Audiokniha MP3 Vladimir John, čte Sheylley Blond, William Vanderpuye (Vanders) One of the greatest risks for small and medium businesses is certainly past due receivables. Preventing this risk or promptly responding to problems with receivables is the main focus of this lesson. You will get many useful tips on how to keep your receivables under control and not take chances with the survival of your business. (
Podobné produkty ako HOW TO EFFECTIVELY TAME COMPANY RECEIVABLES , How to effectively tame company receivablesAudiokniha:,One of the greatest risks for small and medium businesses is certainly past due receivables. Preventing this risk or promptly responding to problems with receivables is the main focus of this lesson. You will get many useful tips on how to keep your receivables under control and not take chances with the survival of your business. (
Podobné produkty ako HOW TO EFFECTIVELY TAME COMPANY RECEIVABLES - Vladimír John - audiokniha , How to increase company profits by reducing costsKniha - 304 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná (
Podobné produkty ako Surrounded by Idiots: The Four Types of Human Behavior and How to Effectively Communicate with Each (1250255171) , How to get a company through a crisisAudiokniha MP3 Vladimir John, čte Julie Dawn Cole, Rupert Degas Although the benefits of cutting company costs may seem obvious, there are many entrepreneurs who neglect to do that. The costs directly affect the level of their income and may also pose a great risk to the company. This audiobook teaches entrepreneurs that cost management is relatively simple. (
Podobné produkty ako HOW TO INCREASE COMPANY PROFITS BY REDUCING COSTS , How to murder your life (1785036068)Audiokniha MP3 Vladimir John, čte Julie Dawn Cole, David Riley, Richard Allinson As the name suggests, this is a very current topic. It is intended for all entrepreneurs who either find themselves in crisis and are trying to mitigate it or those who seek to prevent it. It offers a comprehensive overview of company crisis, signals and forms of crises and, most importantly, the potential solutions to the crisis and, ideally, how to avoid it. (
Podobné produkty ako HOW TO GET A COMPANY THROUGH A CRISIS , How to search for new employeesAudiokniha:,Although the benefits of cutting company costs may seem obvious, there are many entrepreneurs who neglect to do that. The costs directly affect the level of their income and may also pose a great risk to the company. This audiobook teaches entrepreneurs that cost management is relatively simple. (
Podobné produkty ako HOW TO INCREASE COMPANY PROFITS BY REDUCING COSTS - Vladimír John - audiokniha , How to be a young #writer (0198376480)Audiokniha:,As the name suggests, this is a very current topic. It is intended for all entrepreneurs who either find themselves in crisis and are trying to mitigate it or those who seek to prevent it. It offers a comprehensive overview of company crisis, signals and forms of crises and, most importantly, the potential solutions to the crisis and, ideally, how to avoid it. (
Podobné produkty ako HOW TO GET A COMPANY THROUGH A CRISIS - Vladimír John - audiokniha , How to safely invest in real estateAudiokniha MP3 John Vladimír, čte Jon Keeble, John Chancer Business Risk Buster Intervenes 4 - audiokniha obsahuje čtvrtý díl seriálu o rizicích podnikání v angličtině. Do you run a business? Then you have to hear this true story! Every entrepreneur wants to be successful, but even a seemingly small mistake can sometimes cause big trouble. In the fourth part, the business risk buster strikes at a building materials shop. An unfaithful wife and the following divorce almost brought a well-established company down. And the consequences could have been much worse. Contents:- Be careful that your business doesn´t ruin your family relationships- Keep in mind that business is often linked with a risk of criminal punishment- Every business can be insured, all you need to do is to find the right insurance company - Update your insurance contracts regularly- How to motivate your employees- How to effectively collect receivables - How to... (
Podobné produkty ako Business Risk Buster Intervenes 4 , How to run a business without risk (9781911511144)Audiokniha:,Business Risk Buster Intervenes 4 - audiokniha obsahuje čtvrtý díl seriálu o rizicích podnikání v angličtině. Autor Vladimír John. Účinkují Jon Keeble, John Chancer. Do you run a business? Then you have to hear this true story! Every entrepreneur wants to be successful, but even a seemingly small mistake can sometimes cause big trouble. In the fourth part, the business risk buster strikes at a building materials shop. An unfaithful wife and the following divorce almost brought a well-established company down. And the consequences could have been much worse. Contents: Be careful that your business doesn´t ruin your family relationships Keep in mind that business is often linked with a risk of criminal punishment Every business can be insured, all you need to do is to find the right insurance company Update your insurance contracts regularly How to motivate your employees How to effectively collect receivables How to expand your business in leaps and bounds Learn from mistakes made by other entrepreneurs. (
Podobné produkty ako Business Risk Buster Intervenes 4 - Vladimír John - audiokniha , Bad company: bad company - cd (7567924412)The Simulmatics Corporation, founded in 1959, mined data, targeted voters, accelerated news, manipulated consumers, destabilized politics, and disordered knowledge--decades before Facebook, Google, Amazon, and Cambridge Analytica. Silicon Valley likes to imagine it has no past but the scientists of Simulmatics are the long-dead grandfathers of Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk. Borrowing from psychological warfare, they used computers to predict and direct human behavior, deploying their "People Machine" from New York, Cambridge, and Saigon for clients that included John Kennedy's presidential campaign, the New York Times, Young & Rubicam, and, during the Vietnam War, the Department of Defence. In If Then, distinguished Harvard historian and New Yorker staff writer, Jill Lepore, unearths from the archives the almost unbelievable story of this long-vanished corporation, and of the women hidden behind it. In the 1950s and 1960s, Lepore argues, Simulmatics invented the future by building the machine in which the world now finds itself trapped and tormented, algorithm by algorithm. (
Podobné produkty ako If Then : How One Data Company Invented the Future (Defekt) - Lepore Jill , How to change: the science of self-improvement (0593332598)Audiokniha MP3 David Gruber, čte David Gruber Anglická část knihy Jak se efektivně učit cizí jazyk namluvená rodilým mluvčím. Tato kniha umožnila tisícům lidí dostat se "za vodu" v angličtině. Pomohla zlomit jejich věčné začátečnictví, dodala jim sílu znovu a znovu nalézat chuť, čas, odvahu, motivaci. Pomohla najít optimálního učitele, kurz, metodu, v dnešní nepřehledné paletě nabídek. Naučila jak ztratit ostych, rozmluvit se, postarat se o sebe v cizině. Zájem o ni stále trvá - i přes to, že od roku 1990 bylo rozebráno 6 vydání v 15 dotiscích celkového nákladu přes 140 000 výtisků. Bez této chytré knihy ani ránu - ať se učíte anglicky kdekoliv, kdykoliv, jakkoliv. (
Podobné produkty ako English Effectively , Astrosex: scorpio: how to have the best sex according to your star sign (9781398702080)Audiokniha:,Anglická část knihy Jak se efektivně učit cizí jazyk namluvená rodilým mluvčím. Tato kniha umožnila tisícům lidí dostat se "za vodu" v angličtině. Pomohla zlomit jejich věčné začátečnictví, dodala jim sílu znovu a znovu nalézat chuť, čas, odvahu, motivaci. Pomohla najít optimálního učitele, kurz, metodu, v dnešní nepřehledné paletě nabídek. Naučila jak ztratit ostych, rozmluvit se, postarat se o sebe v cizině. Zájem o ni stále trvá - i přes to, že od roku 1990 bylo rozebráno 6 vydání v 15 dotiscích celkového nákladu přes 140 000 výtisků. Bez této chytré knihy ani ránu - ať se učíte anglicky kdekoliv, kdykoliv, jakkoliv. (
Podobné produkty ako English Effectively - David Gruber - audiokniha , How to raise successful people: simple lessons for radical results (1787462161)eBook:,Tato kniha navazuje na obecná pravidla racionálního studia, profesionální koncentrace a paměti z autorovy nejdostupnější knihy Šetřme časem. Rozvíjí je a aplikuje na jednom z nejdůležitějších studijních témat dneška - na rychlém ovládnutí angličtiny, samozřejmě zároveň v kvalitě a upotřebitelnosti podstatně vyšší, než umožňují pomalejší metody. Je začátek 21. století Tedy doba, která je prakticky už zde. Vy se chystáte na konkurz. Častá změna zaměstnání je běžnou věcí , stejně jako častá mobilita všech vzdělanějších lidí. Jinak než na konkurz se už do žádného lepšího zaměstnání nebere - vše je standardizováno. Stojíte tedy před konkurzní komisí a chystáte se vypočítávat své klady - vzdělání, praxi, charakterové vlastnosti... Tu najednou se vás někdo z komise zeptá: "A jste vy vůbec gramotný?" "No dovolte??" zamračíte se na toho drzouna. "Číst, psát a počítat umím odmalička!" "Tak tedy," opáčí mile komisař, "well, tell me, please, how much is ninety divided by eighteen, then read any paragraph from that newspaper here, write any clause..." ??? Zalapáte po dechu a zůstanete němí. "Tak jste gramotný, nebo ne?" mračí se komisař čím dál více. "Aha - vy umíte číst, psát a počítat pouze česky... drahý pane (drahá paní, slečno), koho to ale dneska zajímá.... Na shledanou - nebo spíše sbohem." Vysvědčení ze střední, ba i vysoké školy si můžete strčit za klobouk, když jste neprokázali ani základní gramotnost devítiletého dítěte. V dorozumívací řeči planety Země, v zemštině zvané dříve podle země původu angličtina. Pochopitelně. Jak jinak... Je první třetina 21. století A vy, dědečkové (nebo babičky), houpáte na klíně vnoučka. Asi desetiletého. "Dědečku, dneska jsme se učili ve škole o historii řeči. Paní učitelka říkala, že zemština se dříve jmenovala angličtina. A že za tvého mlada u nás v českém a moravském euroregionu žili lidé, kteří uměli česky mnohem lépe než anglicky. Nikdo paní učitelce nevěřil - ale já jsem se tě chtěl raději zeptat sám..." "Milý vnoučku, někteří lidé dokonce neuměli anglicky vůbec. A když chtěli mluvit s někým z Austrálie, Peru nebo Japonska, tak k tomu potřebovali třetí osobu, která se jmenovala tlumočník. Tlumočníci vymizeli ještě později než platnéři a mečíři - říkám ti to předem, abys to pak v dějepise nepletl. No a ti, kteří se angličtinu (vlastně zemštinu, jak se teď správně říká) rychle nenaučili, tak ti všichni skončili v ...." (
Podobné produkty ako English Effectively - David Gruber - e-kniha , English effectively (978-80-856-2448-9)Elektronická kniha - autor David Gruber, 50 stran Tato kniha navazuje na obecná pravidla racionálního studia, profesionální koncentrace a paměti z autorovy nejdostupnější knihy Šetřme časem. Rozvíjí je a aplikuje na jednom z nejdůležitějších studijních témat dneška - na rychlém ovládnutí angličtiny, samozřejmě zároveň v kvalitě a upotřebitelnosti podstatně vyšší, než umožňují pomalejší metody. Je začátek 21. století. Vy se chystáte na konkurz. Častá změna zaměstnání je běžnou věcí, stejně jako častá mobilita všech vzdělanějších lidí. Jinak než na konkurz se už do žádného lepšího zaměstnání nebere - vše je standardizováno. Stojíte tedy před konkurzní komisí a chystáte se vypočítávat své klady - vzdělání, praxi, charakterové vlastnosti...Tu najednou se vás někdo z komise zeptá: "A jste vy vůbec gramotný?""No dovolte??" zamračíte se na toho drzouna. "Číst, psát a počítat umím odmalička!""Tak tedy," opáčí mile komisař, "well, tell me, please, how much is ninety... (
Podobné produkty ako English Effectively (978-80-856-2448-9) , Berp company trumpetTyp: Album;Gatefold Sleeve;LP deska Barva podle výrobce: Black Dekáda interpreta: 2020 - 2029;2000 - 2009;2010 - 2019 Složení setu: 2 ks Hmotnost: 180 g Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Datum vydání: 2015-07-17 Rok vydání: 2015.0 Země interpreta: Austrálie Žánr: Elektronický;Pop;Rock Subžánr: Psychedelic Rock;Indie Pop;Indie Rock;Synth-pop;Soft Rock Barva: Černá Vydavatelství: Fiction Records Balení obsahuje: LP Varianta: Currents (2 LP) Země původu: Evropská unie Interpret / Téma: Tame Impala (
Podobné produkty ako Tame Impala - Currents (2 LP) , Death note zápisník smrti 13: how to read (978-80-7449-295-2)The world's most entertaining and useless self-help guide, from the brilliant mind behind the wildly popular webcomic xkcd and the million-selling WHAT IF? and THING EXPLAINER For any task you might want to do, there's a right way, a wrong way, and a way so monumentally bad that no one would ever try it. HOW TO is a guide to the third kind of approach. It's full of highly impractical advice for everything from landing a plane to digging a hole. (
Podobné produkty ako How To - Randall Munroe , Schwarzkopf professional osis+ sleek tame wild 150 ml (4045787322309)With a wealth of emojis on offer to convey your adoration, from kissy faces and hearts-for-eyes, to saucier combinations like the lock and key, there is no end to the ways you can declare your love, this book guides you through each stage of your relationship with phrases for every occasion. (
Podobné produkty ako How To Speak Emoji , Good smile company figurka to love-ru darkness pop up parade lala satalin deviluke (26394-0)Yes, football is about stars, goals and glory. But it's also about the intense calculations and movements being made by the twenty-one other players on the pitch. It's about the ticking clock, and the bellowing fans, and their impact on player psychology.It's about the coach, the club owner, and the director of football, who are watching, scouting and scheming from the side-lines. It's about money and data, about geopolitics and architecture, and even about climate change. Football is the most popular sport in the world, and Tifo Football is one of the world's most popular football channels.In this short, illustrated guide, its creators share fifty-two simple 'rules' for understanding and enjoying the beautiful game-both on and off the pitch. Covering the key concepts, tactics and philosophies that are shaping the sport today, How to Watch Football reveals surprising new perspectives on familiar elements of gameplay, while highlighting lesser-known aspects of the industry and its history. Whether you're a casual fan or a football obsessive, the fifty-two golden rules in this pocket-size guide will deepen your delight in the world's favourite sport. (
Podobné produkty ako How To Watch Football , Good smile company figurka to love-ru darkness pop up parade nana astar deviluke (23871-0)Žánr: Elektronický;Pop;Rock Vydavatelství: Island Records;Fiction Records;Interscope Records Subžánr: Psychedelic Rock;Indie Rock;Indie Pop;Synth-pop;Soft Rock Země původu: Evropská unie Balení obsahuje: LP Barva: Černá Typ: LP deska;Album Interpret / Téma: Tame Impala Varianta: The Slow Rush (2 LP) Datum vydání: 2020-02-14 Barva podle výrobce: Black Země interpreta: Austrálie Hmotnost: 180 g Dekáda interpreta: 2010 - 2019;2000 - 2009;2020 - 2029 Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Složení setu: 2 ks Rok vydání: 2020.0 (
Podobné produkty ako Tame Impala - The Slow Rush (2 LP) , Good smile company figurka to love-ru darkness pop up parade momo belia deviluke (23869-0)'When it comes to survival and getting out of trouble, listen to this man. John is the real deal.' Levison Wood What is the connection between crawling through a jungle and your ‘to do' list? What can ejecting out of a stealth bomber teach you about the importance of thinking the worst? What can surviving in extreme situations teach us about surviving everyday life? John Hudson, Chief Survival Instructor to the British Military, knows what it takes to survive. Combining first-hand experience with 20 years of studying the choices people have made under the most extreme pressure, How to Survive is a lifetime's worth of wisdom about how to apply the principles of survival to everyday life. The cornerstone of military survival (surviving anything) is understanding the relationship between effort, hope and goals - a mindset that can be transposed anytime, anywhere. In How to Survive you will learn how this template for survival can be applied to any situation in your everyday life. Through gripping first-hand accounts of near disaster and survival stories from across the extreme world you will learn that by following these principles you can develop the mindset that will allow you to make better decisions under pressure, which are as equally applicable to first dates and presentations as to climbing Everest and getting lost at sea. (
Podobné produkty ako How to Survive - John Hudson , Record company: play loud - cd (7227343)From New York Times bestseller Eloisa James, a new Regency-set novel in which a heiress with the goal of being a wallflower engages a rugged American in a scorchingly sensual, witty wager that tests whether clothing does indeed make the man - or the wallflower!Miss Cleopatra Lewis is about to be launched in society by her aristocratic grandfather. But since she has no intention of marrying, she visits a costume emporium specifically to order unflattering dresses guaranteed to put off any prospective suitors.Powerful and charismatic Jacob Astor Addison is in London, acquiring businesses to add to his theatrical holdings in America-as well as buying an opal for a young lady back in Boston. He's furious when a she-devil masquerading as an English lady steals Quimby's Costume Emporium from under his nose.Jake strikes a devil's bargain, offering to design her 'wallflower wardrobe' and giving Cleo the chance to design his. Cleo can't resist the fun of clothing the rough-hewn American in feathers and flowers. And somehow in the middle of their lively competition, Jake becomes her closest friend.It isn't until Cleo becomes the toast of all society that Jake realizes she's stolen his fiercely guarded heart. But unlike the noblemen at her feet, he doesn't belong in her refined and cultured world.Caught between the demands of honour and desire, Jake would give up everything to be with the woman he loves - if she'll have him!'Eloisa James is extraordinary!' Lisa Kleypas (
Podobné produkty ako How to Be a Wallflower , Inspired the bata way: how to be stronger and happier by adopting thomas bata’s principles to live b (978-80-908183-1-6)"David Salle is a remarkably enthusiastic guide who genuinely loves art, and it is bracing to be in the company of one who has maintained his capacity for wonder after more than four decades of activity in the art world." Times Literary Supplement How does art work? How does it move us, inform us, challenge us? Internationally renowned painter David Salle's incisive essay collection illuminates the work of many of the most influential artists of the twentieth century. Engaging with a wide range of Salle's friends and contemporaries from painters to conceptual artists such as Jeff Koons, John Baldessari, Roy Lichtenstein, and Alex Katz, among others How to See explores not only the multilayered personalities of the artists themselves but also the distinctive character of their oeuvres. Salle writes with humour and verve, replacing the jargon of art theory with precise and evocative descriptions that help the reader develop a personal and intuitive engagement with art. The result: a master class on how to see with an artist's eye. (
Podobné produkty ako How to See - David Salle , Terezia company terezia zily cevy 60 tabletThe world's most entertaining and useless self-help guide, from the brilliant mind behind the wildly popular webcomic xkcd and the million-selling WHAT IF? and THING EXPLAINER For any task you might want to do, there's a right way, a wrong way, and a way so monumentally bad that no one would ever try it. HOW TO is a guide to the third kind of approach. It's full of highly impractical advice for everything from landing a plane to digging a hole. (
Podobné produkty ako How To (Defekt) - Randall Munroe , Tame impala: the slow rush (deluxe edition) (5x lp) - lp (3853987)Kniha - autor Naomi Klein; Rebecca Stefoff, 336 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The first book for younger readers by internationally bestselling social activist Naomi Klein: the most authoritative and inspiring book on climate change for young people yet. Warming seas. Superstorms. Fires in the Amazon. The effects of climate change are all around us. Reforestation. School-strikes for climate change. Young people are saving the world and you can join them because you deserve better. Are you ready to change everything? Includes notes on the COVID-19 pandemic, 2020, and how you can get involved to make the world a safer and better place. From the Great Barrier Reef to Hurricane Katrina to school environmental policies to Greta Thunberg - climate change impacts every aspect of the world you live in and you have the power to lead the way by enacting change. Internationally bestselling author of The Shock Doctrine, Naomi Klein, with award-winning... (
Podobné produkty ako How To Change Everything (0241492939) , Regrettes: how do you love? - cd (9362490012)Žánr: Rock;Blues;Pop Země interpreta: Spojené království Vydavatelství: Universal Music;Island Records Typ: LP deska;Album Subžánr: Rock;Blues;Alternative;Art Rock;Pop Dekáda interpreta: 2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019;2000 - 2009 Datum vydání: 2015-05-29 Barva podle výrobce: Black Rok vydání: 2015.0 Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Hmotnost: 180 g Složení setu: 2 ks Barva: Černá Balení obsahuje: LP Země původu: Evropská unie Interpret / Téma: Florence and the Machine Varianta: How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful (2 LP) (
Podobné produkty ako Florence and the Machine - How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful (2 LP) , Friends - how you doin - magnety 18ks (5050293650913)In showing how the great philosophers of human history lived and thought - and what they thought about - Peter Cave provides an accessible and enjoyable introduction to thinking philosophically and how it can change our everyday lives. With a lightness of touch, he addresses questions such as: Is there anything 'out there' that gives meaning to our lives? Does reality tell us how we ought to live? What indeed is reality and what is appearance - and how can we tell the difference?This book paints vivid portraits of an assortment of inspiring thinkers: from Lao Tzu to Avicenna to Iris Murdoch; from Hannah Arendt to Socrates and Plato to Karl Marx; from Kierkegaard and Nietzsche to Sartre to Samuel Beckett - and let us not forget Lewis Carroll for some thought-provoking fantasies and Ludwig Wittgenstein for the anguishes of a genius. As well as displaying optimists and pessimists, believers and non-believers, the book displays relevance to current affairs, from free speech to abortion to the treatment of animals to our leaders' moral character.In each brief chapter, Cave brings to life these often prescient, always compelling philosophical thinkers, showing how their ways of approaching the world grew out of their own lives and times and how we may make valuable use of their insights today. Now, more than ever, we need to understand how to live, and how to understand the world around us. This is the perfect guide. (
Podobné produkty ako How to Think Like a Philosopher: Scholars, Dreamers and Sages Who Can Teach Us How to Live - Peter Cave , Battlefield: bad company 2 - xbox digital (g3p-00115)Kniha - autor Cat Marnell, 374 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá (
Podobné produkty ako How to Murder Your Life (1785036068) , Charli xcx: how i'm feeling now - lp (9029520928)How do I start a business on a budget?How do I find my first 100 customers and make my first GBP100k?How do I build a network and get my business noticed?Whether you want to transform a fledgling side-hustle into a full-time endeavour or simply have an idea that's keeping you up at night, this is the ultimate blueprint for building your own business.With no network, no capital and no previous experience, Nafisa built her business from scratch and has helped hundreds of founders to do the same. Now, she wants to share her honest, game-changing advice. From how to nail sales and branding to understanding how to build a network, Nafisa lifts the lid on business culture - and questions everything you think you know about the business world. (
Podobné produkty ako How To Make Money - Nafisa Bakkar , How much of these hills is gold (0349011451)Exploring the essential foundations of mindful meditation and practise, this book explains what it means to eat as a meditative practice and that the results of mindful eating are both global and personal. (
Podobné produkty ako How To Eat - Thich Nhat Hanh , Charli xcx: how i'm feeling now - cd (9029520722)By indulging in the experience of being alone, we can be inspired to find our own rewards and ultimately lead richer, fuller lives. Our fast-paced society does not approve of solitude; being alone is so often considered anti-social and some even find it sinister. Why is this so when autonomy, personal freedom and individualism are more highly prized than ever before? Sara Maitland answers this question in How to Be Alone by exploring changing attitudes throughout history.Offering experiments and strategies for overturning our fear of solitude, she helps us to practise it without anxiety and encourages us to see the benefits of spending time by ourselves. The School of Life looks at new ways of thinking about life's biggest questions. Discover more fascinating books from the series with How to Stay Sane and How to Think More About Sex. (
Podobné produkty ako How to Be Alone - Sara Maitland , Bad company: rock'n'roll fantasy:the very best of - cd (8122795235)The many stimulating and aromatic things you can do with a coffee bean, richly illustrated and sure to perk you up! Discover how to make a perfect cup, from stimulating ristretto to comforting mocha; experiment with spices and spirits and the many varieties of coffee drinks; and learn how to make some delicious recipes using your favourite flavour. Jump-start your brew with this coffee knowledge! You'll discover how to master the bean to make your own dream cup, and the colourful package makes the book a perfect gift for the person in your life who simply can't do anything before their first cup of the day. (
Podobné produkty ako How to Drink Coffee - Sarah FordováThe many fun and delicious things you can do with a bar of chocolate, richly illustrated and guaranteed to make your mouth water. There's a whole world of chocolate-y creativity out there for you to experiment with. Grab a saucepan, a couple of bowls and a wooden spoon, and you'll quickly be creating chocolate balloons, dainty chocolate cups, bonfire-roasted banana splits, gourmet-spiced hot chocolate with all the flavours, mug cakes and brownies.Choc-full of delicious richness, the recipes in How to Eat Chocolate will inspire greed, gluttony and self-indulgence - all the virtues that a self-respecting chocoholic holds dear - and the colourful retro-style illustrations will make it an irresistible gift. (
Podobné produkty ako How to Eat Chocolate - Sarah FordováCharles Holland challenges us to look beyond the day-to-day familiarity of buildings to rediscover the pleasure of experiencing architecture Architecture is bound up with our daily lives but, for most of us, it is experienced as a blur of habit. Our reactions towards the buildings that surround us are often culturally generated, and we experience them in ways that are immediate but often mundane. How to Enjoy Architecture: A Guide for Everyone encourages us to move beyond this and, instead, really look at buildings. Renowned architect Charles Holland talks about the buildings and architects that excite and inspire him, and the ideas and principles through which we can engage with architecture. By breaking buildings down into categories such as materials, structure, space, and use, Holland guides us through drastically different styles and building types—from the satisfying symmetry of a Queen Anne house to the thrill of a high-tech tower, or the social ideals that lie behind a housing estate. In doing so, he demonstrates how looking at, experiencing, and using architecture can bring joy in itself. (
Podobné produkty ako How to Enjoy Architecture - Charles Holland* From the writer and executive producer of the award-winning Netflix series The Good Place that made moral philosophy fun: a foolproof guide to making the correct moral decision in every situation you ever encounter, anywhere on earth, forever * How can we live a more ethical life? This question has plagued people for thousands of years, but it's never been tougher to answer than it is now, thanks to challenges great and small that flood our day-to-day lives and threaten to overwhelm us with impossible decisions and complicated results with unintended consequences. Plus, being anything close to an 'ethical person' requires daily thought and introspection and hard work; we have to think about how we can be good not, you know, once a month, but literally all the time. To make it a little less overwhelming, this fascinating, accessible and funny book by one of our generation's best writers and adept minds in television comedy, Michael Schur, boils down the whole confusing morass with real life dilemmas (from 'should I punch my friend in the face for no reason?' to 'can I still enjoy great art if it was created by terrible people?'), so that we know how to deal with ethical dilemmas. Much as Chidi used humour and philosophy to make Eleanor a less selfish person, Schur takes us on a journey through the 2,500-year discussion of ethics, sketching a roadmap for how we ought to act along the way. By the time the book is done, we'll know exactly how to act in every conceivable situation, so as to produce a verifiably maximal amount of moral good. We will be perfect, and all our friends will be jealous. OK, not quite. Instead, we'll gain fresh, funny, inspiring wisdom on the toughest issues we face every day With contributions from Professor Todd May of Clemson University, who served as an advisor on The Good Place, this is a brilliant, clever and hugely entertaining book about one of the most important topics in the world. (
Podobné produkty ako How to be Perfect - Schur MikeHOW MANY LIFETIMES DOES IT TAKE TO LEARN HOW TO LIVE? Tom Hazard has a dangerous secret. He may look like an ordinary 41-year-old history teacher, but he's been alive for centuries. From Elizabethan England to Jazz-Age Paris, from New York to the South Seas, Tom has seen it all. As long as he keeps changing his identity, he can stay one step ahead of his past - and stay alive. The only thing he must not do is fall in love. But what if the one thing he can't have just happens to be the one thing that might save him? (
Podobné produkty ako How to Stop Time - Matt HaigFrom the widely acclaimed HOW TO TALK series, discover how to cope with - and deflect - sibling rivalry.Full of humour and compassion, SIBLINGS WITHOUT RIVALRY challenges the idea that constant conflict between siblings is natural and unavoidable.With this book, you'll learn how to:* Avoid comparisons and the perils of equality.* Intervene helpfully and step away at the right time.* Encourage good feeling between your children. (
Podobné produkty ako How To Talk: Siblings Without RivalryHra na PC - elektronická licence, klíč pro Steam, žánr: akční, RPG a dobrodružná, 69% Ztroskotán na pustém ostrově plném zombie. Přežijete? Nejde jen o klasický masakr, je zde propracován i hluboký příběh. How to Survive má opravdu hluboce propracovaný craftingový systém. Ztroskotali jste na opuštěném ostrově v naprosto šíleném světě. Budujte domov Najděte si vodu, jídlo a přístřeší. Důležité je stihnout to vše během dne. Jak přežít noc? Sbírejte všeSbírejte věci po ostrově a... (
Podobné produkty ako How to Survive - PC DIGITAL (414717)Audiokniha MP3 Vladimir John, čte Alexandra Gilbreath, Steven Hartley The success or failure of every company depends primarily on the quality of employees and the cooperation of the entire team. Learn everything about company staffing, recruiting new employees, developing their skills in the company, drafting employee contracts, paying wages and terminating employment. Get a comprehensive overview of how to create a successful personnel strategy in your company. (
Podobné produkty ako HOW TO SEARCH FOR NEW EMPLOYEESDekáda interpreta: 2010 - 2019;2020 - 2029 Rok vydání: 2022.0 Země původu: Německo Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Datum vydání: 2022-05-06 Barva: Černá Barva podle výrobce: Black Typ: Album;LP deska Složení setu: 1 ks Subžánr: Scandipop;Pop;Electropop;Synth-pop Balení obsahuje: LP Žánr: Pop Interpret / Téma: Sigrid Země interpreta: Norsko Vydavatelství: Island Records Varianta: How To Let Go (LP) (
Podobné produkty ako Sigrid - How To Let Go (LP)Kniha - 320 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá (
Podobné produkty ako How To Be an Antiracist (1847925995)Kniha - 288 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Why is paying for things painful? Why are we comfortable overpaying for something in the present just because we've overpaid for it in the past? Why is it easy to pay $4 for a soda on vacation, when we wouldn't spend more than $1 on that same soda at our local grocery store? We think of money as numbers, values, and amounts, but when it comes down to it, when we actually use our money, we engage our hearts more than our heads. Emotions play a powerful role in shaping our financial behavior, often making us our own worst enemies as we try to save, access value, and spend responsibly. In Dollars and Sense, bestselling author and behavioral economist Dan Ariely teams up with financial comedian and writer Jeff Kreisler to challenge many of our most basic assumptions about the precarious relationship between our brains and our money. In doing so, they undermine many of personal finance's most sacred... (
Podobné produkty ako Dollars and Sense: How We Misthink Money and How to Spend Smarter (0062872729)What can Alice in Wonderland teach us about childhood? Could reading Conversations with Friends guide us through first love? Does Esther Greenwood’s glittering success and subsequent collapse in The Bell Jar help us understand ambition? And, finally, what can we learn about death from Virginia Woolf?Literature matters. Not only does it provide escapism and entertainment, but it also holds a mirror up to our lives to show us aspects of ourselves we may not have seen or understood. From jealousy to grief, fierce love to deep hatred, our inner lives become both stranger and more familiar when we explore them through fiction. Josh Cohen, a psychoanalyst and Professor of Modern Literary Theory, delves deep into the inner lives of the most memorable and vivid characters in literature. His analysis of figures such as Jay Gatsby and Mrs Dalloway offers insights into the greatest questions about the human experience, ones that we can all learn from. He walks us through the different stages of existence, from childhood to old age, showing that literature is much more than a refuge from the banality and rigour of everyday life – through the experiences of its characters, it can show us ways to be wiser, more open and more self-aware. (
Podobné produkty ako How to Live. What To Do.: How great novels help us change - Josh CohenA no-good viking thief. The worst-ever trainee valkyrie. An ungodly case of mistaken identity. When failing trainee valkyrie Lotta mistakes an unconscious viking thief, Whetstone, for a fallen hero and takes him triumphantly to Valhalla, things are definitely not turning out to be epic or glorious. Having lost a precious talking cup, Whetstone is also desperate to cover up his mistake and the two embark on a quarrelsome journey to find it and regain their heroic status. But Loki the trickster God is desperate to get his hands on the cup with a plan to unleash chaos across the nine worlds. Can Whetstone prove himself a hero after all when it matters most? The first in a hilarious and fast-paced trilogy about how to be brave, what it means to be a hero and just how confusing the Norse Gods really are. Fully illustrated throughout, Cat Weldon's How to Be a Hero is perfect for fans of How to Train Your Dragon and Who Let the Gods Out. (
Podobné produkty ako How to Be a Hero - Weldon CatMatthew Inman-Eisner Award-winning creator of The Oatmeal and #1 New York Times bestselling author of How to Tell If Your Cat Is Plotting to Kill You-serves yet another helping of thoughtful hilarity in this charming, illustrated gift book for anyone who is irked by the question: "Are you happy?" In How To Be Perfectly Unhappy, Inman explores the surprising benefits of forgetting about "happiness," and embracing instead the meaningful activities that keep us busy and interested and fascinated. (
Podobné produkty ako How to Be Perfectly Unhappy - Matthew InmanSoon to be a major film directed by Coky Giedroyc and starring Ladybird's Beanie Feldstein as Johanna Morrigan and Game of Thrones's Alfie Allen as John KiteMy name's Johanna Morrigan. I'm fourteen, and I've just decided to kill myself.I don't really want to die, of course! I just need to kill Johanna, and build a new girl. Dolly Wilde will be everything I want to be, and more! But as with all the best coming-of-age stories, it doesn't exactly go to plan...A Number One Sunday Times bestseller in hardback and paperback, from the award-winning and Sunday Times bestselling author of How to Be a Woman. (
Podobné produkty ako How to Build a Girl - Caitlin MoranováCould happiness lie in helping others and being open to accepting help yourself? Mentors - the follow up to Sunday Times number one bestseller, Recovery - describes the benefits of seeking and offering help. `I have mentors in every area of my life, as a comic, a dad, a recovering drug addict, a spiritual being and as a man who believes that we, as individuals and the great globe itself, are works in progress and that through a chain of mentorship we can improve individually and globally, together . . . One of the unexpected advantages my drug addiction granted is that the process of recovery that I practise includes a mentorship tradition. I will encourage you to find mentors of your own and explain how you may better use the ones you already have. Furthermore, I will tell you about my experiences mentoring others and how invaluable that has been on my ongoing journey to self-acceptance and how it has helped me to transform from a bewildered and volatile vagabond to a (mostly) present and (usually) focussed husband and father.' - Russell Brand Mentors: How to Help and Be Helped describes the impact that a series of significant people have had on the author - from the wayward youths he tried to emulate growing up in Essex, through the first ex-junkie sage, to the people he turns to today to help him be a better father. It explores how we all - consciously and unconsciously - choose guides, mentors and heroes throughout our lives and examines the new perspectives they can bring. (
Podobné produkty ako Mentors : How to Help and be HelpedTo save her family, she'll have to make a dangerous bargain and tip the scales of balance.With her thirteenth birthday just around the corner, Giada Bellantuono has to make a big decision: Will she join the family business and become a healer or follow her dreams? But even though she knows her calling is to heal vulnerable animals, using her powers to treat magical creatures is decidedly not allowed.When a group of witches kidnaps her beloved older brother, Rocco, and her parents are away, Giada is the only person left who can rescue him. Swept into the magical underground city of Malafi, Giada will need the help of her new companions to save her brother--or risk losing him forever. (
Podobné produkty ako How to Heal a Gryphon - Meg Cannistra'Tender, funny and romantic' Marie Claire Christine Rose is crossing the Ha'penny Bridge in Dublin late one night when she sees a stranger, Adam, poised to jump. Desperate to help, she talks him into a reckless deal: if he gives her two weeks - till his 35th birthday - she'll prove that life is worth living. But as the clock ticks and the two of them embark on late-night escapades and romantic adventures, what Christine has really promised seems impossible...A novel to make you laugh, cry and appreciate life, this is Cecelia Ahern at her thoughtful and surprising best. (
Podobné produkty ako How to Fall in Love - Cecelia AhernThe Ultimate Death Note Encyclopedia!Here, in one authoritative volume: everything you need to know about Death Note, the best-selling manga series. Featuring complete character biographies, detailed story-line summaries, production notes, and behind-the-scenes commentaries. Death Note 13: How to Readalso includes exclusive interviews with creators Tsugumi Ohba and Takeshi Obata and a bonus manga chapter of never-before-translated material. Unless you own your very own death note, it doesn't get any better than this! (
Podobné produkty ako Death Note: How to Read - Tsugumi OhbaThey say you can’t choose your family. But you can kill them… Meet Grace Bernard. Daughter, sister, serial killer.Grace has lost everything. And she will stop at nothing to get revenge. (
Podobné produkty ako How to Kill Your Family - Bella Mackie