From the creator of Myths Retold comes a hilarious collection of Greek, Norse, Chinese and even Sumerian myths retold in their purest, bawdiest forms! All our lives, we've been fed watered-down, PC versions of the classic myths. In reality, mythology is more screwed up than a schizophrenic shaman doing hits of unidentified...wait, it all makes sense now. In Zeus Grants Stupid Wishes, Cory O'Brien, creator of Myths RETOLD!, sets the stories straight. These are rude, crude, totally sacred texts told the way they were meant to be told: loudly, and with lots of four-letter words. Did you know? Cronus liked to eat babies. Narcissus probably should have just learned to masturbate. Odin got construction discounts with bestiality. Isis had bad taste in jewelry. Ganesh was the very definition of an unplanned pregnancy. And Abraham was totally cool about stabbing his kid in the face. Still skeptical? Here are a few more gems to consider: - Zeus once stuffed an unborn fetus inside his thigh to save its life after he exploded its mother by being too good in bed. - The entire Egyptian universe was saved because Sekhmet just got too hammered to keep murdering everyone. - The Hindu universe is run by a married couple who only stop murdering in order to throw sweet dance parties...on the corpses of their enemies. - The Norse goddess Freyja once consented to a four-dwarf gangbang in exchange for one shiny necklace. And there's more dysfunctional goodness where that came from. (
Podobné produkty ako Zeus Grants Stupid Wishes : A No-Bullshit Guide to World Mythology - Corey O'Brien , Universal: a guide to the cosmos (1846144361)eBook:,Zdokonalte svou paměť s mistrem světa v paměťovém sportu! - Zjistěte, jak si zapamatovat data narozenin a výročí. - Naučte se nosit v hlavě termíny a časy schůzek. - Poznejte způsob, jak si vybavit nejrůznější fakta, čísla, jména či obličeje. - Odhalte, jak hovořit na veřejnosti bez poznámek. Osminásobný mistr světa v paměťových dovednostech Dominic O‘Brien ve své knize odkrývá postupy, které mu pomohly dosáhnout mimořádných výsledků. Ukáže vám, jakými technikami a tipy i vy můžete rozvinout své paměťového schopnosti až na mistrovskou úroveň, a to krok za krokem a vlastním tempem. Vyzkoušejte si nejrůznější cvičení a testy – díky dosaženým výsledkům okamžitě uvidíte, jak se vaše paměť postupně zlepšuje. Objevte tajemství fungování paměti a využijte naplno skryté možnosti mozku! (
Podobné produkty ako Mistrovská paměť - Dominic O˙Brien - e-kniha , Rules for rulebreakers: a pussy riot guide to revolution (0062741586)Ivar Ekeland napsal veselý příběh o Hotelu Nekonečno a jeho hostech, Číslech. Příběh, který je doplněn půvabnými obrázky Johna O'Briena, velmi přístupným způsobem vysvětluje pojem nekonečna a potěší bez ohledu na věk všechny, které zajímá matematika. V takovém hotelu jste ještě nikdy nebyli. Můžete jit,kam chcete, a všude jsou další a další chodby a další pokoje. I když je v tomhle hotelu úplně plno, vždycky se tam pro vás najde místo. Jak je to možné? V téhle knížce se to dozvíte. Na chodbách hotelu můžete občas potkat Kočku, které spousta věci vrtá hlavou . . . Jestlipak na ně Kočka přijde? (
Podobné produkty ako Kočka v Zemi čísel - Ivar Ekeland, John O´Brien , A field guide to the flora of ladakh (978-80-200-2826-6)Kniha - anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná *From the author who brought you the genius bestsellers The Life-Changing Magic of Not Giving a F**k and Get Your Sh*t Together* In The Life-Changing Magic of Not Giving a F**k, our favourite anti-guru Sarah Knight unleashed the power of saying no. In Get Your Sh*t Together, she prioritised the sh*t you need and want to do so you can achieve your hopes and dreams. Now she s back, doubling down on your happiness with her latest message: You Do You. Being yourself should be the easiest thing in the world. Yet instead of leaning in to who we are, we fight it, listening too closely to what society tells us. You Do You helps you shake off those expectations, say f**k perfect, start looking out for number one and keep on with your badass self. From career and finances to relationships and family, lifestyle and health, Sarah Knight rips up the rulebook. Writing about her mistakes and embarrassments in her own personal... (
Podobné produkty ako You Do You: (A No-F**ks-Given Guide) how to be who you are and use what you've got to get wh (1787470423) , A quiet end: john corey 19 (0751544620)The third part of the Primer of happiness is not intended only for parents that are looking for a way, with what form to give their descendants the best, but also for souls that want to understand why there are fears in them, why they act the way they act, or they are not successful in something. The key to life pains is located in their childhood. In the way how we were approached, what we saw, feel, experience and absorb in ourselves from the moment of procreation until growing up."He who teaches, he learns. Let´s thank for children, they are not a mater of course but a gift. They came to heal us and show us where we have in ammation." I was tucking in the shirt of my three years old Sára Ráchel and I told her: "So your small of the back would not get cold…" She looked at me and she said: (
Podobné produkty ako Primer of Happiness 3 - Adult to Kids, Kids to world - Pavel Baričák , The secret lives of the planets: a user's guide to the solar system (1529319412)Stříbrné náušnice s puzetovým zapínáním, lesklý povrch, slova YES a NO. (
Podobné produkty ako Náušnice ze stříbra 925, nápis YES a NO , Skross world to europe pa30 (pa30)Puzetové náušnice ze stříbra 925, ploché anglické nápisy Yes a No zdobené patinou a bílou vypouklou glazurou. (
Podobné produkty ako Stříbrné náušnice 925, nápisy Yes a No, bílá glazura , Fontana zeusStříbrné puzetové náušnice 925, ploché anglické nápisy Yes a No zdobené patinou a žlutou glazurou. (
Podobné produkty ako Stříbrné 925 náušnice, patinované nápisy Yes a No, žlutá glazura , Armstrong louis: louis wishes you a cool yule (coloured) - lp (4811604)Puzetové náušnice, stříbro 925, ploché anglické nápisy Yes a No zdobené patinou a černou vypouklou glazurou. (
Podobné produkty ako Stříbrné 925 náušnice, nápisy Yes a No, lesklá černá glazura , Mulvey nick: new mythology - lp (4531884)Náušnice ze stříbra 925, ploché anglické nápisy Yes a No zdobené patinou a červenou glazurou, puzetové zapínání. (
Podobné produkty ako Stříbrné náušnice 925, patinované nápisy Yes a No, červená glazura, puzetky , A faraway worldLesklé náušnice z chirurgické oceli, puzetové zapínání, nápisy YES a NO, zrcadlový lesk. (
Podobné produkty ako Ocelové náušnice s vysokým leskem, nápisy YES a NO, stříbrná barva , Taylor corey: cmft - cd (7567864758)A peerless A–Z guide to the names, places and events in the world of J.R.R. Tolkien, fully illustrated in colour throughout by acclaimed Tolkien artist, Ted Nasmith. J.R.R. Tolkien’s works of epic adventure and fantasy, The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings and The Silmarillion have delighted many millions of fans since they were first published, and are now more popular than ever before. The Complete Guide to Middle-earth has been compiled to enhance the reader’s enjoyment of Tolkien’s books by bringing together in an A-Z sequence all the key facts and information about names, places, languages and events from The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings and The Silmarillion. Accompanied with numerous genealogical tables and a unique Chronology of the First Age, it will provide an indispensable aid to every reader’s discovery of Tolkien’s world. The first, and definitive, encyclopedia, The Complete Guide to Middle-earth is now reissued to complement the illustrated hardbacks of The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, The Silmarillion and Unfinished Tales, and is lavishly illustrated with more than 50 full-colour paintings by acclaimed Tolkien artist, Ted Nasmith, with many appearing exclusively in this edition. (
Podobné produkty ako The Complete Guide to Middle-earth: The Definitive Guide to the World of J.R.R. Tolkien - Foster Robert , Taylor corey: cmft - lp (7567864759)„• Podpořte u dětí od 4 let rozvoj stavitelských dovedností prostřednictvím stavebnic LEGO® • V každém sáčku s kostkami najdete některou z postav, takže hraní může začít bez zbytečného čekání • Děti mohou pomoci princezně Else s hřebelcováním a krmením Nokka ve stájích uprostřed lesa • Zábavný dárek pro děti a fanoušky Disneyho filmu Ledové království 2 ve věku od 4 let • Ideální stavebnice umožňující rodičům prožívat společně s dětmi stavitelské a herní zážitky • Dopřejte stavitelům zábavnýzážitek díky interaktivnímu digitálnímu návodu na stavění • Začátečnické kostky a obrázkové návody pomohou dětem od 4 let pustit se hravě do stavění • Stavebnice z edice 4+ podporují rozvoj dovedností potřebných pro školní výuku • Dílky LEGO® splňují přísné požadavky na kvalitu a jsou vždy kompatibilní • Tato stavebnice z řady LEGO® ǀ Disney splňuje nekompromisní bezpečnostní normy“ (
Podobné produkty ako LEGO® I Disney Ledové království 43209 Ledová stáj Elsy a No , Movements: no good left to give - lp (7214836)Stříbrné náušnice 925, ploché anglické nápisy Yes a No zdobené patinou a modrou glazurou, puzetové zapínání. (
Podobné produkty ako Puzetové náušnice ze stříbra 925, slova Yes a No, tmavomodrá glazura, patina , Movements: no good left to give - cd (7215912)Stříbrné náušnice 925, anglické nápisy Yes a No zdobené patinou a světle zelenou glazurou, puzetové zapínání. (
Podobné produkty ako Puzetové náušnice ze stříbra 925, patinovaná slova Yes a No, zelená glazura , Lůďo, to je nap(r)osto no(r)mální a další povedené scénkyStříbrné náušnice 925, ploché anglické nápisy Yes a No zdobené patinou a oranžovou glazurou, puzetové zapínání. (
Podobné produkty ako Puzetové náušnice ze stříbra 925, slova Yes a No, oranžová glazura, patina , World of warcraft - this world is a prison - tričkoStříbrné náušnice 925 s puzetovým zapínáním, slova Yes a No zdobená patinou a fialovou glazurou. (
Podobné produkty ako Patinované náušnice ze stříbra 925, anglické nápisy Yes a No, fialová glazura , Dekker desmond: from jamaica to the world - lp (4260494435658)Stříbrné náušnice 925, anglické nápisy Yes a No zdobené patinou a světle modrou glazurou, puzetové zapínání. (
Podobné produkty ako Puzetové náušnice, stříbro 925, nápisy Yes a No, světle modrá glazura, patina , Cranberries: no need to argue (2x lp) - lp (5391295)The ancient Greeks called it Gaia; the Romans Terra. We know it simply as Earth, the planet we call home. And what a planet it is.Formed around 4.6 billion years ago from the debris of the big bang and long-dead stars, at first it was nothing special, but somehow it evolved to become the most amazing place in the known Universe. The only living planet we know of, it also has a very unusual moon, a remarkably dynamic surface, a complex atmosphere and a deeply mysterious interior.This is Planet Earth is dedicated to the wonders of Planet Earth. Its past is long and dramatic and its future shrouded in mystery. Yet despite centuries of research, only now are we starting to understand Earth's complexity. (
Podobné produkty ako This is Planet Earth : Your ultimate guide to the world we call home , Deuter guide 44+ modrý (4046051114361)The Earth as you've never seen it before.The ancient Greeks called it Gaia; the Romans Terra. We know it simply as Earth, the planet we call home. And what a planet it is.Formed around 4.6 billion years ago from the debris of the big bang and long-dead stars, at first it was nothing special, but somehow it evolved to become the most amazing place in the known Universe. The only living planet we know of, it also has a very unusual moon, a remarkably dynamic surface, a complex atmosphere and a deeply mysterious interior.This is Planet Earth is dedicated to the wonders of planet Earth. Its past is long and dramatic and its future shrouded in mystery. Yet despite centuries of research, only now are we starting to understand Earth's complexity. (
Podobné produkty ako This Is Planet Earth : Your Ultimate Guide to the World We Call Home , Yate guide 3,8 červená (8595053924455)The Earth as you've never seen it before.The ancient Greeks called it Gaia; the Romans Terra. We know it simply as Earth, the planet we call home. And what a planet it is.Formed around 4.6 billion years ago from the debris of the big bang and long-dead stars, at first it was nothing special, but somehow it evolved to become the most amazing place in the known Universe. The only living planet we know of, it also has a very unusual moon, a remarkably dynamic surface, a complex atmosphere and a deeply mysterious interior.This is Planet Earth is dedicated to the wonders of planet Earth. Its past is long and dramatic and its future shrouded in mystery. Yet despite centuries of research, only now are we starting to understand Earth's complexity. (
Podobné produkty ako This Is Planet Earth : Your Ultimate Guide to the World We Call Home (Defekt) , Yate guide 3,8 modrá (8595053923465)A fascinating examination of the messy and beautiful reality of family life and how, if we embrace it, we can improve our relationships and maybe even enjoy Christmas. What makes a good parent? Can sibling relationships survive to adulthood? Should love within a family really be unconditional? Wherever, whenever and however you learnt about family, it's likely that you have unshakeable answers to these questions. In this revelatory new book, family researcher Lucy Blake shows that, whatever your assumptions are, they are almost certainly wrong and probably doing damage to your closest relationships. Blake looks at how the expectations we have affect and even hinder our interactions with parents, siblings, relatives and our children. Drawing on her experience of interviewing hundreds of family members – of all backgrounds – she explores these unrealistic ideas, exposes the truth of what a family really is and explains how we can better understand and appreciate the one we have. No Family Is Perfect is a fascinating examination of the messy and beautiful reality of family life, and a look at how we can change our beliefs about family for the better and maybe even enjoy Christmas. 'Provides a fresh context for exploring issues that engage us throughout our lives ... No Family is Perfect will change how we think and write about families' Terri Apter, author of Difficult Mothers and The Sister Knot (
Podobné produkty ako No Family Is Perfect : A Guide to Embracing the Messy Reality - Lucy Blake , Taylor corey: cmft (limited autogram) - lp (7567864712)Packed with striking photography and the topics kids love most, this is the fundamental guide to the world around you. The world's greatest record-breakers, most remarkable animals, inspiring history-makers, and cutting-edge technology are all here, in one utterly unputdownable kid's encyclopedia. Like the hugely successful Eyewitness series itself, Eyewitness Encyclopedia of Everything includes all the topics children want to read about.Each page is illustrated with vivid photography and filled with facts ideal for children aged 9+. This fact-packed encyclopedia for children offers: - Content across the core subjects of nature, science, technology, history, and culture, tackling each topic in an engaging, attention-grabbing way. - Exciting photography, over 1,500 images and a clear design, familiar from the refreshed Eyewitness series.- Facts and stats, quizzes, and interviews with experts - from astronauts to zoologists - who answer kid's questions about what they do and why they love it. Become an eyewitness to the world's most incredible nature, science, and historical events, all in one tremendous picture-led reference guide that will take you on a visual tour of everything. Eyewitness Encyclopedia of Everything introduces the essential guide to the world's most deadly creatures and natural wonders, history's heroes and villains, and science's most incredible breakthroughs and inventions, all as you've never seen them before.This all-encompassing encyclopedia for kids is packed with the topics kids love the most and is a must-have for children who want to know more. (
Podobné produkty ako Eyewitness Encyclopedia of Everything: The Ultimate Guide to the World Around You (Defekt) - Dorling Kindersley , Kratochvílová jana: no a co. to nejlepší & bonusy 1977-2011 (2x cd) - cd (su6037-2)In our small corner of the universe, we know how some matter behaves most of the time and what even less of it looks like, and we have some good guesses about where it all came from. But we really have no clue what's going on. In fact, we don't know what about 95% of the universe is made of. So what happens when a cartoonist and a physicist walk into this strange, mostly unknown universe? Jorge Cham and Daniel Whiteson gleefully explore the biggest unknowns, why these things are still mysteries, and what a lot of smart people are doing to figure out the answers (or at least ask the right questions). While they're at it, they helpfully demystify many complicated things we do know about, from quarks and neutrinos to gravitational waves and exploding black holes. With equal doses of humour and delight, they invite us to see the universe as a vast expanse of mostly uncharted territory that's still ours to explore. This is a book for fans of Brian Cox and What If. This highly entertaining highly illustrated book is perfect for anyone who's curious about all the great mysteries physicists are going to solve next. (
Podobné produkty ako We Have No Idea : A Guide to the Unknown Universe - Jorge Cham, Daniel Whiteson , Meva vařič mega zeus (2102)We have never had so much information at our fingertips and yet most of us don't know how the world really works. This book explains seven of the most fundamental realities governing our survival and prosperity. From energy and food production, through our material world and its globalization, to risks, our environment and its future, How the World Really Works offers a much-needed reality check - because before we can tackle problems effectively, we must understand the facts.In this ambitious and thought-provoking book we see, for example, that globalization isn't inevitable and that our societies have been steadily increasing their dependence on fossil fuels, making their complete and rapid elimination unlikely. Drawing on the latest science and tackling sources of misinformation head on - from Yuval Noah Harari to Noam Chomsky - ultimately Smil answers the most profound question of our age: are we irrevocably doomed or is a brighter utopia ahead? (
Podobné produkty ako How the World Really Works : A Scientist´s Guide to Our Past, Present and Future - Václav Smil , World of warcraft - this world is a prison - tričko s (0889343139666)This is 99% Invisible.__________A beautifully designed guidebook to the unnoticed yet essential elements of our cities, from the creators of the wildly popular 99% Invisible podcastHave you ever wondered what those bright, squiggly graffiti marks on the sidewalk mean?Or stopped to ponder who gets to name the streets we walk along?Or what the story is behind those dancing inflatable figures in car dealerships?99% Invisible is a big-ideas podcast about small-seeming things, revealing stories baked into the buildings we inhabit, the streets we drive, and the sidewalks we traverse. The show celebrates design and architecture in all of its functional glory and accidental absurdity, with intriguing tales of both designers and the people impacted by their designs.Now, in The 99% Invisible City: A Field Guide to Hidden World of Everyday Design, host Roman Mars and coauthor Kurt Kohlstedt zoom in on the various elements that make our cities work, exploring the origins and other fascinating stories behind everything from power grids and fire escapes to drinking fountains and street signs. With deeply researched entries and beautiful line drawings throughout, The 99% Invisible City will captivate devoted fans of the show and anyone curious about design, urban environments, and the unsung marvels of the world around them. (
Podobné produkty ako The 99% Invisible City: A Field Guide to the Hidden World of Everyday Design - Roman Mars, Kurt Kohlstedt , Sram organic/alu trail/guide (710845756856)Drawing can improve your mood, release endorphins and make you happy - but for many, the fear of the blank page, combined with a lack of confidence and know-how, can be daunting.In her new book, Molly Egan encourages you to sketch like no one is watching! Once you stop caring what people think - just like when you were a child - your creativity will flow. Filled with drawing prompts and tutorials, Molly will help you to unleash your creativity and embrace your own unique style. Build your skills by revisiting the basics, such as shape, perspective and pattern, then learn how to draw from photographs and from real life, sketching people, nature, buildings, landscapes and more.Small enough to put in your bag, yet big enough to make impactful art, this fun title will reignite your passion for being creative. (
Podobné produkty ako Sketch Like No One is Watching: A beginner´s guide to conquering the blank page - Molly Egan , Deuter guide lite 30+ červený (4046051114286)Kniha z kolekce Bloomsbury Publishing PLC. Kniha představuje 60 krátkých kapitol obsahujících jednoduché tipy, jak se najít v uspěchaném moderním světě a přinést do života více radosti. (
Podobné produkty ako Knížka Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Happy Me Project: The No-nonsense Guide To Self-development, Holly Matthews , Leki guide premium marine-white (sptlek1188nad)Jerzy Popiełuszko byl opravdu muž Boží, nejen proto, že zemřel jako mučedník. Záhy po vysvěcení se stal duchovní oporou hnutí Solidarita v Polsku, a tím i trnem v oku totalitnímu režimu. Bylo jen otázkou času, kdy bude jakožto nepohodlný obhájce pravdy a spravedlnosti o dstraněn. Byl zavražděn v říjnu roku 1984, ve věku pouhých sedmatřiceti let. Rozjímán í bolestného růžence, která pronesl v Bydhošti těsně před svou násilnou smrtí, odhalují hloubku a ryzost jeho křesťanských postojů, ale též prorocké vnímání znamení doby. (
Podobné produkty ako Jerzy Popieluszko - Brien Bernard , 1423 – world class spirit rum rammstein no.4 12y 0,7l 46% l.e. tuba (5712718006384)Kniha - 320 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná (
Podobné produkty ako Bullshit Jobs: A Theory (0141983477) , 3 legged thing punks corey 2.0, černý (3110012)Země interpreta: Spojené království Typ: LP deska;Dotisk;Nové vydání;Remastered;Album Subžánr: Symphonic Rock;Prog Rock;Alternative Rock Vydavatelství: Transmission Records Varianta: Stupid Dream (2 LP) Balení obsahuje: LP Interpret / Téma: Porcupine Tree Země původu: Německo Žánr: Rock Rok vydání: 2021.0 Hmotnost: 140 g Barva: Černá Dekáda interpreta: 1990 - 1999;2020 - 2029;1980 - 1989;2000 - 2009;2010 - 2019 Složení setu: 2 ks Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Barva podle výrobce: Black (
Podobné produkty ako Porcupine Tree - Stupid Dream (2 LP)Arranged in a handy A-Z format, A Dictionary of Tolkien explores and explains the creatures, plants, events and places that make up these strange and wonderful lands. It is essential reading for anyone who loves Tolkien's works and wants to learn more about them. This book is unofficial and is not authorised by the Tolkien Estate or HarperCollins Publishers. (
Podobné produkty ako A Dictionary of Tolkien: An A-Z Guide to the Creatures, Plants, Events and Places of Tolkien´s World - David DayMore than 80 classic myths retold and explained, from early creation beliefs to classical hero narratives and the recurring theme of the afterlife. The latest title in the bestselling Big Ideas series, The Mythology Book explores the compelling worlds and characters depicted in myths and legends. Delve into each myth and discover the meanings behind these stories, getting to the heart of their significance to different cultures worldwide. More than just stories, myths are testament to the amazing creativity of humans striving to explain and make sense of the world around them. Revisit your favourite myths and discover brand new ones- discover Zeus, god of the sky and ruler of the Olympian gods, Loki, the cunning trickster with a knack for causing havoc, Thor with his mighty hammer, and Hades, ruler of the underworld. Beyond the gods and goddesses of Ancient Greek, Roman, and Norse myths this book delves into the stories woven by the Australian aborigines, the Cherokee, and Aztecs, each brimming with amazing characters and insights into human existence. (
Podobné produkty ako The Mythology BookKniha - autor Neil Gaiman, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá The great Norse myths, which have inspired so much of modern fiction, are dazzlingly retold by Neil Gaiman. Tales of dwarfs and frost giants, of treasure and magic, and of Asgard, home to the gods: Odin the all-father, highest and oldest of the Aesir; his mighty son Thor, whose hammer Mjollnir makes the mountain giants tremble; Loki, wily and handsome, reliably unreliable in his lusts; and Freya, more beautiful than the sun or the moon, who spurns those who seek to control her. From the dawn of the world to the twilight of the gods, this is a thrilling, vivid retelling of the Norse myths from the award-winning, bestselling Neil Gaiman. (
Podobné produkty ako Norse Mythology (9781408891957)Kniha - autor Neil Gaiman, 304 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá Highly acclaimed and bestselling fantasy author Neil Gaiman retells the ancient Norse myths of Thor, Loki, Odin, Freya and more in this new book. The myths have inspired everything from J.R.R. Tolkien to Marvel Comics and Game Of Thrones. (
Podobné produkty ako Norse Mythology (1408886812)LP vinyl - Beastie Boys a jejich kompilace Some Old Bullshit z roku 1994. Beastie Boys a jejich kompilace Some Old Bullshit z roku 1994. Rok vydání : 1994 (kompilace) Rok reedice : 2021 Seznam stop LP Egg Raid On Mojo / Beastie Boys / Transit Cop / Jimi / Holy Snappers / Riot Fight / Ode To / Michelle's Farm / Egg Raid On Mojo / Transit Cop / Cooky Puss / Bonus Batter / Beastie Revolution / Cooky Puss (Censored Version) (
Podobné produkty ako Beastie Boys: Some Old Bullshit - LP (0745825)Neil Gaiman, long inspired by ancient mythology in creating the fantastical realms of his fiction, presents a bravura rendition of the Norse gods and their world from their origin though their upheaval in Ragnarok. In Norse Mythology, Gaiman stays true to the myths in envisioning the major Norse pantheon: Odin, the highest of the high, wise, daring, and cunning; Thor, Odin's son, incredibly strong yet not the wisest of gods; and Loki-son of a giant-blood brother to Odin and a trickster and unsurpassable manipulator. Gaiman fashions these primeval stories into a novelistic arc that begins with the genesis of the legendary nine worlds and delves into the exploits of deities, dwarfs, and giants. Through Gaiman's deft and witty prose, these gods emerge with their fiercely competitive natures, their susceptibility to being duped and to duping others, and their tendency to let passion ignite their actions, making these long-ago myths breathe pungent life again. Please note the pages on this book have been produced with bevelled or rough edge to create an old style look. The publisher has deliberately chosen to produce the book this way. (
Podobné produkty ako Norse Mythology - Neil GaimanPotištěný polštář s barevným, moderním vzorem, velmi příjemný na dotek. Vhodný dárek pro ženy i muže. Tyto polštářky patří mezi nejoblíbenější a nejpříjemnější dekorativních předměty v současných a moderních domácnostech. (
Podobné produkty ako Polštář Stupid face (Velikost: 40 x 40 cm)Potištěný polštář s barevným, moderním vzorem, velmi příjemný na dotek. Vhodný dárek pro ženy i muže. Tyto polštářky patří mezi nejoblíbenější a nejpříjemnější dekorativních předměty v současných a moderních domácnostech. (
Podobné produkty ako Polštář Stupid face (Velikost: 55 x 55 cm)S postavou kněze Jiřího Popieluszka se autor Bernard Brien seznámil při své cestě do Polska roku 2012. Byl jeho příběhem osloven a přijal jej za patrona svého pozdního kněžského povolání. O pár měsíců později byl pozván do nemocnice v Créteilu, aby udělil svátost pomazání nemocných muži, který umíral na rakovinu krve. Na závěr přidal modlitbu za svatořečení kněze Popieluszka, přičemž v duchu dodal: „Poslyš, Jiří, je 14. září, máme oba narozeniny, tak jestli máš něco udělat pro našeho bratra Francoise, je na to ten pravý den!“Druhý den mu volá rozrušená sestra z nemocnice, že pacient stojí oholený v koupelně a chce jít domů. A po několika dnech konstatují i lékaři, že po rozsáhlé rakovině není ani stopy. Zázrak z Francie otevřel cestu k zahájení procesu svatořečení známého polského kněze. Otec Popieluszko byl opravdu muž Boží, nejen proto, že zemřel jako mučedník. Záhy se stal duchovní oporou hnutí Solidarita v Polsku, a tím i trnem v oku totalitnímu režimu. Bylo jen otázkou času, kdy bude jakožto nepohodlný obhájce pravdy a spravedlnosti odstraněn. Byl zavražděn v říjnu roku 1984, ve věku pouhých sedmatřiceti let. Rozjímání bolestného růžence, která pronesl v Bydhošti těsně před svou násilnou smrtí, odhalují hloubku a ryzost jeho křesťanských postojů, ale též prorocké vnímání znamení doby. (
Podobné produkty ako Jerzy Popieluszko - Pravdou proti totalitě - Brien BernardTHE NO. 1 SUNDAY TIMES AND NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER 'With the deftest of touches, the characters are once again brought to life' JOANNE HARRIS'The halls of Valhalla have been crying out for Gaiman to tell their stories' OBSERVERThe great Norse myths, which have inspired so much of modern fiction, are dazzlingly retold by Neil Gaiman. Tales of dwarfs and frost giants, of treasure and magic, and of Asgard, home to the gods: Odin the all-father, highest and oldest of the Aesir; his mighty son Thor, whose hammer Mjollnir makes the mountain giants tremble; Loki, wily and handsome, reliably unreliable in his lusts; and Freya, more beautiful than the sun or the moon, who spurns those who seek to control her. From the dawn of the world to the twilight of the gods, this is a thrilling, vivid retelling of the Norse myths from the award-winning, bestselling Neil Gaiman.*This book has been printed with two different cover designs. We are unable to accept requests for a specific cover. The different covers will be assigned to orders at random* (
Podobné produkty ako The Norse Mythology - Neil GaimanLP vinyl - New Mythology je třetí album britského zpěváka a skladatele Nicka Mulveyho z roku 2022. New Mythology je třetí album britského zpěváka a skladatele Nicka Mulveyho z roku 2022. Nick Mulvey (narozen 4. listopadu 1984) je anglický hudebník, zpěvák a skladatel. Rok vydání : 2022 (3.album) Seznam stop LP A Prayer of My Own / Star Nation / Mecca / Brother To You / Shores of Mona / The Gift / Sea Inside (Third Way) / Causes / Another Way To Be / Mona / Interbeing Part 1 / Begin Again (Love You Just The Same) (
Podobné produkty ako Mulvey Nick: New Mythology - LP (4531884)Scandinavians of the Viking Age explored the mysteries of life through their sagas. Folklorist Helene Adeline Guerber brings to life the gods and goddesses, giants and dwarves, and warriors and monsters of these stories. Ranging from the comic to the tragic, these legends tell of passion, love, friendship, pride, courage, strength, loyalty and betrayal. Each volume in the 'Barnes & Noble Collectible Editions' series features authoritative texts by the world's greatest authors in an exquisitely designed, bonded-leather binding, with distinctive gilt edging and a silk-ribbon bookmark. (
Podobné produkty ako Tales of Norse Mythology (Barn - Helen A. GuerberBarva: černá Střih: regular fit Výstřih: kulatý Materiál: 100% bavlna Udržitelnost: Oeko-Tex Standard 100 (mezinárodní testovací a certifikační systém pro textilie vyráběné pouze ze zdravotně nezávadných materiálů) (
Podobné produkty ako ZOOT.Fan Twentieth Century Fox A World Like No Other Triko dětské ČernáBarva: černá Střih: regular fit Výstřih: kulatý Materiál: 100% bavlna Udržitelnost: Oeko-Tex Standard 100 (mezinárodní testovací a certifikační systém pro textilie vyráběné pouze ze zdravotně nezávadných materiálů) (
Podobné produkty ako ZOOT.Fan Twentieth Century Fox A World Like No Other Triko dětské ČernáBarva: černá Střih: regular fit Výstřih: kulatý Materiál: 100% bavlna Udržitelnost: Oeko-Tex Standard 100 (mezinárodní testovací a certifikační systém pro textilie vyráběné pouze ze zdravotně nezávadných materiálů) (
Podobné produkty ako ZOOT.Fan Twentieth Century Fox A World Like No Other Triko dětské ČernáBarva: černá Střih: regular fit Výstřih: kulatý Materiál: 100% bavlna Udržitelnost: Oeko-Tex Standard 100 (mezinárodní testovací a certifikační systém pro textilie vyráběné pouze ze zdravotně nezávadných materiálů) (
Podobné produkty ako ZOOT.Fan Twentieth Century Fox A World Like No Other Triko dětské ČernáBarva: černá Střih: regular fit Výstřih: kulatý Materiál: 100% bavlna Udržitelnost: Oeko-Tex Standard 100 (mezinárodní testovací a certifikační systém pro textilie vyráběné pouze ze zdravotně nezávadných materiálů) (
Podobné produkty ako ZOOT.Fan Twentieth Century Fox A World Like No Other Triko dětské ČernáHmotnost: 180 g Interpret / Téma: Antonín Dvořák Dekáda interpreta: 1860s;1890s;1900 - 1909;1880s;1870s Barva podle výrobce: Black Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Typ: Album;LP deska Datum vydání: 2020-01-17 Složení setu: 1 ks Rok vydání: 2020.0 Země interpreta: Česká republika Barva: Černá Subžánr: Classical;Romantic Vydavatelství: RCA Žánr: Classical Země původu: Evropská unie Balení obsahuje: LP Varianta: Symphony No 5 Op 95 From ''The New World'' (Vinyl LP) (
Podobné produkty ako Antonín Dvořák - Symphony No 5 Op 95 From "The New World" (LP)They say trouble always comes in threes. And for sisters Lyn, Cat and Gemma Kettle, the year they turn thirty-three is no exception. Through everything, the bonds of the sisters are strong enough to withstand whatever life throws at them. That is until the night of their thirty-fourth birthday dinner... (
Podobné produkty ako Three Wishes - Liane Moriarty