autor Douglas Adams, 224 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Originally published: New York: Harmony Books, 1980.

Objev podobné jako The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (0345391802)

cena 224.0 Kč

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